Terrain Rendering using Multiple Optimally Adapting Meshes (MOAM)

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1 Examensarbete LITH-ITN-MT-EX--04/018--SE Terrain Rendering using Multiple Optimally Adapting Meshes (MOAM) Mårten Larsson Department of Science and Technology Linköpings Universitet SE Norrköping, Sweden Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap Linköpings Universitet Norrköping

2 LITH-ITN-MT-EX--04/018--SE Terrain Rendering using Multiple Optimally Adapting Meshes (MOAM) Examensarbete utfört i Medieteknik vid Linköpings Tekniska Högskola, Campus Norrköping Mårten Larsson Handledare: Dr. Doug Roble Examinator: Prof. Anders Ynnerman Norrköping

3 Avdelning, Institution Division, Department Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap Datum Date Department of Science and Technology Språk Language Svenska/Swedish Engelska/English Rapporttyp Report category Examensarbete B-uppsats C-uppsats D-uppsats ISBN ISRN LITH-ITN-MT-EX--04/018--SE Serietitel och serienummer ISSN Title of series, numbering URL för elektronisk version / Titel Title Terrain Rendering using Multiple Optimally Adapting Meshes (MOAM) Författare Author Mårten Larsson Sammanfattning Abstract Images of computer generated terrain is used widely in the visual effects industry. Entire render programs for terrain have been developed with great success. They create photorealistic landscapes with correct atmosphere. One problem these systems can have is the long render times. Creating an image of a procedurally generated terrain, at high enough resolution, takes a long time even for very fast computers. This thesis describes a new way to render terrain and landscapes for visual effects in feature films. The goal of the thesis is to make the render times shorter for a terrain renderer used at Digital Domain (Venice CA, USA) called Terragen 3.5. It will present a new way to use real-time terrain rendering techniques for a non real-time render system. These techniques use frame to frame caching and by doing so making the render times much shorter. A new way to use bucket rendering that maximises the effect of the caching scheme when doing a distributed rendering in a network (in a render farm) will also be presented. Nyckelord Keyword Terrain rendering, visual effects, ROAM, MOAM, Digital Domain

4 Terrain Rendering With Multiple Optimally Adapting Meshes (MOAM) Mårten Larsson 1 February 23, marten@martenlarsson.com

5 Abstract Images of computer generated terrain is used widely in the visual effects industry. Entire render programs for terrain have been developed with great success. They create photorealistic landscapes with correct atmosphere. One problem these systems can have is the long render times. Creating an image of a procedurally generated terrain, at high enough resolution, takes a long time even for very fast computers. This thesis describes a new way to render terrain and landscapes for visual effects in feature films. The goal of the thesis is to make the render times shorter for a terrain renderer used at Digital Domain (Venice CA, USA) called Terragen 3.5. It will present a new way to use real-time terrain rendering techniques for a non real-time render system. These techniques use frame to frame caching and by doing so making the render times much shorter. A new way to use bucket rendering that maximises the effect of the caching scheme when doing a distributed rendering in a network (in a render farm) will also be presented.

6 Contents 1 Introduction and background Introduction Terrain rendering Terragen renderer Problem description Render Speed Holes Approach Cache Frame to frame coherency Buckets The new rendering system Overview Binary tree mesh Node Split Merge Shadow nodes Vertex blending Planet Generating the planet Reset loop Split loop Merge loop Sort loop Raytracing Bucket rendering Bucket frame Network rendering Results Render speed Single images Sequences Holes

7 5 Conclusion 37 6 Future work 38 7 Acknowledgements 39 2

8 List of Figures 1.1 Overview of the Terragen render loop Bin tree and mesh relationship. Showing the first three levels of a bintree and the mesh A node s tree- and mesh pointers Triangle definition. v x = vertex, e x = edge and n x = neighbour T-intersection, creating a hole in the mesh Definition of a triangle split Pair splitting and an example of multiple force splitting Sketch of how the backside of the planet has a lower resolution Overview of necessary steps to generate the planet Example One, single image with few shaders Example Two, single image with many shaders Example Three, image sequence with some camera movement Example Four, image sequence with a lot of camera movement and roll Example Five, an image rendered with a depth shader. All black dots are holes in the mesh. The top image is rendered with the old Terragen renderer and the lower image is rendered with a MOAM geometry

9 Chapter 1 Introduction and background 1.1 Introduction Generating images of terrain or landscapes is an important part of making visual effects for feature films. Its uses ranges from creating set extensions 1 to generating complete, computer generated, photorealistic landscapes. Digital Domain (Venice CA, USA) is a visual effects company that produces visual effects for feature films. This report will present the results of a master s project done at Digital Domain. After starting to work on a feature film that required a large amount of computer generated terrain shots, it was decided that the software used for landscape rendering was to be revised. Although it is a state of the art terrain renderer that generates very realistic terrain images, it is very slow. The main goal of this master s project is to increase the render speed of the software. The reader is expected to have good knowledge of computer graphics. A good reference and introduction to computer graphics can be found in [12] Terrain rendering When generating images of landscapes, the landscape is often represented by a triangle mesh 2. It is not uncommon that these meshes contains millions of triangles, in order to accurately represent the surface without the triangle mesh structure being visible in the final rendered image. This many triangles are slow, and often unnecessary, to render. A way to reduce the number of triangles is to use a relative level of detail. This means that triangles far away in the image are allowed to be bigger in the 3d world and triangles closer in the image are made smaller. The aim is to make all triangles roughly the same size in the rendered image. This will give rise to a problem. When an object such as a terrain is big enough, it will contain triangles that are close in the image as well 1 A set extension means replacing parts of the background in an image with a model or a computer generated image. 2 A mesh consisting only of triangles such that each edge is adjacent to at most two triangles. 4

10 as triangles that are far away. When moving the camera 3 over the terrain an artifact known as popping will occur. This happens when a triangle moves from one level of detail to the next. This is addressed in [7], [6] and [9]. [14] gives a good overview of rendering computer graphics in general. To give the landscape and surface its structure and colour real height measurements from real terrain are often used. These measurements frequently do not provide enough resolution. When viewing the computer generated landscape from a short distance the details in the surface disappear. This is due to the fact that the terrain measurements do not have data of small details in the landscape, typically the data-sets have measurements taken 30 meter apart. To get around this problem fractals are often used. A very complete reference of the techniques involved in generating virtual landscapes and a good, comprehensive introduction to fractals is given in [10]. Several techniques for generating large landscapes in real-time have been presented [1], [2], [3], [4] and [5]. Real-time visualisations have too low detail and often have too simple atmosphere models to be used in visual effects for feature film Terragen renderer The terrain renderer used at Digital Domain is a software called Terragen 3.5. This section will briefly describe the rendering architecture of Terragen. Definitions The Terragen render engine is an object based 4 renderer. Terragen uses a scene to store all information about all objects in the 3d environment. Typically the scene stores all materials, all particles, all lights and all geometries (triangles). Everything that will be rendered, and everything that is needed for rendering is stored in the scene. Triangles are added to the scene by a scenemaker. Particles are added by a particle inflator. A scenemaker is the basic geometry in Terragen. The standard scenemaker is the planet. All scenemakers generate a set of triangles called root triangles. These root triangles are a rough representation of the geometry that the scenemaker represents. A scenemaker is also responsible for creating a material that is added to the scene and associated with this scenemaker s root triangles. A material contains references to a tree-like structure of shaders. A shader is an object that, when given a point in the 3d world (for example a triangle vertex), can move it to a new position and give it a new color or set any other surface property. This is called shading. A particle inflator adds a particle to the scene. This particle is an object that is not rendered, instead it has a reference to the particle inflator that created it. In every frame that is rendered, the particle asks its particle inflator to add triangles to the scene. This way the particle has a very flexible definition, it can be any kind of geometry or particle system. 3 See [14] chapter 8 for definition of a camera 4 It renders one triangle from the world at a time, instead of one pixel in the final image at a time. 5

11 Render loop When a render starts all scenemakers add their root triangles to the scene, and all particle inflators add their particles to the scene. All lights in the scene are set up. The rendering loop then take a triangle from the scene and adds it to the renderer s render stack 5. In the next round of the rendering loop the top triangle in the render stack is removed from the stack and its size is tested. If the triangle is too big it is divided into two new triangles. The new point that is created, when the triangle is divided into two triangles, is sent to the tree of shaders that are associated with the triangle s material. The shaders move the point s coordinates in the 3d world and sets its surface properties. The two new triangles are then added to the render stack. Next round in the loop the top triangle is removed from the stack and its size is tested and the same procedure is carried out on that triangle until it is small enough to draw. When it is small enough to be drawn, it is transformed into a 2d triangle and drawn. When the rendering stack is empty a new triangle is added from the scene, and the loop starts over for this triangle. This continues until there are no more triangles left to be rendered in the scene. For particles the loop is almost identical. The only difference is that its triangles are not in the scene. Instead, when the renderer asks the scene for a root triangle, the particle asks its particle inflator to add triangles directly to the render stack. These triangles are then rendered as the scenemakers triangles. See frigure 1.1 for an overview of the Terragen render loop. 1.2 Problem description This architecture has some advantages. One of the main advantages is the small amount of memory needed to be able to render images. Terragen typically uses around 200 MB memory (whith no textures or any shadows) to render an image. This means that it can render images on almost any computer that has 256 MB memory or more Render Speed One of the main disadvantages with this architecture is that it is slow. Very slow. There are two reasons for this. Multiple shader evaluation The first and least significant reason it is slow is the fact that the same point in space will be calculated more than once by the shaders. This is due to the fact that an arbitrary number of triangles can share the same point, and since the triangles are evaluated one at a time on the rendering stack the corner vertices will be evaluated at least once per triangle. Evaluating the shaders is an expensive operation that takes a lot of time. Terragen can have an arbitrary number of shaders in its shader tree and typically a lot of shaders is needed to make a realistic landscape image. In Terragen this problem is minimized 5 A stack that contains triangles to be rendered. See [11] for a definition of a stack. 6

12 Render loop starts Add all scenmakers root triangles to the scene Take a triangle from the scene and add it to the renderstack Remove the top triangle from the renderstack Split the triangle and add the two new triangles to the renderstack YES YES Is the triangle too big? YES NO Draw the triangle in to the image and then delete it Are there more triangles in the scene? NO Are there more triangles on the stack? NO Stop, render is done. Figure 1.1: Overview of the Terragen render loop. 7

13 by using a cache to store newly shaded points in space. The reason this cache works reasonably well is due to the spacial coherence of the triangles on the stack. But this only works on some of the triangles (how many is depending on the size of the cache). The reason for this is the fact that there will be no cached points for the bigger triangles when they are added to the stack, since their vertices are too far away (in 3d world distance) from the cached vertices. No storing between frames The main reason why this rendering scheme is slow is that no information is saved about the image or the 3d environment between frames. When a triangle is small enough to be drawn, it is drawn in to the image and then thrown away. This is one of the things that enables Terragen to use so little memory, there are only a small number of triangles simultaneously in memory at any given time. When the rendering of an image is done, there is no information left about the triangle mesh, that is the landscape. If the camera does not move too much between the frames in an animation (witch it typically doesn t) most of the landscape that was visible in the current frame will be visible in the next frame. So in any given frame most of the shader evaluations will be calculated on the exact same points as they were in the previous image. This means that the same point will calculated at least once per frame in a number of successive frames where the point is visible, and that takes a lot of computation and a long time to do Holes Another problem that this rendering scheme can cause is holes in the landscape. Depending on how the decision of what edge to divide in the triangles when they are split is defined, two neighbouring triangles might not be split on the same edge. This means that one triangle can have one or more points, that are moved in space by the shaders, on an edge where a neighbour has no points. The triangle without points on that edge will be flat along the entire edge, while the triangle having one or more points (after one or more splits) on the edge can be any shape. This shows up in the rendered image as holes or cracks in the landscape, places where you can see straight through the surface. 8

14 Chapter 2 Approach Since one of the most timeconsuming and computation heavy tasks in the renderer is the evaluation of the shader tree for every new vertex created, the overall goal for the new system is to save everything that can be saved. It sould also ensure that no property or value is computed twice if it is not absolutely necessary. 2.1 Cache To be able to store all the information about the mesh that forms the landscape, some kind of cache is needed. It should be able to store all geometry data such as triangles and triangle vertices. Other properties it needs to store is surface properties. It should also store information in a way that minimises the amount of memory needed to store it. 2.2 Frame to frame coherency A goal of the new system is to store this cached information between frames. Since most of the surface from one frame is visible in the next frame, saving the surface between frames can save a lot of computation. Typically surface geometry information and surface properties (such as colour, specular colour, specular components and so on) can be saved. Some calculations can not be saved. Anything that is dependant on camera position can not be saved since the camera will most likely move from frame to frame. Atmosphere calculations for example can not be stored since they change depending on where in the atmosphere the camera is, and how much atmosphere is between the camera and the surface. Shadows can not be stored either. This is due to the fact that vertices in the surface mesh that are not in shadow in one frame could end up in shadow in a later frame when the camera moves closer to that point. This happens because more detail is added to the surface the closer the camera is to it. At a lower resolution concavities in the surface may not be visible until the surface reaches a certain resolution. 9

15 2.3 Buckets The whole scene can not be rendered in one go. There is simply not enough memory in the computers used today to render a full 2K 1 frame and at the same time save the mesh between frames. So the new system must be able to handle bucket rendering 2 and still use caching and frame to frame coherency. 1 A 2K frame is 2048 x 1556 pixels big. This is the resolution used for most visual effects today. 2 Bucket rendering means rendering the image as several smaller images instead of rendering the whole image in one go. This will be explained further in

16 Chapter 3 The new rendering system The new system is partly based on ideas from a real-time technique called Real-time Optimally Adapting Mesh (ROAM) [1]. This is a technique used for visualising terrain models with adapting level of detail in real-time. The basic idea with ROAM is to use a binary tree 1 (called bin tree in the following text) for storing the triangles and the mesh between frames. It also includes a scheme for adapting the mesh s level of detail to fit every frame. The leaves in the bin tree are the triangles that are visible in the landscape. All triangles in the tree above the leaf level are triangles from the different subdivisions that are performed to get to the right triangle size that the leaves have. The tree is generated in the first frame, and saved for the following frames. In every frame after the first all the triangles in the tree are tested to see if they are too big. If a triangle is too big it is split into two triangles. If a triangle is too small it is merged with its bin tree neighbour making their bin tree parent a leaf triangle to be used in the mesh instead. This idea is used for the new Terragen system. 3.1 Overview The new implementation of ROAM in Terragen is called Multiple Optimally Adapting Meshes (MOAM). The term Multiple will be explained in 3.4. The MOAM implementation of ROAM has a different scheme for adapting the mesh for every frame. It also has a different definition of the mesh. A MOAM planet or any other MOAM geometry starts with a set of root triangles just as a normal scenemaker. Each of these triangles is the root of a bin tree with triangles. When the root triangles are created they do not have any children. This makes every root triangle a bin tree of depth one with just one triangle in it. The MOAM geometry is added to the Terragen scene as a particle. It interacts with the render loop as a particle. This means that it does not just add its root triangles to the scene and lets the normal render loop split, displace and draw them, as any scenemaker would do. Instead, it adds a particle to the scene. When the render loop asks the particle for its triangles, the MOAM geometry starts to subdivide its root triangle trees until the leaf triangles in all 1 See [11] for explanation of a binary tree. 11

17 the trees are the right size. It then adds the leaf triangles to the normal render loop, that draws them. This is a big difference to how a normal scenemaker works in Terragen. The final leaf triangles are added and just drawn, instead of the root triangles being added, split and then drawn. The bin trees inside the MOAM geometry are then saved for the next frame. When a new frame is to be rendered, the MOAM geometry loops through all the bin trees and adjusts them to fit the current frame and starts adding new leaf triangles to be drawn, to the render loop. The following section will describe the definition of the bin tree structure and the algorithms used to generate a geometry with a MOAM mesh. 3.2 Binary tree mesh All triangles are stored in a number of bin trees. The leaf nodes in a tree are the triangles that are in the current landscape mesh. These are the only triangles in a bin tree that are visible. All other triangles are intermediate split steps before the mesh was split enough to be drawn. The bin tree is a regular bin tree with each node being a triangle. A triangle can be divided into two new triangles. The two new triangles then become child nodes to the triangle that was split to create them. This way, a node s child nodes are always neighbours in the landscape triangle mesh. And also, two child nodes can be replaced by their parent without any gaps being created in the mesh. Figure 3.1 shows the relationship between the mesh and the bin tree Node Each node has a reference to its two children and to its parent in the bin tree. These references are referred to as the tree pointers, they are used to keep track of relationships between nodes in the bin tree. Each node also has a reference to each of its three neighbours in the triangle mesh. These references are referred to as the mesh pointers, they are used to keep track of relationships between the triangles in the mesh. A clear distinction is made between the mesh information and the tree information. There does not have to be any relationship between the two. This way, a node (triangle) has full knowledge of both its surroundings in the tree and of its surroundings in the mesh. Figure 3.2 shows a node s different pointers. A triangle s vertices are defined and numbered counter clockwise. The triangle edges are defined by the lowest vertex number on the edge. The mesh neighbours are defined by the number on the edge that the mesh neighbour is neighbour on. Figure 3.3 shows the triangle definition. All triangles also store two values. These are called splittability and shadow splittability. They are used to store a calculated value each based on the triangle s size in screen space 2. This value is used as a measure to see if a triangle is small enough to be drawn or if it needs to be split into two new triangles. This will be explained further in All triangles that have a vertex in the same exact position as another triangle will share the same vertex. This is one important step to remove holes. If the point is moved in space, all triangles sharing that point will automatically be moved as well. 2 Size in screen space is the size the triangle will have in the rendered image. 12

18 T T T 0 T 1 T 0 T 1 T 00 T 11 T 00 T 01 T 10 T 11 T 01 T 10 Figure 3.1: Bin tree and mesh relationship showing the first three levels of a bintree and the mesh. 13

19 Tree pointers Mesh pointers Figure 3.2: A node s tree- and mesh pointers. 14

20 v 2 e 2 e1 v 0 n 2 v 2 v 0 e 0 v 1 n 0 n 1 v 1 Figure 3.3: Triangle definition. v x = vertex, e x = edge and n x = neighbour. 15

21 T-intersection Hole Figure 3.4: T-intersection, creating a hole in the mesh Split In each frame the splittability and shadow splittability of every triangle is calculated. These values are a measure of how big the triangle is in the 3d world and in the final image (screen space). splittability is defined as: 1 splittability = 0.5+(log 2 (sres detail) 0.5) 0 <= detail <= 10 < blend <= 1 blend (3.1) Where sres is the length of the triangle s longest edge in screen space, detail is a variable used to control how small the triangles will appear in the final image. The variable blend is another variable used to control how much blending will be applied. Blending will be explained in For now, assume that the term blend is set to one. The Terragen definition of shadow splittability is similar but based on 3d world size of the triangle edge instead of screen size. Triangle split definition If a triangle is too large (it s splittability is too high) it will be split into two new triangles. How this split is done is critical to prevent holes. The split in the new system ensures that no T-intersections will appear. Figure 3.4 shows a T-intersection. The reason why T-intersections must be avoided is that they will create a hole in the surface. The point in the T-intersection will lie in the middle of the neighbouring triangles edge. If the point is moved a hole will appear since the neighbouring triangle will be flat on the edge where the T-intersection appears. When a triangle is to be split in the bin tree, a new vertex, v n, is placed in the middle of the longest edge (in 3d world space) on that triangle. That longest edge is called the base edge. Then the triangle is split along the line connecting the new vertex and the apex vertex, v a. The triangle that is split (called T ) will get two child nodes in the bin tree. The left bin tree child node will be the left triangle in the split (called T 0 ), and the right bin tree child node will be the right triangle in the split (called T 1 ). T 0 and T 1 take T s place in the triangle mesh. See Figure 3.5 for the definition of the split. 16

22 v a split v a T T 0 T 1 v n Figure 3.5: Definition of a triangle split. 17

23 split (pair) T T 0 T 1 T B merge (pair) T B1 T B0 forced split T T B Figure 3.6: Pair splitting and an example of multiple force splitting. Forced split In order to completely avoid T-intersections all triangles are split in pairs. This means that when a triangle (T ) is to be split and the edge to split it on is decided, the neighbour on that edge, called the base neighbour (T B ), must be forced to split as well. If the base neighbour s (T B s) edge that is facing the triangle (T ) is not the longest edge on T B, T B must be split on another edge first. This split will force another neighbour of T B to be split as well. One split might not be enough to make the edge on T B that is facing T, the longest edge on T B. Several splits might be necessary. The only time nodes are not split in pairs is when a triangle is on the edge of a mesh and the triangle edge to split is on the mesh edge. Forcing splits to be made in pairs with the force split scheme will guarantee that the mesh can not have any holes. See figure 3.6 for an example of a force split and the definition of pair splitting. The next section will explain the split algorithm. Split algorithm The split algorithm splits a triangle and its neighbour (and possibly more neighbours) and replaces itself in the mesh with its new child nodes. It also sets all 18

24 tree- and mesh-pointers on all nodes it splits, and their neighbours, and makes sure that all triangles are split on their longest edge, even when they are force split. When going through the full algorithm it is very useful to look at figures 3.3, 3.5 and 3.6 to keep track of the triangle definitions. See Algorithm 1 for the full split algorithm. Algorithm 1 Triangle splitting algorithm. 1: Triangle to split is T, T will be split on edge number x called e x in this example 2: get the neighbour (T B ) on the edge e x 3: while T B does not have it s longest edge to T s edge e x do 4: split T B on it s longest edge (and force split T B s neighbour on that edge) 5: end while 6: create the new vertex (v n ) on T s base edge 7: run all shaders on v n 8: for T and T B do 9: create child triangles T (B)0 and T (B)1 by copying T (B) 10: set T (B)0 s vertex v ((x+1) mod 3) to be v n 11: set T (B)1 s vertex v x to be v n 12: set T (B)0 s and T (B)1 s parent tree pointer to be T (B) 13: set T (B) s left tree child pointer to be T (B)0 and the right to be T (B)1 14: set the neighbour pointer in T (B) s neighbour on edge (x + 1) mod 3 that is pointing to T (B) to point to T (B)1 15: set the neighbour pointer in T (B) s neighbour on edge (x + 2) mod 3 that is pointing to T (B) to point to T (B)0 16: end for 17: set T 0 s neighbour pointer number x to point to T B1 18: set T 0 s neighbour pointer number (x + 1) mod 3 to point to T 1 19: set T 1 s neighbour pointer number (x + 2) mod 3 to point to T 0 20: set T 1 s neighbour pointer number x to point to T B0 21: set T B0 s neighbour pointer number x to point to T 1 22: set T B0 s neighbour pointer number (x + 1) mod 3 to point to T B1 23: set T B1 s neighbour pointer number (x + 2) mod 3 to point to T B0 24: set T B1 s neighbour pointer number x to point to T Merge When the bin tree is traversed in the beginning of a frame, to adapt the cached tree from the previous frame to the this frame, some of the nodes in the tree will be too small. Keeping too small nodes in the tree will result in using an unnecessary large amount of memory. These nodes must be removed from the tree. This is done by the merge operation. Triangle merge definition If a triangle, that is not a leaf in the bin tree, is small enough to be drawn (its splittability is low enough) and its child nodes are too small (their splittability is too low) it can merge its child nodes. All merge operations are made in pairs 19

25 just as the split. This makes sure that no T-intersections (holes) are introduced in the merge. A merge works very much like a split but backwards. The triangle that will merge its child nodes is called T. The left child node is called T 0 and the right is called T 1. If T 0 and T 1 both are child nodes they can be merged together. The vertex v n that was added when T was split into T 0 and T 1 is deleted. T 0 and T 1 are also deleted and T takes their place as a leaf in the tree and becomes a triangle in the mesh. Merge algorithm In short, the algorithm checks if a merge is possible on the triangle T, finds its neighbour T B and checks if T B can be merged. If both can be merged, it merges T s child nodes by deleting them and replaces them with T in the mesh. The same thing happens to T B. All mesh- and tree-pointers are restored to the state they were prior to T and T B was split. The figures (3.3, 3.5 and 3.6) are useful to look at to keep track of the triangle definitions while going through the merge algorithm. See Algorithm 2 for the full merge algorithm. Algorithm 2 Triangle merging algorithm. 1: Triangle to merge the child nodes on is T the vertex that will be removed in the merge lies on T s edge number x called e x in this example 2: get the neighbour (T B ) on the edge e x 3: if T and T B is small enough to be drawn (their splittability is small enough) then 4: try to merge T s and T B s child node s children 5: if T s and T B s child node s were merged ok (making T s and T B s child nodes leaf nodes) then 6: for T and T B do 7: set T (B) s neighbour pointer number x to point to the same node that T (B)1 s neighbour pointer number x is pointing at 8: set T (B) s neighbour pointer number (x + 1) mod 3 to point to the same node that T (B)1 s neighbour pointer number (x + 1) mod 3 is pointing at 9: set T (B) s child tree pointers to nothing 10: set the pointer poitning to T (B)0 in T (B)0 s neighbour on edge number (x + 1) mod 3 to point to T (B) 11: set the pointer poitning to T (B)1 in T (B)1 s neighbour on edge number x to point to T (B) 12: end for 13: set T s neighbour pointer number (x + 2) mod 3 to point to T B 14: set T B s neighbour pointer number (x + 2) mod 3 to point to T 15: delete T 0, T 1, T B0 and T B 1 16: end if 17: end if 20

26 3.2.4 Shadow nodes In order to use the mesh for effective raytracing 3 some extra calculations and concepts must be added. To perform raytracing in the mesh on the leaf level in the tree will make the raytracing too slow. There are simply too many leaf nodes for this to be effective. In order to make any raytracing effective in the landscape mesh, some extra information is stored in the nodes. The concept of shadow nodes is added. A shadow node is a node that is used for raytracing. The shadow nodes are nodes higher up in the bin tree, some levels above the leaf level. These nodes represent the mesh at a coarser subdivision level. That means the mesh at lower resolution, before its triangles were split into the leaf level 4. This is the mesh that will be used for raytracing. To decide at what level the shadow nodes are located, the shadow splittability value and a multiplier is used. All nodes with a shadow splittability higher than a certain value will have the extra pre calculated values and be part of the shadow nodes. All nodes with a shadow splittability value lower than this value will not have any pre calculated values for raytracing. This saves memory. These nodes are not part of the shadow nodes. No raytracing will be done on these nodes. The calculations stored in the shadow nodes are pre calculated values that make the raytracing faster. The information stored is the four coefficients of the implicit plane equation of the plane that the node triangle is part, of and a bounding sphere 5 that will be big enough to include the node, and all its child shadow nodes. The raytracing algorithm will be explained in Vertex blending When a triangle is split a new vertex is added to the mesh. This vertex will be in a different location than where the edge it was created from is. This is because the shaders will move the new vertex. It can also get a different colour. For every split, the resolution of the mesh is increased. When a new vertex is created and moved into place in a frame, that part of the image will get a different appearance than the image before the split (since the new vertex changed the structure of the surface when it was moved). It will look like the landscape is popping, small parts of it will suddenly move to a new position as the resolution of the mesh increases. This is an undesirable effect that must be removed. This is done by blending. A MOAM geometry has two kinds of blending, both used on vertices. These are position blending and colour blending. In every frame, all vertices are given a blend value. This value is based on the splittability value of the two triangles that was split when the vertex was created (T, and T B ). The blend value is defined as: where: blend = splittability min blendcutof f 0 <= splittability min <= blendcutoff (3.2) 3 See [12] and [13] for a definition of raytracing. 4 The tree contains all the resolution levels of the mesh. All the way from the root triangle mesh (the top level of the tree) to the final mesh that is rendered (the leaf level of the tree). 5 A sphere that fully encloses the triangle in space. 21

27 and: splittability min = min(splittability T, splittability TB ) (3.3) In equation 3.2 blendcutoff is a variable that defines how fast the blend changes relative to the splittability min, and in equation 3.3 splittability T and splittability TB is the splittability of T and T B. Position blending In every frame all vertices are traversed and their blended position, called P w, is calculated. This position is the position that is used when the triangles that share this vertex are drawn in the image. When a vertex is created it is moved to its final position by the shaders. We call this final position P. All vertices also have a blended position. When a new vertex is created it is created on the center point of the edge that was split on T and T B. This point is called P start. P w is then calculated as: Colour blending P w = P + (P start P ) blend (3.4) Before a leaf node is given to the render loop to be drawn its colour is blended with its parent s colours. This is calculated with the following simple linear interpolation scheme: C blend = (C v C blendparent ) blend + C blendparent (3.5) where: (C blendtvx + C blendtv(x+1) ) C blendparent = (3.6) 2 In equation 3.5 C blend is the blended colour for the vertex beeing blended and C v is the colour of the vertex before it is blended. In equation 3.6 C blendtvx and C blendtv(x+1) is the blended colours of the two vertices on the edge on T where the vertex being blended was created from. The colours of C blendtvx and C blendtv(x+1) are calculated in the same way as C blend. 3.3 Planet The bin trees are used in the MOAM geometries in Terragen to store the meshes used for the landscape. The most basic geomtry in Terragen is the planet. All landscapes are whole planets. This means that it is possible to fly from space, viewing the whole planet, to any point on the surface of the planet in the same render sequence. This means that the whole planet will be in memory at the same time in any render. The way this is made possible is by making sure that the backside of the planet and anything not visible in the frame is not subdivided more than to a very coarse level. Almost all of the memory used by a MOAM geometry will be used by the triangles close to the camera that will be visible in the rendered image. See figure 3.7 for a sketch of how the backside of the planet has a lower resolution. 22

28 Figure 3.7: Sketch of how the backside of the planet has a lower resolution Generating the planet A planet is generated in four loops. These are the reset loop, the split loop, the merge loop, and the sort loop. In the first frame of a render pass the root triangles, that represents the coarsest level of the geometry, are created. For the planet geometry this is a box made of twelve root triangles. The root triangles are only created in the first frame of a render. After they have been created the normal generate algorithm starts. The generate algorithm is run for every new frame. The first thing that happens in the generate algorithm is that all the triangles in the bin trees are traversed and every node s split- and blend-values are set to zero. This step is called the reset loop. All triangles are then tested for their size and their splittability- and blendvalues are set for the current frame. If a triangle is too big (splittability is too high) and it is a leaf in the tree, it is split. In every split at least one new vertex and two new triangles are created as defined in Every new vertex created is sent to the shader tree. The shader tree will displace the point (moving it to a new position in the 3d world) and set its surface properties. This is the only time the point is sent to the shaders, once it is shaded it will not be shaded again. The new triangles created from a split are tested for size and given a splittability value. If they are too big they will be split. This continues recursively until all the leaf nodes in the mesh are fine enough to be drawn. This recursive splitting and shading is called the splitting loop. The bin trees are then traversed again and all triangles that are too small (their splittability is too low) and have a parent node that is small enough to be drawn, are removed from the tree. This is done with the merge algorithm explained in This step is called the merge loop. The nodes are then traversed a final time in the generate pass. Nodes at a level in the tree defined by a multiplier and the shadow splittability value are added to a list. The nodes in the list are then sorted. The triangles that are closest to the camera will be put first in the list. This list is called the sorted 23

29 Start Create root triangles Reset all triangles Split all triangles that are too big Merge all triangles that are too small New frame Create a sorted draw list Draw the triangles in the sorted draw list Figure 3.8: Overview of necessary steps to generate the planet. draw list and is later used to add triangles to be drawn to the rendering loop. This final sorting is called the sorting loop. This results in a number of bin trees of triangles, each with a root triangle from the basic geometry as tree root. All leaf nodes in the trees are exactly the right size to be drawn for the current frame. The sorted draw list, created in the sort loop, is now traversed. The triangles in this list are not leaf triangles, so every triangle has more triangles under it in the tree. The triangles under each sorted draw list triangle are traversed and all the leaf nodes are added to the drawing loop in the renderer and drawn in the image. All illumination and all atmosphere calculations are done in the drawing loop in the renderer. This means that all raytracing is started from there. When the drawing loop illuminates a triangle, a ray is created going from the triangle center to the sun. All planets and geometries are then asked if they block this ray. The raytracing for a MOAM geometry is described in See figure 3.8 for an overview of the planet generation steps Reset loop The reset loop is very simple. It iterates through all the triangles and sets all vertices blend values, the splittability and the shadow splittability to zero. The algorithm is described in Algorithm 3 24

30 Algorithm 3 Node reset loop. 1: Triangle to be reset is T, T s right and left child nodes in the bin tree are T 0 and T 1 2: reset blend, splittability and shadow splittability on T 3: if T is not a leaf node then 4: send T 0 and T 1 to the reset loop 5: end if Split loop The split loop is also very simple. In this loop the blend value, the splittability value and the shadow splittability value is set. This is also where the mesh is created and subdivided to the resolution that it will be drawn in. The split loop is described in Algorithm 4 Algorithm 4 Tree split loop. 1: the triangle to be split is T, T s right and left child nodes in the bin tree are T 0 and T 1 2: set blend value, splittability and shadow splittability on T 3: set blend position on T based on it s blend value 4: if T is a leaf node then 5: if splittability > 1 then 6: split the node 7: if the split was successful then 8: send the newly created T 0 and T 1 to the split loop 9: end if 10: end if 11: else 12: send T 0 and T 1 to the split loop 13: end if Merge loop In the merge loop all triangles that are too big for the current frame are removed and replaced by their parents. Pre calculations for raytracing are also calculated in this loop. The merge loop is described in Algorithm Sort loop The sort loop is where the sorted draw list is created. The reason that this is done is to save time when the triangles are drawn. If triangles that are closer to the camera are drawn before triangles that are farther away, all triangles that will be occluded by closer triangles can be detected before they are drawn. These triangles will not be illuminated or raytraced. What level in the bin tree the triangles that will be added to the sort list are at is decided by their shadow splittability and a value called sortdetail that can be set by the user. The sort loop is described in Algorithm 6 25

31 Algorithm 5 Tree merge loop. 1: the triangle to merge it s child nodes is T, T s right and left child nodes in the bin tree are T 0 and T 1 2: if T is a root node or if T s parent s shadow splittability > 0 then 3: create raytracing pre calculations for T 4: else 5: remove the raytracing pre calculations for T 6: end if 7: if T is not a leaf node then 8: if T 0 and T 1 are not leaf nodes then 9: send T 0 and T 1 to the merge loop 10: end if 11: if T 0 and T 1 could merge their childnodes (making them leaf nodes) then 12: try to merge T 0 and T 1 13: end if 14: end if Algorithm 6 Node sort loop. 1: the triangle to be added to the sort list is T, T s right and left child nodes in the bin tree are T 0 and T 1 2: if T is a leaf node or if T s shadow splittability is <= sortdetail then 3: if any leaf node in the tree under T will be drawn (i.e. will be visible in the final image) then 4: add T to the sorted draw list 5: end if 6: else 7: send T 0 and T 1 to the sort loop 8: end if 9: sort the sorted draw list based on triangle distance to the scene camera 26

32 3.3.6 Raytracing When a triangle is given to the renderer to be drawn it will be illuminated. When this is done, the render loop creates a ray going from the triangle to each light source (the sun and any number of fill lights). All geometries in the scene are then asked if they block this ray. If any object blocks the ray, the triangle is in a shadow. Any object in Terragen can cast a shadow onto any other object, or onto itself. This can be a very slow process in the landscape mesh, since it is made of so many triangles. Because of this all triangles in the mesh are not used for the raytracing. Only triangles down to the shadow node level in the tree are used. But the raytracing is still a fairly slow process. In order to speed up this process two techniques are used. The first one takes advantage of the tree structure to quickly terminate testing triangles in any sub tree that is too far away from the ray. The other one uses ray coherency to avoid raytracing all rays in the tree. In order to be able to have geometry that is outside of the frame (and therefore not subdivided to the resolution it should for casting shadows) cast shadows into the frame, the raytracing uses the split algorithm to subdivide the mesh to a finer level, if necessary. The two techniques, used to speed up the raytracing, and the full algorithm is explained more in detail in the following sections. Using the bin tree All nodes in the mesh that are part of the shadow nodes (see 3.2.4) have pre calculated values used in the raytracing. They also have a bounding sphere. This bounding sphere will completely surround the triangle and all shadow nodes below it in the tree. When a ray is going to be tested for intersections in the mesh, it is first tested against the bounding spheres of the root triangles. If they occlude the ray their child node s bounding spheres are tested for intersections. This continues down in the bin tree. If a node s bounding sphere does not occlude the ray, the sub tree under that node is not tested for intersection since nothing in that sub tree is outside the bounding sphere of the node that was just tested. This continues down in the tree until the bottom of the shadow nodes in the tree is reached. Any node, at the bottom of the shadow node tree, who s bounding sphere occlude the ray is then tested for intersection with the ray. As soon as any node that occludes the ray is found, the testing is terminated. Ray coherency Most of the rays used for the raytracing are more or less parallel since they will have the origin of the ray very close to each other (triangles close to each other in the mesh) and have the end in the same point (a light). The triangles that are close to each other in the mesh will also be raytraced almost directly after each other (since triangles that are close to each other on the tree often are close to each other in the mesh, and the tree is traversed in a regular pattern when the triangles are drawn). Because of this, a technique for speeding up the raytracing significantly can be used. The idea is that if the mesh is tested for intersections by a ray, all the triangles that are tested for intersection (not triangles just tested for bounding sphere intersection) will be stored in a list. Together with the triangles the start and end position of the ray that was used to find the triangles are stored. A 27

33 flag that indicates if the triangle that created the list hit anything is also stored with the list. A number of lists like this are stored. When a new ray is going to be tested for intersections in the mesh the lists are searched first. If a list is found that was created by a ray with its ray origin close enough to the new ray s origin and its ray end close enough to the new ray s end, then the triangles in the list are tested for intersection instead of testing the whole bin tree. If the new ray gets a different result when testing the triangles in the list than the ray that created the list, the whole tree is tested. Otherwise the result from testing the triangles in the list is used. Using these lists increases the speed of the raytracing significantly. Algorithm The full intersection algorithm for a geometry is described in Algorithm 7, and the full bin tree intersection algorithm is described in Alborithm 8 Algorithm 7 Intersect MOAM geometry algorithm. 1: the ray to be used for intersection is R 2: if a stored triangle list is found that was created by a ray with origin and end close enough to R s origin and end then 3: test all triangles in that list for intersections 4: if if the result of the intersection tests in the list for R is the same as for the ray that created the list then 5: use this result as the result of the intersect test 6: else 7: start full bin tree intersection test 8: end if 9: else 10: start full bin tree intersection test, and create a new list for this ray 11: end if 3.4 Bucket rendering Bucket rendering is nothing new in renderers. It has been used for a long time for different reasons. Simply put, the image is rendered in steps. Smaller parts of the image, called buckets, are rendered separately. The reason for this can be that it is more efficient or it saves a lot of memory. Bucket rendering is fully supported in Terragen. When rendering in Terragen with a MOAM geometry the whole landscape mesh is saved internally in the bin trees. This takes up a lot of memory. Because of this it impossible to render the whole image in one go. The bucket rendering mechanism must be used to keep the image size down, this also keeps the size of the mesh down since it is dependant on detail setting and image size. The MOAM geometry works well with bucket rendering, the mesh can easily be adapted to the new bucket with the normal planet generation loop. The only problem is that the caching mechanism will not be effective at all with normal bucket rendering. All triangles visible in a new bucket will not have been visible in the previous (since the buckets are images next to each other in the same 28

34 Algorithm 8 Intersect bin tree algorithm. 1: the ray to be used for intersection is R and the triangle to be tested for intersection is T, T s child nodes are T 0 and T 1 2: if T s bounding sphere intersects the ray then 3: if T is a leaf and it has shadowsplittability > 0 then 4: split the node with the splitting algorithm 5: else 6: if T is a leaf or it has shadowsplittability = 0 then 7: test T for intersection with R and return the result 8: end if 9: end if 10: send T s left child node T 0 to the intersect loop 11: if T 0 was hit then 12: stop intersection tests and return the result 13: else 14: send T s right child node T 0 to the intersect loop and return the result 15: end if 16: end if frame). This means that none of the triangles from the previous bucket can be used in the new bucket. All triangles in the new bucket will have to be generated in the split loop, and all triangles from the previous bucket will be thrown away in the merge loop. In order to take advantage of both the caching of the MOAM geometry and rendering in buckets, a new bucket rendering scheme has been developed for MOAM geometries Bucket frame The concept of a bucket frame is introduced. In order to take advantage of the caching, each bucket will render a number of frames before moving on to the next bucket. This way, the cache works since most of the triangles in the same bucket will be visible from frame to frame as they would be if the image was not rendered with buckets. A bucket frame is defined as a specific bucket with a number of frames associated with it. Bucket frame 0 will then be bucket 0 in the image and x number of frames. What this means is that the first bucket in the image will have been rendered for x number of frames before the next bucket is rendered. When all buckets have rendered x number of frames, the first bucket is rendered with the next x number of frames and so on. This is a new way of rendering with buckets, that works very well with MOAM geometry and takes full advantage of its cache mechanism Network rendering The concept of bucket frame is used when network rendering Terragen with a MOAM geometry. Each CPU 6 in the render farm 7 would normally be assigned to render all buckets in a single frame. This is the normal way of doing a network 6 CPU refers to a processor in a computer in the render farm. 7 A render farm is a network of computers used for rendering. 29

35 render. With a MOAM geometry each CPU is assigned to a bucket frame. This means that a single CPU renders one bucket, x frames. Another advantage with this is that a single frame can be network rendered, since every bucket can be sent to a CPU. The images from the different buckets in a network render are then stitched together when the whole render is done. 30

36 Chapter 4 Results All images of result renders will only be shown with the images from renders with MOAM geometry. The images rendered with the normal Terragen planet are identical, and therefore not included. 4.1 Render speed Single images Example One This example shows a one frame render with very few shaders. This is a situation when most of the advantages of using a MOAM geometry are not as effective. Frame caching has no effect on a single frame and the prevention of multiple shader evaluation on the same point has very little effect due to the small number of shaders in the shader tree. Evaluating few shaders is not time consuming. The image is made at resolution 720x306 pixels with a detail set to 0,5. The normal Terragen render took 8 minutes and 48 seconds, and the same image with a MOAM geometry took 6 minutes and 26 seconds. The speed increase with the MOAM geometry in single images is due to the fact that it prevents multiple shader evaluation on the same point in space. See figure 4.1 for the rendered image. Example Two This example shows a one frame render with more shaders. As example one, this is also a situation when most of the advantages of using a MOAM geometry are not as effective. The effect of the prevention of multiple shader evaluation can bee seen in this example too. The image is made at resolution 720x306 pixels with a detail set to 0,5. The normal Terragen render took 31 minutes and 21 seconds, and the same image with a MOAM geometry took 27 minutes and 40 seconds. See figure 4.2 for the rendered image. 31

37 Figure 4.1: Example One, single image with few shaders. Figure 4.2: Example Two, single image with many shaders. 32

38 Figure 4.3: Example Three, image sequence with some camera movement Sequences Example Three This example shows a ten frame sequence render with few shaders. This example takes advantage of the frame to frame caching. Since it is only ten frames and few shaders, the effect of the caching is not that obvious. These images are made at resolution 720x306 pixels with a detail set to 0,5. Each bucket that is rendered with MOAM geometry is rendered for 10 frames per bucket. The normal Terragen render for ten frames took 5 hours and 12 minutes, and the same render with a MOAM geometry took 2 hours and 5 minutes. See figure 4.3 for the rendered images. 33

39 Example Four This example shows a 50 frame sequence render with many shaders and fast moving camera. This example takes advantage of the frame to frame caching. The fast camera motion is reducing the amount of cached vertices that can be used from the previous frame, but the effect of the caching is still significant. These images are made at resolution 720x306 pixels with a detail set to 0,5. Each bucket that is rendered with MOAM geometry is rendered for 30 frames per bucket. The normal Terragen render for 50 frames took 34 hours and 23 minutes, and the same render with a MOAM geometry took 8 hours and 23 minutes. In frames after the first, the MOAM geometry render spent 2 minutes and 50 seconds on shader evaluation per frame. The rest of the time is spent on atmosphere, shadow raytracing and triangle drawing. The normal renderer spent about 34 minutes per frame on shader evaluations. See figure 4.4 for the rendered images. 4.2 Holes Example Five This example is rendered with a z-depth shader. This means that the surface will be lighter the farther away it is from the camera. Everything that is not the planet will be black (such as the sky). The top image is rendered with the normal Terragen renderer and the bottom image is rendered with a MOAM geometry. All black dots in the upper image are holes in the mesh. The images are both rendered at detail The displacement is applied by a fractal-shader. 34

40 Figure 4.4: Example Four, image sequence with a lot of camera movement and roll. 35

41 Figure 4.5: Example Five, an image rendered with a depth shader. All black dots are holes in the mesh. The top image is rendered with the old Terragen renderer and the lower image is rendered with a MOAM geometry 36

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