Artificial Intelligence. Some Problems. 15-Puzzle. Search and Constraint Satisfaction. 8/15-Puzzle n-queens Puzzle

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1 Artificial Intelligence Search and Constraint Satisfaction 1 8/15-Puzzle n-queens Puzzle Some Problems 2 15-Puzzle

2 15-Puzzle Puzzle Goal N-Queens 6 2

3 N-Queens 7 N-Queens 8 N-Queens 9 3

4 N-Queens 10 Formalizing State-Space Search A state-space is a graph, G = (V,E) Each node is a state description Each edge is a transition resulting from application of an operator Edges have fixed costs associated with them One or more nodes is designated start One or more nodes is designated goal 11 State-Space Problems What is the initial state? What are the applicable operators? What is the goal test? What is the cost function? 12 4

5 State-Space Search A goal predicate determines if a goal node has been reached A solution is a sequence of operations associated with a path from start to goal The cost of the solution is the sum of the costs on the traversed edges State space search is the process of exploring the graph to find a solution 13 State-Space Search Algorithm GENERAL-SEARCH(problem,queuing-fn); nodes := := MAKE-QUEUE( MAKE-NODE(problem,init-state)); loop if ifempty(nodes) then return failure ; node = REMOVE-FRONT(nodes); if ifproblem.goaltest(node.state) then return node; nodes := := queuing-fn(nodes, EXPAND(node,problem.operator)); 14 Evaluating Search Strategies Completeness Guarantees finding a solution when one exists Time Complexity How long does it take to find a solution? Space Complexity How much space is required? Optimality/Admissibility If a solution is found, is it optimal? 15 5

6 Breadth-First Search Nodes placed on queue in FIFO order. Algorithm is complete Optimal? Yes if uniform cost on operators No if variable cost on operators Time and space complexity = O(b d ) b = branching factor d = depth of solution 16 Breadth-First Search GENERAL-SEARCH(problem,queuing-fn=ENQUEUE); nodes := := MAKE-QUEUE( MAKE-NODE(problem,init-state)); loop if ifempty(nodes) then return failure ; node = REMOVE-FRONT(nodes); if ifproblem.goaltest(node.state) then return node; nodes := := queuing-fn(nodes, EXPAND(node,problem.operator)); 17 BFS Search Tree

7 Depth-First Search Nodes placed on queue in LIFO order Not complete unless search space is finite May not terminate without a depth bound Complexity Time = O(b d ) Space = O(bd) Backtracking is chronological (one level at a time) 19 Depth-First Search GENERAL-SEARCH(problem,queuing-fn=PUSH-STACK); nodes := := MAKE-QUEUE( MAKE-NODE(problem,init-state)); loop if ifempty(nodes) then return failure ; node = REMOVE-FRONT(nodes); if ifproblem.goaltest(node.state) then return node; nodes := := queuing-fn(nodes, EXPAND(node,problem.operator)); 20 DFS Search Tree 21 7

8 Graph Search A 1 S 5 8 B C D E G 22 Search Order (BFS) A 1 S 5 8 B C D E G S-A-G 23 Search Order (DFS) A 1 S 5 8 B C D E G S-A-G 24 8

9 Informed Search Adds domain-specific knowledge to identify best path Defines a heuristic function, h(n), to estimate node goodness h(n) = estimated cost from n to goal Characteristics of heuristics h(n) = 0, goal h(n) =, dead-end h(n) 0, n 25 Heuristic Function Let f(n) be an estimate of the cost from the start to the goal. Let h(n) be an estimate of the cost from the current node to the goal. Let g(n) be the known cost from the start to the current node. 26 Best-First Search Nodes queued in order of evaluation function f that includes the heuristic Greedy Search Uniform Cost Search A* Search 27 9

10 Greedy Search f(n) = h(n) Nodes sorted in increasing order of f (upon expansion) Not complete (if starts on infinite path) Not admissible G 1 1 G 28 Uniform Cost Search f(n) = g(n) Nodes sorted in increasing order of f (upon expansion) Complete if all costs positive Admissible Basically makes BFS optimal 29 Beam Search f(n) = h(n) Maximum size of node list is k (called the beam size). More efficient than greedy but may miss solution path Not complete Not admissible 30 10

11 A* Search f(n) = g(n) + h(n) g(n) = minimal cost from start to n h*(n) = minimal cost from n to goal h(n) = estimate of h*(n) If h(n) h*(n), h is admissible A* is complete A* is admissible If h(n) = h*(n), only solution path expanded 31 Admissibility of A* Theorem: If h(n) is admissible, then A* is guaranteed to find the optimal path. 32 Admissibility of A* Proof: Let G be an optimal goal state with path cost f*. Let G 2 be a suboptimal goal state, that is g(g 2 ) > f* = g(g). Suppose A* selects G 2 from the queue prior to selecting G. We will show this cannot occur

12 Admissibility of A* Consider node n that is currently a leaf node on the optimal path to G. Because h is admissible (i.e., h h*), we must have f* f(n) since the heuristic function is also monotonic (i.e., it is non-decreasing on a path from the start to the goal). Furthermore, if n is not chosen for expansion over G 2, then f(n) f(g 2 ). 34 Admissibility of A* Combining, we find then that f* f(g 2 ). But because G 2 is a goal state, the heuristic, h(g 2 ) = 0, so f(g 2 ) = g(g 2 ). This means f* g(g 2 ) which contradicts the original assumption. Q.E.D. 35 Search Order (Greedy) 1 S 5 8 {C/3, B/4, A/8} A 8 B 4 C 3 D E G 0 {G/0, B/4, A/8} Suboptimal!! S-C-G 36 12

13 Search Order (A*) S 1. {A/9, B/9, C/11} 1 2. {B/9, G/10, C/11, 5 8 D/, E/ } A 8 B 4 C 3 D E G 0 3. {G/9, G/10, C/11, D/, E/ } Optimal!! S-B-G 37 Local Search Construct complete candidate solution Consider modifications to solution that still yield candidate solutions Navigate through modifications until best solution is found Most common form of iterative improvement is called hill climbing 38 Hillclimbing 39 13

14 Global Maximum Hillclimbing Stuck 40 Characteristics of Hill Climbing Not admissible Can get caught in local optima Can be limited to always yield a feasible solution Requires ability to construct candidate solutions from the outset This may, itself, require search, especially if require all candidates be feasible 41 Drawbacks of Hillclimbing Local optima termination criterion for hillclimbing always halts when a optimum value is reached (relative to neighborhood). Plateaus An area of the search space where the evaluation function is flat. Hillclimbing resorts to a random walk. Ridges Very gentle slope to peak, potentially leading to stalls, oscillation, and generally slow progress

15 Problems with Gradient Search The most significant problem is that local optimization leads to search getting trapped in local optima. Additional problem is long search times Arises from small step sizes to avoid oscillations. Randomized search methods attempt to escape local optima without degrading search performance (if possible) 43 Randomized Search Hillclimbing with Multiple Random Restarts Simulated Annealing Genetic Algorithms 44 Multiple Random Restarts Simplest randomized approach Requires multiple hill climbs in fitness space Each hill climb begins from different location Select starting location Uniform random pick Systematic coverage of space (ala factorial study) 45 15

16 Simulated Annealing Minor variation on hill climbing Permits transition to point of lesser value with some probability Probability of accepting poor positions changes with time 46 Simulated Annealing function SIMULATED-ANNEALING(problem, schedule); /* /* Maximization Problem Problem */ */ input: input: problem, schedule schedule local: local: current, current, next, next, T current current MAKE-NODE(INIT-STATE(problem)); for fort t 1 to to do do T schedule(t); if ift == == 0 then then return return current; current; end_if; end_if; next next RAND(NEIGHBOR(current); E E VALUE(next) VALUE(current); if if E > 0 then thencurrent current next; next; else else current current next nextwith probability EXP( E/kT); end_if; end_if; end_for; end; end; 47 Annealing Randomness driven by Boltzman distribution and T parameter T corresponds to temperature When temperature is high, likelihood of accepting poor transition is high When temperature is low, search reduces to hill climbing Gradually reduce temperature over time 48 16

17 Boltzman Distribution y = e E kt E < 0 49 Annealing Schedule Consider the annealing schedule as a time series. Common criteria for schedule satisfies following: One schedule satisfying these constraints is: t t= 1 t= 1 T = T 2 t < T τ T 0 is initial temperature Tt = 0 τ is user defined parameter τ + nt n t is number of updates 50 Genetic Algorithms Based on biological principle of survival of the fittest. Encodes solution as a chromosome. Maintains population of potential solutions. Allows individuals in population to reproduce and generate new individuals. Search driven by fitness function, selection mechanism, and reproduction operators

18 Prototypical Genetic Algorithm genetic-algorithm tt 0; 0; initialize(p(t)); evaluate-fitness(p(t),f(t)); while not(terminatep()) do do tt t t + 1; 1; select(p(t 1),C(t)); recombine(c (t),c(t)); mutate(c (t),c(t)); evaluate-fitness(c (t),f(t)); replace(p(t 1),C (t),p(t)); enddo 52 Representation Fitness Function Selection Replacement Recombination Issues for GAs 53 Representation gene alleles chromosome 54 18

19 Other Representations Real-valued strings Symbolic strings Trees Graphs Programs Linear Tree 55 Fitness Function Determines the relative worth of an individual Analogous to fitness as in traditional iterative improvement search Exogenous or endogenous Exogenous fitness is assigned by outside agent Endogenous fitness arises from mutual competition for resources 56 Fitness Proportionate Selection Selecting an individual is probabilistic. Selection is with replacement (thus individuals can be picked more than once). Probabilities are determined in proportion to fitness. f ( xi ) Psel ( = xi ) = P f ( x ) j= 1 j 57 19

20 Tournament selection Selecting an individual is probabilistic but not with replacement. Define a tournament size of q and select q individuals using uniform distribution. Select the individual from tournament with maximum fitness. 58 Rank-Order Selection Selecting an individual is probabilistic and with replacement. Probabilities based solely on rank (based on fitness) of individual in ordered list. Let η + = max(f(x i )) and η = min(f(x i )) i 1 Psel ( = xi ) = η ( η η ) P P η 2, and η = 2 η 59 Replacement Generational: Construct whole new population and replace previous in next generation. Steady-state: Select small number of replacements (e.g., 2) for next generation. Elitist: Retain n best members of population. Endogenous: Let resource availability determine survival

21 Mutation Selected bit Crossover Crossover point Schema Theorem Theorem: Short, low-order, above-average schemata receive exponentially increasing trials in subsequent generations of a genetic algorithm. Formally, f (H) δ (H) m (H, t + 1) m(h, t) 1 pc o(h) pm f l

22 Schema Theorem Note that for H δ (H) 1 p c o(h) pm l 1 is a constant. Note further that reproduction alone over t time steps yields the geometric progression f (H) f m t m f (H, ) = (H,0) 1+ t 64 Building Block Hypothesis Hypothesis: A genetic algorithm seeks nearoptimal performance through the juxtaposition of short, low-order, high-performance schemata, called building blocks. 65 Problems Suited to GAs Several problems are ideally suited for solution by genetic algorithms: Combinatorial optimization problems (e.g., traveling salesperson problem, VLSI design) Control problems (e.g., elevator control, flight control, process control) Automatic programming (e.g., function generation, filter design, classification) Biological/ecological simulation (e.g., mating behavior, foraging behavior, predator/prey) Constraint satisfaction problems 66 22

23 Constraint Satisfaction A constraint satisfaction problem is defined by the following: A set of variable: X 1, X 2,, X n A set of constraints: C 1, C 2,,C m. Each variable has a nonempty domain D i of possible values. Each constraint C i involves some subset of variables and specifies the set of allowable combinations of values for that subset. 67 What is a CSP? A state of a CSP is defined by an assignment of values to some (or all) of the variables {X i = v i ; X j = v j, }. We say that a particular assignment is consistent if it does not violate any of the constraints. A solution corresponds to a complete assignment covering all of the variables that is also consistent. Note that some CSPs require finding a solution that maximizes (minimizes) some objective function. 68 Example: 4 Queens Assume one queen in each column. Variables: Q 1, Q 2, Q 3, Q 4 Domains: D i = {1, 2, 3, 4} Constraints: Q i Q j (can t be same row) Q i Q j i j (can t be same diagonal) Where should Q 3 go? 69 23

24 Constraint Graph Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 70 Example: Map Coloring D i = {red,green,blue} 71 Constraint Graph WA NT Q SA NSW V T 72 24

25 Colored Constraint Graph WA NT Q SA NSW V T 73 CSPs as Search Problems Initial State: The empty assignment {}, in which all variables are unassigned. Successor Function: A value is assigned to any unassigned variable, provided it does not conflict with previously assigned variables. Goal Test: The current assignment is complete. Path Cost: A constant cost (e.g., 1) for each step. 74 Types of CSPs Discrete variables with finite domains. Boolean CSPs are a special subclass. Discrete variables with infinite domains. Continuous variables. Linear constraints Linear programming is most famous example. Nonlinear constraints 75 25

26 Types of Constraints Unary constraints: Constraints on a single variable. Note that every unary constraint can be eliminated through preprocessing remove values that violate the constraint. Binary constraints: Constraints relating two variables (e.g., SA NSW). Note that binary CSPs only have binary constraints. These should not be confused with Boolean CSPs. Higher-order constraints: Constraints involving three or more variables. Note that all higher-order constraints can be re-written as a set of binary constraints with auxiliary variables. 76 Cryptarithms Constraints: T W O + T W O F O U R C 1 : O + O = R + 10 X 1 C 2 : X 1 + W + W = U + 10 X 2 C 3 : X 2 + T + T = O + 10 X 3 C 4 : X 3 = F 77 Cryptarithms Alldiff T W O + T W O F O U R F T U W R O C 4 C 3 C 2 C 1 X 3 X 2 X

27 Backtracking Search A depth-first search that chooses values for one variable at a time. If a variable is being instantiated but has no legal values, backtracking occurs. function BACKTRACKING-SEARCH(csp) return RECURSIVE-BACKTRACKING({},csp) function RECURSIVE-BACKTRACKING(asg,csp) if asg is complete, then return asg var := SELECT-UNASSIGNED-VARIABLE(VARIABLS(csp),asg,csp) for each value in ORDER-DOMAIN-VALUES(var,asg,csp) do if value is consistent with asg using CONSTRAINTS(csp) then add {var = value} to asg result := RECURSIVE-BACKTRACKING(asg,csp) if result failure then return result remove {var = value} from asg return failure 79 Complexity Search algorithm used: Depth first search Maximum depth of space: n (no. variables) Number of assignments = d n. Branching factor: Σ i D i (at top of tree) Full tree has n!d n leaves. Some observations: The order of assignment is irrelevant to correctness, so many paths are equivalent. Adding assignments cannot correct a violated constraint. 80 General-Purpose Improvements We already know that DFS is not necessarily very efficient. We can improve on simple backtracking (DFS) by addressing the following: Which variables should be assigned next, and in what order should the values be tried? What are the implications of the current variable assignments for the other unassigned variables? When a path fails, can the search avoid repeating this failure in subsequent paths? 81 27

28 Variable Assignment Recall the line in simple backtracking: var := SELECT-UNASSIGNED-VARIABLE(VARIABLES[csp],asg,csp) Careful selection of which variables to assign can improve the performance of backtracking search. Heuristics: Minimum remaining values: choose the variable with the fewest legal values. Degree heuristic: choose the variable involved in the largest number of constraints on other unassigned variables. Least constraining value: prefer the value that rules out the fewest choices for neighboring unassigned variables. 82 Forward Checking Whenever a variable X is assigned, Look at each unassigned variable Y connected to X by a constraint. Delete from Y s domain any value that is inconsistent with the value chosen for X. Initial domains After WA = red After Q = green After V = blue WA NT Q NSW V SA T X X X X X X X Must backtrack 83 Constraint Propagation Constraint propagation is the general process of propagating the implications of a constraint on variable forward onto other variables. The goal is to perform this propagation efficiently. We will apply the concept of k-consistency to do this

29 K-Consistency A CSP is said to be k-consistent if, for any set of k 1 variables, and for any consistent assignment to those variables, a consistent value can be assigned to any k th variable. 1-consistency: Also called node consistency, refers to each individual variable being self-consistent. 2-consistency: Also called arc consistency, refers to the case when for every value of some variable, there exists a consistent value for each of the neighboring variables. 3-consistency: Also called path consistency, refers to the case when any pair of adjacent consistent variables can be extended to a third neighboring variable. A graph is strongly k-consistent if it is j-consistent for j = 1,, k. 85 Arc Consistency We will use arc consistency to detect the problem in our Australia map-coloring problem. Consider just SA and NSW after assigning WA and Q. If SA = blue, then we can set NSW = red. However, if NSW = blue, SA is inconsistent. We can make NSW SA arc-consistent by deleting blue from the domain of NSW. Doing the same with SA NT shows an inconsistency. WA NT Q NSW V SA T Initial domains After WA = red X X After Q = green X X X X! 86 Arc Consistency function AC3(csp) inputs: csp local variables: queue, initially all arcs in csp while queue is not empty do (X i, X j ) := REMOVE-FIRST(queue) if REMOVE-INCONSISTENT-VALUES(X i,x j ) then for each X k in NEIGHBORS[X i ] do add (X k, X i ) to queue function REMOVE-INCONSISTENT-VALUES(X i,x j ) removed := false for each x in DOMAIN[X i ] do if no value y in DOMAIN[X j ] allows (x,y) to satisfy C(X i,x j ) then delete x from DOMAIN[X i ]; removed := true return removed 87 29

30 Intelligent Backtracking As pointed out, DFS just backtracks one level at a time (called chronological backtracking). It is possible (in fact likely) that what led to the dead end occurred higher up the tree than the previous level. This means that we could, potentially, exhaust the subtree below the point where the conflict occurred before we discover the problem. Several approaches exist for skipping levels in the tree to improve backtracking performance. 88 Backjumping Define the conflict set to be the set of variables preceding a point requiring backtracking that is responsible for causing the failure. Generally, the conflict set for variable X consists of the set of previously assigned variables connected to X. Backjumping consists of backtracking to the most recent variable in the conflict set. 89 Backjumping NT Q Q NSW WA SA NSW V V T SA T 90 30

31 Backjumping Modify BACKTRACKING-SEARCH to accumulate conflict sets while checking for legal values to assign. Note that Forward Checking can provide the conflict set with no additional work. Whenever Forward Checking deletes a value from Y s domain as a result of assigning a value to X, just add X to Y s conflict set. Every time the last value is deleted from Y s domain, the variables in Y s conflict set are added to the conflict set of X. 91 Conflict-Directed Backjumping Suppose we have the partial assignment {WA = red, NSW = red}. This is inconsistent because of the combination of {NT, Q, SA}. Suppose we fill out Q and SA before NT. NT will fail, but there will be no conflict set to jump to. We need to focus on the combination. WA NT Q SA NSW V 92 Computing the Conflict Set Observe that the terminal failure of a branch must always occur because a variable s domain becomes empty. That variable will have a standard conflict set. Now when we backjump, we have the variable jumped to absorb the terminal variable s conflict set (minus itself, of course). More formally, let X j be the current variable, and let conf(x j ) be its conflict set. If every possible value for X j fails, backjump to the most recent variable X i in conf(x j ). Then set conf(x i ) = conf(x i ) conf(x j ) {X i } 93 31

32 Local Search and CSPs So far, we have focused on incremental search for CSPs. CSPs, in fact, are well-suited to local search methods. Local search begins by assigning values to all variables whether the resulting assignment is consistent or not. Then variable assignments are varied until a solution is found. 94 Min-Conflicts Local search depends upon selecting and changing variable assignments. In choosing a new value for a variable, the most obvious heuristic is to select the value that results in the minimum number of conflicts with other variables. function MIN-CONFLICTS(csp,max-steps) inputs: csp, max-steps current := an initial complete assignment for csp for i := 1 to max-steps do if current is a solution then return current var := a randomly chosen conflicted variable value := the value v minimizing CONFLICTS(var,v,current,csp) set var to value in current return failure 95 Tree-Structured CSPs In general, solving CSPs is NP-hard. A tree-structured CSP is one in which the constraint graph is a tree. Any tree-structured CSP can be solved in time linear in the number of variables. Choose any variable as the root of the tree, and order the variables from the root to the leaves such that every node s parent precedes it in the ordering. Label the variables X 1,,X n in order. Every variable (except the root) will have only one parent. For j from n downto 2, apply arc-consistency to the arc (X i,x j ), where X i is the parent of X j, removing values from DOMAIN[X i ] as necessary. For j from 1 to n, assign any value for X j consistent with the value assigned for X i

33 Ordering the Nodes A E B D C F A B C D E F 97 Complexity Observations After the second step, the CSP is directionally arcconsistent, so no backtracking will be required. Applying the arc-consistency checks in reverse order ensures that deleted values cannot endanger consistency of already-processed arcs. The entire algorithm requires O(nd 2 ) time. Note, d is the dimension of the variables and is, technically, a constant. Thus the linear complexity. 98 Reduction Cutset Conditioning Most real-world problems are not tree-structured. It would be nice if we could reduce more complex problems to tree-structured problems (given reduction in complexity). One approach is to condition on some variable assignment, and consider the remaining CSP. Choose a subset S from VARIABLES[csp] such that the constraint graph becomes a tree once S is removed. For each possible variable assignment in S that satisfies all constraints on S do Remove from the domains of remaining variables any values inconsistent with assignment for S. If sub-csp has a solution, return it with assignment for S

34 Example WA NT Q SA NSW V T 100 Example WA NT Q SA NSW V T 101 Example WA NT Q NSW V T

35 Example WA NT Q NSW V T 103 Example WA NT Q SA NSW V T 104 Reduction Tree Decomposition Decompose constraint graph into a set of connected subproblems. Make sure the structure of the connected subproblems is a tree. Each subproblem is then solved independently. The resulting solutions are then combined. Thus, this is a classic form of divide-and-conquer

36 Requirements To apply tree decomposition, the following must apply: Every variable in the original problem must appear in at least one subproblem. If two variables are connected by a constraint in the original problem, they must appear together (along with the constraint) in at least one subproblem. If a variable appears in two subproblems in a tree, it must appear in every subproblem along the path connecting the subproblems. 106 Approach As mentioned, solve each subproblem independently. After solving all of the subproblems, construct a global solution: View each subproblem as a mega-variable. The domain of the mega-variable is the set of all solutions for the subproblems. Solve the constraints connecting the subproblems using the tree-structured approach. 107 Complexity Define the tree width of a tree decomposition of a graph to be one less than the size of the largest subproblem. Define the tree width of the graph to be the minimum tree width among all decompositions. Let w denote the tree width of the graph. Given the decompositions, the CSP can be solved in O(nd w+1 ) time. Thus a CSP with bounded tree width is solvable in polynomial time

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