Abacus 4 and 5: Autumn term 1st half UNIT TOPIC ABACUS 4 UNITS ABACUS 5 UNITS 1 Place value, ordering and rounding

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1 Abacus 4 and 5: Autumn term 1st half 1 Place value, ordering and rounding Reading from scales Using a calculator N1 Place-value To partition a 4-digit number into thousands, hundreds, tens and units To order and compare 4-digit To introduce and use < and > notation to compare 4-digit N1 Place-value To recognise place-value in large To give one more/one less than any whole number up to one million To read, write, order and compare whole using <, > and = signs N2 Place-value To round any number up to to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand 2 3 Understanding x and strategies (x and ) procedures (x and ) Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator N7 Multiplication /division To rehearse the concept of multiplication through arrays To recognise that multiplication is repeated addition To recognise and use the commutativity of multiplication N8 Multiplication/division To rehearse the concept of division by grouping To recognise that division is the inverse of multiplication N9 Multiplication/division To rehearse recall of multiplication facts for 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 tables To rehearse recall of corresponding division facts N4 Multiplication/division To rehearse the concept of remainder, when dividing To divide, giving the remainder as a fraction or a decimal To round up or down after division, as appropriate N3 Multiplication/division To mentally recall multiplication facts up to To multiply by zero To mentally derive corresponding division facts N6 Multiplication/division To recognise the relationship between multiplication and division To recognise that from one multiplication or division fact, three others can be derived 4 6 Measures, including problems Shape and space Time, including problems N10 Multiplication/division To double a number up to 50 To halve a number up to 100 To double and halve 2-digit by doubling and halving the tens first M1 Length To recognise the relationship between millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres To convert from one unit of measurement to another To recognise the mile as a measure and its relationship with the kilometre M2 Weight To measure the weights of objects using grams and kilograms To rehearse the relationship between grams and kilograms To estimate weight in grams and kilograms N5 Multiplication/division To double up to 100, and to halve even up to 200 To double multiples of 10 or 1000, and to halve the corresponding doubles To double multiples of 100 up to , and to halve the corresponding doubles M1 Length To use, read and write standard units of length and convert larger to smaller units, and vice versa To suggest suitable units and tools to measure different lengths To measure and draw lines to the nearest millimetre M2 Weight To use, read and write standard units of weight and convert larger to smaller units, and vice versa To suggest suitable units and tools to measure different weights To measure the weight of several objects using scales

2 7 Assess and review M6 Time To recognise and tell the time in one minute intervals (analogue and digital clocks) To use a.m. and p.m. time M7 Time To read a calendar S1 2-d shape To recognise and construct 2-d To rehearse the names of 2-d To introduce and define a polygon S2 2-d shape To classify polygons according to whether or not they are regular To introduce equilateral and isosceles triangles S3 Symmetry To rehearse the concept of line symmetry To recognise the line symmetry properties of polygons To sketch the reflection of a shape in a mirror line M6 Time To use, read and write units of time and convert larger to smaller units, and vice versa To suggest suitable units and tools to measure different times S1 2-d shape To rehearse the terms horizontal and vertical To introduce the terms parallel and perpendicular To identify parallel and perpendicular lines in polygons S2 2-d shape To rehearse the names and properties of 2-d To rehearse regular and irregular polygons To introduce diagonals of polygons To introduce the terms two-dimensional and three-dimensional S3 2-d shape To rehearse recognition of equilateral and isosceles triangles To introduce right-angled and scalene triangles To name and classify different triangles To recognise the properties of different types of triangle S4 Symmetry To understand the concept of reflection To introduce the terms reflective symmetry and axis of symmetry To recognise lines of symmetry in regular polygons To draw the reflection of in a mirror line

3 Abacus 4 and 5: Autumn term 2nd half 8 Properties of 9 10 Understanding + and strategies (+ and ) procedures (+ and ) Making decisions and checking results, including using a calculator N6 Properties of number To count on or back in ones to 1000 To count on or back in 50s and 25s to 1000 N2 Addition/subtraction To rehearse recall of addition pairs to 10 and 20 To recall what must be added to make the next multiple of 10 N3 Addition/subtraction To find small differences by counting up from the smaller number to the larger To relate difference to take away N4 Addition/subtraction To recall addition pairs to 100 (multiples of 5) To recall addition pairs to 1000 (multiples of 50) To recall addition pairs to 100 (any 2-digit number) N5 Addition/subtraction To add several 1-digit To add using the strategy of finding pairs totalling 9, 10 or 11 N13 Properties of To count on or back in steps of constant size To construct number sequences To recognise patterns in number sequences N14 Properties of To rehearse patterns in number sequences N10 Addition/subtraction To rehearse addition pairs to 100 (multiples of 5) To rehearse addition pairs to 100 (any 2-digit number0 To rehearse addition pairs to 1000 (multiples of 50) To recognise what must be added to a 3-digit number to make the next multiple of 100 To recognise the relationship between pairs to 100 and pairs to 1000 N11 Addition/subtraction To add several 1-digit To add several (multiples of 10 or 100) To add several 2-digit 11 Fractions and decimals N14 Addition/subtraction To add near multiples of 10 to 2- and 3- digit To subtract near multiples of 10 from 2- and 3-digit N15 Addition/subtraction To mentally add and subtract 2- and 3-digit multiples of 10 To mentally add and subtract multiples of 100 N12 Fractions/decimals To rehearse recognition of fractions which are several parts of a whole To rehearse fractional notation, e.g. 3/5 To recognise mixed, e.g. 1 2/3 N12 Addition/subtraction To add 4-digit using informal written To add 4-digit using standard written N7 Fractions/decimals To rehearse recognition of fraction notation, including mixed To convert a mixed number into an improper fraction and vice versa To introduce the vocabulary of numerator and denominator N13 Fractions/decimals To rehearse equivalence of simple fractions N8 Fractions/decimals To rehearse recognition of equivalent fractions To relate hundredths to tenths 12 Handling data D1 Frequency tables To rehearse the use of tally charts to record observations To represent data in a frequency table To interpret tally charts and frequency tables 13 Assess and review N9 Fractions/decimals To find fractions of quantities To relate fractions to division To recognise simple relationships between fractions D1 Bar-line graphs To introduce bar-line graphs To draw and interpret a bar-line graph To introduce the mode and range of a set of data

4 Abacus 4 and 5: Spring term 1st half 1 Place value, ordering and rounding Reading from scales N16 Place value To count on or back in 10s, 100s or 1000s from any number up to To recognise 1 more/less, 10 more/less, 100 more/less, 1000 more/less than any number up to N15 Place value To multiply and divide any positive integer up to by 10 or 100 Using a calculator 2 3 Understanding x and strategies (x and procedures (x and ) 4 Fractions and decimals N22 Multiplication/division To rehearse the 3 table To introduce the 6 table by doubling the 3 facts To begin to learn the 6 facts and associated division facts N11 Multiplication/division To rehearse the 4 table, recognise that it is possible to double twice to multiply by 4 To introduce the 8 table by doubling the 4 table To begin to learn the associated 8 facts N23 Multiplication/division To introduce the 9 table To begin to learn the 9 facts and associated division facts N24 Multiplication/division To construct a multiplication square To introduce the 7 table To begin to learn 7 multiplication facts and associated division facts N25 Multiplication/division To understand the effect of multiplying or dividing a number up to 1000 by 10 To begin to multiply a number up to 1000 by 100 N26 Multiplication/division To multiply by partitioning into tens and units, e.g (4 30 and 4 6) To multiply using informal written To estimate the result of multiplication using known facts N27 Fractions/decimals To compare and order fractions To rehearse the recognition and location of fractions on a number line N28 Fractions/decimals To find fractions of amounts To begin to relate fractions to division N16 Multiplication/division To use halving and doubling to help multiply To derive harder multiplication facts by doubling easier facts To multiply two by halving one and doubling the other N20 Multiplication/division To divide by 4 by halving, then halving again To divide by 8 by halving, halving, and halving again N17 Multiplication/division To multiply by 5, by multiplying by 10, then halving To multiply by 50, by multiplying by 100, then halving To multiply by 25, using the fact that 4 25 = 100 N18 Multiplication/division To mentally multiply a 2-digit multiple by 10 by a 1-digit number To mentally multiply a 3-digit multiple of 100 by a 1-digit number To mentally multiply a 3-digit multiple of 100 by a 2-digit multiple of 10 N19 Multiplication/division To rehearse the distributive law for multiplication To multiply mentally by partitioning a number To introduce the use of brackets N21 Fractions/decimals To rehearse decimal notation for tenths and hundredths To know the value of each digit in a 2-place decimal number To order a set of decimal N22 Fractions/decimals To recognise the equivalence between decimals and fractions 5 Shape and space S4 3-d shape To rehearse recognition of common 3-d To introduce the term polyhedron and tetrahedron To understand the concept of a net and to use it to construct 3-d S5 3-d shape To rehearse the names and properties of common 3-d To classify 3-d according to their properties To rehearse polyhedron, tetrahedron and introduce octahedron

5 6 Assess and review S5 Direction To rehearse measuring right angles To recognise the eight-point compass directions To measure angles using the eight-point compass directions S7 Position To locate position on a grid, based on labelling the horizontal and vertical lines To introduce the terms horizontal and vertical To introduce the term coordinate S7 Position and direction To rehearse reading and plotting coordinates in the first quadrant To recognise the position of after given rotations S6 Rotation To introduce the concept of rotation To recognise the position of after given rotations

6 Abacus 4 and 5: Spring term 2nd half 7 8 Measures including problems Handling data M4 Area To understand area as covering in two dimensions To measure area using standard units To introduce square centimetres as a measure rectangle 9 10 Understanding + and strategies (+ and ) procedures (+ and ) Making decisions and checking results 11 Properties of 12 Assess and review M5 Perimeter To introduce the meaning of perimeter To consolidate differences between area and perimeter D2 Pictographs To rehearse the use of a pictograph to represent data To construct and interpret pictographs where the symbol represents several units D3 Bar graphs To construct and interpret a bar graph N17 Addition/subtraction To mentally add 2-digit, adding the tens first To partition a 2-digit number into tens and units N18 Addition/subtraction To rehearse mentally adding multiples of 10 to 2- and 3-digit To mentally add 2- or 3-digit to a multiple of 10, 100 or N19 Addition/subtraction To mentally subtract one 2-digit number from another, using the counting on strategy N20 Addition/subtraction To mentally subtract one 2-digit number from another choosing an appropriate strategy N21 Properties of number To count on or back in 2s, 4s, 5s, and 10s To recognise the multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5 and M3 Area To understand area measured in square centimetres To understand and use the formula in words, length times breadth for the area of a M4 Perimeter To understand, measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectangle To understand, measure and calculate the perimeter of a regular polygon D2 Line graphs To introduce a line graph To draw and interpret a line graph N23 Addition/subtraction To mentally subtract HTU TU by partitioning To mentally add HTU + TU by partitioning N24 Addition/subtraction To mentally add and subtract near multiples of 10 and 100 N25 Addition/subtraction To rehearse the concept of difference and relate it to taking away To find differences mentally by counting up from smaller to larger N27 Addition/subtraction To rehearse the concepts of difference and of taking away To make decisions and choose a suitable strategy for a mental subtraction N26 Addition/subtraction To subtract ThHTU HTU using standard written N28 Properties of number To know and apply tests for divisibility by 2, 4, 5, 10 and up to the tenth multiple N29 Properties of number To introduce the term factor

7 Abacus 4 and 5: Summer term 1st half 1 Place value, ordering and rounding Reading from scales N29 Place-value To round a 3-digit number to the nearest ten or hundred To make and justify estimates up to about 250 N30 Place-value To rehearse negative by counting back below zero To order a set of positive and negative Using a calculator 2 3 Understanding x and strategies (x and ) procedures (x and ) Making decisions and checking results 4 6 Measures, including problems Shape and space 7 Assess and review N36 Multiplication /division To double multiples of 10 to 500 To double multiples of 100 to 5000 To halve corresponding to these doubles N37 Multiplication/division To introduce multiplication (TU x U) using a standard written method N38 Multiplication/division To rehearse the concept of a remainder when dividing To decide whether to round up or down after division N39 Multiplication/division To divide using informal written To introduce division using standard written To recognise that division is repeated subtraction M8 Time To understand and read a timetable M9 Time To rehearse the use of seconds as a measure of time To recognise that there are 60 seconds in 1 minute To estimate time in seconds S6 Angle To rehearse measuring right angle turns To introduce the degree as a measure To recognise the relationship between degrees and right angles M3 Capacity To rehearse capacity using litres and millilitres To rehearse the relationship between litres and millilitres To introduce measuring in pints and to recognise the approximate relationship between litres and pints N31 Multiplication/division To rehearse multiplying HTU U using informal written To multiply HTU U and TU TU using a standard written method N32 Multiplication/division To multiply U.t U using a standard written method N33 Multiplication/division To rehearse the concept of a remainder To rehearse dividing TU U using informal written To divide HTU U using informal written N34 Multiplication/division To rehearse dividing TU U using standard written M7 Time To use, read and write times using the 24-hour clock To use a timetable S8 Angle To rehearse degree as a measure of angle To rehearse the relationship between degrees and right angles To calculate angles on a straight line S9 Angle To measure angles using a protractor To draw angles using a protractor To estimate an angle in degrees S10 Angle To introduce acute, obtuse and reflex angles To recognise acute and obtuse angles in M5 Capacity To use, read and write standard units of capacity and convert larger to smaller units, and vice versa To suggest suitable units and tools to measure different capacities To measure the capacity of several containers, using a measuring jug

8 Abacus 4 and 5: Summer term 2nd half 8 Properties of N34 Properties of number To recognise odd and even to 1000 To recognise patterns in the sum totals and difference of odd and even N35 Properties of number To rehearse counting back past zero To recognise negative in context N42 Properties of number To rehearse the patterns in the sum of two even/odd To investigate patterns in the differences between two even/odd To explore patterns in the sum of more than two even/odd N43 Properties of number To introduce square 9 10 Understanding + and strategies (+ and ) procedures (+ and ) 11 Fractions, decimals and percentages N43 Addition/subtraction To add/subtract decimals in the form of money N30 Addition/subtraction To add (HTU + TU, HTU + HTU) using informal To add (HTU + HTU) using written N31 Addition/subtraction To rehearse mentally subtracting multiples of 10 from 2- and 3-digit N32 Addition/subtraction To subtract (HTU TU, HTU HTU) using informal (complementary addition) N33 Addition/subtraction To subtract (HTU TU, HTU HTU) using standard written (decomposition) N42 Addition/subtraction To subtract (HTU HTU) using standard written (decomposition) N40 Fractions/decimals To introduce decimal notation for tenths To recognise decimal on a number line N41 Fractions/decimals To introduce decimal notation for hundredths To recognise equivalence between fractions and decimals 12 Handling data D4 Sorting diagrams To construct and interpret Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams based on two intersecting sets of observation 13 Assess and review N36 Fractions/decimals To mentally add or subtract decimal (crossing units or tenths) N38 Addition/subtraction To recall decimal addition pairs to 1 To recall decimal addition pairs to 10 To recognise what must be added to a decimal number to make the next whole number N39 Addition/subtraction To add two or more decimal number using standard written N40 Addition/subtraction To recognise the relationship between addition and subtraction To recognise that from one addition or subtraction fact, three other related facts can be found N41 Addition/subtraction To subtract 2-place decimals using standard written N35 Fractions/decimals To round a 1- or 2-place decimal number to its nearest whole number N37 Percentages To introduce a percentage as a fraction of 100 To express simple fractions as percentages To find simple percentages of quantities D3 Probability To classify events based on degrees of likelihood To recognise the distinction between impossible, unlikely, likely and certain

Abacus 5 and 6: Autumn term 1st half UNIT TOPIC ABACUS 5 UNITS ABACUS 6 UNITS 1 Place-value, ordering and rounding

Abacus 5 and 6: Autumn term 1st half UNIT TOPIC ABACUS 5 UNITS ABACUS 6 UNITS 1 Place-value, ordering and rounding Abacus 5 and 6: Autumn term 1st half 1 Place-value, ordering and rounding N2 Place-value To round any number up to 10 000 to the nearest ten, hundred or thousand N1 Place-value To rehearse rounding a number

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