KS3 Maths Assessment Objectives

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1 KS3 Math Aement Objective Tranition Stage 9 Ratio & Proportion Probabilit y & Statitic Appreciate the infinite nature of the et of integer, real and rational number Can interpret fraction and percentage a operator Can ue integer power and aociated real root (quare, cube or higher) Can ditinguih between exact repreentation of root and their decimal approximation Can reduce a linear equation in 2 variable to the tandard form y = mx + c; Can work out gradient and intercept of their graph Can ue linear and quadratic graph to etimate value of y for given value of x and vice vera Can find approximate olution of imultaneou linear equation Can recognie an arithmetic equence and work out the nth term Can olve problem involving direct and invere proportion, including graphical and algebraic repreentation Can ue compound unit uch a peed, unit pricing and denity to olve problem Can derive the ue and um of angle in a triangle and thu the propertie of regular polygon Can derive reult about angle and ide in triangle and quadrilaterlal, including Pythagora Theorem Can ue Pythagora theorem and trigonometrical ratio to olve problem involving right-angled triangle Undertand the propertie of common 3D hape and ue thi knowledge to olve problem about them Can generate theoretical ample pace for ingle and combined event with equally likely, mutually excluive outcome and ue thee to calculate theoretical probabilitie. Can decribe imple mathematical relationhip between 2 variable (bivariate data) and illutrate uing catter graph. I undertand percentage and percentage change a fraction or decimal I can compare 2 quantitie uing percentage I can work with percentage greater than 100% I can ue notation for the priority of operation, including bracket, power, root and reciprocal I can ue approximation through rounding to etimate anwer and calculate poible reulting error expreed uing inequality notation Tranition Stage 8 Ratio & Proportion I can implify and manipulate algebraic expreion I can ue tandard mathematical formulae I can rearrange formulae to change the ubject I can model ituation or procedure uing algebra or graph I can ue graph of linear and quadratic function of one variable I undertand that a multiplicative relationhip between 2 quantitie can be expreed a a ratio or fraction I can relate the calculation of ratio to the aociated calculation of fraction and linear function I can olve problem involving percentage change including imple interet I can identify and contruct congruent triangle I can contruct imilar hape by enlargement, with and without co-ordinate grid I can apply the propertie of angle at a point, angle at a point on a traight line I can apply the propertie of vertically oppoite angle I undertand and can ue the relationhip between parallel line, alternate and correponding angle

2 Probabilit y & Statitic I can enumerate et and union/interection of et ytematically uing table, grid and Venn diagram I undertand ditribution of a ingle variable in variou format; mean, mode and median I undertand ditribution in term of pread (e.g. range, outlier) I can olve and evaluate the outcome of problem including multi-tep problem I can ue the 4 operation, including formal written method, applied to integer, decimal, proper & improper fraction, and mixed number, all both poitive and negative I can work interchangeably with terminating decimal and their correponding fraction I can ue a calculator accurately Tranition Stage 7 Ratio & Proportion I can ue the vocabulary of expreion, equation, inequalitie, term and factor I can ue and interpret algebraic notation I can ue algebraic method to olve linear equation in one variable I can ue cale factor, cale diagram and map I can expre one quantity a a fraction of another where the fraction i <1 and >1 I can ue ratio notation, including reduction to implet form I can divide a quantity into 2 part in a given ratio I can expre the diviion of a quantity into 2 part a a ratio & Meaure I can ue tandard convention for labelling and decribing the propertie of 2D hape I can derive and apply formulae to calculate perimeter, area and volume of common 2D & 3D hape I can ue compa and ruler to biect line and angle I can create perpendicular and the hortet ditance to a line I can identify propertie of, and decribe the reult of, tranlation, rotation and reflection Tranition Stage 6 I can read, write and compare number up to 10m and determine the value of each digit I can round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy I can ue negative number in context and calculate interval acro zero I can ue formal method to multiply or divide 4 digit number by 2 digit number I can manage remainder a whole number, fraction or by rounding a appropriate I can perform mental calculation including mixed operation and large number I can identify common factor, multiple and prime number I undertand the order of operation/bracket when carrying out calculation involving all 4 operation I can ue common factor to implify fraction I can ue common multiple to expre fraction in the ame denomination I can add and ubtract fraction with different denominator and mixed number I can multiply imple pair of proper fraction, writing the anwer in it implet form I can divide proper fraction by whole number I can calculate the decimal equivalent of a fraction, and recall imple equivalent between f/d/p I can multiply one-digit number with up to 2 decimal place by whole number I can ue formal method of diviion giving an anwer with up to 2 decimal place Rati o & Prop ortio I can olve problem involving the relative ize of 2 quantitie I can olve problem involving the calculation of percentage

3 I can olve problem involving imilar hape where the cale factor can be worked out I can olve problem involving unequal quantitie uing fraction and/or multiple Meaurement I can ue imple formulae I can generate & decribe linear number equence I can expre miing number problem algebraically I can find pair of number that atify an equation with 2 unknown I can enumerate the poible combination of 2 variable I can convert between unit of meaurement up to 3 decimal place including mile and kilometre I can recognie that hape with the ame area can have different perimeter I can calculate the area of parallelogram and triangle I can calculate, etimate and compare the volume of cube and cuboid Tranition Stage 5 Meaureme nt I undertand the place value of any digit in number up to a million I can count forward or backward up to a million in power of 10 I can round any number up to nearet 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000 I can interpret negative number in context, and count forward and backward through zero Can ue formal method to add and ubtract whole number of more than 4 digit Can add and ubtract number mentally, and ue rounding to check calculation I can olve multi-tep problem I can identify multiple and factor I undertand prime number, prime factor and compoite number (identify them up to 100; recall them up to 19) I can ue formal method to multiply 4-digit number by 1 or 2 digit number, and to divide them by 1-digit number I can multiply and divide number including decimal by 10, 100 & 1000 I undertand and can ue quare and cube number I can olve problem that involve caling by imple fraction and imple rate I can add and ubtract fraction with denominator that are the ame or multiple of the ame number I can recognie mixed and improper fraction I can round number to nearet whole or firt decimal place I can convert fraction into decimal I can olve problem involving number with up to 3 decimal place I undertand percentage a part of 100 I can olve problem that ue percentage and decimal equivalent of 1/2, ¼. 1/5. 2/5, 4/5 and fraction with a denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25. I can convert between metric and imperial meaure I can calculate the area of all rectangle and etimate the area of irregular hape I can etimate volume and capacity I can identify 3D hape from 2D repreentation I can draw and meaure given angle I can identify 90, 180, 270 and 360 degree I can deduce related fact and miing length and angle of rectangle I can ditinguih between regular and irregular polygon I can identify, decribe and repreent the poition of a hape following a reflection or tranlation and know that it ha not changed hape Statitic I can olve problem uing information repreented in a line graph I can complete and interpret information in table including timetable

4 Tranition Stage 4 Probabili ty & Statitic Can count in multiple of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000 Undertand place value in 4 digit number Can order number beyond 1000 Can round number to the nearet 10,100 or 1000 Can count backward through zero, including negative number Can ue formal written method to add and ubtract number with 4 digit Can olve addition and ubtraction two-tep problem in context, deciding which operation and method to ue and why Know all time table up to 12x12 Can multiply and divide number mentally (including multiplying by 0 and 1, dividing by 1, and multiplying together 3 number) Can ue formal method to multiply 2 or 3 digit number by a 1-digit number Can olve multiplication and diviion problem (including ue of the ditributive law to multiply 2-digit number by 1-digit, integer caling and harder correpondence problem) Can olve problem involving imple fraction Recognie and write decimal equivalent of any number of tenth, hundredth, and alo ¼, ½ and ¾ Can round decimal with one decimal place to nearet whole number Can olve imple meaure and money problem involving fraction and decimal to 2 decimal place Can convert between different unit of meaure e.g. pound to pence, analogue to digital time Can calculate the perimeter and the area of a rectilinear figure Can compare and claify geometrical hape, including quadrilateral and triangle, baed on their propertie and ize Can identify acute and obtue angle and compare or order angle up to 2 right angle by ize Can identify ymmetry in a 2D hape and complete a ymmetrical figure Can decribe poition on a 2D grid a co-ordinate in the firt quadrant Can decribe tranlation to left/right up/down Can plot pecified point and draw ide to complete a given polygon Can preent and interpret dicrete and continuou data Can olve comparion, um and difference problem uing information preented in bar chart, pictogram, table or other graph

5 Tranition Stage 3 Can count in multiple of 4,8,50 and 100 Undertand place value in 3-digit number Can order number up to 1000 Can olve problem uing the above Can add and ubtract number mentally including 3-digit number with one, ten or hundred Can ue formal method to add or ubtract number of up to 3 digit Can etimate anwer and ue invere operation to check Know the 3,4 and 8 time table Ha begun to ue formal written method to multiply 2-digit number Can olve multiplication & diviion problem including miing number, poitive integer caling and correpondence problem Can ue and count up and down in tenth Undertand the idea of equivalent fraction Can add and ubtract fraction with a common denominator Can compare & order imple fraction Can meaure, compare, add and ubtract length, ma and volume Can meaure the perimeter of imple 2D hape Can add and ubtract amount of money I fluent in telling the time uing 12 and 24 hr clock, calculating and comparing duration, telling time to the minute, etc Can draw 2D hape and make 3D hape, and recognie them in different orientation and decribe them Recognie right angle and whether other angle are greater or leer than them Can identify horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular line Probabili ty & Statitic Can interpret and preent data uing bar chart, pictogram and table Can olve one and two tep quetion uing the above Tranition Stage 2 Can count in tep of 2,3,5 and 10 from any number, forward and backward Can order number up to 100 and ue the < and > ign Undertand place value in 2-digit number Ue place value and number fact to olve problem Undertand zero a a place holder Recall addition and ubtraction fact eaily up to 20, and be able to work out fact up to 100 Can add and ubtract uing two-digit number, and alo add 3 one-digit number Undertand the invere relationhip between addition and ubtraction and ue thi to olve problem and check anwer Know the 2, 5 and 10 time table Undertand tatement uing x, [diviion ign] and = ign Ue a variety of trategie to olve multiplication and diviion problem including the ue of pictorial aid, object, mental method, etc Undertand the fraction 1/3, ¼, 2/4 and ¾ Can write imple fraction e.g. ½ of 6 = 3 and explain what they mean Recognie imple equivalence uch a 2/4 = ½ Can meaure uing the correct unit, abbreviation and equipment Can olve imple money problem uch a calculating change Can tell and how the time to the nearet 5 minute or quarter-hour Name, decribe and ort common 2D and 3D hape Arrange mathematical object in pattern and equence Undertand rotation a a turn, clockwie or anticlockwie, and in term of right angle for quarter, half and three-quarter turn.

6 Probabili ty & Statitic Contruct and interpret imple pictogram, tally chart, etc Tranition Stage 1 Can read, write and count number up to 100 from 0 or 1 Can count up to 100 in multiple of 2,5 and 10 I confident with language of mathematical tatement uch a equal to, more than, le than, fewer, Undertand tatement uing +, - and = ign Undertand number bond and ubtraction fact within 20 Can add and ubtract one and two digit number to 20 Solve one-tep miing number problem Can olve one-tep multiplication and diviion problem uing aid Undertand a half and a quarter Can meaure length, weight, volume, time, money and time Ha a trong vocabulary for explaining relative meaurement e.g. lower, later, taller, double Undertand chronological order including day of week, hour and half-hour Can name common 2D and 3D hape Can decribe poition, direction and movement including whole, half, quarter and three-quarter turn

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