Game Board: Enabling Simple Games in TouchDevelop

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1 Game Board: Enabling Simple Games in TouchDevelop Manuel Fähndrich Microsoft Research One Microsoft Way, Redmond WA 98052, USA February 23, 2012 Abstract TouchDevelop is a novel application creation environment for anyone to script their smartphones anywhere you do not need a separate PC. TouchDevelop allows you to develop mobile device applications that can access your data, your media, your sensors and allows using cloud services including storage, computing, and social networks. TouchDevelop targets students, and hobbyists, not necessarily the professional developer. Typical TouchDevelop applications are written for fun, or for personalizing the phone. Starting with version 1.2 of TouchDevelop, we include a game board API for writing simple spritebased games. The API includes a primitive physics engine to simplify common game loops where objects have speed and experience gravity and friction. Game board elements can be orchestrated using events based on touch and regular timing intervals. This report describes the game board API and the simple physics engine behind it. 1 Introduction TouchDevelop [1] is a novel application creation environment for anyone to script their smartphones anywhere you do not need a separate PC. TouchDevelop allows you to develop mobile device applications that can access your data, your media, your sensors and allows using cloud services including storage, computing, and social networks. TouchDevelop targets students, and hobbyists, not necessarily the professional developer. Typical TouchDevelop applications are written for fun, or for personalizing the phone. TouchDevelop is available for free on the Windows Phone 7 marketplace. Enabling people to write simple games is a big draw of TouchDevelop. However, without some built-in support for creating, moving, and animating objects on a game board, the amount of code and data a script will have to deal with quickly becomes unmanageable. To enable simple games with a manageable amount of code, TouchDevelop includes the board and sprite APIs for writing simple sprite-based games. The board implementation includes a primitive physics engine to simplify common game loops where objects have speed and experience gravity and friction. Additionally, the API provides simple touch input functions for scripts. 2 Coordinates and Units Positions in the game board API are based on pixels. The origin of the grid is the top left corner when holding the phone upgright, the x-axis is horizontal, the y-access vertical. Sprite positions refer to the center of the sprite, i.e., the half-way point of its width and height before any rotation is applied. The reasoning behind this choice is so that sprites rotate around their center. In the future we may provide more control for offsetting sprites from their position. Speed and acceleration are measured in pixels second and 1 pixels second 2.

2 3 The Board API 3.1 Creating a Board To create a board, use the media create board property and bind the result to a variable: The numeric parameter is the height of the board in pixels. 640 is the maximum height given the current layout of TouchDevelop s user interface. Once created, the board dimensions can be retrieved via board width and board height. Often, you want the board to take up the entire screen of your device. For that purpose, there s an alternative way to create the board using media create full board. When you post a full board to the wall, it will take up the entire display. board := media create full board 3.2 Displaying a Board A board remains invisible until you post it to the wall. Once posted, updates to the board state and the sprites on the board become visible only when calling board update on wall. In general, the code for a game loop looks something like this: data... create sprites... data board post to wall event gameloop()... move objects around... board update on wall 3.3 Visual Properties of a Board A board has a background color and a background picture that can be set individually. The default background color is transparent and so is the default background picture. board set background(colors green) board post to wall The above example sets the board background to green. The example below let s the user pick a picture from the picture library and uses that to fill the background of the board pic := media choose picture board set background picture(pic) board post to wall Setting both the background color and the background image will show only the background image. 3.4 Creating Sprites There are four different kinds of sprites that can be created based on their visual contents: board create ellipse creates an elliptic sprite, good for balls and ufos board create rectangle creates a rectangular sprite 2

3 board create text creates a text sprite that simply displays a piece of updatable text at a particular position of the board. board create picture creates a sprite from a picture, using the picture content and dimension. In the future, we may separate the content from the sprite itself so as to make it easier to change the sprite content. Sprites have an initial position centered on the board and no speed or angular rotation. Such properties can be set on the sprite using the sprite API. ball := board create ellipse(20,20) board post to wall The above code creates a single circular sprite with width and height equal to 20 pixels. displayed in the middle of the board as this is the starting board position. Setting the color, position, and speed of sprites is done via the sprite API (Section 4). The sprite is 3.5 Enumerating over Sprites A foreach loop can be used to enumerate all sprites on a board: foreach sprite in board do... The number of sprites on a board is returned by board count and any particular sprite can be retrieved by an index between 0 and board count using board at(i). 3.6 Sprite Collections During games it is very useful to have several collections of sprites, e.g., the missiles currently flying, the bullets from the space ship, the enemies, etc. To make this management of sprite collections easy, use board create sprite set. Operations to add and remove sprites from sprite sets are exposed on sprite set API (Section 5). 3.7 Creating Obstacles Obstacles are currently just walls that can be added to the board. Walls cannot be moved once created. board create obstacle(100,100,50,50,1) board post to wall The code above creates a wall (a single line) at position 100, 100 on the screen and extending diagonally for 50 pixels in both the x and y direction. The last parameter of a wall is its elasticity. It is used to determine how much of the impulse a moving sprite retains when reflecting off the wall. An elasticity of 1 means the entire impulse is maintained, whereas 0 means full abosorption of the impulse (a sprite will stick to the wall). 3.8 Board Boundary By default, the board is open, meaning it has no boundary. Objects moving off the visual part of the board will simply continue moving away. Since it is common to need reflecting walls around the board, the create boundary(distance) property can be used to create a reflective set of walls around the board at the given distance. 3

4 3.9 Gravity We can set an acceleration vector on the board that will apply to all sprites. For instance, we can use the accelerometer reading from the phone to set the board acceleration, thereby creating the illusion that the objects are affected by earth s gravity: p := senses acceleration quick scale(1000) board set gravity(p x, p y) If you have sprites that you don t want to be affected by gravity, set their friction to Animation Once sprites are given speeds or we have acceleration, the board engine can update a sprite s position. To update all sprite animtations for one time step, use the board evolve property. A time step is simply the time since the last call to board evolve or the creation of the board. We now have enough parts to create our first simple moving sprite script: board create boundary(0) board create obstacle(100,100,50,50,1) ball := board create ellipse(20,20) board post to wall while true do p := senses acceleration quick scale(1000) board set gravity(p x, p y) board evolve board update on board The script above creates a board and adds a reflective wall around the entire board. It then creates a small obstacle wall and a single circular sprite. Within the game loop, we read the accelerometer and use its readings to set the gravity on the game board in pixels. To make the ball accelerate more quicly, we scale seconds 2 the acceleration by a factor of This simple script works, but an explicit loop like above is not the best way to handle animations. The next section shows how to use the game loop event instead The Game Loop Although an explicit game loop as shown in the previous section can be used for quick testing of an animation, it is better to use the gameloop event for code that should run at regular intervals. In order to access the board from the gameloop event, store your board into a data variable (e.g., using the promote to data refactoring that shows up when you select a local variable). Add the gameloop event in the event section of your script. Events contain code like normal actions, but they are invoked when an event triggers. The gameloop event is triggered roughly every 50 milliseconds. With the gameloop, the animation code from the previous section now looks as follows: data data board create boundary(0) data board create obstacle(100,100,50,50,1) ball := data board create ellipse(20,20) data board post to wall event gameloop() p := senses acceleration quick scale(1000) board set gravity(p x, p y) board evolve board update on board 4

5 3.12 Friction In the animation from the previous section, you may notice that the ball keeps on moving without slowing down. That s because we have given the board nor the ball any friction. Each sprite can have its own friction setting, but if not set each sprite experiences the default friction from the board. A friction is the fraction of the forward speed that is experienced as a backwards force. A friction of 0 corresponds to no friction at all, and a friction of 1 means the sprite will not move at all. We can add a bit of friction to the board in the previous animation using: board set friction(0.01) Springs and Anchors A spring can be added between two sprites in order to create an acceleration towards each other. Without friction to dissipate energy over time, sprites linked by a spring will oscillate indefinitely. With friction, they will eventually converge on the same point. A common scenario is to fix one of the two spring-linked sprites on the board (make it unmovable). Sprites with friction set to 1.0 are unmoved by acceleration. Even though you can create any sprite and set its friction to 1.0, the board API contains a create anchor property that creates an invisible sprite with friction set to 1.0. A sprite linked to an anchor via a spring therefore oscillates around the anchor. If you give the sprite an initial velocity vector perpendicular to the direction of the spring, the sprite will circle around the anchor. With multiple anchors and springs, you can create some interesting oscilation paths. The API for creating a spring takes a stiffness parameter. Think of this parameter as a factor of how hard the spring pulls objects together. data board := media create board sprite := data board create ellipse(20,20) anchor := data board create anchor(10,10) sprite move(20,0) data board create spring(sprite, anchor, 100) sprite set speed y(20) data board post to wall event gameloop() board evolve board update on wall The code above produces a sprite that will circle the center of the board Touch Input Another nice aspect of the board API is that it provides touch input state to your script. You can test if the user touches the board using board touched and obtain the beginning coordinate of a gesture (board touch start), the current coordinate (board touch current), and the coordinate where the finger was lifted off the screen (board touch end). In addition, the final velocity of the finger movement is obtained by board touch velocity. These properties can be used to add more balls to our little animation from the previous section. The best way to make use of touch input is via touch events. See Section 6 on events for more information. 5

6 3.15 Debugging Sprites To make it a bit simpler to debug sprite position and speed related problems in your scripts, you can turn on a debug mode on the board: board set debug mode(true) If debug mode is on, the board will display the position and speed of a sprite next to the sprite content. Additionally, the width and height is displayed as a box around the sprite. Also, in debug mode, even invisible sprites are displayed. This can be useful to find forgotten sprites or where anchors are placed. 4 The Sprite API Sprites are movable objects that you can use to visually represent parts of a game, such as your space ship, a bullet, a monster, etc. You create new sprites through the board API. Once you have a sprite, you can change its position, speed, etc, through the sprite API. 4.1 Position and Speed Position and speed can be set via a number of properties on sprites, either by setting individual x and y coordinates, or by setting both at once. Set the sprite position to (newx,newy) sprite set x(newx) sprite set y(newy) Another way to set sprite position to (newx,newy) sprite set pos(newx, newy) Set sprite speed to (vx, vy) sprite set speed x(vx) sprite set speed y(vy) Another way to set speed to (vx,vy) sprite set speed(vx, vy) The current position of a sprite is obtained by sprite x and sprite y. The speed is obtained via sprite speed x and sprite speed y. 4.2 Rotation You can set the angle of rotation of a sprite via sprite set angle(degrees). If you want the sprite to rotate continuously, set the angular speed to degrees sec via sprite set angular speed(dps). The current angle and angular speed is read by sprite angle and sprite angular speed. 4.3 Friction By default, sprites use the friction of the underlying board. However, you can change each sprite s friction individually through sprite set friction(f). A friction of 0.0 means no friction at all, and 1.0 means the object is unmovable by acceleration. The current friction can be read via sprite friction. 4.4 Width and Height Sprites always obtain a width and height when created. It can be read via sprite width and sprite height. You can change the width and height of an existing sprite via sprite set width and sprite set height. For text sprites, the width and height only determine the positioning and bounding box. The text size itself is solely determined by the font size used when the text sprite is created. 6

7 4.5 Color The sprite s color can be set via sprite set color(c). For picture sprites, the color setting has no effect. 4.6 Text Content For text sprites, you can change the content of the sprite by using sprite set text(new text). For non-text sprites, setting the text has no effect. The current text of a text sprite can be obtained by sprite text. 4.7 Elasticity When a sprite collides with a wall (obstacle), the amount of energy preserved depends on the product of the sprite s and the wall s elasticity. If the product is 1.0, then the reflection is fully elastic and no energy is lost. If the product is 0.0, then the collision absorbs all energy and the sprite will effectively stick to the wall. Values between 0 1 will dampen the velocity of sprites upon each reflection. By default the elasticity of a sprite is 1.0, i.e., fully elastic. 4.8 Visibility After creation, a sprite is by default visible (unless it is an anchor). To change the sprite visibility, use sprite hide and sprite show. The current visibility can be queried using sprite is visible. 4.9 Helper Functions A few properties on sprites provide functionality you could implement in a script itself, but it is so common that we preferred to provide it on the sprite API directly. sprite move(deltax, deltay) is equivalent to sprite set pos(sprite x + deltax, sprite y + deltay) sprite move towards(other, fraction) is equivalent to sprite set pos(sprite x + (other x sprite x) fraction, sprite y + (other y sprite y) fraction) Finally, sprite speed towards(other, magnitude) puts sprite on a trajectory towards the other sprite with a speed vector of the given magnitude Determining Overlap Two functions provide overlap tests between sprites. sprite overlaps with(other) returns a boolean that is true if the two sprites overlap. The overlap is determined solely by position and the relative width and height. It does not take into account the rotation of the sprites. A more general overlap test is provided by sprite overlap with(sprite set) which returns a subset of sprites from sprite set that overlaps with the given sprite. This allows testing for overlap with a large number of sprites at once. 5 The Sprite Collection API When writing simple games with multiple objects of the same kind (e.g. multiple shots, missiles, etc), it quickly becomes necessary to group related sprites into collections. The board API provides a way to create sprite sets via board create sprite set. A sprite set represents a collection of sprites. You can add and remove sprites from the set, enumerate over the sprites in a set using foreach, test if a sprite is in a given set etc. One common use of sprite sets is to use them to keep track of the state of a sprite. E.g., you might have a number of shots that can be fired from a space ship. If the shots are not active, you could keep 7

8 them in a sprite set called inactive shots. As a shot is fired, you remove a shot from the inactive shots via shot := inactive shots remove first, set its position and speed, and add it to another set of active shots via active shots add(shot). This way, you can easily keep track of active and inactive shots, so that no new shots can be fired unless you have inactive shots, comparing only active shots for overlap with targets, etc. 6 Events Events are actions that are automatically invoked when certain events occur. The board, has six specific kinds of events which we detail in the next sections. 6.1 Gameloop Event A typical outline for a script that uses the board looks as follows: data board := media create full board // create sprites, sprite sets, obstacles, and springs //... data board post to wall event gameloop() // test and react to overlaps (collisions) etc. //.. board evolve board update on wall The gameloop event is where you put code that needs to run regularly (every 50ms). You would put collision detection code there, as well as things that should happen after a certain time, or when a certain position is reached. Make sure you don t spend too much time in the game loop. Avoid code that take a long time to run, otherwise, the gameloop will not run every 50ms and your animations will stutter. To react to touch inputs, use the events in the following sections. 6.2 Tap board Event This event fires if you tap anywhere on the board (unless there is a sprite where you tap). Tapping means that your finger leaves the screen at approximately the same position where it first touched (as opposed to swiping). The event fires once the finger is lifted. For an example on how to use this event, the code below creates a new ball where you tap the board. data board := media create full board data board create boundary(0) data board post to wall event gameloop() var p := senses acceleration quick scale(100) board set gravity(p x, p y) board evolve board update on board event tap board: board(x,y) var sprite := data board create ellipse(10,10) sprite set pos(x,y) 8

9 As you can see, the tap board event has two parameters x and y that tell you the position where the tap occurred. 6.3 Swipe board Event To give the balls some initial speed, we can write an event that triggers when you swipe your finger on the board, i.e, you lift it off some distance away from the original starting point. To the code in the previous section, we add the following event: event swipe board: board(x,y,delta x, delta y) var sprite := data board create ellipse(10,10) sprite set pos(x,y) sprite set speed(delta x, delta y) In addition to the original position where the swipe started, the swipe event is also passed the delta, that is the difference of the end and start position of the swipe. We can use this to give the new sprite some initial speed. 6.4 Tap sprite Event Your code can also respond to taps on specific sprites. In order to control which events respond to which sprites, we use sprite sets. All sprite events are associated with a sprite set that you need to declare in the data section. Once you have such a sprite set, you can add sprites to the set and your code can respond to events on sprites in that set 1. Let s augment the previous sample to change the color of a sprite whenever you tap it. In the main function, we define a sprite set all sprites that holds all our sprites, and in the tap and swipe events, we add the new sprites to this set.... data all sprites := data board create sprite set event tap board: board(x,y)... data all sprites add(sprite) event swipe board: board(x,y,delta x, delta y)... data all sprites add(sprite) Now we add a tap handler for the sprite set all sprites. The event parameters include the sprite that was tapped, the index of this sprite within the sprite set, and the board position of the tap. We change the color of the tapped sprite to a random color. event tap sprite in all sprites(sprite, index, x, y) sprite set color(colors random) Now tapping on a sprite changes its color randomly. 6.5 Swipe sprite Event Suppose we want to change the direction and speed of an existing sprite. We can use the swipe sprite event for this purpose. It triggers when a sprite is not tapped, but swiped, i.e., the position where you lift the finger is different from the original position where you touched the screen. We use the same sprite set we already have to hook into this event: 1 Yes, sprites can appear in multiple sets at once and all events for that sprite will trigger. 9

10 event swipe sprite in all sprites(sprite, index, x, y, delta x, delta y) sprite set speed(delta x, delta y) 6.6 Drag sprite Event The last event on sprites is the drag event. It fires during dragging and gives you the current position and current drag amount. We can use this event to temporarily set the speed of the dragged sprite to 0 and to display it at the current drag position: event drag sprite in all sprites(sprite, index, x, y, delta x, delta y) sprite set speed(0, 0) sprite set pos(x, y) This way, the sprite will appear under your finger while dragging and stay there. Once you lift your finger, the swipe event will fire and the sprite will be given the speed corresponding to your overall drag amount. 7 Physics Sprites are moved based on their speed and the acceleration from gravity or springs whenever the board evolve property is invoked in your script. The amount of movement depends on the time dt between successive calls to board evolve. The board API internally keeps track of time and moves objects according to dt. If the game loop runs slowly however, we cap the maximum time dt for a step to 0.1 seconds. 7.1 Position and Speed Integration Internally, the computation of new positions and speed uses the standard Runga-Kutta method for computing the integral of the current position and speed based on previous speed and acceleration. 7.2 Collision Response Currently, collision responses are only computed between walls and sprites, not between sprites themselves. So sprites can overlap and go through each other. However, sprites will bounce off of walls. The collision response when a sprite hits a wall depends on the orientation of the wall, the speed vector of the sprite, and the elasticity of the wall and sprite. The orientation (rotation) of the sprite is ignored. The only control over wall collision response currently available is the elasticity of the wall and the sprite. The resulting speed magnitude of the sprite after collision is the product of the incoming speed magnitude, the elasticity of the wall and the elasticity of the sprite. This approach doesn t really correspond to real physical properties of material, but makes it easy to model sticky walls and objects, as well as bouncy walls and objects. References [1] N. Tillmann, M. Moskal, J. de Halleux, and M. Fahndrich. TouchDevelop Programming Cloud- Connected Mobile Devices via Touchscreen. Technical Report MSR-TR , Microsoft Research, Apr

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