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1 Programming, numerics and optimization Lecture A-4: Object-oriented programming Łukasz Jankowski Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Room 4.32, Phone ext. 428 April 17, Current version is available at ljank. 1/51

2 Disclaimer I do realize that For those of you that know OOP, this lecture will contain nothing new. For those of you that do not know OOP, this lecture will be much too condensed. OOP would require a dedicated course. OOP is required for HW6 and HW7. If OOP/C++ is new for you, these HWs will probably demand a lot of additional work. 2/51

3 Outline 1 Object-oriented programming (OOP) 2 Objects and classes 3 Creating and destroying objects 4 Overloaded operators 5 STL vector class 6 Homework 6 3/51

4 Outline 1 Object-oriented programming (OOP) Basic idea Objects and classes Basic concepts Advantages and disadvantages 2 Objects and classes 3 Creating and destroying objects 4 Overloaded operators 5 STL vector class 6 Homework 6 4/51

5 Object-oriented programming (OOP) Structure of a typical non-object code 5/51

6 Object-oriented programming (OOP) Objects (may) bring order 6/51

7 Object-oriented programming (OOP) Object paradigm is an answer to the following deficiencies of procedural programming: Data separated from processing information. The code (and the real problem it solves) scattered into separate, unrelated data chunks and functions. 7/51

8 Objects and classes Types in C++ 1 Fundamental: bool, char, int, float, double, void, 2 Compound (built-in or user-defined): pointers, arrays, structures, classes, Classes are user-defined types, which group together: Data (internal content of an object), e.g. matrix elements Functions (often called methods) Defining operations on the data, e.g. matrix :: det() Responsible for the behavior of an object, e.g. point :: show() 8/51

9 Objects and classes Classes corresponds to types. Objects (of a given class) correspond to variables (of a given type). An object is called to be an instance of his class. The idea is to have e.g. a type (class) vector to use it like int: i n t a = 5, b = 2, c ; c = 2 a b ; cout <<c ; v e c t o r a ( 5, 4 ), b ( 1 2, 1 ), c ; c = a b ; cout <<c. norm ( ) ; Data: Functions: vector elements multiplication, addition, subtraction, showing etc. 9/51

10 Basic concepts OOP is described in a variety of ways: from ideologically negative (e.g. hard-core proponents of functional programming), to pragmatic, to ideologically positive ( an OO program is an ensemble of communicating agents ). There is no a generally-agreed set of features, an OO language should support. However, the typical features include: Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism Dynamic dispatch 10/51

11 Basic concepts Encapsulation Encapsulation usually refers to grouping together data with functions that operate on them E.g. an object matrix might bundle matrix entries together with methods like det(). protecting a part of the internal data of an object from external access and modifications E.g. matrix entries might be private data (accessible only indirectly). 11/51

12 Basic concepts Inheritance Classes in an OO language can form a class hierarchy. Objects of the derived class inherit their properties (data & methods) from the base class, specialize the base class. 12/51

13 Basic concepts Multiple inheritance Some of OO languages (like C++) allow multiple inheritance. With inheritance, parent classes are often abstract classes 2. 2 An abstract class is non-instantiable (each actual vehicle must be either an electric car or an electric locomotive or a diesel locomotive etc.: there is no such a thing as a pure vehicle ). 13/51

14 Basic concepts Polymorphism, dynamic dispatch The (possibly abstract) class shape might have a (virtual) member function shape.draw(). This function is inherited by the derived classes, which have to implement it according to their characteristics. Assume we have an array of pointers to different shapes. Thanks to polymorphism, they can be all treated as being of the (possibly abstract) type shape. The array can be thus defined as shape ptr[shape_no];. Thanks to dynamic dispatch, given an object of the class shape, it can be ordered to be drawn by calling the method shape.draw(). Depending on its actual type (circle? cube?), the method of the proper derived class will be executed (decided upon not during compilation, but in runtime when the type of the actual object is known). 14/51

15 Advantages and disadvantages Advantages of OOP better representation of real-world entities by grouping together data with operations (e.g. a matrix is no longer just a 2D array but a matrix), inheritance, polymorphism, etc. hidden implementation details and protection of internal data operator overloading brings order into the system model and the code (easier production and maintenance) potential for reusability Disadvantages of OOP slower code code duplications additional abstraction layer 15/51

16 Outline 1 Object-oriented programming (OOP) 2 Objects and classes Class definition Pointers to objects Internal data 3 Creating and destroying objects 4 Overloaded operators 5 STL vector class 6 Homework 6 16/51

17 Objects and classes Class definition An object consists of Interface (e.g. for a matrix class: +,,, transpose(), det(), invert (), eigenvalues () etc.) Hidden implementation (internal data structures, internal operations etc.). c l a s s classname { p r i v a t e : // p r i v a t e data members // p r i v a t e f u n c t i o n s p u b l i c : // c l a s s i n t e r f a c e // p u b l i c data members ( not recommended ) // p u b l i c f u n c t i o n s } ; 17/51

18 Objects and classes Class definition example Class definition c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : void setxy ( i n t a, i n t b ) {x=a ; y=b ; } double getlength ( void ) const ; } ; // n o t i c e the s e m i c o l o n! double v e c t o r : : getlength ( void ) const { return s q r t ( x x+y y ) ; } The const modifier ensures here that the member function does not modify the object (its data members). 18/51

19 Objects and classes Class definition example Class definition i n t main ( void ) { v e c t o r a ; // o b j e c t d e f i n i t i o n a. setxy ( 1, 1 ) ; cout <<a. getlength ( ) <<e n d l ; // cout << a. x = <<a. x <<e n d l ; ERROR! system ( pause ) ; // f o r Dev C++ u s e r s o n l y return 0 ; } 19/51

20 Objects and classes Pointers to objects As variables of any other type, objects can be created and destroyed dynamically. i n t main ( ) { v e c t o r pa ; // p o i n t e r to a v a r i a b l e // o f the type v e c t o r pa = new v e c t o r ; // c r e a t e a v e c t o r pa >setxy ( 1, 1 ) ; cout <<pa >getlength ( ) <<e n d l ; delete pa ; // d e l e t e the o b j e c t pa pa = NULL ; } return 0 ; 20/51

21 Objects and classes Internal data Internal data are specific to each object, that is each object has its own set of the internal data. vector a,b; object a x =? y =?... object b x =? y =?... a.setxy(1,1); b.setxy(5,10); x = 1 y = 1... x = 5 y = /51

22 Outline 1 Object-oriented programming (OOP) 2 Objects and classes 3 Creating and destroying objects Constructor Destructor Copy constructor 4 Overloaded operators 5 STL vector class 6 Homework 6 22/51

23 Constructor Constructor is a special function, which is automatically called when a new object is created used to initialize internal variables, assign dynamic memory for internal storage etc. cannot be called at a later time Constructor must have the same name as the class has no return type (not even void) can be overloaded If no constructor is provided, a default constructor is automatically created (no arguments, no initialization). 23/51

24 Constructor example c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( i n t a, i n t b ) ; // c o n s t r u c t o r void setxy ( i n t a, i n t b ) {x=a ; y=b ; } double getlength ( void ) const ; } ; v e c t o r : : v e c t o r ( i n t a, i n t b ) { x = a ; y = b ; } 24/51

25 Constructor example vector a; vector a (1,2); vector pa; pa = new vector; pa = new vector(1,2); delete pa; ERROR: if there is a user-defined constructor, then no default constructor is created. But here the user-defined constructor for the class vector requires arguments. right! Call the user-defined constructor. a pointer to an object of the type vector ERROR: there is no no-argument constructor. right! 25/51

26 Overloaded constructors A class can have many constructors, provided they are distinguishable by the number or types of their arguments. c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( void ) ; // d e f a u l t c o n s t r u c t o r v e c t o r ( i n t a, i n t b ) ; // c o n s t r u c t o r void setxy ( i n t a, i n t b ) {x=a ; y=b ; } double getlength ( void ) const ; } ; v e c t o r : : v e c t o r ( i n t a, i n t b ) {x = a ; y = b ; } v e c t o r : : v e c t o r ( void ) {x = 0 ; y = 0 ; } 26/51

27 Constructor with default arguments As any other function, constructor can take default arguments. c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( i n t a=0, i n t b =0); // c o n s t r u c t o r void setxy ( i n t a, i n t b ) {x=a ; y=b ; } double getlength ( void ) const ; } ; v e c t o r : : v e c t o r ( i n t a, i n t b ) { x = a ; y = b ; } 27/51

28 Destructor Destructor is a special function, which is automatically called when an object is destroyed (at end of its scope or when deleted with delete) used to clean-up (dynamic memory used by the object, closing open files etc.) Destructor must have the same name as the class, preceded with a tilde has void arguments and no return type (not even void) cannot be overloaded 28/51

29 Destructor example c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( i n t a=0, i n t b =0); // c o n s t r u c t o r ~ v e c t o r ( void ) ; // d e s t r u c t o r //... } ; v e c t o r : : v e c t o r ( i n t a, i n t b ) { x = new i n t ( a ) ; y = new i n t ( b ) ; } v e c t o r : : ~ v e c t o r ( void ) { d e l e t e x ; d e l e t e y ; } 29/51

30 Destructor example If an object uses dynamic memory a user-defined constructor should be provided for allocation destructor should deallocate it to avoid memory leakage if there was only the default constructor vector a; x y...?????? with the user-defined constructor vector a (1,2); x y /51

31 Destructor example If an object uses dynamic memory a user-defined constructor should be provided for allocation destructor should deallocate it to avoid memory leakage without a user-defined destructor with a user-defined destructor x y... x y /51

32 Copy constructor Copy constructor is a special constructor, which is called whenever a new object is created (copied) from an existing object. If no user-defined copy constructor is provided, a default copy constructor is provided automatically (shallow: blindly copies internal variables). When a class uses dynamic memory, it should always have a user-defined copy constructor (deep: intelligently copying data pointed to, not the pointers only). Copy constructor is defined as a usual constructor, but with a single argument: a const object of the same type passed by reference. The current object (the one being created) is created (copied) from the passed object. 31/51

33 Copy constructor example c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( const v e c t o r &v ) ; // copy c o n s t r u c t o r v e c t o r ( i n t a, i n t b ) ; // c o n s t r u c t o r //... } ; v e c t o r : : v e c t o r ( const v e c t o r &v ) { x = new i n t ( v. x ) ; // a c c e s s to p r i v a t e members y = new i n t ( ( v. y ) ) ; // i n s i d e the c l a s s o n l y } // ( even from a n o t h e r o b j e c t ) An argument to a copy constructor has to be passed by reference (passing by value would require an already defined copy constructor). However, it is passed with a modifier const (const vector &v) to protect it against modifications. 32/51

34 Copy constructor example A default (shallow) copy constructor with a class using dynamic memory copies blindly (shallowly) pointer by pointer instead of allocating additional memory. vector a (1,2); vector b = a; a x y x y... b At the end of the scope the object b is destroyed first and the dynamic memory is deallocated. When the object a is then destroyed, it tries to deallocate the memory already deallocated! a x y...?????? 33/51

35 Copy constructor example A class using dynamic memory should always have a deep, user-defined copy constructor to intelligently copy the data and allocate additional memory if necessary. 1 1 vector a (1,2); vector b = a; a x y... 2 b x y... 2 At the end of the scope each objects frees its own allocated memory. 34/51

36 Copy constructor Copy constructor (either user-defined or default) is called in three situations: when an object is 1 created from another object of the same type v e c t o r a ( 1, 1 ), b = a, c ( a ) ; 2 passed by value as an argument to a function void dosomething ( v e c t o r v ) {... } ; 3 returned by value from a function v e c t o r f (... ) { v e c t o r a ( 1, 1 ) ; //... r e t u r n a ; } 35/51

37 Outline 1 Object-oriented programming (OOP) 2 Objects and classes 3 Creating and destroying objects 4 Overloaded operators As a class member or global function Result by value and by reference Two special operators 5 STL vector class 6 Homework 6 36/51

38 Overloaded operators In mathematics, two vectors or matrices can be simply added, just as two numbers. The same functionality, for example v e c t o r a ( 1, 1 ), b ( 2, 2 ), c = a+b ; i n t s c a l a r P r o d u c t = a b ; is possible in C++ by means of overloaded operators, which are defined either as class member functions or as global functions. Most of operators can be overloaded, e.g. + / = == < > = += && << ++ &! [] () 37/51

39 Overloaded operator as a class member function c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( i n t a=0, i n t b =0); i n t operator ( const v e c t o r &v ) const ; //... } ; i n t v e c t o r : : operator ( const v e c t o r &v ) const { return x v. x+y v. y ; } Note the direct access to the private data members. 38/51

40 Overloaded operator as a global function However, it is not always possible to add an operator as a class member function, e.g. to ostream (object cout) to instruct it about printing objects of the type vector. In such cases, an operator has to be defined as a global function and looses the direct access to private data members. c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( i n t a=0, i n t b =0); i n t getx ( void ) const { r e t u r n x ; } i n t gety ( void ) const { r e t u r n y ; } } ; i n t operator ( const v e c t o r &v1, const v e c t o r &v2 ) { r e t u r n v1. getx ( ) v2. getx ( ) + v1. gety ( ) v2. gety ( ) ; } 39/51

41 Result by value and by reference As other functions, overloaded operators can return objects by value or by reference. Assume a and b are vectors, while c is an integer: v e c t o r a ( 1, 1 ), b ( 5, 1 5 ) ; i n t k=10; Operator + (as in a+b) should return a new object of the type vector (by value) and leave the objects a and b unaltered. Operator = (as in a =k) should return the modified object a (by reference). 40/51

42 Result by value and by reference c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( i n t a=0, i n t b=0) {x=a ; y=b } ; v e c t o r operator+(const v e c t o r &v ) const ; v e c t o r & operator+=(const v e c t o r &v ) ; } ; v e c t o r v e c t o r : : operator+(const v e c t o r &v ) const { r e t u r n v e c t o r ( x+v. x, y+v. y ) ; } // a new o b j e c t i s c r e a t e d, c o p i e d & r e t u r n e d v e c t o r & v e c t o r : : operator+=(const v e c t o r &v ) { x += v. x ; y += v. y ; r e t u r n t h i s ; } // the c u r r e n t o b j e c t ( t h i s ) i s m o d i f i e d & r e t u r n e d 41/51

43 ostream (cout) insertion operator<< c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( i n t a=0, i n t b=0) {x=a ; y=b } ; i n t getx ( void ) const { r e t u r n x ; } i n t gety ( void ) const { r e t u r n y ; } } ; ostream & operator << ( ostream &o s t r, const v e c t o r &v ) { o s t r << x = <<v. getx ( ) << y = <<v. gety ( ) <<e n d l ; r e t u r n o s t r ; } i n t main ( ) { v e c t o r a ( 1, 1 ), b ( 2, 2 ) ; cout <<a <<e n d l <<b ; r e t u r n 0 ; } 42/51

44 ostream (cout) insertion operator<< ostream & operator << ( ostream &o s t r, const v e c t o r &v ) { o s t r << x = <<v. getx ( ) << y = <<v. gety ( ) <<e n d l ; r e t u r n o s t r ; } Defined as a global function (since as a member function it should be added to the class ostream, which cannot be modified). Returns the same ostream by reference in order to enable chaining: cout <<a <<endl <<b; Both arguments are passed by reference. Only the second argument (vector) is const. 43/51

45 Assignment operator= An assignment operator = is very similar to the copy constructor. A user-defined version is necessary when the class uses dynamic memory, otherwise a default (shallow) operator= is created automatically. c l a s s v e c t o r { p r i v a t e : i n t x, y ; p u b l i c : v e c t o r ( const v e c t o r &v ) ; v e c t o r ( i n t a, i n t b ) ; v e c t o r &operator=(const v e c t o r &v ) ; } ; v e c t o r & v e c t o r : : operator=(const v e c t o r &v ) { x = v. x ; y = v. y ; r e t u r n t h i s ; } 44/51

46 Assignment operator= with the default shallow operator= vector a (1,2); vector b (3,4); b = a; a x y x y... b 3 4 with a deep user-defined operator= 1 1 vector a (1,2); vector b (3,4); b = a; a x y... 2 b x y /51

47 Outline 1 Object-oriented programming (OOP) 2 Objects and classes 3 Creating and destroying objects 4 Overloaded operators 5 STL vector class 6 Homework 6 46/51

48 STL vector class Standard (pointer-based) arrays are possible in C++ and very quick, but they have disadvantages: troublesome allocation and destruction, especially when multidimensional, troublesome resizing. Standard Templates Library (STL), now a part of the C++ Standard Library, is an object library providing generic containers (arrays, lists etc.) and algorithms for objects of any type, provided they have proper (default or user-defined) copy constructor, destructor, assignment (=) and comparison (==) operators. See or any tutorial on the web. 47/51

49 STL vector class 1D example #i n c l u d e <v e c t o r > 1D arrays v e c t o r <int > V ; // d e f i n i t i o n o f the v a r i a b l e V. r e s i z e (100, 0 ) ; // r e s i z e and i n i t i a l i z e V [ 1 0 ] = 1 0 ; V. push_back ( 3 ) ; // add 3 at the end cout <<V. s i z e ( ) ; // now 101 e l e m e n t s STL vectors are automatically destroyed in a proper way at the end of their scopes. 48/51

50 STL vector class 2D example #i n c l u d e <v e c t o r > 2D arrays v e c t o r <v e c t o r <int > > V2d ; // note the space! V2d. r e s i z e ( ) ; // 100 rows f o r ( i n t i =0; i <V2d. s i z e ( ) ; ++i ) V2d [ i ]. r e s i z e ( ) ; // each row has 100 e l e m e n t s V2d [ 1 0 ] [ 1 0 ] = 10; STL vectors are automatically destroyed in a proper way at the end of their scopes. 49/51

51 Outline 1 Object-oriented programming (OOP) 2 Objects and classes 3 Creating and destroying objects 4 Overloaded operators 5 STL vector class 6 Homework 6 50/51

52 Homework 6 (20 points) Matrix class Available at ljank. the answer and the source code (all three files) to 51/51

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