CSc 256 Midterm (green) Fall 2018

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1 CSc 256 Midterm (green) Fall 2018 NAME: Problem 1 (5 points): Suppose we are tracing a C/C++ program using a debugger such as gdb. The code showing all function calls looks like this: main() { bat(5); ghost(1); bat(13); bat(int arg) { ghost(arg-2); ghost(arg/2); ghost(int arg) { skeleton(arg*2); int x=4; // set breakpoint here // some code not shown skeleton(int arg) { // some code not shown Suppose we set a breakpoint at the line int x=4 (in ghost(), bold). We run the program, stop at the breakpoint for the first time, and check the stack frames on the stack using a command similar to gdb s backtrace. What are the stack frames that you see at this time? For each stack frame that you see, indicate clear what function it belongs to, the arguments for that function call, and the order (which one is at the bottom, which is above it, etc). Ghost(3) Bat(5) Main() A 1

2 Problem 2: Translate the C++ function upt() into MIPS assembly language. (You don't have to write a main program, or the dst() function.) Your solution must compile and run correctly in spim, and follow all MIPS register use conventions. You may use $s? or $t? as temporaries, but follow the specifications below. For mover: void mover(int *arg0, int arg1) arg0 a0 arg1 a1 For gnew: int gnew(int arg0, int *arg1) arg0 a0 arg1 a1 result returned in $v0 Make sure your loops are efficient (i.e., they should not have unnecessary branches). Points will be deducted for obvious inefficiencies. (40 points) A 2

3 void mover(int *arg0, int arg1) { int *ptr, sum=0; ptr = arg0; for (int i=2; i<arg1; i+=3) { sum = sum + gnew(arg0[i], ptr); if (arg1 < *ptr) { ptr++; *ptr = *ptr + sum; A 3

4 ANS: # arg0 $s0, arg1 $s1, ptr $s2, sum $s3, i $s4 mover: sw $31, -4($sp) sw $s0, -8($sp) sw $s1, -12($sp) sw $s2, -16($sp) sw $s3, -20($sp) sw $s4, -24($sp) addi $sp, $sp, -24 move $s0, $a0 move $s1, $a1 li $s3, 0 # int *ptr, sum=0; move $s2, $a0 # ptr = arg0; li $s4, 2 # for (int i=2; i<arg1; bge $s4, $s1, exit # i+=3) { for: sll $t0, $s4, 2 add $t0, $t0, $s0 lw $a0, ($t0) # sum = sum + move $a1, $s2 # gnew(arg0[i], ptr); jal gnew add $s3, $s3, $v0 lw $t0, ($s2) # if (arg1 < *ptr) { bge $s1, 4t0, skip addi $s2, $s2, 4 # ptr++; # skip: lw $t0, ($s2) # *ptr = *ptr + sum; add $t0, $t0, $s3 sw $t0, ($s2) addi $s4, $s4, 3 # blt $s4, $s1, for exit: addi $sp, $sp, -24 lw $31, -4($sp) lw $s0, -8($sp) lw $s1, -12($sp) lw $s2, -16($sp) lw $s3, -20($sp) lw $s4, -24($sp) jr $31 A 4

5 Problem 3: Show what is printed on the screen after this C++ program is executed. Show work for partial credit. (15 points) ANSWER: bai499host #include <iostream> using std::cout; int main() { char str[] = "bat49ghost"; char *ptr0, *ptr1; ptr0 = &str[2]; ptr1 = ptr0 + 4; *ptr0 = (*ptr1) + 1; ptr0 = ptr0 + 2; ptr1--; *ptr1 = *ptr0; cout << str; // print str Work: ptr0 = &str[2]; ptr1 = ptr0 + 4; // ptr1 = &str[6] *ptr0 = (*ptr1) + 1; // str[2] = str[6] + 1 = i ptr0 = ptr0 + 2; // ptr0 = &str[4] ptr1--; // ptr1 = &str[5] *ptr1 = *ptr0; // str[5] = str[4] output: bai499host A 5

6 Problem 4: The following MIPS program is executed. Show the contents of registers $t0, $t1 and $t2, when the label "end" is reached. Assume the initial contents of registers as shown. All integers are in hex. Show each step clearly for partial credit. (20 points) Initially: $t0 0x c $t1 0x $t2 0xffffff4d label address contents here: 0x x90a0b0c0 there: 0x c 0x text main: srl $t2,$t2,2 sb $t2,-1($t0) or $t0, $t2, 0x lw $t1,here end: li $v0,10 syscall ANS: CONTENTS of $t0 (in hex): 0x3ffffff7 CONTENTS of $t1 (in hex): 0x90a0b0d3 CONTENTS of $t2 (in hex): 0x3fffffd3 $t2 = 0xffffff4d = srl $t2,$t2,2 $t2 = = 0x3fffffd3 sb $t2,-1($t0) ADDR = x c = 0x b Byte at 0x b = 0xd3 (replaces 0xc0) or $t0, $t2, 0x $t2 = $t0 = = 0x3ffffff7 A 6

7 lw $t1,here $t1 = 0x90a0b0d3 A 7

8 Problem 5: 5a) You are given this MIPS assembly language instruction (i.e., pseudo-instruction): lb $4, 0x c($18) Translate this MIPS instruction to an efficient sequence of machine language instructions. You only have to show the text form of the machine language instructions; don't translate into binary. (6 points) ANS: lui $1, 0x1001 add $1, $1, $18 lb $4, 0x1c($1) 5b) This is a memory location that contains a MIPS instruction: address [0x ] contents 0xae0d000c Translate it into the MIPS assembly language instruction (show the operation, operands, etc): (7 points) ANS: sw $13, 12($16) A 8

9 5c) You are given a MIPS branch instruction: x: beq $12, $0, y The address of the label "y" is 0x The memory location at "x" contains: address contents 0x4005a ????????????????... which represents the beq instruction. Find the 16-bit constant indicated by the????. Hint: Branch target address = address of branch (16-bit constant signextended, shift left 2) (7 points) 0x = 0x4005a offset offset = 0x x4005a4 = 0xffff ff80 = bit I = A 9

10 MIPS instructions op1, op2 are registers, op3 is register or constant cont[op1] means contents of op1 move op1, op2 cont[op1] = cont[op2] add op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] + cont[op3] sub op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] - cont[op3] mul op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] * cont[op3] div op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] / cont[op3] rem op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] % cont[op3] not op1, op2 cont[op1] = not cont[op2] (bitwise) and op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] and cont[op3] (bitwise) or op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] or cont[op3] (bitwise) nand op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] nand cont[op3] (bitwise) nor op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] nor cont[op3] (bitwise) xor op1, op2, op3 cont[op1] = cont[op2] xor cont[op3] (bitwise) sll op1, op2, AMT cont[op1] = cont[op2] shift left logical by AMT bits srl op1, op2, AMT cont[op1] = cont[op2] shift right logical by AMT bits sra op1, op2, AMT cont[op1] = cont[op2] shift right arithmetic by AMT bits rol op1, op2, AMT cont[op1] = cont[op2] rotate left by AMT bits ror op1, op2, AMT cont[op1] = cont[op2] rotate right by AMT bits b label j label beq op1, op2, label bne op1, op2, label bgt op1, op2, label bge op1, op2, label blt op1, op2, label ble op1, op2, label beqz op1, label bnez op1, label bgtz op1, label bgez op1, label bltz op1, label blez op1, label la R, label li R, constant lw R,?? goto label goto label if (cont[op1]==cont[op2]) goto label if (cont[op1]!=cont[op2]) goto label if (cont[op1]>cont[op2]) goto label if (cont[op1]>=cont[op2]) goto label if (cont[op1]<cont[op2]) goto label if (cont[op1]<=cont[op2]) goto label if (cont[op1]==0) goto label if (cont[op1]!=0) goto label if (cont[op1]>0) goto label if (cont[op1]>=0) goto label if (cont[op1]<0) goto label if (cont[op1]<=0) goto label cont[r] = address of label cont[r] = constant cont[r] = M[ADDR] A 10

11 lb R,?? lbu R,?? sw R,?? sb R,?? cont[r] = m[addr], sign-extended cont[r] = m[addr], zero-extended M[ADDR] = cont[r] m[addr] = low 8-bits of cont[r] if?? is a label, ADDR = address of label if?? is (R), ADDR = cont[r] if?? is constant(r), ADDR = cont[r] + constant if?? is label(r), ADDR = cont[r] + address of label mtc0 op1, op2 contents of coprocessor 0 register op1 = contents of MIPS register op2 mfc0 op1, op2 contents of MIPS register op1 = contents of coprocessor 0 register op2 Syscall usage: print an int $v0=1, $a0=int to be printed print a string $v0=4, $a0=address of string to be printed read an int $v0=5, input int appears in $v0 exit $v0=10 MIPS register names: $0 $1 $2,$3 $v0,$v1 $4 - $7 $a0 - $a3 $8 - $15 $t0 - $t7 $16 - $23 $s0 - $s7 $24 - $25 $t8 - $t9 $26 - $27 $k0 - $k1 $28 $gp $29 $sp $30 $s8 $31 $ra A 11

12 ss ssst tttt dddd d add rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt dddd d sub rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt mult rs,rt ss ssst tttt div rs,rt ss ssst tttt dddd d addu rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt dddd d subu rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt multu rs,rt ss ssst tttt divu rs,rt dddd d mfhi rd ss sss mthi rs dddd d mflo rd ss sss mtlo rs ss ssst tttt dddd d and rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt dddd d nor rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt dddd d or rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt dddd d xor rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt dddd d sllv rd,rt,rs ss ssst tttt dddd d srlv rd,rt,rs ss ssst tttt dddd d srav rd,rt,rs ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii addi rt,rs,i ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii addiu rt,rs,i ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii andi rt,rs,i t tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii lui rt,i ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iii ori rt,rs,i ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii xori rt,rs,i t tttt dddd diii ii sll rd,rt,i t tttt dddd diii ii srl rd,rt,i t tttt dddd diii ii sra rd,rt,i bb bbbt tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii lw rt,i(rb) bb bbbt tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii lb rt,i(rb) bb bbbt tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii lbu rt,i(rb) bb bbbt tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii sw rt,i(rb) bb bbbt tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii sb rt,i(rb) ss sss iiii iiii iiii iiii bltz rs,i ss sss iiii iiii iiii iiii bgez rs,i ss sss iiii iiii iiii iiii blez rs,i ss sss iiii iiii iiii iiii bgtz rs,i ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii beq rs,rt,i A 12

13 ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii bne rs,rt,i ss ssst tttt dddd d slt rd,rs,rt ss ssst tttt iiii iiii iiii iiii slti rt,rs,i ii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii j I ss sss jr rs ii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii iiii jal I ss sss dddd d jalr rd,rs syscall A 13

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