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regger, 1976; Barnett, 1953; Becker, Whisler, 1967]; &!C H'(*B [Rogers, 1983; Zaltman et al., 1984]. 3 - C+ &'!.7 (:( (7+7H &C! (&!&*7/ F C/*&'* : *:7 &. I*/ '.&*)*B, )*( -/ (+,&'*, &J'C&'* 'F. 1+* C/ FB :0(/.*/* H ', F ( : *:7$', * (''7, (/( ' *)*-. " 0+*B&,*B * ' *(, 7*.:#$', )* * '0 *-, H +* &/I(( 7 : -.(&7, ' * : :!#7 innovation * invention. 3 ( ),! 9(, F ((.(&!$',&7, *&'' *:7',&7. "(/( ' * (''7. (&7',! C!''7 F&,, *)*7. ' $H ) F. '(# '!I( []0+&(B, '7 0!. (:#, (/(', : '(+0*- &+ *- )*7, C!+,(B &(&+ 70!. +* :#H :. I7 0, 9*&!$#( 9' 7&'*. )&*.J( 7 ' ( (&- '7 )*- #( (/!. ]F )*7 ) F&,,. ' C 7: +*:)*-, ' *)*7 ' &, + : C 7:( )*+.+7 :.&$I7,. & - )*- *: & (F, 7! (+&7, *J,. (B$#. D '0.*/! *)*- :!*$',&7 7. )& ' :!+,'' )*- 16

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rockhoff, 1992; Roberts, 1987]. 37''7 *)*- 0$',&7 (:#('( '*+,( # : +*: B0 &.**J7 : (( ' C+(:,(( : &(&+ ' *( )*7, (, (/* 'F. 1 J.J( (( H &. C( &(&+('( )B ' *! I/ '(/.7',, 7 &'!'! '. )& []0+&(B, 2011; Swan et al., 1999]. ] ::#H P.. ]0+&,(B, : &'!'! +*&'&,0.*- /! *)*7 :0+7H',&7 7 I &' &'!'!, F &+H',&7 : 9*&(/ +'*. X7 &'!'!.! '.* &' $H',- &7 +7 '0, FC.'*! :*! (0+7* ( (&'!'(&7!. '(#! '*+*. 1+* I '( I!'(&7 * :.&$- I!'(&7. D#$ * $ ' :!*7 *)*- :BJ+ *- C I7! ' *- (9!:*- *)*B, :..*B U. I &. &+*( (:#H *)*$ 7 C H', *$ C *$, F &. (B- $',&7 &.I(# (+$($ C 0*:)*B$ &'!'! $) 7 * [Rogers, 1995; 2004a; 2004b]. "**'$ &C+(*&'$ &'!- '! +*&'&,0.*/! H ', F *. C#H :**&', *- )*- *:(/ './ -- I(''H0 )(+!. 17

18 3 )&!+, :!*7 *)*B, **! * &'!'! - +*&'&,0, (/(', : I+(&'* -/ (9*)*B * &+7 I! : '.* 9!)*!7. "*.*. )&!+,0.*/! *)*7 :!*H',& :(' *. I7 (/ *B +$,(, 7*. '70 ' (+0 #&! &'!.$',! :H*$ : *J(( +$,( *&'('!- )*+,! '&'* [Swan ' *., 1999, &. 263; Van de Ven, 1986]. %J (:#7 I/ ),0..!+7 0 (*.*/! &9!+, ':... %)*7 ). &'(B * +**B(B 9-, & *J.+&(B C0''.(B. )&, F +$#H )(+( 7. 70, ' * : '0 : 7:! [Wolfe, 1994, &. 411]. 7(( ' ( :..(B *&' (#(B.*/* (:#- 7 * &+*I7 *)*B, F H :0! +*:!'( (*! :('! -/ +B [Rothwell, 1992]. I/ ),0.*/!. - &'+. 7',.+*, +B *)*B,.#($#( : 1960-/ *: *. &'(/ +**B(/ &+(/ *' '((/. D*&'+7 *&!$#(/ (:#, *)*B 0!.$ &+*(- *.* *()' P.. %+,H-!I+((+ (&, F &.)(9*#(B :*&' *)*B &+$', :*(, 0+$ 9!)*- H$ *)*B- *7+,&'* H 9!)*7 :* [z+,, 1997, &. 7]. *:* ' (.- *:! (:#$', *.(&!$', &* (- 0(, 7( $', *.*'( *)*-. P.( $#(&,. )* *'- #(:7(/ ["# J(B, P!/, 2000; D(, (9(+, 2005] ' :!C*I(/ 9/*)*, [Barnett, 1953; Rogers, 1995; Cooper, 1986; Zaltman, 1984] I ( ('( (:! / ' (&'(,. (- '(/ 7, 7* C (7(+(&7 &. I((!&.*J :+'( J+7/ * - *- -- '*+7! (0+7* - '/+0*- C 0.!'!: (:,!*+,*&',; +$)*B*&',, :'*&',. (!; &J'C*&',, &(&'*&',; &!&.*+, :#!F*&',; :!+*&', C H'(((. )&( &(/ &9 / &!&.*+,0 I(''7; *) *H')*7.*(F7.!'(&'*.!- '* '.&+!0; *.**&',.' C ' #*!7 &.I(#*, &. 7- *&', -/ :+7; 18

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}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

30 *B, I(''H(/. '( ' &*! H :&C( &-!*)*-, &*', *I&C(&'*& &.*+!7 'F. 3 J* +* *)*B(/. )&* C!+( &. 7(( * +**B((, F &. F!+ +*:. )&* ((7 '.J(- 7 (/ *B, '/+0*B, &)*!+,'! (/ *. '(. X*. )&(!7+7$',&7! (0+7* #*' (:#(/.&+*(/ '.*. 3 ( ),! *)*B(B. )& :0+7H',&7 C +(J *B *: B0 I+((/ 9 (*+*:)*-,. 0'(:)*- #( ' &+7)*-), C 7 -/. C*)*7,.&+* :*. ^(+ : )(/ +B! F &+! (0+7* '( ( (&'!$',&7 B '(#(.*a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a!'!$',&7 *B, H / ' (&'(( &!C H' *)*B0. )&!, 7* (:- 30

31 #$', B0 :'*&', &. (B'(, )*$'( * *-, '/+0*-, 'I :/('( - :&'&!7, (&'!'(&7 ((,. I!- '( ' :.&$I!'( -/. X* / ' (&'((.(&!$',&7.7'- '7 *)*B&'*,.*/( :!*7 70 +*:!+(&7 (!..,!. 0 9*. 1 J I+(((, *I.&(/+0*#* / ' (&'(( *(*!+,(/ ' 0!.(/ &!C H'*, H &'!'! *&(, &C+(&'* &'&!* *I ((,.&(/+0*#(B +*' 'F. D#(B.7&$+,(B.')*+ +7 +B (9!:*- *)*B H ' *7 &)*+,0!#7, : '* --.- '(, 7 &(+*# +$7,. 7, &+*!7, &9'(*&',, &)*+, &.!7 * '()*7. P U. I & : 0+J! '!, F. (B7''7 C ( (&'7 *(* -.*( #( ( C! :+I(', * C0',/.&(/+0*#(/ ' &)*+,-.&(/+0*#(/ #((*. ]- F *)*$ I : :!*'( * -B &+ :B'(. '(# :&'- &!7, C!. (B7' ' J(, 7 C*+,J. &'*! ( (&'* *)*-. 7* : (/.J( $$',&7 '*+,( :.- 0$ *I&C(&'*&-!*)*-, * '! (.!. (B7''7 *)*B :+I(', * I+(&'* C:.&,0 ''!. 3 (B7''7, :+I(', 'I * *(*!+,(/ )*&'B * &. (B7''7 +$($ &C. ]F * +*.*( C *J* *)*-.( #( &!. #', )( )*&'7, ** *&',. (B7''7 *)*- :(I!H',&7. %)*-, 7* I (. C!'(. '(, 7 (&'( &''# *J7,. (B$',- &7 : C*+,J$ 0'*&'$. ^( C*+,J J'* * :!&(+, C/* +7 (. C!7 *)*-, '( J B* *&', --. (B7''7. D+I * &'+7 *)*B * :'&'*. '(#- -/ +*:)*-, U. I &..!.*+7'( +$B. 7', '(/ 0!.: 1) ' * (&*C, * ('(/ &,0 0, : (/ '$ (&'*! F! :!** ),0 &+); 2) */.&+*(* (7* '( * C *+, &+*!$', : ' (, F(.*+7$#( *)*B* *-); 3) $ C*+,J*&', (&*C, 7*. ()(.* 0'* +!#('(&7 ' #(/ *B, 7F ) &!.- #(', -/* *' & *. ()(.); 4).*:$ C*+,J*&',, 7.*' (!H *)*-: ).* '(& ' (''* #(. &'- C*+,J&'*; C)! :*, 7F *- *)*- :C*0$',&7 : -- +&(( *7(, *' &(,.' C(; )! :* +7 7$ 31

32 &('!)*H$ C '(, F )7 C*+,J*&', +, H; 5) *&'+(/ (CB-!I(/) [Rogers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

33 +( 9' +(.!0 0!. :.#'!H ( (- &'7.!'! :7( 9'! *I&C(&'*&-!*)*-. 1. J! '.* I(''H0 )(+!.!'!, +(.,0 BI */' :H,. IH 9' +(. *! :C*+,J7 ' (+&'* +0.+(! : &'H *+,*&', &.I(#*, 9'(*&', +(.&'!. :(I!H',&7. 1'*&',.*(F!- H',&7 9' *I&C(&'*&0 &.*+!7, :7( 7! - F!H',&7 C:.!.)* *: #(&+ '(/, /' &.'(# &'(',&7 *)*B. 1.#'! SS &'., 9'(# #& : +7(, 7* - )'!$',!0!.!&* 9 /, /*:/ * :* - &'7/ $ , ((H *J 0!. - +B *)*B(/. )&*, F :& I!H',&7!$34 3,,. }/ #+,( H \. b!.'. B0. *7 *#0 :('! (1912) (+ ' :! +**B! +,.J( 7 *)*B. }- &!', :(',&7 '0: 1) (/*(), *7+,*&', H I + *)*B * :*B&$- H',&7.: *$,.*. (H)* +(J.*#$',.* * (''7 * ( (&'!$', -/ +7 &' 7 '/*#(//'/+- 0*#(/ *)*B, :'(/. (&('(. (C!'; 2) *#(B :(' H *&) :7( :!&(++7.*. (H)*, &*+,( # :! )*$ *I (( : 7+7$',&7 *.!'(, '/* ' '/+0*-; 3) *)*B(B. )& H +**B(, *.#(H',&7 : (/-! * : J!H',&7 *)*H$, F H. (C!'. %J I!#(, +**B +, \. b!.' 9!&!H',&7. 0'(:)*B*B 9 * *)*B0. )&!. D0* : $ & *)*- :!+$$', *# : &'7. 3 ( ),! *)*- 0!$',&7.: *$ * :+I * --.' C. 3 :- '(B.+( &)*+,0 :+7 *)*B! '(*&',! +* #& *',! '*B &+*B (7F &:'( :&' *+*B) 9 * B &* #!H. *:(/.*!#- (/ : *)*B0 I'! [! (#, 2004; &(B, 2008]. D(#B, +**B +, \. b!.' &+$+&7 B! &H! :('!. BJ+ *+, '.*. 1 $#(&,! '+*, ::#(, F, 7 &+*,! 50-/ / SS &'. C!+ &' +- 33

34 &(#! ',/! +, *)*B: 9!'+,* &+*I7. (+* &+*I7 &'!' &,* : C(. 3 '70 &'!.(/ * :7(. )7 *&'* *. &'- (* C*:&-J*+ +* C!+ :+$#(B '., C:.&-,. 7:(B :. )& &+*I, * : C, & '. ( C()' * #(, : 7(+&7 +**B - +, '/+0*#0.J'/! (C +&(#, technologypush, science-push, pro-active model ). " 7+7H &C$. (- #(-&+*(B +)$I,.#' 70 H 9!'+,* &+*I7, : J7 ( C()' * :.&$I7 *)*B. X* +* a!'!+(&7 :(#(/ &,0*!7+7/. ', F &* *)*B +I',!* (/( ' * (''7. "I+($ -/ &C+(*&'$ H ', F I(B '. ( C+7H :!+,- '', 7(B H /*( &! &.+,J0 '.!, &'!.* &'*-. 7:* : '(( : 7:( :.. *. E&*+,( 0+ :7 'B '.+70+! ( C()'*, +*:)*-.!)*-,!0. (*+7+&7. J( &'*7 *)*B0. )- &!, &!-&+*( ' &+*-&'!' &,( C- ', F :!(+ &' 7!.*7/ +(- *+,&'*!- (/ +C ' *B. 3 )&! I )*+*:)*-!(/ &70,. (*+7+&7 :# J!0(, * I&7 ''(#(. & (* 60-/.#'! 70-/ * SS &'. C!+ : C- + (! +, (+**B +, ('70!7..(', (0 '7I*7, demand-pull, need-pull, market-pull, reactive model ), F.7&$H',&7 &(#7 (!.!)*H$ * '!F( :C!'!. )B #&.&(+(+&7 C ',C.*B : #- &'! (! ( market shares battle ), F :!&(+.*-. &'( 9!&!0( *: &+*I, * : C (7+7 ((/.- ' C. '(0 *. 0:!7..('! C!$', +* C*+,J0 :#7. +* ('70!7..('.J'/ +7 &' 7 *)*- IH',&7 (7+.' C, 1 &'$', &'!.( '., F H :0! :+,('( :.('( (! / / ((H C H!$# +, ( coupling of R & D and marketing, feedback model ), F *C(H I+(*&', 7 ((/, ' * '/+0*#(/ 9' *. I +( *)*B (&'!.$', :!+,''( 1, 'I.' C( (!. +* *)*B- *7+,&'* ' ',0.+*7 :C *0$', 34

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line, Rosenberg, 1985]. }-. 0$ H /!7 *:*''7 I + *)*B, 7(/ *& :!+,''(!(/ &+*I, (* ($', * :7);.' C( (!; *&!$#* :7 (:*J* +7.*-) * :7, ' (*. )&* #7 +&! &**. [ *H$ ++$ '(/ #&*, F, 7 * +)$0, )'!H *)*B!. )&* :#!F*&', I7 (/ *B, *- (''*, (/*, H +, *)*B0. )&! ' (1986). " 7+7H &C$ #*' &'!'! (B. )& : C( 0.!'!. D.. &,(. 9&.!.- [Cooper, 1986] +, H &+$ &(&'$, F H.&+*- * '.( * */( / '. '!. %)*B(B. )& :0+7H',&7 7 +**B(B, C: I+(&'*. 7.. * '.(, + I '. ) C*. ++,(/ *B, (- 35

36 !(/ *I(&)(.+* (( (. 1 (/* *'!/+$H',&7 : '(/ *J,:. B'( &'!.0 '.!, : ('(. ', *+&'(. ',.' ('(.'#(B '.. 3.#' &'!.0 '.! :' I!H',&7.+ *B '. * (- :#$',&7 ' &'!.(/ :C *, 7* (!$', 9!)*$ *', * :!+,''(, F $', C!'( &70!'*. I &'!.(B '.!. )&* * *- (7 '! (.' C!H & C*+,J(/ (' ', '! (' *- )*(. /!. '! &'!.- (B '. &'$', +* I &'*J((. D &H$ &. 7*&'$ &/I$ : ++$ *' H +,, : C+ P. "B+ B' (S.C. Wheelwright) *. + (K. B. Clark). }- &!', (&*'+ (:* Revolutionizing product development: quantum leaps in speed, efficiency, and quality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enry Chesbrough)! (:* "* ('* *)*-. 1(B J+7/ &' 7 * ( (&'7 '/+0*B (2003). *)7 SS &'. #($ I+&7 C/**&', : C( *)*- & (*.*-, 'C' &' 7!&.*J- *)*- +( 0 '!'( &&'*B 0 )*7 *B,. 7!-&+*(),(/ ' &+*-&'!' &,(/ C*', ( C()', '(0, :- 36

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