1 Introduction Why Study Programming Languages?

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1 1 Introduction Why Study Programming Languages? Choosing the right language for the job Designing a better language Languages we know determine how we think about programming A language that doesn t affect the way you think about programming is not worth knowing. Alan Perlis 1

2 8 Languages in an hour We look briefly at some of the variety we find in programming languages Just to show variety; don t worry if you don t understand most of the programs Fortran Cobol Lisp APL Forth Eiffel Bison Mercury 2

3 1.1 Fortran (FORmula TRANslator) Designed in the mid 1950s Subroutines, but no recursion or nesting Control flow by goto, conditional, and bounded iteration Commonly used in engineering and science applications Fortran 90 and 95 are much improved versions, compared to the original versions; work is under way on Fortran

4 Fortran example integer I, MX, MN,A(100) real RS read(a(i), I = 1, 100) MX = A(1) MN = A(1) do 10 I = 2, 100 if (A(I).gt.MX) MX = A(I) if (A(I).lt.MN) MN = A(I) 10 continue RS = (MN + MX)/2 write RS end 4

5 1.2 Cobol (COmmon Business Oriented Language) Designed around 1959 For processing large amounts of data Verbose, for readability Powerful notion of file Supports goto, conditional goto, for loop Program consists of 4 divisions: Identification, Environment, Data, and Procedure Still commonly used for business applications 5

6 Cobol example (simplified) data division file section FD STFILE 01 STUDENT 02 STUDENT-NAME picture A(15) 02 COURSE occurs 30 times 03 COURSE-NAME picture AAAA SCORE picture STUDENT-ID picture working-storage section 01 TOTAL picture

7 Cobol example (simplified) (2) procedure division init. open input STFILE. move zero to TOTAL. sum. read STFILE; at end go to fin. perform adding varying J from 1 by 1 until J > 30. go to sum. adding. read COURSE(J). add SCORE to TOTAL. fin. display TOTAL. close STFILE. 7

8 1.3 Lisp (LISt Processing) Designed in the late 1950s, inspired by the lambda calculus. Still in active use, with several dialects surviving Functional, that is, mainly based on function application Functions are first-class objects, even if higher-order and/or recursive Typeless: S-expression is the only type 8

9 Lisp (LISt Processing) (2) S-expression is number, atom (symbol), or list d b c a This binary tree represents the S-expression (((a.nil).(b.c)).(d.nil)) 9

10 Lisp example (defun intersect (m n) (cond ((null m) nil) ((member (car m) n) (cons (car m) (intersect (cdr m) n))) (t (intersect (cdr m) n)))) This function returns the intersection of two lists 10

11 1.4 APL (A Programming Language) Designed in the early 1960s Extremely compact programs Based on multidimensional arrays Powerful array operations, elementwise, cumulative,... Many special symbols, uses a special character set Used in scientific and engineering applications 11

12 APL example A program that generates the first N Fibonacci numbers: F IB N [1] A 1 1 [2] 2 N > ρa A, +/ 2 A 12

13 APL example (2) A program that generates prime numbers up to N: (2 = +/[1]0 = S. S)/S ι N) With experience this becomes readable (?) Some call APL a write-only language Often easier to rewrite than modify a function concise readable! 13

14 1.5 Forth Designed in the early 1970s for use on small computers Stack based: operations take their operands from the (single) stack and place their result(s) on the stack No named parameters or local variables; data is handled by stack manipulation Forth is the basis for the Postscript page description language 14

15 Forth example : sqr dup * ; n => n*n : dosum swap 1 + n, s => s, (n+1) swap over => (n+1), s, (n+1) sqr + ; => (n+1), (s+(n+1)^2) : sumsqr 0 swap n => 0, n 0 swap 0 => 0, 0, n, 0 do dosum loop => sum i=0 to n of i^2 15

16 1.6 Eiffel Designed in the 1980s Object oriented: definitions of operations and data are encapsulated together. Uses inheritance to define new data structures and operations in terms of others Design by contract: operations specify the initial conditions they require and the final conditions they will ensure Polymorphic: can define operations and types that can work on objects of any type 16

17 Eiffel example class STACK[T] export push, pop, empty, full feature implementation: ARRAY[T] max_size: INTEGER nb_elements: INTEGER Create(n: INTEGER) is do if n>0 then max_size := n end; implementation.create(1, max_size) end; 17

18 Eiffel example (2) empty: BOOLEAN is do Result := (nb_elements = 0) end; pop:t is require not empty do Result := implementation.entry(nb_elements); nb_elements := nb_elements - 1; ensure not full; nb_elements = old nb_elements - 1 end;... 18

19 1.7 Bison Originally developed in the 1980s as a free replacement for the older YACC language Special purpose designed for writing parsers Translates input into C source code Usually used with a scanner generator such as FLEX Usually used for only a small part of an application 19

20 Bison example %{ #define YYSTYPE double #include <math.h> %} %token NUM %left - + %left * / %left NEG /* negation--unary minus */ %right ^ /* exponentiation */ %% 20

21 Bison example (2) input: /* empty string */ input line ; line: \n exp \n { printf ("\t%.10g\n", $1); }; exp: NUM { $$ = $1; } exp + exp { $$ = $1 + $3; } exp - exp { $$ = $1 - $3; } exp * exp { $$ = $1 * $3; } exp / exp { $$ = $1 / $3; } - exp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; } exp ^ exp { $$ = pow ($1, $3); } ( exp ) { $$ = $2; } ; %% 21

22 1.8 Mercury Originated in early 1990s at University of Melbourne Logic/functional programming language A program consists of clauses, that is, facts and rules that allow new facts to be deduced from old Purely declarative A program can be regarded as a knowledge-base (what to compute, rather than how) Strong types and modes Nondeterministic: some queries have multiple solutions Control flow by backtracking as well as invocation Parameter passing by unification (bidirectional) 22

23 Mercury example :- type list(t) ---> [] ; [T list(t)]. :- pred append(list(t), list(t), list(t)). :- mode append(in, in, out) is det. :- mode append(in, out, in) is semidet. :- mode append(out, out, in) is multi. append([], C, C). append([a B], C, [A BC]) :- append(b, C, BC). 23

24 24

25 2 Abstraction We all know that the only mental tool by means of which a very finite piece of reasoning can cover a myriad cases is called abstraction ; as a result the effective exploitation of his powers of abstraction must be regarded as one of the most vital activities of a competent programmer.... The purpose of abstracting is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise. Edsgar Dijkstra 25

26 Abstraction (2) From the ultralingua.net dictionary: 1. The process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances; generalization. 2. A general concept formed by extracting common features from specific examples. 26

27 Abstraction (3) Good programmers continually look for better abstractions for what they are doing Often find them in new functions or datatypes Occasionally they can only be found in a different programming language or paradigm, or by using a language preprocessor Once in a while, one must invent a new preprocessor or language or even paradigm 27

28 2.1 Abstraction in programming Some abstractions developed in computer science: assembly language abstracted instruction numbers and formats FORTRAN and other high-level languages abstracted the details of the actual machine Operating Systems abstracted interaction with external entities functions and procedures abstract a sequence of operations 28

29 2.1.1 Machine Language Why do we have programming languages? A (fragment of a) stored executable program ultimately looks like this: and initially, this was what programmers wrote (or toggled into a computer s front panel) Each line is a command; command names, register numbers, etc, are encoded as numbers 29

30 2.1.2 Assembly Language In assembly language the above might be written LOAD I ADD J STORE K Take the value stored in I s cell, add the value stored in J s cell, and put the sum in K s cell I.e., calculate K = I + J Abstracts numeric opcodes to symbols, addresses to names 30

31 2.1.3 More intelligible languages Historic trend towards more abstract, understandable programming notation The language should help us write programs that are easy to read, easy to understand, easy to modify This generally means higher levels of abstraction, and sometimes specialization for certain programming tasks Different languages provide different abstractions; no one-size-fits-all language 31

32 2.1.4 Data and Control Abstraction The two most important kinds of abstractions made in programming languages are data and control abstraction Discussed in detail later Data abstractions abstract the things the program manipulates Control abstractions abstract the operations performed 32

33 2.2 Binding Time Binding time: when a particular decision is made Many possible binding times, but the most interesting are: 1. Run time 2. Compile time (or link time) 3. Coding time (programmer decides) 4. Language implementation time 5. Language definition time 33

34 Binding Time (2) Some issues to consider binding time for: variable type possible variable values variable value data structure deallocation procedure invoked conditional branch taken 34

35 Binding Time (3) Trade-off between flexibility and efficiency Later binding times often mean simpler and more powerful facilities, earlier often mean better performance For example, deciding about storage reclamation at runtime (GC) makes programming easier and more robust; deciding at coding time is more efficient Program analysis may allow some reclamation at compile-time, with the rest done at runtime. This is typical: often some runtime decisions can be made at compile-time by program analysis 35

36 2.3 Issues What are your favourite programming languages? Why? What do you like about them? What language misfeatures do you dislike? What makes a language powerful? Safe? Easy to code? Easy to debug? 36

37 2.4 Syntax Some syntax issues in language design: readability consistency orthogonality simplicity substitutivity familiarity 37

38 2.4.1 Readability The C syntax for declarations aims at being very consistent with the syntax for object use. For example, int *n; makes it clear that *n denotes an integer. However, char (*(*x())[])(); does not exactly make it clear that x is a function, and the type of the function would be a mystery even to seasoned programmers. 38

39 2.4.2 Consistency C syntax deliberately blurs the distinction between pointers and arrays (and strings). Often misleading: pointers and arrays are semantically very different Many (but not all!) operations can be applied equally well to arrays and pointers, leading to errors Can refer to the same object as f[3], *(f+3), or even 3[f]. Is that really what we want? 39

40 2.4.3 Orthogonality Pre 1977 Fortran had a number of strange restrictions on syntax. E.g., 5 * X was allowed, but not X * 5. Also, something like F(100 - X) was illegal. For a subroutine call like that, one would have to do Y = X F(Y) 40

41 2.4.4 Simplicity The syntax of languages like PL/I and Ada are criticized as being too complex. There is much to remember, making it difficult to program without a reference manual at hand Lisp has a very simple syntax: everything is a list, written surrounded with parentheses Many Lisp hackers appreciate the simple syntax, finding that it makes code layout simple Lisp detractors for Lisp programs unreadable, however, insisting that LISP stands for Lots of Incomprehensible Silly Parentheses. Familiarity issue? Visual complexity? 41

42 2.4.5 Substitutivity The old debate about the semicolon: In PL/1: a statement terminator In Pascal: a statement separator In C: a terminator for some statements, not blocks Pascal programmers have a problem editing: begin x := 5; y := 7 end 42

43 Substitutivity (2) In C, macros cause trouble with semicolon. Now #define swap(p,q) \ {t=p; p=q; q=t;} if (x>3) swap(x,y); is fine, but we have a problem with if (x>3) swap(x,y); else x=y; 43

44 Substitutivity (3) It is not easy to see how to avoid this. The expert C hacker will write: #define swap(p,q) \ do {t=p; p=q; q=t} while (0) This doesn t even declare t a bigger problem Even a simple definition like: #define square(x) x*x goes badly wrong 44

45 2.4.6 Familiarity Sometimes language designers break conventions from mathematical notation or other programming languages, making life harder for programmers In C, the assignment operator is =, the usual notation for identity, a symmetric relation Made worse by the fact that an assignment has a value, so that if (x = 3)... is syntactically correct Other operators (e.g., <- or :=) preferable? But now = is familiar from FORTRAN, C, etc! 45

46 Familiarity (2) The Z specification language uses L A T E X to write programs, so Z uses rich notation including symbols such as,,, etc. Prolog has an if then construct, p -> q, which looks like classical implication, but false -> false returns false! A different syntax would be less misleading. (NU-Prolog, differs: the query would yield true.) 46

47 2.4.7 Conclusion These are some broad principles one can apply to programming language syntax. Unfortunately, how to weight these aspects is unclear, and even how to apply these principles is not always clear. Syntax decisions are influenced by: what kinds of problems are targeted background of likely practitioners programming environments available taste 47

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