532 damazolgroupshrinked,glandularepitheliumbecamethinner,andthenumberoftheglandsdecreased.ectopicendome trialcelswereshot cylindricaleventabularwithi

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1 )** ChineseJournalofPathophysiology 2013,29(3): [] (2013) !"#$%&' caspase 3 Bcl 2()*+,-. 1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2,! 2, "#$ 2 ( 1 "#$%$%,& "# ; 2 $%' $%, ; 3 & (%)*,& "# ) [/ 0],:+,-./01. 2(EMT) :$; caspase 3 Bcl 2 <=>?,@A-./BC EMT= DE0 1 :D. -0 EMT3 4 F,G EMT34HEIJ FK <LMBCK -./BC 1K -./BC 2K,NO 4, K FK ) P3Q,RD HEST UVWX Y K FK 569: = D K Z K caspase 3 Bcl 2 = <[\ :-./BCK, P] ^_Q(P<0.01),) `a]bc0 a], ;56, 78, a]; -./K <LMK6 _,,6 _, ST, ;56 78Q 9 ;, K ], FK Bcl 2 < ;-./K 56 caspase 3 < (P<0.01), Bcl 2 < (P<0.05) :-./ 34 EMT a]= c0 D, DE / 56= caspase Bcl 2 EMT= <, 56=78, E0 [ 2]. 2;-./;5678 [3456] R711 [789:] A doi: /j.isn EfectofFugongningonmorphologyandproteinexpresionofcaspase 3 andbcl 2inratendometrioticcels HUANGYue yan 1,XIAOChun 2,YINMan xiang 3,LIUChun hua 2,QIAOYu dan 2,SHI Min 2,WANGXiao min 2,XUYou hui 2 ( 1 JiaxingUniversityColegeofMedicine,Jiaxing314001,China; 2 SchoolofBasicMedicalSciences,JiangxiUniversityof TraditionalChineseMedicine,Nanchang330004,China; 3 DepartmentofPathology,ZhejiangProvincialCorpsHospital, ChinesePeople sarmedpoliceforce,jiaxing314000,china.e mail:hyylinda@163.com) [ABSTRACT] AIM:ToinvestigatetheefectofFugongning(FGN)ontreatingendometriosis(EMT)byobserv ingthechangesofhistopathologicalmorphologyandultrastructure,andtheexpresionofcaspase 3andBcl 2inanendom etrioticratmodel.methods:theratmodelofemtwasestablishedbyautotransplantationofendometrium,andthe modelratswererandomlydividedinto4groups:emtgroup,danazolgroup,fgn1groupandfgn2group.theratswere treatedwithnormalsalineinemtgroup,danazolindanazolgroupanddiferentdosesoffgninfgn1groupandfgn2 groupbyintragastricadministrationfor4weeks.after4weeksoftreatment,thesizeofthelesionandhistopathological morphologyofectopicendometrialtisueswereobservedundertransmisionelectronmicroscope.usingimmunohistochemis trymethod,theproteinexpresionofcaspase 3andBcl 2inendometriumandendometriotictisueswasdetermined.RE SULTS:ThesizeoftransplantedobjectinFGNtreatmentgroupswasmuchsmalerthanthatincontrolgroup,andthe growthoffocuswasinhibited.undertheelectronmicroscope,theectopicendometrialtisuesinfgntreatmentgroupsand [] [ ] [ ] (No )! Tel: ;E mail:hyylinda@163.com

2 532 damazolgroupshrinked,glandularepitheliumbecamethinner,andthenumberoftheglandsdecreased.ectopicendome trialcelswereshot cylindricaleventabularwithincompactarangement,andapoptosisandinterstitialfibrosiswere observed.eutopicendometriadidn tshowanypathologicalchanges.besides,mitochondrionswelingandlow,disappearedor vacuolatedmitochondrialcristainectopicendometrialcelswereobserved.immunohistochemistryresultsshowedthathigher expresionofbcl 2proteininectopicendometrialtisueinEMTgroupwasobserved.Theproteinlevelofcaspase 3intheec topicendometrialcelsinfgntreatmentgroupsincreased,whiletheproteinexpresionofbcl 2decreased,thuspromoting theapoptosisoftheectopicendometrialcels.conclusion:fgninhibitstheproliferationofectopicendometriumby inducingtheapoptosisofendometrioticcelsthroughactivatingcaspaseactivityandreducingbcl 2expresioninthecels. [KEYWORDS] Endometriosis;Fugongning;Apoptosis. 2(endometriosis,EMT) ), ) [1] EMT= ) )E0, BC = $BC) YJ, Da],-, J! b BC. 2P =!"# [2 4] -./ %!BC 2="#Z, $ % & ', # R D HEST UVWX Y K Z -. / #K 569: 78 <=, FK <LMBCK,(78= ),@A-./01= D E0 ; 1 1 < -./01*+, -Y./ " ml8 2g, g/kg 2.0g/kg <LM (danazol):;: 0<,=>?@J ,DAB5C 7 ml8:; 25mg Caspase 3 Bcl 2D E Y 2 =>?@ A FGH SD34,50I, (200±50)g,* 3$ #JK6L, $%)* #MN # #JO 15d,73 PQ, 34J[ R S 3T J[ R=J[R,RD. [5] U V EMT34 F 1%W XY,.,Z[\].)^`_ 1cm,`a ab cy G =. K 0.5cm 0.5cm 0.5cm3Q=, c \]., c Z Y JI, 3 5B C 4 " =34 40 I,HEIJ 4K, :-./BC 1K -./BC 2K,<LMBCK FK,7K 10I -. / 1K 2KI 1.0g kg -1 d g kg -1 d -1,<LMK 100mg kg -1 d -1, FK 4 9* NO 4 4 DE SZKFD,PH140AF /,LXJ 64 01F KE,SZ 93F J 5A B,BX 41F $] X,Q550CW R I 4 5 8, D 24h,, [ ),I K ].^( )1cm J, 10% 2 5%W D ( ) ) : 3, =Q, 9 =;, 1T, K % 9, I 1T TQ 9 P(` ), mm 3 2.5%W =K D 0 ZQ,UV WX. 56=78[\ 6 #$ F$&' HEGH IJ 48h," 5 Ua ZQ(Q 3~4μm) 5,HEST 7 KLBM 5NOM caspase 3 Bcl 2(),*+ G ZQ, ` K ST,RD SP ST,DAB]T :RD H score [6],* )* STE = ZQ,7 ZQHE 5T ( 400) K = 56, ST ( 6 / 6 1T)=56

3 533 I I <5%= 56, 0I;5% ~ 10%=56, 1I;11% ~50%=56, 2I;>50%=56, 3I 56 T 56 =ST(1T)J T, 3I; 1TJ, 1I;! =1 TJ4 T, 2I G 56I I ST I,J K PI(,! I = E ) 8 D SPSS13.0 `* E ±!(mean±sd),k E RD "Z!I SNK q##,rd Spearman4$ I ## caspase 3 Bcl 2 <=, P <0.05J! $%& T ) 9 =. / a], 56 56E 0_, 3 Figure1. Endometrialtisuesinmodelgroup(HE staining, 200).A:endometrioticlesion,withhighcolumnar epitheliumandvascularhyperemia;b:cysticendom etrioticlesion, withcolumnarglandularepithelium andinflammatorycelsinthecavity;c:eutopicen dometrium,withafewinflammatorycelsinfiltrating inglandularepithelium,andnondecreasingglands. 4 1?@B%&'BQ 1 #$ P,-. D' K) P! ;D,-./ <LM 34 E$ a]=c0 D -./K) a]_q, FK D' E ]^! (P<0.01); <LMK ]^! (P>0.05) <LMK FK ) P_Q (P<0.01), D' ) P_Q(P<0.01) FK ', P _Q, `(P<0.05), a) (, 1 * 1 #$ P,-. Table1.EfectofFugongningonvolumeofectopiccystsinrats withendometriosis(mm 3.Mean±SD.n=10) Group Beforetreatment Aftertreatment Model ± ± Danazoltreatment ± ± ## Fugongningtreatment ± ± ## Fugongningtreatment ± ± ## P<0.01vsmodel; ## P<0.01vsbeforetreatment. 2 BQ RM X[ FK 9 )*=+9,, J VZ,3 I 56 I, ( [ ), =%, = 9 98-% 1" 56., 1 <LMK a],56,56 /,, 2 -./K,, I) 0_! 1 56a],, % Figure2. Endometrialtisuesindanazoltreatmentgroup(HE staining, 200).A:high columnarglandularepi thelialhyperplasiainendometrioticlesionaroundovar ian;b:glandularepithelialhyperplasiaandinflamma tionbeinginhibitedinendometrioticlesion;c:vari ousdegreesofatrophyineutopicendometrialepitheli umandglands STUVB%&'BQ Figure3. EndometrialtisuesinFugongningtreatmentgroup (HEstaining, 100).A:significantly reduceden dometrioticlesion,withlitleintracavitarysecretion, andcystwalfibrosis;b:atrophyandloweringin partofendometrioticepithelium,andcystwalhemo siderosis;c:abundantglandsineutopicendometri um,withsecretionbutnoatrophy. 4 3 UVB%&'BQ 3 WX Y R UVWX] : FK N, 56, 5, 2' 456 <LMK, 456, I /K 6 _,, 6 _, ST, ;56 78Q 9, 4

4 534 Figure4.Ultrastructualchangesofendometrialepithilialcels.A:modelgroup( 4000);B:danazoltreatmentgroup( 4000); C:Fugongningtreatment1group( 4000);D:Fugongningtreatment2group( 8000). 4 4 %&',WX R 4 OM caspase 3()*+ caspase 3 K = 56 56=6 <, 3 1 T 1T=4, 5 5Q 56 E T K caspase 3 <5 6(P>0.05); K caspase 3 <5,-./ 1K 2K caspase 3 <a] FK(P<0.01) -./ 1K 2K caspase 3 <5 a] (P<0.01), FK <LMK caspase 3 < ]^! (P> 0.05), 2 1T=4, <,. <, 6 K Bcl 2 <5 6(P>0.05); K Bcl 2 <5,-./ 1K 2K Bcl 2 <a] FK(P<0.01) -./ 1 K 2K Bcl 2 <5 a] (P<0.01) FK::, Bcl 2 <5 a] (P<0.05) <L MK Bcl 2 <5 ] ^! (P>0.05), 3 Figure5.Activatedcaspase 3proteinexpresioninendometrial tisues(immunohistochemicalstaining).a:lowex presionin ectopicendometrium from modelgroup ( 400);B:highexpresioninectopicendometrium fromfugongningtreatmentgroup( 400);C:lowex presion in eutopic endometrium from Fugongning treatmentgroup( 200). 4 5 %&'BQOM caspase 3(),*+ * 2 ZBF$ #$&'OM caspase 3()*+[\,]^ Table2.Expresionofactivatedcaspase 3proteinineutopicand ectopicendometrialtisuesfromdiferentgroups(mean ±SD.n=10) Group Eutopicendometrium Ectopicendometrium Model 2.550± ±0.471 Danazoltreatment 2.450± ±0.412 Fugongningtreatment ± ±0.699 ## Fugongningtreatment ± ±0.675 ## P<0.01vsmodel; ## P<0.01vseutopicendometrium. 5 Bcl 2()*+ Bcl 2 < K = 56, 6 6 <, J 3 Figure6.Bcl 2proteinexpresioninendometrialtisues(immu nohistochemicalstaining, 200).A:highexpresion inectopicendometriumfrommodelgroup;b:lowex presion in ectopic endometrium from Fugongning treatmentgroup;c:highexpresionineutopicendo metriumfromfugongningtreatmentgroup. 4 6 %&'BQ Bcl 2(),*+ * 3 ZBF$ #$&' Bcl 2()*+[\,]^ Table3.ExpresionofBcl 2proteinineutopicandectopicendo metrialtisuesfrom diferentgroups(mean±sd.n= 10) Group Eutopicendometrium Ectopicendometrium Model 2.450± ±0.412 # Danazoltreatment 2.500± ±0.459 Fugongningtreatment ± ±0.738 # Fugongningtreatment ± ±0.978 # P<0.01vsmodel; # P<0.05vseutopicendometrium. 6 ZB#$&' Bcl 2 caspase 3*+,_ ` " Spearman4$ I, K bcl 2 = <5 caspase 3 = <5 ; (r=-0.377,p<0.05); K!= < ]

5 535 a EMT $ ` =. K. = =,! J " <" = >? 4 ) [ -,!@B EMT )E0 NA, ' $!BJ, C ' " % D E 6 = c [7], R = ", 56. C, 78=FDG [8]. H?, IJE = K C,J EMT= )L MN 2() )E B B/ 9 NO 3 < :BJ P, QR[. YLQ4 6, &%ST6. UV ')E,BC 3 % &J3 W 2=) )E, c%=!"#,xv % & JB C /=-./01, Y 6 % S= ",* `% " Z[ +, -Y \,?, ; 4. ) ;./ 014 %" &] ;^ 23 _`a Z[ b,c% /`,&% ; H ` ],c `/%` AZ,KZc*,$ = 78=, _Q ), ",;O<" =, 6 2 >!=b> #RD" = Y.,U V EMT F, # a FK, =,6 ;-./ 2T19KE 3 =c0 =,c 0_ 78 # K. E 7 8, F K , [9 12] 6 D-./, 5678 a], 4 [13] +, 2. 2 F = 6 -./K 5678 a]:wx[ ST <, =, 9 78Q =566 = = 6 -./=C E0, Z 56=78; Z, = 56= ;-./6 = Ia], 56= 9, c 56=0_, ) _Q +, K, -./K,EMT Bcl 2 <5 a], F K -./K34 56 caspase 3 = <5 /a], <LMK!! a] G K Bcl 2 caspase 3 <= " Spearman4$ I, K Bcl 2 = <5 caspase 3 = <5 ; (r=-0.377,p <0 05); K!= < ] *,-./ 56= caspase Bcl 2 EMT= <, 56=78, =c0 D Harada4 [14] ` EMT. 78 = #, EMT! 78= Ea][,!![ a], R, K 78 78= EMT = #,-./BCK a]78, a]78, >? 56 56=78, +,@A 'R #,,-./01 ER PR= < c0 `= D [15],<LM EMT34% E 2 P5,-./01 EMT3 4% E 2 P= D, FK% E 2 P89a ] K, a-./ c034 E 2 P= I,< BC EMT= = -./01Y % &, ) ( `=, DQ, `R D, - -./. 5678, <LMC, = E0 E 2 5 [ Z -./ E2= D <LM, $. = D [b c 7] [1].. 2='!+,(S ) [M].S 1. : 3$,2003: [2] P,,,4.STAT3 SOCS3. 2= +,[J]. )**,2012, 28(1): ,158. [3], M,. & =>?[J].,2008,24(10):54

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