4.1 Ordered Lists Revisited

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1 Chapter 4 Linked-lists 4.1 Ordered Lists Revisited Let us revisit our ordered-list. Let us assume that we use it for storing roll numbers of students in a class in ascending order. We can make the assumption that these roll numbers are of type integer. Assuming a class size of 50, we can create an object of OrderedList as follows: OrderedList <int> class1(50); Everything looks fine except the fact that in practice class sizes are quite variable we can have classes of sizes ranging from less than 10 to classes having a few hundred students. The problem is that if we allocated memory for the maximum possible class size then we would be wasting a lot of space for the usual cases. On the other hand if we did not do that then our program would not be able to handle large classes. We could overcome this difficulty by dynamically reallocating memory if it was determined at run time that more space was needed 1. Accordingly we rewrite the insert method (Fig ) void OrderedList <class T>:: insert(t value) if (isfull() ) resize(); // insert value in the list void OrderedList <class T>:: resize(float inc = 10.0) MaxSize = MaxSize*(1 + inc/100); T * temp = new T[MaxSize]; if (temp == ) raise OUT_OF_MEMORY; for (int i = 0; i < msize; i++) temp[i] = ListArray[i]; delete []ListArray; ListArray = temp; As can be seen easily, the resize method achieves its objective in O(N). However, we now have a system in which the required space grows dynamically according to the need. 1 C++ template class vector does something similar

2 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 2 of 37 This system nevertheless suffers from the problem of a lot of data movement. The function resize involves significant amount of data movement and for complex data types it could be a very heavy and time consuming operation. The same is true for insert, remove, and change operations as well. On the average, these operations require shifting n/2 elements from their original location to a new position. The overall time complexity of these operations remains O(n) but the data movement makes them very inefficient if large amounts of data is involved. When we deal with linear or ordered-lists, it is in general not required to have a random access to the elements. e.g., we usually do not need to ask questions like: who is the 8th person in this class? The data is usually processed in a strictly sequential order. Therefore we only need a mechanism to access the next element. If we can somehow tell where the next element is stored, we can eliminate this restriction of placing the next element at the next physical location. This gives rise to the notion of logical adjacency as opposed to physical adjacency. In that case, in order to access elements of a list, all we need is a starting point and some means to move from one element to the next. In other words, we need a starting point and a link from one element to the next. This observation can be used to avoid movement of data in the case of insert, remove, and change operations by just maintaining logical adjacency of elements instead of requiring them to be physically adjacent as well. The order of the sequence can be maintained by simply recording where the next element in the sequence is physically present. This results in a chain like structure where we can access the elements in the chain by just following the links in the chain. Such an organization is known as a linked-list. A detailed discussion on linked-lists follows. 4.2 Implementing Linked-Lists Linked-list can be implemented in an array (exercise # ) but it is much easier to implement a linked-list with the help of pointers and dynamic memory allocation.

3 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 3 of 37 We first define a node with two components: (1) a place for storing data, and (2) a pointer to the next node in the chain. This arrangement is shown in Figure struct Node T data; Node<T> * next; ; Data Next Depiction of a Node Structure A linked-list is now defined as a chain of linked nodes with a pointer pointing to the first or node in the chain. Specification of LinkedList in C++ is given in Figure. template<class T> class LinkedList friend class LinkedListIterator<T>; // iterator public: LinkedList(); // constructor ~ LinkedList (); // destructor void insert(t value); void remove (T value); LinkedList(const LinkedList & ol); // copy constructor const LinkedList & operator=(const LinkedList & rhs); // assignment operator private: Node <T> * ; ; An abstract depiction of a linked list with 5 nodes is presented in Fig The following points are worth noting down: 1. The pointer points to the first node in the list. 2. The end of the list is indicated by putting in the next field of the last node. 3. We can only move in the direction of the link. That is, we can move from a node to the node next to it but we cannot go back to the previous node.

4 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 4 of 37 Let us now define and discuss at each method of the LinkedList abstract data type The constructor The constructor simply initializes the pointer to be equal to to indicate an initially empty list. LinkedList<T>::LinkedList() = ; List traversal and the Iterator As discussed in the last chapter, we would need iterators to iterate over the elements of the linked-list class so that we can process data according to our own specific needs without exposing the internal implementation details of the underlying collection class and is shown in Figure class LinkedListIterator private: LinkedList<T> *list; Node<T> *current; public: LinkedListIterator( LinkedList<T> *ll): list(ll), current(ll->) void begin()current = list->; bool isdone() return current == ; void next() if (!isdone()) current = current->next; else throw ILLEGAL_REFERNCE_EXCEPTION; T getdata() if (!isdone()) return current->data; else throw ILLEGAL_REFERNCE_EXCEPTION; ;

5 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 5 of 37 We can now use this iterator to process information stored in the linedlist as shown in Figure LinkedList<int> intlist; // add data to the list LinkedListIterator<int> myiterator(&intlist); // create iterator and attach list to it for(myiterator.begin();!myiterator.isdone(); myiterator.next()) cout << myiterator.getdata() << " "; Inserting and deleting a node after a given node Insertion and deletion are the two fundamental operations for any container class. Before discussing insertion and deletion in general, let us define the following two methods (not shown in class specification): (a) insert an element after a given node, and (b) delete the node after a given node. These two functions will help us in understanding a number of concepts involved in implementing linked-lists. Insertion after a given node The code for inserting for inserting a new element in the linked-list after a given node is given below: void LinkedList<T>:: addafter(node<t> * current, T data) Node <T> *newelement = new Node<T>; if (newelement == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; newelement->data = data; newelement->next = current->next; current->next = newelement; Let us try to understand the different steps involved in this operation with the help of a simple example. Let us assume that we start with the linkedlist of Fig and insert 6 after node with data value 5. The operation involves the following three basic steps: 1. Create a new node and store data in it. a. Create a new node by dynamically allocating memory and check if memory has been properly allocated. It is very important to

6 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 6 of 37 always check for value after dynamically allocating memory. Failing to do so could cause a run-time error and could result in corrupting data or crashing the system. b. Set the data part of the newly created node to be equal to the input data. This step is depicted in Figure current newelement 6 Step 1 creating a new node and setting its data component newelement = new Node<T>; If (newelement == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; newelement->data = data; 2. Set the next field in the newelement to point to the node pointed to by the current node. Following figure contains the same mistake current newelement 6 Step 2: make the newelement point to the node pointed to by current newelement = current->next; 3. We complete operation by severing the link of current node to its next node and making it point to the newelement. This step is depicted below current newelement 6 Step 3: adjust the link in the node pointed to by current Current->next = newelement;

7 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 7 of 37 It is easy to see that if we now traversed the list from start, we would go to 6 from 5 and then to 8. The important thing to note is that we have achieved data insertion without any data movement as was the case when the ordered list was implemented in an array. Another point to remember is that we can only add after a node and not before it as the link points to the next element and there is no way to go back to the previous element without going back to the start of the list and then traversing it again from the very beginning. Checking for the boundary condition - inserting after the last node It may also be noted that this would work properly even if next of current was. That is, current was the last node in the list and we wanted to add a node at the end of the list. We would however need to ensure that current is not and hence the code is updated accordingly: void LinkedList<T>:: addafter(node<t> * current, T data) Node <T> *newelement = new Node<T>; if (current!=) if (newelement == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; newelement->data = data; newelement->next = current->next; current->next = newelement; Warning Fragile: Handle with care It is very important that we take extreme care while dealing with pointers and linked-lists as a single mistake may result in losing a lot of data without any possibility of recovering it. Let us discuss why. Let us assume that we swap the last two statements of the addafter function resulting in the following incorrect function:

8 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 8 of 37 void LinkedList<T>:: addafter(node<t> * current, T data) // incorrect version Node <T> *newelement = new Node<T>; if (newelement == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; newelement->data = data; current->next = newelement; newelement->next = current->next; The chaotic situation created by this seemingly minor mistake is elaborated in Figure current new Element 7 Statement#4 Current->next = newelement; This part is no longer accessible current newelement 7 Statement#5 newelement->next = current->next;

9 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 9 of 37 Deleting a node next to a given node Let us now look at the initial version of the code to delete the node after a given node, the second of the two private methods mentioned above. void LinkedList<T>:: deleteafter(node<t> * current) // incorrect version Node<T> *temp; temp = current->next; current->next = current->next->next; // same as // current->next = temp->next; delete temp; The node to be deleted is delinked (or skipped) from the list by making next field of the node pointed to by current to point to the node after the targeted node and then delete this node. Once again there are three steps elaborated next. 1. Make temp point to the node to be deleted. Since we need to remember the node to be deleted, therefore we store the address of this node in a temporary variable. This address will be used later in step Step#1 temp = current->next; current temp 2. Skip the targeted node by making the node pointed to by current point to the node after the targeted one.

10 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 10 of Step#2 current->next = current->next->next; current temp This element is no longer accessible 3. The targeted node is finally deleted by sending the memory back to the operating system. Remember that failing to do so would result in memory leak. û Step#3 delete temp; current temp Once again it is important to perform these steps in the right order. For example, performing step 3 before step 2 would result in illegal memory access. The boundary condition current points to the last node in the list What happens if the pointer passed to this function points to the last node in the list? In that particular case current->next is and hence current->next->next is an invalid operation. We must therefore ensure to check for this condition before proceeding to delete the node. Like the addafter function, we also need to ensure that current is not. Accordingly, the modified (and correct) deleteafter function is written next:

11 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 11 of 37 void LinkedList<T>:: deleteafter(node<t> * current) // correct version if (current!= ) Node<T> *temp; temp = current->next; if (temp!= ) current->next = current->next->next; // same as // current->next = temp->next; delete temp; Note that in this particular case we have decided not to do anything if current is or points to the last node. If required, we could also indicate an error by throwing an exception or sending an error code back Searching data in the list The search operation (Figure ) simply requires traversing the list till the node containing the key is found. bool LinkedList<T>::search(T key) Node<T> *current = ; while (current!= && current->data!= key) current = current->next; if (current!= ) return true; else return false; The code is quite simple. However there are two very important points to be remembered: 1. Condition in the while loop needs to be very carefully written. Note that the statement (current!= && current->data < data) is not the same as (current->data < data && current!= ).

12 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 12 of 37 In the first case, because of short-circuiting current->data will not be evaluated if current is. On the other hand, in the second case, since we access data before checking the value of current, the program will most probably crash when current becomes. 2. Linked-lists do not provide random access to nodes if a nodes needs to be accessed, it must be reached sequentially, starting from the first node. That means, even if the data was stored in ascending or descending order, we could not use something like binary search Insertion into a linked-list Let us assume that our linked-list is used to store data in ascending order. Inserting an element would then require inserting it at its right place so that the required order is maintained. We would need to perform the following 3 steps: 3. Allocate memory for the new node 4. Find the right position for insertion of data. 5. Insert the new node In addition, for the proper working of the function, we would need to identify boundary conditions and ensure that the code works for those conditions. The code is presented in Fig

13 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 13 of 37 void LinkedList<T>::add(T data) Node<T> *temp = new Node<T>;// allocate space for the new node if (temp == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; else temp->data = data; Node<T> *current, *previous; // starting with the first node, find the right // position for inserting data current = ; while (current!= && current->data < data) previous = current; current = current->next; // previous and current point to the nodes which would // be after and before the new node respectively. temp -> next = current; // check for boundary condition // if data is to be inserted before the first node // then the pointer also needs to be adjusted if (current == ) = temp; else previous->next = temp; Following points need special attention: 1. As we have already seen, we cannot add before a given node. We would therefore need to position at a node after which the new node would be inserted. For that purpose we would need to maintain two pointers one pointing to the current node and the other one pointing to the node previous to the current node. That is, in general, the new node would be inserted between the node pointed to by previous and current. 2. There are four different cases to be considered: a. Adding the first element in the initially empty list. b. Adding an element before the first element in the list. c. Adding after the last element in the list.

14 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 14 of 37 d. The general case adding an element between two elements in the list. In the first two cases (a and b), since a new node is added to the of the list, the needs to be updated so that its points to this new node. In both these cases, the control comes out of the for loop with current equal to ( if list is empty is also in that case) with previous yet to be assigned a value. Careful analysis of the code shows that no special treatment is required for case c. The code along with the four cases mentioned above is explained with the help of Figure

15 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 15 of 37 x x is the data to be inserted. A new node is created and is pointed to by temp. x is stored in the data field of temp. temp Case#1: initially empty list Loop terminates with: current equal to which is previous is not assigned any value yet temp->next = current; sets temp->next to be equal to if ( == current) = temp; sets the new value of to point to the new node which would be the first node in the list. At the end we will have the following situation: x Case#2: list is not empty and data is inserted before the first node, that is x is smaller than data stored in the first node current Loop terminates with: current is equal to which points to the first node in the list previous is not assigned any value yet temp->next = current; sets next of temp to point to the first node in the list if ( == current) = temp; sets the new value of to point to the new node which would be the first node in the list. At the end we will have the following situation: x

16 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 16 of 37 Case#3: list is not empty and data is inserted after the last node, that is x is greater than all the data stored in the list Loop terminates with: current equal to that is it is after the last node in the list previous points to the last node in the list temp->next = current; sets next of temp to previous->next = temp; sets next of the last node to point to the new node. At the end we will have the following situation: previous current x Case#4: General case - list is not empty and data is inserted somewhere in the middle previous current Loop terminates with: previous points to the node after which the new node is to be inserted and current points to the node before which it is to be inserted. temp->next = current; sets next of temp to current or the node after previous previous->next = temp; sets next of previous to point to the new node. At the end we will have the following situation: x

17 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 17 of Removing a node from the linked-list Deleting an element would first require that we locate the node which has the key and then remove it from the list. void LinkedList<T>::remove(T key) Node<T> *current, *previous; current = ; while (current!= && current->data!= data) previous = current; current = current->next if (current!= ) if (current == ) = -> next; else previous->next = current->next; delete current; As we have already seen, in order to delete a node, we need the pointer to the node before it. Therefore, just like addition, we would need to maintain two pointers one pointing to the current node and the other one pointing to the node previous to the current node. That is, in general, the node to be deleted would be the one after the node which is pointed to by previous. When the loop terminates, there are two cases: 1. Key is not found in this case current will be equal to. Nothing needs to be done in that case. 2. Key is found in this case current points to the node to be deleted. We now have two cases to consider: a. The node to be deleted is the first node in the list. That means (i) previous will not have any value assigned to it, and (ii) after deletion is complete, should point to the node which was next to the previously first node in the list (or to if the node removed was the only node in the list). The general case where the node to be deleted is not the first node and hence previous will be pointing to the node before the node to be

18 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 18 of 37 deleted. In this case we simply make next of previous point to next of current and delete the node pointed to by current.following figure contains mistakethese two scenarios are depicted in Figure.. or if there is only one node in the list Case 2a: Node to be deleted is the first node in the list current Loop terminates with: current is equal to which points to the first node in the list previous is not assigned any value yet Head = ->next sets to point to the node after the first node (or if there is only one node in the the only node in the list) Delete current deletes the first node At the end we will have the following situation: Case 2b: The general case previous current Loop terminates with: previous points to the node after which node is to be deleted and current points to the node to be deleted. previous->next = current->next sets next of previous to point to node after current (or if current is the last node in the list) delete current deletes the node pointed to by current. At the end we will have the following situation:

19 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 19 of The destructor As the linked-list is using dynamically allocated memory, we must write the destructor for the class. The destructor needs to sequentially traverse all the nodes in the list and then delete them one by one. It is important to remember that we cannot delete a node and then try to access the node next to it by using the pointer of the next node stored in the next field of the node that has been deleted. As soon as a node is deleted, a pointer pointing to it becomes a dangling pointer and it is illegal to use a dangling pointer to access any part of the deleted node. Therefore, we must store the address of the next node before deleting a node. LinkedList<T>::~LinkedList() Node<T> *temp1, *temp2; temp1 = ; while (temp1!= ) temp2 = temp1->next; delete temp1; temp1 = temp2; 4.3 Using iterator to define a sort-order on the data stored in the linked-list The linked-list class described in the previous section does not associate any order to the data stored in it. For example, the class does not directly provide any facility to store data in ascending order. The primary objective of the linked-list class is to provide a mechanism to store data as a linear list without including data/application specific operations, including sort-order of the data. In fact it is not desirable to provide mechanism to support all kinds of sort-orders inside the linked-list class as these would be very specific to the given application. Such application specific operations can be built with the help of the iterator. For example, we can write an iterator that can be used to specify the order in which the data is to be maintained by the linked-list and the iterator implementation

20 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 20 of 37 given in Figure can be used maintain data in the linked-list ascending order. To support insertion of data in ascending order, the iterator implementation given in section is modified to maintain a pointer to the node before the current node and two list manipulation methods namely insert and remove to insert and remove data from the linked-list and maintain the required order.

21 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 21 of 37 class LinkedList friend UpdatedListIterator<T>; // rest is the same private: void insertafter(t data, Node<T> *p); void removeafter(node<t> *p); void insertfirst(t data); void removefirst(); Node<T> *; ; class UpdatedListIterator private: LinkedList<T> *list; Node<T> *current, *previous; public: UpdatedListIterator(const LinkedList<T> *ll): list(ll), current(ll->), previous() void begin() current = list->; previous = ; bool isdone() return current == ; void next() if (!isdone()) previous = current; current = current->next; else throw ILLEGAL_REFERNCE_EXCEPTION; T getdata() if (!isdone()) return current->data; else throw ILLEGAL_REFERNCE_EXCEPTION; void insert(t data) for (begin();!isdone() && data > getdata(); next()); if (previous == ) list->insertfirst(data); begin(); else list->insertafter(previous, data); current = previous->next;

22 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 22 of 37 void remove(t data) for (begin();!isdone() && data > getdata(); next()); ; if (!isdone() && data == getdata()) if (previous == ) list->removefirst(); begin(); else list->removeafter(previous); current = previous->next; This concept can be extended for more leverage and flexibility. For example, the iterator implementation can be modified so that, instead of insert and remove, we provide three list manipulation methods namely insertaftercurrent, insertbeforecurrent, and removecurrent to perform the operations suggested by the method names. Figure shows implementation of these methods. void insertaftercurrent(t data) if (!isdone()) list->insertafter(current, data); current = previous->next; else throw ILLEGAL_REFERNCE_EXCEPTION; void insertbeforecurrent(t data) if (previous == ) list->insertfirst(data); begin(); else list->insertafter(previous, data); current = previous->next; void removecurrent() if (!isdone()) if (previous == ) list->removefirst(); begin(); else list->removeafter(previous); current = previous->next; else throw ILLEGAL_REFERNCE_EXCEPTION;

23 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 23 of 37 This provides greater flexibility and control to the client program. For example, as shown below, this iterator can now be used to insert data in descending order. void insertdescending(t &data, UpdatedListIterator<T> &li) for(li.begin();!li.isdone() && data > li.getdata();li.next()); li.insertbeforecurrent(data);

24 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 24 of Using linked-lists to implement stacks and queues As stack and queue are linear data structures where random access of elements stored in these data structures is not required, they can be very easily implemented by using linked-lists Implementing stack Implementation of stacks with linked-lists is a straight forward exercise. We can very easily add and delete a node to and from the front of the list in O(1). So we treat the pointer as the stack pointer and then implement push and pop operations. Since we are using dynamically allocated memory, theoretically speaking, the stack will never be full. Therefore it will always return false. Figure shows linked-list implementation of stack. class Stack public: Stack() stkptr = ; // constructor ~Stack(); // destructor void push (const T &); // add an element to the stack T pop( ); // remove an element from stack bool isfull() return false; // check if the stack is full bool isempty()return stkptr == ; // check if the stack is empty private: Node<T> *stkptr; // stack pointer Stack(const Stack &other); // disallow copy Stack& operator =(const Stack& other); // disallow assignment ; void Stack<T>::push(const T &data) Node<T> *temp = new Node; if (temp == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; else temp->data = data; temp->next = stkptr; stkptr = temp; T Stack<T>::pop() T data; Node<T> *temp = stkptr; if (isempty()) throw STACK_EMPTY; else data = temp->data; stkptr = stkptr->next; delete temp; return data;

25 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 25 of Implementing queue As opposed to stack, in queues additions and deletions are carried out at two different ends. We would therefore need to maintain information about the first and last node in the list. As depicted in Fig, this can be very easily done by keeping pointers to the first and last nodes in the list. The only questions to be answered are: 1. Can we add and remove in O(1) from two different ends of a linked list? 2. Which end should be designated as front and which should be used as rear? So, given a linked-list with two pointers pointing to the first and last nodes in the list, we ask the following questions: 1. Can we add before the first node in O(1)? 2. Can we add after the last node in O(1)? 3. Can we delete the first node in O(1)? 4. Can we delete the last node in O(1)? As we have already seen in the case of stack, the answers to the first and third questions are yes. The answer to the second question once again is yes. How? Let us see. Let us assume that we have the following linked-list with pointers to the first and last node in the list first last if t points to the new node to be inserted at the end, we can achieve that as follows: last->next = t; t->next = ; last = t;

26 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 26 of 37 The answer to the fourth question is no because after deleting the last node in the list, the pointer pointing to the last node must be readjusted to point to the one before that. Since we cannot go back to the previous node in O(1), we cannot therefore perform this operation in O(1). In short, we can add or delete to and from the first node in O(1) but the only add in O(1) at the last node. Since, in the queue, we add at the rear and delete from the front, rear has to point to the last node and front points to the first node in the list. Once that is decided, the rest is easy except that there are two special cases. That is, we need to adjust the rear and front pointers when the last node is deleted from the queue or the first node is added to the queue. Figure class Queue public: Queue() front = rear = ; // constructor ~Queue(); // destructor void add (const T &); // add an element to the stack T remove( ); // remove an element from stack bool isfull() return false; // check if the stack is full bool isempty()return front == ; // check if the stack is empty private: Node<T> *front, *rear; // stack pointer Queue(const Queue &other); // disallow copy Queue& operator =(const Queue& other); // disallow assignment ; void Queue<T>::add(const T &data) Node<T> *temp = new Node; if (temp == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; else temp->data = data; temp->next = ; if (rear = ) rear = front = temp; else rear->next = temp; rear = temp; T Queue<T>::remove() T data; Node<T> *temp = front; if (isempty()) throw STACK_EMPTY; else data = temp->data; front = front->next; delete temp; if (front == ) rear = ; return data;

27 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 27 of Revisiting Linked-Lists implementation using dummy node to eliminate special cases In the methods for adding and removing nodes from the linked-lists, we needed to write extra code to take care of two boundary conditions adding before the first node and removing the first node. In both these cases the pointer needed to be readjusted to point to the new node in the linked-list. In both these cases the loop terminated without assigning any value to previous pointer. We can avoid this situation if we can ensure that the first node is permanent it is added at the initialization time and is never deleted and we ensure that nothing ever comes before this node. That is, we can add a dummy node at the start of the list, or alternatively, itself could be a node instead a pointer. We rewrite the linked list operations accordingly. template<class T> class LinkedList public: // list of public methods private: Node <T> *; ; LinkedList<T>::LinkedList() = new Node<T>; if ( == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; ->next = ; void LinkedList<T>::remove(T key) Node<T> *current, *previous; previous = ; current = ->next; while (current!= && current->data!= data) previous = current; current = current->next if (current!= ) previous->next = current->next; delete current;

28 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 28 of 37 void LinkedList<T>::add(T data) Node<T> *temp = new Node<T>; if (temp == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; else temp->data = data; Node<T> *current, *previous; previous = ; current = ->next; while (current!= && current->data < data) previous = current; current = current->next; temp -> next = current; previous->next = temp; In these cases current is initialized to next of and previous gets an initial value of address of. That ensures that when the loop terminates, previous is never unassigned. We then insert and remove the node after previous just like any general case, thus eliminating both special cases. Initially empty list with a dummy mode List with dummy node

29 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 29 of 37 Insertion before the first node Deleting the first node

30 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 30 of Circular lists In many situations a circular structure is more suitable as compared to a linear structure. For example, it would be easier and natural to process information about a polygon if its corners were stored in a circular structure. Similarly, round-robin queues are better organized as circular entities. Such organizations, known as circular lists, can be achieved vey easily by linking the last and first node of the list together. That is, by replacing the in the next field of the last node by the address of the first node of the list. One big advantage of a circular list is that each node of the list can be reached from every other node (in O(N)). Traversal of the list can start from any node and ends when the start node is reached again. Viewed another way, a circular linked-list has no designated start or end nodes and pointer to any node can serve as the starting point. It is much easier to implement a circular list if, instead of the first node, pointer to the last node (also called the tail) is maintained. The tail pointer provides access to both the last and first nodes in the list in O(1). It is also helpful in applications like queue where access to both ends of the list is required. Circular lists can be implemented with or without the dummy /tail node. Partial implementation of the list with a pointer to tail is given in Figure. Because all nodes of the list are connected with one another and traversal can start from any node, iteration becomes a little complex and requires handling of some special cases. There is also a danger of ending up in an infinite loop if code is not written carefully.

31 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 31 of 37 template<class T> class CircularList public: CircularList(); // constructor ~ CircularList (); // destructor void insert(t value); void remove (T value); bool search(t key); void print(); CircularList(const CircularList & ol); // copy constructor const CircularList & operator=(const CircularList & rhs); // assignment operator private: Node <T> * tail; // maintain pointer to the last node ; CircularList<T>::CircularList() tail = ; bool CircularList<T>::search(T key) Node<T> *current = tail->next; while (current!= tail && current->data!= key) current = current->next; if (current->data == key) return true; else return false;

32 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 32 of 37 tail An empty circular list 5 Circular list with only one node tail A circular list in general void CircularList<T>::insert(T data) Node<T> *temp = new Node<T>;// allocate space for the new node if (temp == ) throw OUT_OF_MEMORY; else temp->data = data; Node<T> *current, *previous; tail if (tail == ) // adding first node in the list tail = temp; temp->next = tail; else current = tail->next; previous = tail; while (current!= tail && current->data < data) previous = current; current = current->next; if (current == tail && current->data < data) // adding after tail // hence getting a new tail temp->next = current->next; current->next = temp; tail = temp; else // general case temp->next = current; previous->next = temp;

33 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 33 of Doubly linked lists Sometimes it is important to be able to go back and forth from a given point in the list. This can be accomplished by simply adding a pointer to the previous node as well. Such a list is called doubly-linked-list. struct DLLNode T data; Node<T> * next; Node<T> * previous; ; Once again, a doubly linked-list can be implemented with or without a dummy node. Class specification for a doubly linked-list with dummy node is given in Fig.. template<class T> class DoublyLinkedList public: // list of public methods private: DLLNode <T> ; ; DoublyLinkedList <T>:: DoublyLinkedList ().next = &;.previous = &;

34 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 34 of 37 In a doubly linked list, for any node pointed to by p, we have the following: p == p->next->previous p == p->previous->next Given a pointer to any node, we use this property to add/remove the node itself or the node before or after it in O(1). Figure shows code segments for inserting a node before a node pointed to by current and deleting the node pointed to by current. p->previous = current->previous; p->next=current; p->next->previous = p; // same as current->next->previous = p; p->previous->next = p; deleting a node pointed to by p current->previous->next = current->next; current->next ->previous = current->previous; delete current; Inserting before the current node

35 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 35 of 37 Deleting the node pointed to by current

36 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 36 of Tradeoffs and Comparison Like any field and application, no method of implementing lists is well suited to all situations there are tradeoffs that one needs to be aware of. Following is a comparison of different data structures discussed so far Linked-lists versus arrays In general, the main advantage of arrays over linked list is that arrays allow random access to any element in O(1) and whereas linked-lists allow only sequential access. Hence, in an array search can be performed on sorted data in O(log n) whereas it takes O(n) in the case of a linkedlist. In almost all other cases linked-list is a better choice. The following tables summarize tradeoffs between arrays and linked-lists: Array Linked-list Indexing O(1) O(n) Insert/delete at end O(1) O(1) Insert/delete at start O(n) O(1) Insert/delete in the middle O(n) O(1) (insertion point given) Locality (affects cache hit ratio) great poor Size limitations Yes no (for fixed arrays) Resizing expensive built-in memory wastage yes no extra storage needed for storing no yes addresses allocation/deallocation for each no yes element tail sharing no yes (singly-linkedlist) only

37 Chapter 4 Linked-Lists Page 37 of Doubly-linked vs. singly-linked As compared to singly linked-lists, doubly linked-list requires extra memory to store an additional pointer and the basic operations (add/delete) are relatively more expensive. However, since it allows sequential access in both directions, doubly-linked-lists are easier to manipulate. Table summarizes the differences between singly and doubly linked lists. Singly linked-list Extra storage needed for storing addresses insert/delete operations insert/delete current node access in both directions No Yes Allow tail sharing Yes No doubly linked list more more expensive easier Circularly-linked vs. linearly-linked Circular linked lists allow traversal of the entire list starting from any given point in the list. Hence they are advantageous in describing naturally circular structures. Their main disadvantage lies in more complex basic operations with special cases. Table summarizes these differences. Linear Not directly Circular yes Represent circular structures Traverse entire list No yes starting at any point special cases more access to first node O(1) O(1) access to last node O(n) O(n) allow tail sharing Yes No


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