Lecture 8: Data Hazard and Resolution. James C. Hoe Department of ECE Carnegie Mellon University

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1 Lecture 8: Data Hazard and Resolution James C. Hoe Department of ECE Carnegie ellon University S18 L08 S1, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

2 Your goal today Housekeeping detect and resolve data hazards in in order pipelines Notices Lab 2, status check next week, due wk of 2/26 HW 2,due 2/21 **Office Hours: 11~12 and F 1:30~2:30** Readings P&H Ch S18 L08 S2, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

3 Instruction Pipeline Reality Not identical tasks coalescing instruction types into one multifunction pipe external fragmentation (some idle stages) Not uniform suboperations group or sub divide steps into stages to minimize variance internal fragmentation (some too fast stages ) Not independent tasks dependency detection and resolution next lecture(s) Even more messy if not RISC S18 L08 S3, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

4 Data Dependence Data dependence r 3 r op r 2 Read after Write (RAW) r 5 r 3 op r 4 Anti dependence r 3 r op r 2 Write after Read (WAR) r 1 r 4 op r 5 Output dependence r 3 r 1 op r 2 Write after Write (WAW).... r 3 r 6 op r 7 Don t forget memory instructions S18 L08 S4, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

5 RAW Dependency and Hazard addi ra r addi r ra addi r ra addi r ra addi r ra addi r ra t 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 IF ID EX E WB IF ID EX E WB IF ID EX E IF ID EX IF ID IF S18 L08 S5, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

6 Register Data Hazard Analysis R/I Type LW SW Bxx Jal Jalr IF ID read RF read RF read RF read RF read RF EX E WB write RF write RF write RF write RF For a given pipeline, when is there a register data hazard between 2 dependent instructions? dependence type: RAW, WAR, WAW? instruction types involved? distance between the two instructions? S18 L08 S6, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

7 Hazard in In order Pipeline j: _ r k RF Read stage X j: r k _ RF Write j: r k _ RF Write stage Y i: r k _ RF Write i: _ r k RF Read i: r k _ RF Write RAW Hazard WAR Hazard WAW Hazard dist dependence (i,j) dist hazard (X,Y)?? Hazard!! dist dependence (i,j) > dist hazard (X,Y)?? Safe S18 L08 S7, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

8 RAW Hazard Analysis Example R/I Type LW SW Bxx Jal Jalr IF ID read RF read RF read RF read RF read RF EX E WB write RF write RF write RF write RF Older I A and younger I B have RAW hazard iff I B (R/I, LW, SW, Bxx or JALR) reads a register written by I A (R/I, LW, or JAL/R) dist(i A, I B ) dist(id, WB) = 3 What about WAW and WAR hazard? What about memory data hazard? S18 L08 S8, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

9 Pipeline Stall: universal hazard resolution t 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 Inst h IF ID ALU E WB Inst i i IF ID ALU E WB Inst j j IF ID ALU ID E ALU ID E ALU WB ID E ALU WB Inst k IF ID IF ALU ID IF E ALU ID IF E ALU WB ID Inst l IF ID IF ALU ID IF E ALU ID IF IF ID IF ALU ID IF i: r x _ bubble j: _ r IF ID x dist(i,j)=1 IF j: bubble _ r x dist(i,j)=2 IF j: bubble _ r x dist(i,j)=3 j: _ r x dist(i,j)= S18 L08 S9, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 Stall==make younger instruction wait until hazard passes 1. stop all up stream stages 2. drain all down stream stages

10 What should happen in this case? t 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 Inst h IF ID ALU E WB Inst i i IF ID ALU E WB Inst j j IF ID ALU E WB Inst k k IF ID ALU E WB Inst l IF ID ALU E IF ID ALU i: r x _ j: r IF ID y r z k: _ r x dist(i,k)=2 IF S18 L08 S10, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

11 Pipeline Stall t 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 t 7 t 8 t 9 t 10 IF i j k k k k l ID h i j j j j k l EX h i bub bub bub j k l E h i bub bub bub j k l WB h i bub bub bub j k l S18 L08 S11, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 i: rx _ j: _ rx

12 Stall PCSrc 0 u x 1 stall Control ID/EX WB EX/E WB E/WB IF/ID EX WB Add PC PC 4 Address Instruction memory Instruction RegWrite Read register 1 Read data 1 Read register 2 Registers Read Write data 2 register Write data Shift left 2 0 u x 1 Add Add result ALUSrc Zero ALU ALU result Branch Write data emwrite Address Data memory Read data emtoreg 1 u x 0 Instruction [15 0] 16 Sign 32 extend 6 ALU control emread Stall IR disable PC and IR latching setregwrite ID =0 and emwrite ID = S18 L08 S12, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 Instruction [20 16] Instruction [15 11] 0 u x 1 RegDst ALUOp Based on original figure from [P&H CO&D, COPYRIGHT 2004 Elsevier. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.]

13 Stall Condition Older I A and younger I B have RAW hazard iff I B (R/I, LW, SW, Bxx or JALR) reads a register written by I A (R/I, LW, or JAL/R) dist(i A, I B ) dist(id, WB) = 3 ore plainly, before I B in ID reads a register, I B needs to check if any I A in EX, E or WB is going to update it (if so, value in RF is stale ) S18 L08 S13, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 Watch out for x0!!

14 Stall Condition Helper functions use_rs1(i) returns true if I uses rs1 && rs1!=x0 Stall IF and ID when (rs1 ID ==rd EX ) && use_rs1(ir ID ) && RegWrite EX (rs1 ID ==rd E ) && use_rs1(ir ID ) && RegWrite E (rs1 ID ==rd WB ) && use_rs1(ir ID ) && RegWrite WB (rs2 ID ==rd EX ) && use_rs2(ir ID ) && RegWrite EX (rs2 ID ==rd E ) && use_rs2(ir ID ) && RegWrite E or or or or or (rs2 ID ==rd WB ) && use_rs2(ir ID ) && RegWrite WB S18 L08 S14, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 It is crucial that EX, E and WB continue to advance during stall

15 Impact of Stall on Performance Each stall cycle corresponds to 1 lost ALU cycle A program with N instructions and S stall cycles: average IPC=N/(N+S) S depends on frequency of hazard causing dependencies distance between hazard causing instruction pairs distance between hazard causing dependencies (suppose i 1,i 2 and i 3 all depend on i 0, once i 1 s hazard is resolved by stalling, i 2 and i 3 do not stall) S18 L08 S15, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

16 Sample Assembly [P&H] for (j=i 1; j>=0 && v[j] > v[j+1]; j =1) {... } S18 L08 S16, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 addi $s1, $s0, 1 for2tst: slti $t0, $s1, 0 bne $t0, $zero, exit2 sll $t1, $s1, 2 add $t2, $a0, $t1 lw $t3, 0($t2) lw $t4, 4($t2) slt $t0, $t4, $t3 beq $t0, $zero, exit2... addi $s1, $s1, 1 j for2tst exit2: 3 stalls 3 stalls 3 stalls 3 stalls 3 stalls 3 stalls

17 Data Forwarding (or Register Bypassing) What does ADD rx ry rz mean? Get inputs from RF[ry] and RF[rz] and put result in RF[rx]? But, RF is just a part of an abstraction a way to connect dataflow between instructions inputs to ADD are resulting values of the last instructions to assign to RF[ry] and RF[rz] RF doesn t have to exist as an literal object If only dataflow matters, don t wait for WB... add ra r r IF ID EX E WB addi r ra r IF ID EX ID E ID WB ID S18 L08 S17, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

18 Resolving RAW Hazard by Forwarding A hazard exits Older I A and younger I B have RAW hazard iff I B (R/I, LW, SW, Bxx or JALR) reads a register written by I A (R/I, LW, or JAL/R) dist(i A, I B ) dist(id, WB) = 3 ore plainly, before I B in ID reads a register, I B needs to check if any I A in EX, E or WB is going to update it (if so, value in RF is stale ) Before: I B need to stall for RF to update Now: I B need to stall for I A to produce result retrieve I A result from datapath when ready must retrieve from youngest if multiple hazards S18 L08 S18, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

19 Forwarding Paths (v1) dist(i,j)=3 Registers internal forward? dist(i,j)=3 b. With forwarding ID/EX Rs Rt Rt Rd Rd Rs Rt u x u x ForwardB u x ForwardA ID/EX EX/E EX/E E/WB E/WB ALU ID/EX.RegisterRD Forwarding unit dist(i,j)=1 Data memory EX/E.RegisterRd EX/E.RegisterRD E/WB.RegisterRd E/WB.RegisterRD dist(i,j)=2 u x S18 L08 S19, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 [Based on original figure from P&H CO&D, COPYRIGHT 2004 Elsevier. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.]

20 Forwarding Paths (v2) dist(i,j)=3 ID/EX EX/E E/WB u x Registers u x ForwardA ALU dist(i,j)=1 Data memory dist(i,j)=2 u x Rs Rt Rt Rd Rd ForwardB u x Forwarding unit EX/E.RegisterRd E/WB.RegisterRd better if EX is the fastest stage S18 L08 S20, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 [Based on original figure from P&H CO&D, COPYRIGHT 2004 Elsevier. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.]

21 Forwarding Logic (for v1) if (rs1 ID!=0) && (rs1 ID ==rd EX ) && RegWrite EX then forward writeback value from EX // dist=1 else if (rs1 ID!=0) && (rs1 ID ==rd E ) && RegWrite E then forward writeback value from E // dist=2 else if (rs1 ID!=0) && (rs1 ID ==rd WB ) && RegWrite WB then forward writeback value from WB // dist=3 else use A ID // dist > S18 L08 S21, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 ust check in right order Why doesn t use_rs1( ) appear? Isn t it bad to forward from LW in EX?

22 Data Hazard Analysis (with Forwarding) IF R/I Type LW SW Bxx Jal Jalr ID EX use produce use use use produce E produce (use) use produce WB Even with forwarding, RAW dependence on immediate preceding LW results in hazard Stall = { [(rs1 ID ==rd EX ) && use_rs1(ir ID )] S18 L08 S22, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 i.e., op EX =Lx [(rs2 ID ==rd EX ) && use_rs2(ir ID )] } && emread EX

23 IPS Load Delay Slot Feature I 1 : LW ra IF ID EX E WB I 2 : addi r ra r I 3 : addi r ra r IF ID EX E WB IF ID EX E WB R2000 defined LW with arch. latency of 1 inst invalid for I 2 (in LW s delay slot) to ask for LW s result any dependence on LW at least distance 2 Delay slot vs dynamic stalling fill with an independent instruction (no difference) if not, fill with a NOP (no difference) Can t lose on 5 stage... good idea? S18 L08 S23, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 Hint: 1. non atomic instruction; 2. arch influence

24 Sample Assembly [P&H] for (j=i 1; j>=0 && v[j] > v[j+1]; j =1) {... } S18 L08 S24, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 addi $s1, $s0, 1 for2tst: slti $t0, $s1, 0 bne $t0, $zero, exit2 sll $t1, $s1, 2 add $t2, $a0, $t1 lw $t3, 0($t2) lw $t4, 4($t2) slt $t0, $t4, $t3 beq $t0, $zero, exit2... addi $s1, $s1, 1 j for2tst exit2: 1 stall or 1 nop (IPS)

25 Dependency Terminology ordering requirement between instructions Pipeline Hazard: (potential) violation of dependencies Hazard Resolution: static schedule instructions at compile time to avoid hazards dynamic detect hazard and adjust pipeline operation Stall, Flush or Forward Pipeline Interlock (i.e., stall) S18 L08 S25, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

26 Dividing into Stages 200ps 100ps 200ps 200ps 100ps IF: Instruction fetch ux 0 1 ID: Instruction decode/ register file read EX: Execute/ address calculation E: emory access WB: Write back ignore for today Add 4 Shift left 2 Add result Add PC Address Instruction memory Instruction Read register 1 Read data 1 Read register 2 Registers Read data 2 Write register Write data 0 ux 1 Zero ALU ALU result Address Data memory Write data Read data ux 1 0 RF write 16 Sign extend 32 Is this the correct partitioning? Why not 4 or 6 stages? Why not different boundaries S18 L08 S26, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 Based on original figure from [P&H CO&D, COPYRIGHT 2004 Elsevier. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.]

27 Why not very deep pipelines? With only 5 stages, still plenty of combinational logic between registers Superpipelining increase pipelining such that even intrinsic operations (e.g. ALU, RF access, memory access) require multiple stages What s the problem? Inst 0 : r1 r2 + r3 Inst 1 : r4 r1 + 2 t 0 t 0 t 1 t 1 t 2 t 2 t 3 t 3 t 4 t 4 t 5 t 5 Inst 0 F a F F b D a D D b E a E E b a b W a W b Inst 1 F a F b F D a D b DE a E ba EE ba ba W ba W ba W b F D E W F a F b D a D b DE ab E ab E ba ab W ab W ab W b D b S18 L08 S27, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

28 Intel P4 s Superpipelined Adder Hack A lower B lower 16 bit add S lower A upper B upper 16 bit add S upper EX 1 EX 2 32 bit addition pipelined over 2 stages, BW=1/latency 16 bit add No stall between back to back dependencies S18 L08 S28, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

29 When you can t split a d e A (rate=1/t) d e 0.5T clock B (rate=1/t) T delay 0.5T clock 0.5T clock S18 L08 S29, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018

30 Dependencies and Pipelining (architecture vs. microarchitecture) Sequential and atomic instruction semantics i 1 i 2 True dependence between two instructions may only require ordering of certain sub operations i 1 : i 2 : i 3 Defines what is correct; doesn t say do it this way S18 L08 S30, James C. Hoe, CU/ECE/CALC, 2018 i 3 :

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