1 Which of the following keyword can not be appeared inside the class? a)virtual b)static c)template d)friend c

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1 1 Whih of the following keywor n not e ppere insie the lss? )virtul )stti )templte )frien 2 Wht is templte? )Templte is formul for reting generi lss )Templte is use to mnipulte lss )Templte is use for reting funtions )None of these 3 Selet the orret syntx of templte: )Templte )Templte<> )Temp )None of these 4 A lss is generte from templte lss is lle. )inherite lss )erive lss )generte lss )sulss 5 is useful when templte of templte is use? )Frien funtion )Stti funtion )Typeef )Inheritne 6 Whih of the C++ feture llows you to rete lsses tht re ynmi for using t types? )Templtes )Inheritne )Polymorphism )Informtion hiing 7 A funtion templte mens. )reting funtion hving ext type

2 )reting funtion without hving to speify ext type )oth n 8 Whih of the following is use to esrie the funtion using pleholer type? )Templte type prmeter )Templte prmeter )Templte type )None of these 9 String templte is use. )to reple string. )to reple string with nother string )to elete string 10 Mximum numer of templte rgument in funtion templte is. )two )three )four )mny 11 Templte funtion must hve )one or more thn one rgument )zero rgument )only one rgument )t lest two rguments 12 Templte funtion must hve t lest generi t type. )zero )one )two 13 Templtes provie wy of strting informtion. )type )t )metho

3 )ess 14 If you rete instntition of lss templte with n int n then rete seon instntition with oule then )one the funtion is use for one t type it eomes unville for other type )you n not perform this kin of opertion in C++ )you must preee eh funtion ll with the wor int or oule 15 If templtes were remove from C++,Whih of the following will e true? I. Some lgorithms oul no longer e implemente II. Any prtiulr lgorithms oul still e implemente ut often less elegntly. )Only I is true )Only II is true )Both I n II is true )None of these 16 In the templte <lss T>elrtion of T stns for. )integer t type )ritry lss )generi t types 17 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; templte <lss T> lss TEST puli: T I; TEST(T j):i(j)out<< TEST ; ; int min() TEST<int>oj(1.1); out <<oj.i<<enl; )TEST1.1

4 )TEST1 )1 )Syntx error 18 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; lss TEST puli: T I; TEST(T j):i(j)out<< TEST ; ; int min() TEST<oule>oj(1.1) out<<oj.i<<enl; )TEST1.1 )TEST1 )1 )Syntx error 19 Wht is the mening of templte prmeter? )It is use to pss type s rgument )It is use to evlute type )It hs no return type )None of these 20 Wht n e psse y non-type templte prmeter uring ompile time? )int )oule )hr )onstnt expression 21 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; templte <lss T1,T2>

5 int min(t1 t1,t2 t2) if(t1<t2) return 1; else int min() out<<min(10,20)<<enl; )0 )1 )2 )Syntx error 22 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; templte <lss T1,typenme T2> int min(t1 t1,t2 t2) if(t1<t2) return 1; else int min() out<<min(10,20)<<enl; )0 )1 )2 )Syntx error 23 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; strut TEST int I; ; templte <lss T>

6 vio fun(t ) int j=.i+.i;.i=j; int min() TEST s=10; fun(s); out<<s.i<<enl; )10 )20 )Grge vlue )Syntx error 24 Choose the orret sttement from the following: )Templte funtion will tke long time to exeute )Templte funtions re written when you wnt to hve only one oe for mny ifferent types ) Due to templte funtion the uplite oe will get inrese )None of these 25 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; templte <lss T1> T Mx(T Vl1,T Vl2) return Vl1>Vl2? Vl1:Vl2; int min() int p; p=mx(100,200); out<<p<<enl; )100 )200 )Syntx error )1

7 26 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; templte <lss T1> inline t squre(tx) T result; result=x*x; return result; ; int min() int,; oule,; =10; =10.1; =squre(); out<<<< <<<<enl; =squre(); out<<<< <<<<enl; ) ) )Syntx error )None of these 27 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> #inlue<string> using nmespe st; templte<typenme T> voi isply(t result) out<<result<<enl; int min() oule vl=11.11; string str( test String ); isply(vl); isply(str); )11.11 Test String

8 ) )Test String )None of these 28 How mny types of templtes re there in ++? )two )Three )Four )None Of These 29 Wht is the tsk of ompiler while hnling templte? )type ssoition )portility )oe elimintion )ll of the ove 30 Wht shoul e the nme of the prmeter tht the templte shoul tke? )sme s lss )sme s funtion )sme s templte ) none of these 31 Whih keywor n e use with templte? )typenme )lss )oth n )None of these 32 Whih of the following esries iffrene etween templte funtion n templte lss in ++? )The ompiler etermines the type of templte funtion's rguments,ut the types of templte lsses must e stte expliitly when elring ojets )templte funtions nnot e efine for user-efine types, ut templte lsses n. )templte lsses nnot e efine for user-efine types, ut templte funtions n. )None Of These 33 Wht is the vliity of templte prmeter?. Insie the lss

9 . Insie the lok. whole progrm. None of these 34 Consier the following oe Frgment Templte<typenme t> voi swp(t &,T&) T temp; temp=; =temp; Determining the right hoie of type prmeter T ours t. Compile time only. Run time only. link time only. prtly t Compile time n prtly t run time 35 Whih of the following oes not require instlltion?. Non virtul memer funtion. Memer lss. Funtion. All of ove 36 Exeution of whih sttement sets the STL itertor ITR to point to the first element of ontin ARR? )ARR.reset(ITR); )ARR.egin(ITR); )ITR=ARR.egin(); )None of these 37 STL is se on following progrmming prigm. ) templte ) inheritne ) polymorphism ) None Of These

10 38 STL is se on following progrmming prism )struture progrmming )funtion progrmming )ojet oriente progrmming 39 The use of nmespe is to. )struture the progrm into logil units )to enpsulte t )to inite the eginning of progrm 40 Whih opertor is use to signify nmespe? )Binry )Ternry )sope )None of these 41 If I wish to ess the nmespe vrile,then the syntx eing use is, )nmespe:opertor )nmespe::opertor )nmespe-> Opertor )None Of These 42 Whih keywor is use to ess the vrile in nmespe. )ynmi )virtul )onstnt )using 43 Choose the orret sttement )nmespe st; )using nmespe st; )nmespe st using; )nmespe using st; 44 Whih of the following orretly esrie the nmespe feture in C++? ) Nmespes mens memory spe llote for nmes use in progrm

11 ) Nmespes refer to the nmes tht re use in the progrm ) Nmespes provie fility for orgnising the nmes in the progrm to voi nme lshes ) None 45 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue <iostrem> using nmespe st; nmespe test int = 10; int min () int = 20; test::; out<<; ) 10 ) 20 ) Syntx error ) Runtime error 46 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue <iostrem> using nmespe st; nmespe test1 int = 10; nmespe test2 int = 20; int min () test1::= test2:: =30; out<<test1::<< <<test2::; ) ) ) 30 30

12 ) syntx error 47 Wht is the output of the following oe? #inlue <iostrem> using nmespe st; nmespe test voi f(hr *s) out<<s; voi f(int ) out<<; int min() using test::f(int); f(10); ) 10 ) Grge vlue ) Syntx error ) None of these 48 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue <iostrem> using nmespe st; nmespe test voi f(hr *s) out<<s; voi f(int ) out<<; int min()

13 using test::f; f(10); f( Hello ); ) 10 ) Hello ) 10Hello ) Syntx error 49 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue <iostrem> using nmespe st; nmespe test voi f(hr *s) out<<s; voi f(int *) out<<*; int min() int i =10; using test::f; f(i); f( Hello ); f(&i); ) 10 ) 10Hello10 ) 10Hello Grgevlue ) Syntx error 50 Whih keywor is use to hnle the exeption? ) try ) th

14 ) throw ) exeption 51 Whih of the following most preferre wy of throwing n hnling exeption? )Throw y vlue n th y referene )Throw y referene n th y vlue )Throw y vlue n th y vlue )None of these 52 Whih of the following is the most generl exeption hnler tht thes exeption of ny type? )Cth(st::exeption) )Cth(st:ny_exeption) )Cth(...) )Cth() 53 Whih of the following uses n exeption ) Missing prenthesis in min() ) Clling funtion whih is not present ) A syntx error )A runtime error 54 Wht will e the output of following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; oule ivision(int,int ) if (==0) Throw Error!!!Division y zero!! ; return(/); int min() int i=10; int j=0; oule k=0; try k=ivision(i,j); out<<k<<enl;

15 th(onst hr *msg) out<<msg<<enl; )10 )0 )Error!!!Division y zero!! )Runtime error 55 Wht will e the output of following oe? #inlue<iostrem> #inlue<exeption> using nmespe st; int min() try int *A=new int[1000]; out<< Memory is llote ; th(exeption &e) out<< Error in memory llotion <<enl; ) Memory is llote ) Error in memory llotion )Syntx error )Run time error 56 Whih lok shoul e ple fter try lok? )throw )th )oth or )None of these 57 Wht will e the output of following oe?

16 #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; int min() try throw 100; th(int ) out<< Numer : <<<<enl; out<< No exeption!!! <<enl; )Numer:100 )Numer )No Exeption!!! )Syntx error 58 Choose the orret sttement )Exeption re not suitle for ritil points in the progrm )Exeption re suitle for ritil points in the progrm )Both & )None of these 59 In C++ progrm hnling, try lok must e followe y th loks. )extly one )one or more )extly two 60 The proess of hnling the tul exeption ours )insie the progrm )outsie the progrm )oth & 61 Whih of the following is use to hek the error in the lok?

17 )try )throw )th 62 Wht shoul e present when throwing ojet? )onstrutor )estrutor )opy onstrutor 63 For hnling the exeption in C++ re use )th hnlers )exeption hnlers )pointers 64 For hnling the exeptions in C++ is use. )hnler funtion )terminte funtion )oth & 65 How mny prmeters oes the throw expression n hve? )0 )1 )2 )3 66 Wht kin of exeptions re use in C++ )Hnle ) Unhnle )Stti )Dynmi 67 Wht will hppen when exeption is unught? )Arise n error )progrm will run

18 )exeute in loop 68 Choose the orret sttement )A funtion n throw ny type of exeption )A funtion n throw n exeption of ertin type only )A exeption n't throw ny type of exeption 69 Wht funtion will e lle when we hve unught exeption? )th )throw )terminte 70 Wht will hppen when progrms throws ny other of exeption other thn speifie? )still exeute )terminte )rise n error. C 71 Whih lterntive n reple the throw sttement? )exit )for )rek )return 72 Wht re preefine exeption in ++? )memory llotion errors )i/o errors )oth & 73 Wht is run-time type informtion? )informtion out n ojet's ttype )informtion out the vriles )informtion out the lok

19 74 Whih of the follwing opertors is use to otin the ynmi type of n ojet? )ynmi_st )typei )typeinfo 75 To whih type of lss the RTTI n e pplie? )enpsulte )erive )polymorphi 76 The type_info mens )the type informtion returne y ynni_st opertor )the type informtion returne y typie opertor )the type informtion returne y stti st 77 The input n output strems in n out re therefore hve. )struture,funtions )ojets,memer funtions )funtions,ojets 78 The opertor funtions for <<(strem insertion)>>n strem extrtion must e )memer funtion of lss )non memer funtion of lss )oth memer n non memer funtion )non of these 79 A file to e opene for writing requires the )fstrem )ofstrem )ifstrem )iofstrem 80 A file to e opene for reing requires the strem

20 )fstrem )ofstrem )ifstrem )iofstrem 81 If we rete file y ifstrem then we n )r e from s well s write into the file )re t from file )write t to file 82 To perform strem I/o with isk files in ++, you shoul )use the lsses erive from ios )inlue iostrem.h )use lnguge lirry funtions to re n write t 83 The purpose of using files is )voi typing t multiple times in progrm )to el with lrge quntitiezs of t )to store quntities of t )ll of these 84 The eof() is use to )hek en of file )hek en of sentene )hek en of sentene 85 Wht is the output of the following oe? #INCLUDE<IOSTREAM> using nmespe st; int min() Int I; out<<:enter the integer vlue: ; in>>i+10;

21 )10 )0 )syntx error 86 Re() is memer funtion of )ostrem lss )file lss )istrem lss 87 Choose orret ojet out instntition of output strem )out )err )log )ll of these 88 Wht must e speifie when we onstrut n ojet of lss ostrem? )strem )stremuf )memory 89 How mny groups of opertions re there in ++? )1 )2 )3 )4 90 Whih opertor is use for input strem? ) > ) < ) << ) >> 91 in will stop enountering the extrtion when it enounters? ) ( ) )

22 ) lnk spe ) none of these 92 Whih of the following ojet is use to get the input t runtime? ) out ) in ) oi ) none of these 93 For reing with in ojet we nee to inlue files. ) fstrem.h ) stio.h ) iostrem.h ) none of these 94 From the following is not mnipultor. ) e ) sientifi ) enl ) none of these 95 Wht will e the output of the following oe? #inlue<iostrem> using nmespe st; int min() hr [100]; in.getline(, 100,'\n'); out<<; ) lnk line ) 100 ) the ontents tht we type on the onsole will e isplye. ) syntx error 96 The in will strt proessing the input when ) we hit the enter key ) we press the lnk spe ) oth &

23 ) none of these 97 Whih opertor is use to insert t into the file? ) << ) >> ) < ) none of these 98 Whih of the following is the orret formt of reing the inry input? ) infile.re((hr*)&v,sizeof(v)) ) infile.re(sizeof(v)) ) infile.re(hr*,size(v)) ) re(hr*,sizeof(v)) 99 Choose the orret option I. t is trnsferre etween onsole n progrm II. t is trnsferre etween the progrm n isk file. ) only I is true ) only II is true ) oth I n II is true ) neither I nor II is true 100 Choose the orret option I. strem ts s n interfe etween file n progrm II. the re() n write() hnles the t in text formt ) only I is true ) only II is true ) oth I n II is true ) neither I nor II is true 111 Whih of the following will t s intermeite etween I/O opertions n physil file? ) memory ) RAM ) strem uffer ) none of these 112 From the following whih funtions oes the uffer flushing? ) fopen

24 ) flose ) opy ) none of these 113 Whih of the funtions return the urrent position of get or put pointers in ytes? ) tellg() ) tellp() ) tell() ) oth n 114 Whih of these re inry file opertions? ) get() n put() ) re() n write() ) oth n ) none of these 115 Whih one of the following sttement onnets the file strem ojet nme fin with externl file test.text? ) fin= test.txt ) fin.open( test.txt ); ) fin.open(test.txt); 116 A file strem tht reeives or res t from file into progrm is referre to s. ) out ) output file strem ) input file strem ) in 117 Whih of the following heer file oes not exist? ) <iostrem> ) <string> ) <sstring> ) <sstrem> 118 The ojets hve the vlues tht n e teste for vrious error onitions ) ostrem ) ofstrem

25 ) strem ) ifstrem 119 If you use sme vrile for two getline sttements ) you nnot use sme vrile for two getline sttements ) oth the inputs re store in tht vrile ) the seon input overwrites the first one

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