Computer Science, Class XII, Chapter No.7 (Data File Handling)

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1 Chapter No.7 (Data File Handling) 1. What is a file? How a text file is different from binary file? 2. What is stream? Name and define the streams generally used for file I/O? 3. Which header file is required for creating and manipulating data files in C++? 4. What is the default file mode for input type stream and output type stream? 5. How many ways you can open a binary file EMP.DAT for writing records in C++? Write syntax of both ways. 6. What do you mean by ios::trunc, ios::nocreate, ios::noreplace and ios::binary file mode? 7. The classes defined under fstream.h derive from which classes? 8. What is the need and usage of read( ) and write( ) functions when there are get( ) and put( ) functions for I/O? 9. If you want to print the output of a program on printer then which file you have to open for writing output? 10. Differentiate between function seekg( ) & seekp( ) with example. 11. Differentiate between read, getline and get function of istream class. 12. Name two member functions common to classes ifstream and ofstream? 13. Distinguish between ios:: ate and ios :: app? 14. Differentiate between functions read( ) and write( ). /* CBSE 1999 */ 15. Write name of two member functions belonging to fstream class. /* CBSE 1998 */ 16. Distinguish between ios::out and ios::app. /* CBSE 2001*/ 17. Name two member functions of ofstream class. /* CBSE 2000*/ 18. What are the different functions available for file I/O error handling in C++? 19. Write a function in C++ to count the number of uppercase alphabets present in a text file ARTICLE.TXT. /* CBSE 2008 */ 20. Write a function in C++ to count the number of lowercase alphabets present in a text file BOOK.TXT. /* CBSE 2008 */ 21. Write a function in C++ to count the number of alphabets present in a text file PARA.TXT. 22. Write a function to count the number of words present in a text file named PARA.TXT. Assume that each word is separated by a single blank/space character and no blanks/spaces in the beginning and end of the file. /* CBSE 2006 */ 23. Write a function to count the number of blank spaces present in a text file named PARA.TXT. /* CBSE 2006 */ 24. Write a function to count the number of VOWELS present in a text file named PARA.TXT. /* CBSE 1998 */ 25. Write a function in C++ to count the number of lines present in a text file STORY.TXT. 26. Write a function in C++ to count the words to and the present in a text file POEM.TXT. /* CBSE 2010 */ 27. Write a function in C++ to count the number of words starting with capital alphabet present in a text file DATA.TXT. 28. Write a function in C++ to read the content of a text file DELHI.TXT and display all those lines on screen, which are either starting with D or starting with M. /* CBSE 2012 */ 29. Write a function in C++ to count the no. of He or She words present in a text file STORY.TXT. /* CBSE 2011*/ 30. Write a function in C++ to print the count of the word is as an independent word in a text file DIALOGUE.TXT. /* CBSE 2007 */ For example,if the content of the file DIALOGUE.TXT is: This is his book. Is this book good? Then the output of the program should be 2. Mohd. Hashim, PGT (Computer Sc.),,

2 31. Write a function AECount( ) in C++, which should read each character of a text file NOTES.TXT, should count and display the occurrence of alphabets A and E (including small cases a and e too). /* CBSE 2014 */ For example,if the content of the file NOTES.TXT is: CBSE enhanced its CCE guidelines further. Then the function should display output as: A: 1 E: Write a function in C++ to count and display the number of lines starting with alphabet A present in a text file LINES.TXT. /* CBSE 2005 */ Example : If the file LINES.TXT contains the following lines, A boy is playing there. There is a playground. An aeroplane is in the sky. Alphabets and numbers are allowed in the password. The function should display the output as Assuming that a text file named FIRST.TXT contains some text written into it, write a function named vowelwords( ), that reads the file FIRST.TXT and creates a new file named SECOND.TXT, to contain only those words from the file FIRST.TXT which start with start with a lowercase vowel (i.e. with a, e, i, o, u ). For example if the file FIRST.TXT contains Carry umbrella and overcoat when it rains. Then the file SECOND.TXT shall contain: umbrella and overcoat it. /* CBSE 2004*/ 34. Given a binary file TELEPHONE.DAT, containing records of the following class Directory: /*CBSE 2008*/ class Directory { char Name[20] ; char Address[30] ; char AreaCode[5] ; char phone_no[15] ; public ; void Register( ) ; void Show( ) ; int CheckCode(char AC[ ]) { return strcmp(areacode, AC) ; ; Write a function COPYABC( ) in C++, that would copy all those records having AreaCode as 123 from TELEPHONE.DAT to TELEBACK.DAT. 35. Given a binary file GAME.DAT, containing records of the following structure type. struct Game /* CBSE 2007 */ { char GameName[20] ; char Participate[10][30] ; ; Write a function in C++ that would read contents from the file GAME.DAT and creates a file named BASKET.DAT copying only those records from GAME.DAT where the game name is Basket Ball. Mohd. Hashim, PGT (Computer Sc.),,

3 36. Write a function in C++ to search for a BookNo from a binary file BOOK.DAT, assuming the binary file is containing the objects of the following class. class BOOK { int Bno; char Title[20]; int RBno(){return Bno; void Enter(){cin>>Bno;gets(Title); void Display(){cout<<Bno<<Title<<endl; 37. Following is the structure of each record in a data file named COLONY.DAT. struct COLONY /* CBSE 2006 */ { char Colony_Code[10] ; char Colony_Name[10] int No_of_People ; ; Write a function in C++ to update the file with a new value of No_of_People. The value of Colony_Code and No_of_People are read during the execution of the program. 38. Given a binary file APPLY.DAT, containing records of the following class Applicant. class Applicant /* CBSE 2005 */ { char A_Rno[10] ; //Roll number of applicant char A_Name[30] ; //Name of applicant int A_Score ; //Score of applicant void Enrol( ) { gets(a_rno) ; gets(a_name) ; cin >> A_Score ; void Status( ) { cout << setw(12) << A_Admno ; cout << setw(32) << A_Name ; cout << setw(3) << A_Score << endl ; int ReturnScore( ) {return A_Score ; ; Write a function in C++, that would read contents of file APPLY.DAT and display the details of those Students whose A_Score is above Assuming a binary file FUN.DAT is containing objects belonging to a class LAUGHTER (as defined below).write a user defined function in C++ to add more objects belonging to class LAUGHTER at the bottom of it. /* CBSE 2003*/ class LAUGHTER { int Idno;// Identification number char Type[5]; //LAUGHTER Type char Desc[255]; //Description void Newentry( ) { cin>>idno;gets(type);gets(desc); void Showonscreen( ) { cout<<idno<<.:.<<type<<endl<<desc<<endl; 40. Write a function in C++ to add new object at the bottom of the binary file Train.Dat. Assuming that binary file is containing the objects of the following class: class Train { int Tno; char Tname[20]; Mohd. Hashim, PGT (Computer Sc.),,

4 char start_place[20]; void enter( ) { cin>>tno ; gets(tname) ; gets(start_place); void display( ) { cout<<tno << Tname << start_place; char *ret_place( ) { return start_place; 41. Write a function in C++ to search & display the details of all trains, whose destination is Delhi from a binary file TRAIN.DAT, assuming the binary file is containing the objects of the following class. /* CBSE 2010 */ class TRAIN { int Tno; char From[20]; char To[20]; char* GetFrom( ){return From; char* GetTo( ){return To; void Input(){cin>>Tno;gets(From);gets(To); void Show(){cout<<Tno<<From<<To<<endl; 42. Write a function in C++ to search for a camera from a binary file CAMERA.DAT, containing the objects of class CAMERA. The user should enter the Model No and the function should search and display the details of the camera. /* CBSE 2011 */ class CAMERA { long ModelNo; float MegaPixel; int Zoom; char Details[120]; long GetModelNo(){return ModelNo; void Enter(){cin>> ModelNo>> MegaPixel >> Zoom; gets(details); void Display(){cout<< ModelNo<< MegaPixel<<Zoom<<Details<<endl; 43. Write a function in C++ to search for the details (Phoneno and Calls) of those phones, which have more than 800 calls from a binary file phones.dat. Assuming that this binary file contains records/objects of class Phone, which is defined below: /* CBSE 2012 */ class Phone { char Phoneno[10]; int calls; void Get(){gets(Phoneno); cin>>calls; void Billing(){cout<<Phoneno<< # <<Calls<<endl; int GetCalls() { return Calls; Mohd. Hashim, PGT (Computer Sc.),,

5 44. Write a function in C++ to read the objects of ANTIQUE from binary file ANTIQUE.DAT and display those antique items which are priced between and Assuming that this binary file contains records/objects of class ANTIQUE, which is defined below:/* CBSE 2013 */ class ANTIQUE { int ANO; char Aname[10]; float price; void Buy(){gets(Aname); cin>>ano>>price; void Show(){cout<<ANO<<Aname<<Price<<endl; float GetPrice() { return Price; 45. Consider the class declaration class BUS { int bus_no; char destination[20]; float distance; void read(); // read the data from file void write(); // read the data from user and store to the file. void show(); // show the data on screen Complete the member functions definitions. 46. Assuming the class Computer as follows : /* CBSE 2004 */ class computer { char chiptype[10]; float speed; void getdetails() { gets(chiptype); cin>>speed; void showdetails() { cout<< Chip <<chiptype<< Speed= <<speed; Write a function readfile( ) to read all the records present in an already existing binary file SHIP.DAT and display them on the screen, also count the number of records present in the file. 47. void main( ) /* CBSE 2006 */ { char ch = A ; fstream fileout( data.dat, ios::out) ; fileout<<ch ; int p = fileout.tellg( ) cout<<p ; What is the output if the file content before the execution of the program is the string ABC. 48. void main( ) /* CBSE 2006 */ { char ch = A ; fstream fileout( data.dat, ios :: app) ; fileout<<ch ; int p = fileout.tellg( ) ; Mohd. Hashim, PGT (Computer Sc.),,

6 cout << p ; What is the output if the file content before the execution of the program is the string ABC. 49. Write a function in C++ to transfer a particular type of stock from the file inventory.dat to another file backinvent.dat. Assuming that the binary file is containing the records of following structure : struct Products { int id; char Iname[30]; int type; Remember that transfer means deletion from the inventory.dat file and addition in the backinvent.dat file. 50. Observe the program segment given below carefully,and answer the question that follows: class Labrecord /* CBSE 2007 */ { int Expno, Marks; char Experiment[20]; char Checked ; void EnterExp( ) ; //function to enter Experiment details viod ShowExp( ) ; //function to display Experiment details char RChecked( ) //function to return Expno {return Checked ; void Assignmarks (int M) //function to assign Marks { Marks = M ; ; void ModifyMarks( ) { fstream File ; ( Marks.Dat, ios :: binary ios :: in ios :: out) ; Labrecord L ; int Rec=0 ; while ( ( (char*) &L,sizeof (L) ) ) { if (L.RChecked( )= = N ) L.Assignmarks (0) else L.Assignmarks (10) //Statement 1. //Statement 2 Rec++ ; File.close( ) ; If the function ModifyMarks ( ) is supposed to modify marks for the records in the file MARKS.DAT based on their status of the member Checked (containg value either Y or N ).Write C++ statements for the statement 1 and statement 2,where, statement 1 is required to position the file write pointer to an appropriate place in the file and statement 2 is to perform the write operation with the modified record. Mohd. Hashim, PGT (Computer Sc.),,

7 51. Observe the program segment given below carefully, and answer the question that follows: class Candidate /* CBSE 2008 */ { long Cld; //Candidate's Id char CName [20] ; //Candidate's Name float Marks; //Candidate's Marks void Enter() ; void Display (); void MarksChange() ; //Function to change marks long R_Cid() { return Cld; void MarksUpdate(long Id) { fstream File; ("CANDIDAT.DAT",ios::binary l ios: :in ios::out); Candidate C; int Record=O, Found=O; while (!Found &&*)&C, sizeof (C) ) ) { if (Id==C. R_Cld () ) { cout«"enter new Marks" ; C.MarksChange() ; //Statement 1 //Statement 2 Found = 1; Record++; if (Found==1) cout<<"record Updated"; File.close() ; Write thestatement1 to position the File Pointer at the beginning of the Record for which the Candidate's Id matches with the argument passed, and Statement 2 to write the updated Record at that position. 52. Observe the program segment given below carefully and fill in the blanks marked by the statement1 and statement 2 using Seekg() and tellg() functions for performing the required task #include <fstream.h> class Car { char No_Plate[15],Car_type[20]; /* function to count the total no. of records in a file */ int Countrec(); int Car::Countrec() { fstream file ; Veh.dat,ios::binary ios::in); //statememt1 int bytes = //statement 2 int Count = bytes/sizeof(car); file.close(); return Count; Mohd. Hashim, PGT (Computer Sc.),,

8 Computer Science, Class XII, Find the output of following C++ code considering that the binary file MEMBER.DAT exists on the hard disk with records of 100 members. /* CBSE 2015 */ class Member { int Mno; char Name[20]; void IN( ); void OUT( ); void main( ) { fstream MF ; MEMBER.DAT,ios::binary ios::in); Member M;*)&M, sizeof (M) );*)&M, sizeof (M) );*)&M, sizeof (M) ); int POSITION= MF.tellg( )/ sizeof(m); cout<< PRESENT RECORD: <<POSITION<<endl; MF.close( ); Mohd. Hashim, PGT (Computer Sc.),,

File.seekp(File.tellp( )-sizeof(c)); //Statement 1 //File.seekp(Record*sizeof(C));

File.seekp(File.tellp( )-sizeof(c)); //Statement 1 //File.seekp(Record*sizeof(C)); DATA FILE HANDLING OUTSIDE DELHI : 2008 4.a)Observe the program segment given below carefully, and answer the question that follows : class candidate { long Cid ; // Candidate s Id char CName[20] ; //

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