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1 Excel Intermediate ( ) Advanced Functions Quick Links Range Names Pages EX394 EX407 Data Validation Pages EX410 EX419 VLOOKUP Pages EX176 EX179 EX489 EX500 IF Pages EX172 EX176 EX466 EX489 AND and OR Pages EX470 EX480 ISBLANK Pages IFERROR Pages EX500 EX502 SUMIF, COUNTIF, Pages EX511 EX517 AVERAGEIF PMT Pages EX192 EX197 NPER Pages EX192, EX197 FV Page EX192, EX197 Round Pages EX141 Protecting Cells Pages EX420 EX425 This icon designates that a recorded lecture for the designated topic is available on my website 1

2 Range Names Excel allows you to assign a name to a cell or a range of cells Make formulas easier to build and read Range names are always absolute references Note this prevents you from copying formulas that need to be updated With Go To command, easier navigation Easy printing Range names cannot contain spaces and cannot look like a cell address (FY2013 is not legal) Hard way: InsertNameDefine Easy way Select range to name Type name in the Name Box (to left of formula bar) Press ENTER. If you skip this step, the name will not be saved. To see what range defines Select name from Name Box Cells are highlighted Good for navigation. Move to different sheets or areas of large sheets To use name in formula Type name where appropriate, or As you type, Excel displays a list of functions, named ranges and tables that start with the characters you have typed. Point to the appropriate name and double click You can also choose in the Defined Names group of the Formulas Ribbon Press F3 to display a popup window that contains all the defined names. Select the name and paste it in your formula To remove a defined range name, select the Name Manager button in the Defined Names group of the Formulas Ribbon This dialog box also allows you to redefine the range associated with a name. 2

3 Int Excel 5.1: Table Formulas Data tables define names for cells automatically based on the column headers (field name). To use a table field name in a formula, surround the field name with [square brackets] Example: =[Order Total] * [Tax Rate] Note if you use point and shoot to create a formula using table fields, Excel inserts before the field name along with a second set of brackets. These seem to be optional. =[@[Order Total]] * [@[Tax Rate]] If your workbook has more than one table in it, you must precede the field name with the table name Even if the field name is unique only defined in one table. =Invoice[Order Total] * Invoice[Tax Rate] 3

4 Data Validation Int Excel 5.2: Data Validation Can check to ensure correct type of data is entered (text, value, date) Can check for appropriate range of values Specifying validation rules: Select the cell(s) to be validated Choose the Data Validation button Data Ribbon, Data Tools group Select allowable type under Allow: Under Data:, choose a comparison operator Enter the appropriate comparison values For multiple conditions, use the AND or OR functions Optionally, include input instructions Appear as a Screen Tip next to cell when cell is active Select the Input Message tab Type a title for the box Type the instructions you d like to display Specify error style and message Warning Yes: leave value and continue No: leave value but stay in this cell Cancel: restore original value, stay in this cell Information: OK: leave value and continue Cancel: restore original value, stay in cell Stop Retry: Leave value (to edit) and stay in cell Cancel: restore original value, stay in cell 4

5 Copying Validation If you forget to select a range of cells before setting validation rules, you can still copy the validation rules to the other cells. Use the Fill Handle to copy the data validation to other cells If the other cells already contain data, this technique won t work (the data will be replaced along with the data validation) You cannot use the Fill Formatting Only option to solve this problem. Alternative 2: Let s say you added validation to cell C2 (forgetting to select the rest of the cells in that column). To copy the validation: Select the cell with data validation defined (C2) and all the other cells that should include that validation. Click the Data Validation button The following dialog box will appear because the first cell has validation and the others don t. Click Yes to extend (copy) the data validation to the other cells. 5

6 List Validation In some circumstances, the values you want the user to enter come from a predefined list. You can force the user to select from this list. Define a Data Validation (see above) Choose List under allow Designate where the acceptable values are Select the cells that contain the acceptable values You can enter a range of cells from another sheet You can also enter a named range from another sheet (Formulas, ) You can also type a custom list of acceptable values that do not appear in the workbook at all. In the Source: box, simply type the acceptable values separated by commas No quotation marks required around values When the user clicks in a cell with List validation a drop down arrow will appear. When the user clicks the drop down arrow, the list of acceptable values appears. The user can still enter the values manually If the validation uses the Warning error alert, the user can override the list values. 6

7 Advanced Functions VLOOKUP Int Excel 5.3: Lookup Functions Allows you to lookup a value in a table based on another value Can do range matching or exact matching When doing range lookup, construct the table defining the LOWEST value for each range Define the ranges from the smallest to the largest values. Wizard helps build the formula VLOOKUP(valuetolookup, lookuptable, columntotransfer[, rangelookup]) valuetolookup: the value (usually a cell reference) whose corresponding value is to be found (looked up) in the lookup table lookuptable: the range of cells that define the lookup table Tip: Define the lookup table as a data table and give it a name If you do not use a data table, the lookup table cell range must not include any headers columntotransfer: column number in lookup table Left-most column is number 1 Lookup values must be in this column Results usually in the next column (2) rangelookup Enter TRUE if the lookup table contains ranges of data Note: rangelookup is optional. If you leave it off, TRUE is used. Enter FALSE if the lookup table contains exact values Note there is also a lesser used HLOOKUP function that looks below the lookup value instead of to the right. 7

8 Creating Vertical Lookup Tables There are two kinds of lookup tables: Exact Value Lookup tables and Range Lookup tables Each kind of table includes at least two columns of data The first column contains the compare values to be looked up An example might be a column of student IDs The subsequent column(s) contain corresponding values (that correspond to the value in the same row of the first column) Examples might include: student name (that corresponds to the ID in the first column) and/or student phone number (that corresponds to the ID in the first column) Remember, there can be as many corresponding columns as you need (see video) Creating an Exact Value Lookup Table The table above is an example of an Exact Value Lookup Table Often, Exact Value Lookup tables have text as compare values in the first column Note the lookup table does not need to be defined starting in A1 lookup tables can be located anywhere They are often stored in separate worksheets Note if you are designating the lookup table as a range of cells (instead of a table name), do not include the column headers in the range Exact lookup table compare values (column 1) do not need to be in any particular order. 8

9 Example: =VLOOKUP(F12, ScoreLU, 2, FALSE) =VLOOKUP(F12, D2:E5, 2, FALSE) This lookup function looks in cell F12 and compares that value to the values in the first column of the lookup table. ScoreLU is the name of the table I like to include LU in the table name: LU is short for lookup. This is optional. The second example uses D2:E5 is the range of cells that define the table We re assuming the header cells are in row 1 Note the headers are NOT included in the range designation Remember, you can also define a name for the range and use that in place of D2:E5 2 is the column whose corresponding value we want the VLOOKUP function to return Remember the compare values are always designated as column 1. You cannot use the column letter (E) instead FALSE designates this in NOT a range lookup You MUST designate FALSE for exact value lookups If F12 contains the value Quiz, the VLOOKUP function would display the value 20 9

10 Creating a Range Lookup Table The table above is an example of an Range Lookup Table Range Lookup tables usually have numbers as compare values in the first column, though dates and text can also be used Note the lookup table does not need to be defined starting in A1 lookup tables can be located anywhere They are often stored in separate worksheets Note if you are designating the lookup table as a range of cells (instead of a table name), do not include the column headers in the range Range lookup table compare values (column 1) must be in numeric order from smallest to largest Text compare values must be alphabetical, A-Z Each value represents the minimum value required to return the value in the corresponding column. Excel works its way down the compare column until it discovers a value larger than the lookup value. It then uses the previous row. A lookup value of 50 would return E A lookup value of 75 would return C A lookup value of 97 would return A (any value 90 or more would return A) 10

11 Example: =VLOOKUP(W123, GradeLU, 2) This lookup function looks in cell W123 and compares that value to the values in the first column of the lookup table. GradeLU is the table name (or range name) that defines the lookup table Assuming the header cells are in row 1, GradeLU would be defined as G2:H6 when not defined as a table Note the headers are NOT included in the range designation G2:H6 could also have been used in the function 2 is the column whose corresponding value we want the VLOOKUP function to return Remember the compare values are always designated as column 1. You cannot use the column letter (E) instead The rangelookup value has been omitted. Remember this is the same as entering TRUE You could designate TRUE for a range lookup if you wish If W123 contains the value 79.3, the VLOOKUP function would display C 11

12 IF Excel 5.4 Logical Functions Allows you to enter one of two values into a cell based on a condition Again, formula wizard helps IF(condition, value-if-true, value-if-false) Can be nested to create complex conditions value-if-true part (or value-if-false part) is replaced by another IF function (with a condition and true and false parts of its own) Example (convert program code into program name unless data is missing) IF(P1="","",IF(P1=" ","Programming", "Networking")) I often use IF statements to hide formulas that don t yet have a value because the cells used in the formula don t have any values. Create the correct formula Wrap an IF statement around the formula to hide the formula results when the data is missing. Other logical functions such as AND and OR allow you to create even more complex conditions. 12

13 Using IF to hide formulas where data is missing In many of my worksheets, I want to enter formulas in advance, even before the user has entered data. Unfortunately, when you do this, Excel tries to evaluate the formula and either displays 0 or, if functions are used, an error message. In the example above, the data for April and May is not yet available. The worksheet would look more professional if the zeroes were hidden until the data is available. We can use an IF function to hide the formulas where the data is missing. I like to enter all the formulas first to ensure the formulas calculate correctly. Then, I wrap an IF function around the original formula. Cell D2 contains the formula =B2+C2. This is how I d wrap an IF formula around that formula: =IF(B2="", "", B2+C2) Note the original formula (B2+C2) appears as the False part of the IF function The condition for the IF function contains B2="" I m checking to see if B2 (one of the formula values) is empty by comparing it to the empty string (two quotes right next to each other). If the condition is true (no data), I store the empty string in the cell. Instead of B2="",you could use the ISBLANK function: IF(ISBLANK(B2).Both conditions give the same results I chose to check to see if B2 was blank. We could have checked C2 instead, or, if you really want to get complicated, check them both (OR function). 13

14 Let s do another wrap an IF function around it example: Cell F2 contains the formula: =C2/$D2 (formatted for %) After wrapping an IF function around it (to display nothing when the data is missing), the formula looks like this: =IF(C2="", "",C2/$D2 ) Again, note the original formula appears as the False component of the IF function (at the end) Note how this example and the first example both start with: =IF(x9="", "", (where x9 is replaced with a cell reference) Summary: So, to wrap an IF function around a formula, Add =IF(x9="", "", to the beginning of the original formula (replacing x9 with the appropriate cell reference) (note there are two commas) Add a closing parenthesis to the end of the formula (to end the IF function) Copy the formula as appropriate When the missing data becomes available, the Total and percentages automatically, magically appear. 14

15 And and Or Functions Int Excel 5.4: Logical Functions The IF function only allows you to check the status of one condition. In some circumstances, you ll need to check two or more conditions. The AND function allows you to designate two or more conditions and returns TRUE only if all the conditions evaluate to true (false if any one condition is false) The OR function allows you to designate two or more conditions and return TRUE if any one of the conditions is true (false if all are false) The AND and OR functions are normally embedded in the IF function (condition part) After the function name (AND or OR), the list of conditions is placed inside parenthesis; each condition separated from the next with a comma Examples =IF(AND(B2="Hourly", C2>=5),2, 1) (if the employee is hourly and has at least 5 years experience, the employee receives 2 weeks vacation, otherwise, they get 1 week.) ISBLANK =IF(OR(H1="Stevens Point", H1="Plover", H1="Rosholt"), "Portage", "Wood") (if the city (H1) is Stevens Point, Plover, or Rosholt, the county is set to Portage; otherwise it is set to Wood. Assumes only those counties are possible) Determines if cell is blank (true) or not (false) ISBLANK(celladdress) Normally used with IF statement Equivalent to celladdress = "" UNLESS celladdress contains a formula. A cell with a formula in it is never blank (ISBLANK returns false). IF function may display the empty string in a cell, but because the cell contains a formula, it is not blank, even though it looks like it. I prefer celladdress="" because it behaves properly whether the cell contains a value or a formula 15

16 IFERROR Displays a designated value when the original equation causes an error IFERROR(VLOOKUP(F12, ScoreLU, 2, FALSE), "Unrecognized test name.") Normally, used in place of an IF statement See a list of the errors ISERROR recognizes in the text Great for sensing the compare value of an exact match VLOOKUP is not in the table (causes #N/A error) If the expression (VLOOKUP in example) causes an error the Unrecognized text name. message is displayed in the cell. Otherwise the result of the VLOOKUP is displayed. Tip: Use my wrap an IF statement around it technique described above to wrap an IFERROR around an existing equation. I m not a big fan of IFERROR. Data validation should catch illegal values which cause IFERROR to display the error message My wrap and IF around it technique handle circumstances where data is missing. 16

17 SUMIF, COUNTIF, AVERAGEIF Excel 5.5: COUNTIF, SUMIF, AVERAGEIF Counts, totals, or averages cells that meet a given condition COUNTIF(rangetocount, condition) SUMIF(rangeforcondition, condition, rangetosum) AVERAGEIF(rangeforcondition, condition, rangetoaverage) Note you can use a range, a named range or a table field name for the ranges designated above. Remember, if your workbook has more than one table, you ll have to precede the field name with the table name: Employee[Location] When typing manually, condition must be in quotes For SUMIF and AVERAGEIF rangeforcondition contains the range of cells that the condition should be applied to Might be a range of campus values rangetosum/average contains the range of cells that should be added/averaged if the condition is met Might be a range of GPA values if rangeforcondition is the same as rangetosum/average, rangetosum/average can be omitted 17

18 PMT Int Excel 5.6: PMT, FV, NPER Calculates the payment for a loan PMT(rateperperiod, #periods, principal) NPER (PV) Watch rate per period. Most interest rates quoted annually, need to divide by twelve (periods per year) PMT returns a negative value. All financial functions can be used for investments or loans. If you d rather a positive value (most likely), you can change the formula in one of two ways: Add a minus sign before PMT Add a minus sign before principal Calculates the number of payments ( How long will it take to pay off the loan if I can afford to pay this much? ) NPER(rateperperiod, paymentperperiod, -PVprincipal) Note location of minus sign Again, remember rate per period! Put a minus sign in front of the present value, NOT in front of the whole formula NPER (FV) Determines how long it will take to accumulate X amount of money if invest a fixed amount every period at a fixed rate. NPER(rateperperiod, paymentperperiod,,-fvprincipal) Put a minus sign in front of the present value, NOT in front of the whole formula 18

19 FV (Future Value) Determines the value of periodic investments after a certain amount of time (fixed interest) Here, you can add the minus sign before the formula or after the payment. FV(rateperperiod, #periods, -payment) ROUND When Excel does calculations, it stores as many decimal places as it can in the result. Often, though, you will format the results of the calculation to hide extra decimal places. For future calculations, Excel still uses all the decimal places even though you only see 2 decimal places. This can cause problems when you do calculations and then calculate a sum of those calculations (among other situations). Because of rounding, when the formulas are displayed, the grand total may not be correct (consistent). This can be quite embarrassing. Only occurs when dividing or multiplying by a fraction. Use the ROUND function to tell Excel to throw away extra decimal places and use the rounded value for future calculations. Normally, you ll tell Excel to round to the same number of decimal places you re displaying. ROUND(celladdress, # of places) ROUND(formula, # of places) 19

20 Protecting Cells Int Excel 5.7: Protecting Workbooks Experienced users know how to correct errors when they accidentally delete formulas or change labels. Inexperienced users may not. To keep inexperienced users from accidentally changing labels or formulas (which should remain fixed after the workbook is tested), you can protect cells of a worksheet by locking them. Users can view protected cells, but cannot delete or modify them Excel has a goofy way of protecting its cells. This goofy way keeps inexperienced users from accidentally unprotecting protected cells. In Excel, you don t protect individual cells, you protect entire worksheets To start with (by default), the worksheet is unprotected, but all cells have locks in them (have the potential to be locked) First have to remove the locks in the cells you want the user to have access to. Then, protect the worksheet, which closes the locks in the cells where you didn t remove them Steps Highlight cells that are to be left Unlocked Try select all, then Ctrl-Click the cells you want locked to deselect them Access Format Cells dialog box (right-click) Choose the Protection tab Uncheck Lock check box (this removes the lock) Click the Protect Sheet button in the Changes group of the Review Ribbon. Select what capabilities you want the user to have in regard to the locked cells. To provide even greater protection (from people who find the Unprotect Worksheet button and abuse it), you can also add a password that is required to unprotect the worksheet. You can also keep the user from changing a chart sheet Simply protect the worksheet (chart sheet) 20

21 Starting in Excel 2010, there is a new, somewhat more logical way to unprotect the cells you want to give the user access to. Open the worksheet to unlock cells in Click the in the Changes group of the Review Ribbon. Click the button in the Allow Users to Edit Ranges dialog box Designate a title for the range (optional) Highlight the range of cells the user can edit (unlocked). Note you can define a collection of cells and unlock them all Define a password for the range (optional) Repeat the above for all ranges that should be unlocked Click the Protect Sheet button in the Changes group of the Review Ribbon. Select what capabilities you want the user to have in regard to the locked cells. 21

22 Protecting the Workbook The workbook itself can also be protected. This prevents the user from moving, renaming, deleting worksheets Click the Protect Workbook button in the Changes group of the Review Ribbon. Choose Protect Structure and Windows from the popup menu If you are displaying multiple Excel workbooks in the same window, click the Windows checkbox in the dialog box to keep the user from rearranging the windows. Add a password (optional) if you want one to unlock the workbooks. To unlock the workbook, select the Protect Workbook button again and click Protect Structure and Windows again to deselect it. Note protecting cells and workbooks are separate processes. Protecting a worksheet s cells does not protect the worksheet itself. Protecting a worksheet (using Protect Workbook) does not protect (lock) any cells in the worksheet. 22

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