15 Unification and Embedded Languages in Lisp

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1 15 Unification and Embedded Languages in Lisp Chapter Objectives Chapter Contents Pattern matching in Lisp: Database examples Full unification as required for Predicate Calculus problem solving Needed for applying inference rules General structure mapping Recursive for embedded structures Building interpreters and embedded languages Example: read-eval-print loop Example: infix interpreter 15.1 Pattern Matching: Introduction 15.2 Interpreters and Embedded Languages 15.1 Pattern Matching: Introduction Pattern Matching in Lisp In Chapter 15 we first design an algorithm for matching patterns in general list structures. This is the basis for the unify function which supports full pattern matching and the return of sets of unifying substitutions for matching patterns in predicate calculus expressions. We will see this as the basis for interpreters for logic programming and rule-based systems in Lisp, presented in Chapters 16 and 17. Pattern matching is an important AI methodology that has already been discussed in the Prolog chapters and in the presentation of production systems. In this section we implement a recursive pattern matcher and use it to build a pattern-directed retrieval function for a simple database. The heart of this retrieval system is a function called match, which takes as arguments two s-expressions and returns t if the expressions match. Matching requires that both expressions have the same structure as well as having identical atoms in corresponding positions. In addition, match allows the inclusion of variables, denoted by?, in an s-expression. Variables are allowed to match with any s-expression, either a list or an atom, but do not save bindings, as with full unification (next). Examples of the desired behavior for match appear below. If the examples seem reminiscent of the Prolog examples in Part II, this is because match is actually a simplified version of the unification algorithm that forms the heart of the Prolog environment, as well as of many other pattern-directed AI systems. We will later expand match into the full unification algorithm by allowing named variables and returning a list of bindings required for a match. 195

2 196 Part II: Programming in Lisp > (match (likes bill wine) (likes bill wine)) t > (match (likes bill wine) (likes bill milk)) nil > (match (likes bill?) (likes bill wine)) t > (match (likes? wine) (likes bill?)) t > (match (likes bill?) (likes bill (prolog lisp smalltalk)) t > (match (likes?) (likes bill wine)) nil match is used to define a function called get-matches, which takes as arguments two s-expressions. The first argument is a pattern to be matched against elements of the second s-expression, which must be a list. getmatches returns a list of the elements of the list that match the first argument. In the example below, get-matches is used to retrieve records from an employee database as described earlier in Part III. Because the database is a large and relatively complex s-expression, we have bound it to the global variable *database* and use that variable as an argument to get-matches. This was done to improve readability of the examples. > (setq *database* (((lovelace ada) ) *database* ((turing alan) ) ((shelley mary) ) ((vonneumann john) ) ((simon herbert) ) ((mccarthy john) ) ((russell bertrand) )) > (get-matches ((turing alan) ) *database*) ((turing alan) ) > (get-matches (? ?) *database*) ;people who make (((lovelace ada) ) ((simon herbert) )) > (get-matches ((? john)??) *database*) ;all people named john (((vonneumann john) ) ((mccarthy john) )) We implement get-matches using cdr recursion: each step attempts to match the target pattern with the first element of the database (the car of the list). If the is a match, the function will cons it onto the list of

3 Chapter 15 Unification and Embedded Languages 197 matches returned by the recursive call to form the answer for the pattern. get-matches is defined: (defun get-matches (pattern database) (cond ((null database) ( )) ((match pattern (car database)) (cons (car database) (get-matches pattern (cdr database)))) (t (get-matches pattern (cdr database))))) The heart of the system is the match function, a predicate that determines whether or not two s-expressions containing variables actually match. match is based on the idea that two lists match if and only if their respective cars and cdrs match, suggesting a car-cdr recursive scheme for the algorithm. The recursion terminates when either of the arguments is atomic (this includes the empty list, nil, which is both an atom and a list). If both patterns are the same atom or if one of the patterns is a variable atom,?, which can match with anything, then termination is with a successful match; otherwise, the match will fail. Notice that if either of the patterns is a variable, the other pattern need not be atomic; variables may match with variables or with s-expressions of arbitrary complexity. Because the handling of the terminating conditions is complex, the implementation of match uses a function called match-atom that takes two arguments, one or both of which is an atom, and checks to see whether the patterns match. By hiding this complexity in match-atom the car-cdr recursive structure of match is more apparent: (defun match (pattern1 pattern2) (cond (or (atom pattern1) (atom pattern2)) (match-atom pattern1 pattern2)) (t (and (match (car pattern1) (car pattern2)) (match (cdr pattern1) (cdr pattern2)))))) The implementation of match-atom makes use of the fact that when it is called, at least one of the arguments is an atom. Because of this assumption, a simple test for equality of patterns is all that is needed to test that both patterns are the same atom (including both being a variable); it will fail either if the two patterns are different atoms or if one of them is nonatomic. If the first test fails, the only way match can succeed is if one of the patterns is a variable. This check constitutes the remainder of the function definition. Finally, we define a function variable-p to test whether or not a pattern is a variable. Treating variables as an abstract data type now will simplify later extensions to the function, for example, the extension of the function to named variables as in Prolog.

4 198 Part II: Programming in Lisp (defun match-atom (pattern1 pattern2) (or (equal pattern1 pattern2) (variable-p pattern1) (variable-p pattern2))) (defun variable-p (x) (equal x?)) A Recursive Unification Function We have just completed the implementation of a recursive patternmatching algorithm that allowed the inclusion of unnamed variables in patterns. Our next step will be to extend this simple pattern matcher into the full unification algorithm. See Luger (2009, Section 2.3) for a pseudocode version of this algorithm. The function, unify, allows named variables in both of the patterns to be matched, and returns a substitution list of the variable bindings required for the match. This unification function is the basis of the inference systems for logic and expert system interpreters developed later in Chapters 16 and 17. As follows the definition of unification, patterns are either constants, variables, or list structures. We will distinguish variables from one another by their names. Named variables will be represented as lists of the form (var <name>), where <name> is usually an atomic symbol. (var x), (var y), and (var newstate) are all examples of legal variables. The function unify takes as arguments two patterns to be matched and a set of variable substitutions (bindings) to be employed in the match. Generally, this set will be empty (nil) when the function is first called. On a successful match, unify returns a (possibly empty) set of substitutions required for a successful match. If no match was possible, unify returns the symbol failed; nil is used to indicate an empty substitution set, i.e., a match in which no substitutions were required. An example of the behavior of unify, with comments, is: > (unify (p a (var x)) (p a b) ( )) (((var x). b)) ;Returns substitution of b for (var x). > (unify (p (var y) b) (p a (var x)) ( )) (((var x). b) ((var y). a)) ;Variables appear in both patterns. > (unify (p (var x)) (p (q a (var y))) ( )) (((var x) q a (var y))) ;Variable is bound to a complex pattern. > (unify (p a) (p a) ( )) nil ;nil indicates no substitution required. > (unify (p a) (q a) ( )) failed ;Returns atom failed to indicate failure.

5 Chapter 15 Unification and Embedded Languages 199 We will explain the. notation, as in ((var x). b), after we present the function unify. unify, like the pattern matcher of earlier in this section, uses a car-cdr recursive scheme and is defined by: (defun unify (pattern1 pattern2 substitution-list) (cond ((equal substitution-list failed) failed) ((varp pattern1) (match-var pattern1 ((varp pattern2) pattern2 substitution-list)) (match-var pattern2 pattern1 substitution-list)) ((is-constant-p pattern1) (cond ((equal pattern1 pattern2) substitution-list) (t failed))) ((is-constant-p pattern2) failed) (t (unify (cdr pattern1) (cdr pattern2) (unify (car pattern1) (car pattern2) substitution-list))))) On entering unify, the algorithm first checks whether the substitution-list is equal to failed. This could occur if a prior attempt to unify the cars of two patterns had failed. If this condition is met, the entire unification operation fails, and the function returns failed. Next, if either pattern is a variable, the function match-var is called to perform further checking and possibly add a new binding to substitution-list. If neither pattern is a variable, unify tests whether either is a constant, returning the unchanged substitution list if they are the same constant, otherwise it returns failed. The last item in the cond statement implements the tree-recursive decomposition of the problem. Because all other options have failed, the function concludes that the patterns are lists the must be unified recursively. It does this using a standard tree-recursive scheme: first, the cars of the patterns are unified using the bindings in substitutionlist. The result is passed as the third argument to the call of unify on the cdrs of both patterns. This allows the variable substitutions made in matching the cars to be applied to other occurrences of those variables in the cdrs of both patterns. match-var, for the case of matching a variable and a pattern, is defined:

6 200 Part II: Programming in Lisp (defun match-var (var pattern substitution-list) (cond ((equal var pattern) substitution-list) (t (let ((binding (get-binding var substitution-list))) (cond (binding (unify (get-binding-value binding) pattern substitution-list)) ((occursp var pattern) failed) (t (add-substitution var pattern substitution-list))))))) match-var first checks whether the variable and the pattern are the same; unifying a variable with itself requires no added substitutions, so substitution-list is returned unchanged. If var and pattern are not the same, match-var checks whether the variable is already bound. If a binding exists, unify is called recursively to match the value of the binding with pattern. Note that this binding value may be a constant, a variable, or a pattern of arbitrary complexity; requiring a call to the full unification algorithm to complete the match. If no binding currently exists for var, the function calls occursp to test whether var appears in pattern. As explained in (Luger 2009), the occurs check is needed to prevent attempts to unify a variable with a pattern containing that variable, leading to a circular structure. For example, if (var x) was bound to (p (var x)), any attempt to apply those substitutions to a pattern would result in an infinite structure. If var appears in pattern, match-var returns failed; otherwise, it adds the new substitution pair to substitution-list using addsubstitution. unify and match-var are the heart of the unification algorithm. occursp (which performs a tree walk on a pattern to find any occurrences of the variable in that pattern), varp, and is-constantp (which test whether their argument is a variable or a constant, respectively) appear below. Functions for handling substitution sets are discussed below. (defun occursp (var pattern) (cond ((equal var pattern) t) ((or (varp pattern) nil) (is-constant-p pattern)) (t (or (occursp var (car pattern)) (occursp var (cdr pattern)))))) (defun is-constant-p (item) (atom item))

7 Chapter 15 Unification and Embedded Languages 201 (defun varp (item) (and (listp item) (equal (length item) 2) (equal (car item) var))) Sets of substitutions are represented using a built-in Lisp data type called the association list or a-list. This is the basis for the functions addsubstitutions, get-binding, and binding-value. An association list is a list of data records, or key/data pairs. The car of each record is a key for its retrieval; the cdr of each record is called the datum. The datum may be a list of values or a single atom. Retrieval is implemented by the function assoc, which takes as arguments a key and an association list and returns the first member of the association list that has the key as its car. An optional third argument to assoc specifies the test to be used in comparing keys. The default test is the Common Lisp function eql, a form of equality test requiring that two arguments be the same object (i.e., either the same memory location or the same numeric value). In implementing substitution sets, we specify a less strict test, equal, which requires only that the arguments match syntactically (i.e., are designated by identical names). An example of assoc s behavior appears next: > (assoc 3 ((1 a) (2 b) (3 c) (4 d))) (3 c) > (assoc d ((a b c) (b c d e) (d e f) (c d e)) :test # equal) (d e f) > (assoc c ((a. 1) (b. 2) (c. 3) (d. 4)) :test # equal) (c. 3) Note that assoc returns the entire record matched on the key; the datum may be retrieved from this list by the cdr function. Also, notice that in the last call the members of the a-list are not lists but a structure called dotted pairs, e.g., (a. 1). The dotted pair, or cons pair, is actually the fundamental constructor in Lisp. It is the result of consing one s-expression onto another; the list notation that we have used throughout the chapter is just a notational variant of dotted pairs. For example, the value returned by (cons 1 nil) is actually (1. nil); this is equivalent to (1). Similarly, the list (1 2 3) may be written in dotted pair notation as (1. (2. ( 3. nil))). Although the actual effect of a cons is to create a dotted pair, the list notation is cleaner and is generally preferred. If two atoms are consed together, the result is always written using dotted pair notation. The cdr of a dotted pair is the second element in the pair, rather than a list containing the second atom. For example: > (cons a b) (a. b)

8 202 Part II: Programming in Lisp > (car (a. b)) a > (cdr (a. b)) b Dotted pairs occur naturally in association lists when one atom is used as a key for retrieving another atom, as well as in other applications that require the formation and manipulation of pairs of atomic symbols. Because unifications often substitute a single atom for a variable, dotted pairs appear often in the association list returned by the unification function. Along with assoc, Common Lisp defines the function acons, which takes as arguments a key, a datum, and an association list and returns a new association list whose first element is the result of consing the key onto the datum. For example: > (acons a 1 nil) ((a. 1)) Note that when acons is given two atoms, it adds their cons to the association list: > (acons pets (emma jack clyde) ((name. bill) (hobbies music skiing movies) (job. programmer))) ((pets emma jack clyde) (name. bill) (hobbies music skiing movies)(job. programmer)) The members of an association list may themselves be either dotted pairs or lists. Association lists provide a convenient way to implement a variety of tables and other simple data retrieval schemes. In implementing the unification algorithm, we use association lists to represent sets of substitutions: the keys are the variables, and the data are the values of their bindings. The datum may be a simple variable or constant or a more complicated structure. Using association lists, the substitution set functions are defined: (defun get-binding (var substitution-list) (assoc var substitution-list :test # equal)) (defun get-binding-value (binding) (cdr binding)) (defun add-substitution (var pattern substitution-list) (acons var pattern substitution-list)) This completes the implementation of the unification algorithm. We will use the unification algorithm again in Section 15.1 to implement a simple Prolog in Lisp interpreter, and again in Section 16.2 to build an expert system shell.

9 Chapter 15 Unification and Embedded Languages Interpreters and Embedded Languages The top level of the Lisp interpreter is known as the read-eval-print loop. This describes the interpreter s behavior in reading, evaluating, and printing the value of s-expressions entered by the user. The eval function, defined in Section 11.2, is the heart of the Lisp interpreter; using eval, it is possible to write Lisp s top-level read-eval-print loop in Lisp itself. In the next example, we develop a simplified version of this loop. This version is simplified chiefly in that it does not have the error-handling abilities of the built-in loop, although Lisp does provide the functionality needed to implement such capabilities. To write the read-eval-print loop, we use two more Lisp functions, read and print. read is a function that takes no parameters; when it is evaluated, it returns the next s-expression entered at the keyboard. print is a function that takes a single argument, evaluates it, and then prints that result to standard output. Another function that will prove useful is terpri, a function of no arguments that sends a newline character to standard output. terpri also returns a value of nil on completion. Using these functions, the read-eval-print loop is based on a nested s-expression: (print (eval (read))) When this is evaluated, the innermost s-expression, (read), is evaluated first. The value returned by the read, the next s-expression entered by the user, is passed to eval, where it is evaluated. The result of this evaluation is passed to print, where it is sent to the display screen. To complete the loop we add a print expression to output the prompt, a terpri to output a newline after the result has been printed, and a recursive call to repeat the cycle. Thus, the final read-eval-print loop is defined: (defun my-read-eval-print ( ) (print :) ;output a prompt ( : ) (print (eval (read))) (terpri) ;output a newline (my-read-eval-print)) This may be used on top of the built-in interpreter: > (my-read-eval-print) :(+ 1 2) ;note the alternative prompt 3 ;do it all again : ;etc As this example illustrates, by making functions such as quote and eval available to the user, Lisp gives the programmer a high degree of control over the handling of functions. Because Lisp programs and data are both represented as s-expressions, we may write programs that perform any desired manipulations of Lisp expressions prior to evaluating them. This underlies much of Lisp s power as an imperative representation language because it allows arbitrary Lisp code to be stored, modified, and evaluated when needed. It also makes it simple to write specialized interpreters that

10 204 Part II: Programming in Lisp may extend or modify the behavior of the built-in Lisp interpreter in some desired fashion. This capability is at the heart of many Lisp-based expert systems, which read user queries and respond to them according to the expertise contained in their knowledge base. As an example of the way in which such a specialized interpreter may be implemented in Lisp, we modify my-read-eval-print so that it evaluates arithmetic expressions in an infix rather than a prefix notation, as we see in the following example (note the modified prompt, infix->): infix-> (1 + 2) 3 infix-> (7 2) 5 infix-> ((5 + 2) * (3 1)) 15 ;Loop handles nesting. To simplify the example, the infix interpreter handles only arithmetic expressions. A further simplification restricts the interpreter to binary operations and requires that all expressions be fully parenthesized, eliminating the need for more sophisticated parsing techniques or worries about operator precedence. However, it does allow expressions to be nested to arbitrary depth and handles Lisp s binary arithmetic operators. We modify the previously developed read-eval-print loop by adding a function that translates infix expressions into prefix expressions prior to passing them on to eval. A first attempt at writing this function might look like: (defun simple-in-to-pre (exp) (list (nth 1 exp) (nth 0 exp) ;first operand (nth 2 exp) ;second operand ;Middle element becomes first element. simple-in-to-pre is effective in translating simple expressions; however, it is not able to correctly translate nested expressions, that is, expressions in which the operands are themselves infix expressions. To handle this situation properly, the operands must also be translated into prefix notation. Recursion is halted by testing the argument to determine whether it is a number, returning it unchanged if it is. The completed version of the infix-to-prefix translator is: (defun in-to-pre (exp) (cond ((numberp exp) exp) (t (list (nth 1 exp) (in-to-pre (nth 0 exp)) (in-to-pre (nth 2 exp)))))) Using this translator, the read-eval-print loop may be modified to interpret infix expressions, as defined next:

11 Chapter 15 Unification and Embedded Languages 205 (defun in-eval ( ) (print infix->) (print (eval (in-to-pre (read)))) (terpri) (in-eval)) This allows the interpretation of binary expressions in infix form: > (in-eval) infix->(2 + 2) 4 infix->((3 * 4) 5) 7 In the above example, we have implemented a new language in Lisp, the language of infix arithmetic. Because of the facilities Lisp provides for symbolic computing (lists and functions for their manipulation) along with the ability to control evaluation, this was much easier to do than in many other programming languages. This example illustrates an important AI programming methodology, that of meta-linguistic abstraction. Very often in AI programming, a problem is not completely understood, or the program required to solve a problem is extremely complex. Metalinguistic abstraction uses the underlying programming language, in this case, Lisp, to implement a specialized, high-level language that may be more effective for solving a particular class of problems. The term metalinguistic abstraction refers to our use of the base language to implement this other programming language, rather than to directly solve the problem. As we saw in Chapter 5, Prolog also gives the programmer the power to create meta-level interpreters. The power of meta-interpreters to support programming in complex domains was discussed in Part I. Exercises 1. Newton s method for solving roots takes an estimate of the value of the root and tests it for accuracy. If the guess does not meet the required tolerance, it computes a new estimate and repeats. Pseudo-code for using Newton s method to get the square root of a number is: function root-by-newtons-method (x, tolerance) guess := 1; repeat guess := 1/2(guess + x/guess) until absolute-value(x guess guess) < tolerance Write a recursive Lisp function to compute square roots by Newton s method. 2. Write a random number generator in Lisp. This function must maintain a global variable, seed, and return a different random number each time the function is called. For a description of a reasonable random number algorithm, consult any basic algorithms text.

12 206 Part II: Programming in Lisp 3. Test the unify form of Section 15.1 with five different examples of your own creation. 4. Test the occursp form of Section 15.1 on five different examples of your own creation 5. Write a binary post-fix interpreter that takes arbitrarily complex structures in post-fix form and evaluates them. Two examples of post-fix are (3 4 +) and (6 (5 4 +) *).

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