#pragma comment(lib, "irrklang.lib") #include <windows.h> namespace SuperMetroidCraft {

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1 Downloaded from: justpaste.it/llnu #pragma comment(lib, "irrklang.lib") #include <windows.h> namespace SuperMetroidCraft using namespace System; using namespace System::ComponentModel; using namespace System::Collections; using namespace System::Windows::Forms; using namespace System::Data; using namespace System::Drawing; using namespace System::Media; using namespace IrrKlang; / <summary> / Summary for Form1 / </summary> public ref class Form1 : public System::Windows::Forms::Form public: Form1(void) InitializeComponent(); TODO: Add the constructor code here protected: / <summary> / Clean up any resources being used. / </summary> ~Form1() if (components) delete components; private: System::Windows::Forms::Timer^ GunTimer; protected: protected: private: System::ComponentModel::IContainer^ components; private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^ Player; private: System::Windows::Forms::Timer^ PlayerMoveTimer; private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^ Ground; private: System::Windows::Forms::Timer^ MasterTimer; private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ DirLabel; private: System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox^ Grenade; private: System::Windows::Forms::Timer^ GrenadeExplosionTimer; private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ AmmoBox; private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ HPLabel; private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ ScoreLabel; private: System::Windows::Forms::Label^ ComboLabel; protected: private: / <summary> / Required designer variable. static int BulletCtr=0, UpwardMomentum=-11, GrenadeUpwardsMomentum=-15, GrenadeExpCtr=0, AnimCtr=0; static int ReloadCtr=0, Ammo=100, RndHolder, MetroidCtr=0, MetLaserCtr=0;

2 static int MetLaserMoveCtr=0, HP=5, Score=0, PlayerDeathCtr=0, Combo=0; static array<int>^ BulletHeight=gcnew array<int>(100); static array<int>^ ShellLateral=gcnew array<int>(100); static array<int>^ ShellMomentum=gcnew array<int>(100); static array<int>^ MetMoveCtr=gcnew array<int>0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0; static array<int>^ MetMoveX=gcnew array<int>(20); static array<int>^ MetMoveY=gcnew array<int>(20); static array<int>^ MetKillCtr=gcnew array<int>(20); Random^ Rnd; static bool OnGround=true, IsJumping=false, GrenadeCook=false, GrenadeThrow=false, GrenadeOnGround=false; static bool GrenadeLeft=false, Left=false, Move=false, Reload=false, DoubleJump=false; static bool IsReloading=false, GrenadeExplode=false, IsDead=false, PlayCombo=false, BulletRoll=false; static bool HasFlushedGunshot=false, HasFlushedMetLaser=false, HasFlushedMetKill=false; static array<bool>^ BulletLeft=gcnew array<bool>(100); static array<bool>^ MetDead=gcnew array<bool>(100); char dir; static String^ path="c:\\users\\owner.ben-pc\\documents\\visual Studio 2010\\Projects\\SuperMetroidCraft\\Resources\\"; static array<system::windows::forms::picturebox^>^ Bullet=gcnew array<system::windows::forms::picturebox^>(100); static array<system::windows::forms::picturebox^>^ Shell=gcnew array<system::windows::forms::picturebox^>(100); static array<system::windows::forms::picturebox^>^ MetLaser=gcnew array<system::windows::forms::picturebox^>(100); static array<system::windows::forms::picturebox^>^ Metroid=gcnew array<system::windows::forms::picturebox^>(20); static ISoundEngine^ Main=gcnew ISoundEngine(); static ISoundEngine^ Gunshot=gcnew ISoundEngine(); static ISoundEngine^ ReloadSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); static ISoundEngine^ MetLaserSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); static ISoundEngine^ MetKillSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); static ISoundEngine^ GrenadeSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); static ISoundEngine^ DeathSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); static ISoundEngine^ ComboSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); static ISoundEngine^ ComboBreakerSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); / </summary> #pragma region Windows Form Designer generated code / <summary> / Required method for Designer support - do not modify / the contents of this method with the code editor. / </summary> void InitializeComponent(void) this->components = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::Container()); System::ComponentModel::ComponentResourceManager^ resources = (gcnew System::ComponentModel::ComponentResourceManager(Form1::typeid)); this->guntimer = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Timer(this->components)); this->player = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox()); this->playermovetimer = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Timer(this->components)); this->ground = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox()); this->mastertimer = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Timer(this->components)); this->dirlabel = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label()); this->grenade = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox()); this->grenadeexplosiontimer = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Timer(this->components)); this->ammobox = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label()); this->hplabel = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label()); this->scorelabel = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label()); this->combolabel = (gcnew System::Windows::Forms::Label()); (cli::safe_cast<system::componentmodel::isupportinitialize^ >(this->player))->begininit(); (cli::safe_cast<system::componentmodel::isupportinitialize^ >(this->ground))->begininit();

3 (cli::safe_cast<system::componentmodel::isupportinitialize^ >(this->grenade))->begininit(); this->suspendlayout(); GunTimer this->guntimer->tick += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::GunTimer_Tick); Player this->player->image = (cli::safe_cast<system::drawing::image^ >(resources- >GetObject(L"Player.Image"))); this->player->location = System::Drawing::Point(0, 500); this->player->name = L"Player"; this->player->size = System::Drawing::Size(24, 31); this->player->tabindex = 0; this->player->tabstop = false; PlayerMoveTimer this->playermovetimer->interval = 10; this->playermovetimer->tick += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::PlayerMoveTimer_Tick); Ground this->ground->image = (cli::safe_cast<system::drawing::image^ >(resources- >GetObject(L"Ground.Image"))); this->ground->location = System::Drawing::Point(0, 531); this->ground->name = L"Ground"; this->ground->size = System::Drawing::Size(1233, 133); this->ground->tabindex = 1; this->ground->tabstop = false; MasterTimer this->mastertimer->enabled = true; this->mastertimer->interval = 10; this->mastertimer->tick += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::MasterTimer_Tick); DirLabel this->dirlabel->autosize = true; this->dirlabel->location = System::Drawing::Point(13, 13); this->dirlabel->name = L"DirLabel"; this->dirlabel->size = System::Drawing::Size(26, 13); this->dirlabel->tabindex = 2; this->dirlabel->text = L"Dir="; Grenade this->grenade->backgroundimage = (cli::safe_cast<system::drawing::image^ >(resources- >GetObject(L"Grenade.BackgroundImage"))); this->grenade->image = (cli::safe_cast<system::drawing::image^ >(resources- >GetObject(L"Grenade.Image"))); this->grenade->location = System::Drawing::Point(12, 29); this->grenade->name = L"Grenade"; this->grenade->size = System::Drawing::Size(7, 10); this->grenade->tabindex = 3; this->grenade->tabstop = false; GrenadeExplosionTimer this->grenadeexplosiontimer->interval = 250; this->grenadeexplosiontimer->tick += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::GrenadeExplosionTimer_Tick); AmmoBox

4 this->ammobox->autosize = true; this->ammobox->location = System::Drawing::Point(679, 9); this->ammobox->name = L"AmmoBox"; this->ammobox->size = System::Drawing::Size(83, 13); this->ammobox->tabindex = 4; this->ammobox->text = L"Ammo: 100/100"; HPLabel this->hplabel->autosize = true; this->hplabel->location = System::Drawing::Point(628, 9); this->hplabel->name = L"HPLabel"; this->hplabel->size = System::Drawing::Size(45, 13); this->hplabel->tabindex = 5; this->hplabel->text = L"HP: 5/5"; ScoreLabel this->scorelabel->autosize = true; this->scorelabel->location = System::Drawing::Point(768, 9); this->scorelabel->name = L"ScoreLabel"; this->scorelabel->size = System::Drawing::Size(47, 13); this->scorelabel->tabindex = 6; this->scorelabel->text = L"Score: 0"; ComboLabel this->combolabel->autosize = true; this->combolabel->font = (gcnew System::Drawing::Font(L"Microsoft Sans Serif", 40, System::Drawing::FontStyle::Regular, System::Drawing::GraphicsUnit::Point, static_cast<system::byte>(0))); this->combolabel->location = System::Drawing::Point(514, 210); this->combolabel->name = L"ComboLabel"; this->combolabel->size = System::Drawing::Size(0, 63); this->combolabel->tabindex = 7; Form1 this->autoscaledimensions = System::Drawing::SizeF(6, 13); this->autoscalemode = System::Windows::Forms::AutoScaleMode::Font; this->backcolor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::ButtonHighlight; this->clientsize = System::Drawing::Size(1234, 664); this->controls->add(this->combolabel); this->controls->add(this->scorelabel); this->controls->add(this->hplabel); this->controls->add(this->ammobox); this->controls->add(this->grenade); this->controls->add(this->dirlabel); this->controls->add(this->ground); this->controls->add(this->player); this->name = L"Form1"; this->text = L"Form1"; this->load += gcnew System::EventHandler(this, &Form1::Form1_Load); this->keydown += gcnew System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventHandler(this, &Form1::Form1_KeyDown); this->keyup += gcnew System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventHandler(this, &Form1::Form1_KeyUp); (cli::safe_cast<system::componentmodel::isupportinitialize^ >(this->player))->endinit(); (cli::safe_cast<system::componentmodel::isupportinitialize^ >(this->ground))->endinit(); (cli::safe_cast<system::componentmodel::isupportinitialize^ >(this->grenade))->endinit(); this->resumelayout(false); this->performlayout(); #pragma endregion private: System::Void Form1_Load(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) Rnd=gcnew Random(); Main->Play2D(path+"MainTrack.wav",true);

5 private: System::Void Form1_KeyDown(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs^ e) if(isdead==false) Gun if(guntimer->enabled==false&&e->keycode==keys::e) GunTimer->Enabled=true; HasFlushedGunshot=false; Reload if(isreloading==false&&e->keycode==keys::r) Reload=true; Grenade if(e->keycode==keys::g) if(grenadethrow==false&&grenadeexplosiontimer->enabled==false) this->grenade->location=system::drawing::point(this->player->location.x+10, this->player- >Location.Y+10); GrenadeCook=true; Player motion if(e->keycode==keys::right) Left=false; if(e->keycode==keys::left) Left=true; if(e->keycode==keys::up) dir='u'; IsJumping=true; if(onground==false&&doublejump==false) DoubleJump=true; UpwardMomentum+=10; if(playermovetimer->enabled==false) PlayerMoveTimer->Enabled=true; for(int i=1; i<6; i++) if(this->player->imagelocation==(path+"playerrunright"+i+".jpg")) Left=false; break; for(int i=1; i<6; i++) if(this->player->imagelocation==(path+"playerrunleft"+i+".jpg")) Left=true; break;

6 private: System::Void Form1_KeyUp(System::Object^ sender, System::Windows::Forms::KeyEventArgs^ e) Gun if(guntimer->enabled==true&&e->keycode==keys::e) GunTimer->Enabled=false; Grenade if(e->keycode==keys::g&&isdead==false) if(grenadethrow==false&&grenadeexplosiontimer->enabled==false) this->grenade->location=system::drawing::point(this->player->location.x+10, this->player- >Location.Y+10); GrenadeUpwardsMomentum=10; GrenadeThrow=true; GrenadeCook=false; if(left==true) GrenadeLeft=true; GrenadeLeft=false; if(isdead==false) Player movement if(playermovetimer->enabled==true&&e->keycode==keys::right&&onground==true) if(left==false) Move=false; PlayerMoveTimer->Enabled=false; this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerstandright.jpg"); if(playermovetimer->enabled==true&&e->keycode==keys::right&&onground==false) if(left==false) Move=false; this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerstandright.jpg"); if(playermovetimer->enabled==true&&e->keycode==keys::left&&onground==true) if(left==true) Move=false; PlayerMoveTimer->Enabled=false; this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerstandleft.jpg"); if(playermovetimer->enabled==true&&e->keycode==keys::left&&onground==false) if(left==true) Move=false; this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerstandleft.jpg");

7 private: System::Void GunTimer_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) if(bulletctr<bullet->length&&reload==false) Gunshot->Play2D(path+"Gunshot.wav",false); HasFlushedGunshot=false; if(bulletroll==false) this->bullet[bulletctr] = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox(); this->bullet[bulletctr]->backcolor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Window; this->bullet[bulletctr]->name = L"Bullet"; this->bullet[bulletctr]->size = System::Drawing::Size(11,3); this->bullet[bulletctr]->tabindex = 2; this->bullet[bulletctr]->location = System::Drawing::Point(this->Player->Location.X, this->player- >Location.Y+9); this->controls->add(bullet[bulletctr]); this->shell[bulletctr] = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox(); this->shell[bulletctr]->backcolor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Window; this->shell[bulletctr]->name = L"Shell"; this->shell[bulletctr]->size = System::Drawing::Size(12,3); this->shell[bulletctr]->tabindex = 2; this->shell[bulletctr]->location = System::Drawing::Point(this->Player->Location.X, this->player- >Location.Y+9); this->controls->add(shell[bulletctr]); this->bullet[bulletctr]->left-=(bullet[bulletctr]->location.x)-(player->location.x); this->bullet[bulletctr]->top-=((bullet[bulletctr]->location.y)-(player->location.y))-9; this->shell[bulletctr]->left-=(shell[bulletctr]->location.x)-(player->location.x); this->shell[bulletctr]->top-=((shell[bulletctr]->location.y)-(player->location.y))-9; ShellMomentum[BulletCtr]=10; if(rnd->next()%2==0) ShellLateral[BulletCtr]=Rnd->Next()%5; ShellLateral[BulletCtr]=-Rnd->Next()%5; if(left==true) BulletLeft[BulletCtr]=true; this->bullet[bulletctr]->imagelocation = path+"bulletleft.gif"; this->shell[bulletctr]->imagelocation = path+"shellleft.jpg"; if (Left==false) BulletLeft[BulletCtr]=false; this->bullet[bulletctr]->imagelocation = path+"bulletright.gif"; this->shell[bulletctr]->imagelocation = path+"shellright.jpg"; Ammo--; this->ammobox->text="ammo: "+Ammo+"/100"; BulletCtr++; if(bulletctr==bullet->length)

8 BulletRoll=true; if(isreloading==false) IsReloading=true; ReloadSound->Play2D(path+"Reload.wav",false); Reload=true; private: System::Void PlayerMoveTimer_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) Cooking grenade if(grenadecook==true) this->grenade->location=system::drawing::point(this->player->location.x+10, this->player- >Location.Y+10); Player movement if(isdead==false) Run animation if(animctr==0) AnimCtr+=PlayerMoveTimer->Interval; if(left==false) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunright1.jpg"); if(left==true) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunleft1.jpg"); if(animctr<=5*playermovetimer->interval) AnimCtr+=PlayerMoveTimer->Interval; if(left==false) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunright2.jpg"); if(left==true) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunleft2.jpg"); if(animctr<=10*playermovetimer->interval) AnimCtr+=PlayerMoveTimer->Interval; if(left==false) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunright3.jpg"); if(left==true) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunleft3.jpg"); if(animctr<=15*playermovetimer->interval)

9 AnimCtr+=PlayerMoveTimer->Interval; if(left==false) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunright4.jpg"); if(left==true) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunleft4.jpg"); if(animctr<=20*playermovetimer->interval) AnimCtr+=PlayerMoveTimer->Interval; if(left==false) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunright5.jpg"); if(left==true) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunleft5.jpg"); if(animctr<=25*playermovetimer->interval) AnimCtr=0; if(left==false) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunright6.jpg"); if(left==true) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerrunleft6.jpg"); Move player if(move==true) if(left==false&&this->player->location.x<1220) this->player->left+=5; if(left==true&&this->player->location.x>=0) this->player->left-=5; Jumping if(isjumping==true) CheckDirection(); Player->BringToFront(); if(onground==true) UpwardMomentum=15; this->player->top-=upwardmomentum; UpwardMomentum--; OnGround=false; if(onground==false&&upwardmomentum>=0) this->player->top-=upwardmomentum; UpwardMomentum--;

10 if(onground==false&&upwardmomentum<0) if(this->player->location.y>=this->ground->location.y-31) UpwardMomentum=0; this->player->top=this->ground->location.y-31; OnGround=true; IsJumping=false; DoubleJump=false; this->player->top-=upwardmomentum; UpwardMomentum--; private: System::Void MasterTimer_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) Updade labels this->dirlabel->text="bulletroll="+bulletroll; this->scorelabel->text="score: "+Score; if(combo<10) this->combolabel->text=""; Check for arrow key state if(getasynckeystate(vk_left)==0&&getasynckeystate(vk_right)==0) Move=false; Move=true; Spawn Metroid if(rnd->next()%50==49) if(metroidctr<metroid->length) MetDead[MetroidCtr]=false; this->metroid[metroidctr] = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox(); this->metroid[metroidctr]->backcolor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Window; this->metroid[metroidctr]->imagelocation = path+"metroid.gif"; this->metroid[metroidctr]->location = System::Drawing::Point((Rnd->Next()%250)+900, (Rnd- >Next()%250)+150); this->metroid[metroidctr]->name = L"Metroid"; this->metroid[metroidctr]->size = System::Drawing::Size(32, 29); this->metroid[metroidctr]->tabindex = 2; this->controls->add(metroid[metroidctr]); MetroidCtr++; for(int i=0; i<metroidctr; i++) if(metdead[i]==true) MetDead[i]=false; this->metroid[i]->location = System::Drawing::Point((Rnd->Next()%250)+900, (Rnd- >Next()%250)+150); this->metroid[i]->imagelocation = path+"metroid.gif";

11 this->metroid[i]->size = System::Drawing::Size(32, 29); break; for(int i=0; i<metroidctr; i++) if(metdead[i]==true) MetDead[i]=false; this->metroid[i]->location = System::Drawing::Point((Rnd->Next()%250)+900, (Rnd- >Next()%250)+150); this->metroid[i]->imagelocation = path+"metroid.gif"; this->metroid[i]->size = System::Drawing::Size(32, 29); break; Move Metroids and make them shoot for(int i=0; i<metroidctr; i++) if(metdead[i]==false) if(metmovectr[i]==0) MetMoveCtr[i]++; if(rnd->next()%2==0) MetMoveX[i]=Rnd->Next()%5; MetMoveY[i]=Rnd->Next()%5; MetMoveX[i]=-Rnd->Next()%5; MetMoveY[i]=-Rnd->Next()%5; if(metmovectr[i]<100) MetMoveCtr[i]++; if(this->metroid[i]->location.x>850&&this->metroid[i]->location.x<1215) this->metroid[i]->left+=metmovex[i]; if(this->metroid[i]->location.x<850) this->metroid[i]->location=system::drawing::point(1210,this->metroid[i]->location.y); this->metroid[i]->location=system::drawing::point(860,this->metroid[i]->location.y); if(this->metroid[i]->location.y>35&&this->metroid[i]->location.y<500) this->metroid[i]->top+=metmovey[i]; if(this->metroid[i]->location.y<35) this->metroid[i]->location=system::drawing::point(this->metroid[i]->location.x,480); this->metroid[i]->location=system::drawing::point(this->metroid[i]->location.x,50);

12 MetMoveCtr[i]=0; if(rnd->next()%100==99&&metdead[i]!=true)make Metroids shoot MetLaserSound->Play2D(path+"MetLaserSound.wav"); HasFlushedMetLaser=false; if(metlaserctr<metlaser->length) this->metlaser[metlaserctr] = gcnew System::Windows::Forms::PictureBox(); this->metlaser[metlaserctr]->backcolor = System::Drawing::SystemColors::Window; this->metlaser[metlaserctr]->imagelocation = path+"metlaser.gif"; this->metlaser[metlaserctr]->location = System::Drawing::Point(this->Metroid[i]->Location.X, this->metroid[i]->location.y); this->metlaser[metlaserctr]->name = L"Laser"; this->metlaser[metlaserctr]->size = System::Drawing::Size(13, 3); this->metlaser[metlaserctr]->tabindex = 2; this->controls->add(metlaser[metlaserctr]); MetLaserCtr++; if(metlasermovectr<metlaser->length) this->metlaser[metlasermovectr]->left-=(this->metlaser[metlasermovectr]->location.x)-(this- >Metroid[i]->Location.X); this->metlaser[metlasermovectr]->top-=(this->metlaser[metlasermovectr]->location.y)-(this- >Metroid[i]->Location.Y); this->metlaser[metlasermovectr]->imagelocation = path+"metlaser.gif"; MetLaserMoveCtr++; MetLaserMoveCtr=0; Make Metroid lasers move and check for Metroid laser collision with player for(int i=0; i<metlaserctr; i++) if(this->metlaser[i]->location.x>-15) this->metlaser[i]->left-=5; this->metlaser[i]->bringtofront(); this->metlaser[i]->imagelocation=nullptr; if(this->metlaser[i]->location.x-24<=this->player->location.x&&this->metlaser[i]- >Location.X+5>this->Player->Location.X) if(this->metlaser[i]->location.y+3>=this->player->location.y&&this->metlaser[i]->location.y<this- >Player->Location.Y+34) if(hp>0) HP--; HPLabel->Text="HP: "+HP+"/5"; this->metlaser[i]->location=system::drawing::point(1000, 1000); if(hp==0&&isdead==false) IsDead=true; Score=0; this->player->size=system::drawing::size(125,100); this->player->location=system::drawing::point(this->player->location.x,this->player- >Location.Y-100);

13 this->player->backcolor=color::white; this->player->imagelocation=path+"bloodsplat.gif"; DeathSound->Play2D(path+"DeathSound.wav",false); if(combo>=10) ComboBreakerSound->Play2D(path+"ComboBreaker.wav"); Combo=0; Player death code if(isdead==true) if(playerdeathctr<80) PlayerDeathCtr++; IsDead=false; this->playermovetimer->enabled=false; PlayerDeathCtr=0; HP=5; HPLabel->Text="HP: "+HP+"/5"; Player->Size=System::Drawing::Size(24,34); Player->ImageLocation=(path+"PlayerStandRight.jpg"); Player->Location=System::Drawing::Point(0,500); Jumping if(upwardmomentum>-11) PlayerMoveTimer->Enabled=true; Force stand if(move==false&&left==true&&isdead==false) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerstandleft.jpg"); if(move==false&&left==false&&isdead==false) this->player->imagelocation=(path+"playerstandright.jpg"); Make bullets and shells move for(int i=0; i<bulletctr; i++) if(this->bullet[i]->location.x<1250&&this->bullet[i]->location.x>-15) this->bullet[i]->bringtofront(); if(bulletleft[i]==true) this->bullet[i]->left-=15; this->bullet[i]->left+=15; this->bullet[i]->imagelocation=nullptr;

14 if(shell[i]->location.y<550) this->shell[i]->top-=shellmomentum[i]; this->shell[i]->left-=shelllateral[i]; ShellMomentum[i]--; Check for bullet collision with Metroid for(int a=0; a<bulletctr; a++) if(this->bullet[a]->location.x<1250&&this->bullet[a]->location.x>-15) for(int b=0; b<metroidctr; b++) if(this->bullet[a]->location.x+13>=this->metroid[b]->location.x&&this->bullet[a]- >Location.X+13<this->Metroid[b]->Location.X+32) if(this->bullet[a]->location.y+3>=this->metroid[b]->location.y&&this->bullet[a]- >Location.Y+3<this->Metroid[b]->Location.Y+29) if(metdead[b]==false) MetDead[b]=true; this->bullet[a]->location = System::Drawing::Point(1000, 1000); this->metroid[b]->size = System::Drawing::Size(50,50); this->metroid[b]->imagelocation=(path+"grenadeexplosion.gif"); MetKillSound->Play2D(path+"MetKillSound.wav"); HasFlushedMetKill=false; Score++; Combo++; PlayCombo=false; CheckCombo(); Check for grenade collision with Metroid if(grenade->location!=system::drawing::point(12, 29)) for(int b=0; b<metroidctr; b++) if(this->grenade->imagelocation==(path+"grenadesprite.png"))when not exploding. if(this->grenade->location.x+this->grenade->width>=this->metroid[b]->location.x&&this- >Grenade->Location.X+this->Grenade->Width<this->Metroid[b]->Location.X+32) if(this->grenade->location.y+this->grenade->height>=this->metroid[b]->location.y&&this- >Grenade->Location.Y+this->Grenade->Height<this->Metroid[b]->Location.Y+29) if(this->grenade->imagelocation==(path+"grenadesprite.png")) GrenadeExplode=true; GrenadeThrow=false; this->grenade->backgroundimage=nullptr; this->grenade->size=system::drawing::size(50, 50); this->grenade->imagelocation=(path+"grenadeexplosion.gif"); this->grenadeexplosiontimer->enabled=true; GrenadeSound->Play2D(path+"GrenadeSound.wav",false); for(int c=0; c<metroidctr; c++)

15 if(this->grenade->location.x+50>=this->metroid[c]->location.x&&this->grenade- >Location.X-50<this->Metroid[c]->Location.X+32) if(this->grenade->location.y+50>=this->metroid[c]->location.y&&this->grenade- >Location.Y-50<this->Metroid[c]->Location.Y+29) if(metdead[c]==false) MetDead[c]=true; this->metroid[c]->size = System::Drawing::Size(50,50); this->metroid[c]->imagelocation=(path+"grenadeexplosion.gif"); MetKillSound->Play2D(path+"MetKillSound.wav"); HasFlushedMetKill=false; Score++; Combo++; PlayCombo=false; CheckCombo(); if(metdead[b]==false) MetDead[b]=true; this->metroid[b]->size = System::Drawing::Size(50,50); this->metroid[b]->imagelocation=(path+"grenadeexplosion.gif"); MetKillSound->Play2D(path+"MetKillSound.wav"); HasFlushedMetKill=false; Metroid exploding code for(int i=0; i<metroidctr; i++) if(metdead[i]==true) if(metkillctr[i]<25) MetKillCtr[i]++; MetKillCtr[i]=0; this->metroid[i]->location = System::Drawing::Point(1000, 1000); Reloading if(isreloading==false&&reload==true) IsReloading=true; ReloadSound->Play2D(path+"Reload.wav",false); if(reload==true) ReloadCtr++; if(reloadctr==75) Ammo=100; this->ammobox->text="ammo: "+Ammo+"/100";

16 Reload=false; IsReloading=false; BulletCtr=0; ReloadCtr=0; Made grenade move if(grenadethrow==true&&grenadeexplode==false) if(grenadeupwardsmomentum>=0) if(grenadeleft==true) this->grenade->left-=15; this->grenade->left+=15; this->grenade->top-=grenadeupwardsmomentum; GrenadeUpwardsMomentum--; if(grenadeupwardsmomentum<0) if(this->grenade->location.y>=this->ground->location.y-10&&this->grenadeexplosiontimer- >Enabled==false) this->grenade->backgroundimage=nullptr; this->grenade->size=system::drawing::size(50, 50); this->grenade->location=system::drawing::point(this->grenade->location.x,this->ground- >Location.Y-50); this->grenade->imagelocation=path+"grenadeexplosion.gif"; this->grenadeexplosiontimer->enabled=true; GrenadeSound->Play2D(path+"GrenadeSound.wav",false); GrenadeThrow=false; GrenadeUpwardsMomentum=-15; for(int c=0; c<metroidctr; c++) if(this->grenade->location.x+50>=this->metroid[c]->location.x&&this->grenade- >Location.X-50<this->Metroid[c]->Location.X+32) if(this->grenade->location.y+50>=this->metroid[c]->location.y&&this->grenade- >Location.Y-50<this->Metroid[c]->Location.Y+29) if(metdead[c]==false) MetDead[c]=true; this->metroid[c]->size = System::Drawing::Size(50,50); this->metroid[c]->imagelocation=(path+"grenadeexplosion.gif"); MetKillSound->Play2D(path+"MetKillSound.wav"); HasFlushedMetKill=false; Score++; Combo++; PlayCombo=false; CheckCombo(); if(grenadeleft==true) this->grenade->left-=15;

17 this->grenade->left+=15; this->grenade->top-=grenadeupwardsmomentum; GrenadeUpwardsMomentum--; Flush objects from memory and rebuild them if(guntimer->enabled==true&&hasflushedgunshot==false) delete Gunshot; Gunshot=gcnew ISoundEngine(); HasFlushedGunshot=true; if(metlasersound- >IsCurrentlyPlaying(path+"MetLaserSound.wav")==false&&HasFlushedMetLaser==false) delete MetLaserSound; MetLaserSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); HasFlushedMetLaser=true; if(metkillsound->iscurrentlyplaying(path+"metkillsound.wav")==false&&hasflushedmetkill==false) delete MetKillSound; MetKillSound=gcnew ISoundEngine(); HasFlushedMetKill=true; this->ground->bringtofront(); private: System::Void GrenadeExplosionTimer_Tick(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) if(grenadeexpctr<1250) GrenadeExpCtr+=250; if(grenadeexpctr==1250) this->grenade->size=system::drawing::size(7,10); this->grenade->location=system::drawing::point(12, 29); this->grenade->imagelocation=path+"grenadesprite.png"; GrenadeExpCtr=0; GrenadeExplosionTimer->Enabled=false; GrenadeExplode=false; void CheckDirection() for(int i=1; i<6; i++) if(this->player->imagelocation==(path+"playerrunright"+i+".jpg")) Left=false; break; for(int i=1; i<6; i++) if(this->player->imagelocation==(path+"playerrunleft"+i+".jpg")) Left=true; break; if(this->player->imagelocation==(path+"playerstandleft.jpg"))

18 Left=true; if(this->player->imagelocation==(path+"playerstandright.jpg")) Left=false; void CheckCombo() Check for combo if(combo>=10) this->combolabel->text="x"+combo; this->combolabel->text=""; if(combo==20&&playcombo==false) ComboSound->Play2D(path+"TwoCombo.wav", false); PlayCombo=true; if(combo==30&&playcombo==false) ComboSound->Play2D(path+"ThreeCombo.wav", false); PlayCombo=true; if(combo==40&&playcombo==false) ComboSound->Play2D(path+"FourCombo.wav", false); PlayCombo=true; if(combo==50&&playcombo==false) ComboSound->Play2D(path+"FiveCombo.wav", false); PlayCombo=true; if(combo==60&&playcombo==false) ComboSound->Play2D(path+"SixCombo.wav", false); PlayCombo=true; if(combo==70&&playcombo==false) ComboSound->Play2D(path+"SevenCombo.wav", false); PlayCombo=true; if(combo==80&&playcombo==false) ComboSound->Play2D(path+"EightCombo.wav", false); PlayCombo=true; if(combo==90&&playcombo==false) ComboSound->Play2D(path+"NineCombo.wav", false); PlayCombo=true; ;

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