1 INTRODUCTION 2 Represent a multiset as an association list, where the rst argument of a pair is an item and the second argument is the multiplicity

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1 Programming with Multisets J.W. Lloyd Department of Computer Science University of Bristol Bristol BS8 1UB, UK Abstract This paper proposes a novel way of introducing multisets into declarative programming languages. Starting from a standard denition of a multiset, suitable operations on multisets are dened and implemented in a declarative programming language, and a variety of programming examples are given to illustrate the utility of the ideas. This approach to multisets is compared with their treatment in the Z specication language and other approaches in programming languages. Multisets are recognised as being important in specication but are not normally provided as a fully-edged data type in programming languages. The approach presented here helps to reduce this mismatch. 1 Introduction Intuitively, a multiset (also called a bag) is similar to a set, except that there can be multiple occurrences of items. There are various ways of formalising this intuition. The most natural and direct of these is as follows. Denition A multiset m on some set X is a function m : X!, where is the non-negative integers. The basic idea of this denition is that, for each element a of X, m(a) is the multiplicity of a, that is, the number of times that a appears in m. A multiset m is nite if fx j m(x) 6= 0g is nite; otherwise, it is innite. In the following, I informally distinguish two kinds of multisets { intensional and extensional. An intensional multiset is one dened implicitly by some property (or properties). An extensional multiset is one dened by explicitly enumerating the items and their multiplicities. Extensional multisets are necessarily nite; intensional multisets can be nite or innite. An early (informal) denition of multiset is given in [7, p.420], where multiset union, intersection, and addition are also dened. The above denition of a multiset is essentially the same as the one used in the Z specication language [10, Section 4.6]: bag X == X 1 : This denition states that a multiset is a partial function from some set X to the positive integers. It is easy to establish a bijection between (total) functions into and partial functions into 1. Multisets are an extremely useful data type as can be seen by examining specications in standard specication languages. For example, in the Z language, one can nd such specications in [3, Chapter 21] and [4, Chapter 8]. On the other hand, programming languages rarely specically support the multiset as a data type and there is little theoretical work on this topic. (Two recent theoretical papers on multisets in declarative programming languages are [2] and [5].) Given the rich variety of applications of multisets in programming, it is surprising that they are not more prominent in programming language design. One can implement extensional multisets with standard programming language data types. Here are two possible ways of doing this: 1

2 1 INTRODUCTION 2 Represent a multiset as an association list, where the rst argument of a pair is an item and the second argument is the multiplicity of the item. The association list can be implemented using, for example, a list, array, or hash table. Set up an ADT with a suitable collection of multiset operations. This hides the implementation details of multisets and also allows a more complex, but more ecient, implementation. A rather dierent approach is taken in [5] in which extensional multisets are represented by a constant for the empty multiset and a two-place function (analogous to the cons function for lists) which joins an item and a multiset. A suitable rst-order equality theory is then imposed and a unication algorithm constructed to correspond to this theory. Something similar is proposed in [1], where the implementation of multiset constraints in a novel functional logic language is studied. Finally, in a higher-order functional programming language, such as Haskell, one can use the functional denition above to dene intensional multisets and provide a (limited) range of operations. All these approaches have their strengths and weaknesses. As can be seen from [5], and a number of papers which provide a similar treatment of sets 1, the main weakness is that the mathematical development and the unication algorithm are rather complex. The approach of functional languages provides an easy denition of multisets and some operations on them. However, as I show below, this approach does not provide the full functionality of the multiset data type. Furthermore, all of the abovementioned approaches are relatively inexible { one cannot easily, if at all, mix extensional and intensional multisets. For example, the association list approach and those of [1] and [5] only provide extensional multisets. In Haskell, one can have (a weak form of) intensional multisets and also extensional multisets, but they cannot easily be mixed. By way of comparison, this paper oers an alternative approach based on the denition of multiset given at the beginning of this section. This approach is set in the context of the Escher programming language [9]. Escher 2 is a general-purpose, higher-order, declarative programming language which integrates the best features of both functional and logic programming languages. Since a multiset is a function, the higher-order facilities of Escher are crucial to this enterprise. The main advantage of the approach given here is its exible handling of multisets which goes well beyond what Haskell provides. On the other hand, the price one pays for this exibility is a more complex implementation { the Escher abstract machine and associated run-time system [6] is more complicated than that needed by Haskell. The dierences at the language level between Escher and Haskell are as follows. 1. Escher allows -expressions and (dened) functions in arguments in the heads of statements. Thus Escher drops the constructor-based assumption of Haskell. 2. Escher allows (free and bound) variables in redexes. Thus Escher drops the ground redex assumption of Haskell. 3. Escher has facilities for concurrency. 4. Escher does not assume any order on statements in a denition. Thus Escher drops the textual order of statements assumed in Haskell. The rst three dierences mean that Escher strictly extends Haskell in those respects. The fourth dierence means Haskell code which relies of the textual order of statements may not run on an Escher implementation. The complication of the Escher implementation compared with Haskell is mainly caused by the rst two points above; in Escher, one can match on (dened) functions and -expressions in the head of a statement, and redexes may contain variables. Thus this paper is a further study beyond [9] of the new programming idioms that become possible by exploiting 1 A website on this approach and related ones to sets (and multisets) can be found at 2 M.C.Escher r is a registered trademark of Cordon Art B.V., Baarn, Nederland. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

3 2 MULTISETS AND THEIR OPERATIONS 3 these extensions of Escher. In another companion to [9], interaction and concurrency in Escher are studied in [8]. In [9], set processing is developed in a way analogous to the way multisets are developed here and it would be instructive to understand the way sets are treated before moving on to multisets. The essential idea for handling sets in [9] is that a set can be identied with a predicate, that is, a mapping into the booleans. Thus the dierence between multisets and sets is the dierence between the non-negative integers and the booleans. In fact, sets are simpler than multisets because the booleans are simpler than the non-negative integers. (This can be seen by comparing the set-processing functions in the Booleans module in [9] with the Multisets module in this paper.) Before proceeding with the development, I need to make one change to the denition of multiset. Escher does not support subtypes, so the type of the non-negative integers is not available. The closest type is Int, the type of the integers. Consequently, the type of a multiset m in Escher is given by a declaration of the form m :: T -> Int; where T is some type. This use of Int can lead to some imprecision in multiset computations. (A multiset could take a meaningless negative value.) However, if care is taken, one can avoid such problems. If the approach to multisets advocated here were to be applied in a programming language for which the type of the non-negative integers was available, then this type would replace Int in everything that follows. In the next section, multisets, their operations, and the implementation of these operations in the Escher language is presented. The third section contains a variety of programming examples to illustrate the utility of the ideas. The last section contains some conclusions. An appendix contains the module Multisets which gives the denitions of the Escher functions for multisets. 2 Multisets and their Operations In this section, the basic operations on multisets are introduced and their implementation in Escher is given. The simplest operation on a multiset is to compute the multiplicity of an item. Since a multiset is a function, this is very simple to implement: just apply the multiset to the item. Multiset application corresponds to the standard Z multiset operation ] in [10, Section 4.6]. Next come the operations of multiset addition (madd), subtraction (mmonus), union (munion), and intersection (minters). As a typical example of these, here is the denition of madd from the module Multisets. madd :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Multiset addition. m `madd` n = \x -> (m x) + (n x); (In Escher, as in Haskell, the \ denotes a, so `\x -> (m x) + (n x)' is just the Escher notation for x :(m(x)+n(x)).) The module Multisets also contains the Escher denitions of the functions mmonus, munion, and minters, which are similar to the denition of madd above. (Note that the monus function in mmonus is similar to subtraction, except a negative result is rounded up to 0.) To connect these functions with the standard Z multiset operations [10, Section 4.6], note that madd corresponds to ], and mmonus to!. Also munion corresponds to t and minters to u, in [4, p.296]. Next we have the function melem which determines whether an item is in a multiset or not. melem :: a -> (a -> Int) -> Bool;

4 2 MULTISETS AND THEIR OPERATIONS 4 Multiset membership. x `melem` m = (m x) > 0; The function melem corresponds to in [10, Section 4.6]. The function listtomultiset converts a list to a multiset. The multiplicity of an item is the number of times it appears in the list. All the functions up to this point can be given the same denitions in Haskell and work ne in that language. I now move on to more sophisticated operations which cannot be handled so easily in Haskell. Typical of these is the function mcard which computes the sum of the multiplicities of all items in a multiset (the cardinality of the multiset). To compute the cardinality, it is convenient to convert the representation of a multiset to a standard form, which I now discuss. First, what should be the standard representation of an empty multiset? This is easy { the obvious answer is the function which always returns 0: \x -> 0. Now what about non-empty multisets? For this I have chosen to use if-then-else expressions. Thus \x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 7 else 0 is the multiset containing 3 occurrences of A, 7 occurrences of B, and nothing else. Actually the use of the qualier `non-empty' is somewhat inaccurate here. It could happen that both s and t are 0 in the multiset `\x -> if x == u then s else t' in which case the multiset would be empty. More precisely, the standard representation of a multiset is dened as follows. multiset ::= \var -> body body ::= 0 j if var == item then multiplicity else body where var is a variable, item is a term, multiplicity is a term of type Int, and the items in the body of a multiset are distinct. Note that the standard representation of a multiset is not unique as the order of the items is not xed. Variations on this denition are possible. For example, one could also insist that the items which occur with multiplicity 0 are not explicitly listed, but are covered by the default value. Note that the standard form of a multiset does not contain `duplicate' occurrences of items. Consider the multiset \x -> if x == Mary then 9 else if x == Fred then 7 else if x == Mary then 6 else 0 in which there are 9 (not 6) occurrences of Mary, 7 occurrences of Fred and nothing else. A tidier form for this multiset is \x -> if x == Mary then 9 else if x == Fred then 7 else 0 which is a standard form. In essence, the standard representation of a multiset gives the multiset in extensional form: each item in the multiset is explicitly (and uniquely) listed, as is its multiplicity. The standard representation thus corresponds closely to the association list form of a multiset. However, the standard form has the advantage over an association list of being a function which can be applied directly. It would be useful to have some notational sugar for (extensional) multisets. For example, the multiset \x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 7 else if x == C then 9 then 0 could be written as

5 2 MULTISETS AND THEIR OPERATIONS 5 <<A, 3>, <B, 7>, <C, 9>> and the empty multiset could be denoted by <>. I make no use of this notation in the following. Now, assuming one had the standard representation of a multiset, how would one compute its cardinality? The function mcard1 below does this. mcard1 :: (a -> Int) -> Int; Sum of multiplicities of all items in a (standard) multiset. mcard1 (\x -> 0) = 0; mcard1 (\x -> if x == u then s else t) = s + mcard1 (\x -> t); The denition is recursive and is broken into two statements. The rst deals with the case when the rst argument is an empty multiset and the second when it is non-empty. This is analogous to list-processing functions which often get broken up into a case for the empty list and a case for non-empty lists. The set-processing functions in [9] have a similar format (except in that context there are 3 cases to consider). The rst statement simply states that the cardinality of the empty multiset is 0. The second statement adds the multiplicity of the rst item in the multiset to the cardinality of the remainder of the multiset. By the way, the denition of mcard1 is illegal in Haskell which bars -expressions from appearing in an argument in the head of a statement. It is important for the correctness of mcard1 that its argument not contain any `duplicates'. To illustrate this point, consider the call mcard1 (\x -> if x == A then 9 else if x == B then 7 else if x == A then 6 else 0) which would return 22 instead of the correct answer 16. I still have to explain how to compute the standard form of a multiset. This is achieved by the function standardise in Multisets. First, standardise calls the function standardise1. Essentially, standardise1 takes a multiset expression whose body is made up of an expression involving the functions +, monus, max, min, and if-then-else. It recurses down to sub-bodies in standard form (modulo `duplicates') and recombines them using the functions madd1, mmonus1, munion1, and minters1, which work on multisets in standard form (modulo `duplicates'). The third statement in the denition of standardise1 simplies conditions which have a (disjunction) at the top level. The nal step in the reduction of a multiset to standard form involves deleting `duplicate' items. This is achieved with the function mdeletedup dened as follows. mdeletedup :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Remove `duplicates' from a multiset. mdeletedup (\x -> 0) = \x -> 0; mdeletedup (\x -> if x == u then s else t) = \x -> if x == u then s else mdeletedup (mremove u (\x -> t)) x; The function mremove removes an item from a multiset and has the following denition. mremove :: a -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Remove an item from a (standard) multiset.

6 2 MULTISETS AND THEIR OPERATIONS 6 mremove y (\x -> 0) = \x -> 0; mremove y (\x -> if x == u then s else t) = if y == u then mremove y (\x -> t) else \x -> if x == u then s else mremove y (\x -> t) x; Of course, not every multiset can be reduced to standard form. For example, the intensional multiset \x -> if (x `mod` 2 == 0 && x > 0) then 1 else 0, which is the characteristic function of the even positive integers, cannot be reduced to standard form. With standardise dened, one can now dene mcard as follows. mcard :: (a -> Int) -> Int; Sum of multiplicities of all items in a multiset. mcard m = mcard1 (standardise m); The next function in Multisets is msubset which determines whether one multiset is a subset of another. The formal denition of the subset relation [10, Section 4.6] is that m is a subset of n if, for all x, m(x) n(x). In this form, the denition isn't computationally useful. However, if m is in standard form, one can enumerate the items in m and check for each such item that its multiplicity in m is less than or equal to its multiplicity in n. For this computation to terminate, it is of course necessary for m to be nite. These considerations lead to the following denition for msubset. msubset :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> Bool; Multiset subset. m `msubset` n = (standardise m) `msubset1` n; msubset1 :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> Bool; (Standard) multiset subset. (\x -> 0) `msubset1` m = True; (\x -> if x == u then s else t) `msubset1` m = if s <= (m u) then ((\x -> t) `msubset1` m) else False; The function msubset corresponds to v in [10, Section 4.6]. Finally, there is the function == for multiset equality. Two multisets are equal if each is a subset of the other. Obviously, one can only check for equality between nite multisets. It should be clear by now what extra expressive power Escher provides over Haskell for dealing with multisets. For the rst 6 functions up to listtomultiset only facilities already present in Haskell are being exploited. All the remaining functions use -expressions in the heads of statements in their denitions and therefore cannot be coded this way in Haskell. The practical eect of the constructor-based assumption of Haskell is that it is inconvenient, and sometimes

7 3 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES 7 impossible, to compare (intensional) multisets and to convert an (intensional) multiset into its extensional form. For example, the only hope of Haskell checking two intensional multisets for the subset relation is for there to be at most a nite number of items in the domain of the multisets which the program can somehow enumerate. The Escher functions for multiset operations are certainly expressive, but it is not so clear that they can be eciently implemented. With the suggested representation, even the simplest functions have time complexity that is linear in the size of the multiset(s). In this respect, one should regard multisets in a similar way to lists, which have a simple representation that allows easy denitions of the basic operations and implementations of these operations that have acceptable eciency for small lists. However, if one is doing heavyweight computations on large lists, a more sophisticated and ecient implementation is necessary. It is the same with multisets. The representation discussed so far is exible, convenient, and acceptably ecient for small multisets. However, if heavyweight computations on large multisets are needed, then Escher provides a convenient interface to an ecient extensional implementation via the function standardise. A multiset m can be easily converted to whatever representation is being employed by the ecient extensional multiset representation by rst converting it into standard form with the call `standardise m'. Thus the approach advocated here oers the exibility of intensional multiset processing plus the eciency provided by an optimised implementation for processing large extensional multisets. 3 Programming Examples In this section, I provide some programming examples to illustrate the ideas just introduced. First, it is worth remarking that computations in Escher are lazy. This means that the reduction of a subexpression is only carried out if it is embedded in a bigger computation which requires the value for the subexpression. In the examples in this section, I make the assumption that the complete reduction of the various terms is required and give the values that would thus be obtained. Suppose the multisets m1, m2 and m3 are dened by m1 = \x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 8 else 0, m2 = \x -> if x == B then 5 else if x == C then 5 else 0 and m3 = \x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 13 else if x == C then 5 else 0. Then the term standardise (m1 `mmonus` m2) \x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 3 else 0, the term (m1 `mmonus` m2) A 3, the term mcard (m1 `madd` m2)

8 3 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES 8 21, the term standardise (m1 `munion` m2) \x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 8 else if x == C then 5 else 0, the term (m1 `munion` m2) B 8, the term m1 `msubset` m2 False, and the term (m1 `madd` m2) == m3 True. As examples of the use of mdeletedup and mremove, the term mdeletedup (\x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 8 else if x == A then 5 else 0) \x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 8 else 0 and the term mremove A (\x -> if x == A then 3 else if x == B then 8 else if x == A then 5 else 0) \x -> if x == B then 8 else 0. In specications, sequences and multisets often appear together in that one requires the multiset obtained from a sequence. In programming languages, lists correspond to sequences (and are in some ways more convenient). Hence Escher provides the function listtomultiset which converts a list to a multiset. For example, listtomultiset [A, B, A, A, C, C, B] \x -> if x == B then 2 else if x == C then 2 else if x == A then 3 else 0.

9 3 PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES 9 Next I give an example to illustrate intensional multiset processing. Consider the SportsDB module in Figure 1 which is taken from [9]. Suppose we want to give a multiplicity of 2 to those who like cricket, a multiplicity of 1 to those who like football but not cricket, and a multiplicity of 0 to the remainder. This can be modelled by the multiset m4 dened by m4 = \x -> if likes(x, Cricket) then 2 else if likes(x, Football) then 1 else 0. Then the term standardise m4 \x -> if x == Mary then 2 else if x == Bill then 2 else if x == Joe then 1 else 0. Note that m4 is an intensional multiset because of the conditions likes(x, Cricket) and likes(x, Football). To compute the standard form of m4, these conditions rst need to be reduced to disjunctions of atoms of the form x == Mary and so on, which are then split up with the third statement from the denition of standardise1 to obtain the standard form. module SportsDB(Person(..), Sport(..), likes) where { data Person = Mary Bill Joe Fred; data Sport = Cricket Football Tennis; likes :: (Person, Sport) -> Bool; likes = {(Mary, Cricket), (Mary, Tennis), (Bill, Cricket), (Bill, Tennis), (Joe, Tennis), (Joe, Football)}; } Figure 1: Sports database A certain amount of computation with innite multisets is possible. Consider again the characteristic function of the even positive integers dened by m5 = \x -> if (x `mod` 2 == 0 && x > 0) then 1 else 0. Then m In fact, there are no diculties with this kind of argument for any of the rst 5 functions in Multisets, up to and including melem. However, the call standardise m5 will ounder and hence most of the remaining functions in Multisets cannot handle innite multisets such as m5 as an argument. Thus, primarily, the Multisets module is meant for processing (extensional or intensional) nite multisets, although in some cases it will handle innite multisets.

10 4 CONCLUSION 10 Finally, I consider the problem of converting a multiset into an association list. At rst sight, this may seem straightforward. However, there is a serious semantic problem due to the fact that there are many possible association lists, all permutations of one another, that could be the image of the multiset. However, one can exploit Haskell's (and therefore Escher's) monadic IO to nd a (more) declarative solution to this problem. Instead of mapping the multiset to an association list, one maps it to a suitable IO action as follows. The (system) function multisettoassoclist with signature multisettoassoclist :: (a -> Int) -> IO [(a, Int)]; takes a multiset as its argument and gives an IO action as a result. This action returns an association list containing pairs of distinct elements in the multiset (in some order) and their multiplicities. If the multiset is nite, the association list contains all elements in the multiset. If the multiset is innite, then so is the association list. The idea is that the world argument, which is hidden, encodes the information for choosing a particular association list. More details are given in [8]. 4 Conclusion This paper has introduced a novel way of handling multisets in declarative programming languages. The ideas have been implemented in the Escher programming language (on the prototype Escher implementation) and various illustrative applications have been presented. It would be interesting to investigate this approach for large-scale applications and to study how to eciently incorporate multisets into the Escher system [6] being developed at Bristol. Acknowledgement I thank Rodney Topor for some remarks which greatly improved certain aspects of this paper. References [1] P. Arenas-Sanchez, F.J. Lopez-Fraguas, and M. Rodrguez-Artalejo. Embedding multiset constraints into a lazy functional logic language. In Proc. of PLILP'98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1490, pages 429{444. Springer-Verlag, [2] P. Arenas-Sanchez and M. Rodrguez-Artalejo. A semantic framework for functional logic programming with algebraic polymorphic types. In Proc. of TAPSOFT/CAAP'97, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1214, pages 453{464. Springer-Verlag, [3] R. Barden, S. Stepney, and D. Cooper. Z in Practice. Prentice-Hall, [4] A. Diller. Z: An Introduction to Formal Methods. Wiley, second edition, [5] A. Dovier, A. Policriti, and G. Rossi. Integrating lists, multisets, and sets in a logic programming framework. In F. Baader and K. Schulz, editors, Proc. of FROCOS'96, pages 213{229. Kluwer, [6] K.I. Eder. EMA: Implementing the Functional Logic Language Escher on an Abstract Machine. PhD thesis, University of Bristol, Submitted for examination. [7] D.E. Knuth. The Art of Programming: Seminumerical Algorithms, volume 2. Addison Wesley, rst edition, [8] J.W. Lloyd. Interaction and concurrency in a declarative programming language. Submitted for publication, 1998.

11 REFERENCES 11 [9] J.W. Lloyd. Programming in an integrated functional and logic language. Journal of Functional and Logic Programming, To appear. [10] J.M. Spivey. The Z Notation: A Reference Manual. Prentice-Hall, second edition, 1992.

12 A MULTISETS MODULE 12 A Multisets Module module Multisets(madd, mmonus, munion, minters, melem, listtomultiset, mcard, msubset, (==), standardise) where { import Booleans; import Integers; import Lists; madd :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Multiset addition. m `madd` n = \x -> (m x) + (n x); mmonus :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Multiset subtraction. m `mmonus` n = \x -> (m x) `monus` (n x); munion :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Multiset union. m `munion` n = \x -> max (m x) (n x); minters :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Multiset intersection. m `minters` n = \x -> min (m x) (n x); melem :: a -> (a -> Int) -> Bool; Multiset membership. x `melem` m = (m x) > 0; listtomultiset :: [a] -> (a -> Int); Convert a list to a multiset. listtomultiset x = assoclisttomultiset (listtoassoclist x);

13 A MULTISETS MODULE 13 mcard :: (a -> Int) -> Int; Sum of multiplicities of all items in a multiset. mcard m = mcard1 (standardise m); msubset :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> Bool; Multiset subset. m `msubset` n = (standardise m) `msubset1` n; (==) :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> Bool; Multiset equality. m == n = (m `msubset` n) && (n `msubset` m); standardise :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Compute a standard representation of a multiset. standardise m = mdeletedup (standardise1 m); Various auxiliary functions follow. msubset1 :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> Bool; (Standard) multiset subset. (\x -> 0) `msubset1` m = True; (\x -> if x == u then s else t) `msubset1` m = if s <= (m u) then ((\x -> t) `msubset1` m) else False; mcard1 :: (a -> Int) -> Int; Sum of multiplicities of all items in a (standard) multiset. mcard1 (\x -> 0) = 0; mcard1 (\x -> if x == u then s else t) = s + mcard1 (\x -> t);

14 A MULTISETS MODULE 14 listtoassoclist :: [a] -> [(a, Int)]; Convert a list to an association list. listtoassoclist [] = []; listtoassoclist (u:y) = include u (listtoassoclist y); include :: a -> [(a, Int)] -> [(a, Int)]; Add an element to an association list. include u [] = [(u,1)]; include u ((v,n):z) = if u == v then (v,n+1):z else (v,n):(include u z); assoclisttomultiset :: [(a, Int)] -> (a -> Int); Convert an association list to a multiset. assoclisttomultiset [] = \x -> 0; assoclisttomultiset ((u,s):y) = \x -> if x == u then s else assoclisttomultiset y x; madd1 :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); (Standard) multiset addition. (\x -> 0) `madd1` m = m; (\x -> if x == u then s else t) `madd1` m = \x -> if x == u then s + (m u) else ((\x -> t) `madd1` m) x; mmonus1 :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); (Standard) multiset subtraction. (\x -> 0) `mmonus1` m = \x -> 0; (\x -> if x == u then s else t) `mmonus1` m = \x -> if x == u then s `monus` (m u) else ((\x -> t) `mmonus1` m) x;

15 A MULTISETS MODULE 15 munion1 :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); (Standard) multiset union. (\x -> 0) `munion1` m = m; (\x -> if x == u then s else t) `munion1` m = \x -> if x == u then max s (m u) else ((\x -> t) `munion1` m) x; minters1 :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); (Standard) multiset intersection. (\x -> 0) `minters1` m = \x -> 0; (\x -> if x == u then s else t) `minters1` m = \x -> if x == u then min s (m u) else ((\x -> t) `minters1` m) x; standardise1 :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Compute standard representation of a multiset (modulo `duplicates'). standardise1 (\x -> 0) = \x -> 0; standardise1 (\x -> if x == u then s else t) = \x -> if x == u then s else standardise1 (\x -> t) x; standardise1 (\x -> if (u v) then s else t) = standardise1 \x -> if u then s else if v then s else t; standardise1 (\x -> t + r) = (standardise1 (\x -> t)) `madd1` (standardise1 (\x -> r)); standardise1 (\x -> t `monus` r) = (standardise1 (\x -> t)) `mmonus1` (standardise1 (\x -> r)); standardise1 \x -> max t r = (standardise1 (\x -> t)) `munion1` (standardise1 (\x -> r)); standardise1 \x -> min t r = (standardise1 (\x -> t)) `minters1` (standardise1 (\x -> r)); mdeletedup :: (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Remove `duplicates' from a multiset.

16 A MULTISETS MODULE 16 mdeletedup (\x -> 0) = \x -> 0; mdeletedup (\x -> if x == u then s else t) = \x -> if x == u then s else mdeletedup (mremove u (\x -> t)) x; mremove :: a -> (a -> Int) -> (a -> Int); Remove an item from a multiset. mremove y (\x -> 0) = \x -> 0; mremove y (\x -> if x == u then s else t) = if y == u then mremove y (\x -> t) else \x -> if x == u then s else mremove y (\x -> t) x; }

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