Verilog Design Entry, Synthesis, and Behavioral Simulation

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1 PURPOSE - This lab will present a brief overview of a typical design flow and then will start to walk you through some typical tasks and familiarize you with the user interface of Project Navigator of Xilinx Integrated Software Environment (ISE) 8.2i. You will design a very simple circuit during the Design Entry, Synthesis, and Functional Simulation. You will also learn how to use ModelSim for behavioral simulation of Verilog designs Introduction Fig.1 presents the basic steps we have to perform when we design circuits we want to implement on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or Complex Logic Devices (CPLDs). Figure 1 Typical design flow The ISE suite has been designed to effectively assist in development of FPGA projects. The final result of such projects is a bit stream file that can be downloaded into a re-programmable FPGA device. The following steps represent a typical design flow: I. Creating the initial description of the design -- this operation is called Design Entry. The ISE suite supports many design flows. One of them is the Xilinx Synthesis Technology - XST Verilog. During this step we will usually use Verilog to completely describe the functionality of our designs. II. Design Synthesis

2 III. Functional simulation of the design. The design is simulated to verify the correctness of the HDL description. In case of errors (our description does not perform as intended) we go back to the Design Entry step and make the necessary corrections. IV. Editing design constraints and controls. V. Optimizing the design for certain FPGA device. VI. Design Implementation - basically means Placement & Routing of the design. VII. Timing simulation of the design, based on the post-layout timing netlist. The timing netlist contains timing information extracted from the files generated during the Place & Route processing. Simulation based on such netlists describes the circuit behavior far more accurately than functional simulation. For performing all the above steps we will use Xilinx Integrated Software Environment (ISE) 8.2i. ISE starts in the Project Navigator. From the Project Navigator you can organize and track your projects. You can work with editors, and simulators to define your project to meet your particular specifications. A series of implementation tools are available to compile and redefine aspects of your design. When your design meets specifications, you can download the final design to your device. 2. To organize your work, ISE groups all related files into separate logic units called projects. A project is a collection of design files stored in a separate subfolder, called project working directory, which is treated as a separate logic unit and includes among others: -- source files -- output and intermediate files (netlists, report and log files, bit stream files) -- configuration files Your design is represented in various ways. Those representations are called sources. A source is any element in the design such as an HDL file, schematic, or simulation file. Sources are displayed in the Sources in Project window. Sources include not only the description of the circuits, as represented by schematics and hardware description languages, but also include simulation test fixtures and documentation of the design. All these pieces are part of the whole design. The design description (logic) for a project is contained within the following types of sources Schematics HDL files (VHDL, Verilog, or HDL-ABEL) EDIF One source file in a project is the top-level source for the design. The top-level source defines the inputs and outputs that will be mapped into the device, and references the logic descriptions contained in lower-level sources. The referencing of another source is called "instantiation." Lowerlevel sources can also instantiate sources to build as many levels of logic as necessary to describe your design. During this lab you will describe a very simple circuit using Verilog. You will learn about this language during the class. Further information about Verilog can be found in the references at the end of this lab as well as on the class web page. The Appendix contains information about elementary Verilog constructs.

3 NOTE: To organize your work during the laboratories of this class, create a directory called labs in your account and then create directories labi, i=1 11, (one separate folder for each lab). During each lab save your projects and any file to the corresponding directory. 3. Start ISE by clicking on the Project Navigator icon on your desktop or by: Start->Programs->Xilinx ISE 8.2i->Project Navigator. Figure 2 Project Navigator window The Project Navigator window, shown in Figure 2, should pop up. NOTE: Take a little time and get familiar with the Project Navigator window and its menus. 4. Select File->New Project. The New Project dialog window should pop up. 5. Type in the project name: adder_verilog. 6. Select as location YourAccount\lab1\adder_verilog. 7. Select HDL Top-Level Source Type, Click Next. 8. Select Spartan3E as Device Family. 9. Select XC3S100E as Device. 10. Select VQ100 as the package.

4 11. Select -4 as the speed grade. 12. Select XST (VHDL/Verilog) as Synthesis Tool. 13. Select Modelsim-XE Verilog as Simulator, Click Next. 14. Click Next. 15. Click Next. 16. Click Finish. 17. In what follows you will describe your adder as an all HDL-design. Basically, the Design Entry step consists of adding Verilog files to the HDL Flow project. 18. Entering the design Use Notepad text editor to create the following two files, which shall be saved in the adder_verilog directory. File 1: Name it full_adder.v and type in the following Verilog code: // Uncomment the following lines to use the declarations that are // provided for instantiating Xilinx primitive components. //library UNISIM; //use UNISIM.VComponents.all; module full_adder (sum, co, i1, i2, ci ); output sum; output co; input i1; input i2; input ci; wire sum; wire co; assign {sum}=((i1 ^ i2) ^ ci); assign {co}=(((i1 & i2) (i1 & ci)) (i2 & ci)); endmodule File 2: Name it fourbit_adder.v and type in the following Verilog code: // component declaration module fourbit_adder ( y, a, b, ci,); output [3:0] y ; input [3:0] a ; input [3:0] b ; input ci; wire carry0;

5 wire carry1; wire carry2; wire [3:0] y; full_adder bit0( y[0], carry0, a[0], b[0], ci ); full_adder bit1( y[1], carry1, a[1], b[1], carry0 ); full_adder bit2( y[2], carry2, a[2], b[2], carry1 ); full_adder bit3( y[3], co, a[3], b[3], carry2 ); endmodule Add the above source files to your project by selecting: Project->Add Source From the window that pops up, select the two files and click Open. Select default settings The alternative to using Notepad to type in Verilog source files is the use of the HDL Editor. As a tool inside ISE, the HDL Editor is a text editor designed for editing HDL source files. In addition to regular editing features, the editor provides syntax coloring. The syntax coloring feature supports three languages: Verilog, ABEL and VHDL. The HDL Editor will operate as a standard text editor as well. Double-click on the name of any of the above two files to open it with the HDL Editor. NOTE: Take a little time to get familiar with HDL Editor. Select Help->ISE Help Contents Then, click on HDL Editor icon Remove full_adder.v from your project by selecting the file, right-click, and Remove. Recreate the full_adder.v file by selecting: Project->New Source Select Verilog Module. Name the file appropriately and follow the next step, which is selfexplanatory. You should end up with a Verilog skeleton file open in the HDL Editor. Type in the rest of the full_adder.v file as described at Step 18.1 above. From now you should use this way of creating and adding Verilog files to your projects. So far you wrote the Verilog description of a simple four-bit adder (adding integer numbers and with no overflow signaling) which performs a simple addition a+b=y. We first built a full_adder entity. Then we used it (four instances) to build the fourbit_adder entity. 19. Analyzing Design File Syntax To check your source files for syntax errors select file in Module View panel of Project Navigator window, right click on Synthesize XST-> Check Syntax inside Process View panel of Project Navigator window, select Run.

6 20. Performing HDL Behavioral Simulation While writing Verilog descriptions you usually verify their correctness (to see that they behave in the desired fashion) via simulation. You will use ModelSIM simulator (of Model Technology) Start the ModelSim simulator by clicking on the icon on your desktop or by: Start->Programs->ModelSim XE III 6.0 d ->ModelSim and choose Run ModelSim As in the case of Project Navigator environment, ModelSim works with projects too. So, in order to simulate a design you will have to create first a project. A project is a collection entity for an HDL design under specification or test. It has a root directory, a work library and session state which is stored in a.mpf file located in the project's root directory. A project may also consist of: -- HDL source files -- subdirectories -- Local libraries -- References to global libraries To create a new project select Create a Project in the dialog window that popped up. Clicking the Create a Project button opens the Create a New Project dialog box and a project creation wizard. The wizard guides you through each step of creating a new project, helping you create and load the project and providing the option of entering Verilog or Verilog descriptions. NOTE: The Create a New Project dialog box can also be accessed by selecting File->New->New Project from the ModelSim Main window Select to create a new project from scratch Specify the New Project's Name, as fourbit_adder Specify the New Project's Home Click OK Add the two Verilog source files to your project, by selecting: Project->Add Existing File to Project Browse for your files and add them as Copy to project directory. NOTE: Take a little time and get familiar with the menu options of the main window of ModelSim If you want to edit any of your files double-click on them inside the main window of ModelSim Your next step is to compile the components of your project into its work library. Select Compile ->Compile All If the compilation is not successful correct any errors (errors declared by ModelSim may not have been declared as errors inside ISE!), which you might have inside your source files.

7 Once compilation is finished, click the Library tab and you will see the two files compiled. Now let's Simulate the design unit. Select the Simulate button from the toolbar or select Simluate > Start Simulation from the menu. It lets you select the library and top-level design unit to simulate. You can also select the resolution limit for this simulation. By default, the following will appear for this simulation run: Simulator Resolution: default (the default is 1 ps) Design Unit: work.fourbit_adder Select the entity fourbit_adder and Click OK ( Accepts Defaults for other tabs ) Next, select View-> Debug Windows -> All Windows from the Main window menu to open all ModelSim windows. (Optional) NOTE: Take a little time and get familiar with each window opened in the ModelSim From the Sim window menu, select Add->List->Selected Instance. This command displays the top-level signals in the List window Next, add top-level signals to the Wave window by selecting Add->Wave-> Selected Instance from the Sim window menu Before running the simulation you have to apply stimulus at the input ports of your circuit. Create with a text editor a file with the following content: force a , , , force b , , , force ci 0 0, 1 10 and save it as forcefile.txt under the directory of your project Type in the main simulation window: do forcefile.txt run Next examine the Wave window. Right Click to Zoom In. Click in the Wave window to move a draggable cursor into the display. The cursor controls the signal values being displayed. Convince yourself that your design performs as desired To exit the simulation, select File -> Quit from the Menu. NOTE: Take a few minutes and play with ModelSim windows. Read Help->Documentation, select Tutorial and learn how to simulate your design without creating the forcefile.txt. 21. Synthesizing the Design After the design files have been successfully analyzed, the next step is to translate the design into gates and optimize it for the target architecture. These steps are performed by running the Synthesis phase. But before doing that you will edit your pin assignments as follows.

8 Locking in pins After all of the Verilog design files are added and correctly analyzed, you need to specify the XC3S100E pin numbers that you wish to use. To specify the pin numbers you want to use you have to add and edit the User Constraint File (UCF) for the current project. Select Project->New Source and select Implementation Constraints File. Name it fourbit_adder.ucf and click ok. Associate this implementation constraint file with fourbit_adder in the next dialog that pops up. We will add our pin constraints to this file. Select fourbit_adder.v file in the source window and double click on User Constraints->Edit Constraints (Text). The fourbit_adder.ucf is opened and you can modify it according to your needs. Edit this file by typing in, at the end of it, the following lines: ################################################### # This lines for locking pins only... # DIP SWITCH CONNECTIONS # Any line starting with "#" is a comment line! # P7, P8, P9, P6 correspond to DIPSW<0, 1, 2, 3> on BasysE board NET 'a<0>' LOC = 'P38'; NET 'a<1>' LOC = 'P36'; NET 'a<2>' LOC = 'P29'; NET 'a<3>' LOC = 'P24'; # P77, P66, P70, P69 correspond to DIPSW<4, 5, 6, 7> on BasysE board NET 'b<0>' LOC = 'P18'; NET 'b<1>' LOC = 'P12'; NET 'b<2>' LOC = 'P10'; NET 'b<3>' LOC = 'P6'; # INDIVIDUAL LED CONNECTIONS (ACTIVE-LOW) # You will see that in lab4 NET 'y<0>' LOC = 'P15'; NET 'y<1>' LOC = 'P14'; NET 'y<2>' LOC = 'P8'; NET 'y<3>' LOC = 'P7'; # Push Button on basyse board NET 'ci' LOC = 'P69'; # Led 7 on the basyse board NET 'co' LOC = 'P2'; ################################################### NOTE: You have to use the "<" and ">" brackets. Now save the file fourbit_adder.ucf and exit the editing program. The reason you choose the pin assignments above will become clearer during the fourth lab! What you did above is one way of locking pins. You can set even more synthesis constraints by using the Constraints Editor. To start the Constraints Editor select: Double click on the file fourbit_adder.ucf in the source window.

9 NOTE: Take a little time to get familiar with the Constraints Editor. Browse all its panels and try to figure out how you could have done the pins locking using it. Also read the Help documentation. After you are done with setting constraints for your design, you can run the Synthesis. Before you synthesize your design, you can set a variety of options for Synthesize - XST. Synthesize - XST is Xilinx tool that synthesizes HDL designs. For detailed information about Synthesize - XST, refer to the Synthesize - XST User Guide. To set Synthesize - XST options: Select your top-level design in the Source window of Project Navigator. To set the options right-click on Synthesize in the Process window of Project Navigator, or select Synthesize in the Process window of Project Navigator. Select Properties to display the Synthesis Options in the Process Properties dialog box. Set the desired Synthesis, HDL, and Xilinx Specific options. By default, Advanced properties are not shown in the Process Properties dialog box. To view the Advanced properties, from the Edit drop down menu, select Preferences. For a complete description of these options, refer to Synthesize - XST User Guide. Take a look at but leave the Synthesize - XST options as they are. Run the synthesis of your top-level design: select Synthesize - XST, right click, and Run, inside Process View panel of Project Navigator. Browse any output files that may be created by the synthesis process. Especially go through the Synthesis Report and by double clicking on: Synthesize - XST -> View Synthesis Report. See how the high level logic is synthesized into generic and FPGA specific constructs (ex. LUTs). Also, note the number of IO buffers used. Today you will stop here. Close the Project Navigator. In the next laboratory you will continue your design with the implementation step. NOTE: ISE is a quite big software package with many tools and features. It is not possible to cover everything about it within the labs. However, the labs will cover the basics. That is why it is highly recommended to go through Help-> Software Manuals and Help-> Tutorials -> Tutorials on Web during your off-labs time. You will find plenty of extra information! SUMMARY -- This laboratory wanted to teach you how to perform Design Entry (using the HDL Editor tool), Behavioral Simulation (using ModelSim simulator of Model Technology), and Synthesis using ISE 8.2i of Xilinx REFERENCES [1] In Project Navigator select: Help-> Tutorial -> Tutorials on Web. [2] Verilog Help. a) Text book b) Web sites indicated on class' web page. c) Appendix (lab #1) for a quick Verilog template reference.

10 A p p en d ix Verilog template reference: This is just an introductory level tutorial to the Verilog language. The reader is encouraged to go through the following Verilog tutorials to understand the language better: 1. Module: A module is the basic building block in Verilog. It is defined as follows: module <module_name> (<portlist>);.. // module components. endmodule The <module_name> is the type of this module. The <portlist> is the list of connections, or ports, which allows data to flow into and out of modules of this type. Verilog models are made up of modules. Modules, in turn, are made of different types of components. These include Parameters Nets Registers Primitives and Instances Continuous Assignments Procedural Blocks Task/Function definitions 2. Ports: Ports are Verilog structures that pass data between two or more modules. Thus, ports can be thought of as wires connecting modules. The connections provided by ports can be either input, output, or bidirectional (inout).

11 Module instantiations also contain port lists. This is the means of connecting signals in the parent module with signals in the child module. 3. Nets: Nets are the things that connect model components together. They are usually thought of as wires in circuit. Nets are declared in statements like this: net type [range] [delay3] list of net identifiers ; Example: wire w1, w2; tri [31:0] bus32; wire wire_number_5 = wire_number_2 & wire_number_3; 4. Registers: Registers are storage elements. Values are stored in registers in procedural assignment statements. Registers can be used as the source for a primitive or module instance (i.e. registers can be connected to input ports), but they cannot be driven in the same way a net can. Registers are declared in statements like this: reg [range] list_of_register_identifiers ; Example: reg r1, r2; reg [31:0] bus32; 5. Operators in Verilog: Logical, arithmetic and relational operators available in Verilog are described in Table 1.

12 Verilog Unary Operators: Table 1 Verilog Operators 6.. Continuous assignments: Continuous assignments are sometimes known as data flow statements because they describe how data moves from one place, either a net or register, to another. They are usually thought of as representing combinational logic. In general, any logic functionality which can be implemented by means of a continuous assignment can also be implemented using primitive instances. A continuous assignment looks like this: assign [delay3] list_of_net_assignments ; Examples: assign w1 = w2 & w3; assign #1 mynet = enable; // mynet is assigned the value after 1 time unit.

13 7. Procedural Blocks: Procedural blocks are the part of the language which represents sequential behavior. A module can have as many procedural blocks as necessary. These blocks are sequences of executable statements. The statements in each block are executed sequentially, but the blocks themselves are concurrent and asynchronous to other blocks. There are two types of procedural blocks, initial blocks and always blocks. initial <statement> always <statement> There may be many initial and always blocks in a module. Since there may be many modules in a model, there may be many initial and always blocks in the entire model. All initial and always blocks contain a single statement, which may be a compound statement, e.g. initial begin statement1 ; statement2 ;... end a. Initial Block: All initial blocks begin at time 0 and execute the initial statement. Because the statement may be a compound statement, this may entail executing lots of statements. There may be time or event controls, as well as all of the control constructs in the language. As a result, an initial block may cause activity to occur throughout the entire simulation of the model. When the initial statement finishes execution, the initial block terminates. If the initial statement is a compound statement, then the statement finishes after its last statement finishes. Example: initial x = 0; // a simple initialization initial begin x = 1; y = f(x); #1 x = 0; y = f(x); end // an initialization // a value change 1 time unit later b. Always Block: Always blocks also begin at time 0. The only difference between an always block and an initial block is that when the always statement finishes execution, it starts executing again. Note that if there is no time or event control in the always block, simulation time can never advance beyond time 0. Example,

14 always #10 clock = ~clock; 8. Behavioral modeling constructs: a. Conditional if-else construct: block. The if - else statement controls the execution of other statements in a procedural Syntax: if (condition) statements; if (condition) statements; else statements; if (condition) statements; else if (condition) statements; else statements; Example: // Simple if statement if (enable) q <= d; // One else statement if (reset == 1'b1) q <= 0;; else q <= d; // Nested if-else-if statements if (reset == 1'b0) counter <= 4'b0000; else if (enable == 1'b1 && up_en == 1'b1) counter <= counter + 1'b1; else if (enable == 1'b1 && down_en == 1'b1); counter <= counter - 1'b0;

15 else counter <= counter; // Redundant code b. Case statement: The case statement compares an expression to a series of cases and executes the statement or statement group associated with the first matching case. Case statement supports single or multiple statements. Multiple statements can be grouped using begin and end keywords. Syntax: case (<expression>) <case1> : <statement> <case2> : <statement>... default : <statement> endcase Example: module mux (a,b,c,d,sel,y); input a, b, c, d; input [1:0] sel; output y; reg y; (a or b or c or d or sel) case (sel) 0 : y = a; 1 : y = b; 2 : y = c; 3 : y = d; default : $display("error in SEL"); endcase endmodule 9. Module instantiations and hierarchies: Verilog allows you to represent the hierarchy of a design. A more common way of depicting hierarchical relationships is:

16 We say that a parent instantiates a child module. That is, it creates an instance of it to be a submodel of the parent. In this example, system instantiates comp_1, comp_2 comp_2 instantiates sub_3 Modules in a hierarchy have both a type and a name. Module types are defined in Verilog. There can be many module instances of the same type of module in a single hierarchy. The module definition by itself does not create a module. Modules are created by being instantiated in another module, like this: module <module_name_1> (<portlist>);.. <module_name_2> <instance_name> (<portlist>);.. endmodule


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