Algorithms and Data Structures 2014 Exercises and Solutions Week 9

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1 Algorithms and Data Structures 2014 Exercises and Solutions Week 9 November 26, Directed acyclic graphs We are given a sequence (array) of numbers, and we would like to find the longest increasing subsequence (abbreviated to LIS). A LIS is a subsequence in which the elements are in sorted order, lowest to highest, and in which the number of elements is maximal. It is not allowed to change the order of elements; the subsequence itself, however, is not necessarily contiguous. For example, a LIS of 5, 2, 8, 6, 3, 6, 9, 7 is 2, 3, 6, 9. Note that a LIS is not always unique: in our example the subsequence 2, 3, 6, 7 is also a LIS. A (very) naive algorithm would examine all 2 N possible subsequences. A smarter solution can be obtained by using a DAG (directed acyclic graph). In this DAG we consider array indices as vertices, and add an edge (s, d) to this graph if the element at index s is less than the element at index d. The resulting DAG for our example sequence is: In this figure we have replaced the indices by the corresponding elements. 1. Give a representation of a DAG in your favourite programming language. It should contain an operation to construct a DAG for a given sequence. Use the adjacency list method to store edges. 2. Reformulate the original problem in terms of a DAG property, and give a recursive solution. 3. Give an efficient implementation for your solution. Solution 1. Using the adjacency list method, a graph is a tuple (V, Adj ), where V is a set of vertices and Adj [v] assigns to a vertex v V the set (or a list) of 1

2 vertices that are adjacent to v. Given an array A of n numbers, we define n = {1, 2,..., n} and construct the DAG D A = (n, Adj A ) by setting, for all i n, Adj A [i] = {j n j > i A[j] > A[i]}. 2. The increasing subsequences in A are precisely the paths in D A. We can find a longest path in an arbitrary DAG (V, Adj ) using a DFS. The main task is to find the longest path starting at a given vertex, which is achieved by the following pseudocode. 1: function LongestPath(Adj, v) 2: l [ ] 3: for w Adj [v] do 4: s LongestPath(Adj, w) 5: if length(s) > length(l) then 6: l s 7: return [v : l] A path is represented as the list of vertices that it passes through. We write [ ] for the empty list and [v : l] for the list that results from prepending the vertex v to the list l. The function length provides the length of a given list. To solve the full problem, we call LongestPath(Adj, v) for all v V and determine the longest of the resulting paths. 3. To make the implementation more efficient, we memoize our function. 1: function LongestPath(Adj, v) 2: if M[v] is defined then 3: return M[v] 4: for w Adj [v] do 5: s LongestPath(Adj, w) 6: if length(s) > length(l) then 7: l s 8: M[v] [v : l] 9: return M[v] We may assume that lists keep track of their lengths such that the length function executes in constant time; the time required for the full algorithm is then linear in the number of vertices and edges, and the original problem is now solved in O(n 2 ). 2 Strongly connected components A directed graph is said to be strongly connected if every vertex is reachable from every other vertex. Any directed graph G can de divided into strongly connected components, i.e. maximal subgraphs of G that are strongly connected. Here maximal means that such a subgraph cannot be extended by adding vertices without breaking the property of being strongly connected. Obviously, if the whole graph G is strongly connected then it contains only one strongly connected component, namely G itself. The following figure shows an example. 2

3 1. Give an algorithm that divides a graph G into strongly connected components. The result of this algorithm should again be a graph, say G S, in which each vertex represents a strongly connected component. There is an edge (s, d) in G S if the original graph G contains an edge (u, v) such that u occurs in component s, and v in component d. Is it possible that G S contains cycles? Hint: Perform a DFS-traversal to visit all the nodes. Besides the discovery time, you should maintain a list dl which contains all nodes that have been discovered, but not yet finished. Add new nodes at the head of this list (you do not need the finishing time in your algorithm). Once you have detected a maximal component, the vertices of this component appear at the front of the list. Try to figure out what condition should be met in order to decide whether you can collect these nodes (i.e remove the nodes from the list and store them in a new vertex of G S ). Solution We construct G S = (V S, Adj S ) by keeping track of the vertices Q that still need to be discovered, the list dl of discovered vertices that are not yet assigned to a component, the current discovery time t, and the next component number i. Furthermore, d[v] and c[v] are, respectively, the discovery time and component number of the vertex v, whenever these are defined (but we will manipulate d[v] after finishing v). The main part of the algorithm is as follows. 1: function FindComponents(V, Adj ) 2: V S 3: dl [ ] 4: t 0 5: i 0 6: Q V 7: while v Q do 8: Discover(v) 9: return (V S, Adj S ) We say that a DFS finishes a component C at the moment that the last vertex in C is finished. The only cycles in the graph G S will be self-loops because the components are maximal, and we obtain topological sorts of G S by ignoring those self-loops. Observe that these are precisely the reverses of the orders in which DFSs on G can finish the components. Suppose we are processing a vertex v. The DFS starting from v will discover a vertex adjacent to a vertex discovered before v, except if v is the first vertex discovered in its component. In that case it will, however, discover a vertex adjacent to v. After finishing v, we therefore determine the minimum m of d[v] and d[u] for the vertices u adjacent to v, and then the vertices discovered starting from v form a component if and only if d[v] = m, which follows inductively from 3

4 the fact that we update d[v] to m if this is not the case (we will set discovery times for vertices in already known components to infinity). 1: function Discover(v) 2: Q Q \ {v} 3: dl [v : dl] 4: d[v] t 5: t t + 1 6: for u (Adj [v] Q) do 7: Discover(u) 8: m min{d[u] u ({v} Adj [v])} 9: if d[v] = m then 10: AddComponent(v) 11: else 12: d[v] m The call AddComponent(v) removes the vertices up to v from the list dl and turns them into a new vertex for V S represented by the current value of i. It remains to specify how this is done. For all vertices u in the component, we set c[u] to the component number i. Note that, after doing this, we know that also all vertices w adjacent to the vertices in the component have a value assigned to c[w] because of the order in which components are added. We use this to immediately update Adj S for the new component: in the code below, the set A is constructed to contain all vertices adjacent to a vertex in the new component, and in the end this set is transformed into a set of adjacent component numbers by using c. 1: function AddComponent(v) 2: A 3: repeat 4: u head(dl) 5: dl tail(dl) 6: d[u] 7: c[u] i 8: A A Adj (u) 9: until u = v 10: V S V S {i} 11: Adj S [i] {c[w] w A} 12: i i + 1 The function head gives the first element of a list; tail yields the remaining list. 3 Dijkstra s shortest path algorithm The running time of Dijkstra s shortest path algorithm depends on the implementation of the priority queue used for maintaining the vertices that are not yet finished. During the main loop of Dijkstra s algorithm two queue operations are used: (1) extract the element with the least d value, and (2) update the d value of an element already present in the queue. We will call these operations deletemin and decreasekey, respectively. Suppose, we use an array to store queued vertices. The time complexity of deletemin and decreasekey depends on how the elements of the array are organized. 4

5 1. A straightforward representation simply uses vertices as index in the array. The time complexity of deletemin? And of decreasekey? So, what is the running time of Dijkstra s algorithm? 2. The elements of the array could also be organized as a min-heap; see exercises week 7. In this case, the d value will be taken as the key. Again, what is the complexity of deletemin and decreasekey? 3. In order to implement decreasekey efficiently, it is necessary that for each vertex that the element in the queue that corresponds to that vertex is directly accessible. How would you implement decreasekey? Give a complete implementation of Dijkstra s algorithm using a heap based priority queue, including an implementation of the priority queue itself. Solution 1. To implement deletemin, we need to find an element with a minimal key, which means that we have to traverse the entire array. Each element should contain a boolean that specifies whether the corresponding vertex is in the queue, and therefore the actual deletion can be performed in constant time. Thus, deletemin is in O( V ). We can immediately access the element for a specific vertex and change its key without having to deal with complications, so decreasekey is in O(1). The complexity of Dijkstra s algorithm in general is O( V m + E k), where m is the complexity of deletemin and k describes the complexity of decreasekey (this can be seen from the code in the solution for the last part of this exercise). The formula instantiates to O( V 2 + E ) = O( V 2 ) for the current implementation. 2. We already know that the minimal element can be removed from the heap in logarithmic time. Once we have found the element representing a given vertex, decreasekey is also logarithmic because we only have to check if we need to swap the changed element with its parent, after which we do the same for that parent and repeat this until we reach the root of the tree. However, searching the heap for the element representing the vertex requires a linear amount of time. Therefore, Dijkstra s algorithm is now in O( V lg V + E V ), which is usually dominated by O( E V ). 3. If we can find the element in the heap for a certain vertex in constant time, we know from the previous answer that decreasekey becomes logarithmic, and this will give the algorithm a time complexity of O(( E + V ) lg V ), which reduces to O( E lg V ) for the most interesting graphs. In the case of sparse graphs this is an improvement over the original implementation: we now have a complexity of O( V lg V ). The accessibility problem can be solved by using an index array that records for each vertex the index of its element in the underlying array of the heap. It remains to specify how the index array is updated for the operations on the heap, but first we give pseudocode for the main algorithm itself. 5

6 1: function Dijkstra(V, Adj, w, s) 2: for v V do 3: d[v] 4: init(q, V, ) 5: d[s] 0 6: decreasekey(q, s, 0) 7: while empty(q) do 8: u deletemin(q) 9: for v Adj [u] do 10: if d[u] + w(u, v) < d[v] then 11: p[v] u 12: d[v] d[u] + w(u, v) 13: decreasekey(q, v, d[v]) Recall that for each vertex v, d[v] is the shortest distance from the source vertex s to v; this value is used as the key of v in the queue Q. Furthermore, p[v] refers to the predecessor of v in the shortest path from s to v. The algorithm starts by initializing Q to contain all vertices V with a key of infinity. While filling the heap in this way, the heap property remains trivially satisfied, and we can immediately fill the index array according to the position to which the vertices are assigned in the heap array. In the implementation of the heap methods, the heap is subject to two basic transformations: the last element may be removed and two elements may be swapped. These operations can simply be reflected in the index array; performing them on two arrays instead of one will not impair any complexities. After calling Dijkstra for a source vertex s, there exists a path from s to a vertex g if and only if either p[g] is defined or g = s. If there is a path, we can construct a minimal one by using the predecessor references. For the sake of completeness, we give an algorithm to do this. 1: function ShortestPath(g) 2: l [ ] 3: v g 4: while v s do 5: l [v : l] 6: v p[v] 7: return [s : l] 6

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