}Optimization. Module 11: Optimization of Recursive Queries. Module Outline

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1 Module 11: Optimization of Recursive Queries Module Outline 11.1 Formalisms for recursive queries 11.2 Computing recursive queries 11.3 Partial transitive closures User Query Transformation & Optimization Internal Representation algebraic Logical & Physical DB Schema }Optimization non algebraic Decomposition into Simple Parts Access Path Selection DB Catalog (Statistics, Cost Parameters) Iterative Program DB Access at run time 343

2 11.1 Formalisms for recursive queries Examples for problems requiring recursion: Ancestors: given relation par(p, c) find all the ancestors of person X. (Reachability in or transitive closure of a digraph) Parts explosion: given relation compound(super, sub, count), compute a complete bill of materials needed to produce one part P. (dto., edges labelled, with computation along edges/paths) Path queries: given relation edge(from, to, distance), compute shortest path from A to B. (dto., with an optimization problem) 344

3 Datalog One option for expressing recursive queries is to use DATALOG as the query language. Characteristics of DATALOG are DATALOG is a subset of 1PL (Horn clauses). Horn clauses: CNF formulae with at most one positive literal,e.g. F = (A B) ( C A D) ( A B) D.... rewritten as implications F (B A) (C A D) (A B 0) (1 D).... and finally, in DATALOG notation (cf. PROLOG) A B, D C A, A B, D or, actually A : B. D : C, A. : A, B. D. 345

4 The ancestor problem in DATALOG: (retrieve all the ancestors of john ) anc(a, C) : par(a, C). anc(a, C) : anc(a, P ), par(p, C). query(x) : anc(x, john). The same generation problem in DATALOG: (retrieve all persons in the same generation with john ) sg(x, Y ) : par(xp, X), sg(y P, XP ), par(y P, Y ). sg(x, X). query(x) : sg(john, X). 346

5 Relational algebra with fixed-point operator Relational algebra can be extended by a least-fixed-point operator LF P, that computes the least fixed point of a recursive (algebraic) equation (of the general form x = f (x)). N.B. There are certain restrictions w.r.t. the algebra operators used in a recursive equation, such that the expressions are monotonic, so as to make sure that a (unique) least fixed point exists. (For example: no differences or, in terms of DATALOG: no negation.) Example: the ancestor problem Using the binary operator as a sequence of a join and a projection, e.g., anc(a, C) par(p, C) = π anc.a,par.c (anc anc.c=par.p par), we can express recursive queries over the anc relation as: (retrieve all ancestors of john ) query(x) = σ C=john (LF P ( anc = anc par par )). }{{} rec. equation, whose LFP is anc 347

6 Informal definition of the LF P operator: Iterate the following computation, until no more new tuples are found. anc := par par par (par par) par ((par par) par) par... Since is monotonic and par is finite, termination is guaranteed! We see that or anc = par + = par i i=1 anc = LF P (x = x par par). 348

7 Recursive SQL queries Since the 1999 version, the SQL standard contains recursive unions as a means to express recursion in SQL. The idea essentially follows the DATALOG approach, where one clause defines the initialization (anc(a, C) : par(a, C).) and another one the recursive step (anc(a, C) : anc(a, P ), par(p, C).). I Recursive union in SQL:1999 with recursive table (attr 1,...,attr n) as ( SFW Statement 1 /* initialization */ union all SFW Statement 2 ) /* recursive step */ select [distinct]... from recursive table [where... ] [group by... [having... ] ] [order by... ] 349

8 Example: the ancestor problem (retrieve all the ancestors of john ) with anc (A,C) as ( select P,C from par union all select anc.a, par.c from anc, par where anc.c=par.p ) select A from anc where C= john Remark: While LFP-algebra and DATALOG (due to lack of arithmetics) can express reachability queries only, SQL can also express path queries with computation and some optimization. 350

9 11.2 Computing recursive queries Top-down evaluation (depth first search) A DATALOG program can be evaluated just like any other PROLOG program 1 following the top-down, left-to-right search strategy with backtracking: Horn clauses are considered ordered (from top to bottom), as well as the conjuncts in their righthand sides (left-to-right): Given a goal (such as find A, such that anc(a, john)), the evaluation tries to match the left-hand sides of all clauses (starting top-down) against the goal ( unification ), and then tries to satisfy the conjuncts of matching right-hand sides (sub-goals), proceeding left-to-right. If successful, display variable bindings found (as one result tuple) and wait for user to ask for more. If unsuccessful (or user asks for more), use backtracking to reverse search and try next possibility starting with last decision. 1 syntactically, DATALOG is a subset of PROLOG 351

10 Visualization using Warren s Abstract Machine (WAM) Use boxes to represent evaluation of sub-goals: CALL EXIT FAIL REDO CALL This is the first invocation of the sub-goal, to search for satisfying variable bindings. REDO This is for subsequent calls to find alternative bindings. EXIT This exit returns successful bindings. FAIL This exit signals unsuccessful search. The overall search strategy can be visualized by connecting those boxes according to the initial goal queried and the clauses used. Consider the following example ( geschwister =siblings, elternteil =parent): sibling(x, Y ) : par(p, X), par(p, Y ), X Y. 352

11 ?- geschwister(erika,x). geschwister(k1,k2) :- elternteil(x,k1), elternteil(x,k2), K1 \= K2. elternteil(x1,erika)? elternteil( jens,erika). (K1) elternteil(x1,erika)? elternteil( anna,erika). (K1) elternteil(jens,k2)? elternteil(jens,k2)? FAIL elternteil(jens,k2)? elternteil(anna,k2)? elternteil(jens, elke). (K2,X) elternteil(jens, helga). (K2,X) elternteil(jens, erika). (K2,X) elternteil(anna, elke). (K2,X) erika \= elke? erika \= helga? erika \= erika? erika \= elke? true FAIL true FAIL FAIL true FAIL X = elke ; X = helga ; X = elke ; Observation: Processing proceeds one-record-at-a-time. However, only those records are considered, that really contribute to the result. 353

12 Bottom-up evaluation (breadth first search) The second statement in the loop exploits set-oriented relational processing (esp. joins). 354 In a database context, evaluation using an iteration scheme similar to the informal definition shown above can be promising, since it exploits the set-oriented capabilities of relational query processors (within each iteration step, a join is computed). This evaluation strategy is known as (semi-) naive evaluation or (delta-) iteration in the literature. Semi-Naive Iteration (for the whole ancestor relation) anc 0 := ; 1 := par; i := 1; repeat anc i := anc i 1 i ; i+1 := ( i par) anc i until i+1 =

13 11.3 Partial transitive closures With the least-fixed-point algebra as well as the bottom-up evaluation strategy, we re running into trouble, once we take into account that queries typically ask for ancestors of one (or possibly a few) person(s), not for the complete anc-relation. Recall the LFP-algebra expression mentioned above: query(x) = σ C=john (LF P (anc = anc par par)). Problem: to move the selection σ C= john inside the LFP-operator, we need new algebraic equivalence rules involving σ, LF P,. This is indeed possible and yields: query(x) = LF P (E = E par σ C=john par)), with E = σ C=john anc, which, in terms of DATALOG, corresponds to: anc(john, C) : par(john, C). anc(john, C) : anc(john, P ), par(p, C). query(x) : anc(john, X). N.B. The selection condition has been moved into all iteration steps. 355

14 Magic Set rewriting Goal: devise a (DATALOG) query rewriting method that propagates selections through recursion. Problem: selection predicate changes with each step of the recursion (or iteration), to reflect newly obtained interesting values (the front of the search). Idea: introduce new predicates and rules that collect relevant variable bindings for free variables. Those are called Magic Predicates. Example: reconsider the same generation problem mentioned above: sg(x, Y ) : par(xp, X), sg(y P, XP ), par(y P, Y ). sg(x, X). query(x) : sg(john, X). Starting from the query given, mark predicates, according to which of their variables are free/bound and add magic predicates to propagate bindings.! Restriction: Magic set rewriting only works for linear recursion! 356

15 Definitions 1 Adornment of a predicate: A string of f and b attached to the predicate symbol. The length of that string equals the number of parameters of the predicate. 2 Distinguished Argument of a predicate: a) a constant, b) a variable marked b (in the head predicate 2 of a rule), or c) a variable occuring in a base predicate 3 that has a distinguished argument. 3 Adorned Rule System for a given DATALOG program and query: For each rule and each distinct adornment of its head predicate, generate a new adorned rule a) b for distinguished (bound) arguments, b) f for other (free) arguments, c) mark body predicates 4 of each rule with corresponding adornments. 2 head predicate: the predicate on the left-hand side of a rule 3 base predicate: a predicate that does not occur on the left-hand side of any rule 4 body predicate: the predicates on the right-hand side of a rule 357

16 Example For the query-rule and the recursive sg-rule above, we obtain: sg bf (X, Y ) : par(xp, X), sg f b (Y P, XP ), par(y P, Y ). query f (X) : sg bf (john, X). If we apply the rewriting to all rules with all adornments obtained, we end up with: sg bf (X, Y ) : par(xp, X), sg f b (Y P, XP ), par(y P, Y ). sg f b (X, Y ) : par(xp, X), sg bf (Y P, XP ), par(y P, Y ). sg bf (X, X). sg f b (X, X). query f (X) : sg bf (john, X). In general, the DATALOG program grows exponentially! But, since we distinguish predicates with different adornments, only those really needed are used when evaluating a query. 358

17 Magic Set rewriting continued... After generating the adorned rule system: For each occurence of a derived predicate 5 generate a magic rule. in the body of an adorned rule: For each adorned rule: generate a modified rule. 5 derived predicate: a predicate that occurs on the left-hand side of some rule 359

18 Generating Magic Rules 1 select an adorned predicate P from the body of the rule; 2 delete all other derived predicates from the body of the rule; 3 rename P a to magic P a (a is the adornment of P ) and delete all free variables from its parameter list; 4 delete all unbound base predicates from the body; 5 delete all free variables in the head predicate P0 a to magic P0 a ; 6 exchange magic P a and magic P a 0. and rename the head predicate Example: sg bf (X, Y ) : par(xp, X), sg f b (Y P, XP ), par(y P, Y ). magic sg f b (XP ) : par(xp, X), magic sg bf (X). 360

19 Generating Modified Rules For each rule with head predicate P a : add a magic predicate magic P a (Z) to its body, where Z is the list of bound variables in P a. Example: sg bf (X, Y ) : par(xp, X), sg f b (Y P, XP ), par(y P, Y ). sg bf (X, Y ) : magic sg bf (X), par(xp, X), sg f b (Y P, XP ), par(y P, Y ). Notice how magic sg bf (X) works as a filter to restrict the attention to relevant X-values and how bindings are passed between the body predicates. This has been called sideways information passing in the literature. 361

20 Properties of the Magic Set approach Rather complicated rule rewriting. In general, much larger rule set. Magic Predicates act as filters, such that only relevant data is used in recursion/iteration. Bottom-Up evaluation (e.g., by semi-naive iteration) is typically much faster after this transformation: In parallel to query (or sg) predicate, the magic-predicates are evaluated in each step. Magic predicates are used in selections of the next iterative step. 362

21 The Counting method Idea: a variation of the Magic Set approach. Magic predicates collect data relevant for the next iterative step. Counting predicates collect relevant data and their distance to the starting point of the iteration. Example: Generalized Same Generation problem p(x, Y ) : f lat(x, Y ). p(x, Y ) : up(x, XU), p(y U, XU), down(y U, Y ). query(x) : p(a, X). Magic predicate magic up would collect all up s of a. Counting predicate additionally counts levels above a. 363

22 Counting transformation for the example Rules akin to those for the Magic Set approach lead to: counting(a, 0). counting(x, I) : counting(y, J), up(y, X), I = J + 1. p (Y, I) : counting(x, I), f lat(x, Y ). p (Y, I) : p (Y U, J), down(y U, Y ), I = J 1, J > 0. query(x) : p (X, 0).... each iterative step computes only the next level of relevant data. N.B. collecting X-values for predicate p is not necessary (cf. stack)! counting(a, 0). counting(x, I) : counting(y, J), up(y, X), I = J + 1. p (X, Y, I) : counting(x, I), f lat(x, Y ). p (X, Y, I) : counting(x, I), up(x, XU), p (Y U, XU, J), down(y U, Y ), I = J 1. query(x) : p (a, X, 0).... for this to work, data must not contain cycles! 364

23 Concluding remarks Quite a few other variants have been proposed in the literature (e.g., Reverse Counting, Magic Counting,... ). Extensions can be added to deal with general Horn clauses (including function symbols), e.g., Generalized Magic Sets. Also, more efficient Top-Down evaluation strategies have been developed (e.g., Query/Subquery). Intelligent Top-Down evaluation and clever transformation plus set-oriented Bottom Up evaluation can achieve similar performance. 365

24 Bibliography Bancilhon, F. (1985). Naive evaluation of recursively defined relations. In On Knowledge Base Management Systems, pages Spring-Verlag. Bancilhon, F., Maier, D., Sagiv, Y., and Ullman, J. D. (1986). Magic sets and other strange ways to implement logic programs. In Proc. ACM SIGACT/SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems, pages Bancilhon, F. and Ramakrishnan, R. (1986). An amateur s introduction to recursive query processing strategies. In Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf. on Management of Data, pages 16 52, Washington, DC. Beeri, C. and Ramakrishnan, R. (1987). On the power of magic. In Proc. ACM SIGACT/SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems, pages Ceri, S., Gottlob, G., and Tanca, L. (1989). What you always wanted to know about datalog (and never dared to ask). IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng., 1(1): Güntzer, U., Kiessling, W., and Bayer, R. (1987). On the evaluation of recursion in (deductive) database systems by efficient differential fixpoint iteration. In Proc. IEEE Int l Conf. on Data Engineering. Henschen, L. J. and Naqvi, S. A. (1984). On compiling queries in recursive first-order databases. Journal of the ACM, 31(1): Saccà, D. and Zaniolo, C. (1987). Magic counting methods. In Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, pages

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