% --- Executes on button press in btn_gsn. function btn_gsn_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) GaussianSpeckleNoise close AiSoftware;

Size: px
Start display at page:

Download "% --- Executes on button press in btn_gsn. function btn_gsn_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) GaussianSpeckleNoise close AiSoftware;"


1 A-2 'gui_layoutfcn', [],... 'gui_callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_state.gui_callback = str2func(varargin{1}); if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before AiSoftware is made visible. function AiSoftware_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % Choose default command line output for AiSoftware handles.output = hobject; % Update handles structure guidata(hobject, handles); % UIWAIT makes AiSoftware wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = AiSoftware_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=imread('logofak.png'); citra_hasil=double(citra_asli); citra_hasil=uint8(citra_hasil); axes(handles.axes_logo); imshow(citra_hasil); % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in btn_gsn. function btn_gsn_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) GaussianSpeckleNoise close AiSoftware; % --- Executes on button press in btn_sgn. function btn_sgn_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) SpeckleGaussianNoise close AiSoftware; % --- Executes on button press in btn_gn. function btn_gn_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) GaussianNoise close AiSoftware; % --- Executes on button press in btn_sn. function btn_sn_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) SpeckleNoise close AiSoftware; % --- Executes on button press in btn_exit. function btn_exit_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) selection=questdlg(['are You Sure?'],... ['Exit Application'],... 'Yes','No','Yes'); if strcmp(selection,'no')

2 A-3 return; delete(handles.figure1) % function howtousemenu_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) HowToUse % function helpmenu_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % function menu_deskripsi_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) Description description.m function varargout = Description(varargin) % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_singleton = 1; gui_state = struct('gui_name', mfilename,... 'gui_singleton', gui_singleton,... 'gui_layoutfcn', [],... 'gui_callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_state.gui_callback = str2func(varargin{1}); if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before Description is made visible. function Description_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % Choose default command line output for Description handles.output = hobject; % Update handles structure guidata(hobject, handles); % UIWAIT makes Description wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = Description_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % function menu_home_des_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) AiSoftware close Description;

3 A-4 GaussianSpeckleNoise.m function varargout = GaussianSpeckleNoise(varargin) % Begin initialization code - DO NOT EDIT gui_singleton = 1; gui_state = struct('gui_name', mfilename,... 'gui_singleton', gui_singleton,... 'gui_layoutfcn', [],... 'gui_callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_state.gui_callback = str2func(varargin{1}); if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before GaussianSpeckleNoise is made visible. function GaussianSpeckleNoise_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % Choose default command line output for GaussianSpeckleNoise handles.output = hobject; % Update handles structure guidata(hobject, handles); % UIWAIT makes GaussianSpeckleNoise wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = GaussianSpeckleNoise_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_mh. function btn_ed_mh_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra3; mh_output=deteksimarrhil(citra_asli); axes(handles.axes_mh1); imshow(mh_output); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra3); citrahistomh = edge(citragray,'marr'); axes(handles.axes_histomh); imhist(citrahistomh); % function backmenu_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) AiSoftware close GaussianSpeckleNoise; function edit_meang_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_meang_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles)

4 A-5 function edit_varianceg_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_varianceg as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_varianceg as a double function edit_varianceg_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_variances_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_variances as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_variances as a double function edit_variances_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_noisingg. function btn_noisingg_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) mg = length(get(handles.edit_meang, 'String')); vg = length(get(handles.edit_varianceg, 'String')); if (mg <= 0 vg == 0) h = msgbox('mean dan Variance harus diinput!'); citra_asli=handles.citra; mean=str2num(get(handles.edit_meang,'string')); variance=str2num(get(handles.edit_varianceg,'string')); citra_gaussian = imnoise(citra_asli,'gaussian',mean,variance); axes(handles.axes_gsn); imshow(citra_gaussian); handles.citra2=citra_gaussian; guidata(hobject,handles); % --- Executes on button press in btn_noisings. function btn_noisings_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) vg = length(get(handles.edit_variances, 'String')); if (vg == 0) h = msgbox('variance harus diinput!'); citra_asli=handles.citra2;

5 A-6 variance=str2num(get(handles.edit_variances,'string')); citra_speckle = imnoise(citra_asli,'speckle',variance); axes(handles.axes_gsn); imshow(citra_speckle); handles.citra3=citra_speckle; guidata(hobject,handles); size(citra_speckle) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse1. function btn_mse1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=getimage(handles.axes_browse); citraasli=deteksimarrhil(citraasli); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_mh1)); set(handles.edit_mse1,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr1. function btn_psnr1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=getimage(handles.axes_browse); citraasli=deteksimarrhil(citraasli); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_mh1)); set(handles.edit_psnr1,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_mse1 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_mse1 as a double function edit_mse1_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_psnr1 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_psnr1 as a double function edit_psnr1_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse2. function btn_mse2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=double(edge(citraasli,'log'));

6 A-7 CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_log1)); set(handles.edit_mse2,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr2. function btn_psnr2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_log1)); set(handles.edit_psnr2,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_mse2 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_mse2 as a double function edit_mse2_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_psnr2 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_psnr2 as a double function edit_psnr2_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse3. function btn_mse3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=double(edge(citraasli,'prewitt')); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_p1)); set(handles.edit_mse3,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr3. function btn_psnr3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_p1));

7 A-8 set(handles.edit_psnr3,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_mse3 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_mse3 as a double function edit_mse3_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_psnr3 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_psnr3 as a double function edit_psnr3_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_save1. function btn_save1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_mh1); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_mh1); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_save2. function btn_save2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_log1); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_log1); imwrite(citra,filename); return

8 A-9 % --- Executes on button press in btn_save3. function btn_save3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_p1); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_p1); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_browse. function btn_browse_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [nama_file,nama_path] = uigetfile({'*.bmp','file bmp (*.bmp)'},'buka File Citra'); if ~isequal(nama_file,0) handles.citra=imread(fullfile(nama_path,nama_file)); guidata(hobject,handles); axes(handles.axes_browse); imshow(handles.citra); axes(handles.axes_browse); imshow(handles.citra); guidata(hobject,handles); axes(handles.axes_histoasli); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,1)); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,2)); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,3)); return; ; % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_log. function btn_ed_log_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra3; gray=rgb2gray(citra_asli); ED_LOG=edge(gray,'log'); axes(handles.axes_log1); imshow(ed_log); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra3); citrahistolog = edge(citragray,'log'); axes(handles.axes_histolog); imhist(citrahistolog); % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_p. function btn_ed_p_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra3; citrap=rgb2gray(citra_asli); [x y]=size(citrap); %Prewitt H1 = [-1 0 1; ; ]; H2 = [ ; 0 0 0; 1 1 1];

9 A-10 fx = conv2(citrap,double(h1)); fy = conv2(citrap,double(h2)); %Arah Tepian [x,y]=size(fx); count=0; avg=0; for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y output(i,j)=sqrt(fx(i,j)*fx(i,j)+fy(i,j)*fy(i,j)); count=count+output(i,j); avg=4*count/(x*y); for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y if output(i,j)<avg output(i,j)=0; output(i,j)=255; prewitt_output=edge(citrap,'prewitt'); axes(handles.axes_p1); imshow(prewitt_output); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra3); citrahistop = edge(citragray,'prewitt'); axes(handles.axes_histop); imhist(citrahistop); % --- Executes on button press in btn_histogram1. function btn_histogram1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) histogram1 citra_mh = imread(handles.axes_mh1); citra_histo1 =double(citra_mh); imhist(citra_histo1); imshow(citra_histo1); axes(handles.axes1); [counts, bincenters] = hist(sort(averspectrum),500); axes(handles.whateveraxesyouwant); bar(bincenters, counts, 'BarWidth', 1); grid on SpeckleGaussianNoise.m function varargout = SpeckleGaussianNoise(varargin) gui_singleton = 1; gui_state = struct('gui_name', mfilename,... 'gui_singleton', gui_singleton,...

10 A-11 'gui_layoutfcn', [],... 'gui_callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_state.gui_callback = str2func(varargin{1}); if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); % --- Executes just before SpeckleGaussianNoise is made visible. function SpeckleGaussianNoise_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % Choose default command line output for SpeckleGaussianNoise handles.output = hobject; % Update handles structure guidata(hobject, handles); % UIWAIT makes SpeckleGaussianNoise wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = SpeckleGaussianNoise_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in btn_gotoed. function btn_gotoed_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse1. function btn_mse1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=getimage(handles.axes_browse); citraasli=deteksimarrhil(citraasli); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_mh2)); set(handles.edit_mse1,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr1. function btn_psnr1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=getimage(handles.axes_browse); citraasli=deteksimarrhil(citraasli); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_mh2)); set(handles.edit_psnr1,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_mse1_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles)

11 A-12 function edit_psnr1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_psnr1 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_psnr1 as a double function edit_psnr1_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse2. function btn_mse2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=double(edge(citraasli,'log')); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_log2)); set(handles.edit_mse2,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr2. function btn_psnr2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_log2)); set(handles.edit_psnr2,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_mse2 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_mse2 as a double function edit_mse2_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_psnr2 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_psnr2 as a double function edit_psnr2_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles)

12 A-13 % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse3. function btn_mse3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=double(edge(citraasli,'prewitt')); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_p2)); set(handles.edit_mse3,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr3. function btn_psnr3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_p2)); set(handles.edit_psnr3,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_mse3 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_mse3 as a double function edit_mse3_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % Hints: get(hobject,'string') returns contents of edit_psnr3 as text % str2double(get(hobject,'string')) returns contents of edit_psnr3 as a double function edit_psnr3_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_save1. function btn_save1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_mh2); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_mh2); imwrite(citra,filename);

13 A-14 return % --- Executes on button press in btn_save2. function btn_save2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_log2); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_log2); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_save3. function btn_save3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_p2); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_p2); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_browse. function btn_browse_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [nama_file,nama_path] = uigetfile({'*.bmp','file bmp (*.bmp)'},'buka File Citra'); if ~isequal(nama_file,0) handles.citra=imread(fullfile(nama_path,nama_file)); guidata(hobject,handles); axes(handles.axes_browse); imshow(handles.citra); axes(handles.axes_browse); imshow(handles.citra); axes(handles.axes_histoasli); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,1)); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,2)); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,3)); return; ; function edit_meang_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_meang_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles)

14 A-15 function edit_varianceg_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_varianceg_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_variances_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_variances_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_noisings. function btn_noisings_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) vg = length(get(handles.edit_variances, 'String')); if (vg == 0) h = msgbox('variance harus diinput!'); citra_asli=handles.citra; variance=str2num(get(handles.edit_variances,'string')); citra_speckle = imnoise(citra_asli,'speckle',variance); axes(handles.axes_sgn); imshow(citra_speckle); handles.citra2=citra_speckle; guidata(hobject,handles); % --- Executes on button press in btn_noisingg. function btn_noisingg_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) mg = length(get(handles.edit_meang, 'String')); vg = length(get(handles.edit_varianceg, 'String')); if (mg <= 0 vg == 0) h = msgbox('mean dan Variance harus diinput!'); citra_asli=handles.citra2; mean=str2num(get(handles.edit_meang,'string')); variance=str2num(get(handles.edit_varianceg,'string')); citra_gaussian = imnoise(citra_asli,'gaussian',mean,variance); axes(handles.axes_sgn); imshow(citra_gaussian); handles.citra3=citra_gaussian; guidata(hobject,handles); % function backmenu_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) AiSoftware close SpeckleGaussianNoise; % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_mh.

15 A-16 function btn_ed_mh_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra3; mh_output=deteksimarrhil(citra_asli); axes(handles.axes_mh2); imshow(mh_output); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra3); citrahistomh = edge(citragray,'marr'); axes(handles.axes_histomh); imhist(citrahistomh); % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_log. function btn_ed_log_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra3; gray=rgb2gray(citra_asli); ED_LOG=edge(gray,'log'); axes(handles.axes_log2); imshow(ed_log); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra3); citrahistolog = edge(citragray,'log'); axes(handles.axes_histolog); imhist(citrahistolog); % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_p. function btn_ed_p_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra3; citrap=rgb2gray(citra_asli); [x y]=size(citrap); %Prewitt H1 = [-1 0 1; ; ]; H2 = [ ; 0 0 0; 1 1 1]; fx = conv2(citrap,double(h1)); fy = conv2(citrap,double(h2)); %Arah Tepian [x,y]=size(fx); count=0; avg=0; for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y output(i,j)=sqrt(fx(i,j)*fx(i,j)+fy(i,j)*fy(i,j)); count=count+output(i,j); avg=4*count/(x*y); for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y if output(i,j)<avg output(i,j)=0; output(i,j)=255; prewitt_output=edge(citrap,'prewitt'); axes(handles.axes_p2); imshow(prewitt_output);

16 A-17 citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra3); citrahistop = edge(citragray,'prewitt'); axes(handles.axes_histop); imhist(citrahistop); GaussianNoise.m function varargout = GaussianNoise(varargin) gui_singleton = 1; gui_state = struct('gui_name', mfilename,... 'gui_singleton', gui_singleton,... 'gui_layoutfcn', [],... 'gui_callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_state.gui_callback = str2func(varargin{1}); if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before GaussianNoise is made visible. function GaussianNoise_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) % Choose default command line output for GaussianNoise handles.output = hobject; % Update handles structure guidata(hobject, handles); % UIWAIT makes GaussianNoise wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1); % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = GaussianNoise_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) % Get default command line output from handles structure varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in bnt_gotoed. function bnt_gotoed_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse1. function btn_mse1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=getimage(handles.axes_browse); citraasli=deteksimarrhil(citraasli); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_mh3)); set(handles.edit_mse1,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr1. function btn_psnr1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=getimage(handles.axes_browse); citraasli=deteksimarrhil(citraasli); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_mh3));

17 A-18 set(handles.edit_psnr1,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_mse1_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr1_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse2. function btn_mse2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=double(edge(citraasli,'log')); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_log3)); set(handles.edit_mse2,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr2. function btn_psnr2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_log3)); set(handles.edit_psnr2,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_mse2_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr2_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles)

18 A-19 % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse3. function btn_mse3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=double(edge(citraasli,'prewitt')); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_p3)); set(handles.edit_mse3,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr3. function btn_psnr3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_p3)); set(handles.edit_psnr3,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_mse3_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr3_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_save1. function btn_save1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_mh3); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_mh3); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_save2. function btn_save2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1)

19 A-20 axes(handles.axes_log3); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_log3); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_save3. function btn_save3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_p3); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_p3); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_browse. function btn_browse_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [nama_file,nama_path] = uigetfile({'*.bmp','file bmp (*.bmp)'},'buka File Citra'); if ~isequal(nama_file,0) handles.citra=imread(fullfile(nama_path,nama_file)); guidata(hobject,handles); axes(handles.axes_browse); imshow(handles.citra); axes(handles.axes_browse); imshow(handles.citra); axes(handles.axes_histoasli); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,1)); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,2)); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,3)); return; ; function edit_meang_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_meang_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_varianceg_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_varianceg_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles)

20 A-21 % --- Executes on button press in btn_noisingg. function btn_noisingg_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) mg = length(get(handles.edit_meang, 'String')); vg = length(get(handles.edit_varianceg, 'String')); if (mg <= 0 vg == 0) h = msgbox('mean dan Variance harus diinput!'); citra_asli=handles.citra; mean=str2num(get(handles.edit_meang,'string')); variance=str2num(get(handles.edit_varianceg,'string')); citra_gaussian = imnoise(citra_asli,'gaussian',mean,variance); axes(handles.axes_gn); imshow(citra_gaussian); handles.citra2=citra_gaussian; guidata(hobject,handles); function backmenu_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) AiSoftware close GaussianNoise; % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_mh. function btn_ed_mh_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra2; mh_output=deteksimarrhil(citra_asli); axes(handles.axes_mh3); imshow(mh_output); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra2); citrahistomh = edge(citragray,'marr'); axes(handles.axes_histomh); imhist(citrahistomh); % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_log. function btn_ed_log_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra2; gray=rgb2gray(citra_asli); ED_LOG=edge(gray,'log'); axes(handles.axes_log3); imshow(ed_log); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra2); citrahistolog = edge(citragray,'log'); axes(handles.axes_histolog); imhist(citrahistolog); % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_p. function btn_ed_p_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra2; citrap=rgb2gray(citra_asli); [x y]=size(citrap); %Prewitt H1 = [-1 0 1; ; ]; H2 = [ ; 0 0 0; 1 1 1]; fx = conv2(citrap,double(h1)); fy = conv2(citrap,double(h2));

21 A-22 %Arah Tepian [x,y]=size(fx); count=0; avg=0; for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y output(i,j)=sqrt(fx(i,j)*fx(i,j)+fy(i,j)*fy(i,j)); count=count+output(i,j); avg=4*count/(x*y); for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y if output(i,j)<avg output(i,j)=0; output(i,j)=255; prewitt_output=edge(citrap,'prewitt'); axes(handles.axes_p3); imshow(prewitt_output); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra2); citrahistop = edge(citragray,'prewitt'); axes(handles.axes_histop); imhist(citrahistop); SpeckleNoise.m function varargout = SpeckleNoise(varargin) gui_singleton = 1; gui_state = struct('gui_name', mfilename,... 'gui_singleton', gui_singleton,... 'gui_layoutfcn', [],... 'gui_callback', []); if nargin && ischar(varargin{1}) gui_state.gui_callback = str2func(varargin{1}); if nargout [varargout{1:nargout}] = gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); gui_mainfcn(gui_state, varargin{:}); % End initialization code - DO NOT EDIT % --- Executes just before SpeckleNoise is made visible. function SpeckleNoise_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin) handles.output = hobject; % Update handles structure guidata(hobject, handles); % UIWAIT makes SpeckleNoise wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1);

22 A-23 % --- Outputs from this function are returned to the command line. function varargout = SpeckleNoise_OutputFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) varargout{1} = handles.output; % --- Executes on button press in btn_gotoed. function btn_gotoed_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse1. function btn_mse1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=getimage(handles.axes_browse); citraasli=deteksimarrhil(citraasli); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_mh4)); set(handles.edit_mse1,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr1. function btn_psnr1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=getimage(handles.axes_browse); citraasli=deteksimarrhil(citraasli); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_mh4)); set(handles.edit_psnr1,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_mse1_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr1_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse2. function btn_mse2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=double(edge(citraasli,'log')); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_log4)); set(handles.edit_mse2,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr2. function btn_psnr2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles)

23 A-24 CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_log4)); set(handles.edit_psnr2,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_mse2_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr2_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_mse3. function btn_mse3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citraasli=double(edge(citraasli,'prewitt')); CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_p4)); set(handles.edit_mse3,'string',mseval); % --- Executes on button press in btn_psnr3. function btn_psnr3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) CitraHasil = double(getimage(handles.axes_p4)); set(handles.edit_psnr3,'string',psnrval); function edit_mse3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_mse3_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_psnr3_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles)

24 A-25 % --- Executes on button press in btn_save1. function btn_save1_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_mh4); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_mh4); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_save2. function btn_save2_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_log4); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_log4); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_save3. function btn_save3_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [filename,pathname] = uiputfile(... {'*.bmp;*','file Image (*.bmp)';'*.*','all File (*.*)'},'Save Image'); NamaFile = strcat(pathname,'\',filename) [a a]=size(namafile) if (a~=1) axes(handles.axes_p4); Citra = getimage(handles.axes_p4); imwrite(citra,filename); return % --- Executes on button press in btn_browse. function btn_browse_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) [nama_file,nama_path] = uigetfile({'*.bmp','file bmp (*.bmp)'},'buka File Citra'); if ~isequal(nama_file,0) handles.citra=imread(fullfile(nama_path,nama_file)); guidata(hobject,handles); axes(handles.axes_browse); imshow(handles.citra); axes(handles.axes_browse);

25 A-26 imshow(handles.citra); axes(handles.axes_histoasli); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,1)); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,2)); imhist(handles.citra(:,:,3)); return; ; function edit_variances_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) function edit_variances_createfcn(hobject, eventdata, handles) % --- Executes on button press in btn_noisings. function btn_noisings_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) vg = length(get(handles.edit_variances, 'String')); if (vg == 0) h = msgbox('variance harus diinput!'); citra_asli=handles.citra; variance=str2num(get(handles.edit_variances,'string')); citra_speckle = imnoise(citra_asli,'speckle',variance); axes(handles.axes_sn); imshow(citra_speckle); handles.citra2=citra_speckle; guidata(hobject,handles); % function backmenu_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) AiSoftware close SpeckleNoise; % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_mh. function btn_ed_mh_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra2; mh_output=deteksimarrhil(citra_asli); axes(handles.axes_mh4); imshow(mh_output); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra2); citrahistomh = edge(citragray,'marr'); axes(handles.axes_histomh); imhist(citrahistomh); % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_log. function btn_ed_log_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra2; gray=rgb2gray(citra_asli); ED_LOG=edge(gray,'log'); axes(handles.axes_log4); imshow(ed_log); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra2); citrahistolog = edge(citragray,'log'); axes(handles.axes_histolog); imhist(citrahistolog);

26 A-27 % --- Executes on button press in btn_ed_p. function btn_ed_p_callback(hobject, eventdata, handles) citra_asli=handles.citra2; citrap=rgb2gray(citra_asli); [x y]=size(citrap); %Prewitt H1 = [-1 0 1; ; ]; H2 = [ ; 0 0 0; 1 1 1]; fx = conv2(citrap,double(h1)); fy = conv2(citrap,double(h2)); %Arah Tepian [x,y]=size(fx); count=0; avg=0; for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y output(i,j)=sqrt(fx(i,j)*fx(i,j)+fy(i,j)*fy(i,j)); count=count+output(i,j); avg=4*count/(x*y); for i=1:1:x for j=1:1:y if output(i,j)<avg output(i,j)=0; output(i,j)=255; prewitt_output=edge(citrap,'prewitt'); axes(handles.axes_p4); imshow(prewitt_output); citragray = rgb2gray(handles.citra2); citrahistop = edge(citragray,'prewitt'); axes(handles.axes_histop); imhist(citrahistop); deteksimarrhil.m function hasil=deteksimarrhil(citra_asli); citramh=rgb2gray(citra_asli); [x y]=size(citramh); mh_output=zeros(x,y); %MarrHildreth sigma=2; m=ceil(sigma*3)*2+1; h=fspecial('log',m,sigma); h=h-sum(h(:))/(m^2); diff2=zeros(x,y); dt=ceil((m-1)/2); for i=1:x

27 A-28 for j=1:y for k=1:m for l=1:m xp=i-k+1+dt; yp=j-l+1+dt; if((xp>=1)&&(xp<=x)&&(yp>=1)&&(yp<=y)) diff2(i,j)=diff2(i,j)+h(k,l)*double(citramh(xp,yp)); th=0.75*mean2(abs(diff2(2:x-1,2:y-1))); for i=2:x-1 for j=2:y-1 if(diff2(i,j)<0) if((diff2(i,j-1)>0)&&(diff2(i,j-1)- diff2(i,j)>th)) mh_output(i,j)=1; if((diff2(i,j+1)>0)&&(diff2(i,j+1)- diff2(i,j)>th)) mh_output(i,j)=1; if((diff2(i-1,j)>0)&&(diff2(i-1,j)- diff2(i,j)>th)) mh_output(i,j)=1; if((diff2(i+1,j)>0)&&(diff2(i+1,j)- diff2(i,j)>th)) mh_output(i,j)=1; if(diff2(i,j)==0) if((diff2(i,j- 1)<0)&&(diff2(i,j+1)>0)&&(diff2(i,j+1)-diff2(i,j-1)>2*th)) mh_output(i,j)=1; if((diff2(i,j- 1)>0)&&(diff2(i,j+1)<0)&&(diff2(i,j-1)-diff2(i,j+1)>2*th)) mh_output(i,j)=1; if((diff2(i- 1,j)<0)&&(diff2(i+1,j)>0)&&(diff2(i+1,j)-diff2(i-1,j)>2*th)) mh_output(i,j)=1; if((diff2(i-1,j)>0)&&(diff2(i+1,j)<0)&&(diff2(i- 1,j)-diff2(i+1,j)>2*th)) mh_output(i,j)=1; hasil=mh_output; CURRICULUM VITAE Nama : Nur Ainun Alamat : Jl. Pusaka No.921, Pasar XI Tembung, Medan, Telp/Hp : ainunkhan@gmail.com Riwayat Pidikan

28 B : S1 Ilmu Komputer, Medan : MAN 1 Medan : MTsN 2 Medan : SD Pahlawan Nasional, Medan Riwayat Organisasi Periode Nama Organisasi Lingkup Jabatan OSIS Mtsn 2 Medan Sekolah Anggota Dept. Agama Tarung Derajat Satlat MAN 1 Medan Sekolah Sekretaris OSIS MAN 1 Medan Sekolah Sekretaris Ketua II OSIS MAN 1 Medan Sekolah Ketua II BKM Al-Khuwarizmi Program Studi Anggota Biro Administrasi. Sekretaris Bidang Syiar PEMA F-MIPA USU Fakultas Anggota Dept. Agama Islam IMILKOM USU Program Studi Sekretaris Bidang Kemahasiswaan IMILKOM USU Program Studi Sekretaris Umum IMILKOM USU Program Studi Ketua Dept. Dana dan Usaha PEMA Fasilkom-TI Fakultas Anggota Dept. Kemahasiswaan IMILKOM USU Program Studi Dewan Penasehat

LISTING PROGRAM. % UIWAIT makes pertama wait for user response (see UIRESUME) % uiwait(handles.figure1);

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