«А з» -..,,.,,,, ; ё ; ё.,,, (,, - ),,,,. : 1.,,,, -,,,,. ~ 5 ~

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2 ,, III -,, «,»,

3 ҮҢ.14 3ү 38 III -,, ( ). :, 2җ III -,, «,», 29 2җ14 «,»,..,,,,,,. :..,,..,, -.., -.., -

4 III М я - я я з з 1 -., 371., -...,..,.,. : (,,,, ); - ;,,., - -,.,,,,,..,..,,.,,, - (, - -,,,,.). :,,,.. " " ( ) - -,,,,..,,,, -,.. - -,.,.,,,.,,., : 1. ; 2. ; 3., -,,. ~ 4 ~

5 «А з» -..,,.,,,, ; ё ; ё.,,, (,, - ),,,,. : 1.,,,, -,,,,. ~ 5 ~

6 III М я - я я з з 2.,,. 3., ( MТМЫШЬШПЭ PШаОЫPШТЧЭ) : :... : җ3.җҗ.1ң Җ ; Д :.. - Ж.-, 2җҗү.- 22Ң ,...,.,,. Һ Һ. :. : -,,..,,.., ( ).,,,..,,.,.,,. : 1.,. :,,. 2.,., ң, 1Җ4..,,, ;,.,., 1,,. ( ) ~ 6 ~

7 «А з».,, ( )..,. :,.,.....,,.,,, Ң-. 19Үү. 2...,..., 19Ң9 3...,.. -.., 19ңҢ.., 213.,...,...,... ё., ( -,,,.),.. :,. : 1ң,. (ү ) :,. (ү ) (,.).. -,.,. :,,,. ( 2Җ ),.,, :,... -,, (,, ). ~ 7 ~

8 III М я - я я з з,.,.,,,. :,...,,,.,. ё,... 1.,.. Җ... -.:, ,.. Җ... -.:, 19Үү ,.. Җ... -.:, 19Ү ,... -.:, 19үү , 113.,...,.. - ( ).,. -.,., -, -, Д1Ж., Д2Ж.., Ң ң, 1үҢ 21җ : ~ 8 ~

9 «А з» : ,,,.,, - : - ; - ; - ( ); -, ( ); - ; - ( ); - ; - ( ); - ( ). Microsoft Excel... 7-ү,,. 2җ 2җ14. -, җҗ9. Җ.1Ңҗ : ( ):..... Җ.,.,...-.:,2җҗ2.- 41ң ( ):. Җ...:, 2җҗҮ.- 2җҗ.:..., 361.,...,.. - (,,,,, ),,.,,., :,,,,,.. -. ~ 9 ~

10 III М я - я я з з. Ңҗ-70- (, )... Д2,4Ж (, ) (, )..,.. ДҢЖ,. Д1Ж, -.,, -.. ДңЖ.,.,,.., (Ү-1җ ). :,,, 2-4,, 1Ү 1ү-2җ%.,,,,.,.. Grimm ДҢЖ, 1Ң-1ү, 19Ңү., 191җ...,.. Д3, ҢЖ, 19ңң. 13-, 192Ү. 1Ң-, ,Ң-3..,,.,...,, ( ),, ( )., -,...., ҖҖ. IV,,.., 19ңү. 2Ү ҖҖ. -., 19ңҢ. -. Ң4ү :....., 19Ү : -. 19Үң. - 2Ү9. 5. Җ..., :, Ңңҗ :, 1968, - 1Ңү., ~ 10 ~

11 «А з»..,...,...,,, ё,..,,,.,.,,.,,. :,,,,.,,,..,.. : , : -,,,,,. 1 2җ13 3җ 2җ14. 3җ 29 4җ. Ң ҢҢ... : 22,32 4,җ9, 1,3ң; 24,үү 1,үҢ, җ,ң2. 24,23 4,42, 1,4Ү; 12,9Ү 1,4ү, җ,49. ң,49, җ,үү; җ,үң җ,җ , ё. ~ 11 ~

12 III М я - я я з з 2.,,. 3. ё, , 211.,..., ,,,. Һ -,,,,,, -.,,,,. :. : -,...,,,., :,, IT,,,,.,,.,,.,,,.,,,. (,,,,,, ), (, ).., -,, -,, -,. -,,,.,,. -,,.,..,., (,, )..,, ~ 12 ~

13 «А з»,,. 1.. : : %D1%8B%D0%B5_%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D1%8B.., 55., -...,..., ( ). - :, 2җ 1,Ң Ң,1 1җҗҗ.,,,,,., Ңҗ.,,,,,., Ңҗ.,, ( ),,.,., : ; ; ;, ;, ,. -. : ( ).. 2җ13. 2җ14. 2җ (Ңҗ-ңң ), (1- ).,, ~ 13 ~

14 III М я - я я з з. 2 :.. : 1.,, ; ; ; ,..., 361., -...,..,.,.,,, Д1Ж. -. :,,,,.,,,,. (,,, ),,..,,,..,, Д3Ж.,,, : ( ),.,., Д2Ж.,,.. :,. - -.,.. ( ), ( ) Д1Ж.,,,. ( )., : (,, ); ( ); (,, ). ~ 14 ~

15 «А з»,,. 1. :... Җ ; Д.... ;..... Ж.. :, 2җҗү. 3җ : Җ..... ң-.: -, 2җҗ3. ң ,.. :. :, 2җҗҗ. 9Ң. -.., 213.,...,....,,,,,.,. Һ - Һ : -..,, -. :,,,.,. :,,,. : -,. -, ,,,..,,.,. -,,,,. -,. -,,. ~ 15 ~

16 III М я - я я з з. 9-12,. : (3-4 1җ ), - 2җ-3җ (,, ё 4-Ң ),..,, -. -., : bistroti skorostnih_vozmognostey. 2.,.. Җ..,... -.:,, 2җҗү. 24җ. 3.. : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.МШШХЫОПОЫКЭ.МШЦҖ И И И И И...,.,...,...,,. :.., 14җҗҗ,,, Greenpeace, ,,. -,,,. :,,,,. -,,,. «Ibis Kazan Centre».. ҮҢ Җ. 2җ%, - ү1%. ү, - 19.,.., %,,,,, ~ 16 ~

17 «А з»,,,, :..., 116.,...,... Д1Ж,.,, Д2Ж.. -., - Д3Ж.,.,,, 12- Д2Ж. - 1җ-11,.,,, ( 3-4 ),. : (, ), (, ), (S, ), (,%) (, Җ ). 1җ ,75 62,25 57,81 97, ,67 48, ,4860,8 52, ,6 0 п. т. т дд. т. т д. т. т S, лл О, л, %, уд/ пок тел окке то е по т е. 1. ( 1),,, ( ) (S).,,.,.. ( 1Ң ) ( 12,үҢ ), -, ( ~ 17 ~

18 III М я - я я з з 1)., (, ),., 1җ ,. ( ).,,,. 1. 2җ13 Җ Д Ж : %D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0_ Җ Д Ж : 3. Җ Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.ҮвК.ЫЮҖКЫЭТМХОҖөОЭЬФШО-serdce/..,.., 261.,..., :,. : -,..,,,,,., : - ; -,,,, : - 110\70 100\60; - 1җҗ\60; - 130\85-139\89; - 14җ\9җ... 14җ\9җ... :,,,,,. :., ( ),., ,.. ~ 18 ~

19 «А з» 3...,..,,,.., 4 ң. 4...,. :,,. 5.,,.,.,. 6.,,,,, ,.,,. Ң ң. 8...,,,,,, ң ү. 9.,.. 2ң1,. : 1җүҖңҢ... Ү3 Җ, 114Җңү... ң9 Җ, 122Җң9... ҮҮ Җ.,,.,,., 1җҗҖң3.,.,, :, 19Ү1. - 2җҗ. 2. : Җ Җ :, 2җҗҢ c. 3.. : ,...,,, -.. ДүЖ.,,. : -,..,.,,. - Д1, 3Ж.., ~ 19 ~

20 III М я - я я з з...,,..,. Һ,,,,..,..,,.,,,.,.,.,, Ң-ү,,.,.,, -,,..,.,.,.,,. -, Д2Ж.,.,.,,., ДҢЖ.. 19Үҗ 199ү ҢҮ%, 31,ү% -, 11,2% - ДҮЖ., 4, 2, ү, ң ДңЖ. 1җҗ%, Ңҗ%, 3җ% [4]., 2Ңҗ.,,, 2җ.,.,,.,.,,,.,,,..,. 6-ү ҖҖ : 1 -. :, 2җҗ ,.., ~ 20 ~

21 «А з» ҖҖ, 2җҗң, 2 (1Ү) ,..,.. - ҖҖ, 2җҗң, 2 (1Ү) , ҖҖ. - 2җҗң, 2 (1Ү).. Ү ,..,...ҖҖ.Җ -, ң ҖҖ. -2җҗ2, ң. 7...,..,.. ҖҖ -. -, Ңү. 8...,... :, 2җ13. 1ңү..., 361.,...,..,,,., ё.,, (, ) -.,.,, (,, ).. - (4-Ң ) Ң-ү Д3Ж..,, 1-2, ; (.., 19ңҗ,.)..,.,, -,,.,,.,, Д1Ж., ( ), -. ~ 21 ~

22 III М я - я я з з,,,,,..,,.. 1җ-1Ң 3җ-ңҗ 1-2,.. Д1Ж.,,,.,,, 1-2,,,, Д1Ж. 1. Җ..., : Ңңҗ.: «..»,. 3җ, 19ңҗ,. ң. 3. ( )..,..,..,, 19үҗ, 1Ң2. 1җ..,,...,..,.,,,...,,.. -, - 2җ14. 2җ 1җ. 2җ., «-, -». 1,Ң. «-җ1»,,,,. ( ).. 1Ү 1җҗ,,. 3 2Ңҗ,,.,. 1. ~ 22 ~

23 «А з» ү. 9 " " " ", ,5 2,31 2,21 2 1,5 1,61 1,55 1,62 1,63 1,68 1,51 1,54 1 0, " " " ", ,6 2,26 1, ~ 23 ~

24 III М я - я я з з 2,95 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 1,72 1,85 4.., Үҗ%, 30% -...,....,...,.. -,,,,,,.,,.,,. (.., 2җ11).,,,.. -,,,,. -,.,. -, -,,,,. :,,,,,,,,,.,,.,.,,,.,,.. ~ 24 ~

25 «А з»,,,, ,. (.).. Җ....- : -, 2җҗү.- 31ң ( )., 2, , 2җҗү ,, җң. ~ 25 ~

26 III М я - я я з з ң Ү.., 211.,...,..,, Ү 8.,, ДүЖ.., -., ё, ДҮЖ. - -,,., ң Ү.,., Д1Ж., ң Ү,. ДүЖ., ё Д1Ж., ё. ё.. ё,,,,,,, Д4Ж., ң Ү,. ё. ё ё,, ~ 26 ~

27 «А з»., ё,, [3]. ё,,. ё, ё., ё. ё ё,..., ё Д2Ж., ё ё. ё, ( ),., ё ё ДҢЖ. : 1. ё. ё. 2.,,. -,. ё,. 3.,,, :..., 2җҗү. ң : :, 2җ ,.. ( - ): Җ..., :, 2җ1җ :, 2җ11. 24Ң , 2җҗ4. 4Ң. 7. Җ....:. 19ү2, 19ү : :, 2җҗҢ ,,...,... XXI. :,,, Д1,.2Ж.,,.,, 2җҗү. ~ 27 ~

28 III М я - я я з з,,, Д2,.1ҢүЖ., :, - Д3,.Үң-9ҮЖ, -.,, Д4,.1җ1-118].,.. ДҢ,.1ҢЖ, -,, 3җ, ,,,, -,, ДңЖ.,. - -., 11ү.. (,, ) (,,,,..). 1җ, 4ү.,,,.,.,,. -,, 4 2җ,Ң,. ң 9-1җ.,,,,,.,.,,.,.,. 1ҖҢ (2җ%),,., -,,., -,.,.,, (Ңү ).,, -,.,,. : - -, - - ; -,,, ; -, - ; ~ 28 ~

29 «А з» -, 4җ,2%,, 32,2%,,,,. 1. Study of training of young sportsmen/women in Europe, Brussels: European Union: Ineum consulting, (2008). INEUMconsulting / Taj. 2. Amara, M., Aquilina, D., Henry, I., & PMP Consultats. (2004). Education of Elite Young Sportspersons in Europe. Brussels: European Commission: DG Education and Culture. 3. Roderick, M. (2006). Adding insult to injury: Workplace injury in english professional football. Sociology of Health and Illness, 28(1). 4. Stambulova, N., Stephan, Y., & Japhag, U. (2007). Athletic retirement: A cross-national comparison of elite french and swedish athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise(8). 5. David, P. (2005). Human rights in youth sport: A critical review of children's rights in competitive sports:routledge., Amara, M., Aquilina, D., Henry, I., & Taylor, M. (2004). Education of young sportspersons (lot 1):European Commission. 6. Gelder, I. (2013) Center of elite sport and education in the Netherlands: International University Sports Federation Conference. University and Olympic sport: two models one goal? July , 1,...,...,....,. -,, :,,. : : , :,,,,. ( >җ,җң).,. 2,,., -, -,,. ( )., ( ).,, ; -.,.,. -.,, ~ 29 ~

30 III М я - я я з з,.,,..., -. ( >җ,җң).,,,,. -, ( >җ,җң).,,,,, - (Ү ) - (2,Ң )..., 114.,...,..,.. -,,,,,.,,. [2].,, -. :,,,,,,,,,,..,. Д1Ж.,,..,.,.,,.,,,.,,, Д2Ж (11-12 ), 1җ-2җ. 14җ-1Ңҗ Җ. Д14Ж. ( ), ~ 30 ~

31 «А з», ( 2җҗ Җ.). - 1Ң-1Ү. - ; 1Ң-17 ;., ( ),..,,,. Д2Ж. ( ),,,,.,,. ( )., - ( ), " ", 2җҗҢ. - 1җү. 2...,... -.:, 19үҗ ,..., , ,,.,.,..,.,. : Һ,.. -,. -,,. -,.,,.,.,., : 1.. ~ 31 ~

32 III М я - я я з з ,, ё,,. : - 2җ14-2җ1Ң. 13-1Ң,.. -,.., -,.,..,,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,..., 339,...,...,.,,.,,,.,.,,.., -, ~ 32 ~

33 «А з»..,, -.,,.,,,,.,,,,..,..,,,,,,....,. : 1 ; 2 ; 3,., 1Ң-22 ; 23-3Ң ; 36-4Ң. : 4җ ( 2җ ), Ү (3Ң%) ң (3җ%),. 13 (ңң%) 14 (Үҗ%) (ҢҢ%) 3 (1Ң%),. 9 (4Ң%) 13 (ңң%)., 4 (2җ%).,,,,..., 113, -...,...,,,, -, -,.,,. -,., ~ 33 ~

34 III М я - я я з з,,,,,., Д12, 44Ж., - -.,,,,,. (, ),,,,..,..,. -. : Ң :,,, Ң...,. ( 2җ14.).. ( 2җ14.)... -,, -.. (,, )..., 52., -...,.. ~ 34 ~

35 «А з».. -.,,,,,.,,, Ң ,. 14-1Ң, 1җ. (1-2 ). 2җ13 2җ14.,. 3.,..,, -., ( ) (.1)., 12, 4., (1җ-12.),. Ң-ң. 1җ-12. ( Ң-ң ),. 12 ( ).,, ; -.1 : 1,2,-, 3-,., -, -, -, V-, V-, V -, V -, V ~ 35 ~

36 III М я - я я з з 2җ13..,. 92,, 2җҗ,. (, ) (33,3%), (12,9%), (12,4%), (12,4), (11,җ), (11,җ) (, ) (Ү,җ). 2җ13.,,. 2җ14.,,,,.,.,., < җ,җң. ок тел ед е е.. Э. Э. ( ) 1,1Ү җ,11 1,ң9 җ,13 2,101 2,2 ( ) 44,2 2,1 Ңҗ,9 2,31 2,101 2,2 ( ) 31,2 1,32 3ң,ү 1,ҢҢ 2,101 2,8 ( ) 49,ң 2,3 Ү2,1 2,ң 2,101 2,8 Ң,3 җ,үү Ң,ң җ,9ң 2,101 0,2 җ,34 җ,12 җ,ң9 җ,11 2,101 2,2 3,42 җ,33 4,39 җ,31 2,101 2,2 1,ң9 җ,1ү 0,94 җ,2 2,101 0,8 : 1. - :, , 114, -...,...,.. -,., -,, -.,, Д1Ж., -. '., ~ 36 ~

37 «А з»,,..,,. -,.,, -, Д2Ж..,. : ; ;..,, - Д2Ж.,,.,, Д3Ж.,.,., : «Һ»;,..,,,.,,.,..,,.,,. 1. :....,.. 2җҗ ;.....: :, 2җҗҮ ,...,...,,,,,,, ББVII ББII.,.,,. ~ 37 ~

38 III М я - я я з з,,,, :,,. ББVII XXII.,, -. 2.,,., -... : «51,» Д1Ж., ББVII.,,, җ2җ,, Д2Ж.,,. 4. ББVII ББII,,,.,, -,,.,.,, Д3Ж., XXVII 2җ13. Ң.., -,., -,., -.,,,,.. 1., URL: җ URL: URL: ~ 38 ~

39 «А з» -.,,.,,.,,, -.,,,..,..,,,,,,..,,,., Һ,,,.,.,.,. Д1Ж: 1.. ( ), :,,,.., (,,, ), ( ),, ,. : 1) ; 2) ( ).,, (1Җ2, ),, ( ) : 1) ; 2)., ( ),,. Ң. ( ). : 1), ( ); 2) ( ); 3) (,, )..,,..,,,,.,,.,,. ~ 39 ~

40 III М я - я я з з 1...,.. :....,..:, 2җҗҗ , 212.,...,.. -,.,,,,.,,,,,, -. -,.,, -, (, -, - ) ,..,..,..,..,..,..., ( )., (n = 40). - : 1) -, 2) - : ) - ) -. - Ү2% (.. ).,,.,,,, ( 33%),,,. - 2ү%, (.. ),, (, ),.,.,, -. 1.,.. - ҖҖ : - : -, 2җҗҢ.. 2Ү ~ 40 ~

41 «А з» 2.,.. - ( - )ҖҖ ( )ҖҖ ү.- : СЭЭЩҖҖ ааа. ФКЦРТПФ. ЫКҖ ЦКРКгТЧ. 3.,.. - (, )ҖҖ : Ң..., 1,...,...,.,,..,,,,,.,,,. -,,... :,,.., ( ) ( ).,.,,,,.,.,.. ң2%,, 2Ң%, 3Ү% -. ү1%, Ү7%. 19%,,,. -, : - ; - ( ), ; -., : - ( ); - ~ 41 ~

42 III М я - я я з з ; -. 1җ- 1Ң%,. : 2Ң-Ңҗ%,. 1җҗ.,,,.,.., 31, -...,..,.,.,,,., ДҢЖ., ( ),...., 11-1ү., 11-1ң, ,, Д2,3,4Ж.....,, - Д1,ңЖ.,,.,,,, 2Ң-3җ% Д1,ң,ҮЖ..,,.,..., : 14 1җҗ,2җҗ 4 1җҗ Д1,ң,ҮЖ..,.,,.,,, -.,,.,, -.,,,. ( ) Д2,3,4Ж. ~ 42 ~

43 «А з»,,, -. :,,.,, : = (L + L ) б 1,08 2 : ; L ( )... :,,,,, Җ, Җ, Җ, Җ, Җ, Җ, Ү- (..,.., 19ү4).,,,. ДңЖ. : ( ),,, ( ),, ( ), ДңЖ. 1...,.. : -. -.:, , 19үҗ, ҖҖ. - :, 19Ү Ң : , 19үҢ. - Ң ,... -.:,19үң.- 1Үң. 6..,.. :., 1999,.ңң 7... ҖҖ.-.:, (12-13 )., 113.,....., -.,,.,,,. 14 1Ң,.,.. -,, Д1,2,3Ж.,,,,,. ~ 43 ~

44 III М я - я я з з,,. : - -. : 12 13,. : :,, -,, Ңҗ 1җҗ.,,, (12 13 ). : 1.,,. 2.,, , ( ).,.,, : 4 2Ң., - 4җҗ үҗҗ. -,. :,, 3җ %., Ң. 4. (.1) 1. ( ). 2Ң Ңҗ 1җҗ 2Ң 19,5 40, ,4 19,3... ( ) Ңҗ 39,5.. 1җҗ 1.27,2. 2Ң 19,8 Ңҗ 43,1. 1җҗ 1.32,1. 2Ң 19,0. Ңҗ 41,9. 1җҗ 1.29,5,, ~ 44 ~

45 «А з» 2.,, , :, 19үң..13Ң ( ):......:, 2җҗҗ ( )..:, 19үҢ.-14Ң....., 318., -...,..,.,.,,,,,,,..,.. : 1..,,,,. 2. :,,,, ;,,, ;,,,. 3. -,.,,,. Д4Ж -. - «Ё»..,. (Ң-Ү ) (Ү-9 ). 4җ,., : «, Һ» ңҗ%, ; 2җ% ; 2җ%. Үҗ% ; 1Ң% ; 1Ң%. : «, Һ» ңң% ; - 2Ң%; 2җ %. ~ 45 ~

46 III М я - я я з з Ңҗ%,, ; 2җ% ; 3җ% -. : «,,». 2җ% ; - 3җ%; Ңҗ%. : 3Ң% ; 4җ% ; 2Ң%. : «,, Һ» 4Ң%; 4Ң%; 1җ%., Ңҗ%; 1җ%.., 4җ%. : «,, Һ» -.,, Ңҗ% ; 3җ% ; 2җ%. 4Ң% ; 1җ% ; 4Ң%. -.,., -,,,.. 1. Д Ж 2. Д Ж 3. Д Ж (ааа.ьщшыэтщыкяш.ыю), җ (Ч=3җ),., 2 : 1Ң. Ң, : 3ң., 3ң.,,, 9. x 6. ~ 46 ~

47 «А з»..,,,. :,,. 3 -,.,., %.. % 3ң ң,44 җ, ң,4җ җ,җң ң,җ9 җ,җң* 0,31 4,8 ң,33 җ,җү* 0,11 1,9, ң ү,9ү җ, 9,җ2 җ,13 ү,үң җ,13* 0,17 1,9 ү,ңү җ,җү* 0,41 4,6, ң,3ү җ,2ң 1Ү,43 җ 1Ү,2җ җ,24 0,82 4,7 1Ү,13 җ,2* 0,3 1,7 ң*9,.. *,2 13,1ң җ,2ң 13,34 җ 12,Үң җ,2ү 13,39 җ,2ң 0,23 1,7 0,58 4,3,.. *,27 * 14,41 җ,22 14,үү җ 14,91 җ,22 0,5 3,4 14,ҢҮ җ,3* 0,31 2,1,.. *,29 : *- I ( ) II ( ) (( җ.җң),,. 3ң. 4,ү%; ң*9. 4,Ү%; 3,4%. 3ң 4,ң%; 4,3%., ң., ң*9,, 3ң..,....,.., 331., -...,..,,,.,, -. ~ 47 ~

48 III М я - я я з з,.,., -,.,,.,,..,,., : «,».,,,,,,,,.,.,,, 1җ Ңҗ ( Ңҗҗ 3җҗҗ )., -,,, -,,,,. :.,., 4җ, 2җ 2җ. 9Ң% 9ү%,.,,.,,, 2җ%,, 1җ%,,, 1Ң%,, Ң%., 23%, 4җ%,, 3Ң%,, 2%,,.,,, -. : «, Һ».,, Үң%,, - 11%, ү%, Ң%,. -. 3%, 1Ң %, ү% (,, ),, (Ү4%),.,., үү%, ү% «,», 3%.., Ү%, 1%, 2%, -, 9җ%,,., -,,,,.,.., 213., -.., ~ 48 ~

49 «А з» ~ 49 ~...,..,. -,..,., -. :,,, (,, ).,, Д3Ж.,,,.,,,. : ( );, ( ).,,,,.,,, :..,.,..,.,,.,,,., Д1Ж.,, -....,, Д4Ж.,, (19ҮҢ). -,.,.,, -,.. (19ҮҮ),,,,, -..,,,,,.,,,.,,.

50 III М я - я я з з 1.., Б., Б.. - :, 19Үң Ң ,2җҗ , :, 19үү.9ү-101..,,, ,,,,,.,,, : - ; - ; - ; -..,.,,,,,.,..,,..,,.. : - ; - ; - (,,,, ); -..,,.., -,,,,,,. ~ 50 ~

51 «А з»,,,..,.,,,.,..,,.,,,... -,,,.,...,.., 318.,...,.. (.., 19Ү3;.., 2җҗ4;.., 19Үң)..,,,, Д1Ж.,.,,,. :,.. 1җ-. Ң2,,,.. Ң2%,, 23%, 21% 4%.,.. Үү%,. 22%,. ~ 51 ~

52 III М я - я я з з «Һ», 39%,, 34%,, 1Ң%,, ү%, 2%, 1ү%,,. 41 % (39 % 2 % ),., 3Ң%, 1җ%, 12%, 1җ%, 4%,, 1җ%,.., 3җ%,, 3җ%, 21%,, ү%,., 11 %.,,,., (,..).,., Һ Үү %,,, 1җ%.,,,,.,. 1,... :, 2җҗү ,.. Җ.. // Җ.... :, 2җҗ2. - 2үү. 3,.,., Җ... :, 2җҗ1. -Ү9. 4,.. :.... Җ....:, 2җҗ3. -32җ. 5,.. ё.... Җ.. ҖҖ җҗ3.-1ҢҮ..., 361., -...,.... «,».. ҮҢ%. 2Ң 2җ 2Ң%, 3. 4 ё 4 (..,..,.. ). 1җ% (. ) үң 9җ% -, -.,.,,,,,,,,.. 1җ-1Ң. ~ 52 ~

53 «А з»,..,.,,,,,. -,,,,.,.,,.,,,,... (,,, ),,.,,., 3.., 3-4 2җ-3җ 2, Ң-ү 3җ җ ,.,,,.,,,.. ё..,,.,.,,,,,.. 3-ң ( -, ),,,. : - -, - -. ( ): - - 2җ-3җ. : 1). 2) -..,.. ё.. 3). -,,,. ~ 53 ~

54 III М я - я я з з 4) :,,,. 5). 6). ё 2җ,...., Үҗ -8җ. :, ё,., ё, ( ) ё. -, ё,,. - ё..,,.,,.,. 1җ-1Ң,..,., 4-ң.,,,, Һ -, -,,,,,,,,,. -,.,,.,.,,.,.,..,....,...,.. -, ҖҖ. 199Ң. Ң җҗ ң...;199ң. 5...,.. 4 Ү..1; ,..,,.. 2җҗң.., 113.,.., 216., -..,...,.. ~ 54 ~

55 «А з»..,.... :.... : «,.,..,,,. : ,,. 3..,,,.,,,,,,,., : 2җ%, 2Ң%, 2җ%, 3җ% ( ). е к под ото к % те е к под ото к % п оло е к под ото к 20% т кт е к под ото к % ~ 55 ~

56 III М я - я я з з, -,..,,., -,.,,,. 1.,.. Җ..,..,..,..,...., 2җҗң. 2.,.., :...., Җ..,.... :, 2җҗҗ. 2үү. 3.,.. Җ...., ,.. Җ... :, 19үҢ Ң.,.,. Җ..., 2җҗ2. ң.,.. Җ... :, Ү2..., 213.,...,...,..,.,,., -,,.,,,,,,.,,,.. ; ( ); () ; ;. ( ) : (Ң 10 ), (1җ 2Ң ) ( 2Ң ). :, Д2Ж. ~ 56 ~

57 «А з»,,., -.,.,,. (, ),.,. ( ),.,., :, ;, ; ;. -,,,.,,.,,,,,,.., ү 10,.,,. ( )... 3җ-, ( Ң).. :,,,..,,,.,,,.., ү 1җ,,.,.,.,,...,,,,,.,,.,,,.. 1җ., җ 12,, 1, 2. -, 2, 1,..,.,,,.,,,,..,.,.,,,. 11. ~ 57 ~

58 III М я - я я з з ( ), 1.,,,. 2 2,, 1,. ( 3)..,,. - ( ~ 58 ~

59 «А з» ).., , ( 1), ( 1), ( 2).,... 1җ, (!),,,,.,...,,. ( ).,,. ~ 59 ~

60 III М я - я я з з. 13., 1. 1, 1, 1.,, 2, 2..., ( )..,,.,,, (1ң-1Ү )-.:,, 2җҗҮ.-1ңҗ :. Җ. ; 2ңҗ. ~ 60 ~

61 «А з» Ү-ү.., 211.,...,...,,,, (.., 19Үү;.., 19Үү;.., 19үҗ; Ә.M., 19ү1;.., 19ү3;.., 19ү4;.., 199җ).,.. -,. Ү... : Ү-ү ( 2012.) ( ) ( ) (3 1җ ) ( - ) ).. ( 2җ ) ,5+9, ,13+9,41 26,6+2, 67 25,8+2, 91 10,12+0,5 3 10,16+0,5 3 1,8+3,12 556,67+102,31 1+1, ,92 5,24+0,33 5,10+0,07.. ( 2җ ) 5,43+0,4 5,43+0,4 6 t 0,19 0,76 0,14 0,87 0,62 1,49 0,04,,,,, 1-1,. 2җ12-2җ13-1 ~ 61 ~

62 III М я - я я з з ( 2013.) ( ) ( ) (3 1җ ) ( - ) ( ).. ( 2җ ).. ( 2җ ) ,2+9,9 30,2+3, 47 9,27+0,46 2,93+3, , 31 5,64+0,40 5,72+0,43 139,2+8,7 31,93+2 9,43+0,47 1,46+1, ,9 5,23+0,07 5,49+0,45,81 2 t 1,68 1,45 0,90 1,30 0,09 3,80 1,40-1,.,,.,,,,,,, ( 2013.) ( ) ( ) (3 1җ ) ( - ) ( ).. ( 2җ ).. ( 2җ ) ,9+13, ,00 8,60+0,44 5,53+3,78 670,67+67,82 6,95+0,45 6,30+0,39 149,46+8,52 33,93+2,40 9,26+0,48 2,13+1,95 643,33+38,48 6,05+0,20 6,09+0,38 t 2,38 0,06 3,78 2,99 1,31 6,79 1,43 3,,,, - ( 2җ13 ). ~ 62 ~

63 «А з» -. : : 1., -., ,., 0,05. 1.,.. : : -, - ) Җ..,..,..,..,...:, 2җҗң. 1Ң4. 2.,... :. Җ..,..,.. ;. -.,19ү2. - 3ң. 3.,. :.... : Җ , 2җҗ3. 4.,.. Җ..,.. ҖҖ : Җ..... ;,..., -.. : Д..Ж, Ң-17 (0,25/0,25). 5.,.. Җ.. ҖҖ - - 2җҗ9. Җ,..., -.., 2җ1җ.. ҢҮ-58 (0,1). 6.,.. Җ.. ҖҖ : Җ..... ;,..., -.. : Д..Ж, 2җҗү (0,2). 7.,. Җ... :, , Α.Η. Җ :, 19Үң. 1җ4. 9.,.. : Җ.. ;. -, 19үҮ ,.. :,.. : 13.җҗ.җ4 :, 2җҗ c..., 3,,..,...,..,,,., -. ~ 63 ~

64 III М я - я я з з, ( ).,,.. : -.. -, ң4 94, 1Үҗ 191. MetaLyzer 3B-R2, ( ) GE ebike,,., ( Җ Җ ).,, ң2 Җ Җ,.. 49 ҮҢ Җ Җ. ( 1),. 1 ( Җ ) ( Җ Җ ) ( ) : : : : :30 %. : 1: 9ң,1% 4%, ( ). 2: Ң9%, 4җ%. 3: Ү2%, 2ү%. 4: 92%, ү%,. Ң: үү%, 13%. ң: ү3%, 1Ү%. Ү: 93%, Ү%. :,,,...,,,,,.,,,,,,,. ~ 64 ~

65 «А з» 1җ-11.., 113.,...,.,,,.,,,,,,.,., -,. :. :. : -. : 1. 1җ җ-11. 1җ-11., үҗ-үң%. Д1Ж.,,,. :,,,,.. Ү-1җ.,,. 12-1Ң,,,,., - ң-7-,, 1җ-11. 1җ-11. : 1, 1.Ң ; 3, Ң, 4җҗ-үҗҗ. I-III.,. үҗҗ-1җҗҗ 2җҗҗ-3җҗҗ, 2җҗ-ңҗҗ, 2Ң, Ңҗ, 1җҗ I-II. Д2Ж : ~ 65 ~

66 III М я - я я з з ,,..,. 1.. ( ) - Җ.., Ү ( ).., 199җ..1ң , 115., -...,.. ПТЭ,,... -,,,. -,.. - ( 2 2җ ). 4Ң.,,.. ( - ).. :.,,,,,. -.,, ,,,,.,, ,., -. :,. (МТЭв-jam, funk, jazz-modern, hip-сшщ).,.; -,, -,.,, ;,,.,. ~ 66 ~

67 «А з».,,, - ( ).,. -,. 1җ, -,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,..,, -,,..,., - ;,.,... : - - ; - (,,..); -. : - әклтоь 2-ң ; - KТНЬ Ү-1җ ; - JЮЧТШЫЬ 1җ-14. : - - ; -.,,. ң-ү (әклтоь), 1җ-12 (KТНЬ, JЮЧТШЫЬ)..,, ң.., 113, -..., ~ 67 ~

68 III М я - я я з з. 13-1ң,.,. -.,. : -., : 1. -, ң ң , - -..,, (,, ) ,, -, -..., 311.,...,...,.,,.,,.,.,, -.,.,.,.,., үҗ-,,., - ~ 68 ~

69 «А з».,.,,.,, : ) ; ) - ; ) -. -.,,,.,,,.,.., : 1. ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. ; 5. ; 6..,.,..., 211, -...,,..,,,,,.,., БББI - - Д1Ж. ё (. ФТЭО ЬЮЫПТЧР ё, ),, ( ). Д2Ж,,,. ңҗ-үҗ [3].,,,,.,,..,,,.. (,,,,,, ),,.. ~ 69 ~

70 III М я - я я з з..,.... (,, )., , -...,...,,,,,,,,.,,,....,, -,,,.,,., -,.,,.,,,,,.,.., : 1. -, :,. : 2җ14-2җ1Ң. 1җ-12,. ~ 70 ~

71 «А з». -, ;...,.,. :,,,,,,..,,.,,,..., 111., -....,,,., -.,. 3 Ң,, ң-ү.,,..,,,. ң-ү -,.,,.,. : Ү-ү. : 1. 7-ү ү. 3.. : - -. Ү-ү. ~ 71 ~

72 III М я - я я з з : Ү-ү,,,. :, Ү-ү..,,. Ү-8- :, (, );, ;,..,.,..,,,,,..,,,, Ү-ү,,. ( ),. :,,.,,,,. ( ).., 1,...,... -,,,, - -,.,... (,..),, ( ).,,,.. :.. - ~ 72 ~

73 «А з». : - ; - ; - ; - ; - ( ) ; - ; -. ( ).,, ( ),.,. - : ( )., (, )., -.,,,,., -,,. -., «- -»,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ;,,, ,,.,.,.,,,.,.,, ( )..., 113.,..,...,..,,.,., -... ~ 73 ~

74 III М я - я я з з.,, -, -.,,,.,,,.,. -,, -. -,,,.,....,.,,.,,,,,,, -,..,.,,,... - ( ), -,,.,., -,,,,,. -,... (..).,..,,.,,,,,.,,,,,, -. 1.,.. Җ.., :, 2җҗ9. 2Ңң. 2.,.. : ,. Җ :, 2җ1җ. 33ң..., 211.,..... ~ 74 ~

75 «А з»,..,,,, ( ) Д1,3Ж җ 12,. - «-». - ( ), - ( )., Д3Ж., 29ң 4җ,. -,. 1Ү1 12, Ң,ү җ,ү...,, Д2Ж. 1 1җ 12 -,, - ( ) 29ң 4җ Ң,ү җ,ү 1Ү1 12, : 1ү,ҮҢ% (3.) ( ), ү1,2ң% (13.),, ( ).,,.,. -,..,,, , 2җҗ1. 23Ң :, 2җҗ : ҖҖ.. VII. Җ, 19үү.. 1ң. ~ 75 ~..,,

76 III М я - я я з з -...,..,,.,.,,,, Д2Ж.,, Д1Ж. ( ), Д2Ж. (,, -..)., -, - ( ), -.. -,,,.,,, Д3Ж.,,, -,,,., - 24 ңҗ%.,,.,.,,, -,.,,,,,,..,, ҖҖ ң : ( ).ҖҖ җҖ11Җ Ү : ( ).ҖҖ Ң , 213., -..., ~ 76 ~

77 «А з»......,,,.,,. (,,,,,, ё ).,..,,,,, Д1Ж.,,,.., :,, -,,..,,.. -. ( )., ( Ң-1җ.). (3җ. Ң. ). -,,.. -, ,.., -,., Д2]., : ) ( ); ) ; ). : ;,, ; ( ),.,,,, -,.. :, :.... ҖҖ.., ,..:, 2җ1җ. 4үҗ. 2. : 27_0.html ~ 77 ~

78 III М я - я я з з..,.212., -...,. (,, ).,..,, -,,,, ,,,., : 1) ( ); 2) ( ); 3) - ( ); 4) ( ); 5) (, ).,..,,,.,,,.,,,....,,,.. -, -., -, -,.., (, -. ).,,,., ~ 78 ~

79 «А з».., 212., -...,...,.,,.,,. :,,, [2].,,, -, -,,,. -.,,,,,.,,,.,,,.,,., - (,,..), [3]. :. :. -.,, ( ).., ДҢЖ.,,,,. Д1Ж. -,,,,,, Д4Ж. (.1).. :,,, Дң, ҮЖ.,. 3 :,. : -,,,,,,.., : ~ 79 ~

80 III М я - я я з з ңү %, -24%, 9%.,, ,. ё PЮЛХТМ RОХКЭТШЧ.Җ. -., җң. 2.,.. - ( XIX ББI.), җ2. 3.,... Җ... - Д Ж. - : 4.,...:. Җ......: -, :, 2җҗҗ. 23җ. ( ) Д Ж. - : 6. public relations... ҖҖ...,.: -ү9,2җҗ4. 23җ :,, :.Җ... - :, ң. ~ 80 ~

81 «А з»., 371., -...,....,,,,. :. : 1. ; 2., ; 3.. -,.,,,. :, (,,,,,, ),,.,,, Д4,. 3үүЖ..,,..,,,,, Д9,. 4үүЖ..... Д2,. 3үҢЖ,. ;, ;...., ДҢ,. 12; ң,. 123Ж.,.,.., Дү,. 4ңЖ.,., 1җ-1Ң,. Д1,. 12ң; 2,. 413; 1җ; Ң,. 12Ж,,,.,,. :,,.,,,.,,,,, ~ 81 ~

82 III М я - я я з з, Д3,. 9Ж.,,,, үҗ% ДҮ,.1ҢЖ.,., 1ү 2җ. 3җ, 14 1ң., Ү,.,, " "..,,,..,.,,,,.,,, -..,,.,, оти ция по те пе о т до о е до ол т е От е е о дел т. 3җ.,,, 56% 44%.,,,, , -.:, 19Үү :,.: 2җҗ3. 4үң. ~ 82 ~

83 «А з» : җҗҮ. - 1ү. 5...,.:, 2җҗ1. - Ң ,., 19үү ,., 2җҗң ,, 2җ1җ. 4ң : җҗҮ , 2-,.:, 2җҗҢ.- үң4..., , -..,...,....,,,,., ( ),..,, ( ),. -..,. :...., :,,.,..,.,,,., :,,,.,,,,,,.,.,..,. : ; ; ; ; ~ 83 ~

84 III М я - я я з з ; ; ;. ё :, ;, ; :,, ;.,,,,. 1.,... : 1җҗҗ Җ :, 199Ү ,.. Җ.., :, 19Үү ( ).., 212., -...,...,,,,,., 1,.,, -,.,.,, -,. :,,, (.1); ~ 84 ~

85 «А з» 1. 1.,, 3 :, (. 2); ~ 85 ~

86 III М я - я я з з.2., : 3 :, ; : - : - 4Ң,9Ү% 71,61%; - ( ) 23,11%; - 19,63%.,,. 1.,... Җ..,.. ҖҖ җҗү, 1Ү1. 2.,.. Җ.. ҖҖ җ (үҗ) , , җҗү. Җ : « », 2җҗү. - 2Ң4. 4.,.. Җ..,..,..,.. ҖҖ Ң3-55. ~ 86 ~

87 «А з» -.., 312.,,..., ,., -.,.,,,,, -,,,,..,,. : 1-,,. : ;,,, ;,,, ;, -,. 2-,,., :, ,,,..,. : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; 5),, - ; 6),,. ~ 87 ~

88 III М я - я я з з. - -,,.,,.,,. 1.,.. Җ.... :, 19үң. 2.,.. :. Җ... : Җ... : Д..Ж, 2җҗ2..., 315, -...,..,,,... ( ). : 1) (,, ), 2) (,, ), 3) (,, ),.,.,, ( ) ( ) : - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; - ; -. ( ).,,... : ,,. ( ) : ( ), ; ;, ;.. ( ),,,..,,,.,. ~ 88 ~

89 «А з» (,, ), : 1) (,..),,, ; 2),..,, ё ; 3), ё; 4),.,,.,,.,.,..., 211., -...,....,,,,. - :,,,..,,.,,,.,,. -,,,.,,. 14-1ң,..,. : 1., -. 2., , -.. ( )., ( ) ~ 89 ~

90 III М я - я я з з,.,.,,..,,..., 117., -...,..,,,,.,. - (.., 1999;.., 199ү;.., 2җҗ4).,.,,.,,... 1җ (1ң-1ү ),.,. : 1җҗ, 1җҗ, ё, : 1җҗ 14,Ү, 1җҗ - ҢҢ,Ү ; - Ң,ң, 1җҗҗ - 3,ү.... 1җҗ 1,2 ( <җ,җң); 1җҗ 9,4 ( <җ,җ1); 4,Ң - ( <җ,җң); 1җҗҗ 1,1 ( < җ,җң).,,,,.,,, Җ....:, ү ҖҖ Җ....:, 2җҗ4. 2ү4. ~ 90 ~

91 «А з»., 261., -...,..,...,..,,.,. ( ) (,,, ). 2җҗҗ, 2ң 1җ. 2җҗҢ 2Ңҗ-3җҗ., 2җҗү җ 1җ. 2җ12,, 88- Үү%, 2җҗҗ.., үҗ%,,., 3җ-Үҗ. үҗ%..,,,,, SШЧ-ЫТЬО, ( )... -, -,, -,..,,,,..,. :. : 1. ; 2. - ; , : 1., ; 2., ; 3. (, ),., -.,., :,,. ( ) 1 -,, «.»,, 2 -,. ~ 91 ~

92 III М я - я я з з, ,,.,,,.,.,,,,,, ( ), ( ) I - 1., 1, 4, 6, 10, , 5, 14,, 3, 7, 12 4.,, 1, 4, 8, 9 5.,,,, 3, 5, 15, , -,. ~ 92 ~

93 «А з» 1. : «,»,. 2..,, -. 3.,,,. 1. ; 2. - ; , ; 2җ11.., 123.,...,..,,...,.,,... :,., Д1Ж. :,. :. : ( ),,,,, ;,,,..,.,,,., ңҗ Үҗ%,...,,.,,,.,., ;. : ; ~ 93 ~

94 III М я - я я з з.., :, ё ;,,..,, -.., Д2Ж.,,. ё,,., ё. ё, ё,,. ё ё,.,,.,. 1...,...,.. -,,.2җҗң 2. fizkult-ura.ru/books/table-tennis/ ~ 94 ~..,, , -., -. ң-9 (,,, ). ( ),,. -. -,,,,.,. -,,. ң-9 -, :, -,

95 «А з» ;.,, (.., 1999;.., 199җ;.., 2җҗ3;.. ё,.. ). : ) ; ) ( ; ) ) ( : ; ; - ; - ; )., :,,,,,,.,., -. 4Ң-ңҗ. 2җ12 2җ13., ң-ү 1Ң. 1 ң-ү 3җ, Ү,җ2 җ,үң ң,4ң җ,1ң ң,94 җ,ң1 ң,үң җ,2ү 1җҗҗ, 3ү2,4 9,1 3Ң4,ң 1җ,3 3ҢҢ,13 31,2Ү 329,4 9,2 3 1җ, 11,Ңң 1,ү4 1җ,2ң 1,ңү 1җ,32 1,җҢ 9,ң3 1,24 131,Ң 1җ,4 14ң,Ң 11,9 132,4 9,1 14Ң,ү 13,4, ү,41 2,13 14,Ңҗ 4,ң2 9,32 1,Ң9 12,9җ 1,ң1, -, 4,Ң2 1,2Ү Ү,ң3 2,41 Ң,4Ү 1,9ү Ң,Үң 2,21, 1,,, -,,. ( <җ,җң), 3 1җ (җ,ңү ), 3җ (җ,ңү ), 1җҗҗ (2Ң,ү ), (ң,99), (3,11 )..., 312.,...,..,,. ~ 95 ~

96 III М я - я я з з., : - ; -, - ; -. ё.,,.,. ё,... ё :, -,,, -...,,,,, ё ё,..,... : 1. ё ; 2. ; 3. ; 4.,. :,,,..., ; - ; ; - -,. ; 1-3,,.., ; ү9., ү , -, -,, % / : ~ 96 ~

97 «А з» : : ,, 2,, 2, 3Ү%. ё 3. :. 4Ү% ; 2җ - 1ң%., 3-ң,.,, ү.җҗ 12.җҗ., 2, 2, 3 ( ), 2җ-21 ё.,.,,,., ё үү..., 2җ,. 1,Ң-3-31%., 3ң% 3җ ңҗ, 4Ң% - ңҗ 12җ., 2, 9Ң%,. 1 Ң1, ңң. үҗ%..,,. 23% , 33.,...., , -,, - -. : -. : «-» «-».,,. : ~ 97 ~

98 III М я - я я з з ,,, : җ. : 1. (.. ) 2. (..,.. ). :,,,.,. -.., 212., -...,.. : :.,, -,.. :,, -., - -. : -.,, :, - -. : ~ 98 ~

99 «А з» : - - : : -.,, - -.,, ( ). -,., -, -,., (, ),. - 25,8%, - 13,4%,. 1Ң-1ң.., 113, -...,... -, -, -.,,.,,,,...,,,.. 4,. (1ү,23,24,41),.,,.,.,,,,. : 1Ң-1ң. :,. :. ~ 99 ~

100 III М я - я я з з, -,,., 2җ14 2җ1Ң,, -. 1Ң -1ң., 2җ1Ң 2җ1Ң,... 1Ң-1ң. 3-4, Ң2 1,Ң. 2җ-2Ң.. : 1., 3-Ң. 2.,. -,,,. 3..,., -. :,. : ,.,,. : 2Ң Ң. - (, ).. : 3-4 ң.,., (, ). :,, 1 Ү.,.,.,. 1-1,Ң,,. ү.,..., 211.,,...,...,, -.. ~ 100 ~

101 «А з» ё,.,.,. ё,,. (..,..,..,..,..,..,.. )., -..,. :,..... ң- ( ),,,.,... ңҗ Ңҗҗ,,,,..,. ( ),,. -,,.,. ( ң )., : -,, ; -,., ң,,, " ", -.. ңҗ. ( ) Ңҗҗ. (.) (.) ( - ) ( - ) ( ) 1 10,04 9,8 2,08 1,58 161,90 161,90 22,80 23,30 19,10 13,10 8, 20 11, ,01 10,0 2,05 2,00 161,40 162,30 22,10 22,90 19,10 11,50 8,7 8,50 -,. ~ 101 ~

102 III М я - я я з з., -,..,,. (,..),.,,,. -.., 315, -...,...,.,.,,.,,,.,,.,... :,, ё. :,,,. :. 4 : ( 2җ җ14.) ;,, -. ( 2җ14. 2җ14.)... ( 2җ1Ң.) -,..,,. :, ~ 102 ~

103 «А з». -., -, -, -. ё,.,,,.,..., 211.,...,...,.,.,..,..,.. (2җҗ2),,..,,..., 19үҮ;.., 1999;.., 2җ13, -,. :.. 1. " " 1Ү-2җ :,,,.. ; ;.. 2җ13 2җ14. 2җ җ2 «1-», 13 җ1 «2-».,, 2 9. I Ү 2җ ; ңҗ-үү. 2-., (3җ ) ( ). ~ 103 ~

104 Усл в ы и ицы Усл в ы и ицы У л ы и ицы III М я - я я з з «1» I- ( ; ). II ё - (,,,..). 2,., 1- ( ). 2- ( ).. 1, 2 ё.,,, (, )., «( )» К, : К = ( Ң) / 9, 1,, Ң ( ),,, Н ли ли II. I. I. II , (. 3). Н ли.,....,, ё,...., 212.,...,..,.,, :,,,,. ~ 104 ~

105 «А з»,. 2җ,. 4Ң%,,,,,, :,,,,. 4Ң%,, :,,,,..,, 1җ%., : 1. 45% 2. 45% 3. 10% -.,., :, -, : , : , 1 2.,.,.,,,,.,... ң 7-9, 10-13,, (. ),. + ). + ). + ) ~ 105 ~ ) 3. ( - + ) ( ) ) 4. ( - + ) 1.

106 III М я - я я з з ,, - -,, -,, -,,, 2. ( ) 3.. ) ) Ң. ( - + ) ( ) 3. - (. +. ) 4. ( - + ) ( ) 3. - (. +. ) 4. ( ) Ң. ( - + ) ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( - + ) ( ) 3. - (. +. ) 4. ( ) Ң. ( - + ) ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( - + ) ( ) 3.. ) 4. ( ) 4. ( - + )..., 114, -...,...,..,,..,,, ~ 106 ~

107 «А з» -,. 1-2 ; - 9җ 12җ Д1Ж.,, Д2Ж., ң+1 (Ң, ң- -, Ү- - )., Д1Ж.. :,. -. : () - Ү () -..,., :. -,,.,,,,.,.,,,.,,. -.,, -...,...,..,., 1Ү - 1ү үҗ%., :......, 19Ү (1ң-1Ү )-.:,, 2җҗҮ.-1ңҗ.., 213., -...,...,.. ~ 107 ~

108 III М я - я я з з.,,,. 1җ9,.,,.,. -, «,...».,,,, -. 19ү4,,,..,. Kick It Out,., -.,,,,...,., 2җ1ү.,..,.,.,...,,., FӘR. " " : ",.,.,,.,,,,. " ,,...,,,. (. «ЩЬвМСШХШРТМКХ аохх-лотчр») ДңЖ Д1,2,3,4,9Ж., Д3Ж.,,, ДҮ,9Ж. - Д1,ҢЖ Дү,9Ж, Д4,ү,9,12Ж.. ~ 108 ~

109 «А з» ,,, ү2 (32 Ңҗ ) (9.Ү җ.ү ), : (Ч=24), 1Ң ң-ү, (Ч=29), 3җ 3-4 (Ч=29), Д4,үЖ. 3 ү,..,., 4 Ң. SPSS 1Ү.җ «SPSS IЧМ., ӨСТМКРШ, IL, USӘ», p<җ.җң. «ӘМЭТGЫКЩС GT1M, ӘМЭТGЫКЩС, PОЧЬКМШХК, FХШЫТНК, USӘ», Д11,үЖ,. ( ) «SОМК ӘG, RОТЧКМС, SаТЭгОЫХКЧН», ( ) «әf-3ңҗ, TКЧТЭК UK LЭН., MТННХОЬОб, UK». ДҮЖ, Д1җЖ Д12Ж, 9-11 ДүЖ.. (F2,58 = 0.31, p>0.05, R 2 =җ.11), (F2,59=0.04, p>0.05, R 2 = җ.җҗ1),, (F2,56=0.43, p>0.05, R 2 = җ.җ1ң), (F2,57=1.28, p>0.05, R 2 =җ.җ43), (F2,56=2.94, p>0.05, R 2 =җ.җ9ң), (F2,57 = 0.59, p>0.05, R 2 = җ.җ1ү), (F2,57 = 0.83, p>0.05, R 2 = җ.җ3) (F2,57 = 0.40, p>0.05, R 2 = җ.җ1) (АТХФЬ LКЦЛНК = җ.23, F 2,14 = 23.82, p=0.00, R 2 = 0.77) * ** *** ая яя ая И ч а ( ).1., : *, **, ***, Щ <җ.җ1ү (М әшчпоыышчт) - (. «post-hoc»), (M=4.Ңҗ; Sө=1.җ9, Э(1Ң)=1җ.2Ү, Щ=җ.җҗ), (M=1.Үҗ, Sө=җ.ҢҢ, Э(1Ң)=12.җҗ, Щ =җ.җҗ) (M=1.9Ү; Sө=җ.ү4, Э(1Ң)=9.ң2, Щ=җ.җҗ) (.1),.,,,. ~ 109 ~ Д а я Д а

110 III М я - я я з з. 1. Armstrong, N., Welsman, J. (2002). Physical activity and mental health. / Armstrong N, Welsman J. Young people and physical activity. 3rd ed. USA: Oxford University Press Inc. C Biddle, S.H., Mutrie, N. (2002). The feel-good factor. Physical activity and psychological well-being. / Biddle, S.H., Mutrie, N. Psychology of physical activity: determinants, well-being, and interventions. USA: Routledge. C Calfas, C.J. and Taylor, W.C. (1994). Effects of physical activity on psychological variables of children. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 6, Cohen, J. (1992). A power primer. Psychological bulletin, 112(1), Gruber, J.J. (1986). Physical activity and self-esteem development in children: a meta-analysis. / Stull, G.A and Eckert, H.M. (1986). Effects of Physical Activity on Children, editors. Champaign, IL., Human Kinetics. C Kent, M. (1988). The Oxford Dictionary of Sports Science and Medicine. 2nd ed. USA: Oxford University Press Ink. 7. Kovacs, M., and Beck, A. (1977). An empirical clinical approach towards definition of childhood depression / Schulterbrandt, J., Raskin, A., editors. Depression in children. New York: Raven. C Parfitt, G., Pavey, T., and Rowlands, A. (2009). Children's physical activity and psychological health: The relevance of intensity. Acta Paediatrica, 98(6), Petruzello, S.J., Landers, D.M, Hatfield, B.D, (1991). A meta-analysis on the anxiety-reducing effects of acute and chronic exercise. Outcomes and mechanisms. Sports Med,11(3), Speilberger, C. (1973). Manual for the State - TЫКТЭ ӘЧбТОЭв IЧЯОЧЭШЫв ПШЫ ӨСТХНЫОЧ ( СШа I ПООХ ЪЮОЬЭТШЧЧКТЫО ). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists. 11.Stone, M.R., Rowlands, A.V., Eston, R.G. (2009). Relationships between accelerometer-assessed physical activity and health in children: impact of the activity-intensity classification method. J Sport Sci Med, 8, Whitehead, J.R. (1995). A study of children's physical self perceptions using an adapted physical self perception profile questionnaire. Pediatr Exerc Sci,7, , 117., -...,. -,., -,.,, (.., 2җҗ1;..,.., 2003). Ң ү ү- 1җ,. : 1җҗҗ, 3җ,,,, 3 1җ.. ~ 110 ~

111 «А з» : Ң 1ңү,2 ; ң - 1Ү3,ң ; Ү 1Ү9 ; ү - 189,1.,.,, 24 ( җ,җң), 2җ ( җ,җ1). 1җҗҗ ( җ,җң). 3җ, (4,ң 4,3 )., : Ң,1, 2,2 ; Ү,Ү, 2,ү. 11,1, Ң,ү,....,,, :..., 2җҗ ҖҖ Җ.., Ң ү ,..,. 311,....,.. :,., үҗҗ% 3җ (..,..,.., 2җҗ9)., 2җ-3җ. 6-ү%., -, -,,, -.,. ё (.., 2җҗҮ)..,.,,., ё., (.., 2җҗҮ)..,, ~ 111 ~

112 III М я - я я з з (..,.., 199Ү).,,, (R.Dressendorfer, 19Үү).,,, (.., 2җҗҮ).,,, :,,,,, (.., 1999)..,,,.. (... 2җҗҮ)., (.., 19ҮҮ;.., 19ү3;.., 19үң;..,.., 199Ң).,., - -,,,,..., 213.,..,......,,...,,, Д1,4,Ң,ңЖ.,,.,. -, -..,. -.,,, [3].,,,.,, (, ).,,,, ~ 112 ~

113 «А з».. ( )., -.,,,,..,,, -,,..,,.,,.,. -..,,. (,,,,,,,,,,, ) Д4Ж. ( ),,...,,.,...,,. :,,,,,,.,.,.. 1.,.. Д Ж Җ..,..,.. : :, 2җҗ4. - 9ү. 2.,... Д Ж Җ..,... -.:, 2җҗҮ. - 4Ү2. 3.,.. Д Ж Җ..,.. ҖҖ (1җ). - : 4. ҖҖСЭЭЩ:ҖҖШФКПТЬС.ЫЮҖПШШЭЛКХХҖ19И21.СЭЦ 5., - Д Ж ҖҖ 6.,. Д Ж Җ :, Ңң. ~ 113 ~

114 III М я - я я з з.., 114., , -,., -..,,,,. ё ё,.,,.. -,.,...,,,,,,, ё ,.. -,.,,,,,. (.. )..,..., ( ) Д2Ж. : ) ; ), ё ; ),. : 1.,. 2. ё, Д1Ж. : ~ 114 ~

115 «А з» 1...,.. :......;, 2җҗ2. 2үү Ү3.. 19Ү3.. 19Үң.. 19Ү1 ~ 115 ~

116 III М я - я я з з 3 -,,..,...,..,,.,.,..,,, «ТЦКРШ»,, «ТЦТЭКЫТ»,... «ТЦКРО»,., :,..,,., :,,.,,,.., 9җ-. ББ.,,,.,,. 199җ , Д3,. ң9ж. ү :,,, Җ, Җ,,, Д2,. ҮүЖ.,,.,,,.,, -,,,.,,,,. :, - ~ 116 ~

117 «А з»,,,,.,. : 1.,.., :.... Җ.. -.., 199ү. 1үң. 2.,.. Җ.. ҖҖ Ң.. ҮҮ Җ.. ҖҖ :.... (., 2җ11.). :, 2җ11.. ңү-72..., 22., -.. 2җ14.,,,,. : XXII XI.. 2җ13 - XXVII.. 2җ14 ( ) 4ү.,,,. -,. : - ё. : Ң ( ).. 1.,,. 2. ( ) ү. XXVI.. :, ,.,.,.,.,.,. Д1Ж. 2. 9җ 2- ( ). 1җ ( ). Үң%,,. XVIII 199ү Д3Ж.,,,,., ( ), 19Ү9. 29%., ~ 117 ~

118 III М я - я я з з, 4Ң%. - 19Ү4,, 199җ Д2Ж. 3. 2җ12.., ё (199ү ).., 19ү9. ё, 2. 2җ13..,,. : 1Ң- ( ) 19ү1 199ң..,., Ң (19ңң-19ү1..):... (1996-2җ13..). ;. - - ё. :4Ү%,,. - ( - ). - ( ). 1. ҖҖ.- :, 199ү.-.ң ҖҖ & ҖҖ.-.,2җҗҢ.-.4. :.., 351.,...,...,.,,,,.., , ( ),, (,,, -.).,,,.,.,.. ~ 118 ~

119 «А з», 2җҗҮ ң,ү%., 1%, - Ң,Ү%, 12,1% ү,2%.,,.,, 23ңү 4ҮҮ, Ң9җ, ңү, 24, 99, 14җ. 1җ , -. :,,,, :,,,,,.,.,.,,,,.,,.,. 1.,.. Җ..,.. ҖҖ җ ,.. 2җҗү-2013 Җ..,.. ҖҖ - : -, (2ү-29 2җ13). :, 2җ , 116.,.. ё.,. БIБ., ~ 119 ~

120 III М я - я я з з,,..,,.,.., Үҗ.,..,,. 1ү92,,,,,,.,.,.,,....., : «,,» Д1Ж.,,.. I.., «,,» Д2Ж.. 1ү94.,,, 13.., I,. «, -, -».,.,., Д3Ж.,. I,, «1ү9ң». I,.,.,.., I,.,,,.,, Д4Ж.,.,.. I. 1ү9ң..,,, [5]. 19җҗ.....,,,,,. ~ 120 ~

121 «А з»...,.,.,.,, II..: -, 2җ : 2. Җ..,..,.. ;......:. -, 2җҗ II..: -, 2җ , 2, -...,... -,... -,, -. (,, )., -.,,.. :,,,,,. -,,. -, -, -,, - Д4Ж. -. :,,.. -,,,,,. : ; - 3-ү - - ; - 9-1ү - - ; Ң -, ; - 26-ң4 - ; - ңң -,. :, ; -,,.. ~ 121 ~

122 III М я - я я з з,,,,.. :,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,. (,, ),,,,,,.., :,,,,,,,,.. Ү,,..,. 4-Ү. -.,,..,..,..,. -,,,,,. ё. Ү-12.,,.,.,,,..,.,., :,,,.,,, : (,, ),,,.,,,,,.. 1. : ( ). 2. : «ё». 3. ( ). 4. (., )..,,,,.,,,.,.,,,.,.,,, -. (,, ) ҖҖ.-., ~ 122 ~

123 «А з» 2... ҖҖ.-., , ,.. -. Җ... -.:, 2җҗү ,..,.., 121,.. MICE. MООЭТЧРЬ (. ). IЧМОЧЭТЯОЬ (. «,»),,,,. ӨШЧПОЫОЧМОЬ,.,, : EбСТЛТЭТШЧЬ ( ) ( ) ( ). 2 4 MICE ОбСТЛТЭТШЧЬ МШЧПОЫОЧМОЬ.. MITT KITS.., -,., 4җ%,,.,. MITT, MITT, -, 1 үң2 19ү, 4 Ү3 ҮңҢ, Ү4%. MITT, ё, :,,. MITT.,, Ң4. 1җҗ. «KITS»,,.,,,. «KITS» «KITS». 2111,,,,,, -,,,,, 4ү% -. 2җ Ү 19 2җ13 II, ҢҢҗ 2җ :,,,,,,. 2җ. өтртэкх TШЮЫТЬЦ TСТЧФ TКЧФ,., ГOLOTOРЫШЮЩ, HШЬЩТЭКХТЭв IЧ.ӨШЦЦ,, TТЯКЫТЬ ӘНЯТЬШЫТ SОЫЯТМОЬ,,, ~ 123 ~

124 III М я - я я з з, «RОНKОНЬ». - -.,,,,,,.,., : -, " ",,. :.,,,,., " " -. «KITS»,,,,.,,,,,.,. :,, -,,, ё., " ". 1. MITT Д Ж : 2. Kazan International Exhibition For Tourism & Sport [ ] : 3. II Д Ж : 121,...., 199Ң 2җ11 2Ү %: 1,ү 2,3. 2җ11,,,,.,,,, 2җ11 48 %.. Y, 2җ1җ 2җ13.,, (X1), (X2), (X3). :,,,..... ~ 124 ~

125 «А з»,,,.,,,,.,.,.,..,,,,.,,..,. 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) Y X1 X2 X , , , , ( ) Y X1 X2 X3 Y 1 X1 0, X2 0, , X3 0, , , , : -, «, 2җ1җ 2җ13» (җ,ү3),,,.,,,,. -, (җ,99).., «, 2җ1җ 2җ13» (җ,42),. : 1. Д Ж : 2. Д Ж : 3. ( ) Д Ж : ~ 125 ~

126 III М я - я я з з..,..,.., 121,....,...,....,,..,,,,,.. : 1. 2.,,, , -.. : Д1Ж,.,.. -.,,,.,..,.,,,.,,,.,,,..,..,,.,,... ~ 126 ~

127 «А з», -,. 1. Д Ж : ctbkhlpt8a.xn--p1ai/ 2. Д Ж : :, 2җҗү..,., 321,...,.. -..,...,. ( ) (, ).,..., (), ( ).Д1Ж,.,,, ( ),,., : «,,, -».Д3Ж.,, : 1. " " (, 19ң3). 2. " ", (, 19үҗ). 3. " " " ", (, 19үҢ). 4. " " (, 19ү9). " ". : ; ; ;,.,.,,.,,, ( ). 1җҢ, 1Ңҗ (,,.).,,,,,. :, ~ 127 ~

128 III М я - я я з з, ( ), ( ), ( ).., - : «1.,. ( ) 11.,,,,,. 13.,,,,». Д3Ж,,.,,,.,,. -, - Д2Ж. 1.,.,,....:, 199Ң ,... : ҖҖ : : II -....,,, 2җ 2җҗҮ..:, 2җҗҮ..14Ү. URL: СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.РОШРЫ.ЦЬЮ.ЫЮҖМКПОНЫКҖЫОМЫҖМШЧПҖMSUИTШЮЫТЬЦИӨШЧПИIIИ2җҗҮ.ЩНП ( 19.җ3.2җ14) 3.., ( ) 2Ү 1җ 19үҗ URL: (( 2ң.җ1.2җ14)..,.., ,.,.,.,,,., ( )., -.,.,. (Y) ( ) : (.), (.), (.), (%).,. (Y).,, 2җҗҮ 2җ12, ~ 128 ~

129 «А з»,. : -,,.,,.,. Д1Ж,,.,... ДңЖ,.,..,,,.,., 2җ14 32,ңҢ. 1.җ1.2җ14. 3Ң,ңү. 29.җ3.2җ14.,,,, Д3Ж, Д4Ж.,,,.,.,,. Д5] 1. Д2Ж, Д3Ж, Д4Ж,.,.,., % ,40 24,43 6, ,60 29,38 6, ,00 30,24 8, ,40 30,47 7, ,00 32,19 6, ,00 30,37 5,46.,. 2,.,.,. 1 2.,.,. 0,91 1,., %,. 0,65 0,72 1, % -0,46-0,17 0,27 1, 1, җ,ң, җ,ң.,,.,,.. җ,91.,, җ,ңң.,, ~ 129 ~

130 III М я - я я з з, -0,46..,,,,..,,,,. Һ,, (, ), ң ,.., ,.,.,.,,,,,.,,..,..,,.... : ,.,,.,.,,.,,,. Д1Ж, Һ -! :,,,, -.., -,. (,,, ). ~ 130 ~

131 «А з»,, : (,, ).,.,,., -. Д2Ж,. үҗҗ,,.,., »,.,,.,. «OЧХТЧО»,,,.,, 1Ң Д3Ж,,...,.,,,.,., ,..,.., 121., -...,..,,., -.,, Һ Һ,,,., ё:.д1ж, «Ifree!». ё,.,,,,.д2ж,. :, ё,,, -.,. : 1., ~ 131 ~

132 III М я - я я з з ; 2.. ; 3.., ( ) : -, ; ;, ;,, ; ;.Д3Ж :,. -.,,.,,.,,,.,.. ( ) 14 3Ң ( 1җҗ ),,. «I- ПЫОО!»: 1 - ( - ). 2 : ,,,., :, 2җҗ9,үҗ. 2. Graffest Д Ж. : 3. Stenografia Д Ж. : ,...,.. ~ 132 ~

133 «А з»,.,.,.. XIX.., : Д1Ж..... : «,,» Д2Ж..,,.. Үң.., -,. ё,. ё,,., ё,.,,,,,. :,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. 19үҗ 2җ14. 19үҗ.,,.,,,.,.,,.,,,. :,...,,.,.,,..,,.,. : 1ү,3 %, 2ү,2%, 1ң,4%. Д3Ж.,.,,..,. -,.,.,..!Һ,,., :.,,,,,,. ~ 133 ~

134 III М я - я я з з 1. _versija_kloda_lefora_ htm 2..., :», 2җҗ9..ңҗ , ( ).....,,,., - -..,,. :,,.,.. 2җҗ4 3Ң. " " -, -. Ң, 1җҢҗ. 1ңҢ,.,.,. 1. " ". "өшщщохцквы".,, -.,.., 2җҗҗ.,,,,,.,. ~ 134 ~

135 «А з» Burton, -.,,.,.,,.,,., (ski pass).,,,.,..,,.., :,,.,, ( ) 2. СЭЭЩ:ҖҖ. ( ) 3. «Burton Park»..,.., 231., ,.,,.,.,,.,,.,. : «,,, ;,,,».,,,,,. 1 - ~ 135 ~

136 III М я - я я з з.,..,. 1.,. : ),,., ; ),. 2.,,.,,.. 3.,,,.,,,. -,,,,,.,..,..,,.,,,,.,,.,.,,. - ~ 136 ~

137 «А з».., 0910.,...,...,,..,., -, -,.. -,,,.,, -,.,,. - :,,,,,,,,,,.. : -, (,,,,,..); -,,..... : -. : ; -,. : ; - ; ; ; ();. : Үң. 2җ. 1җ -,. 1җ -,. ң-ү. : :,, 13, 2,Ң ; 12,Ү, 2,Ү. җ,3, -җ,2. - ( API- ).., 371., ~ 137 ~

138 III М я - я я з з..,.. -.,,,,..... ( ). [1, 6-8],,,., XX ң. 3җҗ җҗҗ. Д2Ж, -. Д1,3Ж. :,,,,,,. [1, ],, 1җҗ., (, ). Д4Ж.,,,,,,., «143., ҢҮ. (41%), Үҗ. Ң1%, ү%. үҗ-,». Д4Ж. -.,,,.,,,. Ңҗҗ-9җҗ 9җҗ-1үҗҗ,. ё ё :,,, " " ( UMTS ӨөMӘ2җҗҗ 2 ). - " ", ё. Д3Ж,,,.. -. API -. ( ) -.,,.,, : - ; - ; -, ; - ( ), ( ), ( ),. [1, 59-61]. ~ 138 ~

139 «А з»,.,,,, «API-»,. : - ; - ; - ; -, -. «ӘPI-» (, ). : - :,,, ; -.,,., -, -,,, Ң.. 3- Ң,,., API. 1. «. 1җҗҗ..., tastyhoney.ru index.php/histori-of-honey , -...,...,,,,,., 1 2җ13. 23ү,1., 1Ң2,ү. 1Ң11ң, Ү.. 1,,,,,,,..,,. 2җ13.,,,, :, 1 а а а // ~ 139 ~

140 III М я - я я з з,. :,,,... 2җ2җ,... -.,, : - ; ; ; ; ; - ; - ; - ; - ; -.,.,,,,.,,.,.,,., :,,.,,,,,. PЫТМОаКЭОЫСШЮЬО ӨШШЩОЫЬ : ңҗ%,. (3Ү%), (33%) (4җ%).,., -.,., 12%,,. -.,,.,,,,..,., 321.,..., ,.,.,,,.,,., ~ 140 ~

141 «А з»,, Һ -,. :,,,,,,, -..,, ,,,, ё.., : 1..,, ,.,.. 4.,,,. -,.,,.,. Ң.. (, ). ң. :,,,., :,.,,.,.,,,.,,,.,. -,,,,. «,,,» Д1,.ү3Ж.,,. -,.,,,. ~ 141 ~

142 III М я - я я з з 1.,.. Д Ж ҖҖ : ҮҮ-84 : /5-volkov.pdf ( 14.җ3.14)..,..,.., 361.,...,.. () () I-III.....,.,.. 1. «-», (,,..). «-» (),, ( ). «-» ( ), (, ; ;, ). (, ):,,,. «,.,» Д1Ж. 2. «-» («-», ).,,.,.,,,., «-». 3. «-» -,. «-». ё,,. «-». - «-»,.,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,,. 3.. :,,,,,,,,,, ( ),.,,,., :,,,,,,,,,,, ( ),.,.,,.,.,,.,,. 1Ң-2җ, Ң-10 [2]. 5. «-» -,. «-» ~ 142 ~

143 «А з», «-».., -.,,,,,.,,,,. 2җ14 2җү 22ү., «-», : «,,.,,.,,. 4...: - // :. -., 19Ү2, , -...,... «- -»,.,,,.,,.,,,,,,,.,.,. 1җ,,.,,,.,,,. «,,»,,,,.,. ( ).,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,.,, : «,,, «FШЮr SОКsШЧs». spк-,» ( «FШЮЫ SОКЬШЧЬ» )., : «, ~ 143 ~

144 III М я - я я з з.. «GШХНОЧ ArМСОs»».,.,,, (,,,,,,,..). :., :,, «!»,, «!» ( : «ё!»).,,,,,,,.,,,,., :,,, -,,, -,..., : «, ; ; ; ; ; ;.,,,,. :,,,...,.., ,...,..,. ( ( ) (, ), )..,.,,.,.,.,.,,.,,.,,,,., ( ) ( ),,,.,, ( - ),,. :,.,. ~ 144 ~

145 «А з»,,.,, : (,,, ); (); («-,,»),.Д1Ж.. (, ). :,,. ().,, ;.,,, (,, ),,. «,,». (, ),,.,,,,. ;,. -, -,,,,.,,, : - :, 2җҗң.,.ңң..., 116.,..,,,,. «-»,,,.,,,,,,,.,., Ң3 Ң «,,» : «, ~ 145 ~

146 III М я - я я з з.,».,.,,. 3 : 1ү9ң-1936, 194ү-19үү, ү 19үү,.,., ( 19Ң1.), -.,.,,,., - -19Ң2 : «...,,,» Д1Ж.,,. XVI., 19Ңң.,,,,, -19Ңң.., Ңң,,,,. 19ңү XIX,,. ББ, :. XXII XXIII,. 19Ү9, 3җ., -19үҗ «,» Д2Ж. -19ү4 -,., XXIII.,,.,.,.,.,,. ~ 146 ~

147 «А з» 1. : 2. Җ..,..,.. ;......:. -, 2җҗ ң1ң. 2. : 2. Җ..,..,.. ;......:. -, 2җҗ ң2ү. «2014,?..,.., 341,.....,,,. -,,,..,,.., XXII,. Һ :, XXII. : ; ; 2җ14. :. : 1. :,,.., Moodle.,.,., % Һ Һ Һ Һ,,, ( ) (- ) ~ 147 ~ , %

148 III М я - я я з з Һ Һ Һ, Һ Һ Һ, Һ Һ Һ - ( ), ( ), ( ) ( ) ,, (үҗ% -93%). 70%-93%,, Үҗ%, 40%.. 1җҗ%,. : 9җ%-93%.,,,,...,...., 121.,. -., -, 2җ11 ң,ң%...,,. [1],,,. ~ 148 ~

149 «А з» ң9,4%.,, 2,Ң. ҮңҢ,. 22%,... Д2Ж (,..).,., :,,,,,.. -,,.,,., (, ).,, -.,.,, ( «TTӨR» Travel and Tourism ӨШЦЩОЭТЭТЯОЧОЬЬ RОЩШЫЭ) «-» 2җҗ9 133, -,, Ң9. Д3Ж,,...,..,.,,.,..,,., ңҗ%,,,.,,.,,, -,,,,,,,.,,.,,,. 1. Travel-Tourism-Competitiveness-Report-2009 [ ]. : 2. Д Ж. : 3. KUKIӘNI Д Ж. : ,..... ~ 149 ~

150 III М я - я я з з,,. :,,.., : ; - ; - ; ;.,,.,,,,. ё.,. -,,.,..,,,.,,,,. : -, -, ;,, ;, - -,.... :,,,,.,, -.,.. :,,. :,,,., : :, -,, 1-2,,,, -,,. Җ,..,,.,,,. ~ 150 ~

151 «А з» ,...,... : - ; -,. ё. - (. ). ё.,, ё.,,,,. ё Dancestars,. 2- : - PЫШ-КЦ ( PЫШ-Am «ЩЫШПОЬЬТШЧКХ + КЦКЭОЮЫ», «+». :, ); -.., 1-. (ү4%). 2Ң 4Ң. : - 3ү%, -31%, - 31%. (4ң%) SMS, (31%),, (23%).,. (Ңҗ%),..,. (ҢҮ%). (Ңҗ%). (ң3%), - 3Ү%. : 9җ%., Pro-am 2Ң 4Ң,,,.,,.,. үң%. ң 1җ. (ң4%) (3ң%). - (43%). 29%., (21%). (Ү1%).,. (3Ү%), (42%), (21%). ~ 151 ~

152 III М я - я я з з,,, ё, ё,. ё, ң 1җ.,.,,., : Pro-am ( ).. 1.,.. Җ.. ҖҖ җ ,.. Җ.. ҖҖ.. : ү Ң ,.. Җ.. ҖҖ Ң-6.. 1Ң ,.. Җ.. ҖҖ... XIII : : 2-.Җ :.., 2җ1җ..1.-.Үҗ-72. :.., 351.,...,...,,,,,...,. -,,,., :,,,.,,,,,,,., :,, ;, -, ; (,,,, ),, ; (,,, );, ; ~ 152 ~

153 «А з» -,, ;.,. ; ; - ; ; ; ;, ;,, ; ;, ; ( ),, ;,., XXI : 2җ2җ. 1,ң ( XXI ң12 )..,,.,,, - ( ), - ( ), - ( ) - ( ).,,,,,. 1,.. : Җ....:, Ңү. 2,.. : Җ.., ,..:, 2җ ,.. 2җҗү- 2җ13 Җ..,.. ҖҖ - : -, (2ү-29 2җ13). :, 2җ ,.., ,..... ( ), 24 ң,,,, ~ 153 ~

154 III М я - я я з з,, Д1Ж..,,.. :,.,. -,,,,.,.. 1Ң Үҗ..,....,.,... Y.. x1 ;. x2 ;Д2Ж. x3 Җ Җ Y x1 x2 x ,8 8, ,6 7, ,9 6, , ,9 5, : y 1 Y x1 x2 x3 x1-0, x2-0, , x3 0, , , : (. IЧПХКЭТШ ).,.,,.,,.,,.,,,., 1җ-Ү2 (, 1Ң Ү2 ) ё, :. ;. ;.. ~ 154 ~

155 «А з», ё., ( ), ё., ( ),., ё,,.,,., (, ),.,,.,. -,,..,. ё,,,,..,,..,,,,.., : :, 2җҗ4.. 3Ү. 2. www. gks.ru. - 2җҗ9 2җ ,.. ё Җ....:, 2җҗң. 14ң. ISBN ,.., ,...,..,.,,...,,,.. : «( ),» Д1Ж. (,, ),.)..,,,,.. : 1),. 2) [2].,. :, ( ) ( ),. ~ 155 ~

156 III М я - я я з з,.,,,,,...,,,..,,...,.,,.. (,..),. ё.,.,. «-»,,.,,,,,.,,, - -.,.,.,,.,,.....,,.,,,.,. 1.. ҖҖ җ..,199ң. 2Ү ,2җҗ ,...,...,., 2җ ( ),, җ,, -, -,. 23 3ҮҢ ² ~ 156 ~

157 «А з». 2җ13. :,... -,. - 1Ңү4 ( ). -, -,.,,. -. 2җ -. -.,,.,,,. -,, (,, ).., -,., -, ,,. 2 -,. - ( - ), -.. :,,,,. -...,,,. III,. II, -,,., 12,,,,,.,...,, ,,.,,,. - -.,. -,,,,,,,,,.,,,, -,....,.., 121., -... ~ 157 ~

158 III М я - я я з з.. ( ) I, 2җ2җ 1,ң Д1Ж.,. 2җ11 ң,3, 2ҢҢ, Ү : 1. ; 2..,, -,,,.,,,,.,. 1җ%, Ү%, 11 %, Ң%.,.,,. -.,,.,,,,,. ( ), Ң,9 %, $1җң.,,,,, 4,ү% 3,3%.,,, $1үҮ., ё Ң3, (3Ң ) (2ң ).,,,,,,,,.,..,,,, -,,.,.. -, 2җ14.,, -,., (2Ңҗҗ, 1җ, 2 -, 3, Ң ) Ү,,,,, 2җҗҢ 4. ~ 158 ~

159 «А з»,.,,,. 2җ14,. 2җ13,, :,...:, 2җ13. 1Ү4. 2. ҖҖ - : ШЧХТЧО.ЫЮҖ2җ12Җҗ3Җ Җ...,.., 121., -.., :,.,,,,. -. TЫКЯОХ.ЫЮ, 14җҗ (1ң2Ң ),,. ҮҢ% 2җ2җ.,, 4%. 2. «Y», 2җҗҮ 2җ13.,,, % ( 1),, % ( 2),,. ( 3).., :,,,.,,.. ;, -.,,,.,,,,,.,,. 2.,,, ~ 159 ~

160 III М я - я я з з ( ) (%) (%) ( ) Y X1 X2 X ,1 114, ,4 110,5 42, , , ,9 105,5 47, ,5 106,8 49, ,6 106,2 48, ,2 106,1 46, Y X1 X2 X3 Y 1 X1-0, X2 0, , X3 0, , , , : -, «, 2җҗҮ 2җ13» (0,72),,,. -, (-җ,12) (җ,җү),,,,., 4. 1., «, 2җҗҮ 2җ13» (-0,12) , 216.,.... БIБ -,.,.,,,.,.,,. «, -, -,,,,, ~ 160 ~

161 «А з»» Д1Ж.,,., 19җҗ. I, -19җҗ, 19, - 3 үң,.. 19җү. IV 3ң,, V - ҢҮ, Д2Ж.,,.,.,,., ң.., IX (192ү.) 14 1җ9; Б - (1932.) ң; БI (193ң.) 1Ң VII (192җ.) ң9,, -193ң, 32ү,.., -192җ, 4,ҮҢ.,. 194ү 19үҗ,,, -,,. 19Ң2 19үҗ 3 2Ң Ңҗ.. XXII 2җ3 Ңҗ (24,ң%).. 194ү-19ңҗ. 9,4% 11,Ң%, 19ң4-Үң. 13,3% 2җ,Ү%, XXII (19үҗ.) 21,5%., 19үҗ...,. 19үҗ-2җҗҗ.,. 9Ү, 3җҗ; Үҗ 2Ү. : 2җҗҗ 2җҗү Ү, Ң., 19үҗ. XXII 24,ң%, ү XXIV 31,2%, - 42,05% Д3Ж.,,, 3җ. 3 II,,, -..,. ~ 161 ~

162 III М я - я я з з 1. : 2. Җ..,..,.. ;......:. -, 2җҗ ң ң ңң1..., 121.,...,...,,.,,, ( - ) ( )Д1Ж.., 2җ11 2җ12,, Ң24 ңң2,... ( ) Ү2Ү үүү.,, 2Ң29, 3ңү1 Д2Ж.,,.,,.,,,.,, 1ҮҢ9, Ң29.,,, Д2Ж,,.,..,,.,,,,,,,,,..,.,,,,,,.,,.,,,,. Ү-12 %. (, ).. ~ 162 ~

163 «А з»,,,,...,,,.,,,.,.,, Д Ж: /..,..,.. -.: үү. 2. TurProfi.ru Д Ж : 3. Rata News Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.ЫКЭКЧОаЬ.ЫЮҖЧОаЬҖЧОаЬИ2Ү112җ12И3.ЬЭЦ 4.,.. 2җҗү-2013 Җ..,.. ҖҖ - : -, (2ү-29 2җ13). :, 2җ :..,.., 121.,..,.. -. ё, ё,.,, ё..,. ( ), (. ) 2җҗҮ 2җ13. ( ) :,,, ( 1)..,,,. :,,,,, ё,,,,.,..,, ё ё (,, ).,,,. ( ),,,.,,,,.,.,. ( ).,,,, ~ 163 ~

164 III М я - я я з з.,., -,.. 1., (. ) % - (. ) ( ) , , ,1 12,2 41, ,5 15,3 43, ,2 10,8 40, ,2 8,5 41, ,9 9,1 40, ,5 44, (. ), (. ) 1 (. ) % ( ) - ( ) 0, % 0, , ( ) 0, , , , , , , ,,,, җ,9% ( 2)..,, ү2%, ( 2җҗү. Д1Ж),,.,., җ,3%,,. ~ 164 ~

165 «А з»,,,. 1. Д Ж : 2. Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.ЫЮЬЬТКЭШЮЫТsm.ru/ 3. Д Ж : 4. Travel.ru Д Ж : ,...,.., -,,. -, -. -, ;,.,,.,,, 3Ң 45, 2җ%, (Ң4%) Д1Ж..,,,.....,, ё,... -,,,.,. Ibis. ү ( ),. 14:җҗ, «Ski Park», - «PЫШVШНК»,. ү,,. ( ),...,. 9:җҗ -. room-service., ~ 165 ~

166 III М я - я я з з :,,,,,,,. 3.,,..,, skifox..,., ё, " ",,.. ү, ( ).,,,. 12:җҗ. 13:җҗ. 14:3җ - «-»..,,,,., //. - 2җ12.. 3Ң KЮНКРШ.МШЦ Д Ж : 3. SЩШЫЭТШЧ.ЫЮ Д Ж : , -..,...,,.,,..,,,,. " җ1ү " ү 1җҗ., -.,, :,,.,,, 2җ1ү - 23, 45., - 4,Ү, 41Ү.,.,,,,.. : ~ 166 ~

167 «А з», ;, ( ),...,.,.,.,,.,. 2җ13.,.,,. 2җ1ү. 9ң., ё..., 2җ1ү, ( ё, ё ).,,.,,,. 1.RG Җ. СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.ЫР.ЫЮҖЬЮУОЭҖ4ҢҗңҖ 2.infox.life.news Ң... СЭЭЩ:ҖҖФКгКЧПТЫЬЭ.ЫЮҖПООНҖ3ң24.., 231.,..,,. 2ү 2җ14.,, «,»., 1 2җ14.,,. ( ), 1ү.11.2җҗ4. 14Ң3.,,,. ~ 167 ~

168 III М я - я я з з 3 2җ14 23Ң-.,,.. ; ;,.,,.,,, -,.,.,, -. 2җ. 2үң... -, 24.,,.,,, -,. -.,,,,,. - : җ Ң Д Ж җ 2җ14. N -2үң " " Д Ж җ ү «..» Д Ж - : :.., 351., -..., ~ 168 ~

169 «А з»,,. ( ), ( ), ( ).,,,.,.., ,,,...,,.,,.,.,,,, :,. 2.,...,, (,,,.).. ( ),. 3. -,, ё. 4.,,.,,,,,....., -. : ;,,, ;, (, ); ;.,,,,, :,,,,.. : ;, ; ;, -, ;. ~ 169 ~

170 III М я - я я з з 1,. :. Җ.. -.: -, 199ң. 368 c. 2,. :.Җ.. -.:, 19ү c. 3,.,,.. Җ.,.. -.:, 2җҗ ң. 4,.. Җ.. ҖҖ ү ҢҢ-57. Ң,.. Җ.. ҖҖ :....Җ....,... - :, 2җҗң..Үҗ-73...,..,..,331.,...,... ё. ё,.,.,.,.,, ү2 %, 2җҗҗ-2008, ё,.,,., :, ё....д1ж -, ё.,, ББII.,.,,. -2җ14.. «-»,., 4җ - 1 %. Д2Ж., ё,.,,,., Һ,.,.,, ё,,,,., ( Ңҗ), ё ё,.,,, 2җ13 ~ 170 ~

171 «А з». 2җ14.,,,.,,.,,,.,.. Д Ж,,.,.,. 1.. : ҖҖ, ңү, 21 2җҗү. 2.. //, 21 2җ1җ. (.., 361.,..,..,,,.,.,.,,.,, -.,,, «,,,,.,.,,...,,,.. :,,,,,,,,, ( ),,....,,,. «,,»Һ 3җҗ 2җ1, 99. ««Һ (2Үң ), (9 ), (1Ң ).,, « ( ).,,. : 1), 2),, 3). ~ 171 ~

172 III М я - я я з з, :,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,., ( ),,,.. 1. Д Ж Җ Ң4Ү. : ,...,.... XXVII 2җ13., ББII.,., :,,. XXVII 2җ13., ББII БI 2җ , volunteers.kazan2013.ru, vol.ьшмст2җ14.мшц,,,.,.,.,., 2җҗҗҗ, ,,,., : ; ; ; ; ; ; ( ); ;.,.,. ~ 172 ~

173 «А з» ( ), 4җ, 2җ 2җ ).,.,, ( ).,,.,., -,. Ңҗ%, 3җ%, 2җ%., 3җ % 1Ң %.,,.,,. үҗ %, :,,. 2-, 3Ң % -. 2җ % 2җ %. 4җ %,. : - 35%- Ң; ңң%- 4, - 55%- Ң, 3җ%- 4, 1Ң%- 3,..,,,,.,,..., 231,..., ,,,,,,.,,.. :.,,..,,. :.,, -,, (,,..).,.,, :,,..., 2 Д2Ж. 1. ~ 173 ~

174 III М я - я я з з Ң ,, -,, -. :, :.,,,.,,,.,. Үҗҗ,..,.,,...,.,, Д1,.Үү-79]. -,. :,,, -.,,.Ж ҖҖ : Д Ж: II -....,,, 2җ 2җҗҮ..:, 2җҗҮ. 3ңң. : htэщ:җҗааа.рошры.цью.ыюҗмкпоныкҗыомыҗмшчпҗmsuиtшюытьциөшчпиiiи2җҗү.щнп ( 2җ.җ3.2җ14) URL: // ( ).., -...,,... ~ 174 ~

175 «А з»,..,,.,,.,.,.,,.. :., : 1..., :., (.,.,. ); (,..,. ); ;. ;. ; Д1Ж.,. :,,,,,,.,,.,, - (, ) Д2Ж.,.. -,,,,,.. - :,,, -,..Д3Ж.,.,.,,., 2,Ң,,,.,. : 1. dissercat Җ , ,.. Җ... -., 199ң ~ 175 ~

176 III М я - я я з з, ё.., 241.,...,..,,,,,.,,,.,,,..,, 1җ,.,,, -.,,., 4җ.,, Д1, ].,,,,,,,.,,. : -, ; - ( ); - ; -, - ; - ; -,,,,,,,,, ; - ; -, ( ). : - (Ms Office,,, ); - ; -,,,. (. 1),,,,,., «+», ~ 176 ~

177 «А з» җ,,. 1. ~ 177 ~

178 III М я - я я з з 25 «П офе ио л е к че т от уд ик ту е т т» ео од о т е е е т у , :,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,,,. (1Ң 2җ).,,,,. 1. Т.. Т Т Т Т Җ Т Җ..,..,.I., Т..- Т : Т, 2җҗ4. :..., 341.,...,.. ё.,., ё,,,, ё, ~ 178 ~

179 «А з»., ё,,...,. ё - ё, -., ё.,., ", ",,, ", " Д., 1992,. ү, 13Ж. «,» Д., 1991,.219Ж.,, ё. ё :,,...,. «,,,,,» Д., 2җ11,. Ж. ё. :,.,. ё.,,.,., 199җ-. -. : ; Д.., 2җҗү,.22Ж., «,.,.,,,»., ё.,,.,,. 1.,..,... Җ....: үҗ. 2.,.. Д Ж ҖҖ НКТХв : 3.,.... Җ...: " " үҮ. 4.,. Җ...: " " Ү. ~ 179 ~

180 III М я - я я з з.., 121., ,,.,,.,,,,,,. -, 2җ14,. -, - 4ү, - Д1Ж.,.,,,, Д3Ж.. (Y) «, 2җҗ9 2җ13».,,, ( 3), ( 2), ( 1)...,,,,,.,,,.,..,,,,,,,.,,,,.,,. 1. ( ) ( Җ ) ( ) , , , , , , , , ,906 26, , ~ 180 ~

181 «А з» 1 1-0, , , , , , ,,,. -,,,. -,.,,,,,, ( ) :..., 121.,. -.,...,..,,,,., 2җ13 2җ14,.,,,,,,,,. -,.,.. :,,,,,. ё ё -,,, ё.,,, ( ). -,,,,. Д1Ж, 1җ%. Д2Ж,. 2ң,, - 2җ14 ~ 181 ~

182 III М я - я я з з,.,,,. ү - 1җ, 2. 2җ14, 2җ13,,,,., English First, 2җ14 2җ13, English First. 1 -, ; 2 -, ; 3 - ; 4 - ; Ң : 1., ; 2. ; 3. ; 4. ; 5.,. : 1. - ң24җҗҗ җҗҗҗ ү4ңҗҗ Үҗҗҗҗ. 5. -ҮҗҢҗ ң4җҗҗ җҗҗҗ. 9. 3җҗҗҗ. : 194җҢҗҗ.,,,,. 1. АТФТЩОНТК Д Ж. : СЭЭЩЬ:ҖҖЫЮ.аТФТЩОНТК.ШЫР 2. Д Ж. : , c,,. -., - 2җ14..,.,,,,.,,.Д1Ж ~ 182 ~

183 «А з»,,..,,,,,,,. 2җ14.,,,,..,,.,, : 2җ1җ -, 2җ11-, 2җ12-, 2җ13-. [2]. -2җ җ13. Д3Ж,,.,,,.,,,,. ", -,,, -.,,., " -2җ14",.,, " ". Д4Ж,,, 24җ.,,,, ,.,,! 1. Д Ж. : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖЬШФШХШЯ33.ЫЮҖ 2. 2җ14 Д Ж. : 3. Mail. Ru Д Ж. : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖЧОаЬ.ЦКТХ.ЫЮҖ 4. Д Ж. : ,..,,,.,.,,,.,, ё,,.,, ё.,,, 19җ9. ~ 183 ~

184 III М я - я я з з,,,..,,,,.,,.,,,.,,,....,. 2җ13. 1Ң. Ңҗҗ.,,,,..,.,,, :.,.....,.,. -, -,,. -,,,. -,,.,,. -.,.,,.. - : 1. ( ) 3җ N Ң1- (. җ2.11.2җ13) Җ җҗ4 N 1үү- (. 2ү.12.2җ13) Җ җ.199Ү N 13җ1 (. 3җ.җ1.2җ13) Җ җҮ.2җҗҮ N 221- (. 23.җҮ.2җ13) (.., җ1.җ1.2җ14) Җ - : :..,.., 231.,..., ~ 184 ~

185 «А з».,,, -,,,,.,,., -,,,.,,,,,,,.,,., -..,.,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,.,,,., ( ),,.,,,, ( ) ( ).,,,. ( ), :, -,.,.,.,.,.,,.,.,, -.,,,..,,. ~ 185 ~

186 III М я - я я з з -...,,..,...,, -,, ББI.,,,,.,., Д2,.4Ж,.,,, -, -. : 1.,,,, ; 2. ; 3., ; 4., -,, Д3,.4-5].,,, - Д3,.үЖ.. ( ), ; ;,,, Д1Ж.,,.,,,,,,,,.. Д3,.ң-ҮЖ. : 1. (,, ); 2. (,,,,..); 3. (,,, ).,,., Д3,.ү-11]: 1. " ".,. 2. " ".,,,, " ". 3. " ",,,,. 4. " ",,,,,. Ң. " ", -. ~ 186 ~

187 «А з» ң. " " " ",,,.,, - ", " ", ".,.,, ;,,,,. : 1., ; 2. ; 3., ( ). -, ;,., : 1. ( ; ; ;, ); 2. ; 3. - ; 4.,.., -,,,,.,,. -,,,,,... Д4,.3Ү-39].: 1. (,,,,, ); 2. (,,, ); 3. (,,,,, ).,,, URL: ҖСЭЭЩ:ҖҖХТЛ.ЬЩШЫЭОНЮ.ЫЮҖЩЫОЬЬҖTPFKҖ2җҗҗNүҖЩ1җ-14.СЭЦ ( 2ң.җ1.14) 2. ә.ө. і і :. і Җ ә.ө.,... -.:, I. Т :, ТТ Җ Т Җ..,..,.I., Т..- Т : Т, 2җҗ4. 4..I., Т Т Т Җ Т Җ..,..,.I., Т..- Т : Т, 2җҗ4. ~ 187 ~

188 III М я - я я з з.., 231.,.., 231.,.....,. 14,ү %. 2җ : 2җ13, 2җ1Ң, 2җ1Ү, 2җ1ү.,,., 2җ13. Ң 14җ, Ң,Ң 1җ.,,.,, ё. «(2җ11 2җ1ү)».,,,,,, -,. (Ңҗ-ҢҢ%). RКЦКНК KКгКЧ ӨТЭв ӨОЧЭОЫ : «:,..». «4.,. «,, 2җ1Ң-», -» RКЦКНК KКгКЧ ӨТЭв ӨОЧЭОЫ.. 2җ13,. HТХЭШЧ АШЫХНаТНО, IЧЭОЫӨШЧЭТЧОЧЭКХ HШЭОХЬ GЫШЮЩ,,.,,., -,.,,,. 2җ12 2ү.. - 2,Ңң... Ң MIӨE.,. -,,.,,,.. 2Ү-, 1Ңҗ,..,,. ё. ~ 188 ~

189 «А з».., ,...,, 2җ13..,,,,... 2җҗү-2016,, Д1Ж җ12,.,.,, :,,. (..,..,..,..,..,..) [2,3,4,5,6,]. 12 1ү 24, Ү (.. 3 ) Ң., 1Ң, 2җ, Ң.,. ( ) -,,,,,.,,. 3 3җ' Ң,2 Җ, 14җ Җ ( 2Ң (P җ,җ1). 12җ Җ (P 0,5), 14җ Җ, 1җ 2җ (P 0,5), (. 1). 1, (n = 7).,, җ' , Җ Җ Җ 5, m(x) 0,181 6,67 4,89 δ 0,653 18,791 10,936 t 1,343 3,143 p (%) 80 (P җ,5) 99 (P җ,01) 4, m(x) 0,246 9,9 11,95 δ 0,604 26,195 26,731 ~ 189 ~

190 III М я - я я з з җ' t 2,339 0,71 p (%) 95 (P 0,5) 80 (P җ,5) 4, m(x) 0,067 3,654 4,69 δ 0,164 9,665 10,464 t 1, p (%) 90 (P җ,5) 80 (P җ,5) 4, m(x) 0,253 5,41 5,787 δ 0,618 9,369 8,183 t 13,03 2,146 p (%) 99,9 (P җ,01) 95 (P 0,5) 5, m(x) 0,252 5,41 5,79 δ 0,618 9,369 8,183 t 0,035 2,78 p (%) 80 (P җ,5) 98 (P җ,02),,., : -,, ; -.,,. 1. 2җҗү - 2җ1ң N 12ң 21 2җҗҮ :., 19ңҮ. - 21ү. 3...,..,..,. -.:, Ң. 4...,..,. -.: PЫОЬЬ, Үң :, 2җҗ2.- 2үҗ Үҗҗ-23Ңҗ..:.., 19ң , 231.,...,..,,,,. : ; ; ; ;...,,,,..,,. ~ 190 ~

191 «А з» :, Һ,..,,,.,,.,,., җ.,,,,,.,,,...,,. 2. VIP.,...,,,,. 3. ( ) -.,,,,. -,,, :,,,,.,,,,,,. 4. -, -,.,,. -,,,.,,,,,. -,,,,,,,, ё. Ң.., -.,.. -, -.,,...,,...,.,,.. - 2җ14 ~ 191 ~

192 III М я - я я з з.., ,...,...,,,.,,,., -.,...,., Ү 23 2җ14 II 2җ14., үҗ 2Ңҗҗ..,,,.,. - ( ),. - 2җ14,,.,,,, -,.,,, - (,, ), (, ). 4җҗ, 14җ. 2җ14 3ңҗ, 1җ2 2Ү, Ң4 1ң, 2җ җ , ё,,, ё..,,,. 2.,,.,,. 3.,, -., 2җ14,. 4. 2җ14,..,,,,,,,,., 2җ14, -. ~ 192 ~

193 «А з».., 351.,...,..,.,,,..,,.,..,,,. ё,. ;, ;,,,,.,. ңҗ%,.,. (,, ),,..,,.,,,,. :,,,,,,,,.,,,,,. 19, (1үҮҢ.), (1ү9җ.).,,,,. : «,» ,,.,,.,,. - (, ): үҗ%.. -,,, -,,,,. ~ 193 ~

194 III М я - я я з з.,,. ё -,,,.,,,.. -,. -.,,,,,,.,,,,,. 1.,. Җ...:, 2җҗҮ. 21Ү. 2.,. Җ :, 2җ ,. Җ.., 2җҗ9. - Ү,.1 (13ү). 21җ. 4.,. 2җҗү-2013 Җ..,.. ҖҖ - : -, (2ү-29 2җ13). :, 2җ ,. -. Җ...:, 2җҗ3. 1ңң.., 216.,...,....,,..,.. :. : -,..,... :,,,,,., : (,.),,,,,,. :,,,,,. ~ 194 ~

195 «А з»,,,,,. ( ):,.,.,,.,. -, : (,..)., ,,,,. -, (,, - )., -...,, ,.. : Җ..,....:, 2җҗҗ. 2үү. 2.,.. Җ... - :, 1999 ңү2..,.. 121,....,.,. -.,.,, ( )..,., :,..,.,.. ё ё. SШЮЭСаОЬЭ ӘТЫХТЧОЬ ХШа МШЬЭ 19Ү1.,. - ~ 195 ~

196 III М я - я я з з.. SШЮЭСаОЬЭ ӘТЫХТЧОЬ,.Д1Ж... ХШа-МШЬЭ.,., 2җҗ,. :. «,,, Җ GОЫЦКЧаТЧРЬ...,,..,, ,,. ё, -...,., Southwest Airlines AirTran Airways - ҖҖ ATO.ru 2. - ҖҖ ATO.ru XXI ( )..,..,.., 331.,...,....,,.,.,.,.,,,,.,,.,,.,., ББI.,. 1ү 21,, ( 4җ ).,,, ~ 196 ~

197 «А з»., XXI 3Ү%, (ңң%), (Ңҗ%),, XIX-XX, XXI Д1Ж. : «Һ» үҗ% Үҗ%,, ё, 1җ% 2җ%,,., I., 22-2Ң,. ё, 2Ң 34, 1ү 24. : 2Ң% 1ү-21, ңҗ% 22-2Ң.., 4җ%, ё 2Ң-3җ,,. ңҗ%, 22-2Ң.,, ё : ңң% ё 3җҗҗҗ, ҢҢ% 2җҗҗҗ-3җҗҗҗ.,. (ңҗ %) (4Ң%)..,. 4җ% ңҗ%,.,,, ё XXI, ё. ё, , -...,,,,. 3..,.,.., 2җ11,, 3ң%.,,.. :,,.,. 3.,.. : -.:, 2җҗ9. - 3ңү. ~ 197 ~

198 III М я - я я з з,. 4,...,.,.,.,,,..,,,,,,. Һ,,,,., -,,.. -,,, ;., -.,.,,,,.. :. -.,,.,,,.,,,.,,,.,,., -.,,,,.,,,,.,,.,,. 1..,.. : -.:, ңү ~ 198 ~

199 «А з» 4,.., 314.,...,..,,,.,, -,, -,.,.,. : 1. : ө ( ), һ ( ), ( ), ( ). 2. : ө ә ( ), ( ), ( ), ә ә ( ).. -. [7] 1. : ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ). 2. : ө ә ( ), - ө ә ( - ), ө ә ( ), ( ), ( ) ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ). 3. : ө ә ( ), ( ), ( ), ә ә ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), - ( - ), ( ), ( ), ( ). 4. : ә ү ( ), ( ), ( - ), ( ), ( ), җ ң ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ). 5. : ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ). 6. : ( ), ( ).,.. : ~ 199 ~

200 III М я - я я з з 1. : ө ү ө ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ё ( ё ), ( ), ( ). 2. : ө ә ( ), ( ). 3., : ә ү ( ), -ү ә ( - ), ( ), ө ә ә ( ), ә ( ), ( - ), ( ). 4. : ( ), ө ү ү ә ( ). 5., : ү ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ё ), ә ( ). 6.,, : ( ), ә ү ү( ), ң ( ). 7. : К ( ), ә ң К ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ә ә ә ( ), - ( - ), ө ү ә ( ), ң ( ), ( ).,,,.,..., 217.,...,..,, -,,,.,. 1үңҗ- 1үҮ1 I. 1үү2. 19җү 192җ.,, Ө 19үң,,, ё (IЧЭОЫЧКЭТШЧКХ SФКЭТЧР UЧТШЧ, ISU). :,,,.. ( ). 2җ14. -,,,, Ң4 2җ12..,.,,.,, 21 2җ14 1үҢң «. 2җ14Җ1Ң» (ӨШЦЦЮЧТМКЭТШЧ 1үҢң. Synchronized Skating. Well ~ 200 ~

201 «А з» Balanced Program Content for the Season 2җ14Җ1Ң). 1Үүң. 1үҢң,,.,.,, ( ).,,,,,.,,.,,.,,..,,, -.,,. FINA 2015 WORLD CUP RUSSIA, KAZAN Artamonova E. S, Student of Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Scientific advisor, lecturer Garipova A. N. This paper studies the role of English as well as the organization and carrying out of the 2015 FINA World Cup of water sports. The FINA World Cup (or the first World Cup of water sports) will consist of swimming, diving, open water swimming, synchronized swimming and water polo. The competitions will be under the direction of FINA, and the swimming competitions will take place in an Olympic sized (50-meter) swimming pool. The event was held for the first time in 1973 and is carried out every two years. From 1978 to 1998, the world cup took place every four even years between the years of the summer Olympic games. Since 2001, the championships have been held every two odd years. The logo of Kazan-2015 represents a stylized image of Kazan located on the Volga and Kazanka rivers. There are six silhouettes in the logo, which represent the six sports of the FINA World Cup: diving, swimming, open water swimming, water polo, synchronized swimming and high diving. According to the organizer's expectations, about 2,500 athletes and 1,800 officials from 180 countries officials in the 2015 World Cup. About 250 judges and referees will judge the championship. Throughout the course of the Championship competitions in such sports as swimming, open water swimming, diving and highdiving, synchronized swimming and water polo will take place. They will take place in three main arenas. More than 1,500 journalists plan to cover the student games. The selection of volunteers to work with participants and guests will begin soon. The selection of volunteers for the World Cup in water sports in Kazan will start on September 20th, Nearly 2 to 3 thousand people will be added from July 24th to August 9th for work in different positions during this period. After the preliminary selection in 2015, general training for the championship and features of work of volunteers will begin at the functions and at the facilities. The training program planned for the volunteers of the 2015 championships in Kazan will be in English. Volunteering candidates that are registered on the site will become participants of the program. All children who have finished training with high levels of knowing English will be able to receive an invitation to volunteer positions in the championship (for example, as an attache to the teams). For the implementation of the program such subjects will be considered necessary for the volunteer: sports and its types, greeting and communication at the airport, volunteering, and the story about Russia. Students will not only be able to study sports, the lexicon necessary for participation in carrying out the international events, and improve their understanding of English speech, but also to break the language barrier ~ 201 ~

202 III М я - я я з з and receive the skills of a living, spoken language. The main objective of the program is to ensure that all volunteers will be able to converse freely with English speaking foreigners by the beginning of the championship. The organizing committee of the games imposes special requirements for proficiency levels in English. In 2015 sports fans, representatives of numerous mass media and professional athletes will gather in Kazan from all corners of the globe. Volunteers have to effortlessly find a common language with them and help guide them to the facilities. All volunteers will get access to the unique program for English improvement. Within the lessons of sports, students will get acquainted with the terminology for this or that discipline, equipment, learning the rules of competitions, and also the specifics of the games in Kazan in To be engaged in the organization and carrying out of games, the team of professionals must possess special skills and knowledge. Volunteering in the games is not only an honorable mission, but also a huge responsibility. The general success of the project depends on the quality and overall performance of each volunteer. In this regard all volunteers for the games will be trained. Knowing English is one of the most important attributes in order to structure the organization's delegation organization and the holding of the championships. LE DEVELOPPEMENT DU TOURISME EN FRANCE., 241.,...,.... SОХШЧ ХОЬ ЬЭКЭТЬЭТЪЮОЬ үү % НОЬ ЯШвКРОЮЫЬ ПЫКЧхКТЬ ЬО НТЬОЧЭ ЩЫшЭЬ р КРТЫ ОЧ ПКЯОЮЫ НО Х ОЧЯТЫШЧЧОЦОЧЭ ОЭ Ңң % НО МОЬ ЦшЦОЬ ЯШвКРОЮЫЬ ЬШЧЭ ЩЫшЭЬ р ЩКвОЫ ЩХЮЬ МСОЫ ЩШЮЫ ЮЧО НОЬЭТЧКЭТШЧ цмшхшртъюо. LОЬ ЩЫТЧМТЩКХОЬ НцПТЧТЭТШЧЬ НЮ ЭШЮЫТЬЦО НЮЫКЛХО ЬШЧЭ Х цмш-эшюытьцо, ХО ЭШЮЫТЬЦО цъютэклхо, ХО ЭШЮЫТЬЦО ЬШХТНКТЫО, ХО ЭШЮЫТЬЦО ЬШМТКХ. L цмш-tourisme ОЬЭ ЩЫТЧМТЩКХОЦОЧЭ ХТц КЮб ПШЫЦОЬ НО ЭШЮЫТЬЦО ЩЫКЭТЪЮцОЬ ОЧ ЦТХТОЮ ЧКЭЮЫОХ. LОЬ ЧШЭТШЧЬ НО ЩЫцЬОЫЯКЭТШЧ НЮ ЦТХТОЮ, Н цнюмкэтшч-тчэоыщыцэкэтшч НОЬ МШЦЩШЬКЧЭОЬ Чaturelles ou МЮХЭЮЫОХХОЬ НЮ ЦТХТОЮ ОЭ НО ЛцЧцПТМОЬ ЬШМТШ-цМШЧШЦТЪЮОЬ ХШМКЮб ЬШЧЭ ХОЬ цхццочэь ПШЧНКЦОЧЭКЮб НО МОЭЭО КМЭТЯТЭц touristique. LО ЭШЮЫТЬЦО цъютэклхо ЩОЫЦОЭ Н КЬЬЮЫОЫ КЮб МШЦЦЮЧКЮЭцЬ ХШМКХОЬ ЮЧО ЩКЫЭ НОЬ ЫОЯОЧЮЬ РцЧцЫцЬ ОЭ de concilier le tourismо КЯОМ Х КЦцХТШЫКЭТШЧ НО ХОЮЫ МШЧНТЭТШЧ НО ЯТО. LО ЫОЬЩОМЭ НОЬ СКЛТЭКЧЭЬ ОЭ НО ХОЮЫ ЦШНО НО ЯТО, ХОЮЫ ТЦЩХТМКЭТШЧ НКЧЬ Х КМЭТЯТЭц ЭШЮЫТЬЭТЪЮО ОЭ ХО ЛцЧцПТМО НОЬ ЫОЭШЦЛцОЬ цмшчшцтъюоь ЬШЧЭ ХОЬ ЩШТЧЭЬ МХОП НО tourisme. Le tourisme solidaire est directement aььшмтц р НОЬ ЩЫШУОЭЬ ЬШМТШ-цМШЧШЦТЪЮОЬ ХШМКЮб. өкчь МО МКНЫО, ХО ЭШЮЫТЬЭО ОЭ ХО ЯШвКРТЬЭО ЩОЮЯОЧЭ ЩКЫЭТМТЩОЫ НТЫОМЭОЦОЧЭ р НОЬ КМЭТШЧЬ НО НцЯОХШЩЩОЦОЧЭ. IХЬ ЩОЮЯОЧЭ цркхоцочэ ПТЧКЧМОЫ ЮЧ ЩЫШУОЭ НО ЫцСКЛТХТЭКЭТШЧ: ЛсЭТЦОЧЭ, цъютщоцочэ, КЦцЧКРОЦОЧЭ ШЮ ЮЧ ЩЫШУОЭ ЬШМТКХ РЫсМО р ЮЧО ЩКЫЭТО du prix du voyage. Le tourisme social ЩЫцМШЧТЬО ХО НЫШТЭ КЮб ЯКМКЧМОЬ ОЭ Х КММОЬЬТЛТХТЭц КЮ ЭШЮЫТЬЦО р ЭШЮЬ ХОЬ РЫШЮЩОЬ НО ХК ЩШЩЮХКЭТШЧ ЧШЭКЦЦОЧЭ ХОЬ УОЮЧОЬ, ХОЬ ПКЦТХХОЬ, ХОЬ ЫОЭЫКТЭцЬ, ХОЬ СКЧНТМКЩцЬ, ХОЬ ЩОЫЬШЧЧОЬ КЮб revenus modestes. PКЫЦТ ХОЬ ОЧУОЮб Н ЮЧ ЭШЮЫТЬЦО НЮЫКЛХО ШЧ ЩОЮЭ МТЭОЫ : LК МЫШТЬЬКЧМО НОЬ ццтььтшчь НО ӨO2. En France, ХОЬ НцЩХКМОЦОЧЭЬ ЭШЮЫТЬЭТЪЮОЬ, ОЬЬОЧЭТОХХОЦОЧЭ ОППОМЭЮцЬ ОЧ ЯШТЭЮЫО, ЫОЩЫцЬОЧЭОЧЭ ң% НОЬ ццтььтшчь НО РКг р effet de serre soit environ 30 millions de tonnes de CO2 par an. Il est tres important de preserver la ressource en eau. L ОКЮ ОЬЭ МШЧЬШЦЦцО ОЧ КЛШЧНКЧМО ЩКЫ ХОЬ СцЛОЫРОЦОЧЭЬ ЭШЮЫТЬЭТЪЮОЬ ЩШЮЫ ХО МШЧПШЫЭ НОЬ МХТОЧЭЬ ОЭ ХОЮЫ КРЫцЦОЧЭ : ЩТЬМТЧОЬ, ЬЩКЬ, ЭОЫЫКТЧЬ НО РШХП. LО ЩКЫЭКРО НО Х ОКЮ ОЧЭЫО Х ТЫЫТРКЭТШЧ, ХО ЭШЮЫТЬЦО ОЭ ХОЬ СКЛТЭКЧЭЬ ЩШЬО ЪЮОЬЭТШЧ НКЧЬ НО ЧШЦЛЫОЮЬОЬ ЫцРТШЧЬ. LО ЭШЮЫТЬЦО ОЧ FЫКЧМО ОЬЭ ХТц КЯОМ ХК ЩЫШЭОМЭТШЧ НОЬ ЦТХТОЮб ПЫКРТХОЬ. LОЬ ЦТХТОЮб ХОЬ ЩХЮЬ ЫТМСОЬ ОЧ ЛТШНТЯОЫЬТЭц, МШЦЦО ХОЬ ЫцМТПЬ МШЫКХТОЧЬ, ЬШЧЭ КЮЬЬТ ХОЬ ЩХЮЬ attractifs pour le ЭШЮЫТЬЦО ОЭ ХОЬ ЩХЮЬ ЬОЧЬТЛХОЬ р ЬОЬ ТЦЩКМЭЬ. LОЬ FЫКЧхКТЬ МШЦЩЫОЧЧОЧЭ ЪЮ ТХ ОЬЭ ЧОМОЬЬКТЫО НО limiter les ЩШХХЮЭТШЧЬ ОЭ ХОЬ НцМСОЭЬ НКЧЬ ХО НШЦКТЧО НЮ ЭШЮЫТЬЦО. UЧ ЭШЮЫТЬЭО ЩЫШНЮТЭ ОЧЯТЫШЧ 1,Ң ФР НО НцМСОЭЬ ЩКЫ УШЮЫ ЬШТЭ par exemple ЩШЮЫ ЮЧО ЫцРТШЧ МШЦЦО PЫШЯОЧМО-Alpes-ӨôЭОЬ Н ӘгЮЫ, ОЧЯТЫШЧ 3Ңҗ җҗҗ ЭШЧЧОЬ НО НцМСОЭЬ р ЭЫКТЭОЫ annuellement. LК ӨСКЫЭО ОЮЫШЩцОЧЧО НЮ ЭШЮЫТЬЦО НЮЫКЛХО НКЧЬ ХОЬ ОЬЩКМОЬ ЩЫШЭцРцЬ ОЬЭ КЮ НцЩКЫЭ ЮЧО ШЩцЫКЭТШЧ ПТЧКЧМцО ЩКЫ ХК ӨШЦЦТЬЬТШЧ ОЮЫШЩцОЧЧО ОЭ ЦТЬО ОЧ ШОЮЯЫО ОЭ ЩТХШЭцО ЩКЫ ХК ПцНцЫКЭТШЧ ОЮЫШЩцОЧЧО НОЬ ЩКЫМЬ. EХХО К цэц ЫцНТРцО ОЧ Ь КЩЩЮвКЧЭ ЬЮЫ Х ОбЩцЫТЦОЧЭКЭТШЧ ЦОЧцО ЩКЫ НТб ЩКЫМЬ ЩТХШЭОЬ ОЧ EЮЫШЩО. L ШЛУОМЭТП НО МОЭЭО ӨСКЫЭО ОЬЭ НО ЫцЩШЧНЫО КЮб ОЧУОЮб НОЬ ЭОЫЫТЭШТЫОЬ ЩЫШЭцРцЬ ОЧ ШППЫКЧЭ ХК ЩШЬЬТЛТХТЭц НО concilier "tourisme" et "ЩЫШЭОМЭТШЧ НО Х ОЧЯТЫШЧЧОЦОЧЭ". EХХО ШЫРКЧТЬО ЮЧ НТКРЧШЬЭТМ НЮ ЭОЫЫТЭШТЫО КПТЧ Н ОЧ НцЭОЫЦТЧОЫ ХОЬ ПШЫМОЬ ОЭ ПКТЛХОЬЬОЬ. L ОЬЩКМО ЩЫШЭцРц цхклшыо ОЧЬЮТЭО ЮЧО ЬЭЫКЭцРТО ЭШЮЫТЬЭТЪЮО ЬЮЫ МТЧЪ КЧЬ. En conclusion on analyse les avantages du tourisme en France. Le tourisme est une importante source Н ОЦЩХШТЬ. LО ЭШЮЫТЬЦО ЫОЩЫцЬОЧЭО 2җҗ ЦТХХТШЧЬ Н ОЦЩХШТЬ НТЫОМЭЬ НКЧЬ ХО ЦШЧНО, ОЭ ОЧ FЫКЧМО, РцЧчЫО ЩЫчЬ НО 9җҗ җҗҗ ОЦЩХШТЬ ЬКХКЫТцЬ НТЫОМЭЬ. ӨОЬ ОЦЩХШТЬ, ЩШЮЫ Х ОЬЬОЧЭТОХ ХШМКЮб, МШЧЭЫТЛЮОЧЭ notamment au maintien du tissu-socio-цмшчшцтъюо НКЧЬ НО ЭЫчЬ ЧШЦЛЫОЮб ЭОЫЫТЭШТЫОЬ. LОЬ ЯцХШЫШЮЭОЬ ОЭ ХОЬ ЯШТОЬ ЯОЫЭОЬ ПШЧЭ ХК ЬШХЮЭТШЧ НО ХК ЦШЛТХТЭц НШЮМО. EЧ FЫКЧМО, Х EЭКЭ ПКЯШЫТЬО НОЬ ТЧПЫКЬЭЫЮМЭЮЫОЬ НО ЦШЛТХТЭц НШЮМО : ХОЬ ЯцХШЫШЮЭОЬ ОЭ ХОЬ ЯШТОЬ ЯОЫЭОЬ. өощють ЩХЮЬ НО 1җ КЧЬ, ХОЬ ЯцХШЫШЮЭОЬ ЬО ~ 202 ~


204 III М я - я я з з.., 371.,...,....,,,.,.,.. Һ (. lacrosse ),,,. 1ң3ң,. (ХОУОЮНОХКМЫШЬЬО), (МЫШЬЬО),. БVII, БIБ. 1ү44,,. 1ү4ү 1үҢ1. 1үҢң,,. 1үңҮ, 12.,,. 192ү 1932.,. 3җ-,. (LОЬ ӨКЧКНТОЧЬ), (әшб-lкмышььо),.,, -,.,,,.,.,. 1үҢ9, 1994,.,.,,,,,,. 2җҗҮ,., ё.,,.,. Moscow Rebels( )..,. - White Knights ( ).,,. -,. 13 2җҗ9 -. ё. 1 2җ13 ё ү 2җ14 2җ14,..,,,,...,,,,,. «.,» 1Ң (293), ~ 204 ~

205 «А з» GENDER ASPECT OF BROADCASTING ON THE EXAMPLE OF WESTERN OUNTRIES Gazimova A. F., Master of Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Scientific advisor, associate professor Volchkova V.I. If in the early 2000sthere was the question whether the media was the fifth power, today the obvious answer is yes. It illuminates many problematic aspects of modern life. It is not a secret that the mass media affects the mass consciousness of people. It ТЬ ашыэс ЦОЧЭТШЧТЧР ЭСКЭ УШЮЫЧКХТЬЭЬ КЭЭОЧЭТШЧ ТЬ КЭЭЫКМЭОН Лв ЦКЧв ЭСТЧРЬ that fill our life, especially such global news as sport events. Broadcasting modern problems in sports such as the race and won the national championship for the gold medal or usage drugs by athletes, the further physical abilities of athletes in elite sport and their evaluation criteria, injuries, disability sport is an actual issue today. However, the problem of the lack of equality according to gender aspect of broadcasting sport events still exists and it has not been investigated in some countries yet. Work on the research and analysis conducted on this topic is not one-sided and multi-faced. Thus, during our theoretical research on the modern sport broadcasting by the media, we were interested in the research work by the lector of the Faculty of Education at the University of Auckland (New Zealand) Tony Bruce. It deals with issues of media coverage of activities in the field of sports. In particular, in together with colleagues from other countries he conducted a study on the issue of equality lighting athletes and their КМСТОЯОЦОЧЭЬ Лв РОЧНОЫ. FШЫ ОбКЦЩХО, ТЧ ЭСОТЫ ЬЭЮНв ШП ЦШЫО ЭСКЧ 1җ МШЮЧЭЫТОЬ ТЭ ТЬ ЬСШаЧ ЭСКЭ ашцкч Ь ЬЩШЫЭЬ broadcasting is not popular. To the scientists` opinion, unequal coverage in the media in the sports category of women and men was considerate from several positions. Firstly, the study was being carried out in the daily media, and the media during major sporting events - the Olympics. Secondly, the analysis was conducted not only in the percentage of textual material, but also the photographic images. Thirdly, according to the people who conducted the study as part of this theme, pictures of women in sport were placed not according to their achievements, but in terms of their sexuality. Fourth, the percentage of image was privileged of the text. In the fifth, it was a surprise for us that the researchers raised such an important topic as the ratio of the media coverage, depending on the medals won. On the other hand, the scientists still hope for a share impact of the Internet. They state that the World Wide Web eventually "erases" the difference in the coverage of developments in the field of sports between men and women. In our opinion, the research in the reviewed field by the foreign colleagues is intensive, interesting and relevant enough. In addition, their work gives you the opportunity to conduct research not only within a country alone but across the globe. Media analysis conducted in countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the United Kingdom, Canada, the USA and Turkey. To conclude all said above, we would like to attract your attention that the same problem existing in Russia has not been openly discussed. We should not ignore the issue being blind and death toward it. In addition, foreign researchers are open to cooperation and offer a well-known method of analysis content analysis. With the help of it one can most accurately explore equal or unequal coverage of sports achievements of men and women in the Russian media. It will further help to reveal certain patterns in the context of multinational Russia and find solutions to a number of countries, especially after the Winter Olympics in Sochi in , 221.,..,.. ~ 205 ~

206 III М я - я я з з...,..,,.,,,.,,.,,..,,.,,.,,.,,,,,,. -,,,.,,,,, (.,..,..,.. ).,,,,,,..,., -.,,,,,,,,..,.,,.,..,,, Һ,,,,., -,,.,,. (. 1). ~ 206 ~

207 «А з» ,,. c,,.,,., -,. :, -. -., :, ;,,., -., :,,, ; -, ; ( ),. : ), ), ) ; pig ;,,, ( ) ;.,,,,,.,, ( ). - : :,, ; - ; ; ( «,»)., -,....., -.,. ~ 207 ~

208 III М я - я я з з.,..,,.,,,. SECONDARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE USA Gerasimova K. A., student of Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Sahibzyanov A. H., student of Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Scientific advisor, associate professor Pavitskaya Z. I. Education in the United States is mainly provided by the public sector, with control and funding coming from three levels: federal, state, local. Child education is compulsory. Public education is available. School curricula, funding, teaching, and other policies are set through locally elected school boards with jurisdiction over school districts with many directives from state legislatures. School districts are usually separate from other local jurisdictions, with independent officials and budgets. Educational standards and standardized testing decisions are usually made by state governments. The ages for compulsory education vary by state. It begins from ages five to eight and ends from ages fourteen to eighteen. A growing number of states are now requiring compulsory education until the age of 18. Compulsory education requirements can generally be satisfied by educating children in public schools, state-certified private schools, an approved home school program. In most public and private schools, education is divided into three levels: Elementary school, Middle school (sometimes called junior high school), High school (sometimes referred to as secondary education) (picture 1). In almost all schools at these levels, children are divided by age groups into grades, ranging from kindergarten (followed by first grade) for the youngest children in elementary school, up to twelfth grade, the final year of high school. The exact age range of students in these grade levels varies slightly from area to area (table 1) [1]. The levels of education in the USA Elementary schools Middle schools High schools Picture 1. The levels of education in the USA The levels of education in the USA[2] Table 1. ~ 208 ~

209 «А з» Level/Grade Typical age (at end of the school year) Preschool Various optional programs Under 6 Pre-Kindergarten 4-5 Kindergarten 5-6 Elementary School First Grade 6 7 Second Grade 7 8 Third Grade 8 9 Fourth Grade 9 10 Fifth Grade Middle School Sixth Grade Seventh Grade Eighth Grade High School Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior In the year 2004, there were 83.6 million students enrolled in schools from kindergarten through graduate schools. Of these, 72 percent aged 12 to 17 were judged academically "on track" for their age (enrolled in school at or above grade level). Of those enrolled in compulsory education, 5.2 million (10.4 percent) were attending private schools. Thus, education in the USA is mainly provided by public sector and public education is available. A country has a reading literacy rate at 98% of the population. Higher Education in the United States is known as college or university and commonly consists of four years of study at an institution of higher learning. There are 4,352 colleges, universities, and junior colleges in the country. In 2012, 42 % of enrolled students graduated from college in four years. 57% completed their undergraduate requirements in six years, at the same college they first enrolled in. Like high school, the four undergraduate grades are commonly called freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior years (alternatively called first year, second year, etc.). Students traditionally apply to receive admission into college, with varying difficulties of entrance. Schools differ in their competitiveness and reputation; generally, the most prestigious schools are private, rather than public [1]. Once admitted, students engage in undergraduate study, which consists of satisfying university and class requirements to achieve a bachelor's degree in a field of concentration known as a major. The most common method consists of four years of study leading to a Bachelor of Art (B.A.), a Bachelor of Science (B.S.), or sometimes another bachelor's degree such as a Bachelor of Fine Art (B.F.A.), Bachelor of Science Work (B.S.W.), Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.,) or Bachelor of Philosophy (B.Phil.). Five-Year Professional Architecture programs offer the Bachelor of Architect Degree (B.Arch.). Professional degrees such as law, medicine, pharmacy, and dentistry, are offered as graduate study after earning at least three years of undergraduate schooling or after earning a bachelor's degree depending on the program. Some students choose to attend a community college for two years prior to further study at another college or university. In most states, community colleges are operated either by a division of the state university or by local special districts subject to guidance from a state agency. ~ 209 ~

210 III М я - я я з з Community colleges may award Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree after two years. Those seeking to continue their education may transfer to a four-year college or university (after applying through a similar admissions process as those applying directly to the four-year institution, see articulation). Some community colleges have automatic enrollment agreements with a local four-year college, where the community college provides the first two years of study and the university provides the remaining years of study, sometimes all on one campus. The community college awards the associate's degree, and the university awards the bachelor's and master's degrees. Graduate study, conducted after obtaining an initial degree and sometimes after several years of ЩЫШПОЬЬТШЧКХ ашыф, ХОКНЬ ЭШ К ЦШЫО КНЯКЧМОН НОРЫОО ЬЮМС КЬ К ЦКЬЭОЫ Ь НОРЫОО, астмс МШЮХН ЛО К MКЬЭОЫ ШП ӘЫЭ (MA), Master of Science (MS), Master of Business Administration (MBA), or other less common master's degrees such as Master of Education, and Master of Fine Art (MFA). Some students pursue a graduate degree that is in between a master's degree and a doctoral degree called a Specialist in Education (Ed.S.). After additional years of study and sometimes in conjunction with the completion of a master's degree and/or Ed.S. degree, students may earn a Doctor of Philosophy or other doctoral degree, such as Doctor of Arts, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Theology, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Pharmacy, and so on. Some programs, such as medicine and psychology, have formal apprenticeship procedures postgraduation, such as residencies and internships, which must be completed after graduation and before one is considered fully trained. Other professional programs like law and business have no formal apprenticeship requirements after graduation (although law school graduates must take the bar exam to legally practice law in nearly all states). Entrance into graduate programs usually depends upon a student's undergraduate academic performance or professional experience as well as their score on a standardized entrance exam like the Graduate Record Examination (GRE-graduate schools in general), the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), or the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Many graduate and law schools do not require experience after earning a bachelor's degree to enter their programs; however, business school candidates are usually required to gain a few years of professional work experience before applying. Thus, fifty-five US universities are listed in the top 200 in the world in the THEA QS World University Ranking. As a whole the population of the United States is becoming increasingly more educated. References 1. CIA World Factbook 2. Facts on the United States , ,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,... -,,.....,..,.., -... (..,..,.,..,.., A..,..,..,.., B..,...).,,,.,,.,. ~ 210 ~

211 «А з» ,, ( ),...,, ( ), Д2, c. 14].,,,.,,,.,.,..,,,,..,,.,,...,.,..,.,,,.,,.,,,.. «-» (, 24.җ2.2җҗү), «,»,.., : ( + ), - - ( + - ) Д1, c. 58]., (, ) -. ( ), :, -,. : (, ң, 2җҗҮ).,,,.,. (Bird) : «!» : 29.1җ.җҮ :!», ( ),!» ( ), «! ( ) җҗҮ, - : «!» ( ), «!» ( ); «!» ( ), « ( ).,.,. Щ Щ : Щ Щ.. (,, ).,,. ~ 211 ~

212 III М я - я я з з 1.. Җ. ҖҖ. - 24, Ң4, 23, Ңң ( )ҖҖ. -.. «:,,» (14җ ) , 231.,...,...,,,., ББI., ОЯОЧЭ-...,.,,.. : ;. : Bournemouth әюьтчоьь SМСШШХ IЧЭОЫЧКЭТШЧКХ (әәsi)., BBSI,. әәsi,, NКЭТШЧКХ ӘаКЫНТЧР әшнв.,. -, ё., - 24 ( ) 2ү-Ңҗ ( ). (HШЬЩТЭКХТЭв and Tourism) : ; ; ; ; ; ; ;.., -. -.,., (, ).,.. ~ 212 ~

213 «А з»,,.,,.,,,,.,. Hospitality education. Д Ж.., Д2җ13Ж. : countries/velikobritaniya... Global study.. Д Ж.., Д2җ13Ж. : Д Ж. - -., Д2җ14Ж. : 221,...,.. 3җ%., Үҗ-үҗ%.,...,.,.... : ;.,.. (. МСООЬО-, МКФО- ) -,.. (. tтыкцтьù,. ЭТЫК -, ЦТ -, ЬЮ - ) -, :, ( ),,., -.. (. Strudel- «,,») ,,. (PпХ ӘЧЭКХ EЬЭОЫСпгв; 1ҮҮң-1үңң), 1ү4ү (. цмхкты- ) - (, ). -. БIБ. «әшьэшч ӨШШФТЧР SМСШШХ ӨШШФ әшшф» 1үү4., : ( ), ( ), ( ), ~ 213 ~

214 III М я - я я з з ( ), ( - ), ( )..,.,,,...,., 221.,...,...,,,,...., -...,... :,. ( ),.,. (. back) -... (. РКЫЛКРО-,,, ).. : ( ) «-» ( ). (. ЬОЭ-up -, )-. : ( ), (, ). (. СШЬЭОЬЬ - ) -,СШЬЭОЬЬ-, -. - (. ПЫОО ПХШа- ) -,,,,..,. : (. ХОЦОЧЮ - ) -,,.. - (.foiegras - ) -., -,,, ,Ң. (.,. tournedos - )-,,,,.,,,.. (. parfait, ),. (.armagnac - ) -,,.,,. (.ЛХКЧМ-manger - ) - ( ),,,, ~ 214 ~

215 «А з»,. ё,.,,,.,,,,.,.. Д Ж.., Д2җ13Ж. : ,... ДүЖ Д1Ж, Д11Ж..,.,.. Д4Ж;.., ДүЖ.,..,, Д3Ж,.. Д11Ж,.. Д13Ж., ё,,, Д2Ж, ДҢЖ.,,,,..,, ё. «,, -,. 1җ%,.,,,..,,., Ү% ( ); 3ү% (, ), ҢҢ%.,, 3Ң%, ңң% :,» Дң, c. 56]. ~ 215 ~

216 III М я - я я з з е е л я ко у ик ция З уки и и то ция Сло. 1.. : «-,,. : ;, ;, ;,,, ; ; ;» ДҮЖ. «,,,.,.,,,,» ДҮЖ. -,. -.,, - ё,.,,, ДҮЖ.,,.,,,,.,.,,,,.,. : «,,,.,,...,,.,,.. ( ),. -,, -.,,,.,,.,,. -,,,,,,,,....,,,.. ~ 216 ~

217 «А з»,,» ДҮЖ. : «,,.,» ДҮЖ. «,,,.,,,.,,, -,,!» ДҮЖ,,,,. 1...,,.. -.:, 2җҗ1. - Ңңҗ. 2.. ( " - ") :... : 13.җҗ.җ2 Җ ; Д : " "Ж. - -, 2җҗү : :... : 1җ.җ2.2җ Җ ; Д :.. - Ж. -, 2җҗү. - 19Ң. :. +. (. 19ң-2ң4 :. )., ң1:җү-10/ : : : 1җ.җ2.2җ :, 2җҗҢ 2Ү4 М. (, ң1:җң-10/1398) 5.. :... : 13.җҗ.җ2.-, 2җҗҮ :., ң1 җү-13/ ,.. Җ..,.. :, 2җ13. 2җ2. 7. Җ... -.:, 2җҗ3. - Ү1ү.:. 8..., :... : 24.җҗ.җ1, 2җҗҮ 19Ң., ң1:җү-24/ :, 2җҗҮ. 3ү :.... : 24.җҗ.җ1.- -, 2җҗ1.- 1Ң9.:., ң1 җ2-24/ :... : 1җ.җ2.җ2, 1җ.җ2.2җ Җ ; Д :.. - Ж.-, 2җ1җ.- 1ү2.:., ң1 1җ-10/ : 13.җҗ.җ2 ( ) : : 13.җҗ.җ2, 2җҗҢ 1Үҗ., ң1:җң-13/ ( ). :... : 19.җҗ.җҢ Җ ; Д : " "Ж.-, 2җ1җ.- 1ҮҮ.:. ~ 217 ~

218 III М я - я я з з.., 221., ,,.,,,,,,. [C 2җҗү:11үЖ. -,. : КЦКЧТЭК КЦКЧТЭО (, ); ЫЮЬЬЮХК ЫЮЬЬЮХО ( ).,,., scaphandre, sporange..,,,,.,, news information, soap teleroman, prime time heure de grande ecoute, manager gerant ( ). : (ПОЬЭТЯКХ ШПП -, ЩШЩ ЬЭКЫ - -, ЬЮЩОЫЬЭКЫ ), - - (ЦКЬЬ- ЦОНТК, ЦОНТКЬ, ЦКРКгТЧО, МТЧцЩСТХО, МХТЩ), (ЛКЧУШ, ЛО - bop -, ЬТЧРОЫ -, НКЧМО team - ), (ПШШЭЛ ХХ, ПЫОО-style, boxer, tennis, auto-motto, basket-л ХХ), (ПКЬЭ-food, snack-bar, hot-ншр, ЭШКЬЭ, ЬКЧНаТМС, СКЦЛЮЫРОЫ), (вкмсэ, ЛЮlldozer, bus, scooter, metro, parking), (ЭОХОЩСШЧО, ЦТМЫШ, ЦТМЫШЩСШЧО, МКЦОЫК).., -,, ЩЫТЦО ЭТЦО СОЮЫО НО РЫКЧНО цмшюэо, ЛШЬЬ МСОП.,, XV, XX. XVI,,, : МСКЩФК, ЛКХКХКэФК, ЭЬКЫ, ФЯКЬ, ЦШЮУТФ, ШЮФКгО. 19ҢҮ. «ЬЩШЮЭЧТФ», «МШЬЦШЬ», «ОЬЩКМО».,,, 19үҢ. : ЩОЫОЬЭЫШэФК, ЧШЦОЧФХКЭЮЫК, РХКЬЭЧШЬЭ, apparatchik, rynok, avoska. БVI - БVII., БVIII. (МОНТХХО, ЦКЭКЦШЫО, МСШМШХКЭ). : ( КМКШ, nopal, tabac, condor), (junte, banderille, majorat, sieste, muleta, fandango, mantille, corrida).,,,,, :. 3-.,...:, ~ 218 ~

219 «А з» THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE INFLUENCE OF PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORT ON CHARACTER DEVEPOPMENT Mozhaev E.E., Post graduate student of Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan, Russia Scientific advisor, associate professor Volchkova V.I. The significance of th article topic is investigation by many sport professionals the conditions of creating opportunities for students of physical culture and sport universities for their character development. It is К ПКМЭ ЭСКЭ ЭСО ЦКТЧ ТЧЬЭЫЮЦОЧЭ ШП ЬЭЮНОЧЭ Ь МСКЫКМЭОЫ НОЯОХШЩЦОЧЭ ТЬ ЭСО Щrocess of studying at high schools. Besides getting fundamental knowledge, there is a great opportunity for character development. At the same time character development is very important for getting a job. It is also very important for the students of the universities of sport and physical education because they spend a lot of time going in for sports. According to this we can state that sport and physical culture become for them a main sphere for character development and for becoming professionals in it. However teachers and coaches should take into account the fact that physical culture and sport do not simply influence a person, but organize him. We mean that it depends on how the teacher or the coach teaches achieve it. It is clear that physical culture and sport have got different influences. And it is a problem that now they still operate in isolation. We would like to show in our work the differences between sport and physical culture influence on character development according to Russian and British scholars. Thus, we think that sport has positive characteristics. Those who wish to unite physical education and sport must accept that many educationists remain deeply concerned about being linked too closely with modern top-level sport in view of some of its excesses and negative aspects: the exploitation of young children and youth, the use of performance enhancing drugs with long term, harmful side-effects, violence in and surrounding certain sports, corruption, and the effects of excessive commercial and/or political pressures on athletes of all ages. OЧ ЭСО ШЧО ЬТНО, ТЭЬ ХТЧФЬ атэс МТЭТЮЬ, КХЭТЮЬ, ПШЫЭТЮЬ, КЬЬШМТКЭОН атэс OХвЦЩТЬЦ, РОЧОЫКЭО ТНОКХЬ ШП ЭСО individual pursuit of excellence, which is frequently or generally more closely (but incorrectly) identified as elitism. On the other side, it has connotations of all-embracing sport for all, which more readily equates with grass-roots or mass sport with its emphasis on recreational outcomes rather than performance outcomes. It is little wonder that uneasy relationships have existed between physical education and recreational sport on the one hand, and highest level, increasingly professional, sport on the other. The inherent tensions here need to be resolved. Physical education teachers are not employed to produce elite sports performers or highly specialized physical recreationists. Primarily they are educators and facilitators. However, in pursuit of the optimum development of young people, they do have responsibilities for creating awareness of opportunities for activity engagement in out-of-school and beyond school settings. Thus, at the very least, their professional preparation should embrace familiarization with pathways for participation in wider community multi-sector provision and the achievement of personal excellence. Bridges do need to be built especially to stimulate young people to participate in physical activity outside of, and beyond, the school during their leisure time [3]. Lubysheva L.I. and Drandrov G.L. connect physical culture with movement activity. And from their point of view sport is connected only with victory and has competitive characteristics [1]. Drandrov says that the results ШП ЩСвЬТМКХ МЮХЭЮЫО ЭСКЭ КЫО ЩШЬТЭТЯО МСКЧРО ЩОШЩХО Ь ЛШНТОЬ КЧН ЦТЧН. TСО КТЦ ШП ЩСвЬТМКХ МЮХЭЮЫО ЭОКМСОЫЬ ТЬ development of physical and moral abilities, in particular going in for physical culture. The main instrument of physical culture is physical activity, where physical exercises are its general elements [2]. In the process of our researches we did not find any negative characteristics of physical culture. In a conclusion we can say that from the one hand teachers and coaches should understand the differences between physical culture and sport, but from another hand physical culture and sport need to exist together. Uniting physical culture and sport we need to create the special conditions for students. These conditions will include more practice, not only at schools as it happens now, but working for example in sport clubs, stadiums and sport venues, where the students can get a lot of experience and skills while studying at the university. These experience and skills are the main instruments for their character development. References 1... ҖҖ ң ҖҖ ң..1җ Donovan, M., Jones, G., Hardman, K. Physical Education and Sport in England: Dualism, Partnership and Delivery Provision // International Journal of Fundamental and Applied Kinesiology. 2җҗң. ЯШХ.3ү, 1. p ~ 219 ~

220 III М я - я я з з.., 312.,..., ё,.,.,, -.,,,.,,,..,.,..,,,., -,,,.,..,,,., : ( ). :, 2җ13-2җ14, 2җ13, XXVII 2җ13 ББII,,..., -,, -.,,. : 1. ( ),,, -, -, ; 2., -,, ; 3., ; 4. ( ), - ; 5.,,, - ; 6.,,..,...,. : 1.,,,,,, ; ~ 220 ~

221 «А з» 2. -,,,,,,, ; 3.,,,,,,,, ; 4.,,,, 5.,,,,.,.,..., 221,.....,.....,..,.,,,,,,.,,, -,., ЛХц, МТЭЫШЧ, ХТчЯЫО, К МХц, ЦКТЬШЧ, ХчЯЫО.,,,,. : (ЦКЬМЮХТЧ) (ПОЦТЧТЧ).,,., -.., :, une/la -, un/le.,, : ЬШЧ ЬОМЫОЭКТЫО - ЬК ЬОМЫОЭКТЫО, RЮЬЬО - cette Russe., -,,. : ЮЧ КТНО ( )- ЮЧО КТНО ( ),ЮЧ МЫТЭТЪЮО ( ) - ЮЧО МЫТЭТЪЮО ( ),ЮЧ ЦШНО (, ) - ЮЧО ЦШНО ( ), unmousse ( ) - unemouss (, ).,. (ХК ЭКЛХО), (ХО ХТЯЫО), unemanche-, lapaix levase.,,,. -, ( )., ~ 221 ~

222 III М я - я я з з,,.,,,, , 2җҗ4. 2. : Д Ж.. : VOLUNTEERING MOVEMENT IN RUSSIA ~ 222 ~ Nick Noel, Post graduate student of San Diego State University, the United States of America Scientific advisor, associate professor Volchkova V.I. Today volunteering throughout society is becoming a common form of social activity and is supported on a global level. However, recent studies show an overall global decrease in volunteerism over the last few years. What might be the cause of this, and how can this trend be reversed? To answer the question it is worth to refer to volunteering meaning. So what is the definition of volunteerism? The origin of the word has both Middle French КЧН LКЭТЧ ЫШШЭЬ. TСО ашын ЯШХЮЧЭООЫ ПТЫЬЭ КЩЩОКЫОН КЫШЮЧН вокы 1ңҗҗ КЧН ЦОКЧЭ ЬШЦОШЧО асш ШППОЫЬ СТЦЬОХП ПШЫ ЦТХТЭКЫв ЬОЫЯТМО. TШ ЭСТЬ НКв ЯШХЮЧЭООЫТЬЦ КЧН ЦТХТЭКЫв ЬОЫЯТМО ЫОЦКТЧ МШЧЧОМЭОН ТЧ ЭОЫЦЬ ШП К ЯШХЮЧЭООЫ КЫЦв; however, volunteerism is commonly used and interchangeable with tсо ЦШЫО ЦШНОЫЧ ЭОЫЦ МШЦЦЮЧТЭв ЬОЫЯТМО, КЧН ТЬ ЬШЦОЭСТЧР К ЩОЫЬШЧ НШОЬ ПШЫ ПЫОО ШЧ ЭСОТЫ ШаЧ ЭТЦО ЭШ РТЯО ЛКМФ ЭШ ЭСО МШЦЦЮЧТЭв ЛШЭС ТЧ ЭСО СШЦО countries and abroad thanks to instant communication and modern transportation. Volunteer work engages in vaытшюь КМЭТЯТЭТОЬ ЭСЫШЮРСШЮЭ ЬШМТОЭв КЧН МКЧ ЛО ЩОЫПШЫЦОН ЛШЭС ТЧ ШЧО Ь ШаЧ country and abroad. The most common types of volunteering include participation in religious institutions, education and youth services, social and community service, environmental groups, and several other organizations that plan food drives for the homeless, fundraising for something, and sports, where volunteers mainly work as coaches and referees. Despite the relatively low participation rate, one area in which Russia appears to have a growing advantage is the sphere of sport volunteering, where events like the 2013 Universiade in Kazan and the upcoming Winter Olympics in Sochi have attracted unprecedented amounts of interest in volunteering, especially among the younger generation, which is a highly encouraging indicator for the future of the volunteer movement in Russia. Tens of thousands participated in Universiade 2013 and tens of thousands more will participate in Sochi, with several hundred thousand applying from all across Russia. This level of participation and interest from volunteers for major sporting events in Russia could potentially add further leverage to an economy that has steadily been on the rise for the past 13 years. Another noteworthy area of volunteering is the ecological sphere. On April 21st, Russia has a national НКв ШП ОМШХШРТМКХ ЯШХЮЧЭООЫТЧР МКХХОН GЫООЧ RЮЬЬТК ШЫ SЮЛЛШЭЧТФ асоч ШЯОЫ КЧ ОЬЭТЦКЭОН 3.Ң ЦТХХТШЧ ЩОШЩХО from 61 regions in the Russian Federation clean up bottles and trash in their respective areas. Early estimates predicted (and perhaps simply hoped for) a million volunteers for this event, but 3.5 times that amount turned out ЭШ МШЧЭЫТЛЮЭО ЭШ ЭСО МХОКЧ ЮЩ ОППШЫЭ. EЯОЧЭЬ ЬЮМС КЬ ЭСТЬ КНН СОКЯв МЫОНОЧМО ЭШ ЭСО КЫРЮЦОЧЭ ЭСКЭ RЮЬЬТК Ь ТЧЭОЫОst in volunteer work is truly going through a healthy, upward develop. In addition to this recent clean up effort, ecological volunteerism in Russia is also known for planting flowers, bushes, trees and other plants. Conversely, BLS statistics indicate that only 2.6% of volunteer work in the United States goes toward ecological or environmental causes. This percentage comes out to roughly 1.7 million people, which is half the amount that ЩКЫЭТМТЩКЭОН ТЧ GЫООЧ RЮЬЬТК. HШаОЯОЫ, ТЧ КННТЭТШЧ ЭШ ЯШХЮЧЭООЫЬ in the environmental sphere, millions more are employed or indirectly involved with environmental work both in the private and government sector. When it comes to social volunteering, it is no secret that Russia lacks any serious, organized development in this area. Although the Orthodox Church and other organizations involve themselves in volunteering operations across the country serving various purposes and offering aid to people in Russia, the social volunteering movement in Russia remains severely disadvantaged for several reasons. Some of the main reasons include a weak or non-existent civil society, low standards of living in many areas still, lack of government support to all forms of volunteering, and the lack of prestige associated with volunteer work after the fall of the Soviet Union. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, volunteering in Russia plummeted and continues to struggle for the most part, except for the recent development and commitment to the construction of new sport facilities and sport volunteering. One bright spot for the volunteer movement in Russia, however, is the Orthodox Church, where charity organizations have been set up in various cities in Russia to help those who are less fortunate. Because Orthodox believers consider tсо ЫОМШЫНТЧР ШП ШЧО Ь МСКЫТЭКЛХО НООНЬ КЬ МШЧЭЫКЫв ЭШ СШХв НШМЭЫТЧО, ЦКЧв МСЮЫМС

223 «А з» volunteers and their actions have a high possibility of not being included in any official statistics. Such an approach also allows religious volunteers to not deal with any type of bureaucracy that may interfere or slow them down. According to recent surveys, many Russians do not participate in volunteer work due to a lack of information about various opportunities. Advertisements and national information campaigns would substantially help get the word out and encourage people to volunteer in other spheres of society, not just major sporting events like the Sochi Olympics. Like with the major legislative initiatives passed by the Duma and supported by Putin to support volunteers, similar legislation ought to be proposed in the future to create and sustain more solidified and longerlasting organizations. Furthermore, education and school programs for children would give them an early first impression about the importance of volunteerism and how it can drastically improve their community. Fortunately, as seen with the 2013 Universiade and the upcoming the 2014 Sochi Olympics, the enthusiasm of the younger generation in Russia for volunteering continues to develop and become more popular. Hopefully events like this will create momentum for future community activism and participation in volunteerism..., 241.,..,..,.,.,.,,,,,, -. :, -,, -..; ; ;,.. «:» :, ;, ;,, ;, ; ;... :,., :,,,..,, ; -,,,,,,,, ; - ;,,.... ~ 223 ~

224 III М я - я я з з ,,..,,,,,., - (,,.): 1..., (,, ),,. ( ).,, ( ) :,,. 2..,., Һ, 2җ 2Ң % ( ).,,.,,.,,.,,,,.,,.. ~ 224 ~

225 «А з» 3..,,.,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,. 4...,, ,. -,.,, (,, ) (,,,..).. 7..,, :,,.,, ;,,,..,., -.,,,,,,..,,,,..,.,, (,,,,,..),., (,,,,, ),. «( )», ( ),,. ( ),,.,,,.,,,,,,,,. 1...,.. Җ..,.. :, 2җ13. 2җ2. ~ 225 ~

226 III М я - я я з з.., 221.,..,..,,,.,. Һ,,, җ җ13.. ңү. : 1., Һ 2., Һ 3.,, Һ 4.,,,, Ң.. :, Һ,,., ,, :,,,, ( ),. ( ): (1), (1) (,,, ), (1), (1), (1), (1). : Һ, : (13), (1), (10), (3), (3), (12), (2), (1), (8), (2) (3).,. -., : (4), (1), (1), (2), (1) (1), (1)., «,»..,., : (31), (10), (9), (8), (6) (6)., : (8), (4), (1), (1). (1) (3).,,.,,,,,,,,., : - (13), (8), (5). ~ 226 ~

227 «А з» :, Һ (8). : (4), (4), (2), (1), (1), (1).,.,,,.,. (56). - (27). (7).,,.,,.,.,. (,, ), (, ), ( ).,. (25), (8), (7),, (6), (6), (6), (3), (2), (1), (1), (1), -47 (1).,,,,, (?!). : (21) (4), (2), : -47, tanks, military, sputnik, : (6), (5), (4), - (3), (2).,,,.,,,,,,, ( ).,..,,.,,.,.,. : -.,. -.,,, -,,., -, : -,,.,,. : җ.., 341 ө, һ ә җ ә...,.. -..,. : 1.,,,. 2.,.,. 921,,. ~ 227 ~

228 III М я - я я з з,,.., -,.,,.,..,,, ,,,,,,,,,. -,. (, ),,,,,.,,, -.., (, ).., -,,..,,,.,., ( ).,,,. -,..,,..,.,,.,...,.,.,..,.,,.,..,.,,.,,,.,, -,,,.,,. :.,. : 1) - (, ); 2) ; 3) ; 4) ( ); Ң) ; ң) - ; Ү). : 1) - ( ); 2) ; 3) ; 4) ; Ң). : 1) ; 2) ; 3) ; 4). ~ 228 ~

229 «А з» : 1), - ; 2). ( ),,.,... ( ),. :. :,,.,,..! ё., 231.,...,.. I.., :,,.,,,,..,..,,.,,. ё,.,, -..,,. 4Ң. Hotel (, ) Club ( ): Club Paradiso, ӨШЫвНОХХК HШЭОХ ӘХКЧвК, HШХТНКв GКЫНОЧ RОЬШЫЭ HШЭОХ. RОЬШЫЭ (,, ): ӘЫКЧМТК RОЬШЫЭ HШЭОХ, HШХТНКв GКЫНОЧ RОЬШЫЭ HШЭОХ, SКЩСТЫ RОЬШЫЭ & SPӘ..(31%). Bay (, ) әокмс ( ) (4,Ң% 13,3% ): KОЦКХ әкв HШЭОХ, IЧМОФЮЦ әокмс, PОЦКЫ әокмс RОЬШЫЭ.. 15,6% : Gold city, Sentido Gold Island, White Gold & Spa, Golden Bay, Club Golden Arena.,, (13,3%): Gypsophila Hotel ( ), GardeniaHotel ( ), Jasmin Beach Hotel ( ), Magnolia Hotel ( ), Begonya Hotel ( ), Iris Hotel ( )., 9Ү%. 3%,,, ӘХКЫК SЭКЫ Hotel ( -,, XXV ( ).. ~ 229 ~

230 III М я - я я з з,.,,.,,. 1...,, Д Ж.., Д2җ13Ж. : Д Ж.., [2013]. : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖКНЯОЫЭШХШРв.ЫЮҖКЫЭТМХОҢ4ңҮ.СЭЦХ... ә.., 341 ө., һ ә җ ә...,.. -. ББVII,,.,,.,,,,,. -,,.,.,. 1ү3Ң.,,,. 1ү41,,,,,,,, -,., 1ү4җ ң,....,. 1үҢҗ.., БIБ. ББ. 4,.,. -.. «HШЭОХ НО KКгКЧ....,, IV.,... ~ 230 ~

231 «А з»,.,,. 191ү,...,,.,.,.,,,.. ББ ңҗ. 19ңҢ-19ңң. 199җ.,, 193ү., Ү.. $Ңҗ.,,.,. 2җҗ1.. 2җҗҢ 1җҗҗ , 1җ ( $2җ ). 2җҗ9. 2җ11.. 2җ12.,.,.,.. -.! җ.., 341 ө., һ ә җ ә...,.. -.,, -.. 2җ13 Ң. :, -,,,,,,,,.,, 1,Ң,.,.,., 2җ13 9 ңңңҗ, 2җ12 3җ. ~ 231 ~

232 III М я - я я з з «. -,,,,»,,.,... : 1) ; 2) ; 3) -..,,,,.. үүүүү 1җ2ң., 1ҢҢ, Ң2ү. 1ү3 -., 14 (ү%). Ү3, (Ң2%),,,,,,.,,,,..,.,,,.,.. IБ, Б,. ( ),,.,,.,,,..,,.,,,.,..,,..,, -,,., :,,..,,,,,,, -, -,..,.,,,, -,,.. :,,.,.,,..,,, ~ 232 ~

233 «А з»,. LANGUAGE BARRIER AND ATHLETES FROM ABROAD Shuvagina V. D., student of Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Scientific adviser, lecturer Garipova A. N. The aim of my project is to experience, learn, find and try to solve language problems between a player and his coach. The objective is to try to find a way to solve these language problems. So I chose the topic about language barrier and the challenges of communication, which is a problem that coaches have with players from abroad. I think this problem is not only between coaches, but also a problem between people all over the world. People who cannot understand each other cannot explain their thoughts and wants. A player needs to know what the coach wants from him. Sport is a connection between a player and his coach. There are many reasons why foreign players cannot work and play in Russia. I think the main idea is that it is not a problem on the court, rather it is problem with communication. Not everyone can easily speak with people from abroad. The same thing is happening between a player and his team. His teammates may not understand him, or even how other players will react, for example, to a black player on the team. Of course it is their work and adaptation is an important aspect of the entire playing process. In my opinion it would be very difficult to understand each other in a game or practicing session. Of course, when you have a translator he is there to help you, since his work is to always be by your side. But imagine, what will the coach do during the game? Which language will he use? Other players will understand their coach but what about the foreign player? What will he do? And which decision will the coach make when he wants to have a private talk with a player? You will need to have a translator everywhere. And now about how to solve these problems. It is well known that women's basketball has improved (that is, Russian basketball technique has come closer to the WNBA). Recently, more Russian coaches are starting to use American technology. So it is becoming much easier for players to understand the coach's tactics. But unfortunately during the game a coach is using not only basketball terminology, which is why it becomes difficult for a foreign player to understand. And as an experience I would like to tell you about my father. My father is the head coach of our women's basketball team - Kazanochka - and he has a lot of experience with foreign players. He said that not all players were easy to work with. Maybe 2 or 3 of them were very picky. They had problems with Russian life, unfriendly people, and the Russian language. These factors made life very difficult for them. And of course all these things affected their game and their mood. And for my dad it was not easy to say something, even with a translator. My second coach said that he has very big problems with communication. He works in our academy. He is also the general manager for the Basketball club UNICS. Therefore, his work consists of always being in touch with players. It is well known that our UNICS team has a lot of players from abroad and even a coach from Italy, ЬШ ЧКЭЮЫКХХв СО КХЬШ ЬЭЫЮРРХОЬ атэс ХКЧРЮКРО. HО ЭШХН ЦО ШЧХв ШЧО ЭСТЧР: IП вшю НШ ЧШЭ ФЧШа ХКЧРЮКРО, ЭСОЧ вшю do not know the world." Indeed, I absolutely agree with him. One does not feel comfortable and cannot feel free with foreign people because of this barrier. The coach currently takes courses to improve his language. The other way around. The assistant coach for the Kazanochka team is from Serbia. He worked there for many years, using the English and Serbian language. Naturally, he has difficulty using Russian words and always wants to use English terminology. Because of this, we were initially unable to understand him and he constantly needed to repeat his ашынь, астмс МЫОКЭОН ЛТР СШХОЬ ТЧ ШЮЫ ЩЫКМЭТМО ЭТЦО. IЭ акь ЯОЫв НТППТМЮХЭ for us to understand him the first time we met, but now we are used to this and the terminology he uses has become easier to understand. As I mentioned earlier, this barrier can be overcome with time. In conclusion, I want to say that these days it is difficult to success without knowledge of an international language. It plays an important role in our life. It combines the entire world. It allows us to feel comfortable and ПЫОО атэс ЩОШЩХО ПЫШЦ КХХ КМЫШЬЬ ЭСО РХШЛО. SСШа вшюыьохп ЭСТЬ ТЬ ШЧХв ШЧО акв Эo become a great person and a great player. ~ 233 ~

234 III М я - я я з з., 31,...,.. -,,., :,,.,..,,,.,,,., (,, ).,,..,,, (, ) (, )., : 1),, - : Waking fast is good exercise. To smoke is a bad habit -. IЭ ТsЧ Э ашrэс eating late at night. 2),, : -, : I m good in running. They continued playing football. - : Jogging is her favourite occupation. Our task is mastering this specialty. - : I saw them walking along the bank of the river, ( ). He advised me to practice more. The referee ordered the player to leave the pitch. - : I like your student s making experiments. - : Doing this exercise, the sportsman injured his leg. Be careful! Avoid injuring the legs,.!. 3),,..., (Participle I),, : Everybody looked at the dancing girl. The athletes listened to the coach criticizing their last performance,. (Participle II) by. The article, written by that student is very important,,.,,, ~ 234 ~

235 «А з»,.,. ~ 235 ~

236 III М я - я я з з Ң -.., 318.,...,..., «,,».,,,, [1].. (USOӨ), ( ). -,».,,,, -.,,,. NәӨ,.,, «-» Д2Ж.,.,,..,.,,,,.,,,,.,,, ~ 236 ~

237 «А з», -,,,, ( ) [3].,,. -.,,., [4].,,,,., - ( ),. 1. Д Ж. - : СЭЭЩ: ҖҖ bmsi.ru/doc. 2. : Һ Д Ж. - : СЭЭЩ: ҖҖ /olympic Д Ж. - : СЭЭЩ: ҖҖ 4. Д Ж. - - : СЭЭЩ: ҖҖЬЩШЫЭ.ЮХРШЯ.ЫЮ. ( ).., 318.,...,.., :,,.. (CDDS), 19ҮҮ. (ICSSPE). :, ; ; (.., 2җ1җ.)., : 2җ14,, UCLAN.,.,,,.,.,.,..,,, ~ 237 ~

238 III М я - я я з з.,,. 1.,.. Җ.. ҖҖ! : II 3җ 4 2җ1җ,. Җ -, -,, -. : -, ңҢ... 1Ң , 116.,...,.., -,,.,.,.,. ББ. -.,, Д1Ж.,, ү ,,,.,,, - Д1Ж.,. БIБ., -,,. :,... ;, 1үү ,..,... ; ( -, 1үүҢ.),.., ; (1үү9.) -,,,,...,... ~ 238 ~

239 «А з» ү9ң...,. 12җҗ -, 4Ң , 2.,,,.,,,.. 1.,. Җ Җ. ҖҖ Д Ж Җ : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖЯКНТЦ-galkin.ru/sport-2/sport-management/formation-part-1Җ,..... I II.., 116.,...,...,,.,.,,., I II., I БVIII.,. Д1Ж. I,,,. I,.,... -,,...,. ( ),,,,. 1ү4ң -.. -, Д1, 2Ж. БIБ.,,,.,. Д1Ж. -. -, БIБ үү3.. :,,. 1үүҢ., 11 Д1Ж. БIБ.,,, үү4 - ( ), ё. ~ 239 ~

240 III М я - я я з з,. :,.,.,. Д3Ж.. БIБ.. 1ү94..., Д1Ж. I II -.. БIБ.., ББ.,,. 1. Җ Д Ж : ( : 24.җ3.2җ14) Җ Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖЫЮ.аТФТЩОНТК.ШЫР,..... ( : 24.җ3.2җ14). 3. 1Ңҗ Җ Д Ж : ( : 24.җ3.2җ14) ,...,....,,,.,.,. -..,. Һ,, -.,, -.,,,. - : - ; - ; - ; -, - ; - - ; -. 4 : 1). ; - ;, - ;,. 2) : -, ~ 240 ~

241 «А з» ; - ;,, ;. 3). :,,..,,, ё ё. -,. -, -. 4)..,,,,,,..., 216.,...,..,.., ё.,,,., Д1Ж. : - -,, ; -, ; - -,, ; - -,.,,,..,.,,,,,.,..,., Д2Ж., ё.,,,,,. 1.,. Җ.,.,... :, ,... Җ... -, 199ң. 67. ~ 241 ~

242 III М я - я я з з.., 318.,...,..,,,,. Д2Ж : ,,.....,. 2..,..,., Һ,,. Һ,,,,.. :. 3...,.,.,., : «,»..,,,. -, -.,,,,,.,. ~ 242 ~

243 «А з».., 318.,...,...,. 2җ1ү.,..,,,. -,,, Д2Ж. 1Ң., -...,,,,,.,,.., -.,,,,. - Д1Ж.,,.,,,. - RMӘ, MШЬМШа әюьтчоьь SМСШШХ.,,,,. 1. Д Ж 2. Д Ж 315,...,... -, ё ё, (,..).,. җ4.12.2җҗү N 329- (. 2Ң.12.2җ12), -,, ( ) ДҢЖ. (, ) ( ). :,, ё..,,., Д1Ж. ~ 243 ~

244 III М я - я я з з,,... -,,,, ( )., ( ),.... Д4Ж,,,,.,, -..,. -,,,. Д2Ж.,.. -.,,,,. Д3Ж. ( ). :, ( ),,. :... 2җ14 2җ1ң. :, -.,,.,. :, - (, ) -,,.,,.. -,,, ( 2Ң ). ~ 244 ~

245 «А з» 1., Ө.ә. Җ.. ҖҖ :,, , Җ.. ҖҖ. : -., 2җҗ ң , Ә.Ә. Җ Ә.Ә.,.., H.H..., 2җҗ2. 21җ. 4. 3җ 2җҗ1. 19Ү- (. 3җ.җң.2җҗң.) ҖҖ. Ң. " " җ4.12.2җҗү , 318.,...,..,...,,., :. ( ). : ;,,,.,,,.,,. 3,. ҮҢ%, 2Ң%. 4Ң%, (.. )., Ңҗ%. 12%, 3ү%.,,,..,,.,,,,, :,,,.. 1.,. Җ.,. ҖҖ Ү ~ 245 ~

246 III М я - я я з з ,...,..,, -. ё, ё.,. -,.,, -,,.,,,.,,.,.... : «,.,,,.,,,» Д1Ж.,. : ( ),,.. Д2Ж.,. -,, ё.,., ( ) Д3Ж.,, -,,., -,.,,.,,,,,,.., -,. 1.,..,. Җ : ( - Ш ), 2җҗ1. - Ң2ү. 2.,.. Җ :,, 199Ү. ҢңҮ. ~ 246 ~

247 «А з» 3.,.. Җ.... :, ү4..., 116.,...,...,,. 19Ң9. 19ңү.,,. XIX 19ңү.,.,..,,, XVIII 19ң4. Д1Ж. 19Үҗ ,,,,.,.,, ё, -, -,,.. Д1Ж., җҗ4,,, 19Үҗ-1990., :,,.., Җ.... :, 2җҗҢ. үҗү. ё.., 116.,...,.. ~ 247 ~

248 III М я - я я з з,,..,,,,...,.,,.,,,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,.,,.,,. :,,,,,, ( - )., -, (,,,.) Д1Ж.,. -,,,,,,,,,,..,.,. 1. : 2җҗҮ 2җ11. PЫТМОаКЭОЫСШЮЬОӨШШЩОЫЬ» Д Ж - : ,...,...,,,.,,,. -,..,,,,,,,.,,,,,, -,,,, ~ 248 ~

249 «А з»,,,,, -.,.. : -,, ; -,,,,..; -,,,,,,,., : 1) -,,, ; 2) -,, ; 3),, ; 4) :,,,,....., 318.,...,.....,,.. 4җ. : «Һ» ң2%, 3ү%.,. Ү3,Ң% 2ң,Ң%.,,,,,,. -. 3җ- -. 2ң. : -, -, - Д1Ж. ң -. -.,,, -.,, -,,,., -,, ~ 249 ~

250 III М я - я я з з, -. -,, «,,» Д2Ж. 1.,.. - Җ..,..,.. // II -, (2 2җ13 ) :, 2җ ң. 2.,.. Җ..,.. ҖҖ :. 2, 2җ , 116.,...,..,., үңү,, II. -, 1ү9ң - Д1Ж. Ү Д2Ж..,. 191җ Д2Ж... 19җ9 -,.. Д2Ж , II. 1913, ,, «,,» Д2Ж...,.,.., :,,, Д2Ж.,, -,,.. ~ 250 ~

251 «А з» 1. Җ Д Ж Җ : ( : 2Ү ) Җ : reading.ws/chapter.php/18706/29/demeter_- _Ocherki_po_istorii_otechestvennoii_fizicheskoii_kul'tury_i_olimpiiiskogo_dvizheniya.html,..... ( : ) ,...,.. XXI.,, ( )..,,.,., :.,,,,,,,.,,,,,,, Д1Ж.,.,,,.,,. (, ). Д1Ж.,,,..,,.,,., Д2Ж..,,....,,, [3]..,.,,..,.,, ~ 251 ~

252 III М я - я я з з., Д2Ж.,.,,. 1.,. Җ. ;...:, 2җ1җ. Үҗң. 2.,.. Җ,..,,,. 3- :...: «», 2җ13. 3Ң2. 3.,.. : Җ....:, 2җҗң. 32җ..., 216.,...,.... :!,.,.,.., : ; ; ;.,.,,,,,,,, ( ) Д1Ж.,. :,, -, -, -,,. -,,.,,,.,.., ;. Д2Ж.,,., - (,,,,,, -..),,. ~ 252 ~

253 «А з».,.,..., -,.,,,,, Д3Ж.,, :,,, «,», «,».. 1.,.. Җ... Җ :, ү. 2..,.. Җ....:,, 2җҗҗ. 24Ү. 3.,.. Җ.... :, 199Ң , 318.,...,..,.,, ё.,,,,,,.,, ё. Д1Ж.,. ё,.. :,,,,.,.,,. ё - [2]. :,.,,..,,,,,,, : - ; -, ; -, ; -,, ; - ; -,. ~ 253 ~

254 III М я - я я з з,,,,,,..,., -., Җ :, 2җҗ Җ , 116.,...,..,,,,, II,.. [1]. 191Ү. 191ү ( )..,.., ё ,.... Д2Ж. 193җ-194ү.... Д4Ж. 19Ң3.,,,. 19Ң Ң9.. 9,,.. [3]. 1Ү 19ңү.... (19ңү-19ү3.),.. (19ү ). 19үң. Д4Ж , Д2Ж ,, ң..., ,, - 2җҗҗ... Д2Ж. 1Ү 2җҗҗ., ~ 254 ~

255 «А з»,,.. Д4Ж. 29 2җҗ2...,,... 2җҗ4.., Д2Ж. 2җҗү.,. 4 2җ12.,.... Д4Ж.,,., 1991,. 1.,.. :. -.:, 19Ң2. Җ Д Ж : ( : 2Ң.җ3.14). 2.,.. :. Җ..,.... :, 2җҗү. 19ң : Җ..,.. ; :, 2җ ,. : Җ. ҖҖ :,, : , 199ү ү , 116.,...,... ББ ё.,.,, 19үҗ,. 9җ-,.,. ББI.,,., Д1Ж. Һ.,.,,,.,,,.,.,, ё. : «Ү-12, Һ» Д2Ж.,,,,,,,.,,, Д3Ж. ~ 255 ~

256 III М я - я я з з,,,, Җ Д Ж : ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14). 2. Җ Д Ж : ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14). 3. Җ Д Ж : ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14)., -., 42.,...,...,,,,,,.,,,,.,. :, -. : -,,,,,. 2җ12 2җ13 : «Ңү» «- ү4», 11ү : Ң-ү,,. - :, - ; -., : 1) Ңү : ) «ҢҮ», - : , 4Ң ; - ү-9 -, 4Ң ; - Ң-ү -, 4Ң ; - 2-1җ -, 4Ң ңҗ ; ) -, ) - : ) «4Ү»,, , 4Ң ңҗ. ) «3Ң ~ 256 ~

257 «А з»», - : - Ң-9, 4Ң.; , 4Ң ңҗ ; , 4Ң ңҗ. -,,,.,,..., 116.,..., ( ),,,,. ( ).., Д1Ж.. Д1Ж.,,,,,.. Д1Ж. ё, EUN. ё,.,, Д2Ж ,, Д3Ж., җҗ1, (,, ),. 1. Җ Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.ОcТЬ.ТЧПШҖЩКРО.ЩСЩТН2җү ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14). ~ 257 ~

258 III М я - я я з з 2... Җ..,..,.. ; 3-.,.. -.:, 2җҗҗ. ңңң. 3. Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖЧКЬСКЮМСОЛК.ЫЮҖЯ1129җ,..... ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14)..., 318.,...,....., Д1, 2Ж.,,,. «ТЦКРО»,,.,,,,, Д3Ж.,,,,,,, Д2Ж.,,,.,,. -,.. :,,, ,... :,,..,.,,.,,. 1.,. Җ. ҖҖ Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.МШШХЫОПОЫКЭ.МШЦ,..... ( : 19.җ3.2җ14). 2. Җ Д Ж : ( : ). 3. Җ Д Ж : ( : 19.җ3.2җ14). ~ 258 ~

259 «А з» (191ү-193ң.).., 116.,...,.., Д2Ж. -, -.,. Д4Ж.,,,...,. Д1Ж.,,,.,. - Д3Ж. 191Ү,., Д1Ж. 191ү 3ү. Д3Ж. 192җ 143,Ң...,.,,, Д4Ж.,.,,,.,,, Д3Ж , 2Ү ( ). Д1Ж.,..,,,. 1.,.. Җ :, 2җ җ. 2.,.. Җ :, 2җ11. - ңңң. 3.,.. : Җ..,. ; :, 2җ ,.. Җ..,..,.. ; :, 2җҗ ~ 259 ~

260 III М я - я я з з.., 216.,...,..,,., (, ) ( ) Д1Ж.,,,., Д2Ж..,,., : ; ; ; ; ; ;. 1.. Җ.:, ,.. Җ.... :, 2җҗ4..14ң , 116.,...,..,,,,. -, Д1Ж..,,. Д2Ж.,.,.. (19үҗ.). 19Ү4 19үҗ.,,., үҗ. 19үҗ.,,.,,, XXII. ~ 260 ~

261 «А з»,,,,, Д3Ж., 19ү4. - ( )., Д3Ж..,. 2җ14.., -, -,,., 2җ12..,, Д4Ж.,.,. 1. Җ Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.НТЬЬОЫМКЭ.МШЦҖМШЧЭОЧЭҖЬЩШЫЭ-kak-instrument-politicheskogo-vozdeistviyana-sovremennoe-ШЛЬСМСОЬЭЯШ,..... ( : 2Ү.җ3.2җ14). 2.. Һ Җ Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.НТХОЭКЧЭ.ЫЮҖКЫЭТМХОЬҖ2җ23ү4Ү2Җ,..... ( : ). 3.,.. Җ.... :, 2җ Җ Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.ТЧШЬЦТ.ЫЮҖаШЫХНҖ2җ13җҮ22Җ2111ңҗ24Ү.СЭЦХ,..... ( : 2Ү.җ3.2җ14)...,,......,..,,,,., -. 9җ-. ( 29 2җ12 ),.,, -,,... -,. -., -, ~ 261 ~

262 III М я - я я з з ( ), -.,,,., -. -, - -,, -. -,, -,, (,,,,, ) -., (, ). -, -, -, - -.,, -. (,,... ).,. -, ,.116,...,... XIX.,.. 1ң ,. 13, , II,. 191Ү Д2Ж. ~ 262 ~

263 «А з». 19Ңҗ, Ң1,, [3]. 7 19Ң1 4Ң- ( ).,,,. (19Ң1-19ҮҮ), (19ҮҮ-19ү3), ( ), (19ү9-1992), (199җ-1992) [3]. үҗ- 9җ-.,,,. 1 19ү9, ,,, 2җҗ1 Д3Ж. 1992, 1993 Д3Ж. 2җҗ1 2җ1җ. 1 2җ1җ,, -2010,,., ё. 4 2җ1җ, ё Д4Ж. 2җ1җ.., 2җ13. 2җ14.,.,,. 1. Җ Д Ж : ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14). 2. Җ Д Ж : ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14). 3. / Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖааа.ШХвЦЩТМ.ЫЮҖ,..... ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14). 4. Internet vikipedia / Д Ж : СЭЭЩ:ҖҖЫЮ.аТФТЩОНТК.ШЫРҖ/,..... ( : 2Ң.җ3.2җ14) ,...,..., -,,,.,., -,. -,, :. ;,. ;., -. -,, : ~ 263 ~

264 III М я - я я з з 1),,,.. : 2),,,. : 3),,. : 4),, -. :., -,. 5), : 6).,. :,, - ң. -. ( «)..,.., ,...,.. ң 1Ү 2җ13 - ББVII,,., «-»,,,..,., «2җ13», : «.,,,,. -,,. 3җҗ, -». -.., -, -2җ13.,.., ~ 264 ~

265 «А з» ү:җҗ 14:җҗ.,,.,.. :, Ңҗ, 2Ң 2,Ң ; (, - ); ; ( )..,,.. ( 3җ ).,.,,. :. 4җ %,, 3җ %,. (Ңң%), ( ң%).,.,.,,.,.,,, ё 1ү 3җ.,.,.. ; (ңҗ %),, ё.,,.,,,..., 116.,...,...,,,. - 1ҮҮ2,,.,. 19үү.., -.. Д1Ж..,, ,. -, 19җү,., - Д1Ж., -,, ~ 265 ~

266 III М я - я я з з. : -,. Д1Ж. 2җ-....,,. 193җ -. ҮҢ 11җ, 3җҗ 3җҗҗ , Д1Ж. 19ү9,,,. 19ү9-9Ң.,. 199Ң. 2җҗ2..,,, -,,..,.,.,.,,.,. : -,,. 1.,.. : Җ.... :, Ңңҗ..., 241.,...,...,,,,.,.Д1, ],,,,, -...,,,.,, ( ). ~ 266 ~

267 «А з»,. ;.., Ecole hôteliчre de Lausanne ( L),., :,,,,,..,,.., :. Ecole hôteliчre de Lausanne ( L) -, :,,,,.,,,., Д2,. Ү2-75].,,,,.,,,. :,.,,,., 3җ ( )., (, ),..,..,,,,, -,., -. -,,,,.,. -, -., Т Т Т Т Т ҖҖ Т Җ..,..,.I., Т.. - Т : Т, I. Т Т - Т Т Т Т ҖҖ Т Җ.I.,..,..,.I.,.. Т. Т : Т, 2җҗ4. ~ 267 ~

268 III М я - я я з з, (191ү-1922.).., 116.,...,.. -.,. 191ү,,, Д1Ж. -.,.,, ё Д2Ж. -,. 191ү : 1) «,,» (ү ); 2) (2җ ); 3) (22 ) Д3Ж.,,..,.. (,, ),.. (, ),.. (,,, 1- ),.. (,, ) , 1919, Ң, 192җ,., - 191ү 1922,.,. 1. Җ Д Ж : ( 1Ң.җ3.2җ14). 2. Җ Д Ж : ( 3җ.җ3.2җ14) Җ Д Ж : ( 1Ң.җ3.2җ14)..., 216., :...,..,,. ~ 268 ~

269 «А з»,.,, Д1Ж., -..,,,,. - : IT-,,,,..,,., : 1., , ,, :,, ; -,, ;, ;,,..,. 1.,... Җ..,... -, 2җҗ9. 32җ..., 318.,...,..,.,,,,.. [1].,.,.,,.,,,., Д2Ж.,,., : (,, ),,.... Д3, 4Ж. : ~ 269 ~

270 III М я - я я з з ,,. -, -., Д4Ж.,,.,,,,.,,,,.,,,,. 1.,.. Җ... -, 19ү3.. 1Ң9. 2.,.. Җ..,..,.. -,199Ң.. ңү. 3.,... Җ... -, 2җҗ2..1ңҗ. 4.,.. Җ..., Ң4..., 318.,...,.. 21җ җ11,.. Д1Ж: - ; - ; - ; - -,, ; -,., Ң2.,,., «, - ~ 270 ~

271 «А з»..,.,,,,. 1. Д Ж : ( :1Ң.җ3.2җ14). ~ 271 ~

272 III М я - я я з з ң,,.., 4, ,.. «.,, WI-FI,....,.,. IT-.,,, -.,. : : - ; - ( ) ; - -,,. : (1Ң-1Ү ). Ңҗ, 2җ.,,.,,,,,,,..,,. : «(,..) Һ - (4җ%), ҮҢ%, (,..).,,.,. ~ 272 ~

273 «А з». : «Һ», «( )Һ»., 9җ% 1Ң 1Ү 9Ң% 1ү 21. ҮҢ%, 2җ% -,,, ҢҢ% 3җ%.,., -,. :, - 1Ң%.,, ( ), (,, ),. : 1.,.,,,,,. 2.,,,,,,,,..,,.,, ,,. 2җ1җ 3җ %,,. : 2җ1җ үҗ., : -,, -., -, -,..,.,., ( ),,,., :.,,,,.,,,, 1җҗ%.,,, - :, -,. ~ 273 ~

274 III М я - я я з з - -,,.,. :,, -,.,,., -,..,.,,,. ( ),,. IT-.,,,,.., -,,,.. Samo-, Samo-, Samo-Hotel ( «Samo-soft»), -, - ( )...., 231.,..-..,..,., -,,,,,., t,, t. t t,,,. -,, t ( ).,,. -,,,,,.. t t M t t.,,.,, t ;. t m x m x 1 n X,.. mx xi. n i 1 n 1 D x D x D 2 x xi mx, n 1 i 1. t t ( t ~ 274 ~

275 «А з», m x D x ).,..,...,., t t.,,. t t t t,.,,, P t t t t.,., t t P t t ~ 275 ~ n n, ( )., ( ).,, 0,85; 0,90; 0,999,., t t P t t., t J t ; t.. J, D x 1 1 arg n 2, 1 1 arg 2,. (. 1),, 1 1 arg ,80 1,282 0,86 1,475 0,92 1,750 0,97 2,169 0,81 1,310 0,87 1,513 0,93 1,810 0,98 2,325 0,82 1,340 0,88 1,554 0,94 1,880 0,99 2,576 0,83 1,371 0,89 1,597 0,95 1,960 0,9973 3,000 0,84 1,404 0,90 1,643 0,96 2,053 0,999 3,290 0,85 1,439 0,91 1,694. 2җ ( ): 10,5; 10,8; 11,2; 10,9; 10,4; 10,6; 10,9; 11,0; 10,3; 10,8; 10,6; 11,3; 10,5; 10,7; 10,8; 10,9; 10,8; 10,7; 10,9; 11,0. 0,8. 10,78 x 1 1 0,8 arg 1, ,064 1,282 0, , m D 0,064 x.

276 III М я - я я з з 1җ,Ү1 1җ,үҢ., җ,ү 1җ,Ү1 1җ,үҢ. 1җ,ң9 1җ,үҢ., 0,9,, 0,093 0,999, 0,186, 99,9% 1җ,Ң9 1җ,9Ү..., 361.,.., 361., ,,.,,.. -,,, ё., :,,,.. :.., (1ңүҮ ). I I,... - ( ),.,. I :,, ;, ;,,. :,,.,. II II -,,,. = ;, ;. II :, ;,, ;,,.. III ~ 276 ~

277 «А з» III -,,,,. III : ;,.,, ;,..,. : 1...,.. :..... Җ.-.:, 2җ :. Җ : -, 2җҗҢ 3... :.. 7-.,..:.., Ң42.:. «,».., ,.,.,, -.,, Һ «-,» [1]. Һ -,,,,,.,,.,,.,.,. -.,,,.,,. -,,,.,,,,.,, ё,,,.,,,.!, -,.,,,.,. «Skype»,,.,.,,.. -., ~ 277 ~

278 III М я - я я з з.,,,,. : : Д Ж. 3-.,...: -, 2җҗң..., 341.,.,...,.. :.., -,,,,,.., :,. : ; ; ; ; ;... ңҗ- HТХЭШЧ, IЧЭОrCШЧЭТЧОЧЭКХ SСОrКЭШЧ IәM, HIS (Hotel Information Systems)., «ОpТЭШЦО PMS IBM ТSОrТОs» (, ). -, -. : Epitome Opera Fidelio..,.,,,,. -.,,. : OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing),.. DКЭК MТЧТЧР ( ). өm,,,.,.. (,,, ), ( ),,. - ~ 278 ~

279 «А з» ( ).,,,., «Teztour», 1Ң.җҗҗ 2 Ң Үҗ :, 1җ, Ңҗ...,.,,,, :, I II..:, 2җҗҗ..., 231.,..-..,..,,.. X, X,..., X m. n 1 2, (. 1), m, X k ( k 1,..., m) X 1 x 11 x 21 X 2 x 12 x 22 i x i1 x i 2 n x n1 x n2,,.,., x ik X k i -.,, X k x 1k x 2k x ik x nk k k... k k... k K k m 22 2m mm, X m x 1m x 2m x im x nm ~ 279 ~

280 III М я - я я з з k i j k ji i - X i j - X j. K,.,.. r 1 ii 1 r r 1 r... r r m X i 23 2m ij, rij. i j n l n i 1 n 1 m x ( l 1,..., m). il 1 D x m 2 ( l 1,..., m) l il l n 1 i 1 n 1 k x m x m ( l 1,..., m; j 1,..., m). l j il l i j j n 1 i 1 kij rij ( i 1,..., m; j 1,..., m). i j : X 1 ( ),, k X 2 X 3 X 4 ( ), ( ), ( ), X 5 ( ). ;., ү3. (. 2). 2 X 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X ,5 115, , , , , , ~ 280 ~

281 «А з» ,5 82, ,5 228, , , , : m1 371,75; D1 4990; 1 70,6 ; m2 167,75; D2 1070; 2 32,7 ; m3 207,5; D3 1555; 3 39,4 ; m4 82,3; D4 644; 4 25,4 ; m5 1960,3; D5 6,23; 5 2,5. : r 11 r r 55 1; r12 0,99 ; r 13 0,99 ; r 14 0,94 ; r 15 0,53 ; r23 0,99 ; r24 0,92 ; r 25 0,56 ; r34 0,94 ; r 35 0,52 ; r45 0,39., : 1 0,99 0,99 0,94 0,53 1 0,99 0,92 0,55 r 1 0,94 0,52 1 0,39 1, 1, ; 0,9 0,7 ; 0,69 0,49 ; җ,. X 1 0,5 ; 0,2,,, X 4, X 5. ri5 0 i 1,...4, X 3, X 4 X 5, ( ).,,, Microsoft Excel.. X 2 X 1, X 3 X 2 X 5, «2D-».., 341., -... ~ 281 ~

282 III М я - я я з з., 2D-.,,,,,. :, html-, P int,.. 2D. :. : Adobe Image Ready, Macromedia Flash. html, Paint,.. 2 D : «2җ14». 2.,.,,,,. 3.,. Paint: «Paint».. png, (, pic1.png)., : pic2. png.,. png-. 4. : ( HTML), Paint,,,..,..1 : 5.,.,,,,, song.mp3..2 : 6. 2D -! : - «...» - «Google Chrom»..,. : : 2D..,, : Paint, html,,. : ~ 282 ~

283 «А з» 1.,.., : Җ..,.., :, 199ң. - 1Ү4. 2.,. Җ. ; : :, 2җҗ4. - Ү1. :. :.., 361.,.., 361.,.....,..,., Һ :,.... -,. ( ),.,. :,,. :... 1., ,.,. 3.,, ( ).,. 1.,,. 2.,,.. 1..,,,. 2.,,.,..,..,,.,.,, ё. ~ 283 ~

284 III М я - я я з з 1...,.. :..... Җ.-.:, 2җ :. Җ : -, 2җҗҢ..., 361.,.., 361.,....,,,,,.,..,,, (F ).. - (F ), ( ), ( ), : F = - Ф x, б, Ф. :..,. ( ) , ё,., (, ),. : ( ), (, ); ;,,,., : ;,, ( ).,,.,,.,, ( ).,,,..,,. -,.,,. : ~ 284 ~

285 «А з», ;,,..,,. 1...,.. :..... Җ.-.:, 2җ :. Җ : -, 2җҗҢ 3... :.. 7-.,..:.., Ң42.:..., 341.,., ,. :..,,.,,,..,.,,,,,,. ( )Һ ңҗ-,.,..,,,,,,,.. (Global Distribution System - GDS): AЦКНОЮs, GКХТХОШ, SКЛrО АШrХНspКЧ. Ңҗҗ,.. 1. AЦКНОЮs 19үҮ. ӘТЫ FЫКЧМО, IЛОЫТК, LЮПЭСКЧЬК, SӘS.,. Amadeus:,,,, ӘЦКНОЮЬ,, GКХТХОШ 19үҮ. әытэтьс ӘТЫаКвЬ, SаТЬЬКТЫ, KLM, ӨШЯТК, ӘХТЭКХТК ӘЮЬЭЫТКЧ ӘТЫХТЧОЬ. GКХТХОШ 1җҗ,,,,, «-». Ң2Ү, 2җ2, 4Ү 14,Ң. ;,, ;,,,,. 3. АШrХНspКЧ 1993 : PӘRS TАӘ өәtәs өохэк ӘТЫХТЧОЬ,. ~ 285 ~

286 III М я - я я з з ( )., (4үҮ ), (39. 21ң ),,, (4Ң ). 2Ң.. 4. SКЛrО 19ң4. ӘЦОЫТМКЧ ӘТЫХТЧОЬ, Ү., -, :,, :,, :, 2җҗ3 2. ". ". Д Ж ҖҖ ( 31.җ3.2җ14).., 341,....,,.,,,,, -., ё,,..,,.,,.,. -,.,,,.,,. :,. :, ;, ; ;. : -. : 1 «( )» - 3ң1 «( )» :,,.., ~ 286 ~

287 «А з» Moodle. 1.,. Һ Һ a). b). c) IӨQ. d) e) f). a), 4 b) 2-3 c) (%) (%) Һ a) b), c) Һ Һ a), b), c) a) b), c) d), e) , 91% (), үң% (). (ң4%) (4Ң%)., 2-3.,, (ң4% ),., 2-. ( ).,, (4Ң%) ё 2Ү%,.,,,,. «2D-» , 341., D-.,.. :, html-, P int,. ~ 287 ~

288 III М я - я я з з. 2D. web-,, FХКЬС-, -,,. 2D Html, Paint,,,...,, 2D - - 2җ14.. ё,. :,,., -,. Paint.,.,, pic1.png, pic2.png, pic3.png.. pic1.png pic2.png pic3.png.1, html., html,..2 :,. song.mp3. ~ 288 ~

289 «А з».3 :. Internet Explorer..4 Internet Explorer :, 2D.,,. 1.,.., : Җ..,.., :, 199ң. - 1Ү4. 2.,. Җ. ; : :, 2җҗ4. - Ү1. :. SMART-..,.,,, -..2җ җ12 N 273- «,,» [1].. -. SЦКЫЭ әшкын,, -, - ( )., Smart-, smart-,,,. Smart-,,,.. SЦКЫЭ-, ~ 289 ~

290 III М я - я я з з,.,. Smart-,.,,. -,... Т : «Microsoft Word 2җ13». : «,»., : 1., ~ 290 ~

291 «А з». Smart Board «Microsoft Word 2җ13»,,, -., -, Д Ж: 29 2җ12 2Ү3- ҖҖ.. Ң9Үң җ GOOGLE ~ 291 ~

292 III М я - я я з з., 251,...,,. -,,.,, Web-., -.,., Web-,,, ( ).. GШШРХО, Web-,,,. GШШРХО (GШШРХО ӘЩЩЬ),,. GШШРХО ӘЩЩЬ : Gmail ( GШШРХО) Google Google Google Google - ( MТМЫШЬШПЭ OППТМО) Google Apps Marketplace ( ), Google, GШШРХО ӘЩЩЬ.,,. Google,. Google. Gmail,. РЦКТХ.МШЦ. GЦКТХ,. GШШРХО ӘЩЩЬ 3җ..,,.,,,. К Google.,,.,,. Google. GШШРХО,.. Google,,,,. Google :,,,,,, ;,,, ;,,. Google Hangouts,. HКЧРШЮЭЬ 15. HКЧРШЮЭЬ., ё., HКЧРШЮЭЬ GШШРХО, GЦКТХ GШШРХО., GШШРХО ӘЩЩЬ, GШШРХО. GШШgle. ~ 292 ~

293 «А з» GШШРХО,,.,, -. GШШРХО, ё. 191ү 193җ..., 116.,,, -,,,,.,,,,,,, -.,, -., Д1Ж.., Д2Ж.. 191ү 193җ. ( ).. 191ү -, ( ), ( ), ( )., [2]. -.,.,.,,. 192җ. Д1Ж. 192җ.,, -... Д1Ж. 2Ү ( ).,. -,,,,.,.,. ~ 293 ~

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