Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. A new Divide and Shuffle Based algorithm of Encryption for Text Message

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1 ISSN: Australian Journal of Basi and Applied Sienes Journal home page: A new Divide and Shuffle Based algorithm of Enryption for Text Message Dr. S. Muthusundari R.M.D. Engineering College, Department of Computer Siene & Engineering, S. Muthusundari, PO Box , Kavaraipettai, Chennai, India. A R T I C L E I N F O Artile history: Reeived 16 April 2015 Aepted 12 June 2015 Available online 10 July 2015 Keywords: ipher text, reverse, divide, shuffle, seurity A B S T R A C T In today s situation, data is transmitted over network needs protetion form hakers. Seurity plays a ruial part in transmissions. Enryption and deryption algorithms take a vital role in providing the data seurity against the attaks. Enryption of data is an important topi for researh, as seure and effiient algorithms are needed in order to optimize enryption and deryption of data[1]. This paper proposes a new enryption algorithm, whih uses reverse onept of the text message to enrypt and to derypt the message whih uses divide and Shuffle methods. This algorithm provides high seurity in transmission over network 2015 AENSI Publisher All rights reserved. To Cite This Artile: Dr S. Muthusundari., A new Divide and Shuffle Based algorithm of Enryption for Text Message. Aust. J. Basi & Appl. Si., 9(20): , 2015 INTRODUCTION The data transmission between sender and reeiver over the network needs to be proteted from unauthorized parties. Data integrity, authentiation, and serey of exhanged data should be made while they are in transmission. The data should be effetively enrypted at the sender side and only the intend reeiver should be able to interpret the ipher text message. Proper keys should be used to enrypt and derypt the text messages. The original message of the sender alled as the plain text is onverted into an unreadable form, alled as ipher text. The ipher text is transmitted over the network to the reeiver, who derypts it into original message using the same private key [2]. There are several reasons for using enryption (examples are given below, and the rypto system that one should use is the one best suited for one's partiular purpose and whih satisfies the requirements of the following. Ease-of-use Reliability Seurity Related Work: S.P Padia et al (2012) have proposed a new plain text based transposition method. Earlier they developed few transposition tehniques[10]. In this paper they have attempted to enhane those tehniques and made them more advaned. In the old tehnique suh as rail fene, they are key based to enrypt the plain text. They have exposed already in the journal paper, the reverse transposition tehnique and Odd-Even transposition tehnique (The IUP journal of Computer sienes, Vol. V, No. 4, 2011) are in whih key is depend on the plaintext so that sender or reeiver an easily understand and easily derypt the ipher text into plaintext but these tehniques does not provide any limitation for the generation of key value. And it does not provide any idea about the digits, haraters and speial harater. There is no provision to reapture blank spaes of the words of the plaintext. Yashpalsingh Rajput et al (2014) have proposed an Improved Cryptographi Tehnique for the enryption of text message using double enryption. This work proposes an improved sheme for the enryption of the plain text message for its seurity[6]. All the onventional enryption tehniques are very weak and brute fore attak and traditional ryptanalysis an be used to easily determine the plain text from enrypted text. In this work of enryption tehnique, a new ombined onept of onventional easer ipher algorithm with hill ipher algorithm is used to make enryption tehnique a muh more seure and stronger than the earlier onept. The deryption proess is very diffiult. The proposed system is divided into two phases. In first phase, to enrypt a new substitution approah is used as first enrypted text. The enryption is done using variable length key whih depends on the string length. In the seond phase, the hill ipher tehnique is applied on the first enrypted Corresponding Author: Dr. S. Muthusundari, R.M.D. Engineering College, Department of Computer Siene & Engineering, PO Box , Kavaraipettai, Chennai, India.

2 493 Dr. S. Muthusundari, 2015 text to produe new enrypted text or ipher text. Based on the deryption key, the reeiver an generate the original text message. Bhagat et al (2013) have proposed a Reverse Enryption Algorithm: A Tehnique for Enryption & Deryption. This paper has proposed a new enryption algorithm, alled Reverse Enryption Algorithm (REA). This proposed algorithm is very simple and has very fast approah. REA enryption algorithm provides a seured enryption and ost benefits method. Himanshu Gupta and Vinod kumar sharma (2013) have proposed a Multiphase Enryption: A New Conept in Modern Cryptography. The onventional methods of enryption an only dealt with maintaining the data seurity [4]. The information ould be aessed by the unauthorized user to lead maliious purpose. Therefore, it is neessary to apply effetive enryption/ deryption methods to enhane data seurity. The multiple enryption tehniques of present time annot provide suffiient seurity. In this researh paper, the new enryption tehnique named as Multiphase Enryption is proposed. In this enryption tehnique, original data is enrypted several times with different strong enryption algorithms at eah time. This enryption tehnique enhanes the omplexity in enryption algorithm at a great extent. Ernastuti (2014) proposed a Perfet Shuffle algorithm for ryptography. This paper proposes the new algorithm based on perfet shuffle tehnique. It is alled Perfet Shuffle Crypto Algorithm (PSCA) whih is lassified as a transposition or permutation tehnique in the rypto system [5]. The PSCA is an asymmetry key enryption, uses a pair of keys, that are a publi key for enrypting data, and a orresponding private seret key for derypting. PSCA is very fast and simple for tehnial support. For the linear plaintext length of N=2n, it will take O (N log N) to omplete both enryption and deryption proess. The PSCA is provided a seure, espeially for ipher text-only attak. It is enabling to apply PSCA as a basi algorithm alternative to develop or reate a rypto algorithm whih employs the layered sheme. Proposed Methodology: The proposed enryption algorithm has the following features. A. Algorithm: 1. Get the plain text from the sender 2. Reverse the plain text as ipher text Fig. 1: Enryption algorithm. B. Working priniple of enryption proess: The original message: welome 1. Plain text: welome 2. Reverse the plain text : emolew Cipher Text: emolew C. Enryption Blok diagram: D. Deryption Algorithm: The deryption algorithm performs the reverse operations of enryption suh that P = D (K, C). It is done in three steps. The proedures are as follows, Fig. 2: Enryption Blok Diagram. 1. Get the ipher text from the sender 2. To find the Mid value = n/2 3. If n is even then 3 a) divide the list in to two halves as 1 to mid value and mid + 1 to n. b) Eah divided list of its own array element shuffle in its position.

3 494 Dr. S. Muthusundari, If n is odd then 4 a) divide the list in to two halves as 1 to mid -1 and mid + 1 to n b) repeat step 3 b) ) and keep the mid value as in its position 5. original plain text Fig. 3: Deryption Algorithm. E. Working priniple of Deryption Proess 1. Get the ipher text from the sender ipher text: e m o l e w 2. To find the mid value: n = 7 Mid value = 7/2 = 3.5, hene onsider mid = 4 3. n is not even so step 4 will funtion. 4. n is odd then 4 a) divide the list in to two halves as 1 to mid -1 and mid + 1 to n e m o l e w e 4 b) Eah divided list of its own array elements shuffle in its position e m o l w e w m o l e e w m o w e o w e l l m e l e e o m e 5 Original Plain Text: welome F. Deryption Blok Diagram Fig. 4: Deryption Blok Diagram. G. Case Study I:

4 495 Dr. S. Muthusundari, 2015 Enryption Proess Plain text: ashwin Cipher text: n i w h s a Deryption proess 1. the ipher text: n i w h s a 2. find the mid value: n= 6 Mid = 6/2 = 3 3. N is even. 3 a) divide the list into two halves n i w h s a 3 b) shuffle by its own array n i w h s a Plain Text : a s h w i n RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS To study the effetiveness of this proposed algorithm ompares with respet to enryption using Double enryption [1] and Multiphase [2] enryption algorithm. We have used programming language C to implement both the algorithms. The implementation results show that the performane of the proposed algorithm is ahieving better than the enryption algorithm using Double and Multiphase enryption algorithm. A few ase studies have been arried out to get an average of this study; the result is given in the table 1 with respet to time taken to enrypt & derypt proess. Based on the analysis of the result, the proposed algorithm is ensured its performane. Table 1: Comparison with respet to time taken to enrypt & Derypt Sno Data Time taken to enrypt & Derypt in seonds Double enryption Multiphase enryption Proposed method Fig. 5: Performane with respet to enrypt & Derypt data. Conlusion: In this paper we have presented an implementation of reverse and shuffle algorithm for seured message ommuniation. The main objetive was to evaluate the performane of this algorithm in terms of data size. The results have shown that the proposed enryption algorithm was very effetive in omplexity and seurity. It was ahieved the

5 496 Dr. S. Muthusundari, 2015 effetiveness to enrypt the message from the ase study. The omputing time also minimum with respet to Double and Multiphase enryption from table 1. The Enryption algorithm, presented above, is a simple, diret method using reverse and shuffle tehnique. Consequently, it is reliable fast and suitable for high speed enryption appliations. The n value heking of ipher text transmission gives strength to this enryption algorithm. The ombination of reverse, divide and shuffle makes the deryption proess very reliable and serey. symmetri enryption algorithms, International Journal of Network Seurity, 10(3): Elminaam, D.S.A., H.M.A. Kader and M.M. Hadhoud, Evaluating the effets of symmetri ryptography algorithms on power onsumption for different data types, International Journal of Network Seurity, 11(2): REFERENCES Muthusundari, S., S. Santhosh Baboo, A New Enryption method for seured message passing by Soritng Tehnique, Seond International Conferene CCSIT, Bangalore,(Springer). Jan Mohammad Najar, Shahid Bashir Dar, A New Design Of A Hybrid Enryption Algorithm,International Journal of Engineering & Computer Siene, 3(11). Dr. Prerna Mahajan, Abhishek Sahdeva, A Study of Enryption Algorithms AES, DES and RSA for Seurity, Global Journal of Computer Siene and Tehnology Network, Web & Seurity Volume 13Issue 15 Version 1.0. Himanshu Gupta, Multiphase Enryption Tehnique, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 5(4). Ernastut, Perfet Shuffle Algorithm For Cryptography, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sienes, 9(12). Yashpalsingh Rajput, An Improved Cryptographi Tehnique to Enrypt Text using Double Enryption, International Journal of Computer Appliations ( ) 86(6). Henk, C.A. van Tilborg, Fundamentals of Cryptology, pp: Nordin, M., A. Rahman, A.F.A. Abidin, Mohd Kamir Yusof, N.S.M. Usop, Cryptography: A New Approah of Classial Hill Cipher, IJSA, 7(2). Kashish Goyal, Supriya Kinger, Modified Caesar Cipher for Better Seurity Enhanement, International Journal of Computer Appliations, 73(3). Padiya, S.D. and D.N. Dhakane, Plain Text based Transposition Method, International Journal of Advaned Researh in Computer Siene and Software Engineering, 2(7). William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Seurity, 3 rd edition, Pearson Eduation. Priti V. Bhagat and Kaustubh S. Satpute, Reverse Enryption Algorithm: A Tehnique for Enryption & Deryption, International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Tehnology (IJLTET), 2(1). Elminaam, D.S.A., H.M.A. Kader and M.M. Hadhoud, Evaluating the performane of

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