Babu Madhav Institute of information technology 2016

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1 Course Code: Course Name: Web Development using ASP.NET MVC Unit 1 Short Questions 1. What is an ASP.NET MVC? 2. Write use of FilterConfiguration.cs file. 3. Define: 1) Model 2) View 3) Controller 4. Write syntax of Razor view engine. 5. What is dependency resolution in MVC 3? 6. What is global action filters? 7. What is MVC 4? 8. Which top features are including in MVC4? 9. Write an advantage of routing which is implemented in MVC Write use of AuthConfig.cs. 11. Which Configuration file is used to register bundles used by bundling and minification system? 12. What does Empty MVC Project template includes in the project folder? 13. List the software that required for develop an ASP.NET MVC Which view engines are used to develop and ASP.NET MVC 4 application. 15. Write full form of MVC. 16. List any four features of MVC What is Routing? State whether given statement is true or false. 1. ASP.NET MVC is a framework. 2. We can display message without controller. 3. View is representing the controller data. 4. Model encapsulates data and creates class. 5. Razor view engine support only html tag. 6. MVC 2 support Razor View engine. 7. We cannot write C# code in the ASPX view. 8. For display any message on the screen we have to create Model. 9. ~ Sign is used to write C# code in the Razor view. 10. Good IntelliSense is one of the features of Razor View. 11. Using Razor view we can work with any text editor. 12. MVC 2 action filter provide hooks to execute code before or after an action method perform. 13. Scaffolding is one of the features of Razor View. 14. Http programming model is one of the features of ASP.NET Web API. 15. AuthConfig.cs is miscellaneous features of ASP.NET MVC Asp.NET MVC 4 only provides the empty template. 17. The given code is correct or = Browse Albums ; } 18. Data annotation and data validation is not providing by the ASP.MVC 3. Choose correct answer from the given option. 1. ASP.NET MVC is a) Framework b) Technology c) Language d) Platform 2. View is represent Ms. Jigna Solanky, Mr. Kaushal Jani Page 1

2 a) Encapsulation of data. b) User interface c) Action d) None of the above. 4. is representing the relationship between data and user interface. a) Model b) View c) Controller d) MVC 5. Which view engines supported by MVC3? a) Razor view b) ASCX View c) ASPX View d) All of the above. 6. Which view engine supported by MVC4? a) Razor View b) ASPX View c) ASCX View d) B and c. 7. Data annotation and validation is support in. a) MVC 1 b) MVC 2 c) MVC 3 d) MVC 4 8. Strongly typed HTML helper is introduce in a) MVC 1 b) MVC 2 c) MVC 3 d) MVC 4 9. If you need to write the C# code in the Razor view which signs is required. a) ~ b) % c) # 10. Mobile project and template is introduced in the a) MVC 1 b) MVC 2 c) MVC 3 d) MVC Which default rout is available in MVC4 a) Controller/Id b) Controller/action c) Action/id d) Controller/action/id 12. Which configure file is used for login. a) Bundle.Config.cs b) Filter.Config.cs c) AuthConfig.cs d) None of the above. 13. Which class handle URL request? a) Script b) Controller c) Filter d) App_Data Ms. Jigna Solanky, Mr. Kaushal Jani Page 2

3 14. Conversion over the configuration concept was made popular by a) Ruby on Rail b) Ruby on Reail c) Ruby on Rial d) None of the above. Long Questions 1. Explain miscellaneous features of MVC. 2. Write different between MVC 3 and MVC Create a simple application to display Hello This Is My First Application. 4. Explain the Razor view engine. 5. Explain all Web API features. 6. Write short note on the template. 7. Explain MVC Explain features of MVC Write advantages of MVC. 10. Write steps to install MVC4 and list software required to develop an ASP.NET MVC application. 11. Differentiate between ASP.NET web application and MVC application. 12. Explain MVC4 application structure. Unit 2 Short Questions 1. What is View Bag? 2. Define: View data. 3. What is Action result? 4. What is View result method? 5. Is it possible to share a view across multiple controllers? 6. Give one example of the Action Method with parameter. 7. What is the role of controllers in an MVC? 8. Give name of few different return types of a controller action method. 9. What is the use of default route? 10. Which class derives from the ActionResult Class? 11. Write syntax of the Action Method. 12. What is the role of the controllers in the MVC? 13. Which two controller class will add when we created project using Internet Application template? 14. If I created the Home controller then what is the responsibility of it. 15. Write step to add controller in the project. 16. What is extension of the controller class? 17. By which key we can run our application? 18. Which action () method already added when we add new controller? 19. How developer can establish connectivity between application and database? 20. Define : Action Method 21. Write syntax for calling About method from Index" action method in controller. 22. When tilde syntax is used then why it is necessary to supply file extension. 23. Differentiate ViewBag and ViewData. 24. Write syntax for in view using Razor view engine. 25. What is Partial View? 26. Why controller is called heart of application? 27. What is use of Layout? 28. What is the purpose of _ViewStart.cshtml file. 29. Razor engine was introduced in which version of MVC? 30. Which key transition character used in Razor? Ms. Jigna Solanky, Mr. Kaushal Jani Page 3

4 31. Write syntax for declaring code block using Razor. Long Questions 1. Write code to display Hello this is my first ASP.NET MVC application using only ViewData. 2. Write code to display Hello this is my first ASP.NET MVC application using the ViewBag. 3. Write code to display I am studying in MSc(IT) without creating View. 4. Write steps to add views and print your personal details using views. 5. Write short note on the ViewData and ViewBag. 6. Explain how we can create strongly types views. 7. Write steps to add controller in the project and display Good morning message using controller. 8. Explain Views in detail. 9. Explain all seven detail which available when we add the view dialog options. 10. Explain Scaffold template. 11. Explain Layouts. 12. Explain Razor view engine. 13. Write code to make sum of two numbers. 14. Explain controller in detail. 15. Explain partial view. Unit 3 Short Questions 1. What is model? 2. Which namespace is required to use Dbcontext class? 3. What does T stands in Dbset<T>? What is need of DbSet<T>? 4. How developer can explicitly define view as a strongly typed view? 5. Create model for the album class. 6. What is Scaffolding? 7. Define: Empty Controller. 8. Define controller with empty read and write actions. 9. Define controller with Read/Write action and views, using Entity Framework. 10. Write down the code to create properties in our Model class. 11. Which interface is to be use in view to go through list of all data? 12. What is the use ) method? 13. What we have to select in Model class when we create a database application using Entity Data Model? 14. Define Happy Path. 15. Define Sad Path. 16. Write down the syntax to use connection string in Context class. 17. What is the use ) method? 18. What does Empty Controller means in Scaffolding templates types? 19. Write difference between code first convention method and Entity Data Model. 20. Write syntax for adding record to database. Long Questions 1. Explain Scaffolding model. 2. List and explain all controller templates. 3. What is Strongly Typed View? Explain it with the help of simple example. 4. Write down the steps to create Strongly Typed View. 5. Create a registration form for following detail (id, name, address, id, and city) and display all information in same form using ViewBag when user click on submit button. 6. List and explain all the Scaffolding templates. 7. Write a code to inset the record in the given table. Tbl_Student (St_Id, St_Name, St_Gender, St_Address) Ms. Jigna Solanky, Mr. Kaushal Jani Page 4

5 8. Write a code to delete the record in the given table based on the St_Id. Tbl_Student(St_Id,St_Name,St_Gender,St_Address) 9. Write a code to Update the record in the given table based on the St_Id. Tbl_Student(St_Id,St_Name,St_Gender,St_Address) 10. Write a code to display all the record in the table form for the given table. Tbl_Student(St_Id,St_Name,St_Gender,St_Address) 11. Write a code to fetch details of the record in the given table based on the St_Id. Tbl_Student(St_Id,St_Name,St_Gender,St_Address) Choose correct answer from the given option. 1. is the default Scaffolding template option in ASP.NET MVC. a) Empty b) Create c) None d) Details 2. Controller with Empty read/write actions contains which of the following actions? a) Details b) Create c) Edit d) Delete e) All of above 3. method is use to add entities in database. a) Add( ) b) Insert( ) c) Save( ) d) SaveChanges( ) 4. Extension of Entity Data Model is a).edm b).edmx c).cshtml d).edms 5. Which of the following is correct? a) DbSet<classname>objectname {get;set;} b) public DbSet<classname>objectname {get:set:} c) public objectnamedbset<classname>{get;set;} d) public DbSet<classname>objectname {get;set;} 6. construct a new context instance using the given string as a name or connection string from database to which connection will be made. a) base b) Mybase c) Constructor d) Initializer 7. Which namespace is used if we want to use Required validation? a) using System,.Models b) using System.Data c) using System.Data.Entitiy d) None of this 8. CRUD stands for a) Create Relate Update Delete b) Create Retrieve Update Delete c) Create Read Update Delete d) Create Read Update Details 9. Which symbol is use to extend class in ASP.NET MVC4? a) : b) :: c) ; 10. An Empty Controller contains a) Create action b) Index action with no code Ms. Jigna Solanky, Mr. Kaushal Jani Page 5

6 c) Empty action d) None of these 11. Scaffolding option creates a view with a table. a) Edit b) Empty c) Create d) List 12. In which folder does the Entity Data Model resides? a) Model b) View c) Controller d) Shared 13. Connection string is a) Method b) Class c) Object d) Property 14. Which namespace is to be imported in controller if we want to access context class and model class objects? a) Using System,.Models b) using System.Data c) using System.Data.Entitiy d) using ApplicationName.Models Unit 4: Forms and HTML Helpers Short Questions: 1. What is the purpose of HTTPPOST in MVC4? 2. Differentiate to GET and to POST by giving practical demo. 3. What is HTML Helper? 4. List all available Html Helper in MVC4. 5. Compare and contrast Html Helper and Normal Control of Asp.Net 6. Which helper is used to create a form in MVC4? 7. Write a syntax helper. 8. Define Html.ValidationSummary. 9. Write down three available url helpers. 10. What is the difference between Html.Partial and Html.RenderPartial. 11. What is difference between Html.ValidationSummary and Html.ValidationMessage? 12. How one can define strongly typed html helpers? 13. Write down step to change the header name of any class field which is to be displayed to user. 14. Write difference 15. POST method of form used in which kind of operation? Long Question 1. Hello ) helper can be converted into strongly typed html helper? 2. Write a code for html helper to create a form which invoke Search action method of Home controller when user clicks on submit button of that form. 3. Consider a scenario where one MVC application has to display a student registration form and in that form it should ask the user that student is male or female. Consider an above scenario and create a form that will check weather student is male or female display it in one alert box. Note: Write a code of View only. 4. Consider a scenario where one MVC application has 2 tables namely City and Faculty. Assume that City table has 5 records in it. Consider an above scenario and write a code to insert a detail of faculty in Faculty table along with the city name that has been selected from the dropdown list. 5. In which scenario developer can use to GET or to POST? 6. Write down a query to search product information on the bases of product name which is provided by user. 7. Create a form named MyForm which contains two labels and two textbox for username and password. Whenever user clicks on submit button that page should pass all the information to display action method and than that display method should display all the Ms. Jigna Solanky, Mr. Kaushal Jani Page 6

7 detail of MyForm to the client. 8. What is the difference between Html.DropdownList and Html.ListBox? Explain both helpers by giving practical demonstration. 9. What are strongly typed helpers? How Html.DropDownList() helper can be converted into strongly typed helper? 10. Which class is used represents all available items in DropDown or ListBox helper? Give an example of the same. 11. Write a code to demonstrate following helpers. 1. Html.Hidden 2. Html.Password 3. Html.RadioButton 4. Html.CheckBox 12. Differentiate Html.ActionLink and Html.RouteLink by giving practical demonstration. 13. If user wants to apply custom layout to any of its view, write down syntax to apply custom layout to any view. 14. Write down the importance of why developer is adding annotation [HttpPost] before any action method in controller. Unit 5: Data Annotation, Validation and Ajax in MVC Short Questions 1. Which namespace one need to import to use Data Annotation attributes? 2. What is the purpose of Data Annotation in MVC? 3. Write a code for html helper to create a form which invoke Search action method of Home controller when user clicks on submit button of that form. 4. What is Data Annotation? 5. List the available annotation in MVC. 6. Which are the two different annotations are available in System.Web.Mvc? 7. What is the purpose of Required attribute in MVC? 8. What is the difference between Required and RegularExpression annotation? 9. How developer can provide an error message like Your age should be within the age while using a Range annotation? 10. What is custom data annotation? 11. Which class developer has to inherit for the custom data annotation? 12. Write a function prototype of isvalid which is used for custom data annotation? 13. What is the purpose of jquery? 14. What is selector in jquery? 15. Which selector is used to hide all the <p> tag from form? 16. Write a function name which is used to check that weather page load is completed without any error or not? 17. Which tag one need to write to include jquery in.cshtml page? 18. Write down steps to create partial view in MVC. 19. What is the purpose of AjaxOption class? 20. Write down a syntax of Ajax form to create one form which consist of one textbox and one submit button. 21. List all edit annotation. 22. How one can change the order to display field at the client side? 23. What is the way to prevent any filed of model to be scaffold by view? Which annotation is used to prevent such scaffolding? 24. How localization of validation can be done in MVC4? Long Question 1. What is Custom Annotation? Explain it with the help of example to restrict user to enter special characters like!@#$%^&* in name field. 2. Write down a code to create JQuery to display alert box when user clicks on button. Ms. Jigna Solanky, Mr. Kaushal Jani Page 7

8 Your JQuery should also hide all the <p> tags available in that page. 3. What is Data Annotation? Explain it with the help of example to restrict user to enter only 2 words in designation field. 4. What is Ajax ActionLink? Consider a table Product (id, ProductName, Price, Quantity, Color). Create one Ajax ActionLink named MyProducts and whenever user clicks on that ActionLink it should display all available records of Product table into MyProductDiv. 5. What is Ajax Helper? Consider a table Student (id, StudentName, , Percentage, grade). Create one form using Ajax Helper which have one textbox and submit button. Whenever user supply any StudentName in textbox and click on submit button of form than it should display all available information of that student from database to MyStudentDiv. 6. Explain the following Validations and Data Annotations with the help of example. i) Display ii) ScaffoldCoulmn iii) StringLength iv) RegularExpression v) DataType 7. What is JQuery Selectors? Explain the meaning of following JQuery Selectors. i) $("#div") ii) $("#header div") iii) $("#header >div") iv) $("#a:even") v) $( <p> ) 8. What is Data Annotation? Explain it with the help of example to restrict user to enter only 2 words in designation field by creating one custom annotation and apply it to model field. 9. What is JQuery Selectors? Explain the meaning of any FOUR availabe jquery selectors. 10. Explain the following Validations and Data Annotations with the help of example. i) Required ii) Range iii) DisplayFormat iv) ReadOnly v) DataType 11. What is Ajax Action Link? Explain ajax action link by giving one example. 12. What is the difference between Ajax and jquery? Compare it by giving a practical scenario. Unit 6: Routing Short Questions: 1. Where the default routing path of MVC application is defined? 2. What is routing in MVC? 3. Write code to define a default route for any MVC application. 4. How one can change the default path of MVC application? 5. Write the default URL pattern that is followed in MVC4. 6. What Routes Values? How one can define it? 7. Define term: Route Constraints. 8. How one can give any constraint to Route? 9. Compare and contrast Routing and URL rewriting. 10. What is URL rewriting? 11. Which are two purpose have been served by Routing? 12. How we can define routes in MVC? 13. Which function will be used to register route for any application? 14. {language}-{country}/{controller}/{action} The above given path is valid or not? Justify your answer 15. How one can define default value of route in MVC? Long Question 1. Write down the FOUR steps for High Level Request Routing Pipeline. 2. Dose the following URL pattern is valid? Justify your answer. URL: { Controller }/{ action }{ id } 3. Write down steps of how routes generate URL in MVC. 4. How Routes generate URLS? Explain using flowchart. 5. What is the purpose of route in MVC? How developer can define different routes for single application and how we can provide constraint to the routes? 6. Differentiate URL Rewriting and Routing with proper example. Ms. Jigna Solanky, Mr. Kaushal Jani Page 8

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