PART 4 Elaboration Iteration 2 More Patterns

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1 PART 4 Elaboration Iteration 2 More Patterns development cycle iteration phase inc. elaboration construction transition Chapter 22 UML Tools and UML as Blueprint 1

2 Forward, Reverse, and Round-Trip Engineering Forward engineering The generation of code from diagrams; code Reverse engineering Generation of diagrams from code code Round-trip engineering Generation in either direction and can synchronize between UML diagrams and code, ideally automatically and immediately as either is changed. All UML tools claim to support these features, but many are half crippled. Many tools can only do the static models If tool can generate a sequence diagram from the code, you can then much more easily follow the call-flow logic of the system to learn its basic collaborations. 3 Common Report of Valuable Features The most consistent report of UML tool value Claim the value for reverse engineering As a visualization learning aid to understand existing code. Generating UML package, class, and interaction diagrams from code and viewing the diagrams on a monitor, or printing them on large plotter paper As more UML tools become well-integrated with text-strong IDEs (Eclipse, Visual Studio..), and their usability improves More consistent value will be reported in using the tools for both forward and round-trip engineering. 4 2

3 What to Look For in a Tool? Comments on choosing a UML tool First, try a free UML tool. Once you ve chosen a tentative tool, try it on a real project with as many developers as possible, before making a decision. Decide based on the guidance of your developers who have really used it for a long period, not based on the opinion of architects or others who have only made a cursory investigation Choose a UML tool that integrates into your favorite text-strong IDE. Choose a UML tool that supports reverse engineering sequence diagrams from code. Choose a tool that supports printouts to a plotter, on large plotter paper, in large font and diagram sizes, so that large-scale visualization is possible. 5 Update the Diagrams After Coding If using a UML tool integrated with an IDE, working alone, and not doing wall sketching Synchronizing the diagrams is a simple reverse-engineering operation in the IDE. If applying UML as sketch Scenario At the start of a three-week time boxed iteration, there was a modeling day involving UML wall sketches. This is followed by about three weeks of code and test. Finally, it's time to start the next iteration's modeling day. How to proceed? Use a UML tool to reverse engineer the code into UML diagrams, package, class, and interaction diagrams. Print the most interesting ones large on long plotter paper. Sketch on top of them, and sketch below them on whiteboards or static cling sheets. 6 3

4 Chapter 23 Quick Analysis Update Case Study: NextGen POS 1 Objectives Quickly highlight some analysis artifact changes. NextGen POS Use Cases No refinement is needed for the use cases this iteration. In UP, 1~2 day requirements workshop near the end of iteration-1 and the end of iteration-2 to investigate more requirements in detail. The previously analyzed use cases (e.g. Process Sale) will be revisited and refined based on insights gained from iteration-1 programming and tests. In iterative methods, early programming and testing with parallel requirements analysis improved by feedback from early development. SSDs This iteration includes adding support for third-party external systems with varying interfaces, such as a tax calculator. SSDs should be updated to reflect some of the inter-system collaborations. 8 4

5 Case Study: NextGen POS 2 An SSD scenario that illustrates some external systems 9 Case Study: NextGen POS 3 Domain Model In contrast to the prior iteration, the requirements being tackled this time do not involve many new domain concepts. A brief survey of the new requirements suggests PriceRule as a domain concept In this situation, we can skip refining the Domain Model, and move quickly to design work, and let the discovery of new domain concepts occur during object design in the Design Model, when the developers are thinking through a solution, or indeed even while coding. There can be not only too much modeling, but too little. Developers often avoid any analysis or modeling because it seems like a low-value and time-consuming affair. Modeling can add value If one masters the basic guidelines of analysis and design, becomes comfortable with the "languages" and applies these in the spirit of agile modeling. 10 5

6 Case Study: NextGen POS 3 System Operation Contracts No new system operations are being considered in this iteration. In any event, contracts are only an option to consider when the detailed precision they offer is an improvement over the descriptions in the use cases. 11 Case Study: Monopoly 1 Monopoly Use Cases No refinement is needed, as most know the rules of the game. SSDs No update is required and no operation contracts were written Domain model (Next page) There are different squares GoSquare, IncomeTaxSquare, GoToJailSquare The concepts are all similar It is possible to organize them into a generalizationspecialization class hierarchy The superclass Square represents a more general concept and the subclass more specialized ones. 12 6

7 Case Study: Monopoly 2 13 Case Study: Monopoly 3 Guideline: Create a conceptual subclass of a superclass when: The subclass has additional attributes of interest The subclass has additional associations of interest The subclass concept is operated on, handled, reacted to, or manipulated differently than the superclass or other subclasses 14 7

8 Case Study: Monopoly 4 Identifying a superclass and subclass is of value in domain model, because Their presence allows us to understand concepts in more general, refined, and abstract terms It leads to economy of expression, improved comprehension and a reduction of repeated information A few more domain modeling guidelines and points The class Square is defined {abstract} Guideline: Declare superclass abstract Each subclass name appends the superclass name, e.g., GoSquare Guideline: Append the superclass name to the subclass A RegularSqure that does nothing special is also a distinct concept Now that money is involved, the Player has a cash attribute 15 Chapter 24 Iteration 2 More Patterns 8

9 From Iteration 1 to 2 Objective Define requirements for iterations-2. When iteration-1 ends, the following should be accomplished: All the software has been tested: unit, acceptance, load, usability, and so on. The idea in the UP is to do early, realistic, and continuous verification of quality and correctness, so that early feedback guides the developers to adapt and improve the system. Customers have been regularly engaged in evaluating the partial system, to obtain feedback for adaptation and clarification of requirements. The system, across all subsystems, has been completely integrated and stabilized as a baselined internal release. 17 From Iteration 1 to 2 Comments on some skipped activities An iteration planning meeting to decide what to work on in the next iteration, resolve questions, and identify major tasks. The start of the new iteration, use a UML tool to reverse engineer diagrams from the source code of the last iteration (the results are part of Design Model). To illustrate the starting point of the logical design for the next iteration. Usability analysis and engineering for the UI is underway. Database modeling and implementation is underway. Another two-day (for example) requirements workshop occurs, and more use cases are written in their fully dressed format. During elaboration, while perhaps 10% of the most risky requirements are being designed and implemented, there is a parallel activity to deeply explore and define perhaps 80% of the use cases for the system. Participants include developers/architect from the first iteration, so that the investigation and questioning during this workshop is informed from the insights gained from actually quickly building some software. 18 9

10 Iteration-2 2 Requirements and Emphasis: Object Design and Patterns 1 For case studies Iteration-2 ignores requirements analysis and domain analysis, and focuses on object design with responsibilities and GRASP, and applying some GoF design patterns. Iteration-2 of the NextGen POS application handles several interesting requirements: Support for variations in third-party external services. For example, different tax calculators must be connectable to the system, and each has a unique interface. Complex pricing rules. A design to refresh a GUI window when the sale total changes. Note: the above requirements are not newly discovered; these interesting requirements may be identified during inception. (e.g., the Process Sale use case indicates the pricing problem) 19 Iteration-2 2 Requirements and Emphasis: Object Design and Patterns 2 The original Process Sale use case indicates the pricing problem: Main Success Scenario of Process Sale use case : 1.Customer arrives at a POS checkout with goods and/or services to purchase. 2.Cashier tells System to create a new sale. 3.Cashier enters item identifier. 4.System records sale line item and presents item description, price, and running total. Price calculated from a set of price rules.... Supplementary Specification record details of the domain rules for pricing, and indicate the need to support varying external systems

11 Iteration-2 2 Requirements and Emphasis: Object Design and Patterns 3 Supplementary Specification... Interfaces Software Interfaces For most external collaborating systems (tax calculator, accounting, inventory,... ) we need to be able to plug in varying systems and thus varying interfaces.... Domain (Business) Rules ID RULE4... Rule Purchaser discount rules. Employee20% off. Preferred Customer10% off. Senior15% off.... Changeability High. Each retailer uses different rules.... Source Retailer policy Iteration-2 2 Requirements and Emphasis: Object Design and Patterns 4 Supplementary Specification (cont d) Information in Domains of Interest Pricing In addition to the pricing rules described in the domain rules section, note that products have an original price, and optionally a permanent markdown price. A product's price (before further discounts) is the permanent markdown price, if present. Organizations maintain the original price even if there is a permanent markdown price, for accounting and tax reasons

12 Iteration-2 2 Requirements and Emphasis: Object Design and Patterns 5 Incremental Development for a Use Case Across Iterations Because of these requirements, we are revisiting the Process Sale use case in iteration-2, but implementing more scenarios. It is common to work on varying scenarios or features of the same use case over several iterations and gradually extend the system to ultimately handle all the functionality required. Short, simple use cases may be completely implemented within one iteration. One scenario should not be split across iterations; an iteration should complete one or more end-to-end scenarios. Iteration-1 made simplifications so that the problem and solution were not overly complex to explore. 23 Chapter 25 GRASP: More Objects with Responsibilities 12

13 Objective Objective Learn to apply the remaining GRASP patterns GRASP patterns already covered Information Expert, Creator, High Cohesion, Low Coupling, Controller GRASP patterns covered in this chapter Polymorphism Indirection Pure Fabrication Protected Variations 25 Polymorphism 1 Problem How to handle alternatives based on type? How to create pluggable software components? Alternatives based on type Conditional variation is a fundamental theme in programs. If a program is designed using if-then-else or case statement conditional logic, then if a new variation arises, it requires modification of the case logic often in many places. Pluggable software components Viewing components in client-server relationships, how can you replace one server component with another, without affecting the client? 26 13

14 Polymorphism 2 Solution When related alternatives or behaviors vary by type (class), assign responsibility for the behavior using polymorphic operations to the types for which the behavior varies Example 1 NextGen POS Multiple external third-party tax calculators must be supported (such as Tax-Master and Good-As-Gold TaxPro) Each tax calculator has a different interface, so there is similar but varying behavior to adapt to each of these external fixed interfaces or APIs The behavior of calculator adaptation varies by the type of calculator, by Polymorphism we should assign the responsibility for adaptation to different calculator (or calculator adapter) objects themselves, implemented with a polymorphic gettaxes operation 27 Polymorphism

15 Polymorphism 4 Example 2 Monopoly Problem: How to Design for Different Square Actions? When a player lands on the Go square, they receive $200. There's a different action for landing on the Income Tax square, and so forth. Notice that there is a different rule for different types of squares It varies for the types (classes) RegularSquare, GoSquare, and so on. What is the operation that varies? It's what happens when a player lands on a square. By Polymorphism, we'll create a separate class for each kind of square that has a different landedon responsibility, and implement a landedon method in each 29 Polymorphism 5 Abstract 30 15

16 Polymorphism 6 Guideline: Unless there is a default behavior in the superclass, declare a polymorphic operation in the superclass to be {abstract} The remaining interesting problem is the dynamic design: How should the interaction diagrams evolve? What object should send the landedon message to the square that a player lands on? Since a Player software object already knows its location square (the one it landed on), then by the principles of Low Coupling and by Expert, class Player is a good choice to send the message, as a Player already has visibility to the correct square 31 Polymorphism 7 visibility 32 16

17 Polymorphism 8 Consider each of the polymorphic cases in terms of GRASP and the design issues: GoSquare By low representational gap, the Player should know its cash. Therefore, by Expert, the Player should be sent an addcash message. Thus the square needs visibility to the Player so it can send the message RegularSquare In this case, nothing happens In code, the body of this method will be empty sometimes called a NO-OP (no operation) method. Note that to make the magic of polymorphism work, we need to use this approach to avoid special case logic IncomeTaxSquare By low representational gap and by Expert, who should know this? The Player. Thus the square asks for the player's worth, and then deducts the appropriate amount GoToJailSquare Simply, the Player's location must be changed. By Expert, the Player should receive a setlocation message 33 Polymorphism 9 IncomeTax Message is better The GoSquare case The IncomeTaxSquare case The RegularSquare case The GoToJailSquare case Solid line 34 17

18 Polymorphism 10 Discussion Polymorphism is a fundamental principle in designing how a system is organized to handle similar variations. A design based on assigning responsibilities by Polymorphism can be easily extended to handle new variations Guideline: When to Design with Interfaces? Polymorphism implies the presence of abstract superclasses or interfaces in most OO languages. When should you consider using an interface? The general answer is to introduce one when you want to support polymorphism without being committed to a particular class hierarchy If an abstract superclass AC is used (without an interface), any new polymorphic solution must be a subclass of AC Very limiting in single-inheritance languages (e.g., Java, C#) As a rule-of-thumb, if there is a class hierarchy with an abstract superclass C1, consider making an interface I1 that corresponds to the public method signatures of C1, and then declare C1 to implement the I1 interface 35 Polymorphism 11 Contraindications Sometimes, developers design systems with interfaces and polymorphism for speculative "future-proofing" against an unknown possible variation It is not uncommon to see unnecessary effort being applied to future-proofing a design with polymorphism at variation points that in fact are improbable and will never actually arise Benefits Extensions required for new variations are easy to add. New implementations can be introduced without affecting clients Related Patterns Protected Variations A number of popular GoF design patterns rely on polymorphism, including Adapter, Command, Composite, Proxy, State, and Strategy Also Known As; Similar To Choosing Message, Don't Ask "What Kind?" 36 18

19 Pure Fabrication 1 Problem What object should have the responsibility, when you do not want to violate High Cohesion and Low Coupling, or other goals, but solutions offered by Expert (for example) are not appropriate? There are many situations in which assigning responsibilities only to domain layer software classes leads to problems in terms of poor cohesion or coupling, or low reuse potential Solution Assign a highly cohesive set of responsibilities to an artificial or convenience class that does not represent a problem domain concept something made up, to support high cohesion, low coupling, and reuse Such a class is a fabrication of the imagination. Ideally, the responsibilities assigned to this fabrication support high cohesion and low coupling, so that the design of the fabrication is very clean, or pure hence a pure fabrication 37 Pure Fabrication 2 Example 1 NextGen POS Saving a Sale Object in a Database Support is needed to save Sale instances in a relational database. By Information Expert, there is some justification to assign this responsibility to the Sale class itself, because the sale has the data that needs to be saved. But consider the following implications The task requires a relatively large number of supporting databaseoriented operations, none related to the concept of sale-ness, so the Sale class becomes incohesive The Sale class has to be coupled to the relational database interface, so its coupling goes up Saving objects in a relational database is a very general task for which many classes need support. Placing these responsibilities in the Sale class suggests there is going to be poor reuse or lots of duplication in other classes that do the same thing 38 19

20 Pure Fabrication 3 A reasonable solution is to create a new class that is solely responsible for saving objects in some kind of persistent storage medium, such as a relational database; call it the PersistentStorage. This class is a Pure Fabrication figment of the imagination PersistentStorage is not a domain concept, but something made up or fabricated for the convenience of the software developer This Pure Fabrication solves the following design problems: The Sale remains well-designed, with high cohesion and low coupling. The PersistentStorage class is itself relatively cohesive, having the sole purpose of storing or inserting objects in a persistent storage medium. The PersistentStorage class is a very generic and reusable object 39 Pure Fabrication 4 Example 2 Monopoly Problem: Handling the Dice In the current design, the Player rolls all the dice and sums the total. Dice are very general objects, usable in many games. By putting this rolling and summing responsibility in a Monopoly game Player, the summing service is not generalized for use in other games. Another weakness: It is not possible to simply ask for the current dice total without rolling the dice again. By Pure Fabrication we need to make something up to conveniently provide related services A Pure Fabrication called Cup is used to hold all the dice, roll them, and know their total. (next page) 40 20

21 Pure Fabrication 5 DCD for a Cup 41 Pure Fabrication 6 Using the Cup in the Monopoly game 42 21

22 Pure Fabrication 7 Discussion The design of objects can be broadly divided into two groups: Those chosen by representational decomposition The software class is related to or represents a thing in a domain, e.g., Sale. Those chosen by behavioral decomposition Assign responsibilities by grouping behaviors or by algorithm, without any concern for creating a class with a name or purpose that is related to a real-world domain concept, e.g., TableOfContentsGenerator Simply "made up" as a convenience for the object designer to group together some common behavior A Pure Fabrication is usually partitioned based on related functionality, so it is a kind of functioncentric or behavioral object 43 Pure Fabrication 8 Benefits High Cohesion is supported because responsibilities are factored into a fine-grained class that only focuses on a very specific set of related tasks. Reuse potential may increase because of the presence of finegrained Pure Fabrication classes whose responsibilities have applicability in other applications Contraindications Behavioral decomposition into Pure Fabrication objects is sometimes overused by those new to object design and more familiar with decomposing or organizing software in terms of functions. To exaggerate, functions just become objects. There is nothing inherently wrong with creating "function" or "algorithm" objects, but it needs to be balanced with the ability to design with representational decomposition, such as the ability to apply Information Expert 44 22

23 Pure Fabrication 9 Contraindications If overused, Pure Fabrication could lead to too many behavior objects that have responsibilities not co-located with the information required for their fulfillment, which can adversely affect coupling. The usual symptom is that most of the data inside the objects is being passed to other objects to reason with it Related Patterns and Principles Low Coupling. High Cohesion. A Pure Fabrication usually takes on responsibilities from the domain class that would be assigned those responsibilities based on the Expert pattern. All GoF design patterns, such as Adapter, Command, Strategy, and so on, are Pure Fabrications. Virtually all other design patterns are Pure Fabrications. 45 Indirection 1 Problem Where to assign a responsibility, to avoid direct coupling between two (or more) things? How to decouple objects so that low coupling is supported and reuse potential remains higher? Solution Assign the responsibility to an intermediate object to mediate between other components or services so that they are not directly coupled. The intermediary creates an indirection between the other components 46 23

24 Indirection 2 Example NextGen POS: TaxCalculatorAdapter These objects act as intermediaries to the external tax calculators. Via polymorphism, they provide a consistent interface to the inner objects and hide the variations in the external APIs. By adding a level of indirection and adding polymorphism, the adapter objects protect the inner design against variations in the external interfaces 47 Indirection 3 NextGen POS Examples: PersistentStorage The Pure Fabrication example of decoupling the Sale from the relational database services through the introduction of a PersistentStorage class is also an example of assigning responsibilities to support Indirection. The PersistentStorage acts as a intermediary between the Sale and the database Sale PersistentStorage Discussion "Most problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection" is an old adage with particular relevance to object-oriented designs There is also the counter-adage: "Most problems in performance can be solved by removing another layer of 48 indirection!" 24

25 Indirection 4 Discussion Just as many existing design patterns are specializations of Pure Fabrication, many design patterns are also specializations of Indirection, e.g., Adapter, Facade, and Observer Many Pure Fabrications are generated because of Indirection. The motivation for Indirection is usually Low Coupling; an intermediary is added to decouple other components or services Benefits Lower coupling between components. Related Patterns and Principles Protected Variations Low Coupling Many GoF patterns, such as Adapter, Bridge, Facade, Observer, and Mediator Many Indirection intermediaries are Pure Fabrications 49 Protected Variations 1 Problem How to design objects, subsystems, and systems so that the variations or instability in these elements does not have an undesirable impact on other elements? Solution Identify points of predicted variation or instability; assign responsibilities to create a stable interface around them. Note: The term "interface" is used in the broadest sense of an access view; it does not literally only mean something like a Java interface

26 Protected Variations 2 Example NextGen POS: The prior external tax calculator problem and its solution with Polymorphism illustrate Protected Variations The point of instability or variation is the different interfaces or APIs of external tax calculators By adding a level of indirection, an interface, and using polymorphism with various ITaxCalculatorAdapter implementations, protection within the system from variations in external APIs is achieved. Internal objects collaborate with a stable interface; the various adapter implementations hide the variations to the external systems. Discussion Protected Variations (PV) is a very important, fundamental principle of software design! 51 Protected Variations 3 Discussion (cont d) Almost every software or architectural design trick in book data encapsulation, polymorphism, data-driven designs, interfaces, virtual machines, configuration files, operating systems, and much more is a specialization of Protected Variations The fundamental design principle of PV is information hiding Mechanisms Motivated by Protected Variations PV is a root principle motivating most of the mechanisms and patterns in programming and design to provide flexibility and protection from variations variations in data, behavior, hardware, software components, operating systems, and more. The maturation of a developer or architect can be seen in their growing knowledge of ever-wider mechanisms to achieve PV, to pick the appropriate PV battles worth fighting, and their ability to choose a suitable PV solution 52 26

27 Protected Variations 4 Core Protected Variations Mechanisms Data encapsulation, interfaces, polymorphism, indirection, and standards are motivated by PV. Note that components such as virtual machines and operating systems are complex examples of indirection to achieve PV Data-Driven Designs Data-driven designs cover a broad family of techniques including reading codes, values, class file paths, class names, and so forth, from an external source in order to change the behavior of, or "parameterize" a system in some way at runtime Other variants include style sheets, metadata for objectrelational mapping, property files, reading in window layouts, and much more. The system is protected from the impact of data, metadata, or declarative variations by externalizing the variant, reading it in, and reasoning with it 53 Protected Variations 5 Service Lookup Service lookup includes techniques such as using naming services (for example, Java's JNDI) or traders to obtain a service (for example, Java's Jini, or UDDI for Web services). Clients are protected from variations in the location of services, using the stable interface of the lookup service. It is a special case of data-driven design Interpreter-Driven Designs Interpreter-driven designs include rule interpreters that execute rules read from an external source, script or language interpreters that read and run programs, virtual machines, neural network engines that execute nets, constraint logic engines that read and reason with constraint sets, and so forth. This approach allows changing or parameterizing the behavior of a system via external logic expressions. The system is protected from the impact of logic variations by externalizing the logic, reading it in, and using an interpreter 54 27

28 Protected Variations 6 Reflective or Meta-Level Designs An example of this approach is using the java.beans.introspector to obtain a BeanInfo object, asking for the getter Method object for bean property X, and calling Method.invoke. The system is protected from the impact of logic or external code variations by reflective algorithms that use introspection and meta-language services. It may be considered a special case of data-driven designs Uniform Access Some languages, such as Ada, Eiffel, and C#, support a syntactic construct so that both a method and field access are expressed the same way. For example, acircle.radius may invoke a radius():float method or directly refer to a public field, depending on the definition of the class. We can change from public fields to access methods, without changing the client code 55 Protected Variations 7 Standard Languages Official language standards such as SQL provide protection against a proliferation of varying languages The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) LSP formalizes the principle of protection against variations in different implementations of an interface, or subclass extensions of a superclass Informally, software (methods, classes, ) that refers to a type T (some interface or abstract superclass) should work properly or as expected with any substituted implementation or subclass of T call it S. For example: public void addtaxes( ITaxCalculatorAdapter calculator, Sale sale ) { List taxlineitems = calculator.gettaxes( sale ); //... } No matter what implementation of ITaxCalculatorAdapter is passed in as an actual parameter, the method should continue to work as expected 56 28

29 Protected Variations 8 Don't Talk to Strangers (the Law of Demeter) It means to avoid creating designs that traverse long object structure paths and send messages (or talk) to distant, indirect (stranger) objects Such designs are fragile with respect to changes in the object structures a common point of instability A mechanism to achieve protection from structure changes Is formerly a GRASP principle and is replaced by PV which is more general The rule: within a method, messages should only be sent to the following objects: The this object (or self). A parameter of the method. An attribute of this. An element of a collection which is an attribute of this. An object created within the method. 57 Protected Variations 9 Don't Talk to Strangers (cont d) The intent is to avoid coupling a client to knowledge of indirect objects and the object connections between objects. Direct objects are a client's "familiars," indirect objects are "strangers." A client should talk to familiars, and avoid talking to strangers. An example that (mildly) violates Don't Talk to Strangers class Register { private Sale sale; public void slightlyfragilemethod() { // sale.getpayment() sends a message to a "familiar" (passes #3) // but in sale.getpayment().gettenderedamount() // the gettenderedamount() message is to a "stranger" Payment Money amount = sale.getpayment().gettenderedamount(); //... } //... } Stranger 58 29

30 Protected Variations 10 Don't Talk to Strangers (cont d) A more fragile method: public void morefragilemethod() { AccountHolder holder = sale.getpayment().getaccount().getaccountholder(); // } Or more generally: public void dox() { F somef = foo.geta().getb().getc().getd().gete().getf(); // } 59 Protected Variations 11 Don't Talk to Strangers (cont d) The above examples has a pattern: the design is coupled to a particular structure of how objects are connected The farther along a path the program traverses, the more fragile it is. Why? Because the object structure (the connections) may change. This is especially true in young applications or early iterations Strictly obeying this law requires adding new public operations to the "familiars" of an object; these operations provide the ultimately desired information, and hide how it was obtained. For example, to support Don't Talk to Strangers for the previous two cases: // case 1 Money amount = sale.gettenderedamountofpayment(); // case 2 AccountHolder holder = sale.getaccountholderofpayment(); 60 30

31 Protected Variations 12 Contraindications Caution: Speculative PV and Picking Your Battles Definitions for points of change Variation point:variations in the existing, current system or requirements, such as the multiple tax calculator interfaces that must be supported. Evolution point: Speculative points of variation that may arise in the future, but which are not present in the existing requirements PV is applied to both variation and evolution points A caution: Sometimes the cost of speculative "future-proofing" at evolution points outweighs the cost incurred by a simple, more "brittle" design that is reworked as necessary in response to the true change pressures. That is, the cost of engineering protection at evolution points can be higher than reworking a simple design 61 Protected Variations 13 If the need for flexibility and protection from change is realistic, then applying PV is motivated. But if it is for speculative future-proofing or speculative "reuse" with very uncertain probabilities, then restraint and critical thinking is called for Novice developers tend toward brittle designs, Intermediate developers tend toward overly fancy and flexible, generalized ones (in ways that never get used). Expert designers choose with insight; perhaps a simple and brittle design whose cost of change is balanced against its likelihood Benefits Extensions required for new variations are easy to add. New implementations can be introduced without affecting clients. Coupling is lowered. The impact or cost of changes can be lowered 62 31

32 Protected Variations 14 Related Patterns and Principles Most design principles and patterns are mechanisms for protected variation, including polymorphism, interfaces, indirection, data encapsulation, most of the GoF design patterns, and so on. Variation and evolution points are also called "hot spots Also Known As; Similar To PV is essentially the same as the information hiding and open-closed principles, which are older terms. As an "official" pattern in the pattern community, it was named "Protected Variations" in 1996 by Cockburn Parnas intended information hiding to mean hide information about the design from other modules, at the points of difficulty or likely change Parnas's information hiding is the same principle expressed in PV, and not simply data encapsulation which is but one of many techniques to hide information about the design. However, the term has been so widely reinterpreted as a synonym for data encapsulation that it is no longer possible to use it in its original sense without misunderstanding 63 Protected Variations 15 Open-Closed Principle (OCP) Modules should be both open (for extension; adaptable) and closed (the module is closed to modification in ways that affect clients). Is essentially equivalent to the PV pattern and to information hiding OCP and PV are essentially two expressions of the same principle, with different emphasis: protection at variation and evolution points. In OCP, "module" includes all discrete software elements, including methods, classes, subsystems, applications, and so forth In the context of OCP, the phrase "closed with respect to X" means that clients are not affected if X changes For example, "the class is closed with respect to instance field definitions" through the mechanism of data encapsulation with private fields and public accessing methods. At the same time, they are open to modifying the definitions of the private data, because outside clients are not directly coupled to the private data As another example, "the tax calculator adapters are closed with respect to their public interface" through implementing the stable ITaxCalculatorAdapter interface. However, the adapters are open to extension by being privately modified in response to changes in the APIs of the external tax calculators, in ways that do not break their clients 64 32

33 Chapter 26 Applying GoF Design Patterns GoF Design Patterns Object design and the assignment of responsibilities can be explained and learned based on the application of patterns a vocabulary of principles and idioms that can be combined to design objects The Gang-of-Four Design Patterns A seminal and extremely popular work that presents 23 patterns useful during object design Not all of the 23 patterns are widely used; perhaps 15 are common and most useful 66 33

34 Adapter (GoF( GoF) 1 Name: Adapter Problem: How to resolve incompatible interfaces, or provide a stable interface to similar components with different interfaces? Solution: (advice) Convert the original interface of a component into another interface, through an intermediate adapter object NextGen POS example The NextGen POS system needs to support several kinds of external third-party services, including tax calculators, credit authorization services, inventory systems, and accounting systems, among others. Each has a different API, which can't be changed A solution is to add a level of indirection with objects that adapt the varying external interfaces to a consistent interface used within the application 67 Adapter (GoF( GoF) 2 The Adapter pattern 68 34

35 Adapter (GoF( GoF) 3 Append Adaptor Guideline: Include Pattern in Type Name The type names include the pattern name "Adapter." This is a common style and has the advantage of easily communicating to others reading the code or diagrams what design patterns are being used. Related Patterns A resource adapter that hides an external system may also be considered a Facade object, as it wraps access to the subsystem or system with a single object. However, the motivation to call it a resource adapter especially exists when the wrapping object provides 69 adaptation to varying external interfaces. Some GRASP Principles as a Generalization of Other Patterns The previous use of the Adapter pattern can be viewed as a specialization of some GRASP building blocks: Adapter supports Protected Variations with respect to changing external interfaces or third-party packages through the use of an Indirection object that applies interfaces and Polymorphism A Solution to Pattern Overload The pattern almanac 2000 lists around 500 design patterns It's important for an experienced designer to know in detail and by memory 50+ of the most important design patterns, but few of us can learn or remember 1,000 patterns, or even start to organize that pattern plethora into a useful taxonomy Solution: Most design patterns can be seen as specializations of a few basic GRASP principles It is even more helpful to see their underlying basic themes (Protected Variations, Polymorphism, Indirection, ) to help us to cut through the myriad details and see the essential "alphabet" of design techniques being applied 70 35

36 Example: Adapter and GRASP Low coupling is a way to achieve protection at a variation point. Polymorphism is a way to achieve protection at a variation point, and a way to achieve low coupling. An indirection is a way to achieve low coupling. The Adapter design pattern is a kind of Indirection and a Pure Fabrication, that uses Polymorphism. Protected Variation Mechanism achieve Low Coupling Mechanism High Cohesion Mechanism It's the underlying themes that are important, and the fine details of Adapter or Strategy or whatever will become secondary Polymorphism Example Is a Indirection Mechanism Adapter Pure Fabrication Relating Adapter to some core GRASP principles 71 "Analysis" Discoveries During Design: Domain Model 1 Observe that in the Adapter design ( ), the gettaxes operation returns a list of TaxLineItems A list of tax line items are associated with a sale, such as state tax, federal tax, In addition to being a newly created software class in the Design Model, this is a domain concept. It is normal and common to discover noteworthy domain concepts and refined understanding of the requirements during design or programming Should this discovery be reflected in the Domain Model (or Glossary)? If the Domain Model will be used in the future as a source of inspiration for later design work, or as a visual learning aid to communicate the key domain concepts, then adding it could have value 72 36

37 "Analysis" Discoveries During Design: Domain Model 2 Sale datetime... Contains 1 Sales LineItem quantity 1..* 1 Tax LineItem description percentage amount Contains 1..* Updated partial Domain Model 73 Factory 1 This is also called Simple Factory or Concrete Factory This pattern is NOT a GoF design pattern, but extremely widespread. It is also a simplification of the GoF Abstract Factory pattern, and often described as a variation of Abstract Factory, although that's not strictly accurate The adapter raises a new problem in the design: Who creates the adapters? How to determine which class of adapter to create, such as TaxMaster-Adapter or GoodAsGoldTaxProAdapter? If some domain object creates them The responsibilities of the domain object are going beyond pure application logic and into other concerns related to connectivity with external software components This point underscores another fundamental design principle (usually considered an architectural design principle): Design to maintain a separation of concerns

38 Factory 2 Design to maintain a separation of concerns Modularize or separate distinct concerns into different areas, so that each has a cohesive purpose Is an application of the GRASP High Cohesion principle Choosing a domain object (such as a Register) to create the adapters does not support the goal of a separation of concerns, and lowers its cohesion A common alternative in this case is to apply the Factory pattern, in which a Pure Fabrication "factory" object is defined to create objects. Factory objects have several advantages: Separate the responsibility of complex creation into cohesive helper objects. Hide potentially complex creation logic. Allow introduction of performance-enhancing memory management strategies, such as object caching or recycling. 75 Factory 3 The Factory pattern 76 38

39 Factory 4 Name: Factory Problem: Who should be responsible for creating objects when there are special considerations, such as complex creation logic, a desire to separate the creation responsibilities for better cohesion, and so forth? Solution: (advice) Create a Pure Fabrication object called a Factory that handles the creation Note In the ServicesFactory, the logic to decide which class to create is resolved by reading in the class name from an external source (e.g., via a system property) and then dynamically loading the class This is an example of a partial data-driven design. This design achieves Protected Variations with respect to changes in the implementation class of the adapter Related Patterns Factories are often accessed with the Singleton pattern 77 Singleton (GoF( GoF) 1 The ServicesFactory raises another new problem in the design: Who creates the factory itself, and how is it accessed? First, observe that only one instance of the factory is needed within the process. Second, the methods of this factory may need to be called from various places in the code, as different places need access to the adapters for calling on the external services. Thus, there is a visibility problem: How to get visibility to this single ServicesFactory instance? One solution is pass the ServicesFactory instance around as a parameter to wherever a visibility need is discovered for it, or To initialize the objects that need visibility to it, with a permanent reference. This is possible but inconvenient; An alternative is the Singleton pattern: global visibility or a single access point to a single instance of a class 78 39

40 Singleton (GoF( GoF) 2 Name: Singleton Problem: Exactly one instance of a class is allowed it is a "singleton." Objects need a global and single point of access. Solution: (advice) Define a static method of the class that returns the singleton. Applying UML Notice how a singleton is illustrated, with a '1' in the top right corner of the name compartment. The key idea is that class X defines a static method getinstance that itself provides a single instance of X. With this approach, a developer has global visibility to this single instance, via the static getinstance method of the class 79 Singleton (GoF( GoF)

41 public class Register { public void initialize() { do some work Singleton (GoF( GoF) 4 // accessing the singleton Factory via the getinstance call accountingadapter = ServicesFactory.getInstance().getAccountingAdapter(); do some work } // other methods Stranger? } // end of class Since visibility to public classes is global in scope (in most languages), at any point in the code, in any method of any class, one can write SingletonClass.getInstance() in order to obtain visibility to the singleton instance, and then send it a message, such as SingletonClass.getInstance().doFoo(). 81 Singleton (GoF( GoF) 5 Implementation and Design Issues A Singleton getinstance method is often frequently called. In multi-threaded applications The creation step of the lazy initialization logic is a critical section requiring thread concurrency control. Thus, assuming the instance is lazy initialized, it is common to wrap the method with concurrency control. In Java, for example: public static synchronized ServicesFactory getinstance() { if ( instance == null ) { // critical section if multithreaded application instance = new ServicesFactory(); } return instance; } 82 41

42 Singleton (GoF( GoF) 6 Why not prefer eager initialization, as in this example? public class ServicesFactory { // eager initialization private static ServicesFactory instance = new ServicesFactory(); public static ServicesFactory getinstance() { return instance; } // other methods... } Lazy initialization is usually preferred for at least these reasons: Creation work (and perhaps holding on to "expensive" resources) is avoided, if the instance is never actually accessed. The getinstance lazy initialization sometimes contains complex and conditional creation logic. 83 Singleton (GoF( GoF) 7 Why not make all the service methods static methods of the class itself, instead of using an instance object with instance-side methods? An instance and instance-side methods are usually preferred for these reasons: Instance-side methods permit subclassing and refinement of the singleton class into subclasses; static methods are not polymorphic (virtual) and don't permit overriding in subclasses in most languages (Smalltalk excluded). Most object-oriented remote communication mechanisms (for example, Java's RMI) only support remote-enabling of instance methods, not static methods. A singleton instance could be remote-enabled, although that is admittedly rarely done. A class is not always a singleton in all application contexts. In application X, it may be a singleton, but it may be a "multi-ton" in application Y. It is also not uncommon to start off a design thinking the object will be a singleton, and then discovering a need for multiple instances in the same process. Thus, the instance-side solution offers flexibility

43 Singleton (GoF( GoF) 8 Implicit getinstance Singleton pattern message indicated in the UML because of the '1' mark Related Patterns The Singleton pattern is often used for Factory objects and Facade objects another GoF pattern that will be discussed 85 Conclusion of the External Services with Varying Interfaces Problem 1 A combination of Adapter, Factory, and Singleton patterns have been used to provide Protected Variations from the varying interfaces of external tax calculators, accounting systems, and so forth This case study (next page) is to illustrate that at least a design can be constructed from a set of principles or pattern "building blocks," and that there is a methodical approach to doing and explaining a design. Object designers can use patterns and pattern names - supports raising the level of abstraction in design communication or documentation. For example, To handle the problem of varying interfaces for external services, let's use Adapters generated from a Singleton Factory." 86 43

44 Conclusion of the External Services with Varying Interfaces Problem 2 Singleton Factory Adapter Adapter, Factory, and Singleton patterns applied to the design 87 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 1 The pricing strategy (which may also be called a rule, policy, or algorithm) for a sale can vary. During one period it may be 10% off all sales, later it may be $10 off if the sale total is greater than $200, and myriad other variations. How do we design for these varying pricing algorithms? Name: Strategy Problem: How to design for varying, but related, algorithms or policies? How to design for the ability to change these algorithms or policies? Solution: (advice) Define each algorithm/policy/strategy in a separate class, with a common interface 88 44

45 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 2 Since the behavior of pricing varies by the strategy (or algorithm), we create multiple SalePricingStrategy classes, each with a polymorphic gettotal method Sale «interface» ISalePricingStrategy gettotal( Sale ) : Money PercentDiscount PricingStrategy percentage : float gettotal( s:sale ) : Money AbsoluteDiscount OverThreshold PricingStrategy discount : Money threshold : Money gettotal( s:sale ) : Money......??? PricingStrategy { return s.getprediscounttotal() * percentage } Pricing Strategy classes { pdt := s.getprediscounttotal() if ( pdt < threshold ) return pdt else return pdt - discount } 89 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 3 A strategy object is attached to a context object the object to which it applies the algorithm. In this example, the context object is a Sale. When a gettotal message is sent to a Sale, it delegates some of the work to its strategy object It is not required that the message to the context object and the strategy object have the same name, as in this example (for example, gettotal and gettotal), but it is common. (next page) It is common that the context object pass a reference to itself (this) on to the strategy object, so that the strategy has parameter visibility to the context object, for further collaboration (Why?) 90 45

46 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 4 Observe that the context object (Sale) needs attribute visibility to its strategy Strategy in collaboration 91 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 5 Creating a Strategy with a Factory There are different pricing algorithms or strategies, and they change over time. Who should create the strategy? Apply the Factory pattern again A PricingStrategyFactory can be responsible for creating all strategies (all the pluggable or changing algorithms or policies) needed by the application As with the ServicesFactory, it can read the name of the implementation class of the pricing strategy from a system property (or some external data source), and then make an instance of it. With this partial data-driven design (or reflective design) one can dynamically change pricing strategy at any time 92 46

47 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 6 Observe the reference via a directed association is to the interface ISalePricingStrategy, not to a concrete class. This indicates that the reference attribute in the Sale will be declared in terms of the interface, not a class, so that any implementation of the interface can be bound to the attribute Context object needs attribute visibility to its strategy 93 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 7 Note that because of the frequently changing pricing policy (it could be every hour), it is not desirable to cache the created strategy instance in a field of the PricingStrategyFactory, but rather to re-create one each time, by reading the external property for its class name, and then instantiating the strategy Factory for strategies 94 47

48 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 8 When a Sale instance is created, it can ask the factory for its pricing strategy Why Factory? Creating a strategy Why singleton? A new PricingStrategy object is created for a new Sale 95 Strategy (GoF( GoF) 9 Reading and Initializing the Percentage Value How to find the different numbers for the percentage or absolute discounts? For example, on Monday, the PercentageDiscountPricingStrategy may have a percentage value of 10%, but 20% on Tuesday. These numbers will be stored in some external data store, such as a relational database, so they can be easily changed A reasonable choice is the StrategyFactory itself, since it is creating the pricing strategy, and can know which percentage to read from a data store ("current store discount," "senior discount," and so forth) Designs to read these numbers from external data stores vary from the simple to the complex, such as a plain JDBC SQL call or collaborating with objects Analyzing the variation and evolution points with respect to the data store will reveal if there is a need for protected variation Related Patterns Strategy is based on Polymorphism, and provides Protected Variations with respect to changing algorithms. Strategies are often created by a Factory 96 48

49 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 1 How do we handle the case of multiple, conflicting pricing policies? For example, suppose a store has the following policies in effect today (Monday): 20% senior discount policy preferred customer discount of 15% off sales over $400 on Monday, there is $50 off purchases over $500 buy 1 case of Darjeeling tea, get 15% discount off of everything Suppose a senior who is also a preferred customer buys 1 case of Darjeeling tea, and $600 of veggieburgers. What pricing policy should be applied? To clarify: There are now pricing strategies that attach to the sale by virtue of three factors: time period (Monday) customer type (senior) a particular line item product (Darjeeling tea) 97 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 2 Part of the answer to this problem requires defining the store's conflict resolution strategy For example, "best for the customer" (lowest price) conflict resolution strategy, or Use a "highest price" strategy during a difficult financial period The things need to note for dealing with this problem There can exist multiple co-existing strategies A pricing strategy can be related to the type of customer This has creation design implications: The customer type must be known by the StrategyFactory at the time of creation of a pricing strategy for the customer A pricing strategy can be related to the type of product being bought (for example, Darjeeling tea) The ProductDescription must be known by the StrategyFactory at the time of creation of a pricing strategy influenced by the product Is there a way to change the design so that the Sale object does not know if it is dealing with one or many pricing strategies, and also offer a design for the conflict resolution? Yes, with the Composite pattern

50 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 3 Name: Composite Problem: How to treat a group or composition structure of objects the same way (polymorphically) as a non-composite (atomic) object? Solution: (advice) Define classes for composite and atomic objects so that they implement the same interface. Example POS: a new class called CompositeBestForCustomerPricingStrategy (can implement the ISalesPricingStrategy and itself contain other ISalesPricingStrategy objects 99 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 4 Original design The outer composite object contains a list of inner objects, and both the outer and inner objects implement the same interface The Composite pattern

51 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 5 We can attach either a composite CompositeBestForCustomerPricingStrategy object or a PercentDiscountPricingStrategy object to the Sale object, and the Sale does not know or care if its pricing strategy is an atomic or composite strategy it looks the same to the 101 Sale object Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 6 // a Composite Strategy that returns the lowest total // of its inner SalePricingStrategies // superclass so all subclasses can inherit a List of strategies public abstract class CompositePricingStrategy implements ISalePricingStrategy { protected List strategies = new ArrayList(); public add( ISalePricingStrategy s ) { strategies.add( s ); } public abstract Money gettotal(sale sale); } // end of class public class CompositeBestForCustomerPricingStrategy extends CompositePricingStrategy { public Money gettotal( Sale sale ) { Money lowesttotal = new Money( Integer.MAX_VALUE ); // iterate over all the inner strategies for (Iterator i = strategies.iterator(); i.hasnext();) { ISalePricingStrategy strategy = (ISalePricingStrategy); Money total = strategy.gettotal( sale ); lowesttotal = total.min( lowesttotal ); } return lowesttotal; } } // end of class Sample code in Java, the CompositePricingStrategy and one of its subclasses

52 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 7 Abstract superclasses, abstract methods, and inheritance in the UML 103 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 8 When do we create the Multiple SalePricingStrategies? A desirable design will start by creating a Composite that contains the present moment's store discount policy (which could be set to 0% discount if none is active), such as some PercentageDiscountPricingStrategy. Then, if at a later step in the scenario, another pricing strategy is discovered to also apply (such as senior discount), it will be easy to add it to the composite, using the inherited CompositePricingStrategy.add method There are three points in the scenario where pricing strategies may be added to the composite: Current store-defined discount, added when the sale is created. Customer type discount, added when the customer type is communicated to the POS. Product type discount (if bought Darjeeling tea, 15% off the overall sale), added when the product is entered to the sale

53 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 9 Current store-defined discount, added when the sale is created Store ps May be 0 Creating a composite strategy 105 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 10 Adding customer type discount Consider the use case extension Use Case UC1: Process Sale Extensions (or Alternative Flows): 5b. Customer says they are eligible for a discount (e.g., employee, preferred customer) 1. Cashier signals discount request. 2. Cashier enters Customer identification. 3. System presents discount total, based on discount rules This indicates a new system operation on the POS system is required We will call this fifth system operation entercustomerfordiscount; it may optionally occur after the endsale operation Some form of customer identification, such as customerid, is needed

54 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 11 by Controller by Expert and IDs to Objects by Expert New system operation :Register :Store s :Sale entercustomerfordiscount( custid ) c = getcustomer( custid ) ID to Object entercustomerfordiscount( c : Customer ) ref Enter Customer For Discount Creating the pricing strategy for a customer discount, part Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 12 Retrieve ps Note: casting may be required (for the add operation) Add the second PricingStrategy Creating the pricing strategy for a customer discount, part

55 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 13 Considering GRASP and Other Principles in the Design Let Sale send a message to the PricingStrategyFactory By Low Coupling (eliminate the couple between Register and PricingStrategyFactory) and Information Expert (Sale knows its current pricing strategy) Let Register asking the Store for a Customer, given an ID. By Information Expert (Store knows all the Customers) and Low Coupling (Register already has attribute visibility to the Store) IDs to Objects (pattern) This is a common practice in object design to transform keys and IDs for things into true objects. This transformation often takes place shortly after an ID or key enters the domain layer of the Design Model from the UI layer A true Customer object Encapsulates a set of information about the customer Can have behavior (related to Information Expert, for example) Frequently becomes beneficial and flexible as the design grows 109 Composite (GoF( GoF) ) and Other Design Principles 14 Pass Aggregate Object as Parameter (pattern) In the addcustomerpricingstrategy(s:sale) message we pass a Sale to the factory, and then the factory turns around and asks for the Customer and PricingStrategy from the Sale. Why? A common object design idiom: Avoid extracting child objects out of parent or aggregate objects, and then passing around the child objects. Rather, pass around the aggregate object that contains child objects Following this principle increases flexibility, because then the factory can collaborate with the entire Sale in ways we may not have previously anticipated as necessary (which is very common), and as a corollary, it reduces the need to anticipate what the factory object needs Related Patterns Composite is often used with the Strategy and Command patterns. Composite is based on Polymorphism and provides Protected Variations to a client so that it is not impacted if its related objects are atomic or composite

56 Facade (GoF( GoF) 1 Another requirement chosen for this iteration is pluggable business rules Can occur at predictable points in the scenarios, such as when makenewsale or enteritem Assume that rules are desired that can invalidate an action. For example: Suppose when a new sale is created, it is possible to identify that it will be paid by a gift certificate. Then, a store may have a rule to only allow one item to be purchased if a gift certificate is used. If the sale is paid by a gift certificate, invalidate all payment types of change due back to the customer except for another gift certificate Suppose when a new sale is created, it is possible to identify that it is for a charitable donation (from the store to the charity). A store may also have a rule to only allow item entries less than $250 each, and also to only add items to the sale if the currently logged in "cashier" is a manager 111 Facade (GoF( GoF) 2 Suppose that the software architect wants a design that has low impact on the existing software components Architect wants to design for a separation of concerns, and factor out this rule handling into a separate concern. Suppose that the architect is unsure of the best implementation for this pluggable rule handling, and may want to experiment with different solutions for representing, loading, and evaluating the rules For example, rules can be implemented with the Strategy pattern or with rule interpreters To solve this design problem, the Facade pattern can be used

57 Facade (GoF( GoF) 3 Name: Façade Problem: A common, unified interface to a disparate set of implementations or interfaces, such as within a subsystem, is required. There may be undesirable coupling to many things in the subsystem, or the implementation of the subsystem may change. What to do? Solution: (advice) Define a single point of contact to the subsystem a facade object that wraps the subsystem. This facade object presents a single unified interface and is responsible for collaborating with the subsystem components 113 Facade (GoF( GoF) 4 A Facade is a "front-end" object that is the single point of entry for the services of a subsystem The implementation and other components of the subsystem are private and can't be seen by external components. Facade provides Protected Variations from changes in the implementation of a subsystem. NextGEN POS example: we will define a "rule engine" subsystem, whose specific implementation is not yet known The facade object to this subsystem will be called POSRuleEngineFacade (see the next side) The designer decides to place calls to this facade near the start of the methods that have been defined as the points for pluggable rules

58 Facade (GoF( GoF) 5 UML package diagram with a Facade 115 Facade (GoF( GoF) 6 public class Sale { public void makelineitem( ProductDescription desc, int quantity ) { SalesLineItem sli = new SalesLineItem( desc, quantity ); // call to the Facade if ( POSRuleEngineFacade.getInstance().isInvalid( sli, this ) ) return; lineitems.add( sli ); } //... } // end of class Note the use of the Singleton pattern. Facades are often accessed via Singleton With this design, the complexity and implementation of how rules will be represented and evaluated are hidden in the "rules engine" subsystem, accessed via the POSRuleEngineFacade facade

59 Facade (GoF( GoF) 6 With Façade, a separation of concerns has been achieved to some degree All the rule-handling concerns have been delegated to another subsystem Related Patterns Facades are usually accessed via the Singleton pattern. They provide Protected Variations from the implementation of a subsystem, by adding an Indirection object to help support Low Coupling. External objects are coupled to one point in a subsystem: the facade object. In the Adapter pattern, an adapter object is a kind of façade, because it is used to wrap access to external systems with varying interfaces. But the emphasis is to provide adaptation to varying interfaces, and thus it is more specifically called an adapter 117 Observer/Publish-Subscribe/Delegation Event Model (GoF( GoF) 1 Another requirement for the iteration is adding the ability for a GUI window to refresh its display of the sale total when the total changes Goal: When the total of the sale changes, refresh the display with the new value total... Sale settotal( newtotal )


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