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1 CSC 243, Java Programming, Spring 2013, Dr. Dale Parson Assignment 5, handling events in a working GUI ASSIGNMENT due by 11:59 PM on Thursday May 9 via gmake turnitin Here are the steps to get the files for this project after logging in on acad/bill. cd $HOME/JavaLang cp ~parson/javalang/ unzip cd./fillword5 I recommend that you should run gmake test immediately. It should pass all tests as handed out. All of your work will go into the GUI class FillWordFrame in file You can copy files immediately to your PC or laptop to work after passing gmake test. NOTE: My handout compiles and runs. It is basically my solution to Assignment 4, but with all of my added fields for Assignment 5 already added to class FillWordFrame. If you prefer to use your own from Assignment 4 as your starting point, you are welcome to do so. After copying onto the PC, running buildwindows.bat and runwindows.bat will work as they did for Assignment 4. Also, you can now execute runparsonwindows.bat to execute my compiled solution to Assignment 5 to see how it works as a reference. I will update with my solution to Assignment 5 as soon as I am done grading Assignment 4. When you have finished developing and testing your GUI, please copy and data_do_not_lose_this_file.txt back into FillWord5/ on bill and run gmake test one last time to make sure that nothing has been lost during file transfers. Then run gmake turnitin before the deadline as usual. 1. Screen shots (taken from my Mac, but with similar appearance for Windows or Unix) There are two screen shots on the next page. The first shows the result of running buildwindows.bat and then runwindows.bat on the handout code. It looks like my end point for Assignment 4. The second screen shot below shows what my solution to assignment 5 looks like for runparsonwindows.bat. You can actually run runparsonwindows.bat to see my solution in action. 2. Requirements for Assignment 5 The following features provide the basis for my grading in Assignment 5. Buggy features may earn partial points or no points as my discretion. I will grade all student assignments using the exact same criteria with respect to bugs. 10% Add the new controls seen at the bottom of my GUI. They have the following functionality, but these 10 points are strictly for getting them to appear correctly. Swap word swaps the current word via interaction with the game object. Save and Restore use the filename obtained from the filename JTextField to save and restore game states in files. Seconds to penalty shows the current state of a countdown timer. My timer starts counting at 32 seconds, but only displays the actual seconds (in red) when there are less than 11 seconds remaining. When it hits 0 it deducts a point from the game and restarts the countdown at one half of its previous limit. It continues this process of counting down to 0, deducting a point, and halving the restart countdown time until the starting point reaches 1 second. Then it deducts a point every second until the player makes a legal move. Any legal move resets the process to its initial 32 seconds. Your layout and timing of these features is up to you, but they have to be present in the GUI. 1

2 The non-functioning GUI as handed out in at the start of Assignment 5 My functioning GUI that you can run via runparsonwindows.bat 10% You must make FillWordFrame a subclass of the new interface FillWordEventListener that I have already supplied in file I have supplied completed and Their listings appear below. In order to implement this interface, FillWordFrame must now define method processgameevent as defined in FillWordEventListener. This is how your GUI receives notification that the state of the game has changed via a valid move. The primary job of processgameevent is to create an update of the display, either directly or via helper methods, so that it is in sync with the current state of the game. Your code must 2

3 update the displayed GUI state to match the game state whenever processgameevent receives a FillWordEvent in order to earn these points. 10% Clicking any of the buttons in the matrix attempts to make a move there by invoking the game s interpret method with an appropriate command String. You need to create an ActionListener-derived concrete class and hook a distinct instance up to each JButton in the grid via addactionlistener to get this feature to work. 10% Any FillWordException thrown by the game object must be caught and display a JOptionpane pop-up message by calling JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, message), where message is a String, and you see on the example below. Make sure to use the exception s getmessage() method to get an informative message to display. 10% The undo and redo buttons must invoke the corresponding command in the game with the correct result. These buttons should appear disabled whenever the game returns false for canundo() or canredo(). 10% Swap word must work correctly. 10% The Save and Restore buttons must work correctly. 10% Highlight the most recently played word in Color.RED or in some other significant way. There is a new method declared in IFillWord in support of this feature. The listing of changes to IFillWord appears below. 10% Get the score-deducting countdown Timer object to work as outlined above. It must both affect the score properly at the appropriate time, and it must update the Seconds to penalty JLabel correctly. This gets you 90% of the way to 100% for required features. -10%/+15% The grow board and grow board & word buttons and the JSpinner between them must appear whenever cangrow() returns true and must not be visible when cangrow() returns false. Note that in Assignment 5 cangrow() returns false when the game hits the swaps limit on number of swaps, and 3

4 both this limit and the actual board size can decrease via undo! The board size must match the game size, whether bigger or smaller than the previous state, in order to get these points. This is perhaps the hardest feature to get correct, so I will deduct 10 points maximum for bugs, but award 15 points if it is fully bug free, essentially giving bonus points for a bug-free implementation. Here is an outline of how to change the size of the display board. Assuming that the displayed JButton matrix lives inside of its own JPanel (called PANELOBJ here), start out by removing the JPanel from its surrounding JPanel or JFrame (called SURROUNDINGOBJ in this example) like this: SURROUNDINGOBJ.remove(PANELOBJ); At that point both PANELOBJ and any JButton (or other) graphical objects its contains are gone. Now you must construct a new JPanel PANELOBJ like you did initially, populate it with JButtons (or other) as you did initially, and add the new PANELOBJ to its SURROUNDINGOBJ. You can also setvisible(false) on a control such as the JSpinner or a JButton to hide it, later setvisible(true) to show it, and call isvisible() on it to test it. At some point after you remove, add or change visibility of any objects as a result of board size changes, your code must invoke the following two methods on the surrounding FillWordFrame object. validate(); repaint(); The validate() call causes the layout managers to re-lay-out the geometries, and the repaint() call schedules a re-paint of the entire display. Any time that you need to re-run the layout managers your code must invoke validate() and repaint() on the JFrame. Calling getvalue() on either the JSpinner or its SpinnerNumberModel object returns an Integer object (which you must type cast to Integer), as do getminimum() and getmaximum() on the number model. Similarly, setminimum(), setmaximum() and setvalue() take Integer object arguments. To test FillWordBasic change this line in runwindows.bat: to this java FillWord5.FillWordFrame FillWord5.FillWordGrows 10 english.lower.txt -1 java FillWord5.FillWordFrame FillWord5.FillWordBasic 10 english.lower.txt -1 I will test this way and will deduct points from the grows requirement if cangrow() as returned false by FillWordBasic does not interact with the GUI properly. BONUS POINTS: Any major enhancements to the game or GUI beyond those required above will earn 10% each. Any minor enhancements to the game or GUI beyond those required above will earn 5% each. I will decide what is major or minor, and enhancement usage must be clear from playing. The maximum bonus points in this category are 20%. If you add new rules to the game, create a subclass of the appropriate class and test it similarly to the FillWordsBasic test above. java FillWord5.FillWordFrame FillWord5.FillWordYOURCLASS 10 english.lower.txt -1 4

5 Let me know if you plan to do that so I don t miss it. Send me . OPTIONAL 2% BONUS CREDITS I am collecting data for a summer assessment that determines the associations between a) project start date, b) length of work sessions, c) time of day of work sessions, and d) conflicting schedule pressures, and student success on projects as measured by grades and grade improvements. You can earn half of these bonus points (1% additional for the project) by permitting me to collect file sizes, time stamps, time of change, and duration of work session. My automatic script uses a simple ls l command to list directory contents, and it keeps backup copies of your source files to determine amount of code changed per session. The log data goes to my account to keep your account from running out of file space. You need to get data_do_not_lose_this_file.txt from your PC/laptop to me after you are done to get this 1%. Copying it back to FillWord5/ on bill before gmake turnitin is the easiest way. If you do not want to participate, run gmake optout to shut off data collection, and also notify me my using the subject line opt out. I will not collect your data, and if you have already turned some in, I will remove the files. You can earn an additional 1% bonus point by completing a survey in file survey.txt in the project directory. Please fully replace each ****** field with a number. To get this 1% you must also allow data collection for the previous 1%. This survey is not useful without the auto-collected log data. Thus, the total possible points for a project is 102%. The collected data in no way affects your grade, other than by contribution of bonus points. My assessment outlined in the first paragraph of this section could show an association between number of CSC courses that assign you big projects on the same week and the rate of problems encountered completing an assignment. I am looking for ways to improve success rates on projects in future semesters, and I need to collect data in survey.txt and by automatic data collection before I can analyze these data. This is not secret data mining, and I have no time or intention of analyzing the data until this summer. Again, if you wish to opt out of this optional part of assignments, there is no penalty. Additions to IFillWord (THESE ARE ALREADY DONE): 99 /** 100 * Add or deduct points from outside the game. Use this method for 101 * mechanisms such as move timers that are outside the game object. 102 points value to add or negative for deduction. 103 **/ 104 public void addordeductpoints(int points); 105 /** 106 * FillWordRecord provides a means for a game to record & report 107 * the valid move that just completed. An object of FillWordRecord is 108 * immutable. 109 getthismove 110 **/ 111 public static class FillWordRecord implements Cloneable, 112 { 113 // serialversionuid encodes the version of serializable state. 114 private static final long serialversionuid = L ; 115 /** word placed in the move **/ 116 public final String word ; 5

6 117 /** row of the move **/ 118 public final int row ; 119 /** column of a move **/ 120 public final int column ; 121 /** direction of move, true for across, false for down **/ 122 public final boolean isacross ; 123 /** 124 * Construct a move record from its word, row, column and 125 * direction, where isacross == true for a horizontal word. 126 **/ 127 public FillWordRecord(String word, int row, int column, 128 boolean isacross) { 129 this.word = word ; 130 this.row = row ; 131 this.column = column ; 132 this.isacross = isacross ; 133 } 134 /** 135 * Return the reference to this immutable object as its own clone. 136 **/ 137 public FillWordRecord clone() { 138 return this ; 139 } 140 } 141 /** 142 * Retrieve the move that just completed or null if there was none. 143 the move that just completed or null if there was none. 144 **/ 145 public FillWordRecord getthismove() ; 146 /** 147 * Add a FillWordEventListener to this game. After every update to 148 * the state of the game, the game will construct and send a 149 * FillWordEvent to each subscriber. 150 IFillWord#removeFillWordEventListener 151 **/ 152 public void addfillwordeventlistener(fillwordeventlistener subscriber); 153 /** 154 * Remove a FillWordEventListener added by addfillwordeventlistener. 155 IFillWord#addFillWordEventListener 156 **/ 157 public void removefillwordeventlistener(fillwordeventlistener subscriber); 158 } (THIS IS DONE): 1 /* 2 An Event class that an IFillWord-derived class propagates to 3 subscribers after each change of game state. 4 Dr. Dale Parson, CSC 243, Spring */ 6 7 package FillWord5 ; 8 9 /** 10 Class FillWordEvent propagates to subscribers after each change of 11 game state. 6

7 FillWordEventListener Professor Dale Parson 14 **/ 15 public class FillWordEvent extends java.util.eventobject { 16 // serialversionuid encodes the version of serializable state. 17 private static final long serialversionuid = L ; 18 private final IFillWord changedgame ; 19 /** 20 * Construct a game object and forward it to subscribers after each 21 * change of game state. 22 game is the game making the state change, which also serves as 23 * the event source. This constructor actually stores a clone() of game. 24 FillWordEventListener 25 */ 26 public FillWordEvent(IFillWord game) { 27 super(game); 28 changedgame = game.clone() ; 29 } 30 /** 31 * Retrieve a copy of the game that triggered the event. 32 a clone of the changed game. 33 FillWordEventListener 34 **/ 35 public IFillWord getgame() { 36 return changedgame.clone(); 37 } 38 } (THIS IS DONE): 1 /* 2 FillWordEventListener is a listener interface for FillWordEvent. 3 Dr. Dale Parson, CSC 243, Spring */ 5 6 package FillWord5 ; 7 8 /** 9 Interface FillWordEventListener is a listener interface for 10 FillWordEvent that propagates changes in game state to listeners. FillWordEvent Professor Dale Parson 13 **/ 14 public interface FillWordEventListener extends java.util.eventlistener { 15 /** 16 * processgameevent is a client listener's method that receives a 17 * FillWordEvent when a game changes state. 18 FillWordEvent 19 **/ 20 public void processgameevent(fillwordevent event) ; 21 } 7

8 NEWLY ADDED FIELDS FOR FillWordFrame, feel free to use or delete these as you like. 18 private static final int COUNTDOWN_LIMIT = 32 ; // seconds 19 private static final int COUNTDOWN_SHOW = 10 ; // seconds 20 private int countdown = COUNTDOWN_LIMIT ; 21 private int startdown = COUNTDOWN_LIMIT ; 22 private IFillWord game ; 23 private JPanel gamegrid ; 24 private JPanel cmdpaneltop ; 25 private JPanel cmdpanelbottom ; 26 private JPanel cmdpanelouter ; 27 private JLabel wordlbl ; 28 private JButton [][] myboard ; 29 private JButton undobut ; 30 private JButton redobut ; 31 private JButton growboardbut ; 32 private JSpinner growspin ; 33 private SpinnerNumberModel growspinmodel ; 34 private JButton growboardwordbut ; 35 private JLabel scorelbl ; 36 private JButton swapbut ; 37 private JButton savebut ; 38 private JTextField filenametext ; 39 private JButton restorebut ; 40 private JLabel countdownlabel ; 41 private Font newfont ; 8

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