Distributed Internet Applications - DIA. Processes and Threads

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1 Distributed Internet Applications - DIA Processes and Threads 1

2 Operating Systems Basics The Processes A process consists of an executing program, its current values, state information, and the resources used by the operating system to manage its execution. A program is a text written by a programmer; a process is a dynamic entity which exists only when a program is executing. 2

3 Process State As a process executes, it changes state. Each process may be in following states: New: The process is being created. Running: Instructions are being executed. Waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur. Ready: The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor. Terminated: The process has finished the execution. 3

4 Process State Transition Diagram new queued terminated exit ready dispatch running blocked event completion waiting for an event Simplifed finite state diagram for a process's lifetime 4

5 Concurrent Processing On operating systems, multiple processes appear to be executing concurrently on a machine by timesharing resources. 5

6 Parent and Child Processes At run time, a process may spawn child processes. The original process, called the parent process, continues to run concurrently with the child processes. A child process is a complete process. parent process A parent process can be notified when a child process has terminated. child processes 6

7 Process Creation When a process create a child process, two possibilities exist in terms of execution: The parent continues to execute concurrently with its children. The parent waits until some or all of its children have terminated. There are two possibilities in terms of the address space of the child process: The child process is a duplicate of the parent process. The child process has a program loaded into it 7

8 Creating a New Process in Ruby fork splits a running program into two nearly identical processes that can be identified by the return value of the fork call. There are to ways of using fork method: pid = fork if pid.nil? # child s code goes here else # parent s code goes here... Process.wait pid = fork do # child s code goes here # parent s code goes here... Process.wait 8

9 Example 1 global = 0 pid = fork do global += 1 puts "Child: global = #{global exit Process.wait puts "Parent: Child Complete" puts "Parent: global = #{global" Child: global = 1 Parent: Child Complete Parent: global = 0 9

10 Example 2 global = 0 pid = fork if pid.nil? global += 1 puts "Child: global = #{global" else Process.wait puts "Parent: Child Complete" puts "Parent: global = #{global Child: global = 1 Parent: Child Complete Parent: global = 0 10

11 Example 3 global = 0 Output: see next slide pid = fork if pid.nil? exec( ls, -l ) global += 1 puts "Child: global = #{global" else Process.wait puts "Parent: Child Complete" puts "Parent: global = #{global 11

12 Example 3 total 552 drwxr-xr-x 9 mortezan mortezan -rw-r--r-- 1 mortezan mortezan -rw-r--r-- 1 mortezan mortezan -rw-r--r-- 1 mortezan mortezan -rw-r--r-- 1 mortezan mortezan -rw-r--r-- 1 mortezan mortezan -rw-r--r-- 1 mortezan mortezan Parent: Child Complete Parent: global = Nov 23:41 dia Nov 18:57 dia.html Nov 23:26 example1.rb Nov 16:08 example2.rb Nov 14:00 process.rb Nov 23:17 spinner1.rb Nov 17:44 web-portal.rtf 12

13 Threads A process may spawn threads, also known as light weight processes. Threads carry a minimum of state information. a process Threads behave the same as processes. main thread child thread 1 Concurrent processing within a process child thread 2 13

14 Coordination of Threads The concurrent execution of threads may result in a race conditions. Critical section: A code segment that can be executed concurrently by more than one thread. Mutual exclusion: A method to ensure that a critical section can only be executed by one thread at a time. Programming using threads is called multi-threaded programming. A multi-threaded program that written to guard against race conditions is said to be thread-safe. 14

15 Threads in Ruby We use multiple threads to split up cooperating tasks within the program. Threads in Ruby are totally in-process, implemented within the Ruby interpreter. Threads in Ruby are completely portable. 15

16 Class Thread When a Ruby script starts up, there is usually a single thread, named main thread. $ irb --simple-prompt ruby> Thread.main => #<Thread:0x348f8 run> From within a Ruby script, there are many ways to create a new thread of execution. 16

17 Creating Threads (1) Using Thread::new Thread.new([args]*) { args thread body or Thread.new([args]*) do args thread body Thread::fork is a synonym for Thread::new. 17

18 Creating Threads (2) names = %w(one two three) threads = [] for name in names threads << Thread.new(name) { myname sleep 10*rand puts "I am thread number: #{myname" threads.each { athread athread.join puts "I am the parent thread" 18

19 Passing Parameters (1) a = 1 b = 4 c = 3 t1 = Thread.new(a,b,c) do x,y,z a = x**2 Wait for t1 to finish b = y**2 c = z**2 t1.join puts "Parent: a = #{a, b = #{b, c = #{c" Output: Parent thread: a = 1, b = 16, c = 9 19

20 Passing Parameters (2) a = 1 b = 4 Defined in main thread c = 3 thread = Thread.new(a,b,c) do x,y,z sleep(rand(0)) a = x**2 b = y**2 c = z**2 sleep(rand(0)) puts "Parent: a = #{a, b = #{b, c = #{c" Output 1: Parent: a = 1, b = 16, c = 9 Output 2: Parent: a = 1, b = 4, c = 3 20

21 Manipulating Threads When a Ruby program terminates, all running threads are killed, regardless of their states. The parent thread can wait for a child thread by calling that child thread s Thread#join method. global = 0 t1 = Thread.new { t2 = Thread.new { sleep(rand(0)) global +=1 t3 = Thread.new { Output: Top thread: global = 2 21 sleep(rand(0)) global +=1 t3.join t2.join t1.join puts "Top thread: global = #{global"

22 Using Thread#join (1) global = 0 t1 = Thread.new { t2 = Thread.new { sleep(rand(0)) global +=1 t3 = Thread.new { sleep(rand(0)) global +=1 sleep(rand(0)) puts "Top thread: global = #{global" Possible outputs: Top thread: global = 0 or Top thread: global = 2 or Top thread: global = 1 22

23 Using Thread#join (2) Using Thread#join global = 0 t1 = Thread.new { t2 = Thread.new { global +=1 t3 = Thread.new { global +=1 Possible output: Top thread: global = 2 t3.join t2.join t1.join puts "Top thread: global = #{global" 23

24 Exporting Local Variables (1) a = 1000 # global t1 = Thread.new { t = Thread.current a = 1 # global b = "local to this thread" t[:a] = "accessible variable" Exported variables are accessible from other threads even after the thread that owned them is dead. b = t1[:a] puts "Parent: a = #{a, b = #{b" Output: Parent: a = 1, b = accessible variable At this point is thread t1 dead 24

25 Exporting Local Variables (2) t1 = Thread.new { t = Thread.current x = "renilreb nie nib hci" t[:a] = x x.reverse! b = t1[:a] puts "Parent: #{b" Output: Parent: Ich bin ein Berliner An object reference to a true local variable can be used as a sort of shorthand within the thread. 25

26 Thread.list and Thread.kill Methods t1 = Thread.new { sleep(1000) t2 = Thread.new do Output: if (Thread.current == Thread.main) Number of living threads: 3 puts "This is the main thread" Number of living threads: 2 Number of living threads: 2 1.upto(100) do Number of living threads: 1 sleep 0.1 count = Thread.list.size puts "Number of living threads: #{count" Thread.kill(t1) count = Thread.list.size puts "Number of living threads: #{count" count = Thread.list.size puts "Number of living threads: #{count" t2.join count = Thread.list.size puts "Number of living threads: #{count" 26

27 Controlling the Thread Scheduler (1) Thread::stop stops the execution of the current thread, putting it into a sleep state A thread that is stopped can be awakened by parent thread using the Thread#run or Thread#wakeup methods. The status of a thread can be determined using Thread#status method. 27

28 Controlling the Thread Scheduler (2) t1 = Thread.new { print "one\n" Thread.stop print "second\n" puts "Status of thread t1: #{t1.status" print "three\n" t1.run Output: one Status of thread t1: sleep three second 28

29 Controlling the Thread Scheduler (3) t1 = Thread.new { sleep(1000) t2 = Thread.new { loop { t3 = Thread.new { Thread.stop puts "I am thread t3" loop { t4 = Thread.new { Thread.exit t5 = Thread.new { raise "exception" puts "Status of thread t1: #{t1.status" puts "Status of thread t2: #{t2.status" puts "Status of thread t3: #{t3.status" puts "Status of thread t4: #{t4.status" puts "Status of thread t5: #{t5.status" t3.wakeup sleep 0.1 puts "Status of thread t3: #{t3.status" Thread.kill(t3) puts "Status of thread t3: #{t3.status" 29 Status of thread t1: sleep Status of thread t2: run Status of thread t3: sleep Status of thread t4: false Status of thread t5: I am thread t3 Status of thread t3: run Status of thread t3: false

30 Controlling Threads with Thread::pass t1 = Thread.new { print "one"; Thread.pass print "two"; Thread.pass print "three" t2 = Thread.new { print "1"; Thread.pass print "2"; Thread.pass print "3" t1.join; t2.join 30 Thread::pass method invokes The scheduler to pass execution To another thread. Output: one1two2three3

31 Using Thread#alive? t1 = Thread.new { loop { t2 = Thread.new { Thread.stop t3 = Thread.new { Thread.exit puts "t1 alive? -> #{t1.alive?" puts "t2 alive? -> #{t2.alive?" t1 alive? -> true puts "t3 alive? -> #{t3.alive?" t2 alive? -> true sleep 1 t3 alive? -> false if t1.alive? t1 alive? -> false Thread.kill(t1) t2 alive? -> true t2.run if t2.alive? & t2.status == "sleep" puts "t1 alive? -> #{t1.alive?" puts "t2 alive? -> #{t2.alive?" 31

32 Changing Priority t.priority returns the priority of t Higher-priority threads will run before lower-priority threads t1 = Thread.new { loop {sleep 1 t2 = Thread.new { loop {sleep 1 t3 = Thread.new { loop {sleep 1 puts "t1 priority? -> #{t1.priority" puts "t2 priority? -> #{t2.priority" puts "t3 priority? -> #{t3.priority" t1.priority = rand(10) t2.priority = rand(10) t3.priority = rand(10) puts "t1 priority? -> #{t1.priority" puts "t2 priority? -> #{t2.priority" puts "t3 priority? -> #{t3.priority" sleep 1 32 t1 priority? -> 0 t2 priority? -> 0 t3 priority? -> 0 t1 priority? -> 9 t2 priority? -> 9 t3 priority? -> 5

33 Threads an Exceptions What happens if a thread raises an unhandled exception? It deps on a flag called abort_on_exception that operates both at the class and instance level. If abort_on_exception is false, an unhandled exception terminates the current threads. If abort_on_exception is true, an unhandled exception will terminate all running threads. 33

34 abort_on_exception Thread#raise raises an exception and terminates the current thread. The flag abort_on_exception is false by default. Status of t1: sleep Status of t2: run t1 is terminated with an exception Status of t2: run a = 1 b = 0 t1 = Thread.new(a,b) { x,y Thread.stop raise "divide by zero!" if y == 0 a/b t2 = Thread.new {loop{ sleep 1 puts "Status of t1: #{t1.status" puts "Status of t2: #{t2.status" t1.run sleep rand(0.5) if t1.status == nil puts "t1 is terminated with an exception" puts "Status of t2: #{t2.status" 34

35 abort_on_exception All running threads will terminate if an unhandled exception arises. Status of t1: sleep Status of t2: run example1.rb:6: divide by zero! (RuntimeError) from example1.rb:4:in `initialize' from example1.rb:4:in `new' from example1.rb:4 35 a = 1 b = 0 Thread.abort_on_exception = true t1 = Thread.new(a,b) { x,y Thread.stop raise "divide by zero!" if y == 0 a/b t2 = Thread.new {loop{ sleep 1 puts "Status of t1: #{t1.status" puts "Status of t2: #{t2.status" t1.run puts "Status of t1: #{t1.status" puts "Status of t2: #{t2.status"

36 Using Thread#abort_on_exption threads = [] 10.times { i threads << Thread.new(i) { Thread.stop puts "Thread #{i" raise "Thread #{i raises an exception!" if i == 6 threads[6].abort_on_exception = true threads.each { t t.run t.join Ex1.rb:6: Thread 6 raises an exception! (RuntimeError) from Ex1.rb:3:in `initialize' from Ex1.rb:3:in `new' from Ex1.rb:3 from Ex1.rb:2:in `times' from Ex1.rb:

37 Synchronizing Threads c1 = c2 = 0 diff = 0 t1 = Thread.new do Race Condition loop do c1 += 1; c2 += 1 t2 = Thread.new do loop do diff += (c1 - c2).abs sleep 1 Thread.critical = true puts "c1 = #{c1, c2 = #{c2, diff = #{diff" c1 = , c2 = , diff =

38 Synchronization with Critical Section c1 = c2 = 0 diff = 0 t1 = Thread.new do loop do Thread.critical = true c1 +=1; c2 += 1 Thread.critical = false t2 = Thread.new do loop do Thread.critical = true diff += (c1 - c2).abs Thread.critical = false puts "c1 = #{c1, c2 = #{c2, diff = #{diff" c1 = 1568, c2 = 1568, diff = 0 38

39 Mutual Exclusion (1) require 'thread' mutex = Mutex.new A Mutex object acting as a semaphore. c1 = c2 = 0 diff = 0 t1 = Thread.new do loop do mutex.synchronize { c1 += 1; c2 += 1 c1 = 15407, c2 = 15407, diff = 0 t2 = Thread.new do loop do mutex.synchronize { diff += (c1 - c2).abs sleep 1 mutex.lock puts "c1 = #{c1, c2 = #{c2, diff = #{diff" 39

40 Mutual Exclusion (2) require "thread.rb" c1 = c2 = 0 diff = 0 $mutex = Mutex.new t1 = Thread.new do loop do $mutex.lock c1 +=1; c2 += 1 $mutex.unlock t2 = Thread.new do loop do $mutex.lock diff += (c1 - c2).abs $mutex.unlock #sleep 1 puts "c1 = #{c1, c2 = #{c2, diff = #{diff" c1 = 1268, c2 = 1268, diff = 0 40

41 Monitor Monitor is a fundamental high-level synchronization construct. Monitor is implemented in Ruby in the form of the monitor.rb library. A monitor presents a set of programmer defined operations that are provided mutual exclusion within the monitor. 41

42 Example: Bounded Buffer Monitor A condition variable 1 # file: MonitorBuffer.rb 2 require "monitor.rb" 3 class Buffer 4 def initialize = [] = Monitor.new 8 9 def enter(item) do def remove do Wait until buffer is not empty

43 Example: Bounded Buffer Monitor 25 class BoundedBuffer<Buffer 26 attr :max_size 27 def initialize(max_value) 28 super() = max_value def enter(item) do super(item)

44 Example: Bounded Buffer Monitor 40 def remove do 42 item = super return item def max_size=(max_value) do = max_value

45 Using Bounded Buffer Monitor Require MonitorBuffer.rb buffer = BoundedBuffer.new(5) consumer = Thread.new do loop { puts "Consumer: #{buffer.remove" sleep rand(2) producer = Thread.new do loop { item = "A"+(rand 10).to_s puts "Producer produces: #{item" buffer.enter(item) sleep rand(3) producer.join consumer.join 45 Consumer Thread Producer Thread

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