Mobile Programming Lecture 2. Layouts, Widgets, Toasts, and Event Handling

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1 Mobile Programming Lecture 2 Layouts, Widgets, Toasts, and Event Handling

2 Lecture 1 Review How to edit XML files in Android Studio? What holds all elements (Views) that appear to the user in an Activity? When should you make changes to Give an example of a View (something in Android that extends View) How to add a new XML Layout file?

3 Today's Agenda Layouts LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, TableLayout Widgets TextView, EditText, Buttons, SeekBar, NumberPicker Toasts Event Handling

4 Views Every UI component in Android is a View

5 Layouts Layouts are ViewGroups Special types of Views that contain other Views or ViewGroups Your XML file will contain a hierarchy of Views You can add multiple Layouts to the canvas! Properties/Attributes of Views are configurable normally prefixed with android: e.g. android:id, android:text

6 Layouts How do we create our layouts? Programmatically Defined in XML Allows separation of behavioral code from presentation Allows visualization of layout design How do we associate a layout with an Activity? Typically done with a call to the setcontentview() method in the oncreate() implementation

7 Layouts LinearLayout RelativeLayout TableLayout TabLayout

8 Layouts - LinearLayout Review Only allows you to arrange widgets in a linear direction horizontally or vertically sometimes this is all you need!

9 Layouts - LinearLayout (Vertical) A

10 Layouts - LinearLayout (Vertical) A B

11 Layouts - LinearLayout (Vertical) A B C

12 Layouts - LinearLayout (Vertical) A B C D

13 Layouts - LinearLayout (Vertical) A B C D E

14 Layouts - LinearLayout Nesting LinearLayouts can degrade performance For your homeworks and projects, only use LinearLayout when you have good reason to do so

15 Layouts Try not to waste too much time on editing the Layout in the XML editor If you want to switch from LinearLayout to another Layout Right click canvas Change Layout... Select a different Layout

16 Layouts Want to add an entirely new UI? Right click your project New > Android Resource File Resource Type: Layout File: xml_file_name.xml Root Element: e.g. RelativeLayout This stores the new XML file in res/layout Android Studio will automatically set layout as the directory that the resource file should be created in

17 Layouts - RelativeLayout Allows you to specify the position of one View B relative to another View A

18 Layouts - RelativeLayout A

19 Layouts - RelativeLayout A B

20 Layouts - RelativeLayout A B

21 Layouts - RelativeLayout B A

22 Layouts - RelativeLayout B A

23 Layouts - RelativeLayout B A Many possibilities! Unlike LinearLayout

24 Layouts - RelativeLayout A B Many possibilities! Unlike LinearLayout

25 Layouts - RelativeLayout B A Many possibilities! Unlike LinearLayout

26 Layouts - RelativeLayout Many more possibilities for arranging your widgets, unlike LinearLayout RelativeLayout > LinearLayout Skip this tutorial and use the WYSIWYG editor instead to save time!

27 Layouts - TableLayout Displays widgets in rows and columns similar to HTML tables Your TableLayout usually consists of TableRows, which lay their children out horizontally layout_width attribute of TableLayout's children are forced to be match_parent (even if you set it yourself) Likewise, layout_height of a TableRow is forced to be wrap_content

28 Layouts - TableLayout TableRow TableRow A D B C TableRow

29 Layouts - Oversized Layouts If you have some widgets that aren't being displayed on the screen, it could be because there isn't enough space on the screen to show them all You won't be able to scroll by default

30 Layouts - ScrollView To solve this: Add a ScrollView view to the root of your root layout (can be LinearLayout) Move your main Layout to root of the ScrollView (e.g. RelativeLayout)

31 Widgets - Finding Available Widgets To see some of the available Widgets, open one of the XML files in res/layout View the XML file as Graphical Layout using the tabs at the bottom of the window Select a category in the left pane if necessary (e.g. Text Fields)

32 Widgets All of these widgets are subclasses of the View class (i.e., View is the base class for widgets) Try to avoid modifying XML files directly if you can use Forms or WYSIWYG "wizzy wig" instead

33 Widgets - Examples TextViews Displays text in your Activity EditText Allows the user to input text Button Can be pressed by the user to perform an action CheckBox RadioGroup ToggleButton

34 Widgets - Id's Id's are not required for each widget stores the id's for your widgets. How do the id's get set? Remember, don't edit the file!

35 Widgets - Id's 2 ways to add a widget and set its android:id value 1. Using the Graphical Layout editor a. Drag and drop a widget onto the canvas b. Set the id property in the Properties section of the Component Tree 2. Using the XML editor a. Type the XML code needed for the widget that you want b. add android:id="@+id/id_name" to its attributes

36 Widgets - Id's Save your file, and the id will automatically be added to tells the XML parser to expand the rest of the id string and treat it as an ID resource + is what causes the id to be added to

37 Widgets As you may have noticed, you can do this for attributes other than the android:id attribute You can explore your options by right clicking on anything on the canvas

38 Widgets - layout_height/width Always set the android:layout_height and android:layout_width attributes in the XML file for your widgets. NOT doing so is an easy way to get a Force close Drag and drop onto the canvas so that you don't have to worry about this

39 Widgets - layout_height/width Values for android:layout_height and android:layout_width "wrap_content" big enough to hold its contents "match_parent" make the specified dimension as big as its parent "fill_parent" being deprecated, replaced by "match_parent"

40 Widgets - TextView We will experiment with some of the attributes for the TextView widget android:text e.g. "Hello World!" android:textsize e.g. "20sp" sp = scale-independent pixels, it helps when writing apps to be run across a variety of device configurations android:textstyle e.g. "italic" android:textcolor e.g. #FFFFFF

41 Widgets - EditText Experimenting with the EditText widget. EditText is a subclass of TextView - adds the ability to edit text. android:hint e.g. "Enter your name" android:inputtype textcapwords textmultiline textnosuggestions (doesn't work for me, try textvisiblepassword as a workaround) textpassword number Can be combined using e.g. android:inputtype= textcapwords textmultiline

42 Widgets - Button Experimenting with the Button widget. Button is a subclass of TextView. android:onclick e.g. dosomething Different button types Button for a button with text ImageButton for a button with just an icon Button for a button with an icon and text add android:drawableleft attribute

43 Widgets - CheckBox Experimenting with the CheckBox widget. CheckBox is a subclass of Button android:text e.g. "I agree to the terms and conditions" android:checked "true" or "false" sets the default value of the CheckBox

44 Widgets - RadioGroup / RadioButton You usually want to drag a RadioGroup onto the canvas first It's easy to drag and drop or remove RadioButtons to/from the RadioGroup

45 Widgets - RadioButton Experimenting with the RadioButton widget. RadioButton is a subclass of Button android:text e.g. "Female" android:checked "true" or "false" sets the default state/value of the RadioButton

46 Widgets - ToggleButton Experimenting with the ToggleButton widget. ToggleButton is a subclass of Button android:texton e.g. "GPS Enabled" default value is "On" android:textoff e.g. "GPS Disabled" default value is "Off" android:checked "true" or "false" sets the default state/value of the ToggleButton

47 Widgets - Switch Introduced in Android 4.0 as an alternative to ToggleButton Requires the minimum supported API to be Android 4.0

48 Widgets - SeekBar Experimenting with the SeekBar widget. android:max e.g. "100" you can't set the min, it's always 0 android:progress e.g. "50" sets the current position of the slider on the SeekBar

49 Widgets - RatingBar Experimenting with the RatingBar widget. android:numstars e.g. "6" android:rating e.g. "3" sets the default rating android:stepsize e.g. "2" rating is set in groups of stepsize default = "1"

50 Widgets - NumberPicker NumberPicker is in HoneyComb (Android 3.0) or later You may get a Force close if you try to manipulate it in an earlier version

51 Widgets - NumberPicker For some reason, it doesn't seem like NumberPicker attributes can be set in XML...

52 Widgets - NumberPicker After adding NumberPicker with android:id="@+id/agepicker" to the XML file NumberPicker magepicker; public class HelloWorldActivity extends public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); magepicker = (NumberPicker) findviewbyid(; magepicker.setmaxvalue(120); magepicker.setminvalue(5); } }

53 Widgets Most, of a widget's XML attributes can be set and get programmatically Example widget XML attribute set method get method EditText android:text settext(string) gettext() Button android:onclick setonclicklistener( OnClickListener) - CheckBox android:checked setchecked() ischecked() SeekBar android:progress setprogress() getprogress() SeekBar android:max setmax() getmax()

54 Toast Finally, Java code Before looking at Toasts... let's look at the auto-generated Java code. public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); } }

55 Toast Finally, Java code Before looking at Toasts... let's look the auto-generated Java code. public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity { public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { } Main point of entry into your code. Called when the Activity is created. super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main);

56 Toast Finally, Java code Before looking at Toasts... let's look the auto-generated Java code. public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity Android needs to do who knows what before you can do anything. public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); } }

57 Toast Finally, Java code Before looking at Toasts... let's look the auto-generated Java code. public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity Set the layout that you want to use. This one public corresponds void oncreate(bundle to savedinstancestate) { res/layout/main.xml super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); } }

58 Toast A notification message that is displayed on the screen for a specified time (usually fraction of a second or seconds) Add this to your code: Toast.makeText(this, "Message", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

59 Toast There are several reasons why your Toast won't show up on the screen One reason is that you probably forgot part of the Toast code.

60 Events - Event driven programming Android is event-driven The flow of code depends on events, unlike programs you normally write in C++ If you've written JavaScript code before then you've probably done event-driven programming

61 Events - examples events Call a method when the user clicks a button checks a checkbox pulls back on and lets go of slingshot in Angry Birds Call a method when the system receives an SMS receives a phone call completely loads a web page in the browser

62 Events - View Every View can react to the onclick event Layouts are also Views!

63 Events - Button Click Let's react to a Button click event. Add a button to the canvas, and add the code in bold below to the button <Button android:text="submit" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:onclick="myeventhandler" />

64 Events - Button Click Let's react to a Button click event. Add a button to the canvas, and add the code in bold below to the button <Button android:text="submit" This says to launch the myevent method when this button is clicked android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:onclick="myeventhandler" />

65 Events - Button Click Let's react to a Button click event. Add the method below to your Java code public void myeventhandler(view v) { } Toast.makeText( this, "You pressed a button!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

66 Events - Button Click Let's react to a Button click event. Name of the method Add the method must match below the to your Java code public void myeventhandler(view v) { } android:onclick attribute in the XML file Toast.makeText( this, "You pressed a button!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

67 Events - Button Click Let's react to a Button click event. Has to be public to be Add able to work. the private method below to your Java code may give you a Force close. public void myeventhandler(view v) { } Toast.makeText( this, "You pressed a button!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

68 Events - Button Click Let's react to a Button click event. void for onclick. Not all Add event-handlers the method should below to your Java code public void myeventhandler(view v) { } return void, however. We'll see this soon Toast.makeText( this, "You pressed a button!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

69 Events - Button Click Let's react to a Button click event. View parameter is Add the method below to your required. Java You may code use public void myeventhandler(view v) { } Toast.makeText( this, "You pressed a button!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); myeventhandler to handle multiple events.

70 Events - Button Click Let's react to a Button click event. How do you know Add the method below to your Java code public void myeventhandler(view v) { } Toast.makeText( this, "You pressed a button!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); which view has been clicked?

71 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? So far we've done most of our development using XML. Now we're going to really start looking at Java code. We need to be able to reference our views (specified in the XML file) using Java In the Graphical Layout, use the Properties view to set the ID of the Button to "submitbutton"

72 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? Add an EditText to the canvas Set the ID to "firstname" Set android:onclick="myeventhandler"

73 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity { Button msubmitbutton; EditText mfirstname; public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; }

74 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity { Button msubmitbutton; EditText mfirstname; Add local fields for the corresponding widgets to reference them public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; }

75 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity { Button msubmitbutton; EditText Set the widgets. Remember we set the public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); unique IDs for these widgets previously. setcontentview(r.layout.main); msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; }

76 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity { Button msubmitbutton; EditText Cast it to the correct View subclass, since findviewbyid returns a View. public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; }

77 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity { Button msubmitbutton; EditText Now that you can reference the views in Java, take a look at the methods for the views public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; }

78 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity { Button msubmitbutton; EditText e.g. msubmitbutton.settext("submit"); msubmitbutton.gettext(); This is important! public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; }

79 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public void myeventhandler(view v) { } Toast.makeText( this, "You pressed a button!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); How do you know which view has been clicked?

80 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public void myeventhandler(view v) { if (v == msubmitbutton) { /* submitbutton clicked */ } else if(v == mfirstname) { /* first name clicked */ } }

81 Events - How do we know which view has been clicked? public void myeventhandler(view v) { } Add this method to your class if(v == msubmitbutton) { /* submitbutton clicked */ } else if(v == mfirstname) { /* first name clicked */ }

82 Events You can also create a different method to handle events for different views if you want to.

83 Events - Handling Events There are 3 ways to incorporate EventListeners: 1. Specify the name of the method to handle the event in XML. We just did this. 2. Have your Activity implement an EventListener 3. Create an anonymous implementation of the EventListener

84 Events - Handling Events There are 3 ways to incorporate EventListeners: 1. Specify the name of the method to handle the event in XML. We just did this. 2. Have your Activity implement an EventListener 3. Create an anonymous implementation of the EventListener

85 Events - Implement EventListener public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); Button msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; EditText mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; } } You should remove the android:onclick attribute from the submitbutton in the XML file

86 Events - Implement EventListener public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { } super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); Button msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; EditText mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; msubmitbutton.setonclicklistener(this); public void onclick(view v) { }...

87 Events - Implement EventListener public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity implements OnClickListener public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { } super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); Button msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; EditText mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; What if I remove this? msubmitbutton.setonclicklistener(this); Try it. public void onclick(view v) { }...

88 Events - Handling Events There are 3 ways to incorporate EventListeners: 1. Specify the name of the method to handle the event in XML. We just did this. 2. Have your Activity implement an EventListener 3. Create an anonymous implementation of the EventListener

89 Events - Anonymous Listener public class HelloWorldActivity extends public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); Button msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; EditText mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; } }

90 Events - Anonymous Listener public class HelloWorldActivity extends Activity{ public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { } super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.main); Button msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid(; EditText mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid(; Doesn't need to implement OnClickListener this time!

91 Events - Anonymous Listener public class HelloWorldActivity extends public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout. main); Button msubmitbutton = (Button) findviewbyid( submitbutton); EditText mfirstname = (EditText) findviewbyid( firstname); } } msubmitbutton.setonclicklistener( new OnClickListener() { public void onclick(view v) { /* submitbutton clicked */ } });

92 Events - Anonymous Listener A fast way to set the onclicklistener: after typing msubmitbutton. (including the dot) choose the setonclicklistener method from the list 1. in the parentheses, type new (including the whitespace) 2. press Ctrl+Spacebar 3. select View.OnClickListener from the list 4. You may have to press Ctrl + o to import any missing packages 5. add a semicolon at the end of the autogenerated code 6. add your code to the auto-generated methods

93 References Android Developers The Mobile Lab at Florida State University

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