Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows

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1 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows Release 3.1 Issue 3 March 2017

2 , Avaya Inc. All Rights Reserved. Notice While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the information in this document is complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya assumes no liability for any errors. Avaya reserves the right to make changes and corrections to the information in this document without the obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes. Documentation disclaimer Documentation means information published in varying mediums which may include product information, operating instructions and performance specifications that are generally made available to users of products. Documentation does not include marketing materials. Avaya shall not be responsible for any modifications, additions, or deletions to the original published version of Documentation unless such modifications, additions, or deletions were performed by or on the express behalf of Avaya. End User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Avaya, Avaya's agents, servants and employees against all claims, lawsuits, demands and judgments arising out of, or in connection with, subsequent modifications, additions or deletions to this documentation, to the extent made by End User. Link disclaimer Avaya is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked websites referenced within this site or Documentation provided by Avaya. Avaya is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, statement or content provided on these sites and does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or information described or offered within them. Avaya does not guarantee that these links will work all the time and has no control over the availability of the linked pages. Warranty Avaya provides a limited warranty on Avaya hardware and software. Refer to your sales agreement to establish the terms of the limited warranty. In addition, Avaya s standard warranty language, as well as information regarding support for this product while under warranty is available to Avaya customers and other parties through the Avaya Support website: getgenericdetails?detailid=c under the link Warranty & Product Lifecycle or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Please note that if You acquired the product(s) from an authorized Avaya Channel Partner outside of the United States and Canada, the warranty is provided to You by said Avaya Channel Partner and not by Avaya. Hosted Service means an Avaya hosted service subscription that You acquire from either Avaya or an authorized Avaya Channel Partner (as applicable) and which is described further in Hosted SAS or other service description documentation regarding the applicable hosted service. If You purchase a Hosted Service subscription, the foregoing limited warranty may not apply but You may be entitled to support services in connection with the Hosted Service as described further in your service description documents for the applicable Hosted Service. Contact Avaya or Avaya Channel Partner (as applicable) for more information. Hosted Service THE FOLLOWING APPLIES ONLY IF YOU PURCHASE AN AVAYA HOSTED SERVICE SUBSCRIPTION FROM AVAYA OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER (AS APPLICABLE), THE TERMS OF USE FOR HOSTED SERVICES ARE AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE, UNDER THE LINK Avaya Terms of Use for Hosted Services OR SUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY AVAYA, AND ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO ACCESSES OR USES THE HOSTED SERVICE. BY ACCESSING OR USING THE HOSTED SERVICE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE DOING SO (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY AS YOU AND END USER ), AGREE TO THE TERMS OF USE. IF YOU ARE ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF USE ON BEHALF A COMPANY OR OTHER LEGAL ENTITY, YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO BIND SUCH ENTITY TO THESE TERMS OF USE. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SUCH AUTHORITY, OR IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO ACCEPT THESE TERMS OF USE, YOU MUST NOT ACCESS OR USE THE HOSTED SERVICE OR AUTHORIZE ANYONE TO ACCESS OR USE THE HOSTED SERVICE. Licenses THE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS AVAILABLE ON THE AVAYA WEBSITE, UNDER THE LINK AVAYA SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS (Avaya Products) OR SUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS DESIGNATED BY AVAYA, ARE APPLICABLE TO ANYONE WHO DOWNLOADS, USES AND/OR INSTALLS AVAYA SOFTWARE, PURCHASED FROM AVAYA INC., ANY AVAYA AFFILIATE, OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER (AS APPLICABLE) UNDER A COMMERCIAL AGREEMENT WITH AVAYA OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER. UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO BY AVAYA IN WRITING, AVAYA DOES NOT EXTEND THIS LICENSE IF THE SOFTWARE WAS OBTAINED FROM ANYONE OTHER THAN AVAYA, AN AVAYA AFFILIATE OR AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER; AVAYA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TAKE LEGAL ACTION AGAINST YOU AND ANYONE ELSE USING OR SELLING THE SOFTWARE WITHOUT A LICENSE. BY INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE SOFTWARE, OR AUTHORIZING OTHERS TO DO SO, YOU, ON BEHALF OF YOURSELF AND THE ENTITY FOR WHOM YOU ARE INSTALLING, DOWNLOADING OR USING THE SOFTWARE (HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO INTERCHANGEABLY AS YOU AND END USER ), AGREE TO THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND CREATE A BINDING CONTRACT BETWEEN YOU AND AVAYA INC. OR THE APPLICABLE AVAYA AFFILIATE ( AVAYA ). Avaya grants You a license within the scope of the license types described below, with the exception of Heritage Nortel Software, for which the scope of the license is detailed below. Where the order documentation does not expressly identify a license type, the applicable license will be a Designated System License. The applicable number of licenses and units of capacity for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a different number of licenses or units of capacity is specified in the documentation or other materials available to You. Software means computer programs in object code, provided by Avaya or an Avaya Channel Partner, whether as stand-alone products, pre-installed on hardware products, and any upgrades, updates, patches, bug fixes, or modified versions thereto. Designated Processor means a single stand-alone computing device. Server means a Designated Processor that hosts a software application to be accessed by multiple users. Instance means a single copy of the Software executing at a particular time: (i) on one physical machine; or (ii) on one deployed software virtual machine ( VM ) or similar deployment. License types Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software only on a number of Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order. Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in the order by type, serial number, feature key, Instance, location or other specific designation, or to be provided by End User to Avaya through electronic means established by Avaya specifically for this purpose. Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use the Software on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers, so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and using the Software at any given time. A Unit means the unit on which Avaya, at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be, without limitation, an agent, port or user, an or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software. Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server or an Instance of the Software. Database License (DL). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software on one Server or on multiple Servers provided that each of the Servers on which the Software is installed communicates with no more than one Instance of the same database. CPU License (CP). End User may install and use each copy or Instance of the Software on a number of Servers up to the number

3 indicated in the order provided that the performance capacity of the Server(s) does not exceed the performance capacity specified for the Software. End User may not re-install or operate the Software on Server(s) with a larger performance capacity without Avaya s prior consent and payment of an upgrade fee. Named User License (NU). You may: (i) install and use each copy or Instance of the Software on a single Designated Processor or Server per authorized Named User (defined below); or (ii) install and use each copy or Instance of the Software on a Server so long as only authorized Named Users access and use the Software. Named User, means a user or device that has been expressly authorized by Avaya to access and use the Software. At Avaya s sole discretion, a Named User may be, without limitation, designated by name, corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), an or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporate function, or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software. Shrinkwrap License (SR). You may install and use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable license agreements, such as shrinkwrap or clickthrough license accompanying or applicable to the Software ( Shrinkwrap License ). Heritage Nortel Software Heritage Nortel Software means the software that was acquired by Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel Enterprise Solutions Business in December The Heritage Nortel Software is the software contained within the list of Heritage Nortel Products located at under the link Heritage Nortel Products or such successor site as designated by Avaya. For Heritage Nortel Software, Avaya grants Customer a license to use Heritage Nortel Software provided hereunder solely to the extent of the authorized activation or authorized usage level, solely for the purpose specified in the Documentation, and solely as embedded in, for execution on, or for communication with Avaya equipment. Charges for Heritage Nortel Software may be based on extent of activation or use authorized as specified in an order or invoice. Copyright Except where expressly stated otherwise, no use should be made of materials on this site, the Documentation, Software, Hosted Service, or hardware provided by Avaya. All content on this site, the documentation, Hosted Service, and the product provided by Avaya including the selection, arrangement and design of the content is owned either by Avaya or its licensors and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws including the sui generis rights relating to the protection of databases. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute in any way any content, in whole or in part, including any code and software unless expressly authorized by Avaya. Unauthorized reproduction, transmission, dissemination, storage, and or use without the express written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as a civil offense under the applicable law. Virtualization The following applies if the product is deployed on a virtual machine. Each product has its own ordering code and license types. Note that each Instance of a product must be separately licensed and ordered. For example, if the end user customer or Avaya Channel Partner would like to install two Instances of the same type of products, then two products of that type must be ordered. Third Party Components Third Party Components mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software or Hosted Service may contain software (including open source software) distributed under third party agreements ( Third Party Components ), which contain terms regarding the rights to use certain portions of the Software ( Third Party Terms ). As required, information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for those products that have distributed Linux OS source code) and identifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and the Third Party Terms that apply is available in the products, Documentation or on Avaya s website at: or such successor site as designated by Avaya. The open source software license terms provided as Third Party Terms are consistent with the license rights granted in these Software License Terms, and may contain additional rights benefiting You, such as modification and distribution of the open source software. The Third Party Terms shall take precedence over these Software License Terms, solely with respect to the applicable Third Party Components to the extent that these Software License Terms impose greater restrictions on You than the applicable Third Party Terms. The following applies only if the H.264 (AVC) codec is distributed with the product. THIS PRODUCT IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO (i) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD ( AVC VIDEO ) AND/OR (ii) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, L.L.C. SEE Service Provider THE FOLLOWING APPLIES TO AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER S HOSTING OF AVAYA PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. THE PRODUCT OR HOSTED SERVICE MAY USE THIRD PARTY COMPONENTS SUBJECT TO THIRD PARTY TERMS AND REQUIRE A SERVICE PROVIDER TO BE INDEPENDENTLY LICENSED DIRECTLY FROM THE THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER. AN AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER S HOSTING OF AVAYA PRODUCTS MUST BE AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY AVAYA AND IF THOSE HOSTED PRODUCTS USE OR EMBED CERTAIN THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO MICROSOFT SOFTWARE OR CODECS, THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS REQUIRED TO INDEPENDENTLY OBTAIN ANY APPLICABLE LICENSE AGREEMENTS, AT THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER S EXPENSE, DIRECTLY FROM THE APPLICABLE THIRD PARTY SUPPLIER. WITH RESPECT TO CODECS, IF THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS HOSTING ANY PRODUCTS THAT USE OR EMBED THE G.729 CODEC, H.264 CODEC, OR H.265 CODEC, THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THE AVAYA CHANNEL PARTNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL RELATED FEES AND/OR ROYALTIES. THE G.729 CODEC IS LICENSED BY SIPRO LAB TELECOM INC. SEE THE H.264 (AVC) CODEC IS LICENSED UNDER THE AVC PATENT PORTFOLIO LICENSE FOR THE PERSONAL USE OF A CONSUMER OR OTHER USES IN WHICH IT DOES NOT RECEIVE REMUNERATION TO: (I) ENCODE VIDEO IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE AVC STANDARD ( AVC VIDEO ) AND/OR (II) DECODE AVC VIDEO THAT WAS ENCODED BY A CONSUMER ENGAGED IN A PERSONAL ACTIVITY AND/OR WAS OBTAINED FROM A VIDEO PROVIDER LICENSED TO PROVIDE AVC VIDEO. NO LICENSE IS GRANTED OR SHALL BE IMPLIED FOR ANY OTHER USE. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR H.264 (AVC) AND H.265 (HEVC) CODECS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM MPEG LA, L.L.C. SEE Compliance with Laws You acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility for complying with any applicable laws and regulations, including, but not limited to laws and regulations related to call recording, data privacy, intellectual property, trade secret, fraud, and music performance rights, in the country or territory where the Avaya product is used. Preventing Toll Fraud Toll Fraud is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for example, a person who is not a corporate employee, agent, subcontractor, or is not working on your company's behalf). Be aware that there can be a risk of Toll Fraud associated with your system and that, if Toll Fraud occurs, it can result in substantial additional charges for your telecommunications services. Avaya Toll Fraud intervention If You suspect that You are being victimized by Toll Fraud and You need technical assistance or support, call Technical Service Center Toll Fraud Intervention Hotline at for the United States and Canada. For additional support telephone numbers, see

4 the Avaya Support website: or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Security Vulnerabilities Information about Avaya s security support policies can be found in the Security Policies and Support section of Suspected Avaya product security vulnerabilities are handled per the Avaya Product Security Support Flow ( ). Downloading Documentation For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya Support website: or such successor site as designated by Avaya. Contact Avaya Support See the Avaya Support website: for product or Hosted Service notices and articles, or to report a problem with your Avaya product or Hosted Service. For a list of support telephone numbers and contact addresses, go to the Avaya Support website: (or such successor site as designated by Avaya), scroll to the bottom of the page, and select Contact Avaya Support. Trademarks The trademarks, logos and service marks ( Marks ) displayed in this site, the Documentation, Hosted Service(s), and product(s) provided by Avaya are the registered or unregistered Marks of Avaya, its affiliates, its licensors, its suppliers, or other third parties. Users are not permitted to use such Marks without prior written consent from Avaya or such third party which may own the Mark. Nothing contained in this site, the Documentation, Hosted Service(s) and product(s) should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right in and to the Marks without the express written permission of Avaya or the applicable third party. Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc. All non-avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

5 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Purpose Change history Chapter 2: Avaya Equinox overview Multiple Device Access overview MDA limitations Bridged Line Appearance overview Interactions for Bridged Line Appearance New in this release Chapter 3: Avaya Equinox navigation Viewing the Avaya Equinox tutorial Icons Shortcut keys for Avaya Equinox for Mac and Windows Chapter 4: Setting up Avaya Equinox System requirements and interoperability Mobile clients Installing security certificates on mobile devices Installing Avaya Equinox on mobile devices Desktop clients Installing security certificates on desktops Installing Avaya Equinox on desktops Using the Avaya Equinox menu Configuring Avaya Equinox settings automatically Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings Avaya Equinox home screen Configuring the display preferences Configuring the contact search settings Modifying contact settings Modifying audio settings Modifying audio and video settings Configuring the camera setting Modifying the voice quality setting Services settings Configuring the dialing rules manually Viewing the pre-call features Enabling or disabling the EC500 features Changing the time delay between the ringing of the feature name extension number and the destination number Pausing itunes during calls March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 5

6 Contents Viewing release and version information Viewing the certificates that Avaya Equinox uses Viewing licensing information Logging in and out of the Avaya Equinox services Configuring the setting to automatically start and log in to Avaya Equinox Chapter 5: Making and handling calls Call management overview Call management using the MacBook Pro touch bar Call management using Avaya Vantage Call management using a Plantronics headset Making an audio or video call Selecting the configured service to make a call Selecting the primary extension or BLA Answering or ignoring a call Managing calls Using Avaya Equinox as the default application for telephony services My Phones overview Viewing the phone numbers that ring for an incoming call Activating simultaneous ringing for VoIP users Forwarding all calls Forwarding calls when you are busy or do not answer Configuring enhanced call forwarding Sending all calls to voice mail Sending all calls to voice mail when your presence status is set to Do not disturb Making a voice or video call to a group of contacts Entering digits during a call Muting or unmuting a call Placing a call on hold or resuming the call Escalating an audio call to a video call or an instant message to a call Blocking or resuming a video call Stopping the video transmission in a call Sharing on a call Excluding MDA devices from joining the existing call Extending the call to cellular Transferring a call Parking or unparking a call Configuring automatic callback Viewing call details Viewing the call quality statistics Viewing call history Deleting a call history entry Deleting all call history Listening to voice mails March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 6

7 Contents Ending a call Emergency calls Chapter 6: Conferencing Starting a MeetMe conference Starting a basic adhoc conference by adding contacts Starting an advanced adhoc conference by adding contacts Adding a participant to a conference call Merging two point to point calls to create a conference call Escalating a point to point call to a conference call Escalating to video during an audio conference Checking audio and video links for the conference Handling conference calls Viewing the call statistics of a conference call Extending the conference call to cellular Parking or unparking a conference call Managing the local video Managing the conference as a moderator Recording a conference Disabling the mute option for all participants in a conference Managing the entry and exit tones Continuing a conference without the moderator Locking or unlocking the conference Muting all participants in a conference Managing conference participants Muting or unmuting a participant in a conference Blocking or unblocking the video of a participant in a conference Promoting a participant to moderator or presenter Dropping a participant from a conference Viewing the participants in a conference Viewing the recent speakers in the conference Viewing the participants in a web collaboration Viewing the participants who dropped from a conference Sorting the participants in the conference Ending a conference Deskphone mode limitations Chapter 7: Sharing information Conference screen Sharing information in a new or existing conference BFCP sharing Annotations in shared content Shared content annotation tools Messages Sending messages to all participants in a conference March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 7

8 Contents Sending a private message to a participant in a conference Ending sharing Chapter 8: Managing contacts Best practices Searching for a contact Filtering contacts Adding an enterprise contact to your Equinox contacts Creating a new contact Deleting a contact Chapter 9: Presence and instant messaging Changing your presence status manually Configuring the interval after which your presence status is automatically set to Away Management of incoming calls and instant messages during DND Changing your presence status message Working with instant messages Starting an instant message conversation Copying and pasting an instant message Marking all instant messages as read Configuring the notification sound for instant messages Configuring the instant messaging provider Working with attachments Adding attachments to an instant message Viewing attachments Managing instant messaging participants Adding participants to a conversation Viewing instant messaging participants Searching for an instant message Leaving an instant messaging conversation Chapter 10: Uninstalling and upgrading Avaya Equinox Mobile clients Upgrading Avaya Equinox on mobile devices Removing data from mobile clients Uninstalling Avaya Equinox from mobile devices Desktop clients Upgrading Avaya Equinox on desktops Removing data from desktop clients Uninstalling Avaya Equinox on desktops Chapter 11: Troubleshooting Support, warnings, and log files Capturing detailed log information Configuring the quality improvement option Configuring the support address Sending log files to support March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 8

9 Contents Checking warning messages Conferencing issues A participant that you add to an audio conference is added as a video participant Avaya Equinox is not muted automatically when added by an Avaya Scopia moderator to a conference in Lecture mode Audio is muted automatically when an Avaya Equinox participant becomes the Avaya Scopia moderator Contact issues Cannot access local contacts on Avaya Equinox Contact image is invisible Avaya Equinox does not display Microsoft Outlook contact photos Instant messaging issues As an Avaya Multimedia Messaging user, you cannot send open files in an instant messaging conversation Telephony issues Audio is lost for a few seconds during a call Cannot end a call on a bridged extension that is on hold Two call notifications for an incoming call Android device setting changes automatically from silent and vibrate mode to general mode For a bridged in call, Avaya Equinox displays incorrect call logs Media preserved call is not dropped when you answer a cellular call DTMF tones are not sent when user is active on multiple cellular calls Client Enablement Services callback call gets dropped after called party answers the call Video issues During a video call, the microphone stops working Video is not transmitted after 15 minutes Video window does not close automatically Unable to have video in Avaya Aura Conferencing conference Web collaboration issues Cannot de-escalate to audio or start web collaboration The Web Collaboration window displays a shared document on another conference Cannot access the web collaboration session of a conference Other issues Poor audio or video quality and slow response time Avaya Equinox for ios exits unexpectedly Cannot change to a different IP connection with Windows Error while uninstalling Avaya Equinox for Windows using the Windows Control Panel Getting security warnings while using Avaya Equinox After starting the Avaya Equinox client, Microsoft Outlook displays a security notification message Presence status is updated incorrectly Getting error messages while managing calls on multiple devices using MDA Space key on the soft keypad works incorrectly in Avaya Equinox for ios March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 9

10 Contents Chapter 12: Resources Documentation Finding documents on the Avaya Support website Training Viewing Avaya Mentor videos Support Using the Avaya InSite Knowledge Base Appendix A: Participant mute experience with Avaya Aura Conferencing Glossary March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 10

11 Chapter 1: Introduction Purpose This document describes how to set up and use Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows. Change history The following table describes the major changes made in this document for each release: Issue Date Summary of changes 3, Release 3.1 2, Release 3.0 SP1 1, Release 3.0 March 2017 January 2017 December 2016 Updated information on the Bridged Line Appearance (BLA) feature. Clients on all platforms support the BLA feature. Added content related to accessing your Exchange-based calendar on the Top of Mind and Meetings screens. Added information on managing calls using a Plantronics headset on Avaya Equinox for Mac and Windows. Added information on using the MacBook Pro touch bar while using Avaya Equinox for Mac. Added information on the option to set your video preference using the Top of Mind screen. Added information on Support for Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. Added information on the Bridged Line Appearance (BLA) feature. Currently, only Avaya Equinox for Mac supports the BLA feature. Added information on the shortcut keys for Avaya Equinox for Mac and Windows. Consolidated all existing user guide content into this document. In previous releases, there were separate user guides for each platform. Added content related to Avaya Equinox for Mac. Changed product name from Avaya Communicator to Avaya Equinox. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 11

12 Chapter 2: Avaya Equinox overview Avaya Equinox client is a soft phone application that provides users with access to unified communications (UC) services. You can access the Avaya Equinox client on the following platforms: Mobile platforms: Android and ios. You can use the: - Android platform from a mobile phone, tablet, or an Avaya Vantage device - ios platform from an ipad, iphone, or ipod Touch Desktop platforms: Mac and Windows. With Avaya Equinox client, you can use the following functionality: Make point-to-point audio and video calls. Listen to your voice mail messages. You can view voice mail messages only on mobile clients. Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage does not support Visual Voice Mails. Join and host conference calls with moderator control features. Use point-to-point and conference call control functionality. You can also add participants to a conference. Answer calls, send calls to voice mail, forward calls, and extend calls to your mobile phone if EC500 is configured. Share a portion of the screen, your whole desktop, an application, or a whiteboard while on a conference call on desktop platforms. View a portion of the screen, the whole desktop, an application, or a whiteboard shared by another conference participant. View your call history. Perform an enterprisewide search using Avaya Aura Device Services or Client Enablement Services on mobile clients and using Avaya Aura Device Services or LDAP on desktop clients. Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage does not support Client Enablement Services. Access your Avaya Aura and local contacts. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 12

13 Multiple Device Access overview Send instant messages. Capture photo, audio, video files, and send generic file attachments in an IM conversation. Manage your presence status and presence status message. Log in to your extension and join calls with multiple devices if Multiple Device Access (MDA) is configured. Dual registration is also supported as MDA. Some Avaya Equinox features must be configured for your enterprise before you can use them. Multiple Device Access overview Avaya Equinox supports Multiple Device Access (MDA), which you can use to: Log on to the same extension from multiple devices, including mobile EC500 devices. Answer a call from multiple devices. Join an existing call from other logged in devices. Hear simultaneous ringing on all logged in devices when a call is made to your extension. The Avaya Aura network configuration, which your administrator configures, determines: The number of devices that you can log in to at the same time. Whether the first or last logged in device is denied login access when you reach the maximum simultaneous device limit. For more information, see Planning for and Administering Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows. MDA limitations Support on other devices Some devices do not support MDA. You might be able to log in to these devices using the same extension that you used to log in to your Avaya Equinox client. However, other MDA functionality, such as the ability to answer a new call or join an existing call might not work properly. Video escalation When more than one device is on a call, you cannot escalate the call to video. If additional devices drop from the call and only one device remains on the call, you can escalate that call to a video call. When a second device joins a video call, the video screen becomes blank. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 13

14 Avaya Equinox overview An EC500 device cannot escalate to a video call at any time even if the EC500 device is the only device on the call. Joining calls If one of the devices on a call is on hold, another device cannot join the call. Bridged Line Appearance overview Use the Bridged Line Appearance (BLA) feature to give single-line and multi-appearance telephones an appearance of another telephone number. With BLA, the user can make, answer, and bridge onto calls to or from the telephone number of another user. For the BLA feature to be available, the administrator must provision the BLA feature for your extension. The terms primary number, primary telephone, and primary station all mean the same thing. The primary number is the extension that you want other extensions to bridge onto. For example, you want extension A as the primary number to also have call appearances on extensions B, C, and D. In this case, the administrator must access extensions B, C, and D to configure Bridge Appearance of extension A onto these extensions. A typical use case for the BLA feature is a boss and secretary scenario. In this scenario, the primary number is of the boss and call appearances of the primary number are configured on the extension of secretary. When someone calls the boss, either the boss or secretary can answer the call. If the call is answered first by the secretary, the boss can bridge onto the call. If a call is made to the extension of the secretary, the boss cannot see this call or bridge onto it. To make a call using the BLA extension, you must first select the primary extension appearance and then dial on behalf of the primary extension. When you receive a call on the primary extension, the call rings on the primary extension and the secondary extension. In this case, the secondary extension displays that the call is for the primary extension. The user of the secondary extension can select and answer this call. After the call is answered, the secondary extension displays that the active answered call is for the primary extension. On the primary extension, the application displays a bridge appearance to bridge onto the call answered on the secondary extension. Interactions for Bridged Line Appearance This section provides information about how the Bridged Line Appearance (BLA) feature interacts with other features on the system. Use this information to ensure that you receive the maximum benefits of BLA in any feature configuration. For more information, see Avaya Aura Communication Manager Feature Description and Implementation. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 14

15 Bridged Line Appearance overview Enhanced conferencing using Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, or Avaya Equinox Conferencing is not supported with BLA. If a BLA watcher wants to be a participant in an enhanced conference, the BLA watcher must join the enhanced conference directly. Automatic Callback Automatic Callback calls cannot originate from a BLA. However, when Automatic Callback is activated from the primary telephone, the callback call rings on all bridged appearances of the extension and the primary telephone. Call Forwarding All Calls, Call Forward Busy, and No Answer Call Forwarding can be activated or canceled for the primary extension from any BLA of that extension using a feature access code. When activated, calls to the primary extension do not terminate at the BLAs, but go to the designated forwarding destination. Call Park When a call is parked from a BLA, it is parked on the primary extension associated with the BLA. Call Pickup Calls that are made to a primary telephone, with alerting at bridged appearances of the primary telephone, can only be answered by pickup group members of the primary number. The Temporary Bridged Appearance on Call Pickup? field on the Feature-Related System Parameters screen is set to n: In this case, the primary appearance and all bridged appearances of the call are dropped after Call Pickup is used to answer the call. The Temporary Bridged Appearance on Call Pickup? field on the Feature-Related System Parameters screen is set to y: In this case, the primary and bridged call appearance lamps stay lit after Call Pickup is used to answer the call. The primary telephone and the BLA are not in the same pickup group: In this case, members in the same pickup group as the BLA telephone cannot answer a call that is made to the primary telephone. The primary telephone and the BLA cannot be in the same pickup group. This is not a supported configuration. When a user dials the Call Pickup FAC on a BLA, the system interprets the action as an attempt to answer a call from the call pickup group of the primary telephone. When operating this way, the covering user can act as the primary user and provide the same call pickup coverage if required. Send All Calls Single-line device: When a single-line device is administered as a BLA, the user cannot start Send All Calls for the extension of their device. The user does not have a Send All Calls button, and the call appearance is associated with another extension, that is, the primary extension. When the user dials an FAC, Send All Calls is activated for the extension associated with the call appearance. Multiappearance telephones: A user with BLAs can activate or deactivate Send All Calls for a primary telephone from the bridged appearance. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 15

16 Avaya Equinox overview New in this release Bridged Line Appearance (BLA): To give single-line and multi-appearance telephones an appearance of another telephone number. With BLA, the user can make, answer, and bridge onto calls to or from the telephone number of another user. Opus codec: To achieve better audio quality. The Opus codec is designed to efficiently code speech and general audio in a single format. Video start preference: To automatically start transmitting video when you join video conference calls. New features specific to Android and ios platforms Exchange Calendar: To access your Exchange-based calendar on the Top of Mind and Meetings screens. In Avaya Equinox Release 3.0, users have integrated access to all calendar meetings within the application. The application accesses the calendars on the user's device through Exchange ActiveSync. This works well for users who can configure their corporate Microsoft Exchange address on their device using Exchange ActiveSync. Some companies have corporate policies that require secure access through Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions. Users restricted by such policies cannot configure their corporate through Exchange ActiveSync on their phone s default application. This implies that Avaya Equinox does not have access to the user s meetings. In Release 3.1, by using Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS), you can access your Exchange-based calendar. Avaya Equinox supports Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and later versions and Exchange Online deployments. Peek and Pop: To preview all types of content and act on the content, without having to actually open it. You can then press a little deeper to pop into the content in Avaya Equinox for ios. The Peek and Pop feature is supported on iphone 6s and later versions. This feature uses 3D touch to sense how deeply you press the display. Avaya Vantage device: To support Avaya Equinox for Android Release 3.1. This will be available from May New features specific to Mac and Windows platforms Touch Bar: To use the multitouch-enabled strip of glass built into the keyboard for instant access to the tools that you want, right when you want them. The touch bar was introduced in MacBook Pro with OSX The touch bar replaces the function keys on the top of the keyboard and is more versatile and capable. While using Avaya Equinox for Mac, the touch bar changes automatically to show you relevant tools based on what you are doing. Plantronics headset: To manage audio calls while using Avaya Equinox. Supported headsets include Savi 700 and Blackwire 500. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 16

17 Chapter 3: Avaya Equinox navigation The following images display the home screen of the Avaya Equinox client on mobile and desktop devices. You can access the various settings of Avaya Equinox through the home screen as mentioned in the table following the images. Mobile client 2 Top Of Mind find someone 5 Next Meetings 3 More Today 3:30 PM 4:00 PM weekly meeting 2 others 5:30 PM 7:30 PM Sprint Closure 3 others 6:30 PM 8:00 PM Dev Review 47 others History 4 More 4 6 TODAY 2:43 PM TODAY 2:40 PM TODAY 2:38 PM March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 17

18 Avaya Equinox navigation Desktop client 4 3 Avaya Equinox 2 Top of Mind 2 1 name or number 5 Next Meetings Next Meetings No meetings! Now you can get some work done :) Messages Yesterday 03:26 PM Yesterday 03:03 PM 6 Yesterday 02:57 PM History Yesterday 09:57 AM New Conversation No. Name Description 1 Dialpad Access the dialpad to make an audio or video call. 2 Menu Access the following screens from the Avaya Equinox menu: Top of Mind Favorites Contacts History Messages Meetings Features: Only on mobile clients. Table continues March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 18

19 Viewing the Avaya Equinox tutorial No. Name Description You can also manually configure the settings, access your voice mail messages, and exit the application. 3 Top of Mind Access the settings for configuring the layout of the home screen. 4 Presence and Call Access the incoming and outgoing calls settings. You can also configure your presence status and message, and sign out from the application. 5 Search Search for a contact. 6 Next Meetings, History, and Messages Join meetings with one touch and view your meeting calendar. Return important missed calls and view your call activity. Respond to the latest messages and view your active conversations. Viewing the Avaya Equinox tutorial 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Support. 2. Select one of the following: Tutorial: On mobile clients Open Tutorial: On Avaya Equinox for Windows Show Tutorial: On Avaya Equinox for Mac 3. Select one of the following: Skip or Skip Tutorial: To exit the tutorial. Next: To view the next screen. Back or Previous: To view the previous screen. Done: To finish viewing and exit the tutorial. Icons Avaya Equinox displays the following icons on the various screens: March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 19

20 Avaya Equinox navigation Presence status Button Name Notes Available Away Busy Do not disturb Offline Out of office Automatic Presence status is updated automatically. History screen Button Name Notes All History Complete call history. Incoming Calls Missed Calls Outgoing Calls Voic View your voice mail messages. Incoming Calls screen Button Name Notes Forward Calls or Forward Calls Busy/No Answer Send All Calls Forward calls to another telephone number of your choice. Forward calls when you are busy or do not answer. Send all calls to voice mail. EC500 Activate simultaneous ringing on your deskphone and device for a call that arrives on your deskphone. Outgoing Calls screen Button Name Notes VoIP Call Calls are made using Wi-Fi or your cellular data. Table continues March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 20

21 Icons Button Name Notes EC500 Call Calls are made using your cellular minutes. Call Using Mobile Call Using Work phone Call Using My Phone Mobile number is called back when you make a call. Work number is called back when you make a call. Configured number is called back when you make a call. Dialpad icons Button Name Notes Dialpad Opens the Dialpad. Redial Audio Call Video Call Clear Conference screen Button Name Notes Recording Lecture Mode Entry Tones Continuation Presentation Mode or Start Sharing Lock Meeting Mute audio and video of all participants in the conference. When a participant joins or leaves the conference, the application generates a tone. When the Conference Continuation feature is enabled, the conference remains active after the moderator drops unless the moderator chooses to end the conference for everyone. When the Conference Continuation feature is disabled, the conference ends automatically two minutes after the moderator drops. Moderator can lock the conference to prevent new participants from joining the call. However, Table continues March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 21

22 Avaya Equinox navigation Button Name Notes Mute Everyone Unmute Everyone End Meeting Add participant Conference Participants Transfer Controls the moderator can continue to add participants to the conference. General icons Button Name Notes Settings Menu More Audio Call Mute Audio Call Audio is muted during the call. Speaker Video Call Stop Video Call Video is stopped during the call. Pause Video Resume Call Hold Call Call is placed on hold. Instant Messaging Add Send an to a contact using the native application. Table continues March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 22

23 Shortcut keys for Avaya Equinox for Mac and Windows Button Name Notes End Call Merge Call Handoff to Cellular Merge the active call with the held call. Extend call to your EC500 device. Search Warning Shortcut keys for Avaya Equinox for Mac and Windows You can access the following functionality in the desktop clients using keyboard shortcut keys: Function Avaya Equinox for Mac Avaya Equinox for Mac Dialpad command + D Ctrl + D Keypad command + D Ctrl + D Dial from clipboard option + W Alt + W Answer call option + command + A Alt + Ctrl + A End call option + command + E Alt + Ctrl + E Mute toogle control + M Ctrl + M Hold toggle shift + control + H Ctrl + H Transfer option + command + T Ctrl + T Navigation Select Top of Mind tab shift + command + T Alt + T Select Favorites tab shift + command + F Alt + F Select Contacts tab shift + command + C Alt + C Select History tab shift + command + H Alt + H Select Messages tab shift + command + I Alt + I Select Meetings tab shift + command + M Alt + M March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 23

24 Chapter 4: Setting up Avaya Equinox System requirements and interoperability For the latest and most accurate compatibility information for Avaya Equinox, use the Compatibility Matrix tool on the Avaya Support website at Index.aspx. Mobile clients Installing security certificates on mobile devices Avaya Equinox requires security certificates to establish connections with various servers. If you are using a certificate signed by one of the major certificate authorities such as Verisign, you do not need to install anything as the built-in system certificates are enough. However, the administrator must include the certificate in the private trust store. The administrator might provide a web address, send you an , or provide the certificate using other mechanisms. Install the certificates on your device using the procedure specified by your device manufacturer. If you manually install the certificates, you must enable a screen lock on your device so that the device has a minimal level of security. If you are using Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage, do not install any certificates manually. The certificates are automatically installed when you provide the file server path in Settings > Wireless & networks > More > File Server on Avaya Vantage. For the Avaya strategy on server certificates, see Updating server certificates to improve end-user security and client user experience at March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 24

25 Desktop clients Installing Avaya Equinox on mobile devices To install Avaya Equinox for Android on your Avaya Vantage device, you must inform the administrator. 1. On the mobile device for: Android: Open the Play Store application. ios: Open the App Store application. 2. Search for Avaya Equinox. 3. Select the entry for Avaya Equinox. 4. Install Avaya Equinox. 5. After the installation process is complete, select Open. 6. Accept the terms of the license agreement and the message to not use Avaya Equinox to make emergency calls. Desktop clients Installing security certificates on desktops Avaya Equinox requires security certificates to establish connections with various servers. If you are using a certificate signed by one of the major certificate authorities such as Verisign, you do not need to install anything as the built-in system certificates are enough. However, the administrator must include the certificate in the private trust store. The administrator might provide a web address, send you an , or provide the certificate using other mechanisms. Install the certificates on your desktop using the procedure specified by your desktop manufacturer. For the Avaya strategy on server certificates, see Updating server certificates to improve end-user security and client user experience at March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 25

26 Setting up Avaya Equinox Installing Avaya Equinox on desktops Use this procedure to install Avaya Equinox desktop clients. The administrator can also install Avaya Equinox desktop clients using a command line option. The administrator can deploy Avaya Equinox for Windows to work in a Citrix, XenApp, or VMWare environment. For more information, see Planning for and Administering Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows. Before you begin Get the location of the Avaya Equinox build for Windows or Mac from your administrator. Download the build to your desktop. For Avaya Equinox for Windows, ensure that a: - Windows 7 computer has Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 or a later version. - Windows 8 computer, Windows 10 computer, Windows 2008 Server, or Windows 2012 Server has Microsoft.NET Framework or a later version. 1. On the desktop for: Windows: Double-click the Avaya Equinox Setup XXX.msi file. Mac: Double-click the Avaya Equinox XX.dmg file. 2. Accept the terms of the license agreement, select the default values, and complete the installation. The Windows installer additionally includes the Avaya Outlook Plugin and Web Extension. Using the Avaya Equinox menu 1. On mobile clients, on the home screen, select Menu ( ). 2. To view a screen, select the corresponding option: Top of Mind Favorites Contacts History Messages Meetings March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 26

27 Configuring Avaya Equinox settings automatically Features: Only on mobile clients. 3. On Avaya Equinox for Android, to exit from Avaya Equinox, select Exit. Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage does not display this option. Configuring Avaya Equinox settings automatically Use this procedure to configure the Avaya Equinox settings automatically using your address or the automatic configuration web address. For automatic configuration of the Avaya Equinox clients, the administrator can also choose Avaya Aura Device Services or any other web server. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. The Avaya Equinox settings are automatically configured when you provide the file server path in Settings > Wireless & networks > More > File Server on Avaya Vantage. Before you begin If the administrator has set up the correct DNS records, you can automatically configure Avaya Equinox using your address. Else, you can get the automatic configuration web address from the administrator. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Auto Configure and do one of the following for auto discovery: To use your work address, perform only Step 3 on page 27. To use the automatic configuration web address, perform only Step 4 on page Do the following: a. On desktop clients, select Use my . b. In the field, type your address and select Next. c. Choose the enterprise environment that you want to use. Avaya Equinox configures the settings automatically. 4. Do the following: a. On mobile clients, select Settings ( ). b. Select Use a web address. c. In the URL or Web Address field, type the web address and select Next. Avaya Equinox configures the settings automatically. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 27

28 Setting up Avaya Equinox Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings You must configure the Avaya Equinox settings in the Services screen manually if you are not using automatic configuration. For more information, see Services settings on page 33. If you are using Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage, the settings are automatically configured. The following sections describe how to manually configure and update all client settings. Avaya Equinox home screen Avaya Equinox displays the Top of Mind screen as the home screen. You can use the Top of Mind screen to: Join meetings with one touch and view your meeting calendar. View the last three call logs and return important missed calls. Respond to the latest messages and view your active conversations. Join the conference bridge of Avaya Scopia, Avaya Aura Conferencing, or Avaya Equinox Conferencing. Configuring the layout of the home screen Use this procedure to configure what you want to view on the Top of Mind screen. For example, you might choose to view the meeting calendar, but hide call history and messages. 1. On the home screen, select the Top of Mind filter. 2. If you do not want to view your meetings, in the Next Meetings area, select Hide. 3. To configure the number of meetings to be displayed on the Top of Mind screen, select one of the following: Auto: The number of meetings displayed depends on the Avaya Equinox logic. Full Day: Avaya Equinox displays the meetings for the current day. 4. To configure the calendars that you want to display, select Calendars to show and do the following: a. To view only the accepted meetings, select Show only accepted meetings. b. For the calendars that you want to display, select the option for the corresponding account. 5. If you do not want to view your call history, in the History area, select Hide. 6. If you do not want to view your messages, in the Messages area, select Hide. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 28

29 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings 7. To view the default layout on the Top of Mind screen, select Reset Layout to Default. Using the home screen Use this procedure to perform most of your daily activities in the enterprise. In the find someone or name or number field, start typing the name of the contact or the contact details that you want to look for. Avaya Equinox displays the contacts that match the search text. In the Next Meetings area, you can select the following: - More: To view additional meetings. Only on mobile clients. - A meeting: To view more information about the meeting. - Call ( or ): To join the meeting. Only on mobile clients. In the History area, you can select the following: - More: To view the complete call history. Only on mobile clients. - A call: To view more information about the call. - Call ( or ): To call the number. In the Messages area, you can select the following: - More: To view all your active conversations. Only on mobile clients. - A conversation: To view more information about the conversation. - Instant Messaging ( ): To continue the conversation. Configuring the display preferences Use this procedure only on desktop clients to configure the functionality of the Avaya Equinox main window when you select X on the main window. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences. 2. Select Display. 3. In the Main Window X Preferences field, select one of the following: Minimize to the taskbar Exit application Minimize to the notification area: Only on Avaya Equinox for Windows. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 29

30 Setting up Avaya Equinox 4. Save the changes. Configuring the contact search settings Use this procedure only on Avaya Equinox for Android and desktop clients. For ios, you must use the local OS setting. You can configure the contact search settings so that Avaya Equinox arranges the contacts list and displays the list of names by first name or last name. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences. 2. On Avaya Equinox for Android, select Contacts and in the Display Preferences area, do the following: a. Select Name Display Preferences and select one of the following: First Name First Last Name First b. Select Name Sort Preferences and select one of the following: First Name Last Name 3. On desktop clients, select Contacts and do the following: a. In the Name Display Preferences area, select one of the following: First, Last or Name, Surname Last, First or Surname, Name b. In the Name Sort Preferences area, select one of the following: First Name Last Name c. To view local contacts, select Show Local Contacts. 4. Save the changes. Avaya Equinox displays the contact search results according to the selected criteria the next time you perform a search. Modifying contact settings Use this procedure to enable Avaya Equinox to access your Contacts list. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 30

31 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings For example, before you send an instant message, Avaya Equinox can check your contacts on the Avaya Multimedia Messaging server to ensure that you can send a message to a contact. If the contact does not exist on the Avaya Multimedia Messaging server, you cannot use Avaya Equinox to send an instant message to that contact. Avaya collects data for quality improvement purposes. No personal identity information is tracked. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences. 2. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, select Contacts. 3. Select Messaging Address Validation. 4. Save the changes. Modifying audio settings Use this procedure only on Avaya Equinox for Android to change the default ringtone for incoming calls. For ios, you must use the local OS setting. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences. 2. Select Audio / Video. 3. In the Ring Preferences area, select Ringtone 4. Select the new ringtone, and save the changes. Modifying audio and video settings Use this procedure only on desktop clients. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences > Audio / Video. The application displays the audio and video settings. 2. Do the following: a. Select the microphone, speaker, and camera that you want to use. b. To have video on a call, select Video Calling. 3. Save the changes. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 31

32 Setting up Avaya Equinox Configuring the camera setting Use this procedure to set your preference to automatically start transmitting video when you join video conference calls. The default camera setting is as follows: Blocked on mobile clients Unblocked on desktop clients Before you begin Ensure that the mobile device or desktop has the camera capability. 1. On the home screen, select the Top of Mind filter. 2. To block or unblock the camera, toggle the Join meetings with camera blocked setting. 3. Save the changes. Modifying the voice quality setting Use this procedure only on Avaya Equinox for Android to configure the Echo Cancellation setting. Echo Cancellation is a process that removes echo from a voice communication to improve voice quality on a telephone call. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. If you face double-talk issues during a conference call, that is, issues when more than one person is speaking simultaneously, you must select Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC). For Bluetooth audio outputs, Avaya Equinox disables the AEC and Acoustic Echo Cancellation Mobile (AECM) options. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Advanced. 2. Select Echo Cancellation. 3. In the Echo Cancellation dialog box, select one of the following: AECM AEC Off March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 32

33 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings 4. Save the changes. Services settings You can manually configure the settings for the following services in Avaya Equinox if you are not using automatic configuration: If you are using Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage, you cannot configure these settings. VoIP Avaya Multimedia Messaging Avaya Aura Device Services Client Enablement Services: Only on mobile clients. Exchange Calendar: Only on mobile clients. EC500: Only on mobile clients. Voice mail Enterprise Directory: Only on desktop clients. Meetings Unified login Modifying VoIP settings Use this procedure to enable VoIP interoperability with Avaya Equinox. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Phone Service. 3. (Optional) If the Phone Service switch is disabled, select Phone Service. 4. In the Server Address field, type the IP address or the FQDN of the VoIP server. 5. In the Server Port field, type the VoIP server port number. 6. In the Domain field, type the SIP domain to which Avaya Equinox must register. 7. To use a secure connection to the VoIP server, select Use TLS. By default, Avaya Equinox supports TLS and the port number for it is If you clear this setting, the port defaults to You can also manually configure the port value. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 33

34 Setting up Avaya Equinox 8. On mobile clients, select Use VoIP for calls and in the Use VoIP for calls dialog box, select one of the following: Always: You can view the VoIP option in the Outgoing Calls screen if you log in to the VoIP service. This is the default option. Only over WiFi: If you are using Wi-Fi and if you log in to the VoIP service, Avaya Equinox displays the VoIP option in the Outgoing Calls screen. If not, Avaya Equinox removes the VoIP option from the Outgoing Calls screen. Never: Avaya Equinox removes the VoIP option from the Outgoing Calls screen. 9. On mobile clients, to enable video calling, select Video Calling. 10. On mobile clients, to enable video calling only over the cellular data network, select Video calling over cellular. 11. Save the changes. VoIP calls Avaya Equinox maintains an internal variable to represent user preferences for the Use VoIP for calls setting: 0: Never 1: Always 2: Only over WiFi If you are using Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage, you cannot configure the Use VoIP for calls setting. Variable Use VoIP for calls = Never VOIPCALLINGENABLED = 0 VOIPCALLINGENABLED = 1 VOIPCALLINGENABLED = 2 Avaya Equinox displays this option as selected by the administrator. The user cannot edit the setting in Avaya Equinox. The user can select this option in Avaya Equinox. The user can select this option in Avaya Equinox. Use VoIP for calls = Always The user cannot select this option in Avaya Equinox. The user can select this option in Avaya Equinox. This value is the default value for a new installation. The user cannot select this option in Avaya Equinox. Use VoIP for calls = Only over WiFi The user cannot select this option in Avaya Equinox. The user can select this option in Avaya Equinox. The user can select this option in Avaya Equinox. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 34

35 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings Modifying messaging settings Use this procedure to enable Avaya Multimedia Messaging interoperability with Avaya Equinox. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Multimedia Messaging. 3. (Optional) If the Avaya Multimedia Messaging switch is disabled, select Multimedia Messaging. 4. In the Server Address field, type the IP address or the FQDN of the Avaya Multimedia Messaging server. 5. In the Server Port field, type the Avaya Multimedia Messaging port number. 6. In the Polling Interval field, select the interval at which you want to refresh information between Avaya Equinox and the Avaya Multimedia Messaging server. The default value is Continuous. Information between Avaya Equinox and the Avaya Multimedia Messaging server is refreshed immediately. 7. Save the changes. Modifying Avaya Aura Device Services settings Use this procedure to enable Avaya Aura Device Services interoperability with Avaya Equinox. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Device Services. 3. (Optional) If the Avaya Aura Device Services switch is disabled, select Device Services. 4. In the Server Address field, type the IP address or the FQDN of the Avaya Aura Device Services server. 5. In the Server Port field, type the Avaya Aura Device Services port number. 6. Save the changes. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 35

36 Setting up Avaya Equinox Modifying Client Enablement Services settings Use this procedure only on mobile clients to enable Client Enablement Services interoperability with Avaya Equinox. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Client Enablement (CES). 3. (Optional) If the Client Enablement Services switch is disabled, select CES or Client Enablement Services. 4. In the Server Address field, type the IP address or the FQDN of the Client Enablement Services server. 5. In the Server Port field, type the Client Enablement Services port number. 6. Select Calls to My Phones, and select one of the following: Primary: Telephone numbers in the My Phones list ring for incoming calls to the primary extension. All Extensions: Telephone numbers in the My Phones list ring for incoming calls to the primary extension or the bridged extension. 7. Save the changes. Modifying Exchange Calendar settings Use this procedure only on mobile clients to enable Microsoft Exchange Calendar interoperability with Avaya Equinox. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Exchange Calendar. 3. (Optional) If the Exchange Calendar switch is disabled, select Exchange Calendar. 4. In the Domain field, type the Exchange server domain to which Avaya Equinox must register. For example, 5. In the Server Address field, type the IP address or the FQDN of the Exchange server. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 36

37 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings For example, 6. Save the changes. Modifying conference settings Use this procedure if you want to use the Adhoc conferencing features of Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, or Avaya Equinox Conferencing. If you want to use only the Adhoc conferencing features of Communication Manager, you must clear the value from the Server Address field. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Meetings. 3. Modify the values in the following fields as required: Server Address: The service URI for the Adhoc conference factory. This is applicable to Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, and Avaya Equinox Conferencing. For example, Portal Address: Only on desktop clients. The URL used to access the conference using a web client. This is applicable to Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, and Avaya Equinox Conferencing. For example, address or FQDN>:<port_number>/aacpa/ for Avaya Aura Conferencing or ID=<Bridge_Number> for Avaya Scopia. Conference Access Number: Only on desktop clients. The bridge number used to access the conference. This is applicable to Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, and Avaya Equinox Conferencing. Moderator Code: The code needed to host a conference. This is applicable to Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, and Avaya Equinox Conferencing. Moderator URL: Not used currently. Participant Code: The code needed to participate in a conference. This is applicable to Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, and Avaya Equinox Conferencing. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 37

38 Setting up Avaya Equinox Participant URL: Not used currently. Virtual Room ID: Only on desktop clients. The Scopia Virtual Room ID for the virtual room number. This is applicable only to Avaya Scopia. UCCP Enabled: Only on mobile clients. The parameter to enable or disable UCCP Conferencing protocol in the client. If you disable the parameter, SIP CCMP is used for conferencing. 4. Save the changes. Modifying enterprise directory settings Use this procedure only on desktop clients to enable enterprise directory interoperability with Avaya Equinox. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Enterprise Directory. 3. (Optional) If the Enterprise Directory switch is disabled, select Enterprise Directory. 4. In the Server Address field, type the IP address or the FQDN of the Enterprise Directory server. 5. In the Server Port field, type the Enterprise Directory port number. 6. To use SSL, select Use TLS. 7. In the LDAP Search Base field, type the Enterprise Directory search base. For example, cn=users,dc=svucacloud,dc=com. 8. Save the changes. EC500 settings You can use EC 500 (Extension to Cellular) to integrate your mobile phone with your Avaya PBX number. With EC500, you can answer calls to your telephone number on your mobile phone and transfer them between your deskphone and mobile phone without interrupting the call. Calls ring on your EC500 cellular number only when you do not log in to your Avaya Equinox client. You can configure the following EC500 settings using Avaya Equinox : March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 38

39 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings If you are using Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage, you cannot configure the EC500 settings. Idle Appearance Select: To identify an idle line on your extension when you make a call. Active Appearance Select: To join a call on your deskphone using your mobile phone. Off PBX Call Enable: To enable your mobile phone to ring when you receive a call on your deskphone. Off PBX Call Disable: To disable your mobile phone from ringing when you receive a call on your deskphone. Call Forward All Enable: To activate call forwarding for all calls. Call Forward All Disable: To disable call forwarding. Send All Calls Enable: To send all calls to a predefined number set on the server by the administrator. The number is usually your corporate voice mail number. Send All Calls Disable: To disable the sending of all calls to a predefined number set on the server by the administrator. To configure the Station Security feature, contact your administrator. The Station Security feature reduces the risk of toll fraud by appending a valid station security code with the EC500 FNE for all outgoing EC500 calls from Avaya Equinox. Configuring the EC500 settings manually Use this procedure only on mobile clients. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select EC500 Calling. 3. (Optional) If the EC500 calling switch is disabled, select EC500 Calling. 4. To configure or update the required EC500 setting, select the corresponding option. 5. Type the appropriate feature name extension (FNE). 6. Save the changes. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 39

40 Setting up Avaya Equinox Modifying voice mail settings Use this procedure to change the voice mail PIN, voice mail number, and SMS notification setting in Avaya Equinox. On desktop clients, you can only change the voice mail number. To change the voice mail PIN on the voice mail server, you must make a call to the voice mail server and use the server menus. You must then use this procedure to set the new voice mail PIN in Avaya Equinox. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. Before you begin Avaya Equinox displays, hides, or disables the voice mail settings depending on the services that you configure: If you configure Client Enablement Services, Avaya Equinox displays the System Number field as read-only. If you configure VoIP and not Client Enablement Services, Avaya Equinox does not display the Voic setting in Avaya Equinox. If you do not configure VoIP and Client Enablement Services and configure EC500, Avaya Equinox displays the Voic setting and the System Number field is editable. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Voic . 3. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, select System Number. 4. Change the voice mail number. 5. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, select Save. Avaya Equinox verifies and saves the setting. 6. Select PIN. 7. Change the voice mail PIN. 8. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, select Save. Avaya Equinox verifies and saves the setting. 9. Select Voic SMS Notification. 10. On Avaya Equinox for Android, in the Voic SMS Notification dialog box, select one of the following: Off: The device does not receive any notification when a voice mail arrives on the Client Enablement Services server. Urgent Only: The device receives an SMS notification only for those voice mails that the sender marks as urgent. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 40

41 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings All: The device receives an SMS notification for all voice mails. 11. On Avaya Equinox for ios, in the to SMS address field, type a valid SMS or address. 12. On Avaya Equinox for ios, select Notify Me About and select one of the following: All Messages: The device receives an SMS notification for all voice mails. Urgent Messages Only: The device receives an SMS notification only for those voice mails that the sender marks as urgent. 13. Save the changes. Configuring the single sign on setting Use this procedure to use the same set of credentials for accessing all services in Avaya Equinox. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. Tip: Avaya recommends the use of unified login for all services to avoid potential issues with credentials management. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Services. 2. Select Unified Login. 3. (Optional) If the Unified Login switch is disabled, select Unified Login. 4. In the Use Unified Login For area, select the service for which you want to use unified login: Multimedia Messaging Enterprise Directory: Only on desktop clients. Device Services Client Enablement (CES): Only on mobile clients. Exchange Calendar: Only on mobile clients. 5. Save the changes. Configuring the dialing rules manually Avaya Equinox populates the dialing rules when you use automatic configuration. However, to manually configure or update the following dial rules, use this procedure: Number to dial to access an outside line March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 41

42 Setting up Avaya Equinox Your country code Your area or city code PBX main prefix Number to dial for long distance calls Number to dial for international calls Length of internal extensions Length of national phone numbers Remove area or city code for local calls Apply dialing rules to plus sign (+) numbers You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Advanced. 2. Select Dialing Rules. 3. Select Dialing Rules. 4. Configure or update the required dialing rules setting. 5. Save the changes. Viewing the pre-call features Before you begin The administrator must configure the pre-call features for your extension. Features might include Automatic Callback, Call Pickup, Call Pickup Directed, Call Pickup Extended, and Call Unpark. 1. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: On the Avaya Equinox menu, select Features > Pre-call Features. On desktop clients: Select Features Manager ( Avaya Equinox displays the pre-call features for your extension. ) and then select Features. 2. If there are other extensions for which you want to enable the feature buttons, do one of the following: On mobile clients: On the Avaya Equinox menu, select Features and in the Features for Other Extensions area, select the extension and enable the feature. On desktop clients: Select Features Manager ( ) > Features and in the Features for Other Extensions area, select the extension and enable the feature. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 42

43 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings 3. On desktop clients, if the administrator has configured one or more autodial buttons for your station in Communication Manager, you can configure the label and number against each button in the Autodials area. Use these Autodials buttons as shortcuts to initiate calls to the numbers that you have configured. 4. On desktop clients, if the administrator has configured one or more busy indicator buttons for your station in Communication Manager, you can initiate calls to the numbers associated with the busy indicator in the Busy Lines area. Enabling or disabling the EC500 features Use this procedure only on mobile clients to enable or disable the following EC500 features: Join Active Call: To join a call on your deskphone using your mobile device. Simultaneous Ring: To activate simultaneous ringing on your deskphone and mobile device when a call arrives on your deskphone. You cannot select this option when you enable Client Enablement Services. Call Forward: To forward all calls to another telephone number of your choice. Send All Calls: To route all calls to your corporate voice mail number. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. On the Avaya Equinox menu, select Features > EC500 Features. 2. To enable or disable a specific EC500 feature, select that feature. Avaya Equinox makes a cellular call to the FNE. You can then hear the confirmation tone. Changing the time delay between the ringing of the feature name extension number and the destination number Use this procedure only on mobile clients to configure the delay in seconds between the EC500 call being placed and the transmission of digits for EC500. The purpose of this setting is to address call setup delays with specific regions and trunk providers. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 43

44 Setting up Avaya Equinox Important: Change this setting only on the instruction of your administrator. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Advanced. 2. Select FNE Setup Delay. 3. In the FNE Setup Delay dialog box, select one of the following: 3 Seconds 6 Seconds 9 Seconds 12 Seconds 15 Seconds Avaya Equinox displays the new value. 4. Save the changes. Pausing itunes during calls Use this procedure only on Avaya Equinox for Mac. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences. 2. Select General > Pause itunes when making / receiving a call. Viewing release and version information In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Support > About. Viewing the certificates that Avaya Equinox uses If you are using private trusted credentials, you can view a list of certificates that Avaya Equinox uses. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 44

45 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Advanced. 2. Select Certificates. 3. To view the details of a particular certificate, select that certificate. Viewing licensing information 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Support. 2. Select Legal. 3. Select what you want to view: EULA Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage does not display this option. Third Party Licensing Avaya Equinox for Mac and Windows do not display this option. Logging in and out of the Avaya Equinox services If you enable unified login for one or more services, Avaya Equinox displays the Equinox area. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. Tip: You can sign out from Avaya Equinox by selecting the presence status indicator and then selecting Sign Out. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select Accounts. Avaya Equinox displays the Accounts screen. 2. To log in to the VoIP service, do the following: a. In the Phone Service area, type the VoIP extension and password. b. Select Connect or Done. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 45

46 Setting up Avaya Equinox 3. On mobile clients, to log in to Client Enablement Services, do the following: a. In the Client Enablement (CES) area, type the user name and password for Client Enablement Services. b. Select Connect. 4. On mobile clients, to log in to Exchange Calendar, do the following: a. In the Exchange Calendar area, type the user name and password for Exchange Calendar. b. Select Connect. 5. To log in to the Avaya Multimedia Messaging service, do the following: a. In the Multimedia Messaging area, type the user name and password for Avaya Multimedia Messaging. b. Select Connect or Done. 6. To log in to Avaya Aura Device Services, do the following: a. In the Device Services area, type the user name and password for Avaya Aura Device Services. b. Select Connect or Done. 7. On desktop clients, to log in to enterprise directory, do the following: a. In the Enterprise Directory area, type the user name and password for enterprise directory. b. Select Done. 8. To log out of Avaya Equinox, select Sign Out. Maximizing the battery life of the device Use this procedure only on Avaya Equinox for Android. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. If you use a service, such as VoIP, the battery consumption on the device increases. If you do not use Avaya Equinox outside business hours, you can exit Avaya Equinox to maximize the battery life. Go to the Avaya Equinox menu and then select Exit. You are signed out from Avaya Equinox, and the Avaya Equinox application window is closed. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 46

47 Manual configuration of Avaya Equinox settings Configuring the setting to automatically start and log in to Avaya Equinox Use this procedure to configure the setting so that Avaya Equinox starts by default when the operating system starts and you are logged in automatically. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for ios and Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. Before you begin On the Accounts screen, select Remember passwords. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences. 2. Select General > Auto Start/Login. 3. Save the changes. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 47

48 Chapter 5: Making and handling calls Using Avaya Equinox, you can: Make audio or video calls. Access call control functionality, such as mute, hold, resume, or end calls. Merge or transfer calls. Answer calls on your mobile device if EC500 is configured. You can also choose to extend calls or send all calls to your EC500 device. Join or answer calls from multiple devices if MDA or Dual Registration is configured. Escalate from an audio call to a video call, a point-to-point call to a conference call, or an IM session to a call. Call management overview With Avaya Equinox 3.1, you can additionally manage calls using the following: MacBook Pro touch bar: On Avaya Equinox for Mac Avaya Vantage : On Avaya Equinox for Android Plantronics headset: On Avaya Equinox for Mac and Windows Call management using the MacBook Pro touch bar Introduced in MacBook Pro with OSX 10.12, the touch bar is a multitouch-enabled strip of glass built into the keyboard for instant access to the tools that you want, right when you want them. The touch bar replaces the function keys on the top of the keyboard and is more versatile and capable. Avaya Equinox for Mac supports the MacBook Pro touch bar. While using Avaya Equinox for Mac, the touch bar changes automatically to show you relevant tools based on what you are doing. With the MacBook Pro touch bar, you can: Answer an incoming audio or video call, or ignore the call. Use the active call functions, such as end call, hold or unhold, block or unblock video, and mute or unmute audio. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 48

49 Call management overview Use the moderator control functions in an active conference, such as start and stop recording and mute and unmute all participants. Use the auto-correct and auto-suggest functions while composing text during an instant messaging conversation. Use the media playback controls, such as play and pause. Call management using Avaya Vantage Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage supports the Off-hook dialing feature. You can use a number of audio devices to support calls using Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. For complete information, see Using Avaya Vantage Basic. Making a call using Off-hook dialing 1. To activate Off-hook dialing, do one of the following: On the Avaya Vantage device, lift the handset. On Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage, open the Dialpad screen and then tap the Speaker icon. 2. Dial a number. Call management using a Plantronics headset You can use a Plantronics headset with Avaya Equinox for Mac and Windows to do the following: Make calls using the primary line. You cannot make BLA calls. Answer calls on the primary line or a BLA line. You cannot answer a call if you receive multiple call alerts. Mute or unmute the call. Hold or retrieve the call. You cannot retrieve a call if there are multiple calls in the on-hold state. Also, you cannot hold the current call if there is already an on-hold call. Enter DTMF digits using the keypad. End the call. Toggle between two active calls. Toggling between calls will hold the current call and retrieve the on-hold call. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 49

50 Making and handling calls Use mid-call controls on an MDA call, Dual-registration call, Meet Me conference call, or an Adhoc conference call. You cannot start an MDA call, Dual-registration call, Meet Me conference call, or an Adhoc conference call. Making an audio or video call In your Avaya Equinox client, you can make an audio or video call from: The dialpad A contact card An enterprise search card A call history record card An instant message card You can use Avaya Equinox to make maximum 8 calls at a time. Consult your system administrator for this capability. 1. Select one of the following: Dialpad Contacts screen History screen Messages screen Enterprise user you want to call 2. If you are making a call from the dialpad: a. Enter the number to call. b. Select Audio Call ( ) or Video Call ( ). 3. If you are making a call from an enterprise search result or an Avaya Equinox screen: a. Select the contact person or number. b. To dial the telephone number of the user, select Audio Call ( ) or Video Call ( ).. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 50

51 Making an audio or video call Selecting the configured service to make a call On mobile clients, you can use Avaya Equinox to make calls using any service that you configured: VoIP EC500 Client Enablement Services With Client Enablement Services, you can use Avaya Equinox to select any off-pbx number that you configure in the My Phones list for call back. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Go to the Outgoing Calls screen. 3. Select the option that you want to use for making calls. Avaya Equinox uses the option that you selected as the default option for all calls that originate from Avaya Equinox. Selecting the primary extension or BLA Use the Bridged Lines screen to: Select the primary extension or a bridged line to make an outgoing call. View all your bridged lines and the active calls on each bridged line. Make, answer, join, and end Bridged Line Appearance (BLA) audio calls. You can also make BLA audio calls from any screen in the application after you select a bridged line using this procedure. Before you begin Ensure that the administrator provisioned the BLA feature on your extension. 1. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: On the Avaya Equinox menu, select Bridged Lines. On desktop clients: Select Features Manager ( ) and then select Bridged Lines. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 51

52 Making and handling calls 2. In the Call as field, select the primary extension or the BLA line that you want to use to make a call. If you select a BLA line, Avaya Equinox displays a BLA icon next to the presence status indicator on the home screen. 3. If you select a BLA line and want Avaya Equinox to automatically return to the primary extension as the default setting after a call, select one of the following: On mobile clients: Reset to Me after one call On desktop clients: Auto-revert back to Me after one call 4. Save the changes. Answering or ignoring a call If you are already on a call, Avaya Equinox alerts you with an audio beep for waiting calls. You might use applications such as Skype or Viber for VoIP calls. If you are on such a VoIP call and use Avaya Equinox to answer an incoming call, Avaya Equinox might display an error message. You see the error message when Avaya Equinox cannot get audio resources to support the incoming call. If you receive a video call in Avaya Equinox for ios and your device is locked, you must unlock your ios device to answer the call. For an incoming call: To receive the call, select Answer. To dismiss the call, select Ignore. Managing calls Using Avaya Equinox as the default application for telephony services Use this procedure only on desktop clients to configure Avaya Equinox as the default application for telephony services. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 52

53 Managing calls 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences. 2. Select General. 3. Select Use Avaya Equinox as default application for telephony services. 4. Save the changes. My Phones overview Use the My Phones feature on mobile clients to configure the phones associated with your account. Use the Ring Phones feature to configure which numbers must ring for an incoming call. If you cannot answer an incoming call, Avaya Equinox automatically sends the call to your office voice mail. If you are using Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage, you cannot use the My Phones and Ring Phones features. Your deskphone routes calls to the destination numbers that you specify in the Calls will ring on list. You can add, update, and delete the destination numbers in the My Phones list. Avaya Equinox creates the deskphone and the mobile phone destinations automatically when you sign up for Avaya Equinox. You must add your mobile phone number. If you do not want your mobile phone to ring, do not select the corresponding option in the Calls will ring on list. The mobile phone number is mandatory and you cannot delete it. You also cannot delete or change the deskphone number. You can add any number of telephones to the My Phones list. However, you can select only four telephones to ring simultaneously, including your mobile phone, when you receive a call on your deskphone. Limitations Features that you enabled when connected to VoIP, such as Send All Calls or Call Forward, interfere with the capability of call routing to your ring phones. If you enable such features using the Incoming Calls or Outgoing Calls screen and then lose connectivity to the VoIP server, Avaya Equinox does not display these configured features. If you then connect to Client Enablement Services, the Ring Phones feature of Client Enablement Services functions incorrectly. The reason is that ring phones have the lowest priority in terms of call routing features for your extension. Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage does not support Client Enablement Services. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 53

54 Making and handling calls Adding a telephone number to your phones list Use this procedure only on mobile clients. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Go to the Incoming Calls or Outgoing Calls screen. 3. Select Manage my phones. 4. Select Add Phone ( ). Avaya Equinox displays the Add Phone dialog box. 5. In the Name or Label field, type the name of the new telephone. 6. In the Number field, type the new telephone number. 7. Select Save. Avaya Equinox displays the new name with the number in the My Phones list. Updating a telephone number in your phones list Use this procedure only on mobile clients. You cannot change the deskphone number. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Go to the Incoming Calls or Outgoing Calls screen. 3. Select Manage my phones. 4. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, select Edit. 5. Select the telephone number that you want to update. 6. In the Edit Phone dialog box, update the required details. If you selected the Mobile option, in the SMS address field, type a valid SMS or address, such as, 7. Select Save. Avaya Equinox displays the new name with the number in the My Phones list. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 54

55 Managing calls Deleting a telephone number from your phones list Use this procedure only on mobile clients. The mobile phone number is mandatory. You cannot delete the number. Also, you cannot delete the deskphone number. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Go to the Incoming Calls or Outgoing Calls screen. 3. Select Manage my phones. 4. Perform the action to delete the telephone number. 5. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, select Delete. Avaya Equinox displays the confirmation dialog box. 6. Select Delete. Avaya Equinox deletes the telephone number from the My Phones list. Viewing the phone numbers that ring for an incoming call Use this procedure only on mobile clients to view the phone numbers that ring when you receive a call on your deskphone. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. Before you begin Enable and log in to Client Enablement Services. Set the following options in the Incoming Calls screen to Off: - Send All Calls - Forward Calls - Forward Calls Busy/No Answer - Enhanced Call Forwarding 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Go to the Incoming Calls screen. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 55

56 Making and handling calls The Calls will ring on area displays the phone numbers that ring for an incoming call. 3. To ring more phone numbers for an incoming call, select the switch next to the phone number that you want to ring. Activating simultaneous ringing for VoIP users If you are a VoIP user, use this procedure to activate simultaneous ringing on your deskphone and device for a call that arrives on your deskphone. Do not use this procedure if you are only using Client Enablement Services. Use the Ring Phones feature of Client Enablement Services to configure the numbers that must ring for an incoming call on your deskphone. 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Go to the Incoming Calls screen and select EC500 Calls. On desktop clients: In the Incoming Call Features field, select EC500. Forwarding all calls Use this procedure to forward calls to another telephone number of your choice. 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Go to the Incoming Calls screen and select Forward Calls. On desktop clients: In the Incoming Call Features field, select Call Forward. 3. Type the telephone number to which you want to forward your calls. 4. Select OK. Avaya Equinox saves the setting. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 56

57 Managing calls Forwarding calls when you are busy or do not answer 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Go to the Incoming Calls screen and select Forward Calls Busy/No Answer. On desktop clients: In the Incoming Call Features field, select Call Forward Busy / No Answer. 3. Type the telephone number to which you want to forward your calls. 4. Select OK. Avaya Equinox saves the setting. Configuring enhanced call forwarding Use this procedure to configure the enhanced call forwarding features for internal and external calls. 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Go to the Incoming Calls screen and select Enhanced Call Forwarding. On desktop clients: In the Incoming Call Features field, select Enhanced Call Forwarding. 3. On mobile clients, if the Enhanced Call Forwarding switch is disabled, select Enhanced Call Forwarding. 4. In the Unconditional Forwarding area, you can select the following: Internal Calls: To configure the number to which internal calls must be forwarded every time. External Calls: To configure the number to which external calls must be forwarded every time. 5. In the Forward When Busy area, you can select the following: Internal Calls: To configure the number to which internal calls must be forwarded when you are busy. External Calls: To configure the number to which external calls must be forwarded when you are busy. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 57

58 Making and handling calls 6. In the Forward When No Answer area, you can select the following: Internal Calls: To configure the number to which internal calls must be forwarded when you do not answer a call. External Calls: To configure the number to which external calls must be forwarded when you do not answer a call. 7. Save the changes. Sending all calls to voice mail Use this procedure to route all calls to a predefined number set on the server by the administrator. The number is usually your corporate voice mail number. Before you begin On the server, the administrator must configure the number to which you can route all calls. 1. On the home screen, select the presence status indicator. 2. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Go to the Incoming Calls screen and select Send All Calls. On desktop clients: In the Incoming Call Features field, select Send All Calls. Sending all calls to voice mail when your presence status is set to Do not disturb Use this procedure if you want Avaya Equinox to send all incoming calls to voice mail when you set your presence status to Do not disturb (DND). Before you begin Enable and log in to the VoIP service. 1. In the Avaya Equinox settings, select User Preferences. 2. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, select General. 3. Select Activate SAC When DND Is Set. Avaya Equinox sends all your incoming calls to voice mail when your presence status is DND. 4. Save the changes. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 58

59 Managing calls Making a voice or video call to a group of contacts Use this procedure only on mobile clients. Tip: On desktop clients, select New conversation and then drag and drop contacts, and then select Audio Call ( ) or Video Call ( ). If the Conference Hosting settings are: Configured in Avaya Equinox, Avaya Equinox starts an Adhoc audio or video conference call using Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, or Avaya Equinox Conferencing. Kept blank in Avaya Equinox, Avaya Equinox starts an Adhoc audio conference call using Communication Manager. 1. Go to the Contacts screen. 2. Select Add ( ). 3. Select one of the following calling options: New Group Voice Call New Group Video Call Avaya Equinox displays the Choose contacts for your call screen. 4. Select the contacts whom you want to call. 5. Select Next. Avaya Equinox displays the Confirm contacts for your call screen. 6. Select Call. Avaya Equinox makes a group call to the selected contacts. Related links Modifying conference settings on page 37 Entering digits during a call Use the keypad to enter any DTMF inputs during a call. For example, to interact with a conference bridge or an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. 1. While on a call, select Keypad ( ). March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 59

60 Making and handling calls 2. On the keypad, enter the digits as required. Muting or unmuting a call 1. While on a call, to mute the audio, select Mute ( ). Avaya Equinox mutes the microphone. 2. To unmute the audio, select the button again. Placing a call on hold or resuming the call 1. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Select More ( ) and then select Hold ( ). On desktop clients: Select Hold ( ). Avaya Equinox puts the call on hold. 2. To resume the call, select the button again. Escalating an audio call to a video call or an instant message to a call If you escalate the call to a video call, the person at the other end of the call needs to unblock the camera. While on an active audio call, select Video Call ( ). Avaya Equinox starts video on the call. While in an instant messaging conversation, select Audio Call ( ) or Video Call ( ). If the participant has only one number, Avaya Equinox starts the call. Else, you need to choose a number and then Avaya Equinox starts the call. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 60

61 Managing calls Blocking or resuming a video call When you pause a video call, Avaya Equinox stops transmitting your video to the other party. When a video call is paused, you can still receive video from the other party and your audio is still transmitted to the other party. 1. To pause a video call, select one of the following: Video Call ( ) and then select Pause Video ( ): On mobile clients. Pause Video ( ): On desktop clients. Avaya Equinox pauses the video call. 2. To resume transmitting video, select the button again. Avaya Equinox resumes the video call. Stopping the video transmission in a call Use this procedure to stop transmitting video to the other party during a call. When you stop the video during a call, the call becomes audio-only. Stopping video during a call does not disconnect the call. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Select Video Call ( On desktop clients: Select Video Call ( ). ) and then select Stop Video. Transmission is stopped and the Video Call window is closed. Sharing on a call Use this procedure only on desktop clients to start sharing on a call. You cannot perform sharing on mobile clients. 1. While on a call, select More ( ) and then select Start Sharing. Avaya Equinox displays the Conference screen. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 61

62 Making and handling calls 2. Select Present ( ) and share the information that you want to share in the conference. Excluding MDA devices from joining the existing call Use this procedure to allow or disallow other MDA devices from joining the existing call. If the administrator enables the Automatic Exclusion feature on Communication Manager, the Exclusion button is active automatically as soon as you enter into a call. You can manually turn it off to allow other MDA devices to join the call. If the administrator disables the Automatic Exclusion feature on Communication Manager, the Exclusion button is inactive as soon as you enter into a call. You can manually turn it on to disallow other MDA devices from joining the call. While on a call, select More ( ) and then select Exclusion. Extending the call to cellular Use this procedure to move your active VoIP call to the cellular network. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. While on a call, select More ( ). 2. Select one of the following: Extend Call: On desktop clients. Handoff to Cellular: On mobile clients. A call is placed from Communication Manager to your EC500 number. 3. Answer the cellular call and end the VoIP call. Transferring a call 1. While on a call, select More ( ). 2. Select Transfer ( ). March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 62

63 Managing calls 3. To transfer the call, choose: An existing call A contact: Only on mobile clients. From history: Only on mobile clients. To enter a number The application transfers the call. Parking or unparking a call Use this procedure only on desktop clients. You cannot park or unpark calls on mobile clients. Use the Call Park feature to retrieve a call that is on hold from any other telephone within the system. For example, you can answer a call at one extension, park the call, and then retrieve the call at another extension. Avaya Equinox clients used in the Dual Registration mode with H.323 clients cannot unpark a parked call. Before you begin The administrator must configure the Call Park and Call Unpark feature for your extension. 1. While on an active call, select More ( ) and then select Park Call. 2. To retrieve a call, perform one of the following actions: Select Park Call that was used to park the call. Dial the FAC to retrieve parked calls. If you need to retrieve the parked call from a different extension, dial the FAC followed by the extension the call is parked on. Select Unpark Call. Configuring automatic callback Use this procedure only on desktop clients. You cannot use the Automatic Callback feature on mobile clients. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 63

64 Making and handling calls When a caller makes a call to a busy or an unanswered internal telephone, Avaya Equinox calls the caller when the called party becomes available. Upon hearing the busy signal, the caller activates the Automatic Callback feature and disconnects the call. Avaya Equinox monitors the called party. When the called party becomes available to receive the call, Avaya Equinox automatically initiates the Automatic Callback call. The caller receives priority ringing. The caller then lifts the handset, and the called party receives the same ringing that Avaya Equinox provided on the originating call. Before you begin The administrator must configure the Automatic Callback feature for your extension. While the called party is busy or not answering, select More ( Callback. ) and then select Automatic Viewing call details Viewing the call quality statistics Use this procedure to know the call quality statistics, such as audio codec, round trip time, media encryption time, packets received, and packets transmitted. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: While on a call, press and hold the timer on the call. On desktop clients: While on a call, select More ( ) and then select Call Statistics. Viewing call history If the administrator has configured the Bridged Line Appearance (BLA) feature on your extension, the call logs display additional information for BLA calls. 1. Go to the History screen. 2. Filter the call history using the following options: All History Missed Calls March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 64

65 Viewing call details Outgoing Calls Incoming Calls Voic Only on mobile clients. Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage does not display this option. Avaya Equinox displays the relevant call history. 3. To further filter the call history, select Filter ( ). 4. Select or clear the following: Your History: To turn on or off personal history logs. Bridged Line Calls: To turn on or off BLA history logs. 5. Save the changes. Deleting a call history entry 1. Go to the History screen. 2. Do one of the following: On Android: Press and hold the call entry and then select Delete. On ios: Swipe the call entry and then select Delete. On Windows and Mac: Select the entry, select More ( call history. Avaya Equinox deletes the call history entry. ), and then select Remove from Deleting all call history 1. Go to the History screen. 2. Filter the call history and select Delete All History. 3. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, in the confirmation dialog box, select Delete. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 65

66 Making and handling calls Listening to voice mails Use this procedure to listen to voice mails in VoIP deployments without Client Enablement Services. If you enable Client Enablement Services, you can view all your voice mails using the Voic filter in the History screen. Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage does not support Client Enablement Services. If you have unread voice mails, Avaya Equinox displays the unread Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) ( ) icon. Before you begin The administrator must configure the Voic number field on System Manager. Select the unread MWI ( ) icon. Avaya Equinox dials the voice mail access number and you can listen to your voice mails. Ending a call While on a call, select End Call ( ). Avaya Equinox ends the call. Emergency calls Do not use Avaya Equinox to make emergency calls. Avaya recommends that you check the product documentation that accompanies your mobile device to learn about the emergency calling features available on your device. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your support team. Important: You can use Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage to make emergency calls. For more information, see Using Avaya Vantage Basic. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 66

67 Chapter 6: Conferencing Depending on the communications system in your company and how Avaya Equinox is configured, you might be able to start and manage the following types of audio and video conference calls: MeetMe conference: The participants and the moderator dial into the conference at a scheduled time using their access codes. The moderator must have an account on the Conferencing system. Adhoc conference: You can start an Adhoc conference any time during a phone call if the administrator has configured your conferencing profile. Advanced conferencing features are supported only if your deployment includes an Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, or Avaya Equinox Conferencing server. For Communication Manager conferencing that provides basic conferencing features, you need only Communication Manager. Starting a MeetMe conference Before you begin You must have an account and moderator code on the Conferencing system. 1. Do one of the following: To start an audio conference, dial the access number of the MeetMe conference and select Audio Call ( ). To start a video conference, dial the access number of the MeetMe conference and select Video Call ( ). 2. Use the conference keypad to enter the digits of your moderator code followed by the pound key (#). The conference starts and the application displays the participants who have dialed in to the conference using the participant code. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 67

68 Conferencing Starting a basic adhoc conference by adding contacts Use this procedure to start an adhoc audio conference call using Communication Manager. Before you begin Remove the adhoc conference URI, that is, the conference Server Address settings in the application. 1. Start a call by doing one of the following: On the Contacts, History, or Messages screen, search for a contact. Use the dialpad to press the telephone number. 2. Select Audio Call ( ). 3. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Select More ( ) and then select Hold ( ). On desktop clients: Select Hold ( ). Avaya Equinox puts the call on hold. 4. Dial the number of another contact. 5. For the active call, select More ( ) and then merge the call. Related links Modifying conference settings on page 37 Starting an advanced adhoc conference by adding contacts Use this procedure to start an Adhoc audio or video conference call using Avaya Aura Conferencing, Avaya Scopia, or Avaya Equinox Conferencing. Before you begin Configure the adhoc conference URI, that is, the conference Server Address settings in the application. If you are using Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage, you cannot configure the Server Address settings. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 68

69 Starting an advanced adhoc conference by adding contacts 1. Start a call by doing one of the following: On the Contacts, History, or Messages screen, search for a contact. Use the dialpad to press the telephone number. 2. Select one of the following: Audio Call ( Video Call ( 3. Do one of the following: ): To start an audio call. ): To start a video call. On desktop clients, perform only Step 4 on page 69 or Step 5 on page 69 or Step 6 on page 69. On mobile clients, perform only Step 7 on page 69 or Step 8 on page Start a conference call from the Contacts, History, or Messages screen by doing the following: a. Drag the card of the contact that you want to include in the conference and drop it over the existing call. b. Select Merge. The application starts the conference call. 5. Dial the number of a person that you want to add to the conference by doing the following: a. For the active call, select More ( ) and then select Add Someone to Call. b. Use the dialpad to dial the telephone number. c. Select Add to call. The application starts the conference call. 6. Start a conference call from the New Conversation screen by doing the following: a. Select New conversation. b. In the New Conversation screen, drag and drop contacts. c. Select Audio Call ( ) or Video Call ( ). The application starts the conference call. 7. Dial the number of a person that you want to add to the conference by doing the following: a. For the active call, select More ( ) and then select Add participant ( ). b. Choose a contact or enter a number using the dialpad. The application starts the conference call. 8. Make an audio or video conference call from the Contacts screen by doing the following: a. Select Add ( ). March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 69

70 Conferencing b. Select one of the following calling options: New Group Voice Call New Group Video Call Avaya Equinox displays the Choose contacts for your call screen. c. Select the contacts whom you want to call. d. Select Next. Avaya Equinox displays the Confirm contacts for your call screen. e. Select Call. The application starts the conference call. Related links Making a voice or video call to a group of contacts on page 59 Modifying conference settings on page 37 Adding a participant to a conference call Only the moderator can do this task. Before you begin Do one of the following: On desktop clients, perform only Step 1 on page 70 or Step 2 on page 70. On mobile clients, perform only Step 3 on page From the Contacts screen or the History screen, do the following: a. Drag the card of the contact that you want to include in the conference and drop it over the existing conference card that includes the participants. b. Select Merge. The application adds the participant to the call. 2. From the Conference screen, dial the number of a person that you want to add to the conference: a. Select Conference ( ) or select More ( ). b. Select Add Someone to Call. c. Use the dialpad to dial the telephone number. d. Select Add to call. The application adds the participant to the call. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 70

71 Starting an advanced adhoc conference by adding contacts 3. Do the following: a. On the Conference screen, select More ( ) and then select Add participant ( ) or on the Participants screen, select Add participant (+). b. In the Add someone to the meeting area, select Choose a contact or Enter a number. c. Select the contact from your contacts list or dial a number. The application adds the participant to the call. Merging two point to point calls to create a conference call Before you begin Multiple calls must be in progress. 1. Do one of the following: On desktop clients, drag the contact card of the held call and drop it over the card of the active call. On mobile clients, for the active call, select More ( that you want to merge. ) and then select Merge and the call 2. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, confirm if you want to merge the calls. The application creates a conference. 3. Resume the held call. Escalating a point to point call to a conference call During a point to point call, the person escalating the call to conference becomes the moderator. 1. Do one of the following: On desktop clients, drag the contact card of the held call and drop it over the card of the conference call OR for the active call, select More ( ) and then select Merge and then select the conference call. On mobile clients, for the active call, select More ( ) and then select Merge and then select the conference call. 2. If available on the Avaya Equinox platform, confirm if you want to merge the calls. The application merges the active call to the conference call. 3. Resume the held call. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 71

72 Conferencing Escalating to video during an audio conference When you join an Avaya Aura Conferencing audio conference call, the call is automatically escalated to video and you can receive video. If you escalate the audio conference call to a video conference call, the participants in the call need to unblock their camera. 1. While on an audio conference call, select Video Call ( ). Avaya Equinox starts video on the conference call. 2. To de-escalate video to audio conference call, select the button again. Avaya Equinox resumes the audio conference call. Checking audio and video links for the conference Use this procedure only on desktop clients to check the audio and video links that you are using for the conference. You can also mute the microphone and block the video. 1. On the Conference screen, select Media ( ). The application displays the audio and video settings of the conference. 2. To decrease or increase the volume of the microphone and speakers, move the sliders to the left or right. To mute the microphone, move the slider completely to the left. 3. To enable video, select Video. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 72

73 Handling conference calls Handling conference calls Viewing the call statistics of a conference call Use this procedure to view the audio and video statistics of a conference call. Do one of the following: On mobile clients: Press and hold the call timer. On desktop clients: On the Conference screen, select Conference ( ) or More ( ) and then select Call Statistics. Extending the conference call to cellular Use this procedure to move your active VoIP call to the cellular network. You cannot use this procedure on Avaya Equinox for Android on Avaya Vantage. 1. On the Conference screen, select one of the following: Conference ( ) or More ( ): On desktop clients. More ( ): On mobile clients. 2. Select one of the following: Extend Call: On desktop clients. Handoff to Cellular: On mobile clients. A call is placed from Communication Manager to your EC500 number. 3. Answer the cellular call and end the VoIP call. Parking or unparking a conference call Use this procedure only on desktop clients. You cannot park or unpark calls on mobile clients. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 73

74 Conferencing Use the Call Park feature to retrieve a call that is on hold from any other telephone within the system. For example, you can answer a call at one extension, park the call, and then retrieve the call at another extension. Avaya Equinox clients used in the Dual Registration mode with H.323 clients cannot unpark a parked call. Before you begin The administrator must configure the Call Park and Call Unpark feature for your extension. 1. While on an active call, select More ( ) and then select Park Call. 2. To retrieve a call, perform one of the following actions: Select Park Call that was used to park the call. Dial the FAC to retrieve parked calls. If you need to retrieve the parked call from a different extension, dial the FAC followed by the extension the call is parked on. Select Unpark Call. Managing the local video Use this procedure to change the placement of the local video on the Conference screen. Press and drag the video self-view to any corner of the Conference screen. Managing the conference as a moderator Recording a conference Only the moderator can do this task. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 74

75 Managing the conference as a moderator For a Conferencing solution with Avaya Scopia, streaming and recording of Avaya Scopia is optional component. 1. On the Conference screen, select one of the following: Conference ( ) or More ( ): On desktop clients. More ( ): On mobile clients. 2. Select one of the following: Conference Features or Moderator Controls: On desktop clients. Controls ( ): On mobile clients. 3. To toggle the Recording feature on or off, select Recording. The applications saves the recording on the Conferencing server. Disabling the mute option for all participants in a conference When the moderator enables the Lecture mode feature, all participants are muted in the conference. The participants can only listen to the moderator and cannot unmute the audio. When an Event conference starts, the Lecture mode feature is enabled automatically. Presenters are not muted. 1. On the Conference screen, select one of the following: Conference ( ) or More ( ): On desktop clients. More ( ): On mobile clients. 2. Select one of the following: Conference Features or Moderator Controls: On desktop clients. Controls ( ): On mobile clients. 3. To toggle the Lecture Mode feature on or off, select Lecture Mode. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 75

76 Conferencing Managing the entry and exit tones If you enable the Entry and Exit Tones feature, the application generates a tone to indicate when a participant joins or leaves the conference. Only the moderator can do this task. 1. On the Conference screen, select one of the following: Conference ( ) or More ( ): On desktop clients. More ( ): On mobile clients. 2. Select one of the following: Conference Features or Moderator Controls: On desktop clients. Controls ( ): On mobile clients. 3. To toggle the feature on and off, select Entry Tones. Continuing a conference without the moderator When the Conference Continuation feature is enabled, the conference continues after the moderator drops from the call until the time that participants are in the call. When the Conference Continuation feature is disabled, the conference ends automatically two minutes after the moderator drops. Only the moderator can do this task. 1. On the Conference screen, select one of the following: Conference ( ) or More ( ): On desktop clients. More ( ): On mobile clients. 2. Select one of the following: Conference Features or Moderator Controls: On desktop clients. Controls ( ): On mobile clients. 3. To toggle the Conference Continuation feature on or off, select Continuation. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 76

77 Managing the conference as a moderator Locking or unlocking the conference The moderator can lock the conference to prevent new participants from joining the call. However, the moderator can continue to add participants to the conference. 1. On the Conference screen, select one of the following: Conference ( ) or More ( ): On desktop clients. More ( ): On mobile clients. 2. Select one of the following: Conference Features or Moderator Controls: On desktop clients. Controls ( ): On mobile clients. 3. To toggle the Lock Meeting feature on or off, select Lock Meeting. Muting all participants in a conference Use this procedure to mute the audio for all participants in a conference, including participants with presenter privileges. When you mute all participants, the participants can only listen to the moderator. Participants and others can unmute themselves. 1. On the Conference screen, select one of the following: Conference ( ) or More ( ): On desktop clients. More ( ): On mobile clients. 2. Select one of the following: Conference Features or Moderator Controls: On desktop clients. Controls ( ): On mobile clients. 3. To mute all participants in the conference, select Mute Everyone. 4. To unmute all participants in the conference, select Unmute Everyone. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 77

78 Conferencing Managing conference participants Muting or unmuting a participant in a conference Use this procedure to mute or unmute the audio of a participant in a conference. Only the moderator can do this task. 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select the contact card of the participant. 2. Right-click or press and hold the contact card, and select one of the following: Mute Participant: On mobile clients. Mute: On desktop clients. The application displays on the contact card of the participant, which indicates that audio is muted for the participant. Blocking or unblocking the video of a participant in a conference Only the moderator can do this task. 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select the contact card of the participant. 2. Right-click or press and hold the contact card, and select one of the following: Block Camera: On mobile clients. Block video: On desktop clients. The application displays on the contact card of the participant, which indicates that the video is blocked for the participant. 3. To view the participants not in the video conference, select Filter ( ) and then select Not in Video. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 78

79 Managing conference participants Promoting a participant to moderator or presenter Use this procedure to promote a participant to moderator in a conference. There can only be one moderator in a conference. When you promote a participant to moderator, you lose moderator privileges. 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select the contact card of the participant. 2. Right-click or press and hold the contact card, and select one of the following: Promote to Moderator or Moderator: To promote a participant to moderator. Tip: In Avaya Scopia conference, you can press *1 to promote a user to moderator. Promote to Presenter or Presenter: To promote a participant to presenter. 3. In the confirmation dialog box, confirm the action. Dropping a participant from a conference Only the moderator can do this task. 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select the contact card of the participant. 2. Right-click or press and hold the contact card, and select one of the following: Drop from meeting: On mobile clients. Drop from call: On desktop clients. 3. In the confirmation dialog box, confirm the action. Viewing the participants in a conference 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select Filter ( ). 2. Select All Participants or Everyone. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 79

80 Conferencing Viewing the recent speakers in the conference 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select Filter ( ). 2. Select Recent Talkers. Viewing the participants in a web collaboration Use this procedure to view the list of conference participants who are currently accessing the web collaboration window. 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select Filter ( ). 2. Select In Collaboration or In Collab. 3. To view the participants not in the web collaboration, select Not in Collaboration or Not in Collab. Viewing the participants who dropped from a conference 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select Filter ( ). 2. Select one of the following: Dropped: On mobile clients. Dropped Participants: On desktop clients. Sorting the participants in the conference Use this procedure to sort the participants in the Conference screen alphabetically or according to order of arrival. 1. On the Conference screen, in the Participants area, select Sort ( ). 2. Select one of the following: Alphabetic - Ascending or Alphabetically. March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 80

81 Ending a conference Alphabetic - Descending or Reverse alphabetically. Most Recent First or Order of arrival. Most Recent Last or Reverse order of arrival. The application sorts the participants in the Conference screen according to your selection. Ending a conference Use this procedure to end a conference. The conference ends immediately for all participants regardless of whether the conference continuation feature is on or off. You can also end the conference using the End Call ( the conference ends only for the moderator. 1. On the Conference screen, select one of the following: Conference ( ) or More ( ): On desktop clients. More ( ): On mobile clients. 2. Select one of the following: ) button in the conference card. But then Conference Features or Moderator Controls and select End Meeting for Everyone: On desktop clients. Controls ( ) and select End Meeting: On mobile clients. 3. In the confirmation dialog box, confirm the action. Deskphone mode limitations If you are using Avaya Equinox in the Deskphone mode, the following limitations exist: Video calling and conferencing are disabled. Multi-party call cannot be initiated using the New conversation area. Adhoc conferences use Communication Manager for basic conferencing. Screen sharing cannot be initiated from a point-to-point call. Conference moderator options with Avaya Aura Conferencing or Avaya Scopia are limited to: - Point-to-point merge into conference - Mute or unmute participant March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 81

82 Conferencing - Drop participant March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 82

83 Chapter 7: Sharing information Currently, Avaya Equinox provides the sharing capabilities only on desktop clients. Mobile clients can only receive the shared content. Moderators and presenters can use web collaboration to share a portion of the screen, the entire desktop, applications, or virtual whiteboards with participants in a conference. Conference screen The following figure shows the components of the Conference screen on Avaya Equinox desktop clients. In this figure, there is an active conference call Conference Chat Public 11 Enter public message 10 March 2017 Using Avaya Equinox for Android, ios, Mac, and Windows 83

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