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1 Asset Arena InvestOne 1 21 AD HOC REPORTING 21.1 OVERVIEW Ad Hoc reporting supports a range of functionality from quick querying of data to more advanced features: publishing reports with complex features and customized templates. Basic features: Report formatting - titles, footers and page orientation. Each report has a template assigned for more advanced look and feel options. Data querying - reports are built on field sets that select data from various data views. Standard data views such as transaction, security, and fund data are available. Multiple field sets within a report are supported. Sorting of data and multiple field sets. Formatting of data - fields can have customized column titles, date formats, rounding options, and aggregation features like sum, average or minimum. Pre-defined data filters aid in querying data quickly. Advanced features: Joining of field sets from different data views and field sets. Unions of similar data items from different data views and field sets. Graph field sets are available as a separate field set type. Advanced filtering utilizing an expression builder for saved and run-time filters. Grouping by standard data categories or customized categories. Multiple report execution is supported. Branding report templates with advanced look and feel features can be created. The Derived Field Expression builder can create advanced user-defined fields for field sets or data views. Miscellaneous features: Reports can be published out of the Ad Hoc reporting framework and used within Enterprise as a standard report. Security features are built into Ad Hoc reporting that control access to data views, reports and field sets. Sharing features are built into Ad Hoc reporting for folders, reports and fields sets. Multiple report output types are supported such as XLS; XLSX; DOCX; XML; CSV; PDF GENERAL OVERVIEW TERMS AND DEFINITIONS The following terms and definition are listed below to provide a better understanding of the content in this document. Ad Hoc Report A reporting module used to quickly create reports on-the-fly. Ad Hoc reports have features such as: 1. Creation of field sets from various data sources. 2. Model field sets can be created and shared to generate new reports quickly. 3. Sorting options. 4. Grouping fields using standard or custom groups. 5. Derived fields. 6. Joins and Unions of field sets. 7. Graph field sets. 8. Formatting features for fields. 9. Pre-defined filters provided for commonly used filter objects. 10. Ad Hoc Filter creation for field sets using the Ad Hoc ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

2 2 Asset Arena InvestOne expression builder. 11. Report Templates for look-and-feel options on reports. 12. Sharing of Ad Hoc Reports and folders containing them. 13. Single and Multiple report execution. 14. Multiple report output types supported. 15. Publishing feature. Ad Hoc Report Designer Ad Hoc Report Request Business Field Data Extracts Data Sources Data Views The set of screens used to create and modify an Ad Hoc report. Ad Hoc reporting is an Enterprise licensed module. Screen to run an Ad Hoc report. Ad Hoc report request inputs are shown as presentation objects. Single Ad Hoc report and multiple Ad Hoc report requests are supported. The core entity for reporting. The business fields provide the business view of all available data. They represent the data to be displayed on the report. Provide the layer that understands the data source and interprets the report definition provided by the user from the report toolkit application. Data extracts are defined by SunGard. Ad Hoc Reporting employs dynamic data extraction. The physical source of data such as Spectra pulls or database view/tables. Data sources are defined by SunGard. A logical grouping of fields available in a Data Source. Each Data Source will have at least 1 Data View, but may have many Data Views to provide sets of fields that are typically used together on reports. Standard field sets are tied to a single data view. Field Sets Graph Field Sets Join Field Sets Model Field Sets Parameters These are collections of individual business fields selected from a data view. These are special purpose field sets that have graph types (3D Pie, Line, etc) and graph-based control features. A Graph field set is tied to a single data view. Graph Field sets cannot be used in a join, or union, and cannot be saved as a model field set. These are two field sets joined on a common field. Joins have SQL-style options like Inner, Right Outer and Left Outer join types. A join field set can be linked to another join field set. These are field sets that have been saved as Private or Public Models. Private field sets can be copied, or used, within a User s own reports. Public field sets can be copied as a template for use in other reports by Users with access to them. These are choices that can be defined as part of the report definition or entered at runtime to filter data or provide additional processing options. Pre-defined Filters are normally required by each Data Source; these Filters are mandatory. Data Extracts may also support optional pre-defined and Ad Hoc Filters. Ad Hoc Filters can be created using the Ad Hoc Filter expression builder. Custom filters can have multiple logical criteria, nesting, and runtime capability. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

3 Asset Arena InvestOne 3 Multiple sections of criteria can be built using the Ad Hoc Filter expression builder. Presentation Objects Report Templates Reporting Toolkit (RTK) Union Field Sets These are inputs to an Ad Hoc report on the request page. An Ad Hoc report that requires an Account number, a from date, and a to date, will have three presentation objects when the report is requested that the report requestor will input. If multiple Ad Hoc reports are requested, report inputs are grouped into a single presentation object for User input. These are administrator created templates that are assigned to an Ad Hoc report. Report Templates control look-and-feel options of the report such as: Even and Odd Row colors; Column Header Font size, style and font name. A reporting module for the Investment Accounting (InvestOne) Enterprise environment. RTK and Ad Hoc reporting share some UI properties, the underlying data base and data model, data extraction infrastructure, and metadata components. User s familiar with Reporting Toolkit will notice similarities between the modules. These are the result of two field sets that have the same data items, combined into one field set. A Union field set can be created on another Union field set AD HOC REPORTING OVERVIEW The steps to define a basic report in Ad Hoc Reporting are: 1. Enter identifying information such as the report name and description. Apply a report template. Add a title and footer to the Ad Hoc report. 2. Select fields from a Data View to create a field set. Arrange the order of fields as needed. 3. Define options such as sorting, summarization, or field aggregates. Apply formats to fields, if desired. 4. Add a Standard or Custom Group to display data on the report in meaningful sections. Add optional Group aggregates for sections. 5. Select parameters both pre-defined filters and ad hoc filters, if needed. 6. Define the report inputs required on the Ad Hoc report request screen. 7. Test the report to view the results. Modify as needed through the Ad Hoc report designer. 8. Print, or save, the Ad Hoc report. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

4 4 Asset Arena InvestOne Ad Hoc Reporting building blocks FIELDS FROM A DATA VIEW After the basic information is provided, fields are selected for the report as a Field Set. Ad Hoc reports can have multiple field sets, and Join or Union field sets as well. Each Field Set in a Report will contain Business Fields from a Data View. Field sets are defined and created on the Field Set screen. A field set is either a List, or a Summary style. The Data Extract associated with that View will identify the available Filters and Parameters. Representation of Data Views, Data Extracts, Options and Filters FIELD SOURCE/ BUSINESS FIELD DATA VIEWS DATA EXTRACTS OPTIONS AND FILTERS These are logical groupings Field Source/ Business Field Data View 4 Field l Field n Field w Field x Dynamic Data Extract Pre-defined options Field l Field m Field n Field o Field w Field x Field y Field z Data View 5 Field m Field n Field y Field z Dynamic Data Extract Pre-Defined Filters Data View 6 Field o Field w Field y Field z Dynamic Data Extract A user using a dynamic extract can define summarization and select fields, options and filters AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

5 Asset Arena InvestOne 5 Each Data View has access to Business Fields from a Data Source (typically a Spectra pull). Therefore, selecting a Data View is also selecting the underlying Data Source for the Field Set. The association of Business Fields to Data Views/Data Sources is done in a Data Dictionary and used by Ad Hoc Reporting and the Reporting Toolkit(RTK). Representation of Data Sources and Business Fields MODULES DATA SOURCES FIELD DATA SOURCE FIELD SOURCE/ BUSINESS FIELD JDBC Data Source Field Data Source Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field 6 Field Source/ Business Field Invest One Spectra Data Source An application that supports multiple data sources will only need to define business fields once Field Data Source Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Field 11 Field 12 Field l Field m Field n Field o Field w Field x Customer Application JDBC Data Source Fields that belong to a custom application can be added to the data dictionary of business fields to make it available in report toolkit application Field Data Source Field 13 Field 14 Field 15 Field 16 Field 17 Field 18 Field 19 Field 13 Field 14 Field 15 Field 16 Field 17 Field 18 Field 19 ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

6 6 Asset Arena InvestOne DEFINE SORTING, SUMMARIZATION AND AGGREGATES Each Field Set has a data level List or Summary. List Field Sets return many rows of data at the level they are extracted from the Data source. Summary Field Sets return many rows of summarized data. Both List and Summary Field Sets can have sorting defined on the Fields screen. Sorting precedence is based on the order of the fields selected within the field set. The first field in a field set has the primary sort, if a sort is applied to the field. Custom sorting on multiple fields may require a specific order of fields, and sorting (ASC or DESC) applied to the fields. There are two aspects to Summarized field sets: 1. The first is defining the field set as Summary on the Field Set screen. 2. The second is defining an aggregate such as Sum on the Fields screen. NOTE: The Fields screen supports multiple field aggregates such as: Sum, Average, Count and Maximum. DEFINE GROUPING STANDARD OR CUSTOM Each Field set within a report can have its own Standard or Custom grouping defined. Join or Union field sets apply grouping on the Joined or Union field set itself, ignoring any grouping defined on the underlying field sets. Standard groups organize the field set data by a single or multiple fields selected within the report. A Custom group allows the User to create custom group labels based on user-defined criteria to organize the field set data. Aggregates such as Sum, Average, Count and Maximum can be applied for Standard or Custom group summaries. SELECT PARAMETERS Most Data Sources require 1 or more data filters such as Account Number and dates. All mandatory Filters are pre-selected as Parameters for the Field Set called Pre-defined Filters. Optional pre-defined Filters, if available, can be selected by the user. Pre-defined Filters are defined either as Input or Constant. Default values for Pre-defined can be set. In addition to Pre-defined filters, Ad Hoc Filters can be entered. For example, a simple Ad Hoc Filter could be defined to extract only Transactions with a Transaction Code of BUY. More advanced Ad Hoc filters can be created with the Ad Hoc Filter expression builder using criteria options of Equal, Not Equal, and Like. Ad Hoc Filters can be set as a run-time option. REPORT INPUTS - DEFINE THE REPORT REQUEST SCREEN The Report Inputs control the appearance of the Report Request screen that will be used to run an Ad Hoc report. The labels and display order of the input parameters are userdefined. Custom labels can be created as well. Report Inputs further define report Parameters, and are based on the parameters defined for the field set and the data view. For example, a report has a Pre-defined Parameter for an Account number. Report Inputs can set the Account number to be a required input on the Ad Hoc Report request, and define the Account as being valid for IO Reporting accounts, or a Multi-View Account. An effective date Pre-defined Parameter can be set as a To-Date or a From Date on Report Inputs, or just a Date. These definitions create presentation objects that the User will input to run an Ad Hoc report. Ad Hoc Filters defined as run-time filters are also further defined on the Report Inputs screen. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

7 Asset Arena InvestOne 7 TEST REPORT Once all the required Ad Hoc report data has been defined, the Test button will be enabled. When the Test button is enabled, an Ad Hoc report can be run using the Test button, or run from the Ad Hoc report List. The Test button has been placed on the Report Inputs screen, and the Field Set Summary screen. After an Ad Hoc report has been created or modified, it is a good idea to use the Test button to run the report and see the output. Ad Hoc reports can be partially created, and completed at a later time. A partially completed Ad Hoc reports shows in the Ad Hoc report list, but cannot be executed. It must be completed, and if the Test button is not enabled, the report is missing some inputs or report definition. When an Ad Hoc report is being created, the Ad Hoc Report designer is creating XML-based definition files (a report metadata XML file and a JRXML file) that handles all the report definitions and settings required to execute an Ad Hoc report. If there is an error creating the XML files, an Unable to generate report template file error is shown in a message box. The Test button aids in ensuring that an Ad Hoc report has been created properly. Modifications to an Ad Hoc report are not reflected until the Test button has been used to re-generate the report s XML files. Reports run using the Test button can be printed, or saved as a file, in the same manner as executing a report by clicking on the report name. If an existing Ad Hoc report has been modified, simply clicking on the Test button is enough to regenerate the XML files. It is not necessary to actually execute the report. A Detailed discussion of creating Ad Hoc reports is done using the Report Designer screen, is discussed next. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

8 8 Asset Arena InvestOne 21.4 AD HOC REPORT DESIGNER Navigate to the Ad Hoc report designer. Clicking the menu item Ad Hoc Report List as shown below will load the Ad Hoc Report List. This is the starting point for Ad Hoc reporting. Except for some specific Administratorrole Ad Hoc reporting functionality, all Ad Hoc reporting activities start from the Ad Hoc Report List. NOTE: Below is a sample menu; the menu structure you see may be different. Ad Hoc reporting. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

9 Asset Arena InvestOne 9 Ad Hoc Report List Typical Ad Hoc report screen progression is shown as follows: 1. Add an Ad Hoc Report by clicking ADD REPORT button. 2. Name the report and add a description. See Report screen shown below: ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

10 10 Asset Arena InvestOne Define field sets for the Ad Hoc report. Add fields to a field set. Field Set screen shown below: Define field level options. Fields screen AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

11 Asset Arena InvestOne 11 Add a Standard or Custom Group Grouping screen shown below: Define report Parameters Parameters screen shown below: The Pre-Defined Filters and Ad-Hoc Filters are collapsible screen sections. Click on the triangle icon to show or hide the sections. Review Pre-Defined Filters for the report on the top section of the screen. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

12 12 Asset Arena InvestOne The Pre-Defined Filters section is collapsed. Ad-Hoc Filters is expanded and shown below. Click on the triangle icon to hide, or show the sections. Add optional Ad-Hoc Filters using the expression builder. Use the ADD CRITERIA button and ADD NEW SECTION button to create complex, nested Ad-Hoc filters. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

13 Asset Arena InvestOne 13 Define Report Inputs and Test the report Report Inputs screen. Define the report inputs and SUBMIT the screen. The Field Set Summary screen displays the entire field sets in a report. A Report can be run by clicking the enabled Test button. If the Test button is not enabled, the report is not fully defined. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

14 14 Asset Arena InvestOne Ad Hoc report request shown below: Individual Ad Hoc report request. Multiple reports can be run from the Ad Hoc report list. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

15 Asset Arena InvestOne 15 FURTHER AD HOC REPORTING SCREEN FLOW Multiple Ad Hoc Report request illustrated below: Complete the following two steps: 1. Select multiple Ad Hoc reports from the Ad Hoc Report List. 2. Click the RUN REPORTS button. Three reports are selected below. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

16 16 Asset Arena InvestOne Multiple Ad Hoc Report Request Page shown below. Click the VIEW button to run the reports. Common Input Parameters for the reports are grouped into the top section. Report-specific parameters are shown in sections below. Sections are collapsible by clicking on their respective triangle icon. Reports go to a single output type, CSV shown above. Report Output types supported for Multiple Report requests are CSV, DOCX, PDF, XLS, XLSX, and XML. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

17 Asset Arena InvestOne 17 Multiple Report execution: During report execution, a work-in-progress screen is shown. Ad Hoc report requests are not asynchronous report requests; this screen is a wait-state for report execution. After the reports are completed, an Open\Save dialog box is presented. Multiple reports are typically saved off as a zip file to a Desktop or directory location. Note1: Choosing Open displays a temporary folder and lists the reports. Multiple reports do not open. Note 2: Internet Explorer (IE) options can affect how Ad Hoc reports download. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

18 18 Asset Arena InvestOne See the Ad Hoc Reporting Administrator functions section of this documentation for notes on Internet Explorer settings. AD HOC REPORT DETAILED SCREEN DEFINITIONS Ad Hoc Report List view The Ad Hoc report List is the starting point and center for most Ad Hoc reporting activity. The Role of the user affects the view, as well as other User s Shared Folders and Reports. Note: The above view shows all Folders and Reports as the User is signed-in under an Administrator role. Administrators have Read-Only access to all reports and folders within the Ad Hoc reporting module. Under an Administrator role any Ad Hoc report can be copied. However, only the report Owner has Read\Write access to their reports. A User s Shared report can be copied by another Ad Hoc user, regardless of role. Shared reports can be viewed and copied by other Users, and shared folders can be viewed by other Users. Folders cannot be copied. Screen Fields Field Name Filter Results By: Find Report: All Reports Description This text box filters the grid view of reports and folders by alphanumeric characters input into the text box. Use <enter> or the APPLY button to filter results. RESET resets the screen. This text box calls a pop up to filter report names by alphanumeric characters input into the text box. Use <enter> in the field or click on the look up icon on the right. All Reports is the top level domain for the tree structure in Ad Hoc reporting where the reports and folders are saved. As a User navigates into folders, the All Reports link acts as a breadcrumb and displays the full directory structure of the current location. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

19 Asset Arena InvestOne 19 Grid Fields Column Name Description Select Checkbox to select a folder or report name. Selecting a report or folder will activate the available action buttons at the bottom of the List view. Name Description Share / Do Not Share Report Report or Folder name. Clicking on the name of a report will call the Ad Hoc report request screen. Clicking on a folder navigates into the folder. Clicking the Name link will sort the list. Displays the Report or Folder description. Clicking on the description of a report will bring up the Ad Hoc report designer screens. Folder Descriptions are read-only. Only a User s own reports can be modified within the Ad Hoc report designer screens. Share/Do Not Share is only active for a User s own reports and folders. Sharing a report allows it to be viewed, run, and copied by another User. Sharing a folder allows the folder to be seen by another User as read-only. Unshared reports and folders are private to the owner. The default is Do Not Share for reports and folders. Share shows in black text when activated, and blue text when inactive. Do Not Share follows the same behavior. The property is mutually exclusive on a report or a folder. (Note: an unfinished Ad Hoc report will display both fields as black text until completed.) It is a good idea to share a folder that has shared reports. Otherwise, the shared report(s) will not display to other Users in the folder name. Sharing\Unsharing a folder changes existing reports within the folder to the property of the folder. Changing the Sharing\Unsharing on a folder changes the property of nested folders and reports contained within them. An individual report(s) can be Shared\Unshared as an over-ride by changing the sharing on the report itself. The behavior is the same for nested folders. Therefore, a shared folder can contain shared and unshared reports. A shared folder can contain shared and unshared folders as well. Created By Displays the User ID of the report s owner. The owner of an Ad Hoc report can be changed through an Administrator-only function, Change Owner. Note: The Administrator role has all reports and folders exposed as read-only, regardless of owner. Additionally, the above rules work only for Users within the same Client Browser group defined on the Client Browser screen. The Client Browser screen is an Administrator configuration screen that controls access for multiple Enterprise modules. Users that are not in the same Client Browser group will not see or have access to shared folders and reports in Ad Hoc reporting. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

20 20 Asset Arena InvestOne NOTE: Above view illustrates navigation into an Ad Hoc folder. All Reports>>AdHocBhenkle2 Screen Buttons Field Name ADD REPORT ADD FOLDER PUBLISH Description Clicking ADD REPORT brings the User into the Ad Hoc report designer screens. Screen progression assumes a flow for a brand new report. Creates a new Ad Hoc reporting folder. The system does not allow the same folder name, in the same folder location, created by the same User. (See pop up screen shot below.) Folder name can be 50 characters wide. PUBLISH is only active when the User is signed-in with an Administrator role. PUBLISH is intended for completely finished Ad Hoc reports that have a need to be used outside the Ad Hoc reporting module. Before Publishing a report making a copy of the report is strongly advised. Publishing an Ad Hoc report removes it from the Ad Hoc reporting module. Publish creates a standard Enterprise report that can be run through process manager within a process, or run directly from a menu. The report cannot be modified after being Published. A report cannot be un-published, or re-published under the same name. Under the Administrator role, any User s report can be Published. Care must be taken before Publishing any Ad Hoc report. COPY REPORTS Select one, or multiple, Ad Hoc reports to copy using the Copy Reports screen. A User can copy other User s shared reports, or their own. Reports can be copied to any User owned folder in the directory tree structure. Reports can be copied to the All Reports top level AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

21 Asset Arena InvestOne 21 Screen Buttons MOVE REPORTS RUN REPORTS DELETE RESET domain location as well. A new name and description for the report(s) is required. (See the Copy Reports screen shot and details below.) Select one, or multiple, Ad Hoc reports to move using the Move Reports screen. A User can only move their reports. (See the Move Reports screen shot and details below.) Brings up the Ad Hoc report request screen. A single report, or multiple reports, can be run. A User can delete only their reports. Multiple reports can be deleted by selecting them. Folders containing multiple reports can be deleted by selecting the Folder to delete. Resets the screen. Add Folder Pop up: Folder name and Description are required. Duplicate report names (not case sensitive), at the same directory tree level by the same User are not allowed. Folder name can be up to 50 characters wide and the Description up to 100. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

22 22 Asset Arena InvestOne Publish Ad Hoc report Pop up: JumpTo name must be unique within the Customer instance and will be used as the menu name. The report name will be used for the function name and description within the dynamic desktop. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

23 Asset Arena InvestOne 23 Copy Reports screen Copy of is appended to the front of the report name. Change the report name as needed. Description is blank and is a required field. Screen controls Field Name Copied Report New Report Name Description Original report name to be copied. A User can copy their reports or another User s Shared report. Copy of appended to the original report name is the default new name. Over-type this name to a more meaningful report name. The system does not allow the duplicate report names within a Customer instance. Copied Location Description Submit Reset Back To Ad Hoc Copied Location displays the User s folder directory tree. Click into the desired folder as the copy to report s location. The copy to location is set when the folder icon is clicked and displays as an open folder with a - (minus) sign, and a rectangle border outlined on the copy to folder. The default location copy to location is the All Reports top level domain. If the copied location is not defined the report(s) will be copied to All Reports. The description of the copied report is blank and is a required field. Create a meaningful description for the report copy. Submits the screen changes and starts the copying process. Resets the screen undoing changes. Navigates the User back to prior directory location where the copied ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

24 24 Asset Arena InvestOne Screen controls Report List reports were selected. The Move Reports function is similar to the Copy Reports function. Use the select checkbox on the Ad Hoc Report List to select a report(s) to move. A User can only move their own report(s) to their own folder. Move Reports screen: Screen controls Field Name Moved Reports Moved Location Submit Back To Ad Hoc Report List Description Displays the report name(s) to be moved. A User can only move their report(s). Moved Location displays the User s folder directory tree. Click into the desired folder as the move to report s location. The move to location is set when the folder icon is clicked and displays as an open folder with a - (minus) sign with a rectangle border outlined on the move to folder. The default location move to location is the All Reports top level domain. If the moved location is not defined, the report(s) will be moved to All Reports. Submits the screen changes and starts the move process. Navigates the User back to prior directory location where the moved reports were selected. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

25 Asset Arena InvestOne 25 AD HOC REPORTING REPORT DESIGNER SCREENS Report Details screen Clicking ADD REPORT from the Ad Hoc report List brings up the first Ad Hoc report designer screen, Report Details. The screen progression follows creating a new Ad Hoc report, as shown above. Clicking on a report description from the Ad Hoc report List brings up the Report Details screen of an existing Ad Hoc report. The screen progression follows modifying an existing Ad Hoc report. Report Details - screen controls Field Name Description Find Report This text box calls a pop up to filter report names by alphanumeric characters input into the text box. Use <enter> in the field or click on the look up icon on the right. Report Name Requires a unique name within a Customer instance, up to 50 characters wide. Special characters _ underscore, space, numbers, and - dash are supported. Other special characters are not supported and will cause an error message to display on Submit. Description Input a meaningful report description up to 100 characters wide. Special characters _ underscore, space, numbers, and - dash are supported. Other special characters are not supported and will cause an error message to display on Submit. Report Template A dropdown list of existing Ad Hoc report branding templates. Each Ad Hoc report requires a report template. Report templates are created ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

26 26 Asset Arena InvestOne Report Details - screen controls under an Administrator role. Ad Hoc reporting comes with the SunGard Default basic report template and will be automatically assigned if no others exist. Page Width Page Height Page Orientation Display Grid Lines Display column header Default page width in pixels. Changing the Page Orientation setting will change the width setting automatically. Default page width for Portrait is 595 pixels and 842 pixels for Landscape. This field can be manually over-ridden. Default page height in pixels. Changing the Page Orientation setting will change the height setting automatically. Default page height for Portrait is 842 pixels and 595 pixels for Landscape. This field can be manually over-ridden. Portrait or Landscape. Settings for non-standard paper sizes require custom width and height settings. Portrait is the default setting and assumes an 8 ½ X 11 inch paper size for either setting. Checkbox to display gridlines between data rows on a report. Default is unselected. Checkbox to display the names of selected data field column header names on a report. Default is unselected. Column header names can be customized within a report on the Fields screen. If this field is unchecked the column header cannot be customized as they are not shown. Title on a new page Checkbox to display the report title on its own page prior to the body of the report. Summary on a new page Checkbox to display report summary fields on a new page after the report body data. Report summary fields are aggregates applied to individual fields on the Fields screen. Example: A sum is added to the Cost and Market Value data fields. Title Text box for an optional report Title. Report titles display up to 500 characters but the <br> page break may be needed to display a very long title. Specific special characters can be used in the report title to display variables like date and report name. Special title characters: &date; displays the current report run date in the title. &report; displays the reports name in the title. &p; adds a page number to the page. &t; shows the time the report was printed. &d; - shows the date the report was printed. <br> - adds a new line &N; or &n; display the total number of report pages &InputX; displays a report input parameter from the Report Inputs screen. X is the Order number on the Report Inputs screen where Input1 would display the first input parameter. An example of this Footer Text Text box for an optional report Footer. (The special characters for the title as described above apply to the footer) Report footers display up to 500 characters but the <br> page break may be needed to display a very long footer. Specific special characters can be used in the report footer to display variables like date and report name. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

27 Asset Arena InvestOne 27 Report Details - screen controls Special footer characters: &date; displays the current report run date in the footer. &report; displays the reports name in the footer. &p; adds a page number to the page. &t; shows the time the report was printed. &d; - shows the date the report was printed. <br> - adds a new line &N; or &n; display the total number of report pages &InputX; displays a report input parameter from the Report Inputs screen. X is the Order number on the Report Inputs screen where Input1 would display the first input parameter. SUBMIT DELETE RESET Saves the changes on the Report Details screen. A partially defined Ad Hoc report can be saved and completed at a later time. A Report name and Description is the minimum requirements to Submit and save a new Ad Hoc report. Deletes the report. Resets the screen and discard changes made. Field Set screen The field set screen is the second step in creating a new Ad Hoc report. (The Field Set Summary screen is second in order, but appears last in the screen progression when creating a new Ad Hoc report.) ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

28 28 Asset Arena InvestOne Screen Fields Field Name Available Field sets in the Report Name Add Data Level Description Dropdown for selecting a field set in an existing Ad Hoc report that contains multiple field sets. For add, this defaults to blank. For change it displays the name of the selected field set. The name is a mandatory field. Naming conventions within Ad Hoc reports are: A standard field set name must be unique within a report. A Model Field set name must be unique within a Customer instance. A field set can also be created by clicking the Add button on the Field Set tab. Clicking it will clear the screen of any content it may have and load the screen in add mode. For add, this defaults to "Select" and for change it displays the data level of the selected field set. Possible values in the drop down are List and Summary. List indicates that the report will contain the number of rows that exist in the query. No summarization is applied, and List is a standard setting for a data level. Summary indicates that the rows returned will contain the summary information for the fields based on the rules on the Fields tab. Summarization is determined by 1) defining the field set as Summary, and 2) applying an aggregate on one or more fields on the Fields screen. Summary is not recommended for most Ad Hoc reports. Model Field set The user can click the icon to open the Model Field set popup. Model Field sets allow the User to quickly create a field set. A User s own Private or Public field sets appear in the pop up list. Another User s Model field sets that have been saved as Public will also appear in the pop up List to be used as a template. A User s own Private Model Field sets can be used as Existing within a report, or copied as a New Model or standard Field set. Model Field sets created by other Users and saved as Public are used within a report as a template. Filter by Data View The User can click the icon to open the Data View popup using the icon on the right of the text box. The user can also enter a Data View name and press Enter. If the data view name is an exact match, that data view would be displayed. Otherwise the Data View popup will be opened. The search for the data view is not case-sensitive. Only data views that have been granted access to the User s role are displayed. An Administrator must grant access to data views based on role. (See the Ad Hoc data view set up details below.) Available Fields Displays the fields in the selected data view. This is enabled when there is a data view name in the Filter by Data View field. Fields are selected in either of two ways: 1) By scrolling through the fields list on either dropdown list of Available Fields. There is a top scroll down list, Available fields list, and the fields are also in the selection box as well, Available fields AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

29 Asset Arena InvestOne 29 Screen Fields Field Name Description Grid. Using the <enter> key on the top Available fields list will select a field and place it into the Selected Fields box on the right. Alternatively, a User can also scroll through the Available fields Grid within the selection box and use the mouse click selector controls, > ; >> to select a field. 2) If the User knows the code for the data item, the code can be typed into the top Available fields scroll down bar and found quickly. Using the <enter> key selects the field and places it into the selected fields box. Example: the code for Shares/Par is CV. Typing CV into the list and pressing <enter> selects the Shares/Par code. Fields selected from the Available list are removed from that list and appear in the Selected Fields selection box. An Ad Hoc report field set cannot contain more than 100 selected fields. Add Fields link Brings up the Derived fields screen. Derived fields can be created for a specific field set only, Or, an Administrator can create a Derived field that is saved permanently to a Data view. Data view level derived fields are available with that data view whenever used. Derived fields created for a field set are automatically added to the Selected Fields list. Derived fields created for a Data view are available in the Available Fields list and are selected like any other available field. (See Derived fields section below.) Available Fields Grid As explained above, this displays fields from the selected data view which are not included in the field set. If no data view is selected, then it will be blank. If a field is moved to Selected Fields grid it will not appear in Available Fields grid and drop down. Tip: Fields are selected in the Available fields grid by using the mouse and the > control. Multiple contiguous Fields can be selected by clicking into a field and using the <shift> key to highlight contiguous rows. Noncontiguous rows can be selected in a similar fashion by clicking a field to highlight it, and using the <Ctrl> key to click into a non-contiguous field. The fields will be highlighted and clicking the > performs the multiple field selection. The >> selects all the fields. Selected Fields Grid In change mode the list of fields that have already been selected for this field set are displayed. In add mode this defaults to blank. The fields are saved with the order that they are displayed. The order decides the sort order precedence of the fields in the report. Grid Fields Column Name Description Field Name Displays the field source name. Derived fields display the name created on the Derived fields screen. Source Name Displays the field data source name. The name displayed here depends on the data source that the customer is using. Derived fields repeat the name created on the Derived fields screen. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

30 30 Asset Arena InvestOne Data View The data view name that the field belongs to. If fields are selected from Name (Selected multiple data views, like the case of a Join, this column helps to identify the Fields grid multiple data views that the fields are selected from. only) Screen Buttons Button Function Name > Selected fields move from the left grid to the right grid. The button is not enabled if there are no fields in the left grid or if none are selected. The user can select multiple fields to move. The fields are added at the end in the right grid. Use the <Shift> key to highlight and move multiple contiguous fields. Use the <Ctrl> key to highlight and move multiple non-contiguous fields. >> All fields move from the left to right grid. Not enabled if there are no fields in the left grid. < Selected fields move from the right to left grid. Not enabled if no field is available in the right grid or if none are selected. The user can select multiple fields to move them to the left grid at the same time. Use the <Shift> key to highlight and move multiple contiguous fields. Use the <Ctrl> key to highlight and move multiple non-contiguous fields. << All fields move from the right to left grid unless if they do not belong to the current data view. If the fields being moved do not belong to the current data view, they will be removed from the right grid. Not enabled if no field is available in the right grid. Up Arrow Moves the field up in the list by one row. Not enabled if the user selects the first field or does not select a field. The order of the fields represents the column order for the result set. Put all fields that are used for row sorting to the top of the order. Down Arrow Moves the field down in the list by one row. Not enabled if the user selects the last field or does not select a field. DELETE The Delete button is used to delete a field set from a report. Model field sets cannot be deleted. Special field sets like Graph, Join, and Union are deleted on their respective screens and are not deleted on this screen. RESET SUBMIT Resets changes on the screen. Saves the settings on the screen. Screen Radio Buttons Radio Button Name Save as Model Field Set - No Function No Saves a field set as a non-model, standard field set. Standard field sets must be uniquely named within a report. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

31 Asset Arena InvestOne 31 Save as Model Field Set - Existing Save as Model Field Set - New Existing Only allowed for an existing model field sets. Only a User s own model field sets can be used and modified within Ad Hoc reports. Changing an existing model field and saving as Existing changes the field set within all reports using this field set. A Warning message box with a list of reports using the field set is displayed when Existing is used on Submit of the screen. New Creates a new Model field set. Model field sets cannot be deleted so care should be taken. Model field set names must be unique within a Customer instance. Another User s Public field set used a template must be saved as New and given a new, unique name. Saving a standard field set as New changes the field set to be a Model field set. Share Model - Private Share Model - Public Model field sets are saved as either Private or Public. Private field sets are only seen and used by the Owner of the field set. Other Users cannot see or use another User s Private model field set. Model field sets are saved as either Private or Public. Public field sets are available to the Owner of the field set, and other Users can use the Public model field set as a template. Using as a template saves time and allows another User to save the field set as a standard field set, or a new Model field set. Other Users cannot change another User s Public model field set, or use it directly. Public field sets populate the model field set list for all Users within a Customer. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

32 32 Asset Arena InvestOne Model Field set pop up: Model field sets available to the User will appear in this pop up list from the Field Set screen. A User s Own Model field sets will appear in the list, as well as other User s Public Model Field sets. Clicking the Field Set Name link will load the Model field set into the Field Set screen. Clicking the View link displays a pop up that has the field details contained in the Model field set, (Shown below.) AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

33 Asset Arena InvestOne 33 Field list pop up within a Model field set: Clicking the Field Name link displays a description box of the field. Clicking the Derived link in the Type column for a Derived field will display the formula from the Derived field Expression builder. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

34 34 Asset Arena InvestOne Derived Fields Fields screen Grid Fields Column Name Description Order Fields are displayed according to the order that they were placed in the Selected Fields list box on the Field Set tab. Field Name Header Label Displays the name of the fields that were selected by the user to create the field set. The fields on this screen are sorted on Field Name and the display can be ASC or DESC. Click on Field Name column name to sort the fields alphabetically. The triangle icon shows ASC or DESC. This column is dependent on the Display Column Headers setting from the Report Details screen. When this field is unchecked, the Header Label will show as blank as column headers will not display on the report. When Display Column Headers is checked, the description of the selected field will show as a default on this screen. This default description can be overridden to a different name and that name will display on the report. Sort Order Contains the sort order type that can be defined for a field. The default is None. The drop down contains following values None, ASC (ascending) and DSC (descending). The Order field determines the Sort Order precedence. A field sorted ASC with an Order of 1 is the Primary sort field. A field sorted ASC with an Order of 2, where the Order 1 field is not sorted, is the Primary sort field. Secondary and tertiary sorts are determined with the same precedence. Aggregate Aggregates are special field controls that are dependent on the data type of AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

35 Asset Arena InvestOne 35 Grid Fields Column Name Description the field. A String or Date field can have: Count, or Count Distinct. A Numeric field can have: Average Count Count Distinct Maximum Minimum Percentage Standard DeviationP Sum Field sets defined as data level Summary should have one or more Sum aggregates defined to Summarize data. Format Width The Format pop up screen is dependent on the data type of the field. Date type fields have format options for date formats and Numeric type fields have numeric formatting options. String fields cannot set formats. (See Format pop up screens shown below.) Width can be manually set in pixels. It is recommended to View\Print a report before manually setting column widths. Trial and error for manual adjustments may be necessary as pixel width display is dependent on multiple factors. In general, a field width can be calculated as: Character length in metadata of the report field * Font size in pixels = Width of field on Ad Hoc report All business fields have a defined character length in the Enterprise metadata. This cannot be adjusted. Font size in pixels comes from the Ad Hoc branding report template. This can be adjusted by setting the font size attribute for the data row. Hide Field Alignment Hides the field from appearing on the report. Hide field can be useful for Sorting on a field that does not appear on a report. (Hiding a field and using it on the Grouping screen will cause a report execution error.) Sets the field alignment, Left, Center or Right. Left alignment is the default. Screen Buttons Button Function Name Submit Saves the changes applied on the screen. Submit button is enabled if any changes are made on the screen. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

36 36 Asset Arena InvestOne Screen Buttons Button Function Name Reset Selections made on the screen are cleared. Format pop up: Date Field A date format applied to a field overrides the Ad Hoc Report date setting on the Customer Preferences or User preferences screen. If no format is applied, the date format will defer to the User preference, if set, and then the Customer preference, if set. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

37 Asset Arena InvestOne 37 Format pop up: Numeric Field Grouping screen ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

38 38 Asset Arena InvestOne The Grouping screen is used to create Standard or Custom groups on selected data items. Multi-level and multi-column of groups are supported. Screen Buttons Button Function Name Standard Select this radio button to create a Standard Group based on a report field in Grouping the Ad Hoc report. An existing report with a Standard Group shows this button selected. Custom Grouping Custom Grouping ADD EDIT SUBMIT DELETE Up\Down arrow keys Select this radio button to create a Custom Group based on User-defined criteria in the Ad Hoc report. An existing report with a Custom Group shows this button selected. Select this radio button to create a Custom Group based on User-defined criteria in the Ad Hoc report. Highlight a Standard or Custom Group and click Add. Highlight an existing Standard or Custom Group and click Edit to modify the group. Click Submit to save changes to the Grouping screen. Deletes a Standard or Custom group. Moves a Group level up or down. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

39 Asset Arena InvestOne 39 Standard Group pop up Clicking ADD on a new Standard Group, or EDIT on an existing Standard Group, brings up the Standard Group pop up screen. Standard Grouping - Screen Fields Field Name Description Available Fields Displays the fields selected in the report. Only fields selected in the report grid are available to be used in a standard group. Click on a field to highlight and use the > to select a field. Fields selected move out of the Available fields grid and into the Selected fields grid. Selected Fields grid Displays the fields selected in the report that form the group. On initial entry to this screen the grid is blank. Selecting fields populates this list. Click on a field to highlight and use the < to deselect a field. Grouped fields are sorted ASC in the report, and the field detail is suppressed and a Group header of the grouped field(s) is shown. < and > Moves report fields between the Available and Selected grid. Start this Checkbox to have the group breaks start on a new page. Default is Group on a unchecked. new page ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

40 40 Asset Arena InvestOne Group Aggregates - Screen Fields Field Name Description ADD Click ADD to create a Group aggregate. DELETE Select Summary Column Summary Function Deletes a Group Aggregate. Click the Select radio button to activate it on the group aggregate and Delete. Selects an existing group aggregate so that it can be deleted. Select one or more existing group aggregates to use the DELETE button. Displays the Available fields in the report to assign a group aggregate. Only Available fields in the report can have an aggregate assigned. Summary functions are similar to aggregates on the Fields screen. A String or Date field can have: Count, or Count Distinct A Numeric field can have: Average Count Count Distinct Maximum Minimum Percentage Standard DeviationP Sum NOTE: Summary functions on numeric fields can be indirectly formatted by formatting the underlying report field on the Fields screen. Summary Label Add an optional Summary Label for a group aggregate. Summary labels help to define the summary function on the report. Summary labels are displayed above the field as a group footer and center aligned. Only alphanumeric characters are supported within a summary label. SUBMIT CANCEL Saves settings on the standard grouping pop up and closes the screen. Discards any changes on the screen and closes the standard grouping pop up. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

41 Asset Arena InvestOne 41 Custom Group pop up Clicking ADD on a new Custom Group, or EDIT on an existing Custom Group, brings up the Custom Group pop up screen. Below is a Custom Group illustrating a custom maturity schedule: ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

42 42 Asset Arena InvestOne Custom Grouping Pop Up Custom Grouping Pop Up - Screen Fields Field Name Description Group Checkbox to have a catch-all Others group added to the report so that Remainder in report data not matching the custom group criteria is still included in the ad Others hoc report. It is a good idea to have this checked so that the report contains all the data from an ad hoc report query. ADD Click ADD to create a new custom group. Custom Group criteria and a group label are defined on a second custom group pop up screen. (Shown below) EDIT DELETE Start this Group on a new page Click the select radio button to activate the custom group and click edit. Edit calls a pop up screen to edit the criteria and custom group label. (Shown below) Deletes a Custom Group. Click the Select radio button to activate the custom group and click delete. Checkbox to have the group breaks start on a new page. Default is unchecked. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

43 Asset Arena InvestOne 43 Define the first Custom Group criteria and add a group label: Label for Group - 1 Month Maturity Months to Maturity - field is setting the custom criteria <= - Less than or Equal is the operator 1 1 Month is the criteria Define further custom groups: Label for Group Month Maturity First criteria: Months to Maturity - field is setting the first custom criteria > - Greater than or Equal is the operator 1 1 Month is the criteria Second criteria: Months to Maturity - field is setting the second custom criteria <= - Less than or Equal is the operator 3 3 Months is the criteria Custom Group pop up - Screen Fields Fields Description Label Input label text for the Group. 50 characters are supported. Left selection Dropdown list containing fields within the report. Choose a report field to dropdown set criteria on. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

44 44 Asset Arena InvestOne Custom Group pop up - Screen Fields Fields Description Up to six criteria fields can be used. The same report field can be used multiple times, or different report fields can be used in conjunction. The multiple criteria logic for Custom Grouping is AND logic meaning that all conditions must be met for the group. Center Criteria dropdown Criteria operators are: > greater than; < less than; >= greater than or equal to; <= less than or equal to;!= not equal to; = equal to Right input box Input box to set the comparison criteria. SUBMIT CANCEL Saves settings on the custom group pop up and closes the screen. Discards any changes on the screen and closes the standard grouping pop up. Group Aggregates Group Aggregates - Screen Fields Field Name Description ADD Click ADD to create a Group aggregate. DELETE Select Summary Column Summary Function Deletes a Group Aggregate. Click the Select radio button to activate it on the group aggregate and Delete. Selects an existing group aggregate so that it can be deleted. Select one or more existing group aggregates to use the DELETE button. Displays the Available fields in the report to assign a group aggregate. Only Available fields in the report can have an aggregate assigned. Summary functions are similar to aggregates on the Fields screen. A String or Date field can have: Count, or Count Distinct. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

45 Asset Arena InvestOne 45 Group Aggregates - Screen Fields Field Name Description A Numeric field can have: Average Count Count Distinct Maximum Minimum Percentage Standard DeviationP Sum NOTE: Summary functions on numeric fields can be indirectly formatted by formatting the underlying report field on the Fields screen. Summary Label Add an optional Summary Label for a group aggregate. Summary labels help to define the summary function on the report. Summary labels are displayed above the field as a group footer and center aligned. Only alphanumeric characters are supported within a summary label. SUBMIT CANCEL Saves settings on the standard grouping pop up and closes the screen. Discards any changes on the screen and closes the standard grouping pop up. Parameters screen ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

46 46 Asset Arena InvestOne Screen Sections Field Name Pre-Defined Filters Ad-hoc Filter Expression Description This section contains the list of pre-defined filters that belong to the data extract for the field set. The user may choose to use the filter by checking the Select box. If there are any filters that are mandatory, they will be displayed with a disabled checkbox that is checked. Use the arrow to hide or show the section. Click on the Pre-Defined filter triangle icon to collapse or open the top section of the screen. The default is uncollapsed. Ad-hoc filters can be defined while creating a report. The fields that belong to the data source of the data view are displayed for selection to create the filter expression. If the data extract for the field set has been changed after the field set was created, the ad-hoc filter will be removed too. Click on the Ad-Hoc Filter triangle icon to uncollapse the bottom section of the screen. The default for this section is collapsed. Note: Multiple scroll bars may appear on the Parameters screen to facilitate all the sections and their corresponding parameters. Grid Fields Column Name Description Select The user can select check box in the heading to select all options or filters. Mandatory options and filters will have disabled checkboxes which cannot be deselected. The user can also check any individual option or filter to add it to the report. Name The name of the filter or option, displayed in alphabetical order. All the options and filters for the selected Data Extract are displayed. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

47 Asset Arena InvestOne 47 Grid Fields Column Name Description Description Value Input or Constant The description of the option or the filter. If the description does not fit in the column, the user can view the complete description in a popup by clicking the more link. The Value column can be used to enter a default value for any parameter. The input value will be treated as the default value for the option but can be overridden on report request if the parameter is set to Input. If set to Constant, the input value is used within the report on execution. Checking this box will set the input Value as a constant to be used on report execution. Setting Input displays the parameter field on report request for a User input. Input with a Value displays the value on report request as a default, but allows a User override. Screen Buttons Button Function Name Submit Click the Submit button to save the changes made on the screen. Reset The screen will re-display saved data. It is enabled if the user has made any modification on the screen. Reset discards changes made on the screen. Ad-Hoc Filters section Ad-Hoc Filter - Screen Section Field Name Description ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

48 48 Asset Arena InvestOne Logic Dropdown selection box to apply AND or OR logic to the Ad Hoc filters. Each section has a Logic setting. ADD CRITERIA ADD NEW SECTION Left dropdown List Center criteria dropdown Right comparison input box Ask at Runtime DELETE The Add Criteria inserts a new row to set criteria within a section. The Logic setting for the section applies to an additional criteria section. Add New Section inserts a new set of criteria nested within the current section. All the buttons and controls are repeated within the nested section and a DELETE SECTION button is added to the nested section. (See nested Ad-Hoc screen shot below) Dropdown list containing all the fields in the current data view for the field set selected. Dropdown selection list containing the criteria operators. Criteria operators are: Equal; Like; Not Equal Input box to set comparison criteria. Some business fields from the Left dropdown list will provide a looking glass icon to look up criteria values. Example: when Asset group is selected the Right comparison input box will show a look up pop up list of asset group values. When Ask at runtime is set to No, the Ad-Hoc filter is automatically applied to the report on execution. If Ask at runtime is set to Yes, the right comparison input box will be set to blank and not allow input. Instead, a run-time value is input on report request. Clicking delete deletes a single section of the Ad-Hoc filter. Multiple sections of criteria must be deleted individually. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

49 Asset Arena InvestOne 49 Nested Ad-Hoc Filter expression: Issue currency must be USD Asset group must be B, OR, Asset group must be TN The second section of criteria is nested within the first set of criteria. Asset group pop up list: Clicking the eyeglass icon brings up a pop up list for AG-Security Asset Group Base field values. Pop up lists are based on the business field selected in the left dropdown box. Business fields without fixed value list will not display a pop up list. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

50 50 Asset Arena InvestOne Report Inputs screen The Report Inputs tab displays all the fields and parameters that require an input from the user at runtime. The Report Inputs screen is typically the last step before testing a new Ad Hoc report. Grid Fields Column Name Description Required Setting a field or parameter as required makes it necessary for the user to provide a value for that field or parameter during runtime. Mandatory filters and options will have a disabled checked checkbox. Users can click the header Required checkbox to select all non-mandatory fields and parameters as required. Field Set Name Contains the field set name(s) in the ad hoc report. Ad Hoc reports containing multiple fields sets display all the field sets on the Report Inputs screen. Fields Parameter (Type) Displays the name of the field used in the field set. Displays the type and name of the option or filter. Parameter types are: Filter for a Pre-defined filter from the Parameters screen. ADHOC FILTER for an Ad-Hoc Filter from the Parameters screen. Pre-Defined filters set to Constant on the Parameters screen show grayed out on the Report Inputs screen. Ad Hoc Filters on the Parameters screen with Ask at Runtime set to No do not appear on the Report Inputs screen. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

51 Asset Arena InvestOne 51 Grid Fields Column Name Description Presentation Object Custom Label Display Order Presentation Objects are options that relate to formatting or display of the report during runtime on the Ad Hoc report request screen. The user may choose to add these presentation options by clicking the Select Presentation Objects button. A custom label can be specified and will show at runtime on the ad hoc report request screen. The label should not contain any special characters other than an underscore or spaces. This is the display order on the add adhoc report request screen. The display order can be set in the Display Order Popup. The display order is applicable for fields that contain a label. Fields or parameters that contain the same label will be given the same display order. Fields are given a display order by the application based on the page display, if none is set by the user. Screen Buttons Button Name Function Select Displays all the generic presentation options that a user can choose to use Presentation for their report. Presentation options relate to formatting or customizing the Objects display of the report. Set Display Opens the Display Order popup. Order Submit Clicking Submit will save the settings made by the user. All input fields and parameters need to have a label or be set as a constant. Reset Discards changes and resets the screen. Reset is only enabled if any changes are made on the screen. Test Brings up the Ad Hoc report request screen. The Test button builds the report SQL that generates an ad hoc report. Changes to an existing report require the Test button to be used to generate the new report. A Test button is available on the Field Set Summary screen as well. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

52 52 Asset Arena InvestOne Field Set Summary screen Field Set Summary - Screen Fields Field Name Description Add Field Set Dropdown list of field set types. Field set types are: Standard progresses the User to the Field Set screen. Union - progresses the User to the Union screen. Join - progresses the User to the Join screen. Graph - progresses the User to the Graph screen. GO Name Click the GO button to add a new field set. GO takes the User to the appropriate screen for the new field set type in Add mode. Name of the field set. The name of a Standard\Join\Union field set is a link and clicking on the field set name will bring up the field set screen in edit mode. # of Fields Displays the number of fields contained in the field set. Field Set Type Displays a description of the field set type. Field sets types are Standard, Union, Join, and Graph. For special field set types Union, Join, and Graph the field set type is shown as a link and clicking the type will call the respective field set screen in change mode. Report Inputs Defined Up\Down Arrows SAVE ORDER Displays Yes if the report is complete and the Test button can be used to review the report. If No is displayed, the report is not fully defined and requires updates. Allows ad hoc reports with multiple fields sets to change the order of fields sets as they display on the report. Is enabled when field sets are re-ordered with the arrow buttons. Saves AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

53 Asset Arena InvestOne 53 Field Set Summary - Screen Fields Field Name Description the new order. TEST Brings up the Ad Hoc report request screen. The Test button builds the report SQL that generates an ad hoc report. Changes to an existing report require the Test button to be used to generate the new report. A Test button is available on the Report Inputs screen as well. Special field set screens Graph, Join, and Union Special field sets Graph, Join, and Union are created from the Field Set summary screen using the Add Field set and GO button. Graph field set Graph Screen Fields Field Name Description Field Set Name For add, this defaults to blank. For change it displays the name of the selected field set. The name is a mandatory field. Naming conventions within Ad Hoc reports are: A graph field set name must be unique within a report. Duplicate field set names are not allowed within a report, regardless of field set type. A graph field set name cannot be the same as an existing Model Field set. Select Data View Name Dropdown list containing the data views that are available to the User. A single graph field set is limited to a single data view. Select Graph Type Multiple graph types are supported: Pie Bar Line ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

54 54 Asset Arena InvestOne Graph Screen Fields Field Name Description Scatter Bubble Graph Options Graph Options works in conjunction with graph type. Graph Type\Options are: Pie Pie Pie 3-D Pie Bar Stacked Bar Bar Clustered Bar Bar 3-D Stacked Bar Bar 3-D Clustered Bar Line Line Line Line with Markers Line Area Scatter Scatter Bubble Bubble Select Label Column X Axis X Axis Title Display Data on Chart Aggregate Dropdown list to set the X Axis column to a business field available in the data view selected. One X axis column is allowed. Input a title for the X Axis. Checkbox to show the underlying data on the graph. Method to relate the X and Y axis. Aggregate methods are: Average Count Count Distinct Maximum Minimum Sum One Aggregate method is allowed for the graph. Y Axis Title Select Label Column Y Axis Series Title ADD Series Column series grid Series Title series grid EDIT Input a title for the Y Axis. Dropdown list to set a Y Axis column to a business field available in the data view selected. Multiple Y axis columns are allowed as Series inputs. Each series must use the same Aggregate method. Multiple series are supported. Each Series should have a distinct name. Adds the Series information to the series grid. Displays the code and name of business field used in the Y axis column in the series. Displays the Y axis series Title. Allows a change to an existing series. The business field or series title can be modified. The EDIT button changes to DONE to click on completion of the change. REMOVE Removes an individual series. A graph requires at least one series. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

55 Asset Arena InvestOne 55 Graph Screen Fields Field Name Description SUBMIT BACK DELETE RESET Saves the graph field set and goes back to the Field Set Summary screen. Goes back to the Field Set Summary screen without saving. Deletes the graph field set. (Use the Remove button to delete an individual series.) The screen will re-display saved data. It is enabled if the user has made any modification on the screen. Reset discards changes made on the screen. Join field set Join field sets are created from the Field Set summary screen using the Add Field set and GO button. Join field sets combine the results of two field sets into a combined result set. Join field sets are created by linking one field set to another field set based on a joinkey. Typically, a join field set will be two linked standard field sets. (A Join field set can be linked to another Join field set, a Union field set, or another standard field set.) The Joinkey must be of the same data type in both linked field sets. Additionally, a joinkey should make logical business sense given the underlying data or the results can be unpredictable --- a blank report, or thousands of rows of data. A basic understanding of SQL (Structured Query Language) is helpful when working with Join field sets as the rules are based on standard SQL rules. Setup Joined Field set screen Field Name Description Select Join Shows Select and is read-only on a new Join field set when the screen is Field Set in Add mode. For an existing join field set the name is displayed. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

56 56 Asset Arena InvestOne Setup Joined Field set screen Field Name Description Join type Join type options are Inner, Left Outer, and Right Outer. Inner join is the default selection and is a commonly used join type. Required field. (Join types determine how the results of the underlying queries are combined and is a SQL topic beyond the scope of this User guide.) Field Set Name Join field sets require a name. Naming conventions within Ad Hoc reports are: A join field set name must be unique within a report. Duplicate field set names are not allowed within a report, regardless of field set type. A join field set name cannot be the same as an existing Model Field set. Field Set 1 Column 1 Field Set 2 Column 2 ADD SUBMIT BACK DELETE RESET The first field set to be linked in the join. The field set must exist within the report. The field set can be a standard field set, joined field set, or a union field set. Typically, two standard field sets are joined. A business field contained within Field set 1. Linked columns should be the same data type. The second field set to be linked in the join. The field set must exist within the report. The field set can be a standard field set, joined field set, or a union field set. Typically, two standard field sets are joined. A business field contained within Field set 2. Linked columns should be the same data type. ADD button adds the join to the grid and creates the join. Saves the screen settings and takes the User back to the Field Set Summary screen. Takes the User back to the Field Set Summary screen without saving the screen. Deletes the joined field set from the report. If a joined field set has been saved as a Model field set on the field set screen, it cannot be deleted. Discards screen changes and reverts to previously saved settings. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

57 Asset Arena InvestOne 57 Union field set Union field sets are created from the Field Set summary screen using the Add Field set and GO button. Union field sets combine the results of two or more field sets into a combined result set. Union field sets are created by linking all the fields of one field set to all the fields of another field set. A Union is intended for the same report data items, in the same order, from different field sets, to be displayed on an ad hoc report in one combined result set. Typically, a Union field set will be two combined standard field sets. (However, a Union field set can be linked to another Union field set, a Join field set, or another standard field set.) The order of the business fields in the underlying field sets should be the same. For SQL in general, unions are designed to select the same items from different tables, or sources, into one meaningful result. Violating this rule can result in unpredictable results data columns that are different will show illogical data in the same column; or, a report may generate an error message if data types conflict. A basic understanding of SQL is helpful when working with union field sets as the rules are based on standard SQL rules. Setup Union Field set screen Field Name Description Select Union Shows Select and is read-only on a new union field set when the screen is Field Set in Add mode. For an existing union field set the name is displayed. Field Set Name Union field sets require a name. Naming conventions within Ad Hoc reports are: A union field set name must be unique within a report. Duplicate field set names are not allowed within a report, regardless of field set type. A union field set name cannot be the same as an existing Model Field set. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

58 58 Asset Arena InvestOne Setup Union Field set screen Field Name Description Field Set ADD APPLY BACK DELETE RESET Dropdown list containing all the field sets within the report. The field set used in the union can be a standard field set, joined field set, or a union field set. A minimum of two field sets are required, though more can be added if the union conditions apply. Adds a field set to the Column Unions grid. At least two field sets must be added for a union. Creates the union based on the field sets in the Column Unions grid. Takes the User back to the Field Set Summary screen without saving the screen. Deletes the union field set from the report. If a union field set has been saved as a Model field set on the field set screen, it cannot be deleted. Discards screen changes and reverts to previously saved settings. Derived Fields Users can add, modify or delete a derived field using the Add Fields link on the Field Set screen. Derived fields are User created fields that can be used within reports to accomplish a variety of purposes: Derived fields can calculate values using mathematical operators. Derived fields can use financial functions to calculate vales. Derived fields can use logical operators to conditionally calculate vales. Derived fields can be created within a field set, or can be created by an Administrator and saved to a data view. Derived fields saved to a data view are available to any User that has access to the data view, and are selected like other business fields. A User must be signed in as an Administrator role to save a derived field to a data view. Derived fields saved within a field set are available within that field set; however, if a report containing a field set derived field is copied, the derived field will be contained within the copy of the field set. The derived field is not a copy and is then shared between the field sets. Derived fields should be carefully named as they must be unique within a Customer. Clicking the Add Fields link on the Field Set screen will display the Derived Field screen. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

59 Asset Arena InvestOne 59 Derived Field Screen Screen Fields Field Name Field Name Description Dropdown list displays all derived fields created available within the report, and within the selected data view. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

60 60 Asset Arena InvestOne Screen Fields Field Name Description Derived fields saved within the report are in the list. Derived fields saved within the data view are in the list. Note: Join or Union field sets do not display the derived fields in the underlying base field sets in this list. ADD Data View Name ADD button is enabled when an existing derived field is selected. Clicking ADD places the screen in ADD mode to create a new derived field. Multiple derived fields can be added consecutively on this screen by using ADD, defining the derived field, and clicking SUBMIT to save the derived field. Displays the data view name of the current field set from the Field Set screen. Data View Name radio button is activated when signed in as an Administrator. Only an Administrator can save derived fields to data views. Field Set Name Displays the field set name of the current field set from the Field Set screen. The Field Set Name radio button is activated by default, and derived fields are saved to the field set by default. Only an Administrator can save derived fields to data views. Name The user needs to enter a name for the derived field. The Name cannot be blank and needs to be unique. It is recommended to use a naming convention for derived fields saved to a data view to differentiate those saved to a field set. Description Description cannot be blank. Vertical scroll bars may appear if the size of the text is greater than the display area of the text area. Data Category Data Categories help to categorize fields. Selecting a data category for the field is mandatory. Data Type A data type has to be selected for the derived field. This would indicate the type of data the field will contain. Possible values are BIT, BOOLEAN, CHAR, DATE, DECIMAL, FLOAT, INTEGER, NUMERIC, SMALLINT, and VARCHAR. An error results if the data type is inconsistent with the derived field expression. Precision Length Expression This textbox is enabled when the user selects Decimal for Data type of the field. Expressions that use DECIMAL will be rounded to the Precision specified. This textbox is enabled when user selects CHAR or VARCHAR as the data type of the field. This is a read-only text box; the user can click the Edit button to enter the expression. The expression created in the editor is displayed here in grey text. It is mandatory to enter an expression. Click the EDIT button to enter an expression using the Expression Builder. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

61 Asset Arena InvestOne 61 Screen Fields Field Name Description Screen Buttons Button Function Name Edit Opens the derived field expression editor in a popup. The expression needs to be created in the editor. Non-Administrator roles cannot edit derived fields saved into a data view. Delete Submit Delete is enabled only for an Administrator role and a derived field saved to a data view. A derived field that is not part of any report being defined, or is not used within another report cannot be deleted. Clicking delete will make the field unavailable for further use. The Submit button is enabled when the user makes any change on the screen. When clicked, the data is validated and the derived field is created. Note: Derived fields saved within a field set are added to the Selected Fields grid when the Field Set tab is re-displayed. A Submit on the Field Set screen saves the derived field within the field set. Removing a field set level derived field from the Selected Fields grid on the field set screen will delete the derived field unless it is used by another report. A warning message displays before deleting. Derived fields saved to a data view are added to the Available Fields grid when the Field Set tab is re-displayed. They must be Selected from the Available Fields list to be used within the field set. A Submit on the Field Set screen saves the derived field within the field set. Removing a data view level derived field does not delete the derived field; it removes it from the fields set. Reset Return All values entered by the user are cleared. Reset is enabled when the user makes a change on the screen. The Return button returns the user to the Field Set tab. Return does not save changes. The following screen is displayed when the Edit button is clicked. This is the editor that enables the user to create a derived field expression. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

62 62 Asset Arena InvestOne Derived Field Expression Editor Screen Fields Field Name Description Available Fields This will contain the same list of fields that is present in the Available Fields drop down grid. Typing the Source Name and hitting <Enter>, or selecting a field in the drop down, will add the internal name of the field to the expression text area. The field will not be removed from the drop down list because it can be used multiple times. The user can select a field from the drop down or the grid. If the internal name is known, it can be typed directly into the expression text box. If the name is not an exact match, it will not be recognized. Available Fields grid Displays all fields belonging to the same data source as the selected data view. Join or Union field sets display only the fields selected within the combined field set. Expression The user can edit this text area or use the drop down, grid, or buttons to select the fields and operators. It is mandatory to set an expression for a derived field. If an expression was previously created, it will be displayed here when this screen is loaded. Vertical scroll bars will appear if the text is larger than the display area. Use the Operator Type and Operator dropdown lists in conjunction with the INSERT button to build expressions. All operators must be in capital letters to be used. Operators inserted into the expression builder text box are in always in caps. Directly typing expressions and operators is allowed, but mixed case operators will display an error when VERIFY is clicked. Example: ABS is a valid operator for absolute value. Abs is not valid and AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

63 Asset Arena InvestOne 63 Screen Fields Field Name Description cannot be used. Operator Type Dropdown list containing all the valid operator types for the expression builder. The All selection will show all the available operators in the Operator dropdown list described below. Operator types consist of: All Arithmetic Comparison Date/Time Logical Math Other String Manipulators Operator Dropdown list containing all the valid operator types for the expression builder. The Operator dropdown list filters based on the Operator Type dropdown described above. Supported Operators are: + ; -; * ; / ; % ; MOD ; ^ ; < ; <= ; > ; >= ; = ;!= ; <> ; IF; LIKE; & ; AND; ; OR; AGE; DAYSSINCE; DAYSUNTIL; TODAY; WEEKDAY; DAY; YEARDAY; YEAR; MONTH; HOURSSINCE; HOURSUNTIL; DAYSBETWEEN; SECONDSSINCE; SECONDSUNTIL; SECONDSBETWEEN; POW; SQR; SQRT; MIN; MAX; SUM; AVERAGE; ROUND; ABS; ROUNDUP; ROUNDDOWN; FV; PV; PMT; FVIFA; PVIFA; CONCAT; TOUPPER; TOLOWER; TOSTR; ( ; ) Grid Fields Column Name Field Name Description Displays the field name. Source Name Displays the field data source name. The name displayed here depends on the underlying data source being used. (Join and Union fields sets show a blank source.) Internal Name The internal name of the field. This is a unique name for the field without spaces. If the internal name is known, it can be used directly by typing the name within the expression editor text box. Screen Buttons Button Function Name INSERT INSERTS the operators based on the Operator Type and Operator dropdown list selections. Inserted functions provide an example intended to illustrate the usage of the inserted operator. Example: The Math Operator Type for Operator ABS, absolute value, is shown on insert as: ABS(Number) Number illustrates that ABS is intended for a number type of field. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

64 64 Asset Arena InvestOne Screen Buttons Button Function Name > The selected field's internal name is copied to the right text area to create an expression. Since a field can be used multiple times in an expression, they are not deleted from the field list. The button is enabled when a field is selected in the grid. Verify OK Cancel The user can click the Verify button to validate the expression created. It will display messages for any error the expression may contain. An expression not passing the VERIFY check cannot be saved. Clicking OK will validate the expression to ensure that the expression is correct. The pop up will be closed if there are no validation errors and the expression will be displayed in the Add Field screen. Clicking the Cancel button will close the popup without saving the derived field expression. AD HOC REPORTING ADMINISTRATOR FUNCTIONS Ad Hoc reporting contains some functionality intended for an Administrator role. Functionality related to security access and configuration is described below. Ad hoc Data view Set-up screen Screen controls Field Name Description Select Data View All Data views available to the Ad Hoc reporting module are selectable AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

65 Asset Arena InvestOne 65 Screen controls in the drop down list. Each data view must have access assigned to a role before it can be seen and used by a User within the Ad Hoc reporting module. Security access can be controlled at will through adding or limiting data view access by roles. Available Data views are controlled by SunGard. Available Roles All roles, except for those already selected, are shown in the Available selection box. Click on a Role to highlight the selection and use the > move selector to Select the role. Selected roles are removed from the Available Roles selection box. Clicking multiple roles with the <Shift> key suppressed allows multiple contiguous selections of rows. Clicking multiple roles with the <Ctrl> key suppressed allows multiple noncontiguous selections of rows. Changes require submit to be saved. Selected Roles Selected roles with access to the data view selected in the drop down box are listed in this box. Click on a Role to highlight the selection and use the < move selector to deselect the data view from the role. A deselected role is removed from the Selected Roles selection box. Clicking multiple roles with the <Shift> key suppressed allows multiple contiguous selections of rows. Clicking multiple roles with the <Ctrl> key suppressed allows multiple non-contiguous selections of rows. Changes require submit to be saved. >; >>; <; << Select and Deselect controls for the selection boxes. < and > select and deselect one item, or highlighted items. << and >> select or deselect all items. Submit Reset Submits the screen changes. Any change to a screen requires a Submit to save the change. Resets the screen changes. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

66 66 Asset Arena InvestOne Change Owner for an Ad Hoc report Change Owner is an existing Enterprise function that allows the User owning an Enterprise component to be changed. Ad Hoc Reports have been added to the Component object dropdown box as shown above. When needed, an Administrator can change the Owner User of an Ad Hoc report to another User. See the Enterprise documentation for a complete discussion of the Change Ownership function. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

67 Asset Arena InvestOne 67 Ad-hoc Report Date Format Customer Preference parameter Ad-hoc Report Date Format User Preference parameter A new parameter has been added to the Customer Preference screen and the User Preference screen. Ad-Hoc Report Date Format on both set up screens controls the default date format for date fields that show on an Ad Hoc report. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

68 68 Asset Arena InvestOne A hierarchy applies to the date format that displays on an Ad Hoc report: Customer Preference sets the default date display type for Ad Hoc reporting Date fields. The setting on this screen applies to the entire Customer instance. User Preference sets the default date display type for Ad Hoc reporting Date fields based on the User logged into Enterprise. This is an individual User-controlled preference that over-rides the Customer Preference when they are different. Formats supported: MM/dd/yyyy default setting, 12/31/2010 MMMM dd, yyyy December 31, 2010 dd-mm-yyyy dd-mmmm-yyyy 31-December-2010 dd/mm/yyyy 31/12/2010 Note: Ad Hoc Reporting Field level settings Ad Hoc reports have field level control of date formats. Any date-based field on an Ad Hoc report can have its own date format defined that takes precedence over the User and Customer Preference. AD HOC BRANDING Each Ad Hoc report is required to have a report template assigned to it. Report templates are created and managed through the Ad Hoc Branding screen. A SunGard Default template comes standard with the Ad Hoc reporting module. The SunGard Default template is a basic black and white template and cannot be changed. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

69 Asset Arena InvestOne 69 Ad hoc Branding screen Colors tab Screen Control: Description: Find Report Template: Dropdown list containing existing Ad hoc branding templates defined within the Customer instance. When the Ad Hoc branding screen loads, this field is set to Select-- and the screen is defaulted to add mode. Add button Report Template Name Colors tab Font and Alignment tab Parameter Name Hexadecimal Color Value Use Default Enterprise Color Default Color The Add button is active when an existing template is selected. Clicking Add creates a new Report template that can be named, defined, and saved. Report templates must have a unique name within the Customer instance. The Colors tab parameters display first on the Ad hoc Branding screen. Make choices for the parameters and <submit> to save. Submit progresses to the Font and Alignment tab parameters. Tab for Font and Alignment parameters. This tab displays in the background by default. For new report templates the Colors tab must be defined first, submitted, and the Font and Alignment tab will activate to be defined next to complete the template definition. A report template must have tabs defined, the Colors and Font and Alignment tabs, respectively. Description of the property to be defined. Clicking on Parameter Name will sort the list ASC or DESC. Use the Input box to directly input a hexadecimal color value, or use the Color palette control to select a color based on appearance. When a color is selected using the color palette control, the hexadecimal value is shown in the input box. (This control is disabled unless the Use Default Enterprise Color checkbox on the right is unchecked.) Checkbox to use Enterprise default color. The color is shown in a square box sample, and its hexadecimal color value. Uncheck this box to change color settings for a parameter. Displays the Enterprise default color for a parameter in a square box example, and its hexadecimal color value. Colors tab - Parameters Parameter Name Column Header Background Color Description Column header background color for column headers in an Ad hoc report. All field sets in a report use this. Use default or customize the color. Column Header Text Color Column header text color in an Ad hoc report. All field sets in a report use this. Use default or customize the color. Even Row Background Color Even rows of data use this color in the background on a report. Use default or customize the color. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

70 70 Asset Arena InvestOne Colors tab - Parameters Parameter Name Even Row Text Color Footer Background Color Footer Text Color Group Row Background Color Group Row Text Color Group Summary Background Color Group Summary Text Color Description Even rows of data use this color for text displayed on a report. Use default or customize the color. Footer background color, if a footer is defined on the Report screen. Footer text color, if a footer is defined on the Report screen. Group row background color, if Groups are defined on the report on the Grouping screen. Group row text color, if Groups are defined on the report on the Grouping screen. Group summary background color, if a Group aggregate is used within a Group. Group aggregates are defined within the report on the Grouping screen. Group summary text color, if a Group aggregate is used within a Group. Group aggregates are defined within the report on the Grouping screen. Odd Row Background Color Odd rows of data use this color in the background on a report. Use default or customize the color. Odd Row Text Color Title Background Color Title Text Color SUBMIT - button RESET - button DELETE - button Odd rows of data use this color for text displayed on a report. Use default or customize the color. Title background color, if a title for the report is defined on the Report screen. Title text color, if a title for the report is defined on the Report screen. Submits the page to save the report template. Resets the screen. Deletes an Ad hoc report template. A message box confirms the delete before actually deleting the template. Existing Ad Hoc Reports that use a deleted template will need to have a new template re-assigned to it. (See *Note) PREVIEW - button Displays the look and feel of the report template controls in preview mode. Changes to the fields must be saved through the Submit button to be viewed. (See preview screen shot below) *Note: Explicit reassignment of a report template is done on the Report tab in the ad hoc report designer. If a report template is deleted, any report(s) using the deleted template should be re-assigned to a new report branding template. If an Ad Hoc report is executed that has a deleted report template assigned, and a new one has not been re-assigned, the report will still display the deleted report template characteristics. If an ad hoc report that had a deleted template assigned to it is ran using AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

71 Asset Arena InvestOne 71 the report designer Test button, the SunGard Default template will be automatically assigned. Ad hoc branding Font and Alignment tab Ad hoc Branding screen Font and Alignment tab Screen Control: Description: Parameter Name Description of the property to be defined. Clicking on Parameter Name will sort the list ASC or DESC. Value Use Default Default Value The Value that can be set for a given parameter name. (This control is disabled unless the Use Default checkbox on the next right column is unchecked.) Checkbox for parameter customization. This must be unchecked to customize a Parameter value. Displays the Default Value for a given Parameter Name. Font and Alignment tab parameters Parameter Name Description Column Header Font Column Header attributes that can be set are: Bold; Italic; Attribute Underline; Bold and Italic; Bold and Underline; Italic and Underline; Bold and Italic and Underline Column Header Font Name The Default font name is dependent on the Ad Hoc report output type. Available fonts in the dropdown list are dependent on fonts installed within the Operating system that Enterprise is installed on. Column Header Font Size Dropdown box with common font sizes for column headers. Default size for Column Headers is 10. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

72 72 Asset Arena InvestOne Font and Alignment tab parameters Parameter Name Description (8 through 72 size font supported as a selection.) Data Row Font Attribute Data row font attributes are: Bold; Italic; Underline; Bold and Italic; Bold and Underline; Italic and Underline; Bold and Italic and Underline. Data Row Font Name Data Row Font Size Footer Alignment Footer Font Attribute Footer Font Name Footer Font Size Footer Logo Alignment Footer Logo Location The Default font is dependent on the Ad Hoc report output type. Available fonts in the dropdown list are dependent on fonts installed within the Operating system that Enterprise is installed on. Dropdown box with common font sizes for data rows on the report. Default size for Data Rows on a report is 10. (8 through 72 point size font supported as a selection.) For a report Footer assigned on the Report screen. The Footer can be aligned Left, Center, or Right. Left is the default. Footer attributes that can be set are: Bold; Italic; Underline; Bold and Italic; Bold and Underline; Italic and Underline; Bold and Italic and Underline. The Default Footer font is dependent on the Ad Hoc report output type. Available fonts in the dropdown list are dependent on fonts installed within the Operating system that Enterprise is installed on. Dropdown box with common font sizes. Default size for a report Footer is 10. (8 through 72 size font supported as a selection.) Footer logos can be aligned Left, Center, or Right. A Footer logo image file can be uploaded into a report template and displayed in report footers. The image may need to be cropped to fit. Select Logo displays previously uploaded Logo images the Administrator can use. Upload Logo allows Browse navigation to Upload a new Logo image file to the report template. Group Summary Font Attribute Group Summary font attributes are: Bold; Italic; Underline; Bold and Italic; Bold and Underline; Italic and Underline; Bold and Italic and Underline. Group Summary fields are defined on the Grouping tab as aggregates for Grouped sections. Group Summary Font Size Dropdown box with common font sizes. Default size for a Group Summary is 10. (8 through 72 size font supported as a selection.) Header Logo Alignment Aligns the Header Logo image file Left, Center, or Right. Header Logo Location A Header logo image file can be uploaded into a report template and displayed in report footers. The image may need to be cropped to fit. Select Logo displays previously uploaded Logo images the Administrator can use. Upload Logo allows Browse navigation to Upload a new Logo image file to the report template. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

73 Asset Arena InvestOne 73 Font and Alignment tab parameters Parameter Name Description Title Alignment Title Font Attribute Title Font Name Title Font Size Aligns the report Title Left, Center, or Right. Report Title font attributes are: Bold; Italic; Underline; Bold and Italic; Bold and Underline; Italic and Underline; Bold and Italic and Underline. The Default font is dependent on the Ad Hoc report output type. Available fonts in the dropdown list are dependent on fonts installed within the Operating system that Enterprise is installed on. Dropdown box with common font sizes. Default size for a report Title is 10. (8 through 72 size font supported as a selection.) Ad Hoc Branding Preview template Preview show above displays the elements of the report template. Elements can be changed, Submitted to save, and previewed to display changes. Notes on Internet Explorer settings for Ad Hoc Reporting: Changes required for File Download IE provides certain configuration settings which the User can supersede for the default IE behavior on file downloads. This allows the User to download a file without any warning. (This setting applies to downloading Ad Hoc reports as a file.) The User has to make the below mentioned changes to their IE settings, 1. User has to add the URL of our application in to the list of trusted sites. For this open the Internet Option dialog and select the Security tab. Select the ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

74 74 Asset Arena InvestOne Trusted Sites from the listed zones. Click on the Sites button, it opens a dialog to add the URL to the list. 2. On clicking the Sites button, below pasted dialog would open AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

75 Asset Arena InvestOne 75 Uncheck the Require server verification ( for all the sites in the zone and add the URL to access the IO application. 3. After adding the URL to the trusted sites, click on the Custom Level button. This opens a dialog box where the User can configure different properties. For File download please set the below defined properties: ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

76 76 Asset Arena InvestOne Set the Automatic prompting for file downloads and File download to Enable. By making above changes IE, will allow the User to download an Ad Hoc report file from Enterprise, without any warning. Changes required in case user wants to open the File within IE window 1. Open "My Computer" and go to Tools-->Folder Options. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

77 Asset Arena InvestOne Select the "File Types" tab. 3. Select the required Extension and click on "Advanced" button. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

78 78 Asset Arena InvestOne 4. Uncheck the "Confirm Open after download" property. Changes required for PDF in case user wants to open the File within IE window The above mentioned property is disabled for PDF, thus if user wants to have similar behavior then he/she has to made below specified changes. 1. Open Adobe Reader and Go to Edit Preferences. AD HOC REPORTING 12.0 ENTERPRISE DA

79 Asset Arena InvestOne Select the Internet from the available categories and check the Display PDF in browser property. ENTERPRISE DA 12.0 AD HOC REPORTING

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