XML Tools in Visual Studio Working with XML Data XML Editor XML Schema Designer Security Considerations when Working with XML Data Debugging XSLT

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1 Table of Contents XML Tools in Visual Studio Working with XML Data XML Editor XML Schema Designer Security Considerations when Working with XML Data Debugging XSLT What's New in the XSLT Debugger How to: Start Debugging XSLT How to: Use Breakpoints with XSLT How to: Evaluate an XPath Expression Walkthrough: Debug an XSLT Style Sheet XSLT Default Templates Debugger User Interface (XSLT) XSLT Profiler

2 XML Tools in Visual Studio 1/25/ min to read Edit Online Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that provides a format for describing data. This facilitates more precise declarations of content and more meaningful search results across multiple platforms. In addition, XML enables the separation of presentation from data. For example, in HTML you use tags to tell the browser to display data as bold or italic; in XML you use tags only to describe data, such as city name, temperature, and barometric pressure. In XML you use style sheets such as Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) and cascading style sheets (CSS) to present the data in a browser. XML separates the data from the presentation and the process. This enables you to display and process the data as you want to, by applying different style sheets and applications. XML is a subset of SGML that is optimized for delivery over the Web. It is defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This standardization guarantees that structured data will be uniform and independent of applications or vendors. XML is at the core of many features of Visual Studio and the.net Framework. The following topic list names the tools and features related to XML that are offered in Visual Studio and the.net Framework. For more information, see the System.Xml documentation. In This Section Working with XML Data Discusses the role of XML in the way data is handled in Visual Studio. Debugging XSLT Provides links to topics about using the Visual Studio debugger to debug XSLT. Reference Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor Exposes the XML Editor parse tree through System.Xml.Linq for any XML documents. XML Standards Reference Provides information about XML technologies, including XML, Document Type Definition (DTD), XML Schema definition language (XSD), and XSLT. System.Xml Describes the classes and other elements that make up the System.Xml namespace and provides links to more detailed information on each item. System.Xml.Serialization Describes the classes and other elements that make up the System.Xml.Serialization namespace and provides links to more detailed information about each item. Related Sections XML Document Object Model (DOM) Describes how the XmlDocument and its associated classes comply with the W3C Document Object Model (Core) Level 1 and Level 2 namespace support specifications. Processing XML Data with XmlReader and XmlWriter

3 XSLT Transformations Describes how the XslCompiledTransform class implements the XSLT 1.0 recommendation. Process XML Data Using the XPath Data Model Describes how the XPathNavigator class can process XML data stored in an XPathDocument or an XmlDocument object. The XPathNavigator class is based on the XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Data Model and can be used to navigate and edit XML data. XML Schema Object Model (SOM) Describes the classes used for creating and manipulating XML Schemas, by providing an XmlSchema class to load and edit a schema.

4 Working with XML data 1/25/ min to read Edit Online Visual Studio includes tools and features that make it easier to work with XML, XSLT, and XML schemas. XML editor The XML editor is used to edit XML documents. It provides full XML 1.0 syntax checking, schema validation while you type, color-coding, and IntelliSense. If a schema or document type definition is provided, it is used by IntelliSense to list allowable elements and attributes. Additional features include: XML snippet support, including schema-generated snippets. Document outlining so that elements can be expanded and collapsed. The ability to execute XSLT transformations and to view the results as text, XML, or HTML. The ability to generate XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas from the XML instance document. Support for editing XSLT style sheets, including IntelliSense support. XML Schema Explorer. XML Schema designer The XML Schema Designer is integrated with Visual Studio and the XML Editor to enable you to work with XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas. XSLT debugging Visual Studio supports debugging XSLT style sheets. Using the debugger, you can set break points in an XSLT style sheet, step into an XSLT style sheet from code, and so on. In this section XML Editor Introduces the XML Editor. XML Schema Designer Discusses the XML Schema Designer and working with XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas. Related sections Debugging XSLT Discusses how to debug style sheets using the Visual Studio debugger. XML Standards Reference Provides information about XML technologies, including XML, Document Type Definition (DTD), XML Schema definition language (XSD), and XSLT. Create and configure datasets in Visual Studio Provides an explanation of the design-time tools for creating datasets.

5 XML Web Services in Managed Code Discusses how to create and deploy XML Web services and how to access XML Web services. See also XML Tools in Visual Studio

6 XML editor 1/25/ min to read Edit Online The XML editor is based on the Visual Studio text editor, and includes additional support for the XML languages. The XML editor includes the following features: XML 1.0 syntax checking. Schema validation while you type. XML snippets support, including schema-generated snippets. Support for Document Type Definition (DTD). Support for XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema. Creating an XML Schema from an XML instance document. Converting a DTD or XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schema into an XML Schema. XSLT 1.0 syntax checking. Document outlining, so that elements can be expanded and collapsed. Integration with the XML Schema Explorer. This provides a hierarchal view of XML Schemas. The XML editor is invoked for well-known file extensions, such as.xml,.xsd,.xsl, and.config. It is also invoked on any unknown file extension if the file appears to contain XML. You can also open any file with the XML editor by using the Open With option and selecting the XML editor from the list. In This Section XML Document Validation Describes the syntax checking and validation features. XML editor IntelliSense Features Describes the editor IntelliSense functionality. XML Snippets Describes how to use the XML snippets feature. Editing XSLT Style Sheets Describes the XSLT editing experience. Schema Cache Lists the schemas that are installed by the XML editor. XML editor Components Describes the XML editor user interface components. Related Sections Writing code in the editor Provides information about the Text Editor. XML Standards Reference

7 Provides information about XML technologies, including XML, Document Type Definition (DTD), XML Schema definition language (XSD), and XSLT. See also XML Tools in Visual Studio

8 What's New in the XML Editor 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The following features are new in Visual Studio XSLT IntelliSense The XSLT IntelliSense feature allows you to auto-complete attribute set names; template modes and names; and parameter names for a specified mode or a specified named template. For more information, see XML Editor IntelliSense Features. XSLT Profiler The XSLT Profiler creates detailed XSLT performance reports that help you measure, evaluate, and target performance-related problems in XSLT code. The XSLT Profiler also includes useful hints for XSL and XSLT style sheet optimizations. For more information, see Walkthrough: XSLT Profiler. XSLT Hierarchy The XSLT Hierarchy tool allows you to add breakpoints in included style sheets and/or built-in template rules. For more information, see Walkthrough: Using XSLT Hierarchy. See Also XML Editor Tasks XML Editor

9 XML Document Validation 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor checks XML 1.0 syntax and also performs data validation as you type. The editor can validate using a document type definition (DTD) or a schema. Red wavy underlines highlight any XML 1.0 well-formed errors. Blue wavy underlines show semantic errors based on DTD or schema validation. Each error has an associated entry in the error list. You can also view the error message by pausing the mouse over the wavy underline. Schemas used in validation are found by matching the targetnamespace of a compiled schema with the element's xmlns declaration. Compiled schemas are loaded from one of the following locations, listed in order of priority: From the file name specified in the Schemas field of the document Properties window. An inline schema or DTD. An external DTD or an xsd:schemalocation and xsd:nonamespaceschemalocation attribute An "x-schema" XDR schema namespace URI. Schemas can also be found in the following additional locations when the schema has a non-empty target namespace: Another editor window that contains the schema. A schema in the current solution. A schema from the schema cache directory. XSLT Files When editing an XSLT file, the xslt.xsd file located in the schema cache is used for validation. Validation errors are shown as blue wavy underlines. Errors from the XSLT compiler are shown as red wavy underlines. XML Schema (XSD) Files When editing an XML Schema file, the xsdschema.xsd file located in the schema cache is used for validation. Validation errors are shown as blue wavy underlines. Any compilation errors are also shown with red wavy underlines. See Also XML Editor

10 XML Editor IntelliSense Features 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor provides full IntelliSense features comparable to other language editors provided in Visual Studio. This section explains how you can use the IntelliSense with XML Schema definition language (XSD) and XSLT documents. IntelliSense in an XSD Document After a schema is associated with your document, you get a drop-down list of expected elements any time you type "<" or click the Display an Object Member List button on the XML editor toolbar. For information about how to associate schemas with your XML documents, see XML Document Validation. When you type SPACE from inside a start tag, you also get a drop-down list showing all attributes that can be added to the current element. When you type "=" for an attribute value, or the opening quote for the value, you also get list of possible values for that attribute. Values are only provided if the schema provides enumerated values via xsd:enumeration facets, or if the attribute is a Boolean type. An IntelliSense list of known language codes is also provided for xml:lang or any simpletype that derives from xsd:language. An IntelliSense list of known targetnamespace values is provided for namespace declarations. An IntelliSense list of possible values is also provided when you type ">" to close a start tag if the element is a simpletype. The behavior for elements is similar to the behavior for attributes described in the previous paragraph. ToolTips also appear on these IntelliSense lists based on xsd:annotation and xsd:documentation information found in the associated schema. IntelliSense in an XSLT Document After you add a named template or an attribute to your XSLT document, you can use IntelliSense to insert the following: Attribute set names. Template modes. Template names. Parameter names for a given mode. Parameter names for a given named template. For more information, see Walkthrough: Using XSLT IntelliSense topic. Auto-Completion The XML editor also makes editing XML easier by filling in required XML syntax for you. For example, if you type the following start tag: <book> The XML editor fills in the end tag and positions the cursor after the start tag. The following is an example of this

11 (the " " notes the cursor position): <book> </book> Because attribute values must always have quotes, the XML editor fills in the quotes for you. For example, if you type the following: <book title= The XML editor adds the quotes and positions the cursor between the quotes: <book title=" " Similarly, the XML editor also inserts the following XML syntax automatically for you: End a processing instruction:?> End a CDATA block: ]]> End a comment: --> End a DTD declaration: > The XML Editor also has the ability to insert a namespace declaration if you select a namespace qualified element or attribute from an IntelliSense list and the namespace for that element or attribute is not yet in scope. For example, if you select the e:book element from the IntelliSense list where the prefix is bound to the namespace that has not been declared in the document, the XML editor inserts the required namespace declaration for you. The following is the resulting XML text: <e:book xmlns:e=" Brace Matching The XML editor provides brace highlighting to give you immediate feedback on elements you have just closed. You can also use the keyboard shortcut (CTRL+]) to jump from one brace to the matching brace. The XML editor does this for the following items: Matching start and end tags. Any pair of "<" or ">" angle brackets. Start and end of comments. Start and end of processing instructions. Start and end of CDATA blocks. Start and end of DTD declarations. Opening and closing quotes on attributes. Modifying the IntelliSense Options The IntelliSense and auto-completion features are enabled by default. However, you can change this by modifying your Tools-Options settings. The Auto Insert section of the Miscellaneous page controls the following behavior:

12 NAME Close tags Attribute quotes Other markup DESCRIPTION Inserts close tags for new elements. Inserts attribute value quotes when you enter a new attribute name. Completes comments, CDATA, DOCTYPE, processing instructions, and other markup declarations. To change the auto-completion behavior 1. Select Options from the Tools menu. 2. Expand Text Editor, expand XML, and select Miscellaneous. 3. Make any changes to the Auto insert section and click OK. See Also XML Editor Using IntelliSense Walkthrough: Using XSLT IntelliSense

13 XML Snippets 1/8/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor offers a feature, called XML snippets, that allows you to build XML files more quickly. You can reuse XML snippets by inserting them into your files. You can also generate XML data based on an XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema. Reusable XML Snippets The XML Editor includes many snippets that cover some common tasks. This allows you to create XML files more easily. For example, if you were authoring an XML Schema, using the "Complex Type Sequence Element" and "Simple Type Element" snippets inserts the following XML text to your file. You would then change the name value to suit your needs. <xs:element name="name"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name"> <xs:simpletype> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"></xs:restriction> </xs:simpletype> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> You can insert snippets in two ways. The Insert Snippet command inserts the XML snippet at the cursor position. The Surround With command wraps the XML snippet around the selected text. Both commands are available either from the IntelliSense submenu under the Edit menu, or from the editor shortcut menu. For more information, see How to: Use XML Snippets. Schema-Generated XML Snippets The XML editor also has the ability to generate an XML snippet from an XML Schema. This feature allows you to populate an element with XML elements generated from the schema information for that element. For more information, see How to: Generate an XML Snippet From an XML Schema. Create New XML Snippets In addition to the snippets that are included with Windows Server 2008 Visual Studio by default you can also create and use your own XML snippets. For more information, see How to: Create XML Snippets. See Also XML Editor

14 Editing XSLT Style Sheets 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor can also be used to edit XSLT style sheets. You can take advantage of the default Editor features such as IntelliSense, outlining, XML snippets, and so on. In addition, there are also new features that make it easier to develop in XSLT. XSLT Features The following table describes features specific to working with XSLT style sheets. Syntax coloring XSLT keywords, such as template, match, and so on, are displayed in the XSLT keyword color specified by the Fonts and Colors settings. Wavy underlines The XML Editor uses the installed xslt.xsd file to validate XSLT style sheets. Validation errors are shown as blue wavy underlines. The XML Editor also compiles the style sheet in the background and reports compiler errors or warnings with appropriate wavy underlines. Support for script blocks Code in script blocks is supported by the XSLT debugger so you can set breakpoints and step through the script block code. View XSLT output You can execute an XSL transformation and view the output from the XML Editor. For more information, see How to: Execute an XSLT Transformation from the XML Editor. Debug XSLT You can launch the XSLT debugger from an XSLT file in the XML Editor. The debugger supports setting breakpoints in the XSLT file, viewing XSLT execution state, and so on. Hovering over an XSLT variable brings up a ToolTip with the value of the variable. The debugger can be used to debug a style sheet, or to debug a compiled XSL transformation invoked from another application. For more information, see Debugging XSLT. See Also XML Editor

15 Schema Cache 1/8/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor provides a schema cache located in the %InstallRoot%\Xml\Schemas directory. The schema cache is global to all users on your computer and includes standard XML Schemas that are used for IntelliSense and XML document validation. The XML editor can also find schemas located in the solution, schemas specified in the Schemas field of the document Properties window, and schemas identified by the xsi:schemalocation and xsi:nonamespaceschemalocation attributes. The following table describes the schemas that are installed with the XML Editor. FILENAME catalog.xsd DotNetConfig.xsd msbuild.xsd msdata.xsd msxsl.xsd SnippetFormat.xsd DESCRIPTION Schema for XML editor schema catalog files. For information about schema catalogs, see below. Schema for Web.Config files, " Schema for the MSBuild make files, " Schema for the XSD annotations added by the DataSet class, "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata". Schema for Microsoft XSLT script block extensions, urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt. Schema for the code snippet XML files. For examples, see %InstallDir%\VC#\Expansions. Soap1.1.xsd Schema for Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, Soap1.2.xsd Schema for Simple Object Access Protocol 1.2. SiteMapSchema.xsd wsdl.xsd xenc.xsd xhtml.xsd xlink.xsd Schema for ASP.NET sitemap XML file, " Schema for Web Service Description Language, Schema for XML Encryption, Schema for XHTML Schema for XLink1.0,

16 FILENAME DESCRIPTION xml.xsd xmlsig.xsd xsdschema.xsd xslt.xsd Schema describing xml:space and xml:lang attributes, Schema for XML Digital Signatures, Schema describing XSD itself, Schema for XML Transforms, Updating Schemas in the Cache The editor loads the schema cache directory when the XML editor package is loaded and watches for any changes while running. If a schema has been added, it is automatically loaded into an in-memory index of known schemas. If a schema has been removed, it is automatically removed from the in-memory index. If a schema has been updated, it automatically invalidates the in-memory cache of this schema. NOTE Because the schema cache directory is global to your computer, you should only add schemas here that are standard and useful to all the Visual Studio projects that may be created on your computer. The XML editor also supports any number of schema catalog files in the schema cache directory. Schema catalogs can point to other locations for schemas that you always want the editor to know about. The catalog.xsd file defines the format for the catalog file and is included in the schema cache directory. The catalog.xml file is the default catalog and it contains links to other schemas in the %InstallDir%. The following is a sampling of the catalog.xml file: <SchemaCatalog xmlns=" <Schema href="%installdir%/help/schemas/favorites.xsd" targetnamespace="urn:favorites-schema"/> <Schema href="%installdir%/help/schemas/links.xsd" targetnamespace="urn:links-schema"/> <Schema href="%installdir%/help/schemas/myhelp.xsd" targetnamespace="urn:vshelp-schema"/> </SchemaCatalog> The href attribute can be any file path or http URL pointing to the schema. The file path can be relative to the catalog document. The following variables, delimited by %%, are recognized by the editor and will be expanded in the path: InstallDir System ProgramFiles Programs CommonProgramFiles ApplicationData CommonApplicationData

17 LCID The catalog document can include a Catalog element, which points to other catalogs. You can use the Catalog element to point to a central catalog shared by your team or company, or an online catalog shared with your business partners. The href attribute is the file path or http URL for the other catalogs. The following is an example of the Catalog element: <Catalog href="file://c:/xcbl/xcblcatalog.xml"/> The catalog can also control how schemas are associated with XML documents using the special Association element. This element associates schemas that have no target namespace with a particular file extension, which can be useful because the XML Editor does not do any auto-association of schemas that do not have a targetnamespace attribute. In the following example the Association element associates the dotnetconfig schema with all files that have the "config" file extension: <Association extension="config" schema="%installdir%/xml/schemas/dotnetconfig.xsd"/> Localized Schemas In many cases the catalog.xml file does not contain entries for localized schemas. You can add additional entries to the catalog.xml file that point to the localized schema directory. In the following example a new Schema element has been created that uses the %LCID% variable to point to the localized schema. <Schema href="%installroot%/common7/ide/policy/schemas/%lcid%/tdlschema.xsd" targetnamespace=" Changing the Location of the Schema Cache You can customize the location for the schema cache using the Miscellaneous options page. If you have a directory of favorite schemas, the editor can be configured to use those schemas instead. NOTE This change affects only the current Visual Studio user. To change the schema cache location 1. From the Tools menu, select Options. 2. Expand Text Editor, expand XML, and then click Miscellaneous. 3. Click the Browse button on the Schemas field. 4. Select the folder for the schema cache and click OK. To add another directory of common schemas 1. Edit the catalog.xml file in the XML editor schema cache directory. 2. Add a new <Catalog href="..."/> element that points to the directory of additional schemas. 3. Save your changes. The catalog is automatically reloaded.

18 See Also XML Editor

19 XML editor components 1/25/ min to read Edit Online This section discusses the XML editor windows and dialog boxes. Because the XML editor is based on the text editor, some of the integrated development environment (IDE) is configured using the general text editor settings. In This Section Miscellaneous, XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box Discusses the auto-completion and schema settings for the XML Editor. XML Document Properties, Properties Window Describes the basic document information that is available. Formatting, XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box Discusses the settings that control how attributes are formatted, how to handle mixed content, and so on. XML Schemas Dialog Box Describes how to select the XML Schema(s) to associate with the XML document. Related Sections Change text color in the editor See also XML Editor

20 Miscellaneous, XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This dialog box allows you to change the auto-completion and schema settings for the XML Editor. You can access the Options dialog box from the Tools menu. NOTE These settings are available when you select the Text Editor folder, the XML folder, and then the Miscellaneous option from the Options dialog box. Auto Insert Close tags If the autocompletion setting is checked, the editor automatically adds an end tag when you type a right angle bracket (>) to close a start tag, if the tag is not already closed. This is the default behavior. The completion of an empty element does not depend on the autocompletion setting. You can always autocomplete an empty element by typing a backslash (/). Attribute quotes When authoring XML attributes, the editor inserts the =" " characters and positions the caret (^) inside the double quotes. Selected by default. Namespace declarations The editor automatically inserts namespace declarations wherever they are needed. Selected by default. Other markup (Comments, CDATA) Comments, CDATA, DOCTYPE, processing instructions, and other markup are auto-completed. Selected by default. Network Automatically download DTDs and schemas Schemas and document type definitions (DTDs) are automatically downloaded from HTTP locations. This feature uses System.Net with auto-proxy server detection enabled. Selected by default. Outlining Enter outlining mode when files open Turns on the outlining feature when a file is opened. Selected by default. Caching

21 Schemas Specifies the location of the schema cache. The browse button (...) opens the Directory Browse dialog box at the current schema cache location. You can select a different directory, or you can select a folder in the dialog, rightclick, and choose Open to see what is in the directory. See Also XML Document Properties, Properties Window XML Editor Components

22 XML Document Properties, Properties Window 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The Properties window provides basic information about the document that is active in the XML Editor. The properties that are available vary depending on the type of XML document that is currently active. NOTE All XML document properties are saved in the solution. As a result, you do not have to reenter these values the next time you open the solution. Encoding The character encoding for the file. Changing this property also changes the encoding attribute on the XML declaration, and vice versa. The new encoding will be used to encode the file when you save the file. Input The input document associated with the XSLT style sheet. It is used by the ShowXSLT Output command. A document can be selected using the browse (...) button. This property is visible only when an XSLT file is currently active in the Editor window. Output The file that is generated when transforming an XML document. If a file is not specified, a default file name is generated based on the method attribute on the xsl:output element which determines the file extension. The default file is located in the current user's temporary directory. Schemas The schemas to use for validation. The button opens the XSD Schemas dialog box, which can be used to select the schemas to use. You can also enter the path to the schemas. If multiple schemas are specified, each schema path must be enclosed in double quotes. Stylesheet The XSLT file that is used to transform the document when the Show XSLT Output command is used. If this field is blank when the Show XSLT Output command is used, the editor uses the value provided in the xml-stylesheet processing instruction of the document, or it prompts you for the filename. When editing an XSLT file, this property can be used to specify that a different style sheet should be used when the Show XSLT Output or Debug XSLT command is selected. For example, you may want to do this when you are editing a style sheet that is included in a parent style sheet. See Also XML Editor XML Editor Components

23 Formatting, XML, Text Editor, Options Dialog Box 1/8/ min to read Edit Online This dialog box allows you to specify the formatting settings for the XML Editor. You can access the Options dialog box from the Tools menu. NOTE These settings are available when you select the Text Editor folder, the XML folder, and then the Formatting option from the Options dialog box. Attributes Preserve manual attribute formatting Attributes are not reformatted. This is the default. NOTE If the attributes are on multiple lines, the editor indents each line of attributes to match the indentation of the parent element. Align attributes each on their own line Aligns the second and subsequent attributes vertically to match the indentation of the first attribute. The following XML text is an example of how the attributes would be aligned. <item id = "123-A" name = "hammer" price = "9.95"> </item> Auto Reformat On paste from the Clipboard Reformats XML text pasted from the Clipboard. On completion of end tag Reformats the element when the end tag is completed. Mixed Content Preserve mixed content by default Determines whether the editor reformats mixed content. By default, the editor attempts to reformat mixed content, except when the content is found in an xml:space="preserve" scope. If an element contains a mix of text and markup, the contents are considered to be mixed content. The following is an example of an element with mixed content.

24 <dir>c:\data\alphaproject\ <file readonly="false">test1.txt</file> <file readonly="false">test2.txt</file> </dir> See Also XML Document Properties, Properties Window XML Editor Components

25 XML Schemas Dialog Box 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Schemas dialog box is used to select which XML schema definition language (XSD) schema(s) to associate with an XML document. You can select a schema from the schema cache, or specify a schema that is not located in the cache. Selected schema(s) are considered part of a schema set. The schema set is used for IntelliSense and also XML document validation. You can access the XML Schemas dialog box by either clicking the Schemas button on the document properties window, or by selecting Schemas from the XML menu. UIElement List Use Select how the XML Schema is to be used. Automatic. This schema is not in use by the current document but is available for automatic association. If the XML document declares a namespace that matches the targetnamespace of this schema, the schema will be automatically associated and is included in the schema set. Use this schema. This schema is being used by the current document. Either the user has explicitly requested that this schema be used by clicking on this column, or the schema was automatically associated based on a matching targetnamespace. Do not use selected schemas. This schema is not used by the current document, even if the schema has a matching targetnamespace. This setting can be useful for resolving conflicts when there is more than one version of the same schema in the schema cache or solution. Target Namespace Displays the target namespace associated with the XML Schema. File Name Displays the XML Schema file name. Add Opens the Open XSD Schema dialog, which enables you to select additional schemas to add to the schema set. When you add a schema to the schema set, the Use column value is set to Use this schema. Remove Removes the currently selected schema from the schema set. This removes the schema from the in-memory schema cache, but not from the file system. See Also XML Editor Components How to: Select the XML Schemas to Use Schema Cache

26 XML Editor Tasks 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This section describes how to complete common tasks with the XML Editor. In This Section Walkthrough: Using XML Editor Features Demonstrates how to use some of the XML Editor features. How to: Select the XML Schemas to Use Describes how to select the XML schema to use for validation. How to: Create an XML Schema from an XML Document Describes how to create an XML schema. How to: Execute an XSLT Transformation from the XML Editor Describes how to execute an XSLT transformation. How to: Edit XML Files Describes how to start editing XML files. How to: Use XML Snippets. Demonstrates how to use XML snippets that are included with XML Editor. How to: Generate an XML Snippet From an XML Schema Demonstrates how to generate an XML snippet from an XML Schema. How to: Create XML Snippets. Demonstrates how to create new XML snippets. Walkthrough: Using XSLT IntelliSense Demonstrates how to use XSLT IntelliSence feature. Walkthrough: Using XSLT Hierarchy Demonstrates how to debug a referenced style sheet. Walkthrough: XSLT Profiler Demonstrates how to create performance reports for XSLT code.

27 Walkthrough: Using XML Editor Features 1/8/ min to read Edit Online The steps in this walkthrough show you how to create a new XML document. The walkthrough also uses some of the features of the XML Editor that make it valuable for XML authoring. NOTE Before starting the walkthrough, save the hiredate.xsd file (included below in this topic) to your local computer. To create a new XML file and associate it with an XML Schema 1. On the File menu, point to New, and click File. 2. Select XML File in the Templates pane and click Open. A new file is opened in the editor. The file contains a default XML declaration, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">. 3. In the document properties window, click the browse button (...) on the Schemas field. The XSD Schemas dialog box is displayed. 4. Click Add. The Open XSD Schema dialog box is displayed. 5. Select the hiredate.xsd file and click Open. 6. Click OK. The XML Schema is now associated with the XML document. The XML Schema is used to validate the document. It is also used by IntelliSense to populate the member list of valid elements. To add data 1. Type < in the editor pane. The members list displays the possible items:!-- to add a comment.!doctype to add a document type.? to add a processing instruction. employee to add the root element. 2. Select <!-- to add a comment node and press ENTER. The editor inserts a comment end tag and places the cursor between the start and end comment tags. 3. Type in Test XML file. 4. On a new line, type <, and select employee from the member list. The editor adds the start of an XML element, <employee. At this point you can add attributes to the element or you can close the start tag by typing >.

28 5. Type > to close the tag. 6. The editor adds the end tag. The end tag is added with a wavy underline indicating a validation error. The ToolTip displays the message: The element 'employee' has incomplete content. Expected 'ID'. 7. Type < and select ID from the member list. Then type >. The editor adds the XML element, <ID></ID>, and positions the cursor after the ID start tag. 8. Type abc. The abc text has a wavy underline. The ToolTip displays the message: The 'ID' element has an invalid value according to its data type. 9. Right click on the ID element and select Go To Definition. The editor opens the hiredate.xsd file in a new document window and positions the cursor on the ID schema element definition. 10. Return to the XML file, and replace the abc text with 123. The wavy underline and ToolTip are cleared under the ID element value. The ToolTip for the employee end tag now displays the message: The element 'employee' has incomplete content. Expected 'hire-date'. 11. Place the cursor after the ID end tag, type in <, select hire-date from the member list, and then type in >. The editor adds the XML element, <hire-date></hire-date>, and positions the cursor after the hire-date start tag. 12. Type in for the hire-date value. To format the XML document Select the Format Document button from the XML Editor toolbar. The XML document is reformatted. To save the XML document 1. From the File menu, select Save As. The Save File As dialog box is displayed. The default filename is 'XMLFile1'. 2. Enter the file name and location for the XML document and click Save. hiredate.xsd File The following schema file is used by the walkthrough. <?xml version="1.0"?> <xs:schema attributeformdefault="unqualified" elementformdefault="qualified" targetnamespace="urn:empl-hire" xmlns:xs=" <xs:element name="employee"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="id" type="xs:unsignedshort" /> <xs:element name="hire-date" type="xs:date" /> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> </xs:schema>

29 See Also XML Editor

30 How to: Select the XML Schemas to Use 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor provides a schema cache located in the %InstallDir%\Xml\Schemas directory. The schema cache includes well-known XML schemas that are used for IntelliSense and XML document validation. The Schemas document property is used to select one or more XML schema definition language (XSD) schema(s) to use. It allows you to select schemas from the schema cache, or to specify a schema that is not located in the cache. The schemas you specify are saved in the hidden Solution user options file (.suo), along with all other XML document properties. As a result, you do not have to re-enter these values the next time you open the solution. NOTE The editor can validate using an inline schema, or a schema referenced by the xsd:schemalocation attribute. For more information, see XML Document Validation. To select an XML Schema from the schema cache 1. Open a file in the XML editor. 2. In the document properties window, click the button on the Schemas field. The XML Schemas dialog box is displayed. The dialog box lists all schemas with an.xsd extension in the schema cache (including schemas referenced in the catalog.xml file), and also any schema that is in the current solution, open in Visual Studio, referenced in an xsd:schemalocation attribute, or referenced in the Schemas property. 3. Select the schemas to use for validation by doing one of the following: Select a schema listed in the XML Schemas dialog, click the Use column, and then select Use this schema. -or- 4. Click OK. Select multiple schemas listed in the XML Schemas dialog, right-click and select Use this schema. The list of selected schemas is copied back to the Schemas document property. To add an XML Schema to the schema cache 1. In the document properties window, click the button on the Schemas field. 2. Click Add. This opens the Open XSD Schema dialog. 3. Browse and select the schema(s) to add to the schema cache. 4. Click Open. The schema(s) added to the schema cache and is the Use column value is set to Use this schema. To delete an XML Schema from the schema cache

31 1. In the document properties window, click the button on the Schemas field. 2. Select the schema to remove and then click Remove. The schema is removed from the in-memory schema cache, but it is not removed from the file system. NOTE If you still have a reference to the schema via a schemalocation attribute, or a matching targetnamespace then Remove will not work in this situation due to auto-association. In this case it is recommended that you mark the schema as Do not use selected schemas in the Use column. See Also Schema Cache XML Schemas Dialog Box XML Editor

32 How to: Create an XML Schema from an XML Document 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor allows you to create an XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema from an XML document. The XML instance document determines how the schema is generated in the following manner: If the XML document has no schema or Document Type Definition (DTD) associated with it, the data in the XML document is used to infer a new XML Schema. If the XML document contains an associated DTD, the external DTD and internal subset are converted to a corresponding XML Schema. If the XML document contains an inline XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schema, the XDR schema is converted to a corresponding XML Schema. The schemas that are created are then used to provide IntelliSense for the XML document. For more information about the schema inference engine, see Inferring an XML Schema. To create an XML Schema 1. Load an XML instance document into the XML Editor. 2. Click the Create Schema button from the Toolbar. An XML Schema document is created and opened for each namespace found in the XML instance document. Each schema is opened as a temporary miscellaneous file. The schemas can be saved to disk, added to your project, or discarded. NOTE The Create Schema command is also available from the shortcut menu of the XML Editor and under the XML menu. See Also XML Editor

33 How to: Execute an XSLT Transformation from the XML Editor 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor allows you to associate an XSLT style sheet with an XML document, perform the transformation, and view the output. The resulting output from the XSLT transformation is displayed in a new document window. The Output property specifies the filename for the output. If the Output property is blank, a filename is generated in your temporary directory. The file extension is based on the xsl:output element in your style sheet and can be.xml,.txt or.htm. If the Output property specifies a filename with an.htm or.html extension, the XSLT output is previewed using Windows Server 2008 Internet Explorer. All other file extensions are opened using the default editor chosen by Windows Server 2008 Visual Studio. For example, if the file extension is.xml, Visual Studio uses the XML Editor. To execute an XSLT transformation from an XML document 1. Open an XML document in the XML Editor. 2. Associate an XSLT style sheet with the XML document. Add an xml-stylesheet processing instruction to the XML document. For example, add the following line <?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='filename.xsl'?> to the document prolog. -or- Add the XSLT style sheet using the Properties window. In the document Properties Window, click the Browse button for the Stylesheet field, select the XSLT style sheet, and click Open. 3. Click the ShowXSL Output button on the XML Editor toolbar. NOTE If there is no style sheet associated with the XML document, a dialog box prompts you to provide the style sheet to use. The resulting output from the XSLT transformation is displayed in a new document window. To execute an XSLT transformation from an XSLT style sheet 1. Open an XSLT style sheet in the XML Editor. 2. Specify an XML document in the Input field of the document Properties window. NOTE The XML document is the input document used for transformation. If a document is not specified when the XSLT transformation is started, the File Open dialog box appears, and you can specify a document at that time. 3. Click the ShowXSLT Output button on the XML Editor toolbar. The resulting output from the XSLT transformation is displayed in a new document window. To provide a different output file name

34 1. Specify a file name in the Output field of the document Properties window. 2. Click the ShowXSLT Output button on the XML Editor toolbar. The resulting output from the XSLT transformation is displayed in a new document window and the editor used in the output window depends on the file extension of your Output document property. See Also XML Editor

35 How to: Edit XML Files 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor is the new editor for XML files. It can be used on a stand-alone XML file, or on a file associated with a Visual Studio project. The XML Editor is associated with the following file extensions:.config,.dtd,.xml,.xsd,.xdr,.xsl,.xslt, and.vssettings. The XML Editor is also associated with any other file type that has no specific editor registered, and that contains XML or DTD content. NOTE XHTML documents are handled by the HTML Editor. To edit an XML file 1. Double-click the file you want to edit. To add a new XML file to a project 1. From the Project menu, select Add New Item. 2. Select XML File from the Templates pane. 3. Enter the filename in the Name field and press Add. The XML file is added to the project and opened in the XML Editor. The file contains the default XML declaration, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>. To add an existing XML file to a project 1. From the Project menu, select Add Existing Item. The Add Existing Item dialog box appears. 2. Select an XML file and press Add. To create a new XML or XSLT file 1. From the File menu, select New. The New File dialog box appears. 2. Select XML File to create a new XML file; or, select XSLT File to create a new XSLT style sheet. 3. Click Open. To create a project for XML files 1. From the File menu, select New, and then select Project. The New Project dialog box appears. 2. Select the code language of your choice, select Empty Project, and click OK. 3. Add XML files to the project. The XML Editor finds the schemas you add to this project and uses them for validation and IntelliSense in any XML, schema, or XSLT files that you edit while this project is open. See Also

36 XML Editor XML Document Properties, Properties Window How to: Create an XML Schema from an XML Document

37 How to: Use XML Snippets 12/22/ min to read Edit Online You can invoke XML snippets by using the following two commands on the XML Editor shortcut menu. The Insert Snippet command inserts the XML snippet at the cursor position. The Surround With command wraps the XML snippet around the selected text. Each XML snippet has designated snippet types. The snippet types determine whether the snippet is available with the Insert Snippet command, the Surround With command, or both. After the XML snippet has been added to the editor, any editable fields in the snippet are highlighted in yellow, and the cursor is positioned on the first editable field. Insert Snippet The following procedures describe how to access the Insert Snippet command. NOTE The Insert Snippet command is also available through the keyboard shortcut (CTRL+K, then CTRL+X). To insert snippets from the shortcut menu 1. Position the cursor where you want to insert the XML snippet. 2. Right-click and select Insert Snippet. A list of available XML snippets is displayed. 3. Select a snippet from the list using the mouse, or by typing the name of the snippet and pressing TAB or ENTER. To insert snippets using the IntelliSense menu 1. Position the cursor where you want to insert the XML snippet. 2. From the Edit menu, point to IntelliSense, and then select Insert Snippet. A list of available XML snippets is displayed. 3. Select a snippet from the list using the mouse or by typing the name of the snippet and pressing TAB or ENTER. To insert snippets through the IntelliSense Complete Word list 1. Position the cursor where you want to insert the XML snippet. 2. Begin typing the XML snippet that you want to add to your file. If automatic completion is turned on, the IntelliSense complete word list is displayed. If it does not appear, press CTRL+SPACEBAR to activate it. 3. Select the XML snippet from the complete word list. 4. Press TAB, TAB to invoke the XML snippet.

38 NOTE There may be cases when the XML snippet does not get invoked. For example, if you try to insert an xs:complextype element inside an xs:element node, the editor does not generate an XML snippet. When an xs:complextype element is used inside an xs:element node, there are no required attributes or subelements, so the editor does not have any data to insert. To insert snippets using the shortcut name 1. Position the cursor where you want to insert the XML snippet. 2. Type < in the editor pane. 3. Press ESC to close the IntelliSense complete word list. 4. Type the shortcut name of the snippet, and press TAB to invoke the XML snippet. Surround With The following procedures describe how to access the Surround With command. NOTE The Surround With command is also available through the keyboard shortcut (CTRL+K, then CTRL+S). To use surround with from the context menu 1. Select the text to surround in the XML Editor. 2. Right-click and select Surround With. A list of available surrounds with XML snippets is displayed. 3. Select a snippet from the list using the mouse, or by typing the name of the snippet and pressing TAB or ENTER. To use surround with from the Intellisense menu 1. Select the text to surround in the XML Editor. 2. From the Edit menu, point to IntelliSense, and then select Surround With. A list of available surrounds with XML snippets is displayed. 3. Select a snippet from the list using the mouse, or by typing the name of the snippet and pressing TAB or ENTER. Using XML Snippets Once you choose an XML snippet, the text of the code snippet is inserted automatically at the cursor position. Any editable fields in the snippet are highlighted, and the first editable field is selected automatically. The currently selected field is boxed. When a field is selected, you can type a new value for the field. Pressing TAB cycles through the editable fields of the snippet; pressing SHIFT+TAB cycles through them in reverse order. Clicking a field places the cursor in the field, and double-clicking a field selects it. When a field is highlighted, a ToolTip might be displayed, offering a description of the field. Only the first instance of a given field is editable. When that field is highlighted, the other instances of that field are outlined. When you change the value of an editable field, that field is changed everywhere it is used in the snippet.

39 Pressing ENTER or ESC cancels field editing and returns the editor to normal. The default colors for editable code snippet fields can be changed by modifying the Code Snippet Field setting in the Fonts and Colors pane of the Options dialog box. For more information, see How to: Change Fonts and Colors in the Editor. See Also XML Snippets How to: Generate an XML Snippet From an XML Schema How to: Create XML Snippets

40 How to: Generate an XML Snippet From an XML Schema 1/8/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor has the ability to generate XML snippets from an XML Schema definition language (XSD) schema. For example, as you are authoring an XML file, while positioned next to the element name, you can press TAB to populate the element with XML data generated from the schema information for that element. This feature is only available on elements. The following rules also apply: The element must have an associated schema type; that is, the element must be valid according to some associated schema. The schema type cannot be abstract and the type must contain the required attributes and/or required child elements. The current element in the editor must be empty with no attributes. For example, the following are all valid <Account <Account> Example <Account></Account> The cursor must be located immediately to the right of the element name. The generated snippet contains all required attributes and elements. If minoccurs is greater than one, the required minimum number of instances of that element is included in the snippet, up to a maximum of 100 instances. Any fixed values found in the schema result in fixed values in the snippet. xsd:any and xsd:anyattribute elements are ignored and result in no additional snippet constructs. Default values are generated and noted as editable values. If the schema specifies a default value, this default value is used. However, if the schema default value is an empty string, the editor generates the default values in the following manner: If the schema type contains any enumeration facets, either directly or indirectly by means of any of members of a union type, the first enumerated value found in the Schema Object Model is used as the default. If the schema type is an atomic type, the editor gets the atomic type and inserts the atomic type name. For a derived simple type it uses the base simple type. For a list type the atomic type is the itemtype. For a union, the atomic type is the atomic type of the first membertype. The steps in this section show you how use the schema-generated XML snippet feature of the XML Editor. NOTE Before starting these procedures, save the schema file to your local computer. To create a new XML file and associate it with an XML Schema 1. On the File menu, point to New, and click File. 2. Select XML File in the Templates pane and click Open.

41 A new file is opened in the editor. The file contains a default XML declaration, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8">. 3. In the document properties window, click the browse button (...) on the Schemas field. The XSD Schemas dialog box is displayed. 4. Click Add. The Open XSD Schema dialog box is displayed. 5. Select the schema file and click Open. 6. Click OK. The XML Schema is now associated with the XML document. To generate an XML snippet 1. Type < in the editor pane. 2. The members list displays the possible items:!-- to add a comment.!doctype to add a document type.? to add a processing instruction. Contact to add the root element. 3. Select Contact from the member list and press ENTER. The editor adds the start tag <Contact and positions the cursor after the element name. 4. Press TAB to generate XML data for the Contact element based on its schema information. Input The following schema file is used by the walkthrough.

42 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema elementformdefault="qualified" xmlns:xs=" <xs:simpletype name="phonetype"> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:enumeration value="voice"/> <xs:enumeration value="fax"/> <xs:enumeration value="pager"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpletype> <xs:element name="contact"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="name"> <xs:simpletype> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"></xs:restriction> </xs:simpletype> </xs:element> <xs:element name="title" type="xs:string" /> <xs:element name="phone" minoccurs="1" maxoccurs="unbounded"> <xs:complextype> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="number" minoccurs="1"> <xs:simpletype> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"></xs:restriction> </xs:simpletype> </xs:element> <xs:element name="type" default="voice" minoccurs="1" type="phonetype"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> </xs:schema> Output Following is the XML data that is generated based on the schema information associated with the Contact element. Items marked as bold designate editable fields in the XML snippet. <Contact> <Name>name</Name> <Title>title</Title> <Phone> <Number>number</Number> <Type>Voice</Type> </Phone> </Contact> See Also XML Snippets How to: Use XML Snippets

43 How to: Create XML Snippets 1/8/ min to read Edit Online The XML Editor can be used to create new XML snippets. The editor includes an XML snippet, named "Snippet", that is a boilerplate snippet for creating new XML snippets. To create a new XML snippet To create a new XML code snippet create a new XML file and use the Insert Snippet feature. 1. On the File menu, click New and then click File. 2. Click XML File and then click Open. 3. Right-click in the editor pane and select Insert Snippet. 4. Select Snippet from the list and press ENTER. 5. Make any changes to the new snippet. 6. From the File menu select Save XMLFile.xml. The Save File As dialog box is displayed. 7. Enter the name for the new snippet and select Snippet Files from the Save as type drop-down window. 8. Use the Save in drop-down list to change the file location to the My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\Code Snippets\XML\My XML Snippets folder and then press Save. Snippet Description This section describes some of the key elements in the boilerplate snippet. For more information about schema elements used by the XML snippets, see Code Snippets Schema Reference. SnippetType Element The editor supports two snippet types: <SnippetTypes> <SnippetType>SurroundsWith</SnippetType> <SnippetType>Expansion</SnippetType> </SnippetTypes> The Expansion type determines whether the snippet appears when you invoke the Insert Snippet command. The SurroundsWith type determines whether the snippet appears when you invoke the Surrounds With command. Code Element The Code element defines the XML text that will be inserted when the snippet is invoked. NOTE The XML snippet text must be enclosed in a <![CDATA[...]]> section. The following is the Code element that is created by the boilerplate snippet.

44 <Code Language="XML"> <![CDATA[<test> <name>$name$</name> $selected$ $end$</test>]]> </Code> The Code element includes three variables. $name$ is user-defined variable. It creates a name element, which has an editable value that defaults to "name". User-defined variables are defined using the Literal element. $selected$ is a predefined variable. It represents the text that was selected in the XML Editor before invoking the snippet. The placement of this variable determines where the selected text appears in the code snippet that surrounds that selection. $end$ is a predefined variable. When the user presses ENTER to finish editing the code snippet fields, this variable determines where the caret (^) is moved to. The above Code element inserts the following XML text: <test> <name>name</name> </test> The value of the name element is marked as an editable region. Literal Element The Literal element is used to identify replacement text that can be customized after it is inserted into the file. For example, literal strings, numeric values, and some variable names can be declared as literals. You can define any number of literals in your XML snippet and you can refer to them multiple times from within the snippet. The following is an example of a Literal element that defines a $name$ variable whose default value is "name." <Literal> <ID>name</ID> <Default>name</Default> </Literal Literals can also refer to functions. The XML Editor includes a function named LookupPrefix. The LookupPrefix function looks up the given namespace URI from the location in the XML document that this snippet is invoked from and returns the namespace prefix that is defined for that namespace, if any, and it includes the colon (:) in that name. The following is an example of a Literal element that uses the LookupPrefix function. <Literal Editable="false"> <ID>prefix</ID> <Function>LookupPrefix("namespaceURI")</Function> </Literal> The $prefix$ variable can then be used elsewhere in your XML snippet. See Also XML Snippets How to: Use XML Snippets How to: Generate an XML Snippet From an XML Schema

45 Walkthrough: Using XSLT IntelliSense 1/8/ min to read Edit Online This walkthrough demonstrates how to use XSLT IntelliSense to auto-complete value of some attributes. To use IntelliSense in the name attribute of xsl:with-param and xsl:call-template elements 1. Create a new XSLT file and copy in the following code: <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=" version="1.0"> <!-- These 2 elements effectively assign $messages = resources/en.xml/<messages>, then $messages is used in the "localized-message" template. --> <xsl:param name="lang">en</xsl:param> <xsl:variable name="messages" select="document(concat('resources/', $lang, '.xml'))/messages"/> <xsl:template name="msg23" match="msg23"> </xsl:template> <xsl:template name="localized-message"> <xsl:param name="msgcode"/> <!-- Show message string. --> <xsl:message terminate="yes"> <xsl:value-of select="$messages/message[@name=$msgcode]"/> </xsl:message> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 2. Insert your cursor after <xsl:template name="msg23" match="msg23"> and press ENTER. Then start typing the following xsl:call-template element: <xsl:call-template name="localized-message"> </xsl:call-template> The list of template names appears in the name="" attribute of the xsl:call-template element as you type. 3. Insert your cursor after <xsl:call-template name="localized-message"> and press ENTER. Then start typing the following xsl:with-param element: <xsl:with-param name="msgcode">msg23</xsl:with-param> The list of parameter names appears in the name="" attribute of the xsl:with-param element. To use IntelliSense in the mode attribute of an xsl:apply-templates element 1. Create a new XSLT file and copy in the following code:

46 <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=" version="1.0"> <xsl:template match="/"> <HTML> <BODY> <TABLE> <xsl:apply-templates select="customers/customer"> <xsl:sort select="state"/> <xsl:sort select="name"/> </xsl:apply-templates> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="customer"> <TR> <xsl:apply-templates select="name" /> <xsl:apply-templates select="address" /> <xsl:apply-templates select="phone" /> </TR> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="name"> <TD STYLE="font-size:14pt font-family:serif"> <xsl:apply-templates /> </TD> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="address"> <TD> <xsl:apply-templates /> </TD> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="phone"> <TD> <xsl:apply-templates /> </TD> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="phone" mode="accountnumber"> <xsl:param name="area_code"/> <TD STYLE="font-style:italic"> 1-<xsl:value-of select="."/>-001 </TD> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 2. Insert your cursor after <xsl:apply-templates select="phone" /> and press ENTER. Then start typing the following xsl: apply-templates element: <xsl:apply-templates select="phone" mode="accountnumber"> The list of template modes appears in the mode="" attribute of the xsl:apply-templates element. To use IntelliSense in the stylesheet-prefix and result-prefix attributes of an xsl:namespace-alias element 1. Create a new XSLT file and copy in the following code:

47 <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=" xmlns:alt=" version="1.0"> <xsl:param name="browser" select="'internetexplorer'"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <alt:stylesheet> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$browser='internetexplorer'"> <alt:import href="ieroutines.xsl"/> <alt:template match="/"> <div> <alt:call-template name="showtable"/> </div> </alt:template> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <alt:import href="otherbrowserroutines.xsl"/> <alt:template match="/"> <div> <alt:call-template name="showtable"/> </div> </alt:template> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </alt:stylesheet> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 2. Insert your cursor after <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=" xmlns:alt=" version="1.0"> and press ENTER. Then start typing the following xsl:namespace-alias element: <xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="alt" result-prefix="xsl"/> Notice how the list of prefixes appeared in the stylesheet-prefix and result-prefix attributes of the xsl:namespace-alias element. See also XML Editor IntelliSense Features

48 Walkthrough: Using XSLT Hierarchy 1/8/ min to read Edit Online The XSLT Hierarchy tool simplifies many XML development tasks. An XSLT style sheet often uses includes and imports instructions. Compilation starts from the principal style sheet, but when you see an error as a result of compiling an XSLT style sheet, the error may come from a different source than the principal style sheet. Fixing the error or editing the style sheet may require access to included or imported style sheets. Stepping through the style sheet in the debugger may open included and imported style sheets, and you may want to add a breakpoint at some point in one or more of the included style sheets. Another scenario where the XSLT Hierarchy tool can be useful is putting breakpoints on the built-in template rules. Template rules are special templates generated for each mode of the style sheet and called by xsl:apply-templates when no other template matches the node. To implement debugging in built-in templates rules, XSLT debugger generates the file with the rules in the temporary folder and compiles them together with the principal style sheet. Without stepping into the code from some xsl:apply-template, it can be difficult to find style sheets that have been included in the principal style sheet or to find and open the style sheet with the built-in template rules. The example in this topic demonstrates debugging in a referenced style sheet. To debug in a referenced style sheet 1. Open an XML document in Visual Studio. This example uses the following collection.xml document. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="xslinclude.xsl"?> <COLLECTION> <BOOK> <TITLE>Lover Birds</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Cynthia Randall</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Lucerne Publishing</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> <BOOK> <TITLE>The Sundered Grail</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Eva Corets</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Lucerne Publishing</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> <BOOK> <TITLE>Splish Splash</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Paula Thurman</AUTHOR> <PUBLISHER>Scootney</PUBLISHER> </BOOK> </COLLECTION> 2. Add the following xslincludefile.xsl :

49 <?xml version='1.0'?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=" xml:space="preserve"> <xsl:template match="title"> Title - <xsl:value-of select="."/><br/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="author"> Author - <xsl:value-of select="."/><br/> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="publisher"> Publisher - <xsl:value-of select="."/><br/><!-- removed second <BR/> --> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> 3. Add the following xslinclude.xsl file: <?xml version='1.0'?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=" <xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:for-each select="collection/book"> <xsl:apply-templates select="title"/> <xsl:apply-templates select="author"/> <xsl:apply-templates select="publisher"/> <BR/> <!-- add this --> </xsl:for-each> </xsl:template> <!-- The following template rule will not be called, because the related template in the including stylesheet is called. If we move this template so that it follows the xsl:include instruction, this one will be called instead.--> <xsl:template match="title"> <DIV STYLE="color:blue"> Title: <xsl:value-of select="."/> </DIV> </xsl:template> <xsl:include href="xslincludefile.xsl" /> </xsl:stylesheet> 4. Add a breakpoint at the instruction <xsl:include href="xslincludefile.xsl" />. 5. Start debugging. 6. When the debugger stops at the instruction <xsl:include href="xslincludefile.xsl" />, press the Step Into button. Note that the debugging can be continued in the referenced style sheet. The hierarchy is visible and the designer displays the right path. See also Walkthrough: XSLT Profiler

50 Walkthrough: XSLT Profiler 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XSLT Profiler creates detailed XSLT performance reports that help measure, evaluate, and target performancerelated problems in XSLT code. The XSLT Profiler includes useful hints for XSL and XSLT style sheet optimizations. For XSLT applications that demand maximum performance, this tool can be essential. Prerequisites The procedures in the following walkthrough require Visual Studio and.net Framework version 4.0 or later. Create the performance report 1. Open an XSLT document in Visual Studio. 2. Click on the Profile XSLT option that is available in the XML menu. 3. Provide an input XML document. If an XML document is not already open, you will be prompted for the file. 4. The analysis starts, and a progress bar displays the progress within the editor. 5. The XSLT output is visible in the output pane. 6. After a performance session ends, check the performance report. The data saved in a performance report allows you to view and analyze XSLT performance. Get all the available views 1. Click on the Current View drop-down list to get all available views. 2. Select the Summary View option in the Current View drop-down list. By default, a performance report is displayed in the Summary View. This view is a starting point to determine performance issues with XSLT documents. The Summary View lists the following data points: Most called functions Functions with the most individual work Functions taking the longest time to execute 3. By default, there are three columns for each data point: the name of the function, the number of calls in absolute value, and a percentage value of the named function to total function calls. From each data point in the Summary View, you can navigate to more detailed views by right-clicking on the function data points. 4. Select the Function View option in the Current View drop-down list. The Function View lists functions called during profiling. You can sort the data by clicking a column name. The columns displayed by default are: Function Name Elapsed Inclusive Time Elapsed Exclusive Time Application Inclusive Time Application Exclusive Time Number of Calls

51 5. All time columns are displayed in both absolute values and percentages. The term Exclusive refers to the total time a function spent executing exclusive of time spent by other functions called during the execution of this function. 6. The term Inclusive refers to the total time a function spent executing, including execution time of all the functions it called and whether any of these called functions called other functions. Select Caller/Callee view 1. Select Caller/Callee view in the Current View drop-down list. 2. The Caller/Callee view has the following three distinct parts: Functions that called: All the functions that called a particular function are listed at the top part of the view. Current Function: The particular function that was called is listed in the middle part of the view. Functions that were called by : All the functions that were called by the particular function are listed at the bottom part of the view. 3. If a function named SyncToNavigator appears in the middle part of the view, all the functions that called the SyncToNavigator function appear in the top part of the view, and all the functions that were called by the SyncToNavigator appear in the bottom part of the view. 4. You can change the function in the middle part of the view by double-clicking any of the functions listed in the other two parts of the view. The view is then updated to reflect the changes automatically. 5. You can also sort the data by clicking column names. Select CallTree view 1. Select Call Tree View in the Current View drop-down list. This view is a tree view of program execution. 2. The Call Tree View shows the root of the tree as the process name. The functions are the nodes of the tree. This view allows you to drill into specific call traces and analyze which traces have the greatest performance impact. The view is similar to the Call Stack View available during debugging. In addition to the columns in the Function View, in the Call Tree View, there is an additional column to display the Module Name. 3. Select Marks in the Current View drop-down list. 4. With the SLT Profiler, there are marks that show up in the data collection stream with an associated comment. Marks are places in the code that have counters. When you tell the XSLT Profiler to collect XSLT performance counters, the counters get collected every time one of these marks gets executed. The data is displayed in a table containing the Mark ID, Mark Name (Start Program, End Program), and the Time Stamp. The marks are not aggregated and show up in chronological order in the Marks View of the performance report. Select Modules in the Current View 1. Select Modules in the Current View drop-down list. 2. The modules view is a flat list of all functions aggregated to the module level. Expand or collapse the module name to display or close the view of module performance data. You can sort the data by clicking a column name. By default, there are both absolute values and percentage numbers for Elapsed Inclusive Time, Elapsed Exclusive Time, Application Inclusive Time, Application Exclusive Time, and Number of Calls. 3. Select Process in the Current View drop-down list. 4. The process view displays a table that includes the Process ID, Process Name, Begin Time, and the End

52 Time. Data can be sorted by clicking column names. See Also Walkthrough: Using XSLT Hierarchy

53 XML Schema Designer 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Schema Designer (XSD Designer) is a graphical tool that allows you to visualize a schema set at different levels of abstraction. The following are the main components of the XSD Designer: XML Schema Explorer enables you to browse and navigate the XML Schema tree and perform searches. The Start View is the launching point for the XSD Designer; from the Start View, you can navigate to other views of the XSD Designer and see the details of your schema set. The Graph View enables you to see an overview of a schema set and the relationships between the schema nodes. The Content Model View provides a graphical representation of the details of local and global schema nodes, including simple and complex types, elements, groups, attributes, and attribute groups. In This Section XML Schema Explorer Provides an overview of the XML Schema Explorer and how it enables you to work with XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas. XML Schema Designer Workspace Provides an overview of the XSD Schema Designer Workspace. Integration with XML Editor Describes how the XML Schema Designer is integrated with the XML Editor. XML Schema Designer Tasks Describes how to complete common tasks with the XML Schema Designer tools.

54 XML Schema Explorer 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Schema Explorer is integrated with Microsoft Visual Studio and the XML Editor to enable you to work with XML Schema definition language (XSD) schemas. When you open an XML Schema file, the Schema Set node appears in the XML Schema Explorer. All the included, imported, or redefined schemas for your target file, as well as any files that are referenced through an include or import statement, also appear in the XML Schema Explorer. The XML Schema Explorer enables you to do the following: Get a quick overview of the schema set. Browse and navigate the tree. Perform keyword and schema-specific searches. For more information, see Searching the Schema Set. Add the search results to the Graph View or Content Modle View Sort the tree by document order, type, or name. For more information, see Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping. Open the XML Editor and jump to code locations in the XSD file. For more information, see Integration with XML Editor. Generate sample XML for global elements. The XML Schema Explorer provides a hierarchal view of the schema set through a tree view. The XML Schema Explorer also provides search, filtering, navigation, and sorting. To access the XML Schema Explorer, do one of the following: If you are on the Start View, click the XML Schema Explorer link. If you are on the Graph View or the Content Model View and have nodes in your workspace, use the context menu to select the XML Schema Explorer. You can also select the XML Schema Explorerfrom the View menu. You can access the XML Schema Explorerfrom a.vb file that has a Visual Basic XML literal associated with an.xsd file. To see the schema set in the XML Schema Explorer, right click an XML node in an XML literal or an XML namespace import and select the Show in Schema Explorer command. For more information, see Integration of XML Literals with XML Schema Explorer. Tree View The XML Schema Explorer displays pre-compiled schema set information in a tree structure. The tree structure is organized as follows: At the top level is the schema set node. The second level contains the namespaces. The third level contains the files. The fourth level contains the global nodes. This can include elements, groups, complex types, simple types, attributes, attribute groups, and include, import, and redefine statements.

55 The following is an example of a tree structure: Selection and Activation To highlight and select a node, click once in the Schema Explorer. To activate a node, double-click it or press Enter when the node is selected. Activating a node opens the file in which this node is defined (if the file is not already open) and selects the node in the file. Activating a file node opens the selected file (if it is not already open) and highlights the <schema> node. Activating a SchemaSet or a namespace node does nothing. Draging and Dropping Nodes You can drag and drop global nodes, file nodes, and namespace nodes onto an XSD Designer view. If the current view is the Start View, dragging a node on to the view will open the Graph View. If the current view is the Content Model View or Graph View, the view will not change when you drop a node onto it. Dropping files on the view will add all the global nodes in the file to the XSD Designer Workspace. Dropping namespaces on the view will add all the global nodes in the namespace to the workspace. The workspace is shared between all the views. You cannot drag and drop local nodes or imports. In This Section Searching the Schema Set Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping Context Menus Integration of XML Literals with XML Schema Explorer See Also How to: Add Nodes to the Workspace from the XML Schema Explorer

56 Searching the Schema Set 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Schema Explorer enables you to search the schema set in the following ways: Keyword search. Schema-specific search. Keyword Search You perform keyword searches by entering a substring in the Search SchemaSet text box of the XML Schema Explorer toolbar. The XML Schema Explorer searches the schema set for the following: Any name or ref attributes that match the specified keyword. This enables you to find elements, attributes, types, and so on by name. The schemalocation attributes of include statements. The namespace attributes of import statements. Schema Specific Search The XML Schema Explorer also includes built-in searches that you can access by using the context menu of the XML Schema Explorer. For more information about available context menus, see Context Menus. You can also perform a schema-specific search from the Start View; for more information, see the "Schema Set Details" section in the Start View topic. Displaying and Navigating Search Results After the search is finished, the summary results pane is added to the toolbar with the results of the search. The search results are also highlighted in the XML Schema Explorer and marked by ticks on the vertical scroll bar. You can navigate the search results by using the Go To Next Search Result and Go To Previous Search Result buttons on the summary results pane of the XML Schema Explorer toolbar; by using the keyboard keys F3 and Shift+F3; or by clicking the tick marks in the scroll bar. You can add the search results to the workspace by clicking the Add highlighted nodes to Workspace button on the summary results pane.

57 Clearing Search Results To clear the search results, click the x button on the summary results pane of the XML Schema Explorer Search toolbar. See Also XML Schema Explorer

58 Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping (XML Schema Explorer) 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic describes the options that are available through the Sorting, Filtering, and Grouping Options menu on the XML Schema Explorer toolbar. Filter Options The following filter options are available. By default, the Show Namespaces and Show Schema Files options are selected. Show Namespaces. Show Schema Files. Show Compositors (sequence/choice/all). Sorting Options The following sorting options are available. The default is Sort By Type. Sort By options do not apply to files and namespaces. Sort By Type. Sort By Name. Document Order. Sort By Type When the Sort By Type option is selected, global nodes are sorted in the following order. Nodes are then sorted alphabetically within each group. 1. import nodes. 2. include nodes. 3. redefine nodes. 4. attribute nodes. 5. attributegroup nodes. 6. complextype nodes. 7. simpletype nodes. 8. element nodes. 9. group nodes. Sort By Name When the Sort By Name option is selected, global nodes are sorted in the following order: 1. import nodes (in alphabetical order of namespaces).

59 2. include nodes (in alphabetical order of schemalocation attributes). 3. redefine nodes (in alphabetical order of schemalocation attributes). 4. Other global nodes in alphabetical order. Document Order The Document Order option is available when the Show Schema Files option is selected. When Document Order is selected, global nodes are displayed in the order in which they appear in the schema file. Persisting Sort/Filter Options The sorting, filtering, and grouping options are saved to the registry for each user, no matter which solution or files were open when the settings were changed.

60 Context Menus (XML Schema Explorer) 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The following context menu items are used to perform schema-specific searches and other operations. Node Type: Schema Set The following table describes the options that are available for a schema set node. OPTION Show Most Likely Root Elements Show Global Types Show Global Elements Properties Window DESCRIPTION Finds and highlights all global elements that are not referenced from global elements other than themselves. Finds and highlights all global types in the schema set. Finds and highlights all global elements in the schema set. Opens the Properties window (if it is not already open). This window displays information about the node. Node Type: Namespace The following table describes the options that are available for a namespace node. OPTION Show All Inbound References Show All Outbound References DESCRIPTION Finds and highlights files that import the selected namespace. For every file in the selected namespace, finds and highlights the following: - All namespaces referenced in import statements without a schemalocation attribute. - All files in namespaces other than the selected one that are specified in the schemalocation attribute in import and include statements. Show Global Types Show Global Elements Properties Window Finds and highlights all global types in the selected namespace. Finds and highlights all global elements in the selected namespace. Opens the Properties window (if it is not already open). This window displays information about the node. Node Type: File The following table describes the options that are available for a file node.

61 OPTION Show All Inbound References Show All Outbound References DESCRIPTION Finds and highlights all files that specify the selected file in the schemalocation attributes of their include and import statements. Finds and highlights the following: - All namespaces specified in the namespace attributes of all import statements that do not have the schemalocation attribute. - All files specified in the schemalocation attributes of all import and include statements. Show Global Types Show Global Elements View Code Properties Window Finds and highlights all global types in this file. Finds and highlights all global elements in this file. Opens the file that contains the selected node in the XML Editor. The item that is selected in the XML Schema Explorer will also be selected in the XML Editor. Opens the Properties window (if it is not already open). This window displays information about the node. All Global Node Types The following table describes the options that are available for all global nodes. OPTION Show in Graph View Show in Content Model View View Code Properties Window DESCRIPTION Opens the Graph View. If the selected node is not in the workspace, adds it to the workspace and selects the node. Opens the Content Model View. If the selected node is not in the workspace, adds it to the workspace and selects the node. Opens the file that contains the selected node in the XML Editor. The item that is selected in the XML Schema Explorer will also be selected in the XML Editor. Opens the Properties window (if it is not already open). This window displays information about the node. Node Type: Element In addition to the global node options described above, the context menu for element nodes has the following options: OPTION Go To Type Definition DESCRIPTION Navigates to the type definition of the selected element. This is applicable when the type that is used for the element is a global type.

62 OPTION Go To The Original Element Show All References Show Members Of Substitution Group Show Substitution Group Heads DESCRIPTION For element references, navigates to the actual definition of the element. For global elements, finds and highlights all references (elements that have ref="selectedelement" ) to the selected element. For heads of a substitution group, finds and highlights all elements that are members of the substitution group of which the selected element is a member. This shows direct and indirect participants. For global elements that are members of a substitution group, finds and highlights all direct and indirect heads for the selected element, such as the following: - A substitution group head specified on the selected element. - A substitution group head specified on its head element. Generate Sample XML Available only for global elements. Generates a sample XML file for the global element. Node Type: Global Types In addition to the global node options described above, the context menu for global type nodes has the following options: OPTION Show Base Type Show All References Show All Derived Types Show All Ancestors DESCRIPTION If the selected type is derived from a global type, navigates to the base type of the selected type. Finds and highlights all references to the selected type. This includes elements and attributes of the selected type and types derived from the selected type. Finds and highlights all types that are directly and indirectly derived from the selected type. Show all parent (base) types. Node Type: Attribute In addition to the global node options described above, the context menu for attribute nodes has the following options: OPTION Go To Type Definition Go To The Original Attribute DESCRIPTION When the type that is used for the attribute is a global type, navigates to the type definition of the selected attribute. For attribute references, navigates to the actual definition of the attribute.

63 OPTION Show All References DESCRIPTION For global attributes, finds and highlights all references (other attributes that have ref="selectedattribute" ) to the selected attribute. Node Type: Attribute Group In addition to the global node options described above, the context menu for attribute group nodes has the following options: OPTION Go To Definition Show All Members Show All References DESCRIPTION For references, navigates to the actual definition of the attribute. Finds and highlights all members of the attribute group. Finds and highlights all references (attribute groups that have ref="selectedattributegroup" ) to the selected attribute group. Node Type: Named Group In addition to the global node options described above, the context menu for named group nodes has the following options: OPTION Go To Definition Show All Members Show All References DESCRIPTION For references, navigates to the actual definition of the attribute. Finds and highlights all members of the named group. Finds and highlights all references (groups that have ref="selectedgroup" ) to the selected group. See Also XML Schema Explorer Searching the Schema Set

64 Integration of XML Literals with XML Schema Explorer 12/22/ min to read Edit Online Visual Basic supports XML literals, which means that you can incorporate XML fragments directly into your Visual Basic code. For more information, see XML Literals Overview. If an XSD file in your Visual Basic project includes an XML literal, you can view the XML schema set in the XML Schema Explorer. To view the schema set associated with an XML literal, right-click on an XML node in an XML literal or an XML namespace import and select Show in Schema Explorer. This opens the XML Schema Explorer side by side with your Visual Basic file.

65 See also How to: Use the XML Schema Designer with XML Literals

66 XML Schema Designer Workspace 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Schema Designer (XSD Designer) is a graphical tool that helps you explore your XML schemas. In addition to the XML Schema Explorer, which allows you to browse and navigate the XML Schema tree and perform searches, the XSD Designer provides three views that enable you to explore your XSD schema in more detail. The Start View is the launching point for the XSD Designer; from the Start View, you can navigate to other views of the XSD Designer and see the details of your schema set. The Graph View enables you to see an overview of a schema set and the relationships between the schema nodes. The Content Model View provides a graphical representation of the details of local and global schema nodes, including simple and complex types, elements, groups, attributes, and attribute groups. To start exploring the nodes you are interested in, you must add them to the workspace. The workspace is shared between all the views. Adding Nodes to the Workspace You can add nodes to the workspace in the following ways: In the "Schema Set Details" section of the Start View, click the add link next to the global node type. Drag and drop global nodes, file nodes, and namespace nodes from the XML Schema Explorer onto any of the three views. For more information, see the "Dragging and Dropping Nodes" section in XML Schema Explorer. Use the context menu in the XML Schema Explorer. For more information, see Context Menus. Perform a search in the XSD Explorer and click the Add highlighted nodes to Workspace button on the summary results pane. For more information, see Searching the Schema Set. View Switching To switch views, use one of the following: The XSD Designer toolbar. The context menus of the Content Model View and the Graph View. The watermarks on the Start View page or the watermark on the blank Content Model View or the Graph View. Hotkeys: CTRL+1 for the Start View, CTRL+2 for the Graph View, and CTRL+3 for the Content Model View. In This Section Start View Graph View Content Model View

67 Start View 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The Start View is the launching point for the XML Schema (XSD) Designer. When you create a new XSD file, you will initially see the Start View. The Start View contains two main sections, the watermark and the Schema Set Details pane. It also includes the toolbar, which is available in all the XSD Designer views. Watermark The watermark pane contains a list of links to all the XSD Designer views, XML Editor, and XML Schema Explorer. If the schema set has errors, the following text is displayed at the end of the list: "Use the Error List to view and fix the errors in the set." Schema Set Details The Schema Set Details pane lists the global schema node types, and displays how many instances of each type there are in the schema. You can use the add links next to the node types to add new nodes to the workspace. Toolbar You can navigate between the Start View, the Content Model View and the Graph View from the XML Schema Designer toolbar.

68 The following buttons are enabled in the XSD Designer toolbar when the Start View is active: OPTION Show Start View Show Content Model View Show Graph View DESCRIPTION Switches to the Start View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 1. Switches to the Content Model View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 2. Switches to the Graph View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 3. See Also XML Schema Explorer Graph View Content Model View XML Editor

69 Content Model View 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The Content Model View provides a graphic representation of local and global schema nodes and their components, including simple and complex types, elements, model groups, attributes, and attribute groups. XML comments and processing instructions cannot be viewed in the Content Model View. The Content Model View contains two panels: a Workspace panel that contains a list of the nodes in the XML Schema Designer Workspace, and the design surface where you can see the content model of schema nodes that are selected in the Workspace panel. The Content Model View also includes the XML Schema Designer toolbar and the breadcrumb bar. In the following image, the Workspace panel contains six schema nodes. The purchaseorder node is selected in the Workpace panel and is displayed in the design surface. Workspace Panel After you add nodes to the workspace, the list of nodes will appear in the Workspace panel of the Content Model View. When you select nodes in the Workspace panel, they appear on the Content Model View design surface. To delete nodes from the workpsace, use the XSD Designer toolbar, the Workspace panel context menu, or the DELETE key. For information about adding nodes, see the "Adding Nodes to the Workspace" section in XML Schema Designer Workspace.

70 Design Surface When a node is selected in the Workspace panel, it is added to the Content Model View design surface where you can view the details of the node. The content model of a node is represented by an expandable graphical tree with elements and attributes appearing as tree nodes. By default, only one level is expanded. Other information, such as compositors, type names, groups, and other containers are placed in a vertical bar (when expanded) along the elements and attributes they enclose. When you double-click a vertical bar, it becomes horizontal and the tree collapses. When you double-click a horizontal bar, it becomes vertical and the tree expands. Selecting the vertical bar will select all the nodes in the container. Expanders will appear on the right of a node if an element can be expanded or collapsed. If the design surface is blank, the XML Editor, the XML Schema Explorer, and the watermark are shown. The watermark is a list of links to all the XSD Designer views. If the schema set has errors, the following text is displayed at the end of the list: "Use the Error List to view and fix the errors in the set." Breadcrumb Bar The breadcrumb bar at the bottom of the Content Model View shows where the selected node is located in the schema set. Context Menus When you right-click an item on the design surface or Workspace panel, a context menu appears. The following table describes the options that are available for the Content Model View design surface. OPTION Show in XML Schema Explorer Show in Graph View Generate Sample XML Show Documentation Export Diagram as Image... View Code Properties Window DESCRIPTION Puts focus on the Schema Explorer and highlights the schema set node. Switches to the Graph View. Available only for global elements. Generates a sample XML file for the global element. Shows or hides Annotation/Documentation node contents. Saves the design surface to an XPS file. Opens the file that contains the selected node in the XML Editor. The item that is selected in the XML Schema Explorer will also be selected in the XML Editor. Opens the Properties window (if it is not already open). This window displays information about the node. The following table describes the options that are available for the Workspace panel. OPTION Show in XML Schema Explorer DESCRIPTION Puts focus on the Schema Explorer and highlights the schema set node.

71 OPTION Show in Graph View Clear Workspace Remove from Workspace Remove all but selection from Workspace Generate Sample XML Select All View Code Properties Window DESCRIPTION Switches to Graph View. Clears the workspace and the design surface. Removes selected nodes from the workspace and the design surface. Removes nodes that are not selected from the workspace and the design surface. Available only for global elements. Generates a sample XML file for the global element. Selects all the nodes in the Workspace panel. Opens the file that contains the selected node in the XML Editor. The item that is selected in the XML Schema Explorer will also be selected in the XML Editor. Opens the Properties window (if it is not already open). This window displays information about the node. Properties Window Use the context menu to initially open the Properties window. By default, the Properties window appears in the lower right corner of Visual Studio. When you click a node that is rendered in the Content Model View, the properties of that node will be displayed in the Properties Window. XSD Designer Toolbar The following XSD Designer Toolbar buttons are enabled when the Content Model View is active. OPTION Show Start View Show Content Model View Show Graph View Clear Workspace Remove from Workspace Remove all but selection from Workspace DESCRIPTION Switches to the Start View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 1. Switches to the Content Model View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 2. Switches to the Graph View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 3. Clears the workspace and the design surface. Removes selected nodes from the workspace and the design serface. Removes nodes that are not selected from the workspace and the design serface.

72 OPTION Show Documentation DESCRIPTION Shows or hides Annotation/Documentation node contents. Pan/Scroll You can pan the design surface by using the scrollbars or by holding the CTRL key while you click and drag the mouse. When you pan the design surface using click and drag, the cursor will change to four crossed arrows pointing in four directions. Undo/Redo The undo/redo capability is enabled in the Content Model View for the following actions: Adding a single node by dragging and dropping. Adding multiple nodes from the search results window in Schema Explorer. Adding nodes from the Start View. Deleting single or multiple nodes. Zoom Zoom is available in the in the lower right corner of the Content Model View. Zoom can be controlled in the following ways: By holding the CTRL key and spinning the mouse wheel when the mouse is hovering over the Content Model View surface. By using the slider control. The slider shows the current zoom level. The Zoom slider is opaque when you select it, hover over it, or use CTRL with the mouse wheel to zoom; at all other times, it is transparent. XML Editor Integration You can switch back and forth between the XSD Designer and the XML Editor by using the context menu. If you make changes to the schema set in the XML Editor the changes will be synchronized in the Content Model View. For more information, see Integration with XML Editor. See Also XML Schema Designer Workspace

73 Graph View 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The Graph View provides a graphic representation of global schema nodes and the relationships between the nodes. Note that the Graph View does not allow you to alter the layout of the schema set on the design surface. The Graph View also includes the XML Schema Designer toolbar and the breadcrumb bar. The following image shows the Graph View with six global nodes on its design surface. Design Surface The design surface of the Graph View displays the contents of the XML Schema Designer Workspace. If the workspace contains any global nodes from the schema set, the nodes are shown on the Graph View design surface and arrows are drawn between the nodes that have relationships. Double-clicking a node in the Graph View will bring up XML Editor. To delete selected nodes from the workspace, use the XSD Designer toolbar or the DELETE key. If the design surface is blank, the XML Editor, the XML Schema Explorer, and the watermark are shown. The watermark is a list of links to all the XSD Designer views.

74 If the schema set has errors, the following text is displayed at the end of the list: "Use the Error List to view and fix the errors in the set." Breadcrumb Bar The breadcrumb bar at the bottom of the Graph View shows where the selected node is located in the schema set. If multiple items are selected, the breadcrumb bar will be blank. Context Menu The following table describes the options that are available for all the nodes on the Graph View design surface. OPTION Show in XML Schema Explorer Show in Graph View Generate Sample XML Clear Workspace Remove from Workspace Remove all but selection from Workspace Export Diagram as Image... Select All View Code Properties Window DESCRIPTION Puts focus on the Schema Explorer and highlights the schema set node. Switches to the Graph View (grayed out). Available only for global elements. Generates a sample XML file for the global element. Clears the workspace and the design surface. Removes selected nodes from the workspace and the design surface. Removes nodes that are not selected from the workspace and the design surface. Saves the design surface to an XPS file. Selects all the nodes on the design surface. Opens the file that contains the selected node in the XML Editor. The item that is selected in the XML Schema Explorer will also be selected in the XML Editor. Opens the Properties window (if it is not already open). This window displays information about the node. In addition to the common options described above, the context menu for global elements also has the following options: OPTION Add Type Definition DESCRIPTION Adds the base type to the diagram.

75 OPTION Add All References Add Substitution Group Members Generate Sample XML DESCRIPTION Adds all the nodes that refer to the element and draws arrows to indicate relationships between them. Adds all substitution group members. This option appears in the view if the element is the head or member of a substitution group. Generates a sample XML file for the global element. In addition to the common options described above, the context menu for global simple and global complex types also has the following options: OPTION Add Base Type Add All References Add All Derived Types Add All Ancestors DESCRIPTION If the selected type is derived from a global type, adds the base type of the selected type. Adds all references of the selected type. This includes elements and attributes of the selected type, and types derived from the selected type. Adds all types that are directly and indirectly derived from the selected type. Adds all parent (base) types. In addition to the common options described above, the context menu for global groups and attribute groups also has the following options: OPTION Add All References Add All Members DESCRIPTION Adds all nodes that refer to the group and draws arrows to indicate relationships between them. Adds all members of the group and draws arrows to indicate relationships between them. In addtion to the common options described above, the context menu for global attributes also has the following options: OPTION Add All References DESCRIPTION Adds all nodes that refer to the group and draws arrows to indicate relationships between them. Properties Window Use the context menu to initially open the Properties window. By default, the Properties window appears in the lower right corner of Visual Studio. When you click a node that is rendered in the Content Model View, the properties of that node will be displayed in the Properties Window. XSD Toolbar

76 The following XSD Toolbar buttons are enabled when the Graph View is active. OPTION Show Start View Show Content Model View Show Graph View Clear Workspace Remove from Workspace Remove all but selection from Workspace Left to Right Right to Left Top to Bottom Bottom to Top DESCRIPTION Switches to the Start View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 1. Switches to the Content Model View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 2. Switches to the Graph View. This view can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + 3. Clears the workspace and the design surface. Removes selected nodes from the workspace and the design serface. Removes nodes that are not selected from the workspace and the design serface. This option is enabled in the Content Model View and in the Graph View. Changes the layout in the Graph View to a left-to-right hierarchical representation of nodes. This option can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: Alt + Right Arrow. Changes the layout in the Graph View to a right-to-left hierarchical representation of nodes. This option can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: Alt + Left Arrow. Changes the layout in the Graph View to a top-to-bottom hierarchical representation of nodes. This option can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: Alt + Down Arrow. Changes the layout in the Graph View to a bottom-to-top hierarchical representation of nodes. This option can be accessed by using the keyboard shortcut: Alt + Up Arrow. Pan/Scroll You can pan the design surface by using the scrollbars or by holding the CTRL key while you click and drag the mouse. When you pan the design surface using click and drag, the cursor will change to four crossed arrows pointing in four directions. Undo/Redo The undo/redo capability is enabled in the Graph View for the following actions: Adding a single node by dragging and dropping. Adding multiple nodes from the search results window in Schema Explorer or Start View queries. Deleting single or multiple nodes.

77 Zoom Zoom is available in the lower right corner of the Graph View. Zoom can be controlled in the following ways: By holding the CTRL key and spinning the mouse wheel when the mouse is hovering over the Graph View surface. By using the slider control. The slider shows the current zoom level. The Zoom slider is opaque when you select it, hover over it, or use CTRL with the mouse wheel to zoom; at all other times, it is transparent. XML Editor Integration You can switch back and forth between the Graph View and the XML Editor by clicking a node and using the View Code context menu. If you make changes to the schema set in the XML Editor, the changes will be synchronized in the Graph View. For more information, see Integration with XML Editor. See Also Design Surface

78 Integration with XML Editor 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XML Schema Designer is integrated with the XML Editor. If you modify an XSD file in the XML Editor, the change will be reflected in the XML Schema Explorer. If you have the Graph View or the Content Model View open, the change will also be reflected there. You can navigate between the XML Schema Designer and the XML Editor in the following ways: In the XML Editor, right-click a node and select Show in XML Schema Explorer. In the Graph View and the XML Schema Explorer, double-click a node, or right-click a node and select View Code. In the Content Model View, right-click a node and select View Code. The following screenshot shows an XML Schema opened in the XML Schema Explorer. The XML Schema Explorer displays the schema set in a tree view. The XML Editor displays the text view of the node that is currently active in the XML Schema Explorer. Sometimes it is helpful to see the code in the XML Editor and the graphical designer side by side. To view both files at the same time, right-click anywhere in the XML Editor and select View Designer. In the Visual Studio Windows menu, select New Horizontal (or Vertical) Tab Group.

79 See Also XML Schema Explorer

80 XML Schema Designer Tasks 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This section describes how to complete common tasks with the XML Schema Designer tools. In This Section How to: Create and Edit an XSD Schema File Describes how to create a new XML Schema (XSD) file and then add content to the XSD file. How to: Create an XML Document Based on an XSD Schema Describes how to create an XML document based on XSD schema. How to: Add Schema Set Search Result Nodes to the Workspace Explains how to add nodes that are highlighted in the XML Schema Explorer as the result of a keyword search to the workspace. How to: Switch Between Views and the XML Editor Shows how to switch between the XML Schema Designer views and the XML Editor. How to: Add Nodes to the Workspace from the XML Schema Explorer Explains how to add nodes to the XML Schema Designer workspace from the XML Schema Explorer. How to: Add Nodes to the Workspace from the Start View Shows how to add global nodes to the workspace from the Start View. How to: Get an Overview of a Schema Set Using the Graph View Describes how to get an overview of your schema set using the Graph View. How to: Examine the Content Model of Nodes Using the Content Model View Describes how to explore your nodes using the Content Model View. How to: Use the XML Schema Designer with XML Literals Describes how to view schema associated with an XML literal. How to: Print Diagrams from the Graph View and the Content Model View Describes how to print a diagram from the Graph View or the Content Model View. Sample XSD Files Provides code listings for the sample XSD documents that are used in the task examples. See Also XML Schema Designer

81 How to: Create and Edit an XSD Schema File 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic describes how to create a new XML Schema (XSD) file and then add content to the XSD file. To create a new XML Schema file 1. In Visual Studio, open the File menu and select New and then File. Or, use the CTRL+N keyboard shortcut. 2. In the New File dialog box, select XML Schema and click Open. A new file is created. The Start View and an empty XML Schema Explorer window appear in Visual Studio. To edit a file 1. Click the Use XML Editor to view and edit the underlying XML Schema file link on the Start View. The XML Editor appears with the new file open. 2. Copy the XML Schema sample code from Purchase Order Schema and paste it to replace the code that was added to the new XSD file by default. The XML Schema Explorer is updated with the new schema set. See Also Working with XML Data XML Schema Designer Tasks

82 How to: Create an XML Document Based on an XSD Schema 1/8/ min to read Edit Online The Generate Sample XML feature generates a sample XML file based on your XML Schema (XSD) file. You can use this option for the following scenarios: To understand the use of various constructs in your schema. To confirm that the schema does what it is intended to do. The Generate Sample XML feature is only available on global elements, and requires a valid XML schema set. This feature typically generates valid XML documents. However, if the schema contains one or more of the following, the sample might not be valid: The xs:key, xs:keyref, and xs:unique identity constraints. xs:pattern facets. Enumerations of the xs:qname type. xs:entity, xs:entities, and xs:notation types. Also, note that xs:base64binary content will be generated only if enumerations occur in the schema for that type. To generate an XML instance document based on the XSD file 1. Follow the steps in How to: Create and Edit an XSD Schema File. 2. In the XML Schema Explorer, right-click the PurchaseOrder global element. Select Generate Sample XML. When you select this option, the PurchaseOrder.xml file with the following sample XML content will be generated and opened in the XML Editor:

83 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <PurchaseOrder OrderDate=" " xmlns=" <ShipTo country="us"> <name>name1</name> <street>street1</street> <city>city1</city> <state>state1</state> <zip>1</zip> </ShipTo> <ShipTo country="us"> <name>name2</name> <street>street2</street> <city>city2</city> <state>state2</state> <zip> </zip> </ShipTo> <BillTo country="us"> <name>name1</name> <street>street1</street> <city>city1</city> <state>state1</state> <zip>1</zip> </BillTo> </PurchaseOrder> See Also Working with XML Data

84 How to: Add Schema Set Search Result Nodes to the Workspace 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic explains how to add nodes that are highlighted in the XML Schema Explorer as the result of a keyword search in the workspace. NOTE Only global nodes can be added to the workspace. This example uses the sample Purchase Order Schema. To add schema set result nodes 1. Follow the steps in How to: Create and Edit an XSD Schema File. 2. Type "purchaseorder" in the search text box of the XML Explorer toolbar and click on the search button. The search results are highlighted in the XML Schema Explorer and marked by ticks on the vertical scroll bar. 3. Add the search results to the workspace by clicking the Add highlighted nodes to Workspace button on the summary results pane. The purchaseorder node and the PurchaseOrderType node appear next to each other on the design surface of the Graph View. Because the two nodes are related (the purchaseorder element is of the PurchaseOrderType type), an arrow is drawn between them.

85 How to: Switch Between Views and the XML Editor 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic shows how to switch between the XML Schema Designer (XSD Designer) views and the XML Editor. This example uses the Purchase Order Schema. To switch between the views and the XML Editor 1. To create and edit a new XML Schema file, follow the steps in How to: Create and Edit an XSD Schema File. 2. To switch to the XML Schema Designer from the XML Editor, right click anywhere in the XML Editor and select View Designer. 3. To switch to the Graph View using the watermark, click the Use the Graph view to see the relationship between the nodes link on the Start View. 4. Drag the USAddress node from the XML Schema Explorer onto the Graph View. Right-click the USAddress node in the Graph View and select Show in Content Model View in the context menu. The Content Model View with the details of USAddress node appears. 5. To switch to the Start View from the Content Model View using the toolbar, click the Start View button on the XSD toolbar. 6. To switch between the views using the hotkeys, press CTRL+1 for the Start View, CTRL+2 for the Graph View, and CTRL+3 for the Content Model View. 7. To go to XML Editor from the Content Model View, right-click the node and select View Code in the context menu.

86 How to: Add Nodes to the Workspace from the XML Schema Explorer 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic explains how to add nodes to the XML Schema Designer workspace from the XML Schema Explorer. This can be achieved by dragging and dropping nodes from the XML Schema Explorer onto an XSD Designer view, or by using the XML Schema Explorer's context menu. You can also add nodes that are highlighted as a result of a search performed by the XML Schema Explorer. For more information, see How to: Add Schema Set Search Result Nodes to the Workspace. NOTE Only global nodes can be added to the XML Schema Designer Workspace. To add nodes through the XML Explorer Context Menu 1. Follow the steps in How to: Create and Edit an XSD Schema File. 2. Right click on the PurchaseOrderType node in the a XSD Explorer. Select Show in Graph View. The purchaseordertype node appears on the design surface of the Graph View. To drag and drop a node on to a view 1. Right click on the PurchaseOrderType node in the Graph View. Select Show in XML Schema Explorer. The node is highlighted in the XML Schema Explorer. 2. Right click on the PurchaseOrderType node in the XML Schema Explorer and select Show All References. The purchaseorder node is highlighted. 3. Drag the purchaseorder node on to the Graph View. The purchaseorder node and the PurchaseOrderType node appear next to each other on the design surface of the Graph View. Because the two nodes are realted (the purchaseorder element is of the PurchaseOrderType type), an arrow is drawn between them. To add nodes using the Schema Explorer search capability 1. Type "purchaseorder" in the search text box of the XML Explorer toolbar and click on the search button. The search results are highlighted in the XML Schema Explorer and marked by ticks on the vertical scroll bar. 2. Add the search results to the workspace by clicking the Add highlighted nodes to Workspace button on the summary results pane.

87 The purchaseorder node and the PurchaseOrderType node appear next to each other on the design surface of the Graph View. Because the two nodes are related (the purchaseorder element is of the PurchaseOrderType type), an arrow is drawn between them. See Also XML Schema Explorer

88 How to: Add Nodes to the Workspace from the Start View 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic describes how to add global nodes to the XML Schema Designer Workspace from the Start View. To add nodes to the workspace from the Start View 1. Follow the steps in How to: Create and Edit an XSD Schema File. 2. Right-click in the XML Editor and select View Designer. The Start View appears. In the Schema Set Details section, notice that there are two (2) Global Complex Types. 3. Click on the add link to the right of the Global Complex Types heading. The USAddress and PurchaseOrderType complex type nodes will appear on the design surface of the Graph View.

89 How to: Get an Overview of a Schema Set Using the Graph View 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic describes how to use the Graph View to see a high-level view of the nodes in a schema set and the relationships between the nodes. To create a new XSD file and display the root element in the Content Model View 1. Create a new XML Schema file and save the file as Relationships.xsd. 2. Click the Use XML Editor to view and edit the underlying XML Schema file link on the Start View. 3. Copy the XML Schema sample code from Sample XML Schema: Relationships and paste it to replace the code that was added to the new XSD file by default. 4. Right-click anywhere in the XML Editor and select View Designer. 5. Select the Graph View from the XSD Toolbar. 6. Select Schema Set node in the XML Schema Explorer and drag the node to design suface of the Graph View. You should see all the global nodes, and arrows connecting the nodes that have relationships. 7. Click on any node on the design surface and look at the breadcrumb bar to see where the selected node is located in the schema set. 8. Rick-click on any element node on the desing surface and select Generate Sample XML to see the XML instance document.

90 How to: Examine the Content Model of Nodes Using the Content Model View 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic describes how to explore your nodes using the Content Model View. To create a new XSD file and display the root element in the Content Model View 1. Create a new XML Schema file. 2. Click Use XML Editor to view and edit the underlying XML Schema file on the Start View. 3. Copy the XML Schema sample code from Sample XML Schema: Purchase Order Schema and paste it to replace the code that was added to the new XSD file by default. 4. Select the purchaseorder element in the Schema Explorer by right-clicking the purchaseorder element in the XML Editor and selecting Show in XML Explorer. 5. Right-click the purchaseorder in the XML Explorer and select Show in Content Model View. The Content Model View displays the purchaseorder element on its design surface. 6. Expand the shipto, billto, and items nodes either by double-clicking each node or by clicking the double arrow to the right of each node. The nodes of the purchaseorder element are now expanded and you can see the content model of the element. 7. Click on any node under the purchaseorder element and look at the breadcrumb bar to see where in the schema set the selected node is located. 8. Click the Show Documentation button in the XSD Toolbar to toggle documenation. You can also right-click the design surface to toggle the documentation. 9. Rick-click the purchaseorder node and select Generate Sample XML to see the XML instance document.

91 How to: Use the XML Schema Designer with XML Literals 1/8/ min to read Edit Online This topic describes how to view a schema associated with an XML literal in a Visual Basic project. To create a new Visual Basic console application project 1. Start Visual Studio. 2. From the File menu, select New, and then select Project. The New Project dialog box appears. For Project types, select Other Languages, and then select Visual Basic. For Templates, select Console Application. Then type XMLLiterals in the Name field and a project location in the Location field. Click OK. The new poject is created. The XMLLiterals project contains one Visual Basic source file, Module1.vb. To add an existing XSD file to the project 1. Open a new text file in Notepad.Copy the XML Schema sample code from Purchase Order Schema and paste it in to the file. 2. Save the file in some location with the name PurchaseOrderSchema.xsd. 3. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project's name, select Add, and then select Existing Item... The AddExisting Item dialog box appears. Browse to the PurchaseOrderSchema.xsd file, select it, and then click Add. The XMLLiterals project now contains two files: Module1.vb and PurchaseOrderSchema.xsd. To add Visual Basic code with an XML literal, based on the XSD file included in the project 1. Replace the code in Module1.vb file with the following code: Imports <xmlns:ns=" Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim XMLLiteral = <ns:purchaseorder OrderDate=" "> <ns:shipto country="us"> <ns:name>name1</ns:name> <ns:street>street1</ns:street> <ns:city>city1</ns:city> <ns:state>state1</ns:state> <ns:zip>1</ns:zip> </ns:shipto> <ns:billto country="us"> <ns:name>name1</ns:name> <ns:street>street1</ns:street> <ns:city>city1</ns:city> <ns:state>state1</ns:state> <ns:zip>1</ns:zip> </ns:billto> </ns:purchaseorder> End Sub End Module 2. Right-click any XML node in an XML literal or an XML namespace import and select Show in Schema

92 Explorer. The XML Schema Explorer is displayed side by side with a Visual Basic file that has the XML literal assotiated with the XML schema set.

93 How to: Print Diagrams from the Graph View and the Content Model View 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic describes how to print a diagram from the Graph View or the Content Model View. To print diagrams from the XML Schema Designer 1. Open an XSD file in Visual Studio and add some nodes to the XML Schema Designer Workspace. 2. Export the diagram to an XPS file by using the Export Diagram as Image... context menu item in the design surface of the Graph View or the Content Model View. When you export a diagram from the Graph View, the whole design surface will be exported to the XPS file. When you export a diagram from the Content Model View and more than one node appears on the Content Model View's design surface, only the first node will be exported to the XPS file. 3. Print the saved image in the XPS file by using an XPS viewer. See Also Graph View Content Model View XML Schema Designer Workspace

94 Sample XSD Files 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The following example files are used in the XSD Schema Designer documentation. NOTE The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted herein are fictitious. No association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, address, logo, person, places, or events is intended or should be inferred. In This Section TOPIC DESCRIPTION Sample XSD File: Purchase Order Schema Sample XSD File: Simple Schema Sample XSD File: Relationships An XSD document that contains a typical purchase order schema. An XSD document that contains a simple schema. An XSD document that contains a schema with relationships.

95 Sample XSD File: Simple Schema 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The following XSD file is used in various examples in the XSD Schema Designer documentation. This file is a simple purchase order schema. <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=" xmlns:tns=" targetnamespace=" elementformdefault="qualified"> <xsd:element name="purchaseorder" type="tns:purchaseordertype"/> <xsd:complextype name="purchaseordertype"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="shipto" type="tns:usaddress" maxoccurs="2"/> <xsd:element name="billto" type="tns:usaddress"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="orderdate" type="xsd:date"/> </xsd:complextype> <xsd:complextype name="usaddress"> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="street" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="city" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="state" type="xsd:string"/> <xsd:element name="zip" type="xsd:integer"/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name="country" type="xsd:nmtoken" fixed="us"/> </xsd:complextype> </xsd:schema>

96 Sample XSD File: Purchase Order Schema 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The following XSD file is used in various examples in the XSD Schema Designer documentation. This file is a purchase order schema.

97 <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=" xmlns:tns=" targetnamespace=" elementformdefault="qualified"> <xsd:element name='comment' type='xsd:string'/> <xsd:element name='purchaseorder' type='tns:purchaseordertype'/> <xsd:complextype name='usaddress'> <xsd:annotation> <xsd:documentation> Purchase order schema for Example.Microsoft.com. </xsd:documentation> </xsd:annotation> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name='name' type='xsd:string'/> <xsd:element name='street' type='xsd:string'/> <xsd:element name='city' type='xsd:string'/> <xsd:element name='state' type='xsd:string'/> <xsd:element name='zip' type='xsd:decimal'/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name='country' type='xsd:nmtoken' fixed='us'/> </xsd:complextype> <xsd:simpletype name='sku'> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:string'> <xsd:pattern value='\d{3}\w{3}'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpletype> <xsd:complextype name='items'> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name='item' minoccurs='0' maxoccurs='unbounded'> <xsd:complextype> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name='productname' type='xsd:string'/> <xsd:element name='quantity'> <xsd:simpletype> <xsd:restriction base='xsd:positiveinteger'> <xsd:mininclusive value='1'/> <xsd:maxexclusive value='100'/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpletype> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name='usprice' type='xsd:decimal'/> <xsd:element ref='tns:comment'/> <xsd:element name='shipdate' type='xsd:date' minoccurs='0'/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name='partnum' type='tns:sku'/> </xsd:complextype> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complextype> <xsd:complextype name='purchaseordertype'> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name='shipto' type='tns:usaddress'/> <xsd:element name='billto' type='tns:usaddress'/> <xsd:element ref='tns:comment' minoccurs='0'/> <xsd:element name='items' type='tns:items'/> </xsd:sequence> <xsd:attribute name='orderdate' type='xsd:date'/> <xsd:attribute name='confirmdate' type='xsd:date' use='required'/> </xsd:complextype> </xsd:schema>

98 Sample XSD File: Relationships 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The following XSD file is used in various examples in the XSD Schema Designer documentation. This file is a purchase order schema with annotations and documentation. <xs:schema xmlns:xs=" <xs:element name="pet" type="pettype"/> <xs:attributegroup name="nameageattributes"> <xs:attribute name="age" type="xs:integer" use="required"/> <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/> </xs:attributegroup> <xs:complextype name="pettype"> <xs:attributegroup ref="nameageattributes"/> </xs:complextype> <xs:element name="cat" substitutiongroup="pet"> <xs:complextype> <xs:complexcontent> <xs:extension base="pettype"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="weight" type="xs:integer"/> <xs:element name="color" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="breed" type="xs:integer"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexcontent> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> <xs:element name="dog" substitutiongroup="pet"> <xs:complextype> <xs:complexcontent> <xs:extension base="pettype"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element name="weight" type="xs:integer"/> <xs:element name="color" type="xs:string"/> <xs:element name="breed" type="xs:integer"/> </xs:sequence> </xs:extension> </xs:complexcontent> </xs:complextype> </xs:element> </xs:schema>

99 Security Considerations when Working with XML Data 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic discusses security issues that you need to know about when working with the XML Editor or the XSLT debugger. XML Editor The XML Editor is based on the Visual Studio Text Editor. It relies on the System.Xml and System.Xml.Xsl classes to handle many of the XML processes. XSLT transformations are executed in a new application domain. The XSLT transformations are sandboxed; that is, the code access security policy of your computer is used to determine the restricted permissions based on where the XSLT style sheet is located. For example, style sheets from an Internet location have the most restricted permissions, whereas style sheets copied to your hard drive run with Full Trust. The XslCompiledTransform class is used to compile the XSLT to Microsoft intermediate language for faster performance during execution. Schemas that point to an external location in the catalog file are automatically downloaded when the XML Editor first loads. The XmlSchemaSet class is used to compile the schemas. The catalog file that ships with the XML Editor does not have links to any external schemas. The user has to explicitly add a reference to the external schema before the XML Editor downloads the schema file. HTTP downloading can be disabled via the Miscellaneous Tools Options page for the XML Editor. The XML Editor uses the System.Net classes to download schemas XSLT Debugger The XSLT debugger utilizes the Visual Studio managed debug engine and classes from the System.Xml and System.Xml.Xsl namespace. The XSLT debugger runs each XSLT transformation in a sandboxed application domain. The code access security policy of your computer is used to determine the restricted permissions based on where the XSLT style sheet is located. For example, style sheets from an Internet location have the most restricted permissions, whereas style sheets copied to your hard drive run with Full Trust. The XSLT style sheet is compiled using the XslCompiledTransform class. The XSLT expression evaluator is loaded by the managed debug engine. The managed debug engine assumes that all code is run from the user's local computer. Accordingly, the XslCompiledTransform class downloads the XSLT file to the user's local computer. The possibility that an elevation in execution privilege could occur is mitigated by executing all XSLT transformations in a new application domain with restricted permissions See Also Application Domains

100 Debugging XSLT 1/25/ min to read Edit Online You can use the Visual Studio debugger to debug XSLT. The debugger supports setting breakpoints, viewing XSLT execution states, and so on. XSLT debugging is available in the Visual Studio Team System and the Professional Edition. In This Section What's New in the XSLT Debugger Describes features that are new in this release of the XSLT debugger. How to: Start Debugging XSLT Describes how to start the XSLT debugger. How to: Use Breakpoints with XSLT Describes how to use breakpoints within a style sheet. How to: Evaluate an XPath Expression Describes how to evaluate an XPath expression using the QuickWatch dialog box. Walkthrough: Debug an XSLT Style Sheet Demonstrates how to debug an XSLT style sheet. XSLT Default Templates Describes how the XSLT debugger handles default templates. Debugger User Interface (XSLT) Describes the XSLT Debugger windows and dialog boxes. XSLT Profiler Describes how to access the XSLT Profiler. Related Sections Editing XSLT Style Sheets Discusses using the XML Editor to edit style sheets. Security Considerations when Working with XML Data Discusses security issues that you need to know about when working the XML Editor or the XSLT debugger. Debugging in Visual Studio Introduces the Visual Studio debugger. XSLT Reference Provides reference material for XSLT elements and functions.

101 What's New in the XSLT Debugger 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The following features are new in Visual Studio XSLT Profiler The XSLT Profiler is a tool that allows developers to measure, evaluate, and target performance-related problems in XSLT code by creating detailed XSLT performance reports. For more information, see XSLT Profiler. See Also Debugging XSLT

102 How to: Start Debugging XSLT 1/25/ min to read Edit Online The XSLT debugger can be used to debug an XSLT style sheet or an XSLT application. When debugging, you can execute code one line at a time by stepping into, stepping over, or stepping out of the code. The commands to use the code-stepping functionality are the same for the XSLT debugger as for the other Visual Studio debuggers. Once you start debugging, the XSLT debugger opens windows to show the input document and the XSLT output. XML Editor You can start the debugger from the XML Editor. This allows you to debug as you are designing the style sheet. To start debugging from a style sheet 1. Open the style sheet in the XML Editor. 2. Select Debug XSL from the XML menu. To start debugging from an XML input document 1. Open the XML document in the XML Editor. 2. Select Debug XSL from the XML menu. XSLT from Other Languages You can also step into XSLT while debugging an application. When you press F11 on an System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform call, the debugger can step into the XSLT code. NOTE Stepping into XSLT from the XslTransform class is not supported. The XslCompiledTransform class is the only XSLT processor that supports stepping into XSLT while debugging. To start debugging an XSLT application 1. When instantiating the XslCompiledTransform object, set the enabledebug parameter to true in your code. This tells the XSLT processor to create debug information when the code is compiled. 2. Press F11 to step into the XSLT code. The XSLT style sheet is loaded in a new document window and the XSLT debugger is started. Alternatively, you can add a break point to the style sheet and run your application. Example The following is an example of a C# XSLT program. It shows how to enable XSLT debugging.

103 using System; using System.IO; using System.Xml; using System.Xml.Xsl; namespace ConsoleApplication { class Program { private const string sourcefile private const string stylesheet private const string outputfile static void Main(string[] args) { // Enable XSLT debugging. XslCompiledTransform xslt = new XslCompiledTransform(true); // Compile the style sheet. xslt.load(stylesheet) // Execute the XSLT transform. FileStream outputstream = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Append); xslt.transform(sourcefile, null, outputstream); } } } See also Walkthrough: Debug an XSLT Style Sheet Debugger basics

104 How to: Use breakpoints with XSLT 1/25/ min to read Edit Online You can set breakpoints in an XSLT style sheet or in the XML source document. If you set a breakpoint on a tag, when execution starts the breakpoint will move to the next statement that has source line information. For more information, see Debugging Basics: Breakpoints. Set a breakpoint in a style sheet Breakpoints can be set on start tags, end tags, and text nodes of an XSLT style sheet. Breakpoints can also be set on code in a script block. To set a breakpoint in a style sheet 1. Open a style sheet in the XML Editor. 2. Position the cursor at the breakpoint location, right-click, point to Breakpoint, and click Insert Breakpoint. 3. Click the browse the browse button (...) on the Input field of the document properties window. 4. Locate the XML source document and click Open. This sets the source document file that is used for the XSLT transformation. 5. Click the Debug XSL button on the XML Editor toolbar. Set a breakpoint in an XML source document Breakpoints can be set on elements, attributes, namespace node, comments, processing instruction, and text nodes of an XML source document. You cannot set a breakpoint on the document node, or on a namespace node that is inherited from the parent element. To set a breakpoint in an XML source document 1. Open the XML document in the XML Editor. 2. Position the cursor at the breakpoint location, right-click, point to Breakpoint, and click Insert Breakpoint. 3. Click the browse the browse button (...) on the Stylesheet field of the document properties window. 4. Locate the XML source document and click Open. This sets the source document file that is used for the XSLT transformation. 5. Click the Debug XSL button on the XML Editor toolbar. See also Walkthrough: Debug an XSLT Style Sheet

105 How to: Evaluate an XPath Expression 12/22/ min to read Edit Online You can evaluate XPath expressions with the QuickWatch dialog box. The XPath expression must be valid according to the W3C XPath 1.0 recommendation. The current XSLT context that is, the self::node() node in the Locals window provides the evaluation context for the XPath expression. The following list describes which functions are supported when evaluating an XPath expression: Built-in XPath functions are supported. Built-in XSLT functions are not supported. User-defined functions are not supported. NOTE The following procedure uses the belowavg.xsl and books.xml files from the Walkthrough: Debug an XSLT Style Sheet topic. To evaluate an XPath expression 1. Insert a breakpoint at the xsl:if start tag. 2. Click the Debug XSL button on the XML Editor toolbar. The debugger starts and breaks on the xsl:if tag. 3. Right-click and select QuickWatch. The QuickWatch dialog box is displayed. 4. Enter./price/text() in the Expression field of the QuickWatch dialog box and click Reevaluate. The price of the current book node appears in the Value box. 5. Change the XPath expression to./price/text() < $bookaverage and click Reevaluate. The Value box shows that the XPath expression evaluates to true. See Also Debugging XSLT

106 Walkthrough: Debug an XSLT Style Sheet 1/8/ min to read Edit Online The steps in this walkthrough demonstrate how to use the XSLT debugger. Steps include viewing variables, setting breakpoints, and stepping through the code. The style sheet finds all books that cost below the average book price. To prepare for this walkthrough 1. Close any open solutions. 2. Copy the two sample files to your local computer. Start Debugging To start debugging 1. From the File menu, point to Open, and click File. 2. Locate the belowavg.xsl file and click Open. The style sheet is opened in the XML Editor. 3. Click the browse button (...) on the Input field of the document properties window. 4. Locate the books.xml file and click Open. This sets the source document file that is used for the XSLT transformation. 5. Right-click the xsl:if start tag, point to Breakpoint, and click Insert Breakpoint. 6. Click the Debug XSL button on the XML Editor toolbar. This starts the debugging process and opens several new windows that are used by the debugger. There are two windows that display the input document and styles sheet. The debugger uses these windows to show the current execution state. The debugger is positioned on the xsl:if element of the style sheet and on the first book node in the books.xml file. The Locals window displays all the local variables and their current values. This includes variables defined in the style sheet and also variables that the debugger uses to track the nodes that are currently in context. The XSL Output window displays the output of the XSL transformation. This window is separate from the Visual Studio Output window. Watch Window To use the Watch window 1. From the Debug menu, point to Windows, point to Watch, and click Watch 1. This makes the Watch 1 window visible. 2. Type $bookaverage in the Name field and press ENTER. The value of the $bookaverage variable is displayed in the window. 3. Type self::node() in the Name field and press ENTER. self::node() is an XPath expression that evaluates to the current context node. The value of the

107 self::node() XPath expression is the first book node. This changes as we progress through the transformation. 4. Expand the self::node() node, and then expand the price node. This allows you to see the value of the book price and you can easily compare it to the $bookaverage value. Because the book price is below the average, the xsl:if condition should succeed. Step Through the Code The debugger enables you to execute code one line at a time. To step through the code 1. Press F5 to continue. Because the first book node satisfied the xsl:if condition, the book node is added to the XSL output window. The debugger continues to execute until it is positioned again on the xsl:if element in the style sheet. The debugger is now positioned on the second book node in the books.xml file. In the Watch1 window the self::node() value changes to the second book node. By examining the value of the price element, you can determine that the price is above the average, thus the xsl:if condition should fail. 2. Press F5 to continue. Because the second book node does not meet the xsl:if condition, the book node is not added to the XSL output window. The debugger continues to execute until it is positioned again on the xsl:if element in the style sheet. The debugger is now positioned on the third book node in the books.xml file. In the Watch1 window the self::node() value changes to the third book node. By examining the value of the price element, you can determine that the price is below the average, thus the xsl:if condition should succeed. 3. Press F5 to continue. Because the xsl:if condition was satisfied, the third book is added to the XSL Output window. All books in the XML document have been processed and the debugger stops. Sample Files The following two files are used by the walkthrough. belowavg.xsl

108 <?xml version='1.0'?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=" <xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:variable name="bookcount" select="count(/bookstore/book)"/> <xsl:variable name="booktotal" select="sum(/bookstore/book/price)"/> <xsl:variable name="bookaverage" select="$booktotal div $bookcount"/> <books> <!--Books That Cost Below Average--> <xsl:for-each select="/bookstore/book"> <xsl:if test="price < $bookaverage"> <xsl:copy-of select="."/> </xsl:if> </xsl:for-each> </books> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet> books.xml <?xml version='1.0'?> <!-- This file represents a fragment of a book store inventory database --> <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN=" "> <title>the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin</title> <author> <first-name>benjamin</first-name> <last-name>franklin</last-name> </author> <price>8.99</price> </book> <book genre="novel" publicationdate="1967" ISBN=" "> <title>the Confidence Man</title> <author> <first-name>herman</first-name> <last-name>melville</last-name> </author> <price>11.99</price> </book> <book genre="philosophy" publicationdate="1991" ISBN=" "> <title>the Gorgias</title> <author> <name>plato</name> </author> <price>9.99</price> </book> </bookstore> See Also Debugging XSLT

109 XSLT Default Templates 12/22/ min to read Edit Online A default template is used during XSLT processing when there is no matching explicit template rule in the style sheet. The default template, also referred to as built-in template rule, is defined in section 5.8 of the W3C XSLT 1.0 Recommendation. The default template allows the XSLT processor to process a node, even though there is no explicit template rule that matches it. However, because the built-in template rule is not explicitly defined in the style sheet, this may lead to unexpected or confusing XSLT transformation results. The XSLT debugger now displays the code of XSLT default templates. When you step through an XSLT transformation, if a default template is used, the debugger displays the default template in a window. This enables you to step through the code of the default template and set breakpoints on its instructions. See Also Debugging XSLT

110 Debugger User Interface (XSLT) 12/22/ min to read Edit Online This topic describes the debugger windows and dialog boxes. It only discusses the user interface pieces that have XSLT-specific debugging behavior. For more information, see the Debugging User Interface Reference. Locals Window The Locals window displays information about any variables defined in the style sheet. The Locals window contains three columns of information: Name This column contains the names of all local variables in the current scope. Node sets have a tree control that you can drill-down to see its subfolders. Value This column shows the value contained by each variable. Attribute, processing instruction, comment, text, and CData nodes display the text value of the node. Namespace nodes display the namespace URI. Type This column identifies the data type of each variable listed in the Name column. The Locals window also displays the predefined context variables that track the context of the XSLT transformation. The following table describes the predefined context variables used by the XSLT debugger. NAME last() DESCRIPTION The context size. position() self::node() The position, or index number, of the context node, relative to the context size. The value of the context node. Output Window The Output window shows any error messages or security exceptions that occur during debugging. The XSLT debugger uses a separate window to display debugger output. This is the same window used to display output from a Show XSL Output command. Task List The Task List lists all the compilation errors in the style sheet. Double-clicking the error takes the cursor to the line with the error. The Task List includes any errors that occur in the script blocks in the XSLT file.

111 NOTE The XSLT debugger has no warnings, so they never appear in the Task List. Breakpoints Window The Breakpoints window shows all breakpoints set in the current project. If a breakpoint is added while the window is in view, the window is automatically updated to show the new breakpoint. The Breakpoints window should behave the same way as other Visual Studio debuggers. Command Window/Immediate Window Not implemented in this release of the XSLT debugger. Watch Window The Watch window is used to evaluate variables. You can also change the values of the variables. The variables displayed in the Watch window are for the current context (the top-most item on the call stack). If you change the context, the watch window updates and displays variables set for that context. Call Stack Window The Call Stack window is used to view the names of functions on the call stack, parameter types, and parameter values. Call stack information is shown only when the program being debugged is in a break state. The call stack represents the various contexts that the XSLT execution is going through. For example, if there is a call from template "a" to template "b", template "a" and template "b" appear in the call stack window with the current context at the very top of the list. The user is able to see the query that is currently executing. If the templates do not have a name in the XSLT file, the names generated by the XSLT processor are used. Clicking an item other than the one at the top of the list indicates to the viewer where the XSLT execution branch happened using the standard green highlighting and green arrows. QuickWatch Dialog Box The QuickWatch dialog box is used to evaluate XPath 1.0 expressions. The context node (the self::node() node from the Locals window) provides the context for the execution of the XPath expression. The result of executing the XPath expression is displayed in the Watch window. The following list describes some restrictions on the XPath expression evaluation. Only built-in XPath functions are allowed. Built-in XSLT functions such as document(), key(), and so on, are not allowed. User-defined functions are not allowed. For more information, see How to: Evaluate an XPath Expression. Disassembly Window The Disassembly window shows the assembly code that is generated by the XSLT compiler. This window can be used in the same manner as all other Visual Studio disassembly windows.

112 For more information, How to: Use the Disassembly Window. See Also Debugging XSLT Debugger Basics Inspect Variables in the Autos and Locals Windows in Visual Studio

113 XSLT Profiler 12/22/ min to read Edit Online The XSLT Profiler is a performance analysis profiler tool that helps you develop and debug XSLT documents. The XSLT Profiler allows developers to measure and evaluate performance-related problems in XSLT code by creating detailed XSLT performance reports. The XSLT Profiler includes useful hints for XSL and XSLT style sheet optimizations, which are essential for XSLT-based applications that demand maximum performance. The XSLT Profiler is part of Visual Studio and is available from the XML menu. NOTE Some screens might appear differently in your version of Visual Studio than they do in these topics, because some visual elements have changed since these screenshots were captured. See also Walkthrough: XSLT Profiler

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