User Manual MS Energy Services

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1 User Manual MS Energy Services

2 Table of content Access 4 Log In 4 Home Page 5 Add pre-visualisations 6 Pre-visualisation with variables 7 Multiple pre-visualisations 8 Pre-visualisation window 8 Design Tab 9 General configuration 9 Axis configuration 11 Series tab 13 Graphic 15 Dynamic visualisation 15 Exportation of a graphic 15 Creator 15 Jobs 16 Edition 16 Delete 17 Series 17 Edition 18 Delete 18 Charts 18 Edition 19 Delete 19 Job search 20 Settings 20 Filters 21 Operators 23 SQL view tab 25 Preview tab 26 Summary Section 26 Save 26 Series 27

3 Settings section 27 Series tab 28 Groups (x axis) 28 Values (Y axis) 29 Filters 29 SQL view 31 Jobs Tab 31 Preview 32 Save 33 Charts 33 Settings section 33 Chart tab 34 Available series tab 36 Save 37 Categories 37 Practical examples 38 Charts with multiple X axis 38 Charts with dynamic series 40 Charts with multiple Y axis 43 Stacked column charts 47

4 Access To access the application, the user has to go to the following link: And click the button Visit in the respective (Analytics) panel. (Figure 1). Figure 1 Log In The user has to Log In to the solution with its username and password. (Figure 2). Note: Only System Admin, Sales Person and Coordinator users with permission to this module will be able to access Analytics. Figure 2 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 4

5 Home Page The main objective of Analytics is to visualise through a graphic information about the performance of a set of jobs. Once logged in, the user will find the main page where will be able to generate a graphic with just a few clicks. To go back to this screen, the user has to click the button placed at the upper left menu. (Figure 3). Figure 3 This screen has three main panels: 1. Pre- visualisation (Analytics): this is where all the job searches are with pre-designed types of graphics in order to generate in real time pre-visualisations and an analysis of the information. 2. List of jobs (Jobs): this panel lists, filters and creates new searches of jobs. 3. Pre-designed graphics (Charts): this panel lists, filters and creates new graphics. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 5

6 Add pre-visualisations To add a graphic (coupler) to the pre-visualisation list is necessary to add two components: a job search and a pre-designed graphic. 1. To add a job search the user has to click the button on the list of searches (Jobs) placed at the inferior left of the main screen. (Figure 4). Figure 4 2. To add a pre-designed graphic the user has to click the button in the list of predesigned graphics (Charts) placed in the inferior right part of the main screen. (Figure 5). Figure 5 In the pre- visualisations panel (Analytics) a new entry will be added. (Figure 6). Figure 6 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 6

7 To pre-visualise the user has to click the button window will appear on screen. (Figure 7). placed at the left of the row. And a Figure 7 Pre-visualisation with variables This option allows to execute generic or variable job searches. The objective of it is to avoid that two or more similar job searches are duplicated. All the filters marked as Variable filters will be shown in the pre-visualisation window. In this modal the user will be able to set the new values or confirm the previously defined ones. The possible changes made will be taken into account to extract the information about the job and to generate the final graphic. (Figure 8). Note: Only Value 1 and Value 2 data can be changed. Figure 8 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 7

8 Multiple pre-visualisations To add another coupler to the list, the user has to click the button placed at the upper left of the pre-visualisations panel (Analytics). An entry will be added to the list. (Figure 9). Figure 9 Note: To change the coupler of an entry, the user must select it by using the respective buttons placed at the left of each row (Figure 10): : means the register is selected. : means the register is not selected. Figure 10 Pre-visualisation window In this window the pre-visualisation of the graphic will be deployed according to the chosen coupler. The modal has a tab to configure the graphic (Design), a Series tab and the graphic panel. (Figure 11). Figure 11 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 8

9 Design Tab This section has two types of design configuration: general and axis. To select which one to use, the user must choose it in the box placed at the upper part of the tab. (Figure 12). Figure 12 General configuration In this section the user defines all the aesthetic attributes of the chart and its exportation parameters: Panel Function These are the types available: Lines. Smooth area. Columns. Smooth lines. Area. Bars. Scatter. Pie. This part works to set every aspect about the typography to be used in the chart: size, colour, content and font. As well as the option to change the background of it. This panel allows the user to configure the stacking method of the graphic. Which means that it determines whether to stack the values of each series on top of each other or not: Yes: stack according to the value. No: disable stacking option. Percent: stack based in the percentage. This configuration is useful in the Area, Smooth Area, Columns and Bars type of graphics. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 9

10 This panel determines whether to connect a graph line across null points or not. In this section te user can establish to show or not the tags of each value. If they are enabled, the options to configure are the following: Color: of the text of the data tags. Vertical alignment: it can be Top, Middle or Bottom. The default value depends on the data, for instance in a column chart, the label is above positive values and below negative values. Horizontal alignment: the alignment of the data label compared to the point. If it is right, that side of the label should be touching the point. For points with an extent, like columns, the alignments also dictates how to align it inside the box, as given with the inside option. Can be one of Left, Center or Right. Slant ( ): data label rotation in degrees. Padding: this is the padding within the data label box. This box contains a symbol and name for each serie or point item in the chart. The options for this configuration are the following: Layout: the layout of the legend items. Can be one of "horizontal" or vertical. Vertical alignment: the vertical alignment of the legend box. Can be one of Top, Middle or Bottom. Horizontal aligment: the horizontal alignment of the legend box within the chart area. Valid values are Left, Center and Right. Markers: Enables and disables the markers in the series. These are the points drawn in each value of the series of Lines, Smooth lines, Area, Smooth area and Scatter. Label size: the size of the font used in the legend of the graphic. This panel has the options to configure the exportation: Width: This is the original width of the chart. Height: This is the original height of the chart. Scale: Defines the scale or zoom factor for the exported image compared to the one displayed on-screen. While for instance a 600 Px wide chart may look good on a website, it will look bad in print. The default scale of 2 makes this chart export it to a 1200 Px PNG or JPG. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 10

11 Axis configuration In this section the user defines all the attributes of the graphic axis (X and Y). To choose between the two possible options (Horizontal or Vertical), the user has to select it in the Axis box placed in the Design tab. (Figure 13). Figure 13 These are the options for the X axis (Horizontal) configuration: Panel Function This panel shows two different options to configure: Title: the axis title or text, shown next to the axis line. Reversed: whether to reverse the axis or not so the highest number is closest to the origin. In this section the user can establish to show or not the tags of each value. If they are enabled, the options to configure are the following: Font: establishes the colour and size of the font. Slant ( ): data label rotation in degrees. Alignment: whether to display or not the axes on the opposite side of the normal. The normal is on the bottom side for horizontal axes, so the opposite side will be top. This is typically used with dual or multiple X axes. It allows to configure the X (Horizontal) axis. If the Gridline Width is over 0 the other options will be enabled: Gridline width: the width of the grid lines. Gridline style: the dash or dot style of the grid lines. Valid values are Solid, Short Dash, Short Dot, Short dash dot, Short dash dot dot, Dot, Dash, Long Dash, Dash Dot, Long dash dot and Long dash dot dot. Gridline color: the color of the grid lines. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 11

12 These are the options for the Y axis (Vertical) configuration: Panel Function This panel shows different options to configure: Title: the axis title or text, showing next to the axis line. Min Max: the minimum and maximum values of the axis. If null or empty the min and max values are automatically calculated. Interval: the interval of the marks in axis units. If null or empty the value is automatically calculated. Reversed: whether to reverse the axis so that the highest number is closest to the origin. In this section the user can establish to show or not the tags of each value. If they are enabled, the options to configure are the following: Font: establishes the colour and size of the font. Slant ( ): data label rotation in degrees. Alignment: whether to display or not the axes on the opposite side of the normal. The normal is on the left side for vertical axes, so the opposite side will be right. This is typically used with dual or multiple Y axes. In this section, the user determines the numerical format of the tags displayed in the axis: Decimals: number of decimals to show. Prefix: value to add at the beginning of a tag. Suffix: value to add at the end of a tag. It allows to configure the Y (Vertical) axis. If the Gridline Width is over 0 the other options will be enabled: Gridline width: the width of the grid lines. Gridline style: the dash or dot style of the grid lines. Valid values are Solid, Short Dash, Short Dot, Short dash dot, Short dash dot dot, Dot, Dash, Long Dash, Dash Dot, Long dash dot and Long dash dot dot. Gridline color: the color of the grid lines. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 12

13 Series tab In this tab the user can modify every property of the series in the graphic. To choose one the user has to click the selection box placed at the upper part of the tab and a list will be deployed with all the options available. (Figure 14). To delete a serie the user has to click the button placed at the right of the selection box. At its right, next to the deleting button, there is an indicator and a shortcut to see and change the serie colour. Figure 14 The options to configure series are the following: Panel Function This panel shows two different options to configure: Name: the title for the series that are shown in the legend. Color: the color for the series. These are the types available: Lines. Smooth area. Columns. Smooth lines. Area. Bars. Scatter. Pie. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 13

14 This section determines if the Y (Vertical) axis will be deployed independently for a specific serie. If the value is Primary the serie will use the Y axis as the main one. And if not, another Y axis will be created with its own scale and range. This option is useful when the user wants to deploy multiple Y axis. The options to configure the secondary axis are the following: Title: the axis title or text, shown next to the axis line. Label Size: the text size for the labels. Slant ( ): the label rotation in degrees. Min Max: the minimum and maximum values of the axis. If null or empty the min and max values will be automatically calculated. Interval: the interval of the marks in axis units. If null or empty the value will be automatically calculated. Reversed: whether to reverse the axis or not so the highest number is closest to the origin. Alignment: whether to display the axes or not on the opposite side of the normal. The normal is on the left side for vertical axes, so the opposite side will be right. In this section, the user determines the numerical format of the tags displayed in the axis: Decimals: number and amount of decimals to show. Prefix: value to add at the beginning of a tag. Suffix: value to add at the end of a tag. This option is only enabled if the Y axis is secondary. This panel contains all the values of X (Horizontal) and Y (Vertical) axis of a serie. The user can delete a value by clicking the row. button at the left of each Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 14

15 Graphic Dynamic visualisation To enable or disable the visualisation of a serie the user has to click the name on the caption and will make it appear or disappear in the graphic. (Figure 15). Figure 15 Exportation of a graphic To export a graphic the user has to click the button placed at the upper right of the graphic. A menu will be deployed showing the different formats to export the document. Once the option is selected, the user has to indicate the name of the file and the place to save it. (Figure 16). Figure 16 Creator To access this window, the user has to click the button main menu. (Figure 17). It has three main panels: placed at the left of the - Jobs: it lists, filters and creates new job searches. - Series: it lists, filters and creates new series. - Charts: it lists, filters and creates new graphics. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 15

16 Figure 17 Jobs There are four sections in this panel: (Figure 18) - Listing: it shows the list of all the registered searches of job in the system, chronologically organised. At the top the user can click the buttons to create a new search and to refresh the list. - Details: when an element of the list is selected, information about it will be deployed in this section. - Search: this section allows the user to find an element in the list. From left to right, there is a selection box to choose the type of search (title, description or tags), the search box and the number of elements in the list. - Categories: this are high hierarchy filters. In this section the user can see a list of categories used in each element added to the list of the job search. By clicking one of them, the listing will be automatically filtered showing only the elements of that specific category. Figure 18 Edition There are two options to edit an element: - By clicking the button placed at the left of each element. - At the upper left of the Details section there is an Edit button. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 16

17 Delete In order to remove an element from the list, the user has to click the button right of each one. placed at the A window will appear to confirm the user wants to complete the action. (Figure 19). Figure 19 Series There are four sections in this panel: (Figure 20) - Listing: it shows the list of all the registered searches of series in the system, chronologically organised. At the top, the user can click the buttons to create a new serie and to refresh the list. - Details: when an element of the list is selected, information about it will be deployed in this section. - Search: this section allows the user to find an element in the list. From left to right, there is a selection box to choose the type of search (title, description or tags), the search box and the number of elements in the list. - Categories: this are high hierarchy filters. In this section the user can see a list of categories used in each element added to the list of the job search. By clicking one of them, the listing will be automatically filtered showing only the elements of that specific category. Figure 20 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 17

18 Edition Delete There are two options to edit an element: - By clicking the button placed at the left of each element. - At the upper left of the Details section there is an Edit button. In order to remove an element from the list, the user has to click the button right of each one. placed at the A window will appear to confirm the user wants to complete the action. (Figure 21). Figure 21 Note: if the serie that the user wants to eliminate is being used in a pre-designed graphic, it might give error when trying to deploy that graphic. Charts There are four sections in this panel: (Figure 22) - Listing: it shows the list of all the registered graphics in the system, chronologically organised. At the top, the user can click the buttons to create a new serie and to refresh the list. - Details: when an element of the list is selected, information about the graphic will be deployed in this section. - Search: this section allows the user to find an element in the list. From left to right, there is a selection box to choose the type of search (title, description or tags), the search box and the number of elements in the list. - Categories: this are high hierarchy filters. In this section the user can see a list of categories used in each element added to the list of the job search. By clicking one of them, the listing will be automatically filtered showing only the elements of that specific category. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 18

19 Figure 22 Edition Delete There are two options to edit an element: - By clicking the button placed at the left of each element. - At the upper left of the Details section there is an Edit button. In order to remove an element from the list, the user has to click the button right of each one. placed at the A window will appear to confirm the user wants to complete the action. (Figure 23). Figure 23 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 19

20 Job search In this module, the user will be able to create and edit all the job searches. This is a set of conditions that allows to filter the jobs of the system in order to create a final list, which will be used as an entrance to the series and the graphics. (Figure 24). Figure 24 Settings To access to this section, the user has to click the respective button placed at the right of the Title text box. It has the following fields: - Title (mandatory): text box to type the name of the search. - Description (optional): a brief description of what the search does and additional details. - Category (optional): it allows to select the category that the search belongs to. - Limit (optional): part of the pagination parameters. It allows the user to set limits of the number of results to get in a search. Note: when the parameter is zero (0), all the possible results will be shown. - Offset (optional): part of the pagination parameters. It provides an option to exclude the first N results. For example, if the user sets a limit of 10 results and an offset of 2 this would be the outcome: Position With Offset A B C D E F G H I J K L Without Offset A B C D E F G H I J K L For the search with offset, the result would be: C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L For the search without offset, the result would be: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J. - Order by (optional): in this part, the user establishes the field that the system has to take into account to organise the search. - Tags (optional): this tags work to identify and classify the search. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 20

21 Filters In this section the user will be able to add all the conditions that will filter the results of the search. (Figure 25). Figure 25 To add a condition the user has to click the button New Filter placed at the bottom of the section or click the button placed at the top of the section. A register will be added to the list and the user will have to configure it manually. These are the parts from left to right of the filter: Image Description Numeration and drag-and-drop: in the first column is the numeration of the filter which works to replace the filter in a specific position by doing dragand-drop. Copy: it works to duplicate a filter in a new register. This is helpful when the user wants to use a previous filter that has only a few fields different. Delete: it removes a filter from the list. Enable/Disable: this option enables or disables the use of certain filter. When one has been disabled it won t be taken as a condition to filter a search. Groups: this is used to group a set of filters and it is helpful when the user is working with complex conditions, where a group must be taken as a whole entity to be evaluated. Table name: it represents the table to be chosen in order to create a filter. This is a selection box with the name of all the tables that are related to the job. Field name: it represents the field (inside the selected box) to be chosen in order to create a filter. This is a selection box with the name and the type of data of all the fields in the selected table. Operator 1: This is a selection box where all the values of possible operators are, according to the field selected that is selected. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 21

22 Operator 2: This is a selection box where all the values of possible operators are, according to the type of value and the first operator that has been selected. This field is conditional. Variable: it determines if the filter can be modified when doing a pre-visualisation: Y (Yes) and N (No). Value 1: In this field the user has to put the first value to compare. The text box varies according to the type of field selected. Value 2: In this field the user has to put a value to compare. The text box varies according to the type of field selected. This is a conditional section because its use depends on the operators that are chosen. And/Or: these are operators to link the filters. They are used to filter records based on more than one condition. The possible values are: - And: it displays a record if both of the conditions are true. - Or: it displays a record if either the first or the second condition is true. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 22

23 Operators The following are the first level operators (Operator 1) that support filters: Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 23

24 The following are the second level operators (Operator 2) that support filters: Note: for all the second level operators, the Value 1 and Value 2 are numeric. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 24

25 SQL view tab In this tab the user will be able to see the structure of the query in Transact-SQL language. (Figure 26). Figure 26 In order to enable the manual edition of this query, the user has to click the button Enable Manual Editing placed at the button of the window. Note: When doing this all the filters in the Filters tab will be automatically deleted from the list. A window to confirm the action will appear on screen. (Figure 27). Figure 27 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 25

26 Preview tab In this tab the user will be able to pre-visualise the results of the query in a list of jobs that fulfil the conditions previously stablished in the filters and the configuration section. By clicking the button Reload placed at the bottom of the window, the system will refresh the search. (Figure 28). Figure 28 Summary Section This section sums up the information of the query taking into account the filters used. Its objective is to represent in a natural language what is being executed. It also includes different colours to identify the conditions that belong to specific groups. (Figure 29). Figure 29 Save The user can save all the changes made by clicking the button Save placed at the right bottom of the window. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 26

27 Series In this module all the series of the system will be created and edited. These are a set of related data points that are represented in the axis (X and Y) of the graphics. (Figure 30). Figure 30 Settings section 31). This section is placed at the upper part of the window, next to the Title text box. (Figure Figure 31 It has the following fields: - Title (mandatory): text box to type the name of the search. - Description (optional): a brief description of what the search does and additional details. - Category (optional): it allows to select the category that the search belongs to. - Limit (optional): part of the pagination parameters. It allows the user to set limits of the number of results to get in a search. Note: when the parameter is zero (0), all the possible results will be shown. - Offset (optional): part of the pagination parameters. It provides an option to exclude the first N results. For example, if the user sets a limit of 10 results and an offset of 2 this would be the outcome: Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 27

28 Position With Offset Without Offset A B C D E F G H I J K L A B C D E F G H I J K L For the search with offset, the result would be: C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L. For the search without offset, the result would be: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J. - Order by (optional): in this part, the user establishes the field that the system has to take into account to organise the search. - Tags (optional): this tags work to identify and classify the search. Series tab This tab has basic information about the settings of the series: data to extract X axis, how it is supposed to calculate Y axis, and a section of the filters. (Figure 32). Figure 32 Groups (x axis) In this section the user determines how to select the values of the X (Horizontal) axis. (Figure 33). Figure 33 It has four columns: - Numeration: the number of each registration. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 28

29 - Add/Delete: to add a new entry to the X axis, the user has to click the button at the top of the table. To delete one the user has to click the next to each row. - Table: it represents a table to extract the values of the X axis. This is a selection box with the name of each table of the system that are related to the jobs. - Field: it represents the field on the selected table to extract the values of the X axis. This is a selection box with the name of each field in the table previously selected. Note: - It is only allowed to add two registers maximum in this section. - If there are two registers, the X axis can has two possible shapes when a serie is used in a graphic: the first option, is the double X axis; the second, is the creation of dynamic series with one X axis based in the first register (marked with this symbol ). (Figure 34). Figure 34 Values (Y axis) In this section the user determines how to calculate the Y (Vertical) axis. (Figure 35). Figure 35 It has five columns: - Operator 1: it defines how the values from the Y axis are going to be treated. Their options are: AVG (Average), COUNT (Counting), MAX (Maximum), MIN (Minimum) and SUM (Sum). - Table: it represents a table to extract the values of the Y axis. This is a selection box with the name of each table of the system that are related to the jobs. - Field 1: it represents the field of the selected table to extract the values of the Y axis. This is a selection box with the name of all the numerical fields of the table previously selected. - Operator 2 (Optional): it defines what kind of arithmetic operation must be applied between Field 1 and Field 2. - Field 2 (Optional): it represents the field of the selected table where the values of the Y axis will be extracted, using the formula previously set by the user. Filters In this section the user will be able to add conditions to filter the search results of a serie. To add a new one the user has to click the button placed at the top of the section. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 29

30 The following are the parts of the filters (from left to right): Image Description Numeration: in the first column is the numeration of the filter. Copy: it works to duplicate a filter in a new register. This is helpful when the user wants to use a previous filter that has only a few fields different. Delete: it removes a filter from the list. Groups: this is used to group a set of filters and it is helpful when the user is working with complex conditions, where a group must be taken as a whole entity to be evaluated. Table name: it represents the table to be chosen in order to create a filter. This is a selection box with the name of all the tables that are related to the job. Field name: it represents the field (inside the selected box) to be chosen in order to create a filter. This is a selection box with the name and the type of data of all the fields in the selected table. Operator 1: This is a selection box where all the values of possible operators are, according to the field selected that is selected. Operator 2: This is a selection box where all the values of possible operators are, according to the type of value and the first operator that has been selected. This field is conditional. Value 1: In this field the user has to put the first value to compare. The text box varies according to the type of field selected. Value 2: In this field the user has to put a value to compare. The text box varies according to the type of field selected. This is a conditional section because its use depends on the operators that are chosen. And/Or: these are operators to link the filters. They are used to filter records based on more than one condition. The possible values are: - And: it displays a record if both of the conditions are true. - Or: it displays a record if either the first or the second condition is true. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 30

31 SQL view This tab contains the structure of the query in Transact-SQL language. (Figure 36). Figure 36 Jobs Tab In this tab the user will be able to select a job search to work as a filter to pre-visualise the serie that is being created. Which means, the data of a serie will be extracted from the selected jobs in the search. (Figure 37). Figure 37 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 31

32 In this panel the user will be able to search, add, delete and edit job searches. Additionally can select one by clicking the button placed at the left of each name. (Figure 38). Figure 38 The result of the search will be uploaded and the user will see it in detail at the upper part of the panel. (Figure 39). Figure 39 To quit the filter, the user has to click the button placed at the right of the details section. Preview In this tab, the user will pre-visualise the results of the query made. It will be shown in a list of registers that fulfils the conditions stablished in the X and Y axis, the filters and in the settings section. By clicking the button Reload placed at the bottom of the window, the system will refresh the search. (Figure 40). Figure 40 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 32

33 Save The user can save all the changes made by clicking the button Save placed at the right bottom of the window. Charts In this module, the user will be able to create and delete all the pre-designed graphics of the system. (Figure 41). Figure 41 Settings section 42). This section is placed at the upper part of the window, next to the Title text box. (Figure Figure 42 It has the following fields: - Title (mandatory): text box to type the name of the serie. - Description (optional): a brief description of what the serie does and additional details. - Category (optional): it allows to select the category which the serie belongs to. - Tags (optional): this tags work to identify and classify the serie. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 33

34 Chart tab In this tab, the user sets all the visuals properties of the graphics and series. There is an option called Create dynamic series if needed placed in the Design tab. (Figure 43). Figure 43 Example: Having a serie with certain configuration in the X axis (Figure 44): Figure 44 The possibilities for that serie are the following: Value Behaviour Illustration Yes A graphic is created with just one X axis and a set of dynamic serie.the order that the registers are created is important because by each register marked with the symbol, a new serie will be created with its respective shared X axis. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 34

35 No A graphic is created with a double X axis. In this case, the order of the registers is not important. Before adding a serie, it is important to define the value of that property. For series with just one register in the X axis configuration, the behaviour of the graphic will be standard regardless of the value that the property takes. It is possible to change the value of the property once a serie has been added to the graphic. To do this the user has to click Remove all series placed at the bottom of the panel. (Figure 45). Figure 45 A modal will appear tu confirm the action. (Figure 46). Once accepted, all the series will be removed from the graphic and the user will be able to change the value of the property. Figure 46 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 35

36 Available series tab In this tab, the user will be able to select, add, edit and delete the series that will be added to the graphic. (Figure 47). Figure 47 In order to select a serie, the user has to click the button each serie. (Figure 48). placed at the left of the name of Figure 48 The serie will be added to the graphic and its details will appear at the top of the panel. (Figure 49). Figure 49 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 36

37 Save The user can save all the changes made by clicking the button Save placed at the right bottom of the window. Categories Categories allow users to classify in folders different components of the application: job searches, series and pre-designed graphics. To add one, the user has to click New Category placed at the left bottom of the panel. (Figure 50). Figure 50 A modal will appear, the user will have to type the name in the text box and click the button next to it. (Figure 51). Figure 51 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 37

38 To edit a category the user has to click the name, change the information and click ENTER in the keyboard. (Figure 52). Figure 52 Practical examples The following are a few examples to show some of the features of Analytics module. Charts with multiple X axis For this example the graphic shows the footage for each job and, at the same time, for each customer. The values used for the X axis were: the number of job and the name of the customer. For the Y axis, we calculated the footage for each activity registered per job. (Figure 53). Figure 53 A filter was added to the series so the depth values calculated to each activity exclusively correspond to the drilling activities. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 38

39 In this case, the answer for the Create dynamic series if needed option was No. (Figure 54). Figure 54 Afterwards we added the serie that we created previously. (Figure 55). Figure 55 Visual changes: Description Reference Select the Columns type of graphic in the Design tab. Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 39

40 Change the slant of the X axis values in the Design tab: Design>Axis>Horizontal (X Axis)>Labels This is the final result (Figure 56): Figure 56 Charts with dynamic series For this example we created a graphic with the following premise: it must show the maximum depth each job reached per day (Depth Vs. Days). The values used for the X axis were the number of job and day. And for the Y axis, we calculated the maximum value of the final depth. (Figure 57). Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 40

41 Figure 57 In this case, the answer for the Create dynamic series if needed option was Yes. (Figure 58). Figure 58 Afterwards we added the serie that we created previously. (Figure 59). Figure 59 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 41

42 Visual changes: Description Reference Select the Lines type of graphic in the Design tab. Disable the Markers of the graphic to obtain a better image. In the Design tab: Design>Chart>Legend Add a title for the X axis: Design>Axis>Horizontal (X Axis)>Settings Add a title for the Y axis and make the values deploy in reverse: Design>Axis>Vertical (Primary Y axis)>title Design>Axis>Vertical (Primary Y axis)>reversed Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 42

43 This is the final result (Figure 60): Figure 60 Charts with multiple Y axis For this example we created a graphic with the following premise: it must show two series with different axis, a serie for the drilling duration and another one for the total drilled in each job. The value used for the X axis was the number of job. And for the Y axis, we calculated the time and total drilled. (Figure 61). Figure 61 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 43

44 This was the configuration for the series: - Drilling duration (Figure 62): Figure 62 - Total drilled (Figure 63): Figure 63 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 44

45 Afterwards we added the serie that we created previously. (Figure 64). Figure 64 Visual changes: Description Reference Select the Columns type of graphic in the Design tab. Drilling duration serie: in the Plot series on feature, select the option Secondary and type Time as the title: Series>Drilling duration>y axis settings Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 45

46 Select the Right option for the Alignment feature: Series>Drilling Duration>Y axis settings>alignment This is the final result (Figure 65): Figure 65 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 46

47 Stacked column charts For this example we created a graphic with the following premise: it must show three series for the total drilled in the Curve, Vertical and Lateral phases. The value used for the X axis was the number of job. And for the Y axis, we calculated the total drilled. The serie configuration for the Vertical phase (Figure 66): Figure 66 The serie configuration for the Curve phase (Figure 67): Figure 67 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 47

48 The serie configuration for the Lateral phase (Figure 68): Figure 68 Afterwards we added the serie that we created previously. (Figure 69). Figure 69 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 48

49 Visual changes: Description Reference Select Columns type of graphic in the Design tab. Change the Stack property to Yes: Design>Chart>Stacking & Labels Change the option as desired to Percent in order to stack the columns according to the percentage of each value: Design>Chart>Stacking & Labels Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 49

50 This is the final result for a standard stack (Figure 70): Figure 70 This is the final result for a percentage stack (Figure 71): Figure 71 Analytics Module 3DMS User Manual 50

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