710 Index Attributes, 127 action attribute, 263 assigning, bottom attribute, domain name attribute, 481 expiration date attribute, 480 8

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1 INDEX Symbols = (assignment operator), 56 \ (backslash), 33 \b (backspace), 33 \" (double quotation mark), 32 \e (escape), 33 \f (form feed), 33 << (left shift) operator, 81 \n (newline), 33 + sign, \r (return), 33 >> (sign-propagating right shift) operator, 82 \' (single quotation mark), 32 \t (tab), 32 \uxxxx escape sequence, 33 \XXX escape sequence, 33 \xxx escape sequence, 33 >>>> (zero-fill right shift) operator, 82 A Absolute positioning, Access logs and status codes, Action attribute, 263 ActiveX controls, <a href> tag, 340 Alert dialog box, Alert() method, Alphabetic characters, checking for, Alphabetic data, checking for, Alternation, Anchors, Anchors object, Animation, Arguments: described, 112 override argument, 692 passing, Arithmetic operators, Array objects: associative arrays, 151, 156 concat() method, 159 creating and populating an array simultaneously, 155 declaring, elements of, 151 length property, 157 for loop used to populate, 154 methods, multidimensional arrays, 151 new constructor used to declare, overview, 151 pop() method, 160 properties of, push() method, 161 shift() method, 162 slice() method, splice() method, unshift() method, 162 Assignment: autodecrement ( ) operator, 64 autoincrement (++) operator, 64 Assignment operator (=), 56 Associative arrays, 151, 156 Associativity rules for operators,

2 710 Index Attributes, 127 action attribute, 263 assigning, bottom attribute, domain name attribute, 481 expiration date attribute, get attribute, 263 language attribute, 20 left attribute, method attribute, 263 name attribute, 272, 480 overview, 480 path attribute, 481 post attribute, 263 right attribute, secure attribute, 482 src attribute, 20 top attribute, type attribute, 20, Autodecrement ( ) operator, 64 Autoincrement (++) operator, 64 B Background graphics, 593 Background properties, Backslash (\), 33 Bars: graphics and images, 597 menu bars, collapsing, navigation bars, creating, toolbars, collapsing, Backspace (\b), 33 Bitwise operators, bitwise shift operators, overview, Bitwise shift operators left shift (<<) operator, 81 overview, 81 sign-propagating right shift (>>) operator, 82 zero-fill right shift (>>>>) operator, 82 Blocks, 93 Blur() method, <BODY> tag, 586 Boolean literals, Border properties, Bottom attribute, Break statement, 98, 101, Browser object model (BOM): ActiveX controls, frames: child frames, 232 frame object, HTML frames, creating, menu bars, collapsing, menus, creating, navigation bars, creating, overview, parent window, 232 toolbars, collapsing, top property used to keep Main Window out of a frame, location object: methods, 245 new page into frame, loading, overview, 244 properties, 244 reload() method, 245 replace() method, 245 URL of document currently loaded in window, accessing, MIME types, navigator object, browser sniffer, 205 browser support for, 203 Internet Explorer support for, 203 name of browser, 205 Netscape Navigator support for, 203 plug-in object, plug-ins, detecting, properties, version of browser, 205 overview, window object: history object, methods, opening windows, open() method, overview, 214 properties, resizing a window, screen object, scrolling in windows, scrollto() method, setinterval() method, settimeout() method, timed events, creating, Browsers: compliance,

3 Index 711 cookies, used to remove, CSS-enhanced browsers, 496 name of, 205 old or disabled browsers: examples of a JavaScript-disabled browser, examples of a JavaScript-enabled browser, hiding from old browsers, 9 11 hiding within HTML comments, 9 11 and <noscript> tag, support for navigator object, 203 version of, determining, 205 Browser sniffer, 205 Bugs to watch out for, 44 Bullets, 597 Button input type, Buttons: event handlers, 354 form events, 377 naming forms and buttons, radio buttons, submitting fillout forms with button input type, C Carpout method, Case keyword, 98 Case sensitivity, 17, Case statement, Ceil() method, 175 CGI: CGI.pm module advantages of, 662 carpout method, checkbox() method, cookies, defaults() method, 692 elements, fatalstobrowser method, function-oriented programming style, HTTP header methods, labels, methods, object-oriented programming style, override argument, 692 overview, 661 popup_menu() method, , processing input from forms, programming styles, radio_group() method, reset() method, 692 submit() method, 692 textfield() method, communication between server and script environment variables, HTML file with link to CGI script, overview, finding CGI applications, 621 form processing: creating HTML form, decoding query string, decoding query string with Perl, , encoded query string, 636 extra path information, GET method, , input types for forms, Mail::Mailer Perl module, mailto: protocol, overview, parsing form s input with Perl, 638 POST method, SMTP server, SSI (Server Side Includes), HTML: creating a Web page with, HTTP headers, 617 overview, , simple CGI script, simple HTML document, tags, 612, HTTP server, HTTP status codes and log files, log files: access logs and status codes, error logs and STDERR, overview, 605 resources, 581 root directory, file URLs and server s, 611 URLs, CGI.pm module: advantages of, 662 carpout method, checkbox() method, cookies, defaults() method, 692 elements,

4 712 Index CGI.pm module (cont.): fatalstobrowser method, function-oriented programming style, HTTP header methods, labels, methods, object-oriented programming style, override argument, 692 overview, 661 popup_menu() method, , processing input from forms, programming styles, radio_group() method, reset() method, 692 submit() method, 692 textfield() method, Character class, Character formatting, 589 CharAt() method, Checkboxes, Checkbox() method, Checkbox object: input devices for forms, programming, overview, 315 properties, 315, 316 Child frames, 232 Child nodes, 544 Class: creating a style, properties, and prototype object, CodingForums, 581 Color changed with classname property, Color properties, Comments, 498 adding, 590 block comments, 19 single-line comments, 19 Common Gateway Interface. See CGI. Comparison operators: equality and, 68 identity and, 69 numbers, comparing, overview, 67 strings, comparing, Complex tag, 591 Composite data types, Compound statement, 93 Concatenation and variables, Concatenation operator, Concat() method, 159 Conditional constructs: break statement, 98 case keyword, 98 if/else if statement, if/else statement, labels, 98 overview, switch statement, Conditional operator, Confirm dialog box, Constants, Constructor method, Constructor used to create objects, Contextual selectors, Continue statement, 101, Control statements, Control structures, 93 Conversion: of data types, of milliseconds, of numbers, Cookie object, 482 Cookies: attributes: assigning, domain name attribute, 481 expiration date attribute, name attribute, 480 overview, 480 path attribute, 481 secure attribute, 482 browser used to remove, CGI.pm module, components of, 479 cookie object, 482 creating, deleting, escape() function, help with, HTTP and, 477 and Internet Explorer, 478, and Netscape Navigator, , overview, server, retrieving from, turning off, 478 unescape() function,

5 Index 713 Core objects: Array objects: associative arrays, 151, 156 concat() method, 159 creating and populating an array simultaneously, 155 declaring, elements of, 151 length property, 157 for loop used to populate, 154 methods, multidimensional arrays, 151 new constructor used to declare, overview, 151 pop() method, 160 properties of, push() method, 161 shift() method, 162 slice() method, splice() method, unshift() method, 162 Date object: conversion of milliseconds, methods, overview, prototype property, Math object: ceil() method, 175 floor() method, 175, 176 methods, 173 overview, 172 Pi, 174 power of a number, 174 properties, random() method, 176 random number generation, rounding up and down, round() method, 175 square root, 174 Number object: constants, conversion of numbers, formatting numbers, methods, 191 overview, properties, 190 tofixed() method, overview, 151 String object: charat() method, extraction of substrings from a string, methods for, HTML methods, indexof() method, lastindexof() method, length property, methods, overview, position in a string, finding, properties, prototype property, 179, 181 replace() method, search and replace methods, search() method, splice() method, 187 split() method, string manipulation methods, 184 substring() method, 187 substr() method, with keyword, 197 Wrapper objects: Boolean object, Function object, Number object, overview, 177 String object, Credit card validation: expiration date of card, checking, length of characters, checking, Lunh formula and, overview, 464 prefix value, checking, valid type, checking for, CSS: background properties, border properties, color properties, comments, 498 CSS-enhanced browsers, 496 declaration block, font properties, grouping, how it works, image properties, margin properties, measurement, units of, overview, 496

6 714 Index CSS (cont.) : properties, selectors, style object: color changed with classname property, overview, properties, text positioned with style property, text alignment properties, D Data types: composite data types, conversion of, overview, 31 primitive data types: Boolean literals, escape sequences, null, 36 numeric literals, overview, 31 quotes, 32 string literals, typeof operator, undefined, 36 variables converted to, Date object: conversion of milliseconds, methods, overview, prototype property, Debugging: errors, 24 in Explorer, functions, load-time errors, 24 logical errors, 24 in Netscape, overview, 24 runtime errors, 24 tools: for debugging in Explorer, javascript: URL protocol, JavaScript Console (Netscape), types of errors, 24 Declaration block, Declaring: array objects, functions, variables, Decoding query string, Decoding query string with Perl, Default colors, Defaults() method, 692 Defining functions, Delimiters, Dialog boxes: alert dialog box, confirm dialog box, described, 47 prompt dialog box, <div> tag, Document object: forms. See forms. HTML <body> tag attributes, 256 JavaScript, using document s properties in, methods, overview, properties, write() method, Document object model (DOM): animation, browser compliance, document object: forms. See forms. HTML <body> tag attributes, 256 JavaScript, using document s properties in, methods, overview, properties, write() method, DOM Level 1, dot syntax, 255 event handling and, getelementbyid() method, getelementbytagname() method, hierarchy of, nodes, 254 child nodes, 544 element properties, 547 methods, nodename property, nodetype property, overview, parent nodes, 544

7 Index 715 properties, scrolling with, siblings, 543 overview, , 540 visibility, setting, visibility property drop-down menus, overview, 569 tool tips, W3C and, 253 z-index and dynamic positioning, Domain name attribute, 481 DOM Level 1, Dot metacharacter, Dot (.) syntax, 128, 255 Double quotation mark (\"), 32 Do/while loop, Drop-down menus, , Dynamic HTML (DHTML): CSS: background properties, border properties, color properties, comments, 498 CSS-enhanced browsers, 496 declaration block, font properties, grouping, how it works, image properties, margin properties, measurement, units of, overview, 496 properties, selectors, style object, text alignment properties, DOM: animation, browser compliance, event handling and, getelementbyid() method, getelementbytagname() method, nodes and, overview, 540 visibility, setting, z-index and dynamic positioning, embedded style sheet: overview, 515 type attribute, overview, 495 style sheets: class, creating a style, contextual selectors, CSS. See Dynamic HTML, CSS. embedded style sheet, external style sheets, ID selector, inline style sheet, overview, 495 positioning elements and layers, <span> tag, types of, E ECMA, 7 ECMAScript, 7 escape (\e), 33 Eich, Brendan, 1 Element properties, 547 Elements: of array objects, 151 CGI.pm module, positioning elements and layers absolute positioning, bottom attribute, <div> tag, left attribute, overview, relative positioning, right attribute, style sheets, top attribute, z-index, Elements[] array: forms object, , 272 properties, addresses, checking, , form processing, Embedded style sheet: overview, 515 type attribute, Embeds object, Empty fields, checking for, , Encoded query string, 636 Environment variables, Equality and comparison operators, 68

8 716 Index Errors: events, load-time, 24 logical, 24 logs and STDERR, runtime, 24 Escape() function, Escape sequences, backslash (\ ), 33 backspace (\b), 33 double quotation mark (\"), 32 escape (\e), 33 form feed (\f), 33 newline (\n), 33 return (\r), 33 single quotation mark (\'), 32 tab (\t), 32 \uxxxx, 33 \XXX, 33 \xxx, 33 European Computer Manufacturers Association, 7 Eval() method, Event handlers. See also Events. for buttons, 354 creating, for documents, 354 error events, event methods, event object, form events: buttons, 377 event methods, list of, 376 onblur event, onchange event handler, onclick event, onfocus event, onsubmit event, overview, 376 this keyword, forms: onclick event, , onreset event, onsubmit event, this keyword, frame events: blur() method, focus() method, list of, 361 onblur event handler, onfocus event handler, onload event handler, onload() method, 363 onunload event handler, onunload() method, 363 overview, as JavaScript methods, key events: onkeydown event, onkeypress event, onkeyup event, overview, link events, for links, 354 list of, mouse events: and images, list of, 368 onmouseout event handler, onmouseover event handler, overview, rollovers, slide show creation, using, overview, return values, submitting fillout forms, window events: blur() method, focus() method, list of, 361 onblur event handler, onfocus event handler, onload event handler, onload() method, 363 onunload event handler, onunload() method, 363 overview, Event methods: event handlers, form events, Event object, Events. See also event handlers. example of onclick event, 4 5 form events: buttons, 377 event methods, list of, 376

9 Index 717 onblur event, onchange event handler, onclick event, onfocus event, onsubmit event, overview, 376 this keyword, frame events: blur() method, focus() method, list of, 361 onblur event handler, onfocus event handler, onload event handler, onload() method, 363 onunload event handler, onunload() method, 363 overview, function called from, individually listed and defined, 5 key events: onkeydown event, onkeypress event, onkeyup event, overview, link events, mouse events: and images, list of, 368 onmouseout event handler, onmouseover event handler, overview, rollovers, slide show creation, using, onabort event, 5 onblur event, 5, onchange event, 5 onchange event handler, onclick event, 5, onerror event, 5 onfocus event, 5, onkeydown event, onkeypress event, onkeyup event, onload event, 5 onmouseout event, 5 onmouseover event, 5 onsubmit event, 5, onunload event, 5 window events: blur() method, focus() method, list of, 361 onblur event handler, onfocus event handler, onload event handler, onload() method, 363 onunload event handler, onunload() method, 363 overview, Exec() method, 401 2, Expiration date attribute, Expiration date of credit card, checking, Expressions, 55 External files, placing JavaScript within, 13 External images, 597 External style sheets, Extraction of substrings from a string, methods for, Extraneous characters in forms, removing, Extra path information, F FatalsToBrowser method, Flash 5, 597 Floating-point numbers, Floor() method, 175, 176 Focus() method, Font properties, For/in loop, 105 For loop, 104 5, 154 Formatting numbers, Form events: buttons, 377 event methods, list of, 376 onblur event, onchange event handler, onclick event, onfocus event, onsubmit event, overview, 376 this keyword, Form feed (\f), 33 Form processing: creating HTML form, decoding query string,

10 718 Index Form processing (cont.): decoding query string with Perl, , encoded query string, 636 extra path information, GET method, , input types for forms, Mail::Mailer Perl module, mailto: protocol, overview, parsing form s input with Perl, 638 POST method, SMTP server, SSI (Server Side Includes), Forms: action attribute, 263 event handlers: onclick event, , onreset event, onsubmit event, this keyword, forms object: elements[] array, , 272 forms[] array, <form> tag elements and properties, 274 methods, 272 name attribute, 272 naming forms and buttons, overview, 268 properties, 271 <form> tag elements and properties, 274 get attribute, 263 HTML and, input devices, programming: checkboxes, checkbox object, drop-down menus, overview, 294 password object, radio buttons, radio object, select object, textarea object, text object, input types, method attribute, 263 naming forms and buttons, overview, 263 post attribute, 263 processing. See form processing. referencing form elements by name, simple form validation: alphabetic characters, checking for, addresses, checking, empty fields, checking for, overview, 319 password fields, checking, steps used to produce, 264 submitting fillout forms: with button input type, with event handlers, image, submitting form with, with JavaScript, overview, pop-up window, displaying form s content in, reset() method, submit() method, validation of. See form validation. Forms[] array, Forms object: elements[] array, , 272 forms[] array, methods, 272 name attribute, 272 overview, 268 properties, 271 <form> tag, 274 Form validation: alphabetic data, checking for, combining functions that validate each field of form, credit cards, checking for valid, addresses, checking for valid, empty fields, checking for, extraneous characters, removing, non-alphaumeric characters, removing, 456 non-digits, removing, 455 null fields, checking for, overview, 446 parentheses, removing unwanted, 454 phone numbers, checking for valid, Social Security numbers, checking for valid, spaces and dashes, removing, 453 zip codes, checking for numeric, Frame events: blur() method,

11 Index 719 focus() method, list of, 361 onblur event handler, onfocus event handler, onload event handler, onload() method, 363 onunload event handler, onunload() method, 363 overview, Frame object, Frames, 602 child frames, 232 frame object, HTML frames, creating, menu bars, collapsing, menus, creating, navigation bars, creating, overview, parent window, 232 toolbars, collapsing, top property used to keep main window out of a frame, FreewareJava, 581 Function-oriented programming style, Functions: arguments, 112 calling, debugging, declaring, defining, event, calling a function from a, <head> tag, placement within, 112 invoking, JavaScript, calling a function from, 119 link, calling a function from a, overview, 111 parameters, 114 passing arguments, recursive functions, return statement, return values, <script> tag, placement within, 112 typeof operator used to check, 112 variables in, scope of, G Get attribute, 263 GetElementById() method, GetElementByTagName() method, GET method, , Global variables, 42 Graphics. See Images and graphics. Grouping: CSS, metacharacters, H <head> tag, 112, 585, 586 Headings, Hello.html file, 15 Help with cookies, Hierarchy of DOM, History object, HTML: basics of, 7 8 <body> tag, 7, 256, 586 and case sensitivity, 17 creating a Web page with, file with link to CGI script, and forms, <form> tag, 4 frames, <head> tag, 7, hello.html file, 15 HTTP headers, 617 images, methods, overview, , <script> tag, 7, 9, 15, simple CGI script, simple HTML document, tags, 612, using the.html or.htm extensions, 15 HTML documents: case sensitivity, character formatting, 589 comments, adding, 590 frames, 602 graphics and images: background graphics, 593 bars, 597 bullets, 597 complex tag, 591 default colors, external images, 597 finding, 592 Flash 5, 597 icons, 597

12 720 Index HTML documents, graphics and images (cont.): inline image, creating, 591 sizing and placing, text alternative for, creating, 592 JavaScript, linking: creating a link, overview, 589 to URLs, 590 logical tags, 589 metatags, minimal HTML document: headings, lists, 587 overview, 586 tables, 588 tags to separate text, 587 overview, physical tags, 589 source code, 602 style sheets, tags: <body> tag, 7, 256, 586 <head> tag, 7, 585, 586 <HTML> tag, 585 order of required elements and their tags, 585 overview, 584 required elements, 585 <title> tag, 585 tips for, troubleshooting, <HTML> tag, 585.html or.htm extensions, 15 HTTP: cookies, 477 header methods, headers, 617 server, status codes and log files, I Icons, 597 Identity and comparison operators, 69 ID selector, If/else if statement, If/else statements conditional operator and, described, Image() constructor, 336 Image object: Image() constructor, 336 onclick event used to randomly display images, overview, preloading images, 336 properties, 332 randomly displaying images, rollover with mouse event, src property, replacing images dynamically with, Images and graphics: background graphics, 593 bars, 597 bullets, 597 complex tag, 591 default colors, external images, 597 finding, 592 Flash 5, 597 HTML and, icons, 597 image object: Image() constructor, 336 onclick event used to randomly display images, overview, preloading images, 336 properties, 332 randomly displaying images, rollover with mouse event, src property, replacing images dynamically with, inline image, creating, 591 JavaScript and, mouse events, overview, properties, sizing and placing, submitting form with, text alternative for, creating, 592 IndexOf() method, Inheritance, Initializing variables, Inline image, 591 Inline style sheet, Input devices for forms, programming checkboxes, checkbox object,

13 Index 721 drop-down menus, overview, 294 password object, radio buttons, radio object, select object, textarea object, text object, Input types for forms, , Instance properties, Internet Explorer: cookies and, 478, navigator object, support for, 203 versions supported by JavaScript and JScript, 6 Invalid names for variables, 38 J JavaScript, attributes. See Attributes. debugging, testing with Explorer s debugging window, testing with Netscape s JavaScript Console, testing with the javascript: URL protocol, defined, 1 2 and events. See Events. example of Web page using, 2 external files, placing within, 13 generating HTML output, HTML compared, 3 and HTML documents: script execution, 16 where to embed within, 7 8, 15, 19 and images, Java compared, 2 JScript compared, 6 methods. See Methods. objects, support for, and old or disabled browsers: examples of a JavaScript-disabled browser, examples of a JavaScript-enabled browser, hiding from old browsers, 9 11 hiding within HTML comments, 9 11 and <noscript> tag, overview, 1 3 placement of, 7 8 script setup, standardizing using ECMAScript, 7 strings, 21 submitting fillout forms, syntactical details, case sensitivity, 17 comments, 19 free form and reserved words, statements and semicolons, 18 whitespace, 17 URLs, 340 uses for, 3 versions of, 6 7, 20 Javascript: URL protocol, JavaScript Central on Netscape s devedge site, 581 JavaScript Console (Netscape), JavaScript Planet, 581 JScript, 6 K Key events: onkeydown event, onkeypress event, onkeyup event, overview, L Labels, 98, 108 9, LastIndexOf() method, Layers: positioning elements and layers: absolute positioning, bottom attribute, <div> tag, left attribute, overview, relative positioning, right attribute, style sheets, top attribute, z-index, Left attribute, Left shift (<<) operator, 81 Length of characters, credit card validation and checking, Length property: array objects, 157 String object,

14 722 Index Link events, Links: <a href> tag, 340 anchors object, calling a function from, creating a link, embeds object, JavaScript URLs, 340 links object, overview, 340, 589 to URLs, 590 Links object, Literal notation, LiveScript. See JavaScript. Load-time errors, 24 Local variables, 42 Location object: methods, 245 new page into frame, loading, overview, 244 properties, 244 reload() method, 245 replace() method, 245 URL of document currently loaded in window, accessing, Log files: access logs and status codes, error logs and STDERR, Logical AND && operator, Logical errors, 24 Logical NOT! operator, Logical operators: logical AND && operator, logical NOT! operator, logical OR // operator, overview, Logical OR // operator, Logical tags, 589 Loops: break statement, 101, continue statement, 101, control statements, do/while loop, for loop, for/in loop, 105 labels, nested loops, overview, 101 while loop, Loosely typed language, JavaScript as, Lunh formula and credit card validation, M Mail::Mailer Perl module, Mailto: protocol, Margin properties, Match() method, Math object: ceil() method, 175 floor() method, 175, 176 methods, 173 overview, 172 Pi, 174 power of a number, 174 properties, random() method, 176 random number generation, rounding up and down, round() method, 175 square root, 174 Measurement, units of, Menu bars, collapsing, Menus, creating, Metacharacters: alternation, anchors, capturing, character class, clustering, dot metacharacter, grouping, list of, metasymbols, overview, pattern matches, metacharacters to repeat, quantifiers, 426 remembering, zero-width assertions, Metasymbols, Metatags, Method attribute, 263 Methods, , array objects, blur() method, carpout method, ceil() method, 175 CGI.pm module,

15 Index 723 charat() method, checkbox() method, concat() method, 159 Date object, defaults() method, 692 defined for an object, document object, extraction of substrings from a string, methods for, fatalstobrowser method, floor() method, 175, 176 focus() method, forms object, 272 getelementbyid() method, getelementbytagname() method, HTML methods, HTTP header methods, indexof() method, lastindexof() method, location object, 245 Math object, 173 Number object, 191 onload() method, 363 onunload() method, 363 open() method, password object, 299 pop() method, 160 popup_menu() method, , push() method, 161 radio_group() method, random() method, 176 reload() method, 245 replace() method, , 245 reset() method, 692 round() method, 175 scrollto() method, search and replace methods, search() method, setinterval() method, settimeout() method, shift() method, 162 slice() method, splice() method, , 187 split() method, string manipulation methods, 184 String object, submit() method, 692 substring() method, 187 substr() method, textarea object, 302 textfield() method, text object, 295 tofixed() method, unshift() method, 162 window object, write(), writein(), Microsoft Script Debugger (MSSD), 29 MIME types, Minimal HTML document: headings, lists, 587 overview, 586 tables, 588 tags to separate text, 587 Mouse events: and images, list of, 368 onmouseout event handler, onmouseover event handler, overview, rollovers, slide show creation, using, Multidimensional arrays, 151 Multiple selects, Murray, Joan, 603 N Name attribute, 272, 480 Name of browser, 205 Naming forms and buttons, Navigation bars, creating, Navigator object, browser sniffer, 205 browser support for, 203 Internet Explorer support for, 203 name of browser, 205 Netscape Navigator support for, 203 plug-in object, plug-ins, detecting, properties, version of browser, 205 Nested loops, Netscape Navigator: cookies and, , navigator object, support for, 203 and <noscript> tags, 11 12

16 724 Index Netscape Navigator (cont.): plug-ins, detecting, versions supported by JavaScript and JScript, 6 New constructor used to declare array objects, New operator, 131 New page into frame, loading, Newline (\n), 33 NodeName property, Nodes, 254 DOM: child nodes, 544 element properties, 547 methods, nodename property, nodetype property, overview, parent nodes, 544 properties, scrolling with, siblings, 543 NodeType property, Non-alphaumeric characters, removing, 456 Non-digits, removing, 455 Null, 36 Null fields, checking for, Null string, 32 Number object: constants, conversion of numbers, formatting numbers, methods, 191 overview, properties, 190 tofixed() method, Numbers, comparing, Numeric literals, O Object() constructor, Object literals, Object models, 128 Object-oriented programming style, Objects: attributes, 127 constructor used to create, dot (.) syntax, 128 for/in loop, JavaScript support for, manipulation of: for/in loop, prototypes used to extend objects, with keyword, methods defined for, , methods defined in constructor, object models, 128 overview, properties, 127, , prototypes used to extend objects, user-defined objects: creating, 133 methods defined for an object, new operator, 131 Object() constructor, object literals, user-defined function used to create, 133 with keyword, OnBlur event, OnBlur event handler: frame events, window events, OnChange event handler, OnClick event: form events, forms, , used to randomly display images, OnFocus event, OnFocus event handler, OnKeyDown event, OnKeyPress event, OnKeyUp event, OnLoad event handler, Onload() method, 363 OnMouseOut event handler, OnMouseOver event handler, OnReset event, OnSubmit event, , OnUnLoad event handler, Onunload() method, 363 Opening windows, Open() method, Operands, 55 Operators: arithmetic operators, assignment operator (=), 56 associativity rules for, autodecrement ( ) operator, autoincrement (++) operator, 63 65

17 Index 725 bitwise operators, comparison operators, concatenation operator, conditional operator, logical operators, overview, 55 precedence rules for, shortcut assignment operators, special operators, 91 Override argument, 692 P Parameters, 114 Parentheses, removing unwanted, 454 Parent nodes, 544 Parent window, 232 ParseFloat() method, ParseInt() method, Parsing form s input with Perl, 638 Passing arguments, Password fields, checking, Password object, Path attribute, 481 Pattern matches, metacharacters to repeat, Phone numbers, checking for valid, Physical tags, 589 Pi, 174 Placement of JavaScript, 7 8 Plug-in object, Plug-ins, detecting, plus sign (+): concatenation of variable and strings with, as numeric operator, 43 as string operator, Pop() method, 160 Popup_menu() method, , Pop-up window, displaying form s content in, Position in a string, finding, Positioning elements and layers: style sheets: absolute positioning, bottom attribute, <div> tag, left attribute, overview, relative positioning, right attribute, top attribute, z-index, Post attribute, 263 POST method, Power of a number, 174 Precedence rules, Prefix value, checking, Preloading images, 336 Primitive data types: Boolean literals, conversion methods: eval() method, parsefloat() method, parseint() method, escape sequences, null, 36 numeric literals, overview, 31 quotes, 32 string literals, typeof operator, undefined, 36 Processing input from forms, Programming styles, Prompt dialog box, Prompt() method, Properties, 127, , , , array objects, color changed with classname property, document object, forms object, 271 image object, 332 length property, 157, location object, 244 Math object, navigator object, nodename property, nodetype property, Number object, 190 password object, 299 prototype property, , 179, 181 RegExp() object, src property, replacing images dynamically with, String object, textarea object, 302 text object, 295 text positioned with style property, top property used to keep main window out of a frame,

18 726 Index Properties (cont.): visibility property drop-down menus, overview, 569 tool tips, window object, Prototype object: class and, extending, inheritance and, overview, 145 Prototype property: Date object, String object, 179, 181 Push() method, 161 Q Quantifiers, 426 Quotes, 32 R Radio buttons, Radio_group() method, Radio object: input devices for forms, programming, methods, overview, properties, 312 Randomly displaying images, Random() method, 176 Random number generation, Recursive functions, Referencing form elements by name, RegExp() object: class properties, exec() method, 401 2, instance properties, overview, properties, test() method, Regular expressions: constructor method, creating, form validation: alphabetic data, checking for, combining functions that validate each field of form, credit cards, checking for valid, addresses, checking for valid, empty fields, checking for, extraneous characters, removing, non-alphaumeric characters, removing, 456 non-digits, removing, 455 null fields, checking for, overview, 446 parentheses, removing unwanted, 454 phone numbers, checking for valid, Social Security numbers, checking for valid, spaces and dashes, removing, 453 zip codes, checking for numeric, literal notation, metacharacters: alternation, anchors, capturing, character class, clustering, dot metacharacter, grouping, list of, metasymbols, overview, pattern matches, metacharacters to repeat, quantifiers, 426 remembering, zero-width assertions, overview, RegExp() object: class properties, exec() method, 401 2, instance properties, overview, properties, test() method, search patterns, options used for modifying, 400 string methods using, String object match() method, overview, 408 replace() method, , search() method, split() method, testing, Relative positioning, Reload() method, 245

19 Index 727 Replace() method: location object, 245 String object, , , Required elements for tags, 585 Reserved words, Reset() method: CGI.pm module, 692 submitting fillout forms, Resizing a window, Return (\r), 33 Return statement, Return values, , Right attribute, Rollovers, Rollover with mouse event, Root directory, file URLs and server s, 611 Rounding numbers up and down, Round() method, 175 Runtime errors, 24 S Screen object, Script execution, 16 Script setup: generating HTML, strings, 21 writein() method, write() method, HTML document and: generally, 15 hello.html file, 15 script execution, 16 syntax issues: case sensitivity, 17 comments, 19 reserved words, <script> tag, semicolons, 18 statements, 18 whitespace, 17 <script> tag, 19 20, 112 Scrolling in windows, , ScrollTo() method, Search and replace methods, Search() method, , Search patterns, options used for modifying, 400 Secure attribute, 482 Select object: input devices for forms, programming, methods, 305 multiple selects, overview, 304 properties, Selectors, Semicolons, 18 Server: communication between server and script: environment variables, HTML file with link to CGI script, overview, cookies retrieved from, HTTP server, root directory, file URLs and server s, 611 SMTP server, SSI (Server Side Includes), SetInterval() method, SetTimeout() method, Shift() method, 162 Shockwave Flash, checking for, 208 Shortcut assignment operators, Siblings, 543 Sign-propagating right shift (>>) operator, 82 Simple CGI script, Simple HTML document, Single quotation mark (\' ), 32 Sizing and placing graphics and images, Slice() method, Slide show creation, SMTP server and form processing, Social Security numbers, checking for valid, Source code, 602 Spaces and dashes in forms, removing, 453 <span> tag, Special operators, 91 Splice() method: array objects, String object, 187 Split() method, , Square root, 174 Src property, replacing images dynamically with, SSI (Server Side Includes), Statements, 18 Stein, Lincoln, 661 String literals, String manipulation methods, 184 String object: charat() method,

20 728 Index String object (cont.): extraction of substrings from a string, methods for, HTML methods, indexof() method, lastindexof() method, length property, match() method, methods, overview, , 408 position in a string, finding, properties, prototype property, 179, 181 replace() method, , , search and replace methods, search() method, , splice() method, 187 split() method, , string manipulation methods, 184 substring() method, 187 substr() method, with keyword, 197 Strings, 21 bugs to watch out for, 44 comparing, concatenation of, 21, 34 conversion to numbers, 85 87, eval() method used to convert strings to numbers, parseint() method used to convert strings to numbers, using quotes with, 21 Style object, CSS: color changed with classname property, overview, properties, text positioned with style property, Style sheets, CSS. See CSS. overview, 495 positioning elements and layers absolute positioning, bottom attribute, <div> tag, left attribute, overview, relative positioning, right attribute, top attribute, z-index, types of, Submit() method: CGI.pm module, 692 submitting fillout forms, Submitting fillout forms: with button input type, with event handlers, image, submitting form with, with JavaScript, overview, pop-up window, displaying form content in, reset() method, submit() method, Substring() method, 187 Substr() method, Switch statement, Syntax issues: case sensitivity, 17 comments, 19 reserved words, <script> tag, semicolons, 18 statements, 18 whitespace, 17 T Tab (\t), 32 Tables, 588 Tags: <BODY> tag, 586 <HEAD> tag, 585, 586 HTML, 612, <HTML> tag, 585 order of required elements and their tags, 585 overview, 584 required elements, 585 to separate text, 587 <TITLE> tag, 585 Test() method, Text alignment properties, Text alternative for graphics and images, creating, 592 Textarea object, Textfield() method, Text object,

21 Index 729 Text positioned with style property, This keyword, , Timed events, creating, <TITLE> tag, 585 ToFixed() method, Toolbars, collapsing, Tool tips, Top attribute, Top property used to keep main window out of a frame, Troubleshooting, Turning off cookies, 478 Type attribute, Typeof operator, 35 36, 112 U Unescape() function, Unshift() method, 162 URLs, , User-defined function, 133 User-defined objects: creating, 133 methods defined for an object, new operator, 131 Object() constructor, object literals, user-defined function used to create, 133 \uxxxx escape sequence, 33 V Validation of forms: alphabetic characters, checking for, addresses, checking, empty fields, checking for, overview, 319 password fields, checking, Valid names for variables, Valid type of credit card, checking for, Variables: bugs to watch out for, 44 concatenation and, conversion to data types, declaring, global variables, 42 initializing, invalid names for, 38 local variables, 42 loosely typed language, JavaScript as, overview, 37 scope of, 42, valid names for, Version of browser, 205 Versions of JScript, 6 Visibility, setting, Visibility property: drop-down menus, overview, 569 tool tips, W W3C and DOM, 253 Web resources, 581 While loop, Whitespace, 17 Window events: blur() method, focus() method, list of, 361 onblur event handler, onfocus event handler, onload event handler, onload() method, 363 onunload event handler, onunload() method, 363 overview, Window object: history object, methods, opening windows, open() method, overview, 214 properties, resizing a window, screen object, scrolling in windows, scrollto() method, setinterval() method, settimeout() method, timed events, creating, With keyword, 197 World Wide Web Consortium, 253 Wrapper objects: Boolean object, Function object, Number object, overview, 177 String object,

22 730 Index WriteIn() method, Write() method, 21 23, X \XXX escape sequence, 33 \xxx escape sequence, 33 Z Zero-fill right shift (>>>>) operator, 82 Zero-width assertions, Z-index: described, and dynamic positioning, Zip codes, checking for numeric,

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