GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 38. Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others

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1 GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 38. Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others The National Archives National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1963

2 This finding aid, prepared tinder the direction of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association, has been reproduced by the National Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records in its custody. The microfilm described in this list has been deposited in the National Archives by the American Historical Association and may be identified as Microcopy No. T-501. It may be consulted at the National Archives. A price list appears on the last pages. Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibits and Publications Division, National Archives, Washington 25, D. C. Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other guides of the same series may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizure is not believed to divest their original owners of any literary property rights in them. Anyone, therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permission of their authors may be held liable for infringement of such literary property rights.

3 MSiaCAI HISTORICAL ASSOCIAT GUIDES TO azbi'ait RECORDS laorofilmud AT A12XAKDHIA, VA. No. 33. Records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others


5 THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (AHA) COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF '*J& DOCUMENTS GUIDES TO GERMAN KBCUSPg MIGROFIITOAT^ ALEXANDRIA, VA. This is part of a series of guides prepared "by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alexandria, Va., "by the American Historical Association Microfilming Project. An American Committee for the Study of War Documents was established in 1955 as a private group of scholars interested in documentary research and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositories. In 1956, the American Committee became a committee of the American Historical Association. Its present chairman is Professor Oron J. Hale, University of Virginia, who was preceded by Dean Reginald E. Phelps, Harvard University, and Professor Lynn M. Case, The University of Pennsylvania. An initial Ford Foundation grant and additional funds provided by the Old Dominion Foundation, the Lilly Endowment and the Avalon Foundation enabled the Committee to undertake the cataloguing and microfilming of declassified German records in the custody of the World War II Records Division of the National Archives (previously TACK), Departmental Records Branch), at Alexandria, Virginia. The plans for screening and microfilming these materials were prepared by a Subcommittee on Microfilming under the chairmanship to the end of 195& of Professor E. Malcolm Carroll, Duke University, and his successor, Dr. Fritz T. Epstein, The Library of Congress. The microfilming teams in Alexandria, Virginia, was under the direction of Professor Gerhard L. Weinberg of the University of Michigan in 195t>/57» of Dr» Dagmar Horna Perrnan from 1957 to September 1959, of Mr. James G. McDowell from September 1959 *o August 1960, and is now under the supervision of Dr. Willard Allen Fletcher of the University of Colorado. The American Historical Association expresses its appreciation for the cooperation given to its Committee for the Study of War Documents "by the staff of the National Archives, especially its World War II Records Division, and "by the U.S. Department of the Army. Washington, D.C., 1961 Dr. Boyd C. Shafer Executive Secretary, AHA III

6 PREVIOUSLY PUBLISHED GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. 1. I- 71, Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium) P» ^, Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom (Reichskommissar fiir die Festigung deutschen Volkstums) p. 3. T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). Part I. 195S. 5-. T- 76, Records of the Organisation Todt p. lul p. 5. T- 8>U, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part I). 195'3» 15 P» , Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Par East l6l p. 7. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Uberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part I. 1959» 222 p. 8. T- 8*1, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II) p. 9. T-253, Records of Private German Individuals p. 10. T- 73, Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichsministeriiim fiir Riistung und Kriegsproduktion). 1959* 109 P» 11. T-178, Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices. 1 ( 359» IS P«12. T~ 78, Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part I. 13. T-177, Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministeriura). 1959* 3^ p. 1959* 19 P» li. T-312, Records of German Field Coirjnarids, Armies (Part I). 1959«6l p. 15. T-179, Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates ^9. I p. 16. T- 81, Records of the Deutschas Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part I: Records on Resettlement P» 17. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkonmianda der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part II. I p» 18. T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (O'berkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part III. I p , Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (OberkoKmando der Wehrmacht/OEW) Part IV p* 20. T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part II ^5 p«21. T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part II: The General Records p , Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda Ul p. 23. T- 83, Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises, ^ p. 2U. T-321, Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command (Oberkoramando der Luftwaffe/OKL) p Mf05, German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommados, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Humanien kl p. 26. T-H01, Records of Reich Office for Soil Exploration (Reichsaiat fiir Bodenforgchung). 19ol. 11 p. 27. T-35^» Miscellaneous S3 Records: Einwanderersentralstelle, Waffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte. 19ol. 3^ P» 28. T-45^, Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Reichsministerium fiir die besetzten Ostgebiete), 19U1-U p. 29. T- 78, Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part II U p. 30. T- 7 g» Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part III p. 31. T-U59, Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States (Reichskommissar fiir das Ostland), ^Ul-lMi p. 32. T-175» Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuhrer SS und Chef der Peutschsn Polizsi) Part I p< 33. T-175, Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuhrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei) Part II T- 79, Records of German Army Area.s (Wehrkreise) p. 89 p, 35. T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part III p. 36. T- SU, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part III) l p. 37. T-608, Records of Headquarters, German Navy High Command (OKM) p. IV

7 P E B F A C B This Guide is one of a series of finding aids describing those declassified seized German records deposited at the World War II Records Division, National Archives, which have "been microfilmed "by the Microfilming Project of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of the American Historical Association. The Guide contains the text of data sheets identifying records filmed. A copy of the data sheets has "been filmed as a target sheet at the "beginning of each roll of film. The present Guide covers 3 rolls of film of records of German Field Commands: Rear Areas, Occupied Territories, and Others. The collection offers a wealth of documentation for research on every German occupation zone of World War II. The composition of the material is quite varied, ranging from war diaries and routine reports of area commands and occupation units to comprehensive political and economic studies on major aspects of German occupation practices and experiences. Moreover, virtually every type of activity from political and economic warfare to partisan operations to ethnic persecution may "be studied and documented in these records. It may "be noted that material relative to Poland, Russia, France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark and the Balkans is especially extensive. The terms "Serial" and "Roll" in this Guide refer to the sequence of the film. The "Item" number is the identification symbol on the original folder within the records collection. "Provenance" indicates, where ascertainable, the archival origin of the document whose description follows. The symbol "" means that the folder has been filmed throughout, the symbol "FS" denotes that the folder has been filmed selectively. "1st frame" gives the frame number of the first page of the folder. Every exposure has been given a frame number consecutively by roll in the filming operation. A frame number enclosed in parenthesis gives the last page of a roll. German file numbers, whenever ascertainable, have also been included. The "Notes" provide a general idea of the nature of the materials but should not be taken as exhaustive descriptions. The researcher is urged to check the entire Guide. The original records have been returned to the Federal Republic of Germany. The microfilms are deposited in the National Archives, Washington, D.C., as microcopy T-501, and should be requested by adding "T-501" to the rolls desired. The descriptions were prepared by Dr. Miriam Haskett, Mr. Frederick Dumin and Dr. Willard Allen Fletcher. Willard Allen Fletcher, 196!


9 Provenance Befehlshaber des riickvisrtigen Eeeresgebietes Mitte/Ia Befehlshaber des rackwartigen Heeresgebietes Mitte/Qjzartiermeister BefehlshalDer des ruck- 1^768/2 wartigen HeeresgeMetes JTord/Ia Filmed 1st 3TT 318 (675) *768/3 8*1-5 frame 1^768/5 992 (1232) Notes 1 Folder entitled "Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstage"buch Nr. 1" of Befh.d. riickw.h.-ge'b. Mitte/Ia, containing reports on Sauberungsaktionen undertaken "by various units of the F e ldgendarmerie f Korps- Regiment- and Sonderbefehle, report on activities of Polizeiregiment Mitte, summaries of Partisanenvernehmungen, reports on troop training for partisan warfare, as well as photographs of the ceremony transferring the area from the command of Gen. d. Inf. von Echenckendorff to Gauleiter Kube. 1 Sep-31 Dec 19^-1, Folder entitled ".Anlagen. Sonderband zum Kriegstagebuch Ur, l n of Bsfh. d.riickw.h.-g-e'b. Mitte/Ia, containing Tagesmeldungen, Zehntagemeldungen u, Lagekarten, G-efechts- u* VerpflegungsstSrken, Kriegsranglisten, Verlustlisten and also Ic Tatigkeitsterichte. 15 Mar-31 Dec 19^1. Folder entitled "Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegstagetuch Ur«1" of Befh.d. ruckw.h.-g-e'b. Mitte/Ia, containing Zorpstefehle, data on G-liederungen der Urdnungspolizei xind der Sicherheitspolizei, Zusatze z.d. Eichtlinien f.d. Ausbildung der Sicherungsdivisionen und der dem Befh.d.riickw.H.-G-e'b. unterstehenden Krafte s as well as information on the Ubergateverhandlungen of the area to Gauleiter Kube* 21 Mar-31 Aug 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d. riickw.h.-ge'b. Mitte/Qu., containing the KTB of the command as well as Lagefcericht of Wi«In. Mitte Fli. Chef to i. Sta"b Ost Bartenstein, 22 Jul 19^-1, and Tatigkeitsoerichte of Qw.. 15 Mj^w"31 Dec Folder from the files of Befiud.riickw.H.-Ge'b. 2?ord/Ia, containing the KTB of Abt. la, 22 Jun-31 Dec 19^1, and also the following Anlagen: Offiziersstellenbesetzung des Befh.d.H»-Gel3» Stand vom 20. VI. 5-1; Geschaftseinteilung des Stabes 3efh.d.riickw.H.-Ge"b. Kord; Tatiskeits"berichte Befh.d.riickw. H^GelD. 101, Tatigkeitsoerichte B e fh.d.h.-geld. Iord/Ic/IA.O.; Tatigkeits^erichte of Abt. Ic; data on Kriegsgliederungen, as well as German official proclamations in Lithuanian, Russian and German. 22 Jun~7 Aug Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Nord/Ia, entitled Anlagen"band zum Kriegstagebuch and containing reports of Abt. Ic/A.O*, a copy of "Srfahrungen des Ostfeldzuges" issued Tsy GenStdH/AusTD.Abt., Richtlinien fiir die Tatigkeit der Feld- u. Ortskommandanturen issued "by Befh.d.riickw.H.-Ge'b. lord, Korps"befehle on PartisanenTDekS-mpfung, Offiziersstellenbesetzung des Stabes des Befh.d. riickw.h.-geb Stand vom 20. Juli 19^1, and also an order for the Sauberung of the Pleskau area. 10 Aug-30 Sep 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Ge'b. Kord/Ia, containing apparently a Aalage zum K1B of Abt. /la composed of Monatsberichte der Abt. la and Abt.Ic, as well as Kurzer Tatigkeitsbericht fiir Dez. 19^1 der Abt. Ic/A.O., Tatigkeit sberichte der Abt. ITc, correspondence and reports concerning the

10 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Continued Befehlshaber des rttckr wartigen HeeresgeMetes lord/ic Befehlshaber des riickwartigen Heeresgebietes Uord/Ia Befehlshaber des riickw&rtigen Heeresgebietes Kord/IVa/Intendant Befehlshaber des rdckwartigen Hseresgebietes Sud/Quartiermeister Befehlshaber des riickwartigen Heeresgebietes 103/Ia 1^ /1 1553S/ / /1* l6^k)7/l IT 996 (1322) l SU possible transfer of the Werro district to EKO jurisdiction and the opposition of the military to such a step, maps showing Einsatz of troops under the command of Befh.d.riickw.H.-G-eb. Nord, copy of "Weihnacht im Osten" issued "by Einheit der Feldpostnummer Sep 1 *U-1 Jan 19*12. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-G-eb. ilord/ic, containing G-eh.Komrnandosachen u» Greheimsachen of Abt. Ic for its KTB. The material is composed of a variety of material, pertaining primarily to the jurisdiction of the Abt. Ic, the SD and the G5!Pj included are also Tatigkeitsberichte of O.Qu. for Bee 19^41, reports on interrogation of partisans and Erfahrungen "bei der Pcxv-isanenbekampfung. 21 Mar~19 Oct 19^-1 Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Ge'b. Nord/Ia, conts^ning reports of the commeiid to Heeresgrappenkoxornando Nord/Ia, for the period 25 Jun-8 Dec 19^1. Folder from the files of B e fh.d.riickw.h.-geb. Nord/IVa/Int., containing Tatigkeitsberichte of Abt. IVa/Int. as well as "Beitrage z.d. besonderen Aaordnnngen f.d. Versorgung. H IS Mar-31 Dec 19^4-1. Foldar from the files of Befh.d.rilckw.H.-Geb. Siid/Qu, containing the KTB Nr Jun-31 Dec 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Oeb. Siid/tju, containing Anlage 1 z» KT3, chiefly composed of "Besondere.Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung u.d. Versorgungstruppen, lf reports of the veterinary officer and the sanitation officer. 21 Juu-lU Aug 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riick^.H.-G-eb. Siid/Qu, containing the following Anlagen to the KTB: "Besnndere Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung; M instruction on PoW treatment; "Besprechung am ^1 betr. Fragen der Zusamiaenarbeit mit der Wi.In.-Sud zwischen G-en.d.Inf. Friderici, General- It. Stieler von Heydekampf, Oberst i.g. von Krosigk, Obstlt. i.g. Steinbeck and K.7. Abt. Chef Dr. Pagenkopf; Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. Qn, correspondence of the command with Dtsche Heeresmission in Humanien. 15 Aug-31 Dec 19*41. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-G-eb. Siid/Qu, containing the following Anlagen to the KQ : Besondere Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung; Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. s^u Dec 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Siid/Qra, containing Anlagen to the KTB comdosed of Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. IVa and of Riickw.H.-Geb. 103 an^ Kar-15 Jun 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-G-eb. 103/Ia, containing Tatigkeitesberichte of Abt. la pertaining to personnel attached to security divisions. Included is also a transcript of "Besprechung bei

11 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes OKH/Oh H Rust u. BdE im Allgemeinen Heeresamt/Abt. la. lf Among those who participated were Obstlt. i.g. Reinhardt, Maj. von Criegern, Maj. Graf von Stauffanberg, Hptm. Sass (2** Apr 19^*1). The foldsr also contains a series of Stabsbefehlen. 13 Mar-21 Jun 19 1 *!. 1* Befehlshaber des ruck- l6^0?/ Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. 103, containing the KTB wartigen Heeresgebietes (1272) for the period 22 Jun-31 Dec 19!*! *07/3 1 Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb, 103, containing Anlagenband 1 to KTB Nr. 1 composed of Morgen- Abend- u. Sondermeldungen of Abt. la of the various security divisions as well as correspondence marked "Chefsache 11 pertaining to the announcement of time and p].a.ce of Operation Barbarossa. 21 Jun-1 Jul 19U1. 161^7/1* 389 tfolcer from tha files of 103, containing Anlagenband 2 to KTB Nr. 1. The material is composed of Tagesmeldungen of the command to -ADK 17 and of Sicherungsdivisionen to Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb. 103; Sonderbefehle and Stabsbefehle on the treatment of Ukrainians and the like, as well as correspondence on cooperation between German, Hungarian and Slovak troops. 2 Jul-9 M 19^1 161*07/5 659 Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb. 103, containing Anlagenband 3 to KTB Nr. 1. The material is composed of reports of the Sicherungsdivisionen, Korpsbefehle, Stabsbefehle, Aaordnuiigen and Richtlinien pertaining to the "Behandlung dsr Kollectivfrage," transfer of the territory of H.- Geb. Siid incorporated into Reichskommissariat Ukraine, administrative affairs in riickw.h.-geb. 103, charts on Unterstellungsverhaltnisse of the various units in the command area, as well as correspondence between General von Roques and the commanding officer of the Royal Hungarian Carpathian Group. 10 Aug-17 Sep 19^*1. lo^j-u Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. 103, containing Anlagen- (ll*06) band 1* to KTB Nr. 1. Included are reports of Abt. la, reports on transfer of Hungarian, Slovak and Rumanian troops, instructions on Partisanenmeldung and Partisanenbekampfung, as well as reports pertaining to the attitude of the population. 18 Aug-4 Oct19!*!. 1 Folder from the files of Befh.d.r\ickw.H,~Geb. 103, containing Anlagenband 5 to KTB Nr. 1. The folder includes a "Bericht iiber den linsatz der verstarkten Sicherungs-JDivision W* in the Dnjepr-Niederung in der Zeit vom 9» bis *1, H miscellaneous orders on transport arrangements for POWs and on "Sicherstellung der Archive," daily reports to H.Gr. Slid, memorandum on "Besprechung mit Hdh.SS u. Pol.Fuhrer" on the deployment of police forces, as well as "Zustandsberichte der Sich.-Div. Wi-" and daily reports of Gruppe von Ronues* 5-26 Oct

12 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 6 Befehlshaber des nick- 16^07/8 337 wartigen Heeresgebietes 103 Befehlshaber des riickw&rtigen HeeresgeMetes 103/Ic 16U07/9 16^07/ ( U07/ Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-GeD. 103» containing Anlagenhand 6 to KOB Nr. 1. The folder includes daily reports to H.Gr. Sud/Ia/Ib from Befh.d.ruckw.H.~Geb. Slid/la, with reports on the shooting of partisans and Jews and on various Sauberungsaktionen. Additional material consists of correspondence with Dtsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, "Besondare Anordnungen, '' instructions for the "Srfassung von Juden- und FeindvermSgen, lf reports on the commitment of Rumanian security forces "between Bug and Dnjepr, as well as correispondence with the Royal Hungarian Carpathian Group. 27 Oct~20 lov 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw»H»~Geb. 103, containing Anlagenband 7 to ^GS jtfr, 1. The folder includes reports on partisan interrogations, on mop-up operations, daily reports of security divisions, daily reports to H.Gkr. Siid/Ia, activity reports of Befh.d.rpckw.H.Greo. Siid/Ia, 10-day reports of Abt. Ic to UKH/Gen.Q,u. 20 L r ov-20 Dec 19^1. Folder from the files of 3efh.d.ruckvj.H.~Oeb. 103, containing Anlagen"band 8 to K2B Br. 1, Included are corps orders, dally reports, special reports on ethnic Germans submitted by Dr, Stumpp, a Sonderfuhrer and Referentar vrlth the command, as well as activity reports of Abt. la Dec 19U1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Ge'b. 103, containing Anlagenband 9 to KT3 Sir. 1. Included are "Bes. Anordnungen iiber die Luftaufklarung, H "Unterstellungsverhaltnisse der Luftwaffenver"bande, n "Bes. Aaordnungen fiir die Sicherung der ruckwartigen Heeresgebiete bei Fortsetzung der Uperationen, lf "SS, Pol. und Grenzsperre im Sinsatzfall," directive on the cooperation of Sonderverbande of RF-SS and the Army, letter of Chef d. Ordnungspolisei listing the administrative staffs of the police in the ruckw.geb. 103, Kriegsgliederungen of Army and SD units, "Richtlinien fiir das Verhalten der Truppen in Russland," "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Sicherung der riickvjartigen Armeegetieten nach Operationsoeginn," "Bes. Anoronungen f. Verwendung u, Abschub von Kriegsgefangenen," "Bes. Anordnungen f. Grenzschutz," "Vorbereitung Barbarossa" with mimeographed instructions for the closing of the Polish border, reports on inspections made by various officers of Befh.d.ruckw.E.-Geb.l03. Most of the items in the foldsr are marked Geheime Reichssache or Chefsache. 3 Apr-25 uct 19>41. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Ge'b. 103/Ic, containing Tatigkeitsberichte and Lageberichte of Abt. Ic, as well as copies of talks given on the general political situation. 5 Apr-19 Jun

13 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Continued 7 Befehlshaber des riick- 16^07/17 wartigen Heeresgebietes 103/10 Befehlshaber des riickwartigen Heeresgebietes 103/Abt. IV/Intendant Befehlshaber des ruckwartigen Heeresgebietes Nord FS 16H07/ /1 1S320/ / /^ 18320/5 Befehlshaber des riick /6 wartigen Heeresgebietes lord/ia Befehlshaber des riick /2 wartigen Heeresgebietes Nord/Ic 8 Befehlshaber des riickw. 18^6/1 HeeresgeMetes Nord/Quartiermeister 1SUU6/2 1SHU6/3 317 *4-*4-5 7) * (1371) Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw. H.-Geb. 103/1 c, containing reports on interrogations of prisoners, Ic daily reports, an order concerning the "Bewaf f nung des ukrainischen Selbstschutz, 1f as well as leaflets in German end BXLSsian warning the civilian population against extending aid tp partisans or paratroopers. 21 Jun-31 && 19*4-1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb. 103/Ic, containing reports on interrogations of high-level prisoners, instructions relative to the treatment of the local population and of ethnic Germans, as well as Ic reports. 1 Sep-31 Dec 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riicfcw. H.-Geb. 103/IV/Int., containing Tatigkeitsbericht ITr. 2, 16 Oct-31 Dec Folder from the files of Befh.d. riickw. H.-Geb. Nord, containing KTB Ir.l. 1 Jan-31 Mar 19^2. Folder from the files of Bef h. d. riickw. H.-Geb. Hord, containing a "Kriegsrangliste samtlicher Uffiziere u. Beamten im Offiziersrang. " 15 Mar-31 Dec 19^1. Folder from the files of Befh.d. riickw. H.-Geb. Hord, containing a "Kriegsrangliste samtlicher Offiziere u. Beamten im Offiziersrang." 1 Jan-31 Mar 19*4-2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw. H.-Geb. Nord, containing data on Verpflegungs star ken of the command. 22 Jun-31 Dec 19*4-1. Folder from the files of Befh.d. riickw. H.-Geb. itford, containing data on Verpflegungs starken of the command. 1 Jan-31 Mar 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.d. riickw. H.-Geb. Hord/Ia, containing a -Anlagenband to the KTB. The material includes activity reports of Abt. Ic/A.O., Stabsbefehle, Lageberichte on the general political situation in eastern Europe, and also reports on combat operations of security divisions against partisans, with statistics on FOWs and civilians shot. 1 Jan-31 Mar 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb. Hord/Ic, containing a Sondermappe to the KTB, with la reports and Ic daily reports. 1 Jul-30 Sep Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb. Kord/Qu, containing KTB ITr Jan-31 Mar 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb. lord/qu, containing -Anlagen to KTB Sir. 2, consisting of reports on transportation, Grenzschutz, and personnel transfer. 1 Dec 19^1-21 Mar 19*4-2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb. Mbrd/Qa, containing "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung. " 1 Jan-31 Mar 19*4-2. Folder from the files of Befh.d. riickw. E.-Geb. Ford/Qu, containing activity reports of Abt.IVa as well as addenda to the t'bp.g, -Anordnunfiren f.d. V«r-

14 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlehaber des ruck /1 wartigen HeerssgeMetes Mitte 18916/2 Befehlshaber des ruckwartigen Heeresgebietes Mitte/Quartiermeister Befehlshaber des riickwartigen Heeresgetietos 1SW+6/ /7 876 Befehlshaber des riick /9 985 wartigen Heeresgebietes (lm-36) Uord/Ic Befehlshaber des ruck /1 wartigen Heeresgetietes ijord/ia 21287/2 316 Wehrmacht-Befehlshaber Ukraine/Transportoffizier 30 Befehlshaber des riick- 2226U/1* wartigen Heeresgebietes 2226^/2 839 Stid/Quartiermeister (1299) Befehlshaber des nick /1 wartigen Heeresget>ietes Siid/Ia sorgung. " 1 Jan-31 Mar Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Get. Mitte, containing KTB Nr. 1 of the Bezirkskommandant for POWs of the command, 2^ Jan-31 Mar 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.rUckw.H.-Get>. Mitte, containing An~ lagen to the KTB, consisting of activity reports, reports on inspection tours of various POW camps, reports on talks with representatives of the OKW, OKH, Kgf.Kdrs. Ostland and Bv.T.O. Mitte concerning the removal of prisoners to rear areas, k Jul 19^1-31 Mar 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-G-eTD. Mitte/Qu, containing Kartenanlagen to KTB Nr. 2, Versorgungskarten, and administration of POV compounds. 10 Jan-13 Mar 19^-2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Ge"b, Nord/Ia, consisting of la reports to H.Gr.lTord/Ia and to OKH/GeaStdH/Gen.Qu/K.Verw. k Jan-31 Mar Folder from the files of Befh.d.rtickw.H.-Ge'b. Nord/Ic, marked Geheimakten and containing UKH "Aassenpolitische ITbersichten, " Feindlagekarten, interrogation transcripts, papers of enemy deserters, Erfahrungsberichte, "Gesamtzahl der erschossenen Rotarmisten und Partisanen, " "Bericht iiber Einsatztrupps," Propagandaweisungen, instructions pertaining to the treatment of U. S. citizens in eastern Europe and of Ukrainian POWs. 1 Apr 19^1-31 Mar 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickv.H.-Ge'b. lonl/ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of Ic and III.O., activity reports, Stabstefehle, Korpsbefehle, Stellentesetzungen, reports on combat operations against partisans, maps showing the location of the untits of the command, reports on German propaganda activities in the command area, as well as reports on public opinion in Estonia. 1 Apr-30 Jun 19^42. Folder from the files of Befh.d. ruckw.h.-get. Hord/Ia, containing a Sondermappe to the KTB, consisting of la daily reports for the period 1 Apr- 30 Jun 19^2. Folder from the files of W.Befli.Ukraine/T.U. 30, containing activity reports for the period 1 Aug 19^1-31 Jul 19^2. Two folders from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Gelu Sud/Qu, containing activity reports, Zustaiidsberichte, "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung u. Versorgungstruppen, " and Abt. IVc activity reports. 2226U/1 if Mar-15 May 19^ U/2 16 May-31 Jul 19*12. Folder from the files of Befh.d. ruckw.h.-geb. Siid/Ia, containing Tatigkeitsberichte of the command for the period 1 Jan-Jl May

15 Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber dee ruck- see lelow viartigen Heeresgebietes Siid/Ia /2, 22571/3, 22571/li-, 22571/ /6, 22571/7, 22571/S, 22571/9, 22571/ /11, 22571/12, 22571/ / /16 Befehlshaber des ruck /1 wartigen Heeresgebietes Nord/Ia 13 Befehlshaber des ruck /1 wartigen HeeresgeMetes Iord/ : 3uartiermeister 23107/3 see "below 13, 331, 682, 1022 (1^37) 1, 295, 589, 82^, 1135 (1^66) 1, !* 1120 (1371) Twelve folders from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb. Siid/Ia, containing Anlagen to the la Tatigkeitsbericht, consisting of Kriegsgliederungen, i)-3?age Meldungen, Tagesmeldungen, G-ebietsanderungen, Abgrenzungen, Karten, reposts on combat operations against partisans, coastal defenses, Briickensicherungj Verteidigung, Versprengten Aaffang, Zustaadsberichte, Stellenbesetzung, Marschbewegungj and the like. Jan-May Jan 191*2. Jan 19^2 - Heft 2. Jan 19^2 - Heft 3. Fe"b Feb 19^2 - Heft 2. Mar 19^2. Mar 19^2 - Heft 2. Apr 19)4-2 - Heft 2. May May 19^2 - Heft 2. May 19^2 - Heft 3. Folder from the files of Befh.d.rvickw.H.-Greb. Siid/Ia containing a Aaszug aus dem ODsrations-Ta^aliuch der 105. Honved Inf. Brig. 23 Oct 8 Jan 191*2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-G-elD. Siid/Ia, containing the Funf te zusammenf aasende Meld'ons der ung. leichten Div Fel>-31 Mar Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-G-elD. lord/la, containing Anlagen to the KTB, and consisting of Korpsbefehle, Tatigkeitsoerichte Ic/A.0., Kriegsgliederungen, Monatsberichte Ic, Monatsberichte 111*0, reports on operations against partisans, Tatigkeitsberichte ITb and G-1P, command of estnischer Selbstschutz, maps locating partisan groups, and the like. 1 Jul-30 Sep 19^2* Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Ge'b. Nord/Qu, containing the KTB for the period 1 Apr-30 Sep 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb. Nord/Qu, consisting of Anlagen to the KTB. The material contains the following: Lageberichte of Verbindungsoffizier d. Befh. Bstland zum Generalkommissar Sstland, Tatigkeitsberichte of Abt. W.U.G-., Kriegsstarkenachweisungen, "Wachvorschrift fiir Kgf. Lager," Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. Qu, "Einstellung russischer Kgf. in der U.K. A.," Beitrage zum KTB of Verbindungsoffizier b. Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Oeb.iTord, reports on the subordinate security, divisions in the area. 1 Apr-20 Jun

16 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes Befehlshaber des ruck /^t wartigen Heeresgebietes Nor d/ t i erme i s t e r 23107/ / /7, 23107/S 23107/9, 23107/ /11, 23107/ /13, 23107/1^, 23107/ / /17 3S7, , 1236 (1323) 1, , SU2, Two folders from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.~Geb.iJOT&/Qp., containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of correspondence on Soldatenheime in the Riga area, Tatigkeitsberichte of A bt. W.u.G-., "Niederschrift tiber die Besprechung der KV-3esiaten am 6.9-^2 in Pleskau, n reports on the Ukrainian Selbstschutz, monthly reports on strength of Kgf. contingents /U 20 Jun-1 Oct. 19^ /5 15 May-18 Aug 19H2. Folder from the files of B e fh.d.ruckw.e.-geb.!tord/c&i, containing correspondence on Truppenunterkunft and Truppenerholungslieime. 21 Aug-1 Get 19^2. Two folders from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-G-eb.Kord^Qu, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of Besprechungsnotizen and Besprechungsptinkte of O.Qy.. conferences /7 kl. Apr-18 Sep 1$U /S 29 Jun-lS Sep 19^2. Two folders from the files of Befh.d.rackw.H.-Gre'b.lJorcL/^a, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of "Bes. Anordmingen" of Kommandierender G-eneral der Si che rungs truppen u. BefehlshaTDer im Heeresge'oiet Uord/ Abt. ^i /9 1 Apr-26 Sep 19^ /10 13 May-26 Sep 19^2. Two folders from the files of s efh.d»ru.ckw.h.-geo.iford/*iu, containing Tatigkeits"berichts of Abt. IVa es well as IVb and lyc "Beitrage z.d. Bes. Aiiordnungen f.d. Versprguiig. " 23107/11 1 ^pr-30 Sep /12 1 Kay-30 Sep 15^2. Four folders from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Ge'b.ITord/^u., containing Versorgtmgskarten. 25 Mar-12 Aug Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Ge'b.Nord/Qa, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of monthly reports of Wi.In.lTord for the period 1 Mar-31 Aug 19^2. Folder from the files of B e fh.d.ruckw.h.-geb.i;tord/qa, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of "Verwaltungs-Anordnungen" of the office of Kom.Oen.d.Sich.Tr.u.Befh.i.H.-Ge'b.Uopd. 17 Apr-10 ^ Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckur.H.-fie'b.K'ord, Qa, containing Anlagen to the KIEB, consisting of Lageberichte of Ifara* P«a. d. Sich. Tr.u.Befh. i.h.-geb.norfl. 15 Apr-1^

17 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes * Befehlshaber des ruck /23 wartigen Heeresgebietes Uord/Qaartiermeister Befehlshaber des ruckwar ti gen Heeresgebietes Mitte/Ia 21*693/2, 2^*693/3 Befehlshaber des rtickwartigen Heeresgebietes Mitte/Ha Befehlshaber des riickwartigen Heeresgebietes Mitte/Quartiermeister Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ia 21*693/5 2U693/6 2512^/2, 2512V3 2512l*/l+ 2512l*/ U/ U/18 128U 1288 (11*06) 1, 1*31 7S7 8^9 (12^2) 135, S, (1190) 1 1* * (1530) Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb.Nord/Qjii, containing Anlagen to the EEB r consisting of maps showing the location of Dulag and Stalag camps in the command area* 1 May-6 Jim 19^2* Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.K.-Ge'b. Mitte/Ia, containing the KTB for the period 1 Jan-30 Jun 19^2. Two folders from the files of Befh.d,riickw.H.-&eb. Mitte/Ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of maps and reports on operations against partisans, proposed plans for the destruction of partisan groups in the rear areas of H.-OreTD. Mitte and in rear areas of various armies. The proposed plans are signed "by v» Schenkendorff, along with an order "by him forbidding troops to participate in actions by SD linsatztruppen, 1 Jan-30 Jun 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-G-eb.Mitte/IIa, containing Tatigkeitsberichte for the period 1 Jan-30 Jun Folder from the files of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Geb.Mitte/Qn, containing the KTB for the period 1 Jan-30 Jun 19*42* Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing the K B and Anlagen consisting of Korpsbefehle and M Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung. " 1-30 Jun TWO folders from the files of Befh.H.-G-eb.B/Ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of reports from subordinate units on combat operations against partisans as well as correspondence with Hungarian units engaged in similar operations in the area Jun 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.~Geb.B/Ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of sabotage reports of FK 77^, Pz.Kp. ^ty bei Sich.Div. 1*5**. 18 Dec 191*1-31 Jul 19U2. Two folders from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB on Marschbewegungen. 9 Jun-31 Jul Folder from the files of Sefh.K.-Geb.B/la, containing Anlagen to the KEB, consisting of la and Ic daily reports. 28 Jun-31 Jul 19^*2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing Aniagen to the KTB, consisting of Zustandsberichte, monthly reports of H.Gr.Nord, Offizier- Stellenbesetzungslisten, as well as maps sho\ the supposed distribution of partisan groups and units engaged in combat operations against them Folder from the files of Befh.H.-(Jeb.B/Ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB on Marschbewegungen. 1-31

18 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 10 IS IS Befehlshaber Heeres- 2512*4/17 ^ gebiet B/Ia 2512*4/ *4/ *4/2*4 rt 2512^/ H/ S Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing daily reports of subordinate units Aug 19*42. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing Tatigkeitsberichte la/mess as well as reports on Feldgendarmerie operations against partisans/ 1-31 Aug 19*42. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing reports on the conmitment of forces of the command within, as well as outside, the command area. May 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, pertaining to Nauausstattung gem. OKE/Gen.Qu. 19 Get 19^1-21 May 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, pertaining to "Srkundung iiber Unterbringung von Legionen Mai 19^ May 19*42. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB on matters of establishment and reorganization of units. 1 Jan-1 Jul Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ic 2512*4/ *4/ *4/30 Kommandierender G-eaeral 263*43/2 der Sicherungstruppen und Bei'ehlshaber im Eeeresgebiet Eord Befehlshaber des ruck wartigen Heeresgebiet Siid/ Militarverwaltung/Abt.VII Koinnandierender General der Sicherungstruppen und Befehlshaber im Heeres /2 gebiet Don Befehlshaber Heeres gebiet A/Quartiermeister cont. 120*4 (12UO) * *41 (1630) 1 Folder from the files of 3 e fh.h.-geb.b/ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting chiefly of correspondence between the command of ^eneral Friderici and subordinate Hungarian and Italian forces. 2*4 May-10 Jul 19*42i Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ic, containing Ic and Ic/A.0. Tatigkeitsberichte as well as Ic daily reports Jun 19^2» Folder from the files of B e fh.h.-geb.b/ic, containing Ic Tatigkeitsberichte with a map marked "Psrtisanenlage. " 1-31 Aag 19^2. Folder from the files of, containing daily reports of Abt. la and Abt. Ic of Sicherungsdivisionen 281, 285 and Feldausbildungs division 3SS. 1 Uct-31 Dec 19^42. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb.Sud/Kilitarverw./Abt. VII, containing Lageberichte of Abt. VII on matters pertaining to local population, food supply, morale and propaganda activities. 16 May 19^2-18 Jan Folder from the files of Komm.Gen.d.Sich.Tr.u.Befh.H.-Geb.Don, containing the KTB for 25 Oct-30 Nov 19*42. Folder from the files of Komm.Gen.d. Sich.Tr.u.Befh.H.-Geb.Don, containing the KTB for 1 Dec-7 Apr 19*42. Folder from the files of 3 e fh.h.-geb.a/qu, containing the KTB with Anlagen for 1 Aag-31 Dec 19*42. The Anlagen consist of situation reports, "Bes. Aaordnungen f.d. Versorgung, " StabsBefehle, reports on supply and procurement situation, preparations for the winter, reports of the veterinary officer and Abt. IVc, as i/ell as reports of Abt. Gericht.

19 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Continued Kommandierender General 29160/4 der Sicherungstruppen und Befehlshater im Keeresgetiet Don/la 29160/3 Kommandierender General 29161/1 der Sicherungs truppen und Befehlshater im Heeres /2 getiet Don/Stat z.t.v.t. Eeeresgruppe Slid Befehlshaber Heeresge- Met Slid/It 21 Befehlshater Heeresge- "biet Sud/Quartiermeister Dar Somraajad-our r der Siche rungs truppen und Befehls EeeresgeMet B Kommandierender General der Sicherungs truppen und Befehlshater im Heeresgetiet Nord Befehlshaber Heeresge- Met B/Ia 30257/1 see fcelow 30257/2, 30257/3, 30257A, 30257/ /6 see "below 30910/1, 30910/2 30S09/ /2 see "below 202 Folder from the files of Koran. Gen. d. Sich. Tr.u.Befh.H.-Get.Don/1 a, containing Is and It KGB Anlagen, consisting of Tatigkeitsterichte Ic, la reports and Fernschreiten concerning orders for subordinate Hungarian and Rumanian units. 1 Sec T^-U A pr 19^ Folder from the files of Komm.Gen.d. Sich. Tr.u.Befh.H.-Get.Don/la, containing la and It KTB Anlagen, consisting of "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung," reports on conferences concerning the economic organization of H.«Get«Don, on the possitle organization of independent quasi-military Cossack villages, on transportation problems, Merktlatter on the defense of villages in H.-Get. Don, orders for the creation of new alert-units, as well as copies of Fernschreiten to subordinate security divisions. 25 Oct-30 Nov 19^2. 90S Folder from the files of Komm.Gen.d.Sich.Tr.u.Befh.H.-Get.Don/Stat z.t. Y.H.Gr.Siid, containing the KTB for 1-17 *Vb 19^3. 9^9 Folder from the files of Komm.Gen.d.Sich.Tr.u.Befh.H.-Get.Don/Stat z.t. Y.H.Gr.Sud, containing "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung," reports on P0 s in terms of numbers captured, transferred to rear areas, assignments to camps and duties, and treatment. 1 Dec 19^2-11 Fet 1Q^ Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Get.Slid/It f containing the KTB for (1226) 1 Jan-15 Mar 19*12 and 1 Aug 19^2-30 Mar 19^3. see telow Five folders from the files of Befh.H.-Get.Sud/Qu, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung," Att. IVc Tatigkeitsterichte, Att. Gericht reports, as well as reports of the veterinary officer and on transportation. 1 Jan-22 Aug 21 Aug-30 Sep 23 Oct-30 NOT 19U2 1 Dec-31 Dec 1, 332, 559, 970 (1230) 1 see telow 526, see telow 1 Jan-31 Mar Two folders from the files of Kdr.d. Sich. Tr.u.Befh.H. -Get. B, containing the KTB Sep 15^ Oct 191*2. Folder from the files of Konrn.Gen.d.Sich.Tr.u.Befh.H.-Geb.Kord, containing the PZTB for 1 Jan-31 Kar 191*2. Folder from the files of Komm. Gen. d. Sich. Tr.u.Befh. H.-Get. ITord, containing a Sondermappe of la and Ic daily reports. 1 Jan-31 Mar Two folders from the files of Bef h.h. -Get. B/ I a, containing the KTB with Anlagen. The Anlagen consist of a report entitled "Sinsatz der irtschaft s ~

20 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ia Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet 103 Befehlshaber He ere s- gebist Slid/1 a dienststellen der Wi.In.Don," and of observations of the Kommandeur d. Sich. Tr. on Bandenbekampfung and Feindbeurteilungen Nov 19U Dec 19^2. IT 13 8 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, entitled "Unternehmen (1529) Herbstwald" and pertaining to operations against partisans in the forest area of Valuiki. The operations also involved Italian and Hungarian units, and some of the material consists of evaluations of the enterprise. 27 Oct- 10 Dec 19* /7 1 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, entitled "Unternehmen Heinrich 11 - an operation directed against partisans in the Valuiki area and defense of the fortified city of Valuiki. The operation came to an end with the seizure of the city "by Red Army forces. 29 Hov 19^2-12 Jan 19* /9 79 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, entitled "Ital. AOK S. Div. 156 Vincenza, H containing correspondence of Befh.K.-Geb.Sud/Ia with the unit. 21 Sep~lS Sov 19^ /10 22*4 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B./Ia, containing reports from the liaison officer to Kgl. Ungarische Bes.Gr.Os*, from the liaison officer to the Hungarian 105th Division, as well as reports of security divisions and urtskommandanturen, Eorpsbefehle, Ubergabever^iandlungen, "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung, and a report of propaganda from Generallt. Stever to General Friderici. Jun-Dec 19^ / Folder from the files of B9fh.E.-Geb.l03, marked "Anlage 3. M. Landeseigene HllfskrKfte - Hilfsvachmannschaften, lf and sontaining correspondence on the recruitment, equipment and deployment of Hiwa and Hiwi units. Mar /12 70S Hor 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.Sud/Ia, marked "Alarmeinheiten" and containing instructions on the creation of special alert units from all available personnel for emergencies. 10 Uct-1^ Dec 19^ /13 S51 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.Siid/Ia, marked "Abgegangene Tagesmeldungen Sept. 19*4-2" and containing la reports for the period /1^ 92*4- Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.Slid/la, marked "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch - g.kdos. September bis Dezember 19*4-2. H The material includes a lf iederschrif t iiber die Besprechung im Reichsministerium fiir die besetzten Ostgebiete am IS. Dezember 19U2," in which v.roques, v.schenkendorff, Ubst. Gillhausen, Gen.d.Kav. K3string and other military representartives point out the justified hostility of the population toward the German forces, while Rosenberg endeavors to justify a rolicy of repression toward the Russians.

21 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Siid/Ia 25 Continued 30910/ /16 IT 30910/ /1S 30910/ / /2U 30910/ / / (1222) U4-61 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.Siid/Ia, containing "Abgegangene Tagssmeldungen, " 1 Oct-30 Nov 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-eb.Siid/Ia, containing "Ausgehende Tagesmeldungen, " 1-31 Dec 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.E. -Get. Siid/Ia, containing "Eingehende Tagesmeldungen, " Sep 19*4-2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-eb. Siid/Ia, containing "lingehende Tagesraeldungen, " Oct 19*4-2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-eTD.Siid/ 1 a, marked "Jblagen sum Kriegstagebuch. Mappe I - Ubergeordnete Dienststellen. Hachrichtenwesen. Bis Dezember 1942." The folder contains reports of Wi.In.Donez, an outline of Unternehmen "Rex" in which the Kgl. ling. 15. le. Div. tried to destroy partisan encampments in the area of Wassilje subsequent to Unternehmen "Hirschtod. " Included is also a set of instructions on "Dringlichkeitsstufen im Fernsprechverkehr.» 3 Jan 1QU2-7 Js^ 1S^3» Folder from the files of Bef a. H.-G-e"b. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlage zura Kriegstagebuch. Mappe II - Sich.Div. Mappe III - OFK bis December 19^2, containing correspondence with OFK 397 > reports on operations against partisans, as well as on Alarmeinheiten and Stabsiibersiedlungen. 20 Aag-2U Dec 19^2. Folder from the files of Bef h.h.-g-eb. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlagen zum Kriegs~ tagebuch. Mappe IY - Yorgange iiber Konmandanturen v. U. 6.^ ^2. " Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-eb. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Mappe VI - Verbiindete bis December 19*12, " containing correspondence with the Ungarische Bes.G-r. in Klsv and its subordinate units on matters of operations against partisans. 2o May~28 Dec 19^-2. Folder from the files of Bef h.h.-g-eb. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Mappe YII - Angegliederte Stellen - bis Dezember 19^-2, " containing reports on partisan warfare of local G-ema (G-emeinde Polizei), Schuma, G-endarinerie, Waffen-SS, and others, as well es on Unterstellungsverhaltnisse of these units. 10 Aug-28 Dec 19^2. Folder from the files of Bef h.h.-g-eb. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlage zur Mappe Yllb. G-rundlegende Yerfiigungen. Kohle. Stalino 19^-2," containing reports on the local production and employment of POWs and others. 25 Jun-17 Aug 19^-2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-eb. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Mappe VHIb u.d. Mappe IXa. Koriick u. sonstige Hachbarn und Meldungen bis Dezember 19^2," containing reports on operations against partisans on interrogations of prisoners, and on the situation. 9 Sep~7 Dec 19^-2. Folder from the files of Bef h.h.-geb. Siid/Ia, marksd "Anlage zum Kriegstagebucii. Mappe IXb. Bahntransporte Din'chmarschverbands bis Dezember

22 Serial Eoll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Slid/1 a Continued t Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet Siid/Ia Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ic 30910/ / /3^ 22571/ / / /UO 30910/1-U 30910/ / (1350) containing divisional orders and reports on the movement of reserve forces, "both German and Italian, to the front. 10 Jan-17 Dec 19^2. Folder from the files of Befh.H. -Get. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlage zum Kriegs tags ouch. Mappe XI. Organisation "bis Dezember 19^2," containing Gliederungen data of units under the command of Befh.H.~Geb.B as well as Versorgungstruppen and units of HSh.SS u. Pol.Fiihrer, and charts of Unterstellungsverhaltnisse. 15 Oct 19^2-7 Sep 19^3* Folder from the files of Befh.H. -Get). Siid/Ia, marked "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch. Mappe XIII. Msrschbewegung vom S.9»19^2, M containing reports on supply columns as well as on transports and troop movements* Folder from the files of Befh.H. -Get. Slid/ la, marked "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch. Mappe XIY. Lehrgange bis Dezember 19^2, " containing plans for the training of German and regional forces in partisan warfare (Hov 19^2). The folder also contains a copy of Zusammenstellung der von Abt. VII des Befh.H. -Get). B in der Zeit vom l»7.ul Ms 30.9,^2 herausgege"benen Anordnungen und Bef ehle von allgemeiner Bedeutung zur Durchfiihrung der Auf~ gaben der Militarverwaltung. Folder of unkno\vn provenance, containing a captured partisan newspaper, hand-printed. Ib Mar 19*42. Folder from the files of Befh.H. -Get. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Mappe XYI. llorps- und Gruppenbefehle vom 19 ^ ^ Ul. " Folder from the files of Bef h.h.-ge"b. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch. Mappe XVIIIa. 10-Tagemeldungen u. Monatsberichte vom 3»7»^1 15.S^2.» Folder from the files of Befh.H. -Geb. Siid/Ia, marked "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch. Kappe XVIIIb. 10-Tagemeldungen, Beitrage zum Lagebericht. Mappe XIX. Stabsangelegenheiten bis Dezember 19^2. " Included are also monthly reports of Befh.H. -Geb.B., Zustandsberichte, Lageberichte, Binsatzkarte der Sich.Tr. 11 Sep-28 Dec 19^2. Folder from the files of Bef h.h.-geb. Siid/Ia, marked "Kriegstagebuch. Mappe. Verschiedenes bis Dezember 19^2, M containing directives on spring training, Erfahrungsberichte, Unterstellungsverhaltnisse, Unterkunftsubersicht, as well as reports on reinforcements, transfers and reorganizations. 21 Feb 19^1-27 Dec 191*2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ic, containing Tatigkeitsberichte of Abt. Ic, as well as propaganda activity reports and reports on combat operations against partisans Sep 19^2, Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ic, containing the Tatigkeits bericht of Abt. Ic for uct 19^2. Included is also a "Merkblatt iiber das

23 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ic 30910/42 Bef ehlshaber des ruck- 312^2/1 wartigen Heeresgebietes A/la 312^2/2 Kommandierender General der Sicherungstruppen und 26- Befehlshaber im Heeres- 31^91/2 gebiet Mitte/Ia 27 33*91/3 28 Kominandierender General 31^91/5 der Sicherungstruppen und Befehlshaber im Heeres- 31^91/6 gebiet Mitte/Stab Kommandeur der Sicherungs39502/l truppen Siid/Ia 33^50/ / / Vernal ten gegeniiber Kosaken" and instructions on Meldewesen. Folder from the files of Befh.E.~Geb.B/Ic, containing the Tatigkeitsbericht of Abt. Ic for Ifov 19^-2. The material is composed of reports on partisans and of Schulungsbriefe for Hiwi and Odi. Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Geb.A/Ia, containing KTB Ir Aug-31 Dec 19^2. Folder from the filers of Befh.d.ruckw.H.-Ge'b.A/Ia, marked "Aalagen zum Kriegstage"buch Nr. 1," 1 *ug-31 Dec 19^2, containing Kriegsrangliste, daily reports, monthly reports and corps orders. " Folder from the files of Kom. Gen. Mitte/Ia, containing KTB Nr Jul-31 Dec 19^2. Two folders from the files of Kom.Gen.d.Sich.Tr.u.Befh.H.-Gre'b.Mitte/Ia, containing Anlagen to the KTB, composed of reports on operations against partisans* These reports emphasize the unreliability of non-german forces, the lack of manpox-fer for adequate protection of rail networks, and the deterioration of discipline among German units. 2 Nov-31 Dec 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing Zusaram ens te Hung der von Abt» VII des Befh.H.-Geb.B in der 2eit vom 10.7.^1 "bis 30»9* l t-2 herausgegebenen Anordnungen und Befehle allgemeiner Bedeutung zur Durchfuhrung der Aufgaben der Militarverwaltung. Folder from the files of Kom. Gen. Mitte/Stab, containing the Tatigkeitsbsricht of Abt. Ila. 1 Jul-31 Dec 19^2. Folder from the files of Kom. Gen. Mitte/Stab, containing administrative orders and Lageberichte. Jul-Dec 19^-2. Folder from the files of Kom. Gen. Mitte/Stab, containing Tatigkeitsbericht of Abt. Ic. 1 Jul 19^2-U Jan 19^3. Folder from the files of Kdr.Sich.Tr.Siid/Ia, containing the KTB for the month of Jul 19^3» with Anlagen. The latter include a report on combat methods of partisans and on means to curb the danger from partisan units, monthly situation reports and data on partisan appearances. Folder from the files of Kdr. Si Siid/Ia, containing the KTB for the month of -^ug 19^3» with Anlagen. Included are directives for leave to Hiwis and members of Ustverbande, a report on "Vortrag bei der Tagung der Gebiets- und Stadtkommissare am 31»7»19^3»" reports on road reconnaissance and also 10-Tagemelci.ungen. Folder from the files of Kdr. Sich.Tr. Siid/Ia, containing the KTB for the month of Sep 19^3» with Anlagen. Included is a report from a V-man on "Ukrainische Nationalistische Pew0 ting, w transfer reports, daily situation reports, and 10-Tagemeldungen*

24 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Zommandeur der Sieherungstruppen Slid/1 a Continued Befehlshaber Eeeresgebiet B/Ia 39502/1* 39502/ /7, 39502/S 39502/ / / / /Hi 39502/ / / U (11*0) Folder from the files of Kdr.Sich.Tr.Siid/Ia, containing the KTB for the month of Nov 19^3» with Anlagen. Included are daily orders, reports on conferences vdth H.Gr.Siid and on partisan activities. Folder from the files of H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing directives issued "by H.Gr.B, H.Gr.Siid, OB West, and also Fiihrerbefehle. The latter concern chiefly the defense of specifically fortifies points, while the other material pertf-ins primarily to administrative matters, Mar-Dec 19*4-2. Two folders from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing a variety of directives issued "by H. Gr. Sud, Gen. d. Trans. Weseus and also "by Dtscher Gen.b.Okdo.Rum.; they deal primarily with matters of retreat and fortifications of certain positions. Mar-Sep 19^3* Bolder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing reports on the activities of varioiis security divisions, namel$, securing roads and "bridges. 7 May-lU Oct Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Kommandanturen" and containing reports on Unterstellung, Verlegung and Imnarschsetzung of units. 23 Jul-1* Uct 191*3. Folder from the files of Befh.K.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Verbiindete" and containing correspondence on interned Italian forces and on Italian volunteers willing to fight in German units. 19 Sep-11 Ifov 19^3* Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.3/Ia, marked "Polizei. Wirtschaf t, " containing reports on the activities of the Schuma and on preparation for "bringing in and guarding the harvest. 2 Fet Sep 19^3» Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-e'b.B/Ia, containing reports on new combat methods used "by partisan units and on German counter measures and defense of military objectives. 9 Mar-11 Nov 19^3* Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Wehrm.Befh. Ukraine - Zivildienststellen," containing reports on security measures taken for the protection of railroads, transportation of security troops, as well as reports concerning the tactics of partisan groups. 23 %>r-ll Nov 19^3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Kgf. - Dulag - Stalag Bew. Heeresgef. Feldstrafges. Ab$.," containing reports on conditions in Feldvollzugseinrichtungen and Feldstrafgefangenenlagern, as well as instructions for according preferential treatment to "Uberflieger," i.e., Russian pilots and flying personnel deserting to the German side. 2 May-U Nov Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Vorgesetzte Dienststellen," containing reports on Umglied rung, Unterstellungsver-

25 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber Eeeresgebiet B/Ia 39502/ / / / / / /2^ 39502/ / / / SSO (!399) haltnisse der Alarmeinheiten, as well as on the extension of additional Judicial authority to local commanders, empowering them to impose the sentence of death. 9 Sep-S ITov 19^3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Meldungen. Bahntransport. Kf z. -Transport, " containing information on the organization of Strassentransportdienst in den Bes. Ostgebieten and the establishment of a unified Meldenetz fur die Ostfront.» 5 Oct-18 Nov 19^3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-eb.B/Ia, marked "Bandenbekampfung" and containing a report on "Die Partisanenabteilung und Ihre Taktik, " as well as special instructions for the interrogation of radio 1 operators and other members of partisan groups. 7 Aug~5* Sep 19^3 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Bahn- und Objekteschutz, " containing directives and reports on the defense of German lines of communications. 2 Oct 19^2-16 Sep 19^3 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Sinsatz. Allgemein, " containing a copy of the order entitled "Einsatz d. Truppen b. inneren Unruhen, " issued in 19^1 for France and Belgium. The folder also includes linsatz"befehle for Jagdkommandos, instructions on Brnteschutz. Mar-Sep 19^3* Folder from the files of Befh.E.-Ge'b.B/Ia, marked "Untertringung, Belegung, Verlegung, Zufiihrung, Gebietsanderung" and containing in addition to quartermaster reports, a collection of reports on partisan attacks and correspondence with SS-Kavallerie Division. 1 Jul-30 Sep 19^3* Folder from the files of Befh.H.-GeT>.B/Ia, marked "Unterstellung, Bewaffnung u. Ausriistung (KStN und ICALT)," containing data on unit strength and equipment. 7 Jul-9 Oct 19^-3 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Ge'b.B./Ia, pertaining to U"bernahmeverhandlungen Oct 19^3* Folder from the files of Befh.H.-GelD.B/Ia, marked "Versorgungsstiitzpunkte, Raststatten, Verkehrswesen allgemein, " containing information on the creation of rest homes and on preparations for winter quarters. Included are also Disziplinarbefehle. 30 Jan-30 Sep 19^3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Ge"b.B/Ia, marked "Srfahrungen. Tatigkeits- u. Sinsatzherichte, " containing also a report of Kom.G-en.Sich. Tr./Intendant entitled "Irfahrungs'bericht iilder die Absetzungsbewegungen der Heeresgruppe (B) Sud im Winter 19^2/^3 und im Sommer 19^3.» 15 Feb-1 Oct 19^3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Ge'b.B/Ia, containing staff and corps orders. 13 Jan- 21 Nov 19^3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Ausgehende grundlegende Befehle, Be sichti gungen, Beisen des Befh,,» B Mar-19 Aug

26 Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ia / / /3^ 39502/ / / / / / / /*J (1266) Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Kdr.-Bemerkungen, " and containing General Friderici's directives on partisan warfare, discipline and decorations, etc. 23 Jul 19^2-30 May 19^3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "lo-tagemeldungen, Beitrage zum Lagebericht, Monatsberichte, " containing reports chiefly concerned with morale, attitude of the population and the like. 2 Aug-15 Oct Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Stabsangelegenheiten. Sonstiges, " containing reports on the history and purpose of rttckwartige Heeresgebiete and the success of these commands in controlling the areas under their jurisdiction. 1^ Mar-15 Uov 19^3* Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Landeseig. Hilfskr. Osttruppen: Kosaken, Turkestaner, Sonstige, " containing correspondence on the organization of landeseigene Verbande and the treatment of the members of such formations. 20 Apr-19 Sep 19^3» Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Oe'b.B/Ia, marked "Anlagenband 30 zum Kriegstagebuch la ^ ^3t lf containing general directives on the organization of special alert units as well as reports from such units. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Ge'b.B/Ia, marked "Anlsgenband 31 zum Kriegstagebuch la ^ ^3," containing directives for the deployment of all available forces, including Alarmeinheiten, Osttruppen, Luftwaffeneinheiten for the purpose of securing the Dnepr crossings. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Fliichtlingsbewegung. Verlegung der H.-Geb.Grenze. Strassenkommandanten 31»7»^3~27.8.U3t " containing reports on the evacuation of Dnepr River area cities, on evacuees, as well as on roads which evacuation groups were to use. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Meuterei-Vorg&nge " and containing reports on mutiny in landeseigenen Verbftnden. 13 Jan-15 Sep Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Oeb.B/Ia, marked "Verst.Bahnschutz. Streckenkommandanten, " containing directives on securing rail communications. 8 -Aug-30 Sep 19^3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing directives on the ORA (Ostarbeiterabteilungen) and Landeseigene Jagdverbande, the deployment of such units, supply of munitions for their operations, as well as reports on the combat effectiveness of these units. U-30 Sep 19^3» Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Vorbereitende Raumungsmassnahmen (Raumungskalender) 3»3«^3~26.S.U3, " containing directives for the retreat from Kiev, Kirovograd and other cities in the Dnepr area.

27 Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ia 39502/1* /1* /1*1* 39502/^5 IT S 137S (1^7) 1 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing directives on evacuation and rail network security. 2*4 Peb-6 lov 19*43. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing special directives for leave and restrictions imposed in consequence of limited transport facilities. 22 Nov 191*2-6 Feb 19**3. Folder from the files of Befli.H.-Geb.B/Ia, containing directives re_ the local population on matters of compensation for turning in military equipment, use of radios, and propaganda Jul 19l*3«Folder from the files of Befh.H.-GeboB/Ia, marked "Befugnisse des ehrinachtbefehlshabers," containing directives explaining the authority of the Navy and the Army and delineating the respective spheres. 15 Apr 19*41-19 Jaa Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ic/A.0. Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B/Ic 39502/1* />4S 39502/1* / / / /56 IT 39502/ / S * *2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Fluentlingsbe\?egung. Verlegung der H.-Geb.Grenze. Strassenkommandanten." For description of similar material see 39502/ Jul-9 Aug 191*3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Gliederung von Sicherungs-Sinheiten," containing directives for the reorganization of security units. 12 Apr-25 Sep 19*43. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Vorgang Konstantin Dobrowolski, fl containing accusations and counter-accusations of Hiwi personnel re_ the theft of goods during "Judenaktionen," former membership in the NKVD and similar matters. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Starken landeseig, Verbande u. deutsches Hahmenpersonal," containing data on preliminary KStW and correspondence on replacements, particularly German personnel. 1* Jul-23 Aug Folder from the files of Eefh.H.-Geb.JB/Ia, marked "Anlagenband 1*7 zum Zriegstagebuch la, " consisting of the Brieftagebuch der Geheiinsachen for the period 26 Apr19!*!-! Sep 191*2. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ia, marked "Anlagenband 5! zum Kriegstagebuch la," containing miscellaneous correspondence with H6h.SS u. Pol. Fiihrer Eussland Slid on matters of supply and control e_ local Cossack units. 9 Jun 191*2-23 Apr 191*3. Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ic/A.O., containing further correspondence re K. Dobrowolski (see folder 39502/**9) as well as directives on cooperation between SD, GFP and others. 1 Mar-31 3sc 191*3. Folder from the files of Befh.E,- eb,:6/ic, containing Tatigkeitsberichte for the period 1 Get 191*2-30 Sep Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-eb.B/Ic, containing reports on quarrels between German and Cossack officers. Apr

28 Serial Koll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Befehlshaber Eeeresgebiet B/Ic Befehlshaber des riickwartigen Eeeresgebietea 3^ 103/Abt.VII 35 Befehlshaber des riickijjartigen Heeresgebietes 103/Ia Befehlshaber des riickwartigen Heeresgebietes 103/Abt.VII Befehlshaber Heeresgebiet B t Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 583 Kommandpnt des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 550/Abt.IVb 39502/ / /6^ 39502/ /69 75S39 75S S WlU2 W60U cont. 793 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ic, marked "Zusammenstellung iiber Bsnden-Verluste, 1.6.^ ^3." 1015 Folder from the files of Befh.K.-Greb.B/Ic, marked "Keldungen d.v-mann 30," containing further correspondence on Dobrowolski (see folders 39502/1+6 and 39502/^9) a s well as reports on the reliability of Cossack and Ukrainian Hivris. 18 Jan-15 Nov 19^ Folder from the files of Befh.H.-G-eb.B/Ic, marked "Besprechungen" and containing a brief report on a conversation between one Oberstleutnant von Gross and the bishop of likolajew. 1 Aug 19^ Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ic, containing correspondence (1272) on the coordination of the activities of the GFP, landeseigene Verbande and local V-Manner. 2U Apr-18 Sep 19^3. 1 Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B/Ic, entitled "Karten des H.- Geb.Sud. Anlagen zuin zusammenfassenden Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit d. H.-Geb, Slid vom U2." Folder from the files of Befh.d.riickw.H.-Ge'b, 103/Abt.VII, containing monthly reports of local Feldkommandanturen concerning the evacuation of 1 Jews and disposal of their property, treatment and morale of local population, relations with G-ermen civil authorities, reports on the agricultural situation. 19^1-^ Folder from the files of Befh.a.ruckw«H.-Geb.l03/Ia, containing reports on ^urk and Hungarian units as well as reports, in the form of Fernschreiben, from these units on combat operations. 1 Oct 19^1-30 Se 693 Folder from the files of Befh.d.rii.ckw.H.-Geb. 103/Abt.VII, marked "Organisationsbefehle der Wi.In. Don-Donas," containing operational orders Nr, Jul-8 Oct 19^2. SlU Folder from the files of Befh.H.-Geb.B, entitled "Ubergabeakten dsr Prop.-Abt.U zu, 1.9.^2." S59 Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of a photostat of "Ab- (1228) schlussbericht iiber die Tatigkeit der Militarverwaltung im Operationsgrebiet des Ostens." No feuthor, agency or date indicated. The report gives & detailed history of the organization and activities of the occupied territories for the period 19Ul-^3. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 583, containing the KTB for the period 9 Sep-31 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.550/Abt-IVb, containing the KTB of the office for the period 26 Aug-30 Dec 1Q3 * 179 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.550 Abt.IVb, containing the KTB of the office for the period 1 Jan-31 Mar 1?40.

29 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Koomandant des riickwar- W631 tigen Armeegebietes 585 / Ha W631a Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeege'bietes Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeege'bietes 520 Kommandant des riickw&rtigen Armeege'bietes 520/ Abt. IVb/Generalarzt Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeege'bietes 5^ Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeege'bietes 501 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeege'bietes P737 PS14-7 P2022 Kommandant des riickwar- W260S tigen Armeege'bietes (582) 1, (1288) * Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.585/IIa, containing Anlagenheft Hr, 1 to the KTB of the office, with directives on training and leave, 20 Get Feb 19^0. Three folders from the files of Kdt»d«ruckw«Ageb»585/na, containing an Anlagenheft to the KTB of the office, consisting of copies of Kommandanturbefehle for the period Nov 1939-May 19* a 6-2U NOT W631b 25 ITov Feb 19UO. V/631c 17 FeV25 May 19^0. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruck oageb.535/iia, containing an Anlagenheft to the KTB of the office, consisting of "Bes.Anordmingen f.d. Versorgung u.d. riickwartigen Dienste" for the period 2U uct May 19^0. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b.5S5/IIa, containing en Anlagenheft to the KTB of the office, consisting of charts on "Belegungsfahigkeit" Berichte for Diisseldorf, Duisburg, G-revenbroich and Solingen, for the period lov 1939-Apr 19^0. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.5SO, containing the KTB for the period 26 Aug-^ Oct 1939«Included are detailed descriptions re_ the arrest and execution of hostages, civilians and POWs, general "pacification" measures, proclamations, and transfer of military units in Poland. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b.^BO, containing orders issued to subordinate units of the command during the period 7 Aug-27 Sep 1939 Folder from the files of iidt.d.ruckw.age'b.520, containing the KTB for the period 19 Aug-2 Iknr Folder from the files of Kdt.d.r\ickw.Age"b.520/Abt. ITb/Generalarzt, containing the KTB of the office for the period 19 Aug-28 Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb«5UO, containing the KEB for the period 26 Aug-19 Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.501, containing the KTB for the period 26 Aug~31 Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.501, consisting of Anlagen to the Kd!B, composed of Kommandanturbefehle for the period 29 Aug-30 Oct 1939* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.5S2, containing the KTB Ir. 1 with Anlagen for the period 11 Sep-3 Nov 1939» Included are reports on executions, "Sauberungsaktionen" as well as general reports on the morale of the civilian population and the German troops in Poland. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Agel;.5SU, containing the K!HB for the period 11 Sep Jan

30 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Kommandant des riickwar- 2608a tigen Armeegebietes 3S 39 Continued 3S Sd Kommandant des rxickwar- 275^ tigen Armeegebietes 5^0 Kommandant des piickwar- 33^6 tigen ArmeegeMetes 529/ Oberfeldkommandantur U6a Kommandant dss riickwartigen Armeegebietes ) Kommandant des riickwar- 39^3 tigen Armeegebietes 550 Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes 5S2 633 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.5S4, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 11 Sep~l^ Doc 1939«Included are data on Kriegsgliederungen and equipment as well as daily and general orders for the command* 752 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.584, containing KEB UP. 2 for the period 1 Jan-2U Jun 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.58U, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 2 for the period 13 Jan-20 Jun 19^0. The material consists of orders for the rear areas and "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung." 98U Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.58&, containing Anlagen (1159) to KTB Nr. 2 for the period 1 Jan-7 Jun 19*10. The material consists of "Bes» Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung" and inapa. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickv.Age'b.5SO, containing the KOIB for the period 3 Uct ^ Jun 19^0. 25S Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckv;.Age"b*529/Ol3erfeldkdtr.520, containing the K3B of the unit for the period 3 Hov ^4 Jun 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b,529/0'berfeldkdtr.520, containing Anlagen to the KTB of the unit for the period 3 Hov ^ Jun 19UO. Included is general information pertaining to Belgium and Luxemburg. 511 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckv/.Ageb.535, containing the KOIB for the period 2^ Get Get 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.585 t containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 2 Mar-lS Jun 19^0. Most of the information deals with veterinary stations; included is a copy of "Sonderbestimmungen fur die Verwaltung und Befriedigung der besetzten G-ebiete Hollands und Belgiens." 85! Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.585, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 6 Jun-18 Get 19^0. Included are reports of various Grtskommandanturen in France. 9^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.585, containing Anlagen (1295) to the KTB for the period 1 Jun-llj- Aug 19^0. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.585, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 15 Aug~2S Get 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.550, containing the KEB for the period 1 Jun-31 Jul 19^0. The folder also includes data on POW collection points. 36^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.rUckw.Ageb.5S2, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period i4~2u Jun 19^0. Included are "Bes. Anordnungen fur die ruckwartigen Dienste, " Tatigkeitsberichta IVb, daily reports as

31 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Kommandant des riickwar ^ tigen Armeegebietes 550/ Abt.IVa/Intendant Kommandant des riickwar- 56!! tigen Armeegebietes 5^3 5611/1 Kommandant des riickwar tigen irraeegebietes 550 Kommandant des riickwar- 6088/1 tigen Armeegebietes 6088/2 6088/3 Kommandant des riickwar- 6200/1 tigen Armeeeebietes 5^8 6200/2 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 590/Abt.IVa Konanandant des ruckwartigen.armeegebietes 5^3 6200/3 6200/ S325/1 S325/2 well as a report entitled "Erfahrungen aus dem Sinsatz in Polen und Frankreich. 849 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.%eb.550/Abt.IVa/Int,, containing the Tatigkeitsbericht of the office for the period '9 Jun~31 Jul Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.5S3, containing KTB Nr. 2 for (1007) the period 1 Jan-21 Oct!$&. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ags'b,583, containing Anlagen to K2B Nr. 2 for the period 1 Jan-^J- Oct IQ^O. 306 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw, Age 0.550, containing KTB Nr. 8 for the period 1-12 Aug 19^0 ( esten) and 13 Au~-31 Dec 19^0 ( Us ten). Included ase Koriick orders as well as Tatigkeits"berichte IVb and IVc Folder from the files of Kdt.d 3 riickw.age"b.560, containing KTB Nr. 1 for the period 26 Aug 1939~8 May The folder also contains Anlagen consisting of Truppengliederungen data, Kriegsranglisten and reports on mobilization experiences. 561 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.rdckw.Age"b.560, containing KTB Nr. 2 for the period 9 May-2 1 * Jun 19^0. The folder also contains Anlagen on POW collection points. 730 Folder from the files of Kdt.doriiekw.Ageb.560, containing KTB Nr. 3 for the period 25 Jun-2S Dec 19^0. Included are Anlagen containing data on the number and nationality of prisoners taken during the estfeldzug. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckvv.Ag60»5SS t containing KTB Nr. 1 for the period 12 Sep~31 Dec 1939* Fcldor from the files of Kdt.d.ruckwoAgeTD.5Sg, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 1 for the period 12 S2p»31 Dec 1939* Included are "3es. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung, " "Bes. Anordnungen f.d, riickwartigen Dienste, " as well as copies of special orders issued by Hitler for New Year's 19UO. 919 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.588, containing KTB Nr. 2 for the pariod 1 Jan-11 Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickwoAgeb.5SS, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 1 Jan~ll Oct Mueh of the material pertains to housing and transfer of P0 s, 1162 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 590/Abt.IVa, containing (1250) Tatigkeitsberichte for the period 26 Aug Aug Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.%eb.5S3, containing the KTB for the period 22 Oct Mar Folder from the files of Kdt.d,riickw.Ageb.5S3, containing Tatigkeitsberichte Ila, IVa and Ic for the period 14 Oct Mar 1941.

32 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes 556 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 5^3 Kommandant des riickv/artigen Armeegebietes 5^5 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 553 SU01/2 SU01/5 8U01/6 9193/1 1117^/2 1117l*/5 255 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb,582, containing KTB Nr. 3 for the period 25 Jun 19*40-15 Mar 19* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 3 for the period 22 Jun 19*40-15 Mar 19*41. Most of the material consists of orders issued to subordinate units on matter of POW administration. 5*49 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.5S2, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 3 for the period 25 Jun 19*40-15 Mar Most of the material pertains to training and experience in rear areas administration. 695 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 3 for the period 25 Jun 19*40-15 Mar 19*41, on inspections of rear areas by the Commandant. 783 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.tiickw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to K!EB Nr. 3 for the period 25 Jun 19*40-15 Mar 19*41, consisting of orders issued by the command* 1003 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 3 for the period 25 Jun 19*40-15 Mar 19*41, consisting of Tatigkeitsberichte IVa, IVb, IVc Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.556, containing the KTB and Anlagen for the period 20 Jan-27 Apr 19^1* 1190 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.583, containing KTB Nr. 3 for the period 25 Mar-19 May 19* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.5S5, containing KTB Nr. 2 for the period 29 Oct 19*40-3 Apr 19*41. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.553, containing KTB Nr. 1 for the period 23 Jan-15 May 19*41. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.%eb.553» containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 1 for the period 12 Mar-15 May 19*41, consisting of maps and-transport orders. 83 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.553, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 1 for the period 2*4 Mar-23 Apr 19*41, consisting of Starkemeldungen of subordinate units. 176 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.553» containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 1 for the period 28 Feb-15 May 19*41, consisting of activity reports of Ic, III, IVa, IVb, and IVc. 220 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckv.Ageb.553, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 1 for the period 27 Mar-29 Apr 19*41. The material is mainly on facilities for troop quarters and on films to be distributed for showings to various units.

33 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Kommandant dee riickwartigan ArmeegeMetee 553 Kommandant des ruckwartigen ArmeegeMetes 559 Kommandant des riickwartigen ArmeegeMetes 5^0 Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeege"bietes 590/ Intendant Kommandant des ruckwartigea ArmeegeMetes 559 Kommandant des ruckwartigen ArmeegeMetes 599 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeege"bietes 525 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegetietes 111J4/ /7 H279/ /2 H /1, / / IT H279/ /3 3PT 14885/1 301 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b.553» containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 1 for the period 28 Kar-25 Apr 194l. Most of the material pertains to ITb reports and correspondence on hospitals. 608 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.553» containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 1 for the period 25 Mar-24 Apr The material consists of IVc (Veterinar) reports. 695 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.559 f containing KTB Nr. 1 for the period 20 Jan~18 Jun Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age"b.559, containing Anlagen to KEB UP. 1 for the period 7 FeT>-17 Jun 194l. The material consists of Geschaftseinteilung and Dienstanweisung information. 755 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.r\ickw.Ageb.559, containing Anlagen to K!EB UP. 1 for the period JL7 Jan-lS Jun Most of the items are activity reports of Ha, Ic, III, IVa, ITb and IVc. 810 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b.560, containing the KTB for the period 7 Jan-20 May Included are Aalagen composed of activity reports of ITb and accident reports Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.rucfcw.Aget^O/Int., containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 1 Sep Jul 194l. The material consists of activity reports of the Intendant staff Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.559, containing KTB Up. 2 for the period 17 Jun-31 Aug Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.559, containing KTB Nr, 3 (1171) for the period 1 3ep~30 Nov 194l. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.AgelD.559, containing Anlagen to KTB ]Jp. 3 for the period 2 Sep-30 Nov 194l t Included are Kriegsranglisten and also Kriegsgliedarungen data. 200 Folder from the files of Kdt6d.riickw.Age"b.559, containing Anlagen to KEB Ir. 3 for the period IS Uct-29 Hov Included are activity reports of Ic, Ila, III,IVa, ITb, ITc, IT/ i. 557 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b.599, containing Anlagen to KOB Nr. 3 for the period 1 Aug-31 Dec The material consists of activity report Nr. 4 of Abt. ITa. 578 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.525, containing KTB of the command (part of ADK Norvegen, Befehlsstelle Finnland) for the period 10 Sep- 31 Dec 194l. Included are reports on POW compounds and data on the organizartion of supply units. 756 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw. AgeT>.5S2, containing the KTB for the period 1 Mar-31 Dec (Westen, Heimat, Hussland).

34 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame ITotes 26 Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes 5^2 Kommandant des ruckwar /1 tigen Armeegebietes / / /* 15681/5 156S1/ / /g 15681/ /10 8U (1123) 828 (139S) (11*9) 1451 (115*4) Folder from the files of Kdt.d.r\ickw.Ageb.582 t containing Anlagen to the K'JB for the period 30 Apr-30 Sep 19^1* consisting of command orders to subordinate units. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to the EEB for the period Mar-Dec 19^1» consisting of maps showing areas for anti-partisan operations as well as the location of forces under the command of the Commandant. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.r\ickw.Ageb.570, containing the KTP for the period 29 Hov Feb 19*-K). Folder from the files of Kdt.d.r\ickw..Ageb.570» containing the KTB for the period 1-31 Mar 19*40. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570, containing the KTB for the period 1 Apr-9 May 19*10. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570» containing the KTO for the period 1Q-2U Kay 19*10. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570, containing the K' B for the period May 19*10. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the month of Kay 19*-K). The material consists of maps for a "Staatsiibersicht der Mederlande." Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.570, containing Anlagen to the KTB for Dec a t i r 19^0. The material includes correspondence on training, mgcps showing the location of subordinate units, and correspondence with the local population. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570» containing Anlagen to the KTB for tha period Aug-Nov Most of the material pertains to the administration of POW compounds and related matters. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Aug-Cct 1939i entitled "Saminelakte. Ordnungsdienst, Munition u. G-erat, Waff en, Gasschutz, Ferns chreiben, " Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Dec 1939-Mar 19*4-0, and consisting of Standortbefehle Ḟolder from the files of Kdt.d.tiickw.Ageb.570» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period.aug-fov Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Oct-Nov The folder contains mimeographed information sheets issued by O.B. G-renzabschnitt Siid/Abt. Ic.

35 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Kommandant des riickwar /12 tigen Armeegebietes Befehlshaber Saloniki- Aegais (Kdt.riickw.Ageb. 560) Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeege'bietes 15681/lU 15681/ /17 156S1/ / / / / / / Continued 16559/2 681 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.57Q» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Oct-Hov 1939» ^ie material consists of "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. Versorgung." 845 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570f containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 8 Oct-l4 Nov 1939 (Polen). The material pertains to POW compounds and internment camps* 1033 Folder from the files of Kdt.d*nickw.Ageb.570, containing Anlagen to (1139) the KTB for the period Sep-Dec ^e material consists of Kommandanturbefehle der Stedtkommandantur Krakau and Standortbefehle Herford. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw»Ageb.570, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Oct-Iov 1939* The material consists of Kommandanturtefehle. 1J2 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age"b.570, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Dec 1939-Apr 1940, consisting of KommandanturTjefehle. 310 Folder from the files of Kdt.d*ruck\^.Age'b.570, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Oct-iiov 1939* consisting of Armeetagesbefehle. 354 Folder from the files of kdt.d*ruck.aget>.570, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Jul-Oct 1939* ^e material consists of G-ehoKdos. issued "by A"bt.Qn and dealing generally with the supply lines into Poland. 527 Folder from the files of Kdt,d.riickw.Age"b.570 t containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Feb-Mar 19^0, consisting of a "Kalender iiber Sofortmassnahmen. " 647 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.A ; ge'b.570, containing Anlagen to 70S the KTB for the period Aug-Sep 1940, concerning supplies for training units. Folder from the files of Kdt.d,riickw.Age'b,570» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period Sep-uct 1939» consisting of the Yerordnungsblatt f»d» Ibesetzten Q-eMete in Polen* 748 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.570, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of reports on unauthorised confiscations of Jewish possessions by G-erman troops. 758 Folder from the files of Befh.Saloniki-Aegais (Kdt.ruckw.Ageb.560), containing the KTB for the period 21 May-31 Jul Included are Anlagen the transfer of POWs to Germany. 881 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.582, entitled "Geheimakten als Anlage zu dem am iibersandten Kriegstagebuch d.kdt.d.riick^r.ageb. 582 v " The material deals with the housing and transfer of Polish and Russian POWa and the treatment accorded them on the basis of racial and political classification Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riic]cv.%eb.5S2, containing Anlagen to

36 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 28 Continued Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes 582 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 530 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 501 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 556 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 16559/ /1* 16715/ / /3 16S / / / / / /8 (1275) the KTB for the period 20 Sep Apr 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 9 Jun-6 Jul 19^0, consisting of Kommandobefehle. k Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.5S2, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 16 Fe"b 19^0-15 Mar 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ag3b.5SO, containing the KTB for the period 22 Jun-10 Sep 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.5SO, containing the K!EB for the period 11 Sep~5 Dec igul. 853 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.580, containing the KTB for the period 6-31 Dec 19^1. 9^0 Folder from the files of dt.d.riickw.agab.501, containing Anlagen (129^1-) to the KTB for the period 19 Aug~31 Oct 1939, consisting of division orders. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ri5.ckw.Agefc.556, containing the KTB for the period 11 Apr-31 Dec 19*4-1 (while subordinated to the D.A.K. /peutsches Afrika-Korps/) * 933 Folder from the files of Kdt*d.ruckv.Ageb.532, containing Anlager* to the K'TB for the period 22 Jun 19^1-20 Mar 19^2. 9^0 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.582, containing.anlagen to the KTB for the period Sep-Oct 19^2, entitled "Meldungan unterstellter Einheiten, Abteilung Ic/A.O. iiber Verschleppung, Vermisstenanzeigen, Sachschaaen u. dgl." 1075 Folder from the files of Kdt.d. riickw.age"b.5s2 t containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 28 Aug-5 Get 1939, consisting of Abt. Ic/A.O. reports on Feindnachrichten and on Feindlage from G-renzwach-Regt Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruck.Age"b.532, containing Anlagen to the K r B. The material consists of a M.L. "Ausarbeitung iiber militarisch beachtenswsrte Zahlen nebst 2rlautenmgen iiber Rohstoffe in Polen. >; The study was filed with Asto, A.St. Schlesien in July 1935 an d transferred to Koriick at an unkno^rfn date, possibly June 1939* 1190 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.r\ickw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen (12^3) to the KTB. The material consists of a report of 1 Aug 193^, by one Dr.- Ing. Behaghel, and is entitled ir Die Rohstoffversorgung der polnischen Eisenhiitten. The report was transferred to Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.582 on 20 Jun Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 16 Nov 19^0-27 Jan 19^1. The material consists of Qu reports re_ Hachschub und Bau-Batl. 79 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 28 Feb-13 Dec 19^1, consisting of Qu Allgenu

37 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Kommandant des ruckwar /9 tigen Armeegetietes 5^ / / / / / / / / / / Kommandant des ruckwar /20 tigen ArmeegeMetes *19 Kommandant des ruckwar- 175^9/1 tigen Armeegetietes 559 Meldungen u. Transportstarken. 235 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruekw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 13 Jul-31 ^ec 19^-1 consisting of Q,u Geiangenenmeldungen. 732 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 7 Jul-31 Dec 19^1, consisting of Qu Bsrichte und Anordnungen "betr. Kriegsgefangene. 971 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ase'b.582, containing Anlagen to (12^-7) the KIB for the period 1^ Sep-31 Dec 19 } U, consisting of Qu Tatigkeitslaerichte der Kordck 5^2 unterstellten Kommandanturen* 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw*.Age'b*582, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 8 May-31 Dec 19^1* consisting of Qu Meldungen unterstellter JEinheiten. 382 Folder from the files cf Kdt.d.ruckw«Age"b«582, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 30 May-31 Dec 19^1, pertaining to Qu Sesichtigungen U27 und PriifungslDerichte. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.5S2, containing Anlagen to the KT3 for the period 1^ Aug-31 Dec 19^-1, consisting of Qu Bahnschutz u* Strassen"bau matters. 520 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.r\ickweAge'b.5S2, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 18 Jul-6 ifov 19^1t pertaining to partisan activities in the Wite"bsk area. 7S1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickv7.Age'b,582, containing Anlagen to the KEB for the period 9 May-31 Dec 19^1, consisting of Qu Srteilte Einzel"befeh3e» 1033 Folder from the files of Kdt.d,riickw,Age'b.582 t containing Anlagen to the KEB for the period 7 Apr-31 Dec 19^1» consisting of Qu Srteilte Einzelbefehle, 1061 Folder from the files of Edt.d.ruckw.AgeT3.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period U Jul-31 Dec 19*41, containing Qu ErfahrungsTDerichte, Meldungen u. Antrage Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw*Age'b.582, containing Anlagen to (1293) the KTB for Dec 19^1, consisting of a $1 "Bericht d. Lt. Pflaum iiber Teilnahme an einem Lehrgang, fiir tllderwinterung, mit untf zr. Vorschlagen." 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw..Age'b.556» containing Tatigkeits- "berichte to t,h^ KTB of the command (attached to the D.A.K.), for the period 20 Apr 19U1-30 Jan 19^2. U3U " Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.556 (Pz Arinee Afrika), containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period May-Nov 19^1, consisting of Feindnachrichten reports and situation maps. 569 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riiekw.Ageb.559, containing KOB Kr. 1 of Feldkommandantur US/IV Wi, for the period U Oct 19^1-17 Jan

38 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Kommandant des riickwartigen ArmeegeMetes 525 Kommandant des riickwartigen ArmeegeMetes Pz AOK 2 5!* Kommandant des ruckwartigen Aruieege'bietes 67! Kommandant des riickwartigen ArmeegeMetes / / / /1* / / /3, 20383/ / /8, 20383/ /7, 20383/ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.525, containing KTB Ur. 2 for the period 1 Jan-31 Mar 19^2. Included is a Anlage containing "Bes. Anordnungen f.d. ruckw. Gebiete." 7^-1 Folder from the files of Koriick Pz AOK 2, containing the KTB for the period 15 Feb-31 Mar 191* Folder from the files of Koriick Pz AOK 2, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 16 Feb-20 Mar 191* Folder from the files of Koriick Pz AOK 2, containing Anlagenband II to operations against partisans in the Brjansk area. 990 Folder from the files of Koriick Pz ADK 2, containing Anlagenband IV (1065) to the KTB for the period 16 Feb-2^4- Mar 191*2, being the "Abschrift des KOB der Feldkommandantur 131*.!l 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.671, containing the KTB for the period 7 Jan-31 Jul 191*0. 77 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.553, containing the KTB for the period 16 May 191*1-31 Mar 191* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.553. containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 16 May-17 Jun 19^1. The material consists of correspondence and reports of subordinate units of Koriick 553, supply lines in Rumania, and correspondence with Rumanian authorities on a variety of topics. 507, 797 Four folders from the files of Kdt,d.riickw.Ageb.553> containing Anlagen to KTB Kr. 2. (1025) 20383/3 18 Jan-20 Jul 1, /1* 203S3/5 18 Jul-31 Aug 1 Sep-10 llov 20383/6 8 lov Jan 19^2. 550, 928 Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.553. containing Anlagen to KTB Sr» 2, consisting chiefly of directives transportation, (1369) and correspondence on German attitude toward Volksdeutsche and toward Rumanian troops /8 1 Sep-7 Nov 0383/9 11 Eov 19l*l~l Jan 191*2. 1, Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.553, containing 190 Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of correspondence on transportation, as well as reports on 3D activities re_ Jews, Russian PUVs and civilians / /10 23 Jul-2S Aug 20 Aug-10 Oct

39 Serial Soil Provenance 56 Kommandant des ruckwartigen ArmeegeMetes Item Filmed, 20333/H See below 20333/12, 203S3/13, 20333/1^, 20333/ /16, 20333/17, 2038 Vis, 20333/19, 20333/ /21, 20333/ / / / /25 a 20333/ /27 1st frame 339 See "below 553, 601, 791, 337 (1106) 1, 123, 2li*, (1233) It 359 HSU (1239) Notes 31 Folder from the files of Kdt«d.ruckw*Ageb.553t containing Anlagen to the KTB, similar to the material listed in the preceding item. Eleven folders from the files of Kdt.d*ruckw.Age'b.553» containing Anlagen to the KEB dealing with transportation via Rumania: to the Crimea* 22 Aug-lU Sep 191*1. 20 Aug-2S Sep 19^*1. 24 Jul-19 Aug Aug 19l*l~20 Job 19l* Oct 19U1. 9-2U Oct 191*1. 21 Dec 19U1-31 Mar 19> Dec 19U1-31 Jan 19^2. 26 Jan-10 Mar 191*2. 11 Mar-15 Apr 191*2. 30 Apr- 5 Jun lql*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb»553» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 30 Dec 19^*1-2^ Jan 19*12, consisting of reports on the German evacuation of Feodosia. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b.553» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 8 Jun 191*1-27 Kay 19l*2, re road conditions and supply movements. Folder from the files of Xdt.d.riickw.Age'b.553» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 2 1 * Dec IQ^l-lO Mar 19^*2, consisting of directives, reports and correspondence on the German preparations for the defense of SimferO' pol. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b.553» containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 31 Jan-27 Mar 19^2, consisting of correspondence and reports on the relations "between the civilian administration (Starosta) in the Crimea and the German authorities, and of directives the movement of the civilian population in the area. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw,Agel>.553t containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 31 Dec 191*1-9 Apr 191*2, dealing with Glioderungen of subordinate units and containing maps. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.553, containing Anlagen to the KTB for the period 10 Dec 191*1-15 Mar 1 42, consisting 01 KStll data as well as directives on the redistribution o~- German personnel.

40 Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes Kommandant des ruckwar /28 tigen Armeegebietes 553 Kommandant des riickwar tigen Armeegebietes 582 Kommandant des ruckwar- 2250^tigen Armeegebietes 556 Kommandant des rucfcwar /1 tigen Armeegebietes /2 Kommandant des riickwar- 23*4-19 A tigen Armeegebietes ^19/2 23U19/3 Kommandant des riickwar /1 tigen Armeegebietes /2 Kommandant des riickwar tigen Armeegebietes Pz AOK U Kommandant des ruckwar /1 tigen Armeegebietes / / /3 FIT cont ^ (1366) ^ (1037) Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.553, containing Tatigkeitsberichte of Ic, III, IVa, IVb, IVc, V, for the period 15 Jun igul-1 Apr 19^2 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.582, containing Tatigkeitsberichte of Gericht des Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.582, for the period 1 Get 19^1-30 Jun 191*2. Folder from the f&les of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.556, consisting of reports of V-Manner, German, Italian and native, to A.O. III Tripolis, during the period 1 Jan-2S Feb 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.550, containing ECB Nr. 10 of the command, for the period 15 Dec 19^1-8 Jul 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.550, containing "Befehle fiir die Ubernahme des bisherigen Armeegebietes des Pz AOK 1, " reports on road conditions, on Versprengtensammelstellen, as well as a "Vorbefehl zur Organisation des riickv^rtigen Armeegebietes, " for the period 5 Jan-S Jul Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.556, containing KTB Nr. 3 of the command (with Pz AOK Afrika), for the period 1 Jan-30 Sep 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw«Ageb.556» containing Anlagen to KTB 35Tr«3» a^d consisting of correspondence and memoranda of Generalmajor Deindl on his liaison v/ork with the Italian forces and with the Luftwaffe, as well as on the construction of POW camps* Luftwaffe and other installations, for the period 2 Jan-27 Sep 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.556, containing Tatigkeits berichte of Ila, Ic, III, IVa, IVb, IVc, for the period 1 Jan-30 Sep 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickvr.Ageb*590, containing Tatigkeits berichte for the period 1 Dec 19^0-5 May 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.590, containing Anlagen to the Tatigkeitsberichte, consisting of data on Kriegsgliederungen and Verpflegungsstarken, for the period 1 Dec 19^0-5 May 19^2. Folder from the files of Koriick Pz AOK U f containing Tatigkeitsberichte for the period 18 Jan-19 May Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.5SO, containing KTB Nr. 10 of the command for the period 1-15 A P r 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.580, containing KTB Nr. 11 of the command, for the period 16 Apr-9 May Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.580, containing STB Nr. 12 of the command for the period 10 May-23 Ma y

41 Serial Boll 6l Provenance 6l Kommandant des rtickwar /4 tigen Armeege"bietes /5 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 550 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 553 Item 23727/ U410/1 See below 21*410/2, 24410/3* 2U410/4, 24410/5, 24410/ / /8 Filmed 1st frame 910 (1503) See below 679, 851 (910) , 860 (1324) See "below See "below 2i*4lO/9, 2ll4lO/ /11 Kommandant des ruckwar~» 24430/1 tigen Armeegebietes /2 481, 805 (1142) Notes 33 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.rdckw.Ageb.580, containing KTB Nr. 13 of the command, for the period 24 May-30 J un Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.580, containing KTB Nr. 14 of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31> Aug 19*42. Folder from the files of Kdt.a.riicfcw.Ageb.580, containing K!EB Nr. 15 of the command, for the period 1-30 Sep 19^2» Folder from the files of Kdt.d»riickw*Agel)«550» containing a report of the Kommandant re_ the defense of Losawaja, for the period 3-21 Jan 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckvr.AgeTD.553, containing KTB Nr. 3 of the command, for the period 1 Apr-18 Nov 19^-2. Six folders from the files of Kdt.d»riicfcw*%e'b*553» containing Anlagen to the KEB Nr. 3 o* the command on POW construction units, Kriegsgliederungen, Cossack units as well as on orders of OB Krim re_ supply lines. 31 Masr-6 Nov 25 Jun-23 Sep 15 Apr~31 May 1 Jun-25 Jul 22 Jul-25 Sep Sep-18 Nov Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw»%eTD.553» containing Anlagen to K2S Nr. 3, consisting of Tatigkeits"berichte of IVa, Ic, and VII, for the period 1 Apr-18 Nov 19^2. Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b.553> containing Anlagen to KEB Nr. 3» consisting of Tatigkeitsberichte of Feldkommandanturen and Ortskommandan tur en. 1 Apr-15 Jul 1 Jul-31 Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.553» containing data on the personnel of Feldgendarmerie Abt. 683 Kosaken-Schwadron as well as on the movements of this unit, during the period 23 Jul-12 Sep 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.5S5, containing KEB Nr. U of the command, for the period 1 Fe"b~l2 May 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b»5S5, containing Anlagen to KIB Nr. U, consisting of "Besondere Anordnungen fiir den Einsatz, M reports on sanitary matters as well as of Kommandaatui-bejfehle, for the period 11 Apr-19 May 191*2.

42 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Kommandant des ruckwar- 21*1*30/3 tigen ArmQegebietes 5^5 21*1*30/1* 21^*30/5 21*1*30/6 21*1*30/7 Kommandant des riickwar /1 tigen ArmeegeMetes 582 2U617/2 21*617/ H617/1* Continued 2^617/ / /2, 25228/ /i* n 25228/5 1* ^ (1272) (1117) See "below See "below ^77 Notes Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b.585» containing Anlagen to K2B Nr. 1*, consisting of KonHnandanturbefehle and also Dienstaaweisungen, for the period 15 Apr-18 May 19^*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.585» containing Anlagen to KTB ivr. 1*, consisting of reports on operations against partisans, for the period 2-23 Jun 191*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.5S>5» containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. U, consisting of IVa Tatigkeits"berichte, for the period IS Jun-18 Oct 191*2, Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.585, containing KTB ITr. 5, for the period 1 May-20 Oct 191*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b.52>5» containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 5, consisting of reports on local troop quarters, for the period lu May-19 Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age"b.5S2, containing KTB Nr. 1, of the command for the period 1 Jan-27 Jun 19^*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b.582, containing KTB Nr. 2 of the command, for the period 28 Jun-29 Sep 19U2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age"b,582, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of reconnaissance orders and reports on operations against partisans, during the period 1 Jan-29 Sep 19^2* Folder from the files of lidt.d.ruckw.ageb.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of reports from Ortskoramandanturen, for the period 1 Jan-7 Sep igl*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw,Age"b.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of Ha Befehle, for the period 1 Oct 191*1-31 Jul Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age"b.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of reports of subordinate units, for the period 1 Jan-2S Sep 191*2. Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.rvickw.Age'b.5S2, containing Anlagen to the EE3, consisting of linzelbefehle. 2 Jan-12 Oct 19^*2. 7 Jan-12 Nov 19^*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Aget>.582, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of re-ports of the Koriick to AOK 9, for the period 6 Jan-18 Sep 191*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.582, containing Anlagen to the EEB, consisting of "ijbersichten iiber die "beiro Koriick befindlichen 3^

43 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Kbnmandsnt des riickwartigen Armeegebietes S/6 5SO einheimischen Sinheiten, H for the period S Mar-19 Aug Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.5S2, containing Anlagen to the KQB, consisting of Gruppe Isebeck Befehle, for the period 12 May-22 Jun Komiaandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes / /3 2529^ 62k Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb.5S2, containing Aalagen to the KTB on Stiitspunkt Duchowschtschina, for the period 26 Jan-lH Jun 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.AgeboSS, containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of reports and orders as well as Tatigkeits"berichte of commanders of construction units, for the period 8 Feb~8 Fov 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d*ruckw.Age'b*590, containing Tatigkeits berichte Nr. 6 u. 7 ^ &>% IVa of the command, for the period 1 Apr-JA 6S 69 6S Continued Kommaadant des ruckwartigen Arraeegebietes 525 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes / / / /1 See below 26772/2, 26772/ /U, 26772/ / / /3 103S (1139) Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.525, containing KTB Nr. 3 of the command, and including data on Gefechts- und Verpflegungsstarken as well as Kriegsrangiisteii, for the period 1 Apr-31 Bec 19^-2. Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.A^eb. 5^5» containining Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of "Besondere Anordnungen fur die riickwartigen Armeegebiete," for the period 1 Apr-l6 Aug 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 525» containing Anlagen to the KTB, consisting of "Besondere Anordimngen fur das riickwartige Armeegebiet, H as well as data on Kriegsgliederungen and on Sinsatzstarken, for the period lu Sep-23 -^ec 19^2* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 550, containing KIEB Nr. 11 of the command, for the period 9 Jul-3^ -^ec 19^2. See below Four folders from the files of Kdt.d.ruckv.jAgeT). 550, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of Sinsatzbefehle and daily reports to AOK 17/0.Qu. 9 Jul-31 Aug 19^ Sep 19^2. (1172) 1, 1 Oct-6 Nov 19 l! Nov-31 Dec 19^2. 25 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 550, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of Tagebuchmeldungen: Grundsatzliches und Yerpflegung des BrdSlgebietes, for the period 3 S P 19^2-23 Jan 19^3» Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 550, containing Anlagen to the KTB re Nachweis Olvorkommen - Facharbeiter, for the period 3 Sep 19^-2 - IS Jan 19^3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb, 550, containing Anlagen to the KTB pertaining to the security measures in oil installations, for the

44 Serial Eoll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes Pz AOK 2/Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeege- "bietes. Kommandant des riickwar- ArmeegeMetes Kommandant des riickwartigen ArmeegeMetes V ^/ / / / / /6 cont / / / U7 (1098) 1 U (1196) period 8 Sep 19^2-16 Jan Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 590, containing Tatigkeitsberichte of the command, for the period 5 May-3Q June 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckv/.Ageb. 590, containing Tatigkeitsberichte of the command, for the period 1 July-30 Sep 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 590, containing Tatigkeitsberichte of the command, for the period 1 Oct-31 ^ec 19*4-2. Folder from the files of Pz/AOK 2/ Koruck, containing KTB Kr. 2 of the command, for the period 1 Apr-31 Dec 19*12. Folder from the files of Pz/AOK 2/Koriick, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of Stimmungsberichte, orders of Pz ADK 2 to Koruck 532 and to units of the security forces, for the period 29 July-30 D c 19*4-2. Folder from the files of Pz/AOK 2/ Koruck, containing Anlagen to the KTB re_ "Unternehiaen 'Dreieck 1 und 'Viereck, '" for the period 1J Sep-2 Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riick^.Age'b. 582, containing instructions on the construction of defensive positions and security of railway facilities, for the period 1 Sep 19^2-28 Feb 19^3- Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riicfcw.Age'b. 582, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of "Unterlagen von Kalinin," for the period 1 Sep 19^2-28 Feb 191*3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559, containing the KTB of the command, for the period 29 Jan-2S Sep 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickvr.Ageb. 559, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of reports to AGE 1* and reports from AOK U/Ic/A.0. on partisan movements and operations against partisan groups, for the period 28 Jan-2U Sep 191*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckv.Ageb. 559, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of reports to AOK l*/ic/a.o., Russian propaganda leaflets as well as copies of German propaganda leaflets, for the period 1 Jan-20 Sep 191*2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559, containing KTB Nr. 6 of the command, for the period 29 Sep-31 Sec 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 559, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of activity reports of Abt. I la, VII, Ltder. Veterinar Off., and of Abt. Ic/A.0., for the period 2 Sep 19^2-26 Feb 191*3.

45 Serial Holl Provenance Pa ADK 2/Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 75 Kommandant des ruckwartigen Arirsee :ebietes 580 Kommandant des riic^artigen Armeegebietes 590 Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes 531 Koimnandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 5^ Koimnandant dss riickwsrtigen Armeegebietes 553 Kommandsnt des rii tigen Armeegetietes 590 Kommandant des riiclrwartigen Armeegebietes Item 29239/ / / /3 29S3U 31373/ / /1 31SSS/2 vlggg/3, u 32138/1 3213^/ / / /3 Filmed 1st Frame (1268) ^403 ^ *4S 991 (1195) 1, ^* * Notes 37 Folder from the files of Pa ADK 2/Koriick, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of "Unternehmen 'Vogelsang 1 und 'Waldkater,'" daily orders, reports on inspections, orders for the organization of Eilfswachmannschaf ten and reports on partisan activities, for the period 1 Apr~28 July 19^2. Bolder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB ITr. 16, of the command, for the period 1-31 Oct 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 580, containing XT3 ITr. If of the command, for the period «ov 19^-2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickv.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. IS of the command, for the period 1-31 Dec 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 590, containing activity reports of the (Dntendant of the command, for the period 1 Jan-31 Mar 19*42. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riicfcw.Ageb containing the KTB of the command, for the period 15 Jun-15 Sep 19^-2. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riici^f.Ageb. 531» containing chiefly correspondence and reports on the protection of German military rail facilities, for the period 15 Jun-15 Sep 19/H2. Bolder from the files of Kdt.d.riickrv.Ageb. 580, containing KTB ITr. 19 of the command, for the period 1-31 J^ 19^3- Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 20 of the command, for the period 1-28 Feb l r 5'U3» Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB 21a and 21T3 of the command, for the period 1-16 Mar 19*13, and Mar 19^3, respectively. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 553, containing KTB Nr. ^ of the commend, far the period 19 Hov 19^2-1^1 Jun lslj-3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.-Age'b. 553» containing "Sla^sn to the KTB consisting of activity reports of Abt. Ic, IVa, ITb, IVc, for the period IS Feb-13 Jun 19^3. Folder from the files of Kdt. d.rucfc-j.ageb. 590, containing activity reports of the command, for the period 1 Jan-31 Kar 19^3» Folder from the files of Kat.d.riickw.Ageb. 590, containing the KTB of the command, for the period 9 Feb-S Mar 19*43. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.r\ickw,.Ageb. 590, containing Anlagen to the EEB consisting of materials on "tinternehmen! Kugelblitz, f " for the period 8 Feb-20 Mar 19^3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.rlickw.Ageb. 5^3i containing activity reports of the command, for the period 1 Apr-30 Jun

46 Serial Provenance Item Filmed 1st Prame Notes Kommandant des ruckvrartigen Armeegebietes 553 Komniandant des ruck\^ar~ tigen Armeegebietes / / / /1* Kommandant des ru.cfcwar~ 3^308/1 tigen Armeegebietes ^308/2 31*308/3 PT 31*308/1* PT Kommandaat des riickwar- 3^678/1 tigen Armeegebietes 550 3^678/2 Kommandant des riickwar- 3^735/1 tigen Armeegebietes 5&3 See below 3^735/2, 3^735/3 PT 839 Polder from the files of Kdt*d.riickw.Ageb. 553, containing activity reports of the command, for the period ll* Jun-20 Jul 191*3. PT 895 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Ur. (1306) 22 of the command, for the period 1-30 Apr 19l*3» PT 1 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KEB Kr. 23 of the command, for the period 1-31 May 19l*3» PT 1*5!* Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Ur. 2U Of the command, for the period 1-23 Jun 19^3* PT 821 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Hr. 2l*a of the command, for the period 2**~30 Jun 191*3. PT 950 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 531, containing KTB of (1131) the command, for the period 16 Sep 19**2-31 Jul 19^3. PT 1 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.A?eb. 53^-t containing Anlagen to the K3JB consisting of correspondence and reports on security of mail communications, for the period 16 Sep-31 Dec 19^* Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 531, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of monthly reports of Koriick and activity reports of Abt. IVa, for the period 1 Jan-31 Mar 191*3. 1*73 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 531i containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of Dienstanweisungen and monthly reports, for the period 1 Apr-30 Jun 19^* Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 531» containing Anlagen to the OB consisting of a "Verzeichnis uber aufgetretene Banden" and also situation reports, for the period 30 Jun-31 Jul 19**3«PT 896 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 550, containing the KTB of the command, for the period 1 Jan-30 Jun 19^*3* PT 1039 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckv.Ageb. 550, containing (1596) reports to Befh. Krim, for the period 1 Jan-21 Jun 191*3. PT 1 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 583, containing the KTB of the command, for the period 1 Apr-30 Jun 19**3 PT See below Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 583, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of activity reports, Dienstanweisungen of Abt. Ill and IVa. 301*, 1 Apr-30 Jun 191* Jul-30 Sep 191*3. PT 835 Polder from the files of Kdt.d.riickv.Ageb. 583, containing An- (1119) lagen to the KTB consisting of daily reports, and activity reports of the military tribtinal of the command in Narvra, for the period 1 Oct- 31 Dec

47 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes Eostmandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes 80 Kommandant des'meegebietes 585 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 582 Kommandant des riickvartigen ArmeegeMetes 525 Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 3^735/5 3U735/ / /1 365^1/1 365U1/ / / /3 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 583, containing Anlagen to the EEB consisting of Dienstanweisungen, daily reports as well as activityreports of Abt. Ill and the military tribunal of the command in G-atschina, for the period 1 Apr-30 Jun 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 583, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of Dienstanweisungen, daily reports and activity reports of Abt. lib, III, and the military tribunal of the command in Narwa, for the period 1 Jan-31 Mar 191* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 583, containing activity reports of Abt. IVa, for the period 1 Jul-30 Sep 19^3-632 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 584, containing Anlagen to (1*4-20) the KTB consisting of Bes. Anordnungen, orders issued to the command, and other related materials on supplies. Some of the items pertain to the activities of the command in both France and Russia, for the period 25 Jun 19^0-2^ Dec 19U1. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 5^5» containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 1 of the command consisting of reports from Stab zbv. beim Auffrischungsstab Charkow, for the period 25 Apr-30 Jun 19^3* 187 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 585, containing KTB Nr. 2 of the command, for the period 12 Apr-29 D ec 191* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 582, containing Anlagen to Tatigkeitgbsricht Nr. 8 consisting of Bes. Anordnungen, for the period 1 Feb- 10 Mar 19U3. 62l* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.rtickw.Ageb. 582, containing Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. B des Intendenten of the command, for the period 1 Feb-10 Mar 19^ 636 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 525, containing KTB Itfr. ^ of the cohi T n?nrl 9 for the period 1 Jan-1 Jul 19^3-679 Foldst from ths files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 525, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of Bes. Anordnungen for the command (in Finland), for the period 1 Jan-29 Jun 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 5SO, containing KTB Nr. 25a (12&6) of the command, for the period 1-15 J u3-19^3. 1 Folder from ths files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 25b of the command, for the period l6~31 Jul 19^3* 318 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 5^0, containing Anlagen to KTB Nr. 25b, consisting of correspondence on FOW camps and projects as well as of instructions re_ the treatment of Russians who deserted to the German side and the conscription of civilians for work in German war industries, for the period 19 Apr-22~Jul 191*3.

48 Serial Roll Provenance...Ifcem Filmed 1st Frame Notes to Kommandant des riickwar /4 tigen Armeegebietes 5^ / / Kommandant des riickwar /1 tigen Armeegebietes 5^4 fee" below /2, 37735/ /1 3899S/2 Kommandant des ruckwar~ tigen Armeegebietes 5^2 Kommandant des riickwar /1 tigen Armeegebietes 55^ 40007/2 Kommandant des ruckvjar tigen Armeegebietes Kommandant des riickwar /1 tigen ArmeegeMetes 5^ / / /4 494 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.tiickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 26a of the command, for the period 1-15 Aug 1^43«799 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 26b of the command, for the period Aug 1943«1203 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. (1563) 27 of the command, for the period 1-30 Sep Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 584, containing KGB Nr. 4 of the command, for the period 1 Sep-31 tjct See below Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 584, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of orders for the command, reports on activities of the OSP, situation reports re local areas, population partisans, Ostverbande, as well as correspondence on the preparation for "Unternehmen Fmhjahrsbestellung.' " 95, 1 Jan-28 Feb Aug- 5 Nov Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 584, containing KTB Nr. 3 of the command, for the period 16 Dec Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d. riickw.ageb. 5^4, containing Anlagen (1368) to the KTB consisting of material on operations against partisans, with leaflets distributed to the Russian population and reports on actual operations, for the period 17 Dec Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 582, containing the KTB of the command, for the period 19 Feb-30 Jun Folder from the files of Kdt..d.riickw.Ageb. 550, containing KTB Nr. 13 of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 550, containing Anlagen (765) to the KTB consisting of la reports to 3efh. Krim, for the period 1 Jul- 31 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 584, containing an activity report of the Intendant of the command, for the period 1 Apr-31 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. 28 of the command, for the period 1-15 Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb.5SO, containing KTB Nr. 28a of the command, for the period Oct Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KOIB Hr. 29 of the command, for the period 1-14 Nov Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containing KTB Nr. (1452) 29a of the command, for the period Nov 1943.

49 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Ij Konanandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes Kommendant des ruckwar-r. tigen Armeegebietes 525 Eommandant des r tigen Armeegebietes Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes / /6 319 L.ll4.o,Lj./l ]?']} 686 See below 14^172/1 See "below /2, 14H172/5 See below 14H49V 2, i4i*i-9h/ (1301) /1 1 See below See below 266, See below 330, 10*15. (1397) 366 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 580, containing EEB Fr. 30 of the command, for the period 1-15 Dec 19*43* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 580, containiiig K23 Ifr. 30a of the command, for the period l6~31 ^ c 19*43* Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b. 593, containing KTB Ir. 2 of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31 ^ec 19^3* Two folders from the files of Kdt.d,rdcfcw.%eb. 593, containing M- lagen to the K1B consisting chiefly of correspondence and directives re the evacuation of the operations area of AOK 6, the evacuation of the civilian population and the employment of Russian civilians behind the front lines. 1 Jul-31 Oct 1 Kov-31 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b. 583, containing K03 Nr. 5 of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31 Dec 19^3» Two folders from the files of Kdt.d«riicfcv. T.Age'b, 583* containing Aa~ lagen to the KEB consisting of daily reports and activity reports of Abt. la, I la, and VII. 1 Jul-30 Sep 1 Oct~31 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 525, containing K3B Hr. 5 of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31 Dec 1^43. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 5S5, containing KTJ3 Ir. 2 of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31 Dec 19^-3 Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 5^5» containing Anlagen to the EEB consisting of a "Ubersicht uber abgeschlossene Strafverf ahren gegen landeseigene Hi If skre,f te aus dem Ostraum, " "Kgf. -Best end in Dulag u. Stelag, fl as well as daily reports and activity reports of Abt. la. 1 Jul-9 Sep 10 Sep-1? Oct Folder from the files of Edt.d.riicfcw.Age'b. 585, containing Anlagen to ^e ^ consisting of Bes. Anordnungen and related materials on supplies and rations, for the period 18 Oct-1 Dec 19^3» Folder from the files of Kdt.d.rackw.Ageb. 585, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of Bes. Anordnungen, daily reports and reports on POWs, for the period 2-31 Dec 19^3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 559, containing the K'Z3 of the command, for the period 19 Jan-30 Jun

50 :3arial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 1*2 88 Kommandant des riickwar- W*OU/2 tigen ArmeegeMetes 559 Kommandant dea ruckwartigen ArmeegeMetes 590 U!*l*Ol*/7 WKfc/12, I*i*i*oi*/l3, l&l*0i*/15 1*1* BJO (1189) See "below See "below 199, 360, 561*, 583, 695, Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of maps and correspondence on the following antipartisan operations: "Winter s turm, " "Friihlingsrauschen," "Apriiwetter," "Kachbarhilfe, " and "Junikafer, «for the period 20 Jan-30 Jun 191*3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b. 559» containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of maps and correspondence on "Unternehmen! iclette 2,'" for the period 5-19 Jan Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Ageb. 559, containing Anlagen to the KEB consisting of maps and orders on "Unternehmen?Friihlingsrauschen," 1 for the period 21 Mar-2S Apr 191*3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b. 559» containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of maps and orders on "Unternehmen 'Wintersturm,' H for the period 18 Jan-7 Feb 191*3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b. 559» containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of maps and orders on "Unternehmen 'Hachbarhilfe,'" for the period 21 Apr-2 Jul 19^3. Folder from the iles of Kdt.d.riickar.Age'b. 559» containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of activity reports of Abt. la, for the period 2l* Mar-5 Apr 191*3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559, containing Anlagen to the KIB consisting of maps and orders on "Unternehmen 'Hachbarhilf9,'" for the period 13 May-20 Jun 19*1-3 Six folders from the files of Mt,d»ruckw.Ageb. 559, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of reports of Abt. Ib t IVa, and la. 2r4 Apr 2U-29~ Mar 2-3 Aj 30 Mar-5 Apr 191*3. 2** Mar-1 Apr 191*3 31 Mar-1* Apr 191*3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.ruckw.Age'b. 559> containing the KTB of Abt. Qi of the command, for the period 1 Jan-30 Jun 191*3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 59^» containing an activity report of the Intendant of the command, for the period 26 Sep-31 Dec 191*3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 590> containing Tatigkeitsbericht Ur. 10 of the Intendant of the command, for the period 1 Jul- 30 Sep

51 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Eommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes Kommandant des riickwartigen Armeegebietes 559 Kommandant des riicfcwartigen Arineegebietes 44599/ / /1 See below /2, 45668/ / / /7 H566S/S H5668/ / S/ / Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 583, containing the KTB Fr. 1 of the command, for the period 15 Jan-30 Jon 19^ Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 593» containing Anlagen (1474) to the KE3 consisting of "Aufstellung der Jagdkojnmandos im riickw.ageb. des AOK 6;" Lageberichte Abt. VII; lists of sabotage attempts; Befehle liber Keuaufbau der Verbande; for the period 28 Eov Jul Folder from the files of Kdt.d.rUckw.Ageb. 559, containing the KTB of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31 Dec 19^-3 See below Two folders from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Age'b. 559» containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of maps and correspondence re_ "Unternehmen 'Sunipffieber, f 'Fliege, '! 3ntenjagd, ' *Hasenjagd,!! Huliertu.sjagd, ' and 'Biber Plan." 1 All these operational plans i^ere directed against partisan activities. 93, 3 Jui-i Hov Iov-30 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559, containing Anlagen to the KTB consisting of Abt. Ic daily reports, for the period 1 Jul~31 ^ec 19^3«723 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559, containing the KTB of Abt. Qu of the command, as well as activity reports of Abt. IVa, IVb, IVc, VII and III, for the period 1 Jul-31 Eec 19^3." 1060 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559» containing Anlagen to (1224) the KTB consisting of situation reports of Abt. VII, of the Kommandant in the city of Smolensk, and of various Rayonskoiamandanturen, for the period 20 Aug 19^3-lU Feb 1Q4U. 1 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559i containing activity reports of Abt. Ill of the command, for the period 1 Mar-31 Dec 19^3«8 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559, containing Beitrage of Abt. IVa to the KTB, for the period 1 Jul-31 Dec 19^3. 24 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559, containing activity reports of Abt. IVb of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559» containing activity reports of Abt. IVc of the command, for the period 1 Jul-31 Dec 1943* 43 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 559, containing Standortbefh. Tripoli, as well as Bes. Anordnungen of Abt. Qn of the command, for the period 11 May loul-31 Dec Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 582, containing Anlagen (1245) to the KTB consisting of Funkspriiche an SD and also Abt. Ic reports, for the period 1 Jan-l4 F e b 1943.

52 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Kommandant des riicfcwbt tigen Armeegebietes Der Militarbefehlshaber See below in Belgien und ITordfrankreich/Kommandostab/Ia (t) * Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich /2, 50331/ (377) See below 1, 121, 5HO (1072) 1, 337, 1026 l, 861 (13^5) l SU7 Folder from the files of Kdt.d.riickw.Ageb. 556» containing Anlagen to the KTB Hr. U consisting of activity reports of Abt. la, Ic, ITb and IVc, for the period 1 Oct 19^2-28 Feb 19^3. Folder from the files of Kdt.d-.ruckw.Ageb. 556, containing Anlagen to the KTB Nr. 5 consisting of daily reports and activity reports of Abt. IVa, Ha, Ic, and IVb, for the period 1 Mar-12 4pr 19^3. Eleven folders of unknown provenance, consisting of Kriegstageblicher and Anlagen of Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr./KdoStab/Ia, covering the period 20 May 19UO-31 D c 19^3* 2?hese items are of the utmost importance for the study of the G-erman military administration in terms of its organization, competence, functions, and activities. They also contain a considerable amount of information pertaining to the G-erman occupation of The Netherlands, France and Luxemburg. KEB 20 May-2^ Jua 19^0. KTB 25 Jun 19>40~13 Sep KTB 111 Sep 19U1-16 Fe"b KT3 IS Feb 19^3-31 Dec Anlagen z. KTB Nr Anlagen z~. KTB Nr. 12U-1S9. Anlagen z. KTB Nr Anlagen z. KTB Hr Anlagen z. KTB Nr. U01a-55^» Anlagen z. KIEB Nr Anlagen z. KTB Nr a. Two folders of unknown provenance, containing the annual report for the period May 19^0-May 19^1 of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., containing very important documents from a file entitled "Hichtlinien f. Politik d. Mil. Befh.i.Belgien." Of particular interest are high-level items pertaining to the official German attitude toward collaborationist groups in Belgium, the treatment of the civilian population, and the political future of Belgium. iguo/te. Folder presumably from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., containing correspondence relative to the role and the position of King Leopold III, his relations with his subjects, the political future of Belgium, as well as to a strike in the Charleroi coal-fields in 19*4-2.

53 Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Der Militarbefehlahaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich Militarverwaltungschef Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich 7595/10 t Militarverwaltungschef S5H1 Per Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Eordfrankreich Der Beauftragte des Chefs der Heeresarchive beim Mili tarbefehlshaber in Belgien 75001/1, und Hord.frankreich 75001/2 Continued Mill tarverwal tungschef Polder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Ffr., containing correspondence (100U) "between the German occupation authorities in Belgium and the U.S. Embassy in Brussels, in reference to the closing of foreign missions in Belgium, the movement and welfare of U.S. citizens, U.S. representation of French and British interests in Belgium, and the like. 1 Folder from the files of MVCh, containing a number of documents from a file entitled "Kapitulation der belgischen Armee," The documentation pertains to the surrender negotiations as well as to German policy toward King and state. Fragmentary but important collection. 1SU Bolder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Ifr., pertaining to the internment of British subjects in the area of Belgium and Northern France. Hie folder also contains lists of British subjects held at the Liege citadel, 19^0 230 Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.lTfr. relative to the collection, care, retention or discharge of Belgian prisoners of war. 19^0» 269 Folder of unknown provenance, containing periodically revised lists of military government units, including the names and functions of principal officers. Aug 19^0-Feb 19^ Folder from the files of MVCh, entitled "Aktenmaterial u'ber Massnehmen zur Aufrechterhaltung der tiffentlichen Sicherheit einschliesslich Suhnemassnahmen." The items concern retaliation policies, effects of retaliatory measures upon collaboration and public opinion. 19^0/19^* 519 Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Kfr., concerning the dissolution of foreign diplomatic and consular missions in the territories occupied by Germany, requests for tracing nationals of foreign states, plans of the Bishop of Luxemburg to establish a refugee center in Switzerland, and arrangements for travel of diplomats in the occupied areas, 19^0, 689 Three folders from the files of Beauftragter d. Chefs d, Heeresarchive (1369) b. Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr., containing correspondence, memoranda and directives 1, relative to the examination and exploitation of documentary depositories and 78 archival collections. Obviously, most of the material pertains to military affairs. 122 Folder from the files of MVCh, containing correspondence between German and Belgian officials relative to the removal to Germany of paintings in churches in Louvain and Ghent, to whit, the altarpainting of the van Syck brothers in St. Bavo of Ghent, and the side-panels of Dirk Bouts' Last Supper altar-painting in St. Peter's of Louvain. FS 332 Folder" of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Referates Kunstschutz der Militarverwaltung Belgien/Ifordfrankreich." The report is of course very laudatory of German efforts to maintain and protect

54 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 1* Continued 98 Reichskommissar Belgien lordfrankreich Mili tarverwal tungs chef / Abteilung Wirtschaf t t Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrank* reich Devi s ens chut zkommando Briissel (?) 8507!* See below 8501*1, * 700 (1332) 318 1*72 See below 976, 1120 (1379) Belgian art works; of curious interest is that section of the report which deals with the elimination of anti-german monuments, the majority of which were erected after WW I. Folder from the files of Reichskommissar Belg.Hfr., containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the confiscation of scientific apparatus from the University of Brussels. 19^3/^» Folder from the files of MVCh/Abt.Wi, containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the confiscation of scientific apparatus from the University of Brussels. 19**2/UU. Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence, memoranda, and directives related to the military administration of Belgium, civilian affairs, political groups and activities, production, sale and consumption of various consumer goods, military-civilian relations, military and civilian spheres of authority. 191*1/1*2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing stray issues of "Presseund Rundfunkspiel" (Nr. 2-7), published "by the Pressestelle MVCh and dealing with topics currently mentioned in the Belgian and French press, as well as in enemy "broadcasts. 191*1/1*2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr., containing the daily reports of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr./JKdoStab/Ia, subordinate Oberfeldkommandanturen, and (Jrenzwachtregiment Cltiwer for the period Feb/Mar 191*2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., containing the daily reports of Mil.Befh.Nfr./KdoStab/Ia, and subordinate Ober- and Feldkommandanturen for the period Apr/May 191*2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr., containing the daily reports of Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr./Kdo3tab/Ia, and subordinate Gberfeldkommandanturen for June 19^3 Folder of unknown provenance, containing the daily reports of Mil. Befh.Belg.Nfr./KdoStab/Ia, and subordinate Oberfeldkommandanturen for Jun/Jul 1^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing the daily reports of Mil. Befh.Belg.Nfr./KdoStab/Ia, and subordinate Oberfeldkommandanturen for Jan/Feb 19^. Four folders presumably from the files of D e vis ens chut zkdo. Briissel, containing Ortskomraandanturbef ehue issued by Ortskommandantur Briissel. 19^0 Br Nr. l-5l*

55 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Devi senschut zkommando Briissel (?) Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und N'ordf rankreich Continued Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordf rankreich 85068, , 850^ / /^ /^ /U6 See below 1, , (1376) See "below Ir l.3 Nr ^ L T r Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.3elg.ITfr., containing the dailyreports of Oberfeldkoramandantur 672 (Stadtkommandantur Briissel) for the period Aug/Dec 19^0. Two folders from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., containing daily reports of Uberkominandantur 670 (Lille), for the period Jul/Aug 19^-0, and a detailed account on the strike in the Pas-de-Calais region in 19^3* Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.lTf r., containing daily reports of Oberfeldkommandantur 589 (Liege) for the period Jul/Dec 19^0. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr,, containing daily reports of Feldkommandantur 579 (Stadtkommandantur Loxemburg) for the period Jun/Oct 19UO. Folder of unknown provenance, containing an incomplete collection of orders issued "by FeldkoMmandsntur 682 (Uamur), Oberf eldkommandsntur 589 (Liege), and Feldkommandantur 598 (Arlon, Bastogne), 19^0/^2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Hf r., containing daily reports of Oberfeldkommandantur 570 (Ghent) for the period Jul/Dec 19UO. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a useful study by Minis terialdirektor Dr. Werner Best, comparing the German administrations in France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, and the Protectorate. Booklet of unknown provenance, entitled "Die Hilitfrvervraltung in Belgien und Hordfrankreich, " written by Kriegsverwaltungschef Bggert Reeder and Dr. Walter Hailer. The booklet is a reprint of an article published in Volume VI of Rei ch-vo Iks ordnung-lebens raum* Zeitschrift fur vdlkische Erf as sung und Verwaltung. Reeder was chief of the military administration in Belgium, and Dr. Hailer was a member of his staff. Booklet of unknown provenance, written by Minis terialdirigent Dr. F.A. Medicus and entitled "Aus der Praxis des Staatsrechts. Militftrverwaltung in Frankreich,» in Archiv des Sffentlichen Rechtes, Ueue Folge (XXXIV, Heft 1/2), 19UU. Booklet of unknown provenance, written by Ministerialdirektor Dr. Werner Best and entitled '^Die deutsche Militarverwaltung in Frankreich." The article was originally printed in Reich-Volksordnung-Leberisraum. Zeitschrift fiir vo'lkische Thirty-five folded of unknown provenance containing Tatigkeitsberichte issued periodically by the office of Chef der Militarverwaltung (MVCh) during the period of occupation. Two reports, dealing with the

56 Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes * ** /S 17S17/ /10 IJSlJ/ll 17817/ / /H* 17317/ /13 Continued 2172U/ * ^ 1230 (1502) *2 931 (1309) (1059) * establishment of the military administration, were followed by regular monthly reports covering all aspects of military government. The material in the reports is divided into political, administrative and economic sections, and is complemented by appropriate appendices. The latter usually consist of texts, or portion thereof, of ordinances published in VerorcLnungsblatt des Militarbefehlehabers in Belgien und Nordfrankreich fur die besetzten G-ebiete Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs, issued by Militarbefehlshaber (Militarverwaltung), and also in the Moniteur Beige - Belgisch Steatsblad. Tatigkeitsbericht Nr, 1 U Jun 191*0. Tatigkeitsbericht Nr Jun 191*0. 10-Tage-Bericht der Militarverwaltung Nr, 19-Tage-Bericht der Militarverwaltung Nr, 10-Tage-3ericht der Militarverwaltung Nr, Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 1* 29 Jun Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 5 Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 6 Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 7 7 Jul 13 Jul 19UO. 1* Aug 1< 5 Sep 2 Aug 1 13 Aog 191*0. 22 Aug 19l 0. Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 3 G-esamtbericht uber die Tatigkeit auf den wichtigsten Industriegebieten in der Zeifc vom linsatz bis zum ^0. Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 9 S P Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 10 Get Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 11 Hov 19*40. Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 12 Dec Tp.tigkeitsbericht Nr. 13 Jan Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. ih- Feb Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 15 Mar Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 16 Apr Jahresbericht der Militarverwaltung fur das erste Sinsatzjahr 15 Jul Tatigkeitsbericht Nr Jun-1 Sep Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. IS 1 Sep-1 Dec Allgemeine Ubersicht fur die Zeit vom 1. Dezember 19!*! Marz 19l*2. Ubersicht uber die Arbeitsleistung der einzelnen Gruppen der Militarverwaltung fur die Zeit vom 1. Dezember 19!*! Marz Tatigkeitsbericht Nr Mar-1 Jun 191*2.

57 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Hotes ? 10? 107 Continued Militarverwaltungschef/ Abteilung Wirtschaft 25612/7 3^08/1 963 (1357) /6 '1267 (1376) 75158/3 1 See Tbelow See "below 7515^/ Tatigkeitsbericht HP. 21 Tatigkeitsbericht DTr Jun-1 Sep 1 Sep-Dec Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 23 Jan-Mar Tatigkeitsbericht Nr Apr-Jun Tatigkeitsbericht Np 25 Jul-Sep Tatigkeitsbericht Nr 26 Oct-Dec Tatigkeitsbericht Nr 27 Jan-Mar Tatigkeitsbericht Nr 28 Apr Tatigkeitsbericht Nr 29 May Tatigkeitsbericht UP. 30 Jun Folder of provenance, containing a report entitled "Die von der Militarverwaltung gesteuerten, im deutschen Interesse 19^1 aufgebrachten Leistungen Belgiens und Hordfrankreichs." The report, divided into sections dealing with Belgium and northern France respectively, offers a detailed account of the economic, financial, and other "contributions" of these areas to the German war economy for the year mentioned. Folder from the files of MVCh/Abt.'?i, containing a report entitled "Die von der Militarverwaltung gesteuerten, im deutschen Interesse 19^2 aufgebrachten Leistungen Belgiens und Nordfrankreichs." For description see preceding item. Bolder from the files of MVCh/Abt.Wi, containing a report entitled "Die von der Kilitarverwaltung gesteuerten, im deutschen Interesse 19^3 aufgebrachten Leistungen Belgiens und Uordfrankreichs." For description see folder 85107, Serial 106. Twelve folders of unknown provenance, consisting of fragments of an extensive report by the German military administration on its activities. The various sections of the report were written after the evacuation of Belgium and offer very considerable insight into the plans, activities, achievements and shortcomings of the German military administration in Belgium. The folder contains a partial table of contents and a 73-page introduction to the economic section of Abschlussbericht der Militarverwaltung in Belgien und Nordfrankreich. Part U: "Die landeseigene Verwaltung." Part 8: "Das Fiirsorgewesen." Part 9 : "Wahrung und Finanzen." Part 10: "Auswartiger Warenverkehr." Part 11: "Gewerbliche Wirtschaft.»

58 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Leitender Feldpolizeidirektor beim Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Kordfraakreich Gontinued S H * /5 General zur "besonderen 22571/lH Verfu'gung III Lehrstab der Wacaabteilungen S (1^55) *4 See below See "below 8853/ (1305) Part 11: Part 11: Part 11: Part 11: Part 15: Part 16: "Bergbau und Kohlenwirtschaf t." "Sisen schaffende Industrie." "Industrie der Nichteisenmetalle." "Textilwirtschaft." "Wirtschaftslenkung und Wirtschaftskontrolle." "Treuhandvermpgen." Folder from the files of Ltdr. Feldpolizeidirektor b. Mil.Befh. Belg.lNffr., containing "bi-monthly reports with appendices for the period Oct 19^0-Apr 19*43 of the GFP, dealing with espionage, underground activities, crimes, and other matters within the jurisdiction of the GFP. Folder from the files of Ltdr. Feldpolizeidiraktor, containing file copies signed "by Dr. Kletzke, Leitender Feldpolizeidirektor, of the monthly reports of the BP for the period Apr/Jul 19UH. Folder of unknown provenance, containing fragments of a report of MVOh on the exercise of police power in Belgium, the relationship: of the occupation authorities to groups or forms of collaboration in Belgium, and problems arising out of the administrative jurisdiction over the Uord and Pas-de-Calais Departments. Folder from the files of Gen.z.b.V.Ill (Gen.d.Inf. von Roques), containing orders and memoranda on the training and use of Landesschutzenverbanden in Belgium and Northern France. These units were used primarily for guard and security duties and were pieced under the command of the Oberfeldkommandanten. Folder from the files of Lehrstab d. Wachabt., containing orders, memoranda and directives for the recruitment and use of Belgians in guard and security forces at military depots and communication lines in the command area. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed copy of a political report on Belgium, prepared by a member of Sinsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg/Hauptarbeitsgruppe Belgien und Hordfrankreich. Ho date Ḟourteen folders of unknown provenance, containing the reports and appendices of the Intendant attached to Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr. The material assembled in these folders offers a great deal of information on the logistic efforts of the occupation authorities and the effect they had upon the Belgian economy and population. Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 1 Jul-Dec 19*40.

59 Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st Frame Notes f Continued 8853/ / /2 1539S/1 1539S/ / / / / / / /1 33^09/2 See below U8271/ /2 1*8271/ / 1 * 48271/ / /7 4S271/S 48271/9 4827/10 1*8271/11 See "below 48271/ / /14 US271/15 1*8271/ (1252) See "below (1369) llbl (1335) See "below 300 ^ (1213) Aalagen z. Tatigkeits"bericht Nr. 1. TStigkeits'bericht Nr. 2 Jan-Mar 191*1. Anlagen.. TatigkeitsTDericht Nr. 3 Apr-Jun 19^1. Anlagen... Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. ^ Jul-Dec 1^1. Anlagen-Band 2 Aug-S0D Anlagen-Band 3 Oct-Iov 1 ^0. Anlagen-Band U Dec 19'40. Anlagen-Band 5 Jan-Mar Anlagen-Band 6 Apr-May Anlagen-Band 7 Jun-Jul Anlagen-Band 8 Aug-Sep 194!. Anlagen z, Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 1*-. Tatigkeitsbericht Hr. 5 Jan-Jun 19^2. Anlagen... Tatigkeitsbericht Ir. 6 Jul-Dec 19^2. Anlagen... Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 7 Jan-Jun 19^3. Anlagen... Eleven folders of unknown provenance, consisting of Kriegstagebuch ITr. 1, and the Anlagen, of Oberquartiermeister von Belgian und ITordfrankreich, May 19UO-Dec 191*1. O.Qu.Belg.Hfr. KTB Nr. 1/19^0. Anlagen-Band 1 Mey-Jul 19^0. Anlagen-Band 9 Oct-Dec Anlagen-Band 10 Nachtrag Feb-Apr Eleven folders of unknown provenance, consisting of Kriegstage- und Ford- buch Nr. 2, and the Anlagen, of Uberquartiermeister von Belgien frankreich, Jan 1942-Dec O.Qu.Belg.Nfr. KOB Nr. 2/1942. Anlagen-Band 1 Jan-Feb Anlagen-Band 2 Mar-Apr Anlagen-Band 3 May-Jun Anlagen-Band 5- Jul-Aug 1942.

60 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes *8271/17 1*8271/18 l 216 1*8271/19 1*8271/ *8271/ *8271/ Der Militarbefehlshaber See below See below in Belgien und Hordfrankreich/Oberquartierineister 113-1*8271/ (1375) 1*8271/21* 1 1*8271/25 3^3 1*8271/ See below See below 48271/27 1*8271/28 1*2271/29 U8271/30 ^8271/31 1*8271/ /1 7595/2 7595/3, 7595/ (1336) l , 1005 Anlagen-Band 5 Sep-Oct 19**2. Anlagen-Band 6 Hov-Dec 19**2. Anlagen-Band 7 Jan-Pel: 191*3. Anlagen-Band 8 Mar-Mey 19^-3 Anlagen-Band 9 Jun-Sep 19^*3. Anlagen-Band 10 Uct-Dec 191*3. Four folders from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Kfr./O.Qa. f containing the Kriegstagebuch of Abteilung Qu.l for the period Jun 19^1 Aug 19^3. Tatigkeitsbericht der Technischen Abteilung I * *2. Tatigkeitsbericht der Technischen Abteilung IX * *3. Sicherung der Kanale und Slektr. Werke. Febr. Ul~Aug. U2. Sicherung der Eanale und Slektr. Werke. Marz ^-l-hov. U2» Bolder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Rfr*, containing the Kriegstagetmch of Abteilung On. 2 for the period H April- 30 May 19^4-0. Six folders from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., containing the appendices to the Kriegstagebueh of Q^.3» ^^^ ^e period May Mar 19l*l. Verzeichnis der Anlagen ss.d. YJZB May 19UO~Mar Anlagen z.d. K B May Anlagen... June Anlagen... Jun-Sep 19^0 Anlagen... Oct 19UO-Ma,r Beitrage... Jun Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr./O.Qo* f containing "Beilagen zum Kriegstagebuch. " These documents are primarily organizartional orders issued by O.QucBelg.Hfr., as well as reports from the various sections of the command. Of particular interest is Arbeitsstab Schell, charged with the task of securing automotive transportation, spare parts, tires and other automotive accessories available in Belgium. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Ufr./O..Qu., entitled "Schrif tvechsel la Org. betr.: Transportwesen ^ ^0. " The folder contains detailed information on road- rail- and canal- transportation in Belgium, in logistic support of the German drive in Trance. Two folders from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr./O.Qa., containing reports and directives relative to the movement of supplies into Belgium and Northern France for the offensive in France. May/ Jun

61 Serial Roll Provenance Item Fil&ed 1st Frame Notes Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Hordfrankreich/Oberquartiermeister / /7 7595/Sa Der Militarbefehlshaber 7595/13 in Belgie'a..und cli/ob sr quart! ernjei star Varied. See "below S50SO *! cont (1353) See below 615 (1325) ! Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.B e lg.l7fr./o.qu., pertaining to the organization of the military administration in Belgium and logistic support of the offensive in France. May/Jun 19^0. Folder of unknown provenance, containing data on German munitions, gasoline, oil, and other stores in Belgium during the military operations in France. May/Jul 19^0. Bolder of unknown provenance, containing maps relative to the organisation of military government, and the supply- and transport-system in the area of Belgium and Northern France. The maps indicate the administrative and/or command borders of various organizations, show available transport- and communication systems, location of supply dumps and the like. May/Jun ISHO. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "G-rundsatzliche Bestimmungen auf dem G-ebiete der Unterkimft (einschl. Kgf.-Lager), H and containing detailed instructions for billeting of troops. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr./O.Qu.., containing reports of Abteilung IVb on the confiscation and use of hospitals and clinical facilities for the treatment of G-erman military personnel. Seven folders of varied provenance, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorguag, " issued by Mil.Befh.3elg.!Ifr./O.Qu.. The ordinances go far beyond matters of supply and the like, for they contain orders, communications and directives bearing also on sabotage, underground activities, espionage, and contain usually long Fahndungslisten. Besondere Aaordnungen Nov 19^-0-Mar Besondere Anordnungen Apr-Aug Besondere Anordnungen Aug-Oct Besondere Anordnungexi Jan-Dec 19^-2* Besondere Anordnungen Jan-Dec Besondere Anordnungen Jun-Sep Besondere Anordnungen Oct-Hov Besondere Anordnungen Jan-Aug 19^-. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Militarbefehlshabsr in Belgien und Nordfrenkreich. Verwaltungsanordnungen fiir die Wehrmacht. and containing orders and regulations governing the acquisition, issuance, and use of all supplies for the units stationed in the command area. Folder of unknown provenance, containing the Kriegstagebuch of Riistungs-Inspektion Belgien for the period 1 Jan-31 Mar 19*4-3 f with appendices and lists of personnel and functions.

62 Serial 117 Roll Provenance S5093 Filmed FS 7515S/11 IT Oberkommando der Wehr /13 macht/feld-wirtschaftsamt 1st Frame ( Militarverwaltungschef ITotes 54 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a report on the organization of a Zentralauftragsstelle in Paris. The office was to coordinate all measures aimed at a maximum exploitation of French industrial capacity for the German war economy. Folder of unknown provenance, containing lists of offices of the economic section in the military government in Belgium (MVCh/Abt.Wi). Folder of unknown provenance, containing a photostatic copy of "Abschlussbericht der 'Uberwachungsstelle beim Militartefehlghater in Belgien und Hordfrankreich 1 iiber die legalisierte Aussch5j)fung des schwarzen Marktes in Belgien und Hordfrankreich ( ^3 bezw )*" The report deals with the Agency's efforts to supervise the purchase of materials which, as a result of various causes, had escaped confiscation or requisition and appeared ultimately on the "black market, Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence and directives relative to the exploitation of the "black market in the interest of the German war economy. 1941/44. Folder of unknown provenance, containing Senderanordnungen (Up, 27-49), issued by MVCh/Abt.Wi and pertaining to the regulation of economic activity in the command area. 1940/41. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a series of statistical charts relative to the import, export and allocation of oil, gasoline and similar products. 1941/44. Folder from the files of OKW/FwiAmt, containing a very extensive collection of statistical data on verious "branches of the Belgian economy. The information was compiled in 1943» &&& generally carries down to July 19^3 Folder from the files of MVOh, containing correspondence, memoranda and other data pertaining to maritime affairs: seizure of vessels, creation of a Belgian merchant fleet, Belgian maritime trade, welfare funds for Belgian seamen and their dependents, sea-borne supplies for civilian population in Belgium, purchase and transportation of Russian wheat (19^1), plans and activities of the office of Schiffahrtssachver-. standiger des Mil.Befh.Belg.Hfr. Folder from the files of Kommissar "b.d. Bank v. Frankreich, containing monthly reports on the financial operations of the Banque National de Belgique, Get 19Ul-May

63 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes /5 Heeresverwaltungsstelle 66j Eisenbahn-Betriebs- Direktion Lille Deutscher General Vichy Continued. S5007 S5117/3 FS 8505*4-66* See page /23580 FS 1 DGV 70/235SS DGV 70/23590 DGV 70/23591 FS FS 217 Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Tatigkeitsbericht des Hoheren Fachrichtenfuhrers "beim Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und lordf rankreich fur die Zeit vom Mai 19^0 bis Mai 19^1. lf Of particular interest are the sketches of the communication system in the. command area. 273 Booklets of unknown -provenance, entitled "Fernsprechteilnehmer-Ver- *"» "* * zeichnis fur das Heeresnetz in Brussels. Stand vom 1. April 19n-3«" A. USQful guide to the offices and agencies of the military administration* 362 Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Tatigkeitsbericht 3Jr. 2 des T.O. beim Milit.Befh. in Belgien u. in Nordfrankreich (T.O. 10). Begonnen: 1. Januar 19^2, Abgeschlossen: 31» D s. 19^3!r Many of the entries pertain to measures against sabotage of the transportation system. lj-2^ Folder from the files of HVSt 667, containing lists of the code names assigned to railway stations in the sector of Truppentransportkommandanturen Brassel and Lille. U50, Two folders from the files of Eisenbahn-Betriebs-Direktion Lille, 522 containing regulations effecting the personnel of the Eauptverkehrsdirektion (HVD) in Brussels, "both German and SICF employers. 535 Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Bericht iiber den linsatz der Wehrmacht-\? erkehrs-direktion Briissels. A"bt» Bisen"bahn. Vom IS. Mai "bis 31. Ukto"ber 19UO. l! Varied data on ER network of the command area. Folder of unknown provenance, containing the Geschaftsplan of the Haupt-Verkahrs-Direktion Briissel, Abt. Sisenl^ahn, issued in 19^1. folder from the files of DG-V, containing correspondence, reports and directives relating to the demobilization of French military units following tiie occupation of southern France. STov 19lf2-Hov 19^ Folder from the files of DC-V, containing correspondence, reports, and memoranda pertaining to the appointment of Darnand as Sec. Gen. for Maintenance of Public Order, support of collaborationist groups, conscription of French labor, political views and reliability of French military leaders, demobilization of Drench military units, ilncl various other matters. The folder also contains a series of situation reports from DGV on political affairs in Vichy. Of special interst are the reports dealing with 609 the Fetain-Laval rift in the fall of 19^3-19^2/HU. Folder from the files of DGV, pertaining to the control of the telephone and telegraph cominunications system of the Vichy Government by the 882 German occupation authorities. 19^2/V5«Folder from the files of DGV, containing correspondence, reports and (1305) memoranda pertaining to border traffic between Prance and Switzerland, the creation of restricted zones along the Pyrenees, employment of French labor

64 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame No tea Deutscher General Vichy Continued Deutsche Waffenstillstandskommission fiir Wirtschaft DGV 70/23592 OKW/2355 OKW/ (1172) and materials for defense construction along the French coast, and various administrative matters. A large part of the folder consists of communications between the German authorities in France and high Vichy Government officials, including Petain and Laval, concerning generally the problems which arose in consequence of the Allied landings in North Africa. Of particular interest are the memoranda of General von Neubronn on his conversations with Laval, General Bridoux, Admiral Platon, and others. 19^2/UU. Folder from the files of DGV, containing correspondence, reports and memoranda pertaining to French military reorganization, attitude and reliability of the French police, duties and reports of HSherer SSu, Polizeifiihrer in France. Of interest is a lengthy manuscript on 'the ArgLo-.Afflerican landings and activities in French JForth Africa, by unknown hand. The folder also contains both German and French reports on the meeting between PA tain and Bunds ted t at Charmeil Castle on 27 August 19^3, as well as reports on meetings between General Keubronn, Laval and other Vichy Government officials. A few items deal with the administrative relations between the German and Italian occupation authorities. 191*3. Folder from the file of DWStK/Wi, entitled "I. Bericht: Orginale, Juli-Dez. 19^0, " containing correspondence, memoranda and directives pertaining to the economic relations between Germany and France after the armistice of 19*40. The folder contains items rela*3jgg to the use of French industrial centers for the production of German war materials, the establishment of the demarcation line and the regularization of trade and commerce between the two zones, financial relations and fiscal policies of the French and German authorities, see well as information on French gold deposits. Folder from the files of DWStK/Wi, entitled "III. Bericht; Materialien von Juli-Dez. 19^-1," containing correspondence, memoranda end directives pertaining to the payment of occupation costs,.the establishment of insurance arrangements for firms - in both zones - engaged in the production or repair of war material for Germany and thus exposed to the possibility of enemy attacks. The folder also contains a few items pertaining to German control over French external and colonial trade, as well as to matters of internal traffic on roads and canals. Bolder from the files of DWStK/Wi, entitled "Bericht: Materialien vom 1. Jan.-3!» >ez. 19^2," pertaining to financial transactions,

65 >erisl Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Deutsche Waffenstillstcndskommission fur Wirtschaft Continued OKW/2356 GKW/2359 OKW/2360 OKW/ /2362 trade payments, economic matters affecting individuals and firms in Alsace- Lorraine which had funds, stocks and the like in Vichy France, as well as to French food deliveries to the German occupation forces. 1 Folder from the files of DWStK/Wi, entitled "VI. Bericht: vom 1. Juli 19^3--&& s* 19^-» " containing correspondence, memoranda and directives pertaining to German financial participation in French enterprises, the transfer of gold deposits of Polish and Belgian "banks to German control, flow of payments "between France and French Horth Africa, issuance of notes of the Moroccan State Bank, payment "by France to Germany as a result of damages erased through sabotage or other violations of the armistice clauses, transactions of various kinds involving the liquidation of Frenchowned properties in Alsace-Lorraine. 169 Folder from the files of DWStK/Wi, entitled "Delegierter._ Schwarzer Markt, Leistungsfahigksit Fraakreichs, Preise, " containing correspondence end memoranda on the price index in France, and also a limited amount of statistical data on French production of capita,! and consumer goods. 267 Folder from the files of DWStK/Wi, containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the allocation of foodstuffs to the civilian population and German military forces in France. The folder also contains a few items relative to plans of the Vichy Government to enter into negotiations with the British Government on matters of food shipments from French colonies through the Gibraltar Straits. In connection with this plan, the correspondence also contains references to the ouster of Laval. 3UU Folder from the files of DWStK/Wi, containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the "black-market in France, fiscal policy decisions between Vichy authorities and DWStK/Wi, appointment of Hemmen of DWStK/Wi as Delegierter der Keichsregierung fur Wirtschafts- und Finanzfragen bei der Franzosischen Hegierung. This appointment created a good deal of friction in view of the fact that the economic section of Mil.Befh.Fr. saw in it a threat to its own authority. The issue generated high-level correspondence, involving among others Rxbbentryp, Speer, and Stulpnagel. JIO Folder from the files of DWStK/Wi, containing correspondence, memoranda and directives pertaining to the problems arising out of the inclusion of the area between Somme-Slver and Belgium in the command area of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., the promulgation of a Vichy Government law forbidding French citizens to leave France for the purpose of manufacturing war material on foreign soil, the confiscation end export by the Germans of large quanities of champagne, uf considerable interest is a communication by Stulpnagel to Gen. Major Wagner (GenStdH/GenQu), 2U Get 19^1, in which

66 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes Deutsche Waff ens till standskommission fur Wirtschaft Truppenkontrollfeominission der Kontrollinspektion Afrika OKW/2363 KIA 35537A 122- KIA 855S7/3 123 KIA S5587/3 cont. Kontrollinspektion Afrika/KIA S55SS/2 Kontrollkommission Luftwaffe Kontrollkommission Heer KIA KIA 85589/32 KIA 855S9/23 he expresses his opposition to mass shootings of hostages in reprisal for assassinations of Wehrmacht members. S27 Folder from the files of DWStK/Wi, entitled "Elsass-Lothringen (Protokolle und Allgeineinas), " containing correspondence and memoranda of the negotiations "between the French government and the Senderausschuss zur Behandlung von Verm5gensfragen betfiglich Sisass und Lothringen. 19UO/U Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed copies of.the German text of the Franco-German Armistice of 19^40, and of explanatory comments relative to certain stipulations' of the agreement. The folder also includes a DEB version, in German, of the Franco-Italian Armistice Folder from the files of Truppenkontrollkommission d. KEA, marked "Arbeitsunterlagen fur Luftwaffe" and containing directives, memoranda and other data pertaining to French Afe? I^orce installations, personnel, and equipment in Forth Africa. The Commission, subordinate to the 33.W. St.K., xvas created in order to assure French compliance in North Africa with the terms of the 1QUO Armistice Folder from the files of TrKK/KlA, containing correspondence be- (1367) tween the French Air Force in Svorth Africa and German and Italian con- 1 trol organs. Most of the ite&s pertain to transfer, repair, replacement, use, and loss of French aircraft. 333 Folder from the files of KIA/KSL, containing correspondence and memoranda in reference to the training of French flying personnel, flights between various air stations, transfer of personnel from France to North Africa and ^ice-versa. 19^1/^2. 60S Folder from the files of SIA/KKL, containing correspondence on German and Italian control over operations of the French Air Force in conjunction with Air France, as well as over courier flights and scheduled commercial flights. 1QU1/U Folder from the files of KK Heer, containing charts and memoranda on the organization and function of the German and Italian control organs in French North Africa, subordinate to the German and Italian armistice commissions respectively. 960 Folder from the files of KK Heer entitled "Geschaftsordnong der Kontrollinspektion Afrika," containing directives, memorencla and charts on the organisation and functions of KIA, the directing agency of the 3).W.St.K. in French Morocco.

67 Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st Frame Notes Kontrollkommission Heer KIA 85589/ ^ Kontrollkommission Heer/ Gruppe Waffen und G-erate 125 Kontroll-Unterkommission I (Heer) Kontrollkommission Luftwaffe Kontrollkommission Heer Kontrollinspektion Afrika KIA 85589/ (lljqo) KIA 85591/1 IT KIA 85590/ KIA S558S/7, KIA S5588/S KIA 85588/5 KIA S5588/6 KIA KIA 85589/33 501, (1225) KIA 85589/ Kontrollkommission Heer KIA 85589/ KIA 85589/ Folder from, the files of KK Heer, containing correspondence and memoranda concerning the appointment or withdrawal of French liaison officers to the D.W.St.K. " 19^1/^2. Folder from the files of K2 Heer, containing "Inspektions-Befehl" Hr (31 May-23 Dec 19^1), ffr (5 Jan-l6 Get 19^2), issued by various control offices as well as certain general orders applicable to the work personnel of D.W.St.K. 19^1/^2. A folder from the files of KK Heer/Gr.W.u.G., containing a series of "Kontrollanweisungen" with appendices. The material refers to every aspect of the control work and includes a large amount of information data for facilitating the work of the control organs. 19^1/^2. Folder from the files of KUX I (Heer), containing "Kontrollanweisungen" xvith appendices for the -oeriod July 19^1-Gct 19^2, as well as "Tatigkeitsberichte" of various agencies for the same period. Two folders from the files of KK luftw., containing data on the organisation, personnel, strength and facilities of the French Air Force in ITorth Africa. 19^1/U?. Folder from the files of KK Luftw., containing reports by the French Air Force to the German control organs on personnel, eauipment, flights, inventories, and the "like. 19Ul/>42. Folder from the files of KK Luftw., containing reports on personnel and equipment of the French Air Force, and on alleged violations of the armistice terms by the French. 19^1/^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing sheets with dates of inspections of French installations by German officials. Folder from the files of KK Heer, containing reports for the period Jan-Uct 19^2 of various sub-commissions on inspections of various French military installations. Folder from the files of KIA, containing reports with appendices on the control and inspection of French military installations, as well as on the personnel and composition of various French units. 19^1/^-2. Folder from the files of KK Heer, containing reports on French artillery- and fortified positions in North Africa, as well as reports on inspection trips undertaken by the commanding officer of KIA Folder from the files of KK Heer, containing reports on inspections and controls carried out by the various sub-commissions in the fall of Kontroll-vJnterkommission I (Heer) KIA 85590/20 FS 1003 Folder from the files of KUK I (Heer), containing reports on inspections and controls carried out by various sub-commissions in

68 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Kontrollkommission Heer/ KIA 85591/3 1 Gruppe Waffen und Gerate Kontrollinspektion Afrika KIA 85591/1* 131? KIA Kontrollkommission Heer KIA 8559U, 288, KIA See below KIA 85597, KIA 655S9/18, KIA 85589/19, KIA 85589/20, KIA 85589/2^ See below KIA 85589/1, 85589/2, 85589/3, 85589/5, 85589/6, 85589/7, 85589/8, 85589/9, 85589/10 See "below 09, 673, 695 See "below 735, 765, 7S3, S38, 858, 905, 927, 982, 996 Folder from the files of KK Heer/Gr,.u.G-., containing reports on inspections, controls, French military equipments, depots, and the like. "19U1/U2. Folder from the files of KIA, containing reports on equipment, installations and personnel of the French Army in Horth Africa. 19^-2. Map of unknown provenance, showing the location of the German and Italian armistice commands in French Uorth Africa. 19^1/^2. Two folders of unknown provenance, containing correspondence, memoranda end statistical data on units of the French Army stationed in North Africa. Most of the items appear to be Starkenachweisungen required by the G-erman control agencies. 19^1/^2. Five folders from the files of XX Heer, containing Unterlagen material of KK Heer on the strength, training, facilities and the like of the French Army in Forth Africa. "Ausbildung - Tabellen." "Stendortiibersichten d. frz. Ubergangsheeres. Karten G-eneralstab des Heeres u. der Wastike." "G-liederungen d. frans. Ubergangsheeres." "Allgemeines Karteninaterial." "Obersicht des marokkanischen Heeres u.d. halbmilit, Urganisationen Marokkos." (19^2). Forty-nine folders from the files of KK Heer, containing perio dic control reports, with appendices, on particular units or installa tions of the French Array in Horth Africa. These reports not merely contain information of strength and equipment; they also contain esti mates on the capability of units, commanding officers, troop morale and other matters. 19*4-1/^2. "Casablanca. Kontrollberichte: Stabe, Schiessplatze, Bekleidungs- Pro viant-amter, usw. "11. R.T.A. Algerisches Schiitzen Eegt. 11."»9. Polizei Legion." "31. Pionier Bataillon." "Komp. d. Kiistenverteidigung. (l "Section G-ardinage de Chars." "Kiisten-Artillerie. " "Stellungs-Artillerie lordfront. Stellungs-Artillerie Siidverteidig." "Kolonialgruppe d. ICiisten- u. Flak-Artillerie. (G-r. Col. d. Cote e.d. B.C.A.)." "Offiziersschule in Dar el Beida."

69 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame J Kontrollkommission Heer KIA 85589/11, 85539/12, 855^9/13, Continued 85589/16, 855S9/17, 85589/21. S55S9/25, S55S9/26, S5589/27, 855S9/23, 35589/29, 85539/30, 25539/31, 8559P/1, 85590/2, S5590/3, 85590/4, S5590/5, S5590/6, 85590/7, 85590/8, 85590/ /10, 85590/11, 85590/12, 85590/13, / /16, 85590/1.7, 85590/18, 85590/21, 85590/22, (1007) 1. 61, 73, 90, 103, 125, 133. luo, 186, 271, 305, 331, "Arbeitslager." "Arbeitsdienst. (Chantiers de Jeunesse). 11 "Flugmeldebereiche." "1. Marokk. Spahi-Regiment. 1. R.S.M." "1. Kol. Art. Regt. d. Levante. 1. R.A.C.L.» "33. Pianier-Bataillon. 33. B.S.M.» "I. B.P.I.C. (Levante). I. Indoch, Pionier Batl. (3atl. Pionn. Indoch. colonial).!l "Auflosung der Spes. Komp. d. R.T.S. u. sonstiger linheiten." "Levante - Streitkrafte." "L.P.C. u. Jugendver"bande. l! "Kordfront. " "Urganisationen ausserhalb des Ubergangsheeres (Arbeitslager, Arbeitsdienst)." "Flalmrtillerie. " "Zusatzliche Streitkraf te (olme G-oxims)." "Sonsti^e Kontrollen. ^lugmeldedienst, etc,). 11 "Yerkenrs-Waclitposten. " "JJlugmeldedienst Marokko." "III./Afr, Art. Hgt. Ir. 6U." "Indociiinesisches Pionier-Bataillon. lf "R.A.C.L. Levante Kolonial-Artillerie-Rgt." "Stab, I. u. II. liar. SpaM Hgt. llr. 1. Rabat/Casablanca (Levante-Sinheit)." "Kiistea-Artillerie (Defense de Cote). Port-Lyautey. " "Panaerkanrpfwagen Wachtabteilungen der Kiistenverteidigimg. " "111./Mar."Sentz. Rgt. ttr. S." "13. KomiD. 2?elegr. (R.I.C.M.)." "IV./Afr". Art. Rgt. Nr. 63." "Kolonialgruppe der Kiisten- oind ^lak-artillerie in Marokko (Lehreinheit)." "Arbeitsdienst (Chantiers de Jeunesse). 11 "Gtoums." "Kontrollberichte der H.U.K. I." "Bekleidungslager Sale." "11. /Mar. SpaM Rgt. Nr. 3." "31, Bataiilon du Genie. H "Dipot des Isoles des Troupes Coloniales de Casa. B.I.C." "Haupt-Bekleidungslager Casablanca." "Internierungslager und Orte fiir Zwangsauf enthalt."

70 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Kontrollkommission Heer S T Continued KIA 25590/23, 85550/26, S5593 See "below 9200/1, 9200/2-1, 9200/2-11, 9200/3 9200/U-I, 9200/U-II See below 9201/1, 9201/2-1, 9201/2-II 9201/3, 9201/U, 9201/5 1UU , 1231, 1237 (12U2) See "below 5^0, 1117 (1157) l, 189 See below 2SU, 325, 1022 (1U06) 1, IS, 198 See "below See below "Gruppen franz. u. raarokk. Arbeiter." " Intend an tur en. rt "VerteeJars-Wachtposten." Six folders of unknown provenance, containing the "Kriegstage* buch," with appendices, of uberquartiermeister Paris. u.ou. Paris was organized on U July 19UO and placed under the command of G-eneralmajor Jaenecke. It was subordinate to "both Chef der Militarvervraltung (M7Ch) and to OKH/GenStdH. The K2B includes a detailed account of the responsibilities of the office as well as a list of the principal staff officers. "Kriegstagebuch U.-Qn. Paris (ab 25.1G.UO. O.-Qu. Frankreich). Begonnen: U Beendet: 2U.10.UO." "Anlagen Nr zura Kriegsta^ebuch 1. lf "Anlagen Nr sum Eriegstagebuch 1." "Karten Kr Milage zum Kriegstagebuch 1." "Kolonnentatigkeit. jiinlage zum Kriegstagebuch 1." "Kolonnentatigkeit. Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch 1." Six folders of unknown provenance, containing the "Kriegstagebuch, fl with appendices, of Oberauartiermeister Frankreich. O.i&uFr. was created on 25 uctober 19^0 out of the former U. :^i. Paris. "Kriegstagebuch 1 U.Gu. Frankreich (ab 2U.IO.Up J.Qa. Paris, ab 15.U.U1 O.Qja. West). Begonnen: UC. Beendet: lu.u.ul." "Anlagen Hr. 1-2U1. Beilage zum Kriegstagebuch 1." "Anlagen Ilr. 1-2U1. Beilage zum Kriegstagebuch 1." "Karten Nr. 1-7* Beilage zum Kriegstagebuch 1." "Kolonnentatigkeit I. Beilage zum Kriegstagebuch 1." "Kolonnentatigkeit II. Beilage zum Kriegstagebuch 1." Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 1. Transportoffizier 10 (T.oVlO) Ul Ul," and containing the entries of Transportkommandantur Stuttgart. Sisenbahnabteilung Paris, and Wehrmachttransportleitung Paris, all of which are one and the same unit. Ten folders of unknown provenance, containing the reports of Leitender Intendant beim Mil.Befh.Fr. and pertaining to the administration of supplies and provisions for the German forces stationed in France.

71 Serial loll Provenance Item filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued Varied 9061, , 14745, 21456, 25600, 30103, 33242, 36059, 408$3 See below 11902/1, 11902/2, 11902/3, 11902/4, 11902/5, 11902/6, 17174/1, 17174/2, 17174/4, 17174/5, 17174/6, 17174/7, 17174/8, 17174/9 393, 70S (721) 1, 111, 24(3, 319, 471, 511, 549, 5S9 See below 626, 757, (118*4-) 1, 366, 640, 1037, 1277, (151*0 1, 212, 329, 562, 652, 847, 916 "Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 1 fiir die Zeit vom 1. Juli 1940 Ms 31. Harz 194l.«"Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 1. Abschnitt Sau " "Tatigkeits'bericlit STr. 2 fiir die Z e it vom 1. April 194l "bis 30. Juni 19Ul." "TatigkeitslDericht 1ST. 3 fiir die Zeit vom 1. Juli 4l bis 31/Dez. Ul. " 'Tatigkeitsbericht Kr. 4 fiir die Zeit vom 1. Januar bis 30. Juni 1942." "mtigkeitsbericht ITr. 5 fiir die Zeit vom " "mtigkeitsbsricht i^r. 6 fiir die Zeit vom " "^Itigkeitsbericht Nr. 7 fiir die Zeit vom " "Tatigkeitsbericht '$r. 8 fiir die Zeit vom " "OTatigkeitsbericht Hr. 9 fiir die Zeit vom " Thirty folders of varied provenance, containing the activity reports of Chef des rlilitarverwaltungsbezirks Nordwestfrankreich (Bezirk A). These reports, with appendices, are extremely informative in view of the fact that they touch upon every aspect of military and civil affairs within the region. 2?he KTCh of Region A, and his colleagues in Regions B, 0 and Paris, were directly responsible to the MVCh Frankreich. Subordinate to the KVCh of Region A were the various Feldkommandanten and OrtskoMiiandaaten as well as other commands and officials in that region. "mtigkeitsbsricht Juli " H 2atigkeitsbericht August "TatigkeifcsbericlitSeptember " "Tatigkeitsbericht Uktober 1940." "Tatigkeitsbericht Kovembsr 1940." "Tatigkeitsbericht Bezember "Tatigkeitsbericat Januar "Tatigkeitsbericht Februar 1941." "Tatigkeitsbericht "Tabigkeitsbericht "Tatigkeitsbericht "Tatigkeitsbericht "Tatigkeitsbericht "Tatigkeitsbericht "Tatigkeitsbericht Marz 1941." J\pril 1941." Mai 1941." Juni 1941." Juli 1941." August 1941." September 194l."

72 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 13U U- 13!* Continued Varied 31071/9, 31071/10, /11, 31071/12 See "below Hl-509, 11*825/1, 260S4/1, /1, 3130S/2, 31308/3, See "below 1, 63, 567, 609, 822, 1098, U57, 1218 (1273) 1, 310, 660, 987, 1128, 1266 (1396) 371, 738, 1037 (13^5) "Tatigkeitsbericht Oktober 191*1." "Tatigkeitsbericht November " "Tatigkei tsbericht Dezember 19!*!." "Tatigkeitsbericht Januar " "Tatigkeitsbericht Februar 191*2." "Tatigkeitsbericht MSrz " "Tatigkeitsbericht April "Tatigkeitsbericht Mai "Tatigkei tsbericht Juni "Tatigkeitsbericht Juli "Tatigkeitsbericht August "Tatigkei ts"bericht September "TS.tigkeits'bericht Ukto"ber "TatigkeitslDericht a:ioveml)er " "TatigkeitsTsericht Dezember 1Q^2. " light folders of unknown provenance, containing periodic reports, with appendices, of Intendant im Militarverwaltungsbezirk A (Northwest France). These reports refer to such matters as supplies and provisions, construction of military installations, production of equipment, sanitary provisions, employment of German and foreign labor and the like, "Tatigkeitsbericht 2, vom 1.1.1* *1." "Tatigkeitsbericht 3, fur die Zeit wa 1. Juli 19!*! Ms 31.De z. "Tatigkeitsbericht 1+, fivr die Zeit vom 1. Jan. bis 30. Juni "Tatigksitsbericht 5, fur die Zeit vom 1. Juli H2~3i.De z. "Tatigkei tsberichtefiir die Zeit voin 1.1.1* *3." "Tatigkei tsberichteder H.U.V. fur die Zeit vom I.I ^3.» "Tatigkeitsberichte der H.V.St. fiir die Zeit vom 1.1.1* *3." "Tatigkeitsberichte fiir die Zeit vom 1. * *3. «Four folders of unknown provenance, containing periodic reports, with appendices, of Chef des Mlitarverwaltungsbezirks B (Southwest France), stationed in Angers. These reports, with appendices, are extremely informative in view of the fact that they touch upon every aspect of military and- civil affairs within the region. "Xriegstagebuch. Berichte u. Belege. Januar mit September 191*0." "Kriegstagebuch. Berichte u. Belege. Febr. 1+1-Mai 1+1. " "Kriegstagebuch. Berichte u. Belege. Juni 1+1-Okt. 1*1."

73 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes H5herer Uachrichten Uffizier z.b.v / , 31313, See below 1US25/2, 2S03U/2, 2591^, 31315, *023, 11*023/1 35S70/6, 35S70/1 35S70/ / , 395, See below 529, 65S, 715, 765, 82l*, 1028, (1272) 215 "Kriegstngebuch. Berichte u. Belege. 2Tov.l*.l~Jan.l*2. " Three folders of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsberichte" of Intendant im Mil.Verw.Bez.B for the periods 1 July-31 Dec 1QU2, 1 Jan- 31 Mar 19^3, and 1 Apr 1*3~30 Jun 191*3, respectively. Six folders of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsberichte" of Intendant im Mil.Yerw.Bez.C (Northeast France), and dealing with such matters as supplies and provisions, construction of military installations, production of equipment, sanitary provisions, employment of G-erman and foreign labor and the like. "Tatigkeitsb erica t Ur. 5 fur die Zeit vom 1.7.1* Ul.«"Anlagen z. Tatigkeitsbericht Nr Ealbjahr 19!*!." "Tatigkeitsbericht fiir die Zeit vom 1.1.U U2. {r "Tatigkeitsbericht fiir die Zeit vom 1.7.1*2~31.12.U2. " "itatigkeitsbericht 8, fiir die Zeit vom 1.1.1* ^3." "Tatigkeitsbericht 9, fiir die Zeit vom 1.1*-. 1* ^3." Two folders of unknown provenance, containirg the "Kriegstagebuch" and the "Aalagen z. KTB," respectively, of Chef des Mil.Yerw.3ez. Bordeaux, for the period ^1-I5»H» 19^-2, the date on which the command was dissolved. Two folders of unknown provenance, containing the "Tatigkeitsbericht" and the "Anlagenheft" of Hoherer -"achrichtenfuhrer beim Mil.Befh. Fr., for the period 1^ Jun-15 Dec iguo. The material deals in detail with the organisation of the communications system for the German forces in France. The appendices consist primarily of maps and charts of the network, giving also details about repairs, extensions, and reorganization undertaken by the G-erman authorities. Folder from the files of Hoh.Fachr.Offs.z.b.V., entitled "Eriegstagebuch (3uch 1} mit Anlagen des HSheren ITachrichtenfuhrers Frankreich beim Chef der Militarverwaltung Frankreich (5.6.19^ *0)." In addition to the K13, the folder contains very informative appendices on the initial takeover of the French communications installations. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch (Buch 2) des HSheren Hachrichtenfiihrers Frankreich beim Chef der Militarvsrwaltung Franlireich (5.6.^ ^0)," The folder actually contains the KS3 of G-ruppe Luft and of G-ruppe Funkwesen, with appendices. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Kriegstagebuch (Buch 3) des Hoheren Nachrichtenfuhrers beim Militarbefehlshaber Frankreich, mit.anlagen, vom 1. September bis 31 December IQllO." Included among the appendices are reports of Funk, Funkwesen, and Luft G-ruppen.

74 Serial Holl Continued Provenance Filmed 1st Frpjne Notes /36, 35870/38, 35870/39 35S70/UU, 35S70/U5, 35870/U6, 35S70/U7, 35S70/U8, 35870/U9, 35870/50 5^737/1 620 (1195) See below 313, 392, ion, U76, 70S, 735, Folder of unknown provenance, untitled, containing appendices to the KOS of Hoh.Kafii.b.Mil.Befh.Fr. 19U1/U-2. Seventeen folders of unknown provenance, consisting of "Sonderanlagen" to the KTB of Hoh.Hafu."b.Mil.3efh.Fr. Sonderanlage 1. "Die operativen Nachrichtenverbindungen des deutschen Heeres im Polenf eldzug 1939» " Sonderanlage 2. "Franzosische Zeitungen u. Flugblatter. " Sonderanlage Sonderanlage (2) la vom Sonderanlae 3» "^eitungskizzen. f! U. "Sainmelheft su Oberkommando des Heeres ijr. 300.UOg;PA U0. 11 b. "Vorlaufige Beschreibung fur Iv.-Gerat (Inverter)." Sonderanlage S. "'Datigkeitsbericht des Hoheren Hachrichten-Fiihrers beim Mil.Befh. in Belgien und Hordfrankreich (mit Anlagen) UO U1. Sonderanlage 9. "T'itigkeitsbericht des Hachrichteniuhrers beim Chef des Militar.-Yerw.~Bez. infordwestfrankreich (A) fiir die Zeit vom 1. Januar bis 31. December igul. lf Sonderanlage 10. "Tatigkeitsbericht des Hachriclitenfiihrers A (K.West Frankreich) 19U QU U2. l! Sonderenlage 12. "Jahreabericht 19Ul Hachrichten-Fiihrer beim Chef des Mil.Verw.Bez. S. Frankreich (3) mit Anlagen. " Sondersulage 1"^. "Jahresbericht 19U2 mit Aalagen. Hachrichten-Fiihrer B ( SW-Frankr 0.» Sonderanlage lu. lf Jahresbericht 19U2 FachrichtenftQii^er C (Bi.jon)." Sonderanlage 1^1. "Anlasen zw Jahresbericht 19U2. Fachrichten-Fiihrer C (Dijon)." ' Sonderanlage 16. "Tatigkeitsbericht des ITachrichtenfuhrers beim Chef des Mil.Verw.Bez. Bordeaux 19^1." Sonderanlage 17«"Anlagenheft zum Satigkeitsbericht des wachrichtenfiihrers beim Chef des Mil.Verw.Bez. Bordeaux 19^1. " Sonderanlage 18. "Tatigkeitsbericht der ITachrichtenkommandantur Paris fiir die Seit vom 1. Januar. bis 3^» Dezeinber 19^41. " Sonderenlage 19. "Tatigkeitsbericht der Sachrichtenkommandantur Paris fiir die Zeit vom 1. Januar-31. Deseinber 19^2." Sonderanlage 20. "l^ul und 19^-2 Jahresbericht der Feldschaltabteilung z.b.v. 2." Bolder of unknown provenance, containing the "Tatigkeitsbericht" of Kachrichtenfiihrer Nordwestfrankreich (Bezirk A) for the period ?he report makes it clear that the communications

75 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Hotes * Continued 5^737/2 5^737/ See below 7501U/1, 7501^/2, 7501U/3, 75011^, 7501^/5, 7501^/6, 7501U/7, 7501^/8, 7501^/9, 7501U/10, 7501U/11, 1085 (1233) 562, 705, 719, 876, 982, 10U9, 1, 108, 199» network increasingly was exposed to air attacks and sabotage as the.allied preparations for an invasion were stepped up. Folder of unknown provenance, containing the appendices to the "Tatigkeitsbericht" of the Hafii for Northwest France; th^r consist primarily of Stabs- and Tagesbefehle issued between 1 Jan-l6 Aug IQlj-ll-. Map of unknown provenance, containing superimposed data on the communications units stationed in France. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a telephone directory of the German military command in the Paris region, August 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a telephone directory of the German military command in the Paris region. March 19^2. Thirteen folders of unknown provenance, containing parts of an extensive and detailed study, with numerous maps, sketches and graphs, of the communications system of the Maginot Line. The study vras presumably made by 2Tachrichten-Srkundungs-Stab Frankreich, possibly in ITachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Auszug aus dem Hauptbericht. " ' ie Ifachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Teil C: Das Gerp.t. " "Bie Kachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung, Teil D: 33rfahrungen und Schlussf olgerungen. n "Die : achrichten-anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Teil B, Abschnitt I: Die Oberrhein-Stellung, " "Die i^achrichten-anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung, Teil B, Abschnitt II: Die Region Fortif iee de la Lauter. Sonderband: Werk Hochwald. " "Die Hachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Teil B, Abschnitt II: Die Region Fortif iee de la Lauter, " "Die Hachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung, Teil B, Abschnitt III: Der Secteur def ensif de la Sarre, " "Die lachrichten-anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Teil B, Abschnitt I?: Die Region Fortif iee de Metz, mit Sondermeppe Panzerwerk 505 (Werk la Ferte)." "-^ie Nachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Teil A, Abschnitt 711: Alarm-Set ze. " Hi) ie Nachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Teil A, Abschnitt 71 II: Sonstige Hachrichtenmittel: Feuerleitanlagen, G-asalarm, Sprachrohre, Optische Nachrichtenmittel, Brief tauben, Meldehunde." Nachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung«Teil A, A-b sc tmitt IX: Yorbereitung des Sissatzes. Der Plan des Trensmissions."

76 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes 68 Varied 7501^/13 See "below 32H70/2 32^70/3, 32U70/U, 321*70/5, See below 75239, 30830/1, 30830/2, 3327^/1, 3327^/2, 273, 339 See below 725 (111*2) 1, 356, 637, 905 See below 1178, 1193, 1256, 1322, 1357, "Die Nachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Teil A, Abschnitt IX: Vorbereitung des Einsatzes. Der Plan des Transmissions. Anlage 13: Ubersetzung. lf "Die Nachrichten-Anlagen der Maginot-Befestigung. Teil A, Abschnitt X: Horch- und Uberwachungswesen. " Six folders of unknown provenance, containing activity reports of Milita,rbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Propaganda Abtei lung/refer at Film. These reports cover every aspect of the film industry in France, in terms of German censorship and control, production of films, distribution and showing. Included are statistics on French and foreign films, movie houses, confiscated equipment and the like Reports covering the period 5 Mar-2U Jun Reports covering the period 25 Jun-10 Oct Reports covering the period 10 Oct Ul-2 Jan Reports covering the period 2^ Jan-2 May 19*42. Reports covering the period 2 May-31 Reports covering the period 1 Aug-3 Fifteen folders of varied provenance, constituting a fragmentary collection of periodic reports, with appendices, on the administration and economy of occupied France, issued by Militarbefehlshaber Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab. "Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaf t. Juni/ September 19^2. " "Anlagen zum Lagebaricht iiber Verwaltung und ^irtschaf t. Juni/September 19^2." "Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und ^irtschaf t. Oktober bis Dezember 19*4-2. Hit Beitrag des Wehrwirtschaftss tabes Frankreich und des Riistungsstabes Frankreich des Reichsministers fur Bewaffnung und Munition." "Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaf t. Januar/Marz 19^3* " "Anlagen zum Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaf t. Januar/Marz 191*3. " "Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und %rtschaft. April/ Juni 19^3." "Anlagen zum Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaf t. April/Juni 1U2- Ite- Continued 3657^/1, 3657^/2 1^30, (1506) "Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaft. Juli/ September Mit Beitrag des Wehrwirtschaf tsstabes West. " "Anlagen zum Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaft. Jull/September

77 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Kotea ' 69 Varied "Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und ^irtschaft. Oktober/Dezember 19^3. Mit Beitrag des Wehrwirtschaftstabes West." "Anlagen zum Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaft. Oktober/Dezember See "below 35870/20, 35870/21, 35270/22, 35870/23, 35870/21*, 35S70/25 FS 275 See "below 1038, 1082, "Lagebericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaft. Januar/Marz 19HU. Mit Beitrag des Wehrwirtschaf tsstabes West." "WochenlDericht xiber Verv;altung uad V'irtschaft fur die Seit vom 2^.6. "bis » "3*'Wochenbericht u"ber Verwaltung und Wirtschaf t fiir die Zeit vom 2. bis 8. Juli 19^."»U.Wochen"bericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaft fiir die Zeit vom 9. bis 15. Juli 19^. " - "Lagebericht uber Verwaltung und Wirtschaft. Juni 19UU, 11 "5. ochenbericht iiber Verwaltung und Wirtschaft fiir die 2eit vom Juli 19!^." Thirteen folders of varied provenance, containing situation reports, with appendices, of Militnrbefehlsaaber Frankreich/Kommandostab/Abteilung la. These reports afe well organized, very informative and indispensable for the study of the G-ennan occupation of France. "Lagebericht fiir die Monate August 19^0-Juli "Lagebericht fiir die Monate August/ September "Anlagen zum Lagebericht fiir die Monate August /Sept ember "Lagebericht fiir die Monate Uktober/ilovember 19^1. " "Anlegen zum Lagebericht fiir die Monate Oktober /November "Lagebericht fiir die Monate Dezember 19Ul/Januar 19U2. " Continued Heeresgruppe B 35870/26, 35S70/27, 35870/28, 35270/29, 35270/30, ^1176/1, 1* Militarbefehlshaber Frank-750l6/l, reich/verwaltungsstab 75016/2 302, 532 zum Lagebericht fiir die Monate Dezember 19Ul/Januar "Lagebericht fiir die konate Februar 19^2/Marz 19^2. " "Anlagen zum Lagebericht fiir die Monate Februar/Marz "Lagebericht fiir die Monate %)ril/mai 19^2." "Anlagen zum Lagebericht fiir die Monate April/Mai "Einsatzbericht fiir die Monate November und Dezember 19'-i-3» fl "2insatzbericht fiir die Monate Januar und Februar 19^. " Bolder from the files of Heeresgruppe B, containing copies of orders and directives regarding the control of refugees during the summer of 19^0 in France. Two folders from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab, containing correspondence of Wirtschaftspriifer attached to Kil*Befh.Fr»/Verw»Stab. Most of the correspondence pertains to the creation of a staff, duties to be performed and to legal and administrative regulations concerning

78 Serial Holl Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 1U6 Continued 11*7 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Kordfrankreich Sicherungs-Regiment l6/5a 750l6/5b llj-5 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Fr ankr ei ch/ Verwal tungs s t ab? Varied Bisenbahn Betriebs-Direk tion Lille Feldgendarmerietrupp (Vitry-le-Francois) S examinations of accounts* retaliation for the assassination of German military personnel. The folder is entitled "Erschiessungen von Terroristen in HFordfrankreich als Suhnemassnahmen fur Terrorhandlungen" and consists primarily of 805 Folder from the files of Mil.3efh.Belg.Hfr,, containing names of and information about individuals held as hostages and executed in communications from Oberfsldkommandantur 670 (Lille) and Gruppe Geheime Feldpolizei 3, stationed in Lille. 19^1/^ Folder from the files of S icherungs-hgt. 199, containing memoranda and directives on the defense against sabotage, espionage and "Zersetzung." 19^1/UU Folder of unknown provenance, containing reports of examiners (1177) checking accounts of French officer of Ostdeutsche Landbeivirtschaftungsgesellschaft m.b.h. (Ostland) - Hauptgeschaftsstelle Paris. 1 Folder from the files of Mil.3efh.Fr./Verw.Stab, containing file correspondence of the office on retitine administrative affairs. U06 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a complete set of "Verordnungsblatt des Militarbefehlshabers in Frankreich (VoBI3»).«1022 Folder of unknown provenance, presumably Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw. (1^4-83) Stab, containing a collection of memoranda pertaining to the recruitment of French labor. The folder includes directives for recruitment, selection, physical examination, transportation, clothing, remuneration, furlough and the like. 19^2. 1 Folder of varied provenance, containing rules and regulations pertaining to price control and black marketing issued by French and German authorities* 727 Folder from the files of Bisenbahn Betriebs-Direktion Lille, containing "Vorlaufige Dienstanweisungen fur die Uberwachungszentralstellen der Bisenbahn-Direktion Lille, as well as other memoranda on railway operations in France* 19^0/^ Folder from the files of Feldg.Trupp 706, containing "Tagebuch" entries, with appendices, for the period Oct-Dec 19^2. Most of the items pertain to minor violations of the law Folder of unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed copy (13^0) of "Standort - Dienstordnung fur den Standortbereich Strassburg (Sis.)," effective 1 Dec ls^-2. FS 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a scattered run of Kommandantur- and Stabsbefehlen of Kommandant von Gross-Paris/Kommandostab, and of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab, Abt. Ila(l),. IIa(03), Ha(lll),

79 Serial Roll Provenance Continued Feldkommandantur 602 Aussenstelle Chateau- Thierry 1 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab Feldkommandantur 591 (Kancy) Sisenbahn Betriebs- Direktion Lille Kreiskommandantur 1/660 (Neufchateau) Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab Item S2 751S ^ Filmed 1st Frame Notes ^72 1* (1299) i respectively, for the period Polder of unknown provenance, containing a "Fernsprech-Verseichnis des Chefs des Militar-Verwaltungsbezirks C. " The directory was issued on 25 Oct 19^1, and supersedes one issued on 25 June 19*4-1. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. As t. Chateau-Thierry, containing directives and memoranda pertaining to Abwehr and security measures in rear areas in France. 19^2/UU. 260, Folder of unknown provenance, possibly Infanterie Srsatz Regiment containing a Fernsprech-Verzeichrtis der urtsvermittlung Troyes (l Aug an incompl te run of Tagesbef ehlen of Feldkdtr. 591 (Nancy) for fall 19^2, and of Kreiskdtr. 1/59^ (LunAville) for igul'. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch" entries of Feldkdtr. 518 (Santes) for 19^0 and 19^ only. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Yerv, Stab, concerning the recruitment, transportation and assignment of French and other foreign laborers domiciled in France. The folder includes letters of German firms requesting skilled and unskilled labor. 19*40/^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing copies and translations - letters, memoranda and the like, addressed by French government agencies to Mil.Befh.Pr. on labor affairs. 19^3/UU. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 59! (L T ancy), containing "Besondere.Anordnungen fur die Versorgung, " issued by MVOh in France for the period 15 July-30 Aug 19^0. Folder from the files of Eisenbabn Betriebs- Direktion Lille, entitled "Kohlenverkehr ordfrankreich fl and containing correspondence and memoranda on the production, transportation and distribution of coal, iron ore and coke to steel mills and other plants. 19^3* Folder of unknown provenance, containing maps on the railway network controlled by Sisenbahn Betriebs-Direktion Lille. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Ealender der Kreiskommandantur 682 fur Innere Bereitschaft und fur Fallschirmjagerbekanrpfung. Teil II. Massnahmen der Verwaltung. " The precautionary measures, designed to maintain internal security, are grouped according to Alarms tufen. Folder from the files of Kreiskdtr. 1/660 (Neuf chateau), containing "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Verpf legung, " ITrs. US, (ipr-dec 19^1) issued by Mil.Befh.Fr. /O.Qu. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Pr./Verw. Stab, entitled "Wolfram. Ankauf von Wolfram. Bin- und Ausfuhr. " Actually most of the material pertains to the exploitation of the tungsten ore mines at Puy-les-Vignes.

80 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Kotes See "below (123S) 53 See below 265, 336, , Folder of unknown provenance, containing Komandanturbefehle Nrs (Sept 1940-Jul 1941) of Kreiskommandantur SOO (Amiens). Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Finanzwesen Frankreichs" and presumably made by Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab/ Abt.Verw.G-r. Finanzen in May The study was to provide German offices with a reference work on French financial institutions* legislation and regulations. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "(reschaftseinteilung des Stabes des Militarbef ehlshabers in Frankreich. Band II. Chef der Militarverwaltung. " The date of issue is March Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Dienststellenverseichnis des Verwaltungss tabes des Militarbef ehlshabers in Frankreich. " The date of issue is October Folder of unknown provenance, containing ICommandanturbefehle of Kommandant von Gross-Paris/Kdo.Stab for the period 5 Jan-22 Apr Included in the folder are also a few issues of Stsbsbefehle of Kommandant von Gross-Paris/Kdo.Stab/IIa for the same period, Three folders of unknown provenance, containing special economic regulations issued by Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab/WiAbt. Besondere Wirtschaftsanordnungen. Itfeue ^olge, ltr.4. (28 April 194l). Besondere Wirtschaftsanordnungen. HFeue Folge, l?r.s. (May 1Q41). Besondere Wirtschaftsanordnungen. Neue Folge, Nr«ll.(24 June 194l). Two folders of unknown provenance, containing instructions and charts pertaining to compensation calculations for vehicles confiscated in France and Belgium by military and auxiliary units. These regulations were issued by Oberbefehlshaber West/O.Qu,West, and were valid as of 1 Dec 194l and 1 Oct 1943, respectively. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Arbeitsrechtliche Anordnungen fur das besetzte Frankreich." The date of issue is 15 Mar Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab Kommandantur der Befestigung Yogesen Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence, engineering drawings and memoranda, on the exploitation of tungsten deposits at Montdelesse ( Haute- Vienne), France, Folder from the files of Kdtr.Fest.Vogesen, containing orders, correspondence, and memoranda pertaining mainly to the transfer of personnel to Einweisungsstaben and Srkundungsstaben, in preparation for the defense of the area. Sept/Oct 1944.

81 Serial Roll ^9 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab 150 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab ^ S ^ Filmed 1st Frame Uotes ^ 1100 (1*103) Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence and memoranda on miscellaneous affairs of the French economy* Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing a correspondence file of Verw. Stab/Abt. w irtschaf t II, and pertaining to French legislation on the mining and coal industry. 19^0/''-3» Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab/ Abt.Wi. II, with statistics and other data on the coal and iron ore production, employment in the mining operations, shipment and distribution of coal end iron ore, coal consumption, coke production, and the like. 19^0/^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing information reports compiled "by economic experts who inspected French, Belgian and Luxemburg mining and steel production centers after the May 19^0 offensive, for the purpose of estimating and recommending measures necessary to resume production in those industries. Very interesting material. 19UO/U1. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence, memoranda and statistical data on production and delivery auotas of French coal and allied products, as well as on distribution and use of iron and steel. 19^2/^3- Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, concerning the exploitation of shale oil deposits near Creveney (Haute-Saone), France. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing monthly statistical reports on the exploitation and distribution of iron ore. They originated with Der G-eneralbeauf tragte fur die Sisenerzgewinnung und Verteilung in den G-ebieten Luxemburg, Lothringen und Meurthe-et-Moselle. Dec 19^2/May igltf. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence on lime production, for the steelmills. Most of the items pertain to the appointment of German supervisory personnel and to methods designed to increase production. 19^1/UU. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence between the German authorities and private firms engaged in the exploitation of peat fields in France. 19^1/^3. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence on the production and distribution of coal in France. Most of the correspondence refers to coal requirements of public utilities in France.

82 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes Kreiskommandantur 1/660 (Keufchateau) Kreiskommandantur 800 (Amiens) Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab Heeres-Unterkunftsverpflegung Sissone 752^2 752^3 752^5 752^6 752^ S Feldgsndarmerie 2?rupp (Commercy)? 7527^ FS (1036) (1365) Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed reports of meetings of the Grroupement de Charbons Allemands, founded in 194l as a syndicate and subsequently reorganized as a corporation, engaged in the import of German coal in France Folder of unknown provenance, containing a collection off excerpts of Anordnungen and Befehlen issued by Kreiskomiandantur Tournai in 194l (ivr.1-20), as well as Kommandanturbefehl Nr. 21. Folder from the files of Kreiskdtr. 1/660, containing reports of Krkdtr. 1/660 (l/'euf chateau), for the period Dec ig40-uct 194l. "Virtually all the items pertain to routine administration. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab, containing correspondence on the recruitment of foreign labor in France, generally upon specific reauests of German firms. Jan 1Q41. Folder of unknown provenance, containing file correspondence on labor recruitment from the office of Unternehraereinsatz-Werbestelle fiir geschlossene Arbeitergruppen beim Mil.Befh.Fr. Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Kriegstagebuch Hr. 4" of Feldkominandantur 560 (Besancon) for the period 1 Jan Sep Folder from the files of Krkdtr. 800 (Amiens), entitled "Anlagen zum Sriegstagebuch. fl Aug 1940-Dec Folder from the files of Krkdtr. 800 (Amiens), entitled "Lageberichte K.K.800 ab, Mitte September 1940." The folder also includes reports of Aussenstellen Doullens and Molliens-Vidame. Sep 1940-Apr 194l, Folder of unknown provenance, containing Kommandanturbefehle Nr (Jul/Sep 1942) of Krkdtr. 800 (Amiens), as well as Kommandanturbefehle of Verbindungsstab 800 (Dpt. Tarn), Nr D c 1942-Aug Folder of unknown provenance, containing Ortslcommandanturbefehle Hr. 1-20, of Ortskoiamandantur (Later Standortkommsndantur) Contrexeville. Jul/Sep Folder from the files of H.U.V. Sissone, containing "Besondere Anordnunsen fiir die Verpflegung," Nr , issued by Befh.NW.Fr./ Kdo.Stab/qa., for the period S Aug Uct Folder of unknown provenance, containing a series of administrative regulations issued by Eisenbahn-Betriebs-Direktion Lille. 1941/43. Folder from the files of Feldgend.Trupp 629 (Commercy), containing what appear to be appendices to the KTB of the unit. 1943* Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Nachrichtenkommandantur Paris. Fernsprechverzeichnis der deutschen Dienststellen in Gross-Paris."

83 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Hotes 75 15^ Feldkommaadantur 1/69^ Kreiskommandantur 1/ Der Kommandant von Paris/Abteilung Unterkunft 752SO 752S1 3^ Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 1/69^, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Verpf legung,!i (Nr. ls-^5), for the period Sep/Dec 19l*0, issued by Mil.Befh.Fr./u.Qu. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung, " (itfr )» for the period May/Uct 19^3, issued "by Konnnandant von Gross-Paris/Kdo.Stab. Folder from the files of 1/660, containing a complete collection of Kommandanturbef ehlen issued "by Kommandant von Gross-Paris/ Kdo.Stab, (superseding Kommandant von Paris as of 1 Mar 19^1), for 19^1. Folder from the files of Kdt.Paris/Abt.TT., containing Kommandanturbefehle Nr. 62^139, issued "by Kdt. Paris for the period 29 Aug-31 Dec Solder of unknown provenance, containing a series of m?ps sh'jving the location of units subordinate to Mil.33efh.Fr., recreational facilities (Soldatenheime), POW compounds, as well as communication and rail networks. 155 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Vervraltungsstab 155 Feldkommandentur 550 (Spinal) urtskommandantur I1/660 Kreiskormnandantur 1/660 t 752S , 75296, 75297, 753H 7529S ^ 1000 FS , 1032, 1120, 1137 (1147) ^ (1513) Folder of unkmwn provenance, entitled "Geschaftsverteilung der Zomiaandantur (V) yus (St.Brieuc, Dspt. Cotes-du-iiord). fl iqul. Folder of tankno^m provenance, containing the text of a contract for reconstruction vork in Lorraine, drawn up "between Reichsstatthalter in der Westmark und Chef der Zivilverwaltung inlathringen and the Sociite Moderne d'sntreprises (Paris). 19^2. Four folders from the files of Kil.3efh.Fr; /Verw. Stab, containing correspondence and memoranda on the exploitation of tungsten deposits in France, to whit, the mines at Louroux de Bouble (Allier), Leu-camp (Cantel), and Puy-les-Vignes (Hte-Yienne), Montbellaux (Brstagne), and others, Folder from the files of F.K. 550 (Spinal), containing daily reports and memoranda of F.E. 550 for the period Jul/Dec 19^0. Folder from the files of 11/660, containing appendices and othsr memoranda. Jul/Dec 19^0. Folder from the files of Krkdtr. 1/660 (Keuf chateau), containing copies of correspondence and reports for Jan/Mar 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing Koinmandanturbefehle issued by Feldkdtr. 6SU (Charleville) for the period Sep/l^Ul-Dec 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing Kommandanturbefehlo issued by Feldkdtr. 63H (Charleville) for the period Jan/Dec 19^3. Bolder of unknown provenance, containing Koimnandanturbefehle issued by Feldkdtr. 6SU (Charleville) for the period Jan/Aus

84 Serial Holl Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Feldkommandantur 6S2 (Namur) Feldkommandrmtur 6Sl (Vesoul) Standortkoimnandantur Angers Festungskommandantur Boulogne Feldkommandantur 602/ ALLS s ens telle Chateau- Thierry 1 Feldkommandantur 518 / Verwaltungsgruppe (Nantes) Kreiskommandantur JOo (Vitry-le-Francois) S Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab ** Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 682,(Namur), entitled "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch der Feldkdtr. (?) 682, " for the period 19*10/^1 ^36 Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 66l (Vesoul), containing file copies of correspondence and directives relative to the training and availability of security troops in FU. France. 19^3* Ugy Folder of Angers, containing copies of Standortbefehlen for the period %ec H3~Mar 19 U Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence, orders and reports of Alarm Bat&illon Paris IV concerning the creation and use of this unit in the Paris area in August 19^. 582 Folder from the files of Boulogne, containing file copies of correspondence, memoranda, and directives pertaining to the creation of the fortress command, personnel changes and defensive preparations following the Allied landings in France. Of interest are the!j Verpflichtungserklarungen, " i.e., signed statements by officers to defend their sectors to the last man. S61J- Folder from the files of Mil.3efh.?r./Verw.Stab, containing correspondence relating to the transfer of personnel from the French Post-, Telephone- and Telegraph ^ervice to the German Postal Administration. The folder includes statistics on the personnel to be removed from each department. 19UH Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 602/Ast. Chateau-Thierry, (lubj) containing file correspondence of the office. Of particular interest are the reports dealing with French underground activities and the directives on defensive measures to be taken. 19^3/^«1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing file copies of reports issued by Kbmmandant der Festung St.Malo/Ia,, in August 19^-U. 22 Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 51S/7erw.Gr. (Uantes), containing file copies of correspondence arid memoranda on the recruitment of French labor for the G-erman war economy. 19^3/^» l6u Folder of unknown provenance, containing a series of Merkblatter and Richtlinien for the recruitment of labor in France, issued by Mil. Befh. Fr. /Verw. Stab/Vfi. Abt. 19 l! Folder from the files of Kreiskdtr. 706 (Vitry-le-Francois), containing file correspondence and memoranda on the recruitment of French labor for G-ermany. U6j Folder of unknown provenance, containing literature, posters, letters and the like designed for the recruitment of French labor for Grermany.

85 Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes 77 Feldkommandantur 51S (Mantes) Der Kommissar bei der Bank von Frankreich S? Abwehrstelle Paris ^ FS S 753^7 753^9 Deutscher Verbindungs stab Vichy FS 702 7^ (1217) Folder of unknown provenance, containing a few staff orders of Feldkommandantur 801 (Evreux) and administrative memoranda. 19^3/UH. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed copy of a report entitled "Die orgaiiisatorische Entwicklung der franz8sischen Polizei und Gendarmerie seit dem Waff enstillstand, " issued "by Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und dsa SD im Bereich des Mil.Befh.Pr. Folder of unknown provenance, containing an 18-p. report on the affairs and operation of the newspaper Paris-Soir for the period igiio/ul. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 518 (!Iantes) >>t containing a report entitled "Verwaltungsgiiederung und zahlenmassige Otersicht iiber das altbeset^te G-e"biet Frmkreichs, " issued "by Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab/Abt. Varw», as veil as a report issued by Hoherer SS- und Polizeifuhrer "beim Reichsstatthalter i.d. Westmark und Chef der Zivllverwaltnng in Lothringen/ Bodenamt/Abt.Planung, entitled "Lothringen in Zshlen." 19^3* Folder of unknovn provenrtnce, containing a l 0~page report by Oberkriegsverv-altungsrat Dr. Arnold Kobelt entitled "Die "frsnzssische G-eineindereformen seit dem Waffenstillstand." Folder.)f unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed copy of a memorandum entitled "Freie Bretagne, " vhich was submitted to the G-srman Foreign Office on 3 Aig 19^0 'by the National Council of Brittaay, as well as a mimeographed copy of a memorandum entitled "Bemerkungen zu der Denkschrift 'Freie Bretagne. ni A folder of unknown provenance, containing a list of officials, and their positions, in the French Government as of 1 July 19^3. Bolder from the files of Der Kbiamissar bei der Bank von Frankreicli, containing correspondence and memoranda of the office for the period IQ^-l/ Folder of unknown provenance, containing originals and copies of memoranda on conferences of various German officials concerning French labor as well as regulations and legislation affecting labor affairs in France. 19^3/Ulu Folder from the files of Abwshrstelle Paris, concerning the accidental death of Hptm. Bamberg of Ab^ehrleitstelle Frenkreich in the course of en action designed to apprehend RAF fliers whom?-men of the Gestapo were leading into a trap in Paris. Aug 19^3* Folder from the files of D.V. Vichy, presumably from the files of DWStK, and pertaining to the activities of Deutscher General in Vichy, Heereskontrollinspektion in Bourges and others on matters of the armistice implementation.

86 Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notea S t andor tkoinmandan tur Vesoul Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verw.Stab/ Abt.Verw Folder from the files of Standortkdtr. Vesoul, containing correspondence and reports of the unit for the period 19^1/^2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab/Abt,Very., containing correspondence end memoranda concerning legal matters, relations bet\tfeen German authorities and French judicial agencies and officials, as well as reports on aspects of French judicial and legal practices Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Kommandostab/Xc Der Miiitarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab Der Militarbefehlshaber in Fr ankr e i ch/ Ve rwaltungs s tab / Abt. Jus ti z ^ (1300) Folder from the files of Mil.3efh.Fr./Kdo.Stab/Ic, containing correspondence and reports on the assassination of a Marinehilfsassistent in Paris on 21 Aug 19^1. Most of the correspondence concerns German negotiations with French judicial officials on retaliatory measures. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab, containing correspondence and memoranda relative to the descontinuation of the Riom trials. 19*13. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab, containing correspondence and memoranda on the application of German la,w in the occupied territory of France. louo/^l. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr,/Verw.Stab/Abt.Justiz, concerning objections of the members of the Paris bar to the appointments by the Vichy Government of the Conseil de 1'Ordre. The folder also includes correspondence on the subject of arming French -prison guards. ^ 19^2/ltf. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Kriegstagebuch der Festungskommandantur Boulogne," for the period 12 Feb-lJ Sep 19^4, Folder of unknown provenance, containing file correspondence on the assignment of labor of the Lignes Teligraphiques et T lephoniques of Conflsns-Ste-Honorine» Host of the assignments were made to Siemens & Halske. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a series of orders and directives of Verbindungsstab 792 in Digne relative to military security in the Basses-Alpes area. 19^3/^* Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed copies of memoranda on the administrative organization of Feldkommr-ndantur 591 (Hancy) as well as on its duties and competence. Folder of unknown provenance, containing maps of France with superimposed information on the location of Feldkommandsnturen, French gendarmerie posts, as well as a list of Decknummern of transport con~ trol units in Belgium.

87 Sisenbahn-Betriebs- Direktion Lille 161 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Verbindungsstab 792 (Digne) 161 Heichsvereinigung Eisen/ Aussenstelle Sddwest/ Rohetoffstelle Met2 Milltarverwaltung S 753SO 753S SS 753^ FeldKoinmandantur FS 1063 (1273) ^ (1176) l (1^60) Iffotes 79 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a series of "Baustoff- Trrnsportprogramme" issued "by Hauptverkehrsdirektion Paris, and pertaining to rail transport of equipment and materials for Organisation Todt and other construction projects* 19^3» Folder from the files of S.B.I). Lille, concerning the Flachsverkehr between Belgium and France. 19^1/^-3 Folder from the files of 3.B.D. Lille, pertaining to rail- and barge transport of wheat arid other agricultural products from France to Belgium. 19^1/^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed copy of "G-eschaftsordnung fur den Kairimando- und Vervaltungsstab des Chefs des wilitarverwaltimgsbezirks A. " 19*11 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a Geschaftsplan of the staff of Lt.G-en. Schreiber, Chef des Militarverwaltungsbesirks A, with detailed information on both the personnel and the offices. 19^-1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed memoranda on the 19^3 reorganization of the Arbeitsverwaltung of the German military government in France, in order to achieve greater efficiency. Polder from the files of Vsrbindungsstab 792, marked "Arbeitseinsatz" and pertaining to the allocation of labor in French and German industries, war production, and the like. Folder of unknown provenance, containing Komm?ndanturbefehle issued by Kommandent von Gross-Paris for the year 19^2. Folder from tiie files of HVS/Rohstoffstelle Ketz, containing file correspondence on the allocation of raw materials for iron and steel production to mills in Lorraine, Luxemburg and Belgium. 19^3/^» Folder of unknown provenance, containing a map of "Fsrnsprecimetz der Feld- und Ereiskommsndanturen im Bereicke des Bezirkchefe Paris. Stand: UO." Folder from the files of M.Y., presumably in France, containing a collection of memoranda on the organization and function of military government in occupied territories. The folder also includes mimeographed directives for proclamations to be issued in Belgium and Luxemburg, lists of foreign consulates in both countries, as veil as Planspiele and other material. 19^0/^2. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 723, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Verpflegung" issued by Befh.IT.W. Frankreich/Xdo.Stab/Qu., with appendices, for the year

88 162 Provenance Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Her kilitarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verw. Stab/ Abt.V.erw ^09 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Filmed 75*106 75^10 75^ ^17, 75^18 1st Frame 101 (1603) 361 FS Notes Folder of unknown provenance, containing a valuable collection of statistics! charts, maps, and tables relative to the production and distribution of coal in France for the period ^3«^he data also includes information on mining equipment - in use end in storagearid on facilities. Included in the folder is also information on tungsten mines in France. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to monitoring enemy broadcasts, film censure, permits for publications. Fragementary. 19^0/^. Bolder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr. /Verw.Stab/Abt.Verw., containing file correspondence relative to "Uberwachung der franzosischen Gesetzgebung. " The folder also includes en item entitled "Ubersichten iiber die seit dem 1. Juli 19^-K) erlassenen franzosischen Gesetze. " Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verv. Stab/ Abt.Verv., containing reference memoranda pertaining to the legal powers of the German authorities in France on a number of subjects, particularly the regulations of the French economy. 19-l-O/Hl. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab/Abt.Verw., containing various regulations governing labor, production and other aspects of French firms receiving orders or contracts from German authorities. 19^0/^2. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab/ Abt. Verw., containing memoranda, correspondence and press clippings on regulations pertaining to labor, commerce, alien property and the like. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Yollstreckungsplan fur den Bereich des MilitKrbef ehlshaber in Frsnkreich, " and containing detailed regulations for carrying out court sentences involving confinement, imposed upon military personnel and civilians by the occupation authorities. 19*&. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing memoranda and correspondence on coal production in France. Much of the correspondence emanates from Der Beauftragte des Reiches fur die Kohle in den besetzten und angegliederten Gebieten/Der Leiter der Grup-pe West (BEKO-WE3T). Two folders of unknown provenance, containing file correspondence of Oberkriegsverwaltungsrat Rover in his capacity as Bevollmp.chtigter des Reichskohlenkommissars. SO

89 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Hotes 81 Continued Feldkommandantur 51S/ Verwaltungsgruppe Der Mill tarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab 75^9 75^27 75^29 75^36 75^37 75^39 75^2 75^3 #52 (1125) SUl Folder of unknown provenance, containing a report on the Societe des Schistes Bitumeux d'autun, prepared in March 19^1 "by the Societ Francaise Bedaux (Paris), and forwarded "by the German Smbassy in Paris to Mil.Befh.Fr./WiStabo The covering letter points up the possibility of raising French bituminous coal output, allegedly held to a minimum by American producers anxious to preserve their French markets* Folder of unknown provenance, containing August 19^H correspondence and statistical data of the Office de Repartition du Charbon with the German authorities, especially the office of Der Beauftragter der Warenstelle Kohle. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 51S/Verw.Gr. (lantes), entitled "Auf tragsverlagerung. Allgemeines - Zentralauf tragsstelle, " and containing a reference file of memoranda pertaining to the exploitation of French industrial resources for the German war economy. 19^1/HU. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a fragmentary collection of weekly reports from Der Sonderbeauftragte fur industrielle Lieferungen (Stab Schnelle Truppen), dealing vdth the production of tools as well as equipment for armored units by French firms. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a reports of Treuhand- Vereinigung A.G., Berlin, on the management of the S..A. des Hauts- Fourneaux, Forges et Acieries de Pompey (Meurthe-et-Moselle) by H. B.c5chling, in his capacity as Kommissarischer Verwalter. 19^0/^1-. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence and memoranda on illegal crossings of border and demarcation lines, treatment of civilian internees and others apprehended in effort to support escapes, as well as a few items of correspondence between H. Dalla Torre and Alain de Kergoer of the Mouvement Social Revolutionnalre pour la Involution ilationale. 19^0/^2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh«JFr«, containing a full report on an armed attack against German customs officers on the demarcation line near Buxy (Saone-et-Loire) on 10 Oct 19^4-1, Folder from the files of Mil. Stab, containing memoranda and correspondence relative to "Strafverfolgung von Heichsangehorigen und Italienern im besetzten Gebiet. " 19^-0. Folder of unkno^m provenance, containing "Erlauterungen 25um Waf fenstills tends vertrag. " 19^1* Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing memoranda and correspondence pertaining to compensation for property confiscated, destroyed or modified for military purposes, as well as to com-

90 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 82 Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab " Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Feldkommandantur 723 (Caen) ^51 75^55 75^ ^ pensation for individual labor services. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing correspondence and memoranda on communications "between French, Belgian, Alsatian and other offices maintaining civil and legal records (Standesamter). 19^1. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing correspondence and memoranda on the disposition of flotsam and jetsam, in accord with international law, in occupied ^rance. 19^1/^2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to French violations of German patent rights end compensation demands "by the patent-holders. 19^0/14-2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing correspondence and memoranda on damages payable to the German authorities for material equipment and/or facilities destroyed by sabotage or lost as result of theft or negligence. lo^l/'!-3. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing correspondence and memoranda relative to fines imposed in consequence of non-fulfillment Of requisition demands. 19*42. Folder of unknown provenance, containing memoranda and reports pertaining to the recruitment of labor in France for service in Germany. 19^1/^5. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., marked "OB PersSnliche Akte" and containing correspondence, memoranda and reports dealing with German retaliatory measures in France, confiscation of Jewish art treasures in France, French police activities, press clippings re executions, a chronological account entitled "Bntwicklung der Geiself rage, H execution of hostages in the wake of the assassination of the German military commander in Nantes, and like material. The folder also includes copies of General Otto von Stulpnagel's personal and official letters to Keitel requesting that he be retired from his command. 19U1/42. Folder of unknown provenance, containing issues of Presse-Rundschau, published in mimeographed form by Verbindungsstelle Frankreich der Organisation der deutschen w irtschaf t for the period Jan/Jul 19^4-. The publication contains excerpts of the international press pertaining to economic and financial affairs and was generally issued once a week., Folder from the files of F e ldkdtr. 723 (Caen), containing regulr tiou'i end directives irrt -ir.i;ig to the confiscation and disposition of enemy alien property.

91 Roll Provenance Feldkommandantur 518 (lantes) Feldkommandantur 723 (Caen) 166 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich 75^61 75^3 75^71 75^77 75^79 75U80 Oberkommando des Haeres/ Generalstab des Heeres/ Abteilung Fremde Heere West Der Militarbefehlshaber 75*135 in Frankreich Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab 75^90 Filmed 1st Frame FS *40 H53, JL t Tc_y j I $ (1262) Notes Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 51S (llantes), containing correspondence and memoranda on V-enterprises in France and pertaining to classification procedure, raw materials supply and the like. 19^1/^3* Folder of unknown provenance, containing a series of monthly reports on the economic affairs in the region of Deutsches Generalkonsulat Marseille. 19^2/UU. Folder of unknown provenance, containing statistical information on Gichtstaubverladungen of the Hadir steel mills in Differdange (Luxemburg). 19^3/UU. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 723 (Caen), containing a nearly complete run of Tagesbsfehlen issued by Clief des Militarvervaltungsbezirks Nordwestfrankreich (Bez. A), for the year 19^1. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Jr., containing correspondence on "Gerichtsbarkeit fur Deutsche und Italiener im besetzten Gebiet Frankreichs." Folder of unknown provenance, containing a collection of reference memoranda on various legal matters. Much of it refers to the registration, execution and interment of hostages. 19^1/UU. Folder of unknown provenance, statistical data of the Office de Hepartition du Charbon relative to coal production and distribution. 19^3/U4. Folder from the files of OKII/GenStdH/Abt.FHW, containing general information on French intelligence organization in the unoccupied area of France, 19^2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing memoranda, directives, reports, press clippings, proclamations and the like on the subject of attacks on German military personnel in France, retaliatory actions, efforts to destroy the French Communist Party, actions of French courts in matters of assassinations and sabotage. Very interesting. 19^1«Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab, containing interesting ma.terial on the German point of view relative to the legal status of captured members of the FFI. I$±3/W±. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab, containing correspondence on the return of French legal officers to the Sperrzone (Griine Zone) - li and IIS France. 19^0/Ul. Folder of unknown provenance, containing memoranda and correspondence on the general subject of military legal authority in occupied France. S3

92 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued Der Militarbef ehlshaber in Frankreich Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungss tab/ Ab tei lung Wirtschaft Feldkommandantur (Troyes) Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab t Gericht der Feldkommandantur 723 (Caen) 75^92 75^ , S FS FS FS (1549) (997) Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to German control over legal and penal affairs in occupied France. 1940/41. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing memoranda and correspondence on penal matters in occupied France, including search for Eeichs- and Volksdeutsche in French prisons, use of French penal facilities, statistics on crime in the occupied zone, transfer of inmates, creation of German control agencies, and the like. Folder of unknown provenance, containing copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review* Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence and memoranda on "Patenfirmen," i.e., German firms charged with certain control responsibilities over French firms which manufactured various components of the defense production of the Patenfirmen. 1943/44. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab/Abt.Wi., containing memoranda and directives pertaining to "Beute- und Wirtschaftsguterfassung" in South France. Two folders of unknown provenance, containing file memoranda, presumably used by Verbindungsstelle Frankreich der Organisation der deutschen Wirtschaft (Deutsche Handelskammer) in Paris, on economic affairs in France. 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a report entitled "Der Reichsbeauftragte fur lisen u. Stahl in den beset zten Gebieten. Gruppe Meurthe-et-Moselle, " for the month of Dec 19^3» Folder of unknown provenance, containing orders, directives and memoranda issued by Mil.Befh.Fr. /Propaganda Abt./Gr.Rundfunk. 19^1/^2. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 53! (Troyes), containing correspondence and memoranda on security measures prepared by the command for emergency situations. 19^-1 Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence and memoranda on preventive measures against sabotage. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a French study on the German occupation authority in France as well as German observations on certain aspects of it Folder from the files of Gericht d. Feldkdtr. 723 (Caen), entitled "Hechtspflege" and containing reports and memoranda, on the actions

93 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame ITotes Kreiskommanclantur 660 1JO Continued Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab Landes-Schiit zen-hegiment 95 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Kordfrankreich G-ericht der Feldkommandantur 723 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab Feldkommandantur 518 (Nantes) Der Militarbefehlsha'ber in Frankreich Riis tungs-inspektion Frankreich ^ 755^2 755^ * 7556^ ^70 7* usi H6U (124U) of the court, including summaries of decisions* Folder from the files of Kreiskommandantur 660, entitled "Der tar'befehlsha'ber. Tagesbefehle und Verfiigungen vom Juli UO bis 31» Dezem- TDer UO.» Folder from the files of Mil»Befh.Fr./Verw.Sta'b, containing memoranda on the application of military administration authority, the creation of restricted zones, and the like. 19^0/^1. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., pertaining to enemy "broadcasts "beamed to France and confiscation of radios of frenchmen accused of monitoring enemy "broadcasts, lyuo/uu. Folder from the files of Landes-Schutzen-Regiment 95, containing Tages"bef ahle for the period Oct 19^1-Mar 19*42. Bolder from the files of Mil.3efh.Fr., containing correspondence and memoranda on "Rechtshilfeverkehr" "between German and French judiciary offices. I\'ote interesting exchange of letters re legal status of Luxemburg. 191H/42. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., containing daily reports of various Ober- and Feldkoiiimandanturen for August Folder from the files of Gericht d. Feldkdtr, 723, pertaining to legal competency of military courts, creation of Haf tk a rteien, review and affirmation of sentences, and the like. 19^0/Ul. Folder of uniaiovm provenance, containing material relative to the monthly reports of Gruppe S (Justiz) of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab. 19^0. Bolder of unjrnown provenance, containing an incomplete collection of Standortbefehlen of StandortkomLiandantur lletz for 19*10. Folder from the files of Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab, containing correspondence relative to the appointment of Dr. Irnst RQchling, GeneraTbeauftragter fiir die Sisen- und Stahlindustrie in Meurthe-et-Moselle, as administrator of various steel mills. 19^1/^5 Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 518 (Mantes), containing reports and memoranda on price control in the Seine-Inferieure Department. 19^1/^ Folder from the files of Mil^Befh.Fr., containing drafts and copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees submitted to the German authorities for review. The proposals are concerned with economic matters Folder from the files of Rii In Fr., containing a Geschaf tsverteilungsplan der Heeres-Beschaffungsabteilung im OKH, a chart on the Wehrmachtbeschaffungsamt (Bekleidung und Ausriistung) und Auss ens te lien, as

94 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Reichsvereinigung B Aussenstelle Siidwest/Rohstoffstelle Metz Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/KoEffliandostab/Ic ^ SI well as data on the organization, personnel and activities of Rii In Pr. 19^2/H3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence and data on German confiscations of equipment and material belonging to French firms. Most of the correspondence was carried on between representatives of the German and French armistice delegations. 19^4. Folder from the files of Reichsvereinigung Sisen/Ast.Siidwest/ Rohatoffstelle Hetz, containing statistical tables on coal reserves, imports, consumption and needs in the area of Longwy (Meurthe-et-Moselle) Folder of unknown provenance, containing data on fuel distribution in France for the period Dec 19^3-May 19^» Folder of unknown provenance, containing data on coke production in France in 19*4-2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Kdo.Stab/Ic, containing correspondence and maps on the subject of "Rechtzustand in Siidfrankreich, " in referring to a complaint by Koru'ck SW Fr. about administra~ tive confusion in that area* June/ July 19^4-, Folder <$f unknown provenance, presumably from the files of Der Chefrichter Fr., containing reference memoranda on military jurisprudence, including legal regulations pertaining to military oersonnel from territory annexed or controlled by Germany since 1939 Der Militarbefehlshaber 755SO in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab/Abteilung Verwaltung FeldkomiaaiKlantur 723 (Caen)75586 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich UUO US7 67U (1367) Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./TTerw.Stab/Abt.Verw., containing memoranda pertaining to collaboration between the military command and Hoherer S3- und Polizeifuhrer in France. 19^-2. Folder from the files of Peldkdtr. 723 (Caen), containing "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung" issued by Chef des Militarverwaltungsbezirks A/KdoStab/Qu for the period May 19U1- April 19^-2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Pr., containing drafts and copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. Most of the proposals pertain to economic affairs. 19^3. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Ufr., containing correspondence on the Russian emigrant colony in Brussels, its membership and its attitude toward Germany and the vrar against the USSR. The folder also contains correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the Rexist Movement and the "Wallonische Legion. "

95 Continued Provenance Feldkommandantur 5917 Aussenstelle Luneville Der Landkommissar Rappoltsweiler Eer Chef der Zivilverwaltung im Slsass/Persbnlichs Abteilung Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verv/altunsstab Feldkommandantur 5.18 (Nantes) Filmed cont. 1st Frame ^ Notes Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "G-eschaftseinteilung des States des Militarbefehlshabers in Frankreich. Band II: Chef der Mill tar--: verwaltiing. " Stand: Marz 19UU. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 591/Ast. Luneville, containing "Besendere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung 51 issued "by Befehlshaber im Bezirk Kordostfrankrexch/Qu, for the period Aug-Dec 19^3» Folder from the files of Landkommissar Rappoltsweiler pertaining ' j to price control in Alsace. 19^0/ty3«Folder from the files of CdZ Slsass/Pers.Abt., containing correspondence, memoranda and directives pertaining to the "banning of the Baskenmutze. 19^0/^2. : ' Folder from the files of CdZ Slsass/Pers.Att., entitled "-Anmeldungen deutschen Vermogens im feindlicnen Ausland." 19^0. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing memoranda and directives pertaining to the surveillance of maritime traffic in the occupied territories (haroor traffic, coastal shipping, etc.), as well as to the exercise of police authority "by Feldkommandanten and Kreiskomiuandanten, 19'4-0. Folder from the files of Mil.3efh.Fr., containing drafts and copies of drafts of proposed French lavrs and decrees submitted to the German authorities for review. 19^3» Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Vorlaufige G-eschaftsordnung des Verwaltungsstabes des Kilitaroefehlshakers in Frankreich (GOV). Yom 1. ijovemoer 19^0. " Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stat, containing detailed data on transport of labor recruited in France to factories in G-ermany. Jan/Jul 19^-1 Folder of unkno'wn provenance, apparently file correspondence of Dr. Eoell, IG- Farben (Ludwigshafen), concerning production in French chemical industry, 19^2/4^. Included is an interesting note re_ possibility of sharper retaliation against assassinations and sabotage in France in consequence of the replacement of G-eneral Otto von Stulpnagel in Feb 19^2. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 51S (Nantes), containing memoranda and directives relative to the registrations Of G-erman citizens in Frrnce for RAD and military service. lq^-2/uu. Folder of unknown provenance, containing reports on situation in coal industry in France after the Allied landings in June 19^, on damages and suspension of production caused by FFI raids, and the like. S7

96 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes ^ Rustungs u. Beschaffungs stab Frankreich des Rsichministers fur Riistung und Kriegsproduktion 175 t Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Varied ^ Feldkommandantur 518/ 7565! Verwaltungsgruppe (Mantes) Kreiskommandantur folder also includes detailed statistical data on coal imports into France for the German Havy in French ports, 19^0-^3» as well as on coal deliveries from Belgium, Germany a&d Lorraine to France, 19^4-1-^3 977 Folder from the files of Rustlings und Beschaffungsstab d. RfRK, (lu2l) containing file correspondence on the distribution of raw materials to plants and factories in France engaged in war production. Most of the correspondence deals with coal distribution. 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing Kommandenturbefehle issued by Platzkommandentur Lyon des Hauptverbindungsstabes 590 (later Verbindungsstab 987), for the period Sep 19^3-Aug 19^. 195 Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing drafts and (1025) copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees submitted to the German authorities for review. Nov/Dec 19^2. 1 Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing drafts and copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees submitted to the German authorities for review. Apr/May 19^3* 925 Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., entitled "Beschlagnahme von Wirtschaftsgiitern" and containing copies of correspondence pertaining to confiscation of machines and equipment in France. 19^-H Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing drafts and copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees submitted to the German authorities for review. Uct/ITov 19^-1. FS 1297 Folder of varied provenance, containing reports, location maps (135^) and strength reports of various units functioning as part of the military administration in occupied France. 19 { tl«1 Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 518/Verw.Gr. (Nantes), containing Standortbefehle issued by Standortkommandantur for the period Jan 19^2-Jul 19^ Folder from the files of Kreiskdtr. 7^1, containing "Besondere Anordnungen" issued by Chef des Militarvenfaltungsbezirks A for the period Oct/Dec 19* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung" issued by Chef des Militarvervraltungsbezirks C (Nordostfrankreich)/Qu. for the period Sep 19^2-Jan 19^ Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung 11 issued by Befh. im Begirk Nordostfrankreich for Jan/Aug 19^, as well as "Tagesbefehle" issued by Befh. im Bezirk Nordostfrankreich for the same period.

97 Serial Roll J8 Kreiskommandantur 17S Zreiskommandantur ISO ISO Provenance filmed 1st Frame Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/Verwaltungsstab ^ S SU dont. FS 1089 (1529) (llso) 1 U Notes 89 Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 51S/Verw.Gr. (Nantes), containing periodic reports on the economy in the unit's jurisdiction, compiled for the period 19^-0-^3. Folder from the files of Kreis&dtr. 7^41, containing the "Besondere Anordnungen" issued by Chef des Militfe'.rverwaltungsbezirks A for the year Folder of unknown provenance, containing detailed statistical compilation on iron ore production, distribution, shipment and consumption in tne steel industry of Lorraine and Luxemburg. 19^2* Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Ge^h^fteinteilung des Kommandostabes des Chefs des Militarverwaltungsbezirkes B in Angers" (25 May 1941), issued by Chef des Militarverwaltungsbezirkes B (Siidwestfrankreic h/ KdoStab Ḟolder of unknown provenance, containing copies of reports on sabotage at the tungsten mines of Puy-les-Vignes near Limoges (Haute-Vienne). Kay 19-UU. Folder from the files of Kreiskdtr. 660, containing the "Tagesbefehle" issued by Chef des Militarverwaltungsbezirkes C (Fordostfrankreich/ KdoStab/Abt. la for the year 19*4-1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to "Sntju.dung der franzqsischen Wirtschaf t." Included is a copy of a letter by Brauchitsch to Stiilpnagel (12 ITov 19^0) urging a speed-up of the action* Folder of unkno^m provenance, containing copies of drafts of proposed French la^s and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. Nov 19^1-Jan 19^2. Folder of unknoi-jn provenance, containing copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. July 19^1. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verv/.Stab, containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to the establishment of the Tribunal df'jetat in September 19^1. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.2r., containing copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. Oct/Nov 19^3. Folder from the files of Mil.3efh.Fr., containing copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees, sxibmitted to the Germ?~n authorities for review* May/Jun

98 Provenance 1st Frame Motes 90 ISO 181 1S2 Continued KreiskQinmandantur 771 ( Feldkommandantur Verwal tungsgruppe 181 Der Kilitarbefehlshaber in Frankreich/7erwaltungsstab 1S2 Feldkommandantur S , 75702, U ^ FS FS 127S , 121, 17S 2US * (1100) Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence and drafts and memoranda on changes in French laws favored by the German authorities. The changes put into effect were designed to provide much harsher penalties for individuals convicted of supporting assassinations and sabotage. 19^-1 Folder from the files of Ereiskdtr. 77! (Montreuil), entitled "Calender. Innere Unruhen, <f and containing directives and plans to be put into effect in case of internal disorder, uprisings or the like. The folder includes lists of individuals who were to be seized as hostages* 19^1. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 518/Yerw.Gr. t containing reports and memoranda pertaining to meetings of German occupation experts on commerce and industry* lq^-3/^"* Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab, containing statistical data on the production of iron ore in the Meurthe-et- Moselle region and on shipments to French, Luxemburg and German steel mills. ighu. Three folders of unknown provenance, containing statistical data on French, Belgian and Luxemburg iron ore production, shipment and distribution /HU. Folder of unknown provenance, containing statistical data on coal production of the Mines de Houille de Blanzy, Montceau (Saone-et- Loire). 1QHU. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung"?.s well as Tagesbefehle issued by Befehlshaber in Nor dostfrarikreich/ r < u. and by Befelilshaber Ifordostfrankreich respectively for 19UU. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 723t containing laws and regulations, both German and French, directed against Jews in France as well as considerable data on Jewish firms, real estate and other property holdings. 19UO/H1. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 723» containing the Tagesbefehle issued by Militarveryaltungsbezirk/KdoStab/IIa for 19^0, as well as regulations and directives issued by other offices. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Verwaltuag des besetzten franzosischen Gebietes," issued by Chef des Mil.Verw.Bez. B (Siidwestfrankreich) for 19*41. Folder of unknown provenance, containing copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities

99 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Ho tea IS** Heichsvereinigung Sisen/ Rohstoffstelle Metz 183 Feldkommandantur 550 (Spinal) Varied * , 7577* cont. FS FS (1558) 1 22* (1103) 1 u* , 923 for review. May Folder of -unknown provenance, containing mimeographed directives and memoranda pertaining to the administration of enemy property, Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere tfirtscaaftsanordnungen, " Neue Foldge 15, 1?» 18 t issued "by Mil. Befh.Fr./Verw. Stab/ Abt» Wi, for Jul/Aug 19^1. Folder from RYE/Rohstoffstelle Metz, containing statistical report on iron ore, iron and steel production in Lorraine and Luxemburg Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 550 (Spinal), containing proposals of Prefecture des Vosges for sale of Jewish enterprises in the Departement des Vosges. IQ^l. Folder of varied provenance, containing U»S. property held in France* Folder of unknown provenance, containing a description with p&o taste tic schematic charts of "Wehrmachtverwaitung im Verwaltungs- und Viirtschaftsoereich der "besetzten G-eMete. Tell: Frankreich. " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Stellenbesetzungen Hilitarverwaltungsfcezirk B» (SW France). 19^0-19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Chef Mil.Yerv.Bes.B. ('SSid westfrankreich). Erlegstagebuch. Berichte und Belege Okt. UO mit Jan# *!!* Folder of unknov/n provenance, entitled "Chef Mil.Verw.Bez.3 (Stidwestfrankreich). Kriegstagehuch. Bes. Anordmmgen. Nr. 1~337» 25.6.*!Qlf l^- Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Chef Mil.Verw.Bez.B westfrankreich). Kriegstage"buch 9 Besondere -Anordnungen. Kr, Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence on confiscation of Jewish, Polish and other property in France by Ferdinand Kiedermeyer, Verwalter des dem Reich verfallenen VermSgens im Bereieh des Mil.Befh.Fr. 19UU. Two folders of unknown provenance, containing what appears to "be the final, and very detailed report of Uiedermeyer on the administration of enemy property (mainly Jewish) confiscated in France. Very interesting* Fe"b 19^5." Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Die Polizeiverv/altung unter dem Militarbef ehlshater in Franlo-eich; " this is a co;oy of a typed msnuscrip "by unknoxvn author and without a date. It is highl^ critical of the activities of Hoherer SS- und Polizeifithrer ira Bereieh den I-Iil.Befh.Fr., in the 91

100 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes S Continued Bahnhofs-Kommandantur 11/166 Der Chef der Zivilverwaltung/Personliche Abteilung (Alsace) See "below See "below , 75760, 75761, 75762, 75763, 75765, ^ FS FS , 1178, 1195, 1211, 1227, 1257, ^2 (1356) 1 20U US (13^9) comparison of police power exercised prior to and after March Nine folders of unknown provenance, containing statistical data on coal production and distribution in France in 19^-. "Profi,Tsjm/i Jclorclsone. " "Program Sudsone. " "liidu^t.ria Sot d zone. " "Indus tr j e Siidr one. " "Ansfvil-.r Frsnkreich. " "Ausfuhr " "Procluktior)sen 4 wicklung fiir Wi II Pla. " "O.N.I. A. - 3-^1 IFrankreich. " "Siderurgie OBCIS 3&? Prankreich. " Folder of nnknci/o. provenance, containing a mimeographed study entitled "Les explcitat-io/is houlll'jrss de la France. fl "Repertoire des principales exploitations houiill^rec ; dss concessione minimi' 33 et des permis d'exploitaticn. " The report v;as published "by the Office de Repartition du Charbon/ Secretariat G-^neral/Statistiques. 19U^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a first draft copy of a report to Field Marshal Brauohitsch on the coal requirements of French industries, n.d. Folder of unknovm provenance, containing correspondence and statistical data on coal transportation to steel mills in France, Luxemburg, Lorraine and Belgium in 19^-. Folder from the files of Bah'nhofs-Kdtr, 1 1/166, containing "Standortbefehle" issued by Standortkommandatur Rennes for 19^3 and Folder of unknown provenance, containing a large collection of statistical data on the iron and steel industry production in France, Lorraine and Luxemburg. 19^3/^-U Folder of unknown provenance, containing reports on sabotage and strikes in French coal mines in 19^-U. Folder of unknown provenance, containing copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. Dec 19^3- Folder of unknown provenance, containing the Kriegstagebuch of Referat III H, of Mil.Befh.Fr., on Abwehr affairs. IQ^l/UU. Folder from the files of GdZ/Pers.Abtl. (Alsace), containing material on the leaders of the pro-g-eriaan element in Alsace before their appointments to high office, restitution grs;r! 'sd to them,

101 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich 18J Feldkommandantur 518/ Verwal tungsgruppe * Feldkommandantur (Svreux) Feldkommandantur 518/ Verwaltungsgruppe (Nantes) 188 HBherer Nachrichtenfuhrer "beim Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich? Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich Kreiskommandantur !* 189 Der Militarbefehlshaber in Belgien und Nordfrankreich See below See below 85100, 85107, 85106, 85105, 85101*, and the like. 191*0/1*1*. 581 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed study "by Oberkriegsverwaltungsrat Dr. Vischer entitled "Das Departement Finistere unter deutscher Militarverwaltung, H dated July Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing copies of drafts (1295) of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. May 19!*!*. 1 Folder from fee files of Feldkdtr. 51S/Verw.Gr., containing»besondere Anordnungen fur die Verwaltung des besetzten franzdsischen Gebietes 11 issued by Befh.SW Frankreich. 19^2/UU. 511 Folder of unknown provenance, containing Stabsbefehlse issued by 872 Mil.Befh.Fr./Verw.Stab/Abt.Z, for the period l\fov 19^2-Aug iguu. Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 801 (Svreux), containing Kommandanturbefehle for 19^2-^. x 951 Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 518/Verw.Gr. (Nantes), contain- (1227) ing weekly activity reports for the period Sep 19^3-Jul 19^. 1 Folder from the files of HSh.Iafu'.b.Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., containing reports on units and personnel for 19^0. FS 360 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a publication of CdZ Lothringen/Fachgebiet 1/18 Statistik, entitled "Alphabetisches Yerzeichnis der neuen und der friiheren G-emeindenamen in Lothringen." 19^ Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Belg.Nfr., containing daily reports of KdoStab/Ia and of subordinate Ober- and Feldkommandanturen for Sep 19U Folder from the files of Kreiskdtr. 660, containing Tagesbefehle (1189) issued by Bezirkschef 0/Qn/Ia and other directives and memoranda for Jul- Dec 19^0. 1 Folder from the files of Mil.Befft.Belg.Nfr., containing daily reports of KdoStab/Ia and of subordinate Uber- and Feldkommandanturen for Dec 19^1-Jan 191*2. Sight folders of unknown provenance, containing "Bilanzen" with appendices of RVS/Ast.Siidwest/Rohstoffstelle Metz: 600, December 191*3. 660, January 19&1*. 675, February 19!*!*. 701, March 19^. 716, April 191*1*.

102 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Abwehrstelle Paris 189-Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich 190 Feldkommandantur Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich 191? 85103, 85101, * Feldgendarmerie-Trupp (Sens) 727, May , June July ^4 Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence, memoranda and statistical data on prisons and detention camps operated by the German authorities in Bslgium. Much of the material pertains to the removal of political prisoners to Germany in Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing correspondence "between Mil.Befh.Fr. and the Ministry of Justice relative to judicial review by French courts of findings in courts in Alsace and Lorraine $21 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed report of the organizational committee of Beschaffungsarot in Frankreich, held on 5 Sep Folder from the files of Abwehrstelle Paris, marked "IIIc A Laval" and containing intelligence reports for the period on Laval's relations with P&tain, Doriot and many others, as well as on his political views and policies Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing copies of (1549) drafts of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German cont. 1 authorities for review. Feb FS 297 Folder of unknown provenance, containing memoranda on Gem an administrative organization in France, French collaborationist groups, lists of approved literature, list of newspapers published in both zonse, end like material. 1940/ Folder of unknown provenance, containing memoranda on the command structure in the coastal region of France Folder from the files of Feldkdtr. 518, pertaining to" the organization, personnel strength and weapons of French security forces (Gendarmerie, brigades aixtes, etc.), primarily in the Department Loire- Inferieure. 1941/ Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing copies of drafts (1400) of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. Aug-Dec 19^2. 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing memoranda and correspondence on German legal authority over French subjects in the occupied zone Folder from the files of Feldgend.-Trupp J2.8 (Sens), containing reports, orders said memoranda pertaining to security measures taken by

103 Serial Holl Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Abwehrstelle Paris !* Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich 192? Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich 10. Division (Regensburg) S521U Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich the Germssi forces in France in the summer of 530 Folder from the files of Ab.St.Paris, containing correspondence memoranda and maps pertaining to illegal crossing points for underground couriers, Allied military personnel as well as to points on Franco-Spanish border kept under surveillance "by U.S. agents inside Spain. 19^-U. 6l6 Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing copies of drafts (1597) of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. Jiil/Aag 19^3-1 Item of unknown provenance, entitled "Geschaftseinteilung des Stabes des Militarbefehlshabers in Frankreich. Band I (Stand vom ^3)." 26 Folder of unknown provenance, containing daily reports of Kil.Befh, Peris/MVCh/Abt.Wi, for July 1^ Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing copies of drafts of proposed French laws and decrees as well as correspondence and memoranda coat. 817 (1139) 1 5^ relative to German objections or reservations, 19^0/^2. Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr,, containing copies of drafts of proposed French la^rs and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. Jan/Fab 19^3 Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence and memoranda pertaining to "Polizeiliche Strafgewalt der Kreiskommandanten" and to the collection of monetary fines. 19^ Folder of unknown provenance, containing memoranda and correspondence on legal provisions promulgated to safeguard the interests of those French-- men working in Germany. 19^ Folder from the files of Mil.3efh.Fr., containing copies of drafts (1*4-75) of proposed French laws and decrees, submitted to the German authorities for review. Sep 19^3» 1 Folder from the files of 10. Division, containing reports of German agents in the German-Czech border area on political and military matters in the CSR. 193^Apr 193S Item of unknown provenance, issued by Der Beauftragte des Militarbefehlshabers in Frankreich fur das deutsche Venn5gen in den besetzten franzqsischen Gebietea and entitled "Eichtlinien fur die Sicherung und Riickgabe des sequestriert gewesenen deutschen Vermbgens im besetsten Frankreich, " n. d. 105^ Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr*, containing correspondence (1322) and memoranda pertaining to "Beute- und Beschlagnahmerecht im besetzten Frankreich."

104 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Ho tea ~ 196 Continued Chef der Zivilverwal tung im Elsass/Pers8nliche Abteilung Feldkommandantur 602 (Laon) Der Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreich Heeresarchiv Potsdam ^92/12 1 Bolder from the files of CdZ Elsass/Pers.Abt. -, containing correspondence and memoranda on the use of radio facilities for propaganda programs in Alsace as well as on the confiscation of radios used to monitor enemy broadcasts* 19^0/HH. U03 Folder from the files of CdZ Elsass/Pers.Abt., containing memoranda on the development of a military reserve and supply system in Alsace. 19HO/U2. Bolder from the files of Feldkdtr. 602 (Laon), containing correspondence and memoranda on periodic meetings of Feldkdtr. experts on administrative and economic affairs. 19^1/^4. 85^92/13 Folder of unknown provenance, containing data on Vernichtungsver- (138!) handlungen und Archivsendungen of classified documents by Abwehrleit- 35^92/13 cont. 1 sbelle Par is/iii C/Ref 3 u. U. 85U92/113, 25^, Two items of unknown provenance: "G-eheimbrieftagebuch of Feld- 85^92/ kommandantur 769/Verv:.Gr. (Chaumont), " Parts I and II. Folder of unknown provenance, containing fragments of activity 85^92/205 reports of Referat III Luft and III Heer of bwehrstelle St. Germain, Mil.Befh.Pr., for May/Jun 19*44 and 19^0-42 respectively. 85^92/ Folder of unknown provenance, containing various activity reports of various sections of Abwehrleitstelle Frankreich. 19H2/UU. 85^92/218 Booklet of unknown provenance, entitled Arbe i ts e ins at z in^ Frankreich. Stand yom Mai 19^-3* It was issued by Der GeneralbevolImJachtigte fur den Arbeitseinsa1;z/I)er Beauftragte in Frankreich. 85^92/ Booklet of unknown provenance, entitled Deut s Che Auf trage n ach Frankreich, published by Dr. Stoffleth, MVR and also Stellv. Leiter der Zentralauftragsstelle Frankreich. 19^3» 85^92/211, 622, Three folders from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing corre- 867, spondence and memoranda on the confiscation of art treasures in France 85^92/213* 902 by Sinsatzstab Rosenberg. Included is a letter of protest written by Admiral Darlan to General Stiilpnagel of 11 Aug 3-9^1. Very interesting directives. 351*92/ Folder from the files of Mil.Befh.Fr., containing memoranda, directives and correspondence pertaining to the selection and treatment of hostages in retaliation against sabotage and assassinations. 19^2. W.1333a 1155 Folder from the files of Heeresarchiv Potsdam, containing a report of Kommandeur der Truppen des Heeres in den Niederlanden/Abt. la (82. Inf.Div.), "Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit des Trensportstabes 'Kraut 1 vom bis 20.S.UO." The staff of Oberstlt. 'Kraut was charged with the creation of a transport corps which was used to transfer food and

105 Serial Roll Provenance Item Heeresarchiv Potsdam Stab S2. Infanterie Division Continued Kommandeur der Truppen des Heeres in den Mederlanden 2U621/1 2U621/2 21*621/3 21*621/1* 2U621/7 21*621/8 2U621/9 21*621/10 21*621/11 21*621/12 Filmed 1st Frame 12l*l (1322) * S76 (1139) *57 Notes 97 clothing from The Netherlands to Belgium. Folder from the files of Heeresarchiv Potsdam, containing a report of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ndl./Ia (82. Inf.Div.) entitled "Zeittafel zu dem Be~ richt des Transportstabes 'Kraut 1 vom l6.5.uo-20.6.uo." folder from the files of Stab 82. Inf.Div., containing an appendix to the K.EB of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ndl./Ia (82. Inf.Div.) entitled "Regelung in der Kiistenverteidigung" and dated 16 Feb 19^1-20 Jan 19U2, Polder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ml./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Ausbau. Stutspunkte allgemein und Stu'tzpunkt Den Holder," dated 23 Jan-15 May 191*2. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Hdl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger A usbau. Stiitzpunkt Ijmuiden," and dated 27 Jan-6 May 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ndl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Ausbau. Stiltzpunkt Scheveningen, " dated 30 Jan-18 Apr 191*2. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.H?r.d.H.i.d.Hdl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger A us -b au. Stiitzpunkt Hoeck van Holland," dated 10 Feb-21 Jun 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Udl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Ausoau. Stu'tzpunkt ^"lissingen," dated U Fe"D-l Aug 191*2. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H»i.d.Ndl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Ausbau. Ausbautermine," dated 20 Apr- 6 Aug 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.E.i.d.Ndl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Ausbau. 1. Vorschlag betr. Aiisbau in i* Dringlichkeitsstufen,» dated 10 May-18 Jul 19**2. Bolder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d«H.i.d«Ndl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallsrtiger Ausbau. G-esemtaxisbau in U Dringlichkeitsstufen,» dated H Apr-J S Q p lqll-2. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.iTdl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Ang-faau. Reisebemerkungen. Stu'tzpunktausstattung," dated 16 Feb~lS May 19^*2. Bolder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ndl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Aagoau. Kartemnaterial und Arbeitsunterlagen," dated 21 Kov 19^1-1 Apr 19^2. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Hdl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Aisbau. Unterlage fiir den G-esamt-

106 Serial Holl Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Kommandeur der Truppen des HeereB in den ITiederlanden *4621/1*4 2*4621/15 2*4621/16 2*4621/17 2^621/18 2^621/ /20 56^ ? (806) 37 9^ 161 Kiistenbereich,» dated 2H-31 Jul 19*42. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ml./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallar tiger Ausbau. Arbeitsunterlagen betr. Verteidigungsbereiche und Stiitzpunktgruppen, " dated Apr 19*42. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ml./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Aus'bau. Abschnitt Bergen op Zoom. Kartenmaterial und Arbeitsunterlagen, " dated Jan 19*42. Folder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ndl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Ausbau. Westfriesische Inseln. Kartenmaterial, " dated 6 Feb 19*42. Bolder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Idl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallar tiger Ausbau, Abschnitt s f Gravenhage. Kartenmaterial, " dated 2-13 Feb 19^2. F 0 ia. er f rom the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ml./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwellar tiger Angtau.. Abschnitt Ijmuiden. Kartenmaterial, " dated 31 Jan-7 Feb 19^-2. Bolder from the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Idl./Ia, containing an appendix entitled "Westwallartiger Ausbau. Kartenmaterial und Arbeitsunterlagen. Aasriistung der Kustenschutz'/erbande und ^i&gtqifreserven," dated If) Dec 19*41-4 Feb 19^2. Folder from" the files of Kdr.d.Tr.d. H.i.d.Ml. /la, containing an appendix entitled ''Westwallartiger Ausbau. Kartenmaterial. Verpflegung u. Munitionierung der Knstenschutzverbande, " dated ^1 Jan-31 Mar Continued 25800/1 31^90/1 31^90/2 31^90/ (1365) 1491 Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, I. Teil. Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ml. 15.U.U U2. " It is a fragment of the KTB of Div.Stab zbv. 2HO/Abt. la, the command staff of Kdr.d.Tr.d. H.i.d.Hdl. Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of KTB Io. 1 with appendices of Hoherer Wehrmachtnachrichtenoffizier beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in den Wiederlanden, dated 29 May 19^0-lH May 19^1. F 0 i(i er O f unknown provenance, consisting of KTB Nr. 2 with appendices of Wehrmachtnachrichtenoffizier b. W.Befh.i.d.lTdl., dated 1*4 May-31 Dec 19*41. Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of the KT3 with appendices of Wehrmachtnachrichtenoffizier b. vv.befh.i.d.ijdl., dated 1 Jan-31 Jul 19U2. F 0 i(i er O f unknown provenance, consisting of the KTB with appendices of Wehrmachtnachrichtenoffizier b. W.Befh. i.d«jsdl., dated 1

107 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame I\i0tes Zweigstelle Liegnitz des Heeresarchivs Potsdsm Continued 33^*6/3 33W 33^6/6 33^6/9 331*1*6/11 331*1*6/15 331*1*6/22 331*1*6/2? 55069/ / /3. 10? 800 (959) 1* eu?1* (1271) 1 81* Dec Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of appendices 1-50 (Operationaakten) to the KTB, Tell B I, of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh~.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Hdl. (Gen.Kdo. LXXXVIII. A.K.)/Ia, dated 1 Jan-6 Mar 191*3. Folder of unknoivn provenance, consisting of appendices (Operations akten) to the KTB, Teil B II, of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ml. (Gen.Kdo. LXXXVIII. A.K.)/Ia, dated? Mar-29 Jun 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of appendices (Sinsatzakten) to the KTB, Teil C II, of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh.d.Tr.d.E.i.d.Hdl. (Gen.Kdo. LXXXVIII. A.K.)/Ia, dated 2U Feb-29 Jun 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of Anlagenband 3 (Meldungen und Unterlagen d.d. gesamten Kiistenbereich) to the KTB of Kdr.Gen.u.. Befh.d.Tr.d.H.ird.Ml. (Gen.Kdo. LXXXVIII. A.K.)/Ia, dated 2 Apr 19)43. Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of Anlagenband 5 (Haumung) to the KTB of Sdr.Gen.u.Befh.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.lTdl. (Gen.Kdo. LXXXVIII. A.K.)/ la, dated 21 3ep~9 Dec 191*2. Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of Anlagenband 9 (Kiistenverteidigung: AbwehrlDereitschaf t - Fz.Kp.Ml. - Stiitzpunkte - Schutz der NL.Anlagen - Turk.Btle. - Kiiwa lord - Mobsache "Herbstlauo") to the KOIB of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ml. (aen.kdo. LXXXVIII. A.K.)/Ia, dated 19 Feb 191*2-18 Feb 191*3. Folder of unknovn provenance, consisting of Anlagenband 16 (^estvrallartiger Ausbau/Atlantikwall) to the KTB of 2dr.Gen.u.Befh.d.Tr.d.H.i. d.ndl. (Gen.Mo. LXXXVIII. A.K.)/Ia, dated 31 &ag 191*2-2? Feb 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Stab Wenninger" (Anlagen 1-166); it is a file of the fecords of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ndl. (Gen.Kdo. LXXXVIII. A.K.)/Qu, dated U Feb-19 Mar 191*3. Folder from the files of Zweigstelle Liegnitz/IIeeresarchiv Potsdam, containing KTB 1 of Fiihrungs- u. Ausbildungsstab b.w.befh.i.d.hdl., for the period 21 Feb-30 Jun 19!*!*. The F.u.A. Stab was created in 1QU3 for the purpose of supervising training units in The Netherlands and eventually its duties came to include also command (Ftihrung) functions. Folder from the files of Zweigstelle Liegnitz/Heeresarchiv Potsdam, containing the Ic appendix to KTB 1 of F.u.A.Stab Tj.W.Befh.i.d.Ndl., for the period Jun 19!*!*. Folder from the files of Zweigstelle Liegnitz/Heeresarchiv Potsdam, containing the Nachrichten-Offizier appendix to KTB 1 of F.u.A.Stab b.w. Befh.i.d.Hdl., for the period 1 Sep 191*3-2? Jun 19UU. Folder from the files of Zweigstelle Liegnitz/Heeresarchiv Potsdam,

108 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Zweigstelle Liegnitz des 55069/1* Heeresarchivs Potsdam Continued Der Chef der Heeres archive 55127/ / / A 55127/ / /17a 75017/ / /la 75018/ /3 containing the la appendix to KTB 1 of F.u.A. Stab b.w.befh.i.d.ndl., for the period 21 Feb-27 Jun 1$&. 321 Folder from the files of Zveigstelle Liegnitz/Heeresarchiv Potsdam, containing the appendix of "Kampfgruppe Siid" to KTB 1 of F.u.A.Stab FS FS ^ ^ (1135) b.w.befh.i.d.ndl., for the period 1 Jan-li May 19^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing the KTB of W.Befh.Ndl./ Kdo.Stab/Abt.G.Qu, for the period U Jan-30 Jun 19UU. Folder of unknown provenance, containing appendices to the KTB of W.Befh.Ml./Kdo.Stab/Abt.O.Qj-i, dated 1 Jan-l6 Jun 19UU. Folder of unknown provenance, containing Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung as an appendix to the KTB of W.Befh.Fdl./Kdo.Stab/Abt, O.Qu. for the period 7 Jan-2S Jun 19UU Folder of unknown provenance, containing monthly reports of Abt. IVb, IVc, III, IV/Wi as an appendix to the KTB of W.Befh.Ndl./Kdo.Stab/ Abt. U.Qu, for the period 1 Jan-30 Jun!<$&. Folder of unknown provenance, containing directives for "Auferstehung I, II, III," a mobilization plan designed to create a transportation regiment with equipment in The Netherlands, June 19^. Bolder of unknown provenance, containing the Tagesbefehle issued by W.Befh.Ml. for the year l$! Ul. Folder of unknown provenance, contain-fe&g*. the Tagesbefehle issued by W.Befh.Ml. for the period 31 Dec 191*1-16 Sep 19)13. Folder of unknown provenance, containing Besondere Anordnungen (Nr. 1-90) for the year 19^1 issued by W.Befn.Ml. Folder from the files of Edtr.d.Tr.Ub.Pl. Harskamp, containing file correspondence and memoranda pertaining to various aspects of military administration in The Netherlands. 19^0/^ Folder of unkno-wn provenance, marked "g.kdos. Niederland" and containing a few mimeographed copies of various orders as well as "Truppendienstliche Befehlsgliederung" and "Territoriale Befehlsgliederung" charts of the German forces in The Netherlands Folder from the files of Chef der Heeresarchive containing copies (1322) of "Vertasaliche Informationen" issued by W.Befh.Kdl. for the period 1 21 Jan-25 ^ov 19^1 These reports deal with international military and political affairs. Folder from the files of Chef der Heeresarchive, containing mimeographed copies of weekly Lageberichten issued by W.Befh.Hdl./Ic; these reports pertain to both military and political events in the command area and, despite their brevity, are very informative. 21 Jan-

109 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes ^ Der Chef der Heereaarchive 75018/lf /5 & /7 Panzer Offizier beim Chef des Generalstabes dee Beeres 986 (1525) 75018/8 Ill (1083) 30 Dec Folder from the files of Chef der Heeresarchive, containing mimeographed copies of weekly Lageberichten issued by W.Befh.Hdl./Ic, for the period 6 Jan-1 Sep 19^2, mimeographed copies of Stimmungsberichten issued "by Feldkommandantur 72^ (Utrecht) for the period 29 Jan-29 Aug 19^2, typed copies of Lageberichten issued by Wehrmachtkommandantur Den Haag for the period 20 Mar-27 Aug 19^2, and a typed copy of a report issued by Grtskommandantur HI/879 (Venlo) for 21 Aug 19H2. Bolder from the files of Chef der Heeresar chive, containing mimeographed copies 'of weekly Lageberichten issued by W.Befh.Ndl./Ic, for the period 8 Sep 19^2-1 Jun 19^3, and ef monthly reports by W.Befh.Ml./Fiihrungsabteilung. for the period 10 Nov 19^2-11 May 19^3. Folder from the files of Chef der Heeresarchive, containing mimeographed copies of Lageberichten issued by W.Befh.Ml./Ic, for the period 8 Jun-2 Nov 19^3. Folder from the files of Chef der Heeresarchive, containing mimeographed copies of monthly Lage- und Stimmungsberichten issued by Feldkdtr. 72M- (Utrecht) for the period 30 Sep 19^2-30 Oct 19^ as well as by Koriick ADK 15 for Nov-Dec 19*&. Folder from the files of Chef der Heeresarchive, containing typed copies of monthly Lageberichten issued by Wehrmachtkdtr. Den Haag for the period 20 Sep 19^2-18 Sep 19^3. The reports deal with military and political affairs; of particular interest are the comments on Dutch public opinion. Folder from the files of Chef der Heeresarchive, containing mimeographed and typed copies of monthly reports issued by Feldkdtr, 67^ (Breda) for the period 1 Hov 19U2-H Jan 19^5. Feldkdtr. 67^ was moved from Breda to Groningen in Sep 19UU. The reports contain considerable information about underground activities in The Netherlands. Folder from the files of Pz.Uffz.b.Chef GenStdH, containing & "Bericht iiber das Kommando des Senders tabes Michalik zum Wehrmacht-Bef ehlshaber Niederlande, " dated 30 Jan l^. The Senders tab Michalik conducted an iaspection of Panzerabwehr measures taken by all Wehrmacht units stationed in The Netherlands* Folder of unknown provenance, containing Kommandanturbefehle for the period 30 Dec 19^2, and 7 Jan-23 Sep 19^3, issued by Ortskom- mandantur Den Haag* Folder of unknown provenance, containing Besondere Aaordnungen issued by W.Be-fh.Udl., for the period 2 Jan 19^2-10 Sep 19^3 (No.1-79, 1-37).

110 Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st frame Notes Der Chef der Heeresarchive Niederlanden / /10, 75020/11, 75020/12, 75020/ /1^, 75020/15, 75020/ /17*, 75018/ S3, 922, (1650) 1, 21*6, 35S, 632 (1120) 1, 570, 850 (1^75) l, 11* Folder from the files of Chef der Heeresarchive, containing mimeographed copies of Stabsbefehlen issued by W.Befh*Ml«/ChefGrenStab, for the period 31 Dec 19^1-6 Sep 19^3. 2he folder also includes mimeographed copies of Stabsbefehlen issued "by W.Befh.Ml./ChefGrenStab for the headquarters staff only, for the period 28 Apr-2 Dec 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing an incomplete set of Verordnungsblatt far die besetzten niederlandischen G-ebiete - Verordeningenblad voor het bezette Hederlandsche gebied, issued "by the office of Reichskommissar fiir die "besetsten niederlandischen G-ebiete (RUT) for the period 30 Ifov 19^2-3 Sep 19^3. Thirteen folders from the files of Beauftragter d. Chefs d. Heeresarchive i.d.ndl. containing correspondence files of the office. The material, in the form of letters, directives, reports, memoranda, studies and the like, gives a good insight into the German exploitation of the Dutch archival collections for both military and political purposes. Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed copies of Stabsbefehlen issued by W.Befh.Ndl./ChefGenStab, for the period 31 Dec 19*K)~22 Dec 19^1, and of Tagesbefehlen issued by W.Befh.Ndl., for the period 5 Jul-28 Dec 19^0, as well as some administrative memoranda for the period 19^0/^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed copies of Stabsbefehlen issued by W.Befh.Udl./Chef&enStab, for the period 10 Jun- 20 Dec 19*K). Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed copies of Kommandanturbefehlen issued by Qrttodtr.! s-hertogenbusch f for the period 7 Oct 19*40-15 Feb 19^1, and of Korpstagesbefehlen issued by H8h. Kommando zbv. XXXVII (Kdr.d.Tr.d.H.i.d.Ml.), for the period 28 Jul 191*0-3 Feb

111 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Hotes ? 7593^ Continued Wehrmachtkommsndantur Middelburg/Ml. Ortskommandantur I/S73 759^1 Wehria ach t konunandan t ur Middelburg/Ml. 759^3 Ortskommandantur Terneuzen 7595^? 75961/ /2 7596S Der Beauftragte des Chefs 75976/1 der Heeres archive in den Niederlanden 75976/2 7597B/2 7597S/3 See "below FS FS FS S ^ (1359) U09 U62 See below Polder of unknown provenance, containing the KTB of Ortkdtr. II / stationed in Reims and elsewhere in France, for the period May /Join Folder from the files of Wehrmachtkdtr. Middelburg, containing Sonderbefehle fur Kommsndanturen, Nr. 1-19» for the period Jan-Aug 19UU. Folder from the files of Ortskdtr. 1/873, containing Wehrmachtkommandenturbefehle 1-15, for th e period 1 Uct 19^3-17 ^ug 19^4, issued "by Wehrma chtkd tr Midde lburg/x?dl. Folder from the files of Midderburg/Ml., containing the Tagesbefehle issued "by V.Befh.Udl. for the period 23 Sep 19^3-22 Aug Folder from the files of Ortskdtr. Terneuzen, containing mimeographed copies of the Sonderbefehlen (Nr. 1-19), issued for igul by V/. Befh.Ml. Booklet of unknown provenance; W.Befh.Hdl./Abt. O.Qu. v/eisung, fiir Feld-, Wehnaacht- und Ortskonimgndanturen in den ITiederlandan* Gultig ab 10. September ppt Booklet of unknown provenance; W.Befh.lTdl. Pienstanweisung fiir Feld-, Wehrinacht- und Ortskoifflasadanturea in den I v liederlaaden. Berichtigter ijeudruck vbm 1. Marz 19^3 121 pp. Appendix. Item of unknown provenance, consisting of mimeographed copies of Kommandantur-Befehlea issued by Bergen op Zoom for 19*41. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a 9"P a ge report by unknown hend, dated Berlin, 11 Jun 19*12, and entitled "Die geschichtliche Entwieklung der kommunistischen Partei der Mederlande und die illegale Tatigkeit wahrend der Besetzung Hollands." Booklet from the files of Beauf tragter d. Chefs d. Heeresarchive i. d. Ml. ; W. B ef h. Kdl. Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaf ts-bestiinmungen des W machtbefehlshabers in den Fiederlanden. Ausgabe 1. 19^ pp. Folder from the files of Beauf tragter d. Chefs d. Heeresarchive i.d.ifdl. ; W.Befh.Ml. Verwaltungs- und J^rtschaf ts-begtimmungen des Wehr»* machtbefehlshabers in den IHederlajidenr Ausgabe g. 19^-1. 22U p-p. """ Booklet of unlmomi provenance, entitled Fernsprechteilnehmerverzeichnis des 5 tabes des ^ehrmachtbefeblshabers in den Hiederlanden. Wehrmachtvermittlung Hilversum* 1 Aug 19^3 ' Booklet of unknown provenance, entitled Fernspre ch te i Inehme rve r ze _i ch nis des Stabes des Wehrmachtbefehlshabers in den Mederlgnden. Wehrmachtvermittlung Hilversum. 1 Feb Five folders of unknown provenance, consisting of photos tatic documents of the 1TS3 from the period 1935/36.

112 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 10U , S551H, 65512, 35515, 8'55i6 P 33 P P 2979^ Oberbefehlshaber Os t/ SOJ 16636/1, 16636/2, 16636/3, 16636/4, 16636/5, 16636/ /1 526, 562, 599, 689 (75D 1 28,399 (512) 26 2*12 298, 307, 351, *I26, 500 Containing minutes of Allgemeen Raad meetings in 1935/3&* List of individuals, with amounts paid by same as dues or contributions to NSB (1939?). "Ingekosien en Vsrzonden Brieven" 1933* "Leden zonder groepindeeling" n.d. "Creep-Register." Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Ur.l" of Militarbefehlshaber von Posen, 11 Sep-13 Oct Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zuin Kriegstage"buch." This folder contains copies of communications, directives, maps, reports, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstsgebuch 3Jp.2 n of Militarfcefehlshaber von Posen from 2*1-26 Oct Also included are Anlagen, consisting of Tags sine Idungen, special directives of Quartiermeistera'btlg., training directives for the field army, and GKH report of 15 Oct 1339 OI1 tactical experiences gathered during the Polish campaign, and an organizational chart of Mil.Befh. v» Posen, 20 Oct Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Militarbefehlshaber in Posen. Abt. la, 5 Karten, -Anlage A 2^i-a zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2, 20. Oktober 1939* " Five maps marked "Truppen-SVndorte" show the location of units of the 208. Division, 223* Division, "G-ruppe Biichs, " "G-ruppe Schenkendorff, " and "Gruppe v. Schellbach." Folder of O.B. Ost/O.Qu., marked "Schutzbereiche, Seichsverteidigungsausschuss fxir Polen, G-renzen des G-en.-G-ouv. (Schrif twechsel Ober-Ost mit G-eneralgouverneur, ~3«^.^0). " Folder of unknovffl. provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 1-U, Militarbefehlshaber im Generslgouvernement/IVa," 1 ^ug-31 Bee 19*4-0. Six folders of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeifcsberichte Nr. 5-10, Mil.Bef. im Gsn.Gouv./IVa, " 1 Jan-30 Jun Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Hr. I 11 of "Oberbefehlshaber Ost (ab 15.7»^0, Militarbefehlshaber im G-eneralgouvernement), " lu May 19*10-31 Aug

113 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Militarbefehlshaber im Generalgouvernement, la Continued 75022/ /3, cont /3a, 75022/4, 75022/5, 75022/6, 75022/ /8, 75022/ /9, 75022/9a, 75022/ /12, 75022/13, 75022/14 cont. S69 (1302) 1, (1554) 972 (147D 1, 650 (1105) 1, 977 (1474) 1, 414, 769 (113D Fifteen folders of Militarbefehlshaber im Generalgouvernement/Ia., marked "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Mil.-Befehlshaber i. Gen.Gouv. " These folders contain Tagesmeldungen of this office sent to OKH, situation reports of Chef der Urdnungspolizei pertaining to conditions in the former Polish areas, activity reports submitted to "Mil.-Befehlshaber i. Gen.Gouv." "by its subordinate agencies and units, such as H5herer Artillerie-Offizier, Gen. der Pioniere, Kommandanturen of Warsaw, Cracow and other cities, and other agencies, Stebsbefehle and Tagesbefehle of Ha section, Geschaftseinteilungen des Stabes Kilitarbefehlshaber im Generalgouvernement, Kriegsgliederungen, file memoranda on conferences, as well as directives and reports on the reorganization of Kilitarbefehlshaber im Generalgouvernernent, movements and training of German troops, economic exploitation of the former Polish areas, and other topics pertaining to Generalgouvernement administration. 14 May- 20 Aug Aug-31 Dec Jan-30 Ap 1 May-l4 Jul Jul-30 Sep Oct-31 Dec ^ Mar This folder also contains material pertaining to the organization of non-german volunteer units serving with the German Army against the Soviets (legions including various Soviet nationalities as well as a French legion). 1 Av, r -31 Jul Aug-31 Dec 1942, and 1 Fov-31 Dec Aug-31 Oct Feb-22 Jun Jul-30 Sep Oct-31 Dec 1943.

114 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes B 75022/15, 75022/ / Milita.rbefehlshaber im 7502U/2 Generalgouvernement/Obereuartiermeister / /3 7502^/1 7502U/ Wehrkreiskoimrisndo Generalgouverneinent/ 221 Oberuartiermeister 7502U/U 1, (1380) (1110) 626 (1650) cont. 1 1 Jan-15 May 16 May-31 J ec 19^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Er«2" of Befehlshaber im Heeresgebiet Gen.Gouv., 1 Jan-26 Jan 19^5* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Msppe 1" of Befahlshaber im Heerssgebiet Gen.Gouv. from 1-26 Jan 19^5* Included in this folder are reports, directives, communications, etc., pertaining to the German withdrawal from southern Poland (area of Czestochowa and Cracow), and the evacuation of "Befehlshaber im Heeresgebiet Generelgouvernernent 11 to Dresden, itlso included are a few reports on the Allied air raid on Dresden, 13/1^- Feb 19^5- Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Aalagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Mappe 2, Befehlshaber im Heeresgebiet Gen.Gouv." 19^/^5» Included are maps pertaining to the aforementioned ETB. Folder of miknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr» 1, Mil.-Befehlshaber i. Gren.&ouv./Obernuartiermeister, " 1 May 19^1-31 Dec 19^3, and 1 Hov ls^u-16 Jan 19^5. Folder of Mil.Befh.Gen.Gouv*/G.Q^., containing Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, 1 Jun 1QUO-30 Apr 19^1. Included are activity reports of the following offices: Leitender San. Offizier, H.mot. uffizier, C^.. /W.u.G., Armee-rionier-Park 531» Beauftragter fiir Pferdezucht und Gstiitswesen im ehemaligen Polen, IVa snd IVc. Folder of Kil.Befh. G-en.Gouv./U.Ou., containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch," 1 Msy-30 Oct 19^1» Included are activity reports, special reports, file memoranda, correspondence and directives pertaining to supply matters, and the housing and feeding of Soviet prisoners of war. Folder of Mil.Befh.Gen.Gouv./O.Q,u., containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstsgebuch," 9 Feb-29 Jul 19^2. Included in this folder are activity reports, special reports, file memoranda, correspondence and directives pertaining to supdly matters, housing and feeding of Soviet prisoners of war, and medical services. Folder of WK.Kdo.G-en.Gouv./U.Qu., containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, ehrkreiskdo. Gen.Gouv., 15 Dec 19^2-20 Jul 19^U. Included are activity reports of the following agencies: 3v. & Kath. Wehrkreispfarrer, Beauftragter far Pferdezucht und Gestiitswesen im ehemaligen Polen, Kommandeur der Kraftfahrparktruppe XXII, Hoh. Nachrichtenfuhrer, O.O u u./v7.u.g., IV, and IVc.

115 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes 10? / / / /3a 750 (139D 75026/5 766 (922) Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. G-rossunternehmen gegen Banden im Bllgorajer-Wald..Aktion 'Sturmwind I u. II. 1 " The folder contains a 31-page report, maps, directives, copies of messages and other material pertaining to the operation which was conducted from Jun 19^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing several reports on the defense and final loss of Lublin, Jul 19^. These reports were prepared by survivors of the defense force who were able to rejoin German units after a successful breakthrough on 25 Jul 19UU, Bolder of unknown provenance, marked "Besetzung der San - Weichselstsllung durch Krafte des "fehrkreiskommandos am 21.7*19^ (^urchbruch der Bussen bei Hawa Euska)." The folder contains copies of radio messages from Jul 19^» apparently sent by Vlehrkreiskommando G-en. Gouv., la./up. and pertaining to Soviet advances in the area of the San River (near Jaroslaw and G-erman defensive measures. These messages were sent to various G-erman units operating in the area. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Mil.-Befehlshsber im G-eneralgouvernement/Oberquartiermeister, ff 1 ITov 19^1-19 Feb 1QH2. Included are directives and reports pertaining to supply and transportation matters, prisoners of war, and other O.Qu. functions* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch." Included are Tagesmeldungen of "Befehlshaber im Heeresgebiet Generalgouvernement/Ia n (called Wehrkreislsommando G-eneralgouvernement/Ia until lu Sep iguu), 16 May-31 Dec 19^-. Folder of unknown provenance, containing situation reports (political, military and partisan wa,ffare situation) from Aug 19^ ~Eecember 19^. These mimeographed reports were issued by "Sefehlshaber im Heeresgebiet Generalgouvernement/Ia (called Wehrkreiskommando G-eneralgouvernement/Ia" until Sep 19*40. Folder of unknown provenance, containing directives pertaining to the evacuation of personnel and moveable goods and the destruction of immoveable goods and facilities in areas which might become combat zones, as well as preparatory measures in the event such action became necessary ("Auflockerungs-, Eaumiings-, Lahmungs- und ZerstOrungsmassnahmen - ARLZ - Mas&nahmen"). Most of the directives were issued by "Befehlshaber im Heeresgebiet Generalgouvernement" and by other agencies in the former Polish area.s from Sep to Hov 19^. Also included are a few directives from 19Ul~19^3» pertaining to the sequestration of the harvest.

116 Serial Eoll Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes 108 R 223 S /7 Wehrkreiskommando /S Generalgouvernement/Ia 75026/9 225 Bef shlshaber im Heeres /9a gebiet Generalgouvernement Wehrkreiskommando 75026/10 G-ene r algouve rneineri t /1 a Befehlshaber im G-eneralgouvernement/ la 75026/lOa (11W) Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Kriegstagebuch des Ausbildungsstates der frz. Legion vom 2^.8.19^1 Ms 31» " Included are reports, directives, correspondence, Kriegsstarkenachweisungen, and photos pertaining to the recruitment, training, employment, usefulness (as evaluated by German officers) and discipline of the Legion. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Landesbefestigungen vor " This folder contains maps, descriptions and correspondence from and 19^1f pertaining to a defensive line along the eastern "boundary of East Prussia and G-eneralgouvernement (line of the Karew, Vistula and San rivers). Folder of V/K.Kdo.Gen.Gour./la, marked "Ausbau der San- Weichsel Stellung." Included in this folder are directives, maps and correspondence from May-Jul 19^-1 pertaining to the establishment of a defensive position along the Vistula and San rivers. Folder of.kdo.gen.gouv. /la, marked "Erkundung u. d u.s'bau der Al und A2 Stellung." Included are directives, maps, charts, and correspondence from Jul-Dec 19^4, pertaining to the construction of defensive positions ("Venus" and "Merkur") in the area north of Cracow. Folder of Befh. Hesresgeljiet Gen.Gouv., containing directives, correspondence, maps, and charts from Jul-Kov 19^-f pertaining to the selection of sites for, and the construction of, defensive positions in the G-eneralgouvernement. Also included is some technical material for the construction of trenches, mine fields, etc., and the photostat of a teletype message and of letters of OKW end WK.Befh.G-en.Gouv. from Oct 19^2, pertaining to the replacement of Jewish employees of the Army in Poland by Aryan workers. Folder of VJK.Gren.G-ouv./Ia, containing directives, reports, correspondence and maos from Aug 19UU-Jan 19^5» "Pertaining to the manning of the defensive positions "Al" and "A2" (see Polen/75026/9). Also included are "Zustandsberichte" of those units which were deployed in these positions in anticipation of further Soviet advances. Folder of Bsfh.Gen.G-ouv./la, containing directives, reports and maps from Aug igljli Jan 19^5i pertaining to the defense of the "Al" and "A2 H positions (see Polen, 75026/9) in Poland and the preparations for the defense of southeastern and eastern Upper Silesia* Folder of WK.Kdo.G-en.Grouv./la, containing directives, correspondence and a map from Jan-Jul 19^-U, on the establishment of a "Bandenauffangstellung" along the Bug Hiver.

117 Serial Roll Provenance Befehlshaber im Generalgouvernement/Ia Item 75026/lOc 75026/lOd 75026/ / /12a Wehrkreiskommando G-ener algouvernement / la/ Organisation 75027/ /2 Filmed 1st Frame Notes (11*57) 36S 533 Folder of Befh.G-en.Gouv./la, marked "Alarmiibungen Al u. A2 Linie. " The folder contains a few directives issued "by the above office, as well as a report on experience gathered, on a training exercise conducted 26-2S Oct l^uu. ^?he purpose of this exercise was to practice the occupation of the defensive line (see Polen, 75026/9) by designated troops. Folder of Befh.G-en.Souv./Ia, marked "Sinweisungs-Ubung, 6./7.11.UH. " The folder contains directives, correspondence, and reports on experience gathered, on a, training exercise conducted on 6-7 Nov 19^» ^ne purpose of this exercise was to practice the occupation of the defensive lines «A1» and»a2» (see stove). Folder of B e fh.gen.(rouv./ia, marked "3 X Stellung, Riegel- und Anschluss-Stellungen, IVa/IVb-Stellung, Bandenauffangstellung am Bug." The folder contains directives and maps from Sep 19UH-Jan 19^5* on the establishment of additional defensive lines to supplement the aforementioned "Al" and U A2 U positions in southern Poland. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Aalagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Wehrkreiskoramando Cren.Oouv.," from 1 3Jov 19^2-31 Jan 19^3. The folder contains monthly reports snd activity reports of Gberfeldkominandan-' turen in Warsaw, Cracow and other cities, monthly situation reports and Tagesmeldungen of WK.Kdo.Gen.Gouv.; the latter were sent to Ch.H.R.u.BdB. Included is also a printed copy of "G-liederung des Wehrkreis'bef ehlsha7oers im &eneralgouvernement," 5 ^ec 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Ausbau von Ortstiitsipunkten. Ir The folder contains directives, reports and maps from Mar 19UU-Jan 19^5, on the designation of certain cities of the G-ener algouvernement as fortified cities, and preparations for their defense. The cities mentioned are Warsaw, Cracow* Lublin, and Lemberg. Folder of WK.Kdo.Gren.Gouv. /Ia/0rg., marked "Aufstellung von Marscheinheiten." The folder contains directives and reports from!tov Aug 19^!-» on the establishment of replacement units within the gouvernement. Folder of unkno\^ provenance, containing a printed pamphlet entitled "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kreisgrosshandler im G-eneralgouvernement," Bee 19^2, a copy of Landwirtachaf 11 iches Wochenblatt, Riga, 7 Uov 19*4-3, two directives from Jun 1 W^ on the provisioning of non-g-erman employees of the German Army in Poland, issued "by the civilian authorities and WK.Kdo. Gen.Gouv. respectively, and a few miscellaneous directives from 19^3 3JD^L 19UU (issuing agency not always indicated) on the economic exploitation of Poland,

118 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes /H 75027/5 Ami des Generalgouver /6 neurs fur die "besetzten polnischen Gebiete/Abt. Wirtschaft 75027/ /S 75027/ / /11 Wehrkreiskommando 75027/12 Gener algouvernemen t/1a/ Organisation SS dag) Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Das Handwork im Generalgo uvernement. " The folder contains directives, reports and charts from 19Hl-19^t on industry, commerce and crafts in the Generalgouvernement. Folder of unknown provenance, containing directives and reports from 19^2-19^-» on the economic administration, industry, commerce and foreign trade of the Generalgouvernement. These directives and reports were issued "by various government agencies. Included is an unsigned, undated 11-page report entitled "Gedanken iiber die Ursachen des Zusaimnenbruches im GG. " Folder of unknown provenance, containing a printed copy of Per Jjinheitskontenplan fur Industriebetriebe im Generalgouvernenent* Leitfaden fur die Hinfuhrung eines geordneten Rechnungswesens. Sand II: "Anlagen." Berlin, Folder of Amt d. Gen.Gouverneurs f.d. besetzten polnischen Gebt.Wi., containing a mimeographed, bound copy of "Die Ernahrungs- und Lendwirtschaft im Generalgouvernement fiir die "besetzten polnischen Gebiete. Reihe B, Statistische Zusamffienstellungen.» Heft 1 (l$uo), issued by.amt d. Gen.Gouvernears f.d. besetzten polnischen Gebiete/Abt. Ilrnahrung u. Landwirtachaft/Statist. Amt. Bolder of unkr.o'm provenance, containing three undated, unsigned reports, totaling 1J pages, on the economy and partisan warfare in Poland; included are also parts of a fourth report, and a five-page "Eurzbericht ftr, R.W of Regierung d. GeE.Gouv./Hptabt.Wi. Folder of unknown provenance, containing an undated, mimeographed, "bound copy of "Bodenordnung im Generalgouvernement," issued by Regierung d. Gen.Gouv./Abt.lrnahrung und Landwirtschaft/Gruppe VII, written by Karl Kuchenba.cker. Folder of unknown provenance, containing three maps of the Generalgouverneinent showing its administrative divisions. Folder of unknown provenance, containing the "Tatigkeitsbericht der SS-Stendortverwaltung Debica, lf 15 May-31 Aug 19^2. Folder of unknov/n provenance, containing material, mostly undated, on German economic enterprises (oil, electricity, nitrogen) in the Generalgouverneraant. Folder of WK.Kdo.Gen.Gouv./Ia/0rg., containing directives, correspondence and reports from igu2-19^t on units of non-german (Soviet nationals) volunteers in the German Army.

119 Provenance 75027/ / / / / / /2U 75027/25 ^ilmed 1st Frame Notes 111 FS /20 FS U Folder of unknown provenance, containing three directives of the Government of the Gen.Gouv., issued in 19^4-, on psy and other financial compensations for Germans in its employ. Bolder of unknown provenance, containing primarily correspondence of "Institut fur Deutsche Ustarbeit." Most of this correspondence originated with this office after it was removed from Cracow to Zand in Germany. The material is dated l^j-jnl 19^5* &&& includes a few pieces of correspondence and directives which still originated in Cracow. Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence from Jul- Hov 19^1 between Dr. Emmerich, president of Abt.Wi. of the Generalgouverneinent, and Gen. Schindler, Hiistungsinspektor im Generalgouvernement, on the relationship, and lack of cooperation, between these two offices. Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence from Jan- Mar 13^5* pertaining primarily to the whereabouts and reassignment of personnel of G-eneralgouvernement/Abt.Wi., after this office was moved to Germany Ḟolder of unknown provenance, containing a printed, bound copy of Per ginheitskontenplan filr Industriebetriebe iro Generalgouverneaent. Leitfaden filr die Blnfiihrung eines g'eordneten Rechn.ungcwesena. Band I: "Text" (19>!-2) (see also~polen, 75027/5;.This 108-page publication has German and Polish texts. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a printed copy of Die Bewirtschaftung der MineralSlerzeugnisse i.m Generglgouvernement (19^371 This 35~P a &e pasiphlet was apparently issued by Abt.'H. of the Generalgouvernement administration. Bolder of unknoxm provenance, containing copies of insurance policies from Apr-Jul 19^ for goods (apparently household goods) shipped to Germanyjby Dr. ^jnmerich (see Polen, 75027/16). Bolder of unknown provenance, containing two printed, bound copies ^ forandlegende Anordnuagen im Bereiche des Militarbefehlshabers im Gen»- Gouvernemeat. Teil A und Teil Jan 19^1 124 and 62 pages respectively^ Folder of unknown provenance, containing primarily correspondence of Dr. Wilhelm Coblitz, Direktor des Instituis fiir deutsche Ostarbeit ia Cracow, 19U1-19UU. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a copy of "Gasgutachten Ostgalizien 19^-2. Des Gesamtgutachten zv/eiter Teil." No issuing agency indicated, but apparently compiled by Meissner and Dreyer, 19^2. 11-pages with maps and charts.

120 223 Provenance Militarbefehlshaber im Generalgouvernement/ Oberquartiermeister Continued 75S / /3 Chef der Zivilverwaltung 75917/7 beim Heeresgruppenkommanda 5 Filmed 1st Frame Notes 112 PT 318 IT PT PT 771 S1 PT 61 PS Polder of unknown provenance, containing monthly activity reports of "Regierung des Generalgouvernements/Hauptabteilung Arbeit," Peb 19U3~Jan 19^, and. correspondence, reports and directives from 19^ , on scientific research of "Deutsches Institut fiir Ustarbeit" and on defense against espionage, sabotage and possible internal unrest, as well as the evacuation of personnel and material from Poland. This material was issued primarily by Regierung des Generalgouvernements. Polder of unknown provenance, containing Kommandsnturbefehle of Kommandantur Warschati," 22 Bee Dec 19*!0. Polder of Mil.Be h.gen.gouv./u.%u., containing two pieces of correspondence between OKH/Gen.Qu. and Mil.B9fh.Gei)tGouv*/0«Qa. from dct 19^!i pertaining to mass escapes and mass starvation of Soviet prisoners of war in tne Gen.Gouv.; included are also five maps showing the numbers of enemy air raids, acts of sabotage and partisan activity in the area from Dec 19^3"^P r 19^» ^d. directives issued by WX.Kdo.Gen.Gouv. and OKH, Apr 19^3-Jul 19^» on eastern Suropean volunteer units in the German Army (organizations! matters). Polder of unknown provenance, containing photostats of monthly reports of Oberfeldkommadantur Warscheu, 16 Apr-lR May 19^-3* and of a directive and a situation report of Hustungsinspektion im Generalgo uvern em en t, Nov 19^1, on the recruitment of Polish laborers for shipment to Germany. Polder of unknown provenance, marked "Yerfiigungen betr. Sonderdienst im Generalgouvernement" from May and Jun 19^4-U. 'The directives pertain to the organization and training of a police auxiliary composed of ethnic Germans. Also included are a directive of Regierung d. Gen.G-ouv. /Hptabt. Innere Verw., Mar 19^» oa the evacuation of German personnel from the area., en unsigned siz-pe^e memorandum dealing with the nature, objectives and failure of Germany's policies toward Poles (Jun f-3)» excerpts from the official diary of "Chef der Eanzlei des Generalgouvernements, " 1)4 Aug 19^3* ^^ several pieces of correspondence of Regierung d. Gen.Gouv. from May-Jul 1Q^, on the establishment of a proper food, s.ipply for the Polish population, and a six-page memorandum on the nature and objectives of Germany's eastern policies and "Europe's struggle against Bolshevism." The latter memorandum was written by one Captain Oberlander (.'), 22 Jun 19^-3 Polder of CdZ.b.H.Gr.Kdo.5» containing directives, correspondence and reports from Sep-Uct 1939» on the civil administration of the

121 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Chef der Zivilverwaltung beim Heeresgruppenkommando /S 75917/9, 75917/10, FS 75917/11, FS 75917/12 DWP. B 236 DWP, P 220a DWP, P 220b DttP, P 220c DWP, P 1566 DWP, P I631a DWP, P (11S2) 1, 339t 6l6, (133!) SI former Polish areas in and around Cracow. Folder of CdZ."b.H.C-r.Kdo.5* containing correspondence from Sep- Oct 1939, dealing with "Landrate," "Kreisrate" and other administrative appointments in the occupied areas of Poland. Four folders of CdZ.b.H.Gr.Kdo.5, containing directives and correspondence from Aug-Oet 1939* pertaining to the establishment of this office and the civil administration in the Polish areas occupied "by this command. The folders are quite disorganized and no longer in the original order. The material included pertains to virtually all aspects of civil administration. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Mr. 1 u» 2 (Abschrift), Nr. 1: I* Operations ibschnitt, ; D er Abscliluss der X&nrpfe urn Gdingen und die Wegnahme von Hala. Nr. 2: II. Operationsabsclinitt, ; s ef riedung und Aufbau. " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Hriegstagebuch, I. Opera tionsabschnitt (Ber Abschluss der ICampfe urn Gdingen und die Vegnahme von He la, 10. Sept.-3.0kt. 1939), Milit^rbefehlshaber Danzig~W e stpreussen. " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstragebuch Hr. 1, I. uperationsabschnitt, 10. Sept.-3.0kt. 1939, Militarbefehlshaber Danzig-Westpreussen. M Included are directives, reports, maps, etc. Bolder of unknown provenance, containing "ICartenband zum Kriegstagebuch Ur. 1, I. Operations abschnitt, 10. Sept.-3.0kt. 1939* Militarbef ehlshaber Danzig-^estpreussen. " Included a,re military situation maps, a map of the city of Eanzig and nineteen photos of the fighting in that city on 1 Sep 1939 (Polish post office). Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Hdherer Pionieroffizier beim Kilitarbef ehlshaber Danzig-Westpreussen" with appendices, 12 Sep 1939~25 Oct 1939* are maps and reports pertaining to the reconstruction of bridges (primarily those crossing the Vistula river). Folder of unknown proven.8 i in=! ; containing "Kriegstagebuch ITr. 2, II. Operationsabschnitt, Bef rj er.t:z-.ff ur.a Ai^fbau, Militarbef ehlshaber Danzig-Westpreussen, " from U«25 Oar- l-jy?» Folder of unknown provonc :<>".e^ oon*.aining "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2, II. Operations abs'jtoitt, MI litarbefehl r Danzig-Westpreussen. " ^-25 oct 1939* Included are reports and directives pertaining to Polish prisoners of war, reset^iojk-^t of ethnic Germans, creation of a "Wehrkreis,!l and other matters effecting the work of Mil.Befh.D-W.Preussen.

122 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes DWP, P I631c DWP, P SS93/1 3S393/2 Fl 1 3SS93/3 3SS93/U 38S93/6 3SS93/7 U0109 Wl / / /U 20065/1 209 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kartenband sum Kriegstagebuch Ir. 2, II. Gperationsabschxiitt, Kilitarbefehlshaber Danzig- Westpreussen, " U-25 Oot 1939* 223 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagan, Vetertnar (ivc) des Mill tarbef ehlshabers Daiizig-West-oreussen, " 16 s ap-26 Oct l Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Eriegstagebuch itr. 1, Kanpfgruppe Hard, IGlr.d.Osttroup^cn z,'b»v. 73-0," 13 Jun-25 Jul 19U Folder of unr^r.wn p^n/ya'..^.^?^ cont^i^l^g <; I;rio^^tare"bv:"h Fr 2, Kpinpfgruppe lord, Kir. dsr Ost':^Tppen z*"c*\ T *?10,!; L'O c^l-1 Oc i. 1$2 337 Folder of unknown provenance, contaitiin^ ''K^io^stagebxioh Nr«3 Karopfgruppe Hord, Kdr* der 0;«ttx-ur,;3D 7."b,7. 710,!i 2 imt 19''!:- JO Jim 501 Folder of unknown provenance, coubaiaing "Aiila^enueud I 2, am Kriegstage'buch, Kdr. der usttruopen z.b.v. 710, " 10 Sep 19^2-13 Mar 19^3* Included are "battle reports and directives, msny of v-hiuh pertain to partisan warfare. 986 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 3 zu (1179) Kriegstagebuch, Edr. der Usttruppen z.b.v. 710," Har 19^3. Included are directives pertaining to H UnterneLmen Holzeinschlag"- an anti-partisaii campaign. 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband ^ zum Kriegstagebuch, Kdr. der usttvnpxan z.'d.'v. "(10, " ID Dec lqli-2-59 Apr 19^3* r^9 folder includes directives, reports arid maps on anti-partisan warfare during this ;oeri',.tu 503 Folder of unimown pi-j-.-ens.nce, containirg "T.:?.t5fi;ke5.t3beri3ht (u. Jkilggen), Kdr. d. Usttruppen E.b.V. 710,!l 25 Apr 19^-3 "13 Jan 19^ Folder of unknown prr^^>j.r;nce, containing "icricrstagebuch r» 2 (657) (mit Anlagen), Kdr. d. Osttii'ppe-i z.b.v. 70^," 1.^^ Hov 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containiiig "Kriegstagebuch des Bef ehlshabers der deutschen i'rappon vor udo^aa/ia, n 6 Sep-22 Oct 68 Folder of unknown provena.ico, containing ''Zertananlagen zum Kriegstagebuch la. des Bef ehlshabers dsr deutschen Truppen vor Odessa, " 12 Sep-16 uct 19U1. S7 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "ICriegstagebuch des Bef ehlshabers der deutschen Truppen vor Odessa/ Quar tiermeisterabteilung, " 10 Sep-22 Oct Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Eriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber der Laiidengen Krim, " 31 Dec 1Q^1-31 Mar 19^42.

123 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes !* 23!* Continued / / /1* 27581* / / / /1* 33522/ (1025) * (1258) Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Bef ehlshaber der Landengen Krim, " 30 Dec 19^ Mar 19^2. Folder includes maps, orders, copies of telephone and telegraph messages, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing activity reports of various German "Xoimnandanturen" on the Crimea, 16 Dec l^ul-l* Nov 19^2. -%ong the "Kommandanturen" reporting are those of Feodosiya, Kertch, Sevastopol, Eupatoria, Yalta, Simferopol and others. Most of the reports were submitted to "Kommandant riickwartiges Armee Gebiet 553; " they pertain to all aspects of military and civil administration of the occupied areas. Folder of unknown provenance, containing the activity report of "Intendant Befehlshaber Krim, " 15 Sep-31 Dec 191*2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 des Befehlshabers des Bruckenkopfes Rostow," 8 Jan 19U3-U Feb 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2 des Befehlshabers des Briickenkopf es Ho stow, " 2 Jan~l Feb 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage 2 zum Kriegstage- "buch Nr. 1 u. 2 des Befehlshabers des Briickenkopfes Rostov, " marked "Akte Rumanien," Jan 19^3» ^e folder contains directives and reports on the employment and conduct of Romanian troops on the eastern front* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstage'buch des Bef ehlsha'oers der Landengen Krim, " 2S Mar 19^2-6 Feb 19^3. Also included are the appendices - "Tagesmeldungen," directives, reports, file memoranda of telephone and telegraph messages, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kartenanlagen zum TStlgkeitsbericht Abt. Ic des Befehlshabers Krim Ia/Ic," Uov 19^1-15 Aug 191*2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing the activity report of "Befehlshaber Krim/Qu./IVa, " 1 Jan-30 Jun 191*3. Folder of unkno\vn provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 7 Befehlshaber Krim (Gen.Kdo.XXXXII.A.K.), 1 Jan-30 -Apr 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagesmeldungen unterstellter Sinheiten,» submitted to "Befehlshaber Krim/Abt. la," 1 Jan-30 Apr 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagesmeldungen an Heeresgruppe," submitted by "Befehlshaber Krim/Abt. la," 1 Jan-30 %>r 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing tactical orders and other directives of "Befehlshaber Heeresgruppe A" to "Befehlshaber Krim," 30 Dec 191*2-29 Apr 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing directives, tactical orders, file memoranda of telphone and telegraph messages, etc., sent to

124 Serial Roll /8 361*31/1 36^31/ ^ 36^31/5 361*31/6 3&*3l/8 36*131/9 Filmed 1st Frame Notes (1252) * 1015 (1291) 209 subordinate units "by "Befehlshaber Krim/Ia," 1 Jan-28 Feb 3,91*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing directives, tactical orders, file memoranda of telephone end telegraph messages, etc., sent to subordinate units by "Befehlshaber Krim/Ia, " 1 Mar-30 Apr 191*3 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch 7, Befehlshaber Krim/Ia," 1 Jan-30 Apr 19^3. Included are "Korpsbefehls," situation and inspections reports, file memoranda on conferences and orientations- Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Earten zum Kriegstagebuch 'Sr. 7, Befehlshaber Krim/Ia, " 1 Jan-30 Apr 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch," 2 Feb-10 Hov 19?3, Fart I. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch!Tr. 1, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch," 28 Jun-10 Nov 19^3, Part II. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen I zum Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/Ia," 2 Feb-29 J^n 19^3 I H- cluded are situation maps, directives and reports. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen II zum Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/Ia," 30 Jun-26 Sep 19^3. Included are primarily situation ineps. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen III zum Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/Ia," 27 Sep-9 Hov 19^3. Included are directives, reports and maps. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "la Tagesmeldungen, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch," submitted to H.Gr. A (Befh.Krim), 6 Feb- 6 Sep 191*3. Folder of unknovm provenance, containing an activity report of "Befehlshaber Strasse Zertsch/Ia/Org.," U Sep-11 Oct 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband A zum Tatigkeitsbericht, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/Ia/Org. t» 15 Aug-21 Oct 19^3. The folder includes directives, reports, and file memoranda of conferences. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlageband B (Teil l) zum Tatigkeitsbericht, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/la/Org.," 7-26 Sep 191*3. The folder contains morning and noon situation reports sent to AUK 17/Ia. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlageband B (Teil 2) zum Tatigkeitsbericht, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/Ia/urg," 27 Sep-11 Oct 19^3» Eke folder contains morning and noon situation reports sent to AOK 17/Ia.

125 Provenance Item filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued 36^31/12 36^31/13 36^31/1^ 36U31/ U007U/3 U007U/H U007U/5 1,0243 ^1095/1 ^1095/2 U1095/3 350 ^ S 1027 (1188) Folder of unknown provenance, containing an activity report of "Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/1la/lib,» 22 BTov 19^2-10 Nov 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Xriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/Abt.Qu, " 3 Feb-9 Nov 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/Abt.Qu, " 3 Feb-13 Oct 19)43. Included are directives and maps. Folder of unknown provenance, containing activity reports, 3 ^sblu Oct 19^3, of the following sections of "Befehlshaber Strasse Kertsch/ Abt.Qu, " III, IVa, IVc, V, and W.u.G. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Brfahrungsbericht. 'Der Marsch der Pioniere der Pionier-Leiidungs-Bataillone 86, 12S u. 21*4- von Kertsch nach Cherson/Iikolajew,' Teil IV, " of "Bef ehlsha"ber Strasse Kertsch/la, " 9-22 Oct 19^3-" Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Befehlshaber Krim/Ia," 16 Jul-11 Oct 19^3. Folder of unknown provenience, containing "^nla^en I zura Kriegstagebuch 1, Befahlshaber Kriia/Ia, " 16 Jul-31 Aug 19^3. Included are directives, reports on inspection trips, file memoranda of conferences, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen II zum Kriegstagebuch 1, Befehlshaker Krim/Ia," 1 Sep-11 Oct 19^3. Included are directives, reports on inspection trips, file memoranda on conferences, overlay maps, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen III zum Kriegstagebuch Hr. 1, Befehlshaier Krim/Ia," Ib Jul-8 Oct 19^3. The folder contains maps. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen 17 zum Kriegstage"buch Ir. 1, Bef ehlshaber Krim/Ia, " 1 Jnl-29 Sep 19U3. Included are "Kriegsgliederungen." Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Sriegsta^ebuch Mr, 1, Sicherungs-Abschnitt III Kriwoj-Roa:,!! 19 o.?t-22 ov 19^3. AI SO included are the appendices? to tb*3 w r t1o"irn-l? diiu.^utos, reports, maps, etc. Folder of miki-o.;^ pr-.^i::.: j.ic'r, co*tyeining "Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber Westtaurien/Ia, n Yj uov-^j- ^ec ^-9^3 Folder of unkuovii^-'je, "Tatigkeitsberichte zum Kriegstagebuch Ilr, 1, Befehishotber Westtaurien/Ia, " 13 Oct-31 Dec 19^3» Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber Westtaurien/Ia, " 13 Oct-30 Kov 19^3. Included are

126 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes U1095/5 ^2891/3 **2S91/7 **2S92 **1*100 directives, reports on inspection trips, file memoranda on conferences, etc. 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anl^gen zum Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber Westtaurien/Ia," 1-31 Dec 19**3* Included are directives, reports on inspection trips, file memoranda on conferences, etc. 268 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Sonderbeilagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber esttaurien/ia," 26 Oct-3 Hov 19^3» Included are battle reports with maps and charts. ^98 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Karten u. Kriegsgliederungen zum Kriegstagebuch 2fr. 1, Befehlshaber Westtaurien/Ia," 13 Oct- 31 Dec 191* Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagesmeldungen unterstellter Sinheiten," siibmitted to Befehlsheber Westtsurien/Ia," 13 Oct- 31 Dec 19^3. 7^6 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagesmeldungen" submitted to H.Or.A by "Befehlshaber Westtaurien/Ia," 3-3 Oct-31 Dec 19** Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 1 zum (1281) Kriegstagebuch 9, Befehlshaber Krim/Abt.Qu," 1-30 Jun 19^3. Included are "Tagesmeldungen" and maps. PT 1 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch 9, Befehlshaber Krim/Abt.Qu," 1-17 Jul 19^3 Included are "Tagesmeldungen." 3^7 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 3 ZU K Kriegstagebuch 9, Bef ehlsheber Krim/Qu, " 18 Jul-10 Aug 19*1-3. Included are "Tagesmeldungen." PT 663 Polder of unkno^vn provenance, containing "Anlagenband U zum Kriegstagebuch 9, Befehlshaber Krim/Qu," 11 Aug-7 Sep 19^*3. Included are "Tagesmeldungen." 1011 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband R zum (1385) Kriegstagebuch 9, Befehlshaber Krim/Qu," 7 Sep-9 Oct 19^3. Included are "Tagesmeldungen." 1 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "-^nlagenband 6 zum Kriegstagebuch, Befehlshaber est-taurien/qn," lu ^ct-15 ITov 19^3. Included are "TagesmalcLungen." 182 Folder of unknoim provenance, containing "Krie^stagebuch der Militar-Verwaltungsgruppe Krim (Beim Befh.Krim)," 16 Sep 19^2-6 Aug 216 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des Kampfkommandanten Krivro j-rog," 26 Jan-22 Peb

127 Serial oll Provenance I tern filmed 1st Frame Notes S ^65/1 59^5/2 59^5/2 59^65/3 59^657^ 59^66 59^67 59^68/1 59^68/2 cont ^ S 860 (1269) U70 US Folder of unknown provenance, containing "TMtigkeitsbericht Ifr des Wehrmachtbefehlshabers Ostland, Aufgabengebiet General z.b.v.," Aug 19^3-May 1?M. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht, Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Ostland7la, " 16 Jul-10 Aug 19^. The folder also includes appendices, such as maps, file memoranda of telphone and telegraph messages, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht, Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Ostland/Ic," 1 Jul-S Aug 19*4U. Folder of unknown provenance, containing en activity report of the " r ehrmachtbefehlshaber ustland G-ruppe I Pi" from 1 Jul to 8 A U g iguh. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch J\ T r, 6, 'fehrmachtbefehlsheber Weissruthenien, jet^t Greneral-Koimnando Rothkirch" from 1 Jan~30 Jun 19UU. Folder of unknown -nrovenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Fr. 6, T>. r ehrmachtbefehlshaber Weissruthenien, jetz-t G-eneral-'Kommendo Ejthkircii, " 1 Jen-30 Jun 19^4. Included are maps, directives, reports, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagesmeldungen" of "Wehrmachtbef elilshaber eissruthenien/ia," 1 Jan-30 Jun iguu. Folder of unknovm provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsberichte der Abt. la/pi," "" r e]irmechtbefehlsh3ber Weissruthenien,"'l Mar-30 Jun iqu4. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Monatsberichte fiir Kriegstagebuch" of U '? ehrm8chtbefehlshaber ^eissruthenien/ic, " 1 Jan-25 May 1Q^. These monthly reports are concerned with the activity of partisans within the area. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a "Tatigkeitsbericht der Abteilung 'Adjutantur,' Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Weissruthenien, jetzt G-eneral- Kominando Rothkirch, " 1 Jan-30 Jun 19^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Kr. 6 der ^uartierineister-abt. des Wehrmachtbefehlshabers Weissruthenien," 1 Jan- 30 Jun 19^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "^nlagen zum Xriegstagebuch Hr. 6, Wehrmachtbefehlshaber 'veissruthenien/qu., jetzt Oeneral-Kommando Rothkirch, " 1 Jan-31 May 19^» Included are reports of railroad ship- Continued 8U9 ments. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr«6, Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Weissruthenien/Qu., jetzt General-Kommando Rothkirch," 1 Jan-31 May 19^4. Included are liv^ts of buildings, plants

128 Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 120 2^ / / and other installations which are to "be destroyed in the event of German withdrawal from the area of this command. Mar-31 Jul 19UU Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch TIT. 7» (1278) Gen.Kdo. Rothkirch/Ia, " 1 Jul-13 Nov 19UU. 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Inlagen ssum Kriegstagebuch Mr. 7» Gren.Kdo. Rothkirch, " U Jul-l6 Sep 19^U, Included are directives, maps, reports, etc. 227 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a "Tatigkeitsbericht 956 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a "Tatigkeitsbericht" of "Intendent, Befehlshaber riickw. Uperations-Gebiet, Siidukraine, " 1 der Abteilung f Mjut8ntur! f Wehrraachfbefehlshaber Weissruthenien, ab G.IO.U^ General-Kommando Rothkirch,!l 1 Jul~13 Hov 19^. 2^3 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "'buch Nr. 7 der Quartiermeister-Abteilung des V/'ehrraachtbefehlsiiabers Weissruthenien (Gen.Edo. Hothkirch),» 1 Jul-13 Kov 19^. 3^7 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere Verordnungen fur die Versorgung, I! 19 l-iay-31 Aug 19^3i issued by "Befehlshaber Krim/Qn. " ^08 Folder of unknovm provenance, containing two situation maps of the Straits of Kertsch and surrounding areas. One map is dated 11 Apr 19^-2, the other bears the dates end Ul4 Folder of unknown provenance, containing copies of telephone and teletype messages, itov^-dec IS^l* These messages, pertaining to railroad construction and transportation matters, were apparently exchanged between H. Gr.Slid and various other units * 806 Folder of unknown provenance, containing a 2U-page pamphlet issued by "Armeeoberkoimnando U/Ia/A,3,u," May 19^3> entitled "Der deutsche S'oldat und seine politischen Aufgaben im Osten, " and an undated "Merkblatt fur das Verhalten gegeniiber kaukasischen Volkern." Ho issuing agency indicated. Included are also a few miscellaneous directives issued by OKW, Dec 19^3* primarily on the requisitioning of grain. 838 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Korps-Denkschrift. Binsatz der ^ebeltruppe im Abschnitt 20-2H." Included are a 13-page report and a map. Unit and location not further identified. 858 Folder of unknovm provenance, containing "Monatsbericht, April 19V+, Wehrm.Befh. Weissruthenien." The folder includes the monthly report, maps, organizational charts, and activity reports of subordinate offices.

129 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Grukodeis *6 Continued S97 75S9S 75S99 14S / /1, 16150/2, 16150/ /4, 16492/2 FS (1127) (946) 16 ill, 417, 525, (678) l, 220, 465, 604, Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Arena, 15»3»42-l " Included are charts and correspondence between various railroad engineer headquarters pertaining to "Bauunternehmen Arena." Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Sicherungswesen." The folder contains activity reports of "Feldeisenbahnbetriebsamt 11," 22 Jun Apr 1942, as well as reports, technical information, charts, etc., on railroad maintenance, Folder of "Grukodeis," containing l$4l directives on railroad construction, maintenance and transportation. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Komrnandanturbefehle" of "wehirmachtkommandantur Minsk, H Fe"b 1943, and 3 Apr Jun 1944, as well as a few miscellaneous directives issued "by the same office and several OE'f neve "bulletins, Jan-Mar Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch" of "Offizier v. Dienst, Bevollmachtigter Transportoffizier beim Wehrinachtbefehlshaber Siidost, " 10 Mar-20 Apr This is the diary of the above named office. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befealshabers Saloniki-igais (K.r.A. 560)," 1 Aug-31 Dec 194l. The folder includes the activity reports as well as appendices - Monthly administrative reports, material on the Bulgarian lisison officer with "Stab des Baf ehlshabers Saloniki-JtgF'is, " etc. ITine folders of unknown provenance, consisting of "Kriegstagebiicher der Eiuheit 08633," Apr-Dec "Binheit OSo33» is the designation for the office of "Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber in Serbien/Ia." The folder also includes "Aalsgen zum Kriegstagebuch" - directives, maps, reports, material pertaining to attitude of public, partisan activities, German retaliation, German relationship with Croatian and Bulgarian authorities, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Kr. 1 des Stabes. Befehlshaber Sud-Griechenland," 1 uct 1Q41-Q Jan Bolder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Xriegstagebuch 1 des Stabes des Bef ehlshabers Siid-Griechenland, " 30 Sep Jan The folder includes "Tagesneldungen," material on the transfer of the Island of Suboea to Italian occupation troops, the sinking of the German troop ship "Ithaka" by enemy submarine in the Aegean Sea, preparation on

130 Serial Eoll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Ho tea 122 2^6-2^7 Continued 26050/ /2, 26050/ /1, 27752/2, 27752/3, 27752^, 27752/5, 27752/6, 27752/7, 27752/8, 27752/9, 27752/10, 27752/11, 27752/12, 27752/ / /1, 28328/2, 28328/3, 2S328/U, 28328/5, 28328/6, 28328/ /1 See below 29233/ , (1300) , 302, 308, 335, 356, 378, , tos, Ul6, ^52, U6S, W l 0 635, 800, 295, 1073, (1207) 1, 187, 37>+ 615 See below 668 Crete for military defense, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Wehrmachtintendanten beim Kdr. General und Befehlshaber in Serbien, " 7 Apr 191*1-31 Dec 19H2. Two folders of unknown provenance, containing "-Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht des Wehrmachtintendanten beim Kdr. General und Befehlshaber in Serbien, " 29 Apr 19^1-2 Dec 19^2. The material pertains to economic matters in the occupied area. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsberichte, Befehlshaber Saloniki-lgais, lf 1 Jan-31 Dec 19^2. Thirteen folders of unknown provenance, containing "KriegstagelDUcher Befh. Siid«Griechenland/Qa. f " lu Jun-31 Dec Folder of unknovjn provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch 2, Stab d. Bef ehlehabers Siid-&riechenland, " 1 Jan-21 Hov 19^2. Seven folders of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebiicher der linheit 08633" ("Koimnandierender General und Befehlshaber in Serbien/Ia'Oi Jan-Jun 19*12 and Aug 19^4-2. SJhese folders also include "Anlagen" - directives, reports, "Tagesmeldungen,«etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch, Kdr. Gen.u.Bfh. in Serbien/Abt.O.Qu., <f I 1 * Mar-31 Dec 19^2. Seven folders of unknown provenance, marked "-Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Abt.O.Qu. Jl The folder contains directives and reports pertaining to prisoners of war, partisan activities, economy of the country, etc., ill- Mar-31 Dec 19*4-2.

131 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Militarbefehlshaber in Serbien/Ia Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber in Serbien/Ia 29233/ A 29233/ / / /S 3081*7 33U /1, 33552/2, 33552/3, 33552/1* /5, 33552/ / /H 33552/12 Bevollmachtigter Komman /13 dierender General in Serbien/Ia lql* , 121*2, ( i in i ^ \X*TAX^ 1, 162, 361, 5^ (1275) 155 Seven-page "Beitrag fur das Kriegstagebuch. H/mot uber Kfz.-Wosen in der Zeit vom 1. Jan. "bis 31» D ez. ^2." "Fatigkeitsbericht Nr. 1, Militarbefehlshaber in Serbien, Fachbearbeiter fur Munition,«2U Apr 191*1-31 Dec 19**2. "Oktigkeltsbericht, Fachbearbeiter W.u.G.," 8 Apr 191*1-31 Dec 19^2. "3&tigkeitsbericht, Lei tender San.-Offizier beim Kdr. General u. Befh, in Serbien, tt 1 Oct-31 Dec 19^2. "latigkeitsbericht Nr. 1, der Militar-Befehlshaber in Serbien, Kommandostab, Leitd. Vet. Offiz., %>r 19^1-31 Dec 19^2. "Beitrag zum Kriegstagebuch, Kdr.G-en.u.Befh. in Serbien, O.Qu./Stabsoffizier der Feldgendarmerie," 1-31 Mar 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "TStigkeitsbericht Nr. 2, Wehrmachtintendant beim Kdr,Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien, " 1 Jan-31 Mar 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Hr. 3» Wehrmachtintendant beim Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien," 1 ^pr-30 Jun 19^3* Six folders of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebiicher, Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien, 11 Jan-Jun 19^3* ^e folders also include appendices - "Tagesmeldungen, tt directives, reports and correspondence on all activities of this office. Folder of Militarbefehlshaber in Serbien/la, containing directives, reports and correspondence, 21 %>r-10 Oct 19^1. The material in this folder, apparently a file copy, pertains to the resettlement of Serbs from the area held by the Bulgarians and the Croats in Serbia proper, acts of sabotage, partisan warfare and German reprisals, and matters of political significance with regard to Serbo-Croatian and Serbo-Bulgarian relations and the Serbien puppet government in Belgrade. Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia, marked "Abgelaufene Operationen: Westbosnien I." The folder contains directives, maps and copies of teletype messages, 23 May-20 Jul 19^2, on anti-partisan operations. Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Abgelaufeno Operationen: Westbosnien II. M The folder contains directives, maps, reports and copies of teletype messages, U May-2^- Aug 19^2, on anti-partisan operations. Folder of Bevollmachtigter Kommandierender General in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen siid.-ostw. Sabac, 3«H«^» Hl." The folder contains copies of teletype and radio messages on this anti-partisan operation.

132 Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st Frame Komrnandierender General und Befehlshaber in Serbien/Ia Continued 33552/1^ Bevollmachtigter Komman /16 dierender General in Serbien/Ia Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber in Serbien/Ia Militarbefehlshaber in Serbien/Ia 33552/ / / / / / / / Notes Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen Schwarz," lu Apr-6 Jun 19^3* ^ke folder contains directives and teletype messages on "Unternehmen Schwarz," an anti-partisan operation in Montenegro and Herzegovina. Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen Trio I," 3 Mar~S May 19^2. Included in this folder are maps, directives, reports and copies of teletype messages pertaining to "Unternehmen Trio I" - an anti-partisan operation apparently* in Croatia. Folder of Be^ollm.Kdr. General in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen westl. Morawatal," 22 Nov~5 Dec 19^1. The folder contains directives and teletype messages pertaining to "Unternehmen westl. Morawatal" - an anti-partisan operation in the upper reaches of the Morawa River, Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in S e rbien/ia., marked "Operation Siid- Kroatien," S Jan-5 Sep 19^2. The folder contains maps, directives, correspondence and copies of teletype messages concerning this antipartisan operation. Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen Kopaonik," 17 Jul 19^2-9 Oct 19^2. The folder contains maps, directives and copies of teletype messages pertaining to "Unternehmen Kopaonik" - an anti-partisan operation in the area of the Kopaonik Mountains, southern Serbia. Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen Prijedor," 13 Feb-2S May 19^2. The folder contains directives, reports, and teletype messages pertaining to "Unternehmen Prijedor" - an anti-partisan operation in Croatia. Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen Fruska Gora, Unternehmen VI as en ic a, " 20 Aug-30 Aug 19*4-2. The folder contains maps, correspondence, reports and directives on these antipartisan operations in Croatia. Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen Foca," 29 Apr-3 May 19^2. The folder contains maps and directives on "Unternehmen Foca" - an anti-partisan operation in southern Bosnia. Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., entitled "Fiihrungsstab Kampfgruppe General Bader/Qu. Erfahrungsbericht tiber die Versorgung der Truppe wahrend der Unternehmungen Rogatica und Foca, Befriedung des Landes und Zusammenarbeit mit dem Verbindungsburo der Intendanz der 2. Ital. Armee," 15 May 19^2. Folder of Militarbefehlshaber in Serbien/Ia., marked "Angelegenheit Ls. Btl. 920," 20 Sep-30 uct 19^1. The material, reports and

133 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Kommandierender General und Bef ehlshaber in Serbien/Ia Bevollmachtigter Kommandierender General in Serbien/Ia 33552/2U 33552/ / / / / /30 31&76/2 31&76/3 directives, pertain to clashes "between Cetnic and German units, and the loss of parts of "Landesschiitzen Batl. 920" in the area south of Belgrade. 1C&8 Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia*, containing maps, directives, reports and other material, 22 Sep Aug 19^2, pertaining to partisan warfare in Serbia. 131*3 Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Wachturme und Bahnschutz in Kroatien," 27 flov 19^1-1^ Jun 19^2. ^he folder includes maps and directives pertaining to the military protection of railroad lines in Croatia against sabotage acts Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia., marked "Bahnschutz in (1%1) Serbien, Sep-27 Nov 19*H. This folder contains directives and correspondence pertaining to the military protection of railroad lines in Serbia against sabotage acts. 1 Folder of Kdr.Gen.u,Befh. in S e rbien/ia., containing directives, reports, maps and other material on partisan warfare in Serbia, lu Mar 19^2-12 Jun 19^ Folder of Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Serbien/Ia,, marked "Organisation," 2^ Feb 19^2-22 Feb 19^3. The folder contains material pertaining to organizational matters of the command. 360 Folder of Bevollm. Kdr. General in Serbien/Ia. t containing correspondence from Oct and Nov 19^1* on the internment of Yugoslav Army officers who had been furloughed by the German authorities following the Yugoslav surrender earlier that year. 388 Folder of Bevollm. Kdr. General in Serbien/Ia., marked "Unternehmen Visegrad," 30 Sep-U Dec 19^1* ^he folder contains directives pertaining to this anti-partisan operation. 405 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr, 1, Mil.Bfh.i. Serbien/Qa. Abt., %>r-30 Hov 19^1. U8U Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen-Band 1 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1, Militarbef ehlshaber Serbien/Abt. fyu, <f 20.Apr-13 llov 19^1. The folder contains activity reports, maps, file memoranda of conferences, etc. 697 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen-Band 2 zum Kriegstagebuch ITr. 1, Militarbefehlshaber Serbien/Qu.," 15 Jun 19^1. The folder contains material pertaining to the location of German military graves, supply, personnel replacements, etc. 758 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstegebuch Nr. 2, Bev.Kdr.Gen.u*Befh. in Serbien/Abt. Qa., «6 Dec 19^1-l5 Mar 19*12.

134 Continued Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Ho tea 126 3^76/5 1*0131/2 1*0131/ /3* 1*1551 1*26SO 1*2961/1 1*2961/2 ^2961/3, 1*2961/1*, 1*2961/5, 1*2961/6 1*3237/1 ^3237/2 ^3237/3 ^3237/1* (1183) * 1 18S, 1*11*, 707, 911* (lino) Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2, Bev.Kdr.Gen.u.Bfh. in Serbien/Abt.Qu. 9" 6 Dec 191*1-15 Mar 19l*2» The folder includes material pertaining to supply, military graves, military reorganizations, the situation in Serbia, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch 3» Stab des Bef ehlshabers Siid-Griechenland,«22 Nov 191*2-20 Hov 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegstagebuch 3, Befehlshaber Siid-Griechenland/Ia., " 2l* Mar 191*3, marked "Kiistenverteidigung und Ausbau." Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3, Militarbefehlshaber Griechenland/Ia," 20 Hov 191*2-19 Hov 19^*3» ^e folder includes "Tagesmeldungen" and situation reports. Folder of unknown provenance, unmarked, apparently "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Militarbefehlshaber Siid-Griechenland," containing directives, mostly pertaining to German troop movements, "Tagesmeldungen," situation reports and translations of enemy propaganda material, 22 Nov 191*2-10 Aug 191*3. Most of the material in this folder pertains to Greek resistance movements and to partisan warfare. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "d&tigkeitsbericht des Bef ehlshabers Saloniki-Agais, " 1 Jan-30 Jun 19l*3» Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen, Artillerie-Kommandeur 169, " 1-3^ J ^» Two folders of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen" of "Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber in Serbien," Jul and Aug 19l*3» ^e "Anlagen 11 consist of "Tagesmeldungen," situation reports and miscellaneous directives. Four folders of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegtagebucher mit Anlagen, Militarbefehlshaber Sudost/Ia, " Sep-Dec 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des Kdr. Gen.u.Befh. in Siidost/O.Qp,, " 1 Jan-5 Sep 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des Mil. Befh. Siidost/O.Qu.," 6 Sep-31 Dec 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegstagebuch, Bev.Kdr.Gen.u.Befh. in Sudost/O.Qu., " 1 Jan-5 s ep 19^3* ^e folder contains reports and directives. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Mil.Befh. Sudost/O.Qu.," 6 Sep-31 Dec 19^*3. The folder contains

135 Serial Eoll Provenance Filmed 1st Frame 25** 25** / / / /2 580pi*/3 5800V 1 * $T 981 (1056)! directives and reports. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch mlt Anlagen, dr» General und Befehlshaber in Serbien (ab ^3 Milltarbefehlshaber Sudost)/IIa," 15 Mar 19**2-31 Dec 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 des Donausicherungs~Stabes 6* Mil.-Befh. SUdost (Karapfkommandant Eisernes Tor), w 10 Jul-31 Dec 19l*3. Folder of unknown provenance t marked "Kommandierender General u. Befh. in Serbien. Anlagen* 25. U. 1* *2." The folder contains directives, correspondence, reports and maps pertaining to the border delineation of Serbia. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Kommandierender General u. Befh. in Serbien. Jblagen * *2." The folder contains directives, correspondence, reports and maps pertaining to the "border delineation between Serbia and Bulgaria. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Kommandlerender General u, Befh. in Serbien. l.u f ~30,6.Ul. Orenzziehung I. Anlagen." The folder contains correspondence, directives and maps pertaining to the border delineation of Serbia.. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Kommandidrender General u. Befh. in Serbien * tyl. Grehzziehung II. Aniagen." Folder of unknown provenance, containing n Kriegstagebuch des Militarbefehlshabers Siidost/O.Qii.," 1 Jan-30 Jun 19****. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagel?uch des MilitSrbefehlshabers SOdost/0. (>i.,«1 J0n-30 Jun 19&1*. The folder contains activity reports submitted by subordinate units and offices of "0.<ju." s., Bolder of unknown provenance f containing "Krlegstagebuch Nr. 5, Militarbef ehlshabej? ^riecnenland,» 27 %>r-31 -^ug 19^*. v Bolder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegs tagebuch Nr. U, Militarbe^ehlshaber Griechenland," 21 Nov 19**3-2$ Apr!$&. Folder of unknown provenance, containing ".Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch M. 5, Mil.Befh. Griechenland/Ia., w 27 ^pr-1 Sep19!*!*. The folder Contains mespe^ianeous directives^ situation rep9rts, "Mor^eruneldungen," "Tage^meldungen," and "Abendmeldungen." ^ Fojlder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch ifr. i*, Mil.^efh. iriechenland/ia., n 21 Hoy 1^3-27 Apr 19 1 * 1 */ The folder contains primarily "Morgenmeldungan, " "Tagesjneldungen * and. Abendmeldungen.!l

136 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 128 Seven folders of "unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebiicher, Militarbefehlshaber Griechenland/Qu.," Jan-Jul 19^ S369/ /2, 58382/3, 58382/U, 5*3*2/ / / / / (1272) 1, 382, 6fcL (1390) Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegs tagebuch 11 of "Militarbefehlshaber Siidost/IIa t " 1 Jan-30 Jun 1$&. Folder of unknown provenance, containing H Kriegstage"buch Nr. 2" of "Donau Sicherungs-Stab des Mil.Befh. Sudost (Kampfkdt. Sisernes Tor)," 1 Jan-3 Aug 19HH. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen 2 zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2, Donau Siekerungs-Stab des Mil.Befh. Sudost (Kampfkdt, lisernes Tor), 11 1 Jan-3 A&g 19^* $te folder contains reports of operations, protocols of interrogations of prisoners, situation reports and maps pertaining to partisan warfare. Four folders of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagelmcher, Militarbefehlsha'ber Siidost/Ia., mit Anlagen, «Feb-May 19^, Ihe "Mlagen" include "Tagesmeldungen, n situation reports and miscellaneous reports and directives. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch des Miiitarbefehlshaber Sudost (Heer.G-r.E). Serbische Regierung," 30 Aug 19^1-6 Oct 19^* ^he folder contains correspondence, reports, file memoranda, etc., pertaining to the Serbian puppet government and its functions. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des Stabsoffiziers der Pioniere beim Obkdo. Armeeabteilung Serbien," 6 Oct-19 Oct 19 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des Vehrmacht-Nachrichtenfiihrers beim Miiitarbefehlshaber Sudost (Armee-Abteilung Serbien),» 27 Sep-27 Oct 1^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 1 zum Krie&stagebuch des Wehrmacht-Nachrichtenfuhrers beim Miiitarbefehlshaber Slidost (Armee-Abteilung Serbien)," 2J Sep-27 Oct 19*&. The folder contains charts and maps of communications facilities. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch des Wehrmacht-Nachrichtenfvihrers beim Miiitarbefehlshaber Sudost (Armee-Abteilung Serbien). Tagesmeldungen," 26 Sep-26 Oct 19^. These "certain to general milit«.rv OT5er»tionR. not to th^ fw<~-

137 Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued Befehlshaber Syrmien Kommandierender General und Befehlshaber in Serbien/Ia W^bHa-eiskommando XVII/ la/mil. Geo / / / U 1081 (1368) 151 1* tions of "Wehrmacht-Nachrichtenfuhrer*" Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch des Kdt. der Festung Kreta, " Jun-Jul 19^U. Itie folder contains situation maps and directives pertaining to the defense of Crete. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anl agent and zum Kriegstage"buch des Kdt. der Festung Kreta, " Jul-Sep 19^. The folder includes maps, charts, directives, and reports* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch des Kdt. der Festung Kreta, " 1-22 Sep 19*&. The folder contains primarily maps and charts, and a few directives and reports. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Aalagen zum Kriegstagebuch des Festungs Kdt. der Festung Kreta* Tagesmeldungen, " Jl Aug-22 Sep Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch (Haumung der Insel Kreta) des Kdt* der Festung Kreta, " 28 Aug~ 22 Sep 19^* Included are file memoranda and directives pertaining to the German evacuation of the Island of Crete* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Beitrag zum Kriegstagebuch der Gruppe Ic. 3. Vierteljahr 19^4. Kdt. der Festung Kreta, " 9 Jul- 10 Sep 19^* Included are activity and situation reports pertaining to partisan warfare. Folder of Befehlshaber Syrmien, marked "Schriftwechsel fur eine spatere Beurteilung des Cetnik-Problems im kroatischen Raum. 19U^. " Folder of Kommandierender General u» Befehlshaber in Serbien/Ia», containing directives, reports, correspondence and maps on partisan warfare. 19^2. Folder of Wehrkreiskommando XVI I/ la. /Mil. Geo., marked "Mil.Geo.- Gruppe Siidgriechenland. H The folder contains material on the geography of southern Greece (including Crete). 19U2-UH. Folder of unknown provenance, probably Mil. Befehlshaber Siidost, Mil.Geo.-Grppe Serbien, containing material on the collection of geographic information on the Balkan area. 19^3* Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Abwicklung. Militarbefehlshaber Siidost. " This extensive report is undated, but was written and compiled after 13 Feb 19^5- ** constitutes a final report on all aspects of the German occupation of Greece, Albania, Montenegro and Croatia, as well as of the final evacuation of German troops in 19^ and 19^5. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kassen-Kladde betr, Militarbefehlshaber Siidost. Chef der Militarverwaltung. Ausgleichskasse, "

138 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued 75000/ / / /1^ 75000/ / / / / / (1259) / May-Oct Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Ausgleichkasse, Ausglelchsfond: Unterteil 2c: Wi IB8: PrSmienverteilung. Militarbefehlshaber Siid- OB t, Der Chef der Militarverwaltung. 11 The folder contains correspondence and reports originating after the evacuation of the German troops from the Balkan area. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Militar'befehlshaber Sudost, Chef der Militarverwaltung, Gruppe Pramienverteilung. 19UH. Waren-Freigaben (gleichzeitig Waren-lingangs-Rechnungen). " The accompanying letter is dated 1 Jun IS^U. The folder contains "bills and accounts* Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Militar'befehlshaber Sudost, Chef der Militarverwaltung, Gruppe Pramienverteilung. 19^«Aasgleichsbetrags-Abrechnungen. " The folder contains correspondence and "bills. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Bankkonto-G-egenbueh, betr. Der Militarbefehlshaber Siidost, Chef der Militarverwaltung - Ausgleiehskasse - bei der Serbischen Nationalbank in Belgrad, " -Apr-Get 19^5. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Einnahmeanweisungen und Aosgabeanweisungen. Zu Banden des Herrn Amtsrat Joet fiir die Ausgleichskasse, Befh. Sudost. " The folder contains correspondence from Jun-Dec Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Ausgleichsfond zur FSrderung der Wirtschaft in Serbien. Einnahmen, Rechnungsjahr 19^4. Befh* Sudost. " Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Militar'befehlsha'ber Oiidost, Der Chef der Militarverwaltung. Ausgleichskasse: I. Vorschusse, II. Verwahrungen, " Jul igm^mar 19^5. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a few directives and a few pieces of correspondence, Dec 19^3 M Sep 19*&, en the food and supplysituation of the German troops in southeastern Europe* Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Ausgleichsfonds zur FBrderung der Wirtschaft in Serbian. Eechnungsjahr 19^3* Haushalt des Generalbevollmachtigten fur die Wirtschaft in Serbian. Aus ga'ben. Kapitel 1, Titel 33b.«Folder of unknown provenance, marked >( Deutscher Verbindungsetab Dei der ital. 9* -Armee in Al"banien, " The folder contains directives, reports and file memoranda, 1 Sep-15 Nov 19^3» on German-Italian relations in Albania after the fall of Mussolini. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung, " issued "by Bef ehlshaber Griechenland, Feb

139 Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Oberbefehlshaber Siidost/Ic Sonderbevollmaehtigter Sudost/Athen ~ Kreiskommandantur Piraeus ? Continued 75000/ / / / / / /2^ IPS 75000/ / /30 cont / (138) &9 and miscellaneous directives on supply natters* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Besondere Anordnungen, " Apr-Aug 19^3, issued "by "Bef ehlshaber Salonild-^ais/IIa, " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Truppenliste der in Athen anwesenden Einheiten, " 10 Apr 19*&, issued by "Stadtkommandantur Athen. " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Geschaftsverteilungsplan" of "Befehlshaber in Serbien/Verwaltungsstab, lf 25 Jul 19^1, undated lists of SS and police units stationed in Southeast Europe, as well as of FSDAP offices ( "Truppenbetreuung"), air force and transportation offices, and foreign consular offices and employees. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Richtlinien zur Begrenzung des Stromverbrauchs, giiltig ab 15. Juni 19*&» " issued by "Slektrizitatsgesellschaf t Athen Piraeus A.G-." This directive lists the amounts of kilowatt hours which may be used by Germans, natives, industrial plants, administrative offices, foreign consulates, Red Cross offices, etc. Folder of O.B, Siidost/Ic*, containing a few reports of the German Embassy in Athens and "Bevollmachtigter des Heiches fur Griechenland, " May-Nov 19^3t on corruption and inefficiency in the Italian administration of Athens. Folder of Sonderbev. Slides t, Athen, marked "Teuerungszuschlage* " The folder contains directives and correspondence on pay increases for native employees of the German occupation forces. 19^-2-19^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing ''Bataillons-Tagesbefehla" of "Landesschiitzen-Batl. 920, " in Lamia, Apr-Aug 19^3. "Standortbefehle" of "Standortal tester Lamia," Oct 19^1-Jan 19^3, and "Kommandanturbef ehle " of "Kommandantur Athen, lf Oct 19^1-Mar 19^3* All series are incomplete. Folder of Kreiskommandantur Piraeus, containing correspondence between Greek individuals and firms, Bee 19^2-Jul 19^. Thi-s correspondence pertains to various aspects of "Kreiskommsndantur" functions. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed, bound copy of a 96~P&ge report, entitled "Die Wirtschaf tslage 1m Berelch des Kommandierenden Generals und Befehlshabers in Serbien. Dritter Gesamtberlcht des Generalbevollmachtigten fiir die Wirtschaf t in Serbien, January 19^, issued by "Generalbevollmachtigter fiir die Wirtschaf t in Serbien. " Folder of unknown provenance, containing a six-page report, entitled "Nachtrag zu der Ausarbeitung Siidost: Mitteilungen des ehem. Chefs des Generals tabes des MilitSrbefehlshaber Serbien, Gen. Major Hitter von Geidtner, H apparently written.after the Germans had withdrawn from the

140 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes / /35 Sturmdivision Rhodes/la 75000/ / /1+0, 75000/1+1, 75000/1+2, 75000/^3, 75000/Ulf 75000/ / /H /1*6 cont / / (1235) U66 507, 879, (1331) 1, 527, S (1571+) Balkans, a situation report and two reports on experience gathered ( "I/uf t- schutz" and employment of Russian volunteers in anti-partisan warfare) issued *oy the "Donausicherungssta"b, Mil.Befh. Siidost, Kampfkommandant Bisernes Tor, " Jul 19^, a report on partisan warfare, "Zollgrenzschutz Siidost, Bezirkszollkommissar Kladovo, " Jul 19^+l+» and the translation of a letter sent to Mussolini "by a group of Italian Fascist officers in Greece, Nov Also included is a map marked "Feindlage 'Schwarz 1, Stand: U3, " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht fur die Zeit vom » 19^+t Kommandant Ostaegaeis, Abt. Ic. " The folder also includes "Anlagen. " Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Buchungsunterlagen. Einfuhrlager Kikinda, 19!+!+. MilitarToefehlshaToer Siidost, Chef der Militarverwaltung, Gruppe Pramienverteilung. " Folder of Sturmdi vision Rhodes/ I a, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstage"buch Nr. 1+, Kommandant Ost-Agais. 1 Jul-31 Aug 194U. The folder contains reports, directives, etc. i A Folder of Sturmdi vision Rhodes/ la, f containing "nilagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1+, Kommandant Ost-Agais* Anlagen I," 1-30 Jul 19^. The folder contains reports, directives, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "KriegstageTmch Nr. 1+, Kommandant Ost-Agais/ la., " 1 Jul-27 Sep 19^. Five folders of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Kdt. Ost-Agais/ la., " Jan-May 19%. The folders contain directives, reports, several issues, of Wacht auf Rhodes, Deutsche Soldatenzeitung fiir den Dodekanes«correspondence, maps and other material pertaining to the duties of this command and to its surrender in May Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Kdt. Ost-Agais. Lage*berichte u. Versch.," Jan-May 19^+5 ie folder contains situation reports, strength reports, inventories of arms and equipment, etc., Jan-May 19^5* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagetmch Nr. 5t Kommandant Ost-lgais/It,» 29 Mar May Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage 1 zum Kriegstage- Tmch, Kdt. Ost-lgais/Ib.,» 15 May Jan 19^+5. The folder contains a map of the island of Rhodes, directives, reports, etc* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage 2 zum Kriegstage- buch, Kdt. Ost-lgais/Ifc., " 30 Jan-1 Mar The folder includes strength reports, directives, etc.

141 Provenance Item 75000/ / / / ^3 Filmed 1st Frame Notes Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage 3 zum Kriegstagebuch, Kdt. Ost-Igais/Ib.,» 1-27 Mar 19^5. The folder includes reports, directives, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage k zum Kriegstagebuch, Kdt. Ost-IgUs/Ib.," 29 Mar-9 May 19^5. The folder includes reports, directives, etc* Bolder of unknown provenance, containing activity reports of various subunits and agencies of "Kdt. Ost-Agais," Jan-Apr 19^5. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch HP. li-, Kommandant Ost-lgiis," Jul-Sep l^a. The folder includes reports, directives, overlay maps, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing two maps showing the location of air fields in Albania, Montenegro, Croatia and Yugoslav coastal areas respectively (Jul 19^3)» &&& one map sh6wing terrain features of Yugoslavia. 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing an extensive reports of "Chef der Militarverwaltung Siidost," submitted to the OKH on 10.Apr 19^ (from Vienna). This report, consisting of over 200 pages, covers all aspects of the German occupation of the Serbian part of Yugoslavia. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably of Deutscher General in Agram, containing copies of letters sent by "Deutscher General in Agram" (General Glaise) to "O.B.-Siidost," OKW, General Warlimont, Heichsfuhrer 88, the Poglavnik (head of the Independent State of Croatia, the German ambassador in Zagreb, etc., Sep 19^1-Jul 19^. This correspondence pertains to the political situation in the Balkans in general and in Croatia in particular, and to German-Croatian relations. Also included are a few letters received by Glaise, several unsigned situation reports, and an undated copy of "Dienstanweisung fiir den 'Beutschen Kommandierenden General in Kroatien,'" a copy of "Abkommen zwischen der Regierung des Unabhangigen Staates Kroatien und dem Oberkommando der Streitkrafte Slowenien-Dalmatien" (Italian forces), 19 Jun 19^2, as well as a directive for the implementation of this agreement. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably of Deutscher General in Agram, Apr 19^1-Sep 19^* containing copies of reports and messages sent by "Deutscher General in Agram" to "Flihrerhauptquartier," AOK 2 (Belgrade), OKW, OKH, Vehrmachtbefehlshaber Siidost, etc. These reports pertain to the establishment of a Croatian government, German-Croatian and Croatian-Italian relations, Croatian foreign policy, military situation (partisans), etc.

142 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Beutscher General in 85^5 Agram 85^ ^ (1U03) & Oberbefehlshaber Siidost (Obfcdo. H.Gr.F*)Abt. OB/ Chef Continued 85536/6? 593 U03 ij-29 Folder of Beutscher General in Agram containing reports, Jul Jul 19^4, submitted "by one Arthur Haeffner, Hauptmann a.d. to Beutscher General in Agram. These reports pertain to the Ustaschi movement, police, partisan warfare and many other matters. Haeffner is not further identified but seems to have been a former Austro-Hungarian officer and personal friend of General Glaise. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutscher General in Agram, containing file memoranda and reports, Dec 19^2-May 19*&» on alleged Allied plans re the Balkans, Croatian internal affairs, partisan warfare, etc* Folder of uncertain provenance, probably of Beutscher General in Agram, containing file memoranda, file copies of letters and correspondence, Sep 19^2-Jul 19^. The correspondence originated with Croatian governmental offices, various German offices (both military and civil) and pertains to political, military (partisans) and economic affairs in Croatia, German-Croatian and Croatian-Italian relations, Italian occupation policies in Croatia, etc* Folder of uncertain provenance, probably of Beutscher General in Agram, containing copies of correspondence between German and Croatian governmental officials and between Beutscher General in Agram and the German embassy in Zagreb, and file memoranda, Bee 19Ul-Apr 19^, pertaining to political, military (partisans) and economic matters in Croatia. Some of this material was apparently sent by the German embassy in Zagreb to Beutscher General in Agram for the latter f s information* Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Beutscher General in Agram, containing copies of reports submitted by that command to OKW and Wehrmachtsbefehlshaber Siidost, Jul 19^1-Sep 19^2. These reports pertain to political, military (partisans) and economic affairs of Croatia, the "Kroatische Legion, " Croatian foreign affairs (with regard to Italy and Hungary), Italian aims in the Balkans, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing military situation maps of the Balkans, 23 Aug 19^Wan 19^5. These 25 maps were issued by 0*B. Siidost. Folder of O.B* Sudost (Obkdo. H.Gr.F*)/Abt. OB/Ghef, containing "Zusammengefasste 7-orausmeldungen, tt 1^ Bee 19^-27 Jan 19^5* issued by Kdr* d. Nachr. Aufkl. k» NAVO - (after 2U Bee called Kdr* d. Nachr. Aufkl NAVO-). These reports pertain to the military situation in the Balkans* Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Ausgleichakasse. Vorgange

143 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes / /7 75S33 betr* Aufschleussung a) von Staatsbahnkohle, b) von Lokomotiven fur den serbischen Staat." The folder contains correspondence and bills from 85536/ Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagesmeldungen" of O.K. Sudost (Obkdo, H.Gr.F.), 25 Aug 19^3-31 Dec 19^ / Folder of uncertain provenance, probably of "Kriegsverwaltungschef Turner beim Mi litarbefehl shaber in Serbien (Verwaltungsstab) Belgrad," containing correspondence on administrative matters, "Militarverwaltungebeamte," police Jurisdiction and assignment of police units* 19^1-^2* 1283 Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Eii.Vert. Sudost. Band B. (131*0 Slidgrlechenland. " The folder contains maps and reports on personnel and equipment, 13 Jan 19* /2 1 Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Rust. Verteidigung Sudost* Band A. Saloniki-Agais. Stand 13.1.^3*" The folder contains maps /3 27 Folder of unknown provenance, containing photostats of parts of various "Kriegstagebucher" of Mil.Befh. Sudost. Included are a "Monatlicher Verwaltungsbericht, Dezember 19^1," submitted by "Bef ehlshaber Saloniki-lgais," a directive entitled "BekSmpfung der Aufstandischen in Serbien und Kroatien," issued by Mil.Befh. Sudost, 19 Mar 19^2, two directives pertaining to "Suhnemassnahmen," issued by Mil.Befh. Sudost, 22 Dec 19^3 and 1 Jan 19*& respectively, and "Tagesmeldungen" of Kil.Befh. Sudost, 10 Jan 19i& /lj- 58 Folder of unknown provenance, containing tbrieftagebuch" of "Verb. Offizier O.Qu. Horn beim W.Bfh. SO./O.Qu.," 8 tfov 19^2-1 Dec 19^ /5 87 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Brief tagebuch" of "Verb. Offz. O.Qu. Rom beim W.Bfh. SO,/O.Cfcu,«15 Jul-7 Nov 19^ /6 190 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagesmeldungen 0*B. Sudost," 7,9 and 18 Sep 19*&» and two undated situation reports of either Aug or Sep 19*&. 202 Folder of unknown provenance, containing the following maps: "Mil.- Befh. Siidost fur den Bereich Serbien, Ic/A.0, - Feindlage," 12 maps; Mil. Befh. in Serbien, Ic - Sabotage-Ubersicht," 11 maps; 11 miscellaneous maps on partisan warfare in Serbia. 2^5 Folder of unknown provenance, probably of "Deutscher General in Agram," containing material from 19^2-19*&» on the conduct of political and military affairs in the "Independent State of Croatia." Included are file memoranda on conferences between German military and Croatian governmental authorities as well as between various German authorities, and correspondence and reports on the Croatian Army, partisan warfare and general conditions in Croatia*

144 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame 75^3^ Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien Continued Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia (1255) Wehrmachtsmission Rumanien/ 223^1 Bevollmach tigter Transportoffizier 11866/2 52^ (S05) Notes Folder of unknown provenanee, probably of "Deutscher General in Agram, " containing reports, correspondence, copies of teletype messages sent to OKW in 19^1, on the political and military (partisan warfare) situation in the "Independent State of Croatia. " Much of the material pertains to Croatia's foreign relations, particularly with Italy, and to the country's nationality problem. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of "Deutscher Bevollmachtigter General in Kroatien," containing directives, reports and correspondence on German-Croatian political relations, the territorial delineation of Croatia, and internal political affairs of the "Independent State of Croatia." 19^3-4U. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of "Deutscher Bevollmachtigter General in Kroatien, " containing reports, primarily from 19^2 and 19^3* on the political and military (partisan warfare) situation in the "Independent State of Croatia. " Folder of unknown provenance, probably of "Deutscher Bevollmachtigter General in Kroatien, containing correspondence on a wide variety of topics, including, among others, recruitment of Croatian workers for service in Germany, partisan warfare, Croatian political affairs, etc. Bolder of Dtsche Heeresmission i. Rumanien, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Abteilung Fu./sic7* ^8S Nachrichtenfiihrers beim Oberkommando d, Truppen des Deutschen Heeres in Rumanien, " 5 Jan-28 Feb 19^1. Folder of Dtsche Heeresmission Rumanien/ la., containing a ten-page report entitled "Aufbau und Hinsatz des rumanischen Heeres seit Bestehen der Deutschen Heeresmission, " issued by Dtsche Heeresmission i. Rumanien, 18 Jan 19^2. Also included are a few organizational charts and a map showing the location of the Rumanian Army in southern Russia on 15 Jan Folder of unknown provenance, containing a ^2-page report entitled "Beobachtungen aus dem Feldzug gegen Odessa, ^ ^1," issued by "Mil.Geo. Gruppe der dtsch* Heeresmission in Rumanien." Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Gliederung und Zustand des Rumanischen Heeres. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," 15 May 19^2. The folder contains an evaluation of the Rumanian Army in general and of each division and its principle officers. Folder of Wehrmachtsmission Rumanien/Bevoll. Trans. Off,, containing material pertaining to "Kriegsgliederung. Oberkommando der Truppen des deutschen Heeres in Rumanien, " 21 Jan 19U1, and an eight-page report of Bevoll, Trans, Off. WehrrnRcbtsw^pofnTi Pujnpnien on frontier defenses in 136

145 Serial Roll Provenance Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien Deutsche Heeresmission Bumanien/Ia 26792/ / / /7 W 26792/ /9 w 26792/ /11 Filmed 1st Frame Notes 137 3PT Moldavia, Mar Folder of Dtsche Heeresmission Humanien, marked "Akte Y. (Unternehmen 25) Jugoslawien. M The folder contains teletype messages and directives received "by Dtsche Heeresmission Rumanien," 28 Mar-21 Apr 19Ul, on preparations for, and the conduct of, the Balkan campaign of 19^1, Also included is an eight-page directive of 18.Apr 19^1 outlining Hitler f s alms in the Balkans. Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Akte: Aufmars chanwei sung fur die 12. Armee (Balkan)." The folder contains directives of OKH and ADK 12, 15 Dec 19^0-3 Apr 19^1, on the preparations for operation "Marita" - the occupation of Bulgaria and Macedonia. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Deutsche Heeresmission in Romanien/Ia*, Akte: Luftverteidigung, Rumanien und Bulgarien, 12.2.H1-2^.2.^1." She folder contains directives and maps* Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission Ramanien/Ia., marked "Akte 'W 1 : Weieungen fur Sicherung und Verteidigung der (hreazen Rumftniens gegen Bussland, 10.6.Hi." The folder contains directives and maps. Folder of Dtsche Heeresmission Rumanien/Ia., marked "Akte Aufmarsch 'R 1, l6.11.uo-15.3.ul." The folder contains directives, reports and maps on the reinforcement of German troops in Rumania and the preparar tions for "defensive" operations against the Soviet Union. Folder of Dtsche Heeresmission Rumftnien/Ia., containing "Beilage zur Akte 'Aufmarsch R,* l6»ll.uo-15«3**&* N ^e folder contains five maps of Rumania showing five proposals for concentration of military forces along Soviet "border. Folder of Dtsche Heeresmission Rumanien/Ia., containing directives and maps, 12 Jun-ty Jul 19^1, on operation "Miinchen" - a joint German- Rumanian offensive operation against the Soviet Union, scheduled to commence six days after the opening of "Barbarossa." Folder of Dtsche Heeresmission Rumanien/Ia,, marked "'Barbarossa,' 25.2.Ul-20.6.^1." The folder contains directives, reports and maps pertaining to "Barbarossa 11 in general and to Rumania's participation in particular Ḟolder of Dtsche Heeresmission Rumanien/Ia., containing "Sonderakte 'Barbarossa, 1 30»5»^~21.6.4l." Included are directives, reports and maps pertaining to German-Rumanian military preparations, as well as reports and maps containing intelligence information on Soviet military forces and defensive positions.

146 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame 2JO Deutsche Heeresmission Rumanien/Ia Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien 26792/ S/ / / /1* 2763S/5 2763S/ / /8 633 (1219) I (107*0 335 Notes Folder of Dtsche Heeresmission Rumanien/la., containing "Senderakte Barbarossa/Luft, ll*. 6.1*1." Included are directives, reports and maps pertaining to Soviet as well as Rumanian air forces and their proposed missions* Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Verzeichnis der an das Heeresarchiv iibersandten K.T.B.'s, 30«9«19l*0-l6.9.: Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien (Fiihrungsstaffel)," 22 Jun-3 Nov Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegstagebuch (Fiihrungsstaffel)," 22 Jun-15 Oct19!*!. Included are "Tagesmeldungen," "Morgenmeldungen," "Abendmeldungen," "Tagesbefehla," "Stabsbefehle," and miscellaneous directives and correspondence. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch (Fiihrungsstaffel), Oct-3 Nov 19^-1* Included are "Zwischenmeldungen, " miscellaneous directives, clippings from the Bukarester Tageblatt and eighteen numbers of Per Deutsche Kamerad. Soldatenzeitung der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Teil-Kriegstagebuch, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia2 - bodenstandige Staffel," 1 Jun- 26 Oct 191*1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Teil-Kriegstagebuch/(la2 bodenst. Staffel)," 11 Jun-30 Oct19!*!. Included are "Tagesmeldungen," "Zwischenmeldungen," "Morgenmeldungen," file memoranda of telephone conversations, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Band 1. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," 1* Fov 19l*l-l6 Sep 19l*2. Included are "Lageberichte," file memoranda on conferences, "Tagesbefehle," organizational charts, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, containing directives, correspondence, file memoranda, organizational charts and newspaper clippings, Oct- Nov 19*40, pertaining to the establishment of a German military mission in Rumania. Unmarked folder of unknown provenance, apparently "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," containing material on the training of the Rumanian Army, the earthquake of 10 Nov19!*! and subsequent assistance rendered the Rumanian population by German troops, "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung" (issued by O.Qu.), file memoranda on conferences, "Tagesbefehle," reports on the internal situation in Rumania, etc.

147 Serial Roll Provenance 2?2 272 Deutsche Heeresmission Rumanian/Ia Filmed 1st Frame Notes 27638/ (1567) /11 IT 27^ Deutsche Heeresmission Continued in Rumanien 27638/12 IT ^ /13 IT 611 (1213) 27638/1^ Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission Rumanien/Ia., containing "Anlagen- "band III zum Kriegstagebuch," Dec 19UO~Feb 19^1, Included are reports on the 'Legionnairs' attempted, coup d'&tat against Antonescu, Jan 1S&1, the assassination of a German major in Bucharest, "(Jrundlegende Anordnungen fur die Versorgung in Rumanien 11 and "Tagesbefehle. lf Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Anlagen-Band IV zum Kriegstagebuch 11 from Mar 19^1, Included are "(Jrundlegende Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung, "Tagesbefehle, 11 reports on the economic situation in Rumania, and paper clippings from Swiss papers and from Bucharester Tageblatt* Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanian, containing M Anlagen-Band V zum Kriegstagebuch, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanian, " -Apr 19^1. Included are "Kommandobef ehle, M "Tagesbefehle," "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung, lf clippings from Bucharester Tageblatt, file memoranda on conferences with Rumanian Army officials, and "Gefechtsbericht fiir die Sicherung der Donau durch Detachement Oberst Bazlng, l.-2h.u.^l" (occupation of the lock facilities at the "Iron Gate"), as well as other reports on military operations along the Danube in Apr 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heereamission in Rumanien, containing Anlagen-Band VI zum Kriegstagebuch, Deutsche Heeresmission iii Rumanien, 11 May 19^1 Included are primarily Bucharester Tageblatt clippings, and also "Kommandobefehle, n ""Tagesbefehle," "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung," the "Allgemeine Wei sung Nr. 1 fiir die deutschen Verbindungskommandos," and one number of Deutsche Lehrtruppe in Rumanien. 18 May 19*11. Unmarked folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing various items from Nov 19^1 to Jan 19^2. Included are "Tagesbefehle," "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Lehrtruppen," "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung, tf directives and reports pertaining to coastal defenses (Black Sea), training and employment of the Rumanian Army (maps included), "Tagesmeldungen" to OKH, reports on the military situation in the Soviet Union submitted to the Rumanian chief of staff, a 10-page report (and appendices), "Aufbau und Einsatz des rumsnischen Heeres seit Bestehen der Deutschen Heeresmission 1 * 18 Jan 19^2, and correspondence between Deutsche Heeresmission and Rumanian military and governmental agencies on German-Rumanian relations* Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriea;stfl^e"N7ch, Deutsche Heeresntfs"inn in Rumrlnien. H 1 Feb~2Q 139

148 Serial Holl Provenance Item Filmed lat Frame Notes luo Continued 27*4- Deutsche Heereemission in Rumanien 27632/ / / /18.Apr 191*2. The folder includes "Tagesbefehle," "Stabsbefehle, fl 'Eesondere Anordnungen fiir das Lehrpersonal," "Tagesmeldungen" to OKH, and correspondence "between Deutsche Heereami3sion in Rumanien and the Rumanian general staff on the military situation in the Soviet Union and the employment of the Rumanian Army. US5 Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Aalagen zum Kriegst age ouch, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, Mar-22 Jun 19^2. The folder includes "Stabsbefehle," "Tagesbefehle," reports sent to OKH, "Besondere Anordnungen fiir das Lehrpersonal," correspondence between Deutsche Heeresmission in Humanien and the Rumanian general staff on the military situation in the Soviet Union and the employment of the Rumanian Army (maps included), a 27-page "Denkschrift des rum. Minister- Pras. xiber die Breignisse im Januar 19^1 (Legionars-Putsch), ff a lengthy report on "(rliederung und Zustand des Rum. Heeres, " 12 May 19^2 (maps and charts included), etc. 683 Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, Jun-3! Jul 19^2. The folder includes "Tagesbefehle, H "Besondere Anordnungen fur das Lehrpersonal," reports sent to OKH, reports on the military situation in the Soviet Union and on the military operations of the Rumanian Army, material pertaining to the training of the Rumanian Army, overlay maps on Rumanian troops movements ("Abtransport der 2. Welle"), and corre-.;: spondence between Deutsche Heerasmission in Rumanien and the Rumanian general staff. 875 Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," 1-30 Aug 19*12. Included are overlay maps on Rumanian tropp movements ("Abtransport der 2. Welle 11 ), correspondence between Deutsche Heeresmission and the Rumanian general staff concerning the military situation and the employment of Rumanian troops, reports and "Tagesmeldungen" sent to OKH, experience reports on training of the Rumanian Army, "Diensteinteilung der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien," 15 Aug 19^2, file memoranda on conferences between the chief of Deutsche Heeresmission, Antonescu and General Steflea, and "Kriegsgliederung der DHM, Aug 19^ Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Anlagen- (1176) band zum Kriegstagebuch, Band I," 28 Aug-19 Sep 19^2. Included are file memoranda on conferences between Deutsche Heeresmission Rumanien, Marshall Antonescu and the Rumanian general staff, messages of Deutsche Heeresmission to OKH and OKW, overlay maps pertaining to Rumanian troop movements

149 Serial Eoll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Deutsche Heeresmisslon in Rumanien Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien 27638/19 279^ / / / A 27965/ /6 11 Ab transports 2. Welle ")t copy of a speech delivered "by Chef Deutsche Heeresmission "before "Auslandsabteilung der 3TSD.&P und der Volksgruppe," Bucharest 8 Sep 19^2, copies of correspondence sent "by Heeresmission to Rumanian general staff, on troop movements and strategic matters, and maps of road conditions in Rumania and Bulgaria* 1 Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Anlagen zum Eriegstagebuch - Marita," 8 Dec 19^0-5.Apr 19^1. The folder includes teletype messages and reports on troop movements within Rumania in connection with operations "Marita 11 and "Funfundzwanzig." 282 Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing reports of German liaison officers, Apr-Jun 19^1 t submitted to Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, on the status of the Rumanian Army and Rumanian defenses against possible Soviet attacks. 385 Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Hoeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch des D.V.K.5 (Deutsches Verbindungskommando) bei V. rum. A.K., H 8 May-31 Oct 19^1. Also included are reports on military operations, casualties and the condition of the Rumanian Array* ^5^ Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch des D.V.K. 5," 23 Jun- 17 Oct 19^1. Included are Rumanian army corps orders, morning and evening reports of DVK 5 and radio messages between DTK 2 and DVK 5. 60U Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Bericht und Kartenbeilagen des D.V.K. 2 iiber den Feldzug der rumanischen U. Armee," Oct 19^1. The folder contains, among other items, a 50-page report on the Rumanian Army, its organization, appearance, discipline, and its participation in military operations during this period, organizational charts, maps, casualty reports, etc. 682 Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Eeeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kartenbeilagen zum Bericht des D.V.K. 2 iiber den Feldzug der rumanischen H. Armee," 25 Oct 19^1. Included are 11 maps. 70^ Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing the 15-page "Abschlussbericht des D.V.K. 13," 29 Oct 19lll This report pertains to the military operations of the Rumanian 5th Division during this period. 72U Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, entitled "Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia. Beobachtungen aus dem Feldzug gegen Odessa," apparently issued late 19^1. The folder contains a 39~P a e report on the operations of the Rumanian Army, as well as maps*

150 Continued Provenance Deutsche Heeresmission in 28655/1 2S655/2 Filmed 1st Frame Notes ll* /3 2S655/U 29219/ / / /H U55W l U5S6) l (1095) Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia.," 30 Sep May l$ul. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch," 13 Dec 191*0-31 May 19^1. Included are "Tagesmeldungen" and "Wettermeldungen" issued by Heeresmission Humanien. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanian, containing "Kriegstagebuch des O.Cfci. der Deutschen Heeresmission in Human!en, n 11 Oct 19^-1-31 Dec 19^2. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Humanien, containing "Anlagen I zum Kriegstagebuch des O.Qu. der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien," 15 Oct 19^1-30 Nov 191*2. Included are situation reports and other material on supply matters* Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Anlagen II zum Kriegstagebuch des O.Qu. der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien, M 19 Oct 191*1-31 Dec 191*2* Included are "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung," issued by "Deutsche Heeresmission Quartiermeister Rumanien." Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Tatigkeitsberichte Nr &GB Intendanten der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien, " 18 Oct 191*1-31 Dec 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Humanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen* Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. A. O.K. 3," 30 Aug 1^*2. Bolder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Humanien, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen* Deutscher 7erbindungsstab beim rum. A.O.K. 3, " 1 Oct-31 Dec I$t2. Unmarked folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Humanien, containing "MittagerneIdungen," "Tagesmeldungen" and "Inf ormationsmeldungen*" Also included are " ATtiller! erne Idungen 11 marked "Martha" and "Ovidiu" sent to "Fulga fur Gruppe Wentzel iiber Deutsches Verbindungskommando 117»" Oct 19^2-Jan 19^3» These are daily combat reports apparently submitted by Rumanian units (reports in Rumanien, with German translations) to the German liaison command. Also included is "Kriegstagebuch. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 117, " AP r 19^2-Jan 191*3. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Humanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch Unterlagen, Deutsches 7erbin~ dungskommando 105," Jul 19^2. The folder contains material in the Rumanian language as well as a few brief reports submitted to "Deutsches Verbindungskommando 16" "by "Deutsches Verbindungskommando 105."

151 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 1* Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia 29219/ / / /S 29219/ / / / / /1^ 29220/ / ^ U03 reports apparently pertain to the progress made "by the Rumanian forces to which "Deutsches Verbindungskommando 105" was assigned. Folder of D^utgche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch mit -^nlagen. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 123, H ^5 Jul-31 Aug Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 106," lu-31 Aug 19U2. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch Ir. ^. Deutsohes Verbindungskommando 11," Oct 19^2. Also included are various directives and maps (as appendices). Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch Hr. 2. Deutechas Verbindungskommando 112, " 28 Sep-27 Oct 19^2. The folder includes maps. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 127»" *fov 19^2. Folder of Deuteche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 130," 9-31 ^ec 19^2. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 16," 16 Dec 19U2-15 Jan 19^3. Folder includes maps. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rum&nien/Ia*, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 128 bei 3» rum» Geb.Div.," 17 Jul- 29 Aug 19^2. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch/Deutsches v"er"blndungskommando 128 bei 3» rum.g-eb.div., " Oct 19^2. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Kriegstagebuch. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 1^- beim rum. IV. A.K.,» Dec 19^2. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., marked "Stellung - nahme Hr. G-r. SUd zu Beschwerde Marsch. Antonescu." The folder contains a letter by Antonescu, 15 Jan 19^2, in which he complains that Grerman supply services were neglecting the Rumanian units serving under &erman command, and that the military usefullness of these units was being seriously reduced. Also included are the responses to these complaints by H.Or. Slid and Deutsche Heeresmi^sion in Rumanien. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing "Bericht. Frontreise Marschall v. l.^»-6.^.u2 und v H2. lf Included are schedules, reports, maps, photographs and newspaper clippings pertaining to Antonescu 1 s visits with Rumanian units on the eastern front.

152 Serial Boll Provenance 273 2JS Deutsche Heeresmission in Rum&nien/Ia Continued Deutsche Heeresmission in Human!en/Ia 29221/ / /1* 29221/ / /7 Filmed 1st Frame S (1378) Uotes Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing correspondence between Deutsche Heeresmission and the Rumanian general staff as well as between G erman military commands on employment, strength, equipment and evaluation of Rumanian units on the eastern front (particularly in Odessa). Also Included are a few miscellaneous orders and maps. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Bumanien, marked "Sammelmappe 'Rum&nisches Heer 1 fiir Deutsche Verblndungskommandos, M 1 Jun 19^1. The folder contains information on the organization and equipment of the Rumanian Army. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heereemission in Bumanien, marked "Gesammeltes Material der Truppenteile der 3* rum* Armee, Dez. 19^2." The folder contains material (primarily in Rumanian with tables of content in German) on the status of the 3?d Rumanian Army divisions and their proposed reorganization (in the wake of heavy losses)* Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing undated organizational charts of Rumanian divisions, apparently of the 3 r d and Uth Armies* Folder of Deutsche Heereemisslon in Rumanien/Ia., containing a 28-page report entitled "Kurzer Uberblick iiber die beabsichtigte Versorgungsfuhrung der grossen Verbande des States Don und iiber die Versorgungslage bis zum 20,10,M-2," issued by "Stab Don. Der uberquartlermeister," 20 Oct 19^2. Also included are six maps on supply services* Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/1 a*, containing teletype messages exchanged between Deutsche Heeresmission and the H.Gr. Sud/Ia., and correspondence between Deutsche Heeresmission and the Rumanian general staff, Feb-Aug 19^2, on the assignment of Rumanian officers with German military commands in the Soviet Union* Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia*, marked "Novemberschlacht." The folder contains reports and correspondence, 21 Nov- 18 Dec 19^2, on the collapse of certain Rumanian divisions during the Soviet November offensive south of Stalingrad. Much of the material endeavors to explain this collapse, and to clear the Rumanian Army of any unwarrented criticism by the Germans. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Bumanien/1 a*, containing correspondence, messages and reports, 18 Oct 19^0-20 Jun 19*12, on the employment of the Rumanian Army on the eastern front and the behavior of individual Rumanian soldiers and units in the occupied areas (mistratment of prisoners of war and of the native population, including ethnic Germans, unauthorized confiscations, etc.). Also included are

153 Serial Roll Provenance Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AOK 3 Filmed 2922^/1 2922^/ let Frame (3*25) 2922U/ V6 Notes "Kommandobefehle" issued by Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing correspondence, messages and reports, 17 Sep 19^2-16 Jan 19^3 on to employment of the Rumanian Army on the eastern front and the reorganization necessitated by the collapse of certain Rumanian units during the Soviet November offensive. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing Kriegstagebiicher of Deutsches Verbindungskommando beim 20. rum. Kav.-Kops (Jul 19^2), "Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AOK 3" (30 Jun-31 Jul 19^2), and "Deutsches Verbindungskommando 37 bei 1. rum, Grenz-Di vision" (22 Jun-1 Aug 19^1). Also included are a few maps and combat reports of the above units. Folder of Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AOK 3, containing reports (such as "Tagesmeldungen," "Zwischenmeldungen," "Operationsmeldungen," etc.) received from ^Deutsche Verbindungskommandos" with various Rumanian divisions, from H.Or.A/la, AOK 6/Ia, "Armeegruppe Ruoff/Ia, and other German and Rumanian commands. Also included are copies of reports sent by Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum, AOK 3 to some of the above named commands. Folder of Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AOK 3, containing "Armeegruppenbefehle" Hos (11-30 Jul I$k2) of "Armeegruppe Ruoff/Ia." Also included are a few unnumbered directives of "Armeegruppe Ruoff/Ia. Folder of unknown provenance, probably Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing four situation maps ("Lagekarten") of the area to the northeast of the Sea of Asov, J^1 19^2. AI SO included are three miscellaneous maps of this area. Folder of Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AOK 3, containing reports of subordinate units, apparently all Rumanian, and reports sent by Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum, AOK 3 to Armeegruppe Ruoff, Jul 19*12, on the defense of the coasts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Asov against Soviet sea and air attacks. AI S O included are rpports ("Morgenmeldungen," etc.) of Armeegruppe Ruoff/Ic/AO to Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AOK 3 on military operations in the area of the former command (southern section of eastern front). Folder of Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum, AOK 3» containing reports ("Morgenmeldungen," "Zwischenmeldungen," etc,) of Armeegruppe Ruoff/ la to Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum, AOK 3, Jul 19*12. The reports pertain to military operations in the area of Armeegruppe Ruoff.

154 Provenance Item filmed 1st Frame 2922VS VlOa V11 Continued ^ 1093 (1190) Notes Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Allgemeine Angaben $ber I. rum. Grenzdivision." The folder contains reports of Deutsches Verbindungskommando 37 on the operations of the Division (Jul 19^1), directives of the Division for the operations in Bessarabia, evaluation reports on the division 1 s officers, Jul 19^1 (translated from the Rumanian), and two "Zustandsberichte der 72. nun. Grenzdivision," 1*4 and 26 Jul 19^-1 (compiled by Deutsches Verbindungskommando 37)* Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, marked "Allgem. Weisungen fiir D.V.K. 37. Funk- und Fernspriiche v. 5.6.^ ^!." The folder contains reports on military operations sent by Deutsches Verbindungskommando 37 to AOK 3* Folder of uncertain provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, marked "Allgemeine Weisungen fiir D.V.K., D.V.K. 37, Juli 19lH." The folder contains "Armeebefehle" of AOK 11 (German) and "Korpsbefehle" of III. A.K. (German), Jul 19^41, intelligence informartion on the Soviet Army (prior to 22 Jun 19*41)» miscellaneous directives of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, and "Allgemeine Weisungen Nr. 1, 2,3 fur die D.V.K.," issued by Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, 22 May, 31 May and 5 Jun 19^1 respectively. "Allgemeine Weisung Nr* 1" contains information on the mission, the organization and the personnel of Deutsche Verbindungskommando s 1-^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, marked "Allgemeines des D.V.K. 37," Jun-Jul 19^1. The folder contains "Militarpolitische Mitteilungen fremder Lander Nr. 13," AOK 11, 2*4 Jul 19*41 (based on press and radion reports), "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung in Rumanien. Oberquartiermeister Rumanien," printed news releases and information bulletins on Rumania for German troops, "Tagesbefehle tt and "Befehle fiir die FUhrerreserve in Bukarest 11 of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, and a "Feindlagenkarte" (of the southern section of the Soviet frontier), 20 Jun 19*41. Folder of unknown provenance, probably Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing a printed copy of the 67-page booklet entitled Taschenbuch. Rumanisches Heer, Februar 19*40, published by Gen.St.d.H./ FHO, and "Sammelmappe 'Rumanisches Heer 1 fiir DVK" of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/la., 1 Jun 19^1. The latter item contains information and charts on the organization of the Rumanian Army. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch der 2. rum. Div.," 1-25 Jul 19*42. Included as appendices are training schedules, "Divisionsbefehle," maps

155 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Deutsche Heeresmission 29226/1 in Rumanien/Lehrgruppe Deutsche Heeresmission in ^umanien/lehrgruppe Kri egs akadeini e Lehrstab der deutschen Truppen in Rumanien/Ia Deutsche Heeresmission in Raraanien/Lehrgruppe Kriegsakademie Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia 29226/ /H 29226/ S/1 and map sketches. 187 Bolder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Lehrgruppe, containing material on the training of the Rumanian Army (primarily supply services), a report on the attempted coup d'etat of Jan 19^1» and miscellaneous directives on "Luftschutz" and the conduct expected of G-erman soldiers in Rumania, Jan-Mar 19^1. Also included are two OKH reports on the tactical experience gathered during the Polish and French campaigns, published in Oct 1939 and Hov 19^0 respectively. 259 Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Lehrgruppe Kriegsakademie, containing "Tagesbefehle, fl "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung der Lehrtruppen u. riickw. Dienste," 3Jr. 29, 6 Mar 19^1, intelligence report on military and political situation in Balkans, Russia, Near East and Sast Africa, directives on aircraft identification, training of Rumanian general staff officers, and an OKH directive of Mar 19^1 on the training of security divisions under the commander of rear areas* Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanian, marked "Hi en s tan we i sung fur den bevollmachtigten Gen.-Off i- zier bei der 6. Div., Januar Ul-Mai 19^1." The folder contains material on the organization of the Rumanian Army* 389 Folder of Lehrstab der deutschen Truppen in Rumanien/Ia., marked "Erkundungen, 2l.3» i *l~23. l U l H» 11 The folder contains maps, reports and directives on a general survey of road conditions in Rumania, with particular emphasis on Moldavia* 553 Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Lehrgruppe Kriegsakademie, containing material (directives, maps, and charts) on German and Rumanian preparations for the defense of Moldavia against a possible Soviet attack. The material is dated May 19* ' Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing material dated Aug 19^1-Uov 19^2. Included are file memoranda on conferences with Rumanian military leaders and with Marshal Antonescu on military questions, correspondence between Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien and the Rumanian general staff, copies of radio and teletype messages exchanged between Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien,.OKH and H. Gr, Su'd, and reports, directives and maps pertaining to military operations in the areas of H.G-r.A and B Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Sr. 1, Deutsches Verbindungskommando 120 bei der 1. rum. Kavallerie-Division," 2 Jul-30 Sep 19^2. Also included are "Operationsbefehle n of the Division.

156 Serial Roll Provenance 1st Frame Notes Deutscher Verbindungs stab beim rum* ADK t 29228/3 2922S/H 29228/ / / / / / / / (1297) 1 to 63 7U Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3» Deutscher Verbindungsstab zum rum. ADZ 3, " Sep 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2. D.V.K. 130 bei rum. 1. Panzerdivision, " Sep 19^2. Also included are various directives and a brief summary of the unit's history from 22 Jan 19^-1 to 1 Sep 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1* D.V.K. 115 be* ^5» rum. Inf anterie Division, lf Sep 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuciu D.V.K. 113 ^ i rum. 13- Inf anterie Division, " 3 Jul-30 Sep 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. D.V.K. 110 bei 9. rum. Inf anterie Division, " 3 Jul-30 Sep 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Hr. 2. D.V.K. 106 bei 5. rum. Inf anterie Division, «1-28 Sep 19*12. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. D.V.K. 107 ^ i rum. 6. Inf anterie Division, " 2-3^ ^ug 19^2. Alao included are experience reports, maps, overlay maps, "Tagesmeldungen, M "Morgenmeldungen țt etc. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1 mit Anlagen. D.V.K. 15 bei V. rum. A.K.," 6 Aug-23 Sep 19^2. The appendices consist of maps, M Tagesmeldungen, " etc. Bolder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. D.V.K. lu, " 2-9 Sep 19^2. Folder of Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AUK 3/* a»» containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 3» Deutsches Verbindungskommando 11 zum rum. I. A.K.," Sep 19U2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch r. 1. D.V.K. 112," 8 Jul-27 Sep 282- Continued 29228/ /1^ 710 Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. D.V.K, 12," Sep Folder of unknown provenance, containing material dated Aug-Sep Included are "Morgenmeldungen, " "Tagesmeldungen, " etc., of D.V.K. 113,

157 Serial Boll H Provenance 284 Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AOK 3 Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia Slimed 1st Frame cont, Notes sent to D.V.K. 15, reports and directives of 13th Rumanian Infantry Division (in Rumanian) and German translations, "Morgemaeldungen," etc,, of Armeegruppe Ruoff/Ia. to D.V.St. beim rum, AOK 3, as well as a few similar reports from ADK 6/Ia. to "Verbindungsstab Morosowskaja. M Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagesmeldungen," "Morgenmeldungen, M etc., of "Armeegruppe Ruof f/la. " to "Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim 3. Rum. AOK,«Aug-Sep 19*f2. Folder of Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim rum. AOK 3, containing material dated Aug-Sep 19^2. Included are primarily "Morgenmeldungen, n "Zwischenmeldungen, H etc., of "Armeegruppe Ruoff/Ic" to "Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim Rum. AOK 3»" Also included are miscellaneous reports received from OKH, "Armeegruppe Ruof f/ la,, M and from various "Deutsche Verbindungskommandos, H as well as copies of reports and messages sent to "Armeegruppe Ruoff lf and other commands. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Eumanien/Ia., containing reports, directives and maps, Feb-May 19^-1, pertaining to preparations for the defense of Rumania against a possible attack by the Soviet Union, and correspondence, reports transmitted, by Deutsche Heeresmission in RumSnien, Sep 19^1-Jun 19^2, on the employment of the Rumanian Army on the eastern front. Folder of unknown provenance, probably D.V.K. 3 of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Brieftagebuch fur Geh. u* G.Kdos.," 19 Mar 19^1-2 Apr 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of D.V.K. Hi, containing "Vernichtungsverhandlungen 11 (reports of documents destroyed by fire), personnel matters of D.V.K. Hi, recommendations for Iron Cross awards to Rumanian military personnel, and "Zustandsberichte 11 of D.V.K. Hi concerning the 2nd, 10th and llth Rumanian divisions. All of this material is dated Jun-Dec 19*11. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of D.V.K. 1, containing material dated 19 Jun-11 Hov 19*4-1. Included are directives pertaining to Rumanian troop movements and the placing of Rumanian units under German command, "Uperationsbefehle" of the general staff of the 3rd Rumanian Army, various directives of D.V.K. 1, AOK 11 (German) and Gren.Kdo. LIV A.K., such as "Armeebefehle," '^Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung," and operational orders of AOK 11, reports on experience gathered during the early weeks of the war against the Soviet Union (with respect to Soviet tanks, fortifications, methods of fighting), material on the administration of occupied areas and on partisan warfare.

158 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes Deutsches TTerbindungskommando 1 t Deutsche Heeresmission In Rumanien/Ia 30^98/ ^98/ / * /1 Continued 38800/ /2 766 (1063) Folder of unknown provenance, probably of D*V*K. 1, containing "Axmeebefehle" (including orders for military operations) and "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung," of AOK 11/Ia (German), U Jul-5 Dec 19^1. Folder of D.V.K* 1, containing directives of AOK 11 and Gen.Kdo. XI A.K., IS Jun-23 Jul 19^1* on the anticipated joint German~Rumanian offensive across the Pruth RiVer and into the Bucovina* Folder of unknown provenance, probably of D.Y.K. 10, containing "Anlage 1 zum Kriegstagebuch," 21 Jun-7 Oct 191*1» The folder includes printed copy of an undated address by Hitler to troops on the eastern front (probably shortly after invasion of Soviet Union), various operartional orders and reports of Rumanian units (in Rumanian), "Korpsbefehle fl of III. and XI. A.K. (German). Folder of unknown provenance, probably of 9* Pz.Div., marked "Militargeographische Beschreibung des DrdSlgebiets von Rumanien," issued by Gen.Kdo. XXXX A.K./Abt. O.Qu./Qa. 2,«7 Sep 19^. The folder includes seven pages of narrative, ten pages of statistics and seven maps* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des Nachrichtenfiihrers des D.V.St. beim rum. A.U.K, 3," 20 Jun-31 Jul 191*2. Folder of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., containing material dated 28 Mar-lJ Oct 19^1* Included are situation reports submitted by Rumanian Army Headquarters to Deutsche Heeresmission (in Rumanien, with many German translations), a few directives of the Rumanian 13th Infantry Division and the Rumanian XI. Corps, and "Befehle fiir die Fiihrerroserve Bukarest, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia*, 11 Nos Folder of unknown provenance, containing miscellaneous maps dated May^Jul 19^1. Included are situation maps of Rumania, 22 Jun-2 Jul 19^1, "Unterkunftskarten 11 and "Marschkarten" of various German divisions in Rumania, maps on road conditions in Rumania, and others* Apparently these maps were not originally part of one folder, since many of them are identified as appendices to "Kriegstagebiicher." Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., Sep 19^2-19 Jan 19^3* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegs-. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., Sep-31 Oct Included are "Stabsbefehle" and "Tagesbefehle" of Deutsche Eeeresmission in Rumanian, correspondence between the Rumanian general staff and Deutsche Heeresmission on the employment of the Rumanian Army on the eastern front, organizational charts, and file memoranda, on conferences between members of Deutsche Heeresmission and the Rumanian general staff 150

159 Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes / ? 38800/ / (including Marshal Antoneseu). Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlageband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia.," 19 Sep 19^2-19 Jan 19^3. The folder contains maps. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlageband 2a zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsches Heereskommando in Rumanien/Ia., H 15 Sep 19^2-19 Jan 19*4-3. The folder contains maps. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlageband 2b zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2* Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia," Included are situation maps and "Flugwetterkarten" of the southern portion of the front* Nov 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 3 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2* Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., B 9 Gct-2 Dec 19^2. The folder includes "Standortkommandantur-Befehle" of "Standortkommandantur Rostow, " situation and activity reports of various section of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, file memoranda of conferences of members of Deutsche Heeresmission as well as between members of the mission and Rumanian military authorities, "Armeebefehle" of Rumanian ADK 3, "Stabsbefehle" and lists of personnel of "Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Bodenstandige Staff el. " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband ^ zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia.," Dec 19^-2. The folder contains "Stabsbefehle," "Tagesbefehle," and daily military situation reports of "Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Bewegliche Staffel, M "Standortkommandanturbefehle" of "Standortkommandantur Rostow, lf copies of correspondence sent to the Rumanian general staff, memoranda on conferences between Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien and Rumanian military authorities, and personnel lists of "Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Bewegliche Staffel,«28 Nov 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 5 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2, Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia.," 21 Dec 19^2-5 Jan 19^3- Eke folder includes situation maps (overlay maps) of the southern section of the eastern front. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 6 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia»," 1-6 Jan 19^3* Included are daily military situation reports, activity reports of various agencies of Deutsche Heeresmission, copies of correspondence from Deutsche Heeresmission to Rumanian military authorities, and "Standortkommandanturbefehle" of "Standortkommandantur Rostow."

160 Serial Boll 28? 28J Continued Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes / / / / / / / /13 TO 38800/1^ 38800/ / * (1251) 222 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Bumanien/Ia»," 15 Sep 19 Jan 19*4-3 Included are maps showing the location and movements of Rumanian units. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2* Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia.," 8 Oct-5 Hov 19?2. The folder includes "Tagesmeldungen" of DVK 17/Ia. Folder of unknown provenance, containing ".Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2* Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Isu," 29 Sep-lM- Dec The folder includes "Morgenmeldungen," "Tagesmeldungen, lf "Lagenorientierung," etc., of Pz.AOK H. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Humanien/Ia., tt 22 Oct«2^ Nov 19^-2. The folder includes "Morgenmeldungen, n "Tagesmeldungen," etc., of AOK 6/1 a. and Rumanian AOK U/Ia. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenhand zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Eumanien/Ia.," 29 Sep-25 ^ v 19^2. The folder includes "Morgenmeldungen, 11 "Tagesmeldungen, M etc., of AOK 6/1a. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia*," 26 Sep-26 Hbv The folder includes "Morgenmeldungen," "Tagesmeldungen," and "Zwischenmeldungen" of "Deutscher Greneral beim ital. AOK S/Ia 0 " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 2. Deutsche Heeresmission in Humanien/Ia*" The folder contains "Allgemeine Weisung Hr. 1 fiir die DVK, Deutsche Heeresmission in Eumanien (Berb.Stab zum Rum. Ob.Kdo.) la/id," 17 Jun 19^-2, and nine appendices consisting of personnel lists, organizational charts, supply directives, etc. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "T&tigkeitsbericht des Nachr. Fiihrer Stab Don, B 11 Sep-31 Oct 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Nachr. Fiihrer Stab Don," 1-27 Hov 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Band 3* Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia,," 19 Jan-30 Sep 19^3* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 1 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 3«Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia.," 28 Dec

161 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 153 Continued / /1* / Mar 19^3. The folder includes file memoranda on conferences of German military authorities concerning Rumania's role in the war, as well as on conferences "between German and Rumanian military authorities on the same topic, material on the reorganization of the Rumanian Army, correspondence between German and Rumanian military officials, file memoranda of telephone conversations with regard to the military situation on the eastern front, activity reports of various sections of tlie German mission, "Tagesbefehle" and M Stabstefehle" of Deutsche Heeresmission in Runglnien/XIa*, miscellaneous correspondence and reports pertain!ug to Rumania's role in the war. "Diensteinteilung der Deutschen Hoeresmisaion in Rumanien vom 1. Marz 19^3," and "Befehl tiber die Geschaftsordnung des States/Beutscher General beim Ubkdo. d. Rumanischen Wehrmacht und Deutsche Heeresmission in Human i en/1 a., " 15 Mar 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband 2 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 3» Deutsche Heeresiaission in Rumanien/Ia.," 1 Apr~30 Jun 19^3- The folder includes l! Tagesbefehle, M "Stabsbefehle" and "Stellenbesetzung vom 15.6.^3" (personnel list) of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/IIa., activity and situation reports of various sections of Deutsche Heeresmission, and correspondence between Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien and the Rumanian general staff. Folder of unknown provenance, containing ".Anlagenband 3 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 3 Deutsche Heerescission in Rumanien/Ia*, tt 1 Jul-30 Sep 19^-3. The folder includes "Tagesbefehle," "Stabsbefehle, H "Stellenbesetzungen 11 (personnel lists) of 15 Jul, 15 A-ag and 15 Sep 19^3. activity and situation reports of various sections of Deutaehe Heeresmission in Rumanien, some material on coastal defenses and Allied air raids, and miscellaneous directives issued by "Deutscher General beiia Obkdo. der Rum. Wehrmacht/Ila." Folder of unknown provenance., contrdring "Anl^enband U zum Eriegstagebuch. Band 3«Deutache Heeresraission in ^umanien/ia.," 30 Jan-30 Apr The folder contai&s maps and overlay maps showing the location and movements of Rumani??* ar^ units * Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Deutsche Heereemioeioa in Hcui6i.iiien/Ia. t " 16 Dec l^kd-jl May l$ll. Folder of uniaiovvn prevenance, contpdaing "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutsche Heeresmissicn in Rumanien/Ia* " 'I3ae folder includes a IJ-^page mimeographed report entitled "Srganzung zur 3Criegswohrmacht Rumanien ^0 nach d«a Stand von ^ni'ajag September , " issued by OKH/Gen.St.d.H., 13 Sep 1Q40, and pertaining to the political, military and economic situation in RuiDf-nia. Also 1nn 1 v>r^d are an organizational chart of the.pvj^sniaa? Art"-".

162 Serial Roll Continued Provenance Item 1^32/3 1^32/5 1+6^05/2 509UO/ /2 Filmed 1st Frame Notes TO and situation map of southeastern Europe, Aug/Sep 19*K>, showing the distribution of military forces in the area. 1 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia*," 28 Sep 19^0. The folder, marked "Planungen fiir die Umorganisation des rumanischen Heeres," contains material on German-Rumanian negotiations with regard to the establishment of a German military mission to Rumania. ^9 Folder of unknown provenance, entitled "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., " and containing a printed copy of Die rumanische Kriegswehrmacht. Stand; ^0, issued by UKH/0. Ill <fcf. IV/FHO (I) 10 Feb Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., Schriftwechsel u. Karten," 29 Sep 19^1-22 Oct 19^3«^ke folder includes a few maps and map overlays, reports on the military operations of Rumanian units, exchange of teletype messages and correspondence between German military authorities on the eastern front and Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, and between Deutsche Heeresmission and the Rumanian general staff, concerning the employment of the Rumanian Army. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage 1-J. D.H.M./Abt. la., Ur. 22^/^-3 Kdosc Lage der 3- rum- Armee" (situation maps), Hov 19^-2, and "Anlagen 1-5 zum Erf ahrungsbericht iiber die Ireignisse bei U. rum. Armee, D<>H.M./Ia., Nr. 27^/^3 S- Kdos." (situation maps), 19 Nov- (?) 26 Dec 19^2. Hfoese two sats of maps were not originally part of one folder. 590 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Band 4. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia.," 1 Oct-31 Dec 19^3* 619 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband Kr. 1 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band ^. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia.," 1 Oct- 31 Dec 19*4-3. The folder includes "Tagesbefehle," "Stabsbef ehle,» "Stellenbesetzungen" (personnel lists), 15 Oct, 15 ftov and 15 Dec 19^3t situation and activity reports of various sections of Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, and miscellaneous directives issued by "Deutscher General beim Obkdo. der Rumanischen Wehrmacht/Ia." 85^ Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des Oberquartiermeisters der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien," 19^3* 881 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen I zum Kriegstagebuch des Oberquartiermeisters der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien, " folder includes "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung A "

163 Serial Roll Provenance Filmed 52053/ let Frame (1332) Continued 53297/2 75* Notes 155 Nbs of "Deutsche Heeresmission in Ruma^ien/Oberquartiermeister/Qa.l. w Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen II zum Kriegstagebuch des Oberquartiermeisters der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien," 19*3. The folder contains monthly O.Qu. situation reports, Mar-Dec 19*3, and two directives pertaining to Soviet PW transports via Rumania to Germany. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen III zum Kriegstagebuch des Oberquartiermeisters der Deutschen Heeresmission in Rumanien." The folder contains "T&tigkeitsberichte des Intendanten. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," 19*3» Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Auszuge mit Anlagen. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 13* Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," 25 Mar-30 Apr Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 19 beim Rum. Geb. Korps," 1 Get Jan Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 13 beim Rum. III. A.K.," 1 Oct Jan The folder includes "Ia Tagesmeldungen" of DVK 19 to AOK 17, German translations of "Korpsbefehle" of 'Sum. Geb. Korps," and some material on anti-partisan operations by joint German-Rumanian forces on the Crimea. The largest part of the folder consists of directives and reports (in Rumanian) of "Hum. Geb. Korps. 11 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch* Deutsches Verbindungskommando beim Rum. III. A*K.," 25 Mar-30 Apr The folder includes "la Tagesmeldungen" of DVK 19 to AOK 17, and some material on anti-partisan operations by joint German-Rumanian forces on the Crimea. The largest part of the folder consists of directives and reports (in Rumanian) of "Rum. Geb. Korps." Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutsches Verbindungskommando 13 beim Rum. Geb. Korps," Oct 19*3» The folder is almost exclusively made up of directives and reports (in Rumanian) of "Rum. Geb. Korps." Also included are a few messages in German with regard to movements of units of this Rumanian corps. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Deutsches Verbindungskommando beim Rum. III. A.K.," 1 Oct 19^3-31 Mar 194*. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Bericht mit Anlagen. Deutsches Verbindungsfcommando zur 4. Kgl. Rum. Armee," 1 Jan-45 Feb 19*3. The folder includes several reports on the collapse of the Rumanian Army during the Soviet offensive of Dec 19*2, south of Stalingrad. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch

164 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Ho tea / / /3 Continued 55^79/ /1 555SS/2 Nr. 1 des D.V.St. 3," 20.Apr-30 Jun 19UU. The folder includes directives of "Gen.Kdo. LXXII A.K. zbv,» "Sum. AOK 3t" and "Deutscher Verbindungsstab 3 bei ^um«-aq K 3» " on the employment of the Rumanian Army and the military situation in the eastern front, file memoranda on conferences and correspondence "between German and Rumanian military authorities, messages and directives pertaining to "Unternehmen 'Martha 1 fur die Bereinigung des Briickenkopfes Purcari-Rascaeti, fl and situation maps. 987 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 5. Deutscher General beim 0"bkdo. d. Rumanischen Wehrmacht, zugleich Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," 1 Jan-30 Ju* 1 19^«1059 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband UFr. 1 zum (1324) Kriegstagebuch. Band 5» Deutscher General beim Ubkdo* der Rumanischen Vehrmacht, zugleich Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien,' 1 1 Jan-30 Mar 19HU The folder includes situation and activity reports of various sections of Deutsche Heeresmission, "Tagesbefehle," "Stabsbefehle," "Stellenbesetzung" (personnel lists), 15 Jan, 15 Feb and 15 Mar 19^-, miscellaneous directives, and "Diensteinteilung der Deutschen Heeresmissi>.1 in Rumanien, zugleich Deutscher General beim Oberkommando der Rumanischen Wehrmacht vom 1 Februar 19^." 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing f! Anlagenband Nr. 2 zum Kriegstagebuch. Band 5. Deutscher General beim Obkdo. der Rumanischen Wehrmacht zugleich Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," 1 -%>r~30 Jun 19^4. The folder includes situation and activity reports of various sections of Deutsche Heeresmission, "Tagesbefehle," "Stabsbefehle," "Stellenbesetzung 11 (personnel lists), 15 Apr, 15 May and 15 Jun 19iU, and miscellaneous directives. 212 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. O.Kdo.Heer.Gr. Sud. Spater: Ob.Kdo. Heer.Gr. Uordukraine/Ia.," marked "Barbarossa." The folder contains directives, charts and maps from 28 May to 19 Jun 19*4-1, pertaining primarily to the participation of German troops stationed in Rumania. 315 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch des Deutschen Verbindungskommandos 11, tt 30 *P r ~31 Jul 19^-. The folder contains copies of telephone reports from 6th Infantry Division and 20th Infantry Division to "Deutsches Verbindungskommando 11," on military operations* 578 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Atilagen zum Kriegstagebuch des Deutschen Verbindungskommandos 11, H 21 %>r-31 Jul 19UH. The folder contains daily and spnii-rianv R-itnat.lon r«-norts ("la Maldurren")

165 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Ho tea /1 Continued Deutsches Verbindungskommando beim Ruaianischen AQK / / / 1 * 7590*f 761^ of the Rumanian 6th and 20th Infantry Divisions. These reports are in Rumanian with German translations* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch des Deutschen Verbindungskommandos 11, N 21 %>r-31 Jul 19*&. The folder contains daily and semi-daily situation reports ("Ic Meldungen") of the Rumanian 6th and 20th Infantry Divisions* These reports are in Rumanian with German translations* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch* Band I. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, lf 26 Oct 19^0-6.Apr 19U1. The maps included in this folder pertain primarily to the location of German "Lehrtruppen." Also included are a few maps showing the location of Rumanian Army units. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Band II. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, 11 7 Apr-11 May 195l. The folder contains situation maps of the Balkan area* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Band III* Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien," May 19^-1. The folder contains situation maps of Rumania* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kartenanlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Band IV. Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien, M Jun l$ul* The folder contains three situation maps* Folder of unknown provenance, containing a 13-page report entitled N Aufbau und linsatz des rumanischen Heeres seit Bestehen der Deutschen Heeresmission, H issued by Deutsche Heeresmission in Rumanien/Ia., 18 Jan 19^2. The folder also includes organizational charts of the Rumanian Army. Folder of Deut aches Terbindungskommando beim Rumanischen AOK 3, containing a three-page report of 23 Apr 19^U, entitled "Bericht iiber die Absetzbewegungen der 19* rum. Inf. Dlv* auf der Krim, H submitted by "Deutsches Verbindungskommando 117 bei 19* ^um. Inf. Div." Folder of unknown provenance, containing an eight-page report entitled "Zusemmenfassung \iber die Kampfe der 10. Rum. Inf. Div. im Monat April 19*&, fl submitted by Deutsches Verbindungskommando 111 bei 10. Rum. Inf.Div., lf 7 May 19^. Folder of unknown provenance, probably of Deutsches Verbindungsfcoi*- mando 1 beim Rum. AQK 3»" containing material dated Apr-May 19^. Included are file memoranda of conferences between Marshal Antonescu and the commander of H 0 Gr. Siidukraine, reports on inspections of XXX.A.K. by commander of "Armeegruppe Dumitrescu, " and of 6th Army and XXIX. A. K. by commander of unidentified M ArmeeeTunt>e, n a list of German officers of various "Deutsche

166 Seri&l Roll Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Human!en 266 Veroindungskommandos," and "Korpsbef ehle " of LXXII.A.K. Folder of unknown provenance, containing a few miscellaneous directives, Apr-Jul 19^-, issued "by "Deutscher General beim Obkdo, der Rumanischen Wehrmacht." 281 Polder of unknown provenance, marked "Betatigung nach dem Ausscheiden, Befh. Humanien." The folder contains several reports and some correspondence, 19^1-19^2 9 on German-Rumanian relations, political and economic affairs in Rumania, and the Rumanian administration of the area between the Dnjestr and Bug rivers. Some of the items are addressed to "Verbindungsstab der Deutschen Wehrmacht in Transnistrien General der Panzertruppen Lutz. lf : maps are dated 19^1 and 19^ /3 tyll Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Lagekarten - Front Odessa." The folder includes Rumanian situation maps of the area of Odessa, Sep~ Oct 19^ /1* fy-32 Folder of unknown provenance, containing miscellaneous situation (^67) maps of Rumania and the southeastern portion of the Soviet Union. 1*8290/2 1 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Deutscher Ausblldungsstab bei der koniglich bulgarischen Heeresleitung," 15 May 19^1-1 Feb 19^. The folder includes monthly reports sent to OKH by the German mission, Jul 19^1-Jan 19^U. These reports contain information on the training and reorganization of the Bulgarian Army. Also included are copies of letter sent to the Royal Bulgarian War Ministry and the Bulgarian general staff by the German military mission, and "Dienstanweisung fur den deutschen Ausbildungsstab bei der tobnigl. bulg* Heeresleitung, M issued by OKH, 19 Feb 19^ /1 280 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Deutsche Militar-Mission Bulgarien/Ia.," 1 Mar-30 Jun iguu /2 330 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Ajilagenband zum Kriegs- (535) tagebuch Nr. 1. Deutsche Mili tar-miss ion Bulgarien/Ia.," ^ Mar-29 Jun 19^U. Included are directives pertaining to the temporary transfer of German troops from Bulgaria to Croatia for participation in anti-partisan operations, reports and directives pertaining to the training of the Bulgarian Army, Bulgarian coastal defenses, Bulgarian occupation of northern Greece, partial mobilization of the Bulgarian Army (camouflaged as training exercise), copies of letters sent by "Deutscher General beim Obkdo.d.Kgl.bulsr, ehrrnacht" to the Royal Bulgarian War Ministry and t'a 76152/2 359 Polder of Deutsche Luf twaffenmission in Rumanian, containing 36 maps of cities, military and economic installations in Rumania. These

167 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes / / /2 If If 56192/ / / /3 If Bulgarian general staff, and file memoranda on conferences 'between German military authorities in southeast Europe, and "between German military authorities and General Popoff, concerning the military situation in the Balkans in general, and in Bulgaria in particular. 1 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Deutsche Militar-Mission Bulgarien/Ia.,» 26 Feb-30 Jun 19UU. 12 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 2 der Deutschen Militar-Mission Bulgarien,» 1 Jul 19U^-9 Sep 19^. 77 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutsche Militar-Mission Bulgarien," 30 Aug-8 Sep 19& The folder includes directives and reports on political and diplomatic developments in Bulgaria, Bulgaria's attempt to maintain neutrality, and the withdrawal of German troops from Bulgaria. 286 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutsche Mili tar-mission Bulgarien/Ia.,» 2 Jul-30 Aug 19*&. The folder includes in the first half (to early Aug) correspondence, directives and reports pertaining to the training of the Bulgarian Army and to the mission's functions, as well as some material on the defense of shipping on the Danube against Allied air raids. The material dated after early Aug pertains to political and diplomatic developments in Bulgaria, Bulgaria's attempt to maintain neutrality, evacuation of non-essential German military and civilian personnel from Bulgaria, internment of German military personnel in Bulgaria, particularly of German troops entering the country from Rumania, other measures taken against the Germans by the Bulgarians as well as by the Rumanians, and material on German countermeasures and the eventual German withdrawal from Bulgaria. 718 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim Kgl. Bulg. Korps JLgais,» 13 Jan-30 Jun 1$&. 1 Bolder of unknown provenance, containing ".Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim Kgl. Bulg. Korps ilgais," Jan-27.Apr 19l&. The folder contains maps showing the location of Bulgarian occupation troops in northeastern Greece. 31 Folder of unknown provenance, containing f 'Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim Kgl. Bulg. Korps Igais," 3 May-27 J un 19^. The folder includes maps showing the location of Bulgarian occupation troops as well as the construction of field fortifications in northeastern Greece, and one map of Bulgada showing the distribution of units of the Bulgarian Army (as of 1 Jul

168 295 Continued Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes / ^7/1 825 (1026) Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim Kgl. Bulg. Korps Agais," 1 AprlU May 19H^. The folder includes "Tagesmeldungen" of "Kommandierender G-eneral des II. Bulg* Korps 11 to "Oberkommando der Heeresgruppe B, uber Deutsche a Verbindungskommando 3 1." some material on Bulgarian coastal defenses on the Aegean coast and on anti-aircraft defenses, reports on inspections of coastal defenses by G-erman and Bulgarian officers, and reports on the political and military situation for Mar-Apr 19^, submitted "by the General Triforoff. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Deutscher Verbindungsstab beim Kgl. Bulg. Korps Igais," 13 Dec Mar 19^U. The folder includes "Tagesmeldungen 11 of "Kommandierender General des II. Bulg. Korps 11 to "(Jberkommando der Heeresgruppe B, iiber Deutsches Yerbindungskommando 31," OEH training directives ("based on experience with new Soviet tactics), file memoranda on conferences between German and Bulgarian officers, organizational charts on the Bulgarian Army, and material pertaining to coastal defenses along the Aegean coast. Folder of unknown provenance, containing an eight-page report entitled "Starke, Ausbildung u. BrgSnzung des bulg. Reserve Offizierkorps. Stand^, 11 compiled by Deutsche Militar-fission Bulgarien/Ic. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Deutsche Militar-Mission Bulgarien - Kriegsgliederung des bulg. Heeres." Some of the organizational charts are dated 1 Jul 19^-, while the others are undated. Folder of unknown provenance, containing tt Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch, n apparently of "Deutscher Bef ehlshaber in Westungarn," 25 Mar- 30 Jun 19HH. The folder includes reports and directives pertaining to the control and protection of Danube river traffic (including reports on location and removal of floating mines and sunken ships), "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung. Deutscher Bef ehlshaber in estungarn/qiartiermeister," Nos. 1-16, and material on an Allied air raid on the railroad station and German military installations at Szolnok, Hungary, 2 Jun 19Hty (included are interrogation reports of survivors, casualty lists, etc). Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Ur. 1 (Hauptstiick). Band 1. Oberquartiermeister Ungarn, H 26 Mar-30 Jun 19^^. The folder includes the text of the war diary, "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung 11 issued by "Oberbefehlshaber Sudost/Operationsstab Margarete/O.Qtu" (Ur. 3), "Oberquartiermeister Ungarn 11 0iTr. 5), and by "Bevollmachtigtar General der deutschen Wehrmacht in Ungarn/U. Qu."

169 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame No tea ^7/2 591^9/1 59*^9/ (libs. l-ll), file memoranda on conferences between German and Hungarian military authorities concerning supply problems (included are charts on German supply services), "Tagesmeldungen" of O.Qa. Ungarn to OKH/Gen. Qu,, and miscellaneous reports and directives on supply matters. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. (Hauptstuck). Band 2. Oberquartiermeister Ungarn,' 1 2*4- May-26 Sep 19*44. The folder includes "Besondere Aaordnungen fur die Versorgung. Bevollmachtigter General der deutschen Wehrmacht in Ungarn/ Uberquartiermeister Ungarn," "Tagesmeldungen" of O.Qu. Ungarn to OKH/Gen. Qu., miscellaneous directives pertaining to supply and refugee matters, and activity reports of various sections of O.Qu. Ungarn. Unmarked folder of unknown provenance, containing monthly situation reports of "Deutscher Befehlshaber im Op. Gebiet Ostungara" Jun, Jul and Aog 19U^, submitted to "Bevollmachtigter General der deutschen Wehrmacht in Iftigam. " These reports deal with the attitude of the Hungarian population and with political and military developments within Hungary. Also included is a "Banden Monatsmeldung, Juli 19W and a "Bandenlagekarte" for Jul 19^ (same origin as above reports), "Offizier-Stellenbesetzung" (personnel lists) of "Deutscher Befehlshaber im pp. Gebiet Qstungam/IIa., " 15 Jul and 15 Aag 19^}-, and reports on the establishment of new defensive lines, submitted by H.Gr. Siidukraine/Ia. "Srkondungsstab Zellner. B The latter material pertains primarily to the establishment of the "Maros-Stellung. " Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Sondermappe. Anlagen zu Deutscher Befehlshaber im Operationsgebiet Ostungarn/Ia., " containing copies of "la Tagesmeldungen, " Ik.Apr-29 &» 19^ (incomplete) sent to "Bevollmachtigter General in Ungarn* " Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen (Hauptstuck). Verbindungsstab O.Qja. Slid," 1 Jul-31 Dec 19HH. The appendices include "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung. Bevollmachtigter General der deutschen Wehrmacht in Ungarn/O.Qa.," daily reports of O.Qu. Ungarn to OKH/Gen.Qa., and activity reports of various sections of O.Qu. Ungarn. Folder of Chef des Deutschen Wirtschaf tsstabes beim Ungarischen ADK 2, containing "Kriegstagebuch. Verbindungs-Offizier 5 beim kgl. Ung. AOK 2," 11 May-lS Dec 19*4-2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Deutscher Wehrwirtschaftsoffizier in Ungarn," 20 Jun 19^1-30 Sep 19^2. The appendices consist of correspondence, reports and file memoranda of conferences. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tagebuch der Deutschen Militarkommission in der Slowakei. Pressburg, " 6 May-9 Nov 1939.

170 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes P 1887c Continued P 18S7d P 188Je 1150 (1215) Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Deutsche Militarkonmission r in der Slowakei. Heer ," containing directives, file memoranda on conferences "between German and Slovak authorities, correspondence (between the German military commission, GKW, German foreign office, AQK lu and others) and reports (of German military commission), 8 Aug-17 Oct 1939» on German-Slorek relations, Slovakia's role in connection with German operations against Poland, German use of Slovakia as a "base of operations (including "Bichtlinien fiir das Verhalten deutscher Truppen bei einem Einmarsch in die Slowakei"), and the organization, strength and effectiveness of the Slovak Armed Forces. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Deutache Milltarkommission in der Slowakei* Nachrichtenwesen ," containing "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Nachriehtenverbindungen. Armeeoberkommando lu/ Nachrichtenfiihrer, M NOB. 3~9» 12-18, as well as several maps of communications facilities in Slovakia* Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Deutsche Militarkommission in der Slowakei. Anlagen 1-7 und 11. 2*K ^0. Schriftverkehr. Organisation." The folder contains file copies of nine letters of "Generalleutnant Barckhausen, Bustungsinspekteur Oberost" to various military agencies concerning the collection of archival material, apparently in connection with his former service with Deutsche Militarkommission in der Slowakei. 11 Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Deutsche Militarkommission in der Slowakei. 16 "beglaubigte ATaschrif ten von Vertragen und Sitzungen vom ~9»10.39* n Included are a copy of "Vertrag iiher das Schutzverhaltnis zwischen dem Deutschen Reich und dem Slowakischen Staat" of Mar 1939t a a well as file memoranda of conferences between the German military authorities in Slovakia and Slovak governmental officials concerning military matters, protection of the Slovak-Polish "border, ethnic Germans in Slovakia, size of Slovak Army, as well as copies of various agreements "between Germany and Slovakia concerning German-Slovak relations. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Intendant der Deutschen Heeresmission in der Slowakei," 11 Hov-31 Dec 19^0. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen 1-6 zum Tatigkeitsbericht des Intendanten bei der Deutschen Heeresmission in der Slowakei, 11 Nov-31 Dec 19^0. The enclosed reports., most of them submitted "by Int. Rat Dr. Herzog, pertain to administrative procedures in the Slovak Armed Forces, personnel matters in "slowakischer Heeresverwaltung (intenund Wirtschaf ts- Dienst), " travel within Slovakia by German mili- 162

171 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued SOij / / /3 5101*1/1 5101*1/ !* *1-33^ U tary commanders, and the like. Polder of unknown provenance, containing "T&tigkeitsbericht Nr* 2* Intendant. Deutsche Heere emission in der Slowakei, " 1~31 Jan 19^1. Folder of unloiown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 3. Intendant* Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei, " Feb 19*11. Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Nr» 1* mit Anlagen. Intendant. Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei," 1-31 Mar Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Schluss-Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 5. Intendant. Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei," 1 Apr-10 May 19*1.1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "3&tigkeitsbericht Ur» 6 (irganzung). Intendant. Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei, May-21 Jun 19**1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. I. Teil. Slowakische Armeegruppe. Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei, " 23 Junll\- Aag 19ia. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "AnlagenTDand I zum Kriegstage"buch. I. Teil. Slowakische Armeegruppe. Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei, " 23 Jun-l6 Jul 19^-1, The folder contains reports on Soviet arms and tactics, operational orders, "Besondere Aaordnungen fiir die Luftaufklarung, " and miscellaneous directives of AOK 17, and directives of AOK 17, "Befh. riickw. Heeres G-eMet/Sud, " and "Slowakische Armee-Gruppe " on the employment of Slovak troops serving with the German Army on the eastern front. Some of the directives of "Slowakische Armee-G-ruppe " are in the Slovak language. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagenband II zum Kriegstagebuch. I. Teil. Slowakische Armee-Gruppe. Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei, " 18 Jul-S Aug 19^1. The folder includes a register of incoming correspondence, operations orders and other directives and reports on the employment of Slovak troops serving with the German Army on the eastern front (including a detailed account of an engagement near Lipowic, 22 Jul 19^1), issued "by "Heeresgruppe Siid, " "Befh. riickw. H.Geb./Sud, " and "by "Slowakische Armee-Gruppe. " Some of the material of "Slowakische Armee-Gruppe " is in the Slovak language. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch III" of "Deutsche Heeresmission i.d. Slow. Ausbildungsgr. b. slowak. 1. I.D.," 1 May- 26 Oct 19^3, Bolder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch IV" of "Deutsche Heeresmission i.d. Slow. Ausbildungsgr. b. SLow- 1. I.D.,» 31 Uct-

172 Serial Boll Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes Continued 510U1/ / /lf Dec 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Eingange. Anlage-band zum Kriegstagebuch III. Deutsche Heeresmission i.d. Slow. Ausbildungsgr. b. Slow. 1. I.D.," 1 May-25 Uct 19^3«The folder contains "Abendmeldungen" of "Kommando der 1. Slow. I.D," to "Deutsche Heeresmission. Aasbildungsgruppe bei der 1. Slow. I»D." Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Ausgange. Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch III. Deutsche Heeresmission i.d. Slow* Ausbildungsgr. b, Slowak. I.I.D.," 1 May*-25 Oct 19^3. The folder contains daily "Meldungen" of "Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei" (sometimes referred to as "Deutsche Heeresmission in der Slowakei. Ausb.G-r. bei Slow. Schnell. Div.») to "Befh. Krim/Ia." (13-25 Uct 19^3 to "Befh. Westtaurien"). Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Ausgange. Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch IV. Deutsche Heeresmission i.d. Slow. Ausbildungsgr. b. Slowak. I.I.D.," 31 Oct-31 Dec 19^3. The folder contains "Tagesmeldungen" of"deutsche Heeresmission. Ausbildungs Gruppe 1" to "Befehlehaber Westtaurien." Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Eingange. Anlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch IV. Deutsche Heeresmission i.d. Slow. Ausbildungsgr. b. slowak. 1. I.D.," 31 Uct-31 Dec 19^3. The folder contains "Abendmeldungen 11 of ti Kommando der 1. Slow. I.D./3»Abt." to "Deutsche Heeresmission. Ausbildungsgruppe bei der 1. Slow. I.D./Qu." Folder of unknown provenance, containing a typewritten copy of "Aufbau und Organisation der tschechoslowakischen Legionen," issued by "Heeresarchiv-Zweigstelle Prag, 7 Oct 19^2. This 33-page report relates the history of the Czech legions in World War I. Folder of unknown provenance, containing photostats of two pieces of correspondence: 1) translation (into German) of a report from "Koranando des Div. Bereiches 2/Nachrichtenabteilung," Presov, 22 Apr 19*&, to "Landesverteidigungsmlnisterium/Nachrichtenabteilung, Pressburg," regarding German mistreatment of Soviet PWs in rail transit through Slovakia; 2) translation (into German) of a letter from "Staatl. Sicherheitszentrale" in Pressburg, 10 May 19^-U, to "Herrn Minister Alexander Mach" in Pressburg, pertaining to the mistreatment of Ukrainian civilians (partisans) in rail transit through Slovakia by rail. Folder of unknown provenance, consisting of a printed, bound copy of "Dienstanweisung. Allgemeine und Weglegeakten und -^ktenplan. Per Generalkommandant der nichtuniformierten Protektoratspolizei," 1 Jul 19^. This 175-page publication was printed by "Druckerei des Protektorates Btthmen

173 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes /15 W W W W 5713R> W 6555 D/W 6910 PT D/W 6910/1 (1M-&9) und Mahren in Prag. " Fo author indicated. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Plannung von Vermi tt lungs einrichtungen. " The folder contains correspondence of "Der Wehrmachtsbevollmachtigte beim Reichsprotektor in BQhmen und Mahren. H5h. Nadir. Gffz.," ^1, on the establishment and operation of communications facilities (primarily of telephone nets). F o ider of unknown provenance, marked "Beauf tragter des Chefs der Heeresarchive beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark. Bericht uter die besonderen Aufgaben des Sanitatsdienstes im Bereich des Befehlshabers der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, 31. 8, 19^0. " A six-page typewritten directive. Folder of unknown provenance, containing an eight-page "^tigkeitsbericht iiber den Sihsatz in Danemark. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark (HSheres Kbmmando XXXl)/Abt. Ic., May 19^0. Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Tatigkeitsbericht fur die Zeit vom 1. Junl bis 3^* Juli 19UO» Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Abt. Ic." Eight pages, Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. HBh.Kdo. z.b.v. XXXI. (spater Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark) /Abt. I c./ A.O.," S-31 Mar 19^0. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. II. Teil. EBh.Edo.z.b.V. XXXI. ( spa ter Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark)/ Abt. IC./A.O.," 1 %>r-30 May 19^0. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anhaltspunkte fiir eine kriegsgeschichtliche Auf zeichnung der in Danemark aufgetretenen Hechtsfragen. Der Oberstkriegsgerichtsrat beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," 31 Aug 19*JO. Three pages. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht mit 13 Anlagen. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in D& nem ark/ia., " 1 Jun-30 Sep 19^0«The appendices consist of directives, maps and reports. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsberichte. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemarfc/Abt.^., " 1 Jun-30 Sep 19*40. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia., " 1 Oct-30 tfov 19^0. Folde of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber /sic/* der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Abt. Qu.," 1 Oct 19^0-31 Jan 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Abt. I la.," 1 Dec 19^0-31 Jan 1

174 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes l*S 258 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia., " 1 Feb~31 Mar19!*!. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Qu., " 1 Feb~31 Mar19!*!, Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht mit Anlage (Karte) des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Daneraark/Ia., " 1 Apr-31 May 19**!. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Abt. Qu., fl 1 Apr 191*0-31 May 19l l. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht dea Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic*, " 1 Dec 191*0-31 May / / Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia., 11 1 Jua-31 Jol 19*4-1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia., lf 1 Aag-30 Sep19!*!. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Abt. <fcu, " 1 Aug-30 Sep 131*67/1 13^67/2 11* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Hachrichtenfiihrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " 1 Jun-30 Sep 19l l. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht des Hachrichtenfiihrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " 1 Jun-30 Sep 19*4-1. The appendices, consisting of maps and correspondence, pertain to communication facilities in Denmark. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Abt. C&u, '» 1 Oct~30 Nov 11*512/2 11*705/1 1*16 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum 3&tigkeitsbericht des Intendant beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " Aug 19*40-1* Jun 19H1. The folder contains material on the exchange of "Reichskreditkassenscheine" of "Hauptverwaltung der Reichskreditkassen" in Berlin for Danish crowns. Also included is a map of Denmark showing military administrative divisions. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia.," 1 Oct-30 Nbv

175 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame PT IT /1 IT 16369/2 IT 1*99 173^ IT IT Notes 167 Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia*, H 1 Jun-30 Sep 19*41. Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbe~ richt I des Eaehrichtenfiihrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," 1-31 Jan 19^2. The folder includes a map sketch of the Danish telephone system, a map sketch of the teletype system in Denmark, and a map of Denmark showing the location of German military units and installations* All maps are dated 1 Jan 19^2* folder of unknown provenance, containing "0 tigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/fyi.,» 1 Dec 19*11-31 Jan 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/1 a., H 1 Dec 19^1-31 Jan 19*12. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 2 des Nachrichtenftihrer beim Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, n 1-28 Peo 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "-Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht 2. Hachrichtenfuhrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark" from 1-28 Feb 19^2«The folder includes one ^eeres-fernsprech-leitungsskizze" of Denmark and a map sketch of telephone communication lines connecting coastal batteries. Both maps are dated Feb 19^2. Also included are reports on two inspections of communication facilities in Denmark, a report on the use of carrier pigeons for espionage purposes by the British, and a directive pertaining to telegram transmission procedure at the military post office folding, Denmark* All of the reports and directives were issued by "Nachrichtenfiihrer b. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppsn in D anemark. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Nr. 2 mit Anlagen. Intendant beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," 1 Jul-31 Dec 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Oberstkriegsgerichtsrat beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemarfc," 2 Dec 19^1-30 Apr 19^2. The appendices consist of materialconcerning the jurisdiction of German military and Danish civil police, as well as material on court cases involving offenses committed by German soldiers against Danes* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Ur. 3-u* U mit Anlagen* Nachrichtenfiihrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," 1 Mar-30 Apr 19^2. The appendices, map sketches, reports and correspondence, pertain to communication facilities.

176 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame notes ? J 71S 728 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsberiohte. Befehlshaber der deutschen Trut>pen in Danemark/Abt. Qn.," 1 Feb-31 Mar 19^2. Polder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Abt. Qu*, H Mar f * 22^26/1 22^26/ /1 7^1 7^ ^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Wehrroacht-Propaganda-Offizier beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danernark, ff 1 Feb-25 -%>r 19*12. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "il&tigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, 11 1 %>r-"31 May 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Ir»6. Nachrichtenfiihrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, ff 1 Jun-2 Jul 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht Hr.7. Hachrichtenfuhrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, n 1-31 Jul 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht I. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Abt* Ic., " 1 Apr- 3! May 22505/2 785 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht II, Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Abt. Ic., " 1 Jun-3^ Folder of unknown provenance, containing lf!htigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Abt. Qa., " 1 Apr-31 May Folder of unknown provenance, containing "O&tigkeitsberieht, Befehlshaber dsr deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Abt. Qu., " 1 Jun-31 Jul ^9 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Der Oberstkriegsgerichtsrat," 1 May-28 Aug 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Abt. la., fl 1 Jun-31 Jul 23193/ ^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbe'richt. H5herer Wehrmacht-Nachrichtenfiihrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " Aug 19^2. Also included is one "Eeeres-Fernsprech- Leitungsskizze" of Denmark, dated 1

177 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes ^508/1 2^508/2 2521* * ^3 955 (966) l ^10 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. HSherer Wehrmacht Nachrichtenfuhrer beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Banemark, " Sep 19l*2. Also included are five maps of communication facilities in Denmark. - Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Uachrichtenfiihrer im State des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " 1-31 Oct 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Fatigkeitsbericht. Nachrichten-Fuhrer im Stabe des Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, 11 Oct 19^*2. Included are seven map sketches of communication facilities in Denmark. '- Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegsrangliste. Stab des Bef ehlshabers der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " 12 Dec 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tati^ceitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ 1 c»," 1 <A ug-30 Sep 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing M!I&tigfceitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ 1 a., lf 1 Aug-30 Sep 19^-2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "^atigfceitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Qa., n 1 Aug~30 Sep 1$12. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "ifatigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ 1 c«, " 1 Oct-30 Hov 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "O&tigkeitsbericht Kr. 3. Intendant beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " 1 Jan-30 Jun / / * ; 181* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Qu., " 1 Oct-30 Nov 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ 1 a*, n 1 Oct-30 Uov 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ 1 c., " 1 Dec 19^2-31 Jan 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "^tigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Ic., tt 1 Feb-31 Mar 19^3, Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des Freikorps Danemark, «7 May-11 Aog 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Mlagenband zum Kriegstagebuch des Freiteorps Danemark. n 5he folder includes battle reports as well as directives and reports issued by "Korpskommando Hieke," "Jager Regt. 28," /tregt. Becker," and "SS To tenkopf division, " pertaining to the military operartions of the Free Corps.

178 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes IJO 299 Continued ^701 3^ / / / ^ 33^ 3U6 1* (1^29) Folder of unknwon provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Qu., " 1 Dec 19^2-31 Jan 19^3* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht. Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/la., tt 1 Dec 19^2-31 Jan 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigfceitsbericht. Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia.," 1 Feb-3^ Mar 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht Nr.U. Intendant "beim Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," 1 Jul- 31 Dec 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht. Be~ f ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/1a.," 1 Apr-31 May 19^3» Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht. Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic.," 1 %>r-3^ Jul 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "TStigkeitsberichte der Heeresverwaltungsdienststellen in Danemark. Intendant beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," 1 Jul-31 Dec 19*4-2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeits'bericht. Be~ fehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Qu.," 1 Feb-33- Har 19^3* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "T&tigkeitsbericht. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia*," 1 Jun-3^ Jul 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht, Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/1 c«, " 1 Aug-30 Sep 19^-3» Folder of unknown provenance, containing "TStigkeitsbericht. Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Qu., " 1 -%>r-31 May 19^3«Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch 3. HSheres KommandoKapenhagen/Ia. (friiher OFK 398)," 1 Jan-12 Jul 19Vt. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "-Anlagenband I. Kriegstagebuch. Hbheres KommandoKcpenhagen/Ia.," Dec 19^3-Mar 19^4* The folder includes material (plans, directives, "Karapfanweisungen") pertaining to the defense against internal unrest and foreign invasion, military training of the occupation troops, and personnel replacement problems. Also included are activity reports of various sections of this command and "Besondere Anordnungen fiir die Versorgung. Hoheres Kommando Kjppenhagen/Qa." Folder of unlmown provenance, containing "Anlagenband II. Kriegstagebuch. H5heres Kommando Kopenhagen/Ia.," 1 J\pr-9 «fril 19^-» ^he folder includes material pertaining to the maintenance of law and order in Denmark (Danish general strike), protection of public utilities and military installations, and defense against chemical warfare. Also included

179 Serial Boll Provenance filmed let frame Boies Continued 75006/1 IT See "below See "below 75006/2, 75006/3, 75006A, 75006/ /6, 75006/ / /2 209, 657, , (1S&2) are activity reports of various sections of the command, and "Kampfanweisungen" for German units in the Copenhagen area* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Laufende Akten.. Band I* Beauftragter des Chefs der Heeresarchive beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," 2 Aug-31 Dec 19^0. The folder includes "Konmiandanturbefehle" of "Deutsche Standortkommandantur Kbpenhagen, * "Stabsbefehle" of "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/IIa," miscellaneous directives of "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Banemark," some office correspondence, translations of Danish battle reports (Apr 19*10) and of various pre-war magazine articles pertaining to national defense, and reports of material submitted to Heeresarchiv Potsdam "by "Beauftragter des Chefs der Heeresarchive* n Four folders of unknown provenance* containing "Laufende Akten. Beauf tragter des Chefs der Heeresarchive beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark. * The folders contain primarily translations (into German) of articles which appeared in Danish newspapers, dealing with foreign and domestic affairs. Also included are: "Kommandanturbefehle" of "Deutsche Standortkommandantur Copenhagen," "Stabsbefehie" of "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Banemark/IIa,," and reports of material submitted to Heereearchive Potsdam* "Band II. " 2 Jan-25 Apr "Band III." 1 Mav-30 Jun Band IT.» 1 Jul-29 Aug Band V. «2 Sep-26 Deo Two folders of unknown provenance, containing "Laufende Akten* Band YI & Til* Beauf tragter des Chefs der Heeresarchive beim Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, 1 Jan-30 Jun 19*12 and 1 Jul-31 Dec 19*12, respectively* The folders include "Kommandanturbefehle" of "Deutsche Standortkommandantur Copenhagen," "Stabsbefehle" of "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/IIa*, 11 reports of material submitted to Heeresarchive Potsdam by "Beauftragter des Chefs der Heeresarchive," and office correspondence of the last named office. Polder of unknown provenance, marked "Feindlage* Allgemeines* Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Ic/A.O. f " 8 Mar-4 Apr 19^0. The folder contains reports of German diplomatic representatives in Horway, Sweden and Denmark on the international situation with special reference to the situa tion of the Scandinavian states* Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Feindlage - Feindbllder -. Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Daixemark/Ic/A.O. A " Mar

180 Provenance Item Filmed Ist ; Frame Notes Befehlshaber der tout /3 schen Truppen in Banemark/ Ic/A.0* Continued 75007/*4, 75007/6 The first part of the folder contains material from Mar and early Apr 19L.0 ( pertaining to the Banish Armed Forces, Banish military defenses, and directions for the conduct of German soldiers in occupied areas in general, and in Denmark in particular* The second part of the folder includes copies of letters and directives from the German Foreign Office, the "Bevollmachtigter des Deutschen Seiches" (in Denmark), the "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," etc. pertaining to the internal situation in Denmark, German-Banish relations, and the disposition of Banish merchant vessels in U.S. ports. 36*4 Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Banemark/Ic/A. 0., marked ' uchereien, Lesestoffe," etc. The folder includes material from 19HO to 19*42, on the distribution of German newspapers among German troops in Denmark, publication, distribution and censorship of Army newspapers, correspondence concerning Army libraries (lists of books to be removed from circulation), press censorship of the Banish press, and reports on news releases in the Banish press* 634 Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Banemark/Ic/A.0., containing material from 19*40 through 19*42. Included are activity reports of "Geheime Feldpolizei/Gruppe lyi/kommando II" in Copenhagen, 8 Apr to 30 May 19MO, correspondence pertaining to GS? work during this period, personnel lists of the above named unit, activity report of "Propaganda Staffel B, M g-10 Apr 19*40, reports of interviews of Banish and other correspondents with General v. Kaupisch ( l! Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Banemark 11 ), 11-1*4 Apr 19*40, file memoranda on the work of German intelligence during the early days of the occupation, and correspondence and directives pertaining to the keeping of war diaries. 700 Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Banemark/Ic/A. 0., marked "Danische BehSrde." The folder contains correspondence, reports, etc., Apr 19*40-Nov 19*42, on cooperation between German authorities and Banish police, German reports on the activities of the Banish police, and translations of, and correspondence pertaining to, various Banish laws concerning the occupation (fisheries, use of radios, private aircraft, espionage, etc.)* 855 Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Banemark/Ic/A*0., marked "Banische Wehrmacht. M The folder contains correspondence, reports and directives, Apr 19*40-Nov 19*42, on military courtesy between German and Banish military personnel, official relations between both armies,. the strength of the Banish Army, and the translation (into German) of an article in Berlingske Tidende, commemorating the military action of

181 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Kotee Befehlshaber der deut-* 75007/ Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Da.nemark/Ic/A,0., achen Truppen in marked "Berichte liber Lage Danemark. n The folder contains reports, submitted by various German military commands, on the attitude of the Danes Danemark/Ic/A. 0. towards the. German occupation forces, Apr 191*0-Aug19!*!, 75007/ Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/1 c/ A, 0., (1369) containing material from May 19l*0-Sep 191*2. Included are reports, correspondence and copies of laws pertaining to the protection of the Danish coast, German counterintelligence measures (defense against sabotage and enemy propaganda), and reports of German mail censors (excerpts of censored letters of Danes). Also included are translations (into German) of Communist r propaganda publications of 19^-2, and samples of Allied propaganda leaflets found, in Denmark. 1 Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in D&nemark, marked 302 Befehlshaber der deut /9 schen Truppen in Danemark Befehlshaber der deutachen Truppen in Danemark/Ic 75007/10 See "below 75007/12, 75007/13, 75007M, 75007/15, 75007/16, /17 See below 116, 196, "Zivilverwaltung. lf The folder includes correspondence from 19^*2, on the use of athletic facilities of the new German school in Copenhagen by German troops, directives on claims for support by Danish mothers against German soldiers, and file memorandum of a conference at the German Embassy (19 Apr 191*0) on cooperation between German authorities and the Danish civil administration. Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, containing reports and correspondence, ^pr 19l*0-Dec 19**2, on censorship of Danish press and radio, and training of German interpreters. Also included are two clippings from national S OC i a ii s ten, Danish national socialist paper, Dec 191*2, translations of several articles which appeared in the Danish press and of a few miscellaneous articles, origin unspecified. These articles are all concerned with world affairs or with internal Danish political affairs. Six f olclers of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/1 a., containing reports of various German military commands (such as "Ortskommandanten," German army translators with field units, "Sonderfiihrer, M the attitude of the Danish public, Danish officials and the Danish press towards the German occupation troops and German international aims. Jun 19U1-13 Mar 23 Mar-6 Apr 21 May-6 Jun 370, 27 Jul-S Aug 19.1*2. 1*1*2, 23 Sep-6 Oct 515 2ffov-6Dec etc.) on

182 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes 17* Befehlshaber der deutschen 75007/19 Truppen in Danemark/Ic Continued 75007/ / /2* 75007/ /26 58* / (1365) 75007/27a Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing typewritten copies of "Der Einsatz der RVTO-Filme bei der Truppenbetreuung. Vortrag gehalten bei den Schulungslehrgangen fiir Kompanieflihrer von Hauptmann Dr. Werneke" (IS pages), and a 13-page report on "Offiziers-Halbtagslehrgange iiber Berufs 5rderung und Schmalstummf ilmeinsatz, " author not listed. Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Theater, KdF. " The folder contains correspondence, Jun 19^6- Sep 19*1, on troop recreation including visits of theater troops, "KdF 11 and lecture tours, etc. Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Verfiigungen, D.d.F.-Veranst. (Konz., Theater, Film), The folder contains correspondence and directives on troop entertainment, Jun Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing a few pieces of correspondence on the scheduling of troop entertainment tours, Oct 19^2-Jan 19*3» Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Gesuche urn Anderung des Spielplanes. " The folder contains correspondence on requests for rescheduling troop entertainment tours, May- Hov 19*1. Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing correspondence and directives, Jun 19*Q-Feb 19*1» pertaining to troop entertainment and education ("Truppenbetreuung 11 ), with a particular emphasis on motion picture films and film programs at German military installations in Denmark. Included is a 62-^page booklet entitled Ubersicht iiber die Arbeit der Heichsstelle fur den Unterrichtsfilm des BeiohserziehungsministeriuES, Reichsstelle fiir den Unterrichtsfilm. Stand vom 1. Juli 1939> Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing correspondence and announcements, May 19*0-Dec 19*1» on schedules and performances of civilian (German) and military concerts in Denmark. Most of these concerts were for the benefit of German military personnel only; however, some of the military concerts were presented for the benefit of the Danish population as well. Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Konzerte Berl. Philharmoniker. " The folder contains correspondence, reports and announcements on several concerts presented by the Berlin Philharmonic in Denmark, Jul 1QUO. Also included are a number of clippings

183 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame lotes Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic 75007/ / from Danish newspapers. Folder of Uef ehlshaber der dsutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Einsatze: Gross tourneen, " The folder contains correspondence on scheduling of theatrical performances and concerts for the German occupation forces, Mar-Oct l^l. Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing miscellaneous correspondence with regard to troop entertainment in Denmark* Included are such topics as financial support to units for purposes of troop entertainment, political lecture tours, erection of soldiers 1 rest homes, etc., Jun 19*40-Mar 19^1. Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing miscellaneous correspondence on various topics, including songbooks for soldiers 1 choruses, athletic equipment, scripts for recitations, etc., 75007/ / /3U 6U / Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing directives and correspondence, Mar 19UQ-Oct 19^-1, on the issuance and distribution of professional military journals, daily ^erman newspapers, illustrated magazines and soldiers 1 newspapers. Included are one copy each of the following German soldiers 1 newspapers: Per Durchbruch (3! Aug 19^0)» Wacht im West en (28 Aug 191*0) and Adler iiber Land und Meer (30 Aug 19*40). Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked «Tanzverbot. M The folder contains correspondence and directives on the prohibition against dancing by German military personnel, and on bars declared off limits to German military personnel. Jul 19^40-Feb 19^2. Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic,, containing reports and correspondence from "Abwehrstelle Danemark" to "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., lf Aug-Oct 19^2, on acts of sabotage committed against German military installations and Danish firms working for the German occupation troops, and on the defense against sabotage. Also included are a number of Allied propaganda leaflets (in German and in Danish) dropped over Denmark by Allied planes. Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in D&nemark/Ic., marked, "Danische Presse. " The folder contains translations into German and a few clippings of Danish newspaper articles, as well as translations of miscellaneous Danish pamphlets and leaflets on Danish and international affairs, Jan 19^2-Mar 19^3." Folder of unknown provenance, containing daily synopses of morning press, prepared by "Abt. Ic/Sou^erfiiiirer Hiittejirauch, n Jan-Dec Also included are a number of clipping -and translations of nevspftper

184 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Prame Notes U Continued 30^ Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic 75007/ /38 PT 1264 CUfl.5) 75007/ /ljO 75007M PT /1*3 PS 879 of various Banish papers prepared "by Hittenraush and others. Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Wehrpropaganda. " The folder contains reports and correspondence on the activities of a German "Propagandas taf f el" in Denmark. This unit was charged with the conduct of German propaganda among German military personnel in Denmark as well as among the Danish civilian population, Apr-Nov 19UO. folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic. referred to as "HBheres Kommando XXXI, Ic. " in the earlier part of the folder), marked "Deutsche Gesandtschaft. " The folder contains correspondence between "Deutsche Gesandtschaf t Copenhagen N and "Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, 11 %>r-sep 19^0, on the relationship "between the German occupation authorities and the Danish Government, international travel of Danes and of foreigners in Denmark (including diplomatic couriers), and the attitude of the Danish press* Also included are copies of notes exchanged between the German Embassy and the Danish Government, and an activity report presumably of "Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., 2 Jun-3 Jul 19^0. Polder of B e f ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Gesandtschaf t. " The folder contains correspondence between tne German Embassy in Copenhagen and "Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " Jun 19^0-Nov 19*42, on the strength and equipment of the Danish police, marriage of German soldiers to foreign women, appointment of Danes as German vice-consuls in Denmark, diplomatic restrictions enforced in Denmark after the outbreak of the war between Germany and the Soviet Union, and the status of the HJ. and of German ethnic groups in Denmark. Polder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic. f marked "Zwischenfalle zwischen Danen und Wehrmachtsangeh5rigen«fl 2ne folder contains correspondence and reports on incidents involving Danes and German military personnel, Jun 19^0-Peb 19^2. Polder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic*, containing correspondence and reports on the attitude of Danes toward German military personnel and the German occupation, incidents involving German soldiers and Danes and the German Danish relations in general, and including translations of anti-german leaflets circulated in Denmark, Apr Bolder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Danisches Verbal ten. " The folder contains reports and. correspondence on anti-german propaganda and meeting *a P< ttu&arjc, and on

185 Serial Roll Provenance Slimed 1st Frame Note; Befehlshaber der deut /^5 schen Truppen in Danemark/1 c /^6 Infanterie Ursatzbataillon 76/Ia 1106 ( /^ /1* /1*9 *s 75007/50 Befehlshaber der deut /51 schen Truppen in Danemark/ la incidents involving German militaryp^jsonnel and Danes, Also included are miscellaneous letters sent to Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in %nemark n by Danes concerning various personal problems, etc., Apr 19^1-Jan 19^2* Bolder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Freikorps Danemark. M The folder contains correspondence, reports and directives on the recruitment of the Free Corps, ceremonies in connection with its departure for the front and its return to Denmark on leave, and on the c6nduct expected of its members while in Denmark, 19Ul/19^2, Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked "Allgemeines* 11 The folder contains correspondence, directives, reports, etc., on a large variety of topics. Included are, among others, observance of German national holidays, athletic events, treatment of ethnic Germans in she German Army, the conduct of German soldiers, etc. Also included is a typewritten copy of the German-French armistice treaty of 22 Jun 19^0; Apr 1^10- Jan 19^2. Folder of uncertain provenance, possibly "Gericht des Befehlshabers der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, B containing reports of offenses committed 'oy German soldiers against Danes or Danish property, and of actions taken b'- German military authorities* These reports were sent by "Gericht des Be*ehlahabers der deutschen Truppen in DSnemark 11 to "Befehlshaber der deutschee 2ruppen in Danemark/Chef des Generals tabes, " 19^3* Folder of uncertain provenance, possibly of Inf Srs»Batl. 76* containing plans (reports, maps, etc.) for the defense of the city of Aarhus, Deimark. This material is dated May-Jul 19^0. Folder of Inf.Ers.Batl. 76/Ia., containing lists of pass words for "Ortskommandantur Aarhus," cover names for "Division Ir. l60, fl a list o:' German military medical facilities in Denmark(dated 6 Jul 19^0), a directive pertaining to the reorganization and location of German military units in Denmark, dated 25 Jul 19^-0 (the latter two items were issued by "Befehls^aber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark 11 ), and various directives pertaining to the defense against espionage, and sabotage, etc* Folder of unknown provenance, containing a typewritten German translation of Graf Bent Holstein, Dempkratiets Vildfarelse, prepared by the German Embassy in Copenhagen, Dec 19^0. (The German title is Die Irrwege der Danischen Demokratie. 99 P») Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in DanemrA-/ la., containing reports from "Flugabwehrkommando Dausjuarlc, " 218. Inf.Div., various (( 'Kommandanturen" and other German military Commands, Jan-Sep 10^1, on A-llled. air activity over Denmark, sent to 'fbefai^-k^^-z* <? <?I ~ 3&**te**h0n Truppon in

186 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Bef ehlshaber der deut- Bchen Truppen in Danemark/Ia Infanterie Ersatzbat aillon J6/ la Bef ehlsha'ber der deut~ schen Truppen in Danemark/Ia Bef ehlsha'ber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic Bef ehlsha'ber der deut~ schen Truppen in Danemark/Ic 75007/ /53 UU6 562 FS 75007/ /59 93S 75007/63 Folder of Bef ehlsha'ber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia., containing reports from "Flugabwehrkommando Danemark" and various other German military commands to "Befehlsha'ber der dexitschen Truppen in Danemark" on Allied air activity over Denmark, Oct 19^1-Apr 19^2* Folder of Inf.Ers.Batl. f6/la.., containing reports and directives on the conduct of ^eraan military, personnel in Denmark, defense against espionage and sabotage, and housing of German troops in Danish towns. Also included is "Besondere Anweisung Nr. ll w of "H8h. Kommando XXXI, Qu.., " May-Jul 19^ Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia,, containing reports from "Flugabwehrkommando Danemark 11 and various other German military commands to "Befehlsh.a'ber der detitachon "rappen in Danemark" on Allied air activity over D^maark, Apr-Get 19^2. Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing miscellaneous correspondence, directives and file memoranda on troop recreation and troop information and education. Also included ia a diary from 8 Apr-30 May 19^0, apparently of "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic.," 19^0-19^3. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably of Art.Regt. 269, containing two maps of Denmark (13 Dec 19^3)i showing the location of German units, several directives on the reorganization of the German Army in Denmark as well as one directive on the mission of the German troops in Denmark (26 May 19^0), miscellaneous directives on military communications, etc., and reports of Art.Regt. 2.0)1 lc* on the attitude of the Danish population toward the German occupation (Oct 19^-0-Mar 19^1). Folder of unknown provenance, marked "Akte 'Odense* tn The folder contains correspondence between the Par.ish general staff and "Befehlghaber der deutschen Truppen in Danomaik" on the burial at Odense of British fliers killed in an air raid. The correspondence pertains primarily to the attempted participation in the ceremony by the Danish commandant a? Odeaae, an attempt vhlch was seen as a provocation by the German military authorities, Dec 19^1-Jan 19^2. Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Dansmark/Ie., marked "Akte 10: Allgemeines." The folder contains correspondence and repor's on a variety of topics, including, among others, the conduct of Grermsa military personnel in Denmark, burial of British fliers killed, in air raids over Denmark, disciplinary ^matters and the obs^rvan^e of Hitler f s birthday. Also included are translations of letters sant to "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Daneamrk" by Danes. These Irtfteng, many of them

187 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Noses M Befehlshaber der deut /68 schen Truppen in Danemark/Ia 75007/ Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic 75007/ written "by cranks, pertain to a wide variety of subjects. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, containing correspondence "between the "Befehlshaber 11 and Danish authorities concerning the furnishing of Danish guards for German rail transports and the evacuation of the Danish Army from Jutland (Nov 19^2). Also included are directives, primarily issued by "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, " on the evacuation of the Danish Army from Jutland,conduct of military personnel during air raids, defense against enemy attacks or landings by sea or air, "Luftschutz" for military installations, medical service, etc., 19^1/19^2. Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia., marked "Gefechtsberichte iiber feindliche Fliegertatigkeit," 1 May-31 Dec 19^2, submitted to above office by "Flugabwehrkommando Danemark. 11 Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ia., marked»luf tlageberichte und aufgenommene Fernspriiche." The folder contains reports of various military commands in Denmark, pertaining to enemy air activity over Denmark, ij- Jun-30 Dec 19* Folder of unknown provenance, containing correspondence, reports and directives on the relationship between German military personnel (and members of "Freikorps Danemark 11 ) and Danish civilians and Danish authorities. Included are statistics on incidents involving German military personnel and Danes. Also included are a few miscellaneous directives of "Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, "Mar 19^1-Mar 19^2. 106l Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Fernsprechverzeichnis der Vermittlung Kastrup, " 25 Oct 19*K) (12 pages), Folder of unknown provenance, containing several undated maps of no?- (1111) them Germany and Denmark and of Danish cities* These maps show the location and movements of German and Danish troops, apparently in connection with the German occupation of Denmark on -^pr 9» 19^-0. 1 Folder of Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing directives and reports on the defense against sabotage and. Danish anti- German propaganda. Large numbers of illegal lanish propaganda leaflets in Danish and/or in German are included, 19^1-19^3» ^78 Folder of Panzeroffizier beim Chef Generals tab des Heeres, containing "Bericht \iber das Kbmmando des Sonders tabes zum Wehnnachtbefehlahaber Danemark vom ^3. " It was the mission of this unit to examine the antitank defenses of all German unit? i

188 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes Befehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic t Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic PT 75010/1 PT 1J-S /la PT 1033 (15*5) /2 PT 75010/3 PS 779 Polder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., marked H Sondereinsatze Luf t u. Marine. n The folder contains reports, correspondence and announcements on troop entertainment in Denmark, 19^2. Polder of unknown provenance, containing a mimeographed copy of "Die Griinde fur die Verha'ngung des militarischen Ausnahmezustands in Danemark und seine Durchfuhrung am 29. August 19^3* Hauptanlage zu Der Befehlshaber der Danemark Mil.Gesch. 3Jr. V^3 g-kdos." This item contains 100 pages, with a large number of appendices (copies of orders, etc.). The folder also contains a few counter-intelligence reports sent to "Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark," 19*12. Polder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing reports on sabotage and Danish anti-german propaganda (samples of propaganda material in Danish and in German included)» Also included are samples of Allied leaflets dropped over Denmark* 19^2. Polder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic*, containing material on counter-intelligence matters* Included are reports on sabotage and Danish anti-german propaganda (samples of propaganda leaflets in German and Danish included), reports on German censorship of Danish mail, directives and reports on restrictions placed on the use of privately-owned aircraft in Denmark and on the defense against enemy landings. Also included are a few Allied propaganda leaflets dropped over Denmark, 19^1-19^3. Polder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/Ic., containing reports on the attitude of Danish civilian population and Danish authorities towards the German occupation, compiled "by"httheres Kommando z.b.v. XXXI (11.Apr 191*0) and 269. Inf.Div. (7 Sep 19l«D), directives on discharging of industrial workers (Oct I^Q), material on the organization, location and movements of German units in Denmark (19UO-19^2) j as well as directives on the mission of German troops in Denmark (Sep 191*0). Polder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/1 c», containing material from 19^0-19^3 Included are reports on incidents involving German military personnel and Danes, sabotage, anti-german propaganda activity, attitude displayed by Danes towards German occupation troops, and a large number of letters written by Danes, some obviously cranks, to.the Commanding General of the German Army in Denmark. 2he subjects of these letters range from denunciations of anti-german Danes and from anti-german outbursts to requests for German assistance in solving personal problems.

189 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Kotes Bef ehlshaber der deut /6 schen Truppen in Danemark/Ic /7 Continued 75010/ /9 203 Rustungsstab Danemark 75010/ /11 31** 615 Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ 1 c., containing reports, correspondence and other material on Danish anti-g-erman actions and propaganda. Included are translations of Danish anti-german leaflets, and material on German attempts to locate and neutralize illegal anti-g-erman radio stations broadcasting in Danish* Also included are translations of intercepted messages "between Danish diplomatic representatives abroad and the Danish Foreign Office, pertaining mostly to the formers 1 refusal to recognize the authority of the Danish Government. 19**1-19^3«Folder of Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark/ Ic«, containing correspondence, directives and other material on troop entertainment and tyoop information and education ( "Truppenbetreuung, Berufsausbildung"), Folder of uncertain provenance, possibly "Beauftragter des Chefs der Heeresarchive beim Bef ehlshaber der deutschen Truppen in Danemark, 11 containing photocopy of a 1^-page memorandum of a conversation between Oberheeresarchivrat Goes and Generalmajor Kimer, formerly "Chef des G-enerals tabes des H8h. Eommandos XXXI," 8 Aug 19^t concerning f exits about the occupation of Denmark which did not appear in the official war diary but which are of historical interest. Also included are photostats of two incomplete documents on the internment of the Danish Army ( 19*43) Folder of unknown provenance, containing material on the ceremony in honor of von Schalburg, leader of Danish SS, killed in action (Jun 19^2), and on the relationship between German and Danish military authorities (with special reference to an incident in Odense, Dec 19^1, in connection with the burial of British fliers killed during an Allied air raid). Also included are some miscellaneous items with regard to official German-Danish relations, and "Richtlinien fur den Einsatz auslandischer Freiwilliger im Kampf gegen die Sowjetunion, OKW,» 10 Jan 191*2. Folder of Rustungsstab Danemark, containing "Verordnungsblatt des Reichsbevollmachtigten in Danemark, 11 Nos. 1-U (23 May 19^20 Mar 19^). Also included are two pieces of correspondence on German confiscation rights in Denmark. Folder of Rustungsstab Danemark, containing "Besondere Anordnungen. Wehrmachtbef ehlshaber Danemark/ Abt. Qu.," 30 -Aug 19^^-3! Mar 19^ (incomplete), and f? Nachrichten des Reichsministers fur Rustung und Kriegsproduktion, " 3 Aug 19^^-10 Feb 19^5 (incomplete). Folder of unknown provenance, containing '^Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung, Fr. 19, ^16. Inf anterie-division/ib., " 29 ITov 19^2, and f $esondere Anordnungen. Der Bef ehlshaber &&r deutschen Truppen in Dan marfc/qu., "

190 Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Notes / m 6692 NW 6692a 12957/ / / Jan Apr 1944 (incomplete). Folder of Reserve Grenadier Bataillon 3?6/Ia., marked "Belehrungen. n The folder contains directives, issued for the instruction of German troops, on such matters as maintenance of secrecy, authority of the Danish police, purchase and sale of goods from and to Danes, etc., Folder of unknown provenance, containing M 3&tigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Ghefintendant beim Wehrmachtbef ehlshaber in Norwegen, 11 6 Aug- 191*0-5 Jan l-glfll. Folder of unknown provenance, containing ' "Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chefintendant beim Wehrmachtbef ehlshaber in Norwegen, w 6 Aug Jan The folder contains the "Geschaf tsordnung 11 of the above named office (17 Aug 1940), directives on the pay of civilian laborers and to other financial matters. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tati^ceits'bericht der Dienststelle Chefintendant "beim Wehrmacht'befehlsha'ber in Uorwegen, " 6 Jan-29 Jun 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen 1-6 zum U&tigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chefintendant beim Wehrmacht'befehlsha'ber in Norwegen," 6 Jan-29 «^un 19^1» The folder contains reports and directives on supply matters. Folder of unknown provenance, containing u Gehelm-^nlagen 1-5 SOM Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chefintendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, 11 6 Jan-29 J u& 19^-1 The folder contains "Monatliche Zusammenstellung iiber Mgaben aus dem Aufgabengebiet der Dienststelle Chefintendant b. W.B.N., a Jipr-Jun 19^1* and a situation report on the Norwegian textile and leather industries. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Afcschnittstab Nordnorwegen. Korpsintendant, M Sep 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Korps- ' intendant Abschnittstab Nordnorwegen, M Oct 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chefintendant beim Wehrmachtbef ehlshaber in Norwegen, H Jul- Sep 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chefintendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, M Jul-Sep "1941. The folder contains material on financial expenditures of the German Army in Norway. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tati^reitsbaricit, Abschnittstab Nordnorwegen/Abt. IVa.," 1 Nov-31 dec

191 Provenance Filmed 1st Frame Notes 183 Continued 18301/ / / /2 2378l*/l toooi U */ * S * (1208) folder of unknown provenance, containing "!I&tigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, " Oct-Dec 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing ".Anlagen zum Tatigkeits"bericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, " Oct-Dec 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbef ehlshaber in Norwegen, " 1 Jan-31 Mar 19*2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Aulagen zum Fatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chefintendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen," 1 Jan-31 Mar 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch Nr. 1. Umschlagstab Kirkenes des Wehrmachtbef ehlshabers Norwegen, " 1 Feb-31 Mar 19*2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen," 1 Apr-30? m 19*2- Folder of unknown provenance, containing "-Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, " 1 Apr-30 Jun 19^2. The folder contains primarily directives pertaining to civilian laborers* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Difnststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen n from 1 Jul t^ 30 Sep 19te. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norweg&n, " 1 Jul-30 Sep 19^2. ] Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, " Oct-Dec l4l-2. Folder of AOK Norwegen/ la., containing "Kriegsgliederung des Arn^e- Oberkommandos Norwegen" (organizational charts), 20 Oct 19^1-1 Mar 19^3* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der stelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, H Jan-Mar Folder of unknown provenance, containing M 2&tigkeitsberieht der s tell e Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, lf.apr-jun Folder of unknown provenance, containing "d^tigkeitsbericht. Welffmachtbef ehlshaber in Norwegen/ 1 Va., M 1 Jul-30 Sep 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienst- (Sfaef intendaat b&iah^j^«htbefehlshaber Norwegen, " Oct-Dec 19^3^ Folder of uooa^ta prpl^ably of Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei Oslo, of on private tele-

192 Item Filmed 1st Frame Note* 3lU. 3lH 31* Der Keichskommissar die be-setzten norwegi schen Gebiete See below U51HO/1, ^396 ^9697. See /below 15*4, 70S -... (1309) 1, (1132) 75021/ ^ phone facilities along the west coast of Norway, Jun-Sep Four folders of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericnte. Der Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen. Bevollmachtigter Transportoffizier und Aissenstellen. lf 1 Jan-30 Jun 19*42. 1 Jul-31 Dec 19*42. 1 Jan-30 Jun 19*43. 1 Jul-31 Dec 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Iforwegen, lf Jan-Mar Folder of unknown provenance, containing l! T*atigkeitsbericht der Diehststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Uorwegen, " Apr- Jun 19^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, 11 Jul-Sep 19^. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht der Dienststelle Chef intendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen," Oct-Dec 19^. -Folder of unknown provenance, containing a letter from Terboven to Speer concerning the desperate coal situation in Norway (22 Dec 19^) and a report by "Luftgaufcommando Norwegen/ Verwaltung III (Wehrgeologe), " 3 Jun 19^1 t on the geology of the northern portion of the island of Cross en (map included)*, Folder of unknown provenance, containing the translation (into German) of a letter of one Sverre Lie to "Fiihrer der 'Nas^onal Samling, ' Herrn Vidfcun Qaisling, Oslo," written at Vinstra, 1 Jun The le«- ter pertains to the future of the latter 's political movement.,... : Folder of Reichskommissar fur die beset zten norwegischen Gebiete, containing an activity report of this office for the period 19 May-1? Jun 19^0. Folder of uncertain provenance, probably Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen, marked "Kriegsgefangene. " The folder contains correspondence, directives and reports on prisoners of war, bnrtal of British fliers killed over Norway, alledged execution of 3 k^ Serbian prisoners by SS'i 'etc., -

193 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame Note* W5/20, W5/22, W5/ / U25 1* See below 563, 571, Folder of unknown provenance, containing weekly reports of "Abteilung Ernahrung, Landwirtschaft und Fischerei, M apparently of "Reichskommissar fur die besetzten norwegischen GreMete, M Oct 1940-Jan 1$&3» Folder of unknown provenance, containing photostats of messages and reports on punitive expedition against the Lofoten Islands, carried out by the SS, Jan 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing intelligence material on Sweden, Jul-Dec l$lk. Folder of unknown provenance, containing photostats of a directive of 15 Jun 19^31 oa the treatment of British commando* and prisoners of war. This order was issued by "Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen/Ia. w Folder of unknown provenance, containing an undated "Fernsprechteilnehmer-Verzeichnis der Dienststelle des BdS Oslo." Folder of unknown provenance, containing a printed, bound copy of Per Ohefintendant beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber in Norwegen - Sammlung von Ter-" fdgungen des Wehrmachtbefehlshabers in Horwegen auf dem Gebiete der Verwal'teung," apparently issued in Folder of unknown provenance, containing five undated situation maps of southern Norway marked "27^. I» Oslo." Four folders of unknown provenance, containing plans and material for the expansion of defensive works in Norway (Weiterer Ausbau der Landesbefestigung in.norwegen - Bauprogramm 19^). B Baig>rogramm 19^f Terr.Befh. Siidnorwegen. Bauprogramm 19^-^, Ostnorwegen. Bauprogramm 19^4-, Polarbereich. Bauprogramm 19^, Festungspionierstab 10. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Tatigkeitsbericht. Der Wehr'- machtintendant in Finnland. Winter 19^1/^2." (In German). Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des III. ficn. A.K.«(in Finnish), 10 Jun-31 Dec 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum KriegstagebucJ: des III. finn. A.K." (in Finnish), 10 Jun-31 Dec 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch des III. finn. A.K." (in Finnish), 10 Jun-31 Dec 19^1. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch der finn» 3«D., Abschnitt Uchta" (in Finnish), 20 Jun-,^1 Dec lo4l. Folder of unknown provenance, cop^dlni-ng "Kriegatagebuch der III. finn. A.K./Ia.» (in Finnish), 1 Jan-3 Jul

194 Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame..-;.-:.'.... ->^--'. Notes.:..,;, ' / / / /2 750H «, (123* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlageh zum Kriegstagetmch des III. finn. A.K./Ia." (largely in Finnish), 1 Jan-3 Jul Folder of unknown provenance, containing finn. A.E. - Ubersicht der Feindlage im Abschnitt des III. finn. A.K. im Jahre 19^2 (bis 12.7.), 1 Jari-12 Jul 19^2 (in Finnish). Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch mit Anlagen. Division J. (finn.)/la. u (in Finnish), 1 Jan-2 Jul 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Kriegstagebuch. 3. (finn.) Divtarion/Ia." (in Finnish), 1 Jan-3 Jul 19^2, Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. 3. (finn.) Div." (in Finnish), 1 Jan-3 Jul 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing mimeographed "Lageberichte. Sowjetunion - Finnland" of "Fremde Heere Ost (II) 11 with maps, Dec 1939-Mar Folder of unknown provenance, marked "X B FIH He." The folder contains handwritten notes in German, possibly these of a German liaison officer, concerning the organization and strength of Finnish army units, Continued 30269/ ^ 30269/7 (905) (73M- Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen zum Kriegstagebuch. Chef des Deutschen Generalstates bei der ital. 1. Armee/Ia. Lagekarten und Sinsatzskizzen," 8 Mar-27 -^^ 19^3* Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Chef des Deutschen Generalstabes bei der 1. ital. Armee. Text und Anlagen zum Tatigkeitsbe rich t der Abt. Ic (Feindlagekarten)," 8 Mar-27 Apr 19^3. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Deutscher Chef beira italienischen ADK 1. Tatigkeitsbericht der Abt. Ic, Anlage I. Paket 1," 8 Mar-27 ^pr 19^3- bld folder contains intercepted enemy (apparently- British) radio messages and intelligence reports (compiled on the basis of these messages), submitted by "B-Zug. Lt. Wirth" and "Kommandeur der Nachrichten-Aufklarung 7," Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Deutscher Chef beim italienischen ADK 1. Tatigkeitsbericht der Abt. Ic. Anlage B. Paket 2," 8 Mar-27 Apr 19^3* The folder contains intercepted enemy (apparently British, French and American) radio messages and intelligence reports (compiled on the basis of these messages), submitted by "Kommandeur der Nachrichten-Aufklarung 7» w Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Deutscher Chef beiir itaiienischen AOK 1* Tatigkeitsbericht der Abt. Ic. Anlag S. Pak^t 3," 8 Mar-27 Apr 19^3. The folder contains intercepted enoay radio messages

195 Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st Frame 18? Deutscher General beim 32166/3 ital. 8. ADK/Verbindungsstab 32*4 32** /H / / /U 32166/ (1301)' (1201) submitted "by "Kommandeur der Nachrichtsn-Awfklarung 7." Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Ei&gange von Armeen u. Verbindun.gsstabe b. Dtsch. General b. ital. AOK 8, ec 19^2. The folder contains miscellaneous incoming messages oh military operations, construction of defensive positions, supply matters, etc. Some of t *5?rP$^&Ws $3'in Italian* Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Eingange von Armeen u. Verbindungsstabe b. Dtsch. General b, ital. AOK 8, ff 16 Bee 19^2-31 Jan.19^3. The folder contains incoming messages, directives and reports on military operations of the Italian 8th Army. Some of the material is in Italian, Folder of Yerbindungsstab, marked "lingehende italienische Meldungen an deutschen General beim ital. AOK 8," 2 Oct-30 Hov , All the material in this folder is in Italian. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Italienische Meldungen an deutschen General beim ital. AOK 8," 29 Sep 19^2-1 Feb 19^3. All material in this folder is in Italian. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Ausgange. Deutscher General beia Ital. AOK 8, «11 Jul-2** Aug The folder contains copies of outgoing messages, directives and reports. Some of the material is in Italian. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Deutscher General beim ital. AG 8. Akte Nr ligene Meldungen, " 2k Aug-19 Get 19^2* The folder contains reports and directives on AOK 8 military operations. Some of the material is in Italian. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Deutscher General beim ital. ACS 8. Akte Nr. II 3. Eigene Meldungen," 8 Oct-30 Hov 19^2. The folder contains directives and reports on AOK 8 military operations. Some of the material is in Italian. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Deutseher General beim ital. iok S. Akte Nr. II U. Eigene Meldungen, " 1 Dec 19^2-31 Jan 19^3. The folder contains directives and reports pertaining to AOK 8 military operations. Some of tie material is in Italian. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Geheimakte III 1. Termine. Deutscher General beim ital. AOK 8," 16 Aug 19^2-13 Jan 19^3. The folder con* tains material pertaining to AOK 8 organization and strength (men and equipment). Some of the material is in Italiar» Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked f GeheimaJcte III 2. Termine. Deutscher General beim ital. AOK 8," 6 Sep-3? Dec 19^2. The folder contains material pertaining to AOK 8 organiz/j^011 and strength (men and equipment). Some of the material is in Italian*

196 326 32? 327 Provenance Deutscher General beim Ital. 8. AOK/Verbindungsstab Item 32166/ /U* 32166/ / / / / / / / /23 Continued 32166/25 Filmed FS 1st Frame (1267) No tea 188 Folder of unknown provenance, containing la reports of "Deutscher General beim Ital. ADK 8 (Akte III 3)," 12 Jul-25 Oct 19^2. Folder of unknown provenance, containing la reports of "Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8 (Akte III W," 26 Oct-31 Dec 19^2* Folder of Verbindungsstab, containing la daily reports to "Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8," 1-21 Jan 19^3. Only a few items in this folder are in German, all others in Italian* Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked R Zustandsberichte. IV 1. Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8, " 31 Jan 19^3. Most of the material is in Italian, but also included are a number of reports by German liaison officers, in which Italian units are evaluated. Folder of Verbindungsstab,; marked "Gliederung. IT 2. Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8," 9 Jun 19^2-2 Feb 19^3. The folder contains organizational charts of the various units of AOK 8. The material is partly in Italian, partly in German* Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Marschgruppen. Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8," 21 Nov-10 Dec 19^2. The folder contains situation reports and other messages and directives pertaining to tactical operations and troop movements of AOK 8. Folder of Verbindungsstab, containing "Besondere Fulmrngsanordaungen 11 (tactical instructions) issued by "Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8," 15 Uov-7 Dec 19^2. Folder of Yerbindungsstab, marked t! Taktische Aufgaben. Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8," Hov 19^2* The folder contains material, directives and map sketches, pertaining to tactical problems. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked K Stopak. Deutscher General beim ital. AOK 8, tt 30 Aug 19^2-1 Mar 19^3. The folder contains reports and directives on the distribution and employment of antitank guns among Germany's allies in general, and ADK 8 in particular. Included are a number of combat reports. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Stopak, Deutscher General beim ital. AOK 8, fl 16 Dec 19^2-31 Jan 19^3. The folder contains directives on the distribution to, and employment of antitank guns b$ AOK 8. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked N Stopak. Deutscher General bairn ital. AOK 8," 16 Dec 19^2-2 Feb 19^3. The folder contains reports and directives on the employment of tanks and antitank guns by AOK 8. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Stopak. Deutscher General beim ital. AOK 8," 16 Dec 19*12-4 Feb 19*13. The folder contains directives and reports pertaining to antitank defenses. Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Anlageru la. Artillerie. Deutscher

197 Serial loll Provenance Item Notes Deutscher General beim 32166/26 ital. 8. AOK/ Verbindungsstab 32g 328 _ ; / / / /6 General beim italienischen AOK 8," 6 Nov 191*0-5 Feb lol*}. The folder contains directives and reports oh the employment of artillery in general, and during AOK 8 operations on the eastern front in particular* 10l -6 Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "la. Artillerie. Deutscher General beim (1270) ital.aok 8, " 1 May 191*1-23 Dec 19^2. The folder contains directives and reports on the employment of artillery. 1 Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Geheimakte la. Artillerie. Zustandsberichte und Feindlage-Meldungen, Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8," 28 Oct 1?42-17 Jan 191*3. The folder contains situation reports on the employment of German and Soviet artillery. 75 Folder of Verbindungsstab, marked "Gasabwehr. la. Artillerie. Deutsche? General beim ital.aok 8, n 8 Oct 191*2-13 Jan 19%. The folder contains directives on chemical warfare (defense against gas attacks)* Also included is an OKH report on Allied chemical warfare preparations. Some of the material is in Italian* 106 Folder of Verb indungs stab, marked "Allgemeines, Deutscher General beim itel. AOK 8, fl 23 May 191*2-11 Jan 19^3. The folder includes directives on various topics, including, among others, tranportation, supply matters and communications. 192 Folder of Verbindungsstab, containing "Anlagen Band 1 zum Kriegstagebucfc. Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8," 13 Jul 191*2-31 Jan 191*3* The folder contains directives, reports and file memoranda on the employment of Italian troops, with particular reference to the effectiveness after their defeat in the course of the Soviet offensive, December 19**2. Also included are general experience reports ot Soviet tactics. 308 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen Band 2 zum Kriegstagebush. Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8," Jan 19^3. The folder contains la daily reports of "Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8." Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlage zum Kriegstagebuch def Deutschen Generals beim italienischen AOK 8/Ia." The folder contains two reports, written by one Colonel GSller, on the defense of Tschertkowo, Dec 19^2-and Jan 19ty3i a&<! the subsequent break-through of its defenders to German-held territory. Also included are map sketches. Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen Band U zum Kriegstagsbucku la. Deutscher General beim ital.aok 8 - Planpausen, Skizzen, Aufstellungen.* 11 Jul 19^2-31 J 0-19^3* The material is in Italian; some of the maps cover the area of Stalino and Woroshilovgrad. 1*79 Folder of unknown provenance, containing "Anlagen Band 5 zum Kriegstagsbuch des Deutschen Generals beim ital.aok 8; Fernsprechnotizen v. 1,10.1*2-31 H» i ' > 3» n The folder contains notes on telephone messages.


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