Chapter 1: Some Uses of Integers and Fractions

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1 Chapter 1: Some Uses of Integers and Fractions 1-1 Numbers for Counting A Write word names for decimals, and vice versa. 1-2 Dividing Segments into Parts L Indicate parts of trips completed as points on a line segment. 1-3 Measuring Length F Measure lengths in customary units. K Draw a line segment with a given length. 1-4 Mixed Numbers and Mixed Units H Rewrite mixed units using a single unit. 1-5 Equal Fractions B Given a simple fraction, write other fractions equal to it. G Recognize the Equal Fractions Property and the meaning of a fraction in terms of division. 1-6 Fractions and Division C Rewrite improper fractions as mixed numbers. D Write the answer to a division problem as a mixed number. G Recognize the Equal Fractions Property and the meaning of a fraction in terms of division. 1-7 Using Integers E Order integers, fractions, and mixed numbers. I Correctly interpret situations with directions and amounts that are positive, negative, or corresponding to zero. J Graph simple fractions, mixed numbers, and integers on a number line. 1-8 Negative Fractions and Mixed Numbers E Order integers, fractions, and mixed numbers. J Graph simple fractions, mixed numbers, and integers on a number line. 1-8A* The Absolute Value of a Number S1 Understand the absolute value of a rational number as its distance from 0 on the number line; interpret absolute value as magnitude for a positive or negative quantity in a real-world situation. S2 Distinguish comparisons of absolute value from statements about order. * Available online. Self-Test 1 The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) from prior years exist because teachers have told us that these are ideas on which their students need work, either because an earlier teacher did not cover the material, because they have forgotten what they have learned, or because the lesson contains ideas that typically require more than one pass. This material may be skimmed or skipped in classes of well-prepared students. Reviews 5.NBT NS.6 2 Reviews 5.MD.1 2 Reviews 5.NF NS.6 1 Reviews 5.NF NS.5, 6.NS.6, 6.NS.6a, 6.NS.6c 1 6.NS.5, 6.NS.6, 6.NS.6a, 6.NS.6c 1 6.NS.7c, 6.NS.7d 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

2 Chapter 2: Some Uses of Decimals and Percents 2-1 Decimals for Numbers Between Whole Numbers A Identify place values in a decimal number. B Translate back and forth from words into the decimal system. C Compare and order decimals, fractions, and percents. L Graph and read decimal numbers on a number line. 2-2 Multiplying by 10, 100,... A Identify place values in a decimal number. B Translate back and forth from words into the decimal system. G Multiply by 10, 1/10, 100, 1/100, 1,000, 1/1,000, and so on. I Know and apply the Substitution Principle for decimals and percents. 2-3 Multiplying by 1/10, 1/100,... G Multiply by 10, 1/10, 100, 1/100, 1,000, 1/1,000, and so on. 2-4 Decimals and the Metric System E Draw and measure lengths in the metric system. K Convert among metric units for mass, length, and capacity. 2-5 Rounding Up and Rounding Down D Round any decimal to the indicated degree of accuracy. 2-6 Estimating by Rounding to the Nearest D Round any decimal to the indicated degree of accuracy. 2-7 Converting Fractions to Decimals F Convert among fractions, decimals, and percents. H Correctly use the raised bar symbol for repeating decimals. 2-8 Decimal and Fraction Equivalents F Convert among fractions, decimals, and percents. 2-9 Percent and Circle Graphs F Convert among fractions, decimals, and percents. I Know and apply the Substitution Principle for decimals and percents. J Find percents of quantities in real situations. M Read and draw circle graphs Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents C Compare and order decimals, fractions, and percents. F Convert among fractions, decimals, and percents. The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) from prior years exist because teachers have told us that these are ideas on which their students need work, either because an earlier teacher did not cover the material, because they have forgotten what they have learned, or because the lesson contains ideas that typically require more than one pass. This material may be skimmed or skipped in classes of well-prepared students. The lessons that anticipate CCSS from later years typically require more than one pass or are prerequisites for other material to be seen later. These lessons should not be skipped. 6.NS.7, 6.NS.7a, 6.NS.7b 1 Reviews 5.NBT.2; 6.NS.3 6.RP.3d 1 Reviews 5.NBT.4 1 Reviews 4.NF.5, 4.NF.6; Anticipates 7.NS.2.d 6.RP.3c; Anticipates 7.RP.3 1 Reviews 5.NBT.1, 5.NF.4a, 5.NF.5a 1 Reviews 5.NBT RP.3c 1 6.NS.7a, 6.NS.7b 1 1 Self-Test 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

3 Chapter 3: Using Addition 3-1 The Putting-Together Model for Addition E Identify and apply the following properties of addition: Commutative Property of Addition, Associative Property of Addition, Additive Identity Property of Zero, Additive Property of Opposites, and Opposite of Opposites Property. H Use fractions to add mixed numbers or numbers with mixed units in real-world situations. I Use the Putting-Together Model for Addition in real-world situations. 3-2 Adding Lengths A Find the perimeter of a polygon. E Identify and apply the following properties of addition: Commutative Property of Addition, Associative Property of Addition, Additive Identity Property of Zero, Additive Property of Opposites, and Opposite of Opposites Property. J Add lengths in real-world situations. 3-3 The Slide Model for Addition B Add positive and negative numbers. K Use the Slide Model for Addition. L Picture addition of positive and negative numbers on a number line. 3-4 Zero and Opposites E Identify and apply the following properties of addition: Commutative Property of Addition, Associative Property of Addition, Additive Identity Property of Zero, Additive Property of Opposites, and Opposite of Opposites Property. 3-5 Measuring Angles C Name and measure angles. 3-6 Angle Measures and Addition F Apply the properties of angle addition. 3-7 Sums of Angle Measures in Polygons G Apply the Triangle-Sum Theorem and the Quadrilateral-Sum Theorem. 3-8 Adding Simple Fractions D Add fractions and mixed numbers. 3-9 Adding Mixed Numbers D Add fractions and mixed numbers. H Use fractions to add mixed numbers or numbers with mixed units in real-world situations. The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) from prior years exist because teachers have told us that these are ideas on which their students need work, either because an earlier teacher did not cover the material, because they have forgotten what they have learned, or because the lesson contains ideas that typically require more than one pass. This material may be skimmed or skipped in classes of well-prepared students. The lessons that anticipate CCSS from later years typically require more than one pass or are prerequisites for other material to be seen later. These lessons should not be skipped. Reviews 4.MD.6 1 Anticipates 8.G NS.4 1 Reviews 5.NF1, 5.NF3 1 6.EE.2a, 6.EE.3, 6.EE.5, 6.EE EE.2a, 6.EE EE.2a 1 6.NS.6, 6.NS.6a, 6.EE.2a 1 Reviews 4.MD.7 1 Self-Test 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

4 Chapter 4: Using Subtraction 4-1 The Take-Away Model for Subtraction H Use the Take-Away Model for Subtraction. 4-2 The Comparison Model for Subtraction I Use the Comparison Model for Subtraction. 4-3 The Slide Model for Subtraction A Subtract positive and negative integers, fractions, and mixed numbers. C Use the Add-Opp Property to rewrite subtraction problems as addition problems. J Use the Slide Model for Subtraction. L Picture subtraction of positive and negative numbers on a number line. 4-4 Fact Triangles and Related Facts M Use fact triangles to find related facts for addition and subtraction. 4-5 Angles and Subtraction D Know relationships among linear pairs and vertical angles formed by intersecting lines. E Recognize acute, right, and obtuse angles, and complementary and supplementary angles. F Use properties of angles to find unknown measures of angles. 4-6 Kinds of Angles E Recognize acute, right, and obtuse angles, and complementary and supplementary angles. F Use properties of angles to find unknown measures of angles. 4-7 Subtracting Fractions A Subtract positive and negative integers, fractions, and mixed numbers. 4-8 Solving Equations with Fact Triangles B Solve equations involving addition and subtraction. K Apply simple equations involving addition or subtraction. M Use fact triangles to find related facts for addition and subtraction. 4-9 The Addition Property of Equality G Use the Addition Property of Equality to help solve simple equations. K Apply simple equations involving addition or subtraction. N Use balance scales to picture equations. The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) from prior years exist because teachers have told us that these are ideas on which their students need work, either because an earlier teacher did not cover the material, because they have forgotten what they have learned, or because the lesson contains ideas that typically require more than one pass. This material may be skimmed or skipped in classes of well-prepared students. The lessons that anticipate CCSS from later years typically require more than one pass or are prerequisites for other material to be seen later. These lessons should not be skipped. Reviews 5.NBT EE.2, 6.EE.2a, 6.EE.5, 6.EE.6, 6.EE.7 6.EE.2, 6.EE.5, 6.EE.6, 6.EE EE.2b 1 Reviews 5.NF.2 1 Anticipates 7.NS.1 1 Anticipates 7.G.5 1 Anticipates 7.G.5 1 Anticipates 7.NS.1c, 7.NS.1d 1 Self-Test 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

5 Chapter 5: Statistics and Displays 5-1 Statistics A Calculate the maximum value, minimum value, median, mode, mean, and range of a set of data. D Locate, use, and draw conclusions from data in a table. 5-2 Calculating Statistics from Lists A Calculate the maximum value, minimum value, median, mode, mean, and range of a set of data. 5-3 Stem-and-Leaf Plots E Interpret information displayed in a histogram or stem-and-leaf plot. H Construct a histogram or stem-and-leaf plot. 5-4 Bar Graphs and Histograms E Interpret information displayed in a histogram or stem-and-leaf plot. H Construct a histogram or stem-and-leaf plot. 5-5 Circle Graphs C Differentiate between categorical and numerical data. F Interpret information displayed in a circle graph. I Construct a circle graph by hand or by using technology. 5-6 Line Graphs G Interpret information displayed in a line graph. J Construct a line graph by hand or by using technology. 5-7 Plotting Points on the Coordinate Grid B Describe properties of points graphed on a coordinate grid. K Graph points on a coordinate grid. 5-7A* Calculating Distance S Draw polygons in the coordinate plane given coordinates for the vertices; use coordinates to find the length of a side joining points with the same first coordinate or the same second coordinate. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems. 5-8 Graphing Equations on a Coordinate Grid L Graph simple equations involving addition and subtraction on a coordinate grid. 6.SP.1, 6.SP.2, 6.SP.3, 6.SP.5, 6.SP.5b, 6.SP.5c 6.SP.1, 6.SP.2, 6.SP.3, 6.SP.5, 6.SP.5b, 6.SP.5c 6.SP.4, 6.SP.5 1 No CCSS relates to this lesson. We believe this is an unfortunate omission in the CCSS. No CCSS relates to this lesson. We believe this is an unfortunate omission in the CCSS. 6.G SP.2, 6.SP.3, 6.SP.4, 6.SP NS.6b, 6.NS.6c, 6.NS NS.6c, 6.NS.8 1 * Available online. Self-Test 1 2 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

6 Chapter 6: Using Multiplication 6-1 Multiplication and Arrays J Use the Array Model for Multiplication in real-world situations. 6-2 Multiplying Fractions A Multiply fractions and mixed numbers. K Multiply fractions and decimals in real-world situations. 6-3 Multiplication and Area H Identify the Commutative and Associative Properties of Multiplication. I Find areas in real-world situations. 6-4 Powers F Calculate the values of and simplify expressions with exponents. G Rewrite numbers in base 10 using expanded notation. 6-5 Multiplying Decimals C Multiply decimals. K Multiply fractions and decimals in real-world situations. 6-6 Calculating Percents in Your Head D Find the percent of a quantity. 6-7 Using the Percent of a Quantity D Find the percent of a quantity. L Find the percent of a quantity in real-world situations. 6-8 Order of Operations B Evaluate numerical expressions using the correct order of operations. 6-9 Multiplying Mixed Numbers A Multiply fractions and mixed numbers. N Represent the Distributive Property by areas of rectangles Multiplying Positive and Negative Numbers E Multiply positive and negative numbers. M Multiply positive and negative numbers in real-world situations. 6-10A* Equivalent Expressions S Identify when two expressions are equivalent (i.e., when the two expressions name the same number regardless of which value is substituted into them). * Available online. Self-Test 1 The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) from prior years exist because teachers have told us that these are ideas on which their students need work, either because an earlier teacher did not cover the material, because they have forgotten what they have learned, or because the lesson contains ideas that typically require more than one pass. This material may be skimmed or skipped in classes of well-prepared students. The lessons that anticipate CCSS from later years typically require more than one pass or are prerequisites for other material to be seen later. These lessons should not be skipped. Reviews 5.NF.4a, 5.NF.4b, 5NF.6 2 Reviews 5.NBT.2, 5.NBT.7; Anticipates 8.EE.3 6.RP.3c 1 6.RP.3c; Anticipates 7.RP EE.2b, 6.EE EE.1, 6.EE.2 1 Anticipates 7.EE Reviews 4.NBT.5, 5.NF.4a 1 6.EE EE EE.4 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

7 Chapter 7: Using Division 7-1 The Rate Model for Division F Convert between the language of fractions and the language of division. J Use the rate model for division. N Use fact triangles to solve equations and show relationships involving multiplication and division. 7-1A* Relationships Between Two Variables S Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another; write an equation to express one quantity, thought of as the dependent variable, in terms of the other quantity, thought of as the independent variable. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. 7-2 Arrays and Divisibility M Use arrays to picture divisibility. 7-3 Using Factorization to Make Division Easier A Write the prime factorization of a number. G Tell whether a number is prime or composite. 7-4 Integer Division B Find answers to integer divisions. I Use integer division in real situations. 7-5 Short Division C Divide by small whole numbers using short division. 7-6 Flexibility Using Division D Find quotients in rational number divisions. 7-7 Deciding whether a Decimal Terminates or Repeats H Tell whether a simple fraction equals a terminating or repeating decimal. 7-8 Division of Decimals D Find quotients in rational number divisions. K Use decimal division in real situations. 7-9 Division with Negative Numbers E Divide positive and negative numbers. L Use division with positive and negative numbers in real situations Solving Multiplication and Division Equations Using Fact Triangles N Use fact triangles to solve equations and show relationships involving multiplication and division. * Available online. Self-Test 1 The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) from prior years exist because teachers have told us that these are ideas on which their students need work, either because an earlier teacher did not cover the material, because they have forgotten what they have learned, or because the lesson contains ideas that typically require more than one pass. This material may be skimmed or skipped in classes of well-prepared students. The lessons that anticipate CCSS from later years typically require more than one pass or are prerequisites for other material to be seen later. These lessons should not be skipped. 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3d 1 6.EE.9 Anticipates 7.NS.2d 1 1 Reviews 5.NBT.6 1 Reviews 5.NBT NS RP.3d 1 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3, 6.EE EE.5, 6.EE.6, 6.EE NS.4 1 Reviews 5.NBT.6 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

8 Chapter 8: Ratio and Proportion 8-1 The Ratio Comparison Model for Division G Understand and use the Ratio Comparison Model for Division. 8-2 Reciprocals E Know and apply the Property of Reciprocals. 8-3 Division of Fractions A Divide fractions and mixed numbers. F Apply the Mult-Rec Property of Division. H Use division of fractions and mixed numbers in real-world situations. 8-4 Division of Mixed Numbers A Divide fractions and mixed numbers. B Evaluate expressions containing fractions. H Use division of fractions and mixed numbers in real-world situations. 8-5 Solving Equations of the Form ax = b C Solve equations of the form ax = b using the Multiplication Property of Equality. I Use equations of the form ax = b to solve problems in real-world situations. 8-5A* Inequalities S Write an inequality of the form x > c or x < c to represent a constraint or condition in a real-world or mathematical problem. Recognize that inequalities of the form x > c or x < c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line diagrams. 8-6 Proportions D Solve proportions. J Use proportions in real-world situations. K Graph pairs of numbers from equal ratios or rates. 8-7 Solving Proportions D Solve proportions. J Use proportions in real-world situations. 8-8 Proportions in Pictures and Maps J Use proportions in real-world situations. 6.RP.3, 6.NS EE RP.1, 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3a, 6.RP.3b 1 6.RP.1, 6.RP.3, 6.RP.3b, 6.NS.8, 6.EE.2, 6.EE.5, 6.EE.6 6.RP.1, 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3 6.RP.1, 6.RP.2, 6.RP.3, 6.NS.1 6.RP.3, 6.NS NS.1, 6.EE.2, 6.EE.5, 6.EE RP.1, 6.RP.3d 1 * Available online. Self-Test 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

9 Chapter 9: Area and Volume 9-1 Area and Operations of Arithmetic C Use addition and subtraction to calculate the areas of geometric figures formed from combinations of parallelograms, triangles, and circles. G Understand the area and length relationships among figures. 9-2 The Area of a Triangle A Find the areas of parallelograms, triangles, and circles. J Use the formulas for areas of parallelograms, triangles, and circles in real situations. 9-3 The Area of a Parallelogram A Find the areas of parallelograms, triangles, and circles. G Understand the area and length relationships among figures. J Use the formulas for areas of parallelograms, triangles, and circles in real situations. 9-4 The Circumference and Area of a Circle A Find the areas of parallelograms, triangles, and circles. B Find the circumference of a circle. C Use addition and subtraction to calculate the areas of geometric figures formed from combinations of parallelograms, triangles, and circles. G Understand the area and length relationships among figures. I Use the formula for the circumference of a circle in real situations. J Use the formulas for areas of parallelograms, triangles, and circles in real situations. K Use addition and subtraction to calculate areas of regions formed by combining figures in real situations. 9-5 Areas of Frames and Rings C Use addition and subtraction to calculate the areas of geometric figures formed from combinations of parallelograms, triangles, and circles. K Use addition and subtraction to calculate areas of regions formed by combining figures in real situations. 9-6 Drawing Boxes H Name the faces, edges, and vertices of a box and give the dimensions for each face of a given box. 9-7 Building Boxes M Draw and label a net for a given box. 9-8 Surface Area and Volume of a Cube D Find the surface area of a box. E Find the volume of a box. 9-9 Surface Area and Volume of a Box D Find the surface area of a box. E Find the volume of a box. L Use volume and surface area formulas for boxes, prisms, and cylinders in real situations Surface Area and Volume of Prisms and Cylinders F Find the surface area and volume of prisms and cylinders. L Use volume and surface area formulas for boxes, prisms, and cylinders in real situations. 6.G G EE.2c, 6.G EE.2c, 6.G EE.2c, 6.G EE.2c, 6.G.1 1 Vocabulary 1 6.EE.2c, 6.G.2, 6.G EE.2c, 6.G.2, 6.G G.2, 6.G.4 1 Self-Test 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

10 Chapter 10: Probability 10-1 The Multiplication Counting Principle E Use the Multiplication Counting Principle. J Represent counting situations using lists and tree diagrams Sample Spaces and Probability A Find the probability of an event as a percent, fraction, or decimal. C Relate probability to the likelihood of an event. F Find the size of a sample space Probability Tree Diagrams K Represent probability situations using probability trees Fair Games G Find the probability of an event in a real-world situation. H Determine whether a game is fair. K Represent probability situations using probability trees Relative Frequency and the Law of Large Numbers D Understand the Law of Large Numbers. G Find the probability of an event in a real-world situation. I Calculate the relative frequency for an event as a percent or fraction Randomness and Random Numbers B Generate random numbers. The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that anticipate CCSS from later years typically require more than one pass or are prerequisites for other material to be seen later. These lessons should not be skipped. However, with average classes they can be tested only with quizzes. Anticipates 7.SP.8 1 Anticipates 7.SP.5, 7.SP.7, 7.SP.8b 1 Anticipates 7.SP.8, 7.SP.8a, 7.SP.8b 1 Anticipates 7.SP.6, 7.SP.7a, 7.SP.8a 1 Anticipates 7.SP.5, 7.SP.6 1 Anticipates 7.SP.8c 1 Self-Test 0 Chapter Review 0 Test 0 Total

11 Chapter 11: Constructing and Drawing Figures 11-1 Geometry Tools for Making Drawings and Constructions A Copy and draw geometric figures using various geometry tools Perpendicular Segments and Bisectors B Construct the perpendicular bisector of a segment. C Construct the perpendicular to a line through a point Reflections F Recognize, draw, or construct reflection images of figures. I Recognize rotation, reflection, and translation images of figures in designs Angles and Rotations A Copy and draw geometric figures using various geometry tools. G Recognize, draw, and construct rotation images of figures. I Recognize rotation, reflection, and translation images of figures in designs Angles and Parallel Lines D Find the measures of angles created by a pair of parallel lines intersected by a transversal. E Draw lines parallel to a line. H Apply properties of corresponding angles for lines cut by a transversal Translations I Recognize rotation, reflection, and translation images of figures in designs. J Recognize, draw, or construct translation images of figures in the coordinate plane or described by vectors. The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that anticipate CCSS from later years typically require more than one pass or are prerequisites for other material to be seen later. These lessons should not be skipped. However, with average classes, they can be tested only with quizzes. Anticipates G-CO.12 1 Anticipates 8.G.1 1 Anticipates 8.G Anticipates 8.G.5 1 Anticipates G-CO.12, G-CO.13 1 Anticipates 8.G.1, 8.G.3 1 Self-Test 0 Chapter Review 0 Test 0 Total

12 Chapter 12: Exploring Triangles and Quadrilaterals 12-1 Congruent Figures C Given some side lengths and/or angle measures, draw a quadrilateral or triangle. F Given the information about side lengths and angle measures, determine if all polygons drawn would be congruent Congruent Triangles C Given some side lengths and/or angle measures, draw a quadrilateral or triangle. F Given the information about side lengths and angle measures, determine if all polygons drawn would be congruent. QUIZ Anticipates 8.G Symmetry and Congruence A Recognize reflection symmetry in a figure. B Recognize rotation symmetry in a figure. D Know the symmetry properties of types of figures. H Recognize reflection and rotation symmetry in everyday figures The Parallelogram Family E Use properties of parallelograms to find measures of angles and lengths of sides. G Use definitions and properties of quadrilaterals to indicate relationships among isosceles trapezoids, kites, parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses, squares, and trapezoids. I Draw and interpret diagrams relating the various kinds of quadrilaterals The Kite Family G Use definitions and properties of quadrilaterals to indicate relationships among isosceles trapezoids, kites, parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses, squares, and trapezoids. I Draw and interpret diagrams relating the various kinds of quadrilaterals The Trapezoid Family G Use definitions and properties of quadrilaterals to indicate relationships among isosceles trapezoids, kites, parallelograms, rectangles, rhombuses, squares, and trapezoids. I Draw and interpret diagrams relating the various kinds of quadrilaterals. The lessons in Pre-Transition Mathematics that review the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) from prior years exist because teachers have told us that these are ideas on which their students need work, either because an earlier teacher did not cover the material, because they have forgotten what they have learned, or because the lesson contains ideas that typically require more than one pass. This material may be skimmed or skipped in classes of well-prepared students. The lessons that anticipate CCSS from later years typically require more than one pass or are prerequisites for other material to be seen later. These lessons should not be skipped. Reviews 4.G.3 1 Anticipates 8.G.2 1 Reviews 4.MD.6, 4.MD Reviews 3.G.1 1 Reviews 3.G.1 1 Self-Test 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

13 Chapter 13: Collecting and Comparing Data 13-1 Paper Folding and Geometry B Given steps with diagrams, create a figure by paper folding. C Relate simple paper folds to geometric figures Statistics from an Experiment: Jumping Frogs A From data, compare means, medians, ranges, and distributions. B Given steps with diagrams, create a figure by paper folding. H Create graphs and histograms from survey data or experimental data Comparing Distributions of Data A From data, compare means, medians, ranges, and distributions. F Create and interpret a double bar graph or double histogram. G Create and interpret a line graph with multiple lines Statistics from a Survey: The U.S. Census E Make observations from census and other large-survey data Writing Survey Questions D Be able to identify weaknesses in opinion-survey questions Creating Your Own Survey H Create graphs and histograms from survey data or experimental data. Anticipates G-CO.12 (and necessary for Lesson 13-2) 6.SP.1, 6.SP.5a, 6.SP.5b, 6.SP.5c 1 6.SP.2, 6.SP.4, 6.SP.5a, 6.SP.5c, 6.SP.5d 6.SP.1, 6.SP.5a SP SP.2 1 Self-Test 1 Chapter Review 2 Test 1 Total

14 Chapter 14: Decimals 14-1* Decimal Addition S Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. 14-2* Decimal Subtraction S Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. 14-3* Decimal Multiplication S Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. 14-4* Decimal Division S Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. 14-5* Mixed Decimal Operations S Fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation. 6.NS NS NS NS NS * Available online. Total 3 2 1

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