CROSSWALK A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 Content Standards

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1 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics p. 1 of 122 ROSSWALK A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Prepared for the Oregon Department of Education by May 22, 2008 (Revision submitted August 28, 2008)

2 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Kindergarten p. 2 of 122 alculations and Estimations NUMBERS Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.E.01 Read, write, order and identify whole numbers less than 10. MA.00.E.02 Use words such as before and after to describe relative position in a sequence of whole numbers on a number line up to 10 (e.g., 5 is before 6). MA.00.E.03 Recognize whole numbers less than 10 in random order. MA.00.E.04 Use objects or pictures to decompose whole numbers. MA.00.E.05 Explore and differentiate coins: penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. MA.00.E.06 ount forward by ones beginning with any number less than 30. K.1.1 Read and write whole numbers to 10. K.1.6 ompare and order sets or numerals by using both cardinal and ordinal meanings. K.1.2 onnect numbers, including written numerals, to the quantities they represent, using various physical models and representations. K.1.6 ompare and order sets or numerals by using both cardinal and ordinal meanings. P Represent whole numbers on a number line, demonstrating an understanding of the sequential order of the counting numbers and their relative magnitudes. K.1.1 Read and write whole numbers to 10. K.1.2 K.1.4 K.1.7 K.1.2 onnect numbers, including written numerals, to the quantities they represent, using various physical models and representations. Recognize the number of objects in a small set (such as the arrangements of dots on a number cube) without counting. Model simple joining and separating situations and represent them with objects, pictures, and/or numerals. onnect numbers, including written numerals, to the quantities they represent, using various physical models and representations Determine the value of collections of pennies, nickels, and dimes. P K.1.3 ount forward by ones beginning with any number less than 30; count backward by ones beginning with any number 10 or less ount and group objects in tens and ones. P Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

3 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Kindergarten p. 3 of 122 OMPUTATION AND ESTIMATION ompute fluently and make reasonable estimates Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.E.07 Add and subtract pairs of numbers using less than 10 concrete objects. MA.00.E.08 Mentally find one more or one less than a single digit number. MA.00.E.09 Judge whether sets of objects have less than, more than or the same number as a reference set. K.1.7 Model simple joining and separating situations and represent them with objects, pictures, and/or numerals. K.1.8 hoose, combine, and apply effective strategies for solving joining and separating problems Model part-whole, adding to, taking away from, and comparing situations to develop an understanding of the meanings of addition and subtraction Apply with fluency sums to 10 and related subtraction facts. K.1.3 ount forward by ones beginning with any number less than 30; count backward by ones beginning with any number 10 or less. K.1.8 hoose, combine, and apply effective strategies for solving joining and separating problems. K.1.5 ount objects in a set using one-to-one correspondence and produce sets of given sizes. P K.1.6 ompare and order sets or numerals by using both cardinal and ordinal meanings. Statistics and Probability STATISTIS Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.SP.01 Identify "how many more or less" and "how many all together" from pictographs and bar graphs. K.3.3 ompare the lengths of two objects both directly (by comparing them with each other) and indirectly (by comparing both with a third object) Develop and use efficient strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes) and number lines Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. P Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

4 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Kindergarten p. 4 of 122 Algebraic Relationships PATTERNS AND FUNTIONS Understand patterns, relations, and functions Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.AR.01 Sort, classify, and order objects by size, color, shape, or other properties. K.3.2 ompare, sort, and order objects according to measurable (e.g., longest to shortest, lightest to heaviest) and non-measurable (e.g., color, texture) attributes Describe geometric attributes of shapes (e.g., round, corners, sides) to determine how they are alike and different. P MA.00.AR.02 Identify objects that do not belong to a particular group. K.3.2 ompare, sort, and order objects according to measurable (e.g., longest to shortest, lightest to heaviest) and non-measurable (e.g., color, texture) attributes Describe geometric attributes of shapes (e.g., round, corners, sides) to determine how they are alike and different. P MA.00.AR.03 opy and extend patterns using concrete models. K.1.9 Identify, duplicate, and extend simple number patterns and sequential and growing patterns (e.g., patterns made with shapes) Identify, create, extend, and supply a missing element in number patterns involving addition or subtraction by a single-digit number. P ALGEBRAI RELATIONSHIPS Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.AR.04 ompare two or more sets of 10 or fewer objects and identify which set is equal to, more than, or less than the other. K.1.5 ount objects in a set using one-to-one correspondence and produce sets of given sizes. K.1.6 ompare and order sets or numerals by using both cardinal and ordinal meanings. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

5 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Kindergarten p. 5 of 122 Measurement UNITS AND TOOLS Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.ME.01 Sort and classify objects to show different attributes that can be measured in different ways (e.g., length, weight, size). K.3.1 K.3.2 K.3.3 Identify the measurable attributes (e.g., length, weight) and non-measurable attributes (e.g., color) of an object. ompare, sort, and order objects according to measurable (e.g., longest to shortest, lightest to heaviest) and non-measurable (e.g., color, texture) attributes. ompare the lengths of two objects both directly (by comparing them with each other) and indirectly (by comparing both with a third object) Describe geometric attributes of shapes (e.g., round, corners, sides) to determine how they are alike and different. DIRET AND INDIRET MEASUREMENT Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.ME.02 Understand concepts related to time of day: morning, afternoon, evening, day, night Demonstrate an understanding of time and use of time relationships (e.g., how many minutes in an hour, days in a week, and months in a year). MA.00.ME.03 ompare the time of occurrence of two events using the terms before or after Demonstrate an understanding of time and use of time relationships (e.g., how many minutes in an hour, days in a week, and months in a year). Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

6 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Kindergarten p. 6 of 122 Geometry PROPERTIES AND RELATIONSHIPS Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.GM.01 Identify basic shapes (e.g., square, circle, triangle, rectangle, and oval). MA.00.GM.02 Match objects to outlines of their shapes. MA.00.GM.03 lassify and sort geometric shapes by attributes (e.g., number of sides, shape, size). K.2.1 Identify, name, and describe basic two-dimensional shapes (e.g., square, circle, triangle, rectangle, regular hexagon) presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes or orientations) Recognize and create shapes that are congruent or have symmetry. P K.2.1 Identify, name, and describe basic two-dimensional shapes (e.g., square, circle, triangle, rectangle, regular hexagon) presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes or orientations) Recognize and create shapes that are congruent or have symmetry. P K.2.1 Identify, name, and describe basic two-dimensional shapes (e.g., square, circle, triangle, rectangle, regular hexagon) presented in a variety of ways (e.g., with different sizes or orientations). K.2.2 Identify, name, and describe basic three-dimensional shapes (e.g., sphere, cube, and cylinder). P Describe geometric attributes of shapes (e.g., round, corners, sides) to determine how they are alike and different. MODELING Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.00.GM.04 reate shapes with manipulatives (e.g., pattern blocks or tiles). K.2.3. Use basic shapes and spatial reasoning to describe and model objects in their environment, and to construct more complex shapes Recognize and create shapes that are congruent or have symmetry. P Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

7 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 1 p. 7 of 122 alculations and Estimations NUMBERS Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.E.01 Read, write, order, and identify whole numbers less than ompare and order whole numbers to 100. MA.01.E.02 Order 1st through 10th in numeric or word form. K.1.6 ompare and order sets or numerals by using both cardinal and ordinal meanings Represent whole numbers on a number line, demonstrating an understanding of the sequential order of the counting numbers and their relative magnitudes. MA.01.E.03 ount and group objects in ones and tens ount and group objects in tens and ones. MA.01.E.04 Use objects or pictures to decompose whole numbers to 10 (e.g., 5 = 4 + 1, 5 = 2 + 3). K.1.7 Model simple joining and separating situations and represent them with objects, pictures, and/or numerals. MA.01.E.05 Identify, order and compare coins by making equivalent amounts up to 25 cents ompare and order whole numbers to 100. P Determine the value of collections of pennies, nickels, and dimes. MA.01.E.06 Demonstrate counting skills of skip counting by 5 and 10 to 100. K.1.9 Identify, duplicate, and extend simple number patterns and sequential and growing patterns (e.g., patterns made with shapes) Develop and use efficient strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes) and number lines. P Understand and apply base-ten numeration, and count in multiples of one, two, five, ten, and one hundred. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

8 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 1 p. 8 of 122 OMPUTATION AND ESTIMATION ompute fluently and make reasonable estimates Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.E.07 Add and subtract with concrete objects. MA.01.E.08 Apply with fluency sums to 9 and related subtraction facts. MA.01.E.09 Find sums and differences less than 100. MA.01.E.10 Make change for amounts to 25 cents. MA.01.E.11 Mentally add 10 to a single digit number. K.1.7 Model simple joining and separating situations and represent them with objects, pictures, and/or numerals Model part-whole, adding to, taking away from, and comparing situations to develop an understanding of the meanings of addition and subtraction Develop and use efficient strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes) and number lines Apply with fluency sums to 10 and related subtraction facts Develop and use efficient strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes) and number lines Solve multi-digit whole number problems by applying various meanings (e.g., taking away, and comparing) and models (e.g., combining or separating sets, using number lines, and hundreds charts) of addition and subtraction Determine the value of collections of pennies, nickels, and dimes Model part-whole, adding to, taking away from, and comparing situations to develop an understanding of the meanings of addition and subtraction Develop and use efficient strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes) and number lines Identify the number of tens and ones in whole numbers between 10 and 100, especially recognizing the numbers 10 to 19 as 1 group of ten and a particular number of ones Use place value and properties of operations to find and use equivalent representations of numbers (such as, 35 represented by 35 ones, 3 tens and 5 ones, or 2 tens and 15 ones) Select and apply efficient methods to estimate sums and differences or calculate them mentally depending on the numbers and context involved. P P Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

9 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 1 p. 9 of 122 MA.01.E.12 Estimate number of objects and check reasonableness of answers by counting up to 20 objects ount and group objects in tens and ones Select and apply efficient methods to estimate sums and differences or calculate them mentally depending on the numbers and context involved. P OPERATIONS AND PROPERTIES Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.E.13 Represent situations using models of addition and subtraction (e.g., putting together or adding on, taking away, finding the difference, comparing) Model part-whole, adding to, taking away from, and comparing situations to develop an understanding of the meanings of addition and subtraction. Statistics and Probability STATISTIS Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.SP.01 Identify "how many more or less" and "how many all together" from pictographs and bar graphs Develop and use efficient strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes) and number lines Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. P Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

10 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 1 p. 10 of 122 OLLET AND DISPLA DATA Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.SP.02 Pose questions and gather data about themselves and their surroundings. A MA.01.SP.03 Sort and classify objects according to their attributes and organize data about the objects into categories. MA.01.SP.04 Represent data using concrete objects and pictographs Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. K.3.2 ompare, sort, and order objects according to measurable (e.g., longest to shortest, lightest to heaviest) and non-measurable (e.g., color, texture) attributes Describe geometric attributes of shapes (e.g., round, corners, sides) to determine how they are alike and different Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. DATA ANALSIS AND PREDITIONS Develop and evaluate inferences and predictions that are based on data. P wr 1 P wr 2 P wr Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.SP.05 Answer simple questions related to data displayed in pictographs, including which result occurred the most or least often Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. P 1 urriculum should involve students posing questions and gathering data about themselves and their surroundings as well as analyzing data presentations. 2 urriculum should involve students organizing data as well as analyzing data presentations. 3 urriculum should involve students representing data as well as analyzing data presentations. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

11 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 1 p. 11 of 122 Algebraic Relationships PATTERNS AND FUNTIONS Understand patterns, relations, and functions Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.AR.01 Sort and classify objects using one or more attributes by observing relationships. MA.01.AR.02 Identify an element that does not belong in a simple pattern. MA.01.AR.03 Supply a missing element in or extend number patterns involving addition or subtraction by a single digit number Describe geometric attributes of shapes (e.g., round, corners, sides) to determine how they are alike and different Build, draw, and analyze two-dimensional shapes to understand attributes and properties of twodimensional space. K.1.9 Identify, duplicate, and extend simple number patterns and sequential and growing patterns (e.g., patterns made with shapes) Identify, create, extend, and supply a missing element in number patterns involving addition or subtraction by a single-digit number Identify, create, extend, and supply a missing element in number patterns involving addition or subtraction by a single-digit number. A MA.01.AR.04 Extend and generate patterns involving three K.1.9 Identify, duplicate, and extend simple number patterns and sequential and growing patterns (e.g., patterns made with shapes). elements sharing a common attribute (e.g., color, number, Identify, create, extend, and supply a missing element in number patterns involving addition or shape, letter) using concrete subtraction by a single-digit number. models or objects Recognize and create shapes that are congruent or have symmetry. P wr 4 ALGEBRAI RELATIONSHIPS Represent and analyze mathematical situations and structures using algebraic symbols Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.AR.05 Understand the meaning of equals and use the = symbol Use the concept of commutative [4 + 2 = 2 + 4], associative [(4 + 3) + 7 = 4 + (3 + 7)], and identity [0 + 3 = 3] properties of addition to solve problems involving basic facts. P 4 urriculum should include repeating patterns with shapes. Demonstrating standard by creating congruent shapes is necessary for MA.01.AR Mastering standard requires understanding the meaning of equals, and therefore MA.01.AR.05 is considered covered by the 2007 standards, although demonstrating MA.01.AR.05 need not be in the context of using the specified properties. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

12 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 1 p. 12 of 122 MA.01.AR.06 onstruct and solve simple number sentences involving sums to 9 and related subtraction facts using concrete objects, pictures or symbols Develop and use efficient strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes) and number lines Apply with fluency sums to 10 and related subtraction facts. P wr 6 Measurement UNITS AND TOOLS Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of measurement Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.ME.01 ompare and order objects according to measurable attributes (e.g. long or short; light or heavy) Describe geometric attributes of shapes (e.g., round, corners, sides) to determine how they are alike and different Apply concepts of partitioning (the mental activity of slicing the length of an object into equal-sized units) and transitivity (e.g., if object A is longer than object B and object B is longer than object, then object A is longer than object ). P DIRET AND INDIRET MEASUREMENT Apply appropriate techniques, tools, and formulas to determine measurements Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.ME.02 Identify and name days of the week and months of the year and interpret calendar information (e.g., tomorrow, yesterday, how many Tuesdays are in November) Demonstrate an understanding of time and use of time relationships (e.g., how many minutes in an hour, days in a week, and months in a year). MA.01.ME.03 Tell time to the nearest hour using analog and digital clocks Tell time in increments of five minutes using analog and digital clocks. P 6 Standards and do not specify constructing number sentences or using symbols, these could be incorporated in the models and are likely covered. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

13 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 1 p. 13 of 122 Geometry PROPERTIES AND RELATIONSHIPS Analyze characteristics and properties of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes and develop mathematical arguments about geometric relationships Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.GM.01 Identify, describe and classify triangles, rectangles, squares, circles and ovals Describe geometric attributes of shapes (e.g., round, corners, sides) to determine how they are alike and different Recognize shapes when viewed from different perspectives and orientations Identify, describe, compare, analyze, and informally classify triangles by their sides and angles Identify, describe, compare, analyze, and classify quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, and trapezoid) by their sides and angles. MA.01.GM.02 Recognize and identify attributes of twodimensional geometric shapes in the environment (e.g., make a triangle and a square from pieces of straw and compare how many pieces of straw are used to make each shape) Recognize and create shapes that are congruent or have symmetry ompose and decompose shapes (e.g., cut a square into two right triangles and put two cubes together to make a rectangular prism), thus building an understanding of part-whole relationships as well as the properties of the original and composite shapes. P MODELING Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.01.GM.03 Model triangles, rectangles, squares, circles and ovals Recognize and create shapes that are congruent or have symmetry. ompose and decompose shapes (e.g., cut a square into two right triangles and put two cubes together to make a rectangular prism), thus building an understanding of part-whole relationships as well as the properties of the original and composite shapes. P P MA.01.GM.04 reate repeating geometric shapes using manipulatives (e.g., two triangles can make a square) ompose and decompose shapes (e.g., cut a square into two right triangles and put two cubes together to make a rectangular prism), thus building an understanding of part-whole relationships as well as the properties of the original and composite shapes. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

14 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 1 p. 14 of 122 OORDINATE GEOMETR Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? A MA.01.GM.05 Arrange and describe objects in space by relative position and direction (e.g., near, far, below, above, up, down, behind, in front of, next to, left or right of). K.2.3 Use basic shapes and spatial reasoning to describe and model objects in their environment, and to construct more complex shapes Recognize shapes when viewed from different perspectives and orientations. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

15 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 2 p. 15 of 122 alculations and Estimations NUMBERS Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.02.E.01 Read, write, order, model, and compare whole numbers less than ompare and order whole numbers to Write, compare, and order whole numbers to P MA.02.E.02 Read number words K.1.1 Read and write whole numbers to 10. less than one hundred and write the corresponding numeric value Write, compare, and order whole numbers to P MA.02.E.03 Identify and model the whole number of ones, tens, and hundreds in numbers less than Identify the number of tens and ones in whole numbers between 10 and 100, especially recognizing the numbers 10 to 19 as 1 group of ten and a particular number of ones. MA.02.E.04 ompose and decompose whole numbers less than one hundred by place value (e.g., 426 = 4-100's, 2-10's, 6-1's). MA.02.E.05 Order, model, and identify wholes, halves, and fourths using concrete models and visual representations. MA.02.E.06 Understand a fraction represents subdivisions of a whole into equal parts. MA.02.E.07 Locate whole numbers on a number line Identify the number of tens and ones in whole numbers between 10 and 100, especially recognizing the numbers 10 to 19 as 1 group of ten and a particular number of ones ompose and decompose whole numbers less than one thousand by place value (e.g., 426 as 4 hundreds + 2 tens + 6 ones and ) Use place value and properties of operations to find and use equivalent representations of numbers (such as, 35 represented by 35 ones, 3 tens and 5 ones, or 2 tens and 15 ones) Represent common fractions (e.g., halves, thirds, fourths, tenths) as equal parts of a whole, parts of a set, or points or distances on a number line Solve problems that involve comparing and ordering fractions by using models, benchmarks (0, ½, 1), or common numerators or denominators Recognize and demonstrate that sizes of fractional parts are relative to the size of the whole Represent whole numbers on a number line, demonstrating an understanding of the sequential order of the counting numbers and their relative magnitudes. P Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

16 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 2 p. 16 of 122 MA.02.E.08 Order and compare coins by making equivalent amounts up to $ Determine the value of collections of pennies, nickels, and dimes Determine the value of mixed collections of coins to $1.00. wr 7 MA.02.E.09 Demonstrate the counting skills of skip counting by 2 to 100 and by 100 to Understand and apply base-ten numeration, and count in multiples of one, two, five, ten, and one hundred Represent, analyze and extend number patterns using rules that involve multiplication and/or addition (e.g., {3, 6, 9, 12, }, {1, 2, 4, 8, } ). MA.02.E.10 Determine whether a set of objects has an odd or even number of elements. N OMPUTATION AND ESTIMATION ompute fluently and make reasonable estimates Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.02.E.11 Develop and evaluate strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers Develop fluency with efficient procedures for adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers and understand why the procedures work on the basis of place value and number properties. MA.02.E.12 Apply with fluency sums to 18 and related subtraction facts. MA.02.E.13 Add and subtract pairs of any two-digit numbers. MA.02.E.14 Find the sum of three or more two-digit numbers. MA.02.E.15 Make change for amounts to $ Apply, with fluency, sums to 20 and related subtraction facts Solve multi-digit whole number problems by applying various meanings (e.g., taking away, and comparing) and models (e.g., combining or separating sets, using number lines, and hundreds charts) of addition and subtraction Solve multi-digit whole number problems by applying various meanings (e.g., taking away, and comparing) and models (e.g., combining or separating sets, using number lines, and hundreds charts) of addition and subtraction Develop fluency with efficient procedures for adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers and understand why the procedures work on the basis of place value and number properties Determine the value of mixed collections of coins to $1.00. wr 8 P 7 urriculum should include ordering and comparing coins and values of collections of coins. 8 urriculum should include making change. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

17 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 2 p. 17 of 122 MA.02.E.16 Mentally add or subtract multiples of 10 to and from a number Develop and use efficient strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers using a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes) and number lines Develop fluency with efficient procedures for adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers and understand why the procedures work on the basis of place value and number properties Select and apply efficient methods to estimate sums and differences or calculate them mentally depending on the numbers and context involved Represent, analyze and extend number patterns using rules that involve multiplication and/or addition (e.g., {3, 6, 9, 12, }, {1, 2, 4, 8, } ). MA.02.E.17 Identify the most efficient operation (add, subtract, multiply, or divide) for solving a problem Develop fluency with efficient procedures for adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers and understand why the procedures work on the basis of place value and number properties Select and apply efficient methods to estimate sums and differences or calculate them mentally depending on the numbers and context involved Apply models of multiplication (e.g., equal-sized groups, arrays, area models, equal jumps on number lines and hundreds charts) and division (e.g., repeated subtraction, partitioning, and sharing) to solve problems Apply increasingly sophisticated strategies based on the number properties (e.g., place value, commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and zero) to solve multiplication and division problems involving basic facts. MA.02.E.18 Estimate number of objects and check reasonableness of answers by counting up to 100 objects Understand and apply base-ten numeration, and count in multiples of one, two, five, ten, and one hundred Select and apply efficient methods to estimate sums and differences or calculate them mentally depending on the numbers and context involved. P MA.02.E.19 Round one- or twodigit whole numbers to the nearest 10 to estimate sums and differences Select and apply efficient methods to estimate sums and differences or calculate them mentally depending on the numbers and context involved. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

18 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 2 p. 18 of 122 OPERATIONS AND PROPERTIES Understand meanings of operations and how they relate to one another Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.02.E.20 Understand various meanings of addition and subtraction of whole numbers and the relationship between the operations. MA.02.E.21 Use the commutative (4+2)=(2+4) and associative (4+3)+7=4+(3+7) properties of addition to simplify calculations. MA.02.E.22 Describe the effects of adding or subtracting by a whole number. MA.02.E.23 Demonstrate the zero property for addition and subtraction Model part-whole, adding to, taking away from, and comparing situations to develop an understanding of the meanings of addition and subtraction Relate addition and subtraction as inverse operations Solve multi-digit whole number problems by applying various meanings (e.g., taking away, and comparing) and models (e.g., combining or separating sets, using number lines, and hundreds charts) of addition and subtraction Use the concept of commutative [4 + 2 = 2 + 4], associative [(4 + 3) + 7 = 4 + (3 + 7)], and identity [0 + 3 = 3] properties of addition to solve problems involving basic facts Apply increasingly sophisticated strategies based on the number properties (e.g., place value, commutative, associative, distributive, identity, and zero) to solve multiplication and division problems involving basic facts Model part-whole, adding to, taking away from, and comparing situations to develop an understanding of the meanings of addition and subtraction Identify, create, extend, and supply a missing element in number patterns involving addition or subtraction by a single-digit number Solve multi-digit whole number problems by applying various meanings (e.g., taking away, and comparing) and models (e.g., combining or separating sets, using number lines, and hundreds charts) of addition and subtraction Develop fluency with efficient procedures for adding and subtracting multi-digit whole numbers and understand why the procedures work on the basis of place value and number properties Use the concept of commutative [4 + 2 = 2 + 4], associative [(4 + 3) + 7 = 4 + (3 + 7)], and identity [0 + 3 = 3] properties of addition to solve problems involving basic facts Select and apply efficient methods to estimate sums and differences or calculate them mentally, depending on the numbers and context involved. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

19 rosswalk A: Oregon Mathematics, 2002 Grade Level Standards to 2007 ontent Standards Grade 2 p. 19 of 122 Statistics and Probability STATISTIS Select and use appropriate statistical methods to analyze data Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.02.SP.01 Identify "most and least" from data sets that contain more than 10 items (e.g., from a bar graph that shows "how many pockets in our clothing" identify by number "the most pockets" and "the least pockets") Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. P OLLET AND DISPLA DATA Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize, and display relevant data to answer them Grade Level Standard 2007 ontent Standard Rating Map? MA.02.SP.02 Ask and answer simple questions related to tallies, charts, and bar graphs Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. MA.02.SP.03 Record results of probability experiments using tallies or by completing charts Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. P MA.02.SP.04 Represent and interpret data using tally charts and pictographs Analyze frequency tables, bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots; and use them to solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Highlighted codes: Green indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard below grade level. ellow indicates the 2002 standard matches a 2007 standard above grade level. Rating refers to the match of the 2002 standard to a 2007 standard: P: Partial, e.g., 2002 standard may be lower complexity level than 2007; : Partial because above, e.g., 2002 standard exceeds 2007, may encompass 2007 standard; : omplete, e.g., 2002 standard addresses a fundamental skill, concept or central idea of the 2007 standard or may be encompassed by the 2007 standard. Map? is coded (yes) if 2002 standard is covered by the set of 2007 standards; wr (yes, with reservations) if coverage of the 2002 content depends on specific curriculum; or N (no) if the 2002

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