5 th Grade Common Core. Math Review. 40 Pages. All Standards. Jennifer Findley

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1 5 th Grade Common Core Math Review 40 Pages All Standards Jennifer Findley

2 The first 30 pages contain standards in all 5 domains, grouped this way: The last ten pages contain only Number and Operation Skills. Those domains are heavy in the standards, so I felt it was necessary to devote more review time specifically to those domains to ensure all standards are reviewed an equal amount of time. Those pages are grouped this way: 2

3 The skills are grouped in each box in this manner. Operations and Algebraic Thinking Skills Numbers and Operations: Base Ten Skills Numbers and Operations: Fractions Skills Measurement and Data Skills Jennifer Findley Geometry Skills

4 Name: Date: 2 + (6-3) = (10 x 2) + 24= 1 (7+2) x (9-4) = x 10= 16 x1 = 16x10 = 16x100 = 16x 1,000= What s the pattern? ½ + ¼ = ¾ + ¼ = What is the difference between the two above problems? Convert the measurements: 1 foot = inches 1 mile = feet 3 feet = yard inches = 1 yard Circle the shapes that are quadrilaterals. Jennifer Findley

5 Name: Date: 2 Write a numerical expression for the below problems and solve. Six times three Fourteen divided by two Add twenty and eleven Solve;: 23x1 = 23x10 1 = 23x10 2 = 23x10 3 = What s the pattern? James has 16 balloons. ¼ of his balloons are red. How many red balloons does he have? Jamal has 24 inches of yarn. How many feet of yarn does he have? ft. Ricardo has ½ foot of yarn. How many inches does he have? inches. Label the types of triangles by their angles. Jennifer Findley

6 Name: Date: 3 Complete the patterns: 2, 4, 6,,,,,, 80, 70, 60,,,,, 5, 10, 20,,,,, Round each decimal to the nearest tenth Samantha has 8 balloons. Jacob has ½ as many balloons as Samantha. How many does Jacob have? Convert the measurements. 1 pint = cups 1 pint = fluid ounces 1 quart = cups 1 quart = pints 1 gallon = quarts 1 gallon = cups Name four quadrilaterals. Jennifer Findley

7 Name: Date: 4 Write a numerical expression for the below problems and solve. Divide 144 by 12 Multiply 7 by 10 Subtract 10 from 20 Compare the decimals using >, <, or = Name two equivalent fractions for each fraction listed below. 2/4 1/3 1/10 If there are 16 cups in 1 gallon, how many cups are there in 3 gallons? How many cups are in 5 gallons? Jennifer Findley Describe the following shapes: square rectangle

8 Name: Date: 5 Write numerical expressions for the problems and solve. Add 12 and 6, then divide by 2 Subtract 30 from 40, then multiply by 3 Add 5 and 25, then divide by 10 Write the place value of the underlined digit Jessica lost some of her money. She found 3/6 of it. What fraction of her money is still missing? If there are 16 ounces in a pound and a baby weighs 10 pounds, how many ounces does the baby weigh? Name the characteristics a shape has to have to be defined as the following: Quadrilateral Triangle Jennifer Findley Square

9 Name: Date: 6 Solve each problem using the order of operations. 10 x (6 2)= x 3= (6x3)= 10 x 2 3= 4.6x 1 = 4.6x 10 1 = 4.6x 10 2 = 4.6x 10 3 = What happens to the decimal point? 3/4 + 4/4 = 1 1/3 + 1/3 = 3/6 3/6 = 10/5 5/5 = Record the data on a line plot. 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 1, 2 Name the triangle based on the information provided. A triangle with 1 right angle. Jennifer Findley A triangle with all equal sides. A triangle with no equal sides.

10 Name: Complete the patterns: 15, 30, 45,,,,,, 4, 8, 16,,,,, 3,6,9,,,,, Date: 7 Write the place value of the underlined digit /8 + 1/8= 1 2/10 + 1/10 = 2 1/4 + 1/2= 2 1/6 + 1/3 = Jake has two gallons of juice. How many cups does he have? cups Sarah has 2 feet of string. How many inches does she have? inches Define each type of triangle. Scalene triangle Isosceles triangle Jennifer Findley Equilateral triangle

11 Name: Date: 8 Write a numerical expression for the below problems and solve. Divide 81 by 9 Multiply 22 by 10 Subtract 186 from 200 Write each number in word form: 3,978,206 63, ,175 Solve 1 1/3= 1-3/9= 2 4/6= 2-1/2= Record the data on a line plot. 20, 17, 20, 17, 18, 17, 20, 18, 16 Decide if each statement is true or false and explain. Jennifer Findley All rectangles are quadrilaterals. Every shape is some type of quadrilateral.

12 Name: Date: 9 Write the numerical expressions in words x 15 (6 + 3) x 9 Write the place value of the underlined digit /2 + 1/4= 3/3 + 1/4= 3/10 1/20= 2/3 1/6= Convert the measurements. 1 kilometer = meters 1 meter = centimeters 1 centimeter= millimeters Jennifer Findley Define each angle from its measurements. 90 degrees 106 degrees 87 degrees

13 Name: Complete the patterns for x and y. Date: 10 X Y Write the numbers in expanded form: 685 1, , = = = = Record the data on a line plot. 1/2, 2/4, 1/2,3/4, 1/2, 2/4, 3/4 Name the shapes. Jennifer Findley

14 Name: Date: 11 Describe the different patterns in numbers x and y. X Y = = 685 1,000= ,000= What steps do you take to solve these problems? ¾ x ½= ½ x ½= Complete the chart with the correct conversions. 1 cup fluid ounces 1 pint cups 1 gallon quarts Plot these points on your graph paper. Jennifer Findley (6, 7) (8, 4) (6, 3) (8, 2) (6, 8) (8, 6)

15 Name: Solve each problem. Date: 12 {[6 + (8 +4)] 3}= [6x3 + (3 x 1)]= Write each number in word form: Solve 1/6 x 1/5 = 2/8 x 3/4 = Record the data on a line plot. 1, ½, 1, ¼, ¾, ½, ¾, 1, ¼ Jennifer Findley On the back of this paper, create a hierarchy using these shapes. Triangles, Acute Triangle, Polygon, Right Triangle, Obtuse Triangle

16 Name: Date: 13 Write the numerical expressions in words. (10-1) (5-3) (7 + 3) x 5 Write the decimals in expanded form: ¾ x ⅛= ¼ x ¼= Jason is running a 4 mile race. How many feet is the race? Define each shape based on its definitions. Jennifer Findley Shape with all parallel sides. Shape with all equal sides. Shape with three sides and three angles.

17 Name: Date: 14 Add parenthesis to make these expressions true. 4 x = x 5 = x 2 = x 35= 315 x 16= Without solving, circle the problem that would have the highest product. Tell how you know. 20 x 10 or 30 x x 4 or 15 x 6 12 x 3 or 10 x 2 Find the volume of the rectangular prism. 14 ft. 8 ft. 2 ft. Name the shapes. Jennifer Findley

18 Name: Date: 15 What is the relationship between the numbers that are x and the numbers that are y? X Y = = ,000 = ,000 = What direction does the decimal point move? Right or left? How do you know? Solve. Use fraction models. ½ 4= ¼ 2= Complete the chart with the correct conversions. 1 mile feet 1 foot inches 1 yard feet Plot these points on your graph paper. Label them with the matching letter. Jennifer Findley X (1, 3) Z (4, 5) B (2, 9) Y (2, 5) A (3, 7) C (1, 11)

19 Name: Solve. Date: 16 {[2 + (11 + 8)] 2}= [4 x 2 + (5 + 1)]= Solve. Show your work = 515 5= 412 4= Solve. Use the models to help you get started. 4 ½= 3 ¼= Record the data on a line plot. 1/8, 2/4, 1/4, 3/8. 1/8, 2/4, 1/4,3/8, 1/4 On the back of this paper, create a hierarchy using these shapes. Quadrilaterals, Rectangles, Polygons, Squares, Parallelograms Jennifer Findley

20 Name: Date: 17 Write the numerical expressions in words. (10-1) (5-3) (7 + 3) x 5 Round each decimal to the place indicated. Round to the nearest one Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth Round to the nearest thousandth /5 x 1/6 = 1/7 x 2/3= A café has seven gallons of lemonade. How many quarts do they have? Graph the coordinates below on your graph paper. Draw the correct shape beside the coordinate. Jennifer Findley Square at (8, 2) Trapezoid at (9, 1) Triangle at (5, 3) Rhombus at (2, 8)

21 Name: Date: 18 Add parenthesis to make these expressions true. 4 x = x 5 = x 4 = x 35= 315 x 16= In each problem, tell whether the whole number factor will be smaller or larger than the product. Tell how you know. 10 x ½ x Find the volume of the rectangular prism. 6 ft. 10 ft. 1 ft. Jennifer Findley Name the triangles from their descriptions. A triangle with only 2 sides of the same length. A triangle with all sides of the same length. A triangle with no sides the same length.

22 Name: Date: 19 What is the relationship between the numbers that are x and the numbers that are y? X Y = = = = What is happening to the whole number as you are dividing? Solve. Use the fraction model. Mr. Swanson has ½ lb. of fudge to share with 6 students. How much fudge will each child get? Complete the chart with the correct conversions. 1 ton pounds 1 pound ounces 2 pounds ounces Jennifer Findley Plot these points on your graph paper. Label them with the matching letter. What do you notice about all the points? A (3, 5) C (2, 5) E (1, 5) B (7, 5) D (6, 5) F (8, 5)

23 Name: Date: 20 Write a numerical expression for the following words. Add 7 and 10, then divide by 5. Subtract 5 from 15, then multiply 6. Multiply 4 and 6, then divide by 8. Solve. Show your work = = = Solve. Use the models to help you get started = 3 ½ = The data represents how much of a pound of soil is in each bag. If the soil was redistributed into equal amounts, how much soil would be in each bag? Jennifer Findley Name each shape based on its description. A 2 D shape with 8 sides. A 2 D shape with 5 sides. A 2 D shape with 6 sides. A 2 D shape with 4 sides.

24 Name: Date: 21 (7-1) 2= 2 (10-8)= (2 + 8) x 9= Round each decimal to the place indicated. Round to the nearest one Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth Round to the nearest thousandth /3 x 2/3 = 1/5 x 2/7= Solve the 2 step problem. A student has 3 pounds of fudge. She eats 1 pound of it. How many ounces does she have left? ounces True or False. Explain your reasoning. All squares are parallelograms, so all parallelograms are squares. Jennifer Findley All triangles are polygons.

25 Name: Date: 22 Add parenthesis to make these expressions true. 4 x = x 6 = x 9 = = 499 7= 1 3/5 = 5/8 1/4 = 3/4 1/16 = 4/8 1/4 = 3/4 + 1/2= 3/8 +1/12 = Find the volume of the rectangular prism. 22 cm. 9 cm. 5 cm. Name the triangles from their descriptions. A triangle with all acute angles. A triangle with 1 right angle. A triangle with 1 obtuse angle. Jennifer Findley

26 Name: Date: 23 What is the relationship between the numbers that are x and the numbers that are y? Graph the points on your graph paper. X Y Solve. Show all your work. 56 x 152= 48 x 325= Find the area of each rectangle. 2 ½ ft. 1 ½ in. 10 ft. 5 ½ in. Complete the chart with the correct conversions. 1 kilometer meters 1 meter centimeters 1 centimeter millimeters Plot these points on your graph paper. Label them with the matching letter. Jennifer Findley A (2, 1) C (2, 3) E (2, 9) B (2, 5) D (2, 8) F (2, 2) What do you notice about all the points?

27 Name: Date: 24 Write a numerical expression for the following words. Find the sum of 10 and 12, then divide by 2. Multiply 6 and 3, then subtract 5 Subtract 7 from 47, then divide by 10. Solve. Show your work = = = Solve. Use the models to help you get started = 2 ⅛ = Look at the data. List the fractions in order from greatest to least. Jennifer Findley Name each shape based on its description. A shape with 2 pairs of parallel lines. A shape with 4 equal sides. A shape with only 1 set of parallel lines. A shape with opposite sides of equal length.

28 Name: Date: 25 [ 16 (3x2)] = { [6 + (1x3)] x [3 x (1x4)] } = Round each decimal to the place indicated. Round to the nearest one Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth Round to the nearest thousandth ½ x 3= 2 ¾ x 4= Solve. A runner is running a 3 mile marathon. He has ran 2 miles already. How many feet does he have left to run? True or False. Explain your reasoning. All triangles contain acute angles. Jennifer Findley A square is a polygon, so all polygons are squares.

29 Name: Date: 26 Add parenthesis to make these expressions true x 2 = x 9 = x 10 = 70 Solve. Show your work x 1.6= 7.98 x 0.36 = A meat market has 68 pounds of meat to divide equally into 6 packs. He must use all the meat. How many pounds of meat will be in each pack? A 2 layer cake has the following dimensions. Find the volume of the cake. 1 st layer= L = 10 inches W= 5 inches H= 8 inches 2 nd layer = L = 8 inches W= 3 inches H = 4 inches Create a hierarchy with the following shapes. Quadrilateral, Polygon, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Rhombus Jennifer Findley

30 Name: Date: 27 Fill in the chart using these rules. X and Y start at 0. X increased by 3, Y increased by 4. X Y Compare the decimals using >, <, or = Find the area of each rectangle. 5 ½ ft. 1 ½ ft. 6 1/4 in. 3 1/3 in. Find the volume of the shape below. 2 in. 3 in. 6 in. 8 in. 3 in. What larger group do the following shapes belong to? Explain your reasoning. rectangles, parallelograms, squares, rhombus Jennifer Findley

31 Name: Date: 28 Graph the following pattern on your graph paper. X Y Solve. Show your work = = Write matching fractions for the division problems This data shows the amount of sugar (in pounds) in different packages. How much total sugar is represented? Make a list of all the types of quadrilaterals. Draw a picture of each. Jennifer Findley

32 Name: Date: 29 Finish the pattern. Graph it on your graph paper. X Y Round each decimal to the place indicated. Round to the nearest one Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth. 156, Round to the nearest thousands. 786, ½ - 1 ¼ = 2 ¼ + 1 ⅜= Find the volume of the shape below. 6 in. 6 in. 8 in. 6 in. 12 in. 4 in. Jennifer Findley Define the shapes based on the information. A rectangle with all sides that are equal. A triangle with a right angle. A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel lines. A quadrilateral with only 1 pair of parallel lines.

33 Name: Date: 30 Complete the pattern using these rules. x starts at 5 and increases by 5. y starts at 10 and increases by 10. X Y Solve. Show your work = = = Describe what would happen to the following problems if the changes were made. Do not solve. 12 x 16 If the 16 was increased to 20, the product would. If the 12 was decreased to 8, the product would. Find the volume of the right rectangular prisms ft. 6.5 ft cm. 4 ft. 7 cm cm. Finish the T Chart with the correct shapes under the categories. Quadrilaterals Triangles Jennifer Findley

34 Numbers and Operations: Base Ten Numbers and Operations: Fractions Jennifer Findley

35 Name: Date: Write the following in exponential notation: 10 x 10= 10 x 10 x 10= 10 x 10 x 10 x 10= 2. Write the following decimals in word form Compare the decimals using >, <, or = Tina and Sam are eating pizza. Tina eats ¼ of it, and Sam eats ½ of it. How much of the pizza did they eat together? 2. Write the following division problems as fractions A baker has 16 pounds of sugar. She needs to put all the sugar in 5 bags and an equal amount in all the bags. How many pounds will be in each bag? Jennifer Findley

36 Name: Date: Write each decimal in expanded form Solve. Show your work Solve. Show your work on the back or on another piece of paper = = / /6= 5 1/8 + 2/4= 8 3/4 4 1/8= 10 4/5 6 1/10= 2. 3 x 1/2 = 4 x 3/4 = 5 x 1/5= 6 x 1/8= Jennifer Findley 3. Without solving, circle the problem that have a greater product. Tell how you know. 12 x 16 or 12 x x 2 or 15 x 1/2

37 Name: Date: 1. Which statement is true about the 6 in the following numbers? A. 6, 159 B 7, 658 A. The 6 in the number labeled A is 1/10 the amount of the 6 in the number labeled B. B. The 6 in the number labeled A is 10 times the amount of the 6 in the number labeled B Solve Round each decimal to the nearest tenth Find the area of the rectangles below. 3 ½ cm. 3/4 in. 6 ¾ cm. 2 1/5 in. 2. Solve 1/2 x 3/4= 4/5 x 1/4= 3. Mr. Thomas is making rice. 1 cup of rice takes 1/3 of a cup of water. He is making 2 ½ cups of rice. How much water will he need? Jennifer Findley

38 Name: 1. Write the following decimals in words Compare the decimals using <, >, or = Solve Date: ,456 x31 x 174 x Makayla is making 6 batches of brownies. If one batch requires ¾ teaspoons of butter, how much total butter will she need for all 6 batches? 2. Without solving, answer the questions about the multiplication problems. 12 x 15: What would happen to the product if the 15 decreased to 13? 26 x 12: What would happen to the product if the 26 increased to 27? Jennifer Findley 3. Two brothers are eating out of the same box of cereal. The older brother eats 3/5 and the younger brother eats 3/10 of the cereal. How much more does the older brother eat than the younger brother?

39 Name: 1. Write the exponents in factor form. Date: Solve = = Solve = ,000= 3.86 x 100= 3.86 x 1,000= What is happening to the decimal point in the first two division problems? What is happening to the decimal point in the multiplication problems? 1. Jamie has 6 cans of peaches to give to his four aunts. How many cans of peaches will each aunt get if he gives them all the peaches? 2. 3 x ½= 4 x ¾= 4 x 1/8 = Jennifer Findley 3. Without solving, determine which problem will have the larger product, 16 x ½ or 16 x 3/2 How do you know?

40 36 1. Write the decimals in expanded form Solve. Shown your work on the back or another piece of paper = Solve x 0.59 x 2.63 x 4 x Write the fractions as division problems. 3/6 8/4 2/6 2. What will happen to a whole number when it is: Multiplied by a fraction greater than 1. Multiplied by a fraction smaller than 1. Multiplied by a fraction equal to The sugar Saul buys comes in bags with 1 ¾ pounds of sugar in each bag. Saul has ½ of a bag left at home. How much sugar does he have? Jennifer Findley

41 37 Name: Date: 1. Decide if each statement is true or false about the following numbers. A B C The 3 in the number labeled A is 1/10 the amount of the 3 in the number labeled B. The 3 in the number labeled C is 1/10 the amount of the 3 in the number labeled B. The 3 in the number labeled B is 10 times the amount of the 3 in the number labeled A. 2. Solve Compare the decimals using >, <, or = Solve. 1 ¾ + 4 ½= 10 1/8 6 3/24= 6 ½ - 3 ¼= 15 1/ /6= 2. Jakobi has 16 pieces of candy. She eats ¾ of them. How many did she eat? How much candy does she have left? 3. Solve. Show your work on the back or on another piece of paper. 1/8 x 3/6= 4/5 x 3/6= 1/7 x 3/9= 1/2 x 1/2= Jennifer Findley

42 Name: Date: 1. Write the following in exponential form. 10x10x10x10 10x10 10x10x Write the number form for the following decimals. Sixty-three hundredths One and four tenths Five and seventy-one thousandths 3. Mandy has $ She wants to share it with herself and her 2 friends. How much money will each person get? 1. Find the area of the rectangles below. 6 1/8 cm. 3/4 cm. 5 1/3 cm. 1/2 cm. 2. Robert has ¾ of a candy bar left. He wants to share it with himself and 2 friends. What fraction of the candy bar will each person get? Jennifer Findley 3. Lisa and Ann are eating a box of crackers. Lisa eats 3/6 of the box and Ann eats 1/4 of the box. How much of the box did the two girls eat together?

43 Name: Date: 1. Write the place value of the following underlined digits Write the decimals in expanded form Round the decimal to the underlined place value Solve. 3 ½ = 6 ⅛ = 2. Answer the questions about the multiplication problems without solving. What would happen to the product of 13 x 4 if the 4 was increased? What would happen to the product of 1.5 x 3 if the 1.5 was decreased? 3. A baker is making 4 1/8 batches of cookies. If each batch requires 3/4 of a stick of butter, how much butter will he need for the batches he wants to make? Jennifer Findley

44 Name: Date: 1. Compare the following numbers by filling in the blanks in the statements. A B C The 9 in the number labeled C is the amount of the 9 in the number labeled A. The 9 in the number labeled B is the amount of the 9 in the number labeled A. 2. Put the decimals in order from greatest to least , 4.10, 3.6, 3.7, Solve. Show your work on the back or on another piece of paper x 1.59 = 0.75 x = Write the fractions as division problems. 1/8 5/9 3/4 2. Solve. 5 x 3/4= 6 x 1/4= Jennifer Findley 3. Without solving, tell what would happen to the whole number factor in the below problems. 6 x 3/4:The whole number factor will. 6 x 8/6: The whole number factor will. 4 x 4/4: The whole number factor will.

45 Answer Keys] Jennifer Findley 45

46 Name: Date: (6-3) = (10 x 2) + 24= (7+2) x (9-4) = x 10= x1 = 16x10 = x100 = 1,600 16x 1,000= 16,000 What s the pattern? Example Answer: The number is increasing in size each time. ¾ 4/4 or 1 ½ + ¼ = ¾ + ¼ = What is the difference between the two above problems? In the first problem, the denominators are different and in the second one the denominators are the same. Convert the measurements: 1 foot = 12 5,280 inches 1 mile = feet 3 feet = 1 yard 36 inches = 1 yard Circle the shapes that are quadrilaterals.

47 Name: Date: 2 Write a numerical expression for the below problems and solve. 6 x 3 Six times three Fourteen divided by two 14 2 Add twenty and eleven Solve;: 23x1 = 23 23x10 1 = x10 2 = 2,300 23x10 3 = 23,000 What s the pattern? Example Answer: The number is increasing in size each time. James has 16 balloons. ¼ of his balloons are red. How many red balloons does he have? 4 red balloons Jamal has 24 inches of yarn. How many feet of yarn does he have? ft. 2 Ricardo has ½ foot of yarn. How many inches does he have? inches. 6 Label the types of triangles by their angles. acute triangle right triangle obtuse triangle

48 Name: Date: 3 Complete the patterns: , 4, 6,,,,,, 80, 70, 60,,,,, 5, 10, 20,,,,, Round each decimal to the nearest tenth Samantha has 8 balloons. Jacob has ½ as many balloons. How many does Jacob have? 4 balloons Convert the measurements. 1 pint = 2 cups 1 pint = 16 fluid ounces 1 quart = 4 cups 1 quart = 2 pints 1 gallon = 4 quarts 1 gallon = 16 cups Name four quadrilaterals. square rhombus Example Answers parallelogram rectangle

49 Name: Date: 4 Write a numerical expression for the below problems and solve. Divide 144 by Multiply 7 by 10 7 x 10 Subtract 10 from Compare the decimals using >, <, or =. > < < < 2.98 = < 3.2 Examples shown Name two equivalent fractions for each fraction listed below. 1/2, 4/8 2/6, 3/9 2/20, 3/30 2/4 1/3 1/10 If there are 16 cups in 1 gallon, how many cups are there in 3 gallons? 48 cups 80 cups 5 gallons? Describe the following shapes: A four sided shape with all sides of the same length. square A four sided shape with opposite sides of the same length. rectangle

50 Name: Date: 5 Write numerical expressions for the problems and solve. (12+6) 2 Add 12 and 6, then divide by 2 (40-30) x 3 Subtract 30 from 40, then multiply by 3 (25 + 5) 10 Add 5 and 25, then divide by 10 Write the place value of the underlined digit tenths thousandths 8.97 hundredths Ten-thousandths Jessica lost some of her money. She found 3/6 of it. What fraction of her money is still missing? 3/6 or 1/2 If there are 16 ounces in a pound and a baby weighs 10 pounds, how many ounces does he weigh? 160 ounces Name the characteristics a shape has to have to be defined as the following: Quadrilateral Triangle Square Four sides and four angles Three sides and three angles Four sides of all the same length

51 Name: Date: 6 Solve each problem using the order of operations x (6 2)= x 3= (6x3)= 10 x 2 3= 28 6 r 2 4.6x1 = x10 1 = 4.6x10 2 = 4.6x10 3 = ,600 What happens to the decimal point? The decimal point is moved to the left as many places as the number of the exponent. 7/4 or 1 3/4 1 2/3 3/4 + 4/4 = 1 1/3 + 1/3 = 0 5/5 or 1 3/6 3/6 = 10/5 5/5 = Record the data on a line plot. x x x x x x x x x x x 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 1, x x x Name the triangle based on the information provided. A triangle with 1 right angle. right triangle A triangle with all equal sides. equilateral triangle A triangle with no equal sides. scalene triangle

52 Name: Date: 7 Complete the patterns: 15, 30, 45,,,,,, 4, 8, 16,,,,, 3,6,9,,,,, Write the place value of the underlined digit tenths ones ten-thousandths /8 or 1 1/4 1 3/10 1 1/8 + 1/8= 1 2/10 + 1/10= 2 3/4 2 1/4 + 1/2= 2 1/6 + 1/3= 2 3/6 or 2 1/2 32 Jake has two gallons of juice. How many cups does he have? cups Sarah has 2 feet of string. How many inches does she have? 24 inches Define each type of triangle. Scalene triangle A triangle with all sides of different lengths. Isosceles triangle A triangle with 2 sides of the same length. A triangle with all sides of the same length. Equilateral triangle

53 Name: Date: 8 Write a numerical expression for the below problems and solve. Divide 81 by = 9 Multiply 22 by x 10 = 220 Subtract 186 from = 14 Write each number in word form: Three million, nine hundred seventy-eight thousand, two hundred six 3,978,206 63,011 Sixty three thousand, eleven 789,175 Seven hundred eighty-nine thousand, one hundred seventy five Solve 2/3 1 1/3= 1-3/9= 1 2/6 or 1 1/3 6/9 or 2/3 1 1/2 2 4/6= 2-1/2= Record the data on a line plot. 20, 17, 20, 17, 18, 17, 20, 18, 16 x x x x x x x x x Decide if each statement is true or false and explain. True. Explanations will vary. All rectangles are quadrilaterals. False. Explanations will vary. Every shape is some type of quadrilateral.

54 Name: Date: 9 Write the numerical expressions in words Divide sixty by six Multiply three and fifteen 3 x 15 (6 + 3) x 9 Add six and three, then multiply by nine Write the place value of the underlined digit thousandths ten-thousandths 3.34 hundredths tenths 1/2 + 1/4= 3/4 3/3 + 1/4= 1 1/4 3/10 1/20= 5/20 or 1/4 3/6 or 1/2 2/3 1/6= Convert the measurements. 1 kilometer = 1,000 meters 1 meter = 100 centimeters 1 centimeter= 10 millimeters Define each angle from its measurements. right angle 90 degrees 106 degrees obtuse angle 87 degrees acute angle

55 Name: Complete the patterns for x and y. Date: 10 X Y Write the numbers in expanded form: ,495 1, , , , , = = = = Record the data on a line plot. 1/2, 2/4, 1/2,3/4, 1/2, 2/4, 3/4 X X X X X X X 1/2 or 2/4 3/4 Name the shapes. pentagon hexagon octagon

56 Name: Date: 11 Describe the different patterns in numbers x and y. X: Each number is being increased by 2 each time. Y: Each number is being decreased by 2 each time. X Y = = 685 1,000= ,000= What steps do you take to solve these problems? Answers will vary. Accept any answers that show an understanding of decimal movement. 3/8 ¾ x ½= 1/4 ½ x ½= Complete the chart with the correct conversions. 1 cup fluid ounces 1 pint cups 1 gallon quarts Plot these points on your graph paper. (6, 7) (8, 4) (6, 3) (8, 2) (6, 8) (8, 6) Check graph paper for accuracy.

57 Name: Solve each problem. Date: 12 {[6 + (8 + 4)] 3}= [6 x 3 + (3 x 1)]= Write each number in word form: sixteen and nine hundred eighty-five thousandths six thousandths two hundred thirty-eight thousandths Solve 1/30 1/6 x 1/5 = 6/32 or 3/16 2/8 x 3/4= Record the data on a line plot. 1, ½, 1, ¼, ¾, ½, ¾, 1, ¼ X X X X X X 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 x X X On the back of this paper, create a hierarchy using these shapes. Triangles, Acute Triangle, Polygon, Right Triangle, Obtuse Triangle

58 On the back of this paper, create a hierarchy using these shapes. Triangles, Acute Triangle, Polygon, Right Triangle, Obtuse Triangle Polygon Triangle Acute Triangle Right Triangle Obtuse Triangle 58

59 Name: Date: 13 Write the numerical expressions in words. (10-1) 3 Subtract one from ten then divide by three Subtract three from five then add ten 10 + (5-3) (7 + 3) x 5 Add seven and three then multiply by five Write the decimals in expanded form: x x 1/ x 1/ x 1/ x 1/ x 1/ x x 1/100 3/32 ¾ x ⅛= 1/16 ¼ x ¼= Jason is running a 4 mile race. How many feet is the race? 21,120 feet Define each shape based on its definitions. Parallelogram, Square, Rectangle Rhombus Shape with all parallel sides. Shape with all equal sides. Shape with three sides and three angles. Triangle Square, Equilateral Triangle, Regular Polygon, Rhombus

60 Name: Date: 14 Add parenthesis to make these expressions true. 4 x (2 + 5) = (1 x 5) = 2 (25 10) x 2 = x 35= 315 x 16= 21,525 5,040 Without solving, circle the problem that would have the highest product. Tell how you know. Explanations will vary but 20 x 10 or 30 x 10 should indicate an 15 x 4 or 15 x 6 understanding of the size of 12 x 3 or 10 x 2 the factors. Find the volume of the rectangular prism. 8 ft. 14 ft. 2 ft. 224 cubic feet Name the shapes. parallelogram trapezoid Square, rhombus

61 Name: Date: 15 What is the relationship between the numbers that are x and the numbers that are y? The xs are half the value of the ys. Or the ys are double the value of the xs. X Y = = ,000= ,000= What direction does the decimal point move? Right or left? How do you know? left Solve. Use fraction models. ½ 4= ¼ 2= 1/8 1/8 Complete the chart with the correct conversions. 1 mile feet 5,280 1 foot 12 inches 1 yard feet Plot these points on your graph paper. Label them with the matching letter. X (1, 3) Z (4, 5) B (2, 9) Y (2, 5) A (3, 7) C (1, 11) 3

62 Name: Solve. Date: 16 {[2 + (11 + 8)] 2}= [4 x 2 + (5 + 1)]= Solve. Show your work = 515 5= 412 4= Solve. Use the models to help you get started. 4 ½= 3 ¼= 8 12 Record the data on a line plot. 1/8, 2/4, 1/4, 3/8, 1/8, 2/4, 1/4, 3/8, 1/4 X X X X X X X 1/8 1/4 3/8 2/4 X X On the back of this paper, create a hierarchy using these shapes. Quadrilaterals, Rectangles, Polygons, Squares, Parallelograms

63 On the back of this paper, create a hierarchy using these shapes. Quadrilaterals, Rectangles, Polygons, Squares, Parallelograms Polygons Quadrilaterals Parallelograms Rectangle Square 63

64 Name: Date: 17 Write the numerical expressions in words. (10-1) 3 Subtract one from ten then divide by three Add ten to the difference of five and three 10 + (5-3) (7 + 3) x 5 Add seven and three then multiply by five Round each decimal to the place indicated. Round to the nearest one Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth Round to the nearest thousandth /30 or 1/15 2/5 x 1/6 = 2/21 1/7 x 2/3= A café has seven gallons of lemonade. How many quarts do they have? 28 quarts Graph the coordinates below on your graph paper. Draw the correct shape beside the coordinate. Square at (8, 2) Trapezoid at (9, 1) Triangle at (5, 3) Rhombus at (2, 8)

65 Name: Date: 18 Add parenthesis to make these expressions true. 4 x (2 + 10) = (2 x 5) = 2 (30 10) x 4 = x 35= 315 x 16= 21,525 5,040 In each problem, tell whether the whole number factor will be smaller or larger than the product. Tell how you know. 10 x ½ which will make the product smaller. 7 2 The whole number factor will be larger than the product because you are multiplying it by a proper fraction, The whole number factor will be smaller than the product because you are multiplying it by a fraction greater than 1, which will make the product larger. 15 x Find the volume of the rectangular prism. 6 ft. 10 ft. 1 ft. 60 cubic feet Name the triangles from their descriptions. A triangle with only 2 sides of the same length. Isosceles triangle A triangle with all sides of the same length. Equilateral triangle A triangle with no sides the same length. Scalene triangle

66 Name: Date: 19 What is the relationship between the numbers that are x and the numbers that are y? X is ten times the amount of Y. X Y = = = = What is happening to the whole number as you are dividing? It is getting decreasing in value each time. Solve. Use the fraction model. Mr. Swanson has ½ lb. of fudge to share with 6 students. What amount of fudge will each child get? Each child will get 1/12 lb. of fudge. Complete the chart with the correct conversions. 1 ton 2,000 pounds 1 pound 16 ounces 2 pounds ounces Plot these points on your graph paper. Label them with the matching letter. A (3, 5) C (2, 5) E (1, 5) B (7, 5) D (6, 5) F (8, 5) 32 What do you notice about all the points? All the points have the same y axis.

67 Name: Date: 20 Write a numerical expression for the following words. (7 + 10) 5 Add 7 and 10, then divide by 5. Subtract 5 from 15, then multiply 6. (15 5) x 6 Multiply 4 and 6, then divide by 8. (4 x 6) 8 Solve. Show your work = = = 8,190 25,830 5,244 Solve. Use the models to help you get started = 3 ½ = 18 6 The data represents how much of a pound of soil is in each bag. If the soil was redistributed into equal amounts, how much soil would be in each bag? ½ pound of soil will be in each bag. Name each shape based on its description. octagon A 2 D shape with 8 sides. A 2 D shape with 5 sides. pentagon A 2 D shape with 6 sides. hexagon A 2 D shape with 4 sides. quadrilateral

68 Name: Date: 21 (7-1) 2= 3 2 (10-8)= 4 (2 + 8) x 9= 90 Round each decimal to the place indicated. 4 Round to the nearest one Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth Round to the nearest thousandth /9 1/3 x 2/3 = 2/35 1/5 x 2/7= Solve the 2 step problem. A student has 3 pounds of fudge. She eats 1 pound of it. How many ounces does she have left? True or False. Explain your reasoning. All squares are parallelograms, so all parallelograms are squares. All triangles are polygons. 32 False. Explanations will vary. ounces True. Explanations will vary.

69 Name: Date: 22 Add parenthesis to make these expressions true. 4 x (3 + 8) = (1 x 6) = 6 (60 50) x 9 = = 499 7= 60 R 4 71 R 2 2/5 1 3/5 = 5/8 1/4 = 3/4 3/8 1/16 = 2/8 or 1/4 5/4 or 1 1/4 4/8 1/4 = 3/4 + 1/2= 3/8 +1/12 = 11/16 11/24 Find the volume of the rectangular prism. 9 cm. 22 cm. 5 cm. 990 cubic centimeters Name the triangles from their descriptions. A triangle with all acute angles. Acute Triangle A triangle with 1 right angle. Right Triangle A triangle with 1 obtuse angle. Obtuse Triangle

70 Name: Date: 23 What is the relationship between the numbers that are x and the numbers that are y? Graph the points on your graph paper. X Y They x numbers are double the value of the y numbers. Solve. Show all your work. 56 x 152= 48 x 325= 8,512 15,600 Find the area of each rectangle. 10 ft. 2 ½ ft. 25 square feet 5 ½ in. 1 ½ in. 8 ¼ square inches Complete the chart with the correct conversions. 1 kilometer 1,000 meters 1 meter 100 centimeters 1 centimeter 10 millimeters Plot these points on your graph paper. Label them with the matching letter. A (2, 1) C (2, 3) E (2, 9) B (2, 5) D (2, 8) F (2, 2) What do you notice about all the points? The points have the same x axis.

71 Name: Date: 24 Write a numerical expression for the following words. ( ) 2 Find the sum of 10 and 12, then divide by 2. Multiply 6 and 3, then subtract 5 (6 x 3) - 5 (47 7) Subtract 7 from 47, then divide by 10. Solve. Show your work = = = Solve. Use the models to help you get started = 2 ⅛ = Look at the data. List the amounts in order from greatest to least. ¾, ¾, ¾, ¾, ½, ½, ½, ¼, ⅛, ⅛ Name each shape based on its description. parallelogram A shape with 2 pairs of parallel lines. A shape with 4 equal sides. square A shape with only 1 set of parallel lines. A shape with opposite sides of equal length. trapezoid rectangle

72 Name: Date: 25 [ 16 (3x2)] = 10 { [6 + (1x3)] x [3 x (1x4)] } = 108 Round each decimal to the place indicated. Round to the nearest one Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth Round to the nearest thousandth ½ 1 ½ x 3= 11 2 ¾ x 4= Solve the 2 step problem. A runner is running a 3 mile marathon. He has ran 2 miles already. How many feet does he have left to run? 5,280 feet True or False. Explain your reasoning. All triangles contain acute angles. True. Explanations will vary. A square is a polygon, so all polygons are squares. False. Explanations will vary.

73 Name: Date: 26 Add parenthesis to make these expressions true. 36 (3 x 2) = 6 (5 + 2) x 9 = 63 (5 + 2) x 10 = 70 Solve. Show your work x 1.6= x.36= A meat market has 68 pounds of meat to divide equally into 6 packs. He must use all the meat. How many pounds of meat will be in each pack? 11 2/6 or 11 1/3 lbs. A 2 layer cake has the following dimensions. Find the volume of the cake. 1 st layer= L = 10 inches W= 5 inches H= 8 inches 2 nd layer = L = 8 inches W= 3 inches H = 4 inches 496 cubic inches Create a hierarchy with the following shapes. Quadrilateral, Polygon, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Rhombus

74 On the back of this paper, create a hierarchy using these shapes. Quadrilateral, Polygon, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Rhombus Polygon Quadrilateral Parallelograms Rectangle Rhombus 74

75 Name: Date: 27 Fill in the chart using these rules. X and Y start at 0. X increased by 3, Y increased by 4. X Y Compare the decimals using >, <, or = = > < < > = Find the area of each rectangle. 5 ½ ft. 1 ½ ft. 8 ¼ square feet 6 1/4 in. 3 1/3 in. 20 5/6 square inches Find the volume of the shape below. 2 in. 3 in. 84 cubic inches 3 in. 6 in. 8 in. What larger group do the following shapes belong to? Explain your reasoning. rectangles, parallelograms, squares, rhombus Quadrilaterals. Explanations will vary. Polygons. Explanations will vary.

76 Name: Date: 28 Graph the following pattern on your graph paper. X Y Solve. Show your work = = Write matching fractions for the division problems. ½ /5 3/4 7/ /6 13/6 This data shows the amount of sugar in bags. The amount is measured in pounds. How much total sugar is there? 5 lbs. Make a list of all the types of quadrilaterals. Draw a picture of each. square, rectangle, trapezoid, parallelogram, kite or diamond

77 Name: Date: 29 Finish the pattern. Graph it on your graph paper. X Y Round each decimal to the place indicated Round to the nearest one Round to the nearest tenth Round to the nearest hundredth. 156, Round to the nearest thousands. 786, , ,000 ¼ 1 ½ - 1 ¼ = 2 ¼ + 1 ⅜= 3 5/8 Find the volume of the shape below. 6 in. 6 in. 432 cubic inches 8 in. 6 in. 12 in. 4 in. Define the shapes based on the information. A rectangle with all sides that are equal. square A triangle with a right angle. right triangle A quadrilateral with 2 pairs of parallel lines. parallelogram A quadrilateral with only 1 pair of parallel lines. trapezoid

78 Name: Date: 30 Complete the pattern using these rules. x starts at 5 and increases by 5. y starts at 10 and increases by 10. X Y Solve. Show your work = = = 1.06 Describe what would happen to the following problems if the changes were made. Do not solve. 12 x 16 If the 16 was increased to 20, the product would. increase If the 12 was decreased to 8, the product would. decrease Find the volume of the right rectangular prisms ft cubic feet 6.5 ft cm. 637 cubic 4 ft. feet 7 cm cm. Finish the T Chart with the correct shapes under the categories. Quadrilaterals parallelogram square rectangles trapezoid Triangles right triangle equilateral triangle acute triangle isosceles triangle obtuse triangle scalene triangle

79 Numbers and Operations: Base Ten Numbers and Operations: Fractions

80 Name: Date: Write the following in exponential notation: 10 x 10= x 10 x 10= 3 10 x 10 x 10 x 10= Write the following decimals in word form one and sixty-five hundredths six hundred eighty-nine thousandths seven hundred seventy thousandths 0.2 two tenths 3. Compare the decimals using >, <, or =. < < < Tina and Sam are eating pizza. Tina eats ¼ of it and Sam eats ½ of it. How much of the pizza did they eat together? They ate ¾ of the pizza together. 2. Write the following division problems as fractions / /10 4/6 2/3 3. A baker has 16 pounds of sugar. She needs to put all the sugar in 5 bags and an equal amount in all the bags. How many pounds will be in each bag? 3 1/5 lbs. in each bag

81 Name: Date: Write each decimal in expanded form x x 1/ x 1/ x x 1/ x 1/ x 1/ x 1/ x 1/ Solve. Show your work Solve. Show your work = = 5 R R /6 or 3 2/3 1 3/ /6= 5 1/8 + 2/4= 5 5/8 4 5/8 4 7/10 8 3/4 4 1/8= 10 4/5 6 1/10= 2. 1 ½ 3 x ½= 3 4 x ¾= 1 5 x 1/5= 6/8 6 x 1/8= 3. Without solving, circle the problem that would be greater. Tell how you know. 12 x 16 or 12 x x 2 or 15 x 1/2

82 Name: Date: 1. Which statement is true about the 6 in the following numbers? A. 6,159 B 7,658 A. The 6 in the number labeled A is 1/10 the amount of the 6 in the number labeled B. B. The 6 in the number labeled A is 10 times the amount of the 6 in the number labeled B Solve Round each decimal to the nearest tenth Find the area of the rectangles below. 3 ½ cm. 23 5/8 cm /20 in 2 3/4 in. 6 ¾ cm. 2. Solve ½ x ¾= 2 1/5 in. 3/8 4/20 or 1/5 4/5 x 1/4= 3. Mr. Thomas is making rice. 1 cup of rice takes 1/3 of a cup of water. He is making 2 ½ cups of rice. How much water will he need? 5/6 of a cup

83 Name: Date: 1. Write the following decimals in words four hundred twenty five thousandths 6.12 six and twelve hundredths eight and nine thousandths 2. Compare the decimals using <, >, or =..6 > < = 3. Solve ,456 x31 x174 x12 10,106 79,344 17, Makayla is making 6 batches of brownies. If 1 batch requires ¾ teaspoons of butter, how much total butter will she need for all 6 batches? 4 ½ teaspoons 2. Without solving, answer the questions about the multiplication problems. 12 x 15 What would happen to the product if the 15 decreased to 13? The product would decrease. 26 x 12 What would happen to the product if the 26 increased to 27? The product would increase. 3. Two brothers are eating out of the same box of cereal. The older brother eats 3/5 and the younger brother eats 3/10 of the cereal. How much more does the older brother eat than the younger brother? The older brother eats 3/10 more.

84 Name: Date: 1. Write the exponents in factor form x x 10 x 10 x Solve = = Solve = ,000= x 100= x 1,000= 3,860 What is happening to the decimal point in the first two division problems? The decimal point is moving to the left. What is happening to the decimal point in the multiplication problems? The decimal point is moving to the right. 1. Jamie has 6 cans of peaches to give to his four aunts. How many cans of peaches will each aunt get if he gives them all the peaches? Each aunt will get 1 ½ cans of peaches. 1 ½ 3 4/8 or ½ 2. 3 x ½= 4 x ¾= 4 x 1/8 3. Which problem would have the larger product? 16 x 3/2 16 x ½ or 16 x 3/2 How do you know? Explanations will vary.

85 Name: Date: 1. Write the decimals in expanded form x 1/ x 1/ x x 1/ x x 1/ x x 1/ x 1/ Solve = R R 8 12 R Solve x0.59 x 2.63 x 4 x Write the fractions as division problems. 3/ / /6 2. What will happen to a whole number when it is: Multiplied by a fraction greater than 1. Multiplied by a fraction smaller than 1. Multiplied by a fraction equal to 1. The whole number will increase. The whole number will decrease. The whole number will stay the same. 3. The sugar Saul buys comes in bags with 1 ¾ pounds of sugar in each bag. Saul has ½ of a bag left at home. How much sugar does he have? 7/8 of a pound

86 37 Name: Date: 1. Decide if each statement is true or false about the following numbers. A B C True The 3 in the number labeled A is 1/10 the amount of the 3 in the number labeled B. False The 3 in the number labeled C is 1/10 the amount of the 3 in the number labeled B. True The 3 in the number labeled B is 10 times the amount of the 3 in the number labeled A. 2. Solve Compare the decimals using >, <, or =..51 <.6.87 = > 1. Solve. 1 ¾ + 4 ½= 6 ¼ 10 1/8 6 3/24= /18 6 ½ - 3 ¼= 3 ¼ 15 1/ /6= 2. Jakobi has 16 pieces of candy. She eats ¾ of them. How many did she eat? 12 pieces How much candy does she have left? 4 pieces 3. Solve. 1/8 x 3/6= 3/48 or 1/16 4/5 x 3/6= 12/30 or 2/5 1/7 x 3/9= 3/63 or 1/211/2 x 1/2= 1/4

87 Name: Date: 1. Write the following in exponential form x10x10x x x10x Write the number form for the following decimals. Sixty-three hundredths 0.63 One and four tenths 1.4 Five and seventy one thousandths Mandy has $ She wants to share it with herself and her 2 friends. How much will each friend get? $ Find the area of the rectangles below. 3/4 cm. 5 1/3 cm. 6 1/8 cm. 4 19/32 square centimeters 2 2/3 square centimeters 1/2 cm. 2.Robert has ¾ of a candy bar left. He wants to share it with himself and 2 friends. What fraction of the candy bar will each person get? ¼ of the candy bar 3. Lisa and Ann are eating a box of crackers. Lisa eats 3/6 of the box and Ann eats 1/4 of the box. How much of the box did the two girls eat together? 9/12 or 3/4

88 Name: Date: 1. Write the place value of the following underlined digits tenths.895 thousandths hundredths Write the numbers in expanded form x x x 1/ x 1/ x 1/ x x x x 1/ x 1/ Round the decimal to the underlined place value solve. 3 ½ 6 6 ⅛ Answer the questions about the multiplication problems without solving. What would happen to the product of 13 x 4 if the 4 was increased? The product would increase. What would happen to the product of 1.5 x 3 if the 1.5 was decreased? The product would decrease. 3. A baker is making 4 1/8 batches of cookies. If each batch requires 3/4 of a stick of butter, how much butter will he need for all 4 1/8 batches? 3 3/32 sticks

89 Name: Date: 1. Compare the following numbers by filling in the blanks in the statements. A B C The 9 in the number labeled C is 1/10 the amount of the 9 in the number labeled A. The 9 in the number labeled B is the 10 times amount of the 9 in the number labeled A. 2. Put the decimals in order from greatest to least. 4.10, 4.01, 3.7, 3.685, Solve x 1.59= x 3.896= , 4.10, 3.6, 3.7, Write the fractions as division problems. 1/ / / Solve. 5 x 3/4= 3 ¾ 1 2/4 or 1 ½ 6 x 1/4= 3. Without solving, tell what would happen to the whole number factor in the below problems. decrease or become smaller 6 x 3/4:The whole number factor will. 6 x 8/6: The whole number factor will. 4 x 4/4: The whole number factor will. increase or become larger stay the same

90 Checklist of Skills 90

91 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Skills I can solve problems involving parentheses, brackets, and braces. 1, 6, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 25, 26 I can write and interpret numerical expressions. 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13,17, 20, 24 I can determine the rule used in a numerical pattern. 3, 7, 10, 19 I can complete numerical patterns using two given rules. 11, 15, 27, 30 I can graph a pattern on a coordinate grid. 23, 28, 29 Numbers and Operations: Base Ten I can understand the place value of a number. 5, 7, 9, 33, 37, 39, 40 I can multiply by the powers of 10. 1,2, 6, 11, 15, 19 I can determine where to place a decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10. 6, 11, 15, 19, 35 I can identify and understand exponential notation. 2, 19, 31, 35, 38 I can read and write decimals to the thousandths. 8, 12, 31, 34, 38 I can represent decimals in expanded form. 10, 13, 32, 36, 39 I can compare two decimals using >, =, and < symbols. 4, 27, 31, 34, 37, 40 I can round decimals using a variety of strategies, such as number lines and benchmark numbers. 3, 17, 21, 25, 33, 39 I can multiply multi digit whole numbers. 14, 18, 20, 23, 34 I can divide whole numbers and explain my calculations through a variety of methods. 16, 22, 24, 32, 36 I can add and subtract decimals to the hundredths. 10, 28, 32, 35, 37 I can multiply and divide decimals to the hundredths. 26, 30, 33, 36, 38, 40

92 Numbers and Operations: Fractions I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators. 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 22 I can add and subtract mixed numbers. 7, 29, 32, 37 I can solve word problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions that refer to the same whole. 5, 31, 34, 38 I can understand that fractions are division problems. 28, 31, 36, 40 I can solve problems that require me to divide whole numbers with fractions as part of the answer. 26, 31, 35, 39 I can multiply fractions by whole numbers. 2, 3, 32, 35, 40 I can multiply fractions by fractions. 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 37 I can find the area of a rectangle with sides that are fractions. 23, 27, 33, 38 I can determine what happens to the product in a multiplication problem if one of the factors is decreased or increased. I can compare products mentally by comparing the factors in each problem. I can determine what happens to a given number when: I multiply it by a fraction greater than 1 I multiply it by a fraction less than 1 I can solve real world problems involving multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. I can determine the answer to a division problem when dividing a whole number by a unit fraction. I can solve real world problems that require dividing unit fractions by whole numbers greater than 0. 14, 30, 34, 39 14, 32, 35, 40 18, 33, 36, 40 25, 33, 36, 39 16, 20, 24, 37 15, 19, 34, 38

93 Measurement and Data I can convert measurement units within the same measurement system. 1, 3, 9, 11, 15, 19, 23 I can solve real world problems involving measurement. 2, 4, 5, 7, 13, 17, 21, 25 I can create and plot data on a line plot. 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 I can solve problems involving information presented on a line plot. 20, 24, 28 I can use multiplication to determine the volume of a right rectangular prism. 14, 18, 22, 30 I can use the formulas to find the volume of right rectangular prisms in real world and mathematical problems. 14, 18, 22, 30 I can find the volume of two non-overlapping smaller right rectangular prisms and add them together to find the volume of the whole right rectangular prism. 26, 27, 29 Geometry I can interpret real world data and graph that data in the first quadrant of a coordinate plane. 11, 15, 17, 19, 23 I can define two dimensional shapes based on their attributes. 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 18, 22, 24 I can classify shapes according to common attributes. 1, 3, 5, 8, 20, 27, 28, 30 I can classify shapes going from broad definitions to more specific definitions. 12, 16, 21, 25, 26, 29

94 This resource was created by Jennifer Findley. It may be printed and photocopied for single classroom use. It may not be put on the Internet, sold, or distributed in any form. Check out my store for more resources that are common core aligned. Follow my blog for updates and freebies. Thanks! Jennifer Findley

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