CSE341 Spring 2017, Final Examination June 8, 2017

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1 CSE341 Spring 2017, Final Examination June 8, 2017 Please do not turn the page until 8:30. Rules: The exam is closed-book, closed-note, etc. except for both sides of one 8.5x11in piece of paper. Please stop promptly at 10:20. There are 125 points, distributed unevenly among 9 questions (all with multiple parts): The exam is printed double-sided. Advice: Read questions carefully. Understand a question before you start writing. Write down thoughts and intermediate steps so you can get partial credit. But clearly indicate what is your final answer. The questions are not necessarily in order of difficulty. Skip around. Make sure you get to all the questions. If you have questions, ask. Relax. You are here to learn.

2 1. (17 points) (Racket programming) This problem uses the two Racket struct definitions below for defining binary trees of numbers where (empty) is an empty tree (contains zero numbers). Note: A binary tree is not necessarily a binary search tree it is fine for any numbers to appear at any position in a tree. (struct node (left num right) #:transparent) (struct empty () #:transparent) This problem has parts (a) (e), some of them on the next page, which should provide more than enough space. (a) Draw a simple picture of the tree represented by the value bound to part-a in this code: (define (single n) (node (empty) n (empty))) (define part-a (node (single 3) 4 (single 5))) (b) Now write a Racket definition such that part-b is bound to the tree represented by this picture (where 5 is the root and any not-shown children are empty trees): 5 / 4 / 3 (c) Write a Racket function forall that takes two arguments: (1) a function taking one argument and (2) a binary tree. forall should evaluate to #f if and only if there is some number (anywhere) in the second argument such that the first argument returns #f when passed that number. (Note forall should return #t if the second argument is the empty tree.)

3 (d) Use forall, which you wrote in the previous problem, to write a Racket function all-in-range that takes two numbers i and j and one tree t and evaluates to #t if all numbers in t are greater than or equal to i and less than or equal to j. (e) Consider this code that uses the forall function you wrote: (define (gross-abuse-of-forall t) (let ([x 0]) (begin (forall (lambda (n) (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) #t)) t) x))) i. Describe in at most one English sentence what gross-abuse-of-forall computes. (Do not describe how it does so describe what clients would see.) ii. Write a Racket function foo that is equivalent to gross-abuse-of-forall but does not use forall and does not use mutation.

4 2. (9 points) Consider this (silly) Racket code: (define x 7) (define fa (lambda (x) (let ([y (+ x 1)]) (+ y x)))) (define fb (let ([y (+ x 1)]) (lambda (x) (+ y x)))) (define-syntax fc (syntax-rules () [(fc y) (+ x y 1)])) (set! x 15) (define a (fa 4)) (define b (fb 4)) (define c (fc 4)) After all this code is evaluated: (a) What is a bound to? (b) What is b bound to? (c) What is c bound to?

5 3. (10 points) (Streams) Remember a stream is a thunk that returns a pair where the cdr is a stream. (a) Write a Racket function n-at-once that takes a stream s and a number n and returns a pair where the car is a list holding the first n elements of s in order and the cdr is the stream that is like s but with the first n elements of s removed. Assume n is a non-negative number and s is a stream. Hint: Sample solution is about 6 lines and uses recursion but does not define any helper functions. (b) Fill in the three blanks below so that part-b is bound to ( ). (define (f i) (lambda () (cons i (f (+ i 1))))) (define part-b ( (n-at-once (f ) )))

6 4. (25 points) (Interpreter implementation) Below is an implementation for a subset of mupl, but eval-under-env contains several bugs, which means the language implementation is wrong. (struct var (string) #:transparent) ;; a variable, e.g., (var "foo") (struct int (num) #:transparent) ;; a constant number, e.g., (int 17) (struct add (e1 e2) #:transparent) ;; add two expressions (struct ifnz (e1 e2 e3) #:transparent) ;; if not zero e1 then e2 else e3 (struct mlet (var e body) #:transparent) ;; a local binding (let var = e in body) (struct apair (e1 e2) #:transparent) ;; make a new pair (struct first (e) #:transparent) ;; get first part of a pair (struct second (e) #:transparent) ;; get second part of a pair (define (envlookup env str) ; envlookup is exactly what we gave you for Homework 5 (cond [(null? env) (error "unbound variable during evaluation" str)] [(equal? (car (car env)) str) (cdr (car env))] [#t (envlookup (cdr env) str)])) (define (eval-under-env e env) (cond [(var? e) (envlookup env (var-string e))] [(int? e) e] [(add? e) (let ([v1 (eval-under-env (add-e1 e) env)] [v2 (eval-under-env (add-e2 e) env)]) (if (and (int? v1) (int? v2)) (int (+ (int-num v1) (int-num v2))) (error "MUPL addition applied to non-number")))] [(ifnz? e) (let ([v1 (eval-under-env (ifnz-e1 e) env)] [v2 (eval-under-env (ifnz-e2 e) env)] [v3 (eval-under-env (ifnz-e3 e) env)]) (if (int? v1) (if (= (int-num v1) 0) v2 v3) (error "MUPL ifnz applied to non-number")))] [(mlet? e) (let* ([v (eval-under-env (mlet-e e) env)]) (eval-under-env (mlet-body e) (list (cons (mlet-var e) v))))] [(apair? e) (apair (eval-under-env (apair-e1 e) env) (eval-under-env (apair-e2 e) env))] [(first? e) (if (apair? (first-e e)) (apair-e1 (first-e e)) (error "MUPL first applied to non-apair"))] [(second? e) (if (apair? (second-e e)) (apair-e2 (second-e e)) (error "MUPL second applied to non-apair"))] [#t (error (format "bad MUPL expression: ~v" e))])) (define (eval-exp e) ; eval-exp is exactly what we gave you for Homework 5 (eval-under-env e null)) For each of the expressions on the next page, give two things: What the correct answer is, i.e., what the interpreter should produce. What the actual answer is, i.e., what the interpreter above actually produces. For some of the expressions, the interpreter does the correct thing, so the answer is the same as the correct answer. However, due to bugs, the interpreter could either produce a different answer or fail with an error. For example, an answer for (eval-exp (add (int 2) (int 2))) could be: correct: (int 4) actual: (int 4)

7 (a) (eval-exp (first (apair (apair (int 3) (int 4)) (int 5)))) (b) (eval-exp (first (apair (add (int 3) (int 4)) (int 5)))) (c) (eval-exp (first (first (apair (apair (int 3) (int 4)) (int 5))))) (d) (eval-exp (mlet "x" (int 4) (ifnz (var "x") (var "x") (var "y")))) (e) (eval-exp (mlet "x" (int 4) (ifnz (var "x") (int 5) (int 6)))) (f) (eval-exp (mlet "x" (int 4) (mlet "y" (int 4) (ifnz (var "x") (int 5) (int 6)))) (g) (eval-exp (mlet "y" (int 4) (mlet "x" (int 4) (ifnz (var "x") (int 5) (int 6)))))

8 5. (14 points) (Static vs. Dynamic Typing) Consider this Racket function: (define (sort-pair p) (cond [(or (not (pair? p)) (not (number? (car p))) (not (number? (cdr p)))) (error "I am so very sorry but sort-pair cannot handle your argument")] [(>= (car p) (cdr p)) p] [#t (cons (cdr p) (car p))])) (a) Port sort-pair to ML by defining an analogous function sort_pair type int * int -> int * int, removing any logic that serves no purpose in ML. (b) Suppose we now wish to change sort-pair in Racket so that (sort-pair null) evaluates to null. Describe exactly how to make this change. (You can write the whole new function if you wish, but you can also describe it precisely to avoid so much writing.) (c) After making the change in part (b), would a previous caller of sort-pair now need to be modified? Answer definitely, maybe, or definitely not. If definitely or maybe, explain the easiest way to find a caller that needs changing. (d) Make the corresponding change to sort_pair in ML by completing this code so that sort_pair has type (int * int) option -> (int * int) option. fun sort_pair opt = case opt of SOME (x,y) => NONE => (e) After making the change in part (d), would a previous caller of sort_pair now need to be modified? Answer definitely, maybe, or definitely not. If definitely or maybe, explain the easiest way to find a caller that needs changing.

9 6. (15 points) (OOP) This problem considers this Ruby code, which we put in two columns just to make it easier to see all at once. class CoinCollection class Penny < CoinCollection def value 1 class Nickel < CoinCollection def value 5 class Dime < CoinCollection def value 10 class Quarter < CoinCollection def value 25 class NoCoins < CoinCollection def value 0 class TwoCollections < CoinCollection def initialize = = cc2 def cs0 = TwoCollections.new(Dime.new,NoCoins.new) cs1 = TwoCollections.new(Nickel.new,TwoCollections.new(cs0,Nickel.new)) part_a = cs1.value (a) What is part_a bound to in the code above? (b) Add three method definitions to the code above (indicate what classes you are adding them to) such that if c is an instance of any subclass of CoinCollection, then c.numcoins evaluates to the number of coins in the collection (e.g., cs1.numcoins == 3). (c) Use Ruby s Comparable mixin and 1 added method definition so that any two instances of CoinCollection can be compared with >, <, >=, etc. in terms of their values. For example, Dime.new > Nickel.new == true. Hint: <=> (d) After your additions in the previous two problems, indicate for each of the following whether evaluating the expression causes an error ( yes for error and no for not an error). i. Penny.new > 0 ii. 0 > Penny.new iii. Penny.new.value > 0 iv. 0 > Penny.new.value

10 7. (14 points) (OOP vs. FP) Consider the Ruby code in the previous problem, including all the provided code and your additions for (b), but not your additions for (c). Port this code to ML using a functional style by defining: One datatype binding with six constructors. Two functions numcoins and value. Top-level bindings for cs0, cs1, and part_a.

11 8. (6 points) (Arrays and Blocks) Consider again the Ruby code for Problem 6. Write a method m that takes an argument arr that we assume is an array where every array element is either nil or an instance of a subclass of CoinCollection. Implement m so it returns the total value of the coins in the array. For example, m [Penny.new, nil, TwoCollections.new(Dime.new,Dime.new)] should evaluate to 21.

12 9. (15 points) (Subtyping) This problem considers a language like in lecture containing (1) records with mutable fields, (2) functions, and (3) subtyping. Even though we learned in lecture that it is a bad idea, the language includes width subtyping, permutation subtyping, and depth subtyping. The goal of the type system is to prevent accessing a field of a record that does not exist. (a) Is the type system sound? (Yes or no; no explanation needed.) (b) If possible, fill in the two blanks below such that the program type-checks but, when run, accesses a field of a record that does not exist. If this is impossible, just say impossible. fun f (x : {f1: {f11 : int}, f2 : int}) = (* function f s here; the next 3 lines (including the blank) are at top-level *) val y : {f1 : {f11: int, f12:int}, f2 : int} = {f1 = {f11 = 0, f12 = 0}, f2 = 0}; f(y); For parts (c), (d), (e), and (f), we now consider a change to our type system. Suppose we ext our type system with the idea of readonly fields in record types. In addition to all the types we already had, each field in a record type can be marked readonly or not. For example, in {f1 : int, readonly f2 : int, readonly f3 : int} fields f2 and f3 are marked readonly. To type-check e.f, we still require e has a record type containing a field f (marked readonly or not) but for e1.f = e2 we do not allow the f field in the type of e1 to be readonly.. Note: The exam as given had an unfortunate bug. The above parapgraph didn t indicate what Dan inted, namely, that with this change, we now should have depth subtyping for readonly fields and not for the other fields. As a result we gave everyone credit for part (c). The sample solution is what was inted, i.e., it assumes this correction. (c) Is this new type system sound? (Yes or no; no explanation needed.) (d) If possible, fill in the two blanks below such that the program type-checks but, when run, accesses a field of a record that does not exist. If this is impossible, just say impossible. fun f (x : {readonly f1: {f11 : int}, f2 : int}) = (* function f s here; the next 3 lines (including the blank) are at top-level *) val y : {readonly f1 : {f11: int, f12:int}, f2 : int} = {f1 = {f11 = 0, f12 = 0}, f2 = 0}; f(y); (e) Suppose t1 and t2 are almost the same record types. The only difference is for some field f, t1 includes f : ta and t2 includes readonly f : ta. Considering the concept of substitutability, should we allow t1 to be a subtype of t2? (Yes or no.) (f) If we do allow the subtyping described in part (e), which use of readonly in part (d) could we delete and still have the code typecheck (assuming, of course, the code in the blanks typechecks)?

13 Here is an extra page where you can put answers. If you use this page (either side), please write see also last page or similar on the page with the question.

CSE341 Spring 2017, Final Examination June 8, 2017

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