Processing Assignment Write- Ups

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1 Processing Assignment Write- Ups Exercise 1-1 Processing is not an elaborate series of points like connect the dots or is it? Can t be cause I got it all wrong when I mapped out each and every point that I thought Processing should follow down to the baby steps of hitting each pixel in a line. Once I read on and realized that there was a much more sensible (and simple way of writing code) I looked back at my paper with streams of code numbers running from line to line and sighed. CIRCLE English: Start at the bottom center, draw a half moon to equal point above starting point, draw another half- moon to connect w/ bottom point. Code: (2,0,1,1,0,2,0,3,1,4,2,5,3,4,4,3,4,2,3,2,3,1,2,0); RECT E: Draw a line in corner of page; draw a line at end of first side s line wider than width; draw another line equal length on opposite side; draw final line to connect to beginning point. C: (4,1,0,1,0,3,4,3,4,1); SQUARE E: Draw a straight line; draw a line to the right in equal length at first line ending; then draw a 3 rd line back down in equal length; draw one final line to connect to the initial starting point. C: (1, 0,1,2,3,2,3,0,1,0,); TRIANGLE E: Draw three equal length lines: start at bottom of the plane in left corner; draw 2md equal length line diagonal toward center of plane; draw a diagonal line towards bottom right side of plane; at that point, draw connecting line to initial starting point. C: (1,5,1,7,5); Exercise 1-2 Graphing primitive shapes from code: I found this exercise relatively easy after I read section 1.1 for a second time. I am glad that I waited to try the exercise after I took three types of notes of portion 1.1; I am awful at anything related to mat and numbers (outside of percentages and fractions). The grid and the three systems of modes (center, corner and corners) was throwing me off a bit until I could process it visually. The only shape that gave me a little bit of trouble was the ellipse, because to graph it, the center point didn t actually turn out to be the center point between the width and height pixels because it was listed as 4,4, my center point ended up being right over the bottom width line.

2 Exercise 1-3 Reverse engineer primitive shapes into code: 1. point(1,1); 2. rectmode(corners); rect(4,1, 9,3); 3. line(0,9); 4. line(1,5,1,9); 5. ellipsemode(corners); ellipse(7,7,8,9); Exercise 1-4 Color instructions for the screenshot: background(255); stroke(0); fill(0); rect(25,25,50,50); stroke(0); fill(150); rect(25,25,50,50); Exercize 1-5 Guess the RGB Values: fill(255, 0, 0); Bright Blue fill(127, 0, 0); Dark Purple fill(255, 200, 200); Yellow Feeling burnt out. Exercise 1-6 What coding will each of the sets create? fill(0, 100, 0); - - Light Green fill(100); Light Gray Stroke(0, 0, 200); Blue stroke(255); White stroke(255, 255, 0); Yellow stroke(0, 255, 255); Cayan stroke(200, 50, 50); Light- Light Pink (Peach?) Feeling very brunt out. Exercise 1-7 Creature By Hand or By Design.

3 Upon creating my thing, I realized that I felt somewhat limited in my design capabilities because I don t know Processing well enough to make something interesting at least to my eye, not to mention, I don t draw very well. Exercise 2-2 Opening and trying out an example. As my example reference, I choose continuouslines like the author suggested, but when the blank gray screen opened, I thought that I must have not installed my Processing application correctly. Then I figured out that you need to click and drag the mouse as it is an interactive example. I really like she patterns and pulses examples. Exercise 2-3 Run a sample code from chapter 1. Ran the code from the gray box image on page 11. Realized that there needs to be a space after the end parenthesis before the semicolon. Exercise 2-4 Putting our creature code into a new sketch. I realized that my code commands, which I programmed in a 1-10 graph scale, were too small, so I increased them all by 100% and the creature became much more visible. The text isn t showing in the window field. Also, How do you create the image in relatable code if you are not working with a visual graph layout field? Am I missing something? When I entered the code for her creature, I forgot to specify a size and I could only see one of his eyes. I added a size code and it worked out great. I still can t get the text to show in the box. Exercise 2-10 Export and open your sketch in a browser. Once I exported and opened my Shelby Creature through the internet, I laughed a little thinking that someone, at some point (class maybe) would have to see this awful sketch: embarrassing. Yet, not enough to take the humor out of it. Exercise 3-1 Write out the flow for PONG 1. Hit the tennis or ping- pong ball by moving your controller, mouse or arrows in the direction you want to your paddle to move so that it will hit the ball. 2. Hit the ball with your paddle, knocking it across the net. 3. Repeat until one of the players reaches ten points.

4 Exercise 3-3: Reverse the setup and background within the coding given. When you write the background first, before the setup size, the sketch becomes interactive. When the setup in size is written before the background, the sketch is not interactive. When reversed (background first) you can see how the repetition function works. Exercise 3-5: Rewrite part of Shelby to follow the mouse. Awesome. In Exercise 3-5, something just clicked. Now, I just have to figure out how to find a damn grid function. Assignment 1: Design an image and incorporate the mouse or key codes. I like that I can move the head around. Figuring out the more complicated aspects of coding gives me hope for the future as in, I would really like to master this program so I can use it in my artwork, but I ve already come to terms that it may not be my strong suit: see Shelby. LESSON 2 Chapters 4, 5, & 6 Exercise 4-1 What variables would Pong need? Player 1 & Player 2 score variables High score variables Ball position variables Paddle variables o When the pong ball strikes a certain area on a paddle, then the ball will move across the board on a specified direction/trajectory. o Directional variables like, if the mouse is moved in a direction, the paddle will also move in that direction that the paddle is controlled by the movement of the mouse 4-2 intcount = 0; intscorecount = intcount+1; float pongleft = (x, mousey); float pongright = (x,mousey); booleanpongball = intcount+1

5 Question (where I got stuck): There would be the variables depending on the area that the ball hits the paddle; therefore the ball would take variables in direction depending on the area in which the paddle was hit. How would you express this in a variable? 4-3 //To make the circle grow in length and width in circlesize = 0 int circlex = 20; int circley = 20; void setup() { size(200,200); void draw() { background(255); stroke(0); fill(175); ellipse(100,100, circlex, circley); circlex = circlex+1; circley = circley+1; //this it the correct way to answer the question //To make the circle grow as it follows the mouse in circlesize = 0 int circlex = 100; int circley = 100; void setup() { size(200,200); void draw() { background(255); stroke(0); fill(175); ellipse(mousex, mousey, circlesize, 50); circlesize = circlesize+1 c) To increase the speed at which the circle grows, you d increase the variable expression. i.e. circley = mousey + 20 having increased from 1 to now 20 circlex = mousex see notebook or processing code under Lesson 4 Sketches

6 1b) void setup () { void draw () { size (200, 200); background (100, 100, 200); stroke (0); line (100, 0, 100, 100); line (100, 100, 200, 200); line (100, 10, 0, 200); int circlecolor = 255; void setup () { size (200, 200); smooth (); void draw () { fill (circlecolor); background (circlecolor-150); ellipsemode (CENTER); ellipse (100, 100, 100, 100); 4-5 NEED HELP WITH THIS SECTION!!! NOTE IN SECTION BEFORE THE 6 TH EXERCISE: I really like the random function here, I can see that using random creates an object that looks like it lives/breathes on its own. Reminds me of a heartbeat, someone speaking, audio levels or a narrative. void setup() { size(200,200); void draw() { background(100); stroke(255);

7 int w = int(random(1,100)); rect(100,100,w,50); framerate (10); 4-6 ATTEMPT #2 // Learning Processing // Daniel Shiffman // // Example 4-8: Variable Zoog // NEW FEATURE #1: Zoog will rise from below the screen and fly off into space (above the screen.) // NEW FEATURE #2: Zoog!s eyes will be colored randomly as Zoog moves. // Declaring Variables. // zoogx and zoogy are for feature #1. eyer, eyeg, eyeb are for feature #2. float zoogx; float zoogy; float eyer; float eyeg; float eyeb; void setup() { size(200,200); // Set the size of the window // Feature #1. zoogx and zoogy are initialized based on the size of the window. // Note we cannot initialize these variables before the size() function is called // since we are using the built- in variables width and height. zoogx = width/2; // Zoog always starts in the middle zoogy = height + 100; // Zoog starts below the screen smooth(); void draw() { background(255); // Draw a white background // Set ellipses and rects to CENTER mode

8 ellipsemode(center); rectmode(center); // Draw Zoog's body stroke(0); fill(150); // Feature #1. zoogx and zoogy are used for the shape locations. rect(zoogx,zoogy,20,100); // Draw Zoog's head stroke(0); fill(255); ellipse(zoogx,zoogy- 30,60,60); // Draw Zoog's eyes // Feature #2. eyer, eyeg, and eyeb are given random values and used in the fill() function. eyer = random(255); eyeg = random(255); eyeb = random(255); fill(eyer,eyeg,eyeb); ellipse(zoogx- 19,zoogY- 30,16,32); ellipse(zoogx+19,zoogy- 30,16,32); // Draw Zoog's legs stroke(150); line(zoogx- 10,zoogY+50,zoogX- 10,height); line(zoogx+10,zoogy+50,zoogx+10,height); // Zoog moves up zoogy = zoogy - 1; zoogx = zoogx+random (- 1,1); ATTEMPT # 1 this brings up an error message. ellipse(zoogx- 19,zoogY- 30,16,32); ellipse(zoogx+19,zoogy- 30,16,32); // Draw Zoog's legs stroke(150);

9 line(zoogx- 10,zoogY+50,zoogX- 10,height); line(zoogx+10,zoogy+50,zoogx+10,height); // Zoog moves up zoogy = zoogy- 1; c 4-7 //write out random specifications int w = int(random(1,100)); int h = int(random(1, 100)); int bw = int(random(1, 100)); int bh = int(random(1,100)); void setup() { //Set the size of the window size(320, 240) ; void draw() { //Draw a white background background(255) ; smooth() framerate(30); //Set CENTER mode ellipsemode(center) ; rectmode(center) ; //Draw Shelby's head// stroke(0) ; fill(10, 0, 255) ; ellipse(50, 60, w, h) ; //Dray Shelby's body// stroke(0) ; fill(155, 0, 155) ; rect(100, 60, bw, bh) ; //Draw Shelby's Legs// stroke(0, 191, 191) ;

10 line(70, 145, 70, 200) ; line(90, 145, 90, 200) ; line(110, 145, 110, 200) ; line(130, 145, 130, 200) ; stroke(0) ; println("shelby Likes Personal Digital Space") ; 5-1 (needs to be finished need more info) float grade = random(0,100); if (100) { println("assign letter grade A."); else if (g > = 100 ) { println ( Assign letter grade B); else if (g < = 80, g < 90) { println( ); else if ( ) { println( ); else { println( ); 5-2 output: print X + " is greater than 50! output: print X is greater than 25! & print x is greater than 50! 5-3 if (x < 100) { x = constrain(100, 100, 20, 20); TRUE 2. FALSE 3. TRUE 4. TRUE 5. 5 cannot be greater than 10 and less than 5 at the same time. int x = 50; int y = 50; int w = 100; int h = 75;

11 void setup() { size(200,200); void draw() { background(0); stroke(255); if (mousex < 100 && mousey > 100 && heightx width/2 && heighty/2) { else fill (0) { rect(x,y,w,h); 5-7 The code won t work because in draw() the cycle repeats itself and this won t work with a switch command. (?) 6-1: INCORRECT ANSWER NEED HELP a) size ( 200, 200); background (255); int y = 0; while (y < width) { stroke (0); line (x, y, x, y + height); y = y + 20; 6-3 First Go: 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D Second Go: 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 6-4

12 code a will turn from black to white. Results: code a did turn from black to while on the first round of reading the code, but on the second round, it changed from black to blue color. Code b will turn from black to white. Results: code b did not run any change. I was wrong ) I might write functions (for my Lesson 2 project): a. Someone pacing back and forth in a room b. The sun and moon rising and setting through a window c. Thought Bubble Standards that I can modify their size 2) What functions might you write in order to program Pong: a. drawpaddle() b. drawball() 7-4 void sum(int a, int b, int c) { int total = a + b + c; println(total); Looking at the function definition above, write the code that calls the function. Int a = 5; Int b = 10; Int c = 20; Println Reads: multiply(5.2,9.0); void multiply ( int a, int b) { int total = a * b; println (total); 7-8 NEED HELP HERE C = (F - 32) * (5/9) Float tempconverter(float ) { =

13 9-1 Yes; the hair uses an array. It produces multiple circles to create moving hair around the head through There then 1001 array options. LOST. REALLY, REALLY LOST. Exercises 11, 12: see handwritten notes Exercises 15 & 16: Couldn t give any answers: I am deeply lost.

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