C LANGUAGE A Short Course

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1 C LANGUAGE A Short Course Alvaro F. M. Azevedo January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 1

2 ANSI C Standard (ANSI, ISO) Compiled - efficient Low level / high level Other languages are based on the syntax of the C language Example: C++, Java, C#, etc. January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 2

3 MY FIRST FULL PROGRAM #include <stdio.h> int main() printf("hello world!\n"); return 0; Recommended source file extension:.c Example: my_first_test.c January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 3

4 DECLARATIONS /* This is a comment */ int k; /* k is a signed integer */ float x; /* x is a single precision real number */ double y; /* y is a double precision real number */ k = -3; x = 8.19; y = x / 7 + k; printf("k = %4d, x = %6.2f, y = %12.7lf\n", k, x, y); January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 4

5 if if (k > 3) printf("k is GREATER THAN 3\n"); if (k >= 3) printf("k is GREATER THAN OR EQUAL to 3\n"); if (k == 3) printf("k is EQUAL to 3\n"); if (k!= 3) printf("k is NOT EQUAL to 3\n"); if (i < 0 && j < 0) printf("i AND j are negative\n"); if (i < 0 j < 0) printf("i OR j is negative\n"); if (! (i < 0 && j < 0) ) printf("not(i < 0 and j < 0)\n"); January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 5

6 if int j = 6; int ktest = 4; if (ktest) /* 0 => FALSE; Not equal to 0 => TRUE */ j++; /* j = j + 1 */ printf("j = %d\n", j); /* Output: j = 7 */ else j--; /* j = j - 1 */ printf("j = %d\n", j); /* if */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 6

7 if if (ktest > 0) j += 100; /* j = j */ printf("j = %d\n", j); else if (ktest < 0) j -= 100; /* j = j */ printf("j = %d\n", j); else printf("j unchanged\n"); /* if */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 7

8 OTHER COMPOUND OPERATORS j *= i + 2; /* j = j * (i + 2) */ jnewcoeff /= a - b; /* jnewcoeff = jnewcoeff / (a - b) */ OTHER FORMAT SPECIFIERS j = 37; printf("%5.5d\n", j); /* */ a = ; printf("%12.4le\n", a); /* e-003 */ Difference must be > 8 January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 8

9 INPUT int myage; double todaystemperature; printf("how old are you? "); scanf("%d", &myage); /* Note the ampersand (&) */ printf("tell me the temperature outside... "); scanf("%lf", &todaystemperature); printf("i am %d years old and ", myage); printf("the temperature\noutside is %5.1lf degrees.\n", todaystemperature); January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 9

10 ARRAYS int v[3]; /* Array of 3 integers */ v[0] = 8000; v[1] = 8001; v[2] = 8002; double a[5][3]; /* 5x3 matrix of doubles */ a[0][0] = 9.00; a[0][1] = 9.01; a[0][2] = 9.02; a[1][0] = 9.10; a[1][1] = 9.11; a[1][2] = 9.12; a[2][0] = 9.20; a[2][1] = 9.21; a[2][2] = ; a[3][0] = 9.30; a[3][1] = 9.31; a[3][2] = 9.32; a[4][0] = 9.40; a[4][1] = 9.41; a[4][2] = 9.42; January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 10

11 for LOOP for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++) printf("%4d %4d\n", i, 100 * i); /* for (i) */ for (i = -5, j = 1; j <= 12 && i!= 2 * j; i -= 2, j += 3) printf("%4d %4d %4d\n", i, j, 2 * j); /* for (i,j) */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 11

12 for LOOP /* Print a 5x3 matrix */ printf("matrix a:\n"); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) printf(" %10.4lf", a[i][j]); /* for (j) */ printf("\n"); /* for (i) */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 12

13 CHARACTERS char gender; /* Male/Female => 'M'/'F' */ printf("male (M) or Female (F)? "); gender = getchar(); if (gender!= 'M' && gender!= 'F') printf("error!\n"); exit(1); /* #include <stdlib.h> is required */ /* if */ printf("the gender is: %c\n", gender); January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 13

14 STRINGS /* A string is an array of char */ char t[4]; strcpy(t, "ABC"); /* #include <string.h> is required */ printf("t[0] = %3d\n", t[0]); /* 65 => ASCII code of A */ printf("t[1] = %3d\n", t[1]); /* 66 => ASCII code of B */ printf("t[2] = %3d\n", t[2]); /* 67 => ASCII code of C */ printf("t[3] = %3d\n", t[3]); /* 0 => All strings are terminated by a NULL character. */ /* printf("t[4] = %3d\n", t[4]); => ERROR */ printf("the string is: %s\n", t); /* The string is: ABC */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 14

15 POINTERS double z; /* z is a double */ double* p; /* p is a pointer to a double */ z = 5.87; /* z is initialized with the value 5.87 */ p = &z; /* p is initialized with the address of z */ printf("z = %6.2lf\n", z); /* z = 5.87 */ printf("p = %d\n", p); /* p = */ printf(">>> *p = %6.2lf\n", *p); /* >>> *p = 5.87 */ Notes: & is the address-of operator * is the indirection or dereferencing operator January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 15

16 FILES (input) FILE* f; /* #include <stdio.h> is required */ f = fopen("my_file.txt", "r"); /* "r" means "read" */ if (f == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "File not found\n"); exit(1); /* Program terminates */ /* if */ fscanf(f, "%lf", &z); /* z must be declared as a double */ printf("z = %lg\n", z); fclose(f); /* The file is closed */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 16

17 FILES (output) FILE* f; /* #include <stdio.h> is required */ f = fopen("my_file.txt", "w"); /* "w" means "write" */ if (f == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open the output file\n"); exit(1); /* Program terminates */ /* if */ fprintf(f, "z = %6.2lf\n", z); /* z is a double */ fclose(f); /* The file is closed */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 17

18 break AND continue int i, j; for (i = 20; i <= 40; i++) j = i / 6; /* Integer division */ if (j == 5) break; /* for loop is terminated */ printf("%2d %2d\n", i, j); /* for (i) */ for (i = 20; i <= 40; i++) j = i % 6; /* Remainder of the integer division */ if (j == 0) continue; /* "goto" the beginning */ printf("%3d %3d\n", i, j); /* for (i) */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 18

19 break WITH NESTED FOR LOOPS for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) for (j = 1; j <= 6; j++) k = i + 2 * j; if (k == 9) break; /* for (j) is terminated */ printf("%3d %3d... %3d\n", i, j, k); /* for (j) */ printf("================\n"); /* for (i) */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 19

20 OTHER STATEMENTS for (;;) /* Infinite loop (forever) */... if (condition) break;... /* for (;;) */ while (condition)... /* while */ do... while (condition); January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 20

21 switch switch (nchoice) case 1:... /* Executed when nchoice == 1 */ break; case 5: case 8:... /* Executed when nchoice == 5 nchoice == 8 */ break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Valid choices are: 1, 5 or 8\n"); exit(1); /* switch (nchoice) */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 21

22 #define AND const #define PI /* Simple text replacement */ const double PI = ; /* PI is a const variable */ sscanf AND sprintf char t[20]; double x = -2.87; double y; sprintf(t, "%6.2lf", x); /* Output goes to the string t */ strcat(t, "654"); /* String concatenation */ sscanf(t, "%lf", &y); /* Input from the string t */ printf("y = %12.8lf\n", y); /* y = */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 22

23 malloc AND free #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc, free */... int i, n; double* vect; printf("n? "); scanf("%d", &n); /* Allocate memory: */ vect = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) vect[i] = (double)i / 3; /* i is converted into a double */... free(vect); /* Free memory */ January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 23

24 FUNCTIONS void decorate(char* t) printf("\n"); printf("/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\\n\n"); printf(">>> %s\n\n", t); printf("\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\\/\n\n"); int main() char msg[] = "Very nice!"; decorate(msg); /* The function decorate is called */ return 0; January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 24

25 FUNCTIONS Memory address char calc(int k, double x, double* presult ) k -= 3; /* Modifying a copy of the original k */ if (k == 0) return 1; *presult = x / k; printf("function calc: k = %d\n", k); return 0; int main() int k = 8; double x = 5.55; double result; char c; c = calc(k, x, &result ); /* c == 0 indicates success */ if (c == 0) printf("result = %lg\n", result); printf("main: k = %d\n", k); /* k = 8 (unchanged) */ return 0; January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 25

26 argc AND argv int main(int argc, char* argv[]) /* argc is the n. of command line arguments */ if (argc!= 3) /* The program name is also counted */ fprintf(stderr, "When this program is executed,\n"); fprintf(stderr, "two arguments must follow the\n"); fprintf(stderr, "program name.\n\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Usage: show_args arg1 arg2\n"); exit(1); /* if */ printf("argv[0] = %s\n", argv[0]); printf("argv[1] = %s\n", argv[1]); printf("argv[2] = %s\n", argv[2]); Note: save this file as "show_args.c" return 0; January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 26

27 struct struct Point double x; double y; int size; char color; ; /* Semicolon (;) required */ int main() struct Point A, B; A.x = 70.1; A.y = 70.2; A.size = 5; A.color = 'R'; B = A; printf("b = ( %lg, %lg ) -> %d/%c\n", B.x, B.y, B.size, B.color); return 0; January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 27

28 struct AS A FUNCTION ARGUMENT void PrintPoint(char* description, struct Point K) /* Copies of the data members of */ /* the struct are printed. */ printf("\n%s: ( %lg, %lg ) -> %d/%c\n", description, K.x, K.y, K.size, K.color); int main() struct Point A, B; A.x = 70.1; A.y = 70.2; A.size = 5; A.color = 'R'; B = A; PrintPoint("Point A", A); PrintPoint("Point B", B); return 0; January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 28

29 struct MODIFIED BY A FUNCTION void ReadPoint(char* description, struct Point* pk) printf("\n%s (x,y,size,color)\n", description); printf("x? "); scanf("%lf", &pk->x); printf("y? "); scanf("%lf", &pk->y); printf("size? "); scanf("%d", &pk->size); printf("color [1-5]? "); scanf("%d", &pk->color); pk->color += 64; /* [1-5] -> [A-E] */ int main() struct Point A, B; ReadPoint("Point A?", &A); ReadPoint("Point B?", &B); PrintPoint(">>> Point A", A); PrintPoint(">>> Point B", B); return 0; January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 29

30 struct CONTAINING AN ARRAY struct Vector int size; double* vect; ; int main() struct Vector A, B; A.size = 3; A.vect = (double*)malloc(3 * sizeof(double)); A.vect[0] = 7.00; A.vect[1] = 7.01; A.vect[2] = 7.02; B = A; printf("a => %d, %8.2lf\n", A.size, A.vect[1]); printf("b => %d, %8.2lf\n", B.size, B.vect[1]); A.vect[1] = ; /* Why was this ignored? */ B.vect[1] = ; printf("a => %d, %8.2lf\n", A.size, A.vect[1]); printf("b => %d, %8.2lf\n", B.size, B.vect[1]);... January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 30

31 NEXT CHAPTER: C++... January 2002 C Language - Alvaro Azevedo 31

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