DES CARTES. COMS W4115 Fall 2011 Prof. Stephen Edwards Language Reference Manual

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1 COMS W4115 Fall 2011 Prof. Stephen Edwards Language Reference Manual Eric Chao [ehc2129] Susan Fung [sgf2110] Jim Huang [jzh2103] Jack Shi [xs2139] DES CARTES

2 page 2 Introduction Card games have been a popular form of entertainment for centuries, evolving from the traditional 52 unique cards (Poker) to over unique cards (Magic the Gathering). Descartes is a specialized computer language specifically designed to allow the easy creation of simple card games that use the standard 52-card deck. This Language Reference Manual is intended to help developers understand how to develop their own card game using this language and also describes the different components in the language that can be used. Printing To print constants, use the print keyword. Commas between constants denote adding spaces. Integers and Booleans are automatically converted to Strings and printed. Expressions that can be evaluated to constants are evaluated and printed. When calling print on nonconstant objects, the tostring method is called on the object and the returned value is printed. Example: String A = 100 ; int i = 999; print i, -,A, =, ; Output: = 899 Lexical Convention There are four types of tokens that Descartes uses: comments, identifiers, constants and keywords. Blanks, tabs, newlines, and comments are ignored unless used as token separators. At least one of these characters must be used to separate the other adjacent tokens. Comments Comments start with the characters /* and are terminated with */ Examples:

3 page 3 /* This is a comment */ /* This is a multi-line comment */ Identifiers An identifier is a sequence of letters, numbers, and/or underscore characters _. The identifier must start with a character. Upper and lower case letters are considered different. For example, the identifier cat is different from Cat. Constants There are several types of constants: integer, string, escape, boolean, tuple and list. Integer constants An integer constant is a sequence of digits. String constants A string constant is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes ( ). If the string needs a double quote to be part of the string, it must use the escape constant with a back slash (\ ). Escape constants An escape constant is a special string constant of 1 or 2 characters preceded by a backslash. Without a backslash, they would be regular string constants: Escape constant Description \n new line

4 page 4 \t tab \ single quote \ double quote \\ back slash Boolean constants A boolean constant is used to define whether an expression is true or false. It has either a true or false value. As an alternative, the integer constant 0 can be used in place of true and any other integer constant can be used to represent false. Tuple constants A tuple constant is an ordered set of string, boolean, or integer constants separated by commas and enclosed in parenthesis except when included in a list as stated below. Example: tuple a = (1,2); tuple b = ( alpha,100); tuple c = (true, false); List constants A list constant is an immutable sequence of the same data type. It is defined by placing the list items in brackets using a semicolon to separate each item. A List can contain tuple constants which are represented as comma-separated-values without a parenthesis. Example: List alist = [1;2;3;4]; /* This is a list of 4 integers */

5 page 5 List a = [1,2; 3,4; 5,6]; /* This is a list of 3 tuples */ Keywords The following identifiers are reserved as keywords and cannot be used other than its sole purpose: int break for String true char continue while List false null if switch goto boolean return else extend case default print Default Object Types Descartes includes default object types that allow the creation of representations of simple games that use the standard 52-card deck. These objects are Card, CardStack, Player, Field and Game. These objects can be customized for a specific card game. Card This object represents a card to be played in the game. Functions initialize(string value) tostring() getvalue() getsuit() Description Returns a card object. Takes in a String value ( 5H ). Returns a printable descriptive string representation of the object. ( 5H ) Returns the value (A,2,3 J,Q,K) of the card as a string. Returns the suit (spades, hearts, diamonds or clubs) of the card as a String getsuitletter() Returns the suit (S, H, D, or C) of the card as a 1-

6 page 6 character String getcolor() getcolorletter() getvisibility() setvisibility(player []) removevisibility(player []) Returns the color (black or red) of the card as a String Returns the color (B or R) of the card as a 1-character String Returns a list of Players that can see this card Sets which players have access to the card. It takes an array of Player objects as a parameter Revokes players access to the card. It takes an array of Player objects as a parameter Cards are compared based on value and suit. Equal comparisons are based on suit and value. Less than and more than comparisons are based on value. You can also use shorthand Card A = (Card) S5 instead of Card A = Card.initialize( S5 ) Examples: Card A = Card.initialize( S5 ); String x = A.getValue(); String y = A.getSuit(); String z = A.getColor(); print x,y,z; Output: 5 S black CardStack A card stack can be the deck of the card or an individual hand that a player has.

7 page 7 Functions initialize(int) tostring() setpoints(int) getpoints() changepoints(int) addcard(card, int) getcard(string) drawcard() drawcard(int) shuffle() reverse() contain(card) setvisibility(player []) removevisibility(player []) getvisibility() Description Generates a cardstack object. This is to represent either a deck to pick from or an individual player s hand. Must be called first to declare. It takes an integer as a parameter that defines how many cards to create in this stack. Returns a printable string representation of the object. This is how many points the card stack is worth. It takes an integer as a parameter Returns the number of points in the card stack Takes in an integer and changes the number of points by that number. Adds a Card to the stack. It takes a Card object as a parameter and an int to represent where in the stack to add the card. Returns a Card in the stack. It takes a String, the value of the card, as a parameter. Removes the first Card off the stack and returns a Card object Takes a positive integer as a parameter and returns that many Card objects in reverse order. Randomizes the sequence of the cards in the card stack Reverses the current sequence of cards in the card stack Returns a boolean whether a card is in the stack or not. It takes a Card object as a parameter Sets which players have access to the cards in the card stack. This is the default access if the individual access in the Card objects is not set. It takes an array of Player objects as a parameter Revokes players access to the cards in the stack. It takes an array of Player objects as a parameter Returns an array of Players that can access this card

8 page 8 stack size() default() Returns an integer that describes the size of the card stack Generates the CardStack with the default 52-card deck CardStacks support the plus (+) and minus (-) operators. The addition operator adds CardStacks together in order, as if the right CardStack is stacked on top of the left one. Example: CardStack deck = CardStack.default() + CardStack.default(); The subtract operator removes Cards and is the same as getcard. Example: CardStack A = CardStack.default(); print (A.getCard( A5 ) == A- A6 ); Output: False Player A player is the person involved in a game. It can be a dealer or any participant of the game. Functions setname(string) getname() setbetsize(int) getbetsize() setpoints(int) Description Sets who the player s name. It takes a string as a parameter Returns the name of the player Sets the current size of the bet the user wishes to place. If not set, the default is 0 meaning that no bet is required for the game. Returns the size of the bet Sets the total points in the player has. If not set, the default is 0. It takes an integer as a parameter.

9 page 9 getpoints() setplayertype(string) getplayertype() setcardstack(cardstack) getcardstack() Returns an int that describes the total points a player has. Sets the type of player. It takes a string as a parameter. Some examples of player types are dealer, team A Returns a string to represent the type of the player Sets the hand that the player holds. It takes a CardStack as a parameter Returns a CardStack that represents the player s hand Field This object will help in dividing a board game if needed. Functions setname(string) getname() setvalue(string) getvalue() setposition(int) getposition() addcardstack(cardstack) getcardstack() removecardstack(int) Description Sets what the field s name. It takes a string as a parameter Returns a string that represents the field s name Sets the value of the field. It takes a string as a parameter Returns a string that represents the value of the field Takes in an integer representing the position of the field. Possible values are integers from 0 to 9 and the positions correspond to the same positions of the numbers on a standard keyboard numeric keypad. This corresponds to where the CardStacks of this field are printed. The default position is 0 which denotes that the CardStack is not printed. Returns the position as an integer value. Adds a CardStack to the Field. Returns an array of CardStacks in the Field in order. Removes a CardStack from the Field.

10 page 10 setcardstack(cardstack[]) Sets the Field s CardStacks to an array of given CardStacks. Game This is the core of the card game. It encapsulates all the required elements that make up a card game. Functions getplayers() setbetsize(int) getbetsize() end() start() nextturn() move(card, CardStack, CardStack) setturnorder(list Player) getturnorder() setfields(field[]) print() Description Returns the List of Player objects currently in the game Sets the size of the bet for a given game. It takes an int as a parameter. If not set, the default is 0 meaning that no bet is required for the game. Returns an int that represents the size of the bet for a given game This stops/finishes the game and determines the winner. It returns a Player object This starts the game. This will control the order that the Players go. This returns the Player object This will move a Card Object from one card stack to another card stack. It removes the card in the second parameter (CardStack) to the third parameter (CardStack) This sets the order the players turn in the game. It takes a Player List as a a parameter Returns a List of Player objects to represent the order that the players are playing in Takes in an array of Fields and adds them to the Game. There must be no Fields with the same printed position (multiple Fields can have position 0. prints the CardStacks according to Fields.

11 page 11 Conversions The cast operator can be used to convert numerical types (int) into string and the reverse. It can also convert Cards to Strings and the reverse. (String) 122 will convert into 122 (int) 122 will convert into 122 (String) Card.initialize( A5 ) will convert into A5. (Card) A5 will convert into the corresponding card. Primary Expressions The primary expressions in Descartes are identifiers, constants, strings, and expressions contained inside parentheses. primary_expression: identifier constant literal (expression) An identifier is a primary expression only if it has the lexical conventions as defined in section Identifiers. Each identifier must have a type, which is determined by its declaration. A constant is a primary expression only if it has the lexical conventions as defined in Constants section and is one of the types defined in Descartes. A literal is a primary expression that has the primitive type string. It must follow the lexical conventions of the type string as defined in String Constants section and is immutable. An expression contained inside parentheses is a primary expression that has the same type and value as that not contained inside parentheses. The parentheses are only used to administer order of operations. Unary Operators unary_expression: unary_operator: one of postfix_expression + unary_operator expression -!

12 page 12 The unary plus operator (+) must have an operand of an arithmetic type. The type and value of the result are consistent with those of the operand. The unary minus operator (-) must have an operand of an arithmetic type. The type of the result is consistent with that of the operand. The value of the result is the negative value of the operand. The unary negation operator (!) must have an operand of boolean type. The type of the result is boolean and the result is true if the value of the operand compares equal to false and the result is false if the value of the operand compares equal to true. Cast Operators cast_expression: unary_expression (type_name) cast_expression The cast operator will convert the expression after the parentheses to the desired type specified in the parentheses before. It only operates on the unary expression immediately following the operator unless parentheses are used to alter. Multiplicative Operators multiplicative_expression: unary_expression multiplicative_expression * unary_expression multiplicative_expression / unary_expression multiplicative_expression % unary_expression The multiplicative operator * evaluates from left to right and denotes multiplication. The * operator can only take integers as operands and is a binary operator. The result is the expected arithmetic calculation, which is an integer. The multiplicative operator / evaluates from left to right and denotes division. The / operator can only take integers as operands and is a binary operator. The result is integer quotient for integer operands. The multiplicative operator % evaluates from left to right and denotes the modulus function. The % operator can only take integers as operands and is a binary operator. The result is an integer remainder of the division of the first operand by the second. Additive Operators

13 page 13 additive_expression: multiplicative_expression additive_expression + multiplicative_expression additive_expression multiplicative_expression The additive operator + evaluates from left to right and denotes addition. The + operator can only have integers as operands. It is a binary operator, so both operands must only be integers. The + operator also denotes string concatenation, but only if both operands are or string type. The additive operator - evaluates from left to right and denotes subtraction. The - operator can only have integers and floats as operands separately. It is a binary operator, so both operands must only be integers or only floats. Relational Operators Relational expressions can only evaluate to the result of true or false, which can be expressed as 1 an 0, respectively. relational_expression: additive_expression relational_expression < additive_expresion relational_expression > additive_expression relational_expression <= additive_expression relational_expression >= additive_expression The relational operator < evaluates left to right and denotes less than. The < operator can only have integers as operands. The result, if the expression evaluates to true will be integer 1 and the result, if the expression evaluates to false will be integer 0. The relational operator > evaluates from left to right and denotes greater than. The > operator can only have integers as operands. The result, if the expression evaluates to true will be integer 1 and the result, if the expression evaluates to false will be integer 0. The relational operator <= evaluates from left to right and denotes less than or equal to. The <= operator can only have integers as operands. The result, if the expression evaluates to true will be integer 1 and the result, if the expression evaluates to false will be integer 0. The relational operator >= evaluates from left to right and denotes greater than or equal to. The >= operator can only have integers as operands. The result, if the expression evaluates to true will be integer 1 and the result, if the expression evaluates to false will be integer 0.

14 page 14 Equality Operators equality_expression: relational_expression equality_expression == relational_expression equality_expression!= relational_expression The equality operator == evaluates from left to right and result in true or false, which can be expressed as integer 1 and integer 0, respectively. The == operator denotes equal to and accepts integers and strings as operands. The result, if the expression evaluates to true will be integer 1 and the result, if the expression evaluates to false will be the integer 0. The equality operator!= evaluates from left to right and result in true or false, which can be expressed as integer 1 and integer 0, respectively. The!= operator denotes not equal to and accepts integers and strings as operands. The result, if the expression evaluates to true will be integer 1 and the result, if the expression evaluates to false will be the integer 0. In Descartes, equality operators only compare by value. Logical AND Operator logical_and_expression: equality_expression (logical_and_expression AND equality_expression) The logical AND operator is represented by &&. If the expression evaluates to true, the result will be integer 1 and if the expression evaluates to false, the result will be integer 0. The parentheses are required for the logical AND expression. Logical OR Operator logical_or_expression: logical_and_expression (logical_or_expression OR logical_and_expression) The logical OR operator is represented by. If the expression evaluates to true, the result will be integer 1 and if the expression evaluates to false, the result will be integer 0. The parentheses are required for the logical OR expression. Assignment Operator

15 page 15 expression: logical_or_expression unary_expression assignment_operator expression The assignment operator is represented by =. The type of the left operand must be the end type of the operand on the right. The value that the expression on the right evaluates to replaces the value of the left operand. Declarations Declarations are used within function definitions to specify the interpretation of each identifier. A declaration is composed of declaration-specifiers (one or two) and the necessary declarator list (any number one or more). Form: declaration-specifiers declarator-list; Sample: List lista; List lista, listb; The declarator-list contains a number of comma-separated identifiers being specified. The declaration-specifier consists of optional storage specifiers and one type-specifier. Form: storage specifier type-specifier Sample: static final List lista; Storage Specifier The possibilities are: static - Shared by any instance of the class no-modifier - Unique to that class final - Cannot be changed, immutable.

16 page 16 Type-Specifiers int boolean String List standard and user-defined types Declarators The declarator-list appearing in a declaration is a comma-separated sequence of declarators. Form: declarator declarator, declarator-list The specifiers in the declaration indicate the type and storage of the objects to which the declarators refer. Declarator Form: identifier declarator [constant-expression] or declarator[] Meaning of declarators Each declarator is an assertion that when the declarator form is used in an expression, it yields an object of the specified type and storage. Each declarator is declaring one identifier and if an identifier without specifiers appears as a declarator in a declaratorlist, then it has the type indicated by the specifier heading the declarator list. A declarator may have the form D[constant-expression] or D[ ] The constant expression represents the a compile-time-determinable value whose type is int and defaults to 1 if left blank. This generates an array of the type of the declarator

17 page 17 identified by the identifier. Some restrictions are: functions may not return functions and there are no arrays of functions. Statements Statements in DesCartes are executed sequentially unless otherwise noted. There are several different types of statements. Expression Statement The majority of statements in DesCartes are expression statements, which typically make assignments or call functions. The format of the expression statement is: expression; Compound Statement A sequence of statements can be executed where one is expected by using the compound statement: compound-statement: { statement-list } statement-list: statement statement statement-list If Statement There are two basic conditional statements in DesCartes: if ( expression ) statement if ( expression ) statement else statement

18 page 18 In both cases, the expression is evaluated first. If it is true, the following statement is executed. If it is false, the first conditional statement does not do anything but the second conditional statement executes the statement indicated by else. While Statement The while statement allows for looping over a statement until a certain condition is no longer valid. The format is as follows: while ( expression ) statement The statement is executed repeatedly until the expression is no longer true. The test of the expression happens before each statement is executed. For Statement The for statement is another looping statement with the following format: for (expression-1; expression-2; expression-3) statement It is equivalent to: expression-1; while (expression-2) { statement expression-3; } Expression-1 initializes the loop. Expression-2 sets the condition of the loop that is tested each time the loop starts. Expression-3 usually determines the increment value that is considered after each iteration, which allows for looping over the statement a finite number of times. Any or all of the expressions in the for statement may be dropped, resulting in the for statement s equivalent without the dropped expressions.

19 page 19 Switch Statement The switch statement allows for multiple execution paths based on the value of a single expression. switch ( expression ) statement With the expression being a primitive type, the switch statement leads to the following statement, which is typically compound. The statements within the compound statement are typically of the following forms: case expression default expression Depending on the expression, one of the case constants will be executed. They are checked in an undefined order. If none of the case constants are satisfied, then the default constant will execute. If there is no default constant, then nothing happens. Two case constants cannot have the same value. Here is an example. The formatting is as follows: int month = 8; String monthstring; switch (month) { case 1: monthstring = "January"; case 2: monthstring = "February"; case 3: monthstring = "March"; case 4: monthstring = "April"; case 5: monthstring = "May"; case 6: monthstring = "June"; case 7: monthstring = "July"; case 8: monthstring = "August"; case 9: monthstring = "September"; case 10: monthstring = "October"; case 11: monthstring = "November";

20 page 20 case 12: monthstring = "December"; default: monthstring = "Invalid month"; } Break Statement The break statement terminates the smallest while, do, for, or switch statement and allows for the execution of the statement following the terminated statement. Form: break; Continue Statement The continue statement skips the current iteration of a while, do, or for statement. Form: continue; Return Statement A return statement allows a function to return to its caller. The two forms are: Form: return; return ( expression ); In the second case, the value of the expression is returned to the caller, converted to the proper type if needed. Note that transferring flow to the end of a function is equivalent to the first case. Scope Rules The lexical scope of an identifier is the region of a program during which it may be used.

21 page 21 The lexical scope of external definitions, those outside functions and compound statements, extends from their definition to the end of the file. The lexical scope of names declared at the head of functions is limited to the body of the function. Declaring identifiers already declared in the current scope will cause an error. Special Compiler Commands Special Compiler Commands This is an explanation of some special compiler commands not especially treated elsewhere in this document. Token replacement (static final) A compiler-control line of the form: Static final identifier token-string Without a trailing semicolon will cause the compiler to replace all instances of the identifier after this line with the string of tokens, given that the string of tokens is a constant. This is the same as Java s static final declaration. The replacement tokenstring has comments removed from it, and it is surrounded with blanks. It is treated as a constant. Sample: static final size 100 int List[size]; Multiple Classes To include other classes or files, use the import statement. Form: import "filename ; Compiling and Running a program

22 page 22 Our language will be compiled to a java program so sample command-line instructions can be: desc Texas.des -> Creates a javac -> Creates a Texas.class java Texas -> Runs the Texas java program. desc will compile a.des Descartes program into a JAVA file. Then, JAVA-related commands javac and java will respectively compile a java program into a JAVA class and run the compiled JAVA program. The rationale for this is 1) Our language is built to be similar to JAVA but specialized for a game using a 52-card standard deck and compiled by/written using O Caml. 2) JAVA is universal and there is a high chance that the JAVA runtime environment is already installed in the machines on which our language is used. Example This sample code shows what the setup for a game of Texas Hold Em might look like: Texas { CardStack deck, p1hand, p2hand; Player[] players; Game(int numplayers) { /* If number of players is not 2, print Wrong number of players. and quit.*/ if(numplayers!=2) { print "Wrong number of players."; end(); } /* Create a deck composing of 2 default 52 card decks. */ CardStack Deck1 = CardStack.default().shuffle(); CardStack Deck2 = CardStack.default().shuffle(); CardStack deck = Deck1 + Deck2; deck.visibility = []; /* Initialize players and hands with default visibility. */ Player P1 = Player(); Player P2 = Player();

23 page 23 } players = [P1;P2]; p1hand.visibility = [P1]; P1.setCardStack(p1Hand); p2hand.visibility = [P2]; P2.setCardStack(p2Hand); /* Deal card to each player. */ Deal(2, [p1hand,p2hand]); } /* Deal function. Moves numcards from top of deck to designated card stack.*/ Deal(int numcards, CardStack[] cardstacks) { /* For each card stack, move numcards from deck to that stack. */ for(int i = 0; i < cardstack.size(); i++) { deck.drawcard(numcards)>> cardstack[i]; } }

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