CIV Module Unit Session Learning Objectives

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1 CIV Module Unit Session Learning Objectives C IV Module: Essentials of Recognizing a Fraction 1. Learning that a fraction is a part of a whole through the use of area models C IV Module: Essentials of Recognizing a Fraction 2. Identifying the numerator and denominator of a fraction C IV Module: Essentials of Recognizing a Fraction 3. Identifying fractional parts of a whole number based on a diagram C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Proper and Improper 1. Comparing the magnitudes of two or more fractions C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Proper and Improper 2. Adding fractions with like denominators C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Proper and Improper 3. Expressing 1 as equivalent fractions with equal numerators and denominators C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Proper and Improper 4. Identifying proper and improper fractions C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Proper and Improper 5. Writing an integer as a fraction with a denominator of 1 C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Proper and Improper 6. Recognizing a fraction as the division of two C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Proper and Improper 7. Using division to express improper fractions as mixed C IV Module: Essentials of Working with Mixed 1. Identifying mixed C IV Module: Essentials of Working with Mixed 2. Writing a mixed number as an improper fraction C IV Module: Essentials of Working with Mixed 3. Identifying different types of fractions C IV Module: Essentials of Working with Mixed 4. Comparing proper fractions and improper fractions C IV Module: Equivalent Identifying the Factors of a 1. Identifying a proper fraction and the parts of a Number fraction C IV Module: Equivalent Identifying the Factors of a 2. Modeling a proper fraction using a circle Number C IV Module: Equivalent Identifying the Factors of a 3. Finding the factors of a fraction's numerator and Number C IV Module: Equivalent Identifying the Factors of a Number denominator 4. Identifying the common factors of a fraction's numerator and denominator

2 C IV Module: Equivalent Expressing in Lowest 1. Expressing a fraction in lowest terms Terms C IV Module: Equivalent Expressing in Lowest 2. Naming equivalent fractions Terms C IV Module: Equivalent Expressing in Lowest 3. Identifying equivalent fractions using circle Terms graphs C IV Module: Equivalent Writing and Comparing 1. Writing 2 or more fractions with different Equivalent denominators in terms of the same denominator C IV Module: Equivalent Writing and Comparing 2. Comparing fractions with different denominators Equivalent C IV Module: Multiplying Finding Products of, 1. Writing fractions in lowest terms Whole, and Mixed C IV Module: Multiplying Finding Products of, 2. Multiplying proper fractions and whole Whole, and Mixed C IV Module: Multiplying Finding Products of, 3. Multiplying proper fractions and mixed Whole, and Mixed C IV Module: Multiplying Finding Products of, 4. Multiplying fractions by multiplying numerators Whole, and Mixed together and denominators together C IV Module: Multiplying Finding Products of, 5. Using a number line to compare fractions Whole, and Mixed C IV Module: Multiplying Using the GCF in Finding 1. Multiplying proper fractions and mixed Products C IV Module: Multiplying Using the GCF in Finding 2. Using the GCF to cancel like factors in a Products product C IV Module: Multiplying Using the GCF in Finding 3. Multiplying improper fractions and whole Products C IV Module: Multiplying Using the GCF in Finding 4. Solving multi-step problems involving Products multiplication of fractions and whole C IV Module: Multiplying Representing Multiplication 1. Representing the products of proper fractions and mixed using area models C IV Module: Multiplying Representing Multiplication 2. Rewriting a multiplication problem in terms of addition

3 C IV Module: Multiplying Representing Multiplication 3. Rewriting the product of 2 mixed using the distributive property of multiplication C IV Module: Multiplying Representing Multiplication 4. Checking solutions to multiplication problems solved using the distributive property of multiplication C IV Module: Dividing Estimating Quotients of 1. Setting up a division problem involving mixed and proper fractions C IV Module: Dividing Estimating Quotients of 2. Identifying the divisor, dividend, and quotient in a division problem C IV Module: Dividing Estimating Quotients of 3. Using a number line to round a fraction to the nearest whole number C IV Module: Dividing Estimating Quotients of 4. Estimating the quotient of 2 fractions by rounding each fraction to the nearest whole number C IV Module: Dividing Using Multiplicative Inverses 1. Finding the multiplicative inverse, or reciprocal, of a number C IV Module: Dividing Using Multiplicative Inverses 2. Dividing 2 fractions by multiplying the dividend by the multiplicative inverse of the divisor C IV Module: Dividing Using Multiplicative Inverses 3. Interpreting an answer so that it satisfies a condition of the problem C IV Module: Dividing Solving Missing Value Problems when Dividing 1. Writing whole as fractions with denominators of 1 C IV Module: Dividing Solving Missing Value Problems when Dividing C IV Module: Dividing Solving Missing Value Problems when Dividing C IV Module: Dividing Solving Missing Value Problems when Dividing 2. Dividing whole, mixed, and proper fractions 3. Using trial and error to find an unknown divisor when the dividend and quotient are given 4. Using trial and error to find an unknown dividend when the divisor and quotient are given C IV Module: Adding Adding with Like 1. Adding mixed and proper fractions with like denominators C IV Module: Adding Adding with Like 2. Using number lines to show addition of mixed and proper fractions C IV Module: Adding Adding with Like 3. Rounding 2 or more mixed to estimate their sum

4 C IV Module: Adding Adding with Unlike 1. Finding the least common multiple of 2 or more C IV Module: Adding Adding with Unlike 2. Adding mixed by adding the whole number parts and fractional parts C IV Module: Adding Adding with Unlike 3. Identifying the least common denominator of 2 or more fractions C IV Module: Adding Adding with Unlike 4. Rewriting fractions with unlike denominators as fractions C IV Module: Adding Adding with Unlike 5. with like denominators C IV Module: Adding Solving Missing Value Problems when Adding C IV Module: Adding Solving Missing Value Problems when Adding C IV Module: Adding Solving Missing Value Problems when Adding C IV Module: Subtracting Subtracting with Like C IV Module: Subtracting Subtracting with Like C IV Module: Subtracting Subtracting with Like C IV Module: Subtracting Subtracting with Like C IV Module: Subtracting Subtracting with Unlike C IV Module: Subtracting Subtracting with Unlike C IV Module: Subtracting Solving Missing Value Problems when Subtracting C IV Module: Subtracting Solving Missing Value Problems when Subtracting 1. Adding mixed with unlike denominators 2. Finding the missing addend in an addition problem 3. Finding the missing addend using the inverse operation of subtraction 1. Subtracting mixed with like denominators 2. Expressing the area of a polygonal region as the sum of the areas of 2 rectangles 3. Expressing the lengths of the sides of a rectangle as 4. differences between given lengths 1. Subtracting mixed with unlike denominators 2. Calculating the area of a polygonal region 1. Subtracting mixed with unlike denominators 2. Checking solutions to subtraction problems

5 C IV Module: Subtracting Solving Missing Value Problems when Subtracting C IV Module: Subtracting Solving Missing Value Problems when Subtracting 3. Representing subtraction using line segments 4. Finding missing values in subtraction problems C IV Module: Essentials of Investigating Decimal Place C IV Module: Essentials of Investigating Decimal Place C IV Module: Essentials of Investigating Decimal Place C IV Module: Essentials of Investigating Decimal Place 1. Comparing the decimal system to some other number systems 2. Identifying place values in the decimal system 3. Expressing mixed as decimals 4. Labeling places to the right of the decimal point as tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and tenthousandths 5. Using zero as a place holder C IV Module: Essentials of Investigating Decimal Place C IV Module: Essentials of Rounding 1. Defining the meaning of pi in terms of a diameter and circumference of a circle C IV Module: Essentials of Rounding 2. Rounding decimal to 2, 3, and 4 decimal places C IV Module: Essentials of Rounding 3. Locating rounded decimal values on a number line C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Repeating and Terminating C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Repeating and Terminating C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Repeating and Terminating C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Repeating and Terminating C IV Module: Essentials of Exploring Repeating and Terminating 1. Using division to write fractions whose denominators are not factors of 10 as equivalent decimals 2. Identifying repeating, non-terminating decimal and non-repeating, non-terminating decimal 3. Recognizing and using symbols to represent repeating and non-repeating, non-terminating decimal 4. Rounding repeating, non-terminating decimal 5. Ordering that have different of decimal places

6 C IV Module: C IV Module: C IV Module: Using Place Value Grids 1. Rounding dollars and cents to the nearest whole dollar amount Using Place Value Grids 2. Using a hundredths place value grid to add decimal Using Place Value Grids 3. Arranging terms when adding according to their decimal points and corresponding place value positions C IV Module: C IV Module: C IV Module: C IV Module: C IV Module: C IV Module: Multiplying Multiplying by Powers Regrouping with Whole 1. Subtracting decimals in terms of dollars and cents Regrouping with Whole 2. Arranging terms, when subtracting, according to their decimal points and corresponding place value positions Regrouping with Whole 3. Regrouping whole to subtract decimals Regrouping to Hundredths 1. Arranging terms, when subtracting, according to their decimal points and corresponding place value positions Regrouping to Hundredths 2. Subtracting decimal by regrouping whole, tenths, and/or hundredths 1. Using fractions to multiply 2-place decimals by of 10 10, 100, and 1, Multiplying decimals by rewriting each factor as C IV Module: Multiplying Multiplying by Powers of 11 a fraction and multiplying the fractions C IV Module: Multiplying Multiplying by Powers 3. Using a shortcut to move the decimal point of 12 when multiplying by a power of 10 C IV Module: Multiplying Calculating Products 1. Using a shortcut to move the decimal point when multiplying by a power of 10 C IV Module: Multiplying Calculating Products 2. Using scale models to calculate dimensions of a rectangular prism C IV Module: Multiplying Calculating Products 3. Multiplying decimal factors C IV Module: Multiplying Calculating Products 4. Recognizing the formula V = lwh for finding the volume of a rectangular prism C IV Module: Multiplying Finding the Volume of a Prism 1. Calculating the volume of a rectangular prism C IV Module: Multiplying Finding the Volume of a Prism 2. Multiplying decimals by rewriting each factor as a fraction and multiplying the fractions

7 C IV Module: Multiplying Finding the Volume of a Prism 3. Using the correct units when calculating volume C IV Module: Dividing Dividing by Whole 1. Dividing a decimal number by a whole number C IV Module: Dividing Dividing by Whole 2. Checking the quotient of a division calculation C IV Module: Dividing Estimating and Finding Quotients 1. Expressing a decimal denominator as a whole number by multiplying the numerator and denominator of the fraction by a power of 10 C IV Module: Dividing Estimating and Finding Quotients 2. Dividing a decimal number by a decimal number C IV Module: Dividing Estimating and Finding Quotients 3. Adding zeros to the right of a decimal point to act as place holders in a dividend C IV Module: Dividing Estimating and Finding Quotients 4. Estimating an answer when dividing by decimals C IV Module: Dividing Dividing by Powers of Using the prefix 'kilo' to express metric units of thousands C IV Module: Dividing Dividing by Powers of Dividing a decimal number by a power of 10 C IV Module: Dividing Dividing by Powers of Expressing a decimal denominator as a whole number by multiplying the numerator and denominator of the fraction by a power of 10 C IV Module: Dividing Dividing by Powers of Finding the quotient of a proper fraction Essentials of Investigating the Meaning of Percent Essentials of Investigating the Meaning of Percent Essentials of Investigating the Meaning of Percent Essentials of Expressing as Proper Essentials of Expressing as Proper Essentials of Expressing Greater than 100% as Improper 1. Comparing the magnitude of 2 fractions whose LCD is Rewriting proper fractions with denominators of 100 as percents 3. Using division to rewrite proper fractions as percents 1. Converting percents less than 100% to fractions 2. Ordering percents by magnitude 1. Interpreting and using a pie chart (circle graph) to represent percents

8 Essentials of Expressing Greater than 100% as Improper 2. Expressing percents greater than 100% as improper fractions Finding of Finding of Finding of Finding of Finding of Finding of Finding of a Whole 1. Finding the part given the percent and the whole Finding of a Whole 2. Finding the percent represented by the ratio of a part and a whole Expressing Ratios as 1. Finding the percent represented by the ratio of a part and a whole Expressing Ratios as 2. Expressing a decimal as a percent Calculating the Whole from a Part and a Percent 1. Finding the whole given a percent and part Calculating the Whole from a 2. Expressing a percent as a decimal Part and a Percent Calculating Percent Increases 1. Increasing a number by multiplying it by a percent and adding the increase to the original amount Calculating Percent Increases 2. Increasing a number by multiplying it by 100% plus the percent increase Calculating Percent Decreases 1. Decreasing a number by multiplying it by 100% less the percent decrease Calculating Percent Decreases 2. Decreasing a number by multiplying it by a percent and subtracting the decrease from the original amount Calculating Simple Interest 1. Calculating simple interest on a loan using the formula: Interest = Principal x Rate x Time Calculating Simple Interest 2. Comparing the interest added to a given principal loaned over 2 separate periods of time C IV Module: Integers & Order C IV Module: Integers & Order C IV Module: Integers & Order Exploring the Number Line and Absolute Value Exploring the Number Line and Absolute Value Exploring the Number Line and Absolute Value 1. Plotting negative on a number line 2. Using a number line to represent the meaning of the absolute value of 3. Recognizing integers, whole, and counting

9 C IV Module: Integers & Order Adding with Absolute Value 1. Finding the sum of 2 or more signed C IV Module: Integers & Order Adding with Absolute Value 2. Using a number line to add 2 integers C IV Module: Integers & Order Adding with Absolute Value 3. Using absolute value to find the sum of 2 integers C IV Module: Integers & Order Subtracting with Absolute Value 1. Using a number line to subtract two integers C IV Module: Integers & Order Subtracting with Absolute Value 2. Recognizing subtraction as the addition of opposites C IV Module: Integers & Order Multiplying and Dividing Finding Products of Signed 1. Multiplying integers having unlike signs C IV Module: Integers & Order Multiplying and Dividing Finding Products of Signed 2. Multiplying negative integers C IV Module: Integers & Order Multiplying and Dividing Finding Products of Signed 3. Using a pattern to discover the rules for multiplying negative integers C IV Module: Integers & Order Multiplying and Dividing Representing the Multiplication of 1. Dividing negative decimals by multiplying the dividend by the inverse of the divisor C IV Module: Integers & Order Multiplying and Dividing Representing the Multiplication of 2. Writing the multiplicative inverse of a decimal number C IV Module: Integers & Order Multiplying and Dividing Finding Quotients Using 1. Dividing negative decimals Reciprocals C IV Module: Integers & Order Multiplying and Dividing Finding Quotients Using 2. Dividing integers having unlike signs Reciprocals C IV Module: Integers & Order Order Simplifying Expressions 1. Recognizing the order of operations: PEMDAS or "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" C IV Module: Integers & Order Order Simplifying Expressions 2. Recognizing the meaning of integer exponents C IV Module: Integers & Order Order Introducing the Distributive 1. Writing expressions that represent a given Property situation C IV Module: Integers & Order Order Introducing the Distributive 2. Applying the distributive property of Property multiplication over addition C IV Module: Integers & Order Order Using Grouping Symbols 1. Recognizing parentheses, brackets, and fraction bars as grouping symbols C IV Module: Integers & Order Order Using Grouping Symbols 2. Using more than 1 pair of grouping symbols in an expression

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