An Introduction to L A TEX

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1 An Introduction to L A TEX Paddy Johnson edited by J. Kinsella January 26,

2 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 1 1 Getting Acquainted with L A TEX 1.1 Why use L A TEX? With Word Processing systems like MS Word/Office, authors write documents with very little or inconsistent structure. These documents are then very hard to update. And look scrappy. L A TEX prevents such formatting errors by forcing the author to declare the logical structure of the document. L A TEX then chooses the most suitable layout. Professionally designed layouts are available, which make a document really look as if printed. The typesetting of mathematical formulae is supported in a convenient way.

3 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 2 Users only need to learn a few easy-to-understand commands that specify the logical structure of a document. They almost never need to tinker with the actual layout of the document. Even complex structures such as footnotes, references, table of contents and bibliographies can be generated easily.

4 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Installing L A TEX L A TEXis Open Source Source software, available free of charge and free from copyright restrictions. The version for PC s running the various MicroSoft OS s is MikTeX. Most MS Windows users working with MikTeX use the WinEdt editor to create L A TEXdocuments that are then compiled into viewable and printable form. It is important to install MikTeX first & then to install WinEdt. WinEdt needs MikTeX installed first so that it can see the various MikTeX commands and incorporate them into its menu system.

5 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 4 To install MikTeX on your own PC/laptop you ll need an internet connection for the downloads. 1. Download and install MikTeX by connecting to and following the instructions there. 2. Download and install WinEdt by connecting to and follow the instructions there. WinEdt is not free but you can use it free for 31 days. After that I ll give you an unlock code that the Mathematics Dept has bought. There are other free editors available. 3. Make sure that you have Adobe Reader installed so that you can view the PDF files (Freely downloadable from Adobe.).

6 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 5 2 Some Basic L A TEX commands 2.1 Starting to Use L A TEX The input for L A TEX is a plain text file. You can create it with any text editor. It contains the text of the document, as well as the commands that tell L A TEX how to typeset the text. Spaces Whitespace characters, such as blank or tab, are treated uniformly as space by L A TEX. Several consecutive whitespace characters are treated as one space. Paragraphs An empty line between two lines of text defines the end of a paragraph. Several empty lines are treated the same as one empty line.

7 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 6 Comments The comment character in L A TEX is the % character. Comments start from the comment character until the end-of-line. Special Symbols The following symbols are reserved characters that either have a special meaning in L A TEX or are not available in all the fonts. If you enter them directly in your text, they will normally not be printed but rather coerce L A TEX to do things you did not intend. # $ % ˆ & { } These characters can be used in your documents by adding a prefix backslash: \# or \% for example.

8 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes L A TEX Commands L A TEX commands are case sensitive and take one of the following two formats: They start with a backslash \ and then have a name consisting of letters only. They consist of a backslash and exactly one non-letter. Command names are terminated by a space, a number or any other non-letter. The L A TEX logo is produced by the command \LaTeX.

9 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 8 There are several useful text-generating commands such as \today which produces the current date, \newpage produces a new page, \backslash produces a new line, \Large increases the size of your font to Large.

10 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 9 3 L A TEXDocument Structure 3.1 A General Document Outline Every input file must start with the command \documentclass{...}. This specifies what sort of document you intend to write. After that, you can include commands that influence the style of the whole document, or you can load packages that add new features to the L A TEX system. To load such a package you use the command \usepackage{...}

11 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 10 When you are finished setting up the document in the preamble you start the body of the text with the command \begin{document} Now you enter the text that will appear in your document mixed with some useful L A TEX commands. At the end of the document you add the \end{document} command, which tells L A TEX to stop processing the file. Anything that follows this command will be ignored by L A TEX.

12 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes The Document Class The preamble begins with a \documentclass{...} command whose argument is one of the predefined classes of documents that L A TEX knows. The standard L A TEX classes are article, report, book, slides and letter.

13 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 12 In addition to choosing the class, you can also choose from among certain document-class options. You can choose more than one option - separated by commas with no spaces. Some of the common options include: 11pt Specifies the size of the font to be 11pt - 10% larger than normal 10pt font. twoside Formats output for printing on both sides of the page. twocolumn Produces two-column output. a4paper Forces the output to be formatted to A4 paper.

14 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 13 4 Compiling L A TEX Files 4.1 A Simple L A TEX Document We will now look at a very basic L A TEX file and see how to compile and generate readable output from the file. Download the file http: // to your local folder. Just click on the link above your browser should give you the options of Opening the file in WinEdt or Saving it to a local folder.

15 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 14 Saving it to a local folder first and opening from within WinEdt gives you more control over the process. The Opening the file in WinEdt option is quicker but can result in multiple copies of the same file. Compilation commands such as PDFTeXify, LaTeX and TeX are currently enabled indicating that we can compile the current file with the compiler of our choice. MiKTeX s TeXify accessory can be used to perform a full compile (run L A TEX, BibTeX and MakeIndex as many times as necessary to update the references, bibliography and index). This would be the fastest way to compile the document but for demonstrational purposes we ll take care of things manually.

16 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 15 Note that certain commands are still disabled. There is good reason for that: DVI Preview or dvi2ps require the file Sample1.dvi which will be created by L A TEX. This file doesn t exist yet. Let s make it! Ready? Press the LaTeX button...

17 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 16 Figure 1: WinEdt Screen Capture

18 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Error Checking in WinEdt By default the Console Window (with black background) appears and L A TEX is compiling your file. When there are no Errors the window disappears quite fast as you are not expected to process the feedback from the Console Window. In WinEdt you can enter the Ctrl E shortcut (or Errors...Command in the Search Menu)to display the LOG file at the bottom of the screen. This file contains all the information produced by L A TEX. Warnings in the LOG file are not serious.

19 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 18 Your file will compile so long as you do not have too many warnings. Keep on pressing Ctrl E to walk through the errors or else use the GUI in the Error Form. To close the Errors dialog click on the X in the left top corner of the form or use the Shift Ctrl E shortcut.

20 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Viewing the Document You may have noticed that DVI Search and Preview, dvi2ps and dvi2pdf commands are now enabled. The file Sample1.dvi now exists and the commands therefore make sense. Press the DVI Preview Button. The previewer starts (in MiKTeX it is called YAP).

21 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 20 Figure 2: Sample1.dvi

22 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Files you might Encounter When you work with L A TEX you will (without trying) generate a lot of files with various extensions The following list explains some of the various file types you might encounter when working with L A TEX. The list is not complete!

23 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 22.tex L A TEX or TEX input file that you type. Can be compiled with the latex command in MikTeX..sty L A TEX Macro package. This is a file you can load into your L A TEX document using the \usepackage command..cls Class files define what your document looks like. They are selected with the \documentclass command..dvi Device Independent File. This is the useful output of a successful L A TEX run..log Gives a detailed account of what happened during the last compiler run..toc Stores all your section headers. It gets read in for the next compiler run and is used to produce the table of content..aux Cross-referencing files not intended to be read by people!

24 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 23 5 Document Layout 5.1 Page Style L A TEX supports three predefined header/footer combinations so-called page styles. The style parameter of the \pagestyle{style} command defines which one to use. The list below lists the predefined page styles.

25 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 24 plain prints the page numbers on the bottom of the page, in the middle of the footer. This is the default page style. headings prints the current chapter heading and the page number in the header on each page, while the footer remains empty. empty sets both the header and the footer to be empty. It is possible to change the page style of the current page with the command \thispagesstyle{style} It is possible to create your own headers and footers using the package fancyhdr.

26 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Page Numbering There are five different page number styles invoked by the command: \pagenumbering{numstyle} arabic - ordinary arabic numerals roman - lowercase roman numerals Roman - uppercase roman numerals alph - lowercase letters Alph - uppercase letters The page number for any page is stored in the variable \thepage. Thus the code: This is page \thepage produces: This is page 17 (if it appears on page 17 of your document).

27 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Sectioning A sectioning unit is begun by a sectioning command with the unit s title as its argument. For example if you were writing a document on Matrices, you might want a section on Matrix Methods: \section{matrix Methods} Which might have a subsection on Easy Matrix Methods: \subsection{easy Matrix Methods} To be followed, sadly, by \subsection{hard Matrix Methods} L A TEX automatically generates the section number. Blank lines before or after a sectioning command have no effect. The document class determines what sectioning commands are allowed:

28 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 27 \part \subsection \paragraph \chapter \subsubsection \subparagraph \section

29 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 28 The article document class does not contain the \chapter command, which makes it easy to include an article as a chapter in a report. If you have chosen your class to be article and then use the \chapter command you will receive an error. If there is an appendix, it is begun with the \appendix command. The \appendix command does not produce any text it simply causes all the following sectional units to be numbered properly for an appendix.

30 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 29 Challenge Use WinEdt to create a file Test1.tex and create three new pages all with the same text as the first page. Change the page styles of all three pages to see the difference between the styles. Add chapter titles on each page and section titles throughout the work. Add some more pages and play around with the page style, page numbering and sectioning of the pages.

31 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes L A TEX Fonts You will need to define your fonts at the beginning of any L A TEX document. After defining them, you ll only need to use font commands to change the font, for instance to bold or italics. L A TEX has three font families as defaults. Roman This is the default font. Use the command \textrm{text} Sans-serif Use the command \textsf{text} Monospace Fixed-width or typewriter type text. Use the command \texttt{text}

32 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 31 L A TEX has the following built-in font styles: Italics \textit puts words in italics. Bold \textbf puts words in bold. Slanted textsl puts words in slanted type. Emphasis \emph similar to italics. Small Capitals \textsc puts words in small capitals.

33 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 32 Font size in L A TEX is controlled with font size commands. Note that you will need to reset the font size with one of these commands after changing it.

34 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 33 Command Normal Point Size \tiny 5 \scriptsize 7 \footnotesize 8 \small 9 \normalsize 10 \large 12 \Large 14 \LARGE 18 \huge 20 \Huge 24

35 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 34 Font Colour The colour of your font can be changed by using the color package which must be called in the Preamble (note the spelling of the package color). You can typeset L A TEX in any colour. To add the color package in the Preamble, use the command: \usepackage{color} The colours available by default are: red, green and blue. To place a single word or phrase in colour, use the command: \textcolor{color}{words to be in colour} or {\color{color}words to be in colour}. Notice the use of braces {... } to group text together. For example, \textcolor{red}{text in red} produces: text in red.

36 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 35 It is possible to define other colours that you can use in your L A TEX document. To define your own colour add the following piece of code to the Preamble of your document: \usepackage{color} \definecolor{colour name}{rgb}{rval, GVal, BlueVal}. where RVal, GVal and BlueVal are numbers between 0 and 1. Any combination of values can be used to get the desired colour that your want e.g. {0,0,0} = Black, {1,1,1} = White, {0.3,0.3,0.9} = Light Blue. So if I enter \definecolor{lightblue}{rgb}{0.3,0.3,0.9}, followed by \textcolor{lightblue}{a Very Blue Monday.}, I get: A Very Blue Monday.

37 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 36 Challenge Change the font, font size and font colour of words or paragraphs in the file Test1.tex (that you made earlier). Create a new colour to reflect your mood and use it to colour some text.

38 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 37 6 Displaying Material 6.1 Environments L A TEX has a built-in construction called an environment for producing several different kinds of displays. \begin{name}... \end{name} where name is the environment. We have already encountered the document environment. Blank lines before or after an environment mark a new paragraph.

39 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Some Useful Environments Let s look at some of the more commonly used environments: Lists L A TEXis really good at generating lists. The itemize environment is suitable for simple lists. The following piece of L A TEX \begin{itemize} \item The first item. \item The second item. \item The third item. \end{itemize} generates the output: The first item. The second item. The third item.

40 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 39 the enumerate environment for enumerated lists The following piece of L A TEX \begin{enumerate} \item The first item. \item The second item. \item The third item. \end{enumerate} generates the output: 1. The first item. 2. The second item. 3. The third item.

41 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 40 the description environment for lists of categories. The following piece of L A TEX \begin{description} \item[flora] Tree, plants etc. \item [Fauna] Animals of all kinds. \item [Geographical features] Rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys and seas. \end{description} generates the output: Flora Tree, plants etc. Fauna Animals of all kinds. Geographical features Rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys and seas.

42 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 41 Verbatim Text that is enclosed in the verbatim environment will be directly printed, as if typed on a typewriter, with all line breaks and spaces, without execution of any L A TEX commands. This environment is very useful for displaying sections of program code.

43 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 42 For example the following L A TEXcode: \begin{verbatim} function [f,fprime] = flogist(x,a) % FLOGIST Logistic function and its derivative. % [F,FPRIME] = FLOGIST(X,A) evaluates the logistic % function F(X) = X.*(1-A*X) and its derivative FPRIME % at the matrix argument X, where A is a scalar parameter. f = x.*(1-a*x); if nargout>1 fprime = 1-2*a*x; end \end{verbatim}

44 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 43 generates the output: function [f,fprime] = flogist(x,a) % FLOGIST Logistic function and its derivative. % [F,FPRIME] = FLOGIST(X,A) evaluates the logistic % function F(X) = X.*(1-A*X) and its derivative FPRIME % at the matrix argument X, where A is a scalar parameter. f = x.*(1-a*x); if nargout>1 fprime = 1-2*a*x; end

45 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 44 lstlisting We will see that this does an even better job of displaying Matlab code than Verbatim. N.B. notice the spelling of lstlisting! For example the following L A TEXcode: \begin{lstlisting} function [f,fprime] = flogist(x,a) % FLOGIST Logistic function and its derivative. % [F,FPRIME] = FLOGIST(X,A) evaluates the logistic % function F(X) = X.*(1-A*X) and its derivative FPRIME % at the matrix argument X, where A is a scalar parameter. f = x.*(1-a*x); if nargout>1 fprime = 1-2*a*x; end \end{lstlisting}

46 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 45 generates the output: 1 function [f,fprime] = flogist(x,a) 2 % FLOGIST Logistic function and its derivative. 3 % [F,FPRIME] = FLOGIST(X,A) evaluates the logistic 4 % function F(X) = X. (1 A X) and its derivative FPRIME 5 % at the matrix argument X, where A is a scalar parameter. 6 7 f = x. (1 a x); 8 if nargout>1 9 fprime = 1 2 a x; 10 end The lines have been numbered, keywords highlighted in red, comments displayed in green, etc.

47 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Inserting Figures There are several picture formats that can be used with L A TEX. The most common is a format called Encapsulated Postscript (.eps). If we are converting our work to PDF format we have more choice and can include images in JPG, PNG and PDF format. To include a figure in your document you must first load the graphicx package in your preamble with \usepackage{graphicx} This package contains all the commands you need to include the figure and view it properly.

48 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 47 At the position in your document where you want the figure to appear include the lines: \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=8cm]{filename.ext} \caption{figure Caption} \end{figure} Take the following example, \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=9cm,bb= ]{Pop.eps} \caption{population Growth Model} \end{figure}

49 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes x 107 Population in MatlabLand, 1950 to Figure 3: Population Growth Model

50 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 49 The caption on a Figure or Table is made with the \caption{...} command having the caption s text as its argument. The nasty notation [width=9cm,bb= ] tells L A TEX: that you want the width of the graphic to be 9cm. and that you want the Bounding Box to have its lower left corner at (73,252) and its upper-right corner at ( ). Where did these numbers come from? From the header (the first few lines) of the text file (a PostScript file is a text file) Pop.eps %%BoundingBox:

51 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 50 Bounding Box The bounding box of a PostScript image the printable figures and text on a page is the tightest rectangle which includes the image when the PostScript file is printed. The bounding box is described by 4 numbers; the x-y coordinates of the lower-left corner of the image, followed by the x-y coordinates of the upper-right corner of the image. The coordinates are measured from the bottom left corner of the page, in points, where 72 points = 1 inch. With such a tiny unit, whole numbers provide plenty of precision for the bounding box coordinates. Thus for images on an 8.5in 11in page, the x-coordinates of the bounding box always lie between 0 and 612, while the y-coordinates of the bounding box always lie between 0 and 792.

52 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 51 If you view a PostScript image with ghostview (or gs or gv), the x-y coordinates are displayed as you move the mouse to point at different parts of the page. In general, the bounding box line of a PostScript file (always a text file!) appears as one of the top dozen lines often the 2nd line in the form %% BoundingBox: x0 y0 x1 y1 where (x0,y0) and (x1,y1) are the coordinates of the lower-left and upper-right corners, respectively.

53 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 52 There is no need to include Figure or Table numbers in your caption L A TEX will automatically put the correct numbering on the Figure or Table. See the next section (Labelling and Referencing) for details. The standard L A TEX compile will fail if you decide to include your figures as JPG, PNG or PDF files so instead we can use the PDF L A TEX command to compile our file. This will produce a PDF file as output which can be viewed by pressing the Acrobat Reader button.

54 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 53 Figure 4: PDF L A TEX button and Acrobat Reader button (directly below it)

55 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 54 So for example, if we run PDFLaTeX on the L A TEXcode (notice that the bounding box is unchanged as Pop.pdf was produced from Pop.eps) \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=9cm,bb= ]{Pop.pdf} \caption{population Growth Model} \end{figure} it produces the (same as before) output:

56 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes x 107 Population in MatlabLand, 1950 to Figure 5: Population Growth Model

57 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 56 Alternative Graphics Formats The need to include bounding box information is inconvenient. For this reason, the Portable Network Graphics (.png) and JPEG (.jpg) graphic formats are often preferred. So for example, if we run PDFLaTeX on the following L A TEXcode (notice that no bounding box is needed) \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=9cm]{pop.png} \caption{population Growth Model} \end{figure} we get the following output (indistinguishable from the previous examples):

58 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 57 Figure 6: Population Growth Model

59 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 58 The good news is that graphics produced with Matlab can be saved into all the above graphics formats. We will usually use the Portable Network Graphics (.png) graphics format in this course to avoid having to extract Bounding Box dimensions for the graphic.

60 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Labelling and Referencing One reason for numbering things, figures or tables, is so that we can refer the reader to them, i.e. see Figure 3 etc.. We don t want to hardcode the number of the figure because inserting a new figure would mean that we would have to manually adjust all the numbers of figures that come after the new one as well as all places where they are referenced. Instead, you can assign a marker of your choice to the figure and refer to it by that marker, letting L A TEX translate the reference into the figure number. The marker is assigned a number by the \label command and the number is printed in your document by the \ref command.

61 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 60 You can assign a label to anything in your document that has a number associated with it, i.e. figures, tables, chapters, sections, theorem, equations, etc.. L A TEX replaces \ref by the number of the section, subsection, figure, table, or theorem after which the corresponding \label command was issued. So the the following L A TEXcode (notice that no bounding box is needed) \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=9cm]{pop.png} \caption{population Growth Model} \label{fig:populationgrowth} \end{figure} produces the output:

62 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 61 Figure 7: Population Growth Model

63 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 62 But now the L A TEXcode it can be seen from Figure \ref{fig:populationgrowth}... generates the output: it can be seen from Figure 7... Note that the label must appear inside whatever environment it is associated with. It is advisable to label your equations/figures in a systematic way distinguishing between equations, figures, sections etc. by choosing sensible names for your markers.

64 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 63 Challenge Open the file Sample2.tex to see an example of how to insert labels into a file. 1. Add a figure to the file. 2. Create a label for the figure. 3. Reference the figure somewhere else in the document.

65 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Mathematical Formulae One of the main reasons the original TEX system was created was to allow simple construction of mathematical formulae, whilst looking professional when printed. TEX proved very successful in this aspect and this is probably why TEX (and later on, L A TEX) became so popular. L A TEX needs to know that the text that it is compiling does in fact contain mathematical elements. This is because L A TEX typesets mathematical notation differently than normal text. Therefore, special environments have been declared for this purpose.

66 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 65 They can be distinguished into two categories depending on how they are presented: Inline formulae are displayed inline, that is, within the body of text were it is declared. e.g., to display x + y = 4 within this sentence I just typed $x+y = 4$. Displayed displayed formulae are separate from the main text and placed on a new line. To display sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1 I typed $$\sin^2 x+ \cos ^2 x=1$$. NB you need to bracket your formula with a pair of $ s or $$ s or else L A TEXwill halt with an error. (I used \sin and \cos rather than just sin & cos in the example above this ensures that L A TEX displays these function names in a Roman rather than an italic maths font.)

67 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 66 Displaying mathematical characters require special environments. Unlike most other environments however, there are some useful shorthand notations that can be used to declare your formulae. Use $ formula$ to create an in-line mathematics formula as above. The newer notation \( formula \) produces the same result with more typing! For example \(x+y = 4\) produces x + y = 4.

68 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 67 A newer notation for displayed mathematics is \[ formula \] so for example I entered \[\sin^2 x+ \cos ^2 x=1\] to display sin 2 x + cos 2 x = 1. Most mathematicians prefer the $$ notation as it involves less typing. The displaymath environment produces an unnumbered displayed formula outside of the normal text. (Just like $$.) So to produce: I typed: \begin{displaymath} \int_0^\infty e^{-x} dx=1 \end{displaymath} 0 e x dx = 1

69 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 68 The command $$ \int_0^\infty e^{-x} dx=1$$ produces exactly the same result. A numbered displayed formula is produced using the equation environment. So the command \begin{equation} \int_0^\infty e^{-x} dx=1 \end{equation} produces the output: 0 e x dx = 1 (1) The equation* environment can additionally be used to produce an unnumbered displayed formula essentially the same output as $$ and the displaymath environment.

70 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 69 Most mathematical symbols are accessed in WinEdt by clicking on the symbol in the main toolbar. Experienced L A TEX users enter the symbols directly, e.g. \alpha α \int \beta β \sum \gamma γ \prod \delta δ \frac{1+x}{1-x} 1+x \infty \sum_0^\infty \frac{1}{i^2} \epsilon ɛ \sqrt{x^2+1} 1 x 1 0 i 2 x2 + 1 \lambda λ x \le y x y \pi π x \ge y x y \theta θ \frac{dy}{dx} dy dx

71 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 70 You will gradually pick up the direct form of the various commands as you use L A TEX. Initially you will find it easier to use the WinEdt menu. Most L A TEXbeginners use example or template files written by someone else which they then edit to fit their needs. I advise you to take that approach in this module!

72 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Grouping To group a section of text or mathematics or both so that we can apply a L A TEXcommand to them we use braces, i.e. {... } One very common situation where this is done is when we want a formula to appear as a subscript or superscript in another formula. For example, to get the output: f(x) = e x sin x we enter $$f(x)=e^{x \sin x}$$ Notice that the ^ symbol is used to indicate that the group following it is to be superscripted.

73 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 72 In the same way, to get x n = Y n2 +1 we enter $$ x_n =Y_{n^2+1}$$ Here the _ symbol (underscore, not minus) is used to indicate that the group following it is to be subscripted.

74 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 73 Challenge L A TEX? Can you figure out how to get the following output in 0 e x2 = π/2

75 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes Matrices To insert a matrix we use the bmatrix environment. It needs to be included in an equation, equation*, displaymath or $$ environment as it is a mathematical expression. Inside a bmatrix environment we separate columns by the special & character and end rows using the \\ characters. A matrix created with bmatrix automatically has the standard square brackets. If you prefer round brackets try pmatrix, if you want vertical lines (usually for determinants) try vmatrix and if you want no brackets at all try matrix.

76 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 75 So to get the matrix formula I entered: \begin{equation} \label{eq:mat-ex} M= \begin{bmatrix} a&b\\ c&d\\ e&f \end{bmatrix} \end{equation} M = a c e b d (2) f

77 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 76 Challenge Add some new equations to Sample2.tex using both the equation and equation* environments. Add labels to your equations (the ones that require a label) and reference them at some other stage in your document. Add some matrices.

78 MS4024 Numerical Computation L A TEXNotes 77 FINALLY! I have said nothing about Tables an important feature in L A TEX but one that we will not need. I used a lot of tables when making these Notes. I should have said more about grouping useful not just in mathematical formulae but to apply a command to a piece of text. So if I want the sentence This is the final sentence. to be in a bold font, I type: {\bf This is the final sentence.} The output is: This is the final sentence.

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