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1 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * +, -. / : ; < = A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Basic Latin

2 p q r s t u v w x y z { } ~ Basic Latin 48 Point FontCreator The Home Edition is adequate for new users, while the Professional edition offers greater automation. Both editions offer extensive control over TrueType Fonts for Windows, and can import Bitmaps such as GIF, PNG, GIF, and EPS, PDF, or AI vector files, converting them into glyph contours. The Professional Edition automates operations like making an oblique, bold, or light version of a font in one simple operation, inserting whole character sets with the correct character mappings, completing composites like ä from and a, and combining contours together, e.g. to make Æ from A and E. Users of the 30-day trial version can also benefit from the free online help forum, where the program's author looks in regularly to solve problems that other users cannot. The trial version is the full Professional Edition, but it lacks the ability to save fonts. Font Creator can be downloaded from: The Help file is available online at: Character Sets This document shows samples of just some of the many glyphs available in Unicode Character Sets. My Guru font currently contains 2,836 glyphs across a wide range of character sets commonly used in fonts for English and European languages. Composite characters are commonly used by accented glyphs like à, which is composed from lowercase a and the grave ` accent, or ǻ, which is composed from lowercase a, ring accent, and acute accent. To help in the design process, the Complete Composites feature will add some look-alike glyphs to some characters, for example a capital C and two underscore characters will be added to code-point 8364 (hex 20AC), which is the Euro Sign, or a sign will be added to code-point 8356 (hex 20A4), which is the Spanish Lira sign. The font designer should decompose these composite glyphs and combine the contours as appropriate the Complete Composites feature just gives a hint about glyph design, advance width, or stroke weight. The Private Use Area pages show the decimal code-points used by the Complete Composite feature in FontCreator to aid in the designing of additional glyphs for adding OpenType Features like Petite Capitals, OldStyle Figures, Ordinals, or Ligatures. The definitions are stored in \Composites\CompositeData.xml under the FontCreator program folder. It is a plain text file that users may edit. The code-points may be reassigned, but be aware that the Complete Composites and Glyph Transformations depend on the current assignments. Latin 1 Supplement 48 Point ª «± ² ³ Latin 1 Supplement

3 µ ¹ º» ¼ ½ ¾ À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ ß à á â ã ä å æ ç è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ ò ó ô õ ö ø ù ú û ü ý þ ÿ Latin 1 Supplement

4 Ā Ă Ą Ć Ĉ Ċ Č Ď Đ Ē ā ă ą ć ĉ ċ č ď đ ē Ĕ Ė Ę Ě Ĝ Ğ Ġ Ģ Ĥ Ħ ĕ ė ę ě ĝ ğ ġ ģ ĥ ħ Ĩ Ī Ĭ Į İ IJ Ĵ Ķ ĸ Ĺ ĩ ī ĭ į ı ij ĵ ķ ĺ Ļ Ľ Ŀ Ł Ń Ņ Ň Ŋ Ō ļ ľ ŀ ł ń ņ ň ʼn ŋ ō Latin Extended A

5 Ŏ Ő Œ Ŕ Ŗ Ř Ś Ŝ Ş Š ŏ ő œ ŕ ŗ ř ś ŝ ş š Ţ Ť Ŧ Ũ Ū Ŭ Ů Ű Ų Ŵ ţ ť ŧ ũ ū ŭ ů ű ų ŵ Ŷ Ÿ Ź Ż Ž ſ ŷ ÿ ź ż ž Latin Extended A

6 ƒ Ơ ơ Ư ư Ǎ ǎ Latin Extended B

7 Ǐ Ǒ Ǔ Ǖ Ǘ Ǚ Ǜ ə Ǟ Ǡ ǐ ǒ ǔ ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ ǟ ǡ Ǣ Ǥ Ǧ Ǩ Ǫ Ǭ ǰ Ǵ ǣ ǥ ǧ ǩ ǫ ǭ ǵ Ǹ Ǻ Ǽ Ǿ Ȁ Ȃ Ȅ Ȇ Ȉ ǹ ǻ ǽ ǿ ȁ ȃ ȅ ȇ ȉ Ȋ Ȍ Ȏ Ȑ Ȓ Ȕ Ȗ Ș Ț ȋ ȍ ȏ ȑ ȓ ȕ ȗ ș ț Latin Extended B

8 Ȟ Ȧ Ȩ Ȫ Ȭ Ȯ Ȱ ȟ ȧ ȩ ȫ ȭ ȯ ȱ Ȳ ȳ Latin Extended B

9 ʾ ʿ ˆ ˇ ˈ ˉ ˊ ˋ ˌ ˍ ˎ ˏ Spacing Modifier Letters

10 Combining Diacritical Marks

11 ; Ά Έ Ή Ί Ό Ύ Ώ ΐ Α Β Γ Δ Ε Ζ Η Θ Ι Κ Λ Μ Ν Ξ Ο Π Ρ Σ Τ Υ Φ Χ Ψ Ω Ϊ Ϋ ά έ ή ί ΰ α β γ δ ε ζ η θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π ρ ς σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω ϊ ϋ ό ύ ώ Greek and Coptic

12 Ḁ Ḃ Ḅ Ḇ Ḉ Ḋ Ḍ Ḏ Ḑ Ḓ ḁ ḃ ḅ ḇ ḉ ḋ ḍ ḏ ḑ ḓ Ḕ Ḗ Ḙ Ḛ Ḝ Ḟ Ḡ Ḣ Ḥ Ḧ ḕ ḗ ḙ ḛ ḝ ḟ ḡ ḣ ḥ ḧ Ḩ Ḫ Ḭ Ḯ Ḱ Ḳ Ḵ Ḷ Ḹ Ḻ ḩ ḫ ḭ ḯ ḱ ḳ ḵ ḷ ḹ ḻ Ḽ Ḿ Ṁ Ṃ Ṅ Ṇ Ṉ Ṋ Ṍ Ṏ ḽ ḿ ṁ ṃ ṅ ṇ ṉ ṋ ṍ ṏ Latin Extended Additional

13 Ṑ Ṓ Ṕ Ṗ Ṙ Ṛ Ṝ Ṟ Ṡ Ṣ ṑ ṓ ṕ ṗ ṙ ṛ ṝ ṟ ṡ ṣ Ṥ Ṧ Ṩ Ṫ Ṭ Ṯ Ṱ Ṳ Ṵ Ṷ ṥ ṧ ṩ ṫ ṭ ṯ ṱ ṳ ṵ ṷ Ṹ Ṻ Ṽ Ṿ Ẁ Ẃ Ẅ Ẇ Ẉ Ẋ ṹ ṻ ṽ ṿ ẁ ẃ ẅ ẇ ẉ ẋ Ẍ Ẏ Ẑ Ẓ Ẕ ẖ ẘ ẚ ẍ ẏ ẑ ẓ ẕ ẗ ẙ ẛ Latin Extended Additional

14 Ạ Ả Ấ Ầ Ẩ Ẫ Ậ Ắ Ằ Ẳ ạ ả ấ ầ ẩ ẫ ậ ắ ằ ẳ Ẵ Ặ Ẹ Ẻ Ẽ Ế Ề Ể Ễ Ệ ẵ ặ ẹ ẻ ẽ ế ề ể ễ ệ Ỉ Ị Ọ Ỏ Ố Ồ Ổ Ỗ Ộ Ớ ỉ ị ọ ỏ ố ồ ổ ỗ ộ ớ Ờ Ở Ỡ Ợ Ụ Ủ Ứ Ừ Ử Ữ ờ ở ỡ ợ ụ ủ ứ ừ ử ữ Ự Ỳ Ỵ Ỷ Ỹ ự ỳ ỵ ỷ ỹ Latin Extended Additional

15 ἀ ἁ ἂ ἃ ἄ ἅ ἆ ἇ ὰ ά Ἀ Ἁ Ἂ Ἃ Ἄ Ἅ Ἆ Ἇ ἐ ἑ ἒ ἓ ἔ ἕ ὲ έ Ἐ Ἑ Ἒ Ἓ Ἔ Ἕ ἠ ἡ ἢ ἣ ἤ ἥ ἦ ἧ ὴ ή Ἠ Ἡ Ἢ Ἣ Ἤ Ἥ Ἦ Ἧ ἰ ἱ ἲ ἳ ἴ ἵ ἶ ἷ ὶ ί Ἰ Ἱ Ἲ Ἳ Ἴ Ἵ Ἶ Ἷ ὀ ὁ ὂ ὃ ὄ ὅ ὸ ό Ὀ Ὁ Ὂ Ὃ Ὄ Ὅ Greek Extended

16 ὐ ὑ ὒ ὓ ὔ ὕ ὖ ὗ ὺ ύ Ὑ Ὓ Ὕ Ὗ ὠ ὡ ὢ ὣ ὤ ὥ ὦ ὧ ὼ ώ Ὠ Ὡ Ὢ Ὣ Ὤ Ὥ Ὦ Ὧ ᾀ ᾁ ᾂ ᾃ ᾄ ᾅ ᾆ ᾇ ᾈ ᾉ ᾊ ᾋ ᾌ ᾍ ᾎ ᾏ ᾐ ᾑ ᾒ ᾓ ᾔ ᾕ ᾖ ᾗ ᾘᾙᾚᾛᾜᾝᾞᾟ ᾠ ᾡ ᾢ ᾣ ᾤ ᾥ ᾦ ᾧ ᾨᾩᾪᾫᾬᾭᾮᾯ Greek Extended

17 ᾰ ᾱ ᾲ ᾳ ᾴ ᾶ ᾷ Ᾰ Ᾱ Ὰ Ά ᾼ ι ῂ ῃ ῄ ῆ ῇ Ὲ Έ Ὴ Ή ῌ ῐ ῑ ῒ ΐ ῖ ῗ Ῐ Ῑ Ὶ Ί ῠ ῡ ῢ ΰ ῤ ῥ ῦ ῧ Ῠ Ῡ Ὺ Ύ Ῥ ` ῲ ῳ ῴ ῶ ῷ Ὸ Ό Ὼ Greek Extended

18 !! General Punctuation ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹ ⁿ ₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ₄ ₅ ₆ ₇ ₈ ₉ Superscripts and Subscripts

19 Currency Symbols ℇ h Ω K A Letterlike Symbols

20 ¼ ½ ¾ ⅓ ⅔ ⅕ ⅖ ⅗ ⅘ ⅙ ⅚ ⅛ ⅜ ⅝ ⅞ ⅟ Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ ⅰ ⅱ ⅲ ⅳ ⅴ ⅵ ⅶ ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ Ⅼ Ⅽ Ⅾ Ⅿ ⅸ ⅹ ⅺ ⅻ ⅼ ⅽ ⅾ ⅿ Number Forms

21 Arrows

22 Mathematical Operators Miscellaneous Technical Enclosed Alphanumerics

23 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Enclosed Alphanumerics

24 Geometric Shapes

25 Miscellaneous Symbols

26 Miscellaneous Symbols

27 Miscellaneous Symbols Dingbats

28 ❶ ❷ ❸ ❹ ❺ ❻ ❼ ❽ ❾ ❿ ➀ ➁ ➂ ➃ ➄ ➅ ➆ ➇ ➈ ➉ ➊ ➋ ➌ ➍ ➎ ➏ ➐ ➑ ➒ ➓ Dingbats

29 End of Dingbats Start of Private Use Area A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı ı Stacking diacritics for Vietnamese are designed for Uppercase and will be moved down if used with lowercase. Low Profile diacritics are designed on the x-height, as normal accents, and are not moved vertically for Petite Capitals. They are moved up for Uppercase, and may also need to be moved up manually for Small Capitals. The design should suit the font. The intended purpose is to provide smaller accents that occupy less vertical space over capital letters, The Complete Composites feature will use normal accents for capitals if low profile accents are not defined. Normal accents will always be used for lowercase letters except for l acute, h circumflex, etc Low Profile Diacritics Private Use Area

30 ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * +, -. / : ; < > A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` { } ~ Titling Capitals Private Use Area

31 À Á Â Ã Ä Å Æ Ç È É Ê Ë Ì Í Î Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó Ô Õ Ö Ø Ù Ú Û Ü Ý Þ è é ê ë ì í î ï ð ñ Petite Capitals Private Use Area

32 Ā ṑ Ă Ą Ć Ĉ Ċ Č Ď Đ Ē Ĕ Ė Ę Ě Ĝ Ğ Ġ Ģ Ĥ Ħ Ĩ Ī Ĭ Į İ IJ Ĵ Ķ ĸ Ĺ Ļ Ľ Ŀ Ł Ń Ņ Ň ʼn Ŋ Ō ō Ŏ ŏ Ő ő Œ œ Ŕ ŕ Ŗ Ř Ś Ŝ Ş Petite Capitals Private Use Area

33 Š Ţ Ť Ŧ Ũ Ū Ŭ Ů Ű Ų Ŵ Ŷ Ÿ Ź Ż Ž Private Use Area Latin Extended A: Titling & Petite Capitals Petite Capitals Private Use Area

34 ș ț Petite Capitals Private Use Area

35 Petite Capitals Private Use Area

36 Petite Capitals Private Use Area

37 Petite Capitals Private Use Area

38 Greek Petite Capitals Private Use Area

39 ς Greek Petite Capitals Private Use Area

40 A B Cyrillic Petite Capitals Private Use Area

41 Y Cyrillic Petite Capitals Private Use Area

42 Private Use Area

43 Private Use Area

44 Private Use Area

45 Private Use Area

46 Latin Extended Petite Capitals Private Use Area

47 Latin Extended Petite Capitals Private Use Area

48 Latin Extended Petite Capitals Private Use Area

49 ⁰ Superscripts Private Use Area

50 ` Superscripts Private Use Area

51 ` Superscripts Private Use Area

52 Historical Ligatures Medieval Unicode Font Initiative Superscripts Private Use Area

53 Superscripts Private Use Area

54 Alternative Fractions Private Use Area

55 Alternative Fractions Private Use Area

56 Private Use Area

57 Private Use Area

58 Private Use Area

59 Private Use Area

60 Discretionary Ligatures Private Use Area

61 Discretionary Ligatures Private Use Area

62 Private Use Area

63 Ꝏ fb ffb fh ffh fk ffk The Apple Logo marks the end of the Private Use Area in the Basic Multilingual plane at Hex F000, Decimal code-point Beyond that lie the Alphabetic Presentation Forms, and the higher planes. The higher Unicode planes may not be supported by all applications. I know that Serif Applications like PagePlus don t support anything F000 End Discretionary Ligatures Private Use Area

64 ff fi fl ffi ffl ſt st Alphabetic Presentation Forms

Myriad Pro Light. Lining proportional. Latin capitals. Alphabetic. Oldstyle tabular. Oldstyle proportional. Superscript ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹,.

Myriad Pro Light. Lining proportional. Latin capitals. Alphabetic. Oldstyle tabular. Oldstyle proportional. Superscript ⁰ ¹ ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ ⁶ ⁷ ⁸ ⁹,. Myriad Pro Light Latin capitals A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z & Æ Ł Ø Œ Þ Ð Á Â Ä À Å Ã Ç É Ê Ë È Í Î Ï Ì İ Ñ Ó Ô Ö Ò Õ Š Ú Û Ü Ù Ý Ÿ Ž Ă Ā Ą Ć Č Ď Đ Ě Ė Ē Ę Ğ Ģ Ī Į Ķ Ĺ Ľ Ļ Ń Ň Ņ

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