Training topic: OCPJP (Oracle certified professional Java programmer) or SCJP (Sun certified Java programmer) Content and Objectives

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1 Training topic: OCPJP (Oracle certified professional Java programmer) or SCJP (Sun certified Java programmer) Content and Objectives 1

2 Table of content TABLE OF CONTENT ABOUT OCPJP SCJP CONCERNED PUBLIC SKILL IMPROVEMENT TRAINING CONTENT AND OBJECTIVES Declaration and access control Identifiers & JavaBeans (Objectives 1.3 and 1.4) Declare Classes (Exam Objective 1.1) Declare Interfaces (Exam Objectives 1.1 and 1.2) Declare Class Members (Objectives 1.3 and 1.4) Object orientation Encapsulation (Exam Objective 5.1) Inheritance, Is-A, Has-A (Exam Objective 5.5) Polymorphism (Exam Objective 5.2) Overriding / Overloading (Exam Objectives 1.5 and 5.4) Reference Variable Casting (Objective 5.2) Implementing an Interface (Exam Objective 1.2) Legal Return Types (Exam Objective 1.5) Constructors and Instantiation (Exam Objectives 1.6, 5.3, and 5.4) Statics (Exam Objective 1.3) Coupling and Cohesion (Exam Objective 5.1) Assignments Literals, Assignments, and Variables (Exam Objectives 1.3 and 7.6) Passing Variables into Methods (Objective 7.3) Array Declaration, Construction, and Initialization (Exam Objective 1.3) Using Wrapper Classes and Boxing (Exam Objective 3.1) Overloading (Exam Objectives 1.5 and 5.4) Garbage Collection (Exam Objective 7.4) Operators Java Operators (Exam Objective 7.6) Flow control, Exceptions and Assertions if and switch Statements (Exam Objective 2.1) Loops and Iterators (Exam Objective 2.2) Handling Exceptions (Exam Objectives 2.4 and 2.5) Common Exceptions and Errors (Exam Objective 2.6) Working with the Assertion Mechanism (Exam Objective 2.3) String, IO, Formatting and parsing String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer (Exam Objective 3.1) File Navigation and I/O (Exam Objective 3.2) Serialization (Exam Objective 3.3) Dates, Numbers, and Currency (Exam Objective 3.4) Parsing, Tokenizing, and Formatting (Exam Objective 3.5) Generics and collections Overriding hashcode() and equals() (Objective 6.2)

3 5.7.2 Collections (Exam Objective 6.1) Using the Collections Framework (Objectives 6.3 and 6.5) Generic Types (Objectives 6.3 and 6.4) Inner Classes Inner Classes Method-Local Inner Classes Anonymous Inner Classes Static Nested Classes Threads Defining, Instantiating, and Starting Threads (Objective 4.1) Thread States and Transitions (Objective 4.2) Synchronizing Code (Objective 4.3) Thread Interaction (Objective 4.4) Development Using the javac and java Commands (Exam Objectives 7.1, 7.2, and 7.5) JAR Files (Objective 7.5) Using Static Imports (Exam Objective 7.1)

4 1. About OCPJP SCJP The OCPJP certification program gathers in its objectives all that is critical to have a complete understanding of the Java Language. The OCPJP/SCJP certification is required to be able to access advanced certification exams. Once you have mastered the concepts of OCPJP/SCJP you become a much better developer and you have everything you need to start approaching design patterns and the architecture of softwares. 2. Concerned public To undergo the OCPJP certification training you must have a basic understanding of Java. If you code in Java on a regular basis or occasionally, if you were introduced to Java and have written code as a graduate you can go for this certification even if you forgot some of it (not all of it). 3. Skill improvement Being able to write code and having a full understanding of the Java platform are two different things. The OCPJP/SCJP certification is about increasing your skills to the beginning of what is considered a professional level. This course is dense, the basic topics are numerous and covered throughout, even if you have been writing Java for several years you will learn a lot and your general knowledge in information technology will increase. 4. Training The course is made of 9 chapters each of which contains several certification objectives. At the end of each chapter the trainer will carry mock exams so as to consolidation the knowledge and train for the certification. Small drills will occur also during each chapter. As the chapters are progressively addressed and the amount of information to absorb is becoming bigger the frequency of drills and mock exams will increase. At the beginning of each chapter a rapid summary of the previous chapter(s) will take place. 5. Content and objectives 5.1 Declaration and access control Identifiers & JavaBeans (Objectives 1.3 and 1.4) Develop code that declares, initializes, and uses primitives, arrays, enums, and objects as static, instance, and local variables. Also, use legal identifiers for variable names. Develop code that declares both static and non-static methods, and if appropriate use method names that adhere to the JavaBeans naming standards. Also develop code that declares and uses a variable-length argument list Declare Classes (Exam Objective 1.1) Develop code that declares classes (including abstract and all forms of nested classes), interfaces, and enums, and includes the appropriate use of package and import statements (including static imports). 4

5 5.1.3 Declare Interfaces (Exam Objectives 1.1 and 1.2) Develop code that declares classes (including abstract and all forms of nested classes), interfaces, and enums, and includes the appropriate use of package and import statements (including static imports). Develop code that declares an interface. Develop code that implements or extends one or more interfaces. Develop code that declares an abstract class. Develop code that extends an abstract class Declare Class Members (Objectives 1.3 and 1.4) Develop code that declares, initializes, and uses primitives, arrays, enums, and objects as static, instance, and local variables. Also, use legal identifiers for variable names. Develop code that declares both static and non-static methods, and if appropriate use method names that adhere to the JavaBeans naming standards. Also develop code that declares and uses a variable-length argument list. 5.2 Object orientation Encapsulation (Exam Objective 5.1) Develop code that implements tight encapsulation, loose coupling, and high cohesion in classes, and describe the benefits Inheritance, Is-A, Has-A (Exam Objective 5.5) Develop code that implements "is-a" and/or "has-a" relationships Polymorphism (Exam Objective 5.2) Given a scenario, develop code that demonstrates the use of polymorphism. Further, determine when casting will be necessary and recognize compiler vs. runtime errors related to object reference casting Overriding / Overloading (Exam Objectives 1.5 and 5.4) Given a code example, determine if a method is correctly overriding or overloading another method, and identify legal return values (including covariant returns), for the method. Given a scenario, develop code that declares and/or invokes overridden or overloaded methods and code that declares and/or invokes superclass, overridden, or overloaded constructors Reference Variable Casting (Objective 5.2) Given a scenario, develop code that demonstrates the use of polymorphism. Further, determine when casting will be necessary and recognize compiler vs. runtime errors related to object reference casting. 5

6 5.2.6 Implementing an Interface (Exam Objective 1.2) Develop code that declares an interface Legal Return Types (Exam Objective 1.5) Given a code example, determine if a method is correctly overriding or overloading another method, and identify legal return values (including covariant returns), for the method Constructors and Instantiation (Exam Objectives 1.6, 5.3, and 5.4) Given a set of classes and superclasses, develop constructors for one or more of the classes. Given a class declaration, determine if a default constructor will be created, and if so, determine the behavior of that constructor. Given a nested or nonnested class listing, write code to instantiate the class. Explain the effect of modifiers on inheritance with respect to constructors, instance or static variables, and instance or static methods. Given a scenario, develop code that declares and/or invokes overridden or overloaded methods and code that declares and/or invokes superclass, overridden, or overloaded constructors Statics (Exam Objective 1.3) Develop code that declares, initializes, and uses primitives, arrays, enums, and objects as static, instance, and local variables. Also, use legal identifiers for variable names Coupling and Cohesion (Exam Objective 5.1) Develop code that implements tight encapsulation, loose coupling, and high cohesion in classes, and describe the benefits. 5.3 Assignments Literals, Assignments, and Variables (Exam Objectives 1.3 and 7.6) Develop code that declares, initializes, and uses primitives, arrays, enums, and objects as static, instance, and local variables. Also, use legal identifiers for variable names. Write code that correctly applies the appropriate operators including assignment operators (limited to: =, +=, -=) Passing Variables into Methods (Objective 7.3) Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed into methods that perform assignments or other modifying operations on the parameters Array Declaration, Construction, and Initialization (Exam Objective 1.3) Develop code that declares, initializes, and uses primitives, arrays, enums, and objects as static, instance, and local variables. Also, use legal identifiers for variable names. 6

7 5.3.4 Using Wrapper Classes and Boxing (Exam Objective 3.1) Develop code that uses the primitive wrapper classes (such as Boolean, Character, Double, Integer, etc.), and/or autoboxing & unboxing. Discuss the differences between the String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer classes Overloading (Exam Objectives 1.5 and 5.4) Given a code example, determine if a method is correctly overriding or overloading another method, and identify legal return values (including covariant returns), for the method. Given a scenario, develop code that declares and/or invokes overridden or overloaded methods Garbage Collection (Exam Objective 7.4) Given a code example, recognize the point at which an object becomes eligible for garbage collection, and determine what is and is not guaranteed by the garbage collection system, and recognize the behaviors of the Object finalize() method. 5.4 Operators Java Operators (Exam Objective 7.6) Write code that correctly applies the appropriate operators including assignment operators (limited to: =, +=, -=), arithmetic operators (limited to: +, -, *, /, %, ++, --), relational operators (limited to: <, <=, >, >=, ==,!=), the instanceof operator, logical operators (limited to: &,, ^,!, &&, ), and the conditional operator (? :), to produce a desired result. Write code that determines the equality of two objects or two primitives. 5.5 Flow control, Exceptions and Assertions if and switch Statements (Exam Objective 2.1) Develop code that implements an if or switch statement; and identify legal argument types for these statements Loops and Iterators (Exam Objective 2.2) Develop code that implements all forms of loops and iterators, including the use of for, the enhanced for loop (for-each), do, while, labels, break, and continue; and explain the values taken by loop counter variables during and after loop execution Handling Exceptions (Exam Objectives 2.4 and 2.5) Develop code that makes use of exceptions and exception handling clauses (try, catch, finally), and declares methods and overriding methods that throw exceptions. Recognize the effect of an exception arising at a specific point in a code fragment. Note that the exception may be a runtime exception, a checked exception, or an error Common Exceptions and Errors (Exam Objective 2.6) 7

8 Recognize situations that will result in any of the following being thrown: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, NullPointerException, NumberFormatException, AssertionError, ExceptionInInitializerError, StackOverflowError, or NoClassDefFoundError. Understand which of these are thrown by the virtual machine and recognize situations in which others should be thrown programmatically Working with the Assertion Mechanism (Exam Objective 2.3) Develop code that makes use of assertions, and distinguish appropriate from inappropriate uses of assertions. 5.6 String, IO, Formatting and parsing String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer (Exam Objective 3.1) Discuss the differences between the String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer classes File Navigation and I/O (Exam Objective 3.2) Given a scenario involving navigating file systems, reading from files, or writing to files, develop the correct solution using the following classes (sometimes in combination), from BufferedReader, BufferedWriter, File, FileReader, FileWriter, PrintWriter, and Console Serialization (Exam Objective 3.3) Develop code that serializes and/or de-serializes objects using the following APIs from DataInputStream, DataOutputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream, and Serializable Dates, Numbers, and Currency (Exam Objective 3.4) Use standard J2SE APIs in the java.text package to correctly format or parse dates, numbers and currency values for a specific locale; and, given a scenario, determine the appropriate methods to use if you want to use the default locale or a specific locale. Describe the purpose and use of the java.util.locale class Parsing, Tokenizing, and Formatting (Exam Objective 3.5) Write code that uses standard J2SE APIs in the java.util and java.util.regex packages to format or parse strings or streams. For strings, write code that uses the Pattern and Matcher classes and the String.split method. Recognize and use regular expression patterns for matching (limited to:.(dot), *(star), +(plus),?, \d, \s, \w, [ ], () ). The use of *, +, and? will be limited to greedy quantifiers, and the parenthesis operator will only be used as a grouping mechanism, not for capturing content during matching. For streams, write code using the Formatter and Scanner classes and the PrintWriter.format/printf methods. Recognize and use formatting parameters (limited to: %b, %c, %d, %f, %s) in format strings. 8

9 5.7 Generics and collections Overriding hashcode() and equals() (Objective 6.2) Distinguish between correct and incorrect overrides of corresponding hashcode and equals methods, and explain the difference between == and the equals method Collections (Exam Objective 6.1) Given a design scenario, determine which collection classes and/or interfaces should be used to properly implement that design, including the use of the Comparable interface Using the Collections Framework (Objectives 6.3 and 6.5) 6.3 Write code that uses the NavigableSet and NavigableMap interfaces. 6.5 Use capabilities in the java.util package to write code to manipulate a list by sorting, performing a binary search, or converting the list to an array. Use capabilities in the java.util package to write code to manipulate an array by sorting, performing a binary search, or converting the array to a list. Use the java.util.comparator and java.lang. Comparable interfaces to affect the sorting of lists and arrays. Furthermore, recognize the effect of the "natural ordering" of primitive wrapper classes and java.lang.string on sorting Generic Types (Objectives 6.3 and 6.4) Write code that uses the generic versions of the Collections API, in particular the Set, List, and Map interfaces and implementation classes. Recognize the limitations of the nongeneric Collections API and how to refactor code to use the generic versions. 6.4 Develop code that makes proper use of type parameters in class/interface declarations, instance variables, method arguments, and return types; and write generic methods or methods that make use of wildcard types and understand the similarities and differences between these two approaches. Write code that uses the NavigableSet and NavigableMap interfaces. 5.8 Inner Classes Inner Classes Method-Local Inner Classes Anonymous Inner Classes Static Nested Classes 5.9 Threads Defining, Instantiating, and Starting Threads (Objective 4.1) Write code to define, instantiate, and start new threads using both java.lang.thread and java.lang.runnable Thread States and Transitions (Objective 4.2) 9

10 Recognize the states in which a thread can exist, and identify ways in which a thread can transition from one state to another Synchronizing Code (Objective 4.3) Given a scenario, write code that makes appropriate use of object locking to protect static or instance variables from concurrent access problems Thread Interaction (Objective 4.4) Given a scenario, write code that makes appropriate use of wait, notify. or notifyall Development Using the javac and java Commands (Exam Objectives 7.1, 7.2, and 7.5) Given a code example and a scenario, write code that uses the appropriate access modifiers, package declarations, and import statements to interact with (through access or inheritance) the code in the example. Given an example of a class and a command-line, determine the expected runtime behavior. Given the fully-qualified name of a class that is deployed inside and/or outside a JAR file, construct the appropriate directory structure for that class. Given a code example and a classpath, determine whether the classpath will allow the code to compile successfully JAR Files (Objective 7.5) Given the fully-qualified name of a class that is deployed inside and/or outside a JAR file, construct the appropriate directory structure for that class. Given a code example and a classpath, determine whether the classpath will allow the code to compile successfully Using Static Imports (Exam Objective 7.1) Given a code example and a scenario, write code that uses the appropriate access modifiers, package declarations, and import statements to interact with (through access or inheritance) the code in the example. 10

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