B. V. Patel Institute of Business Management, Computer and Information Technology

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1 B.C.A (5 th Semester) Basics of Web Development using ASP.NET Question Bank Unit : 1 ASP.NET Answer the following questions in short:- 1. What is ASP.NET? 2. Which events are fired when page is loaded? 3. Why IIS is used? 4. What is PostBack? Which property is used to identify whether the page is PostedBack or not? 5. Write in two steps compilation process of c# application. 6. How to define two-dimensional array in c#? 7. Write any two differences between client-side and server-side code. 8. What type of code (server or client) is found in a Code-Behind class? 9. Differentiate VB.NET and ASP.NET. 10. Write any two differences between Response.Write and Response.Output.Write. 11. When enumeration is used? 12. How foreach loop is different from for loop? 13. How many views can be used to design a web page in visual Studio 2010? 14. How to add event to any control in c#? 15. Write use of global.asax and web.config file. Answer the following questions in detail:- 1. What is ASP.NET? List out the advantages of ASP.NET. 2. Write a short not on.net architecture. 3. How the code written in c# is compiled and executed? Explain in detail. 4. Write down advantages of ASP.NET. 5. How can we declare Array and ArrayList in c#? Explain it with proper example. 6. Define Enumeration. Explain Enumeration with proper example. 7. Explain Optional and Named Parameters in detail. 8. Write down steps to create web application. 9. Explain Inline code and Code behind file in detail. 10. Explain the types of loop that can be used in c# with example. 11. Explain Page Directive in detail. 12. How ASP.NET page is compiled? Explain it in detail. 13. Explain various Toolbox tabs for ASP.NET project. 14. Does c# support multiple inheritance? Explain. 15. What is the difference between == and equal ()? Explain it with example. Fill in the blanks:- 1. All web server control exists within namespace. 2. The code which runs under CLR is called code. 3. Both ASP.NET web server control and HTML server control require the attribute in Ms. Dipal Patel Page 1

2 order to be handled on the server rather than on the client. 4. Is a server side web technology used to build dynamic web pages. 5. ASP.NET is a program that runs inside Internet Server. 6. ASP.NET provides models for managing elements and code. 7. Tag is used for writing coding in Inline Code Model. 8..sln stands for. 9. Is the Short-cut-Key for start debugging. 10. IIS stands for. 11. is the name of configuration file for ASP.NET application. 12. is the file extension for designing file and is the file extension of C# coding file in ASP.NET application. Select an appropriate answer from the given options:- 1. Full form of CLS is a) Common Language System b) Common Language Specification c) Common Line System d) Common Line Specification 2. Full form of CLR is a) Common Line Runtime b) Common Language Runtime c) Class Language Runtime d) Class Line Runtime 3. Which one is not the type of files of ASP.NET? a).asax b).skin c).sln d).cln 4. Inline Code Model contains coding part in same file. a) True b) False 5. Which is the short-cut-key for new website? a) Shift+Alt+N b) Ctrl+N c) Shift+N d) Ctrl+S 6. The CLR provides that defines the data type that are used by all.net languages a) MSIL b) CTS c) BCL d) DI 7. Which of the following statements is correct about Managed Code? a) Managed code is the code that is compiled by the JIT compilers. b) Managed code is the code where resources are Garbage Collected. c) Managed code is the code that runs on top of Windows. d) Managed code is the code that is written to target the services of the CLR. 8. Which of the following utilities can be used to compile managed assemblies into processorspecific native code? a) gacutil b) ngen c) sn d) dumpbin 9. Which of the following are NOT true about.net Framework? a) It provides a consistent object-oriented programming environment whether object code is stored and executed locally, executed locally but Internet-distributed, or executed remotely. b) It provides a code-execution environment that minimizes software deployment and versioning conflicts. c) It provides a code-execution environment that promotes safe execution of code, including code created by an unknown or semi-trusted third party. d) It provides different programming models for Windows-based applications and Webbased applications. 10. Which of the following components of the.net framework provide an extensible set of classes that can be used by any.net compliant programming language? Ms. Dipal Patel Page 2

3 a).net class libraries a) Common Language Runtime c) Common Language Infrastructure d) Component Object Model 11. Which of the following.net components can be used to remove unused references from the managed heap? a) Common Language Infrastructure b) CLR c) Garbage Collector d) Class Loader 12. Which of the following statements correctly define.net Framework? a) It is an environment for developing, building, deploying and executing Desktop Applications, Web Applications and Web Services. b) It is an environment for developing, building, deploying and executing only Web Applications. c) It is an environment for developing, building, deploying and executing Distributed Applications. d) It is an environment for developing, building, deploying and executing Web Services. 13. Code that targets the Common Language Runtime is known as a) Unmanaged b) Distributed c) Native Code d) Managed Code 14. Which of the following statement is not true about JIT? a) JIT compiler compiles instructions into machine code at run time. b) The code compiler by the JIT compiler runs under CLR. c) The instructions compiled by JIT compilers are written in native code. d) The instructions compiled by JIT compilers are written in Intermediate Language(IL) code. 15. Which of the following job is not done by Common Language Runtime? a) It provides core services such as memory management, thread management, and remoting. b) It enforces strict type safety. c) It provides Code Access Security. d) PIN Security State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:- 1. In asp.net the second level compilation happen just before the page executed. 2. ASP.NET validation control execute on client side and server side. 3. C# is not "Strongly Typed" language. 4. ASP is a script-based programming language. 5. ASP.NET page are compiled not interpreted. 6. For loop run faster in C# as compare to VB.NET. 7. All the.net languages are compiled into another lower-level language before the code is executed. 8. ASP.NET can currently run only on Windows Platform. 9. Events in Web forms are processed before the Page Load event. 10. DateTime variable can be null. Ms. Dipal Patel Page 3

4 Unit : 2 Server Controls Answer the following questions in short:- 1. Which namespace is used for using Web Server controls? 2. Name any two properties common in every validation control? 3. What is the use of Panel control? 4. What is the difference between Listbox and DropDownList control? 5. Write any one difference between IsPostBack and AutoPostBack property? 6. Which event is used to write the code that we want to execute by using custom validator? 7. Create one regular expression which allow user to enter 5 alphabets having. (dot) and space. 8. How Wizard is called better than MultiView control? 9. Which event of calendar control is used to work single day from calendar? 10. Which AJAX control is used to update the contents of control without pressing F5 or refreshing the page? 11. What do you mean by error? 12. Write down syntax to create custom exception. Answer the following questions in detail:- 1. List out common reasons to use Web Server controls. 2. Write any five differences between Html controls and Web Server controls. 3. List out any five differences between following controls. Image and Image Button Image Button and Image Map Radio and RadioButtonList Label and Literal control 4. Write down page life cycle when AutoPostBack property is set to true. 5. Explain RegularExpression Validator control with proper example. 6. Write down code to set date validation by using Range Validator control. 7. Write C# code to set image in calendar control of event like Republic Day on date 26/1/ Explain AdRotator with proper example. 9. Explain error handling techniques with proper example. 10. Explain custom exception with proper example. Fill in the blanks:- 1. By Default control s AutoPostBack property is set to true. 2. is the first event of page life cycle. 3. All web server controls exists within namespace. 4. In event controls are fully loaded. 5. Event of page life cycle is used to generate HTML for page. 6. The namespace of ASP.NET is collection of. 7. Asp.NET server control are identified in a tag with attribute Ms. Dipal Patel Page 4

5 8. The Extension of user control file is. 9. The Extension of Inline code file is. 10. property is used to display text message when the user hovers the mouse above the control. 11. Property set to false; the control will be hidden and will not be rendered to the final HTML page that is sent to the client. 12. ASP.NET re-creates the Page object by using the file. Select an appropriate answer from the given options:- 1. Which property is used to give name to the control? a) ID b) Name c) Text d) Runat 2. The following is the namespace that is used to create Web Server Controls. a) System.Web b) System.IO c) System.Web.UI.WebControls d) Syatem.Linq 3. Which one from the following is not the property of DropDownList control? a) DataSourceID b) DataTextField c) Items d) SelectionMode 4. Which of the following user action will not generate event? a) Mouse Move c) Text changed b) Mouse hover d) Item selected 5. Which data type is not supported by compare validator? a) String b) Integer c) Bool d) Currency 6. Which of the following property is used to set the expression in RegularExpressionValidator control? a)regular expression b) ControlToValidate c) ID d) Error Message 7. By default validation occurs on, a) Only Client side b) Only Server side c) Both Client and Server side d) Client machine 8. Which property of the Button control is used to determine if the validation control is fired when the button is clicked? a) IsValid b) CausesValidation c)validation summary d) AutoPostBack 9. Which one from the following is the JavaScript function that is used to handle PostBack a) _IsPostBack() b) AutoPostBack() c) PostBack() d) _dopostback() 10. Which one from the below is not the event of Calendar control? a) DayRender() a) SelectedIndexchanged() c) SelectionChanged() d) Page_Load() 11. Fault in program is known as a) error b) exception c) try d) catch Ms. Dipal Patel Page 5

6 State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:- 1. Click is the default button event. 2. Name property is used to change the display name. 3. PostBackUrl is the property of button which is used to redirect to another page. 4. We cannot edit the text of Label control at runtime. 5. Radio button is also known as option button. 6. Group name is the property of Checkbox control. 7. RadioButton list is having the default event CheckedChanged. 8. SelectionChanged is the default event of Calendar control. 9. MiltiView control is used to display a sequence of images. 10. ImageUrl tag is used in advertisement file. 11. Has file is the property of File Upload control. 12. try{ } block is used to throw exception. Unit : 3 State Management Answer the following questions in short:- 1. Which two types of application can be created? 2. What is roundtrip? 3. List out the categories of State Management. 4. Write any two differences between Client-Side State Management and Server Side State Management. 5. Which property is used to disable the ViewState for entire page? 6. Which property is used to store the value in hidden field? 7. How Cookies can be used to store permanent data? 8. Which method of Cookie is used to set the expire time for Cookies? 9. Give any one example of QueryString. 10. Which two objects are used to store and retrieve information in Session? 11. Write any two methods of Session. 12. Which class of ASP.NET is used to handle application state? 13. Session is better than QueryString. How? Answer the following questions in detail:- 1. What is State Management? What is the requirement of it? 2. What is View State? Explain how to create View State manually. 3. Hidden Field is not used to store sensitive information. Explain it in detail. 4. Write a short not on QueryString. 5. Write a C#.Net code to store Cookies for 5 days from today. 6. What is Session? Explain it with proper example. 7. Which file is used to store application state? Explain it with example. Ms. Dipal Patel Page 6

7 Fill in the blanks:- 1. is the default method that the page uses to preserve page. 2. In state management technique, data is in encrypted form. 3. is a small text file that the browser creates and stores on the hard drive of your machine. 4. class is used to create Cookie. 5. object is used to retrieve the values stored in session. 6. A QueryString is information that is appended to the end of the. 7. A QueryString starts with symbol. 8. event is called when the application receives its first requests. 9. method deletes an item from the session state collection. Select an appropriate answer from the given options:- 1. Which of the following is server-side state management? a) session b) QueryString c) ViewState d) Hidden Field 2. Where does the view state store information? a) HTML Source b) URL c) Text file d) JavaScript function 3. Which of the following property is used to disable the ViewState? a) EnableViewState b) VisibleViewState c) ID d) Name 4. Where does Cookie store information? a) Textfile c) URL b) HTML source d) Both a & b 5. Which of the following is the property of Server object? a) MapPath b) Machine Name c) Transfer d) All of these 6. What is used to store the data at page level? a)hidden Field b) Cookies c) Session d) All of these 7. What is used to send information from one page to another? a) Hidden Field b) View State c) Query String d) Cookies 8. Which of the following is not the method of session? a) Remove b) Abandon c)timeout d) Expire 9. Which property allows ASP.NET controls to maintain their values when a page is posted Back to the server? a) EnableViewState b) AutoPostBack c) PostBack d) _dopostback 10. Which client-side technique can be disabled by the end-user? a) Session a) QueryString c) Hidden Field d) Cookies 11. A Session variable is created: a) every time a client requests a URL resource. b) when the application is first placed on a web server c) every time a new client interacts with the web application. Ms. Dipal Patel Page 7

8 d) when the web server is first started. State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:- 1. By default EnableViewState property of every control is set to true. 2. Each Cookie must have a unique name. 3. Remove method is used to remove the entire session. 4. We can pass multiple values in QueryString. 5. TimeOut() method is used to set the expiry date for Cookies. 6. To store values in application state, global.asax file is used. 7. Server side State Management techniques are better than Client side. 8. We need to maintain the state for Web Application only. Unit : 4 Building Web Forms Answer the following questions in short:- 1. How many types of CSS are there? 2. What do you mean by Theme? 3. What is the extension of Skin file? 4. What is the purpose to create skin file? 5. How many types of Skins can be created? 6. Which tag is required to call external stylesheet in.aspx page? 7. What are the limitations of CSS properties in ASP.NET? 8. What is Master Page? 9. What is the role of ContentPlaceHolder in Master Page? 10. Write down two important parts of Master Page. 11. How to apply Master Page in Content page? 12. How Named Skin differs from Default Skin? 13. Which property is used to apply the CSS Class properties in Web Server Control? 14. What do you mean by Navigation? 15. Which website Navigation techniques can be used with Master Page? 16. Write down the use of DataSourceID of Menu control. 17. What is the use of sitemap file in SiteMapPath control? 18. How to apply the theme in the whole website? 19. Write code to apply the theme for single page. Answer the following questions in detail:- 1. What is Master Page? How to create it and apply it to Content page? Explain it in detail. 2. Explain the types of CSS in detail. 3. What is SkinFile? Explain the types of Skin in detail with example. 4. Explain any two ways to apply the theme to the pages with their output. 5. What do you mean by Master Page? Write down the steps to create Master Page. 6. Write down code to apply the theme at runtime. 7. Explain Menu control with proper example. Ms. Dipal Patel Page 8

9 8. Explain TreeView control with proper example. 9. Explain SiteMapPath control with proper example. 10. Write a short note on global.asax file. 11. Write a short note on web.config file. Fill in the blanks:- 1. is the file extension for a Master Page. 2. directive is used to create a strongly typed reference to the master page. 3. At stage of page processing master page and content page are merged. 4. is the extension of User Control. 5. file is used to define global variables and react to global events. 6. The option can be used to locate the folder where Microsoft themes have been downloaded skin is used to apply the properties to all the Web Server controls automatically. 8. file is used to define global variables and react to global events. 9. The attribute of Web Server control is used to apply named skin. Select an appropriate answer from the given options:- 1. What is extension of Master Page? a).skinfile b).master c).ascx d).aspx 2. What is the extension of Skin File? a).skinfile b).master c).ascx d).aspx 3. How many types of Skin files can be created? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four 4. How many types of CSS can be created? a) One c) Three b) Two d) Four 5. In which file we need to write the code if we want to apply the theme in whole page? a) global.asax b) site.master c) default.aspx d).skinfile 6. Which property is used to make space between the current node and the node above and below? a) NodeSpacing b) Node Indent c) ChildNodePadding d) Vertical Padding 7. How to apply master page in web.config file? a) <pages master ="Site.master"/> b) <pages PageFile= Site.master /> c) <pages masterpagefile= Site.master /> d) <pages masterfile= Site.master /> 8. Which file is used to define global variables and react to global events? a) global.asax b) site.master c) default.aspx d).skinfile 9. We can apply the theme at runtime in a) Page_Load() event b) Page_PreInit() event c) Page_PreRender() event Ms. Dipal Patel Page 9

10 d) Page_Unload() event 10. Which of the following property is used if we want to assign the items in TreeView control from.sitemap file? a) DataSourceID a) DataBindings c) CssClass d) MaxDataBindDepth State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:- 1. You can access controls on the Master Page without using FindControl() method. 2. web.config file is used to define global variables and react to global events. directive is used to create a strongly typed reference to the master page. 4..ascx is the extension of User Control. 5. <ParentNode>template is not used in SiteMapPath. 6. Controls on the master page accessible to content page code. 7. We can change the Master Page at runtime. 8. One page contains multiple Master Page. 9. Master Page can be nested. 10. ContentPlaceHolder control is required in Master Page. 11. We can add multiple themes in Website. 12. Skin file is used for HTML tags. Unit : 5 Working with Data Answer the following questions in short:- 1. What is ADO.NET? 2. Which are the two main components of ADO.NET 3. List database providers available in ASP.NET. 4. What is the usage of Data provider? 5. Which name space is use to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database? 6. Which interface is used to specify connection properties and methods? 7. What is the information that is almost requiring in any connection string? 8. What is the use of connection string? Explain with example. 9. What is connection pooling? 10. What do you mean by disconnected data access architecture of ADO.net? 11. How to read Data using DataReader? 12. What is purpose of Dataset? 13. Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data? 14. List out the three important methods of Command object. 15. Which types of commands can be executed using ExecuteNonQuery() method? 16. What is the return type of ExecuteReader() method? 17. In which situation ExecuteScaler() method is used? 18. Which property of GridView control is used to bind data from DataSet? 19. What is databinding? Answer the following questions in detail:- 1. Explain ADO.NET concept in detail. 2. Write down any five differences between DataSet and DataReader. Ms. Dipal Patel Page 10

11 3. Explain Data Provider in detail with its components. 4. Explain Connection object with its example in detail. 5. Explain Command object with its example in detail. 6. What is the use of DataAdapter class? Perform insert, update, delete and search operation by using its methods. 7. Explain ExecuteNonQuery() method by performing insert, update and delete operation with example. 8. Explain Dataset in detail with its suitable example. 9. Write a short note on DataView class. 10. Discuss any five properties of GridView control. 11. What is role of connectionstring while doing connection? Explain it in detail. Fill in the blanks:- 1. class provides read-only, forward-only access to the data retrieved from a query. 2. When we need to retrieve only a single value from the Database, method is efficient. 3. To populate the data set, method of DataAdapter is used. 4. Default maximum number of connections allowed in the pool. 5. If DataReader returned more than one rowset, method moves the pointer to the next rowset. 6. is a bridge in between DataSet and Database. 7. object provide connection to the database. 8. method indicates that a transaction was unsuccessful. 9. For insert, update, and delete SQL commands, method is used. 10. To check whether connection is open or not, property is used. 11. To Release the connection object, method is used. 12. section is used to store the connection string in web.config file. 13. To use DataSet, namespace needs to be included. 14. is by default page size in gridview. Select an appropriate answer from the given options:- 1. ADO stands for a) Active Data Object b) Advanc e Data Object c) ActiveX Data Object d) ActiveX Directory Object 2. Which namespace is used for doing SQL Server data connection? a) Syatem.Data b) System.Data.SQL c) System.Data.SQLClient d) System.Data.MySQL 3. Which of the following is not part of Data Provider? a) DataSet b) Connection c) Command d) DataAdapter 4. Which of the following illustrates the benefit of ADO.NET? a) Interoperability b) It uses DataSet to represent data in memory that can store data from multiple tables and multiple sources. Ms. Dipal Patel Page 11

12 c) Disconnected data access d) All of the above 5. In connection string, What is used to represent the name of the database? a) DataSource b) Initial Database c) Initial Catalog d) Catalog database 6. Which of the following class is used to fill the DataSet? a) DataTable b) DataAdapter c) DataReader d) Command 7. Which of the following is not Data Provider? a) Access Provider b) OLEDB Provider c) ODBC Provider d) SQL Server Provider 8. Which of the following namespace is used to connect with OLEDB Provider? a) System.Data b) System.Data.ODBC State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:- c) System.Data.OLEDB d) System.Data.SQL 1. We cannot get information out of database without directly using the ADO.NET classes. 2. ADO.NET uses XML to transfer data across applications and data source. 3. The classes of ADO.NET are defined in the System.Data namespace. 4. In ADO.Net command object, we can have more than one ReturnValueparameter. 5. We can add multiple rows in DataReader. 6. We can fill dataset using DataReader.Fill() method. 7. Dataset can store multiple tables in cache. 8. DataAdapter object populates a DataSet and resolves updates with the data source. 9. We can create relationship between the tables in a DataSet. 10. Ado.net is faster than ADO for disconnected recordsets. 11. It is not required to open the connection if I am using data adapter. 12. The ExecuteScalar() method returns the value stored in the last field of the first row of a result set generated by the command s SELECT query. 13. The ExecuteNonQuery() method returns 0 if your command isn t an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement. 14. In Commit() method pending changes should be stored permanently in the data source. 15. If you change the information in the DataSet, the information in the corresponding table in the database changed automatically. 16. By default value of AllowPaging is true in gridview. Unit : 6 Data Binding Answer the following questions in short:- 1. How many templates are provided to work with GridView control? 2. By default how many records are displayed in one page in GridView? 3. Which method do you invoke on the DataAdapter control to load your generated dataset with data? 4. Can you edit data in the Repeater control? 5. Which template must you provide in order to display data in a Repeater control? 6. How can you provide an alternating color scheme in a Repeater control? Ms. Dipal Patel Page 12

13 5. What property must you set, and what method must you call in your code, in order to bind the data from a data source to the Repeater control? 6. What tags do you need to add within the asp:datagrid tags to bind columns manually? 7. What tag do you use to add a hyperlink column to the DataGrid? 8. What property do you have to set to tell the grid which page to go to when using the Pager object? 9. Write any one difference between DetailsView and FormView control. 10. Which control is known as the advance version of Repeater control? 11. Which method of command object is used with aggregate function? Answer the following questions in detail:- 1. Explain page lifecycle with data binding. 2. How data source controls work? 3. Give code for binding data grid view dynamically. 4. Explain gridview control with example. 5. How formatting is done in gridview. 6. Explain Details view with example. 7. Explain form view with example. 8. Write note on different datacontrol. 9. How pagging is done in gridview. 10. Explain by coding how paging is done in FormView control. 11. Explain Repeater control by example. 12. Explain the importance of templates used with Data controls. 13. DataList is known as the advance version of Repeater control? How? Fill in the blanks:- 1. method used to bind data with control. 2. Control s method is used to copy the information from the DataSet into the control. 3. Performs pattern matching with string data types in DataView. 4. In GridView column displays text from a field in the data source. 5. We need to set style to apply additional formatting to every other row. 6. GridView column displays text from a field in the data source. 7. is by default page size in gridview. 8. tag is use to add a hyperlink column to the DataGrid. 9. methods is used to provide source to gridview. Select an appropriate answer from the given options:- 1. Which is the value of browser Cookie? a) CookieParameter b) FormParameter c) ProfileParameter d) None 2. Which is the value of a QueryString field? a) CookieParameter b) FormParameter c) ProfileParameter d) QueryString Parameter Ms. Dipal Patel Page 13

14 3. Which namespace is required for ADO.NET? a) System.Data b) Syatem.IO c) System.SQLclient d) System.ODBC 4. Which of the following control does not exist in database? a) GridView b) Repeater c) DataList d) TableView 5. Which of the following column provides selection or editing buttons in gridview? a) ButtonField b) BoundField c) CommandField d) TemplateField 6. Which of the following method used to bind data with control? a) Databind b) DataBinding c) BindData d) Bind State whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE:- 1. Databind method used to bind data with control. 2. CommandField This column provides selection or editing buttons in GridView. 3. By default value of AllowPaging is true in gridview is default paging in gridview takes 5 row data. 5. <Img> tag is used to add a hyperlink column to the DataGrid. 6. There is no difference between datagrid and detailsview. 7. BindingData() methods is used to provide source to gridview. Ms. Dipal Patel Page 14

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