Skyway Builder 6.3 Reference

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1 Skyway Builder 6.3 Reference /21/09 Skyway Software

2 Skyway Builder 6.3 Reference: /21/09 Skyway Software Published Copyright 2009 Skyway Software Abstract The most recent version of all Skyway Builder documentation can be found online at 2


4 Table of Contents 1. Overview Spring DSL Artifacts Skyway Project Create a Skyway Project Wizard New Skyway Project Folder Names Artifact Category Mappings Skyway Project Editor Overview Tab Category Mapping Tab Web Application Tab Enterprise Configuration Tab Spring Configuration Tab Code Generation Tab Service New Skyway Service Wizard New Service Skyway Service Editor Overview Tab Variables Tab Spring Bean Configuration Tab Code Generation Tab JAXWS Web Service Tab DWR Tab Domain Objects New Domain Object Wizard New Domain Object Domain Object Editor Overview Tab Persistence Mapping Tab Code Generation Tab Data Access Object Data Access Object Wizard New Data Access Object Add Domain Objects Data Access Object Editor Overview Tab Spring Bean Configuration Tab Database Configuration Tab Code Generation Tab Named Query Named Query Wizard New Named Query Named Query Editor Overview Tab Inputs / Outputs Tab Query Text Tab Spring Bean Configuration Tab Operation New Operation Wizard New Operation iv

5 Skyway Builder 6.3 Reference 1.2. Operation Options Operation Editor Overview Tab Input / Outputs Tab Variables Tab Constants Tab Spring Bean Configuration Tab Code Generation Tab Action New Action Wizard New Action Action Editor Controller New Web Controller Wizard New Web Controller Web Controller Editor Overview Tab URL Mapping Tab Variables Tab Spring Bean Configuration Tab Code Generation Tab Web Flow New Web Flow Wizard New Web Flow Web Flow Domain Model Web Flow Editor Component New Component Wizard New Component Component Editor Overview Tab Variables Tab Constants Tab Code Generation Tab Exception New Exception Wizard New Exception Exception Editor Overview Tab Code Generation Tab JSP Page New JSP Page Wizard JavaServer Pages Select JSP Template Model Package New Model Package Wizard New Model Package Skyway Template Project New Skyway Template Proejct Wizard New Skyway Template Project Source Templates... v

6 List of Figures 1.1. Project Meta-Data Model... 1 vi

7 List of Tables 2.1. New Skyway Project Window Folder Names Window Artifact Category Mappings Window Project Editor - Overview Tab Project Editor - Category Mapping Tab Project Editor - Web Application Tab Project Editor - Enterprise configuration Tab Project Editor - Spring Configuration Tab Project Editor - Code Generation Tab - Persistent Collection Type Project Editor - Code Generation Tab - Code Generation Code Generation Tokens New Skyway Service Window Skyway Service Editor - Overview tab Service Editor - Variables Tab Skyway Service Editor - Spring Bean Configuration tab Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Web Service Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Web Service - Advanced Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Method Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Method - Advanced Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Parameter Skyway Service Editor - DWR Tab - DWR Service Skyway Service Editor - DWR Tab - DWR Method New Domain Object Window Domain Object Editor - Overview Tab Domain Object Editor - Persistence Mapping Tab New Data Access Object Window Add Domain Object Window Data Access Object Editor - Overview Tab Data Access object Editor - Database Configuration Tab Data Access Object Editor - Database Configuration Tab New Named Query Window Named Query Editor - Overview Tab Named Query - Inputs/Outputs tab Named Query - Query Text tab Named Query - Spring Bean Configuration tab New Skyway Operation Window Operation Options Window Operation Editor - Overview Tab Operation Editor - Inputs/Outputs Tab Operation Editor - Variables Tab Operation Editor - Constants Tab Operation Editor - Spring Bean Configuration Tab New Action Window New Web Controller Window Web Controller Editor - Overview Tab Web Controller Editor - URL Mapping Tab Web Controller Editor - Variables Tab Web Controller Editor - Spring Bean Configuration Tab New Web Flow Window Create Web Flow Domain Window New Component Window vii

8 Skyway Builder 6.3 Reference Component Editor - Overview Tab Component Editor - Variable Tab Component Editor - Constants Tab New Exception Window Exception Editor - Overview Tab New JSP Window Select JSP Template Window New Model Package Window New Skyway Project Window Source Templates Window... viii

9 Chapter 1. Overview 1. Spring DSL Artifacts Application development using Skyway Builder is accomplished by using (assembling and configuring) Spring DSL artifacts: Figure 1.1. Project Meta-Data Model Within Skyway Builder, there are graphical (and abstract) representations of application components. These components have direct correlations to Java, Spring, JPA, and JEE artifacts. Summary of Spring DSL Artifacts Projects are the top level artifact within the developer's workspace. All other Spring DSL artifacts must be made within a Skyway modeling project. A Model Package is a Spring DSL artifact for namespacing and grouping related Spring DSL components. A model package can contain any top-level Spring DSL elements, including other model packages. Model packages correlate directly to java packages (and UML packages), and Spring DSL artifacts created in a model package will be generated into a matching Java package. A Domain Object is a Spring DSL artifact that defines the domain model of the application. By default a domain object is generated into a plain old java object (POJO). If a domain object is associated with a data access object, then the domain object is annotated as (JPA) annotated class, and it's associated with a primary key class (@IdClass). Fields can be added to domain objects by using the basic data types, and a domain object can have relationships to other domain objects. 1

10 Overview A Data Access Object (DAO) is a Spring DSL artifact used to separate data access logic from application logic. A DAO manages the persistence of domain objects, and it is generated annotated Spring components, a specialized stereotype for data access layer components. A DAO can also contain predefined queries called Named Queries. A Named Query is a Spring DSL artifact creating predefined queries for the data access objects (DAOs). Named queries are defined using either SQL or JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language), and Named Queries are generated annotations in components. A Service is a Spring DSL artifact that defines a service layer component, and it gets generated into annotated Spring component, a specialized stereotype for service layer components. A Service contains a set of Operations which are generated into Service methods. A Web Controller is a Spring DSL artifact that defines the web layer of an application using Spring MVC. Web Controllers get generated into annotated Spring component, a specialized stereotype for web layer components. A Web Controller contains a set of Operations which are generated into methods for handling web requests. An Operation is a Spring DSL artifact that defines methods for both Services and Controllers. Operations represent application logic, and they use inputs and outputs for exchanging data. Operations are generated directly in the respective Service and Controller classes, and they are generated slightly differently to account for the different implementations needed for the Spring stereotypes. An Actions is a Spring DSL artifact for implementing operations using model-driven development. They are used to implement service and controller operations in Java using drag-n-drop steps that are sequenced together into functionality. A Component is a Spring DSL artifact that defines a generic container for data. A component gets generated into annotated Spring component, a generic stereotype for Spring managed components with configurable scope. Components are typically used as data transfer objects (DTO) and form backing objects. A Flow is used to implement the web layer of an application using Spring Web Flow. Java Server Pages (JSP) are used to implement the Presentation layer of an applicaiton. JSPs are used for both Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow applications. An Exception is a Spring DSL artifact that defines custom exceptions. Exceptions are generated into exception classes in Java. 2

11 Chapter 2. Skyway Project Projects are the top level artifact within the developer's workspace. All other Spring DSL artifacts must be made within a Skyway modeling project. The following sections describe the Project wizards and editors. 1. Create a Skyway Project Wizard The Skyway Project Wizard is used to create new Skyway projects. There are three steps to the wizard. New Skyway Project >> Skyway Project >> Folder Names >> Artifact Category Mappings 1.1. New Skyway Project The first step is for specifying the name and location of the project. You can also add the project to a working set. Table 2.1. New Skyway Project Window Project Name* Enter the name of the new project. Use Default Location Selected by default. Deselect this check box to change the location of the where the new project will reside. Working Sets Unselected by default. Select this checkbox to add this project to an Eclipse working set Folder Names This step is for specifying the folder in the project that will contain all the Skyway modeling artifacts. 3

12 Skyway Project Table 2.2. Folder Names Window Folder to create for models This is the sub-folder in your project that contains your model information. Default name "model". Enter a new name if desired Artifact Category Mappings This step is for specifying whether the project will use Maven and for specifying which projects code should be generated to. The generation is configured by artifact category (Domain, DAO, Service Layer, and Web Layer), and for each category you specify the target project. Table 2.3. Artifact Category Mappings Window Check box Select checkbox to use Maven to create projects for generated code. The decision to use Maven can only be made at project creation. If not using 4

13 Skyway Project Maven, all artifact categories must be generated to the same project. If using Maven, you have the choice to split artifact categories between two or more projects. Category The category for a specific artifact entry. The available categories are: Domain, DAO, Service Layer, Web Layer and Models. Project The specific Eclipse project that the artifact category should be generated to. During the initial creation of the project, the ${} token can be used to create projects based on the project name. Id The id used to reference the category from the Code Generation tab. Edit Select an artifact category and click this button to invoke the Code Generation window. Click the Select buttons to pick a new Project and/or Package. 2. Skyway Project Editor The Skyway Project Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab, the Web Application Tab, the Enterprise Configuration Tab, the Spring Configuration Tab, the Category Mapping Tab, and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail Overview Tab The Overview tab allows a user to describe the project and link to other tabs in the Project Editor. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 2.4. Project Editor - Overview Tab Name 5

14 Skyway Project Identifies the name of the Project. Refer to Skyway Naming Conventions for details on special rules and exceptions. Provide a meaningful description of the Project Category Mapping Tab Use the Category Mapping tab to reconfigure the target projects for each artifact category. Each Spring DSL artifact is associated with an artifact category, and the artifact category can be individually configured to generate to a particular Eclipse project. In most cases you will want all artifact categories generated to a single project, and this is the only configuration option when using the Eclipse-based project structure (as opposed to Maven). However if you are using the Maven project structure, the artifact categories can be targetted to separate projects. The Category Mapping tab is also used to disable automated updates to project dependencies. If you are using Maven project structure, this option will prevent Skyway Builder from automatically updating your pom file (pom.xml). If you are using the Eclipse project structure, this option will prevent Skyway Builder from automatically updating your classpath (build path0. In both cases you will be responsible from manually maintaining the project classpath. Table 2.5. Project Editor - Category Mapping Tab Artifact Categories Artifact Categories is used to reconfigure the package names and destination projects for artifact category code generation. Category The category for a specific artifact entry. The available categories are: Domain, DAO, Service Layer, Web Layer and Models. Project The specific Eclipse project that the artifact category should be generated to. During project creation the eclipse projects will be created. However during project reconfiguration, the eclipse projects won't be automatically 6

15 Skyway Project created. If you are going to generate to a new project, the project must be created in Eclipse prior to reconfiguring this setting. There is a project dependency chain when using Maven. The project cannot be configured to break the dependency chain. The dependency chain is: Web depends on Service, DAO, Domain Service depends on DAO and Domain DAO depends on Domain Id The id used to reference the category from the Code Generation tab. Edit Select an artifact category and click this button to invoke the Code Generation window. Click the Select buttons to pick a new Project and/or Package Web Application Tab The Web Application tab allows a user to define JSP aliases. JSP aliases are used to alias pages so that references to the JSP pages aren't hard-coded in Controllers. The JSP aliases can be used in the URL Mappings of any Controllers in the project. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 2.6. Project Editor - Web Application Tab JSP Alias Define URLs that map to specific views (pages) in the web application. Add Click this button to invoke the Select View window and navigate to the desired view. 7

16 Skyway Project 2.4. Enterprise Configuration Tab The Enterprise Configuration tab of the Project Editor allows a user to configure the security and container settings for the project. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 2.7. Project Editor - Enterprise configuration Tab Secured URLS This subsection allows a user to specify urls and set them as secured. URL Pattern Lists the URL patterns added. Secured Click this check box to secure the associated URL. Add Click this button to Add a new URL pattern. Remove Click this button to remove a selected URL from the URL Pattern list. Up/Down Click these buttons to change the order of the selected URL from the URL Pattern list. Secured Resources This subsection allows a user to specify urls and set them as secured. Service Displays the project's services available to secure. Secured Click this check box to secure the associated Service. Data Access Object Displays the project's data access objects available to secure. Secured Click this check box to secure the associated Data Access Object. Configured Views This subsection allows a user to select the views that will handle security functions. Login View Default page: /login.jsp Login Failure View Default page: t/login.jsp?login_error=1 Login Success View Default page: /success.jsp Access Denied View Default page: /accessdenied.jspp 8

17 Skyway Project Security Information Source This subsection allows a user to configure the security information source as either Database or LDAP. Database Select this radio button to configure database settings. LDAP Select this radio button to configure LDAP settings. Container Settings This subsection allows a user to configure the container to which the application will be deployed. Deploy as an EJB3 Enterprise Application Select this checkbox if you want to deploy your application as a EJB3 Enterprise Application. Container Type From the dropdown list, select the desired container type. Persistence Manager From the dropdown list, select the desired Persistence Manager. Transaction Manager From the dropdown list, select the desired Transaction Manager Spring Configuration Tab The Spring Configuration tab allows a user to configure the mail server used by any Send steps in the project and the Web Server port. Within the Spring Contexts section you can specify additional Spring configuration files that you want to add the Skyway project. This is in addition to the Spring configuration files that are generated by Skyway Builder. You can independently specify which Spring configurations you want loaded into the Web Layer and Service Layer. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 2.8. Project Editor - Spring Configuration Tab Mail Server Enter the mail server. Default is 'mail'. Web Server Port Enter the web server port. Default is '8080'. 9

18 Skyway Project Web Layer XML Files Click the Add... button to select the desired Spring context files to add to the web layer. To remove a file from the project, highlight the desired XML file from the list and click the Remove button. Context files added to the web layer are included as a contextconfiglocation parameter of the DispatcherServlet in web.xml. Service Layer XML Files Click the Add... button to select the desired Spring context files to add to the service layer. To remove a file from the project, highlight the desired XML file from the list and click the Remove button. Context files added to the service layer are included as a contextconfiglocation parameter of the context-param in web.xml Code Generation Tab The Code Generation tab is for configuring various project-level code generation options, including the collection type that should be use for persistent relationships, the templates project that should be used for code generation, and the default code generation options for the generated code. Persistent Collection Type Select the type of collection to use for persistent relationships. Table 2.9. Project Editor - Code Generation Tab - Persistent Collection Type Ordered Set Interface Type: java.util.set Implementation Type: java.util.linkedhashset List Interface Type: java.util.list 10

19 Skyway Project Implementation Type: java.util.arraylist Set Interface Type: java.util.set Implementation Type: java.util.hashset Sorted Set Interface Type: java.util.sortedset Implementation Type: java.util.treeset Custom Interface Type: <pick the interface> Implementation Type: <pick an implementation of the interface> Customize Code Generation Templates Enter the location of your custom templates. This can be the name of a Skyway Template Project in your workspace or the path (absolute or relative) to JAR files that contain the compiled templates. Code Generation This section configures the default code generation settings for the entire project. From the Project Editor there's an entry for every artifact that is generated using Skyway Builder. The settings can be overridden individually on an artifact by using the artifact's code generation tab, which will only contain entries for the artifacts generated resources. Table Project Editor - Code Generation Tab - Code Generation Generate Specifies whether this resource should be generated. By default all resources are generated and regenerated, but you can disable this at the project level by unchecking the checkbox for the resources that should no longer be generated. Name A friendly name for the resource that is represented by the configuration entry. Filename The name of the file that should be generated for the resource. You can reference the artifact name by using the ${} expression in the filename. Package The package name that should be used for the generated resource. This setting only applies to resources that get generated into JAVA classes. You can reference the model package that the artifact was created in by using the ${model.package} expression in the package name, Path The directory where the resource should be generated to. You can reference the category mapping (from the Category Mapping tab) location in the path by using the ${category} expression. You can also reference the model package that the artifact was created in by using the ${model.package} expression in the path. To generate the resource to multiple locations, you can specify multiple paths (comma delimited). Category Specifies the category that the resource is generated into. As you reconfigure the category mappings, you can change the project that the resource gets generated into. 11

20 Skyway Project Here's a list of available code generation tokens that can be used for configuring code generation options. Table Code Generation Tokens Token ${} References the name given to the artifact in the Spring DSL. ${] References the name of the parent artifact for artifacts that have a parent artifact (i.e. Controller/Operation and Service/Operation) ${model.package} References the model package that contains the artifact in the Spring DSL. ${category} References the project path configured for the category (using Category Mapping tab). 12

21 Chapter 3. Service A Service is a Spring DSL artifact that defines a service layer component, and it gets generated into annotated Spring component, a specialized stereotype for service layer components. A Service contains a set of Operations which are generated into Service methods. A Service can also be exposed as: a web service (using JAX-WS) to enable other systems to access it's functionality a DWR (direct web remoting) service to provide access to the service from javascript The following sections describe the service wizards and editors. 1. New Skyway Service Wizard The New Skyway Service wizard is for creating new Spring Services for a development project. New Skyway Service >> New Service 1.1. New Service The New Service window is for specifying the name of the service and the model package that will contain the service. Table 3.1. New Skyway Service Window Service Name Enter the name of the new Service then click the Finish button. 13

22 Service 2. Skyway Service Editor The Skyway Service Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab, the Variables Tab, the Spring Bean Configuration Tab, the JAXWS Tab, the DWR Tab, and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail Overview Tab The Overview tab is used for providing a description of the Service, navigating to the files generated from the Service, and navigating to the other Service configuration tabs. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 3.2. Skyway Service Editor - Overview tab Name Identifies the name of the new Service. Files Click the Views link to display the generated source code. Provide a meaningful description of the Service Variables Tab The Variables tab is used for defining Service variables. Service variables are available to all service operations. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 14

23 Service Table 3.3. Service Editor - Variables Tab Name Identify the variable name. Refer to Skyway Naming Conventions for details on special rules and exceptions. Type Select the data type of the variable. In addition to primitive data types, a variable may have the type of a Domain Object that has been created and defined in Skyway. Click the desired row in the Type column to invoke the Select Type Picker. Select the desired data type and click OK. Collection Identify whether the parameter is a Collection. Initial Value Optional) a variable can be initialized with data by populating this column with the initial value Spring Bean Configuration Tab The Spring Bean Configuration tab is used to configure the scope1 annotations for the Service. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab

24 Service Table 3.4. Skyway Service Editor - Spring Bean Configuration tab Enable Transaction Specified whether the Spring transactional annotation3 should be emitted in this artifact's generated code Read Only Specifies a read-only transaction4. Timeout Specifies how long a transaction may run before timing out5. Isolation Specifies the degree of isolation this transaction has from the work of other transactions6. Propagation Specifies the transaction propagation7. Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must cause a rollback.8 No Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must not cause a rollback.9 Scope The scope for this bean. List of Available Scopes Code Generation Tab The Code Generation tab is for configuring the generation options for the Service. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 16

25 Service Code Generation The code generation settings can be specified at the project level, which will control the code generation settings for the entire project. The code generation settings can also be customized for each Service using the code generation tab from the respective Service. For a description of the code generation settings available from the Service Editor, please refer the to Code Generation tab of the Project Editor JAXWS Web Service Tab The JAXWS Web Service tab is used for configuring the web service options for the Service. By default a Service isn't web service enabled. This tab is for enabling the Service to be published as a Web Service and for configuring the JAX-WS options for the Service and Operations. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 17

26 Service When a Spring DSL Service is published as a web service, an endpoint interface is generated and annotated with the annotation. The following table describes the configuration options for the web service. Table 3.5. Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Web Service Publish Web Service determines whether the service will be published as a JAX-WS web service (@WebService) Service Name maps to the servicename parameter of annotation Target Namespace maps to the targetnamespace parameter of annotation Endpoint Interface Port Name maps to the portname and name parameters of annotation WSDL Location the location of the WSDL representing the web service Binding Type Service Mode The handler chain and SOAP binding can be configured at the web service level. annotations are generated into the endpoint interface. Table 3.6. Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Web Service - Advanced Handler Chain determines whether this service will have a custom handler chain (@HandlerChain) 18

27 Service Name the name of the handler chain ; maps to the name parameter of annotation File the name of the handler chain configuration file; maps to the file parameter of annotation SOAP Binding Style maps to the style parameter of annotation Parameter Style maps to the parameterstyle parameter of annotation Use maps to the use parameter of annotation Unless otherwise excluded, each operation in a Spring DSL Service is published as a web method. The operation in the endpoint interface is generated and annotated with the annotation. The following table describes the configuration options for the web method. Table 3.7. Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Method Exclude determines whether the current operation will be excluded from the web service; by default all operations are included in a web service Name maps to the operationname parameter of annotation; the name is defaulted to the name of the Spring DSL operation artifact Action maps to the action parameter of annotation While the SOAP binding can be configured at the web service level, JAX-WS allows the SOAP binding to be customized at the web method level. The custom configurations in the following table will be reflected in annotation generated for the web method. The request (@RequestWrapper) and response (@ResponseWrapper) of the web method can be also configured. Table 3.8. Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Method - Advanced SOAP Binding Style maps to the style parameter of annotation Parameter Style maps to the parameterstyle parameter of annotation Use maps to the use parameter of annotation Request Wrapper Local Name maps to the localname parameter of annotation Target Namespace maps to the targetnamespace parameter of annotation Class Name maps to the classname parameter of annotation Response Wrapper Local Name maps to the localname parameter of annotation 19

28 Service Target Namespace maps to the targetnamespace parameter of annotation Class Name maps to the classname parameter of annotation In JAX-WS the input parameters of a web method are configured using annotation. The following table lists the configuration options that will generated for annotation. Table 3.9. Skyway Service Editor - JAXWS Web Service Tab - Parameter Skyway Input maps to the style parameter of annotation Name maps to the name parameter of annotation Part Name maps to the partname parameter of annotation Target Namespace maps to the targetnamespace parameter of annotation Mode maps to the mode parameter of annotation Header maps to the header parameter of annotation 2.6. DWR Tab The DWR tab is used publish a Service as a DWR (direct web remoting)11 service that can called from javascript. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. The following table describes the configuration options for the DWR service

29 Service Table Skyway Service Editor - DWR Tab - DWR Service Publish determines whether the service will be published as a DWR service Javascript Name the name of the dynamically generated javascript for the service Unless otherwise excluded, each operation in a Spring DSL Service is published as a javascript function. The following table describes the DWR configuration options for the operations. Table Skyway Service Editor - DWR Tab - DWR Method Exclude determines whether the current operation will be excluded from DWR; by default all operations are included in a service that is published for DWR. Method Name the name of the dynamically generated javascript methd; the name is defaulted to the name of the Spring DSL operation artifact DWR will automatically generates some pages that can assist in developing with DWR. The DWR Service index page lists all the classes known to DWR. It's usefull for verifying which Spring DSL services are or are not DWR enabled. The URL for the accessing the index page is dwr/index.html 21

30 Chapter 4. Domain Objects A Domain Object is a Spring DSL artifact that defines the domain model of the application. By default a domain object is generated into a plain old java object (POJO). If a domain object is associated with a data access object, then the domain object is annotated as (JPA) annotated class, and it's associated with a primary key class (@IdClass). Fields can be added to domain objects by using the basic data types, and a domain object can have relationships to other domain objects. The following sections describe the Domain Object wizards and editors. 1. New Domain Object Wizard The New Domain Object wizard is for creating new domain objects for a development project. New Domain Object >> Domain Object 1.1. New Domain Object The New Domain Object window is for specifying the name of the domain object and the model package that will contain the domain object. Table 4.1. New Domain Object Window Domain Object Name Enter the name of the new Domain Object then click the Finish button. The Domain Object Editor is displayed. 2. Domain Object Editor The Skyway Domain Object Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab, the Persistance Mapping Tab, and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail. 22

31 Domain Objects 2.1. Overview Tab The Overview tab is used for configuring the domain object fields, managing relationships and providing a description. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. This editor allows a user to describe the domain object, set relationships between other domain objects, and create and edit fields in the domian object. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 4.2. Domain Object Editor - Overview Tab Name Identifies the name of the new Domain Object. Files Click the Views link to display the generated source code. Enter a meaningful description for this Domain Object. Relationships Create and manage relationships between this and other Domain Objects by defining the Type, Name and Inverse Name. Click the Add button to add a Domain Object. Fields Create and edit fields in this domain object by defining Display Name, Type, and if whether it's a Collection. Click the Add button to add a field to this Domain Object Persistence Mapping Tab The Persistence Mapping tab is used to control how the Domain Object will map into persistence in a database and how it will display throughout the rest of the project. This tab includes the Table and Field Mapping and Relationships sections. The Persistence Mapping tab will let you override the default table name and field names. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 23

32 Domain Objects Table 4.3. Domain Object Editor - Persistence Mapping Tab Table Name Pre-populated with the name of the Domain Object by default. This name can be modified. Schema Catalog Column Name The name of the database column that this Field will be stored in. If left blank, the name of the Field will be used. This name is "suggested" as a user can override it during deployment. Length Length of text field. Defautl is 512 characters. Precision Scale Fetch Pull-down menu. Select the desired value of either Lazy, Eager, Unset. Option Select the desired column option. Valid values are: Insertable, Updateable, Nullable, and Unique Code Generation Tab The Code Generation tab is for configuring the generation options for the Domain Object. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 24

33 Domain Objects Code Generation The code generation settings can be specified at the project level, which will control the code generation settings for the entire project. The code generation settings can also be customized for each artifact using the code generation tab from the respective editor for the artifact. For a description of the code generation settings available from the Service Editor, please refer the to Code Generation tab of the Project Editor. 25

34 Chapter 5. Data Access Object A Data Access Object (DAO) is a Spring DSL artifact used to separate data access logic from application logic. A DAO manages the persistence of domain objects, and it is generated annotated Spring components, a specialized stereotype for data access layer components. A DAO can also contain predefined queries called Named Queries. The following sections describe the Data Access Object wizards and editors. 1. Data Access Object Wizard. The New Data Access Object wizard is for creating new data access objects for a development project. New Data Access Object >> Data Access Object >> Add Domain Objects 1.1. New Data Access Object The New Data Access window is for specifying the name of the data access object and the model package that will contain the data access object. Table 5.1. New Data Access Object Window File Name Enter the name of the new Data Access Object in the File Name text box then click the Next button to add a Domain Object. Data Access Objects can have duplicate names as long as they are stored in separate Services or in separate folders within a service Add Domain Objects When you create a DAO, you can associate one or more domain objects with the DAO. 26

35 Data Access Object Table 5.2. Add Domain Object Window Domain Objects Add the domain objects that are managed by this data access object. A data access object must have atleast one domain object. 2. Data Access Object Editor The Skyway Data Access Object Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab, the Database Configuration Tab, the Spring Bean Configuration Tab, and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail Overview Tab The Overview tab is used for associating domain objects to the DAO, providing a description of the DAO, and navigating to the files generated from the DAO. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 27

36 Data Access Object Table 5.3. Data Access Object Editor - Overview Tab Name Identifies the name of the new Data Access Object. Files Click the Views link to display the generated source code. Enter a meaningful description for this Data Access Object. Domain Objects Select and add Domain Objects to be managed by this Data Access Object Spring Bean Configuration Tab The Spring Bean Configuration tab is used to configure the scope1 annotations for the Data Access Object. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab

37 Data Access Object Table 5.4. Data Access object Editor - Database Configuration Tab Enable Transaction Specified whether the Spring transactional annotation3 should be emitted in this artifact's generated code Read Only Specifies a read-only transaction4. Timeout Specifies how long a transaction may run before timing out5. Isolation Specifies the degree of isolation this transaction has from the work of other transactions6. Propagation Specifies the transaction propagation7. Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must cause a rollback.8 No Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must not cause a rollback.9 Scope The scope for this bean. List of Available Scopes Database Configuration Tab The Database Configuration tab allows a user to select a database for this Data Access Object. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 29

38 Data Access Object Table 5.5. Data Access Object Editor - Database Configuration Tab Connection Select a database connection from the list of available databases in the drop-down menu. Create New Connection Click this link to invoke the New Connection Profile window. See the To Create a New Connection section for details on configuring a new connection. After creating a new connection it will become available in the Connection drop-down list. Enable Persistance Provider SQL Logging Select this checkbox to enable SQL Logging capability. Allow Persistence Provider to create/ update tables Select this checkbox to allow the designated persistence provider to create/ update tables to the database. Minimum Connection Pool Size Default value is 1. Maximum Connection Pool Size Default value is 10. Enable XA Data Source Select this checkbox to specify an XA Data Source. XA Data Source Class Name Enter the Data Source class name. Import Types Click this link to import domain objects from the database. Once the domain objects are discovered, they can be used just like domain objects created in Skyway. 30

39 Data Access Object 2.4. Code Generation Tab The Code Generation tab is for configuring the generation options for the Data Access Object. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Code Generation The code generation settings can be specified at the project level, which will control the code generation settings for the entire project. The code generation settings can also be customized for each artifact using the code generation tab from the respective editor for the artifact. For a description of the code generation settings available from the Service Editor, please refer the to Code Generation tab of the Project Editor. 31

40 Chapter 6. Named Query A Named Query is a Spring DSL artifact creating predefined queries for the data access objects (DAOs). Named queries are defined using either SQL or JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language), and Named Queries are generated annotations in components. The following sections describe the Named Query wizards and editors. 1. Named Query Wizard The New Named Query wizard is for adding a new named query to a data access object. New Named Query >> Named Query 1.1. New Named Query The New Named Query window is for specifying the name of the named query and the data access object that will contain the named query. Table 6.1. New Named Query Window Named Query Name Enter the name of the new Named Query then click the Finish button to display the Named Query Editor. 2. Named Query Editor The Skyway Named Query Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab, the Input/Outputs Tab, the Query Text Tab, the Spring Bean Configuration Tab, and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail. 32

41 Named Query 2.1. Overview Tab The Overview tab is used for providing a description of the named query, navigating to the files generated from the named query, and navigating to the other Named Query configuration tabs. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 6.2. Named Query Editor - Overview Tab Name Identifies the name of the new Named Query. Files Click the Views link to display the generated source code. Enter a meaningful description for this Named Query. Define Inputs and Outputs Click this link to jump to the Inputs/Outputs tab. Define the Query Text Click this link to jump to the Query Text tab Inputs / Outputs Tab The Inputs/Outputs tab defines the input and output parameters of a particular named query. When this query is invoked, the consumer of the name query is required to map variables to the input and output parameters. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 33

42 Named Query Table 6.3. Named Query - Inputs/Outputs tab Inputs Inputs are a mechanism for exchanging data with the consumer of the named query. When a consumer calls a named query, they must provide all the input variables defined by the query. Name Identify the input parameter name. Type Select the data type of the parameter. In addition to primitive data types, an input parameter may have the type of a Domain Object that has been created and defined in Skyway. To select a Domain Object as the variable type, choose the Domain Object option from the Type drop-down menu. Select the desired data type from the data type picker and click OK. Collection Identify whether the parameter is a Collection. Add Click this button to add an input variable. The default is Input_1, incrementing as additional variables are added until they are renamed. Outputs Outputs are another mechanism for exchanging data with the consumer of the named query. When a consumer calls a named query, they must accept all the output variables defined by the named query. Name Identify the output parameter name. Type Select the data type of the parameter. In addition to primitive data types, an output parameter may have the type of a Domain Object that has been created and defined in Skyway. To select a Domain Object as the variable type, choose the Domain Object option from the Type drop-down menu. Select the desired data type from the data type picker and click OK. Collection Identify whether the parameter is a Collection. Add Click this button to add an output variable. The default is Output_1, incrementing as additional variables are added until they are renamed. 34

43 Named Query 2.3. Query Text Tab The Query Text tab defines the query in either SQL or JPQL.Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 6.4. Named Query - Query Text tab Query Type Specifies the query language will be used in the named query. The options are: JPQL - for specifying queries using the JPA specific syntax. The persisted objects are managed by JPA. SQL - for specifying queries to the underlying DB using SQL syntax. This option is usefull for queries that are syntactically specific to the underlying DB and intended to be executed using JDBC. This option does not use JPA. JPA Native - for specifying queries to underlying DB using SQL syntax (similar to SQL option), but the resulting data will be synchronized into the persisted Objects that JPA is managing. Query Text Define the Query text to execute. Insert Click this button to invoke a Variable picker and select the input or output variable to include in the expression. Edit Expression Click this button to invoke the Expression Editor and build a valid expression. Click the OK button. 35

44 Named Query 2.4. Spring Bean Configuration Tab The Spring Bean Configuration tab is used to configure the scope1 annotations for the Named Query. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 6.5. Named Query - Spring Bean Configuration tab Enable Transaction Specified whether the Spring transactional annotation3 should be emitted in this artifact's generated code Read Only Specifies a read-only transaction4. Timeout Specifies how long a transaction may run before timing out5. Isolation Specifies the degree of isolation this transaction has from the work of other transactions6. Propagation Specifies the transaction propagation7. Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must cause a rollback.8 No Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must not cause a rollback

45 Chapter 7. Operation An Operation is a Spring DSL artifact that defines methods for both Services and Controllers. Operations represent application logic, and they use inputs and outputs for exchanging data. Operations are generated directly in the respective Service and Controller classes, and they are generated slightly differently to account for the different implementations needed for the Spring stereotypes. The following sections describe the Operation wizards and editors. 1. New Operation Wizard The New Operation wizard is for adding a new operation to either a controller or service. New Skyway Operation >> New Operation >> Operation Options 1.1. New Operation The New Operation window is for specifying the name of the operation and the controller or service that will contain the operation. Table 7.1. New Skyway Operation Window Operation Name Enter the name of the new Operation then click the Finish button. Enter a meaningful description for this Operation then click the Finish button Operation Options If you are using model-driven development to implement your operations, then an action can automatically be created. If you aren't using MDD, then you should disable this option. 37

46 Operation Table 7.2. Operation Options Window Create a URL Mapping For Controller Operations Only: Enable this checkbox to create a URL Mapping for this operation. URL Mappings can also be added at a later time. URL For Controller Operations Only: When "Create a URL Mapping" is enabled, the URL is for specifying the URL for the URL Mapping. A default URL mapping is derived from the controller name and operation name, but the URL is completely configurable by the developer. Create an "entry point" action Enable this checkbox to create an entry point Action for this operation. Actions are used to use Skyway's drag-n-drop modeling to implement the logic of the operation. An operation can have multiple actions, but only one Action can be the entry point action. The entry point action can be configured at a later time. Action name When "Create a entry point action" is enabled, the Action name is for specifying the name. The name is default to "Default Action" which can be overridden in the Skyway section of Eclipse preferences. 2. Operation Editor The Skyway Operation Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab, the Input/Outputs Tab, the Variables Tab, the Constants Tab, the Spring Bean Configuration Tab, and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail Overview Tab The Overview tab is used for providing a description of the Operation, navigating to the files generated from the Operation, navigating to the other configuration tabs, and defining operation exceptions. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 38

47 Operation Table 7.3. Operation Editor - Overview Tab Name Identifies the name of the new Operation. Files Click the Views link to display the generated source code. Enter a meaningful description for this Operation. Define Inputs and Outputs Click this link to jump to the Inputs/Outputs tab. Define Variables Click this link to jump to the Variables tab. Define Constants Click this link to jump to the Constants tab. Entry Point Click this link to open the editor for the selected action, or enter the path/ name of the action directly into the textbox. Select... Click this button to open the Action Selector and select the desired action from the list of available actions associated with this operation. Exceptions In the Exception tab, the user can configure Exceptions thrown by the Operation. The configured exceptions will be available to Catch Steps of calling processes. If any exception occurs and it's not listed in the operation interface, the exception will be ignored. The user may define any of the following exception types: Any Exception from any Project on their Designer desktop, All Skyway Step Exceptions, Skyway Step Exceptions listed individually, Non Custom Exceptions 2.2. Input / Outputs Tab The Inputs/Outputs tab defines the input and output parameters of a particular operation. When this operation is invoked, the consumer (client) of the operation is required to map variables to the input and output parameters. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 39

48 Operation Table 7.4. Operation Editor - Inputs/Outputs Tab Inputs Define the Inputs to this Operation. Name Identify the input parameter name. Type Select the data type of the parameter. In addition to primitive data types, an input parameter may have the type of a Domain Object that has been created and defined in Skyway. To select a Domain Object as the variable type, choose the Domain Object option from the Type drop-down menu. Select the desired data type from the data type picker and click OK. Collection Identify whether the parameter is a Collection Add Click this button to add an input variable. The default is Input_1, incrementing as additional variables are added until they are renamed. Outputs Define the Outputs to this Operation. Name Identify the input parameter name. Type Displays the data type of the input variable selected in the Assignment column. Assignment Select the Operation variable to assign to the output variable. Any variable from the variable list on the Variables sub-tab may be mapped to an output variable. Add Click this button to add an output variable. The default is Output_1, incrementing as additional variables are added until they are renamed Variables Tab The Variables tab is used for defining operation variables. Operation variables are available for the implementation of the operation. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 40

49 Operation Table 7.5. Operation Editor - Variables Tab Name Identify the variable name. Type Select the data type of the variable. In addition to primitive data types, a variable may have the type of a Domain Object that has been created and defined in Skyway. Click the desired row in the Type column to invoke the Select Type picker. Select the desired data type and click OK. Collection Identify whether the parameter is a Collection. Initial Value (Optional) a variable can be initialized with data by populating this column with the initial value Constants Tab The Constants tab is used for defining operation constants. An operation constant is a fixed variable whose value is defined at design-time. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 41

50 Operation Table 7.6. Operation Editor - Constants Tab Name Identify the Constant name. Type Select the data type of the constant. In addition to primitive data types, a constant may have the type of a Domain Object that has been created and defined in Skyway. To select a Domain Object as the constant type, select the desired data type from the pull-down menu. Value Value given to a constant based on the Type that is selected Spring Bean Configuration Tab The Spring Bean Configuration tab is used to configure the scope1 annotations for the Operation. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab

51 Operation Table 7.7. Operation Editor - Spring Bean Configuration Tab Enable Transaction Specified whether the Spring transactional annotation3 should be emitted in this artifact's generated code Read Only Specifies a read-only transaction4. Timeout Specifies how long a transaction may run before timing out5. Isolation Specifies the degree of isolation this transaction has from the work of other transactions6. Propagation Specifies the transaction propagation7. Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must cause a rollback.8 No Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must not cause a rollback Code Generation Tab The Code Generation tab is for configuring the generation options for the Operation. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 43

52 Operation Code Generation The code generation settings can be specified at the project level, which will control the code generation settings for the entire project. The code generation settings can also be customized for each artifact using the code generation tab from the respective editor for the artifact. For a description of the code generation settings available from the Service Editor, please refer the to Code Generation tab of the Project Editor. 44

53 Chapter 8. Action An Actions is a Spring DSL artifact for implementing operations using model-driven development. They are used to implement service and controller operations in Java using drag-n-drop steps that are sequenced together into functionality. The following sections describe the Action wizards and editors. 1. New Action Wizard The New Action wizard is for adding an action to an operation. New Skyway Action >> New Action 1.1. New Action The New Action window is for specifying the name of the action and the operation that will contain the action. Table 8.1. New Action Window Select Container Select the desried container to add the action to. File name Enter a name for the action in the file name text box then click the Finish button to open the Action Editor. 2. Action Editor The Action Editor consists of a canvas and palette of Skyway Step Types. See the Skyway Steps Reference Guide. 45

54 Action 46

55 Chapter 9. Controller A Web Controller is a Spring DSL artifact that defines the web layer of an application using Spring MVC. Web Controllers get generated into annotated Spring component, a specialized stereotype for web layer components. A Web Controller contains a set of Operations which are generated into methods for handling web requests. The following sections describe the Controller wizards and editors. 1. New Web Controller Wizard The New Web Controller wizard is for adding a controller to the application. New Skyway Web Controller >> New Web Controller 1.1. New Web Controller The New Web Controller window is for specifying the name of the web controller and the model package that will contain the web controller. Table 9.1. New Web Controller Window File Name Enter the desired file name in the File Name text box and click the Finish button. Refer to Skyway Naming Conventions for details on special rules and exceptions. 47

56 Controller 2. Web Controller Editor The Skyway Web Controller Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab, the URL Mapping Tab, the Variables Tab, the Spring Configuration Tab, and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail Overview Tab The Overview tab is used for providing a description of the Controller, navigating to the files generated from the Controller, and navigating to the other Controller configuration tabs. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 9.2. Web Controller Editor - Overview Tab Name Identifies the Web Controller name. Files Click the Views link to display the generated source code. Provide a meaningful description of the Web Controller. Define URL Mappings Click this link to jump to the URL Mapping tab URL Mapping Tab The URL Mapping tab is responsible for mapping URL requests to specific Actions. Request mapping is the configuration of the URL and Action associations. As noted earlier, there are various page flow patterns, and the configuration of the request mapping essentially implements the page flow pattern. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 48

57 Controller Table 9.3. Web Controller Editor - URL Mapping Tab Parameter URL The URL being mapped, or intercepted by the MVC framework. The controller that the URL Mapping is being added to will handle all requests for the specified URL. Request Handler The operation that will handle the request or variable that data will be bound to. When an Operation is specified as the request handler, the configured URL is being mapped to the functionality corresponding to the selected Operation. When an Variable is specified as the request handler, the configured URL can be used for mapping data to the selected Variable. (This is primarily an AJAX scenario.) View The view that should be rendered following the invocation of the Operation; the configuration choices are: A JSP page View alias (defined at project level) Project variable For a specific URL mapping the view cannot be the same as URL because you would end-up with a circular reference. While you can workaround this by using an alias to the URL, this approach is generally not recommended because it exposes the 49

58 Controller Parameter implementation technology to end-users and potential hackers. See Hide the Implementation recipse for the best practice approach. Redirect: By default the request will be forwarded to the view on the server. The redirect option will instead send the browser a redirect command to the specified View. Error View The Error View functions very similarly to the View, except that it specifies the view that should be rendered following a binding or validation error. The configuration choices are the same as View. Data Validation Spring validation class and method that should be used to validate the request Variables Tab The Variables tab is used for defining controller variables. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 9.4. Web Controller Editor - Variables Tab Name Identify the variable name. Refer to Skyway Naming Conventions for details on special rules and exceptions. Type Select the data type of the variable. In addition to primitive data types, a variable may have the type of a Data Type that has been created and defined in Skyway. Click the desired row in the Type column to invoke the Select Type Picker. Select the desired data type and click OK. Collection Identify whether the variable is a Collection. 50

59 Controller Initial Value Optional) a variable can be initialized with data by populating this column with the initial value. On Request Identify whether the variable should be annotated with the Enabled - The variable (getter method) is annotated and this causes the model to be automatically enriched with the variable. Therefore the variable doesn't need be added as an output parameter of an operation, because it will be automatically included by Spring in the model. Disabled - The variable is available to all operations, but it's not automatically tied to the model Spring Bean Configuration Tab The Spring Bean Configuration tab is used to configure the scope1 annotations for the Controller. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table 9.5. Web Controller Editor - Spring Bean Configuration Tab 1 2 Enable Transaction Specified whether the Spring transactional annotation3 should be emitted in this artifact's generated code Read Only Specifies a read-only transaction

60 Controller Timeout Specifies how long a transaction may run before timing out5. Isolation Specifies the degree of isolation this transaction has from the work of other transactions6. Propagation Specifies the transaction propagation7. Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must cause a rollback.8 No Rollback ClassNames Specifies the exceptions that must not cause a rollback.9 Scope The scope for this bean. List of Available Scopes Code Generation Tab The Code Generation tab is for configuring the generation options for the Controller. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Code Generation The code generation settings can be specified at the project level, which will control the code generation settings for the entire project. The code generation settings can also be customized for each artifact using the code generation tab from the respective editor for the artifact. For a description of the code generation settings available from the Service Editor, please refer the to Code Generation tab of the Project Editor. 52

61 Chapter 10. Web Flow A Flow is used to implement the web layer of an application using Spring Web Flow. The following sections describe the Web Flow wizards and editors. 1. New Web Flow Wizard The New Web Flow wizard is for adding a new Spring flow to the project. New Web Flow >> New Web Flow >> Web Flow Domain 1.1. New Web Flow The New Web Flow window is for specifying the name of the flow and the model package that will contain the flow. Table New Web Flow Window File Name Enter the desired file name in the File Name text box and click the Finish button. Refer to Skyway Naming Conventions for details on special rules and exceptions Web Flow Domain Model 53

62 Web Flow Table Create Web Flow Domain Window File Name the location of the flow xml file 2. Web Flow Editor The Web Flow Editor consists of a canvas and palette of Web Flow Artifacts. 54

63 Chapter 11. Component A Component is a Spring DSL artifact that defines a generic container for data. A component gets generated into annotated Spring component, a generic stereotype for Spring managed components with configurable scope. Components are typically used as data transfer objects (DTO) and form backing objects. The following sections describe the Component wizards and editors. 1. New Component Wizard The New Component wizard is for adding a componet to a project. New Skyway Component >> New Component 1.1. New Component The New Component window is for specifying the name of the component and the model package that will contain the component. Table New Component Window Component Name Enter the desired name for the Component then click the Finish button. 2. Component Editor The Component Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab, the Variables Tab, the Constants Tab, and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail. 55

64 Component 2.1. Overview Tab The Overview tab is used for providing a description of the Component, navigating to the files generated from the Component, and navigating to the other Component configuration tabs. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table Component Editor - Overview Tab Name Identifies the name of the Component. Files Click the Views link to display the generated source code. Provide a meaningful description of the Component. Define Variables click this link to jump to the Variables tab. Define Constants click this link to jump to the Constants tab. Scope Define the scope of the model. Valid options are Session or Request Variables Tab The Variables tab is used for defining component variables. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 56

65 Component Table Component Editor - Variable Tab Name Identify the variable name. Type Select the data type of the variable. In addition to primitive data types, a variable may have the type of a Domain Object that has been created and defined in Skyway. Click the desired row in the Type column to invoke the Select Type picker. Select the desired data type and click OK Initial Value (Optional) a variable can be initialized with data by populating this column with the initial value Constants Tab The Constants tab is used for defining component constants. An component constant is a fixed variable whose value is defined at design-time. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 57

66 Component Table Component Editor - Constants Tab Name Identifies the constant name. Type Select the data type of the constant. In addition to primitive data types, a constant may have the type of a Domain Object that has been created and defined in Skyway. To select a Domain Object as the constant type, select the desired data type from the pull-down menu. Value Value given to a constant based on the Type that is selected Code Generation Tab The Code Generation tab is for configuring the generation options for the Component. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 58

67 Component Code Generation The code generation settings can be specified at the project level, which will control the code generation settings for the entire project. The code generation settings can also be customized for each artifact using the code generation tab from the respective editor for the artifact. For a description of the code generation settings available from the Service Editor, please refer the to Code Generation tab of the Project Editor. 59

68 Chapter 12. Exception An Exception is a Spring DSL artifact that defines custom exceptions. Exceptions are generated into exception classes in Java. The following sections describe the Exception wizards and editors. 1. New Exception Wizard The New Exception wizard is for adding a custom exception to a project. New Skyway Exception >> New Exception 1.1. New Exception The New Exception window is for specifying the name of the exception and the model package that will contain the exception. Table New Exception Window Exception Name Enter the desired name for the Exception then click the Finish button. 2. Exception Editor The Skyway Exception Editor is comprised of the Overview Tab and the Code Generation Tab. The follow sections describe each tab in detail. 60

69 Exception 2.1. Overview Tab The Overview tab is used for providing a description of the Exception, navigating to the files generated from the Exception, and navigating to the other Exception configuration tabs. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. Table Exception Editor - Overview Tab Files Click the Views link to display the generated source code. Provide a meaningful description of the Exception Code Generation Tab The Code Generation tab is for configuring the generation options for the Exception. Refer to the following figure and table for details on this tab. 61

70 Exception Code Generation The code generation settings can be specified at the project level, which will control the code generation settings for the entire project. The code generation settings can also be customized for each artifact using the code generation tab from the respective editor for the artifact. For a description of the code generation settings available from the Service Editor, please refer the to Code Generation tab of the Project Editor. 62

71 Chapter 13. JSP Page Java Server Pages (JSP) are used to implement the Presentation layer of an applicaiton. JSPs are used for both Spring MVC and Spring Web Flow applications. The following sections describe the JSP wizards and editors. A site represents all the web resources in a project, including html, css, javascript, images, flash control, and JSP files. Views are implemented as JSP pages. In addition to the standard available html capabilities, Skyway provides various web controls for building user interfaces. Skyway's web controls are JSP tags with special functionality for binding to conversation and project variables. By using stanard JSP, Skyway developers can leverage the full power of java from the JSP pages if necessary. 1. New JSP Page Wizard After creating a Skyway Project, right-click on the generated Web Content folder and select New>JSP from the menurefer to the following figures and tables to create a new JSP Page. New Skyway Project >> Skyway Project >> Folder Names >> Artifact Category Mappings 1.1. JavaServer Pages The New JavaServer Page window is for specifying the name and folder of the JSP. Table New JSP Window Enter or select the parent folder Select the desired parent folder to add the new JSP page. File name Enter the file name for the JSP page and click the Next button. 63

72 JSP Page File name Enter the file name for the JSP page and click the Next button. The JSP Template window displays. Refer to the following figure and table for details Select JSP Template The Select JSP Template window is for optionally using a pre-defined template to create the new JSP page. Table Select JSP Template Window Use JSP Template Select the desired template from the list of available JSP templates, then click the Finish button to invoke the JSP Editor window. 64

73 Chapter 14. Model Package A Model Package is a Spring DSL artifact for namespacing and grouping related Spring DSL components. A model package can contain any top-level Spring DSL elements, including other model packages. Model packages correlate directly to java packages (and UML packages), and Spring DSL artifacts created in a model package will be generated into a matching Java package. The following sections describe the Model Package wizards. 1. New Model Package Wizard The New Model Package wizard is for adding a new package to a project. New Web Flow >> New Model Package 1.1. New Model Package The New Model Package window is for specifying the name of the model package. Table New Model Package Window Package The name of the package to add to the project. 65

74 Chapter 15. Skyway Template Project A Skyway Template is used to... The following sections describe the Skyway Template Project wizards. 1. New Skyway Template Proejct Wizard The New Skyway Template Project wizard is for adding a new template projects. New Skyway Template Project >> New Skyway Template Project >> Source Templates 1.1. New Skyway Template Project The New Skyway Template Project window is for specifying the the name and location of the new template project. Table New Skyway Project Window Project Name* Enter the name of the new template project. Use Default Location Selected by default. Deselect this check box to change the location of the where the new project will reside. Working Sets Unselected by default. Select this checkbox to add this project to an Eclipse working set Source Templates The Source Template window is for specifying the the pre-existing Skyway project that should be used as the source for the templates. All the templates used by the selected project will be copied into the new template project. 66

75 Skyway Template Project Table Source Templates Window Project* The project in workspace that should be used as the source for copying templates. 67

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