Bharadia Jaydeep OS with Unix MCQ

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1 Operating Syetm 1) CLI means a) Common Line Inline b) Common Line Interface c) Common Language Interface d) Compile Language Interface 2) As is the software component of a computer system that is responsible for the management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the resources of the computer. a) Operating System b) Hardware c) System Call d) User 3) Which is not function of OS a) Memory Management b) System Management c) Scheduling d) I/O Management 4) 1 P a g e Which type of process a) Multiprogramming b) Batch Processing c) Time Sharing d) Online System 5) FIFO technique work a) Multiprogramming b) Batch Processing c) Time Sharing d) Online System 6) In a Multiprogramming OS, which one aren t advantage include a) Maximum Resource utilization b) Large Main Memory Required

2 c) Memory Protection d) Fast Processing 7) A is a method by which multiple tasks, also known as processes, share common processing resources such as a CPU. a) Multiprogramming b) Multitasking c) A & B both d) None of these 8) This short period of time during which user gets the attention of the CPU is known as a) Time slice b) Time Slot c) A & B both d) None of these 9) A system has many user terminals simultaneously connected to the same computer. a) Multiprogramming b) Batch Processing c) Time Sharing d) Multitasking System 10) How many state available in process state a) 4 b) 5 c) 6 d) 7 11) PCB means a) Process Control Block b) Priority Control Block c) Process Central Block d) None of these 12) Which are not Scheduling Techniques a) FCFS schedule b) SJF schedule c) Round Robin d) FCFP schedule 13) is a technique in which the process, executing and application is divided into threads that can be run concurrently a) Single threading b) Simple threading c) Multithreading 2 P a g e

3 d) Threading 14) The memory management component of the Operating system is known as. a) Memory Handler b) Relocation c) Allocation d) Threading 15) Multi-partitioned allocation types a) Fixed/static partition b) Variable/dynamic partition c) a & b both d) none of these 16) First Fit Definition:- a) Allocate the first hole that is big enough. Searching can start either from the beginning of the set of holes or where the previous first-fit search ended. b) Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough. The entire list of holes will be searched. This strategy produces smallest leftover hole. c) Allocate he largest hole. Again, the entire list has to be searched. This strategy produces the largest left over hole, which may be more useful than the smaller leftover hole from a best-fit approach. d) None of these 17) Best Fit Definition:- a) Allocate the first hole that is big enough. Searching can start either from the beginning of the set of holes or where the previous first-fit search ended. b) Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough. The entire list of holes will be searched. This strategy produces smallest leftover hole. c) Allocate he largest hole. Again, the entire list has to be searched. This strategy produces the largest left over hole, which may be more useful than the smaller leftover hole from a best-fit approach. d) None of these 18) Worst Fit Definition:- a) Allocate the first hole that is big enough. Searching can start either from the beginning of the set of holes or where the previous first-fit search ended. b) Allocate the smallest hole that is big enough. The entire list of holes will be searched. This strategy produces smallest leftover hole. c) Allocate he largest hole. Again, the entire list has to be searched. This strategy produces the largest left over hole, which may be more useful than the smaller leftover hole from a best-fit approach. d) None of these 19) Which is not type of shells a) C shell b) Korn Shell c) Bourne Shell d) Unix Shell 20) which command allows you to change the password 3 P a g e

4 a) $passwd b) $password c) $pasword d) $pword 21) Which command clears the screen. a) $cls b) $cs c) $clear d) $cll 22) How many types of files a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6 Q-1: Which symbol will be used with grep command to match the pattern pat at the beginning of a line? A. ^pat B. $pat C. pat$ D. pat^ 2. Which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in reverse order A. sort B. sh C. st D. sort -r 3. Which command is used to display the top of the file? A. cat B. head C. more D. grep 6. Which command is used to remove a directory? A. rd B. rmdir C. dldir D. rdir 7. Which of the following keys is used to replace a single character with new text? A. S 4 P a g e

5 B. s C. r D. C 8. Which command is used to extract specific columns from the file? A. cat B. cut C. grep D. paste 9. Which command sends the word count of the file infile to the newfile. A. wc infile >newfile B. wc <infile >newfile C. wc infile - newfile D. wc infile newfile 11. Which of the following commands is used to display the directory attributes rather than its contents? A. ls -1 -d B. ls -1 C. ls -x D. ls -F 12. Which of the following files will displayed by this command cat *ch* A. patch B. catch D. All of the above 13. The Octal number to be given alogn with chmod command to make a file readable, writable and executable to the owner, readable and executable to group and others is: A. 000 B. 755 C. 744 D Which of the following is not a communication command. A. write B. mesg C. mail D. grep 5 P a g e

6 16. Which of the following keys is used to move the cursor to the end of the paragraph. A. } B. { C. D. $ 18. The command which transcribes the standard input to the standard output and also makes a copy of the same in a file is A. tee B. tr C. sort D. grep 19. Which command is used to remove a file? A. remove B. rm C. mv D. del 20. Which symbol is used to separate more than one command in the same command line? A. $ B. # C. : D. ; 21. The agency that sits between the user and the UNIX system is called the A. logic B. profile C. shell D. erxc 22. Which of the following commands is used to update access and modification times of a file? A. grep B. wc C. touch D. cat 23. Which command is used to count just the number of characters in a file? A. wc - 1 B. wc -c 6 P a g e

7 C. wc -w D. wc -r 24. Which of the following commands is used to list contents of directories? A. ls B. lp C. dir D. tar 25. Which command is used to display a file contents in octal form? A. cd B. od C. of D. oct 26. Which command will be used with vi editor to insert text to left of cursor? A. s B. S C. a D. i 27. In vi editor, forward search is performed using the command. A. :pat B. :pat C. /pat D. All of the above 28. Which of the following special shell variables is used to process number of the last background job? A. $! B. $# C. $0 D. $* 29. Which option will be used with ps command to slow the entire command line of the process being run? A. -4 B. -f C. -1 D P a g e

8 30. Which of the following command addresses all users who are currently hooked on? A. write B. mail C. wall D. mesg 31. Which option is used with rm command to make the command prompt the user with each filename and a?, before acting on it A. -r B. -x C. -i D Which of the following directories contain all the Ales created by a user, including his login directory? A. /tmp B. /etc C. /usr D. /dev 33. Which of the following commands is used to obtain a list of all files by modification time? A. ls -1 B. ls -t C. ls -i D. ls -R 34. The % key allows you A. to move the cursor to a matching delimiter, when a delimiters a parenthesis, a bracket, or a brace. B. to move the cursor to the upperleft corner of the screen C. to move the cursor backward to the beginning of a word D. to move the cursor to the first column in the current line 35. Which command is used to display the characteristics of a process? A. pid B. du C. ps D. au 36. Which of the following commands is used to identify the type of file by context? A. ls B. cat 8 P a g e

9 C. file D. more 37. The filed separator in cut command is specified with A. -a option B. -d option C. -r option D. -x option 38. Which of the following options will be used to display number of blocks used by a file? A. -c B. -i C. -d D. -s 39. Which option will be used with touch command to change the access time? A. -a B. -b C. -t D. -h 41. Which command is used to display and create files? A. cat B. vi C. ed D. lyrix 42. The second set of the three permissions (r-) indicates that A. group has read permission only B. other has read permission only C. owner has read permission only D. group has write permission only 43. Which column contains all details of the permissions of a file when you issue the ls -l command? A. second B. fourth C. third D. first 44. Which of the following commands is used to display your working directory? 9 P a g e

10 A. dir B. prompt $p$g C. pwd D. path 45. While working with mail command, which command is used to save mail i a separate file? A. s B. r C. w D. d 46. The command used to compare the files is known as A. comp B. cmp C. do D. ccp 47. Which command is used to terminate a process? A. shutdown B. haltsys C. cancel D. kill 48. Which option will be used with sort command to start sorting ofter the nth column of the (m+l)th field? A. -m.n B. +m.n C. + n.m+1 D. +(m+l).n 49. The cp command uses: A. standard input file B. standard output file C. both input and output file D. neither standard input nor standard output file 1. Which of the following files contains information related to password aging? A. Shadow B. password C. profile D. All the three 10 P a g e

11 2. Which command will be used with vi editor to replace text from cursor to right? A. r B. R C. s D. S 3. Which of the following commands is used to rename a file? A. rename B. remove C. mv D. ren 4. Which of the following is not a filter? A. cat B. grep C. wc D. sort 5. Which of the following commands is used to copy a file wb from the programs directory into a file called wbx in the misc directory? A. copy programs/wb misc/wbx B. cp programs/wb misc/wbx C. tar programs/wb misc/wbx D. copy a:programs/wb b:misc/wbx 6. Which command is used to list all the files with extension.1st? A. ls -l *.lst B. ls lst* C. ls *.* D. ls *[lst] 7. Which option is used with the chmod command recursively to all files and sub-directories in a directory? A. -1 B. -i C. -x D. -R 8. Which command is used to change directory to the file beginning with a 'p'? A. cd p B. cd p? 11 P a g e

12 C. cd p* D. cd [p] 9. Which of the following is invalid filename? A. shutry B. TRY C. trial D. my.file 10. Which commands is used to assign executable permission to all of the files named "letter"? A. chmod ugo+r letter B. chmod ugo+rw letter C. chmod u+x letter D. chmod ugo+x letter 16. Which of the following commands is used to absolutely assign all permissions to the owner, read and write permissions to the group and only executable permission to the others of the file note? A. chmod 761 note B. chmod 671 note C. chmod 167 note D. chmod 4=rwx, g=rw note 17. The chmod ugo+rw note command can be represented in octal notation as A. chmod 555 note B. chmod 666 note C. chmod 444 note D. chmod 333 note 18. Which of the following commands is used to display the filenames in multiple columns with indication of directories and executable file? A. ls -F -x B. ls -l C. ls ~ x D. Ip 19. Which command is used with vi editor to search a pattern in the forward direction? A. / B.? C. // D.?? 12 P a g e

13 21. The command to count the number of files in the current directory by using pipes, is A. ls wc B. ls -l wc -l C. ls wc -w D. ls ws -c 22. Which of the following commands is used to get directory one level up? A. cd B. cd.. C. cd/ D. chdir 23. Which of the following commands is used to count the total number of lines, words, and characters contained in a file. A. count p B. wc C. wcount D. countw 25. Which of the following commands is used to change the working directory? A. cd B. changedir C. chdir D. cdir 26. Which of the following commands is used to view your file 24 lines at a time? A. pg B. cat C. lp D. /p 27. Which shell's wild-cards is used to match a single character? A. * B.? C. [ijk] D. [!ijk] 28. In Bourne shell, which file sets the Unix environment for the user when the logs into his HOME directory. A..exrc B..profile 13 P a g e

14 C. lastlogin D..mbox 34. Which of the following commands is used to summarize the disk usage? A. chkdsk B. fdisk C. du D. disk 35. Which command is used to sort the lines of data in a file in alphabetical order? A. sort B. sh C. st D. sort -r 36. If a file has read and write permissions for the owner, then the octal representation of the permissions will be A. 1 B. 6 C. 5 D Which is the earliest and most widely used shell that came with the UNIX system? A. C shell B. Korn shell C. Bourne shell D. Smith shell 39. The seventh field of /etc/password is A. password B. login C. shell D. home 40. Which command is used to display the end of the file? A. head - r B. tail C. eof D. bof 41. Which command is used to create a directory? 14 P a g e

15 A. crdir B. md C. mkdir D. cr 42. Which command is used to display the device name of the terminal you are using? A. who B. ls C. tty D. stty 44. Which option will be used with disk free command to include the total amount of disk space in the file system? A. -t B. -tt C. -4 D. -i 45. Which command is used to set the three permissions for all the three categories of users of a file? A. chgrp B. chown C. chmod D. chusr 46. Which of the following commands can be used to get information about yourself? A. who am i B. i /4 C. pwd D. which 47. Which of the following commands can be used to get information about all users who are currently logged into the system? A. which B. who C. who am i D. 1 /u 48. Which of the following keys is used to overstrike a whole line? A. R B. v C. C 15 P a g e

16 D. u 2.The octal representation 652 indicates A. Execute permission for the owner B. Write permission for others C. Read and write permission of groups D. All of the above 3. Which of the following command is used to count just the number of lines contained in a file? A. wc -l B. wc -c C. wc -w D. wc -r 4. Which of the following command is used to go to home directory? A. cd.. B. cd/ C. cd D. cd HOME. 5. Which command is used to move all files to the bin sub-directory of the parent directory? A. mv *.* /bin/ B. mv * /bin/* C. mv *../bin D. mv *../bin *.* 6. Which command is used to save the standard output in a file, as well as display it on the terminal? A. more B. cat C. grep D. tee 7. The command that can be used to restrict incoming messages to a user is A. mesg B. grep C. halt D. sleep 8. Which of the following commands is used to copy directory structures in and out 16 P a g e

17 A. cp B. cpio C. cp - p D. copy 10. Which command allows you to view your file 24 lines at a time? A. more B. pg C. cat D. lp 12. Which option is used with cmp command to give a detailed list of the byte number and the differing bytes in octal for each character that differs in both the files? A. -l B. -d C. -r D. -b 14. Which command is used with vi editor to move cursor forward to first occurrence of character 'ch' in the current line? A. tch B. fch C. rch D. ech 15. Which of the following keys is used to delete the character beneath the cursor? A. x B. X C. dd D. D 17. Which command will be used with vi editor to append text at end of line? A. A B. a C. i D. I 18. The first set of the three permissions (rw) pertains to the owner of the file, indicating that the owner has A. executable permission only B. write and executable permissions C. both read and executable permissions. 17 P a g e

18 D. both read and write permissions 19. Which of the following commands is used to save the output of the who command in a file named user.lst, as well as display it? A. who tee user.lst B. who > user.lst C. who >> user.lst D. who < user.lste 21. The command used to remove the directory is; A. rmdir B. rd C. remove D. rdir 22. Which symbol will be used with grep command to match the pattern pat at the end of a line? A. ^pat B. $pat C. pat$ D. pat^ 24. Which of the following commands is note the vi Input mode command? A. rch B. R C. S D. j 25. Which of the following commands is used to remove files? A. erase B. delete C. rm D. dm E.. None of the above 1. What command is used to count the total number of lines, words, and characters contained in a file? A. countw B. wcount C. wc D. count p 18 P a g e

19 2. What command is used to remove files? A. dm B. rm C. delete D. erase 3. What command is used to remove the directory? A. rdir B. remove C. rd D. rmdir 4. What command is used with vi editor to delete a single character? A. x B. y C. a D. z 5. What hardware architectures are not supported by Ret Hat? A. SPARC B. IBM-compatible C. Alpha D. Macintosh 46. Layer one of the OSI model is A. network layer B. transport layer C. link layer D. physical layer 47. What layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user? A. Session B. Data-link C. Application D. Network 48. What command is used to remove jobs from the print queue? A. lpq B. lpr C. lprm D. lpc 19 P a g e

20 49. How can you navigate around virtual consoles? A. Alt+Function Key B. Ctrl+Function Key C. Ctrl+Alt+Del D. Alt+a+w+Function Key 50. Which of the following NIS clients, finds and stores information about an NIS domain and server? A. ypwhich B. ypbind C. ypcat D. yppoll 56) Which language understands only 0 s & 1 s? a) Machine Language b) Assembly Language c) High Level Language d) Middle Level Language 57) Which year Develop Assembly language? a) 1960 b) 1952 c) 1965 d) 1975 e) 58) is medium for Translate to assembly Language Program to Machine Language Program. a) Assembler b) Medium c) compiler d) interpreter 59) are used to convert the high level language into machine language. (Find the error whole program ) a) Assembler b) Medium c) compiler d) interpreter 60) are used to convert the high level language into machine language. (Find the error statement by statement) 20 P a g e a) Assembler b) Medium

21 c) compiler d) interpreter 61) is system software, which acts as an interface between users and hardware. a) Microsoft Office b) Window 2000 c) Operating System d) Input Device 62) Which are not function of Operating System a) Process Management b) IO Management c) System Management d) Security Management 63) is also known as serial, sequential off line, or stacked job processing. a) Batch Processing b) Multiprogramming c) Multiprocessing d) Time Sharing 64) executing one by one sequentially. a) Batch Processing b) Multiprogramming c) Multiprocessing d) Time Sharing 65) Batch Processing Which technique are utilize a) FILO b) LIFO c) LILO d) FIFO 66) Which can handle more than one program in main memory at a time a) Batch Processing b) Multiprogramming c) Multiprocessing d) Time Sharing 67) A system has many user terminals simultaneously connected to the same computer. a) Batch Processing b) Multiprogramming c) Multiprocessing d) Time Sharing 21 P a g e

22 68) In Time Sharing, This short period of time during which user gets the attention of the CPU is known as a. a) Time cut b) Time Slice c) Time Put d) Timer 69) A system in which a transaction accessed and updates a file quickly enough to affect the original decision-making is called a. a) Batch Processing b) Multiprogramming c) Multiprocessing d) Real Time System 1. What command is used to save the standard output in a file, as well as display it on the terminal? A. tee B. grep C. cat D. more 2. What command is used to count just the number of lines contained in a file? A. wc - r B. wc - w C. wc - c D. wc Who founded the Linux Kernel? A. Bill Gates B. Ben Thomas C. Richard Stallman D. Linus Torvalds 4. The location of some system configuration and system administrator executable files, is: A. /home B. /proc C. /var D. /sbin 31. What command is used with file named 'letter' to remove the executable permission from the user and assign read permission to the group and others? A. chmod go + x, u - x letter B. chmod g - x, uo + r letter C. chmod go + r, u + x letter 22 P a g e

23 D. chmod u - x, go + r letter 32. What command is used to assign executable permission to the owner of the file named "letter"? A. chmod ugo + x letter B. chmod u + x letter C. chmod u + w letter D. chmod g + x letter 33. What command is used to compare the files? A. ccp B. du C. cmp D. comp 34. What command is used to summarize the disk usage? A. disk B. du C. fdisk D. chkdsk 35. What command is used to list the jobs currently in print queues? A. lpq B. lpr C. lprm D. lpc 23 P a g e

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