Give Me Ears to Listen. Timothy R. Smith. SAB Keyboard, Guitar

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89570 OCP sheet music Give Me Ears Listen Timothy R. Smith SAB Keyoard, Guitar The material that you have requested is copyrighted. Copyright law requires you otain a license from the copyright holder efore reproducing any copyrighted material. Copyright law also requires you print copyright lines with all reproductions of copyrighted material. Oregon Catholic Press administers the copyright this text and music that you have requested. You are herey granted a license y Oregon Catholic Press reprint this text and music. 5536 NE Hassalo Portland, OR 97213 1-800-58-879

2 Give Me Ears Listen Timothy R. Smith INTRO (q = ca. 68) /E Gm/D D 7( # 5) n Gadd9/B 2 2 n n w. VERSE 1 1. Let e ser-vant; let /E Dm /C way. B sus2 B Csus C Guide on path; give night the /E Gm/D D 7( # 5) n. 1. light of day. Let e a sure foun - da - tion, pure and strong. G9/B A. B add9/ C/E. n n. 2005, Timothy R. Smith. Pulished y, a division of OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. Edition 20792-Z

3 1. Let tell of sal - va - tion all life long. Give B add9/d /C /A G/B A. n n RERAIN.... ears lis-ten. Give B /A eyes see. Give Gm7. words B speak and show 2 face.. 2. In /A G/B 2 /C A w. n 2

% VERSES 2, Soprano unis. Al 2. si-. Let Barine lence, when you call, let e ser-vant; let hear voice. way. e - sus, Guide on e - side ; path; give n let my night the % /E Dm /C B sus2 Csus C /E Gm/D D 7( # 5) n 2. soul re -. light of n oice. day. div. When winds and Let cure rents at - ter, help a sure foun- da - tion,. pure. e sure. and strong. G9/B A. n n B add9/ C/E..

5 2. Give. Let cour - tell age of from the srms when sal - va - tion they all oc - life cur. long. Give n RERAIN. ears. B add9/d /C /A G/B. B n n. lis-ten. Give... eyes see. Give words.. speak and show n 2 2 face Coda fi A /A Gm7. B sus2 /A G7/B 2 /C Coda fi A n 2

6... Ó Ó 3. Last. 3 Dm Am B C Dm B sus2 Csus2. C 3. Last VERSE 3 3. night, (Melody) call my na. n Oo 3. night, when I a - woke I heard you call my na. You re-freshed my soul; I felt /E B /D /C. B add9 w. Csus C /E Gm7/D D 7( # 5)

7 A. 3. urn - ing fla. Oh, strength-en 3. urn - ing fla. 3. strength - en. ear my cross and.. way. way. G9/B n. A B / sus2 C/E. 3. Give grace. all I say. (Melody) RERAIN.. 3. Give grace com-fort those with all I say. Give ears lis-ten. Give.. B /D /C /A. G/B.... B /A n

8. eyes see. Give.. words. speak and show n 2 2 face... D.S. al Coda Gm7... B sus2 /A G/B. /C 2 A w D.S. al Coda n 2. fi CODA. 2 U.. 2 U.. poco rit. n a tempo /E Gm/D D 7( # 5) Gadd9/B 2 2 n n rit. U w. u U

9 Composer Notes Give ears listen, give eyes see. Give words speak and show face. In the midst of so many distractions and duties in our usy lives, this song is a prayer hear God s word, see the presence of Christ in our lives, and then ear witness and share how we recognize God in our lives. Long after I wrote this song I happened upon Henri.M. Nouwen s With Burning Hearts: A Meditation on the Eucharistic Life (Maryknoll, NY: Oris Books, 2003), and this song shares a kindred spirit with the ook. Nouwen parallels the sry of the Road Emmaus (Luke 2:13 35) with the structure of the liturgy: Liturgy of the Word when the two mourning disciples happened upon the stranger, their hearts were urning with his words of comfort and challenge. ( Give ears listen. ) Liturgy of the Eucharist when he oined them at tale, they recognized the Lord esus in the reaking of the read. ( Give eyes see. ) Dismissal at that instant they set out tell the others the Good News. ( Give words speak. ) I hope this song can help reinforce this mandate of conversion and evangelization that is modeled in the liturgy and is the essence of our aptismal call. Possile applications include faith formation pics such as confirmation preparation, discipleship, evangelization, and stewardship. eel free vary vocal and instruntal textures as needed: full choir, contemporary ensemle, and/or youth choir. Of course, the assemly can handle the entire piece.

10 Give Me Ears Listen (Guitar/Vocal) Timothy R. Smith VERSE 1 INTRO (q = ca. 68) Capo 3: (D/C) /E 2 (Keyoard) (D/C # ) /E (Em/B) Gm/D (B 7( # D 7( 5)) 5) (Bm) Dm /C 1. Let e ser - vant; let (Em/B) Gm/D (Gsus2) B sus2 (B 7( # D 7( # 5)) (E9/G # ) 5) G9/B (Eadd9/G # ) Gadd9/B (G) B (Asus) Csus way. (Gadd9/B) B add9/ (A) C w (D/C) /E Guide on 1. path; give night the light of day. Let e a sure foun - da - tion, (A/C # ) C/E. (Gadd9/B) B add9/d /C (D/ # ) /A (E/G # ) G/B 1. pure and strong. Let tell of sal - va - tion all life long. Give RERAIN (G) B (D/ # ) /A.... 2 ears lis-ten. Give. 2... (Em/B) Gm/D side path; 2. In. ; give (B 7( # D 7( 5)) 5) let night % my the (Em7) Gm7 (G) B eyes see. Give words VERSES 2, (D/C # ) /E (Bm) Dm /C si-lence, when you call, Let e ser-vant; (E9/G # ) G9/B let let soul light re - of oice. day. When (D/ # ) /A (E/G # ) G/B speak and show (Gsus2) B sus2 (Asus) (A) Csus C hear (Gadd9/D) B add9/ voice. way. /C face (D/C) /E e - sus, e - Guide on winds Let and cur - rents e a at - ter, sure foun - da - 2005, Timothy R. Smith. Pulished y, a division of OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved. help tion,

11 (A/C # ) C/E. 2.. pure e sure. and strong. (Gadd9/B) B add9/d /C (D/ # ) /A Give Let cour - age from tell of the srms sal - va - when tion (E/G # ) G/B (A) C they all oc - life cur. long. Give RERAIN (G) B (D/ # ) /A.... 2 ears lis-ten. Give (Em7) Gm7 eyes see. Give (Gsus2) B sus2 words (D/ # ) /A (E7/G # ) G7/B speak and show /C face Coda fi.. (Bm) Dm ( # m) Am (G) B (A) C (Bm) Dm Ó (Gsus2) B sus2 Ó (Asus2) Csus2 (A) C Ó 3. Last VERSE 3 (D/C # ) /E (G/B) B /D /C 3. night, when I a - woke I heard you (Gadd9) B add9 (Asus) (A) Csus C call my na. (D/C) /E (Em7/B) (B 7( # 5)) Gm7/D D 7( # 5) You re-freshed my soul; I felt (E9/G # ) G9/B (G/D) B / (Dsus2) sus2 3. urn - ing fla. Oh, strength-en ear my cross and (A/C # ) C/E. way. (G/B) B /D 3. Give grace /C (D/ # ) /A com- fort those with (E/G # ) G/B all I say. Give RERAIN (G) B. (D/ # ) /A. ears lis- ten. Give (Em7) Gm7.. 2 3. eyes see. Give (Gsus2) B sus2 words (D/ # ) /A (E/G # ) G/B speak and show /C face.. D.S. al Coda fi CODA poco rit. a tempo. 2. (D/C) /E (Em/B) (B 7( # 5)) (Eadd9/G # ) Gm/D D 7( # 5) Gadd9/B rit. U w

12 Assemly Edition GIVE ME EARS TO LISTEN Verses 1,. Let e ser - vant; 2. In si - lence, when you call, 3. Last night, when I a-woke I 1,. 2. 3. Guide on path; give e - sus, e - side ; You re- freshed my soul; I 1,. 2. Let winds and 3. strength - en 1,. Let 2. Give 3. Give Refrain Give night let felt let let heard the my e cur - a rents sure at - ear foun - ter my da - tion, help and, cross tell cour - grace. ears of age sal - va - from the srms com - fort those. lis - ten. Give eyes 2. speak and show face 1, 3, inal you hear call my Timothy R. Smith way. voice. na. light soul urn - tion when with of re - ing day. oice. fla. 2005, Timothy R. Smith. Pulished y, a division of OCP, 5536 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 97213. All rights reserved.. Vss. 2, (ine). 2. pure and strong. e sure. way. all they all life oc - I long. cur. say.. see. Give words.. When Oh, 2 Verse 3 Ó We are pleased grant permission reprint the assemly edition enclosed in the ox at no charge for the special celerations of ordination, religious profession, first Mass or funeral. Reprints must include title, composer s na and full copyright notice as it appears aove. If not kept as a souvenir, copies must e destroyed after use. or all other uses please contact: OCP Reprint Permission, 1-800-LITURGY.